#how sweet emma 🥺
loveshotzz · 1 year
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All I Really Want Is You
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older!neighbor!widower! steve x fem!reader chap seven/ten - a slow burn series of blurbs - updated every wednesday
Bad Idea
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summary: After a week of avoiding, you find Steve at your front steps.
wc: 4.3k
warnings: 18+ series for future chapters. Steve and Reader have THE talk, we learn Steve & Emma’s story. There will be discussions of feelings about watching a loved one struggle with terminal illness and death in this chapter. There’s not a ton of details about her struggles but it is touched on. Angsty beginning and a very, very fluffy end 🧡
author’s note: it’s all up hill from here guys, just a little growing pains. i can’t believe there’s only three chapters left after this 🥺 thank you for reading and all of the sweet reblogs and messages through out this whole series. you have made this so special for me and it’s been such a comfort to write as I navigate my own life changes right now.
🌇 <- chapter six -> chapter eight
The Masterlist / The Playlist / The tune:
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End of June -
It had been a week since Steve came back from his camping trip. A week of good morning texts left unanswered, of making sure not to look out your window when you knew he was home - even when you could hear him play with Bandit. He was doing that outside more than usual, a tactic to try and get you to come out and talk to him or hell, even just look at him. 
He doesn’t know that a few times it almost worked. 
Always & Forever
The words engraved into silver also stay carved deep and fresh in your mind, not letting you forget. You couldn’t, even if you tried. Especially not her beautiful eyes. Does she hate you? Part of you feels like you would hate you. The guilt threatens to punch the air out of your lungs.
The days go on like this with you doing everything in your power to avoid him while he did everything he could to run into you. The last ditch effort was after you caught him getting out of his car, your eyes meeting for a split second before you cut through the alley walking in through the back gate instead. Your resolve to stay away grows weaker when Steve’s good morning texts finally stop after that. 
So when Brad, the new server, gets the courage to ask you out, you say yes. It was a bad idea, anyone could’ve told you that, you didn’t really want him. He was just a distraction from facing the consequences of your own actions.  
He takes you to RPM Steakhouse in the heart of downtown and surprisingly he actually makes you laugh. He’s full of food industry horror stories he’s collected over the years. He’s not boring and he’s attentive when you talk, asking questions like he’s really interested. The butterflies that have built a home in your rib cage don’t flutter and fly for him though. The nerves that make your heart beat faster, the ones that feel like they vibrate from your fingertips, like your skin is on fire, are stagnant. 
He’s not Steve. 
You skip out on dessert when it’s offered to you, but you let him hug you before you get in your separate Uber’s home. It worked for a few hours at least. Looking out the window when your car hits the expressway, the skyline shines gleaming like the stars in the clear night sky.
It’s not very long until your phone fights for your attention, the screen illuminating the backseat. It pulls you back to reality, your breath catching when it’s not Brad’s name that flashes across your screen.
Can we please just talk? 
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You aren’t expecting to see him at your front steps when the Uber drops you off at your gate. His hair sticks out wild at the ends, like he’s been pulling it all night, scratch that, all week and it makes more guilt settle deep in your gut. The scruff on his jaw is almost dark enough to be a beard now. His legs are covered in gray sweats and the white undershirt he wears fits tight over his shoulders. You hate how handsome he still is, even with his slides and socks.
He’s talking to himself, moving his hands like he’s trying to explain something, reciting a speech you can’t quite hear from as far as you are. The leftovers shift in your bag when you take your first step making the styrofoam squeak and plastic crinkle, his eyes shoot up instantly at the noise.
Those wings start to stretch and flutter even after just one word. You wish you could be mad at how much power one word from him has, but all you feel is the weight of how much you missed him when his face softens.
“Hi Steve.” You catch the way his lips twitch at the sound of his name coming from your mouth when you open the gate. It had been too long for him, he’d become addicted to it without even knowing it.
He stands up, his eyes can’t help but roam your bare legs that sit exposed in your black cocktail dress, or the way the middle sinches into your waist, before fluttering out over the tops of your thighs. His own jealousy threatens to bubble over at the thought of you wearing this for someone else. He needs you to understand him.
“Is this a bad time?” He asks, scratching the back of his neck while he reads the restaurant name on your bag. He hopes whoever took you there isn’t coming back. “If it is sweetheart, I can give you more space. I just, I just wanted to see you.”
You stop in front of him, further away than normal but close enough to smell the cigar smoke that still clings to the cotton of his shirt. It mixes with the spice of his cologne from earlier this morning. His eyes find yours without hesitation, glazed over from the glass of whiskey you’re sure he nursed before finding himself on your front steps. They shimmer under the moon like emeralds and you just want to get lost in them.
The answer you want to give and the answer that you think will protect you are at each other’s throats, constricting yours from giving him anything right away. His face crumbles a little when his question is met with silence. You don’t want him to go.
“No, it’s not a bad time.” It comes out before you can fight it.
The smile that tugs at Steve’s lips warms your face like the summer sun, his hand reaching out for you before pulling back and finding a new home deep in his pocket instead. Baby steps. Your arm brushes against his when you walk past him, the smallest touch lighting the match.
“I just need to get out of this dress.” You can’t look at him when you pull at the fabric as if to show him how uncomfortable it is.
“Should I wait down here?” He clears his throat a little unsure of himself as he watches you dig through your purse. He didn’t think he’d get this far.
Cicadas buzz loud against the jingle of your keys in the beat of silence it takes you to unlock the front door. The stale air of the walkway hits you like an oven when you push it open, the heat making your skin stick more than it did outside.
“You can come up. I promise my dishes are done this time.” You flash him a smirk from over your shoulder watching the way your gesture makes him relax like you’d intended, secretly enjoying the blush you still can get to flush his cheeks so easily. 
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Steve hadn’t been inside your apartment since the day he fixed your sink, and you don’t think you’ll ever get used to seeing him here. He’s handsome in a timeless way, still somehow put together even in his disheveled state. You watch the way he takes in his surroundings like he wants to commit it all to memory not knowing that he actually is, just in case this all blows up in his face and you never let him come back here again. 
The only noise that fills the room is the loud whirr of your A/C and it’s your turn to clear your throat.
“Umm, feel free to take a seat. I’ll be really quick.” You awkwardly gesture towards your green couch, grimacing when your mind goes back to the beautiful leather one at his place. 
He just nods, rubbing his palms against his thighs while taking one last look around before sitting. Your nose scrunches when you see how deep he sinks down, maybe a used couch wasn’t the best idea you’d ever had.
You wait till your door is shut to let out the long breath you feel like you’ve been holding this whole time. The familiar thumping in your chest returns ten fold. He’s in your living room.  
You try not to think too much about the yoga shorts and oversized shirt you change into, especially when your muscles relax, no longer strained by the tight nylon material dress. Allowing a single once over in your long mirror, you force yourself back out, the creak of your door alerting him of your return. His stare makes goosebumps dance across sticky skin in a battle with the air conditioning.
“Do you want some water?” You try to sound casual when you ask, keeping your back to him so he can’t see the way you’re still buying time.
“S- sure,” he stutters out, a cough following and you hear the way the cushions respond to his weight as he tries leaning forward. 
Now it's the whirr of your a/c and the grumbling of the ice machine that silences the unspoken feelings that are begging to come out. Scratching and clawing their way to the surface, the cracks in your facade start getting deeper the longer you stay quiet.
Steve breaks first.
“I think there’s a conversation we should have.” He pauses before starting over, “There’s a conversation I want to have.”
You freeze when the realization of where you left the watering can smacks you right in the face.
“Steve-“ you start, unable to meet his eyes and he’s quick to cut you off.
“Listen, I have some things I need to say and you should at least let me get it off my chest if you’re just going to pretend I don’t exist now.” His words make you realize the selfishness that hides under your insecurities of not being good enough for someone like him. 
He stands up when you turn around, both of you staying on opposite sides of the room. He takes a shaky breath before dragging his fingers through his hair.
