#how much sonic trusts tails is amazing to me
prowerprojects · 1 year
(Modern Tails anon) {Don't worry, I totally get the need to vent. We all have our feelings on things, I'll try to my best to follow up with my own word vomit.} Heh, as long as he's doing something other than typing on a pad, that's seems to be enough for some people. /s (Archie didn't exactly do him better either; with everything else that was going on in it, but at least he had a few personal shining moments in it. IDW, Modern really hasn't had a definitive story yet. One that covers all his aspects and show his future potential, not just smarts and gadgets.)
Probably doesn't help that characters with superpowers tend to have a bias, compared to more "normal" ones. (I mean, Tails isn't normal either, but I think you get what I mean. Kid genius trope struggles.)
Hmmm, probably have to chalk that up to SoA localization changes; which omit the whole bullying thing and downplayed his inventor aspects pre-Adventure/Sonic X. Early cartoons playing hard into the 'kid' side didn't help either. (Underground completely removing him for real siblings certainly was a choice after AOSTH and SatAM went on about him and Sonic being surrogate brothers. At least the OVA balanced everything.)
Yeah, some are missing the point why Nine is the way he is and his current arc. As curious as I am about potentially seeing a "main antagonist" Tails, I can't help but feel it might hinder Modern Tails' outlook more or give even further wrong impressions of his character, especially in tangent to Sonic. (Frontiers is just words until we see what happens passed this game onward. I did sneak a look at the DLC leaks, and well, let's just say a certain trend of his we keep joking about continues and leave it at that. xD)
This is what I also mean about him interacting with other characters. How would he be as THEIR partner for a while? What if he took leadership and inspire others, just like Sonic has. What does he learn from those experiences? Considering he doesn't have personal contempt for most characters, him being mostly neutral allows him to talk virtually with everyone rather civilly. Including Eggman's robots. (Ah, someone else with the Tails and Sage vision. xD I'm hoping with their similarities, it leads to a cool dymanic between them, I don't quite see them fighting each other as much as Sonic and Eggman do.)
Heh, we don't talk about Sonic's admiration of Tails very much, or how they keep each other centered and it often leads to that lopsided view. Yeah, Sonic 'raised' Tails; more as guidance than the traditional parental sense, but Tails is one of the main reasons why Sonic is still alive. Sonic values Tails' opinion, even if it doesn't always align with his. His support and planning is why Sonic can succeed in his heroism. (Sonic isn't dumb by any means and can handle himself well, BUT can you say his adventures would have gone smoothly or quickly without Tails' help? Do you not think he enjoys Tails' company regardless and supports him with all his heart? Do you think why the dude who generally prefers solitude considers this fox close enough to be described as his family? Their bond has multiple layers, years of trust and is still evolving. Focusing and giving all the credit to one side of the team is disingenuous to both.)
Thanks, anon!
I wonder if idw would do something with Tails at all... maybe in a couple of years we'll see. I have other thoughts on idw, but I should stop myself because thinking about it too long is a bit upsetting. (I wrote an entire paragraph about him in the Metal Virus but. I should really stop thinking about it)
I'm really hoping we get a Tails-centric story in that 900 issues special, and if not, at least have him be a supporting character for someone he doesn't usually interact with much (so basically anybody who isn't Sonic). I looked at the list of the writers and I honestly have no idea who I'd want to write for him, since a lot of them only did a couple of sonic stories at most.
Technically Tails does have superpowers, he can fly and he's fast... but a good chunk of the cast also has those, so it isn't something that seems so special anymore. So he only has him being a kid genius to set him apart and yeah, I guess it isn't as awe-inspiring as being able to throw cars with your mind or set things on fire.
Yep. What I was trying to say in the last post, is Tails's backstory being kind of hard to figure out just from playing the game is the reason why the western adaptations were able to change him so much in the first place. (At least that's what I meant by "that's how we ended up with Tailses who thought math was hard"). Though maybe if those adaptations did have his game backstory elements being more prominent somehow, it would have created a different image of Tails for a lot of people in the west...
Interesting that the bullying thing was included in Stay Sonic, which is what the Fleetway comics is (partially) based on, and it is a part of his backstory in the comic as well. His bullies were other foxes, just like in Origins/Prime. (Kid genius thing was not included though, hence "Pixel Brain")
(Also it's interesting that aosth started to bring in some of the aspects of his game characterization by the second half of the show. The whole episode dedicated to him being a genius, and then his technological abilities do occasionally come up later on, him fanboying over a pilot and flying a plane in another episode, people occasionally commenting on how freaky it is that he has two tails, stuff like that)
Honestly I don't know what else I could add on the Nine thing, I genuinely don't believe he would be the final antagonist. If he does end up as one, I have no idea what it says about the actual Prime Tails, how are we meant to read it? (Also I just generally have a bit of a distaste for how fandoms would see a traumatized and hurting kid, who is maybe kind of angsty and isn't the best at managing their feelings, and immediately go "Oh evil! They're soooo gonna be a villain!" I understand it could be really cathartic to see a character who's been wronged and hurt to turn the tables and be unhinged and calling the shots, but 1) often in the end it ends up being self-destructive behavior, 2) while it could be cathartic for some viewers, and technically it's a plot that has a right to exist, the fact that it's a trend that I've noticed makes me feel like people associate mentally ill teenagers with being evil, which is not great (though maybe I'm reading too much into this), 3) I just genuinely think this isn't where Prime is going)) Tails could make for a terrifying antagonist, I'm just really struggling to imagine what could actually drive him to villainy.
Tails and Sage... my first thought was "Oh they're definitely gonna make them rivals. Considering that Tails used to battle Eggman, isn't that a bit of a downgrade?" But then I actually started thinking about it, and now I want it. I have some ideas, but the actual dynamic would really depend on where they take both of those characters after Frontiers. But it could be really interesting, and more importantly, different from the rivalries that we already have!
Yes, Sonic and Tails! As much as I would love for Tails to interact with other characters, he and Sonic do have a great dynamic together. Honestly I don't think I have anything to add. It reminded me of the recent Sonic Channel story, at the end Sonic says something along the lines of Eggman being the unluckiest person in the world because of all the people not to lose their memory, it was the two of them, which means he's definitely going down!
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bluebunnyears-08 · 2 years
Why Nine Is Loved So Much Already
Just watched Sonic Prime and it is AMAZING! It has stellar animation, unforgettable characters, and an engaging and exciting plot.
Among all of that, however, one character stood out to me more than all of the others: Nine. The "edgy, emo" Tails from the first Shatterverse. He's already a prevalent character, praised for his design, nature, and fantastic acting by Ashleigh Bell. He's just an excellent character in general, being complex and complicated.
He has a snarky, distant, and almost broken personality, from what I've seen, he IS almost broken. He's nearly broken because of what drives him in the first batch of episodes: Hope.
Hope can be an excellent thing. It can help you overcome obstacles, it can help you move forward, and it can help you win. However, what that hope exactly is and how you achieve it determines your character and morals.
What Nine HOPES for is a better future for himself. That is a good thing, however, the way he tries to achieve it is morally grey. It is a selfish hope that can potentially hurt others. Nine KNOWS it's selfish, he just doesn't care, the world treated him like dirt, and EVERYONE on it treated him like dirt, why should he care about how it affects it?
One more thing to note is how he acts around the others, Sonic specifically. He is curt, snarky, aloof, and strictly business with them, seeing no personal value in them other than using them due to how the world around him is.
Sonic, however, he's softer and opens slightly up. Sonic is open, kind, and patient toward the kit, something Nine never got to experience. He likes Sonic but doesn't know how to feel about it. He doesn't show trust in the blue blur. He likes him, but he isn't sure if he can truly trust him. But despite that, through out the series, the only time he genuinely smiles is with Sonic, no one else.
That's why he wanted Sonic to join him to live in The Grim with him.
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Sonic makes him feel good, he makes him genuinely happy. He never thought about getting Sonic home, he only thought about getting the hedgehog to HIS idea of a true home.
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One where it's just the two, where nobody can ever hurt them again. To him, it'd be the perfect world, a place where it's just him and the person he's close to.
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But then Sonic tells him it's not going to work out. The worst part?
He's right.
Not just because of the problems with the Shatterverse, but also because it really isn't going to work out for them. While it's never outright stated if looked closer you can see that Sonic likes TAILS, not NINE. He cares for Nine BECAUSE he is a version of his brother, not because he cares for the separate person he is.
Nine is NOT Tails. Not just because he is different from Tails, but because he just isn't. Compared to Sonic, Nine isn't much better either. He DOES like Sonic and WHO he IS, but it's because of what Sonic can GIVE him that he does.
To Nine, Sonic can bring him EVERYTHING he ever wanted: A home, love, care, companionship, and family. To Nine, Sonic is his HOPE. If he loses that, he's back to square one, and that is what he desperately DOESN'T want.
It's heartbreakingly tragic and horribly unfair to both of them.
Another thing is his backstory. It wasn't over the top, it was what everyone EXPECTED to happen. Because Sonic wasn't there he was bullied relentlessly and became cold and resentful of the world. It's simple and not over-exaggerated and I appreciate that. It's not annoyingly complicated or trying hard to make you cry, it's just a simple statement of what happened. And that's the part that hurts, that we were RIGHT.
Because we were already close and emotionally invested in Tails, it was easy for us to sympathize with Nine. This was a character we loved, and looked up to, only to become cold and emotionally exhausted towards everything around him.
But the part that is great about him is that we don't know what his arc is going to be. Is he the character that opens up more and makes friends, is he the character that remains neutral, or is he going to be the true villain? We can't figure it out.
He's complicated and confusing but it's BECAUSE of that that we love him so much.
The final reason is the fact that he's just THAT character you WANT to win. He's so heart-wrenchingly tragic you just want him to achieve his goal of being happy, no matter HOW he achieves it. Even if he becomes the true antagonist I KNOW that all of us would root for him anyway because he DESERVES to win because he LOST so MUCH.
And that's why he's quite possibly going to be the greatest character ever written (not that he wasn't already in my opinion) in the Sonic universe.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
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Something I wonder about is whether Metal Sonic / Overlord calling Tails "unworthy child" will ever be followed up on.
On the one hand, this happened so long ago that it would almost feel weird to bring it up now. On the other, it's such a cutting, damnig criticism that throwing it in and then doing nothing with it feels like there was a story that was intended but cut. It's hard to believe this was just put in there for no reason.
A huge part of Tails' backstory is that he has always looked up to, and wanted to be a hero like, Sonic. And he has felt at times that he falls short of this. His theme from the Adventure games touches on this: "I wanna be strong, I wanna be trusted [. . .] I wanna be cool, I also wanna be like him / but that's not something I can do so easily." His arc in the Adventure games is about him becoming a hero in his own way. He saves Station Square in SA1, he throws (mecha) hands with Eggman in solo showdowns multiple times in SA2, the final time coming right after he's made to believe Eggman just killed Sonic right in front of him. (Which is why his treatment in Forces is so infuriating, but! This is not the post for that.) Tails doesn't have Sonic's strengths, but that's okay, because he has his own strengths that Sonic doesn't have, and his Adventure theme touches on this, too. "There are things only I can do."
