#how can i improve my blood circulation quickly
lucysarah-c · 9 months
Can you do a request for bedhead Levi when he is just waking up? Thanks!
Hi, love! How are you? I hope you're doing great! Something you should know about me is that writing daily/mundane Levi is MY FAVORITE LEVI; therefore, I loved this one! Since you clarified to me that you just wanted early morning Levi, no need for it to be romantic. Here it goes!
Tiptoes running cold, shoulder blades aching painfully, saliva dropping to his chin. Contouring uneasy, paper sticking to his humid face. A numbling feeling down his folded arms as he softly peeked over them. He had fallen asleep on his desk... again. Slouched against the desk's chair, feeling the chenille relaxing sensation against his cheek as he rubbed his head against the furniture, like a cat against a leg.
A pointless search for relaxation again, as he had learned the hard way that once he had woken up, it was too late. His insomnia wouldn't allow much rest, or perhaps it was that the second his mind was slightly awake, it had the arduous and tireless task of reminding him how much work he had left—an endless mental to-do list.
Pale fingers brushed against his face, applying pressure to the bridge of his nose and rubbing his sticky eyes. The headache was an announced occurrence, perhaps due to the heavy strain on his neck… was it from sleeping on a desk? Absolutely. Did he have any intentions of changing that habit? No. Levi considered himself an "old dog" that doesn't learn new tricks, despite picking up new skills every day to improve his 3DMG performance. Old habits die hard.
Hearing the bird chirping from the window behind was relaxing; the earliness of the morning was something he valued. The calmness, the silence, the peace – a mellow feeling that lingered with an anxious anticipation of the upcoming routine or, perhaps, something worse, but he was unsure of what. Soldiers are always in fear of something, an unknown source of danger that is extremely vivid.
A loud scoff, echoed steps against the wooden planks as he finally stood up. His legs hurt because, once again, sleeping sat down at his desk wasn't a healthy practice for his blood circulation. Groan after groan escaped him as he did some daily stretches. It was like a drop of water for a starving man, soothing his exhausted muscles. Checking his reflection in the mirror, a swirl of hair in the top back of his head, locks pointing upwards, and the rough sensation under his fingertips as he caressed his face was noticeable. He sighed, tired and resigned. The shower turned on, waiting for the water to warm up.
Five minutes, a quick and effective military shower. Everything in Levi's life is measured in millimeters; this man is a man of discipline and order. It's hard to believe he was ever a thug. Towel around his hips, toothbrush in his mouth, free hand whipping the brush to create the shaving cream. Spitting in the sink, not wasting a second, he was already getting ready to achieve a clean appearance. Hair quickly accommodated with the wetness of the fresh shower, a sharp razor carefully caressing his neck. Days like this made him wish he wasn't so stupidly pale and his hair wasn't so dark. A bad combination.
Tidying up his room, folding papers back to their respective places for easy retrieval later, softly removing any dust that could have accumulated on any surface, brooming the place, and making the bed. The bed was immaculate and would remain that way; each morning he made the promise of extending the sheets so he would just have to jump right in when he got tired later on. He broke that promise almost every night. Tightening up the cravat around his neck, checking the weather through the window, he opened it to let the fresh air come in. It was a perfect day for 3DMG practice, so he tightened up his harness. The wings of freedom were on his back.
With a quick pace down the hallways, he knocked three times at Hange's office. 'They always oversleep,' he thought. At this rate, either they always oversleep or they are using him as an alarm clock. Brewing his own tea, the only luxury he allowed himself to buy, only to pair up with the breakfast tray everybody got. Sharing the meal with his team, he considered it an important bonding moment with the rest of the soldiers, or at least it was with his previous squad.
Who thought that waking teens up at 6 am was a good idea? Armin was basically asleep, resting his head on Jean's shoulder. Jean and Eren were arguing across the table, Connie was sleeping with crossed arms over the surface. Sasha and Eren were pushing food down their throats. Loudness, noises, high-pitched comments as the teens talked to each other. Levi wrinkled his nose, unsure if it was because most of the boys and Sasha were eating with their mouths open or the stink from the teens. 'Titans kill people, not soap and water for fuck's sake,' he thought. Then, 'You're supposed to eat with your mouth, not your clothes, Eren; pigs eat tidier!'
Fingers around his tea cup, deep breath in, counting in his mind, trying to find any piece of remaining patience left in him. The heat of the ceramic, the smell of a good brew invading his senses. Peace, peace at least in some form.
"Captain?" Eren's childish voice came from his right, breaking the mental relaxation. Slowly opening his eyes, silently checking on the titan shifter. "Today we will have 3DMG training?"
"Yes," he replied slowly. The smile on the teen's face, the happiness. 'Like a kid in a candy store,' he thought. He would even dare to admit to himself that the ridiculously childishness was almost endearing; it could have made a subtle smile appear on his face with the rest of his team cutely asking if "he slept well."
Until… "Jean! Stop kicking me under the table!" "I'm not kicking you; I'm simply taller! I need more space!" "You're only 5cm taller, you asshole!" mixed with Sasha pushing a bread down her throat.
Dead tired eyes admired the scene, 'I love my job… I swear I do.'
Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @jimoonbeau @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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timeteaca · 4 months
If the holiday was a success. What tea will help restore vigor and well-being?
There is a saying: As much as it is “good” in the evening, it is “bad” in the morning. It happens that, having “let yourself go” with a cheerful evening feast, the next day you can get unpleasant sensations caused by a hangover.
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Let’s make a reservation right away. If the symptoms of alcohol intoxication are dangerous (heart pain, vomiting, severe weakness, shortness of breath, asthma attacks, severe pain, severe tremors, yellowing of the skin, etc.), it is better to immediately seek qualified medical help. This is a separate topic, and here we will not discuss ways to relieve a severe hangover using medications.
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In this article we will talk about the “soft” return of the body to a normal state and relieving the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover (headache, mild nausea, thirst (dry), pain, weakness). And here there is just something to discuss.
First of all, it must be said that feeling unwell after drinking alcohol “in excess” is the result of poisoning. This is a natural reaction. Alcohol that has entered the body has broken down into toxic substances, metabolism and acid-base balance are disrupted, and fluid is improperly distributed (edema).
Relieving a hangover means helping to remove residual alcohol and accumulated harmful substances from the body and normalize its functions. To do this quickly and effectively, it is necessary to flush the system, so to speak. That is why, after waking up, the body gives a clear signal – you really want to drink.
Of course, with a hangover you can drink water, juice, mineral water, brine, finally… and whatever else comes to hand… But it’s worth figuring it out and knowing how useful tea can be.
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How is tea good for hangovers? Tea is an excellent remedy that can restore the body after the last feast. Fresh, properly brewed tea can:
replenish water balance to remove toxins from the body and relieve headaches;
relieve nausea and stomach cramps (warm tea has a calming effect);
stimulate sweating, which also helps eliminate toxins;
have a tonic effect, i.e. invigorate, raise vitality;
improve blood circulation, normalize blood pressure;
stimulate the heart and nervous system;
replenish the lack of vitamins and microelements;
boost energy by adding honey or sugar.
What tea is best to drink for a hangover?
I will list the types of tea that I had to use to recover from “yesterday”, in descending order of their effectiveness. This is my personal experience and I do not claim anything…
1st place: Green tea Filled with a huge amount of useful substances (about 500 useful components). It has a good restorative effect, increases performance, and “clears the head.” Replenishes potassium reserves in the body, helping to improve heart function. Reduces swelling due to its diuretic effect.