“I didn’t think I’d ever feel these things again with anyone else, I was sure of it actually and then you showed up in your horribly packed moving truck.” He laughs a little like he’s still wrapping his head around all of it, and he knows if the situation was any different you’d roll your eyes at him for the teasing jab.
“You brought all of these things out of me that I thought I’d lost for good. Like, I can’t remember the last time I cared about what I was wearing when I left the house, but the past month I’ve been obsessed about it. Like what if she’s outside? What if she’s looking out her window? What if she wants to talk to me?” The veins in his neck show themselves as he gets more worked up but he’s not done yet.
“Then last week when you showed up at my front gate, looking even prettier than the last time I saw you, because you do that somehow, I couldn’t help myself around you anymore. The fact that you were actually going to kiss me back after I put the worst moves on you made me feel like I won the lottery or something.” His gaze meets yours to make sure he isn’t scaring you off before taking a deep breath.
“And then, and then you just - you just left without so much as a reason why. It was pretty clear though when I got home, and maybe that’s my fault because I feel like I’m doing this all backwards but you didn’t give us a chance to even talk about it.”
Steve looks like his world is falling apart, and the things he’s saying make you feel like anything but a second choice. You wish you could go back to that rainy day at his house and do things over again.
“I wasn’t given the shot at a fair fight the first time something special was taken from me, but I have one now and I’m not walking away unless you kick me out.” He straightens his shoulders a little before another anxious hand runs through his wild hair. His chest heaves as he finally gets out what’s been sitting just below the surface the whole time, his fears revealing themselves behind flushed cheeks and glassy eyes. 
The feeling like you’re slighting another woman who isn’t here is hard to navigate. It makes your own eyes sting but you don’t let the tears fall. Not when he’s handing his heart to you like he means it.
“I’d never kick you out,” your words come out quiet - soft, a stark contrast to the way his boomed loud with conviction, but he doesn’t miss them.
Hope starts to sprout deep in his chest for the first time in years.
“Never?” He breathes, relief relaxing the hard lines on his face while he looks at you from under his lashes.
His feet take him those few steps closer and when you make no moves to tell him to stop he keeps going. The sadness that plagues his handsome features slowly starts to fade and the bags under his eyes become more obvious. You want to kiss them.
Your hand extends, fingers reaching out for his. His eyes follow your movements, taking in what you’re offering and he doesn’t hesitate anymore, interlocking them like when he walked you to your front door. You watch the way his shoulders give the moment they touch and his eyes close as he relishes in the feel of it. Of you. 
Your back hits the edge of your kitchen sink when he crowds your space a little more, your fingers playing songs on imaginary strings together. Memorizing he dips between each one. His nose skims across your forehead making your own eyes close. How could you ever stay away from him?
He hums at your confession, squeezing your hand gently before pulling back. He takes his time admiring your face from this close. He missed you so much, he actually thinks it’s kind of crazy. His other hand reaches up to cup your cheek, the pad of his thumb tracing the high bone. He loves the way you lean into it. You missed him too.
“Can we have that conversation now?” 
All you can do is nod, tears still threatening to spill out but now a different kind.
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The two of you sit on your couch for hours, worn in cushions pushing you close together. Your head rests on his arm that’s draped along the back of it, your socked feet in his lap. He tells you how he met Emma through his high school sweetheart Nancy. The ex that turned him into a man as he put it, the one that made him really think about the kind of person he wanted to be. Even going as far to say Emma would have never given him the time of day if it wasn’t for her. Nancy was the Managing Editor of The Chicago Tribune and Emma was her Editor in Chief.
After being introduced by Nancy at a sports gala, Steve pursued her hard, especially because she said no the first three times he asked her out. It makes you giggle when he laughs about it. He said he knew he wanted to marry her after the first date and a year later he proposed to her on a group vacation with Eddie, Robin, Nancy and a few other friends in Mexico. The picture you saw was taken right after she said yes.
The wedding was small, just a few of their closest friends at The Chicago Botanical Gardens, and a dinner at Smith & Wollensky next to the river after. He told you how Eddie pretended to be mad the whole night becauseSteve made Robin his best man instead. They both moved into Steve’s apartment near Wrigley Field after a honeymoon in Italy. He said it was some of the best years of his life with her there, young and in love in one of the liveliest neighborhoods in the city. Then a few years passed and both their careers started taking off and they started wanting more as they got older. A family.
That’s when they started to invest in renovating this fixer upper of a house in a less nightlife oriented neighborhood. The house you live next door to. Between busy work schedules and dealing with contractors when the symptoms first started, they didn’t think anything of it. They chalked it up to exhaustion until she fainted in her office a few months later, then they finally saw a doctor. Another month later after multiple tests and hospital visits Emma was diagnosed with ALS.
“I’ve never seen something debilitate someone so fast, and Emma, god Emma was so strong. Seeing her like that at the end, it fucking broke me.” Steve’s voice cracks, a silent stream of tears falling down his cheeks now.
Your heart breaks for them, the tragedy of watching the person you love fall apart with nothing to do to stop it. An entire life you had planned ripped out from under you with zero warning or mercy. A cruel joke.
You reach up, using the back of your knuckles to wipe away his tears.  He leans in your touch, his gaze meeting yours with so many emotions inside of them, you think you might drown.
“We decided to stay in our apartment when she couldn’t walk anymore, with the rate it was moving she didn’t want me to live in this big new house meant for our new beginning and have her…have her die in it,” the last part comes out in just above a whisper, stopping to collect his thoughts. His brows furrow together and his fingers search for yours again. You give them to him without question. 
“We checked her into hospice a month after that, Eddie flew in the day she chose to get off assistance. She was surrounded by the people she loved the most those last days.” He takes another deep breath before he continues, it shakes just like his hands.
“That was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I don’t know how someone is supposed to go through that kind of pain and move on from it. Be a person again after it.” He takes another pause and he pulls you closer. His anchor.
“I don’t know if I’d still be here if it wasn’t for Eddie moving into the house with me those first three months, if I’m being totally honest with you.” He sniffs, his gaze falls to his lap to try and hide the shame at the thought, and you squeeze his hand a little bit harder.
“I’m so sorry Steve.” Your voice cracks at the weight of everything he’s been carrying around. The gravity of the way you left him tightens in your throat.
The tears you’d been holding back break free, making his eyes snap to yours. He lets your hand go to wipe your cheeks with gentle fingers like you did to his just moments before. He knows you're apologizing for more than just his bad luck.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m okay now,” he whispers, pressing his forehead to yours. The tips of your noses touch, tears mixing and dripping down the ends of them. You keep your eyes closed in hopes that if you focus hard enough, maybe you could take away some of his pain. Even if it’s just a little bit. “We’re okay now.”
You don’t know how long the two of you sit like this together, not speaking, letting wandering hands memorize faces and fingertips. Your breathing falls in time while your cheeks start to dry. Puffy red eyes stay closed while your muscles finally relax. His nose rubs small circles against yours that make smiles neither of you can see stretch across tear streaked faces.
When you finally open your eyes, he’s already looking at you, something brighter inside of his now like he just let go of a big secret. He doesn’t have to hide anymore.
It’s you that finally works up the strength to pull away enough to really see his whole face after depriving yourself of it for so long.
“I actually kinda feel like she sent you here, despite me,” he admits, laughing nervously, breaking the silence, “She made me promise her that I’d try and find love again when the time was right, I eventually said yes after she asked me at least a dozen times, but I never actually intended on it.” 
Steve stops for a second to brush some of your mascara that smudged, holding your eyes in the forest of his.
“Then five years later, this tough girl tries moving an entire apartment’s worth of stuff by herself next door. I mean, you practically did.” He smiles at how proud you look of yourself, “I knew I was screwed when Bandit sniffed you out.”
You giggle like you're just as love sick as him and he wishes he could play it on a loop whenever he’s sad. 
“She was probably laughing at how bad I was at trying to flirt with you.” His ears turn cherry red while he tries to hide his very real embarrassment.
“You did run away from me for like a solid week after we met the first time if you remember,” you tease, making his eyebrows raise in challenge. You weren’t supposed to roast him too.