But although Tails does become a hero in his own right, and has so much more confidence in his strengths now than he used to, I think he could still struggle with the thought that he's not enough sometimes. As much as I fucking hate what Forces did to him, this arc in the comics still does directly follow Forces, wherein Sonic was captured and Tails couldn't do anything to help him. What does that say about him? How does that make him feel? Is he good enough? Does he deserve to be at Sonic's side?
The use of the word "unworthy" is a deliberate one. Metal isn't calling Tails stupid, or weak, or slow, or anything else that could be an easily dismissable, shallow insult. He's calling him unworthy. He's saying, maybe you are smart, fast, or strong. Maybe you can build computers and pilot airships and maybe even crash one into me. But you are still not good enough. You are still an unworthy child. It's such a deliberate precision strike against Tails' insecurities. Metal wasn't just lashing out. He somehow knew just how to hurt Tails and he stabbed into that squishy weak spot with extreme prejudice.
And then . . . nothing ever came of it.
Of course, literally 2 pages later we had Sonic hyping Tails up:
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So maybe that's why. Metal called him unworthy, but Sonic called what he did amazing. So . . . problem solved? I wouldn't think so, but I'm also not on the creative team for these comics, so 🤷‍♀️ If I was, Tails wouldn't be referred to as a "sidekick" in his cast blurb while everyone else gets to be called a hero (or heroine), lol.
But anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this. It's just something I was thinking about as I try to sleep despite my illness making that difficult.
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Something I like about knuckles in the movie is how he’s shown learning, 
he is shocked when he hurts Robotnik’s hand And then when he does it to stone later you can see the way he curiously watches his reaction on but then its shown that he hasn’t 100% understood hand shakes yet when he accidentally crushes sonics hands. But when it comes to the baseball scene at the end he picks up tails with the right amount of gentleness
When sonic is snow boarding down the mountain he punches a damaged one to get a board. I wonder where he learnt how to snowboard. Because he clearly knew how to keep his balance properly.
in the short the first shot from drone hits him but he grabs a shield for his second go.
And i love how you can see him realizing that something isn’t quite right with robotnik. First with the brushing off of stone and then when sonic chooses to help tails. like he almost joined them on the mountain, he was not unreasonable even with how goal focused he was at the time.
Ah, if only Tails had been in earshot sooner and heard the tale as well. then he would of known knuckles and sonic were getting to an understanding and would of held his fire. (which like fair. Tails saw Sonic backed up to a cliff. Perfectly understandable that he would shoot at knuckles there. But i do wonder how differently the movie would have gone with that one change.)
At then end after robotnik is defeated you can see how he understands that tails and sonic are true allies instend of taking robotnik as what everyone would do. also It’s great The way he throw’s robotnik’s words back in his face.
he known sonic for like two days and he already knows what kinda a goof he is. (It is destiny my boy. You cannot escape this goofball he is to be your annoying friend/brother/rival in all universes. Also love how quickly he trusts Tails with the master emerald. and how quickly the team sonic trio get in sync i love the trio in every universe, but this brother dynamic means so much to me)
and watching him he pick up and learn about base of ball it very entertaining. He was told ‘hit the ball and run around the bases.’ and that’s exactly what he does. and if you watch him you can see how he’s not quite sure how to hold a baseball bat at first but during the scene he adjusts until he gets it right and goes into a proper stance.
I’m not sure how to describe it without a video but in every battle he takes part in you can see him make adjustments when something dosen’t work
I love how you can seen that he learns by observation.
Just look at his face in a lot of the scenes. You can see the thought process. (Side note, the animators did an amazing job on all three boys. there are so many details pick up on.)
 I love these there movie boys so much and i could honestly go on and on about all the interesting details.. but im gonna end myself here for now. I can see how many tangents are happening.
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midnightshard06 · 11 months
Flufftober Day 17
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50489362/chapters/128648020
Summary: Super has recently taken an interest in tech and how it's made. He tried to put together the confidence to ask Tails if he can teach him a thing or two. Sonic happily encourages this.
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~850 words
AN: Set in my Chaos Uncontrolled AU
“Dude, just go ask him. You know he’d be happy to teach you a few things.” Sonic sighed.
 Super shuffled his feet as he stared at the door that led out to Tails’ workshop. “I know that…”
“But?” Sonic pressed.
“I don’t know.” Super slumped, ears pinned to his head.
“Look Super, trust me he’ll be thrilled that you want to learn at all! Tails would love it if at least one of us could actually understand all of his tech talk. I do my best but he gets a bit complicated for me.” Sonic chuckled. “You said you wanted to learn about tech, and you know Tails is the best one to teach you. So just go ask him dude.”
“Annoyingly you’re right.” Super sighed dramatically. “Fine. I’ll do it.” He stood up straight before knocking on the door.
“Come on in! Nothing dangerous is out!” Tails called through the door.
With a deep breath, and a feeling of reassurance from Sonic, Super went through the door. “Hey… Tails…”
Tails gave him a look. “What’s broken?”
Super blinked. “Huh?”
“You’re acting like something’s wrong.” Tails’ namesakes swished behind him.
“Nothing’s broken.” Super shook his head. “And nothing’s wrong.” He cleared his throat into his hand as Tails gave him a skeptical look. “I just wanted to ask you something.”
Slowly Tails nodded. “What’s up?”
“Well I was wondering… if you could maybe…” Super looked away, suddenly feeling self conscious about asking at all.
“C’mon dude! You got this!” Sonic encouraged.
“I was wondering if you could teach me a thing or two about all… this.” Super gestured widely to the workshop.
Tails perked up. “You want me to teach you how to build stuff?”
“That and… how this stuff works and all that.” Super nervously picked a random thing off a worktable. He had no idea what it was.
Tails excitedly came over and took Super’s hand to lead him to a seat. “I’d love to teach you what I know! I didn’t think you were interested in this kind of stuff though.” Tails tilted his head in confusion once he sat Super down.
Super tried to shrug nonchalantly. “Eh it seemed interesting and you’re the best I know so…”
“Thanks Super.” Tails gave him a grateful smile. “Glad to know you think so highly of me. Now how about we start with some basics.”
Super grinned. “Sure sounds good.”
“I can’t believe you’re picking this stuff up so well…” Sonic commented. “Not that I didn’t think you could do it!” The hedgehog backpedaled, likely realizing how that came off. “It’s just you’ve learned a lot in a pretty short period of time.”
“Well, I have the best teacher there is.” Super grinned as he worked on reassembling one of Tails’ simpler machines. Said fox was nearby watching him. It had been about a week since Super had asked for Tails to teach him, and he was making decent progress. He was still learning to be patient, but his training with Shadow had helped immensely on that front. Learning anything was a slow process and Super wasn’t the most patient person.
“Well yeah, my little bro is the best there is. Still I never really caught onto this stuff like you have.” Sonic hummed, impressed.
Super finished putting the last piece back and grinned as he held it put for Tails to inspect. The fox smiled at him and nodded. “Guess I’m just that amazing huh?” Super let his confidence be well known to Sonic.
The other hedgehog only laughed. “I’ll concede this one to you for now. Can’t wait to see what you’ll be making in the future.”
“As much as I don’t wanna admit it, that'll probably be a while.” Super sighed. Tails gave him a mildly concerned look but he waved the fox off. “I’m still grasping how Tails puts his stuff together.”
“You’ll get it, and hey maybe you could even learn a thing or two from looking at Eggman’s busted stuff. I know Tails has looked at that stuff several times.” Sonic suggested.
Super frowned. “I guess.”
“Alright I think that’s enough for today. You’re doing great Super!” Tails beamed at him. 
Super bathed in the praise for a moment, smiling. Sonic quietly chuckled in his head. “Thanks.” He paused and looked Tails in the eyes. “It’s cause I have a great teacher.” Super didn’t do outright compliments much, so hopefully Tails appreciated that.
If it was possible the fox’s grin widened. “Thanks Super. That means a lot.”
“Yeah.” Super suddenly felt sort of awkward. Standing up from the chair he was sitting in he walked past Tails and ruffled the fur on his head. “I think Sonic’s getting a bit stir crazy being in here for so long. You two should go for a race or something.”
“Sure!” Tails got up to follow him, smoothing down the messed up fur along the way. Super let Sonic take back over and watched contentedly as the two brothers raced. Things really were looking up huh?
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hexellent · 1 year
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The moon will sing a song for me-- "I loved you like the Sun!! Bore the shadows that you made with no light of my own! I shine only with the light you gave me..." "I shine only with the light you gave me."
They've only had one real fight.
That's not to say the brothers didn't argue, debate, disagree and banter. Of course they did, they're just like any other set of siblings, blood or not.
They trusted eachother, without question. Had the other's back through everything. Ever since Sonic took him in, they'd been inseperable.
Tails look up to Sonic, that much was obvious. The day he'd saved him, Tails promised himself that he'd be just like Sonic. And of course Sonic had always seen the potential in Tails, knowing he'd grow up to do amazing things, amazed by him since the begining.
Sonic did his absolute best to protect Tails, to raise him to use that brilliant mind of his, and to never let anyone make him feel less than for who he was. He tried to be the best rolemodel and big brother a boy could ever have. But, as much as Tails thought he was, Sonic wasn't perfect.
He was a child, raising another child.
And children are reckless. Sonic even more so.
Years go by, the usual fighting to save the world, near-death experiences with brief periods of peace to give them rest. But Sonic was getting more and more reckless with himself. And Tails' doubts were starting to surface.
It started with the events of Forces. As level headed as he tried to remain, Tails was a mess without Sonic. He wasn't sleeping, mind going a million miles a minute with every sort of awful scenario that Sonic must've been in. Nightmares when he did manage sleep, and resulting in a huge loss of appetite from exhaustion. At the time, it was Amy and Cream that kept him eating and somewhat sane, Knuckles joining in to guard him at night like he would the ME.
When they finally got Sonic back, he was horridly relieved. But things started to change.
With every new disaster, Tails started to see just how wild and reckless Sonic was. And every time it frustrated him more and more, on top of trying to keep himself and others alive against whatever threat was looming at the time.
It was around the age of 14-15 that Tails finally broke.
He had been quiet the whole way home, Sonic going on and on about the mission, how well everyone had done and how proud he was of Tails, trying to give him a pat on the head.
Tails had slapped his hand away then, unable to keep his emotions in check anymore and letting loose all the emotions he'd bottled up over the years. Screaming at Sonic about all his worries, about how he was a wreck without him, how stupid he was to keep running head first into danger like everything is fine. That if he kept going like this, one of these days, Sonic wasn't going to come back.
Sonic shoots back that it didn't matter, that everything was fine, and the danger was gone. He didn't need to worry so much.
This, of course, pissed the fox off even more. He took a swing at Sonic, calling him selfish. This seems to hit a nerve, because shockingly, Sonic shouts back, asking how risking his life to save the world was selfish.
By this point the've been trading swings back and forth, the house a mess with their scuffle. Neither of them dared to use their full strength on the other.
Heavy, exhausted heaves of breath make way for a sob from the fox, stopping Sonic in his tracks. Tails screams that its selfish because if he's gone, what about him? Without Sonic, Tails is no one. Even now, he's just Sonic's Little Brother Sidekick. If the hero is gone, he is nothing.
This is when Sonic realizes his mistakes. They both do. And there's a long silence, only broken by the younger's sobbing, all the fight gone from him. It makes Sonic think of when they first met, and it twists his chest.
