#how do u call urself a lesbian ally???
clay-pidgeon · 4 months
tried to gently introduce nuanced identities to someone on tiktok by pointing out that due to enbians existing, ppl who werent women could b lesbians, and they said that only afabs could b enbians so. thats what i get i guess
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menalez · 11 months
Not you digging at me "Uhh well what does she mean uhhh does she like brown hair white peepol?? Blue eyes white peepol??" Like omfg no its just that all my crushes and attractions have happened to be white. Thats it. I have never felt attraction towards black ppl. Sure you aren't saying I have to fuck black people to be non racist but you sure are soo concerned with others not wanting to! You sure are very speculative for some reason! And misframing me saying I said "My Vagina Responds to Whites Only" as if I'm a nazi. Again keep grasping at straws. People not being attracted to black ppl isn't bigotry, yes it does sound rapey of YOU not ALL BLACK PPL because YOU don't speak for all WOC. You keep trying to make me racist or keep trying to bait ME into saying some racist bs which I'm not gonna because I dont think those things. Absolutely WILD that first you said I think woc are males like where is all this coming from?
I wouldve never sent anons if you never made it into such a big deal of some whites not wanting to date brown people. Like sorry YOU PERSONALLY can't handle it. Doesn't make me a racist. It has nothing to do with black features like that other anon said, I just haven't had any attraction. Keep trying to grasp for something here still, though.
damn ur really lying and backtracking at this point! lets just dismantle this one by one. the original anon that got u soooo heated:
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notice how from the very first anon i said i would prefer if such a person just never dates woc rather than trying to overcompensate for the racism by dating us, thus harming us in the process?
then here comes ur first anon which Totally wasn't racist:
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note how you've backtracked from "ive never been and never will be into poc!" to "well no its just that the people ive been attracted to just happened to be white". then u compared someone saying "only being attracted to white people is probably a sign of racism, but i don't think they should try to date us" to trying to make lesbians date the opposite sex.. as if trying to change lesbians' sexual orientation is the same as saying your preferences, yes preferences NOT sexual orientation, may be rooted in prejudices.
and in ur message here you're showing just how ignorant you are, which ofc you are!, on race to begin with because you think poc means black people and are acting like the world is Literally only black or white, or as if i said anyone needs to date black people despite me saying the exact opposite. and ofc lashing out at a woc, calling me rapey, sending me several anons intentionally misconstruing me for just saying the truth of the matter lol. anyways in the next anon i said AGAIN the exact opposite of what ur claiming:
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you claim im calling ppl racist based on their dating history as well when ive outright said otherwise and said theres no point to doing such things:
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and i mocked u and said ur vag responds to whites only bc thats LITERALLY what u said
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i would say before concerning urself over how ur totally not racist and totally a white ally or w/e else to perhaps go into the basics because youve shown that you're entirely ignorant on racism overall from start to finish. you don't even know the term for "poc women" is woc (women of colour). you don't even know the difference between "internalised racism" and "subconsciously racist", you seemingly don't even know what internalised racism means. you don't even know what poc means because you seem to either believe it only refers to black people, or that there are only two races (black people and white people). you didn't seem to even know of the concept of implicit racism, which is a studied phenomena (feel free to go test it here). you couldn't even manage to compose yourself enough to have a proper discussion, instead you're freaking out and flailing and more or less saying i want to rape white women all bc ur offended over the mere idea that u MIGHT be racist (which honestly, your behaviour in these anons just makes me think u are.)
please remember that i did not personally go up to you and inspect who youve been with or who youve been attracted to and personally tell you that you are a racist. instead, you have come to me repeatedly to lash out at me over me merely stating that someone who says theyre only attracted to white people is probably going to be a racist, decided to argue its the same as people trying to make lesbians date men as if its an innate sexual orientation, called me rapey, and displayed your ignorance repeatedly. you could have approached this entirely differently, it could've been an actually intellectual conversation or you could've just let it go if you can't have proper conversations, but you chose this approach and to continue with it. i know you're not a white ally and you don't need to bother trying to prove it to me, because from start to finish you acted as an authority on a conversation about racism and intentionally twisted my words, misconstrued me, implied i want to force you to have sex with woc, and showed your ignorance.
take a deep breath and perhaps just drop this conversation because you clearly cannot even talk about this normally or in a constructive manner.