“I guess we’re even then aren’t we?” He counters, smirking when you scoff, wrapping his arm around you so you can’t move away like you try to in fake protest.
Your legs end up draped over the tops of his thighs, fitting snug into his side. The warmth of his body makes your eyelids droopy. The cedar undertones he always carries calms all of your nerves.
“She was beautiful Steve,” you whisper, playing with the chain that dangles off his neck before looking up at him with a smile, “And maybe even a little too cool for you if I dare say.” It’s genuine when it comes out of your mouth, no hidden insecurities, an understanding that he wasn’t settling for you and it makes Steve want to kiss you even more. 
“She would have thought you were way too cool for me too.” He laughs, tracing the side of your face with his fingertips. You want to look away from the intensity of it all but you force yourself to hold his stare, keeping yourself open for him. It’s quiet for a few minutes, letting everything that was shared tonight really sink in. That stray you missed so much makes an appearance and you finally get to be the one that pushes it back, and his hair is just as soft as you imagined.
“What are you doing on the fourth, pretty girl?” The new nickname makes you shift in your seat, the hint of a smug smirk begs to break across his face when he catches it. Maybe he’s still got it.
“Nothing, I got the day off.” You hate that his question is enough to make you shy.
It’s too hard to hold his gaze this time, but he doesn’t let that slide. His fingers hook under your chin to tilt your eyes back up to his. Noses brushing, your lips just inches apart like this.
“Be my date to the block party?” He whispers, whiskey and tobacco still lingering on his breath. 
You smile, nudging your nose against his in a dare.
“I’d love to Steve.” His name comes out around strawberry chapstick lips, they brush with his feeling like velvet and it makes his nostrils flare.
He dips his head with a groan kissing the corner of mouth instead, before placing one on both your cheeks and another, a lingering one, against your forehead. 
“In honor of not doing things backwards, I’m going to wait until I’ve taken you out. The way it should happen. The way someone like you deserves.”
Steve wants to make you feel special too.
It's hard for you to feel rejected with his reasoning and seeing the clock on your stove read in bright red numbers - 2:46am. The fourth was only three days away now.
You play it off with a roll of your eyes and a dramatic “fine” that makes him really laugh for the first time all night, giving you another kiss on the cheek. This one a little wet. He can’t get enough of the way you can’t look at him after.
It’s another thirty minutes before he decides it’s time to go home when your yawn is too loud to hide and your head presses harder into his chest. He wishes he could stay, and one night he knows he will.
You both linger in the doorway with fingers wrapped up tight, neither one of you ready to let go. He just wants to stare at you, but he knows the alarm stuffed in his pocket is going to make his life miserable in three hours.
Instead, he gives you another kiss on the forehead telling you he’ll text in the morning, and he wishes he could have a picture of the smile you give him when you promise to text back.
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beta’d by @superblysubpar
dividers by @newlips
older!steve edit by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
🌇 -> chapter eight
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spideystevie · 2 years
Omg. 1 from the soft gestures with Steve? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
emma ily & i hope you enjoy <3 (0.6k)
1. tracing your lover’s features while they sleep [request a soft gesture]
It’s not often that you wake up before Steve, especially on a weekend. You try not to take it for granted when you do. Sunlight filters in through his gauzy bedroom curtains leaving his hair a caramelized brown, basking his skin with the softest warm glow.
He’s on his stomach, an arm beneath his pillow and the other awkwardly outstretched and draped over you. The sheets have slipped off his shoulders revealing bare skin and freckles. His shoulders are a steady rise and fall as he sleeps.
Your heart feels like it’s turned into mush, too overwhelmed at the sight of Steve at his most vulnerable. Sometimes you can’t believe he’s real, a tangible thing you get to call your boyfriend.
You fell in love with Steve like an early morning sunrise, delicate and inevitable. It painted your hearts a gaussian blur of deep magentas and vibrant oranges. Left you feeling like sunlight would pour out of your chest at the simplest lingering touch.
You think you fall in love all over again with each morning you wake up next to him. 
A few pieces of hair hang onto his forehead, obstructing his fluttering eyelids and eyelashes that kiss the tops of his cheeks. You reach out a hesitant hand, easing the hair back with a soft push of your fingers. When he doesn’t stir, you trace his features with gentle fingertips instead of just your eyes. 
It’s a featherlight touch, almost ghostlike, something that would be sure to tickle if he were awake. Your index finger traces down the curve of his nose like you’re committing it to memory. You move to the spot above his lips, velvety skin prickled with hints of stubble, and then across the pink curve of his cupid’s bow. 
You pause, almost waiting for a reaction that’ll tell you, you’ve woken him up. It’s the last thing you want to do, knowing he’d worked late, long hours all week and needed the rest. 
After a beat, you resume your motions. You trace where the lines would be when he crinkles his forehead confused, trace down to the apples of his cheeks, connecting the spaces between freckles, forming them into constellations and patterns. His jawline is a little rough beneath your fingertips, the stubble growing out along the sharp edge. 
Steve’s lips twitch, pulling at the corners into the ghost of a sweet and sleepy smile. He’d been tickled awake by soft, gentle ghostlike touches. He keeps his eyes closed, soaking in the way your fingers move along his features. They try to memorize every detail, every flaw, every part that makes him, him. 
He lets you keep on, touches not skimming the surface of skin anymore but brushing across it. They venture up into his hair, scratching at his scalp and running through his hair, relishing in how soft it feels between your fingers. It’s soothing, adoring, almost lulls him back to sleep. 
It’s only when your hand falls to the limited space between you, pinky just barely brushing his shoulder and you lean in to press a chaste breeze of a kiss on the tip of his nose does he stir. His face scrunches, sleepy and soft like the smile that curls up. 
Your lips have puckered into the slightest pout when his eyes blink open.
“Did I wake you?” you ask, a little guilty but your heart feels more alive now that he’s awake. He shifts onto his side, using the arm draped over you to pull you into him. 
“It’s okay,” he presses a soft kiss to your pout though his lips press more to the corner of your mouth than anything. Your heart flutters, sunbeams threatening to break out of your ribcage. “I like waking up like this.”
It makes your cheeks burn. 
“Yeah?” your voice is soft and he hums a murmur of confirmation, nose bumping and sliding against yours. His eyes have fluttered shut again but he presses a kiss to your forehead this time. 
Steve is the sunrise in bed next to you, warm and pretty and lighting up your world even when things are dark.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Timo and Liv getting in a big fight about her and Luca. And Timo accidentally makes Liv cry. And Emma loses it on Timo.
idk if we are ready for this but here we go.🥺
Luca’s lips on Liv’s neck are making her melt into the front door against her back. She knows her parents camera is probably picking this up. But her family is in the mountains this weekend without her, because she was working. She feels safe with her dad hundreds of miles away from her boyfriend. 
Since Liv and Luca’s first time, her first time too, they haven’t been able to keep their hands off each other. He has awakened a part of her she never knew existed. With his sweetness and his hot body, she craves him every minute, of every day. The reality of the summer quickly fading kills her, and her dad’s words about how this was all going to work.
She’d ask Luca about it later. But not tonight. Not when it feels this good to be with him.
“We need to go inside.” She pants to Luca where he is sucking the skin of her collar bone into his mouth. “Babe, don’t mark me.” She reminds him, tugging at his hair to pull him away. His lips attach to hers and she forgets about going inside again. 
“Wanna taste you all over tonight.” He begs. His fingers trail up the outside of her thigh, brushing the fabric of her dress up with each movement. “Taste how sweet you are after our night together.” His finger hooks into the lace of her panties, inching them down. “Feel all the places you’re wet for me.” Liv sighs, resting her head briefly on his shoulder before he kneels down to work the fabric off. She leans against the front door, watching Luca Fiala lift one foot, then the other to pull her panties off.
“What should I do with these?” Liv bites her lip, shaking her head slightly like she isn’t sure. She’s so inexperienced, but wants to be mysterious and sexy for him. Luca catches onto her insecurity and shrugs, putting them into his pocket. He’ll teach her to talk dirty- slowly, like everything else they’ve done. He could take his time with it, draw it out for the rest of her lives, if she’ll let him. “I’ll take them home with me, hang them above my bed so I dream of you later.” Liv giggles, then allows him to spin her by her hips to unlock the door.