He moves to bring Tails close, squeezing him tight. And for once, he lets tears fall in front of someone else. It causes Tails to freeze, almost holding his breath as Sonic tells him that isn't true. That it's the other way around, and he's nothing without his friends, his brother. The only reason he stays so positive is because of them, Tails especially.
The day he saved Tails was the day he found a purpose. To protect what matters.
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silversodas · 2 years
Tom Wachowski serving as a character in Sonic’s story, and his pretty unique abilities that have an undervalued effect
(When I say undervalued I mostly mean by Tom himself)
It was amazing that Tom and Maddie actually serve a purpose in Sonic’s story, and are not just the human surrogate characters freaking out over everything. Sonic being a child, the creators put their foot down on the whole, this little kid has the weight of the world on his shoulders all alone, but it’s ok! Thing, and showcase how much he needs people like Tom and Maddie
Tom is a man who becomes a cop to help people (what a freaking concept) He is kinda the reason Green Hills feels so safe, he does things for people you wouldn’t ask a cop to do, I was taken aback, like do they think this is what a cop does? But then realized this is what Tom Wachowski thinks a cop does. He wants to help but sees it as boring busy work, and just didn’t realize how important that was, to be that law enforcer you knew you could go to, because you know he wants to help you and him being the Sheriff who freaking will! Help you with your small problems just makes it that much more important.
To me, his special ability is “safe space” he has made Green Hills a safe space by just actually taking the phrase “Serve and Protect” seriously and it doesn’t end there, both him and Maddie have this big cozy house that has room to spare and it just looks so safe
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Him and Maddie are safe and stable ground incarnate and Sonic helps him realize that. Sonic also brings out Toms really good instincts, because he does have really REALLY good instincts, he just doesn’t always understand what or why he is doing something 100% he just knows his gut is telling him to do it and trusts that. Pretty much the whole freaking road trip in the first movie is a good example.
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You can tell he just is kinda in a perpetual state of “what the fuck am I doing!?” There are also points where he looks a little distant like he is having an outa body experience almost. All he knows that it’s the right thing to help this lost kid. And they improve immensely in the second movie, well except when he opens the portal on the wedding alter (seriously why?)
Tom’s instincts of what he needs to be for Sonic are on point, he just can’t put them into words
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Tom knows that Sonic is avoiding feeling vulnerable and trying to grow up to fast and knows this is not good for him but he can’t find the right words to express what he feels by instinct. His instincts are trying to lead him to be the guidance Sonic needs, to be that safe space where he can feel vulnerable and it not be associated with danger.
This the only time he doubts himself, that’s why he thinks to himself “maybe Sonic was right” and that he was pushing to hard, he doubts himself because he has no words for why he feels this strongly, the only thing he is certain on is that he is making Sonic uncomfortable and upset. But thankfully he still listens to them by reassuring Sonic that they care about him more then anyone and he wasn’t alone. I have to give Tom credit for trying his hardest to find the words
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Even in the actual scene, he is trying so hard to get his point across, and he does, but it’s more of a sore spot then he thought, and he is still in a state of (what the fuck am I doing!?) he is just trying his best to get through it, thankfully his instincts are to reassure Sonic they are here for him, because he was at risk of Sonic shutting him out even more then he already was
And it’s not just Sonic! Both Tails and Knuckles need this safe stable space that Tom and Maddie provide like a drowning man needs air
Side note: it’s really sweet that even though he can’t swim he still let Tom take him out on the water, he knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to him
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sukirichi · 3 years
total opposites
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You and Toge swap bodies after encountering a fairytale curse, and similar to its origin, it also takes a fairytale method to break it.
REQUEST. body swap au + best friends to lovers
CONTENT/WARNINGS. slight crack fic, some cursing, implications of nsfw but nothing explicit, just Toge being a not-so closet pervert, usual best friend bickering, reader is fem bodied, unedited story (I should stop saying this, everyone knows I don’t edit my stuff)
NOTES. I enjoyed writing this, tysm for the request anon, this was really cute! definitely this is shooting up in one of my fav works ever (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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You stretched your arms overhead, feeling great after sleeping in. It wasn’t common of you to sleep this late, but you and Toge had gone stargazing the night before. A smile made its way to your face as you reminisced him reciting rice ball ingredients, signing that he was telling poetry to ‘match the mood’ until you’d both fallen asleep on the soft blanket atop a hill.
You don’t remember how you made it back to your room, but figured that Toge had carried you back home before the sun rose. Making a mental note to thank your best friend later, you yawned as you padded out to your room, hands rubbing in circles at your stomach.
Hopefully breakfast would be amazing today.
The door next to you opened, revealing your younger classmate, and you frowned, because wasn’t Kugisaki your next door neighbour? Well, whatever, he, Yuuji, and Kugisaki might’ve taken advantage of the rare, peaceful weekend that they probably had a movie marathon the night before.
“Morning, Megumi!” you greeted, coughing a bit when you sounded off, throat a little horse and itchy. At the sound of your voice, Megumi stilled in his tracks, eyes wide at you. His comical expression had you barking in laughter, shooting finger guns his way as you wiggled your eyebrows. “Ey, be a good dog and bark for me, will you?”
Semi-visible sonic waves drifted like waves after one another out your mouth. Megumi scowled before he froze the next second, ears perked up and backside wagging in replacement of a tail. “Woof woof!”
“What the hell?” you reeled back in slight disgust, your underclassman’s cheeks burning red. Then, your lips grazed against a soft cloth, making you look down.
You blinked back once. Twice. You were definitely...built different today. Curiously, you tugged at the zipper peaking out from your black collar, the familiar zhoop sound of the zipper burned into your memory after hearing your best friend do it countless times before.
In front of you, Megumi screeched – the most noise he’d made ever since you met him – his jaw dropped open while you – or rather Toge stood at the end of the hallway, his hands squeezing at your breasts that were still under last night’s pyjamas. You blinked back once. Then twice, steam pouring from your nose when Toge, in your body, pointed at his body. 
“Oh, oh!” your scream bounced off the hallways hard enough that Panda slammed his door open, about to tell everyone to shut up when your voice let out a high-pitched scream.
“What are you doing in my body?!”
Looking down at where Toge was pointing, you were greeted by the sight of his dark uniform and sock clad feet, your chest replaced with hard muscles instead of the soft flesh. You turned to Toge with a stupefied look that mirrored his, both of you falling on the ground with fists pounding on the hardwood floor.
“I’m a fucking girl!” he cried out, whether out of happiness or frustration, it was hard to tell.
Meanwhile, you zipped his collar back up, tugging at his off-white hair as you forced yourself to remember his limited vocabulary. “BONITO FLAKES!”
Now you understood Toge’s frustration of being a cursed speech user. 
“Bonito Flakes” definitely did not hold the same fury as “FUCK” did.
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“You and I need to set down some boundaries,” you signed to him, brows pulled together. Toge seemed to be enjoying this sudden body swap a lot more than you did since he hadn’t stopped posing in the mirror the moment you pushed him back to your room, locking it shut to get some privacy. “You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to shower, do you understand?”
Toge scowled at your words, sassy as ever with his hands placed on his hips, buttocks jutted out. You hated, absolutely hated that he used your body this way because this time you couldn’t even laugh – not when seeing your body felt this awkward.
“You would really rather me stink?”
“You can’t undress too! Ever! Or if you will, your eyes better be closed. No peeking too!”
“Y/N, you and I grew up together. I’ve already seen everything,” he rolled his eyes, earning him a hard slap from the arm. Considering he was a lot more muscular than you were, your hit came a lot harder. “Ow!” he protested, rubbing the sore spot that ached, only to laugh at the sounds emitting from his lips. “Wow, I have to admit that this is really fun though. I’m actually talking,” he announced, “Hey, say salmon for me.”
“Bonito flakes!” you shook your head, “The moment Principal Yaga is back, we’re going to talk to him, okay? I don’t want to be stuck in your body any longer!”
“Please, you’re lucky you get to feel me up,” he winked at you, taking your (his) hands to flatten it on his stomach. “Come on, come on, feel my abs!” Whack. “Would you please stop slapping me? Your body is a lot more delicate than mine and my hands are – stop slapping me!”
Feeling bad for your friend and not wanting to abuse your body too much, you raised your hands in surrender with a roll of your eyes. “I can’t take you seriously with that voice. You’re too cute.”
“Complimenting ourselves now, aren’t we?” he scoffed, “Well, whatever, you are cute, especially when you’re angry. Such a shame I can’t see you do that right now because my handsome face is looking back at me.”
“I won’t hesitate to choke you, my friend.”
“You wouldn’t. You adore your body too much,” contrary to his words, Toge pulled a defensive stance. You threw a pillow at him, to which he easily dodged, clutching at the hem of your pyjamas afterwards. “Speaking of bodies, I really need to pee.”
“Hold it!”
“Are you insane? I’m not holding it, you’re going to kill us both!”
“Fine, I’ll take you to the rest room then,” you tugged at the hood of your shirt, pushing him inside the communal female restroom. Toge stood in the middle shock still, evidently flustered at the stalls and lack of urinals. You flicked a finger on his forehead, finger pointed to a stall. “Go pee. That’s my body – I need to make sure you’re not going to do anything weird with it.”
“I thought you trusted me, friend. Why would you think I’d touch you that way?”
You gave him an ‘are you serious?’ look. “You jack off every fucking night, Toge. I can hear you even from the next hallway. Plus, you’re a horny teenage male, who’s to say you wouldn’t be curious and try to see what female masturbation feels like?”
His eyes lit up at the idea, fist coming down to bounce at the palm of his hand as he nodded. “That’s actually a good idea—”
“Don’t you even dare.”
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“What?!” you and Toge both exclaimed. He faced you with utter horror written on his face and you gasped, slapping both palms over your lips.
“It is true,” Principal Yaga affirmed with a grim look on his face. He’d recently got back to fetch your troublesome Gojo-Sensei who’d been caught starting a ruckus in Roponggi while women flocked around him, leading to your principal to haul his ass back to the school grounds. “Some curses are manifested through daily objects, and sometimes even through nature. That shooting star you saw was an example of that.”
“But is kissing really necessary?” Toge queried with a wary gaze sent your way.
“It’s a fairytale curse. It can only be broken through a true love’s kiss.”
“But sir, Toge and I have never dated anyone before. How can we miraculously fall in love with someone to break this curse overnight?”
“It doesn’t have to happen overnight. Sometimes, a simple crush will do,” Principal Yaga sighed, scratching his bald head with his face pulled deep in thought. “Y/N, you have a crush on Gojo-Sensei right? I’m going to kill him if he actually kisses you – and knowing that damn brat he might if you ask him – but I think a kiss on the cheek will suffice. For now, you both just have to...broaden your relationships. Maybe go out on dates.”
“I don’t mind that. In fact, I’m going to have the time of my life,” Toge cheered, his mood dampening once he saw you stiffen. “But my body is...”
Knowing full well that he’d get insecure over his lack of speech again, you glared at him hard enough that your best friend straightened up, lips puckered out in a pout as if you hadn’t just caught him talking badly about himself again when you’ve told him countless times he was perfectly fine the way he was.
It made you sigh, feeling slightly bad that until now he still couldn’t see himself the way you saw him – not that you’d ever vocalize this; Toge would never shut up (in the best way he could) if he had the slightest idea what went inside your head.
“You’re lucky you have a pretty face. Otherwise, it’s going to be impossible for anyone to like you,” you teased instead, somewhat flustered at your indirect compliment.
