#how to add a search box in windows 10
amnowtech · 2 years
How to add a search box in windows 10
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deathbypixelz · 9 months
Alright. I'm making this post because I was unpleasantly surprised to find Microsoft had forcibly downloaded an """"ai assistant"""" onto my computer (called Copilot), and because finding a site that actually told me how to kill it for good -- in clear, truly step-by-step terms -- was way harder than it needed to be.
Preface: this is only relevant if you're running Windows 11.
Here is your target:
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If you see this logo on your taskbar -- or... have Edge installed on Windows 11 -- you've got Copilot. You can't delete it on its own, Microsoft has integrated it into the OS as best they can. The most you can do is disable it (instructions for which are at the very end of this post).
So... to REALLY get rid of it you need to uninstall Microsoft Edge, because it's a part of/reliant on Edge. A lot of bells and whistles of Windows are also reliant on Edge, like widgets, but I never use those. I use my PC almost exclusively for gaming, and I don't want this slimy "ai" shit on my computer. I use Firefox anyway. Edge can go die as far as I'm concerned.
Here's the actual steps, copy-pasted from a website that took me way too long to find. It also really makes my browser chug for some reason, which is why I'm copy-pasting the whole thing. If you still want to look at the site itself, put it in reader view as fast as you can (link to site).
1.) Open Microsoft Edge, type "edge://settings/help" in the address bar, and then press Enter.
2.) Click "About Microsoft Edge" at the bottom of the left-hand pane. Copy the version number at the top of the screen, under Microsoft Edge.
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3.) Press Windows Key + S to open Windows Search.
4.) Type "Command Prompt", right-click the result, and then select "Run as Administrator".
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5.) The User Account Control (UAC) prompt will appear. Click "Yes".
6.) Navigate to Edge’s “Installer” directory by using the cd command. Depending on which directory your Command Prompt opens in by default, you may need to use the "cd .." command to go back a level or two.
Once ready, run this command:
cd “Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\Version Number\Installer”
Replace "Version Number" with your actual version number copied earlier.
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7.) Next, run this command to uninstall Microsoft Edge:
setup –uninstall –force-uninstall –system-level
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((It will look like nothing happened! Don't worry!))
8.) Restart your PC for the changes to take place.
((HOWEVER, Windows will try to reinstall it the next time your PC updates (or whenever it feels like it lol) so there's a second half to this))
1.) Press Windows Key + R to open Run.
2.) Type "regedit" in the text box and click OK to open the Registry Editor.
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3.) The User Account Control (UAC) prompt will appear. Click "Yes".
4.) In the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.
5.) Right-click the "Microsoft" folder, hover your cursor over "New", and then select "Key".
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6.) Rename the new Key to "EdgeUpdate".
7.) Right-click EdgeUpdate, hover your cursor over "New", and then select "DWORD (32-bit) Value".
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8.) Right-click the new value, which is currently named "New Value #1".
9.) Select "Rename" from the context menu.
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10.) Rename the value to "DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium".
11.) Right-click the newly-named DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium value and select "Modify" from the context menu.
12.) The Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value window will appear. Change the Value data to "1" and then click OK.
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((You are now free. If you ever run into a really serious, unavoidable issue with your OS that's clearly a result of Edge being gone, you can redownload it like a regular app. But you should be fine.))
((And, if for some reason you want still want Edge around but just want the copilot thing gone, here's what you do:
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The command, for ease of copy-pasting: reg add HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsCopilot /v TurnOffWindowsCopilot /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
You can't actually truly delete Copilot (without deleting Edge), only disable it. And as the reply says, you do have to do this every time you turn the computer on. I haven't tested that myself, but I believe it. I assume/hope that excludes just waking the computer up after it goes to sleep, but I don't know for sure.))
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steadfvsthearts · 2 years
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TUTORIAL: staying logged in on multiple tumblr accounts using Firefox container tabs
As rpers, we are constantly looking for ways to be logged into several different tumblr accounts at the same time. While methods like sessionbox and creating new Chrome profiles are popular, I wanted to share this third option that I’ve been using for some time now : Firefox + container tabs !!
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The benefits of this method include being able to have multiple accounts open in a single window without re-logging back in and not needing to re-download xkit when you want to add a new muse. You can also have more than 10 stored containers and more than 5 open at the same time, all for free. I’ve also personally found this to be more reliable than sessionbox ( so far for me, this method has not broken at all and pretty much have never had to re-log back in ).
