#how have u been rimi?
lucysgraybird · 1 month
Billy x female reader where she gets the same sickness as her mother and brother but she manages to survive and he takes her to their graves (yep long hours traveling) just to share that part of his past with her because he loves her and is glad she survived because he wouldn’t have bared another lose
hiiii this is so brutally late. im sorry. ive also adjusted a little because i wanted to write it but im so bad at writing travel and couldn't figure out a way to do it that didn't feel drawn out but i can do a part 2 if u want!!
warnings: dscs of death and illness
Billy feels like he's been living in a haze. First a haze of ignorance, pretending that he didn't recognize the wet, hacking sound of the coughs you muffled into your elbow, that the way your brow bloomed with dry heat didn't throw him back into the pit of being seventeen and curled around his mother's febrile form. Then a moment of clarity, like a bucket of ice dumped over his head, when the doctor touched his elbow and confirmed consumption. Finally, and he can't decide which stage he's hated most, a thick fog of despair and desperation, rimy water dripping from washcloths down his arm in twin trails to the sweat he's wiping from your forehead, trying to convince himself of minute drops in your dogged temperature. He nurses broth down your raw throat and prayers up his own, pleas to a God he might not believe in to just leave him with something good in this world and pleas to himself to believe that this time will be different.
And he might just make a return to church, because his calls are answered. Slowly, like a slug creeping to salt, you recover. Color fades from the pyretic spots high on your cheeks and returns to the rest of your face, you sleep through the night without a coughing fit tearing you awake. The brightness in your eyes starts to look more lively and less dazed, and eventually you're strong enough to stand and bathe. Billy helps you into the tub and then opts to sit outside the door -- close enough that his anxiety isn't spiking, that if something happens he can help, but far enough that you can regain some of the autonomy that is ripped away in illness.
He'll never quite figure out why he says this. Maybe it’s the dim candlelight, coaxing the world out of reality and into a dream, a place where anything that happens will stay forever locked somewhere out of time. Maybe it’s that he wants to pretend you have the kind of relationship that demands this honesty, because you've said “‘Til death do us part” and meant it and so he owes you his greatest love and his deepest fears. He'd give you the former without question, of course, but he's still practicing that the latter is an unavoidable sidecar to that kind of devotion.
"I thought you were going to die," he says, and his stomach immediately twists in shame. You're recovering still, and here he is making it about himself. When you don't say anything, surely listening in that tranquil, soft-eyed way that you somehow always managed, he continues.
"I wish you could've met my ma. She was...good, like you. At her core, that's all there was, this sturdy kindness that I never understood how she maintained. Sometimes she'd say that when good people died young, it meant that God thought that spirit belonged more in Heaven than on Earth, and I was so scared that he got...impatient again, with you, and I was so scared that..."
Silence for a moment, then your voice, still hoarse:
"I would've liked to meet her too. She must have been quite the woman, to have raised someone like you."
Billy snorts out a laugh. "Something like that."
There's the sound of sloshing, and Billy can see the way your spine curves in his mind's eye, chest pressed to your thighs and chin rested on your knee. He can hear the way the position stretches your neck in your voice when you speak.
"I'm not letting anyone take me away from you. I don't care how much I'm needed somewhere else, I need to be here with you. You make it easy to be this good, Billy. It isn't in spite of yourself that you always manage to find warmth; there isn't a fire I've found that...exists without stoking."
Tears prickle his eyes and his throat tightens so that the next deep breath he takes squeaks like his voice is dropping again. He can't bring himself to use the crackly tone he knows is the only one he can access now.
"We should visit your ma," you suggest. "Someone's gotta tell her what a wonderful young man she raised."
"Her grave is far," he manages, though the end of the sentence cracks and so does the dam, silent tears streaking his face. In all truth, it's not outrageously far, but he's been scared to visit. Scared to tell his ma who he's had to (chosen to?) become, scared she'll smell the gunsmoke that seems to cling to his hands and clothes and memories, scared she'll meet the ghosts that have become more like his shadow.
There's the patter of wet feet on the bathroom floor and he stands with the intention of making himself scarce by the time you emerge, leaving nothing but the pale ghost of his vulnerability on the floor outside the bathroom as proof of the wall that just crumbled there. He'll calm in bed until you're done bathing, and hope for your mercy in disregarding his momentary fragility. But the door clicks open and there you are in your nightgown. There you are with your skin scrubbed clean, you with your hair in the braid you wear to sleep. There you are with tears on your face, with your arms open to him like the Virgin Mary, offering a forgiveness that he doesn't deserve. The guilt of this will carve stigmata into his hands later, nailing him to the cross of his history, but for now he takes the pity and collapses into you.
"We'll start out tomorrow," you say, overcoming the awkward angle your height difference creates to pet his hair. "I'd like to meet her. We should bring her flowers."
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sea-of-dust · 1 year
sayo hikawa x reader?
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Bead chain
Ran,Sayo,Rui,Rimi,Toko x GN! Reader
notes: what if their collab counterparts affected their personalities
summary: NOT a persona reference in the name I swear!! Sorry I left u sitting in my inbox 🙇‍♂️
warnings: cant read Japanese so idk if ran was called anything different, not proofread, cursing
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You never met someone so close to you...you wouldn't be surprised to find her breathing down your neck while gripping your waist like a corset
She'd take any chance she gets to flex that she's the fabled chainsaw man to win you over. "But dosent chainsaw man kinda...look more ya know...👹" "what do you mean?" "You know like more "I'm gonna eat your soul!! 👹👹" "eat mine" "what?" "What?"
Ran wouldn't have been too open about you when you first met, but now she's practically screaming them at you. "I LOVE YOU." "I know, Ran." "MORE THAN WHAT YOU KNOW!" Even with the sudden personality shift, she won't tell you how much she loves you down to every detail
She is alot like a dog tho. She'd sometimes lay down on the floor because it was too hot despite there being an ac on. If you laid next to her suddenly it's too cold and she's hugging you for "body heat" despite it being summer
Everytime she thinks too hard about you she yells her opinions. She's very "!!" "So about y/n" "YES?!" "how do you-" "I ADORE THEM!" there's an awkward silence. When you ask her why she does this she never brings herself to answering only blushing deeply and closing her eyes. "It's quite embrassing how much you like them" she'd cover her face with her hands she wouldn't be able to look at you for a few minutes.
"You're like a child Ran" you laugh softly kissing her forehead, she nearly turns red mumbling a tad letting out a soft squeal. "Is this a replacement for your usual barking?" You tease her more as her rambles get more rapid, the poor girls overheating
Ran... Kinda stares at you sleep... "to keep watch" no she just likes staring at you if something did catch her attention while asleep, she does check it out, but her running back to you to hide with you because the ghost might come up the stairs with her from the darkness.
"It's commin... hmmm" shed be asleep in secounds curling up to you. If it were serious she'd take care of it but the stair devil is quite strong!