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2nd place: Hibiscus Not a bad option for a hangover. Contains many antioxidants and substances that have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, relieves spasms, speeds up metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body well.
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I would like to add that hibiscus tea has an excellent refreshing taste.
3rd place: Black tea Useful, invigorating due to the caffeine content, but not effective in comparison with other options for treating a hangover. It’s better to drink it later, when it becomes easier.
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4th place: Herbal tea You can brew both individual herbs and mixtures. You can choose your own herbal tea. Common herbs that have a calming, slightly analgesic and relaxing effect include mint (relieves nausea), linden, chamomile, and thyme.
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In conclusion, let me remind you that any of the teas listed should be drunk not strong, freshly brewed, warm and in reasonable quantities. What tea do you prefer to drink when you have a hangover?
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sunhomesaunas-blog · 2 months
Customer Stories: Transformative Outdoor Sauna Experiences and Testimonials
Outdoor saunas have gained immense popularity as people seek ways to enhance their wellness and relaxation in the comfort of their homes. Real customer stories and testimonials offer valuable insights into the true impact of these saunas, providing a glimpse into how they can transform lives. In this blog, we will explore the transformative experiences of several individuals who have integrated an outdoor sauna into their lives. These stories will highlight the various benefits and enhancements brought about by these saunas, showcasing their impact from health improvements to family bonding.
The Impact of Outdoor Saunas on Wellness
 Health Benefits: Outdoor saunas are celebrated for their numerous health benefits. Regular use can improve circulation, aid in detoxification, and promote overall cardiovascular health. The heat from an outdoor sauna helps to increase heart rate and stimulate blood flow, which can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.
 Emotional and Mental Wellbeing: Beyond physical health, outdoor saunas play a significant role in emotional and mental wellbeing. The soothing heat helps reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and enhance mental clarity. Spending time in a sauna can create a peaceful environment that supports relaxation and mental health.
 Community and Social Benefits: An outdoor sauna can also foster stronger social connections. Whether used for family gatherings or socializing with friends, it provides a space for meaningful interactions and shared experiences, enhancing overall family and social life.
Customer Story 1: Jane Doe – A Journey to Improved Health
 Background: Jane Doe, a 45 year old health enthusiast, was seeking ways to address her chronic fatigue and circulation issues.
 Initial Situation: Before incorporating an outdoor sauna into her routine, Jane struggled with low energy levels and poor circulation, which affected her daily life and overall well being.
 Experience with the Sauna: Jane chose the Sun Home Solstice™ 2 Person Infrared Sauna for its compact size and effective infrared heating. She began using it regularly, noting how the heat improved her circulation and provided a deep sense of relaxation.
 Transformative Effects: Jane experienced significant improvements in her energy levels and circulation. She reported feeling more vibrant and less fatigued, and her overall health improved.
 Testimonial: “The Sun Home Solstice™ sauna has been a game changer for me. I feel more energetic and my circulation issues have greatly improved. It’s become a vital part of my health routine.”
Customer Story 2: The Smith Family – Enhancing Family Time
 Background: The Smiths, a family of four, were looking for ways to spend more quality time together and create a relaxing family activity.
 Initial Situation: Their busy schedules and individual interests were leading to less time spent together as a family.
 Experience with the Sauna: They decided on the Sun Home Luminar™ Outdoor 2 Person FullSpectrum Infrared Sauna, which offered both style and functionality. They installed it in their backyard, making it easily accessible for family use.
 Transformative Effects: The sauna quickly became a central part of their family time. They enjoyed regular sauna sessions together, which helped them bond and created a new tradition of relaxation and togetherness.
 Testimonial: “Our outdoor sauna has truly transformed our family time. We’ve bonded over our sauna sessions and it’s become a cherished part of our routine. It’s wonderful to have a space where we can all relax and connect.”
Customer Story 3: Michael Johnson – A Luxurious Retreat at Home
 Background: Michael Johnson, a successful entrepreneur, wanted to add a touch of luxury to his home and enhance his personal relaxation space.
 Initial Situation: Michael was searching for a high end sauna that would provide a spa like experience and add value to his property.
 Experience with the Sauna: He opted for the Sun Home Luminar™ Outdoor 5 Person FullSpectrum Infrared Sauna, which provided a spacious and luxurious retreat. He appreciated the premium features and full spectrum heating technology.
 Transformative Effects: The sauna offered Michael a perfect escape from his busy work life. It became his personal sanctuary, providing relaxation and a sense of indulgence.
 Testimonial: “The Sun Home Luminar™ sauna is the epitome of luxury. It’s become my personal retreat and a highlight of my home. The quality and features are outstanding, and it’s added immense value to my property.”
Customer Story 4: Sarah Lee – Overcoming Stress and Anxiety
 Background: Sarah Lee, a 35 year old professional, struggled with high levels of stress and anxiety due to her demanding job.
 Initial Situation: Sarah sought a solution to manage her stress and improve her mental wellbeing.
 Experience with the Sauna: She chose the Sun Home Equinox™ 2 Person FullSpectrum Infrared Sauna for its efficient heating and sleek design. She incorporated it into her daily routine as a stress relief tool.
 Transformative Effects: The regular use of the sauna helped Sarah significantly reduce her stress levels and manage anxiety. She reported improved mental clarity and a more balanced mood.
 Testimonial: “The Sun Home Equinox™ sauna has been instrumental in managing my stress and anxiety. It’s become a calming ritual that helps me unwind after a hectic day. I feel more centered and relaxed.”
Customer Story 5: John Davis – Boosting Athletic Recovery
 Background: John Davis, a competitive athlete, was looking for ways to enhance his recovery and performance.
 Initial Situation: John needed a recovery tool that would support his intense training regimen and help with muscle relaxation.
 Experience with the Sauna: He selected the Sun Home Solstice™ 3 Person Infrared Sauna, which provided ample space and effective infrared heating. He used it regularly as part of his recovery routine.
 Transformative Effects: The sauna helped John accelerate his recovery process and improve his overall performance. He noticed reduced muscle soreness and better post training relaxation.
 Testimonial: “Using the Sun Home Solstice™ sauna has greatly improved my recovery times and performance. It’s become an essential part of my training regimen, helping me stay in peak condition.”
Summary of Common Themes
 Health Improvements: Many customers have reported significant health benefits from their outdoor saunas, including better circulation, enhanced energy levels, and overall wellness.
 Family and Social Impact: Outdoor saunas have positively impacted family time and social interactions, providing a space for relaxation and bonding.
 Luxury and Relaxation: Premium models have added a touch of luxury to customers' homes, offering a high end retreat and enhancing personal relaxation.
 Stress Relief and Mental Health: Regular use of outdoor saunas has helped many manage stress and anxiety, contributing to improved mental wellbeing.
Encouraging Your Own Sauna Journey
 Getting Started: If you're considering adding an outdoor sauna to your home, start by evaluating your needs and choosing the right model that fits your space and budget.
 Maximizing Benefits: To get the most out of your sauna experience, establish a regular usage routine and explore additional features like integrated sound systems or LED lighting.
 Sharing Your Story: Once you’ve experienced the benefits of your outdoor sauna, consider sharing your own transformative story and testimonials with others.