She pushes the door open, then comes face to chest with her dad, who is absolutely NOT supposed to be home.
“Ah…” She swallows hard, reaching back for Luca’s thigh. She hits his hard zipper, but he grips her hand, readjusting her to cover him more.
“Livia.” A chill rushes down her spine at her dad’s use of her legal name.
“I… thought you were in the mountains.”
“Clearly.” Timo scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes move past his daughter to Luca. “What the fuck are you doing to my daughter on my front steps?”
“I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.” Luca begins. Timo laughs wickedly.
“Really? What’s in your pocket right now?” Liv feels her chest cave in. Mortified tears begin to form in her eyes.
“We were saying goodnight. That’s it.” Liv tries instead.
“Oh? And he was going to tuck you into bed? In my house? And that isn’t disrespectful? Get inside.” 
“Livia I am not asking.” Timo’s teeth are gritting, dark eyebrows lowered angrily.
“I’m not coming in there. You’re being unfair to us and you don’t get to tell me what to do all the time. You think you’re protecting me, but all you’re doing is controlling me. You would never do this with Lio and I am sick of it!” 
“Lio doesn’t need this kind of supervision.”
“Why? Because he is your favorite?” Timo rolls his eyes. He’s heard this before, always when she’s trying to get out of trouble. From both of his oldest children, actually.
“I am not having any more of this discussion. We are talking about you tonight. Not Lio.”
“Baby, I’m going to go. I don’t want to cause anymore trouble.” Luca releases her hand.
“No.” Liv grabs his hand, keeping him close to her. “Don’t go. You’re welcome here.” 
“Ah, no he isn’t. I don’t want to see you around here again anytime soon. Liv, get in the house. I’m not asking again.”
“I am not going inside.” She snaps back at him. Her jaw clenches and all Timo can see is Emma. The way she defiantly didn’t love him back, picking anyone else over him at times. And he feels angry about the way Liv is dismissing his authority. She may be grown up, but she is still his baby. And he does not agree with her choices.
“I raised you better than this.” Timo steps forward. Liv steps back, forcing Luca down a stair. Luca holds her hips to steady her which seems to ignite Timo further. “Get your hands off my daughter.” Luca holds firm.
“If Liv wants me to take my hands off her, she’ll tell me.” Liv’s love for Luca grows instantly. It gives her confidence to push back against her dad again.
“Why does Lio get to fuck any woman in New York, but I have one person and I’m the problem child?! No. I’m a good kid. I don’t deserve this.” Liv is yelling now, shaky tears running down her face. Emma comes rushing down the stairs after hearing the commotion from their bedroom.
“Are you good still, Liv? Do good girls give men their underwear to bring home with them?” The disgust in his tone makes Liv’s breathing hitch. Shame settles onto her shoulders and pinch the backs of her eyes.
They all let Timo’s words hang in the air. Liv is stunned silent then begins to shake against Luca’s body. The entire conflict with her dad over Luca begins to boil within her body. Her teeth chatter, she reaches wildly for Luca’s hand as an anchor, gripping his fingers tightly, not quite believing what her dad insinuated about her. 
“Baby, let’s go to my place.” Luca murmurs into her hair, pulling her flush into his body. Liv stares directly back at her dad, tears streaming down in thick wet streaks, taking her mascara with them. “It’s okay. You’re okay.” Luca eases her back another step gently. 
“Liv…” Emma starts then trails off. She can leave. If it were Emma, she would leave too.
“Bye, mama.” Liv cries out. Emma’s heart breaks in her chest watching as Liv turns to walk back to Luca’s car. Timo says nothing. He watches silently as the Mercedes starts and pulls out of the driveway. They can both see Liv slumped over in the passenger seat, hands covering her face as she sobs.
“What the fuck is your problem!?” Emma yells, stalking down the rest of the stairs. “How could you say that to her?”
“He was violating our daughter on our front steps. How am I the one who is wrong here!?”
“Violating!?” Emma thrusts her hands through her hair angrily. “I don’t know what your problem is but I am sick of this shit, T. So sick of it. You’re pushing our daughter away. She is never here. She doesn’t want to speak to you when she is here. And you don’t even care! Because you have some ass-backwards view on how daughters are supposed to behave.”
“Stop.” She holds her hand up. “I have stood by trying to coach and guide you. I am done with that. Your behavior is out of control You and I have a serious problem.”
“Fine. Then we have a problem. But I am never going to be the dad that stands by while some fuck puts his hands all over my daugh-” 
“How do you not see that “Fuck” just protected your daughter from YOU.” Emma lets her words hang in the air, desperate to see some sort of change in Timo. He crosses his arms tighter, shrugging his shoulders again like this is okay. “You know what, I don’t want you here tonight. Go sleep at Nico’s.” 
Timo flinches. Emma has never kicked him out of the house before.
“Your behavior is disgusting. Inexcusable. And you better start taking a hard look in the mirror at who you are turning into. This version of you sucks.” Emma finishes as she walks back to the stairs, climbing them without another look at her husband.
Emma grabs her cellphone, eager to text her daughter. She is relieved to see a text waiting for her. Until she reads it.
I’m moving out. I’ll be over to pack later this week.
Whatever remains of Emma’s heart shatters into a billion little pieces. 
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sunshinesteviee · 2 years
Hi Emma!!! I saw you’ll be celebrating Valentine’s Day with a sleepover and I think it’s so cute! If you don’t mind I want to send a 🌹for a fluffy blurb with Steve🥺 with this prompt from list 3 “jumping into your lover’s arms” maybe one of them has been away for a little bit and when they return is ready to catch you when you jump into his arms and kiss him silly 😭💕 I hope you have a wonderful week and a wonderful Valentine’s Day! 💖
- underoossss
thanks so much, angel!! all the same to you <3
It’d been a week and a half since you’d seen Steve. Eleven days. The longest you’d ever gone without seeing him. And you’d been going crazy without him. Not to say you hadn’t talked to him — you’d called him nearly every day you’d been gone — but you missed him and his hugs. You were finally heading home, though, and Steve was picking you up at the airport. 
Steve had been fairing about the same as you. He’d been missing you like crazy, and Robin was going crazy hearing about it. Anxious for your arrival, Steve had shown up at the airport nearly an hour early, pacing back and forth with flowers in hand. He was getting weird looks, but couldn’t find it in himself to care.
When he knew your flight had landed, he headed towards the baggage claim and found a spot right in front. One hand on his hip, his shoe tapped against the tile floor repeatedly, bouquet of flowers clutched tightly in his grasp as he scanned the incoming crowd impatiently. There were so many things from the past week that he wanted to tell you — one call a day hadn’t been cutting it — but most of all, he wanted to hug you close and never let go. Finally, he spotted you near the back of the group of people and shouted your name, lifting his hand above his head to catch your attention. 
Your head whipped in the direction his voice had come from, eyes lighting up as you spotted him. He had the biggest smile you’d ever seen tugging at his lips, and your heart skipped a beat knowing that it was all because of you. Grinning, you returned his wave and started pushing your way through the crowd of people in front of you. Everyone was moving much too slowly for your liking as you muttered apologies and wove through families and couples in your way. 
“Steve!” you shouted as you burst through the crowd to the other side, closing the short distance between the two of you with a few quick steps. You practically threw yourself at him, arms flying around his neck as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. “Oh my god, I missed you so much.”
He let out a huff of a laugh as you nearly knocked the wind out of him with how hard you’d launched yourself at him. Quick to recover, Steve’s arms circled your waist as he pulled you off of your toes enough to spin you around. His voice came out muffled in your hair when he finally replied, “Missed you, too, baby. So, so much.”
You squeaked in surprise as he lifted you off of your feet and clutched him even tighter as he spun you around until he set you back down, his hands settling on your hips gently. Letting out a huff, you moved your hands to cup Steve’s cheeks and looked at him seriously, “I’m never leaving you for that long ever again. Was going crazy without you.”
