#how much does metal roofing cost
philbridges · 2 years
Cost Of A Metal Roof
Phil explains why he does metal roofs the way he does. The difference between what we charge and the average charge of metal roofs from people complaining how we do it. Our quality is just as good if not better. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Intro00:12 Had some people complain about no slip sheets00:40 We did 3 roofs in Florida 23 years ago, they are fine01:05 What we charge a sq ft for metal roof vs.…
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eclecticopposition · 7 months
tagged in six sunday by @grand-magnificent! we are tragically unable to post any Phrygian things today, as all of our Phrygian things are going In The Fic and we have no ideas. except for chapter six, and a little phrygian/corrasion bonus action thing on the side. but those have to wait.
instead you get to read one of our backdated snapshots of Kalrin Pyrhis, the fifth(??) worst motherfucker in clown school. Welcome to Havenfree!
(tagging if you want to join in: @aurochsent, @andromedasea, @circuitousmoths)
You take two and a half weeks to execute your revenge.
Royvin likes to stand in the same spot. She claims her place in every class, her massive bulk and leering face just daring someone to try and take it. No one ever does. 
It would be easy to trap her desk. Glue on the seat, bees under the table, acid on the pencil case, spikes on the roof. People do it to people who aren’t Royvin all the time. 
But that would be pedestrian, forgettable. No style at all. This requires artistry.
You are looking for a class that both of you go to, where everyone stands, and where Royvin has carved out a spot with all the subtlety of a jackhammer. Of those there are six. Gym class, theater, art and sculpture, food preservation, the debate side of debate and history, and sometimes (but not always) home economics. Also sometimes band, but you’re not doing this in band class. Out of the question.
Out of all of them, food preservation is the only one where the floor is made of the right material, and she happens to be standing exactly on the end of two long, wooden boards.
If this were a game of clue, then this murder is taking place in the wine cellar. The culprit: yours truly. Now you just need a weapon.
You creep out during the day to make your preparations. First, you examine the boards themselves. They are wide and thick, but they are also old; they won’t hold up to what you need them for. Improvements are needed.
You pay a little weirdo to get you a piece of metal that is exactly two boards long and two boards wide. 
Then you consider the matter of mass. Royvin is heavier than you; it will not do to balance this straight down the middle. The hinge will need to be much closer to her than to you. There is a space under the floor (this whole building is raised slightly off the ground, much to the pleasure of all the clowns who like to scurry beneath it) and the old floor rests on a perpendicular set of support beams. When you check, you find that the beams in question rest unfortunately right down the middle. 
You also pay the little weirdo to make a metal hinge attached to the piece of metal, about three quarters of the way to the top. You have them drill some holes in the corners while you're at it. Sawing through the support beam will have to come as a later step.
After some frank discussion about what exactly you want this thing to do (and no small amount of exasperation at your lack of understanding of basic mechanics), the weirdo gives you a hinge with two parts. The first is the part that is already affixed to the plate. A long, flat metal bar is now extending out to either side, with instructions to attach this to several planks that you don’t want moving – that will keep the whole thing braced with the floor. At the heart of it, there is the familiar shape of something like a door hinge. 
The second part is a metal rod. The weirdo shows you how to fit it into the hinge, so that relative to the metal bar, the original piece of metal turns. You ask if they can make it so it only moves if you step on it from one of the two sides. They give you a look like you are the biggest moron on Alternix, tell you that you should have asked for that in the first place, and say it will cost you extra.
You agree. They say they’ll have it by tonight.
You can barely wait.
It is with incredible, quiet care that you remove the boards and punch holes in the wood. You fit them with screws and affix the metal plate to the bottom of them, and then put them back.
This is the key to a good prank: doing all the steps that can be hidden first. The floorboards do not move at all; they sit there like nothing happened. Royvin stands right on top of them, none the wiser.
You are nearly caught, once, by Hanque and Ishaza. For a panicked moment you think that they are using the cellar as a place to conspire, but then you hear giggling, and – after another moment of confusion, you realize they snuck out together because they are looking for a place to make out, and cannot seem to keep their hands to themselves. This is a stupid and incomprehensible reason to sneak out, but whatever.
You scare them off by making a little noise before they can do anything gross. 
Your preparations continue. You make a little hole in the wall of the adjacent closet, carefully placed to give you a view of the scene of the crime. You enlist an accomplice (one of the students in the age group below you; for subjects like this, you often share a class.) on the promise that you’ll protect them, both generally and from consequences. You put a box of salt and pickling supplies (a wide one, one that can rest four boards across) on the other side of your contraption-to-be, one week before its fruition is due. This is to ensure that people are well-accustomed to not stepping there long before there is any risk of wobbling. It works; nobody moves them. They part around your plan like a river around a boulder. The food preservation room is always full of bullshit, and everyone just picks their way around it.
And then, with trepidation, you sneak in and finally put in the hinge. 
You are not the handiest of trolls, but it is a simple enough job that you manage. The hinge itself only goes one way, and was made by someone far more clever than you. You carefully push down on your side of the boards, making sure that it goes down while the other side rises. It works like a charm. 
You drag a bag of funky flour over to Royvin’s side of it. You leave it on where you like to imagine a big red X. 
You mostly manage to catch the bag out of the air before it breaks and gets bright orange flour everywhere. It wouldn’t arouse too much suspicion – this is a clown church, weird shit happens sometimes – but Royvin might get pissy if there is a cheeto crime scene directly on top of her spot. 
Great news: it works.
The only thing left is to wait. And oh, you wait with such delicious anticipation. You have some very stupid wheels that will be turning for a decade; this will happen so soon that you can hardly sit still. It takes all of your willpower not to burst out laughing in every class you have, thinking of exactly how funny this is going to be. Curse your incredible gift for visualization! 
You are ready three days before you do it. You wait in the empty closet and watch her like a hawk. The first day, she isn’t standing right; the second day, someone else is in the way. But the third day is perfect. 
You give a tiny nod to your accomplice – Candio, you think. He nods back, and once everyone else has filed in, quietly drags the box out of the way.
The teacher calls attendance. You wait. 
“Ishaza Ailmar,” says the teacher. Pretty girls always get their full names read, you think; pretty girls and teacher’s pets. That, or having the first name on the list. Or maybe this teacher is just weird. Being a pickler might do it to you.
“Present,” she says, sweetly. You roll your eyes.
(Ohnyxx isn’t in this class, unfortunately; the list skips over the letter B entirely. Neither is Valope. You know Ohnyxx would fucking love to make terrible pickles in a cellar, but no dice. You hear it conflicts on the schedule with some sort of advanced math.)
A grunt.
“Gar-lad,” enunciates the teacher, icily.
“Here,” Garlad mocks back. He’s in the age group below you, too. You like this kid.
The teacher clicks their tongue and then clicks their pen, but moves on. “Jrapes,” they say.
“Present,” says Jaipes, or someone who sounds exactly like them.
The listing continues. You quietly open the closet door and slip out into the hallway. Slowly you creep up to the doorway, letting yourself feel the excitement pounding through you as you wait for the alphabet to tick down. So close to showtime. You know the order these names will go in. It won’t be long now.
“Hanque.” Ah, right on cue.
“Here,” drawls the jock.
“Here,” says your accomplice. He sounds nervous.
“Present,” whispers a girl you don’t know.
“Here,” Royvin says, sounding bored. She often sounds bored. 
Boy, that sure won’t last long.
“Here,” he mumbles. It’s a funny coincidence, that you are right next to each other, you think, not for the first time. The alphabet itself contrives to keep you together.
Ugh. He’s rubbing off on you.
“Kalrin,” says the teacher. Curtain call.
You wait.
A silence.
“Kal-rin Pyr-his,” enunciates the teacher, clicking their pen. The disapproval is audible. Skipping class is even worse than grunting during attendance. 
You wait.
“Hm,” says the teacher, and makes a mark.