The transformative experiences shared by our customers highlight the many ways an outdoor sauna can enhance your life. Whether improving health, fostering family connections, or providing a luxurious retreat, these saunas offer numerous benefits. If you’re ready to embark on your own sauna journey, explore different models and find the one that best meets your needs. For more information and guidance, be sure to check out our related blogs and resources on outdoor saunas. If you want to read other parts of this series visit our first blog The Ultimate Guide To Outdoor Saunas: Benefits, Types, and Installation Tips
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blsm-m · 2 months
My family moved closer to the ocean a few years ago and since then we've been at the beach a lot. I'm all for healthy sun exposure, but sunburn is something I want to avoid. Now I rarely get sunburned, but when I do, I try to soothe the area with natural remedies. These sunburn ice cubes contain skin-soothing ingredients that help speed up sunburn healing and provide instant pain relief. Being Irish, when I was younger I used to slather on sunscreen (and get nasty sunburns) but since changing my diet and using certain supplements I've noticed my tolerance to the sun has improved a lot - but that doesn't mean I'm still tanning for hours! If I reach my limit, I cover up or seek shade. I rarely use homemade sunscreen. Moderate, healthy exposure to sunlight is important to ensure I get enough Vitamin D (which has many benefits in itself). I'm not afraid of the sun, but I do try to be careful not to get a sunburn. But despite my best efforts, sometimes I get a sunburn. Ice cubes to soothe sunburn Over the years, I've come up with a variety of cooling sprays and natural remedies to soothe sunburns, but they go bad quickly in the fridge, and even though they're quick to make, they need to be mixed every time you need them. One of my favorite sunburn remedies is fresh aloe vera, which is quick and easy to make. However, if you don't have your own aloe vera plants growing, these calming cubes are the next best thing. Before I go into the details of how each ingredient works, I want to be clear about why I chose herbal ice cubes. Obviously, ice feels good on warm sunburned skin, but many health experts don't recommend it. They do, however, recommend cold showers and compresses. Ice is thought to act as a vasoconstrictor, reducing blood flow to the area and slowing healing time. Adding herbs that speed healing and dilate blood vessels (increase blood flow) can help with this problem, plus they provide a cooling effect. Aloe Vera Gel The main ingredient in these herbal ice cubes is aloe vera gel, which is a staple in many sunburn remedies and can be found at any drug store or big box store—but we're not talking about the bright green stuff that's loaded with harsh preservatives. My favorite way to harvest aloe vera is directly from the plant. You can learn more about harvesting your own aloe vera here. If you don't have an aloe plant, you can also buy one. Aloe Vera Gel Uses natural preservatives. Aloe vera contains pain-relieving salicylic acid and magnesium, as well as aloin, which has mild UV-protecting properties. Aloe has a cooling effect on the skin, soothes inflammation, leaves a smooth, silky feeling and moisturizes damaged skin. Comfrey This wonder plant has been nicknamed bone knit for its amazing ability to quickly heal broken bones. It also helps with sore joints and damaged skin. Comfrey stimulates tissue repair and aids in the formation of healthy skin cells. This herb also reduces inflammation and helps soothe and heal damaged skin. Like marshmallow root, it is a demulcent that provides a protective barrier for tissues. Calendula I use calendula in everything from baby care products to stretch mark salves to teas. Calendula is a gentle herb that can be used on any skin concern. It soothes inflammation and is great for cuts, burns, rashes, sunburns, and cuts. Calendula also cleanses and moves lymphatic fluid, improving blood circulation. lavender Like calendula, lavender is a gentle herb that's great for soothing the skin and is great for all occasions. You'll find lavender in this oatmeal exfoliating skin scrub and in this refreshing lavender peach iced tea. I use a lot of essential oils, but lavender herb is also a staple in my medicine cabinet. Lavender disinfects wounds and cuts, acts as a painkiller to relieve pain, is often used to speed up the healing of burns and relieve itching, and increases blood flow to the skin, speeding up healing and improving blood flow.
marshmallow Slippery marshmallow is another skin-soothing herb in this recipe, providing a moisturizing covering and cooling to irritated skin. The root, leaves, and flowers of marshmallow are all used to soothe inflammation. If you have marshmallow growing in your garden, you can use the leaves and flowers in this recipe; if not, the root is also a great option. peppermint The final ingredient in sunburn-relieving ice cubes is peppermint, which is also a key ingredient in my homemade cooling spray. Peppermint is rich in menthol, which gives it a unique effect of making you feel both warm and cold at the same time. Mint has vasodilatory properties, which stimulates blood circulation and gives you the feeling of warmth. However, when you use mint with cold or cooling ingredients, it can also feel cool on your skin. I love using mint to soothe the heat of a painful sunburn! You don't need to use all the herbs in this recipe, but we recommend using at least aloe vera, mint, or other soothing herbs, but make sure you add up to ¼ cup of herbs total, as they all work together to help soothe and calm sun damage. Ice cubes to soothe sunburn These refreshing ice cubes contain skin-soothing and healing ingredients that help cool down sunburn. Preparation time3 Minutes MinutesActive Time15 Minutes MinutesCooling Time3 time time 30 Minutes Minutestotal time3 time time 48 Minutes Minutes yield: 12 Ice cubes author: Katie Wells Bring a small saucepan of water to a boil.Add the herbs, cover and turn off the heat. Let sit for 15 minutes.Strain the herbs and reserve the water. Some of the water may have evaporated, but you should have at least 1 3/4 cups of tea. Place the herbal tea in the refrigerator to chill.Once the tea is no longer hot, stir in the aloe vera gel.Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and freeze.Apply to sunburned skin as needed to help cool and soothe the skin. Sunburn-relieving ice cubes can be stored in a reusable silicone bag in the freezer until you're ready to use them. These will keep in the freezer for at least a year. What are your go-to treatments for sunburn? Leave a comment and let me know!
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mataiblog · 2 months
What are Your Guilty Travel Pleasures?
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Still, Deodhar says that the largest danger relating to massage for people with AS is that you just could also be wasting your money, as it’s unlikely to be harmful unless you've got superior disease. While this may not be the most typical expertise for folks with AS, it’s vital to concentrate on this danger. The Spondylitis Association of America (SAA) states that massage, when achieved rigorously and gently, “may provide short-term relief of pain or stiffness and, in some cases, improve flexibility because of increased blood circulation” in folks with AS. If you resolve to try 마타이 massage therapy for ankylosing spondylitis pain or stiffness, you’ll find that there are various kinds out there. While many individuals with ankylosing spondylitis and different spinal and inflammatory conditions find massage to be beneficial, there isn’t plenty of scientific proof to help massage as a treatment for AS. People believe that the much less meat they eat in the summer season the better, "as a result of it tends to heat the system." Now, it is a curious thing that in dieting folks for the reduction of fat by dietetic means solely-and this I need to do in any respect seasons of the yr-I'm within the habit of chopping off farinaceous foods, sugar, and fats, and giving giant quantities of meat, green vegetables, stewed fruit, and different non-fattening substances, in quantity regulated according to the height, weight, and physical or psychological work of the person, male or feminine, because the case could also be; with the end result that within the colder months of the yr people inform me that they don't feel too heat, clothe as they are going to.