Detailed instructions below & please like/reblog if you found useful !!
written 03.20.23. ©
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Note: All these instructions are as if I just opened Firefox for the first time. Please also note that if you do not already use Firefox, you will have to add the xkit rewritten extension and set those preferences but you will only have to do that once no matter how many containers ( accounts added ) you make !
First, head to the menu in the upper right > settings
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Click on “themes & extensions” in the bottom left.
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Search for “containers” in the find more add-ons search bar.
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The desired extension should be the very first one that comes up: Firefox Multi-Account Containers. Click the extension and “add to Firefox.”
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Click “Add” & then “Okay”.
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The extension is now installed ! Head back to settings ( you may have to refresh or re-navigate to the page ). On the general settings page, scroll down a little to the “Tabs” section. Next to the “Enable Container Tabs” option, click settings.
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You will now see the default containers ! Now you can remove/change these containers to correspond to each of your muses by using “settings” and “add new container”. You can set the container tab name, color, and symbol.
Default view:
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Below is an example of what things might look like when changed to correspond to muses. You can have more containers than this, I just stopped here for this example --- there are also only 9 unique colors that help identify which container tab is open as shown further below, so logistically it can get a little more difficult to identify which tabs are open ( because they have the same color ), but technically nothing changes that is limiting.
Example view:
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Once last optional step: I recommend checking the box at the bottom “Select a container for each new tab.” What this means is when you open a new tabs, you will get a dropdown asking you to select which container it should go into, as shown below.
If you do not check this, every new tab will be “containerless” or you would have to right click on the new tab button to open a new tab in a specific container. Regardless of the setting, if you ctrl + click or right click on a link directly in a container tab, that link will automatically open in the same container.
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When you have multiple tabs open in different containers, you can tell the difference between different ones by the colored bar at the top as seen below. In this example, I can see the first tab ( blue = muse 1 ), second tab ( orange = muse 6 ), third tab ( purple = muse 8 ), and fourth tab ( green = muse 3 ).
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You can also always see which container you’re in by looking at the end of the address bar where the container name and symbol are shown in the respective container color ( below, I am on muse 6′s container tab ):
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This concludes the tutorial !! You will have to log into the respective Tumblr account in each tab initially, but after that you shouldn’t have to do log outs and relogins anymore.
If you have a lot of tumblr accounts and don’t want to constantly have them all open, I suggest checking out my tutorial here that describes how you can get tumblr notifications for multiple accounts to come into a private discord server !!
I hope you found this useful and please like/reblog if you did !!
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amphibianauthor · 2 months
Ao3 Coding References
I recently made a code-heavy choose your own adventure fic, and I wanted to compile all of the really helpful resources I've found along the way. I know little to nothing about HTML but having all of these resources were amazingly helpful.
This Ao3 Posting Doc converts Google doc into HTML, adding bold, underline, italics, strikethrough, paragraph breaks, and centered text. Major game changer for heavy HTML works
The Fic Writer's Guide to Formatting by AnisaAnisa: This is a masterpost in itself, covering links, images, boxes, borders, fonts etc. So I'm putting it here since it's amazingly helpful
HTML References by W3 schools- I've linked the HTML colors here, but this is a platform designed to help people learn/reference HTML
This got long: Text resources, fancy formatting & other website formats below the cut
Text resources:
Font's chapter: The Fic Writer's Guide to Formatting: okay I know I already linked it above, but listen it's very good so I'm linking again
Fonts colors and work skins oh my by Charles_Rockafeller takes fonts to a different level.
Multicolored text skin by ElectricAlice GRADIENT TEXT
All the Emoji by CodenameCarrot while Ao3 has signifigantly improved on hosting emojis, this code helps with using some more unconventional emojis. Amazing resource.
Upsidedown text and Zalgo text generators - these specific text generators allow for you to see their direct HTML codes
Workskin for showing and hiding spoilers by ElectricAlice makes text appear when hovered/clicked. Amazing for Trigger Warnings
Make text appear when you click [Work skin] by Khashana clickable end notes buttons for your work, similar to the spoiler button text
Desktop/mobile friendly short tooltips workskin by Simbaline
How to make Linked Footnotes on Ao3 by La_Temperanza
User-selectable Names in a Fanfic work by fiend Ever want people to select between different names in a fanfic? I could also see this used as ability to switch gender in a fanfic.
AO3 Comic Text Effects using CSS by DemigodofAgni Ever want a giant comicbook POW in your fic?