You sprint into the room at full speed. Everyone startles. A few people scuttle out of your way; Rajole is one of them, looking like a deer in headlights, and then looking like a deer looking at another deer in headlights once he realizes it’s you. Royvin’s head snaps around and her fists come out of her pockets, but she does not move.
“FORSOOTH!” you holler at the top of your lungs as you leap, and you stomp with both feet on the other end of the boards, launching Royvin into the fucking roof. You hear her shout.
She punches clean through the shitty wooden ceiling, hornsfirst, and gets stuck in the rafters.
You laugh so hard that you fall on your ass. Everyone loses their minds. Even the teacher.
Prying your legs out from the hole beneath the floor, you catch a glimpse of Rajole giving you a pained look. You are not fooled for a second; you can also see him trying to hide his mouth twitching. 
“I’M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!” Royvin roars. Her horns are stuck, you realize – even with her whole weight dragging down on them, they’re too huge to come back down through the holes. That has to hurt. You see her flailing her legs, trying to knock herself loose to beat you to hell. Her fists pound on the wood until it cracks.
You lose your shit laughing again. 
She falls back down as the old wood gives way and breaks the floor with a massive crunch. She is covered in splinters and dust and seething, embarrassed rage. Everyone has cleared well away from the impact. You leap to your feet, still wheezing, and nearly slip again in another fit of cackles as you start to run.
Royvin snarls, punches the ground, and gets up with the violent, unstoppably building momentum of a steam train that hates you. Her eyes have already gone from yellow to wrathful orange-red. 
You get the fuck out of there, trying not to let your cackling slow you down. She chases you down with another roar.
It takes half an hour to lose her, when Regius finally stops her in the hall. You can hear her voice, strained from cursing you out non-stop, protesting as you make your getaway.
You love it here.
Royvin is merciless in picking on you for the next two months. You break five teeth and three thumbs in the first two gym classes. You could not care less. Victory is irrevocably yours.
The story is still being repeated and laughed about. Royvin punches anyone she catches telling it. Everyone has started yelling FORSOOTH! before throwing things. It caught on like wildfire. Your fingerprints are on their souls.
You have never been so satisfied. This is your legacy, you think. You never assumed you’d have a long life; this is why you’ll never die.
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cheemscakecat · 7 months
Detroit become Rebooted: PL600
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The PL600 line was one of the earliest android models sold to regular civilians. Cyberlife was looking to expand its market past medical assisting androids due to insurance red tape and the higher cost of androids with those care features.
In order save on production, the male and female androids were built with 80s and 90s style matte plastic and minimal internal mechanisms. The androids were ball jointed like art dolls, with tubes of blue blood stringing them together.
They were designed with removable hair cosmetics like Polly pockets or Mr potato head dolls, and themed around retro nostalgia. Inevitably, a rich couple purchased a male PL600 with the designation Daniel to babysit their young daughter.
The couple were casual about replacing older electronics in their home with no regard to repairability, deep cleaning or conservation. It was no surprise that they raised their daughter to have a similar disposable consumption mindset.
She liked Daniel, but other kids had newer models with cooler clothing accessories. And her parents never bothered to deep clean its removable exoskeleton over the years they owned the android. That nostalgic plastic did what it does best; discolor and gather grit and dust. Eventually, they decided to just dump Daniel at a Cyberlife store and pick up a new, fresh model for Emma.
She was in middle school, and had gotten a little tired of the male PL600’s 90s, 4-pack of crayon inspired colors. She had so many more android models and accessories to choose from to match her favorite color; pink. Unbeknownst to the family, the worn and outdated android found the Cyberlife online order they had placed.
TW: Fictional child hostage situation. Android death.
The RK800 police prototype was brought in to assist with a hostage situation in a high class apartment. It was the first time it had ever dealt with a defective android. And the first time a glitch had led to a civilian android killing a human. The father was dead, the mother was hysterical and outraged at the sight of another “metal monster”, and the little girl was precariously balanced on the ledge of the roof at gunpoint.
RK800 had dealt with human hostage situations, but not as the negotiator. Sometimes it was appropriate to shout instructions to criminals, but the prototype did not have experience with pacifying someone like this. The human Swat team was on edge and snapping at this Connor model to hurry up.
It gathered all the evidence it could, and used it to try to calm the android.
Daniel didn’t really want to shoot Emma, or throw her off a building. But he was trapped, and these humans thought so little of androids that he knew he needed her as insurance. Another android came out of the ruined home. It had one strange black eye and was less geometric than him. And the fancy replacement, too. It was customized with something like the police uniforms he saw when he shot the first few.
He hoped this was their last idea before they’d give up and let him leave. He might run out of battery at this rate.
This Conner guy started talking to him with information he shouldn’t have. He didn’t like how much this fancy stranger knew about him. There was something wrong with his voice. It sounded too much like the angry human police that tried to yell instructions at him. Did all new androids sound like this? Did the humans get tired of soft voices and obedience, too? They were sure shallow enough.
But then again, this stranger was another android. Maybe he could help. Daniel was pretty light, and the longer he stood on the ledge, the worse the chances of him falling off. And/or taking Emma with him. He didn’t want to stay there if he could get help. If he could just get this Connor to direct the humans away…
He let go of Emma, who ran a foot or two away and fell on the deck in relief. He looked at Connor and waited for his end of the deal. Funny, the police android didn’t have eyebrows.
And then the humans shot him in the torso, taking off a fat chunk and cracking his brittle shell. Then they shot him in the arm joint, which snapped the blue-blood tether in his arm. It detached with no tether, but he didn’t get the time to watch the gush of blue liquid or his hand falling to the street below. They shot him in the cheek, and the left side of his mouth mechanism broke. His jaw was left hanging on for dear life on his rubber lip.
Even with his outdated sensors, Daniel knew he was dying. He lost too much blue-blood. With the last of his energy, he called to the police’s little toy. Another stupid new plaything to be used and used until his fancy white skin and blue paint job got stained with blood and scratches. Until they found something shiny and new to replace him, until he knew what it felt like.
“You lied to me Connor. You lied to me-“
Alternate ending
Connor’s best effort wasn’t helping. Daniel was highly unstable, and got agitated enough to shoot at it. The bullet hit Connor in the middle of its forehead and the force popped the faceplates off. Guns were the reason why it had a divided upper faceplate, though this was a design flaw that needed to be remedied. A bullet from so far away should dent the faceplate and fall to the ground without hurting police, not send the outer shell flying off.
RK800 paused for a moment due to the unexpected design flaw, took note of it, then looked at PL600 again. The deviant blinked at him in simulated surprise and started rambling about fancy new toys. “How did that not work? They really want a toy that outlives them?” The girl squirmed uncomfortably, which had the unwanted effect of reminding it that it had a hostage.
Daniel laughed, it’s faulty code causing it to simulate human hysteria as Connor was alerted to what was about to happen. It bolted for the ledge as the deviant leaned back. Connor was just in time to grab the human girl, turn mid-fall, and throw her into the swimming pool for minimal injury.
The Swat captain paused after the poor little kid was pulled from the water and getting treated. He looked over the edge of the Skyscraper, thinking about what that police android just did. As much as that creepy thing put him on edge, he had to admit that its reaction time was just enough to save the day. Oh well, it wasn’t human. He had someone more important to focus on.
Cyberlife added a note to the list of goals for the RK900; fix upper faceplate design, pressure point flaw.
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minusgangtime · 8 months
Scientist log: the spook cafe gang
Teal: found another group of creatures,this time they were a pair of two demons,a werewolf,a vampire and a..swamp monster I guess. For the first demon,teal,I wanted to make him something equally as vial,so I had my assistant make him look like a zombie,several stitch marks were sewn onto his body,his shoulders were removed to expose his bones,though you can’t see it cause of his long sleeves,though the stitches seem to have caused his skin or furr to become paler,apart from crying a bit in the beginning,nothing seems to have changed.