Steve laughed again but nodded seriously, his fingers pressing into the soft skin of your hip, “Me too, sweetheart. Robin was sick of hearing about how much I missed you, I think.”
Thumbs brushing up his cheeks and the bit of stubble that had grown there, you gently pulled Steve’s face closer to yours until your lips brushed against his. You could already feel the hint of a smile that tugged at the corners of his lips as you murmured, “I might die if you don’t kiss me right this second.” 
“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” he murmured in reply, dipping down to close the space between the two of you in a sweet kiss that wasn’t nearly long enough for your liking. 
“One more,” you whispered as he tried to pull back, leaning up to kiss him again, “Never going that long without you again, baby.” 
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camelspit · 4 months
Note! Definition of a sexywoman:
According to the sexywomanpedia, a sexywoman is "a character who shows the 'lanky suitman villain' tropes, is popular with wlw, and/or is highly divisive." Some factors to consider are morality (or lack thereof), overall mysteriousness, and strength (physical or abilitywise.)
Quinlin's Receptionist:
Cyrah Endal: None
Silla Heks:
"Milf" @hellbent-boy
Lady Gisela:
"god she is SO. what a milf oh my god. " @gay-otlc
Emma Foster: None
"Shes an evil hot powerful shade that got killed in the book she got introduced in what more could you want" @thefoxysnake
"Umber (Redacted) is one of the women in the series that isn’t JUST psychological manipulator! She also fought! She broke bones (if I remembered correctly) and messes with everyone’s minds without even revealing her true name! She has a boyfriend! A BOYFRIEND. TRIX. She went through something ‘the incident’ (mentioned in the latest book) and joined the Neverseen! She got Trix, her Pookie to be in the Neverseen as well 🥺. You can tell she was also a good lover how Trix was so sad over her death. KEEP IN MIND SHE DIED BEING CRUSHED, so for those who likes angst; there you go. She died in her mission. She was Tam’s mentor and an EXCELLENT fighter if I do say so myself. Who wouldn’t vote Umber? A girlboss with a sweet boyfriend and has murderous tendencies? 😔🎉 Vote for Umber PLEASE! I’M BEGGING YOU! PLSPLSPLSPLS 😭😭" @chronically-ill-psionipath
Want to submit propaganda? Do so here and it will be added in the next round!
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imahumashipper · 2 months
who are your children (as you like to call them)
well since you asked……….
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First we have Chenry their my baby’s 🥺
(which should have been canon but were not gonna talk about it) they are my second favorite
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Next we have my favorite of them all ✨Huma✨
(yes I pick favorites fight me over it my blog is literally called ‘imahumashipper’ what do you want me to do about it)
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Up 3rd we have rina just cause why not
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Next up they don’t really need an introduction but we have grace and Judd
(They are literally my relationship inspiration cause 😭)
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Emma and Killian the alternate universe version of Huma cause look how they act towards each other
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Eric and Ariel are literally that couple that is just fluff like I can’t even imagine them arguing cause they are to sweet😭 but These are my children and they must be protected at all cost from trolls I will fight over them forever but here’s the ranking of my children
✨Huma ✨ they’re my comfort couple
Chenry they are also my comfort couple but also bestie to lovers
eric and Ariel literally also my comfort couple
grace and Judd literally he’s fire and shes his extinguisher
Emma and Killian are like the definition for enemies to lovers
and as a bonus who come as a runner up to Huma
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Is 🤍Jaele🤍
I literally ship them so fucking hard it’s not a joke I will make them my whole personality and make it everyone else’s problem
and to all the people who COULD have made all these ships that WEREN’T CANON, CANON:
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this was probably my favorite ask I’ve gotten so far so thanks for the ask🤍
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mayaheronthorn · 11 months
rank the Shadowhunter couples from best to idc about them and why?
Amazing!!! And I will probably get hate 🤣🤣🤣
1. KitTy - what a surprise huh?! But you could tell 🤣 and I actually explained it in my last post!
2. Herongraystairs - YES, I AM NOT DIVIDING IT AS WESSA AND JESSA BECAUSE THEY BELONG TOGETHER, change my mind (YOU CAN'T) This was the first time in my entire life when I read a book and couldn't decide which love interest I prefer, so I just didn't 😍 I can't believe how cc wrote them so perfectly, truly peak
3. Thomastair - I had a hard time deciding if they are nr 3 or 4 but I feel like I prefer them slightly more than nr 4 BECAUSE Alastair is so incredibly brave. After all that happened with his father, he still did everything to protect Cordelia and Sona. His character development is one of the best in the whole tsc. And Thomas my sweet summer child 😭 his kindness is out of this world. TO THIS DAY I remember those fucking Paris dates 😭😭😭😭
4. Malec - Cc can really write her mlm couples. Their devotion to each other 🥺 I will forever remember that Alec was the first shadowhunter Magnus ever dated because well he was a Downworlder but Alec saw so much more in him 😭 ok I'm gonna keep this short cause it will take me forever to answer 🤣
5. Gracetopher - YES I KNOW IT DIDN'T HAPPEN BUT IT HAPPENED IN MY HEART. In my mind my little asexual genius couple live happily ok? Grace is such a misunderstood character, she's a child of abuse, she was made to do so many bad things, manipulated as hell but she still wanted to change and be good. And Christopher 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 MY POOKIE I CAN'T SPEAK ABOUT HIM CAUSE I'M GONNA CRY
6. Jordelia - Cordelia was, is and always will be THE bad bitch. The ending of chain of gold when she told EVERYONE that she and James were fucking? ICOOONIC. But she's the bravest baby ever. James is this cute and gentle young man but in reality he will kill you 😍 they complete each other PERFECTLY, the tension between them in chain of iron changed me as a person, I will never be the same. ALTHOUGH they would be so much higher if not for chain of thorns... Like... This book just destroyed so many things I can't ☠️
7. Blackstairs - The tension between them when Emma was "dating" Mark, oh good god glorious. You know, Julian actually reminds me so much of James but he's SO MUCH MORE DISASTROUS, he's a fucking menace and I love that. His sexy brain did things to me 😎 Emma, my second bad bitch (I guess Cortana wielders are all that way) killing a Rider of Mannan??? I'm a goner for girl fighters. MY NEXT JACE HERONDALE. Julian will forever need Emma and Emma will forever need Julian 💕
8. Markkierantina - My poly cuties 🥺 it was the same as with herongraystairs, I couldn't decide if I want Mark with Cristina, Mark with Kieran or Kieran with Cristina, but cc corrected her mistake with herongraystairs and made them all smash. Amazing. Cristina was a key to make Mark and Kieran's relationship work, that's all I'm gonna say
9. Clace - That will probably surprise some of you but I kinda lost this clace magic along the way of reading tsc. I absolutely love them as characters and Jace is one of the funniest bitches. Idk, I don't feel it as much as I used to. But well I was 13 when I read tmi and now I'm 23 so 🤣 I still remember that 4-6 tmi books broke me emotionally so I have this great sentiment for Clace but we have many more couples that I love more 🥺
10. AriAnna - I fell in love with them when I read gotsm and I rooted for them SO HARD in cog and coi, I couldn't get enough of that tension. And then cot happened.... It felt like cc just decided to drop them, gave them an easy ending just to get rid of them... So I was greatly disappointed. And I know that if not for cot they would be higher
11. LucieJessie - Honesty (and I say this with great sadness) I was bored reading their story in cog and coi, they were just so bland to me, I don't know 😭 BUT cot made everything change. When Jessie came back to life he was SO FUN TO READ I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!! I loved them and I'm sad that it wasn't like that from the beginning
12. Sizzy - I know, I know. But I never felt them 💀 I mean, yes I love them together and I love their characters but I don't see the magic 😭😭😭 I WANT TO
13. GwynDiana - Oh they were SO IMPORTANT TO ME 😭 I adored every minute but they didn't have much chapters so 😫
14. GideonSophie - Honestly I read tid years ago and I don't remember shit, I know that I liked them and Gideon was a babe to her 💕
15. CecilyGabriel - Same as 14, I don't remember shit, but I know I liked them less than Gideon and Sophie 💀
I hope I didn't forget about anyone!!