She'd look at you wide eyed everytime she found something intriguing. "LOOOKKK" she held up a picture of a penguin looking at it like a children's youtuber trying to shock the audience. "A penguin I know a-" "TAKE ME THERE I BEG" she'd grab you by the collar before getting embrassed and puts you down blushing a bit. "You don't have to-"
You took her the next day and she was livid. Her face could make someone's thumbnail. "Can we take one home?" "They're wild animals Ran" "aw"
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She'd have the sudden urge to have you wrapped around her finger. Not that she acts on it but it's very strong
Sayo would usually be quite timid with her affections, but now she's pretty straight forward to kissing you on the forehead in public areas before going back to normally sitting. You'd look at her incredibly flustered while she dosent even seem to look at you.
"Did you just -" You would lean in to kiss her but she'd stop you holding your mouth. "we're in public, dear." she keeps a straight face, yet her face nearly turns pink
She's fine with pda as long as it isn't nuts. Kisses are too far!!...unless she's giving them. She will let you lay on her shoulder and sleep there tho don't hug her in her sleep though...only she's allowed to do that
Sayos calm normally but now she's freakily calm. She'd give the most bland reaction to things expect for Hina. "Is that the thing Hina-" she'd grab it super quickly judging it before putting it back trying not to seem upset. "Did she..." "she ate my leftovers" "Figured...want me to-" "yes"
You've asked her if she wanted to be carried around so many times that sometimes she just acts like she's angry to get a free ride. She'd even go all the way and pretend to be tired as she gets to have a nice nap on your back. She feels guilty sure but...you kinda can piggy back her home from anywhere without her having to move her feet...very nice to have you around
She almost naturally says no to everything you wanna get her. Any act of service she's just all "No thanks" you've found a way around this tho
"Sayo look at this Keychain wanna match?" "We have a bunch of match Keychains" "what about some food?" "You've already taken me to eat y/n" "do you not wanna get carried around" "no- wait-" "ah finally a back vacation" "I wasn't paying attention!" "Hehe" it's fun watching her blush and her eyes widen.
She'd have a picture of you next to her desk. If someone would ask she'd turn away and look up a bit always facing the window. "Who's this?" The sun would be flashing in her eyes but atleast they didn't see her blush over you "a friend" she wouldn't be able to turn to that person the entirety of the convo
Always texts you good morning and good night if she doesn't she'll apologize the next morning with the most wild explanations. "Sorry, sorry tried to steal my gutair while I was on a train" "sorry the moutain I was on didn't have good service" "sor-" "Lemme guess another band war" "...yes" you huff softly "figured"
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You wouldn't be surprised if you woke up Mashiro texting you about how to deal with her
"Mueh he he he Humans are so feble!" "Toko were at a burger king..."
Swear you'd catch her and ran bickering like children every two secounds, if it weren't for you hitting her with the "this isn't you 😰" rizz, those fights could have been more of a pain.
She narrows her eyes at you sometimes. "Toko?" "Hmmmm" then slowly move her hand to yours as if trying to distract you from a hand hold. "Toko you know I know your holding my hand ri-" "LOOK OCTOPUS SAUSAGES" mission successful no causality
She'd look so confused when rui asks her wrf she's doing like she isn't trying to take over the world with ran in the corner. Fym she can't make a lil statue of you out of toilet paper fine it's a power ranger! NOT EVEN THAT?!
"Come on!! It's just toilet paper" "do you know how annoying it is when ur trying to get some and it's just the brown roll? No!" "I'll buy some for myself then!" "Do it then!" You go into ruis apartment to a poorly sculpted power ranger of toilet paper
"...." "please...don't ask" "GO GO POWER RANGERSSS" "so uh" "sighhh" she acts like her mom swear if your there for her lecture she'll give you puppy dog eyes. "Aww rui be kind it's only a toilet paper statue" toko would hug you grinning at rui while you could see ruis eyebags get darker.
She loves you, herself, and her cat. So much when her cat shows her affection she starts showing you the same kind...aka she licks you. "Y/n you taste like sweets" "quit doing that!" "What I'm cleaning you off" "wha- rui help" rui sighed staring at her. Toko usually ignores it
She holds you tightly alot. Always curling up to you when asleep or just lounging when alone with her. "Human it's cold hold onto me!" "Your hands are pretty hot tho" "do it!" She really likes those cuddles she needs you as a blanket
She fights over you with her cat. "Meowey!" She'd catch you petting her cat "How dare you both betray me!" "There's space for you toko" you pat the spot so softly and kindly she forgets why she's mad curling up to you just like her cat.
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Even the choco coronets can't save her...
Even the worst of scares scare her. A simple sneak up "AH!!" A ghost printed out on a page "AAAAAAGHHHH!!" A ghost picture being hung on a fishing rod out her window "KYAAAAAAA A SHOPPING LIST!!!"
She's very scared but also oddly capable. She was able to easily handle toko without toko using her powers but still pretty cool
She'd look so traumatized offer to do anything nice she'd look like she'd have to repay you forever.
"Is this really ok?" "It's just ice cream Rimi" "yes but..." she looks up nervously "please have it Rimi" "ehhh alright..." You smile watching her eat the ice cream
She's very timid asking you random questions when your about to go to bed. "Y/n... y/n...would you love me if I was a worm" "I love you so much I'd turn into a worm with you" you hug her tightly and she'd melt
She hates when someone brings up the time ran went berserk and forced her to dance...or Vance 😔. God, there might be a video of her out there just dancing the pain away. That's why whenever you say something that has "da" in it she just kinda 😨
The choco cornets save her from inpending doom. Everytime you buy her a bag she's just 😨, but then again she's always like that. Nearly cries over them after a long day of trying not to get slapped around by devils
She drives you around on her bike. "As a way to repay you" you don't feel as if she's had to but still begs you to let her.
Please let her attempt to kiss you. She can't if you've tried to kiss her back, pretend not to notice so she feels like she snuck up on you.
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"So can I cut off your hair and make it my family herloom?" "...no" "aw.."
She'd look at you for the weirdest amounts of time. She wouldn't be looking at you at all and then suddenly she's all 👁👁
"...is there something on my face?" "A Stray hair," she moves it out the way. Sometimes, she just doesn't say a thing and just touches you, it sometimes frightens you how cold her grasp is.
She's so calm for her occupation. You find this a bit scary. "Someone tried to assassinate ran again" "...HUH- Are you ok?!" "I'm alright"
She likes whenever you lay on her lap, laying your head there and look up at her. She makes sure to pat your head only when you're asleep, she gets embrassed when you're awake and you noticed
She likes cooking for you in the morning. Watching your reaction as your eyes widen as if this was a surprise at this point. "One of these days I'll wake up earlier to make you breakfast" "I'd like to see you try" you never did...turns out she wakes up at 5...you refuse to do that
You also have to deal with power and run. You're always on their side they like you more. "Rui, come on, I'll put them in the pantry when their done making a power ranger." "YEA" "YOU ANGEL," they both cling to your leg. "How will that even fit?" "I'll manage!" Both of them ball their eyes clinging to you
She definitely complains to you about work. "And then another band devil came outta nowhere." "Ah again," you put bandages over her wounds and pat her face when done. She leans into your hand, kissing your palm. "Yes, they get annoying after long whiles"
She enjoys you taking her out and paying for things. She has a small hobby of showing up at your job, tho... she wasn't supposed to know... "order for Ru-" "..." "oh hi ...Rui" you're so cute trying not to look at her as you hand her your order. So soft spoken...it's something she wishes to record but she knows you'd evaporate on the spot.