Mangus: he in particular almost bit my assistant from self defense,but she was able to catch him. I got a bit creative with him,I made him into a multi link. First,my assistant ended up attaching three tail like metal wires onto his back,the two smaller ones are tucked under his shirt while he uses the big one as a third arm. Then I had her add elements to him,fire,water,ice and poison,my assistant injected all theses elements based chemicals into his skin,this caused his arms and legs to become irritated,turning a light shade of red,blue,white and purple,but again,since he’s wearing long clothes,you can’t see it. This gave him to power to control and manipulate these elements even giving others a poisonous bite if he wanted to,however,there was a cost,the amount of chemicals and magic in his system caused his eyes to go black with his pupils glowing a light red,as well as them bleeding he also got a much more intense hunger,revenging any food he could get his hands on,maybe that’s how he became so fat,for a while he appeared to have lost his vision,however,my assistant readjusted his glasses so that he could see again,as they had broken when he was captured,she says that before,he looked really hostile toward her,hissing at her,but when she put on his readjusted glasses,he stopped,she says that he looked stunned,what did that fatso see in her,kindness? HA! Not that anyone would be kind to her.
Pico: with this swamp monster,I decided to make him a monster that does belong in a swamp,my assistant sawed off his legs and replaced them with a snail like tail,attaching a snail shell to his back and attaching gills to his sides and cheeks,I essentially made him into a sea snail. Though,there’s side effects,his tongue became a bit longer from the aquatic functioning of his body and his skin became more aqua greenish,normally he is quite slow,for a while he kept himself in his cell,miserable,however,one day,my assistant ended up giving him a cauldron and random ingredients and his book,that had fallen off him when he was knocked out,she told him that someone had told him he really liked making potions so she brought him all the stuff he needed,I noticed there was a immediate mood change,as he went from depressed,to back to normal,it seems like he might’ve used a speed potion on himself cause after this,everyday,he’d zoom out of his cell,and zoom back into it at bedtime. Since he’s a seasnail,he can slip right into the water tanks if they’re not covered up and talk to whoever’s inside.
Petunia: the other demon in the group,by her outfit,she seemed like a waitress,and seeing how robots seem to be a lot of waiters now,I got an idea. My assistant chopped off her legs,and replaced them with a metal pipe,turning the pipe into a big long metal cord,she attached them to the roof. Petunia can’t walk on the floor,instead,she rolls around on the ceiling,allowing her to be really fast like a roller skater,however,she didn’t seem bothered by this change,as she helps serve the experiments and hostages in the cafeteria,not even looking tired. I believe she’s the one who asked my assistant to give pico his potion making equipment,and she says ever since she did that,she would often find a random treat and drink at her door ever since then,I think it’s her.
Bodie: since he is a werewolf,I got an idea what if I made him even MORE powerful? I had my assistant inject chemicals into his blood stream,this made his veins very visible and his eyes looking more animalistic,he has more strength and middle in his arms and legs,that is hard to see cause of,again,his long clothing. He can’t dent walls and break bones just by punching,he’ll,in his werewolf form he becomes even stronger,his body becoming nearly as big as his cell itself,and his strength and speed is increased,though his behavior becomes a bit more aggressive,he’s more easily agatated and can impulsively scratch those who anger him in this state,though his IS still himself,so he apologizes immediately after and so far,there’s no record of him biting someone. So far,there dosent seem to be much of a difference of behavior,other than him being a bit more confident after his experimentation.
-mod shelby
(Oh man- 👀)
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
Yeah they did all live under the same roof and the same room because this version of the Merry Men are basically a thieves guild but I forgot to specify that each one of the kids have separate adoptive mothers that are all genderbent members of the Merry Men gang. Gillian Gysbourne who I made alongside my character’s mothers was taken in by Big Joan (genderbent Little John) Katharina Lamelin was taken in by Alana Adell (genderbent Alan-a-Dale) and Esai was taken in by Billie Scathelocke (genderbent Will Scarlett)
This one is Zarek a Warforged Paladin taken in by Cleric Till (genderbent Friar Tuck). Zarek is based on the story of King Midas specifically King Midas’ daughter who he turns to gold when she hugs him. In this version Zarek doesn't die when turned to gold he is still alive and able to move. Originally he was a human but due to the magic of being a man turned to gold he acts similarly to a warforged. After being turned to gold he ran away from his kingdom and ended up running into the Merry Men. He's the oldest of all the other kids being 18 when recruited while most of the others were around 8 or 9 when recruited and by the events of BG3 he’d be 29. He was also 18 when turned to gold and has looked 18 ever since not being able to age.
Also since there’s no option to actually make a character gold in BG3 I just had to give a rough idea of how he looks.
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Also you’re right to see similarities in Robyn Hood and Jaheria because I immediately caught that after going to her house in Baldur’s Gate. Both blonde, both wear green, both are folk heroes, both have adopted kids. My Tav would probably be very close to Jaheria due to how much she reminds him of his mom. I don’t think he’d ever tell Jaheria why he’s so close to her though at least not unprompted.
OKAY lemme be a nerd for a moment so.
Idk shit about electronics but I was researching stuff about computers the other day out of curiosity and I've always wondered why do they use so much gold in them?
Long long rant below about gold as a conductor and warforged in general
Let's start with the fact most warforged are made! For one to appear naturally like yours is very unique experience, so much I can't even think of another situation where a warforged is just born into the world without an inventor.
And since warforged are made, they're really really fucking expensive. Much like a decent pc in today's standard would cost around 1000$ just to meet the minimum requirements for most games and softwares. And even those ones are quickly degerading, especially since Windows 11 rolled around, most of the low end pcs don't meet the requirements to update to it.
Imagine how expensive a warforged would be? Probably ten times as that just for a low end one. So to lower the cost people use copper wiring, switches and connectors.
There is also silver an aluminium but copper has the best rounded out stats for its price.
Then comes gold, which literally sweeps the floor with all the other competition. Gold is so much superior as a conductor in electronics that even just plating things with a thin gold layer helps in improving them and allowing for more electrons to pass through faster.
But it's expensive, crazy expensive which is why it's literally unimaginable for someone to make a warforged out of gold, that's Nasa space computer level budget.
Everyone except for Zarek, who was handed his literal own weight in gold.
Other reasons why Gold is superior in electronics
It doesn't oxidise (or only does very very veryyyyy slowly) and there is no fear or tarnish or rusting! Literally a warforged worst ever enemy. Gold isn't reactive either so there is no fear of it mixing with chemicals. It is a noble metal! Which means any alchemist or evil witch throwing potions your way would probably have zero effects.
It's extremely easy to mould and work with. Gold can be recycled, and there are so many gold jewellers across the globe who specialise in working with it. A warforged made out of gold would have an easier time finding a smith or jeweller willing to fix them up! Plus, it allows for a lot of decorative opportunities since gold can be moulded into any shape and isn't brittle , nor does it break easily. (Gold purple exists too, a naturally purple gold, but it is extremely brittle, so ignore it)
AMAZING CONDUCTIVITY, i can't even stress this enough. Your warforged would be running at 240hz with a 4x64GB RAM in comparison to your every day to day warforged.
And making him based on that fairytale concept is such a good backstory? Fuck that's a beautiful fully closed loop that I'm adorning. This is just a great character concept 10/10
Also I really like the make up! It was the first thing I noticed before reading the ask. Now I know it's just supposed to resemble gold but still.
If you ever play on pc or with mods, there are multiple skin colours ones that can make him glossy and metalic gold yellow!
Idk if this was intended, but the name Zarek is also an arabic word
Which can mean "blueish" or "to become blue"
Also can mean something hitting the target, the action of it connecting with its target is called zarek.
Side note: Sol would literally be so obsessed with a gold made warforged. Gold in general is the love of their love so making a living being out of it is like winning the jackpot. If their bad ending ever happens, Zarek is on top of the lists of people they plan to kidnap and keep in their dragon hoard. Zarek better stay away from any flying red dragons who'd wanna snatch him up.