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lesbianlenas · 9 months
Hi major Gaylor lurked here-
The main two things I really dislike about Gaylors are like, when they get annoyed with Taylor for 'hiding behind press releases' and that kinda thing ('you're gay and that's FINAL'). That NYT article speculates that if Taylor was out then another gay country artist wouldnt have attempted suicide (that country artist was like what the fuck). I have seen zero gaylors even acknowledge that passage. It's all 'that article is so right!' Like theres a lot of blame placed on her for such weird reasons. Like whenever she says gaylors make her uncomfortable, they get aggressive
The other thing is the assumption that if you're not a gaylor it's because you're straight. Actually theres a lot of homophobia in the way they talk- a lot of 'her ex bf was a beard he looks gay in this photo', and 'taylor in a baseball cap is so dykey' which it's just really uncomfortable?
Plus their reading comprehension tends to be really bad and that's just annoying. Like the reaches. And theres so much aggression to any dissenters, even other gaylors who don't 100% agree with a bad lyric reading get dragged
So yeah maybe think twice about calling yourself a gaylor ally? (Plus Karlie Kloss bought iD magazine and immediately deleted the pro-Palestine post... shes not a great person). Theres a distinction between being like 'it's not inherently bad to think Taylor is gay in theory' (even though she has specified shes not in the community and I think it's a bit :/ to accuse a woman of lying about her sex life) and 'gaylors are fine! I stand with them!'
(And yeah they basically never post about other artists. It's pretty weird)
Plus I think it's important we call out Taylor's shitty allyship. And that doesnt happen if we're busy being like 'ok but she might be gay so 💖'.
ok i think u misunderstood what i was saying. my point was that ppl scrutinize gaylors in a way that they don’t for fans who talk abt her the exact same way but in the context of her heterosexual relationships. if u think that there aren’t straight tswift fans who talk abt her exactly like that but in the context of her being straight then u r kidding urself. i dont agree w what they’re saying bc i dont think she’s gay and i esp think many of them go too far but why dont her straight fans who did the same take the same ridicule that gaylors do? there is an extra layer of DARING to suggest that a woman may be gay that i have an issue w. at the end of the day i think these celebrities are too thin skinned at the gay allegations anyway like who cares 🙄 why is it such a bad thing for ppl to think u might be gay? why do u have to make some type of statement abt it? if ur not gay then just go on w ur life the gay allegations aren’t holding u at gunpoint. tswift is so famous it’s not like the gay rumors circulate to her christian conservative fans or impact her bank account or perception over all. ok some teenagers on the internet call her a lesbian and some go too far in their theories. but like i think it’s more of a her issue to be uncomfortable that someone calls her gay than it is an issue of anyone to dare suggest maybe this celebrity is gay? i don’t think ppl should be tweeting celebrities being like come out as gay or kys or whatever (and this goes esp for young celebrities but i don’t think young celebrities should b interacting w fans period) but i think our homophobic society in general is what makes ppl so outraged when ppl speculate a celebrity might be gay. and i get the whole like oh what if they’re closeted and don’t want to come out thing which like. ok. they don’t have to come out though? even if ppl r speculating it that doesn’t mean it’s true and the default perception will always be that someone is straight if they refuse to come out no matter what their fans may say online. do u know how many celebrities in the past when being gay would have absolutely destroyed their careers actually WERE gay and simply just ignored the allegations and lived their lives not coming out 😭 r fans who say maybe she’s a lesbian w their masterposts of proof more invasive than ones that post proof that she’s married or pregnant or secretly has 6 kids? i’m not really interested in the ethics of gaylorism more so the way that it is treated solely bc of the speculation of her being gay vs fans who speculate literally anything else abt her or any other celebrity……i saw a post abt some guy who had gay allegations who said smth like i never felt the need to address it bc they’re not saying anything offensive abt me. like exactly? why do u care so much if ppl perceive u as gay? who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also ur note on them not talking abt any other artists um? perhaps bc they r tswift blogs 😭 do u think the only show ive ever watched is sg just bc i run a sg tumblr blog? i think thats a weird critique to have is all……
also idc abt celebrities being activists i think that’s a weird thing to expect from random ppl who sing or act wtf does she know abt politics she’s probably never even voted 😭 so calling her out for her shitty allyship is neither here nor there for me…..again i’m not a fan of hers i feel nothing for her honestly i just think ppl are overly critical of women both her and her fans. but that’s all.