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Philips, Roxi. "Mason Jar Magic: Making a Summer Patio Lantern." My Lifetime. But one of many article’s authors is skeptical when it comes to making suggestions to his patients. However the beans are costly and cumbersome to harvest and put together, which is why vanilla is one of the crucial expensive spices on the earth. Full time and part time schedules can be found, and lessons are starting quickly! A scorching stone massage is a wonderful, warming therapy, any time of yr. On this remedy, half of the massage is spent on each foot to promote steadiness in the nervous system or release chemicals resembling endorphins that cut back ache and/or stress. Reduced stress helps provide a feeling of relaxation and relief, with a lesser perception of pain.2Koren Y, Kalichman L. Deep tissue massage: What are we speaking about? The oils are full of pores and skin-soothing vitamins and humectants, which is able to depart your pores and skin feeling 김해마사지 smooth and moisturized if left on. A seated chair massage may be more than a luxury that leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. However, in case your tootsies are significantly ticklish or delicate, it might show to be an excessive amount of.
Scarcely too much might be mentioned of the advantages attending the observe of the complete Breath. Many things issue into how much electrical load your automotive demands at any given second. Consideration ought to also be given to the remedy by injection of tuberculin. Change in food regimen acts like change in air, and is a potent issue in the remedy of these conditions that point out exhaustion of the nervous system, and, as a corollary, common collapse. “The impact measurement of massage is lower than the effect dimension of ibuprofen,” in terms of measurable disease markers like inflammation, Dr. Deodhar says. Constant discharge from your cat's eye could be a symptom of both local infection or systemic disease that must be handled. Fatigue is a symptom of many different disorders, each psychological and physical. In a analysis overview printed in July 2018 within the journal Current Opinion in Rheumatology, the authors concluded that for people with AS, deep tissue massage has been discovered to be helpful for symptom relief in small research.
But exercise is very nice for tremendous-busy people because it both energizes and relaxes. The heat warms and relaxes muscles, enhancing circulation and calming the nervous system. Not only for athletes, this massage stimulates circulation of the blood and lymph fluids. In just 15 minutes, your blood pressure and heart charge lower. Substantial health benefits to a relaxation massage embody calming the nervous system, 김해스웨디시 selling a way of effectively-being, bettering blood circulation, and stimulating the body’s lymphatic system, which carries away waste products. A relaxation massage specifically tailored for the expectant mother’s wants. Relaxation of the Mind:As your physique relaxes, your thoughts follows swimsuit. So long as you're not expecting to permanently lose 10 pounds and 3 inches off your waist, there are some advantages to body wraps. For the more open-minded, the Asian belief in bamboo's strength, flexibility and versatility will resonate clearly, and enhance the mental and physical values of this bamboo-centric body work.
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fastbrainbooster · 3 months
Fast Brain Booster: Unlock Your Brain's Potential
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Fast Brain Booster is a premium daily supplement formulated to elevate your memory, sharpen your focus, and bolster overall brain health. By enhancing brain cell activity, it provides the cognitive support you need, with options available for up to six months of use based on your personal goals.
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Exclusive Deal: Save 72% on Fast Brain Booster
Why Choose Fast Brain Booster?
Proudly Made in the USA: Crafted in the United States, ensuring adherence to high-quality standards.
GMP Certified: Produced under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for exceptional quality assurance.
FDA Approved: Developed in an FDA-registered facility, meeting stringent FDA guidelines.
100% Natural: A pure, non-GMO, gluten-free supplement with no artificial additives.
What Is Fast Brain Booster?
Fast Brain Booster is a natural supplement designed to boost cognitive performance, improve focus, and enhance memory, all while supporting your immune system. Many users, including my father, have found it transformative. Before using Fast Brain Booster, he struggled with focus and concentration, which impacted his daily life. After incorporating the supplement, he experienced notable improvements in information retention and cognitive clarity. I, too, have noticed a significant increase in my ability to concentrate and be productive.
The standout feature of Fast Brain Booster is its all-natural formula, created from high-quality ingredients that support brain health and cognitive function. The product comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, reflecting the manufacturer's confidence in its effectiveness.
How Does Fast Brain Booster Work?
Upon consumption, Fast Brain Booster's formula activates several mechanisms to support brain health. The ingredients, sourced from diverse regions like Africa, Asia, Northern Europe, and Brazil, begin by flushing out toxins that impair neuron communication and repairing brain cells. Thanks to their natural purity, these ingredients are easily absorbed, initiating the healing process quickly.
As the healing begins, the formula protects nerve cells from degradation by nourishing them with essential nutrients. Key ingredients like N-acetyl and L-carnitine send vital healing signals through the bloodstream and gut, ensuring the brain receives what it needs to recover from damage. The unique blend of 14 ingredients in Fast Brain Booster reduces inflammation and supports brain cell growth, providing unparalleled support for brain health within weeks.
Key Ingredients in Fast Brain Booster
N-Acetyl: Known for its role in treating cystic fibrosis and asthma, N-acetyl boosts glutathione production and regulates glutamate, reducing oxidative stress and enhancing immune function. It also helps balance hormones.
L-Carnitine: Often used for weight management and enhancing exercise performance, L-carnitine improves fatty acid transport throughout the body, supports energy levels, and acts as an antioxidant.
Ginkgo Biloba: A traditional Chinese medicine ingredient, Ginkgo biloba supports memory, cognitive function, and improves blood circulation. It also aids in eye health and reduces headaches.
Phosphatidylserine: This phospholipid protects brain cells and facilitates communication between them. Essential for memory retention, its levels naturally decline with age.
St. John's Wort: Known for its antidepressant-like effects, St. John's Wort boosts serotonin and noradrenaline levels, improving mood and aiding in anxiety, viral infections, and seasonal affective disorder. It can also be used topically for eczema and hemorrhoids.
L-Glutamine: Supports brain health by ensuring proper nutrient and oxygen delivery to the brain, balancing neurotransmitters, and enhancing alertness and learning.
Benefits of Fast Brain Booster
Fast Brain Booster is designed for those looking to enhance cognitive function and mental acuity, regardless of age. Some of the claimed benefits include:
Eradicating neuron-damaging microbes linked to Alzheimer's, dementia, and other degenerative brain conditions.
Protecting against harmful microbes.
Maintaining cognitive functions over the long term.
Activating the body's natural defense mechanisms against memory decline.
Improving mental clarity, concentration, focus, and immune function.
Addressing the root causes of brain degeneration and memory loss.
Real Customer Experiences with Fast Brain Booster
Emily J. from New York, NY "After three months on Fast Brain Booster, the changes have been incredible. My memory has greatly improved, and focusing at work is now much easier. Initially skeptical, I now rely on it daily. Knowing it’s all-natural and made in the USA is a bonus."
Mark L. from Austin, TX "Fast Brain Booster has truly transformed my mental clarity. I used to struggle with brain fog and forgetfulness, which affected my productivity and confidence. Within weeks, I noticed a significant difference. My mind feels sharper, and my energy levels are up. Highly recommend it for anyone looking to enhance cognitive function."
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These reviews offer genuine insights into the effectiveness of Fast Brain Booster.
How to Purchase Fast Brain Booster
To buy Fast Brain Booster, visit the official website, as it is not available through third-party vendors. Choose from various packages based on your needs, with larger quantities offering better value.
Available Packages:
One bottle for $69
Three bottles for $177
Six bottles for $294
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Orders of multiple bottles come with free shipping, while single bottles include a small shipping fee. If the product does not meet your expectations, you have up to 60 days to request a full refund. For questions or return policy inquiries, contact customer service at [email protected] or by phone at 1-302-200-3480.
