#house intelligence
house-intelligence · 21 days
House Intelligence - Ihr Partner in der Smart Home Nachrüstung Ihrer Bestandsimmobilie
House Intelligence setzt das beste Bussystem in der Nachrüstung (digitalSTROM) ein:
- Einfache Integration in bestehende Gebäude: digitalSTROM nutzt die bestehende Stromverkabelung, was eine einfache und kostengünstige Nachrüstung ermöglicht, ohne aufwendige Umbauten. Zusätzlich Integration über Funk und IP-Schnittstelle möglich.
- Keine umfangreichen Renovierungen notwendig, Integration in bestehende Elektroinstallation. 
- jahrelange Erfahrung und viele Installationen mit diesem vollwertigen Bussystem.
Zukunftssicher und flexibel: 
-„Modular erweiterbar, kompatibel mit neuen Technologien. Das System ist modular aufgebaut und kann sukzessive um weitere Funktionen und Geräte erweitert werden. digitalSTROM ist mit neuen Technologien kompatibel.“
Sicherheit für die Familie:
- „Schützen Sie das, was Ihnen am meisten am Herzen liegt. Wir bieten Ihnen und Ihrer Familie ein sicheres Zuhause, sei es durch smarte Überwachungssysteme, automatische Alarmfunktionen und Anwesenheitssimulationen“
Energieeinsparungen für eine bessere Welt:
- „Seien Sie ein Vorbild für nachhaltiges Wohnen. Durch den intelligenten Umgang mit Energie tragen Sie nicht nur zu einer besseren Welt bei, sondern senken auch Ihre Energiekosten – gut für die Umwelt und Ihren Geldbeutel.“
Zukunft für die nächste Generation:
- „Investieren Sie in ein Zuhause, das nicht nur heute, sondern auch morgen auf die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Familie abgestimmt ist. Mit einem zukunftssicheren Smart Home bereiten Sie Ihre Immobilie auf die nächste Generation vor."
House Intelligence: digitalSTROM Power Partner Specialist seit 2015
#HouseIntelligence #digitalSTROM #smarthome #connectedhome #hausautomation #casainteligente #Nachrüstung #kabelgebunden #funk #IPSchnittstelle #Komfort #Sicherheit #Energieeffizienz #digitallifestyle #dasidealvernetzteHaus #Haus #Eigentumswohnung #Wohnung #Bestandsimmobilien #Bestandsgebäude #Altbauten #Denkmalschutz #denkmalgeschützteHäuser #Deutschland #Düsseldorf #München #Hamburg #Frankfurt #Mallorca #Palma #keinebaulichenmassnahmen #PowerPartnerSpecialist
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motorway-south · 2 months
its so funny that s1 criston is like "can we run away together" and rhaenyra rejects him and s2 alicent is like "can we run away together" and rhaenyra rejects her and s2 larys is like "can we run away together" and aegon is like yk why the hell not??
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setzeri · 5 months
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Sad little frog goes "ribbit ribbit" on a rainy day.
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bumbleboa · 8 months
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of all the good reasons to have an ace headcanon for him, why would you land on this
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liesmyth · 8 months
Fuck every other question about John Gaius, none of that matters. Do you think he actually only ate peanuts discreetly, the once?
John Gaius is a dirty liar who lies. That was just the only time he was caught.
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theblindarcher · 1 month
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Tell me, how should I train to stay alive? If it involves staying hidden, I'd be great at that!
Half-body of Brave Bernadetta von Varley from Fire Emblem Heroes.
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philosophybits · 5 months
Very often among a certain highly intelligent type of people, quite paradoxical ideas will establish themselves. But they have suffered so much in their lives for these ideas, and have paid so high a price for them that it becomes very painful, indeed almost impossible, for them to part with them.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The House of the Dead
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dailyfigures · 14 days
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Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd ; Fire Emblem: Three Houses ☆ Intelligent Systems
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feysandfeels · 3 months
"Long ago she drew Alicent into her web"... or you know... female friendship.
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temeyes · 2 months
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belated 5th anniv to my favorite war game!
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house-intelligence · 6 months
Mehr Komfort, Sicherheit und Energieeffizienz in Ihrer Immobilie!
We smart-up your home! Egal ob Beleuchtung, Beschattung, Zutritt, Videogegensprechanlage, Videoüberwachung, Tür- und Fenstersensoren, Bewegungsmelder, Rauchmelder, Wassersensoren, Heizung, Klimaanlage, Gartenbewässerung, Multimedia und vieles mehr. Keine baulichen Maßnahmen und unsichtbar!
#Hausautomation #smarthome #Komfort #Sicherheit #Energieeffizienz #keinebaulichenmaßnahmen #Mallorca #Palma #PalmadeMallorca #Haus #Finca #Eigentumswohnung #Wohnung #Immobilien #digitallifestyle #vernetztesWohnen #HouseIntelligence #München
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drakaripykiros130ac · 6 months
“My uncle is a challenge I welcome, if he dares face me”
I’m sorry…but doesn’t Daemon actually spend the majority of the Dance trying to find this coward?
The showrunners actually thought that they are making Aemond cool for saying this 😂 The kid doesn’t stand a chance.
Also, if memory serves me right, Daemon hardly commits any crimes during this entire war (aside from B&C), while Aemond goes batshit crazy and commits genocide in the Riverlands, murders the entire Strong family, among other things.
And despite all that, Daemon was still considered the most feared man in the Realm, not Aemond.
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maleksrami · 5 months
hearing zayn say out loud how much he likes himself now and how content he is in life has me soaring like that's a healed person with a beautiful glow around them god bless
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sandwichsapphic · 5 months
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every time i try to start an essay my brain stops and i make one of these instead
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theblindarcher · 14 days
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Here's something to believe in!
Part 1 of my half of an art trade with KatieKatArt on Twitter and Instagram, timeskip Byleth from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
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lavenderarie · 3 months
The temptation to make a huge meta post about Caspar is insane… like I was trying to write a fanfic from his pov and I felt like I was making him too analytical (cause I’m too analytical and I project onto characters I write) so I did a little character study… and then did further character studies… and I was like… wait… why is Caspar so fucking interesting????  Like I already liked him…he’s half of my favorite ship for a reason…but like…holy shit…the development put into his character is insane…. 
Like how he’s not that close to his family but feels personal guilt over his father’s actions… or how incredibly observant he is…or how he cannot pick up on people’s emotions at all…but he’ll notice subtle changes in behavior…which makes his intuition sharp as hell…or how he acts impulsively based on what he believes to be right in the moment without considering consequences…but will reflect on consequences after the fact and take other’s advice into account when he recognizes he needs to change something…
Or how I am super certain he’s not into girls just from the lack of awareness of multiple girl’s romantic feelings towards him…and the fact that the two biggest female charmers (Hilda and Dorothea) don’t even try to charm him because they know it won’t work… or how two separate guys will travel with him to the ends of the earth post-game…
Like I’ve seen so many people call Caspar stupid…like SO many…I even thought of him as “simple”…but like…being impulsive and having straightforward values…isn’t stupidity????  They’re character traits???  I am the dumb one for thinking less of him!!!  Caspar is a fascinating character!!!  What the heck!!!
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