ok i’m sorry last thing but u saying them saying she looks dykey in a baseball cap is homophobic is so 😭 are u a lesbian? bc that is not homophobic lmfao? 😭
anyway i just stand w gaylors as a concept i’m not writing off on everything they’ve ever said nor am agreeing w them. peace and love xo
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butch-bakugo · 4 years
Discourse/political opinions:
Note: I am ok with people following/interacting with me if we disagree on certain subjects on this list but if its got a ❎ next to it, i am not ok with you interacting with me and i will block you. Take everything thats on the ❎ list to be a informal dni
Throwing this at the top: Isreal is an apartheid colonial state and has no right to exist. It is on stolen land. Zionists are committing a ethnic cleansing of Palestine and I will forever stand with Palestine.❎
All cops, especially ur uncle/brother/dad/friend, are bastards. ❎
Black lives matter ❎
Im neutral on ace discourse, idrc but i do feel safer around ace exclues than ace inclues cause yall get pretty gross sometimes
Longsword lesbians are transphobic ❎ but battleaxe bis are vaild
Cis het means cisgender and hetero- in any capacity, cisallohet is not a thing
Aros/aces/aroaces do face discrimination for being aspec and aphobia is a good word for it but its not a systematic oppression. ❎
Bi/pan lesbians, bi/pan gays and other " mspec" gays are homophobic as fuck and the label is bigoted no matter what arguement you have for it. ❎
Punch your local terf and her nazi friends, especially jk rowling( read another book) ❎
Polyam cis hets, kinky cis hets and gnc cis hets arent lgbt for " going aginest society's standards" ❎
Q*eer is a slur, as well as an identity, and calling everyone it is ableist aginest lgbt people with ptsd and flat out just rude. If q*eer is your identity, great but to pretend it's suddenly not a slur anymore just because "q*eer studies" exists is flat out misinformation. ❎
D*ke is for all wlw, F*g is for all mlm, tr*nny is for all trans ppl.
The split attraction model is only vaild for aspec identities, all other uses are lgbtphobic ❎
Aspec can mean aro/ace/aroace-spec or autisitc spectrum, i litterally dont care enough to argue it. But if you say ur " on the spectrum" to mean ur aroacespec and not autisitic, ill rip out ur esophagus. ❎
Saying asexuality/aromantisim/aroasexuality can't be a spectrum is litterally just aphobic
Allo isnt a slur nor is meant to be derogatory in any way. I will call you allo if ur allo in the context of ace/aro but if u dont like it i wont.
Making fun of ace/aro/aroace pple isnt funny to anyone other than aphobic pple and you should really ask urself why you think bullying in any form is ok as long its a group of mostly young, disabled, trans and neurodiverse people.
Dont say ur an ace/aro/aroace ally then turn around and call urself aphobic proudly. Your an oxymoronic moron and ur not our ally.