Fast Brain Booster Money-Back Guarantee
All purchases from the official website are backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the product, you can request a refund within 60 days.
Frequently Asked Questions About Fast Brain Booster
Q: How does Fast Brain Booster work? A: Fast Brain Booster combats free radicals that cause brain inflammation and cell damage. It replenishes brain cells with essential nutrients to support their health and function.
Q: What are the key ingredients in Fast Brain Booster? A: The supplement features a blend of N-acetyl, L-carnitine, Ginkgo biloba, phosphatidylserine, St. John's Wort, and L-glutamine.
Q: How many bottles should I order? A: The best package depends on your needs. For the best value and long-term benefits, the six-bottle package is recommended. For a one-month trial, one bottle is sufficient.
Q: When is the best time to take Fast Brain Booster? A: You can take it at any time during the day. Many users prefer morning to maximize its benefits throughout the day.
Q: How long does delivery take? A: Shipping speed is determined at checkout based on your location.
Q: What if Fast Brain Booster doesn’t work for me? A: The product comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied, contact customer service for a refund at [email protected] or by phone at 1-302-200-3480.
Fast Brain Booster is a comprehensive cognitive supplement designed to enhance memory, focus, and overall brain health. Its natural formulation, combined with positive customer feedback and a money-back guarantee, makes it a compelling choice for anyone seeking to improve cognitive function and mental clarity. Whether you're looking to sharpen your focus, boost your energy, or protect against cognitive decline, Fast Brain Booster offers a promising solution. Order now and start your journey to better brain health.
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tips-from-john · 6 months
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Red Boost Review: In-Depth Look at a Natural Enhancement Supplement
Navigating the complex world of dietary supplements can be daunting, especially when trying to find genuinely effective products among a sea of fleeting fads. My focus turned to Red Boost Powder, a supplement gaining attention online. Motivated by the growing volume of Red Boost Reviews, I embarked on a comprehensive review of this product. Here's an in-depth analysis of Red Boost as a nutritional aid.
Understanding the Product: The Distinctiveness of Red Boost
Red Boost is designed to offer a natural enhancement to its users. What sets it apart from the competition? More than just a simple supplement, Red Boost comprises a carefully crafted blend of natural ingredients aimed at boosting energy, performance, and overall well-being. Its use of components like maca root and yohimbe bark extract underscores its commitment to natural health. Additionally, its focus on male health, as suggested by its name, makes it uniquely beneficial compared to similar products.
Assessing the Efficacy of Red Boost
Upon encountering various Red Boost Reviews online, I questioned its effectiveness and ability to deliver on its promises. With ingredients such as Tongkat Ali, L-Citrulline, and Fenugreek powder, which are favored by athletes and health aficionados, expectations were understandably high. It's common for supplements to make grand claims, yet few truly live up to them. Red Boost, on the other hand, seems to be a promising outlier.
From the multitude of online Red Boost Reviews, a clear pattern emerged: the majority of users experienced significant health benefits, crediting these improvements to Red Boost. Reports of enhanced energy, reduced stress, alleviated fatigue, and better overall health were common.
The Comprehensive Benefits of Red Boost
My detailed research and personal experimentation with Red Boost uncovered a wide range of benefits. Red Boost Reviews uniformly pointed to improved general wellness among users. The supplement goes beyond mere support, fostering healthy blood circulation essential for sustained energy and vitality. By enhancing blood flow and reducing oxidative stress, Red Boost could be indispensable for many.
Feedback from Red Boost Users
The true test of any product lies in user satisfaction. From what I've gathered, Red Boost Reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Despite its recent introduction to the market, it has quickly gained recognition for its effectiveness in enhancing performance and positively impacting reproductive health.
Acquiring Red Boost
For those interested in Red Boost after this thorough review, it is available solely via its official website. Here are the pricing details:
Single Bottle: $59 (plus shipping)
Three-Bottle Pack: $147 (plus shipping)
Six-Bottle Bundle: $234 with free shipping in the USA
Concluding Thoughts
To conclude, Red Boost makes its mark in an oversaturated industry. My detailed review, alongside numerous positive Red Boost Reviews, positions it as a strong contender. For those seeking a natural boost, Red Boost is worth considering. However, consulting with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement is advisable.
00:01 Red Boost Review Intro
00:31 Red Boost Male Enhancement
01:09 Red Boost Tonic Review
01:15 What is Red Boost Powder?
01:36 Red Boost Reviews Consumer Reports
02:16 Red Boost Official Website
02:53 Does Red Boost Really Work?
03:30 Red Boost Side Effects
03:53 How To Take Red Boost Supplement?
04:10 Red Boost Benefits
04:23 Red Boost Supplement Real Results
05:33 Red Boost Formula Reviews
06:05 Red Boost Ingredients
06:15 Red Boost Real Results
06:53 Conclusion: Red Boost Reviews
07:23 Red Boost 100% Guarantee
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The post Red Boost Reviews was first published on Flamengo Online Channel.
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woowhouse · 8 months
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Introducing 150 pcs: The Effortless Weight Loss Solution
€12.22-50% €6.11 150 pcs is a course of treatment, which can reduce weight by 5-26 kg depending on individual constitution Are you looking for a way to shed those extra pounds without spending hours at the gym or drastically changing your diet? Look no further! The 150 pcs weight loss treatment might just be the solution you've been searching for. This treatment comes in convenient packaging options, ranging from 30pcs to 300pcs, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Each box contains small bags, with each bag containing three pills and three stickers. Simply use one before going to bed at night for 6-8 hours, and then remove it in the morning. It's as simple as that! The benefits of this treatment are numerous. Firstly, it promotes metabolism, prevents the absorption of fat, sugar, and starch, and helps balance appetite, effectively preventing fat accumulation. Additionally, it contains all herbal ingredients, ensuring a safe reduction of belly fat. By regulating and excavating meridians and organs, promoting blood circulation, and improving spleen and stomach functions, this treatment helps regulate endocrine and eliminate fat factors in the body. What's more, the results are quick! Significant changes can be observed within 3 to 4 weeks of daily use. This makes it an ideal option for those who are short on time and unable to commit to regular exercise or strict dietary plans. Simply stick it on your belly, have a good night's sleep, and remove it in the morning. Furthermore, this treatment stimulates fat removal, helping your body safely and quickly eliminate fat and reshape your body. It's a hassle-free way to kick-start your weight loss journey and achieve the results you desire. If you're ready to take the first step towards a healthier, slimmer you, consider giving the 150 pcs weight loss treatment a try. With its natural ingredients and proven effectiveness, it could be the key to unlocking the body you've always wanted.
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ringingintheear · 10 months
sonus complete work | sonus complete relief tinnitus suplement | ingredi...
Sales: Sonus Complete - The Natural Solution for Tinnitus
Do you suffer from ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and are tired of trying various solutions without success? If so, you are not alone. Tinnitus is a condition that affects millions of people around the world and can be extremely frustrating and debilitating. Fortunately, there is a new solution on the market that can help relieve tinnitus symptoms naturally: Sonus Complete.
What is Sonus Complete?
Sonus Complete is a dietary supplement that contains a unique blend of natural ingredients that help improve the health of the brain and auditory system. These ingredients include vitamins, minerals, plant extracts and amino acids that have been carefully selected for their ability to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation in the brain and inner ear.
How does Sonus Complete work?