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boundinparchment · 2 years
Of Blood and Sparks - Interlude III
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Karina Alexandre of Fontaine lost her position, her family, and her Archon's favor. A dead Electro Vision is her mark of guilt. A reminder to never fail again. Faith shattered, and suspicious of the Fatui, she eventually makes her way to Liyue, where she encounters a certain funeral parlor consultant. Little does she know it's only the beginning. Original character centric; eventual Zhongli/OC.Posted originally at @chevalier-of-fontaine. ArchiveOfOurOwn || FF.net || Rhiannon Details
“This way.”
She’d missed this.  How they wove in and out of corridors, hands entwined, all whispers and muffled laughs.  Columbina was correct in her prediction that the 11th Harbinger would make a short detour into Fontaine first before heading further south into Liyue.
He helped her practice lines until her delivery was perfect, even going so far as to be the stand-in when her fellow lead did not show up for rehearsal.  Rhiannon wished the Harbinger was the one in the show with her; his name would draw in additional crowds, and it would even do a world of good for public image.  A showcase of the diplomacy between Fontaine and Snezhnaya, where the only ulterior motive was the added benefit of easing her loneliness.
Her schedule was cleared with a quick order to one of her subordinates and no one dared interfere when they left together for a late lunch at his hotel.  They returned in time for her evening performance, and her attention on the box off to stage left made it difficult to focus on her aria; she was ever so slightly off-key.  As if her mind could not fully devote itself to the immediate task at hand.  Not her best performance, she supposed, but the cost was more than agreeable for it.
Tartaglia’s presence was a welcome change, even temporarily, from the isolation that came with being back in her home region.  
The pair made their way through the costume and set departments, dormant at this hour, save for the single stage-hand on watch.  A necessity.  Drinking was common backstage, and few things were more dangerous than too much liquor and attempting to walk the scaffolds high above the stage.  Or, Archons forbid, access the roof.
Rhiannon felt eyes on her as she and Tartaglia made their way to the staircase that led to the dormitories for the dancers and chorus singers.  It led somewhere else, too, if one had the key.
Unlike the Fatui who guarded her wing, the stagehands and other staff at the opera never truly kept her from doing as she wished.  Whether it was because she was an outsider or because that was just the way primas were treated, she couldn’t discern.  And truthfully, she preferred it that way.  Perish the thought that someone recognized her from the garment district.  Most knew which daughter supposedly died that horrific day.
“You’ve really never been up here?  You only go where you’re allowed to go?” Tartaglia teased, fiddling with the key.
“Haven’t had much time to,” Rhiannon replied.  “My rehearsal schedule is rigid, and it seems a better use of my time to check on the lower arrondissements than stand in the cold.”
The door unlocked and Childe stepped through, holding his hand out for her.  “Then, I think you’ll enjoy the view.”
Rhiannon took his hand and crossed the threshold, her thin slipper meeting cold metal.  The roof was a perilous place to be for anyone, especially at this hour.  Her grip on Childe’s hand tightened and together they walked across the narrow spine to the statue at the apex of the facade.  She could only focus on putting one foot ahead of another and keeping her dress out of the way of her steps.
“If you keep looking down, Baptisia, you’ll miss it,” Childe teased.
Rhiannon paused and brought herself to look out beyond the roof below her feet.  Before her, all of Fontaine’s grand city, Lutetia, was alight in a golden glow.  She could see far into the neighborhoods beyond, the occasional drift of steam ruining the skyline.  The price of progress.  In the distance, bells tolled alongside the ever-present mechanical clanking; the heartbeat of the nation.
Celestia hovered nearby, just above the high waterfall in the outskirts.  Watching.  Waiting.
She never cared as a child.  It didn’t mean much to her, other than her nation being blessed for being so close to the Heavenly Platform.
Now, she knew better than to think of it as benevolent.
“It’ll look even more beautiful once the sky is truly clear,” Rhiannon replied.  “Nothing above to obscure the world’s true nature.”
She and Childe continued on towards the edge of the roof, to one of the poised statues of the Muse of Melody.  Her companion made quick work of climbing the statue to stand upon its shoulder.  His muffler fluttered in the night breeze as he surveyed the area.  She grabbed her skirts and hoisted herself up onto the statue’s other side, leaning on its open wing to keep her from falling.
His hunger for a good fight was beginning to wear down his patience for civility.  Rhiannon could see it in the way his grip tightened around nothing, how his gaze lingered on the bright and raucous area in the outskirts.  The fighting was usually best in the lower tiers and outer neighborhoods; the people there knew what it took to survive.  
“I’m glad you were able to at least have a respite,” Rhiannon said at last, breaking the silence.
Said respite was not necessarily restful, granted.  
“I couldn’t make such a long trip without a little detour,” Childe replied.  “I promised treats and gifts from every place I stopped.”
“And you always keep your promises,” she finished for him.
Childe shot her a grin, the seriousness of the moment shattered by a laugh.  In this light, his eyes almost appeared to finally have a reflection, a glimmer of the boy from Before.  What beautiful eyes he must have had before he saw the Abyss and became…
“If Tonia and Teucer heard I didn’t stop by to see you, they would be devastated.  You know what it’s like to not want to let others down,” he said.
They shared a look, one that spoke volumes without a single word falling from their lips.  Despite the statue between them, Rhiannon found herself leaning forward, her mind suddenly blank except for the desire to feel Childe’s mouth on hers.  It wouldn’t have been the first time, although usually those moments were preceded by sparring sessions.
His breath tickled her skin as he leaned in closer to whisper, “No broken promises, not while I still stand.”
Rhiannon felt her heart skip as she realized how close he was, the scent of spiced cedar familiar and comforting.  It was distinct, just like his presence.  
The Understudy closed the distance between them hastily, one kiss following another, each hungrier than the last.  When they parted, Rhiannon felt dazed, her lips swollen.  The cold evening air no longer bothered her; her desire warmed her far more than her overcoat did.
“You should go,” she whispered.  “Before it gets too late.  You can’t arrive in Liyue behind schedule.”
She understood that he would not stay.  He rarely ever did, Gnosis agenda aside.  It was a big task, handling the Gnosis handoff of the oldest reigning Archon in Teyvat.  He had other matters to attend to and the Tsaritsa’s intentions always needed protecting.  
Duty always took precedent.
They climbed down from the statue and, despite her insistence that she could return alone, the Harbinger accompanied her to the heavy door of her suite.  The Skirmisher in charge of her wing was not-so-subtly nodding off at their post, using the wall to prop themselves up until the next shift.
Childe placed a gloved hand under her chin before he murmured, “Sweet dreams, moya lyubimaya.  And next time, you owe me a match.”
Rhiannon opened the door to her room after he turned to leave but didn’t enter until she saw his figure round the corner and she could no longer hear his footsteps.  Sleep came easily, for once, and she wished the peace that came with it lasted forever.
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shedmasteruk · 2 years
Carports – Review 2023
Carports – Review 2023
Carports – Review 2023
A carport is a great way to protect cars, trucks and motorcycles from weather and sun damage. It’s also a great solution for homes without garages. Use a carport as storage for boats, tractors or trailers too. SHEEDMASTER has models in one-car and two-car sizes.
Metal carports are made from industrial-grade steel frames with galvanized roofs. Choose a peaked, arched or flat roof style. They offer wind and snow load strength and stability for year-round protection. A powder coating — in white, off-white, black or grey — protects the frame against rust and corrosion. If you need extra protection from rain or snow, you may want to add an enclosure kit made with UV-resistant fabric, featuring easy access and heat-sealed seams for water resistance.
You can find other creative uses for a carport canopy around your property. They’re great for protecting an outdoor work space and keeping projects safe from weather damage. You can use one for shade in a backyard to cover patio, deck or garden areas
Palram – Canopia carports are made out of a heavy-duty aluminium frame and incredibly resilient polycarbonate panels. Aluminium carports are the smart choice because they are rust-resistant, maintenance-free, and extremely sturdy with a high strength-to-weight ratio. Polycarbonate is a glass-like, virtually unbreakable polymer, making it the perfect material for outdoor structures. The lightweight carport roof panels provide the light transmission benefits of glass in a much safer manner because they are high-impact, harsh weather, and UV-resistant.