I dont care if you "would be *insert ace identity* therefore you can comment on *same ace identity as before* validity" you dont identify as it, shut up, no one asked ur opinion on the matter
Fiction 100000% affects reality you nasties, theres not justification for the romanization of r*pe, pedophilia, abuse, incest, etc. Dark topics are 100% ok but not if ur trying to make them look good. The only good villian redemption arcs are zuko and bakugo. ❎
You dont need dysphoria to be transgender ❎
Im not anti-pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual but i am critical of the labels' history and the huge biphobia issues within their communities. All i ask you consider the label bi as bi has historically been defined as attraction to all genders, it has 100+ years of history over pan/poly/omni, its origins are much more humane and you dont spread misinformation about the bisexual label. Bisexuality has a shameful title in society and biphobia is very prevalent so its understandable why people would not want to connect to that label but thats not an excuse to demonize or sexualize bisexuals.❎
Skolio/ceterosexual are only vaild if its a nonbinary person who feels unsafe dating cis/binary people. ❎
Nazis and other bigots do not deserve a platform, thats how fascists and dictators come to power. ❎
Just because trump is worse than biden dosent make biden good. Vote Kamala
Reg means nothing because its all personal interpretation
Gatekeeping is a term made by trans women to explain them being excluded from healthcare, it dosent mean keeping people from invading other communities. Im not a doctor therefore i cant " gatekeep" you.
You have to have did/osdd to be a system and you have to have trauma to have did/osdd. Therefore you have to have trauma to have a system and endos can fuck off, ur ableist. ❎
Tulpamancy is part of closed poc-exclusive religious practice and has nothing to do with systemhood so if ur white and/or claim ur system cause you made a tulpa, ur not only racist and cultural appropriating but also ableist!❎
Pedos/maps/pears are not lgbt. Its a kink not an orientation. (Pocd people are not pedophiles and deserve support!) ❎
Stop stanning freaks like pewdiepie, jenna marbles, thomas Sanders, james charles, fya, cais/bunga, biggest gaudiest patronses, i am fish or other nasties. ❎
Most problematic sources can be consumed critically ( especially if its an autistic person with a hyperfixation) but some sources cant be saved and should burn.
Trying to say which intrusive thoughts are "ok" and " not ok" to have defeats the purpose of supporting those who have them. I have them, shut up if u dont. ❎
Kinnies are rad and i am one. ❎
I support all mogai identities as long as they arent; copycats to make something more " progressive", trans trivializing, fetishizing or otherwise gross. Im mogai neutral as long as the identity is harmless. Xenogender and like altersex stuff is rad as hell ❎
Nonbinary people are allowed to be uncomfortable being around/dating binary people, even if the binary person is trans. Enbyphobia is prevalent in all circles and we're allowed to be wary of ALL binary people ❎
Two-spirit and intersex/intergender people are not inherently lgbt but if the two spirit person is ok using western lgbt labels or the intersex person is trans, then they are lgbt. It is a personal decision and if you arent one or either, it's not your choice to decide if we are or aren't.❎
The drinking/smoking age should be 18.
*insert offputting kawaii death penality insta discourse image* anyway the government shouldnt be allowed to kill you period. Dont care who you are or what you did. ❎
Bring back the guillotine. Viva la revolution ❎
Dismantle the police system ❎
Supporting trump inherently makes you a shitty person cause it means you put no value the lives of those imprisoned at ice concentration camps or literally anything for the betterment of humanity. ❎
Seperate art from artist. Pirate. Fuck disney. Fuck notch. Fuck cavetown ❎
Conceal and carries shouldnt be allowed in hospitals, schools, places of worship, homeless shelters, fesitvals or any places that house oppressed, sick, injured, young, old or otherwise harmless people and peaceful places. ❎
Fujoshis and fundashis are homophobic and nasty asf ❎
"Factkin" dont exist, you cant be another living person, especially seince you dont and never will know everything about their life ❎
Hamiltons music was amazing but idk how to tell you that you shouldnt be supporting a musical that romantizes slave owners. ❎
Hazbin hotels/helluva boss's creator is a horrible person, the music and art style suck ass, alastor is a walking aphobic sterotype, angel dust is a walking homophobic stereotype and the show completely disregards the protags orientation. ❎
Christianity should be abolished and held responcible to the many it has killed and harmed but other abrahamic religions should be supported ❎