You like buying her keychains and having spares of everything. She loves that about you. Little decor mixed in with high-quality things she and you need. Ran and toko would ask about it, and she'd just prideful tell them she got it from you. Only a slight change in her usual calm personality but still visible enough. "Really, cinnamon?" "I never thought you were that kinda person, Rui." "No y/n got it for me" "....tell them to get me one too" "ONE FOR ME TOO HUMAN!" "sighhh"
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rinoomi · 3 years
fir :D !!! i hope you don't mind me dropping by your (and a lot of others') inboxes !! how are you doing ?? :00 [take your time to respond, you might be busy and i don't wanna be a bother! D:]
rimii pls you're soo sweet :"(
I've been good !! today was a national holiday for us so classes got cancelled or maybe they were held but I didn't join because FREEDOM :3 lmao but I lazed around the entire day today!! like I barely stepped out of my bed, I'm currently speed running thru the windtrace event so I don't lose all my precious primogems (saving for ayato. MY MAN WILL COME COME he got no choice) oh btw did xiao come home? :"( if I remember correctly you were going for him right? and oh I also wanna draw sumn for rins bd! I've had this idea for a while but we'll see :3 also need to draw for the requested characters (but I'll do them slowly s l o w l y hahaha) also got a few assignments due this month ending and I haven't started yet oops- I infact just woke up from a 90 minute nap?! and I'm the type who doesn't do naps but idk what's it with today but I've been vvvvv lazy and just.... dehydrated. Oh my god. That's it. I'll go drink some water!!
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idolshineitai · 2 years
bandori ship thoughts!!!!! give em!!!! <3
CRIES. I have friends or whatever SABLE FOR U AS WELL THANK U BOTH OF U FOR ASKING 🫂💗🍓🍒
Yukilisa and mocaran are practically canon to me. Yukiran as well to a SLIGHTLY lesser extent. Lisa and moca work together and have literally been shown talking abt their gfs and their problems all shift. I think that they can have a little polyamory as a treat. The specific dynamics and who is dating who is a little messier in my mind but they’re all so homosexual . i need more content of them immediately (there is none) . ITS HARD TO COME UP WITH A NAME THAT SOUNDS GOOD.
To elaborate on Them:
yukilisa childhood friends that fell apart and came back together in order to make music as roselia (with 3 other ppl ♡ whom i adore) . What makes me insane is how much of herself lisa is willing to instantly sacrifice just to get to play with yukina again. That’s not a good thing and yukina is kind of cold for quite a while but she is Going Through It and AUUGH they’re learning each other again and healing and 💔💔 their dynamic is sooooooooo sweet and yukina puts up with things from lisa that she genuinely wouldn’t with anyone else and they are So close and yukina is kittygirl REAL I LOVE HER SOFT LITTLE SMILES THAT SHE GIVES LISA AND THEIR CARDS TOGETHER AUAUG
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MOCARAN. I constantly think abt all of their matching items thats so coupley (OH CIRCLING BACK I ALSO CONSTANTLY THNK OF THE AREA CONVO WHERE LISA BUYS YUKINA N HERSELF MATCHING KITTY PHONECASES I REALLY WANTED TO DRAW THAT) . AND SWUWUAUAHUAUH Everyone in afterglow is always talking abt how, while they have ALL been friends since forever, moca and ran have somehow developed this really special unique bond. they understand each other ! what the other person will do,, or say,, AND THEYRE 💔 Also flawed, moca has a hard time expressing to ran when she thinks ran is doing something wrong (SAME W LISA @ YUKINA TBH !!! AND THEY GIVE EACH OTHER ADVICE ON THIS!!) but they get better and they care abt each other So much
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YUKIRAN INSANITY theyre rivals musically and also they fight and its ❤️❤️❤️💜❤️❤️ … ONE OF MY FAV CARDS AND ALSO ONE THAT IS IN MY BAND IS THIS ONE :
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i still feel like i haven’t properly expressed my feelings on them or really Sold it LIKE I FEEL LIKE SOME OF THESE DESCS R SO SHALLOW BUT THEYRE SO AAHHFJBJFNSHDNM )5)&)&s . YOYUKNOW.
AND FINALLY IM THINKING OF . HIMARI/KAORU/TOMOE...? Ohhh my god ok this one is a lot more indulgent but it’s good i prommy .. Himari literally tells tomoe if only she were a boy 🥰🥰 CUZ TOMOE IS SO CARING N WARM N STRONG.
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canvas2929 who works on bandori implied tomohima canon in the comments of this art piece i love so much :
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HIMARI and rimi are So fucking gay for kaoru they literally bond over it together im Screams. I THINK RIMI COULD ALSO B IN THIS POLYCULE but it’s just that .. i think the other 3 have more close personal connections and r more interlocked than she is w them? I THINK IF Himari and rimi were any less intensely femme4butch they could date each other . But theyre obsessed w handsome women adn for good reason 🥰 KAORU IS SO FUCKING LESBIAN HAVE U SEEN HER CHARATCTER SHES LITERALLY 24/7 PLAYING A PRINCE AND SHE WONT STOP CALLING GIRLS HER KITTENS EVER SHES LITERALLY ALWAYS FLIRTING WHAT S WRONG W HER. Cluster b boss.
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TOMOE IS SO FWGHBGHVHJHK. i heart the udagawas :] :] SHES A DRUMMER AND SHES SOOOBBJGVJ K. It’s the older sister in her.. but she’s so ……………..
i also ❤️ kasuari i believe theyre canon but im thinking of THEM .
secret bonuses: i firmly believe sayo is crushing (unrequited? possibly?) on yukilisa. Im also pretty fond of misakao i just dont have as many thoughts :] i also believe chisakao are exes 💗💗 I leave u with……... mocalisa card…
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vadergf · 4 years
You gurl... Ignore those horrible anons and look.. I know you write jeyna stuff but can you do something Thaluke ?? The younger ones obvio... Nothing long please... Just some long/medium hcs or short snippets of their time together.. typing love and all that.. cos these two babies were so cute and tbh so robbed of their potential. Anyways.. luv u!!<3
Oof this came ages back but I had 0 motivation. Sorrryyy anon.