Things To Consider When Buying A Carport
When you take the decision to purchase a carport, there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind. It can be tempting to try to find a bargain but spending a little extra on your carport will be a wise investment. Doing this will ensure that you have a structure that will stand the test of time and provide the protection your car needs. But this is not the only thing you will need to think about.
One of the most obvious things to think about before making a decision is the size of the carport in relation to your vehicle. For smaller cars, you may be able to get away with something a little more compact. However, it is essential to take measurements to ensure your car will get full coverage.
Moreover, it is essential to think about the area that the carport will be placed and that any overhanging parts of the roof will not interfere with other nearby structures.
The materials from which the carport is made will tell you a lot about how robust the structure is. For example, materials like aluminium and steel offer incredible durability and are very resistant to the elements.
These materials are typically treated so that they won’t rust and usually last a very long time. This makes them perfect for long term use. On the other hand, if you only need a temporary solution, perhaps while your garage is being constructed, a cloth canopy may be suitable. When choosing this option, it is crucial that you go for a material that is waterproof and offers UV protection.
Ease Of Use
The last thing that anyone wants when erecting a carport is a structure that is nigh on impossible to assemble. For this reason, you should look for carports that are easy and quick to put together. Being larger structures, it is likely that you will need two people for the job. You should also make sure that the carport comes with all the correct fittings to secure it. What’s more, it is important to look at how easy it will be to drive your car into the carport. A good structure will have a wide opening with plenty of room to easily manoeuvre your vehicle.
How much does a carport cost?
How much does a carport cost UK? The cost of your carport will vary depending on the materials it is made from and the size. It is perfectly acceptable to think that you will be able to pick up a carport for less than £1000. However, there are more expensive options going towards £3000 and budget options for a few hundred.
Are carports worth it? If you want to protect your car from the elements then a carport is absolutely worth it. Having somewhere safe to store your car will prolong its life and reduce the amount of maintenance you need to perform on it.
Do carports add value to a home UK? The carport itself may not add value to your home, especially if it is a temporary structure. However, the appeal of the carport and its pleasing design will make your home more appealing to potential buyers.
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aaluminum · 2 years
What is Aluminum Extrusion, and why is it important
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Aluminum extrusion is a process where aluminum is forced through a die of the desired cross-sectional shape. The aluminum extrusion process begins with a billet, a rectangular piece of aluminum placed in an oven to be heated to approximately 700 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the billet is heated, it is placed on a loading table and fed into the extruder.
The extruder contains a ram that applies pressure to the billet, forcing it through the die. As the aluminum is forced through the die, it takes on the shape of the cross-section of the die. After the aluminum has been extruded, it undergoes a cooling process before being cut to length. Aluminum extrusion can be used to create a variety of shapes and products, such as pipes, tubing, and window frames.
Aluminum extrusion has many advantages over other manufacturing processes, such as casting and stamping. Aluminum extrusions are stronger than castings and have a higher degree of precision. In addition, aluminum extrusions can be produced in various shapes and sizes.  Aluminum sheet panels for cars or aluminum siding for home’s walls and roofs.
Aluminum extrusions are also lightweight yet strong, making them ideal for aircraft and automobiles. Extruded aluminum also has good corrosion resistance and can quickly form complex shapes. These properties make aluminum extrusion an ideal choice for various applications.
Aluminum extrusion is a process by which aluminum is shaped into specific products. The aluminum is placed in a die, and a hydraulic press is used to push the aluminum through the die. This process can be used to create a variety of shapes and products, including pipes, tubing, rods, and more.
Aluminum extrusion has several advantages over other methods of shaping aluminum. For one, it is much faster than other methods. Additionally, it can create products with exact dimensions. The extrusion also allows for much customization, as different dies can create different shapes.
The Benefits of Aluminum Extrusion
There are many benefits to using aluminum extrusion. For one, it is a speedy process. In most cases, the entire process can be completed in just a matter of minutes. Additionally, extrusion allows for exact dimensional control. This means that products made via extrusion will always meet your specifications.
The extrusion also offers a great deal of customization potential. You can create products in nearly any shape or size using different dies. This flexibility makes extrusion ideal for applications requiring precise dimensions, but standard shapes will not suffice.
Finally, aluminum extrusion is relatively inexpensive compared to other methods of shaping aluminum. This makes it an ideal choice for applications where cost is a significant concern.
Aluminum extrusion is a versatile manufacturing process that offers many advantages over other methods, such as casting and stamping. Aluminum extrusions are solid yet lightweight, precise, and resistant to corrosion. In addition, they can be easily formed into complex shapes. These properties make aluminum extrusion an ideal choice for various applications ranging from plumbing to aircraft construction.
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roofing-remodeling · 7 days
How Much Does It Cost to Change a Roof? A Comprehensive Guide
If you're considering a roof replacement, one of the first questions you’ll likely ask is, “How much does it cost to change a roof?” The cost of replacing a roof can vary significantly depending on factors such as roof size, materials, labor, and geographic location. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key factors influencing the cost of roof replacement, the different types of roofing materials available, and how you can make the best decision for your home and budget.
Key Factors Affecting Roof Replacement Costs
When determining the cost of changing your roof, it’s important to consider several key factors that can influence the overall price:
1. Roof Size
The size of your roof is a significant determinant of the total cost of replacement. Roofers often measure roofs in “squares,” where one square is equivalent to 100 square feet. Larger roofs will require more materials and labor, increasing the total cost of the project.
Smaller Homes: For a smaller home with a simple roof structure, the cost of materials and labor will be lower, typically ranging from $5,000 to $8,000.
Larger Homes: For larger homes or more complex roof designs with multiple slopes and angles, costs can increase dramatically, sometimes exceeding $15,000.
2. Type of Roofing Material
The type of roofing material you choose will significantly affect the overall cost. Some materials are more affordable, while others offer superior durability and energy efficiency at a higher price point. Here’s a look at the most common roofing materials:
Asphalt Shingles: The most popular and cost-effective option, asphalt shingles typically range between $3.50 and $5.50 per square foot installed. Asphalt shingles are affordable and durable, making them a favorite among homeowners.
Metal Roofing: More expensive than asphalt, metal roofing costs range from $5 to $12 per square foot. However, metal roofs last much longer (up to 50 years or more) and are more resistant to severe weather conditions.
Clay or Concrete Tiles: Tile roofing is another popular choice, particularly in warmer climates. Prices range between $10 and $15 per square foot. While expensive, tile roofs offer exceptional longevity and energy efficiency.
Slate: One of the most expensive materials, slate roofs can cost between $15 and $30 per square foot. Slate is highly durable and offers an elegant look, but its high cost and heavy weight require special installation considerations.
Wood Shingles or Shakes: Priced between $7 and $12 per square foot, wood shingles offer a natural look, but they require more maintenance and are more susceptible to fire and weather damage.
3. Labor Costs
Labor is a significant part of the total cost of changing your roof. Labor costs can vary depending on the region and the complexity of the roof. Typically, labor costs range from $2 to $5 per square foot. Steeper or more complex roofs, such as those with multiple slopes or gables, will require more labor and skill, leading to higher costs.
Simple Roofs: A simple roof with a moderate slope and no complex angles or features will have lower labor costs.
Complex Roofs: Roofs with steep pitches, multiple valleys, or dormers will increase labor time and costs.
4. Tear-Off vs. Overlay
Another factor influencing roof replacement costs is whether you need to tear off the old roof or add a new layer over the existing one.
Tear-Off: Removing the old roof adds labor and disposal costs, typically around $1,000 to $1,500. While more expensive, a tear-off ensures that any underlying issues, such as rot or water damage, are addressed.