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electricgaunt · 4 months
Live Blog of Interstitial Infinity #17 - The Baseball Car, Pt. 2:
s3 sailor steve and an elden rings character...only on interstitial....
pitch coach steve (ineffective) lmao
ohhh the digivolve thing is cool
agreed, Al and Winry hug is v important, thank you for the check-in about that 👍
had a bit of an out of body moment where I thought about how I was sitting in my car eating lunch at work listening to fictional baseball, lol. and i'm having a great time, no shame!!! 😤😄
shoka is so scary (positive)
i love you susie deltarune
thinking about the problematic ships question that Riley posted, there's so many new characters to consider with this car
hyrule homies!!!
the Jason and Shoka dynamic is so funny to hear after the baseball explainer bonusode akdhjajsh
nan is fun, I don't know them very well, but what I've heard is very neat
I don't know homestuck but hearing the reactions to emma's dave is very funny
dave left a corpse behind??? aaa wild
wondering now if a baseball game just has to be completed to leave the car or if only the winners can leave...guess we'll find out!
shoka and trish both sort of trying to help carrie (in their own ways) lol
united in trying to woo winry
ohh emma's announcer voice is a character? guessing this is a blaseball thing maybe
trish just dead on the field, god
luffy and audrey are amazing
thinking about how many of the characters in this game have never heard of baseball before now
millicent mistaking some monster factory'd character for kris deltarune is amazing
Al formally introducing Audrey to Winry, and Shoka butting in akhjajsh
Wow Women Moment
bring steve in!!!
steve's baseball bat trauma is real
remembering that Trish's body and Dave's corpse are just lying on the field (angels in the outfield, corpses in the infield-)
team photo 🥺
ohh shoka got her number!!
shadow went for Ed (at least in the poker bonus ep) and now Shoka is going for Winry, none of Al's siblings (pseudo or otherwise) are safe from Riley characters 😄
oh lol being knocked out will not stop Trish
oh this Carrie and Trish conversation is very sweet and funny, aw
heart link Trish and Mob, hell yeah
if steve ever goes home, he's now met several more psychics that he could tell el about
ohhh JoJo stand for Carrie!!! that's so cool!!!
Carrie has joined the party!!!
oh my god shadow letter in a bottle aaaa
im sad,,,,
good game!!! 😭⚾😭💚
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one0p1nk · 6 months
What do you love the most about your current friends group?
//No order, I'm mentioning people from mundo server and some other servers btw
Beth -> I love my wife's gentle, softspoken nature. I hope Bethy can feel confident enough to tell me about almost anything because talking with her in the chat is always a blessing to me and i really want her to know that. It was never awkward when I'm with her even when she doesn't speak or not. I love her fav ships they're always so sweet/ih/not sure if it should be pun intended JDBDBDB🥰
Klai -> My henchwoman is incredible, idk but I feel like she has a lot of patience too when interacting with me--- always so understanding with everyone and would try her best to make everyone feel better despite of her own struggles. She's very generous, yes, and how she likes keeping up silly ramblings with me about worlds is what I mostly adore about her. Even solsticea has a special spot in my heart 🥺
Joe -> I love joey/p. They feed me art, they're my supportive dogboy/ih, and I'm glad they existed or else communion and doomed yaoi wouldn't have been in my dictionary DJHDDHDB in other words, I love their humor and friendliness makes me wanna keep them like a pocket friend/ih
Yami -> I love her vibes, I love her art, I love her art streams, I love when I talk to her, and I love her bc she's my angelfish/p🥰 She helps me walk away from dangers that try to reach me sometimes, is fun when she brings me to McDonalds while at it sniffles;;; thanks to her I'm very absorbed to ToD sometimes and still do that, how long was it since HDDBFBFB
Tae -> some of Shrimpy's humor stuck into me/ih and I love hearing her talk. Her voice is very calming to me that it makes me feel quite safe, it really sounds very friendly....;;; Her voice is also iconic i would wish to watch it in a lot of kinds of anime genres no matter if is piece of life or horror, it's incredible the way she narrates or voice acts dialogues in games on stream dhfbfbffb
Sleepy -> I like her art pieces. I want to draw as fast as her but I'd rather polish quality over time in my case since art styles really vary JDBFFBB- I like the moments when she’s glad to try and help people, and try to stay cheerful sometimes despite of the pressure she has to experience at times. I hope in the future these can flourish well and that she gets to achieve her goals somehow no matter how bumpy the road can be for her.
Lupi -> Lupita is supportive and wouldn't hurt me in any form;; despite that I don't see her as often as the others, I feel safe around her like I've never seeing her judge me before or is probably because I don't remember sobs;;; but yeah, she brings good vibes when we're hanging out heheheheh
Al -> I love Al/p for listening to me about Hana's reversed harem stuff and trying to learn dyanthus lore from me back at the lore wide discord server/ih. I love the times we gush over fnaf together too <3/ih and also freaking like how for some reason I imagine you as a squishy entity idk why/lh
Emma -> I love Emma and Tatya and Bartholomew and Georgie and everytime we interact really I love you/p, she has such great charisma and attitude it boosts my confidence and self-esteem a bit sometimes djnnddn saranghae pookie 🫶🌸
Fifi -> Fifita, my precious rat friend and portable incinerator room/hj, I thank her for letting me love and ship her blorbos and draw them JDDBBD her art makes me smile a lot even when she draws her scrunkles, Dreams of delirium is chef's kiss;;;
Anwyll -> Anwy is a new friend I just met, and I'm already holding hands gently with him/p. I love how we have this mutual agreement about pretty blonde boys BDDBFBFBFB--- I love their blorbos too, especially Nevi(hes so pretty i like making Lau rizz him a bit/ih) and Edvin (I love farmers, I think they're so neat as heck)
Mango -> He has a nice sense of humor, I'll take that---/ih I love his art, the way he drew my goofy son once, and how he named almost everyone in dinosaur parody(I'm still sobbing from that JDBDBDB;;) and he's nice to talk with when he's not sus and... confusing, I don't understand what he says sometimes but its best to not know 🤔😊/lh
Kory -> I nearly lost my friend, Korita. It could have been one of my greatest regrets 😔 but anyway, I love her blorbos, but what I mostly love is her been spoody as usual and just taking every problem like a tough one(she's trying her best okay/lh). A nice spooder. 🥺/pos
Mandika -> I get excited when talking to Mandita, it's either neat or concerning/pos. But nonetheless I like receiving these rare art requests from her, it's my excuse to laugh and cry internally at the same time as I enjoy seeing her giggles and go silly JDDBBFFB
Clown -> I love payasito's craziness, that's a very Clown thing to do- even if I can be skeptical when she’s acting 'normal' around their spouse Law sometimes/ih/j
Orange -> magical girl Naranja save me magical girl Naranja;;; SHES TECHNICALLY AN ORANGE!!! A POG, GOOD VIBES ORANGE;; sobs sobs 😭✨️ I love her ideas and her art feels like a cool fresco snacks, and her blorbos are so well designed and written I can distinguished them well JDBFNFN
Nakki -> My brother Nakki is not often around lately, but I appreciate the times he has the patience to teach me and help me with Minecraft/lh. I love his pink lemonade recipe even tho I feel like the way he makes it will be the one overuling my amateur lemonade skills anyway JDBFNFB
Skye -> turns out Skye is held dead and half alive??? But well I love them anyway, still o' glorious in my heart/p. They're the perfect definition of a laid back, modest pookie/ih
Sam -> I love Samito's writings and drawings they make me giggle and kick my feet hehehehehe.... and I recently discovered his Gepard rp interpretation--- I have mixed feelings but at least leaning positive because I love a good humor Geoard once in a while JFBFBGN they really inspired me to ship Orpehmi more often and ngl, it feels nice to covert into it/ih
I feel like I have more friends I haven't mentioned, but just so you know to all of them. I'm glad I've met you guys, you've helped me learn new things and understand from the lessons I have to take myself better with your support, understanding, and patience despite my occasional autistic awkwardness.🥰/lh
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
Hi I'm back with character rants
Honestly it's a little depressing how quickly Killian tried to cling to David and Snow, especially after marrying Emma (i.e, "Hello there mummy" literally the day after the wedding)
ALSO DAVID'S "I'm gonna trust my son" 🥺😭
Yes you will also see me talking about how gay David and Killian were together and then you will see me talking about David being a father/brother figure to Killian, do not Sweet Home Alabama me I'm not trying to create incest I promise
But as Killian himself stated, David reminds him of Liam which is like the best compliment you can get from Killian, even if he is insulting you in the process
And for Killian, a Liam figure is practically a father figure so there you have it
And I've mentioned this to a few people but Killian was DEFINITELY a mama's boy okay? And then his mom died so he just steals Snow and is very accepting of her excessive mothering.