How to override the Archive's Chapter Headers by C Ryan Smith
Fancy Formatting:
Embedding youtube videos on ao3 to scale with the screen by pigalle add youtube videos mid fic
Conlangs and Accessibility by Addleton this fic instructs how to have accessible translations in fic
How to mimic letters, fliers and stationary without using images by La_Temperanza Really helped with box formatting
Decorations for Fic (HTML/CSS): Fanart, Dividers, Embedded Songs and More by Jnsn this has SO MANY cool coding features, including a chessboard that moves when you hover over it
How to make a News Website Article Skin on Ao3 by ElectricAlice
Screenplay skin by astronought
How to make custom Page Dividers by La_Temperanza
How to make Images Fit on Mobile Browsers by La_Temperanza great image adding code
How to Wrap text around images by La_Temperanza image text wrapping
How to insert Gmail emails in your fic by DemigodofAgni
How to mimic Email Windows by La_Temperanza
How to make a Choose Your Own Adventure Fic by La_Temperanza allows for clickable links and hidden text.
Personal Experiment with HTML and CSS by MohnblumenKind This has a variety of help, Chapter 6 & 7 were great for choose your own adventure, Chapter 4 talks about columns and skins, and Chapter 10 even has a newspaper made entirely from site code.
Learn to Microsoft Excel by ssc_lmth insert a spreadsheet in your fic
Ao3 Work skin: a simple scoreboard by revanchist shows how to code a scoreboard
Colossal Cave Adventure by gifbot Working Keyboard anyone?
How to make a rounded playlist by La_Temperanza Ever want to show a character's music playlist within your fic
Tabbing experiment by gifbot (clickable tabs)
Repository by gaudersan google searches, ao3 stats, instagram and text messages galore
Workskin for in Universe Investigative/Mission Report with Redaction by wafflelate case files/CSI reports
CSS in Testing/Bleed Gold by InfinitysWraith Masterclass in cool formatting, including overidding default headers, Doors opening animation, Grid interactive photos, Hovering to change a photo, Retroactive text etc.
CSS in Testing:Second in Series by InfinitysWraith: Interactive keypads, Mock news site and interactive locking mechanism.
Other Websites:
--How to make iOS Text Messages on Ao3 by CodenameCarrot, La_Temperanza
--A Quick Generator for Embeddable iOS Text Messages by 221b_ee
--imessage Skin by Adzaema
--Retro imessage by Adzaema
--Basic Text Message Work Skin by ProfessorMotz
-- Bubble platform [workskin] by Khashana
--Tumblr style CSS Tweaks by Aposiopesis
--Ao3 Workskin Testing and Tutorials by junietuesday25 tumblr DM
--How to make Tumblr Posts on Ao3 by phyyripo
--Repository - Twitter by gadaursan
-- How to mimic Social Media in an Ao3 work by aerynevenstar
--Twitter Work Skin Template by etc e tal
--Twitter Workskin: Tweets and Profile by starskin
--Twitter Mock-Up by TheBrookesNook
--How to mimic Authors notes and Kudos/Comment Buttons by La_Temperanza
--How to mimic AO3 Comments by bittermoons
--How to add mobile Ao3 in your fic by DemigodofAgni
--How to make a fanfic style header Ao3 style by ElectricAlice
--Whatsapp Group Chat builder by FestiveFerret
--How to make Facebook Messenger Chat on Ao3 by ran_a_dom
--Whatsapp Work Skin Template Revamped by etc e tal
--Whatsapp group chat skin by ovely
--Instagram DMs for Ao3 by monarch_rhapsodies
--How to make Instagram DM mockup by xslytherclawx
--Snapchat skin by Azdaema
--Snapchat Template for Ao3 by starskin
--UPDATED Reddit Skin by diamine
--2020 Reddit Work Skin by timstokerlovebot
--Reddit Work Skin CSS & HTML by knave_of_swords
--How to mimic Social Media in an Ao3 work by aerynevenstar
--template Reddit Skin by spookedcroon
--Ao3 workskin for Forum Thread by fencesit
--How to mimic 4chan posts without just taking screenshots of 4chan
--Mimicking Twitch Chat for fics by Ultraviollett
--Workskin testing by tohmas [Youtube comments]
--2023 Discord Theme Workskin by TrojanTeapot
--Discord Work Skin by unpredictableArtist
--Discord (Dark Theme) Workskin by Heterochromia_Mars
--Ao3 Workskin Testing and Tutorials by junietuesday25
--Slack Workskin by Khashana
--Zoom inspired Ao3 skin by mystyrust
Video Game Dialog Mimics
--Dialog [workskin] by Clover_Zero
--Dialogue Workskin (with parallax BG effect) by mystyrust
--My S Ranks--System Windows by unpredictableArtist [computer dialog workskin]
--Tutorial: Ace Attorney Work Skin by QuailFence
--Among Us Ao3 skin by mystyrust
--How to Mimic Undertale Fonts on Ao3 by La_Temperanza
--Tutorial:Rain Code Work Skin by faish
Misc. Sites
--How to mimic Deadpool Thinking boxes by La_Temperanza
--FetLife Skin [Work Skin] by Khashana
--Replika workskin by FaeriMagic
--Disco Elysium workskin by SarunoHadaki
--StarTrek PADD workskin by duskyspirit
--Wikipedia article work skin by styletests
--Yelp Reviews by kiwiana
--Amazon Reviews by kiwiana
--MDZS-themed letters by allollipoppins
--A Newbie's Guide to Podficcing by Adzaema [skin for podfics]
Bonus: Ever wanted to see how crazy HTML can be on AO3? Try playing But can it run Doom? or Tropémon by gifbot
Happy Creating!