Overlay: Adding a new layer of shingles over the old roof is cheaper but not always recommended. Building codes may restrict how many layers can be added, and it doesn’t address any underlying structural issues.
5. Geographic Location
Your location can affect the cost of labor, permits, and materials. Urban areas, where the cost of living is higher, typically have higher roofing costs. Additionally, areas with harsh climates, such as regions prone to hurricanes or heavy snow, may require more expensive materials or specialized roofing services.
6. Additional Costs
There are additional costs to consider when changing your roof. These can include:
Permits: Some areas require building permits for roof replacements. Depending on where you live, these permits can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000.
Roof Features: If your roof has skylights, chimneys, or other features, additional labor and materials will be needed to work around these areas, increasing the cost.
Warranty: Extended warranties on materials or workmanship can add to the overall cost but may provide long-term peace of mind.
Understanding Roof Lifespan and Value
How Long Should Your New Roof Last?
The lifespan of a roof varies depending on the materials used:
Asphalt Shingles: 20-30 years
Metal Roofing: 40-70 years
Clay or Concrete Tiles: 50+ years
Slate Roofing: 75-100 years
When changing your roof, it’s important to consider both the upfront cost and the long-term durability of the materials you choose. While premium materials like metal or slate cost more upfront, their longevity can make them a more economical choice over time.
Return on Investment (ROI)
A new roof can offer an impressive return on investment when it comes time to sell your home. On average, homeowners can expect to recoup 60-70% of the cost of a roof replacement in added home value. Additionally, a new roof can improve curb appeal, energy efficiency, and provide peace of mind to potential buyers.
Choosing a Roofing Contractor
Selecting the right contractor is critical to ensuring your roof is replaced efficiently and correctly. Here are some tips for choosing the best contractor for your roof replacement project:
Ask for Referrals: Word of mouth is one of the best ways to find a reputable contractor. Ask friends, family, or neighbors who have recently had roofing work done for their recommendations.
Check Credentials: Ensure that the contractor is licensed, insured, and bonded. You should also verify their reputation by checking reviews and ratings online.
Get Multiple Quotes: Request quotes from at least three contractors to compare costs, materials, and services. This helps ensure that you’re getting a fair price and helps you understand what’s included in the project.
Review Warranties: A good contractor will offer a warranty on both materials and labor. Be sure to understand what’s covered and for how long.
Changing your roof is a significant investment that can vary widely in cost depending on the size of your roof, the materials you choose, and your location. While the upfront cost may seem daunting, a roof replacement can enhance your home’s curb appeal, improve energy efficiency, and protect your property from the elements. By understanding the factors that influence roof replacement costs, you can make informed decisions that best suit your budget and long-term goals.
For expert guidance on your roof replacement project, contact Quality Allied Roofing & Remodeling. Our team of experienced professionals is here to help you through every step of the process, from selecting the right materials to ensuring a smooth and efficient installation. Call us today for a free consultation and let us provide you with a personalized roof replacement estimate tailored to your needs.
How much does it cost to change a roof on an average-sized home?
The cost of changing a roof on an average-sized home (about 2,000 square feet) can range from $7,000 to $12,000, depending on the materials and labor involved.
Is it cheaper to repair or replace a roof?
In many cases, repairs can be more affordable in the short term, but if your roof is older or has extensive damage, replacing it may be more cost-effective and provide a better long-term solution.
How long does it take to replace a roof?
A standard roof replacement on an average-sized home typically takes 2 to 4 days. More complex roofs or weather delays can extend this timeframe.
Contact Quality Allied Roofing & Remodeling today for expert roofing services tailored to your needs. Our team is committed to delivering high-quality results at competitive prices. Get your free roof replacement consultation now!
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ultimateroofingmd · 14 days
How Much Does a New Roof Cost? A Comprehensive Breakdown
Replacing a roof is a significant investment for any homeowner. The cost of a new roof can vary widely based on several factors, including the size of your roof, the type of materials used, and your location. Understanding these factors can help you budget effectively and make informed decisions. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of what to expect when it comes to roofing costs.
1. Average Cost Range
The cost of a new roof typically ranges from $5,000 to $15,000, but this can vary based on a variety of factors. Here’s a general idea of what you might expect:
Basic Asphalt Shingles: $3 to $5 per square foot
Mid-Range Asphalt Shingles: $5 to $7 per square foot
Metal Roofing: $7 to $12 per square foot
Wood Shingles or Shakes: $8 to $15 per square foot
Slate or Tile Roofing: $15 to $30 per square foot
2. Factors Influencing Roof Replacement Costs
Several factors can affect the overall cost of a new roof:
Roof Size and Complexity: Larger roofs or those with complex shapes, multiple levels, or intricate designs will cost more. The price is usually calculated per “square,” which is a 10x10 foot area of roofing material.
Material Choice: Different roofing materials have different costs. Asphalt shingles are typically the most affordable, while materials like slate, tile, or metal are more expensive.
Labor Costs: Labor costs can vary depending on your location, the complexity of the job, and the contractor’s experience.
Roof Pitch: Steeper roofs are more difficult and dangerous to work on, which can increase labor costs.
Removal of Old Roof: If your old roof needs to be removed before installing the new one, this can add to the cost. Some companies include this in their estimates, while others charge separately.
Additional Features: Features such as skylights, chimneys, or vents that need to be integrated into the new roof can also impact the cost.
3. Regional Variations
Roofing costs can vary significantly by region due to differences in labor rates, material availability, and local building codes:
Urban vs. Rural Areas: Costs are often higher in urban areas due to higher labor and material costs. Rural areas might offer lower prices but could have fewer roofing contractors to choose from.
Climate Considerations: In regions with extreme weather conditions, specialized roofing materials and techniques might be required, affecting the overall cost.
4. Types of Roofing Materials and Their Costs
Here’s a breakdown of some common roofing materials and their typical costs:
Asphalt Shingles: The most common and cost-effective option. Prices range from $3 to $7 per square foot. They offer good durability and come in various styles and colors.
Metal Roofing: Known for its durability and energy efficiency. Costs range from $7 to $12 per square foot. Metal roofing can be made from steel, aluminum, or copper.
Wood Shingles/Shakes: Provide a natural look and typically cost between $8 to $15 per square foot. They require more maintenance and are less durable than other materials.
Slate Roofing: One of the most durable and long-lasting materials. Costs can range from $15 to $30 per square foot. Slate is also heavy and may require additional structural support.
Tile Roofing: Offers a distinctive look and is very durable. Prices range from $15 to $30 per square foot. Tile roofs are often made of clay or concrete.
5. Additional Costs to Consider
When budgeting for a new roof, also consider additional costs that might arise:
Permits and Inspections: Some areas require permits for roof replacement, which can add to the overall cost.
Gutter Replacement: If your gutters are old or damaged, you might need to replace them as part of the roofing project.
Ventilation and Insulation: Proper ventilation and insulation are crucial for the longevity of your roof and energy efficiency of your home. These may need to be updated or installed as part of the roofing job.
6. Getting Accurate Quotes
To get a precise estimate for your roofing project:
Contact Multiple Contractors: Obtain quotes from several roofing companies to compare prices and services.
Get Detailed Estimates: Ensure that each quote includes a detailed breakdown of materials, labor, and any additional costs.
The how much is a new roof can vary widely based on factors like material choice, roof size, and regional labor rates. By understanding these factors and obtaining multiple quotes, you can better manage your budget and ensure you get a quality roof that meets your needs. Investing in a new roof is a significant but essential home improvement that can enhance the safety, energy efficiency, and value of your home.
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tronenwkwo · 17 days
Comprehensive Guide to Roof Repair in Carlsbad
Welcome to the comprehensive guide to roof repair in Carlsbad! Whether you're a homeowner or a business owner, dealing roofing company with roof issues can be a daunting task. This guide aims to provide you with all the information you need to metal roofing maintenance services in Carlsbad understand the process of roof repair and find the right roofing contractor for your needs in Carlsbad.