Sonus Complete works in several ways to relieve tinnitus symptoms. First, it helps reduce inflammation in the brain and auditory system, which can lessen the intensity of tinnitus. Additionally, Sonus Complete helps improve blood circulation in the brain and inner ear, which can help prevent nerve damage and improve hearing function.
What are the benefits of Sonus Complete?
Sonus Complete benefits include:
Relief from tinnitus symptoms Improved brain and auditory system health Reduction of inflammation Improved blood circulation Preventing nerve damage Why choose Sonus Complete?
Sonus Complete is a natural solution for tinnitus that contains no chemicals or artificial ingredients. It is safe for long-term use and does not cause unwanted side effects. Plus, Sonus Complete comes with a 60-day satisfaction guarantee, meaning you can try it risk-free.
What are customers saying about Sonus Complete?
"Thank you so much for creating this amazing product! I have suffered from tinnitus for years and have tried everything from prescription medications to alternative therapies. Nothing worked until I tried Sonus Complete. Now, I finally have some relief from my symptoms!" - João, 52 years old.
"I was skeptical about Sonus Complete, but decided to give it a try after reading so many positive reviews. I was surprised at how quickly I started to notice a difference in my symptoms. Now, I'm a loyal customer!" - Ana, 45 years old.
If you're looking for a natural solution to tinnitus, Sonus Complete may be just what you need. With its unique blend of natural ingredients and its 60-day satisfaction guarantee, you can try it risk-free and finally get some relief from your symptoms.
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ezzybrownmedia · 1 year
Male Enhancement: Increase size permanently
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Are you seeking ways to enhance  or increase the size of your manhood permanently and regain your confidence? You're not alone! The market is flooded with various male enhancement solutions that promise to revolutionize intimate experiences. In this article, we will delve into the realm of male enhancement, discussing effective techniques and male enhancement pills that can help you achieve your desired results.
Unveiling the Potential of Male Enhancement Pills
One popular avenue for male enhancement is the use of pills. With the convenience of male enhancement pills sold in stores, many men find them to be a discreet and accessible option. However, not all pills are created equal. It's crucial to research and choose the right product that suits your needs. To save you time and effort, we recommend checking out a comprehensive review of the top 5 best male enhancement pills of 2022. This resource provides valuable insights and comparisons, allowing you to make an informed decision on the best pill for you. Compare the Top 5 Best Male Enhancement Pills of 2022 to Buy to explore your options. Eron Plus is an all-natural supplement developed for guys who have trouble maintaining an erection. This breakthrough combination of two bottles of capsules ensures that users will see results quickly and easily.Member XXL is the most effective product on the market for guys who desire a bigger penis. It's superior to competing items since it's both straightforward and risk-free. It also ensures stunning results, something that can't be said for any other approaches. 
Permanently Increasing Size: Is It Possible?
While many individuals seek a real way to increase their size, it's important to understand that there is no magic formula for overnight transformations. However, there are methods and techniques that may help you achieve long-lasting results. One pill that has gained attention in the male enhancement industry is Iron Maxxx and Manximo Gel. This product claims to offer not only temporary benefits but also potential permanent size increases. 
Unlocking the Secrets of Girth Size
For some men, increasing girth is a particular focus. Fortunately, there are options available to address this specific concern. Consider exploring Grogenix XL and Erisil Plus, a male enhancement pill that claims to help increase girth size permanently. Learn more about this product's features and potential benefits by visiting Grogenix XL and  Erisil Plus. Erisil Plus is a dietary supplement made composed of many active ingredients for sexually-active males. The product's all-natural recipe has been shown to improve sperm quality and sperm count, as well as to assist men to get and keep an erection.GigantX is a dietary supplement designed to increase penile size and strength. The enhancement of penile size and sexual satisfaction are both benefits of this substance. Manximo Gel is a cutting-edge personal care product for sex-oriented males nowadays. The substance enhances sexual performance via dilatation and constriction of blood vessels and by improving venous circulation. 
Beyond Pills: Exploring Alternative Solutions
While pills may offer promising results, they might not be the ideal solution for everyone. Some individuals prefer alternative methods to enhance their size. If you're interested in exploring non-pill options, consider Vitrenix and Expansil Cream, a natural male enhancement product that aims to provide effective results without the need for pills. 
Size Matters: Debunking Myths and Offering Insights
The topic of penile size is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Many individuals wonder, "Is it possible to enlarge penis size?" and "How can I increase my size?" It's crucial to separate fact from fiction and gain a comprehensive understanding. To shed light on this subject, we recommend reading the informative article titled "Which Penis Enlargement Pills Work?" It provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of various male enhancement pills. Gain valuable knowledge by visiting Which Penis Enlargement Pills Work?.
Safety Considerations: Are Male Enhancement Pills Safe?
Ensuring your safety should be a top priority when exploring male enhancement options. It's essential to choose products that have undergone rigorous testing and adhere to quality standards. If you have concerns about the safety of male enhancement pills, you'll find valuable information in the article "King Cobra Gummies: Balancing Effectiveness and Safety." Discover the potential benefits and safety considerations of this product by visiting King Cobra Gummies.Semaxin is a dietary supplement designed to improve male fertility and virility. There are 12 components to the product that work together to keep a man's erogenous zone healthy. Expansil Cream is a cream designed to increase penis size and improve circulation in private regions. The product was developed using only natural substances, which assist every man's sexual functioning. NuviaLab Vitality is a multi-ingredient dietary supplement developed for active men who wish to take thorough care of their well-being and vitality.
The Quest for Size: Exploring Additional Resources
In your journey to find the ideal male enhancement solution, it's essential to gather as much information as possible. To further expand your knowledge, consider exploring the following resources: Buling Calus on Penis: Increase Girth: A comprehensive guide to increasing girth size permanently How Can You Get a Bigger Dick?: A detailed exploration of natural methods to enhance size. Natural Breast Enhancement Pills from GNC: Although not directly related to male enhancement, this resource provides insights into natural enhancement methods. Men's Health for Longevity: Explore overall men's health practices for longevity and vitality. Swag Male Enhancement Wholesale: A comprehensive resource discussing wholesale options for male enhancement solutions. Ninja Sex Pills for Erectile Dysfunction: Explore the potential benefits of ninja sex pills in addressing erectile dysfunction. Average Penis Size When Flaccid: Gain insights into average penis sizes when flaccid for a broader understanding of size variations. Is My Girlfriend's Penis Supposed to Be Bigger Than Mine?: A thought-provoking discussion on the dynamics of penile size in relationships. Average Penis Size of Every State: Discover how penis size varies across different states, providing interesting insights into size perceptions. Remember, it's crucial to approach male enhancement with realistic expectations. Every individual is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice. With the wealth of information and resources available, you're now equipped to make informed decisions on your male enhancement journey. Embrace the possibilities, explore the options, and embark on a path toward increased confidence and satisfaction. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for reference purposes only. It is important to consult with healthcare professionals and conduct thorough research before making decisions regarding male enhancement products or techniques.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Safety should always be a top priority when considering male enhancement pills. It's crucial to choose products that have undergone rigorous testing, adhere to quality standards, and consult with healthcare professionals for advice. Additionally, carefully read product labels, follow recommended dosages, and be aware of any potential side effects.There are various male enhancement pills available on the market that claim to improve the strength and performance of the penis. However, the effectiveness of these pills may vary for different individuals. It's important to research and choose a reputable brand based on factors such as customer reviews, ingredients, and professional recommendations.The market offers a wide range of male enhancement pills sold in stores. The effectiveness and suitability of these pills can vary depending on individual preferences and needs. It is advisable to conduct thorough research, read customer reviews, and consult with healthcare professionals to determine the best male enhancement pills for you.Increasing girth size permanently may involve various techniques, including exercises, traction devices, and certain male enhancement pills. It is important to approach these methods with caution, gather accurate information, and consult with professionals to understand the potential benefits and risks associated with each approach.While there is no magic solution for instant penis enlargement, there are techniques and products available that may offer long-term results. It's important to explore reputable resources and consult with healthcare professionals to understand the options that best suit your needs.Increasing size can involve a combination of methods, including male enhancement pills, exercises, and other techniques. It's essential to gather information, explore different approaches, and consult with professionals who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances. Read the full article
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angelinaaabn · 1 year
After staying up late, how do you take care of yourself?