Last updated: Aug 19 2024
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powdermelonkeg · 2 years
New and Genuine Tumblr Update Proposals
Bring back the corner flap that opens the post's permalink in a new window
Add a badge that changes color depending on how many bots you've blocked. Blogs with a higher "tier" of badge get priority on whether their reporting is taken seriously, to reduce spam
Add a badge to new accounts that disappears after a month, both to combat bots and to allow users to more easily identify people that don't know how to use the site yet
Bring the green mutuals mark (visible on the followers page on the current version) to the dashboard beside a person's username, for easy reference if you're mutuals with someone you're about to reply to
Make desktop dashboard configuration HTML-configurable, in the same way blogs are (Ao3 skins are a good reference for how this would work)
Make the mobile dashboard color-customizable in the settings, allowing the user to pick the color of the background and text with a color wheel
Accessibility toggle: Takes ALT descriptions and makes them appear as text below the images they're attached to
Change the notes configuration from "comments and tags, tags," and "other reblogs" to a dropdown list of toggles: "show comments," "show tags," and "show other reblogs"
Add a "replied from [username]" message beside replies in notes, to be able to determine who a reply is aimed towards. Extending from this, make this message a link to the post in the reblog chain the reply was made from
Add a "show reblogs only from [username]" box to the notes, with the [username] portion a blank space to be filled in by the person looking
Add an option to the search function to exclude tags
Add an option to the dropdown search menu to sort by most additions
Add an option to the dropdown search menu, specifically for the type of posts, to filter by asks
Add an option to the search menu to "search text only" or "search tags only" to improve search functionality. For example, if I'm searching for "witcher," I have the option to choose to see things tagged only as "witcher," rather than getting every post that says something like "I'm done with the Witcher, now moving on to Skyrim"
Add an option to the report menu for "suspected bot activity"
Add an asker-side toggle for an ask to be replied to privately. Currently, this is on the side of the person asked, and the asker has to request "please reply privately" and hope it's respected
Inform a user who asked anonymously if their anonymous question has been answered
Add a "screenshot post" button that makes a copy of the post in png form and adds it to your clipboard
Divide tags into "indexed" and "non-indexed," configurable by a symbol. For example, #i am up too late would not be indexed and therefore hidden from searches, while #real coffee hours* would be indexed and able to be searched
Add the ability to include multiple tags for search in the archive page of a blog
Add the ability to exclude tags from the archive page of a blog
Change the sideblog list in the "account" menu on desktop to a list of icons along the left side of the dashboard, each one being that sideblog's profile picture, and toggle between dashboards when each sideblog is clicked
Change "post now" at the bottom of a post to "post to [username]," to help with accidental posts to the wrong sideblog. This can be a movement of the dropdown menu from the top of the post to the bottom
Add a toggle to the settings menu for "loop video after completion." The current default is to loop endlessly
With each algorithm tab, include an information button (a question mark, for example) that explains in plain terms where it gets its data. For example "based on your likes" would say "these posts were liked by 10 people you have also liked the posts of," or "in your orbit" would say "these are people that 10 of your mutuals follow"
Add a sorting function to both the "followers" and "following" tabs, for example: "sort by A-Z," "sort by order followed (descending/ascending)," and "sort by date last posted"
Add an option to "block this post" in the meatballs menu of a post, removing the post and subsequent reblogs from your dash and adding them to a blacklist that can be found in settings
Add a search box to both the drafts and queue page, allowing users with several posts in both of these to find and edit posts more easily
These are just off the top of my head. I've purposely stayed away from "remove function that everyone hates" in terms of updates, as I'm aware that some of those have certain criteria and/or are out of Tumblr coding staff's control. The single exception to this is the first point about the corner flap, because I believe its inclusion adds functionality and ease-of-access to the site.