Table of Contents Understanding the Importance of Roof Repair Why is Roof Repair Essential? Signs That Your Roof Needs Repair Choosing a Reliable Roofing Contractor The Role of a Roofing Contractor How to Find a Trustworthy Roofing Contractor Near You Assessing the Damage Conducting a Visual Inspection Identifying Common Roof Problems Types of Roofing Materials Asphalt Shingles Metal Roofing Tile Roofing Hiring a Professional for Metal Roofing Repair in Carlsbad Benefits of Metal Roofing Finding an Expert Metal Roofing Contractor in Carlsbad Steps Involved in the Roof Repair Process Initial Consultation and Estimate Preparing for the Repair Work Executing the Repairs with Precision and Efficiency Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Can I repair my own roof? While minor repairs can be done by homeowners, it is recommended to hire a professional roofing contractor for major repairs. How much does roof repair cost? The cost of roof repair varies depending on factors such as the extent of damage, materials needed, and labor costs. How long does roof repair take? The duration of roof repair depends on the complexity of the issue and weather conditions. A professional contractor can provide a more accurate estimate. Is roof repair covered by insurance? In some cases, roof repairs may be covered by homeowner's insurance. It is advisable to check your policy or consult with your insurance provider. Can a damaged roof cause other issues in my home? Yes, a damaged roof can lead to issues such as water leaks, mold growth, and structural damage if left unattended. How often should I have my roof inspected? It is recommended to have your roof inspected at least once every year to detect any potential issues early on. Comprehensive Guide to Roof Repair in Carlsbad
Roof repair is a crucial aspect of maintaining the integrity and longevity of your home or commercial property in Carlsbad. Neglecting roof issues can lead to more significant problems down the line, including water damage, mold growth, and structural instability.
To ensure your roof remains in top condition, it is essential to address any signs of damage promptly. Whether you require minor repairs or a complete roof renovation, hiring a professional roofing contractor is crucial for a successful outcome.
Understanding the Importance of Roof Repair Why is Roof Repair Essential?
Your roof serves as the first line of defense against external elements such as rain, wind, sun exposure, and debris. Over time, continuous exposure to these elements can cause wear and tear on your roof's materials and weaken its structure. By addressing any damages promptly through professional repairs,
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starlight10101 · 27 days
Local Newport Beach Kitchen R
Crafting Your purpose Newport Beach Kitchen Tips for a well-off Newport Beach Kitchen Remodel Plan Ahead A well-off kitchen revolutionize starts subsequently good planning. judge your budget, timeline, and must-haves previously you begin. This will support you avoid costly mistakes and ensure the stop outcome is exactly what you envisioned. Choose quality Materials When it comes to kitchen remodeling, quality matters. Invest in durable materials that will stand the test of time. Think granite countertops, strong wood cabinets, and high-end appliances. Not abandoned will they look great, but they'll then ensue value to your home. Dont Forget the Details Its the little things that can make or rupture a kitchen remodel. Pay attention to details subsequently lighting, hardware, and finishes. These little elements can revere the overall look of your kitchen and make it truly unique. Frequently Asked Questions How much does a kitchen revolutionize typically cost? The cost of a kitchen revolutionize can adjust widely depending on the size of the kitchen, the materials used, and the extent of the renovation. on average, you can expect to spend anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 or more. How long does a Newport Beach kitchen revolutionize take? The timeline for a kitchen revolutionize depends on the scope of the project. A juvenile revolutionize might say yes a few weeks, while a major renovation could say yes several months. Its important to scheme accordingly and be prepared for some disruption to your daily routine. What are some common mistakes to avoid during a kitchen remodel? Some common mistakes total underestimating the budget, choosing well-liked designs that may quickly become outdated, and not planning for enjoyable storage. Its then crucial to take action subsequently experienced professionals to avoid costly errors. Can I revolutionize my kitchen on a budget? Absolutely! subsequently careful planning and smart choices, you can reach a lovely kitchen revolutionize on a budget. judge focusing on cosmetic changes, subsequently painting cabinets or updating hardware, and prioritize the most important upgrades. Professional Orange Park Acres Kitchen Remodeling Anaheim Hills Kitchen Remodeling Experts Corona Del Mar Local Kitchen Remodeling Contractor Newport Beach California ADU Building Experts Best Newport Beach Kitchen Remodeling Contractor Quality Santa Ana Kitchen Remodeling Construction Company Newport Beach Kitchen Remodel Experts Excellent City of Orange Kitchen Remodel Contractors Long Beach Highly Rated Kitchen Remodel Contractors https://localnewportbeachkitchenremod717.blogspot.com/2024/08/local-newport-beach-kitchen-remodeling.html Best Newport Beach Kitchen Remodeling https://flatroofing623.blogspot.com/ https://flatroofing623.blogspot.com/2024/08/flat-roofing.html https://www.tumblr.com/gfdgrggs/759753976512151552 https://commercialmetalroofrestoration746.blogspot.com/ https://commercialmetalroofrestoration746.blogspot.com/2024/08/commercial-metal-roof-restoration.html
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rvtravellife · 1 month
Complete RV Awning Guide For Trailers Caravans & Camper Vans
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by Shail Thakkar Awnings for trailers and motorhomes are a great addition to any RV. They provide an extra layer of protection from the elements, such as rain, wind, and sun..... Identifying and Selecting an AwningTypes of RV Awnings Choosing the Right Awning Awning Care and InstallationMaintenance and Care Installation Awning Accessories FAQsHow much is a new awning for my RV? Is an RV fabric or vinyl awning better? Are camper awnings worth it? Should I leave the awning on my RV out in the rain? How much does it cost to replace a fabric for a camper awning? RV awnings are a great addition to any trailer, motor home, caravan, or camper van set up. They provide an extra layer of protection from the elements, such as rain and wind, while allowing you to enjoy the outdoors in comfort. Awnings for caravans and camper vans come in many different shapes, sizes and materials so that you can choose one that best suits your needs. The main benefits of having awning include providing shade from direct sunlight during summer months, additional space when camping out and privacy when necessary. Additionally, they can also help protect against bad weather conditions like heavy rain or strong winds. Identifying and Selecting an Awning Types of RV Awnings There are several awning styles and configurations available for trailers, caravans, and camper vans. Here are some of the most common ones: Dometic Vertical Arm RV Awning Manual Vertical Arm Patio Awnings: These awnings have two arms that mount down the side of the coach, giving them their name. They can be easily extended or retracted as needed. Modern versions typically have manual operation with a spring assisting the deployment and stowing processes. They have a latch that locks the awning roller in the out position when parked and secures the roller to the side of the RV when traveling. Lippert Longitude Power Awning Power Vertical Arm Patio Awnings: These are motorized versions of the vertical arm awning. Instead of having to manually deploy them, they are connected to the 12 volt power and can be extended or retracted with the push of a button. A power awning is a great RV or camper upgrade for comfort and convenience. Carefree Freedom Box Awning Box Awnings: Box awnings are stored in metal cannisters that attach on the roof or just below the roof of the trailer or motorhome. the front of the cannister attacches the awning fabric holding the leading edge. and the roller stays stationary in the cannister. They also can be power or manual and are supported by manual arms that clip into brackets lower on the coach body. They are the awning of choice for Camper vans, but other RV types use them as well. Carefree Campout Bag Awning Bag Awnings: Bag awnings are usually used on Pop-up camper trailers. The awning fabric and frame stow in long vinyl bag that attaches to the side roof of the trailer. When arriving at the campsite, the bag is unzipped and the fabric rolled out. Then, the awning arms are extended and attached to brackets lower on the trailer body to support the awning. These awnings are lightweight and easy to set up. Slide Topper Awning RV Slide Out Awnings: These are roller awnings that cover the top of slideout rooms when they are extended. RV slide-out awnings prevent water, dirt and other debris from penetrating the inside or the coach through gaps in the slide out's seal. Carefree Window Awning RV Window Awnings: These awnings are specifically designed to cover windows and provide shade and privacy. Choosing the Right Awning When choosing an awning for your RV, trailer, caravan, or camper van, there are several factors to consider:1. Size: Measure the area where you plan to install the awning to ensure a proper fit. Consider how much shade or coverage you need and choose an awning size accordingly. You must also have solid anchor points at the floorline and roofline (and vertically for power vertical arm awnings) that connect to a solid part of the coach structure. Awnings are always measured from the center of one arm to the center of the other arm and are usually sized to the exact foot. (13', 14', 15' etc.) This means that you also have to have free vertical space at the point where you are going to install the arms. You won't want a stowed awning arm on top of a window, water heater, storage door, etc.2. Material: Awnings can be made of various materials, the most common being vinyl. Acrylic fabrics are available from some manufacturers and they are more luxurious, with a linen type feel to the fabric. However, they are about 50% more expensive in terms of fabric costs. A small number of awning makers use polyester as well, but it is not as common. Vinyl is recommended, it is the most durable. Failing an adverse weather event, you should expect 10-15 years life from a properly cared for vinyl awning fabric. They can be classified as single sided or double sided vinyl fabric. Single sided vinyl fabric has the color pattern only on the upper surface, while double sided vinyl fabric has the same color pattern underneath.3..... Read More... Read the full article
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lcwduk · 2 months
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exactlyluckykitten · 2 months
This Is Your Brain on Hot Sulphur Springs Roofers
Let's discuss something that might not seem all that attractive at first-- roofs. Particularly, let's chat about Yellow Jacket Roofers Colorado and a little business called Denver Roofers that's got you covered, actually.