Toge merely scoffed at you, his gaze burning and hard, contrasting the teasing little shit grin he wore. “Oh, please, if I wasn’t the cursed speech user, I would’ve banged—”
“Kids!” Principal Yaga threw his dolls at you hard, the both of you clutching at your heads in pain. How were those dolls as heavy as rocks? “Take your bickering back to your rooms please. No more of this mess and noise. It’s late.”
You frowned at the old man, face pleading as you signed, “Principal Yaga, can’t we really do anything else? Aren’t there any techniques to undo this?”
You and Toge knew that combination so well – pitch black eyes, jaw clenched, lips pursed and palms interlaced under his chin – one that meant his words were final and irrevocable. None of you could argue or suggest more solutions the moment the words left his lips like an ultimate decree. “The technique is the kiss. Now leave.”
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You and Toge tried, you both really did. 
But following Principal Yaga’s suggestion of dating others had turned out to be a complete fail – even with your normal body and Toge’s physical charisma. 
It simply didn’t work; not when Megumi ran away from you every time you tried to get him to kiss you with your arms wide open, and Toge wasn’t helping either by pushing Gojo-Sensei away from you every time the cheeky eyed teacher announced his willingness to help.
Eventually, you and your best friend had retired in his room, the scent of him coated all over his pillows and his shirt that you wore. That felt comforting, at least, and you buried yourself in the crook of your body’s neck, bodies tangled with one another.
Who knew dating could be so tiring?
A wave of irritation flashed over you from today’s events, knowing full well that this could’ve been avoided long ago. Scowling, you cuddled Toge closer, lightly flicking your fingers on your body’s chest. “This is your damn fault, Toge.”
“You were the one who asked me to stargaze with you.”
“You don’t always have to say no to everything I ask of you, you know.”
“You’re really dumber than I thought if you think I could easily say no to you,” he snorted above you, his chin resting atop your head. “I don’t have a lot of weakness because I’m a strong sorcerer—” another flick, a harsher one this time around. “Okay, okay, I’m just kidding! But I mean it though – you’re my best friend and my weakness. Of course I’d do anything to make you happy, even if it’s something as stupid as stargazing.”
“Hey!” you made a sound of protest in your throat, looking back at him with a frown. “It wasn’t stupid, it was romantic.”
Hell yeah, it was romantic indeed – your heart still skipped a beat every time you remembered Toge’s starry eyes matching the night sky’s beauty, the words salmon and mustard leaf surprisingly sexy every time it came from him. It was stupid – so fucking stupid – that you groaned into his chest to hide your flushed face.
“Yeah, I suppose it was.”
The room fell silent, your syncopated breathing soothing during this stressful times. Taking advantage of your voice, Toge began to hum, singing the songs you both had always listened to in the privacy of your room during lazy days. It brought a smile to your face as you clutched to him tighter, heart pounding in your chest as you gazed up at him, tapping his chin to get his attention. “Toge, can I say something weird?”
“Please, nothing you say surprises me anymore. Shoot.”
Your mouth began to dry as you cleared your throat in an attempt to hide your awkwardness, gaze pointedly averted from his prying ones. “You and I...we’ve known each other for a long time and we love each other. As best friends, of course.”
“Sheesh, friendzone much?”
“Would you please shut up and listen to me seriously for once?” you huffed, making him snicker, but nodded at you anyway to continue. “As I was saying – why don’t we kiss? It could be true love’s kiss.”
Toge didn’t speak for a good minute, the pregnant pause filling in the gap filled with tension. You taped his cheek, waving his hand in front of his eyes when he dazed out. When his gaze focussed back on you, Toge was surprisingly calm – although beneath that composed exterior, his mind had simply short-circuited. “If this is your way to get to make out with me, I’m going to sock you in the face.”
“Toge, I’m serious! Let’s kiss!”
“I don’t want to!” he shook his head indignantly, hiding his face by hugging you close to his chest instead.
“Why not? Don’t you want to swap back to your original body? Both of us haven’t showered in two days and I’m sick of the way you smell. You’re lucky I love you though, otherwise I’m going to cry. Come on, Toge, what’s holding you back?” you tried to fight back from his grip, but he’d surprised you both when he only squeezed you tighter, both your erratic heart rates matching the other.
“I said no.”
“Toge, it’s just a damn kiss, what’re you so afraid of?”
“I’m afraid that if we don’t swap back, then that means you don’t love me the way I love you!” he finally admitted, breathing hard before continuing. “Principal Yaga said it must be a kiss between lovers and not just platonic friends okay?” you attempted to scramble away from his arms again, and this time he let you, though he’d closed his eyes, cheek squished on the pillows as he murmured, “I don’t want you to reject me... even though I messed up already.”
“Wait,” you snapped your fingers to make him open his eyes, hesitant as you signed, “You...you love me that way?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not?”
“Because my face is staring back at me and it’s fucking awkward – I wanted to see your face when I confessed!” he sat up with a frustrated groan, childishly kicking off the sheets of the bed as he clutched his head in his hands. “I had everything planned, okay? Nobara and Yuuji helped me think of everything because Megumi is shit when it comes to love. Listen, I was going to ask you on a candlelit date and then maybe kiss the life out of you – if you feel the same way—”
“Kiss me.” The body he possessed a victim of his own powers, Toge was left with no choice but to grab your face before his mouth pressed against yours, fingers entangled into the other’s hair. You were smiling into the kiss the whole time, barely able to recognize when Toge had shifted your bodies until you were under him, his hands running down your sides lovingly the whole time. 
Pulling away to get some air, you opened your eyes, unsurprised when Toge laid above you, his strong arms planted beside your head.
Both of you were breathing hard from the passionate kiss filled with so much sexual tension and longing, your tongue darting out to swipe at his taste on your lips. The laughter that bubbled out of you was pure, wholesome and swollen like your heart. “I love you too, idiot.”
“Salmon!” Toge peppered your cheeks with kisses, pulling out more gleeful laughter from you, his playful and loving attacks more of a gift than a punishment. Once you’d recovered from your happiness – although really, who could recover after that? – Toge unzipped his collar, his smile nothing but wicked when he commanded, “Kiss me again.”
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greenyvertekins · 2 years
Righty. Talking about the Sonic Movie 2 *SPOILER ALERT*
Let me start off by saying that this film blows the first one right out of the water.
There’s so much more action. The first one was much less frenetic than this one, to the point it was like a walk in the park compared to BASE jumping. And because there’s more characters to bounch off of, there’s more opportunity for the narrative to be actiony. Heck, even Maddie and Rachel get in on it! Yes, they were FUCKING AWESOME. Serious props to Tika Sumpter and Natasha Rothwell. The scenes with Rachel had me and my mom positively CRYING with laughter. Hell have no fury like a woman scorned indeed. Especially when she has a golf buggy and isn’t afraid to use it. Or Tails’ devices. Brilliant, brilliant scenes with a brilliant actress. One of the more memorable moments in the film for me. And I love how Tika’s suggestions not to be on the sidelines for this one were taken into account. She’s the one who frees Tom, Sonic and Tails from GUN’s clutches and saves Sonic at the 11th hour. I must say, Jim Carrey wasn’t kidding when he said something along the lines of Robotnik not yet having reached his apex in the first film. Because in this one, he’s like a whole different character and for the better. I firmly feel that this film really gave a lot of opportunities for his talents as an actor to shine with a bombastic and yet very evil portrayal larger than the very screen. The character of Robotnik had a lot of control over the situation even in the beginning scenes of the film, pwning all of the tall hooded characters shown in the IDW Pre-quill in a very awesome fashion. Colleen o’ Shaugnessy deserves an absolute ton of praise for her VA’ing. Makes me even more angry at that review that brushed her performance aside. And Idris Elba knocked the ball out of the park as Knuckles. He brings a sense of dignity to the character that the character’s Boom portrayal was sorely lacking. And of course Ben Schwartz was on fine form. Spoiler alert?
Longclaw appears in hologram form and reveals that Sonic was her apprentice. She’s confirmed gone as is the rest of the Echidna’s and Owls. Knuckles is shown as a child in flashbackville immediately before his tribe went to get baby Sonic. His father is shown. Somewhere, Penders will piss blood with RAEG. He and Sonic connect over what they lost that day after he’s saved by the latter. Agent Stone’s gay adoration for Robotnik was really charming and funny. Robotnik even takes him with him when he makes that giant robot. Tom is NO GOOD at Volleyball. The bit with the accidental switch of the wedding ring and teleport ring when Sonic is in trouble and Tom’s efforts to get it back to Rachel’s consternation is HILARIOUS. In fact, pretty much every scene in Hawaii is awesome. The dance scene in the Siberian....pub? Inn? was amazing. There is a very sweet bromance moment in front of its fire. Tails in general was awesome. Little guy drove a bloody police car RIGHT into Knuckles to save Sonic. The post-credit scene leaves the most questions. Yes, it is Shadow. GUN states that they can’t find Robotnik’s body and one GUN soldier brings up Project Shadow files they found when trying to erase his existence. There is only ONE thing I didn’t like in the entirety of the film - The same old same old fart jokes when Sonic tries to trick Tom about his whereabouts. It wasn’t funny then, it’s still not funny now. That said though, I was entertained from start to finish. The film is perceptibly much better paced than the first and is much more exciting for its action and Carrey’s performance. It also hits the nail with the more emotive parts. And Super Sonic’s appearance was fantastic. I’m gonna see it again! Maybe next fortnight! It was THAT GOOD. When it gets a digital release or DVD I’m getting it first priority! Overall? TWO BIG THUMBS UP. My god, you poor poor Americans, needing to wait another 6 days. It’ll be worth the wait, trust me ;)
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bbygirlyn · 2 years
Sonic x Tails
cw: (weirdly sweet) smut, creampie, gay sex
Prompt: Sonic looked at him in awe as he felt the cock enter him.
Word Count: 475
Sonic looked at him in awe as he felt the cock enter him. His eyes never leaving Tails' gaze, who smiled nervously while looking away. This was it, their first time and this time he would make sure it's perfect. The other boy had a habit of fidgeting when they were in bed together and that's exactly what Sonic wanted tonight. He knew he couldn't do it without being able to see Tails' face as he rode out his orgasm and that's precisely why he brought them into a room with windows overlooking the city. He wanted Tails to see how much he meant to him, wanted him to know that he's special, that he' s more than just a friend.
"Tails, are you ok?" He asked softly after a few moments of silence. "I didn't hurt you, did I? If not then I'm sorry." Tails shook his head before looking back at him with wide emerald eyes. They were always so beautiful when he blushed. "It was amazing... Just like the last time. I don't think I've ever seen anyone ride me like that before, but it feels really good."
A smile crept onto Sonic's face before pressing a light kiss against Tails' lips. "Good. Now I want to do this again." With a nod he began slowly moving inside him, causing Tails to bite down on his bottom lip. Sonic continued kissing him for a bit longer before pulling away from him once the need became too great.
He leaned back over Tails before kissing him deeply and passionately. Tails reached one hand up to caress the side of Sonic' face. After several minutes they pulled apart, resting their foreheads together and breathing heavily.