Self diagnosis is vaild if the person is well informed. Especially if the idividual is forced within a medical system that would kill, take away their children, refuse them the right to marry or otherwise be oppressive over the idividual if they were successfully diagnosed. ❎
Criminals dont need to be reformed, the system that creates them needs to be. ❎
Descalation officers and social workers who are trained to deal with people in scary situations would kill less people than cops ❎
Neo-pronouns and emoji pronouns are vaild ❎
Micro-labels are not inherently good or bad
Emo and alternative people are not oppressed for getting bullied wtf is wrong with you. ❎
It's not ok to bully people people over relatively harmless identities like pan/poly/Omni, demisexual/romantic, etc. Like idk how to tell you that isn't ok or responsible just because you think the labels are stupid. It's one thing to advocate aginest a community and it's another to personally harass someone just for being that identity. I may not like the history or the community but it isn't cool to bully these people. Not to mention ur a fucking idiot giving them attention and a person to point at as being "dangerous" to them. ❎
Sysmed and tramascum are transphobic and ableist labels, there is nothing wrong with medicalizing a fucking debilitating mental disorder.❎
Transandrophobia exists and if you still think trans men don't face any issues or suddenly gain male privilege, your a fucking idiot.❎
Autism speaks can die in a deep dark abyss❎
If youre still trying to defend a white YouTubers black face in 2023, what are you even doing?❎
Measuring race/ethnicity by percentages and trying to interpersonally decide whether someone is "x race enough to claim it" is just recycled ethnic purity bullshit, racist and it doesn't matter how low or large your percentage is as long as you are happy and respectful. ❎
Certain media can be consumed critically(mha, soul eater, FNAF, etc ) but other media simply can't( Harry Potter, hazbin hotel, hetalia, etc) and you'll have to deal with the consequences of supporting the entirely irredeemable media.
Will add to this as time gose on
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tyrellis · 7 years
Tbh! I identify as bi but I went on a couple dates with a boy this week and I’ve been feeling so sick like actually nauseous about it! Just generally not good even tho he was really nice and funny. And then just now I saw that post u reblogged and I feel so much better thinking I can be a lesbian like I feel like I just breathed such a sigh of relief u know??
oh my goodness ik exactly what u mean ! lmao ive never gone out w a boy but ive kissed a few, and both times i was fairly drunk and like immediately regretted it the day after. like the 2nd time the boy kept texting me back and i ended up ghosting him bc i had no idea what to do. but like its been 2?? weeks of id’ing as a lesbian and it rly is like...a sigh of relief. like calling myself a lesbian and thinking of my future in terms of only women (and women-aligned nbs obvs!) to kiss or date or marry is like....refreshing? and incredibly freeing ive found? when i id’d as bi i was super chill and didnt rly care abt coming out properly to ppl and it was just another part of me, but id’ing as lesbian is like...everyone has to know! how wonderful it is to be a lesbian! how exciting !!
but yea anon if u think ur a lesbian like i would defs try out the label for a while and if as u say it makes u feel better than like...u probs r one? it can be weird to let go of being bi, and of like....Thinking abt men Like That in general, but it is so Good to walk past a man and just think like...never. not a chance. he doesn’t matter to me aslkdjaslkda. and obvs u can still be attracted?? or drawn? to fictional men and still be a lesbian. like that specifically is comforting to me as like. i am in love with finn from star wars but thats bc he’s a lesbian ally.
laksjdlakdaskal anyway basically ik exactly how ur feeling lol bc it was like 5 yrs of id’ing as bi, and this past yr thinking that i might be a lesbian but Unfortunately I Am Attracted To Men :/ and only now have i been able to like embrace being a lesbian and just...so many more things abt me make sense. if u want more clarification, i would check out some sapphic/lesbian positivity blogs on here and see if any discussions r helpful. figuring out ur a lesbian is rly hard for some ppl so its gud to read a lot and try and see if anything applies to urself (eg comp het, id’ing as ace bc u dont feel attracted to men, etcetc). ANYWAY i hope that was helpful or at least relevant.... if anything i at least totally understand what u mean abt id’ing as a lesbian being a ‘sigh of relief’ lol so !
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