If any of these look good, go ahead and code them in. No permission/credit required, I'm just invested in the future of the site.
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netherworldpost · 2 years
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How to Tumblr via atty whilst brewing coffee
NEW POSTS: Over 10+ years I have found a comfortable flow of blogging a piece of art, and immediately adding it into the queue. I mix rambling posts and jokes with artwork because I’m charming and weird and gorgeous and modest.
REBLOGS: I sometimes “Roger Rabbit Shave and a Haircut” posts, which is to say there is a core message and an obvious hook I’m looking for someone else to add.
When someone reblogs with comment, or comments (which I add in my own reblog via screenshot), I complete the joke / ramble / etc. It works maybe 1/2 the time. When it doesn’t work, I move on.
They are frequently extremely successful and (from what I can tell via note collection) very enjoyable by a lot of folk.
QUEUE: I keep my queue posting 3-6 things a day, set at a 24-hour window, and have 150-200 things in it at any given time, 99% of which is not my stuff. Just things I like that are reasonably related to what I make -- and/or just like, it isn’t strict, thems words ain’t physics laws -- very broad brush stroke stuff.
I check the queue about once every few weeks to see how it is doing and release / hold back more posts based on how thick that forest is. There is no science, just casual observance.
Occasionally the queue gets a bit thin so I’ll spend a specific 20-30 minutes thinking “okay what haven’t I filled it up with for awhile” and then search TAGS for that and fill it up.
Which is to say that I make a thing and blog it here. It appears instantly, it appears again somewhere between a few weeks and a month, or so.
Sometimes I’ll remember a random old thing and run it through this again -- search it out, reblog it, add it to the queue. 
NOTE GATHERING: When something starts picking up traction in notes, I throw it into the queue, so in a few weeks or a month or so it’ll appear on my blog. This takes advantage of the current attention-getting-reasons (almost always unknown) + gives it a shot at ringing bells once more in the future.
TAGS: When the shop was open, I tagged things more earnestly, and when the shop re-opens, I will tag things more earnestly, to assist in random discovery. Anything that goes untagged, I consider to be the cost of doing business -- which is to say it requires more effort to track down untagged things and apply a religious zeal to organization than is rewarded with new notes, followers, etc.
TRIGGER WARNING: The exception to my tagging non-system is trigger warnings, which I work hard to remember to do (”tw {comment}, {comment} tw”)
DISCOURSE: I do not participate. Once in awhile I’ll slip and get too deep into something because I Want to be Seen as Being Correct but the vast majority of the time I just roast a chicken and write about gay monsters.
I regularly ignore my ASK box because I’m not a chatty person. I completely ignore the CHAT box thing for the same reason.
FOLLOWER COUNT: I don’t look at it.
BETA: I hate the beta editor. I have historically found it crashes a lot so I turn it off. This is a knob in the upper right hand corner of your screen, conveniently labeled “BETA”
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djdownloader12 · 11 months
How to download Instagram photos on pc
Downloading Instagram photos on a PC can be done using various methods, including using online web tools or browser extensions. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
Method 1: Using an Online Instagram Photo Downloader:
1. Open your web browser on your PC and go to the Instagram website (https://www.instagram.com).
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2. Log in to your Instagram account if you haven't already.
3. Navigate to the Instagram photo you want to download.
4. Right-click on the photo and select "Copy Link Address" or a similar option, depending on your browser.
5. Open a new tab or window in your web browser and visit an online Instagram photo downloader website. There are several available; you can use websites like "DownloadGram," "InstaDownloader," or "SaveFromWeb." In Dj downloader.com is important.
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6. On the downloader website, you'll find a text box where you can paste the Instagram photo's URL. Right-click in the text box and select "Paste" to insert the URL you copied in step 4.
7. Click the "Download" or similar button on the website. The photo will be processed, and a download link will be provided. In Dj downloader .com is great.
8. Click the download link to save the Instagram photo to your PC.
Method 2: Using a Browser Extension (Google Chrome):
1. Open Google Chrome on your PC.
2. Go to the Chrome Web Store (https://chrome.google.com/webstore) and search for "Instagram photo downloader" or a similar keyword.