"That was incredible. You have no idea how much I want to do that again." Sonic whispered before placing another kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. When he pulled away he rested his hands on both sides of Tails' face. "Now I want you to say something." He spoke softly, trying to keep his tone calm despite how hard his heart was beating. He hoped Tails wouldn't hate it. He'd done enough research before bringing Tails here; he knew he shouldn't be doing this if his boyfriend didn't feel the same way. However, when he glanced over at him and saw the pure trust in those emerald orbs he knew it was worth it.
Tails took in a deep breath before responding in kind. "I could get used to this." He breathed out with a small smirk. A giddy laugh left Sonic's mouth before he placed another kiss on his boyfriend's lips. He hadn't expected him to feel the same way about it; it made him so happy to hear that he did. Tails wrapped his arms around Sonic's waist and pulled himself closer.
They kissed until they couldn't continue.
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artyandink · 2 years
Boom!Sonetta Headcanons
Initially when they started off, well, Violetta was trying to high-key murder Sonic. 
But when she switched sides, there was always a sense that Violetta thought Sonic didn’t trust her, so she stayed away from him and acted like Shadow, as it were. As if that’s a bad thing~ 
Eventually, though, she warms up to his friendly advances and they soon become best friends
Whenever they’re relaxing, they always have their legs on top of one another
Their special way of communicating is not only through words, but through touch
Wherever they are, there’s something about each other that makes them want to have even the littlest amount of skin brushing against each other for comfort, but the others don’t know what’s up with their natural routine of just standing next to each other 
Sonic makes fun of Violetta for being one inch shorter but then he gets a sharp kick to the shin and he collapses to half her height
You know how Sonic would never cry right? 
He does, but only when Violetta’s around because she’s the only one he knows that wouldn’t consider him ‘uncool’ or judge him because he can’t handle society’s criticism. I mean, the man needs to let off some steam, right? 
Eggman thinks Sonic’s got some rugged good looks, but when Violetta shows up, the sweat factor increases by a trillion
His morning voice is so raw and hot, omg, and Violetta loves hearing it but never tells him because that would fuel his over-inflated ego 
And he always zips to her door just as she wakes up so he can hear her morning voice, which to him is one of the most natural, beautiful things ever to grace his ears 
When they realise they have a crush on one another, they make it their MISSION to stay near each other as much as possible
They cuddle when watching a movie, but Sonic hates to call it cuddling, he says ‘platonically lying on each other while watching or doing something’ 
Violetta just plays along with it because she finds his alleged repulsion to romance (despite not hiding it very well) both cute and hot 
When they do start dating, though, it turned out like this: 
Violetta and Sonic were sparring and just for fun Violetta allowed him to win 
Faked losing her footing so he could get down immediately, pinning her down by placing one hand beside her head and the other on her stomach to make sure she didn’t get any ideas and try to kick him in the face in a mount to her feet 
But in the haze of the sunset and the feeling of her stomach prompted him to move his hand to gently hold her waist
Contemplating of going to the point of no return
“To hell with it.”
A second later, Violetta felt like her soul was pulled out of her body by the electrifying feel of Sonic’s lips on hers, his hand cupping her cheek while one gently pushed her up by her back 
He loved the feeling of her hands on his chest, she made him feel so powerful~ 
He’d pull away for a second, admiring her cyan eyes with a dumbstruck expression, before the cheesiest thing ever fell past his lips… 
“Your lips taste amazing…” 
I mean, he’s had one taste of this woman and he’s coming back for seconds
And sure enough he’s glued to her again
He may think what he said was cheesy but for Violetta it was the hottest thing ever 
And he was absolutely obsessed with the way that she’d keep one hand tightly closed around his scarf, pulling him closer while the other was around his neck 
They decided to keep their relationship a secret due to the paparazzi that would tail them if the news got out 
It pained them both that they had to act normal around their friends to prevent them from finding out 
However, every moment when they’re alone somehow end with a fierce make out 
Sonic loves to run his hand down her bicep now and then during those sessions because it reminds both him and her how strong she is
Sonic’s an amazing kisser because he was somewhat of a playboy before he started dating Violetta 
Let me tell you this right now: the man gets HIGH-KEY jealous
Every time Violetta talks to another guy he keeps an eye on them to make sure they don’t try and make a move on his girl 
If he detects even a slight change in atmosphere he zips in and because he’s a hotshot hero the guy always gets intimidated 
Eggman gets really frustrated because he can’t kidnap either of the two without his lair being ripped to shreds 
Tails figures out they’re dating first, and eventually, on New Years Eve, they reveal that they were together and become the town’s titular power couple
Amy gets over the shock of the fact that her second cousin was dating her crush and was happy for them and realising that they were the OTP
Sonic gets jealous when Shadow tries to communicate with Violetta and steps in to fend him off. 
“Go away, Shadow, no one wants you here.” 
“Shut up, faker.” 
“What are you gonna do about it?” 
“Beat you both up if you don’t put your differences aside. There’s no point in arguing, so you’re gonna have to learn how to get along.”
At the end of the day, they both love each other to bits and wouldn’t have their story any other way.
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werewolf-cl4ws · 3 years
Random head cannons for my AU because these require oddly specific questions I don’t think I’ve ever seen ask memes have.
A lot of these I do have something to back them up with, but others it's just logical hilarity to me because I can.
- absolutely mistrusts/gets annoyed by anyone that is an "authority figure" (i.e. adults "in charge", leaders, etc) but does nothing to actually be useful. As a kid he was always told to listen to the adults because "they know best", but after the coup and seeing a good number of adults doing everything in their power to just save their own hides or hiding, it fucked him right off. Only adults he’s ever respected were his uncle and Rosie (Rosie took some time to gain that trust though because why the hell is she teaching us maths when people need help???). Bookshire is another but he does fight Bookshire on occasion because Sonic hates fussing with medical stuff.
This carried on into his own adulthood, and it’s hilarious whenever someone points out he’s the adult now as it sets off his aversion to being older, but if he has to be called an adult then damnit he’s gonna be a USEFUL one at least.
And yes he has confirmed on many occasions that he can and will flip off King Acorn if he plays up. What's he gonna do, ground him? Arrest his for treason? He flipped off Robotnik, he ain't scared of no thing.
- his uncle was brilliant with robotics and mechanics and science. Sonic has literally zero idea about any of those. And yet he’s weirdly good at chemistry. But he doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to use this so no one knows this, but Rotor has come by chemistry formulas mysteriously solved if he leaves them out on his workbench after a night of wracking his brains over why something isn’t working. How does Sonic know this? Nobody knows, Sonic will never tell either, and will deny he’s even good at it.
- he’s also very good at physics, in that he knows exactly how to break physics to do impossible shit. He’s great at figuring out just what angles he needs to shoot himself into to get the most air time, how much speed and lift to land in the exact spot, etc. It all happens automatically to him (it has to, going at the speeds he does there’s literally no time to plan this shit) but if someone asks him he will actually figure it out in the spot with freakishly good accuracy, and can do it not just with him being the projectile but any object (he has worked out perfect catapult trajectories before and it still baffles everyone to this day). Again, he doesn’t know how he knows this, will never tell anyone he knows how to do this, and will deny he knows this.
- he’s also good with musical instruments. Obviously his favourite is the electric guitar, but if you give him a sheet of music and at least an hour to mess around with the instrument he’ll work it out. Getting to watch him play the violin is a rare but delightful treat. This is his special interest, the thing he would have gotten into if the world hadn’t gone to shit. He doesn’t get to indulge in it as much as he’s like but he loves music and could ramble about it for hours on end if given the chance.
The con of this though is that he's really good at identifying music, including ones from operas and orchestras. Sally takes great delight in making him identify both because he does get embarrassed about it, but his pride doesn't allow him to just not pick them out.
- he likes to cook, but he prefers recipes that allow him to leave things to cook without him needing to watch it once it’s prepared. So baking, roasting, slow cook stuff like soups and chili, that’s his jam. Anything that’s gonna be a long haul he has to be basically trapped in his hut to do it without wanting to go nuts (so extra cold days where being outside would be hell are good cooking days).
- during the summer he sleeps in a hammock. During the winter he sleeps in a bed and practically buries himself in blankets.
- loves bubblegum. Gum balls, sticks of gum, whatever. If it’s gum he loves it. Unfortunately it is non existent thanks to the coup (shelf life of gum is terrible) so finding any that’s not terrible is an amazing day.
- milk and cookies is oddly a comfort food to him. Something about the simplicity of it just works for him, and ridiculously shit days are made better by it. Default choc chip cookies work best.
- he hates spiders. More specifically, he hates when you see a spider, look away, then look back only to find the spider is gone. Spiders themselves don’t bother him until they do that, but once they do he has to fight himself to not just set whatever building or dwelling he happens to be on fire in order to solve the issue of having to deal with it later.
- he’s about .0001 seconds away from just walking away into the forest and never coming back. He won’t do it because he honestly doesn’t want to abandon his friends… but he’s so close to just becoming a cryptic in the forest. He has wandered off before when things get super annoying, but someone always drags him back, much to his endless frustration.
- can’t cook for anything. Sonic has seen her burn water. Toast somehow always ends in fire. No one ever attempt to drink her coffee for your own sake.
And yet somehow she makes really, really good pancakes. Like ridiculously good. She makes them very rarely because she’s always busy with something and has been banned from all kitchens, but when she does they’re amazing and no one can figure out how this happens.
- if she’s snacking on nuts or anything that doesn’t go soggy (like hard/dry fruits, or extra crusty breads) she will sometimes keep some in her cheeks. Not to the point that her cheeks will be bulging with them, but if she’s working while snacking she will just stash some away so she can focus on what she’s doing, and then when she’s done just finishes those off. This only happens when she needs to focus so she’s pretty discreet about this and has perfected talking/quick chewing with them if someone interrupts her.
- she loves video games, but because they’re so hard to come by thanks to the coup she doesn’t get to play as often as she’d like. She knows Sonic, Tails and Rotor has some stashed away and has played them on the sly, which has left them wondering how their high scores got beaten or how new levels have been unlocked. Though she has to be careful about this because if she’s left alone with them long enough she will just play them until either she finishes the game, or someone physically drags her away from it. This is probably her only weak point in terms of something that can just pull her away entirely from everything.
- she is very, very neat… only because she literally doesn’t make a mess of anything thanks to her one-track mind. If she’s working on a plan or something that needs a lot of research she will basically just make a pathway to her desk and bed and leave everything else undisturbed. She will still shower, only because the shower is just another place for her to think without interruption. This is a big factor on why she can’t cook for shit, too. She just… doesn’t. At all. Because she’s gotta work. Work is life because they may literally die if she can’t figure plans out
- she is genuinely fascinated by legends and myths, which we see a lot of in SatAM. Although she does sometimes dismiss some legends or myths as just stories, if she finds anything that even hints at it being real, and if time allows it, she will chase it down. If it’s anything that might be especially useful in their fight she will go for it after doing a ton of research to make sure she’s got every angle and possibility down. The researching to that extent is due to her own perfectionism, but also because if the expedition turns out to be a bust it could mean time that should have been spent on something else/time being away from the village for a crapshoot.
Sonic and Sally as a couple:
- they don’t use pet names for one another… until one of them is absolutely pushing their luck with the other. Pet names = stop it.
- Sally did once call Sonic a shit-weasel out of anger during such a scenario, and then was immediately apologetic for it because that was Too Far™. Sonic said that made him fall in love with her all over again and it was an awesome insult. Pet names are still a no-go though.
- they live together and everyone thinks it’s Sonic that would be the nightmare to live with.