TL;DR, David and Snow have officially adopted Killian as their estranged emo child and this makes Killian really really happy
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awakening5 · 1 year
hiii! i read your “waking” series and THEY ARE MY FAVORITE GHOSTFLOWER FICS EVER OMG😭💓💗💖💘💝💕💞 you’re so talented i love your writing !! btw i thought that the name “he can turn invisible” was so wholesome for some reason hahaha but waking sounds cute too🥺
idk if you’re taking prompts but I thought…we’ve already seen gwen meeting rio and jeff and apparently miles has already met george off page, but maybe we could see miles meeting gwen’s family? waking!gwen mentioned that she had brothers just like emma!gwen, i thought it would be cute to see them interact with miles 🥹 and because george knows how happy gwen is with miles, would really love to see the two of them talking. or maybe even going on a date and miles being like yessir i’ll bring her home by 9 pm hahaha. or maybe both of their families hanging out 🤧 it’s totally cool if you’re not up to taking prompts anyways, i hope you have a beautiful day 💖
You're so sweet, thank you!! Yeah, the "He can turn invisible" title was back when I thought it was just gonna be a bunch of Miles oneshots, and I wanted a series to group them all together. Once it became apparent I was writing the same Miles and actual character arcs and plot (kinda), I didn't love that title anymore haha..
I absolutely love your ideas, and I definitely wouldn't be opposed to writing some more in the Waking series. Either further down the road, or some missing moments only alluded to or imagined in my head.
Miles meeting Gwen's family, their first time when it's a bit more of a conscious decision rather than because they have too many pent up feelings to resist, or really a follow-up to any of my fics where I don't do a time-skip and actually write the immediate fallout after they do something Dumb.
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lumibye · 10 months
hi... hewo... i was curious to know if marianne has any pkmn companions who go with her... 🥺 i like looking at a character's roster because it can say a lot abt them and well. i just wanna know ehehehee 🤭
ehe hewwoo jil hewooo ; giving me a mini gush pass for my sweet n silly girl u r so kind 🥺🩵 ( you prob didn't intend it to be but ?? oopsiee here i go abt my nonsensee again hehe ) tbh i'm still kind of working it out ngl ? ;; ( its v much in beta stages in terms of like . . lore n stuff because she's not really a ' trainer ' since she does contests - i imagine her being v inexperienced w battling and in turn actually catching pkmn ? we'll see we'll see teehee ) but ! she does have a team omg im so excited this might be long ( i'll make a cut just in case ! ) -
ok so ! she has an espurr , primarily ! that's her baby boyy her sweet summer child actually ! been w her the longest - castelia city where she grew up is a prime hub for trading considering so many people visit there so there's ( i imagine ? head canon . ) a lot of stray pkmn . she's kinda like emma where she doesn't exactly ' catch ' him just like . . . befriends him ? brings him like leftovers that were going to be thrown out at her barista job and he starts following her home ehehe she babies him sm !! lots and lots of baby names v much her son hehe . . 😔👉👈 umm besides that she has a corviknight she inherited from her grandma since they came from galar i think ! originally a corvisquire tho - prob evolves once she gets to kalos i'm thinking ? since she yk . . doesn't battle all her pkmn take AGES to evolve . prob also a gothorita , lumineon , illumise ( probably not all of these bc again . . how did she manage that ? lmao ;; ) and a glalie who's benched bc reasons relating to her move to kalos mayb . . oh and that's the only pkmn of hers that can mega ? weird . don't think abt it too much hehe and prob a carbink !! once she gets to kalos ofc n now im typing it im imagining scenarios ™ abt how she got that . . . hmm thinkingg
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jmakumatized · 2 years
WHEW it's late here already but after watching this episode I just had to find somewhere to pour out my feelings and what better way than the cold black void also known as my Tumblr blog? 😭👊 P.S. sorry in advance if this is a mess
⚠️ Jubilation Episode Spoilers Ahead⚠️
Same Old Creepy Lunatic
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Okay, let's start with Mr. Cotton buds here. We all know that this man is actually insane but, oh man, seeing who seems to be Emily as his Siri rip-off got me off-guard. We saw in "Multiplication" that he had to do a full body scan of Adrien in what I assume is a facility owned by the Tsurugis to make his 3D model. I doubt he would have requested Amelie to do this for a number of reasons. So, did he just secretly drag Emily's unconscious body to the facility to get her scanned just so she can be his personal virtual assistant? 💀
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Also, we've seen Hawky change costumes many times but I honestly like his old classic costume way better than any other else ESPECIALLY this Monarch one. The new one just looks so much more hilarious 😭😂 like PLEASE why did he randomly decide to have his ears out? And I see that his fake grandkids got their grandpapi's piercing blue eyes.
Kwami and Technology
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Ya'll, they literally reminded us in this episode that Kwamis aren't supposed to be detected by tech but then we now see that they're largely being controlled by... guess what? Technology! Like, Hawky is literally transferring their powers to the akumatized's ring as if he were just sending an email. But ya know what? this is Miraculous we're talking about. The logic in this show is non-existent so let's just not think too deeply about this and move on *cough cough*
The Dream
Oh my god. This... this part was a rollercoaster of emotions
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Firstly, this shot kinda caught me off-guard again because... Chat Noir in all white... *sobs* at least it didn't give Ladybug any traumatic flashbacks I guess 😭🏃‍♀️💨
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Secondly, I love how they get more creepy babies with each next shot 😂 I guess they'll have more than just Louis, Emma, and Hugo.
"Neither do I, my sweet kitten. So Join me!"
yeah, you heard that? That was my heart shattering into a million pieces. The moment when the umbrella theme music started playing, I knew that this scene would destroy me. the fact that Chat Noir tried to break the clock makes my heart hurt so much. He wanted to stay in this dream so bad that he'd risk everything else. The fact that he also had to stay behind a little longer to grieve everything that he just lost is- is- AGHHHHH 😭 this poor boy just let him be truly happy FOR ONCE! And the way they kissed each other with tears streaming down both their cheeks 🥺😫 Ladybug's line was also seriously so romantic: "But I don't want to lose all of this!" "Neither do I, my sweet kitten. So Join me!" She's saying that she still wants to have this life with him but to truly have this future, they have to wake up 🥺😭 SO IT KILLS ME HOW IN DENIAL SHE STILL WAS DURING THE END SCENE!!! At least we see that Chat was slightly smiling during their conversation about it, which could mean that he knows it wasn't really manipulated and what they both saw are truly what they both desired. *deep inhale of copium*
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If you made it this far, thanks again for reading my rambles. *hands you a cookie 🍪* till next time!
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ladylooch · 9 months
I remember you mentioned Lucie LOVES being an older sister…. so can you pretty please Write a blurb for when nico and lex either told her that she was gonna be a big sis or when they took her to meet them 🥺❤️❤️❤️
Mackenzie Hischer made her entrance in the middle of March, screaming her little face off as her mom and dad sighed in relief at her healthy and quick arrival. After everything Lexi and the baby went through a few months ago, this is the best gift the Hischier’s could have. 