Okay I'm not going to focus on like how they got together or how they met or anything. These are just scenes from their everyday life
The first time Thalia wants to dye her hair, she gets a bit nervous so Luke ends up dyeing it with her. She gets her ends dyed electric blue and Luke gets pink streaks because he wanted to make Thalia laugh
They both jam to Green Day, MCR and Linkin Park. Thalia doesn't like Queen and Luke takes it as a personal affront and ends up randomly singing Bohemian Rhapsody to annoy the hell out of her.
They both constantly end up talking shit about their parents (mortal and immortal). On many occasions, they both end up screaming fuck you to the skies after a particularly hard monster attack.
Luke was the only one who knew about Jason. When Thalia told him about Jason, she ended up crying. Luke was so surprised because Thalia never cried. Not even when a sphinx had nearly torn her leg off. He had no clue how to comfort her so he just ended up hugging her. She stiffened for a second before she relaxed and they spent the whole night in that alley hugging each other.
Sometimes, to pass the time, both of them end up playing random games. It's meant to be harmless fun but Thalia and Luke are super competitive and sometimes have to stop their journey just to complete the game and figure out who's the winner.
They spar a lot with different weapons. And they're usually equally matched. After weeks of sparring, Luke is able to kind of resist Thalia's shield.
They cuss each other out a lot,( though they mellow down after they meet Annabeth). They show affection by calling each other the most creative insults they can think of.
Luke is overly fond of puppies and Thalia has to physically restrain him from adopting every single abandoned puppy they see on the streets because Luke we can't even feed ourselves sometimes, forget a little puppy.
The first time they run out of money, it's because they lose all their money in an attack. It's been a few days since they've eaten and both of them are injured and that's the first time Luke shoplifts. He feels terrible after that but he knows they wouldn't survive for long without it.
Luke always hogs the blanket at their safe houses, and Thalia usually wakes up at night to try to steal it back but she sees at how peaceful he looks, and she lets it be.
They usually sneak into homeless centers to sneak a few episodes of some of their shows before leaving because they're both secret nerds ™ 
So that's it. This came ages ago and it took me forever! But its done. Finally.
Feedback is always appreciated and so are reblogs.
@dragoncreek319 @naerysthebidragon @theliterarymess @rimi-lekak @nyx-is-tired @shipanon16 @tothestarsndback @mischiefmanaged011 @kuuhakublank00 @trumpgot-corona-letsparty @xstarsarewrong @aureateargentum @aadya23 @fanvergentinanexistentialcrisis @knowitowl @kasoe21 @totallyforgotyouwerehere @musicalkeys @ang3s-ao3
Strikethrough means I wasnt able to tag you.
Add yourself to my taglist
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adreamingsongbird · 6 years
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dokyungsu · 7 years
Who are some of ur favorite people here and why?
i had this in drafts for so long bc i wanted to post it on valentines like di cheesy person that i am so this is kind of like my version of sending u guys a love letter of some sort,,, flowers n chocolates all that… bc i obviously can’t send u guys flowers n chocolates irl 😣😣😣 anyways aasdjhakdkjh this is gonna be long so ima put a read more right here ♥
@zyxgf​ aka jackieMISS JACKIE!?!?!? uhm i say this all di time but she’s my baby girl 🤢🤢 she’s given me nothing but love n affection and laffs for di whole time we’ve been mutuals,,, 💗💓💕💖💞💗💓💕💖💞 she’s so funni n a relateable kween. giffing kween. kween of being cute… superior xingmi n exo m stan wrow… i’m always excited to see if she’s tagged me in stuff (laysoo) or if she’s messaged me or has made posts abt me or has sent me asks…. like she’s rly one of di reasons i love being here :((((( she’s so cute ohhhh my god..  also she sends me death threats abt yixing pls dw jackie i won’t steal ur man… i’ll steal U from ur man.. 😣😣😣 i’ll make him lose his balance n sweep u away 👀👀👀 i also lowkey wished we talked but ajsdbkjashdkj 
@exoistheuniverse aka ali (formerly sooweetlies a god-tier url wow)ALI IS THE SOFTEST MUTUAL EVER !!!!!!!! AND ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE KSOO-LS :(((( everytime i think of her i think about cotton candy and clouds and penguins and ksoo :((( … she’s so talented have y’ALL SEEN HER EDITS??? AND GIFS?? AND HER CUTE KSOO ICONS !!!! when will i ever… her voice is also di cutest… she always sends me love asks and asdhkas honestly how can i ask for more when she gives me di Most… pls i have a lot of love in my hort for her i always wish her the best n hope that she’s always happy 😣😣😣
@pcys-l aka rimi (formerly loeysoul i mean its true loey is in her soul)RIMI di LOve of my LIFE!!!!!! the first ever mutual i talked to because we both cried abt bruise 🤕🤕 meme queen, is Nasty in her tags abt pcy 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ THINKS I’M UNLOYAL WHEN I’M NOT but she makes me happy n holds a special place in my hort.. I LOVE RIMI SO MUCH SHE DESORVS DI WHOLE WORLD SHE’S SO FUNNI AND HAVE MADE ME LAFF COUNTLESS OF TIMES AND I’m happy i got to be mutuals w u :(((
@yiffxing aka gabbyPREDDIEST FURRY QUEEN !! YIXING’S SEKSI SHEEP BACK-UP DANCERS R SHAKING !!! even tho we’ve only started talking uhhhh she’s rly di sweetest person ik 🤕🤕🤕 is trash for ksoo but i’ll let her off bc i luv her :\ the person who’ll date will b di luckiest bc uhhh she’s a whole package… fun fact: i was intimidated by gabby at first bc she was too beautiful n i thought i couldn’t b friends w her but 😣😣 I SEND HER LOVE MSGS EVERY CHANCE I GET💗💗💗💗💗💗
@kiungsoo aka livLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven’t seen her on my dash in a while bc she’s on q but i miss her :((( she a fellow twenty-four enthusiast so if u wanna slander miss twenty four u gotta go thru US !! 😤😤😤 she’s also another talented mutual :(( y’all seen her countdown bday posts for ksoo?? go check it out binch!!! go d i love liv 😩😩😩 i hope school and studying is going well for u i wish u all di best i love u 💗
@suhopps aka sunnie my SUNNIEshine (i’ve appointed u that nickname there’s lideralee no escape from it) we talked heaps before but everyone who’s… mutuals w me.. like basically everyone in this list knows i am The Worst at keeping convos 😰😰 but sunnie is so so so so sweet and soft and i love when i talk with you :((( we have so many things in common lmfao and she’s such a dramatic gay but i love it !! i always wish for your happiness and i believe that u can overcome any hardships you’re facing right now,,, i love u sunnie!!!! take care always 😙💘
@sophrosynes​ aka robertaI LOVE ROBERTA SO MUCH !!!!!!! I KNOW WE DON’T TALK BUT I HOPE U KNOW THAT I THINK ABT U AND HOPE THAT UR ALWAYS WELL :((( miss sophrosynes was my very first anon and honestly… she’s so thoughtful and considerate and nothing full of love and g od d dd she has a face to match her beautiful hort :(( thank u for sending me love always 💗💓💕💖💞 id die for u.. 