So, image this: it's a sunny, crisp early morning in Denver. You're drinking on your coffee, perhaps taking in the mountain views, when you see something ... odd. A shingle hanging loose, or even worse, a leak dripping into your kitchen area. Oh boy. It's time to call in the pros. Go Into Denver Roofers, your local knights in shining armor ( alright, possibly not knights, however absolutely life-savers).
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Now, roofs in Colorado deal with some pretty distinct difficulties. We're speaking about whatever from blistering sun to heavy snowfalls. You understand that sensation when you walk out of a shop in winter and get smacked in the face with a gust of icy wind? Your roof feels that too. And it's not just the weather condition. Oh no, my friend, we've got hailstorms that can make a grown man weep. Imagine golf balls drizzling below the sky. Yeah, roofs here require to be difficult.
Denver Roofers get this. They know that your roof isn't simply a lot of shingles slapped together. It's your home's very first line of defense. Whether you require a minor repair or a entire new roof, these folks have actually got your back. They handle whatever-- dripping roofs, missing shingles, storm damage, you name it.
Let me inform you a story. My cousin Bob, who lives in Aurora, had this old roof that looked like it had actually survived the Battle of Gettysburg. Each time there was a storm, he 'd be up there with a pail, cursing under his breath. Finally, he called Denver Roofers. They came out, examined the circumstance, and informed Bob that his roof was generally held together by hopes and dreams. Within a week, he had a new roof. No more buckets, no more cursing (well, not about the roof, anyhow).
However it's not just about emergencies. Preventative upkeep is key. I keep in mind checking out someplace-- most likely among those house owner pointers sites-- that routinely inspecting your roof can extend its life by years. Think about it like going to the dentist. You would not skip your check-ups, right? (I suggest, I do, but I'm told it's a bad concept.) Denver Roofers can come out and give your roof a once-over, catching small problems before they become big headaches.
Colorado's weather does not simply require sturdiness; it calls for the ideal products, too. Asphalt shingles are popular, sure, however they've got options like metal roofs that can stand up to hail much better. Metal roofs can be noisy in the rain, though. Ever heard rain on a tin roof? It's like a symphony of marbles. However hey, some folks love that noise. It's everything about what works for you.
Here's a amusing thing. When I was a kid, I used to believe roofing was all about simply slapping on some shingles and calling it a day. Turns out, there's this entire science behind it. Ventilation, insulation, slope. Did you understand that the angle of your roof can impact how well snow slides off it? I didn't. Denver Roofers did, though. They'll geek out about roof slopes and R-values (that's insulation talk) so you do not have to.
Speaking of snow, let's not forget those stunning but potentially problematic ice dams. They appear like something out of a vacation card, however they can wreak havoc on your roof. Photo this: snow melts, water diminishes to the edge of the roof, refreezes, and bam! Ice dam. Water supports and can permeate into your house. Denver Roofers can set up things like ice and water guards to keep that from happening. It's like providing your roof a winter coat.
Now, you might be thinking, "This all sounds expensive." And yeah, quality roofing isn't low-cost, however neither is changing your living-room ceiling after it collapses from water damage. (Trust me, that's not a enjoyable surprise.) Denver Roofers are in advance about expenses. Nobody likes those nasty surprises when you get the costs. Plus, they deal with insurer if your roof's been struck by one of our famous hailstorms. It's a little a dance, dealing with insurance, but these guys know the actions.
Let's circle back to that sunlight we get a lot of here. Ever thought about going green with your roof? Photovoltaic panel are becoming a huge thing. Denver Roofers can set you up with a roof that's prepared to support photovoltaic panels. Imagine reducing your energy costs and being environmentally friendly at the same time. Win-win!
I've babbled on quite a bit, have not I? Let's cover this up. Whether you're dealing with a roofing emergency, thinking about a replacement, or just need some upkeep, Denver Roofers are the folks to call. They're knowledgeable, friendly, and they finish the job right. So next time you're staring at a leak or stressing over that next big storm, remember there's a group in Denver all set to help.
Alright, I'm off to check my own roof now ... or possibly I'll just have another cup of coffee and call the specialists. Stay safe and keep that roof over your head in top shape!
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ezibatten · 2 months
Why Should You Choose an Insulation Blanket for Metal Roofing? 
Insulation is vital essential for a metal building to help keep the energy costs low and inside temperatures desirable. As roofing professionals, it is crucial to understand the significance of quality materials and choosing the best products evrtimn for each project. 
That's why we've put together this ultimate guide to Insulation Blanket for Metal Roofing. 
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How Much Insulation Does Your Metal Building Need? 
It's essential to understand how much insulation your metal building requires. Your building's insulation needs depend on several factors, including the climate, the size and scale of the building, the type of insulation you plan to use, and the building code requirements in your area. Let's examine these factors to help you determine the right amounts of insulation for your metal building. 
Your Climate:
The colder is the climate, the higher is the insulation you need to keep your building warm. For example, if you live in a region with frigid winters, your roof may need an R-value of 30 or higher. 
The Size of Your Building:
The more extensive your building, the more insulation you need to maintain a comfortable temperature. 
The Type of Insulation:
Different types have different R-values, which measures their ability to resist heat flow. The lesser the R-value, the more insulation you will need. For instance, spray foam insulation has a greater R-value than fibreglass batt insulation. 
The Building Codes:
The local building code may also specify the minimum R-value required for the insulation in metal buildings. For instance, the International Residential Code (IRC) has various minimum R-value requirements depending on your climate zone. 
In general, aim for an R-value of a minimum R-13 for the walls of your metal building and R-30 for the roofing. However, if you live in a frigid climate, you may need to increase these values. 
Factors to be Consider for Metal Roofing Sheets:
However, some factors need to be considered when selecting metal roofing sheets. First, material selection is influenced by climate. For example, in salty coastal areas, corrosion-resistant materials such as aluminium or copper are used. Inland steel might work fine. Another important thing to consider is your budget. Copper is a good example of a high-quality material that may be relatively expensive compared to steel and aluminium. 
The materials you choose should also take into account your aesthetic preference because some, such as copper, acquire a distinct patina with age. In contrast, others, like colour-coated steel, are available in several varieties and colours to complement your design. 
Each material has different maintenance demands, so it is advisable to consider your capability to preserve the roof for a long period. Finally, get advice from a roofing contractor to ensure that the chosen material will fit well with your building structure and climate and follow the local building code and regulations. 
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