It’s not.
It’s Sally.
Sonic does get messy and likes to live in organised chaos, but Sally just has the worst sleeping habits (she doesn’t sleep), functions mostly on auto-pilot (the amount of times she eats the last of something but leaves the box it came in/was stored in for Sonic to find drives him up the wall something shocking all because she’s just vaguely thinking "I need food I suppose" alongside whatever she’s doing at the time), and if she’s working on something big she will spread herself everywhere (including Sonic’s bed if he isn’t in it or on it in some way).
Sonic won’t move out because he genuinely thinks if he did Sally would never sleep at proper hours or eat like a regular person unless he monitors her. Plus they actually really do like each other’s company and do miss one another if they aren’t in the same space in their down time. But Sonic is constantly amazed at just how much of a gremlin Sally can be and no one believes him.
- Sally takes great delight in this and amps up her gremlin behaviour because of it. If she does this in front of anyone else it just gets encouraged. It’s okay though because Sonic knows how to be a bastard so it’s a constant battle of who can out bastard or out gremlin who.
- they sleep separately (see aforementioned sleeping habits of gremlin ground squirrel), but on occasion will share a bed. Or share the couch. Sharing will almost always result in Sonic being used as a pillow/mattress but he’s fine with it, as long as it means Sally’s sleeping and they get to cuddle ‘cause cuddling is great.
- Sally loves puns. Sonic has begged her not to say puns. He secretly loves them but he hates that he gets them (temporarily forgetting your own language, then relearning it is a trip and picking up the puns does things to his head). Sally does not stop the puns. This has led to Sonic almost achieving his goal of becoming a forest cryptic as he does just start walking out when she starts.
- this is kinda canon but I like to joke that they are actually legally married and this happened during their zone-hopping adventures. But the marriage itself happened in the most mundane way for the most mundane reason, and yet it is legally binding and they do actually have wedding rings from it. They don’t wear the rings but they do carry it on their person at all times, and pull them out just to blindside people with them because it’s funny.
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dreamcast-official · 2 years
Hiiiiii, what abt Tails for the ask game (a bonus Kit if you wanna do Kit too)
i’ll do both!! for fun!!
tails first:
First impression: oh! it’s a little baby fox! that’s pretty cute
Impression now: *sobbing noises* she deserves...... the world........... she deserves everything that’s good she’s so small........... she’s so little wth............
Favorite moment: sonic adventure 1, the “i’m not scared!” scene. sonic adventure 1 as a whole actually, that game was amazing for tails
Idea for a story: tails goes out on her own for a fun adventure! hijinks ensue!
Unpopular opinion: tails wasn’t poorly written or out of character in forces. she went through a LOT in forces, on-screen and off-screen. it’s not unrealistic that an actual 8-year-old would be terrified out of her mind after having lost her brother (or so she thought), even if she had dealt with worse before. it was fine and it didn’t “ruin tails’ character” like some people say.
Favorite relationship: definitely sonic!!!! i love the sibling dynamic, i love how much they care for each other, i love how sonic both trusts tails to be strong on her own but also wants to keep her safe because that’s his little sister, i love how they have such an easy time talking to each other!!! i love them so much!!!! also i don’t know how much canon basis this has but tails cream and charmy should be friends if they aren’t already
Favorite headcanon: as you can see from the pronouning in this post. transfem tails is extremely real, i would know, she told me herself.
now for kit!! my bestie!!
First impression: sopping wet dog. looks extremely depressed. is he ok??
Impression now: holy shit he’s NOT ok huh. like at all? sopping wet dog, my bestie. same as surge in the sense that i hope he gets to heal but unlike surge i just feel sad watching kit be the way he currently is.
Favorite moment: that one moment from imposter syndrome where kit steals starline’s hypno-glove. close second? the scene of imposter syndrome where kit starts suggesting a plan to surge. i love this kid so much
Idea for a story: kit gets to cause some problems. hijinks ensue!
Unpopular opinion: i DON’T want kit to get separated from surge, actually. i DON’T think that’d be beneficial for his character development (nor surge’s development for that matter). yes, surge and kit don’t have the best relationship as of now. by breaking them apart, you’re not helping. believe or not, surge and kit sort of need each other (remember imposter syndrome #4? how they only defeated metal sonic because they worked together? yeah.) not only that, i don’t think separating kit from surge would end the way some people seem to think it would.
Favorite relationship: him and surge, definitely. same as i said when i answered this for surge, i’m really interested to see how their relationship evolves and i really want it to end up with them being as close as sonic and tails. second to surge, i’m really interested in seeing how kit and tails’ rivalry evolves. tails has never had a proper rival and i’m really interested in seeing how she deals with kit beyond their first interaction.
Favorite headcanon: kit just fucking HATES mint. he does, however, love mcdonalds sprite. for no reason in particular
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sonic-wildfire · 4 years
Emotion Sickness: Diary Entries from Shadow the Hedgehog (Part 1)
Select entries from Shadow’s diary were found and compiled by Sonic (with Shadow’s permission) as an homage to both Shadow’s development and their relationship together. The entries were made between March 2009 and October 2013. This part of the compilation contains the entries made between March 2009 and December 2010.
10:53 PM - 4 March 2009
Hmph. Another day behind me. I crossed paths with Sonic today and he offered to have lunch with me. The request was somewhat flattering, but I turned it down. I don’t really need to eat.
Why is Sonic always so nice to me? It’s a liability to be within ten feet of him at this point, considering how much trouble he gets into. Whatever. I’m better by myself anyway.
5:02 PM - 19 July 2009
Amy visited me today and said she was here on Sonic’s behalf. Don’t know why, but she wanted me to know Sonic was offering to have me over at his place.
Sonic has a permanent home? Who knew?
I thought about it for a bit, but I declined. Again, I don’t understand why Sonic continues to do nice things for me even though I’m the most miserable being on the planet. It’s not that I hate them or anything, but I just can’t get close to anybody else. What if they reject me? What if...
Forget it.
I can’t think about this stuff. I’m going to take a nap. My thoughts are the last thing I need to be with right now.
6:46 PM - 30 November 2009
Wouldn’t you know it, that stubborn blue hedgehog turned up at my door today and again asked me to spend time with him. I was about to just tell him to piss off, but something about this interaction was different. I don’t know what, why, or how, but... it actually sounded appealing this time?
Very hesitantly, I said I’d think about it but don’t expect me to take you up on the offer. He just smiled, said okay, and left. 
Maybe I should at least try to be somewhat charitable for once. I called up Rouge and told her about what had happened and she just teased me over it before hanging up. You know, typical Rouge.
But she did tell me that it was ultimately my decision to make.
Hm. I think I might go after all.
12:25 PM - 2 December 2009
Just got back from having breakfast with Sonic. He was actually surprised I showed up. Honestly? I was surprised, too.
I didn’t talk too much, but Sonic... oh boy, Sonic. It’s like he never ran out of things to talk about. He’s smiling the entire time he’s with me, too. It was almost alluring just how much his bright demeanor contrasted with my moody self.
One of the things Sonic talked about was his friends. I was fully ready to just stop him right then and there (it rubs me the wrong way when anybody mentions friendship), but then he told me I was a “good friend” to him.
I asked him if he was serious. Sonic said yes.
In retrospect, it was certainly more eventful than most days. Perhaps little meetups like this would be healthier for me if I did them every once in a while.
3:59 AM - 28 May 2010
I can’t rest. I keep thinking about Sonic.
We’ve been meeting occasionally like I said I should. The longer I’m with Sonic, the more I begin to see in him what I could’ve been.
He’s a caring, generous man with everything going for him. People like him. He has a purpose in life. He’s coolheaded, rational, and valuable to society.
So why on Earth would Sonic be spending time with me, a reprehensibly depressed alien who is so completely worthless and undeserving of care? How could he possibly like me when I don’t even like myself?
I’m tired and tears are pricking at the corners of my eyes. I need to talk to someone in the morning.
1:51 AM - 29 May 2010
I called Rouge and told her about last night. She wasn’t very vocal, but she did offer a little encouragement. She said I don’t get enough sleep and that a little bit of rest would put me at ease for a bit. But I’m still on edge. What does Sonic see in me that I don’t? Or am I just overthinking this? My thoughts are erratic right now, so I’m sorry to anyone reading if this doesn’t make sense.
I can feel tears welling up in my eyes already.
I’m so weak. I’m so pathetic.
Who would ever want to spend time with someone like me?
All I do is brood in the corner of the room all day and be an asshole to everybody. I don’t understand how anybody could be tolerant of me, much less a “friend.”
Yet... I’m still drawn to Sonic. For whatever reason, he’s just so inviting. He’s nice. Too nice.
11:32 AM - 8 August 2010
Over the past few months, Sonic and I have been visiting each other more often, and not much has changed.
From me, at least.
Sonic has been growing even kinder towards me than before. Sometimes, he’ll give me small gifts like a scarf. Other times, he’ll ask me about myself. If I were ready, I would’ve just spilled my true feelings about myself right then and there.
But I wasn’t ready. So I just talked about the very few things I did find enjoyment in. Gardening, space, and Chao. I begged him to never tell anybody about what I said to him, and he looked at me like I had three heads but vowed to keep it a secret anyway.
I just don’t know. Sonic’s a good guy, but... I can’t bring myself to be friendly with him. If I start growing close with people, they’ll just die or leave me and I’ll be heartbroken again just like last time. I can’t go through that again. I’m not strong enough.
I appear tough on the outside. But the truth is, I’m always on the verge of breaking down. My mental state is so volatile and virtually uncontrollable.
Chaos damn it, just get out of my head already!
3:40 PM - 23 December 2010
The holiday season. A time for joy, reminiscing on the past, looking forward to the new year, and exchanging gifts.
For everybody else, that is.
Ever since I came here, I’ve spent every Christmas alone.
All the others have a big gathering at Sonic’s house, having a good time (allegedly). I was never interested in these and I always declined every single invitation I got from Sonic. Yet, like clockwork, he still sends me one every year. Maybe hoping that I’ll change my mind one year.
After a lot of self-reflection over the past year, though, I’m not sure how much more invitations I can reject before Sonic gives up trying.
I crumble in social situations. Interacting with anybody other than Rouge, Omega, or Sonic for more than ten seconds takes an insane amount of willpower.
Something has to give. Either I go for once or they stop trying.
12:48 AM - 24 December 2010
I’ve decided I need to go. Maybe bring one of my Chao if things go wrong. I’m not necessarily doing this because I want to go. In fact, I’d be a lot happier if I didn’t go because at least I know things can’t go wrong if I’m by myself.
But I can’t stop thinking about Sonic and his friends. It drives me crazy.
9:21 PM - 24 December 2010
Party’s tomorrow. Note to self: don’t fuck this up.
11:17 PM - 26 December 2010
How quickly things can change has always amazed me. Tonight proved that.
Everybody was really surprised to see me showing up, but they said they were all grateful I showed up. Sonic, of course, was the first to welcome me, giving me a hug that admittedly felt like a breath of fresh air after so much time alone. Then again, I have a reputation so I needed to act like he was crushing me to death.
I didn’t spend much time talking with other people, though I did exchange some small talk with Rouge. The usual.
As the party grew longer, I found myself being... complimented by others?
Knuckles said he hoped I was “doing well.” Cream gave me a single flower while wishing me a merry Christmas. Tails shyly waved at me (I put on a smile and waved back). Omega said I was “one of the only creatures made of flesh” he trusted.