@kokobaekhyun aka jasmineY’ALL JASMINE’S A WILDT ONE Y’ALL SEEN HER TAGs??? when i thought no one can match rimi in being the Nastiest but.. ANYWAYS i love her either way 🤕🤕🤕 when she’s in soft mode it’s wholesome rly…. WE BONDED OVER MULLET!BBH BC IT’S GOD TIER AND WILL NEVER BE TOPPED anyways yea… love jas… she’s so funny n fun to talk to 😩💘 also if ur in a mood to talk about hard bbh she’S THE GIRL UR LOOKING FOR she’s always in the mood u won’t be disappointed KAJSHDjkas 
@my1ady aka arelyUHMMM NOT TO START BUT SHE’S MY BIGGEST FAN :(((((( WHEN SHE TAGS ME IN STUFF??? AND HER TAGS?? heart n*t :\ I LOVE HER SO MUCH THE LOVE SHE GIVES ME???? i don’t deserve… 😞😞😞 my anons asked abt her a lot lmfao idk why adkjahskj ONE OF MY FAVORITE XINGMIS HONESTLY!! HAS A GOD TIER URL WROW… my_lady_by_exo-m.mp3 amazing.. and uh loves my man so that’s a bonus… we share mans 🤕🤕🤕 love u arely.. 💗💗💗
@byunchen aka melqueen of making me want to d*e bc of soft n sweet bbh/exo imagines :(( also queen of making me want to KERMIT SUE OF SIDE BC OF THE NSFW BBH POSTS SHE MAKES I H*TE akjdhaskdjh SHE RLY BRINGS OUT THE BBH-L IN ME :\  ALSO MY FELLOW TRIPLE STAN??? VALID ! she’s full of nothing but love and AHHHHHHH I LOVE U MEL !!!!!!!! 💗💓💕💖💞
@exosvisual aka cindySHE ONE OF DI LOVELIEST XINGMIS IVE EVER MET PLEASE !!!! we cry about idol producer trainees together but mainly how hot and yixing distracting looks in all of di goddamn idol p episodes :\ I LOVE HER so much she’s rly so sweet and i’m rly glad i got to meet her :(( and also may i add that she’s… rly beautiful  😭😭😭 💗💓💕💖💞
@byunparks aka maddyMADDY WHO I BONDED WITH DURING THE 3 NIGHTS OF ELYXION !?!?!!?!!!! NEVER FUCKING FORGET !!!!! SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE I WAS TALKING AND UH we were both crying and truly losing our minds pls… i haven’t interacted with her much nowadays but she’s one of di best bbh-Ls i know n i love her… thank u for making me happy so i also wish for you happiness ily 🤧💖💖💖
@byunbread aka veraQUEEN VEWWA WHOMST I WUV SO MUCH :((((( not to b dramatic but she’s lideralee one of di best bbh blogs out there… (also random fact; she’s 179cm like… i’m so sorry baekhyun sweetie akshdakjsHDAAKJHDKJA) also uhhh queen of being di most beautiful ??? i’m not kidding :\ altho we’ve only interacted through posts and what not i rly love seeing her on my dash 🤧🤧🤧 i wish you di best for ur studies i wuv u vewwa 💕💕💕
@stanbaek aka ashleyASHLEY !!!!! A-SHE!!!-LY!!! uhm she’s is sososo sweet and her love for bbh is so so wholesome and beautiful and there’s A LOT of it :((( HER BBH BLOG CONTENT IS AMAZING AHH!!! we’ve talked a few times and she’s rly so sweet please.. 😞😞😞 honey i hope you know that you deserve to be happy 🤧🤧 i wish that you’ll always have strength when you experience days that are difficult to go through, i told u that i believe in u okay!!! i love you and i mean it 💞💞💞
@littlechefsoo aka courtneyONE OF MY FAVORTIE KSOO-LS AHH!!!!! i think courtney has been one of my oldest mutuals since i came on tumblr and she���s always been such a lovely person :(( her love for ksoo??? WHOLESOME…. i love it whenever she tags me in di tag games and even tho we’ve only interacted/talked a few times i love her 😣😣💗💗 also have y’all seen her ‘do it for him’ post and the pics were filled with suho’s tiddies from gayo daejun???? YEA MOOD. i love my fellow kyungmyeon-Ls 💖💖💖
@kyungsooslatinagf aka jossyJOSSY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!??!?! i love reading her tags when she reblogs from me pls kashdkahs also another one of my all-time favorite ksoo-Ls ♥♥♥ she’s one of di few people who came to check up on me during… a hard time so thank you for that :(( a fellow shawol-L and honestly miss jossy is beautiful my gosh 😩💘 we’re both tauruses so i think we have a lot in common lmao i wanna b able to interact n talk w u more miss jossy ily 🤧🤧💖💖
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beanmaster-pika · 7 years
Kasumi and 8 if you want to~
Aaaaaaaaah thank u Rei ;v;
8: counting stars
Kasumi loved camping. She felt there was nothing better than the outdoor and the wonders of nature (but not bugs), falling asleep to the melodic chirps of the crickets, and the aura of peace and contentment she felt in the woods. She loved being able to look at the night sky, the stars brighter and sharper than they had ever been at home. She loved the very air, crisp and fresh and untainted. But most importantly of all—she loved the time it meant with her loved ones.
“It’s a bug!! Killitkillitkillit-”
“Geez, Tae, you’re usually so calm…”
“Kasumi,” Arisa deadpanned, watching as Tae, from the safety of Rimi’s back, hollered directives at Saaya, who was removing a beetle from Tae’s sleeping bag. “Why are we in the woods.”
“Because camping is fun!” Kasumi declared, beaming. She was already halfway into her own sleeping bag. Arisa sighed.
“Of course,” she said sarcastically, then cast a pointed glance at the mess of canvas and poles on the ground. “How silly of me to ask. What could be more fun than sleeping outside, without proper shelter, because none of us can put up a tent?”
“Exactly!” Kasumi agreed brightly. “We’re sleeping under the stars! Isn’t it exciting?”
Arisa did not deign to honor that question with a response, choosing instead to climb into her sleeping bag and turn away so her back was facing Kasumi in a snub. Everyone else followed shortly after, Rimi on Kasumi’s other side and Saaya next to her; Tae’s sleeping bag was next to Arisa’s. A murmured round of ‘good night’s were exchanged. High above, the stars twinkled and glimmered.
“Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in the sky?” Kasumi asked abruptly, amid a horrified oh my God, go to sleep from Arisa and a startled squeak from Rimi.
“There are almost 9,000 visible with the naked eye, 200,000 with binoculars, and billions in our galaxy alone,” Arisa rattled off tiredly, turning back around to face her with a most irate expression on her face. “Kasumi, go to sleep.”