I can truly be called the champion of staying up late. At first, I would stay up until three or four in the morning, but it eventually became a habit to sleep only at that time each day. Interestingly, a few years ago, I would only stay up until around one o'clock, but I experienced issues like hair loss, sudden weight loss, spots, and acne. Now, even if I stay up until four or five in the morning, I don't have these problems, and my skin is still decent.
I have noticed that although staying up late is not good, it is not the primary cause of these issues. After staying up late, it is important to follow these steps for a quick adjustment:
Adjust your mindset and relax: Avoid anxiety and try to relax your mind.
Ensure sufficient sleep: It is crucial to catch up on sleep after staying up late and ensure an adequate amount of sleep.
Focus on skincare: Personally, the first thing I do after waking up the day after staying up late is to take a hot shower and give myself a facial massage. The hot shower helps wash away fatigue, while the facial massage promotes blood circulation. In terms of skincare, I apply a restorative facial mask. For the eye area, using eye masks after staying up late is more effective than eye cream. Opt for eye masks that can be applied for an extended period, as they can quickly improve the condition of your face and make you look less fatigued.
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hydrohannah · 2 years
Week 3: February 27 to March 2 (Day 15-18)
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(Filled the whole jug = 72 oz.) + (Refilled the jug after finishing = 72 oz.) = 72 + 72 = 154 oz.
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(Filled the whole jug = 72 oz.) + (Refilled the jug halfway after finishing = 35 oz.) = 72 + 35 = 107 oz.
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(Filled the whole jug = 72 oz.) + (Refilled the jug until 50 oz. through the school water fountain) = 72 + 50 = 122 oz.
General Observations:
This week was unique and had significant contributions to my progress as a water drinker. I caught a flu, with colds and migraines from the afternoon of February 27 until the morning of March 1, 2023. Before I started this water drinking project, whenever I get sick, I get knocked down for at least a week due to my low immune system. However, my flu now only spanned for 2-3 days. I believe my formed habit of drinking water became a big part of my healing process.
When I started sneezing on the 27th of February, my body instinctively reached out for my water jug. When I was already feeling feverish, my first instinct again was to drink water. Later, I made hot soup just made with boiling water, chicken cubes, lettuce, and carrots. My instinct and habit to drink water went on throughout my sickness, and what was impressive about this is how I drank only pure water, with no additional lemon or honey which I would usually input to my water when I am sick.
I found myself refilling my water jug after finishing 72 oz. I believe a part of me finishing my water quickly was my medications. Also, part of my hydration did just come from my drinking water. It came from healthy soups I have been consuming, as well as fruits. This thought also came from an article talking about ways of staying hydrated, as quote:
“Water is the best source of hydration for the human body, but remember hydration can come from many places including other types of beverages, fruits, vegetables and even soup,” (Levinsohn, MD, of Upstate Family Medicine and Preventative Care, 2020)
Looking back at it now, a formed mindset I had when I was sick was "If I drink more water, I will be healed faster." And through research, I found an article stating:
"Staying hydrated lets your body circulate blood more freely, allowing flu-and-cold-fighting white blood cells better fight off viruses." (Pace, Aquasana).
Overall, this week was successful for me, and since this is the last week of my behavior modification project, I am proud to say that I have formed a habit of drinking water through 18 days of constantly drinking through my water jug.
Stay tuned for my semi-ending blog!
♥ What to keep
Drinking water and eating food that is heavy on water percentage whenever I am sick.
Refilling my water and going beyond the limit of 72 per day.
♥ What to leave behind
Forgetting to take pictures, even up until the refilling process of drinking water.
♥ What to improve on
Documenting my entire water journey, including consuming soup, vegetables, or fruits that have high water percentage.
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seeyeps · 2 years
Improve Your Body’S Blood Flow With This Simple Tips
There are a few things you can do to improve your blood flow. First, get regular exercise. This will help to increase circulation and get your blood moving.
Second, eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods contain vitamins and minerals that can help to improve blood flow. Finally, try to relax and reduce stress in your life.
Stress can constrict blood vessels and lead to poor circulation.
There are a few things you can do to help improve your blood flow. One is to exercise regularly. This will get your heart pumping and help to circulate the blood throughout your body.
Another is to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods contain nutrients that can help to improve blood circulation. Finally, try to avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol, as these can both damage the blood vessels and lead to poor circulation.
How to Increase Blood Flow to Pennis Naturally
If you are looking to increase blood flow to your penis, there are a few things that you can do. First and foremost, you need to make sure that you are getting enough exercise. Exercise is one of the best ways to improve blood circulation throughout your body, including to your penis.
In addition to exercising, you should also make sure that you are eating a healthy diet. A healthy diet will help improve blood circulation as well as overall health. Finally, if you are looking for an immediate boost in blood flow to your penis, try taking a hot bath or shower.
The heat will help increase blood flow and provide temporary relief from any erectile dysfunction issues.
How Can I Improve My Blood Circulation Quickly?
There are a few ways you can improve your blood circulation quickly. One way is to do some sort of cardiovascular exercise such as running, jumping rope, or swimming. This will get your heart pumping and help to circulate the blood throughout your body.
Another way to improve blood circulation is to massage your muscles. This can be done with a foam roller, tennis ball, or even just your hands. Massaging helps to loosen up tight muscles and increase blood flow to the area.
Finally, you can try using compression socks or stockings. These garments help to apply pressure to the legs and feet which encourages blood flow back up towards the heart.
What to Drink to Get Blood Flowing?
There are many different things that you can drink to help get your blood flowing. Some of these drinks include: coffee, tea, energy drinks, and even water. All of these drinks work by stimulating your body and getting your heart rate up.
This in turn will help to increase blood flow throughout your body.
What Home Remedy is Good for Blood Flow?
There are many home remedies that are good for blood flow. One of the best is to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This helps to keep the arteries clear and prevent blockages.
Other good home remedies include regular exercise, quitting smoking, and drinking plenty of water.
What Foods Increase Blood Flow Quickly?
There are a few foods that can help increase blood flow quickly. These include: -Cayenne pepper: Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which has been shown to improve blood circulation by widening blood vessels and increasing blood flow.
-Ginger: Ginger is a common remedy for many stomach issues, but it can also help increase blood flow. Ginger contains gingerol, which is an anti-inflammatory compound that helps improve circulation. -Garlic: Garlic is another food that can help improve blood circulation.
It contains allicin, which has been shown to widen blood vessels and increase blood flow. If you're looking to increase your blood flow quickly, these are a few foods that can help.