The next day, Lucie Hischier is dressed to the nines, holding her Auntie Emma’s hand in a brightly lit New Jersey hospital. Auntie Em has baby pink tulips in her hand for the newest Hischier. Lucie is dressed in a soft, yellow dress with a white bow in her hair. It’s been a day and a half since she has seen her parents. She is so nervous and excited and unsure about meeting her baby sister. The one that has been in her mommy’s big belly. 
“Hi Luc.” Lexi calls softly from somewhere Lucie can’t see. Nico comes around the bed, grinning excitedly at his little girl.
“Daddy!” Lucie grins, rushing towards his stretched out arms. He brings her up into his chest, sighing happily.
Now, everything feels complete. 
“You ready?” Nico murmurs.
“She is here!?” Lucie giggles to Nico, cupping his face. Nico sucks his mouth into a fishy then waits for Lucie to do the same. They smooch loudly, then both turn towards a sleepy Lexi, holding Mack. “Mama!” Lucie cries, reaching out for her. Nico sets their oldest next to Lexi who wraps her under her free arm.
“I have been missing you.” Lexi murmurs into her daughter’s hair. “So has your sister.” Lucie gasps, looking at the face of the baby she has been playing patty cake with for months. 
“Baby.” Lucie whispers.
“Mackenzie Hischier, meet your older sister, Lucie.” Lucie isn’t sure why but fat tears form in her eyes when she looks down at the squishy bundle. She pats the baby’s face gently, feeling the soft, warm skin of Mackenzie’s cheek.
“What do you think?” Nico asks, rubbing Lucie’s back over her dress.
“She is little.”
“Yeah, she is bigger than you were though.”
“No!” Lucie giggles. 
“Yeah, by half a pound.” Nico chuckles.
“Felt like it too.” Lexi jokes.
“How did she come out?” Lucie wonders. Lexi and Nico look at each other, both lost for words. They didn’t think about this question beforehand. 
“How… do you think she came out?” Nico rephrases. Lexi nods, thinking that was a good redirect.
“Um, well, maybe mama sneezed and her tummy opened up and the baby floated out?”
“Mhm, sure.” Nico nods, then looks at his older sister laughing discreetly across the room. Emma knows her niece got that from Lio because that is what Timo told their son when he asked the same question about Livy. 
“Why she look so much like daddy? She is supposed to look like me?”
“Baby, you look like daddy.”
“No!” Lucie gasps. 
“Yes, your eyes… and your hair… and your dimples.” Lexi pushes two finger into her cheeks. 
“But you have mama’s smile. Makes daddy weak.” Nico murmurs into Lucie’s hair, kissing her again. 
“Can I have Skittles?” Lucie asks, using that smile on him.
All the adults in the room laugh.
“How about you hold your baby sister instead?” Lexi asks, slowly transitioning Mack to the other side with Nico’s help. They settle her into Lucie’s arms. Nico puts his hand under Mack’s neck to support her little head. Lucie gasps. 
“Oh, I love her.” She sighs happily. “Hi baby. I love you!” She leans down to kiss Mack on her cheeks with sweet lips. 
Lexi brings Nico in for an exhausted smooch. He brushes her hair back affectionately, surrounded by the babies their love created. 
This moment couldn’t be anymore perfect.
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every-single-day · 2 months
Brody dancing to Tulsa ‘67 is so goofy 😭 his little strut at the end too is sending me-also the way he reaches his hand out to comfort Emma during her song 🥺 He’s so sweetie
I need to dance with him so bad life isn't fair
that moment was so sweet but I can't help but laugh at how she was so emotional that she almost left him hanging 😭
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
Ahhh this was incredible! Allow me to spiral
Chip checking Carmy’s location even though she’s upset and is convinced he hates her 💔
Syd once again being the absolute best and Richie waiting on his informer’s say in order to even consider forgiving Carmy…I love them
“whore-d’oeuvres” makes sense and should be the only acceptable pronunciation of the word
Carmen doing Chip’s prep entirely by himself before making her a sandwich just like Mikey used to make and even giving her a granola to snack on…as Chip said, fuck this fucking guy for making it hard to stay mad at him 🫠
I also love how you reiterated that he’s not good with words so instead he channels what he’s feeling into his craft and Chip, bless her heart, understands that this is him trying to apologize and sends her own olive branch in the form of the lavender coffee 🥺
Lol her beating herself up for not being petty enough and giving Carmy the cold shoulder for a while longer/indefinitely is such a mood
“Can I get a uh…a Negroni…sbagliato? With prosecco?” EMMA D’ARCY was a guest at this wedding?!
He’s still using her hair products and the Old Spice body wash she prefers…oh be still my heart
Also, thank you for letting the cat eat the flowers 😂 I couldn’t decide on the plate, but now I see that bringing it back in to be put away was the right choice. It means so much to her, so it wouldn’t feel right to let it be destroyed
And for Chip to say that Carmy, despite all his faults, somehow makes every space easier to breathe in for her and lights up a room for her is so heartbreakingly beautiful because that’s exactly what she does for him and what Mikey once did for them both. But they don’t seem to realize the effect they have on each other and it’s too late for Mikey to realize it at all 💔 I’m not crying
Chip wondering if she’ll ever get to have a wedding like this and taking notes of what she would want to include in her own 🫠 I just know she’s going to be making a Pinterest board soon
The whole bit with Fak was the perfect example of comedic relief 😂
“It was extremely apt and even more upsetting for him, the way time literally stopped, when you left. When he made you leave.” Once again, your skills 😮‍💨
Ahh I wasn’t expecting Uncle fucking Lee to show up! Loved that Chip put him in his place and was prepared to stab his old ass with a fork lmao (and Carmen ready to swing at him for throwing that fake punch at Chip??? 🙃)
Chip being really sweet to that man who’s in recovery is just…she really is the best and deserves all the good things life has to offer 😔
And that ending…I never would’ve guessed what ICE stood for and I’m glad I didn’t because I had that “ohhhh” moment just like Carmen lol
So she had Mikey make folders of all the people who loved him so he could remember that life was still worth living 💔
And all along she was his sponsor…I’m fine. Everything’s fine. Also, I knew she wasn’t in a relationship/situationship with Mikey because she’s right, Richie would’ve said some shit to Carmen 😂
TL;DR: I LOVED this chapter, A+++ for you 💜💜💜
Thank you as always for spiraling and letting me be a part of it as always!! i'll never be able to express how grateful i am. so i won't even try.
The way Chip/Syd/Richie all show the different ways they care in those first few scenes,,, GRREEAHHH!!! that's what it's all about baby mother FUCK!
fuck this fucking guy is right! how dare he make Chip fold so quick and make a fuckin lavender coffee!! son of a bitch! i hope he drowns in it ! i love him !
EMMA D'ARCY IS AT EVERY WEDDING! I also did find out from a bartender that i love and trust that negroni sbagliatos taste terrible. i can't confirm this for myself i did not try it but i do feel like based on what's in it, probably yeah.
I think wildly enough that poll went to frisbee that fucking plate or don't destroy either. I went with it as a sort of trolley problem for chip LMAO-- Like letting the Cat do it's thing was not pulling the lever, and putting the plate back inside was like well this is what i'd normally do. And listen plants can grow back.
But to be honest in the original concept of Just Dropped that plate was getting yeeted out the fucking window it was gonna be . so sad.
EXACTLY MAN!! EXACTLY WITH THE BREATHING EASY-- I just think it's very special with the way Carmen constantly pedestals her, including in this chapter, and it's like my guy she thinks you're inspiring and calming ! get it together!
Chip is a DIY queen too i KNOW her boards are crazy. she's making a new one every two seconds frfrfr
COMEDIC RELIEF BUT STILL I THINK SO MUCH CHARACTER / LORE REVEALED I really liked that bit. I told y'all I'd tackle the handyman beef eventually!!
Listen Uncle Lee showing up was the FIRST thing Chip asked Jimmy about I knew damn well I had to put him in there and really just fucking. GRREEEAAAHHHHHH. I have a lot of. personal anger. about. his whole being. i would just fucking.... It was therapy honestly, for me, to write this motherfucker getting taken to motherfucking task.
CHIP STAYS ON TOP! And she brings everyone up with her too i love my baby
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