“No,” she said determinedly. “I’m going to stay up and count them.”
“Rimi-rin, join me! One, two, three, four, five…”
“Ah, uh, six, sev-seven…”
Arisa turned away again, despair written all over her features. “I envy you,” she muttered to Tae. She had already dropped off to sleep and was quietly snoring, a low undercurrent of noise to the crickets’ symphony and Kasumi’s enthused counting.
Kasumi grinned.
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vradmic · 7 years
I, M, P, Q, U, Z for BanG Dream! - NM
Thank you, Nami~ had to put it under a cut as it got a bit lengthy, though…
I - If you had to name your child after a character in BanG Dream!, which one would you choose?I want to say Saaya, especially because of what her name means in my first language when spoken (it translates to the English word “I”), but to be fair… probably Ran. Or Hina. 
M - How’s the fandom for BanG Dream!?Honestly… pretty good, actually. Because the community is so small, we’re relatively tightly knit, and so far I haven’t seen true negativity like in some of my other fandoms…
P - Who would you play if you had to take over a role?Aoba Moca Savage Sleepy Emo~ that BanG Dream! personality test rated me to be her twice already, and I can honestly see why (especially after those event stories).
Q - How do you rank BanG Dream! in your list of favorites?I honestly don’t know… it’s definitely in the top 10, perhaps even top 5, but I can’t really give it a fair answer as it hasn’t bloomed to its full potential as of yet.
U - Why would you recommend BanG Dream! to someone?I mean, first of all, BanG Dream! has a lot of already well-known and established seiyuus. Yes, a couple of them are (relatively) fresh faces (like the seiyuus of Hanazono Tae, Ichigaya Arisa, and Ushigome Rimi), but there are also a lot of well-known seiyuus that should ring a bell with a lot of people. Afterglow, in particular, has been seen as the band with the most recognizable and famous seiyuus among the BanG Dream! cast, and I can honestly see why… Sakura Ayane, Misawa Sachika, Katou Emiri, Hikasa Yoko, and Kanemoto Hisako are what make Afterglow the Afterglow that it is. I am sure that most anime fans would be able to recognize at least three of those seiyuus.
As a matter of fact, if you like idol anime, you will recognize even more seiyuus! Well over half of the seiyuus have played in other idol anime before, including but not limited to the likes of Love Live!, THE iDOLM@STER, and Aikatsu!. What should be noted, however, is that BanG Dream!’s status as an “idol anime” is up for debate as the girls themselves aren’t technically “idols”.
BanG Dream!, like every other franchise of its kind, has a great collection of songs. They have a lot of AMAZING original songs to their name, but they also have a lot of amazing covers of songs that are relatively popular. I am not going to list them all out, but they have made some very good selections as to which songs to cover, and rumor has it that there are more to come!
And then we have BanG Dream!’s anime adaptation… oh boy, the anime… I won’t say anything so as to not spoil it, but let’s just say that… things are not what they seem in the anime… and that even when something happened EXACTLY the way I predicted it would, it still hit like a truck… so yeah, give it a shot~
Finally, we have BanG Dream!’s very own rhythm game: BanG Dream! Girls Band Party. The characters in the stories are fully animated and move very smoothly, the playstyle and mechanics are relatively easy to pick up as you go (especially if you have played similar rhythm idol games in the past), and it has, in general, become one of my favorite games. Ever. It’s Japanese exclusive at time of writing, though.
Z - What relationship/s did you like enough to write or read fan fiction about?Come on now, Nami XD You of all people should know that I am writing a BlueFlora (Aoba Moca x Mitake Ran) fanfiction right about now. I mean, if the profile picture and background picture wasn’t enough of a hint… no other pair truly stands out to me to either read or write a fanfiction about them though (not like there are a lot of BanG Dream! fanfiction to choose from).
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wheessus · 7 years
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged you have to answer these truths about yourself and tag 25 people!
Tagged by @hobisu (i miss u)
Drink: water
Phone call: a close friend
Text: a friend
Dated someone twice: i think
Been cheated on: haha yeah
Kissed someone and regretted it: oh hell yeah
Lost someone special: let me cry brb
Been depressed: *pulls my anti-depressants from my school bag*
Been drunk and thrown up: nope
Fallen out of love: yea
Laughed until you cried: like a billion times
Met someone who changed you: yeah
Found out who your true friends are: yeah again
Found out someone was talking about you: yeah..was shitty
Kissed anyone on your fb list: hahahahaha shit yea
How many ppl from your fb list do you know irl: like almost everyone
Do you have any pets: my brothers
Do you want to change your name: nah
What did you do for your last birthday: spent the night at a friend’s with my best friend..drank for the first time..got a chocolate cake and lots of chocolate and like 2 cute gifts..watched a horror movie...went swimming and CUDDLES
(damn that was a nice day)
What time did you wake up today: 9:16 am
What were you doing last night at midnight: watching tv w mom
Name something you can’t wait for: graduating uni
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i dont think so
What’s getting on your nerves right now: everything..
Blood type: mom is o dad is ab so i’m a or b
Nickname: rimi
Relationship status: i’m ugly and have finals in 3 weeks... (you guessed right, single)
Zodiac sign: cancer
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite TV shows: weekly idol cause literally the only tv show i watch
Long or short hair: counts as short
Height: 1.69/170 cm
Do you have a crush on someone: yea
What do you like about yourself: everything
First surgery: that throat thing
First best friend: i’m not sure
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Listening to: the middle east - deep water (great great song)
Kids: if i am stable enough to have kids..yes..maybe one..
Get married: i’m not sure..if i find THE person..yes
Career: writing, film making, a café..
Lips or eyes: eyes (lips are a close second)
Hugs or kisses: both
Taller or shorter: both
Older or younger: idk
Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneously romantic
Sensitive or loud: loud
Hookup or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: rroublemaker
Kissed a stranger: no
Glasses/contacts: glasses
Had sex on the first date: kinda
Broke someone’s heart: yeah
Turned someone down: yeah
Cried when someone died: shit yeah
Fallen for a friend: it’s been years and i still refuse to admit that i had/have feelings for her
Yourself: kinda
Miracles: nah
Love at first sight: nope
Heaven: yea
Kissing on a first date: yea no problem
Tagging: actually the only person i’ve been talking to on here tbh @deathbyjung
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be-papas · 3 years
tagged by @leojupiters my beloved ❤
why did you choose your current url?
why did you choose your current icon/pfp?
why did you choose your current header?
these questions have basically the same answer, so im lumping them together ❤ it's the utena brainworms. i am very proud for snagging the canon url be-papas (yes including the dash) which is the artist collective that produced rgu. my header was specifically chosen bc im lazy and wanted to keep my mobile theme the same light blue that it already was.
any sideblogs? name them and why you have them.
yes but they are all defunct :) i ran a nice message blog w like 10 followers (THAT'S a throwback), a gomens sideblog very briefly @lesbiaziraphael and a discourse/vent blog @formsaltron. i was also a mod for a couple v slur blogs that i will not be linking bc no <3.
how long have you been on tumblr?
hahahahaha oh god i feel ancient. since october 2014. i did not witness dashcon but i was there in the aftermath. i have had this blog the entire time so that is why my top tags are all really cursed shit. im so sorry.
why did you join tumblr?
so i had been aware of tumblr for a good couple years (like i remember witnessing mishapocalypse secondhand thru a friend). i held out on getting one myself until fall 2014 when blood of olympus, the rick riordan book, came out and i was really desperate to talk to people about it. i have not left the hellsite since.
do you have a queue tag?
lmaoooo no way u get 10 posts at once then nothing thats how this works
what is your post with the most notes?
lmao a post during the destiel election of 2020 being like "lol the putin thing is misinformation tho" that got like 1400 notes?
how many followers do you have?