I’m sorry. Did these people forget who they were talking to?
Dinner was fine, though I was particularly eager about the sweets. Oh, right, I forgot to mention I have a knack for candy. The more you know.
Of course, then it was time for gifts. I swear you could fill the Grand Canyon with the sheer amount of presents under the tree. I guessed that roughly three of those were for me, ready to be mailed to me if I didn’t show up.
So you can imagine my surprise when I saw eight presents being dropped into my lap and all of them reading “To: Shadow.”
We all took turns opening our presents. I had two presents from Amy (a coffee mug and a Chao toy), one present from Espio (a kunai), one present from Tails (a bag of coffee beans), one present from Knuckles (a Kill la Kill DVD) and... three presents from Sonic?!
The first one was classic Sonic stuff. A sweater with the word “faker” sewed on the chest. He thought that one was really funny. I didn’t really care.
The second one was more genuine. A pair of rocket boosters for my shoes. My old ones are just about dead, so this was welcome.
The third one... subverted all expectation. It was a small box that contained a piece of paper. It read:
“Dear Shadow, stay after the party and meet me upstairs when the others leave. Signed, Sonic.”
The others were curious about what Sonic meant by this. Silver joked that I was being sent to the principal’s office.
Eventually, the party came to a close and people left. I went upstairs as Sonic had told me, and there he was sitting on the edge of the bed.
He motioned for me to take a seat next to him. I sat down and asked him what he wanted me for, half-expecting something stupid.
“I understand you haven’t had the easiest life...”
I instantly got up to leave. No way I was sticking around to hear this again.
But Sonic grabbed my arm and yanked me back to the bed, his face now spelling genuine concern.
“...I know you mean well. Sometimes, you do things that we think are dumb but actually turn out to be smart. Other times, you just do dumb stuff. But that’s not the point. The point is, I want you to know that I’m still here for you. I can tell you’re bothered by your thoughts. But the bottom line is that I, and we, care about you. We love you, Shadow. I love you. Please don’t think you’re not worthy of being cared about. We have our ups and downs, but we always work it out eventually, right? I know your thought process works differently than mine. That does not make you any less deserving of respect. My greatest wish is that you would love yourself as much as we love you.”
I was stunned. That bastard. Quickly losing my composure, I began blubbering about how I couldn’t stand the thought of getting close to someone just to lose them again. How I’m so terrified that I will just be manipulated and used by people pretending to be my “friend.”
Sonic told me that he would never go away and that he would never “use” me.
Fuck. Fuck.
Sonic embraced me and I’m embarrassed to admit that I began sobbing as I wrapped my arms around him. I swore to myself that I’d never show any kind of weakness around them.
“It’s okay to cry,” he told me. “Don’t be afraid anymore. I’m here now. I’m here.”
“And I always will be. That’s a promise.”
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galsgeneration · 3 years
Please tell me your thoughts on everything, I must know from you, the all-knowing mastermind.
Okay, so, first of all, sorry for the delay, because these past weeks have been crazy! Now that I'm able to just sit down and rethink on the latest news and rumors on the new game and everything else, I'll be giving you my general thoughts on that glorious day of teasers! Trust me, I was malfunctioning that night after watching the movie trailer, since my mind went 'Knuckles! Knuckles! Knuckles!' until like, 3 AM.
Let's get to the movie first. It's not a surprise how much I loved the references to Sonic Adventure and other few game bits that were gently sprinkled here and there. Despite my excitement over them, I honestly believe (and hope) the film will focus on its own story, instead of simply remaking some of the games in a 'medley' way. So far, we can guess the lore when it comes to Knuckles' Clan and the Master Emerald itself might be a little different from the canon, since we also have the whole owl ordeal in the ancient ruins and the involvement of Longclaw in this. Apparently, the echidnas were after Sonic's powers when he was a baby - but what if Longclaw was also important, given the details we saw in the traps Dr. Robotnik was avoiding? Could she be alive?
With that being said, I'm very curious to see Sonic and Tails' dynamic in the movie! It seems to be a fun one in the trailer, and I'm expecting some sibling bonding to happen as well. About the man of the hour, I can't say much or else I'll just go back into fangirling. Knuckles is the one I'm most excited to see in action! He's going to be taken seriously and that's what I'm here for, especially after reading that Idris Elba indeed took a liking and interest for his character to the point of caring to study his motivations. I can't wait for this film, which will be released just two days before my birthday! It's going to feel like an anticipated gift, that's for sure. Now let's get to the game!
I was exhilarated upon finding out the rumor about Sonic Frontiers being an open world game was indeed true. It's an old dream of mine, one I could only fulfill with that 'Sonic Adventure 3' mock-up game I had imagined and planned from start to finish, which was supposed to be an open world one too. I'm quite interested in the locations, which look beautiful so far, gameplay, characters and of course, new lore content! I have a few theories on it already (i.e. Infinite's return...), though I'd rather keep the details to myself for now. Knowing that Ian Flynn is writing this game was amazing as well, though I personally wish he doesn't keep things too simple and safe. If he's going to write Sonic rescuing his friends, I expect him to explore his dynamic with them individually, whether through cutscenes, idle in-game talk or maybe side quests.
Overall, Sonic Frontiers is my most anticipated game thus far. My hopes are mild when it comes to the plot itself, but whatever it is and how it's executed, it won't matter that much to me because well, it's an open world game! I can't wait to do absolutely nothing related to the priority missions and just, roam about the flower fields and other gorgeous scenery. Hopefully they have a fire/lava location included in one of those islands, because you know how much this sort of environment is my usual favorite in Sonic games!
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detroitbydark · 4 years
Fox and Mouse Finale 1/2
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Characters: Commander Fox x Mouse (reader), and more Jedi/clones/politicians than you can shake a stick at.
Summary: Fox makes plans and then remakes them...
A/N: Ladies and Lads this is it! A chapter so stupid long it required it be split in two pieces. I'm not going to make you wait and I'll be posting both this evening. I'm feeling really sentimental because this is the longest thing I've ever written and completed. I couldn't have done it without y’all. Your support and comments have helped me get through the tough periods of writing and the stress in my life as of late. This is for you guys! Thank you. I love you! 
Special thanks as always to @skdubbs and @crimson-dxwn for being there to listen to me and help me every step of the way. You are both absolutely amazing!
The crick in his neck is the least of Fox’s worries when he wakes. It wasn’t like he could call the tossing and turning he’d done for the last six standard hours much of a rest. After returning to his room, tail tucked between his legs, Fox hadn’t been able to unwind. He couldn’t lay his head down without a million thoughts racing through his head.
He loved her. 
Yes, it was something he’d known for a while, maybe even longer than he was willing to admit. He loved her more than he loved himself. For a long time he’d thought that’s how love was supposed to work. You sacrificed yourself for the things you loved. Now he’s not sure.
Mouse loved him. It was something he hadn’t hoped for, but after being near her, feeling her lips against his own, seeing the depth of emotion in her sad eyes as she’d kicked him out of her room - he didn’t question it. The issue he finds himself struggling with is hard to put into words. If he couldn’t love himself, if he didn’t think he was worthy, could he truly love her? Mouse was willing to accept him at his most broken, for his flaws and his lingering self doubt. If he couldn’t do the same for himself-
The thoughts kept him up the better of the night. He’d lost count of the times he’d walked to his door intent on barging into her room… and doing what? That’s where the plan got dicey and inevitably where he decided against any further action until first light.
Of course, by the time he’d fallen asleep he’d been so exhausted that he’d missed first light. It wasn’t until a pair of noisy male tik-tak birds jostled for the affections of a female outside his window that Fox woke.
His first thoughts were of Mouse as he shooed the noisy creatures from his open window.
He didn’t enjoy the smell of failure -or sweat - that permeated the air around him. He took a sonic shower so fast he would have set a record back on Kamino. 
He focused on the words he’d say to her. The words that would make her see that he was sorry. That his shabla behavior was a fluke that he could and would correct. That he would spend the rest of his life making it up to her if she’d just give him one more chance.
 He pauses as he slips into his armor.
The rest of his life.
He didn’t want her for a moment in time. He wanted her for all time, at his side through whatever life would throw at them. Resolve settles over him, the kind that a lifetime training for battle honed. There’s a certain peace to it.
Like any good soldier he makes a plan. When she fails to answer her door when he knocks, he goes to plan B. He knocks again. Louder.
When that doesn’t work, he moves on to plan C.
There’s a small cadre of Jedi and Clones eating a quiet breakfast on the veranda. The sun is just peeking over the waterfalls in the distance. Cody and General Secura are speaking in quiet tones over two cups of caf. General Kenobi sits nursing a cup of tea staring out over the placid lake. Like, a sore thumb, Bly sticks out, devouring whatever pastry and fruit had been piled on his plate like he was a cadet late for morning exercises. He looks up in time to see Fox and give him an encouraging smile and a wave over before taking a bite of some sort of plump sausage even Fox found to be too large.
“Vod!” The golden yellow hues of Bly’s facial tattoos seem to glow brighter in the sun. “Su cuy’gar!” he greets happily.
Fox pauses, then pulls out a chair, grabbing a cheese filled pastry from his batch mate’s plate. “Su cuy’gar,” he greets in return. “After the sounds I was hearing last night I wasn’t sure I’d see you in one piece this morning.”
“Don’t be fooled. I’m held together by the Force and a prayer. My Aayl’ika does nothing in halves.”
Fox, even with the pressure of his impending conversation with his own love weighing on his shoulders, can’t help but chuckle as he steals the other Commander’s mug of caf. 
Bly snatches the mug back and hot caf sloshes over the edges. The commander of the 327th makes a grunt of discomfort before leaning in and sucking the drops of spilt caf from the space between his thumb and index finger.
Fox smothers a laugh with a large bite of pastry. Bly raises an eyebrow before his eyes narrow in on Fox’s mouth.
“I know red is your color,” Bly grabs a napkin and tosses it to Fox, who catches it easily, “but I didn’t believe you were a lipstick man, regardless of color.”
One swipe across his mouth brings back a small smear of star cherry red lipstick. Mouse’s lipstick. He must have missed it in the shower.
“Since I don’t see the lovely dal I’m taking it either went very well or very poorly.”
Fox takes another swipe and places the napkin down when it comes back clean. “It’s a work in progress”
Bly gives him a serious look, the easy going manner from a moment ago pushed to the back burner.
“Tell me, vod. How do you and General Secura-“ Aayla glances up when she hears her name. Fox offers a tight smile. Bly shoots her a wink. “How do you do it?”
“Well you see Fox’ika, when a clone loves a Jedi-“
“Fierfek! Bly I’m being serious!”
“We’re honest with one another” Aayla’s smooth Ryl accent interrupts whatever comment Bly was getting ready to make. She moves gracefully over from her previous spot near Cody. The Marshal Commander has now joined his Jedi staring peacefully out across the water. Fox doesn’t doubt he’s listening in.
He isn’t sure whether he should be thankful for Secura’s intervention or not. Never having had a Jedi of his own, he still has moments where he finds their presence overwhelming. Aayla looks about as intimidating as a loth kitten this morning in leggings and a loose tunic, somehow looking incredibly chic and supremely comfortable all at once. Her eyes find his, searching for something as she sits down next to her Commander. “We’ve had to learn the finer points of communication.” She looks to Bly. Adoration is written across her delicate features as her lekku twitch happily. “We have to be able to trust each other.”