If you are looking for ways to improve your body's blood flow, there are a few simple tips that can help. Exercise is one of the best ways to increase blood flow, so make sure to get plenty of it. Eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated are also important for keeping your blood flowing properly.
Additionally, massaging your muscles and taking supplements that support circulation can also be helpful. By following these tips, you can keep your blood flowing smoothly and improve your overall health.
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siyuuuuu · 2 years
Design thinking 8
How can we practice our design thinking?🧐🧐
1.Try some blue sky thinking.
Even when the thought process is a little crazy, the results are very, very real. Go for a walk and get some fresh air. Travel or dinner can be a great way to relieve stress. The feeling of freedom will liberate people's body and mind, the fresh air will promote people's blood circulation, the brain can think quickly. Blue sky thinking opens up old ways of thinking, even a little crazy, but it breaks the limits that I put on myself. My weakness is that I worry too much and lack courage before I act. Blue sky thinking seems crazy, but it can make up for my timidity, high pressure, let me more impulse and desire. I can try to ask myself more questions: How can I become a billionaire? I can also tell myself that I'm going to start my own business in the next few years and that I have what it takes to be a boss. I will fulfill my dream.
2.Practice dreaming.There are many things we can associate in our daily life. We can use our imagination and try our best to divergent our thinking, instead of focusing on the work at hand or study.
3.Create your own "three ifs".
(1) What would happen if I change it (the object/ system/ social relationship, etc)?(2) What would I change or improve about this object if l wanted to use it in 10 years?(3) What would I do if l had a one-million- dollar investment to improve it?
4.Get inspiration from others, a successful person is inseparable from the team, in the team of brainstorming, to get more creative.
Reference: My teacher:Angelina Tu
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petnews2day · 2 years
"My Assistance Dog Changed My Life in a Matter of Hours"
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/dog-news/my-assistance-dog-changed-my-life-in-a-matter-of-hours/
"My Assistance Dog Changed My Life in a Matter of Hours"
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Zoe Batement struck gold when she was matched with Labrador cross assistance dog, Sheila. After her eventual diagnosis of Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), Zoe knew a furry friend was just the ticket to help get her back on track.
“Sheila changed my life in a matter of hours,” 28-year-old Zoe tells Country Living from her family home in Reading. “I fainted shortly after her arrival and woke up to find her curled up beside me. She’s stayed by my side ever since. Knowing she is always there is such a comfort.”
Disabilities can make routine tasks more difficult and make it necessary for individuals to adapt their approaches. Zoe, who also suffers from the blood circulation disorder, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, faced new challenges when she moved from crutches into a wheelchair. “My hands are particularly bad, so I drop things a lot of the time. If I have a bad hand day, I can drop my phone 100 times. Sometimes my arm functionally paralyses, which means my brain forgets that my arm is there.”
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Dogs Do Good
Sheila makes everyday tasks less overwhelming. Trained by Dogs Do Good, she knows exactly what to look out for when Zoe needs her the most.
“She has learnt to fetch my phone the moment I faint. She will make sure I’m safe. She fetches a pillow or toy to comfort me, which is something she has decided to do.” Sheila also helps push down the footplates on Zoe’s wheelchair, open doors, get her dressed, and cleverly assist with laundry by picking up clothes and putting them in the basket. It’s no surprise Zoe has nicknamed her a “wonder dog”.
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Dogs Do Good
Remarkably, Sheila has learnt to recognise the signs that Zoe is about to faint. “This is something I didn’t even know. I sometimes get slightly fuzzy-headed, so I can’t think properly. Sheila has worked that out and will stop me from standing up. She will become very insistent that I stay seated. That has saved me more times than I know.”
But Sheila doesn’t just help practically; she’s the boost Zoe needed to regain her confidence. “One thing that has really changed is my confidence level when I leave the house. Sheila has helped me to feel less lonely and anxious. She’s a great comfort and just a delight to have.”
Now that Zoe has a helping hand, she can also wear her favourite dresses again. “All of my clothes were very drab, dark and too big for me because they had be easy to get on and off. Now that Sheila helps me, I can wear more of my vintage dresses. It helps me to feel human again.”
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Service dogs play a vital role in the lives of people with disabilities. Right around the UK, Dogs Do Good has helped over 1,800 families through its Family Dog service, supports 250 current Assistance Dog partnerships, and receives a whopping 5,000 enquires each year for its services. We know that dog owners experience improved mental health from owning a pet, but for those with disabilities, it’s about so much more.
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Dogs Do Good
Like with any new dog, there were also a few teething problems when Sheila first arrived. “Most of the difficulties were around introducing her to the cat! A lot of the struggles come with the arrival of a dog and suddenly working out cat behaviour versus dog behaviour,” Zoe explains. “I also had to learn how she learns. Every dog learns differently. When I was teaching her about my crutches, she quickly learned that if she did something halfway, she’d still get a treat. She’s very clever and very smart!”
Sheila has become so much more than just a pet. She’s a life-changing, life-saving wonder dog that has helped Zoe live each day to its full potential. And she’s more proof just how remarkable dogs are in our lives.
For more information about Dogs Do Good, visit dogsforgood.org.
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ringingintheear · 10 months
Sonus Complete Review 2023: Unveiling the Truth | Does It Really Work?
Sonus Complete - The Natural Solution for Tinnitus, Sonus Complete really works?
Hello, you are well. Do you how are you, I hope suffer from ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and are tired of trying various solutions without success? If so, you are not alone. Fortunately, there is a new solution on the market that can help relieve tinnitus symptoms naturally: Sonus Complete
Attention Original product link: https://cutt.ly/rwYB5OSd
Sonus Complete is a dietary supplement that contains a unique blend of natural ingredients that help improve the health of the brain and auditory system. These ingredients include vitamins, minerals, plant extracts and amino selected for their ability to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation in the brain and inner ear.acids that have been carefully
Attention Original product link: https://cutt.ly/rwYB5OSd
Sonus Complete helps reduce inflammation in the brain and auditory system, which can lessen the intensity of tinnitus. Additionally, it helps improve blood circulation in the brain and inner ear, which can help prevent nerve damage and improve hearing function.
Attention Original product link: https://cutt.ly/rwYB5OSd
The benefits of Sonus Complete include relieving tinnitus symptoms, improving brain and auditory system health, reducing inflammation, improving blood circulation, and preventing nerve damage.
Customers are saying amazing things about Sonus Complete. João said: "Thank you so much for creating this amazing product! I have suffered from tinnitus for years and have tried everything from prescription medications to alternative therapies. Nothing worked until I tried Sonus Complete." Ana said: "I was skeptical about Sonus Complete, but decided to try it after reading lots of positive reviews. I was surprised at how quickly I started to notice a difference in my symptoms."
If you're looking for a natural solution to tinnitus, try Sonus Complete today. With its unique blend of natural ingredients and its 60-day satisfaction guarantee, you can try it risk-free and finally get some relief from your symptoms.
Sonus Complete is available for purchase only on its official website, beware of fake websites and fake products sold on Amazon, only buy Sonus Complete on its official website. the link is in the description or in the first comment of this video. Don't waste any more time suffering from tinnitus. Try Sonus Complete today!
Be careful, only buy sonus complete on its official website, do not buy on Amazon or other marketplaces. as it is not the original product. correct website link in the description of this video. #SonusComplete #HearingHealth #SupplementReview #TinnitusRelief #NaturalWellness
Attention Original product link: https://cutt.ly/rwYB5OSd
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