450 but girl i have had this blog for 7 years at least half of them are inactive
how many blogs do you follow?
have you ever made a shitpost?
like...yes at some point surely? lmao if a psat meme i made in 2016 counts, thats like my post w 2nd most notes (yes i know this bc i ran my blog through a note counter to answer this quiz)
have you ever gotten into an argument/fight with another blog?
oh most definitely. it was years ago and most certainly petty. oh once i volunteered to be the bad guy and yell at some weirdos having an unrelated convo in the notes of my friend's post to fuck off. that was fun.
how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
there is a 98% chance i will not reblog that post ❤ love and light
how do you feel about tag games?
i enjoy them, as evidenced by me taking the time to answer this one
how do you feel about ask games?
would love to do one some day but i dont think im a popular enough blogger to actually get any responses lmao
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uhhhh i mean not site wide but within the relatively small bfish fandom? rimi for sure. they are a legend.
do you have a crush on any mutuals?
i am too old for this question im sorry.
TAGGING: @eijispumpkin @kujinx @demonschnauzer @gaypplatelier @lesbiancheadle @banh---bao
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eijispumpkin · 5 years
hey rimi! i really don't want to put pressure on you bc i know how persistent -and quite frankly, annoying- readers can get, but i was wondering if you had an update schedule for your asheiji soulmates au, "a light that never goes out"! it's one of my favourite works out there and i reallyyy like the plot, the relationships and characters, plus it's so, sO WELL WRITTEN LIKE WHAT??!!! but um fangirling aside sdfghj yeah! i was just curious dfg hope you have a nice day bb
aaaahh!!!!! hi omg ;w; you’re definitely not being annoying or pressuring at all!! ;w; i’m actually really happy you’re liking it so much aaa!!!
i didn’t mention it on this acct (oops!!) but actually i went on a hiatus the past couple months bc i fucked up my shoulder and typing was hard fjdksfjds BUT ive been in pt and gotten some meds and whatnot and it’s a lot better now, so jo and i are planning to start updating again before the end of the month, if all goes accordingly!!! 
im so glad u like it tho aaahhhhhh!!!! i’ve been feeling big insecure about it lately fjkdsjbk thank u so much for the interest!!!! ♥
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ficswithrimi · 6 years
AIGHT RIMI BUT TWO CAN PLAY THIS GAME you best be answering 1-100 too cuz u love me ❤️❤️❤️😎🤪
1:Is there a boy/girl in your life?
Does Jaehyun from NCT count? If not, no ;;;
2:Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
Sure? Idk who hurt me last lmao
3:What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
A cat lolol
4:What’s something you really want right now?
To go to KCON NY to see NCT ;;;;; 
5:Are you afraid of falling in love?
Actually, yes? I think it’ll make me more vulnerable than what I’m already am lol
6:Do you like the beach?
Not really. The humidity causes my hair to become frizzy ;;
7:Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
8:What’s the background on your cell?
LMAO Jaehyun.
9:Name the last four beds you were sat on?
My bed x4
10:Do you like your phone?
I have an iPhone X. I actually do like it.
11:Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Hell no. I’m supposed to be preparing to move to Korea this year but that’ll have to wait until 2019.
12:Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
Uh... one of my coworkers, I think?
13:Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
A poodle! 
14:Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional. Physical pain is guaranteed to go away eventually. 
15:Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
A zoo!!!!!!!
16:Are you tired?
I’m always tired.
17:How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
My first contact is me lmao so 22 years.
18:Are they a relative?
I guess? Am I related to myself?
19:Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
HELLLLLLLLLL NOOOOOOOOO!! Miss me with that bullshit.
20:When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
Uhhhh Christmas?
21:If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
Probably not.
22:Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Refer to my answer on question 19.
23:How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
24:Is there a certain quote you live by?
There are many worlds. But they share the same sky. One sky, one destiny - Kingdom Hearts (I see it as we’re all equal and live under the same sky so no one is above another, ya know?)
25:What’s on your mind?
Why KH3 gotta be released in 2019 when Nomura told me 2018. He playin these GAMES! 
26:Do you have any tattoos?
No, but I’m getting my first tattoo dedicated to SHINee next month!
27:What is your favorite color?
Blue, black, pink, and mint green!
28:Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
When Jae and I make things official lmao
29:Who are you texting?
30:Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
The last person I kissed was when I was 15 and that was only once so no.
31:Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
All the time.
32:Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
33:Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Lowkey? Yes... 
34:Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
All theeeeee time.
35:Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
Okay and? Lmao.
36:Were you single on Valentines Day?
As always. 
37:Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
38:What do your friends call you?
Karimi, Rimi, shorty, or bitch (in a friendly way lmao)
39:Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Yes, my entire job. 
40:Have you ever cried over a text?
Idk? Probably have.
41:Where’s your last bruise located?
Upper inner thigh.
42:What is it from?
Me shaving my bikini line lmaooo 
43:Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
44:Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My dad.
45:Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
Yeah, these black wedges I have.
46:Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
47:Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
NOPE!! My hair is my baby. 
48:Do you make supper for your family?
49:Does your bedroom have a door?
Bedrooms don’t have doors?
50:Top 3 web-pages?
Tumblr, YouTube, Google
51:Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
52:Does anything on your body hurt?
The bruise on my inner thigh lol.
53:Are goodbyes hard for you?
54:What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
55:How is your hair?
A mess.
56:What do you usually do first in the morning?
Check my messages from @ninetynine-dreams
57:Do you think two people can last forever?Of course!
58:Think back to January 2007, were you single?
I was like 11 so yes lmao.
59:Green or purple grapes?
60:When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
Idk? Probably when I see my friend who lives in Korea next year?
61:Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
62:When will be the next time you text someone?
63:Where will you be 5 hours from now?
Preparing to go out to get mexican food and margaritas with my best friend.
64:What were you doing at 8 this morning.
65:This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
My coworker lmaoooo. Omg yall, I told him I loved him yesterday (as a joke) and you should’ve seen his face. He was shookt.
66:Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Jaehyun ^^
67:Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Not yet lmao.