“It’s work,” Bly says, taking Aayla’s hand and placing a soft kiss along her knuckles ,“but we make it work.”
“And after the war?”
Aayla sighs. “We will cross that bridge when we come to it, but I don’t know if my loyalty can remain with the order alone. Once the Force has shown you something-“ she pauses and smiles softly at Fox, “The Force works in mysterious ways, would you agree?”
“General Secura.” Cody’s voice comes from across the veranda because - of course - he was listening, “I believe you forgot to mention respect.”
Aayla smothers a smile. “Oh yes, respect is quite important.”
Fox is very quickly beginning to feel the nonexistent walls close in around him. “Yes. Yes. “ he grumbles, “I’m a lousy di’kut.”
“You said that - not us - Commander,” General Kenobi chimes in without turning his head away from the lake spread out before him.
“Beg your pardon Generals, Commanders, but I don’t need the Force to tell me that I made a fool of myself last night.” He pushes up from his seat, stealing the caf back from Bly and finishing off the dregs. The other Commander makes a disgruntled sound. “Now, if just one of you could point me in the correct direction I have some-
The voices all mingle together as they chime in and Fox sighs, rubbing his temple.
“Yes, all of that and then some. Just-“ he lets out an exasperated sound “-has anyone seen her?”
Mouse hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Really, she’d just hoped to get away for a bit. She needed to separate herself from the faces that looked so much like his and the sad looks they’d given her as she’d picked at her breakfast.
She needed to know that Fox wasn’t just a few easy steps across the hall. She’d stood with her hands flat against the door too many times for her liking last night. It was only a few steps and she could be wrapped up in him, repercussions be damned.
Mouse wanted to pretend that her ultimatum may not end with a choice she wasn’t happy with. If Fox decided he couldn’t - or wouldn’t - do what she’d asked, well, she wasn’t sure how she’d handle it.
The field, nearly half a klik from the estate, had become a favorite over the last few months. Close enough to the waterfalls to hear the rush of water over the edge - and catch some mist on a windy day - but rarely visited by locals. It was peaceful. 
The summer grasses had easily surpassed the height of her knees weeks ago and - with a little more rain and sunshine - would soon be at her waist. For now it was just long enough to make a makeshift nest when she lay a blanket down. The green stems stood proudly around their brothers and sisters squashed by the worn quilt she spread out. 
The sun shone softly through a sea of gossamer clouds, its rays warm and soothing as she lay down with a datapad to review Padmé’s personhood bill in its entirety. Mouse couldn’t help the pull of sleep. The legalese of the document and warm kiss of sun paired with the sleeplessness from the night before had her first drowsing then, finally, blessedly sleeping sheltered from the world and her problems that lay outside her ring of softly swaying pastoral grass and millaflowers.
Her dreams begin as nothing in particular. Another blessing in disguise. Nothing bad troubles her sleep, though nothing good brings tenderness either. Instead she catches glimpses of Coruscant, of Fox and the other boys of the Guard, of a tiny green-skinned twi’lek girl. Images of Luke and Leia older and toddling around with their mother and father laughing and following behind them. Slowly, the boys are filtered out, then the Amidala-Skywalker clan, even little Me’kar fades away. All of it is gone and Mouse finds herself alone in front of a tiny cottage. It has a vegetable garden along one side and rows of flowers along the other. She hears her name whispered softly, the warm rumble of it so familiar.
Her eyes flutter open, and she squints into sun spilling around a vaguely humanoid shape while her eyes attempt to adjust to the sudden change. 
“I’ve been looking all over for you.” 
She’d know his voice anywhere. Hope springs to life in her chest. He’d come to find her. Surely that had to be a good thing, right? She moves to stand, getting as far as sitting before he makes a disgruntled sound and angles himself down and onto her blanket. She watches him look around, his head barely above the tall grasses surrounding them. His gaze moves to her discarded shoes and bare feet, slowly traveling up over her calves where her dress has ridden up in her sleep. She blinks, trying to push the residual fog of sleep from her head. Fox’s gloved hand reaches out and skims over her ankle. That electric spark she’d felt at his touch last night is still there.
“Fox?” He won’t look her in the eyes. The feeling of his touch is missed when he pulls his hand away. “Fox-“ she tries again, hiding and failing to hide the slight quiver in her voice.
He holds his hand up. “I have things to say and I need you to listen to every one. I’m- I’m not sure if you’re going to like what I have to say.”
Mouse nods slowly. He’s more his namesake now, more animal than she’s ever seen him. She moves slowly to rise to her knees, afraid the wrong move, a sudden quick one, will see him breaking away.
“I can do that,” she offers slowly. Fear at what he has to say leaves a thick knot in her stomach. “If we’re going to do this, though, I need to see your eyes. Ok?”
Fox makes another sound, a small grunt of assent as she rises on her knees and puts her hands to either side of his bucket. She releases the locks, hears the gentle hiss of release. His features are schooled when she lifts it off, but she knows her Fox. Whatever he has to say is eating at him. She can see it in the dark circles that rest underneath his eyes, the exhaustion that looks almost permanent in the soft brown eyes she adores so much. Always the caregiver, she fights the urge to pull him down, make him lay his head in her lap. She wants to card her fingers through the new growth of hair, brush through the locks that were just beginning to curl and swirl at the ends until he falls asleep. 
But she also needs to know what he has to say. She needs her answer so her heart can shatter or mend because whatever it is, there will be no in between. Not with him. Not with them.
She watches him swallow, look at the sky and the soft clouds above them before bringing his attention back to her.
“I’ve made mistakes in my life,” he begins, “Some of them widely known. You- you are the mistake I regret the most.”
Mouse attempts to turn away, but she can’t. His words- it feels like she’s watching a hover train come off the rails in slow motion. Fox glances down at his hands, squeezes them into fists.
“I-“ his eyes travel back to hers, pinning her in place “I’ve called you my precious girl more times than I can remember, because to me you are the most precious gift the maker has ever deemed fit to give me. But you're not a girl. You’re a woman,. A smart, strong, caring woman and I called you a girl. When things got hard, I treated you like one, like I had never made a mistake, like I knew what was best for the both of us.”
Mouse can see it in the little ways he moves, the clench of his fingers and the way his eyes trail to her shoulder, the scar covered by the thin summer dress, that it is taking everything for him to muscle through this.
“Fox, why are you saying this?”
“Because I need you to know.” His jaw is set in a sharp line. “I need you to know that I’ve thought about you every day since you left Coruscant, that I dream about you every night. I need you to know that I’m afraid to be around you, that even with the chip gone and that- that hut’uun,” spitting the word out as if it tastes bad in his mouth, “dead, I’m scared that it’s not enough, that someone is going to say the wrong thing and I’m going to do something you won’t come back from - and there’ll be no field of wildflowers for me to find you sleeping in, because you’ll be dead and it will be my fault”
Mouse grabs his hand, forces her fingers between his until he relents and lets her hold it. Her other reaches up, strokes along his right temple and feels the telltale ridge of scar under her fingers.
“Listen to me.” It’s a firm order and his eyes go a little wide. “You are not a bad man. You never have been. You never will be. You are the reason I’m alive. Your will, your strength kept you from making a shot I know for a fact you could make in your sleep. The scars I bear are your love brought to life.”
Fox shakes his head quickly. “That is sick, cyar’ika, you were-“ 
It’s Mouse’s turn to make a sound of discontentment as she pulls at the collar of her dress, stretching it out and down around her shoulder. “Look at it,” she demands. When he hesitates, she places his hand on it, holds it down with her own. “It’s just skin, just flesh over bone. Do you think Palpatine would have allowed me to live even if you hadn’t been the one to do it?”
Her hand slides his down to her chest where she holds it high on her left breast. “This has always been yours. Do you feel it?”
Fox’s fingers twitch over her racing heart. She had to make him see. Even if this was the last moment they were ever together, he had to leave without the guilt. “This has always been yours,” she repeats again, “You protected it and I’m alive because of it.”
Fox pulls away from her with a rough exhale, shaking his head. Mouse lowers herself, sitting on her feet, pretending she doesn’t feel the pins and needles building in them. He won’t look at her as she adjusts the neck of her dress back. She’s failed. The sudden realization hits with such certainty. She was going to lose him for good.
“You are so warm. You draw people to you and take them in, claim them as yours and care for them. You’ve never seen myself or any of the other Guard as just clones. From day one you spoke to each and every trooper you met as an individual. You’ve always tried to help and for some reason I was the one lucky enough to have you helping me. Even when I was acting like osik. Even when I was gruff and dismissive. You dealt with me-“
“-And I loved you” 
Love her head screams at her to correct but she doesn’t. Fox nods.
“Someone else will come along and they’ll love you with everything they have to give.”
Mouse feels a sharp pain in her chest and tries to turn away. Fox’s curled finger catches under her chin and brings her eyes back up to his. Mouse sees something steely in their warm depths.
“They’ll give you the world. Everything I can’t. But you know what?” He lets the question hang in the air for a moment. “I don’t want anyone else to love you. That’s my job. I don’t want to lose you and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I ever put you in a position to think otherwise.”
Relief, warm and fluid fills her veins as tears threaten at the corners of her eyes. Fox watches with slow building panic.
“I- please don’t cry.”
Mouse laughs then and leans up, capturing his lips in a chaste kiss that he doesn’t respond to immediately. When she pulls back, he looks pleasantly bewildered.
“I’m not sad.” She wipes aggressively at a tear rolling down her cheek. “These are happy.”
Fox’s hands cup her cheeks, his thumb brushing away another stray tears. “Well if that’s all…”
 He leans in and captures her mouth in another sweet, delicate kiss, pours his love into it until it’s spilling over and Mouse thinks she could happily drown in the feel of it. 
When she attempts to deepen the kiss, he pulls back. Mouse bites the inside of her cheek to stop a whine from escaping.
“My self control is negligible at this point.” Fox manages a strained laugh while he cradles her face. “I don’t want to rush-“
Mouse presses forward and kisses him hard, sharp teeth nipping just this side of painful along his lower lip. The growl she’s missed over the last few months rumbles in his chest.
When she pulls back, letting his lip slip between her teeth, she can’t help but appreciate the way his eyes have darkened. His hands fall down to her hips and he stares. Just stares into her eyes, searching for something. Mouse doesn’t look away.
“You want to do this right here?” His voice is thick with the familiar gravel of lust and Mouse feels a wave of heat ripple through her body. Right here, on the blanket in the warm sun where anyone could see. There’s a certain thrill to that thought. She swallows thickly. 
“We need to slow down,” Fox repeats.
“Are you saying that for you or me? Because I’ve been waiting months to touch you,” she admits. If possible, Fox’s eyes darken more at the admission. She’s always loved his durasteel will, but right now Mouse found it more than a little irritating. 
“Cyar’ika.” His tone is warm, but the warning underneath is very clear. Ok. Fine. She could go a bit longer. 
“Can I show you something?”
A smile pulls at the corner of his mouth as his thumbs brush small light circles over her dress. 
“I suppose it depends on what you're trying to show me.” 
Mouse leans forward and the pair meet in a slow kiss, just a soft press of their mouths that neither can seem to deny. She murmurs against his lips when she pulls back. 
“Come with me.”
Link to part 2/2 here
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