68:What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
Wow, I really love taekwondo. (I started classes yesterday lol)
69:Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
70:How many windows are open on your computer?
71:How many fingers do you have?
Ten lol.
72:What is your ringtone?
Good Evening - SHINee
73:How old will you be in 5 months?
Still 22. 
74:Where is your Mum right now?
Hopefully in Heaven
75:Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
Sora is a video game character from Kingdom Hearts and therefore it is physically impossible for me to be with him.
76:Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
77:Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
78:Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
Seventh grade? This dude named John lolol he was a fuckboiii
79:Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
Yeah, I’m pretty sure.
80:Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
Does me as a baby and my parents count??
81:How many people have you liked in the past three months?
Just Jaehyun.
82:Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
83:Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
Tell Jae to call me and then I will.
84:You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
Probably my best friend.
85:If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
86:What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
I went to a movie with a bunch of hot guys and left with none of their numbers ayeeee.
87:Who was your last received call from?
My dad.
88:If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
Nah, I’m not heartless.
89:What is something you wish you had more of?
90:Have you ever trusted someone too much?
91:Do you sleep with your window open?
92:Do you get along with girls?
Of course. Girls are cool.
93:Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
Not really?
94:Does sex mean love?
95:You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
96:Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
97:Did you sleep alone this week?
I sleep alone every week.
98:Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
Of course. Kpop, reading, my friends, dancing, my playstation 4, KINGDOM HEARTS, my family,etc.
99:Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. Jaehyun is the love of my life but when I first saw him in The Seventh Sense I was lit like “Lolololol who’s the curly haired kid? Why you let them do that to you, son? Where’s Ten? That’s bae.” Then Firetruck came out and my hoe ass was like “WHO’S THAT ONE?! -points at Jaehyun-” and I’ve been falling slowly for him ever since 2016. Now I don’t have any other biases lmao.
100:Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
Idek man. Probably my coworker/close friend Jasmine.
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star-trashinum · 6 years
for the bandori ask thing: all of them 👁
Here u go KazuSawa godkin
Poppin Party!!
Kasumi - Something you’ve done/started impulsively? How’d it turn out?
One day a friend told me a funny story about a trip to a coffee shop, and they ended up joking that it was something that a pairing from an anime I liked would do. I ended up jokingly stating “haha, that would make a funny fanfic” and the rest is history.
O-Tae - Any animal you fawn over? Is there a reason why?
I love bears and dogs! I’ve owned dogs multiple times in my life, so i have a connection with them, and i just really like big, fuzzy strong bears.
Saaya - Your best dish? (Cooking, Baking, Microwaving ect!)
My best dish would probably be chicken alfredo, or Filipino tocilog. I love cooking, so it was hard to pick
Arisa - Favorite flower? How about tree?
Carnations are my favourite flower, and my favourite trees are apple trees; like the reaaaally big ones.
Rimi - Ever do something you were nervous about? Did you end up enjoying it?
Switching my major in first year university; and its been extremely enjoyable!
Ran - Are you a competitive person?
Not really? I like the spirit and all of competition, but I usually won’t go out of my way to do anything; I prefer to take things at my own pace.
Moca - What do you consider “comfy clothing”?
Joggers and a loose t-shirt with a hoodie.
Tomoe - Do you consider yourself protective of your friends, or are your friends more protective over you
I’m extremely protective and doting over my friends; I’m usually delegated to the support friend, which I enjoy
Himari - Have you ever tried to be romantic?
Yes! I’m a sappy, dorky romantic, and it shows in my writing.
Tsugumi - Do your friend’s have some sort of nickname for you? How’d it come to be?
I’m known by a lot of people as Star thanks to my URL but I usually go as the nickname given to me as a child ^^
Yukina - Is there something that you like that isn’t common knowledge? Are you embarrassed about it, or intentionally hide it?
I’m really into fighting games; I feel like that’s the only hobby I haven’t really broadcasted
Sayo - What’s something you’re always serious about?
Exercise; it’s not something i take very lightly, as its very easy to get hurt.
Lisa -  Do you think you’re good at reading the atmosphere?
Yes, I’ve been sorta known for doing that, and it helps in my line of work!
Rinko - Is there anything you’re super passionate about?
Bodybuilding/ Working out! It’s my go-to hobby besides gaming right now.
Ako - Have you ever played a game just because everyone else was? What’d you think?
“Haha, that Love Live game looks stupid; I’ll play it just so I can make fun of it bett--
Oh No.”
Aya - Do you have a favorite music artist? What’s your favorite song by them?
I’m a sucker for the oldies. My favourite artist is the Platters, and of their songs, my favourite is “the Great Pretender”.
Maya - Do you eat healthy?
Not really… which is dumb considering how much of a gym rat i am ^^;;
Eve - Is there a language that you’d someday like to learn? Is there a reason why?
I’d like to either become fluent in French or Japanese; those two seem like the biggest ones I’d find use in.
Hina - Would you consider yourself smart?
I guess? I do well in school, but my common sense is wonky at times.
Chisato - Is there anything people expect you to be able to do, that you can’t?
My cardio is really bad; as much as i work out, the amount of running and biking i do is miniscule compared to how long i spend in the gym.
Hello Happy World
Kokoro - What’s your favorite joke?
The entirety of the Mickey Mousecapade Game Grumps episode.
Kaoru - Are you a fan of musicals/plays?
N-Not really… I actually haven’t seen too many, which makes me sad ;w;
Hagumi - What’s your preferred form of exercise?
Heavy Weightlifting! I love the feeling of hitting goals that I set for myself!
Misaki - Have you ever pretended to be someone you’re not?
Yes; if roleplaying counts
Kanon - do you find jellyfish hot?
Reblogged from miaaka
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pcys-l · 7 years
HELLO MY LOVELY RIMI😎 such a beautiful day to be a hoe...😌 how is life as a demon kai L treating u? Or should i say hows hell?? Is it burning hot skdkksjdkdks I think we should mark this day as the international Exo’s nipples day👀 -crush anon
jhdfusdhfsjd ive been waiting for u !!! also my demon kai-l…. shes gone im now a soft pcy stan trying to make my first heart edits oidshfusd ( they suck :/) kjshfsuh INTERNATIONAL EXO’S NIPPLES DAY 25.12wow i love it siudhfsiudj how have u been doing ? ♥
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adreamingsongbird · 6 years
you know what rimi? i wanna compliment u. the slow burn in trfl is EXCELLENT. how you developed their relationship is honestly so good. the narrative you gave us + their interactions + their povs REALLY make us see how much they changed from the beginning to the end and how hard they fell for each other. it was a slow process and you clearly made us see that. you have such an amazing way with words, i hope you continue growing and your writing keeps improving cause it is smth i immensely enjoy
ive been keeping this in my inbox for a while just to keep rereading it bc im Floored, aaaaaaa thank you so much anon you are too kind i have no words ;; 💖💖💖
though you know what's funny??? i still kinda feel like i rushed the slow burn in trfl dhdhgd
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