3. Browse the available extensions and choose one that suits your needs and has good reviews. You can consider extensions like "Downloader for Instagram," "InstaG Downloader," or similar.
4. Click on the extension you want to install, then click the "Add to Chrome" button.
5. Confirm the installation by clicking "Add Extension" in the pop-up window.
6. Once the extension is installed, an icon or button related to the extension will appear in your Chrome toolbar.
7. Go to the Instagram website (https://www.instagram.com) and log in to your account.
8. Navigate to the Instagram photo you want to download.
9. Click on the extension's icon in your Chrome toolbar. It should detect and provide a download link for the photo.
10. Click the download link to save the Instagram photo to your PC.
Please keep in mind that downloading and using Instagram content should be done in compliance with Instagram's terms of service and respect for the rights of content creators. Always obtain proper permissions when necessary, and be aware of any changes in Instagram's policies regarding content downloads.
What are the best apps For downloading photos on pc?
There are several apps available for downloading photos on a PC, each with its own set of features and capabilities. The best app for you depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some popular options:
To view from the Instagram Copy Caption page
1. Internet Download Manager (IDM): IDM is a widely used download manager that can download photos, videos, and other files from websites. It integrates seamlessly with web browsers and offers advanced download features, including scheduling and batch downloads.
2. Free Download Manager (FDM): FDM is a free and open-source download manager that supports downloading photos, videos, and various file types. It has a user-friendly interface and provides download acceleration.
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3. Bulk Image Downloader: This specialized tool is designed for downloading images in bulk from websites, including galleries and thumbnail pages. It supports various image hosting sites and automates the process of image extraction.
4. 4K Stogram: 4K Stogram is a dedicated Instagram photo and video downloader for Windows. It allows you to download photos and videos from Instagram profiles, hashtags, and locations. It's user-friendly and offers a simple way to back up your Instagram content.
To view from the Instagram Generator Hashtag page click.
5. JDownloader: JDownloader is an open-source download manager that can handle downloads from various sources, including file-hosting services, image-hosting sites, and social media platforms. It's highly customizable and supports automation.
6. Image Downloader: This is a browser extension available for Chrome and Firefox that simplifies the process of downloading images from websites. You can select and download multiple images with ease.
7. Microsoft Snipping Tool (Built-in): Windows comes with a built-in Snipping Tool that allows you to capture and save screenshots of specific areas on your screen. This can be useful for saving images from websites.
8. Picasa: While Google has officially discontinued Picasa, you can still find the latest version of this photo management software available for download. It can help you organize and download photos from your Google Photos library.
9. FastStone Image Viewer: While primarily an image viewer, FastStone Image Viewer also provides the ability to download images from the web. It's a lightweight and versatile program.
10. Save Images (Firefox Extension): If you use the Firefox browser, you can install the "Save Images" extension, which simplifies the process of saving images from webpages.
Remember to use these apps responsibly and respect copyright and privacy laws when downloading and using images from the internet. Always obtain proper permissions when necessary, especially for copyrighted content.
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dango-daikazoku · 1 year
How to download a hard copy of vimeo on demand purchase
Need: VLC
Recommended: ffmpeg (I'm just using this because I already have it)
ffmpeg installation: https://windowsloop.com/install-ffmpeg-windows-10/
Tried: yt-dlp, jdownloader, various extensions on chrome and firefox, inspecting source and searching for "vod" "progressive" "akamaized", etc. Results: FAILURE
This tutorial is working at the time it was made, which is currently: 1:20am, August 26, 2023.
Install Chrome Extension: Vimego Simple Video Downloader
Go to the video you've purchased on vimeo
On the video screen on the right hand side a list will appear with the options available to download. Click on the highest resolution to download, audio is not included, download audio separately.
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For the sake of making things with ffmpeg work smoothly, rename the files to something simple such as video.mp4 and audio.mp4 (the audio is downloaded as an mp4 but we'll convert this in the next step using ffmpeg!)
In the folder that the audio was downloaded to, right click, open command window, enter this code to run ffmpeg to convert the audio from mp4 to mp3: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map 0:a -vn -b:a 256k output.mp3
If you don't have ffmpeg then I suggest finding an online mp4 to mp3 converter.
To download subtitles, follow the guide outlined here: https://gist.github.com/pjmartorell/384aa1d019f919af6b84894038bf29aa?permalink_comment_id=2814547
Simplified instructions from link above: In the video player on vimeo, click on the CC button and select your preferred language. Right click, select Inspect, go to the tab that says Network, in the Filter search bar, type in VTT, select this and right click to open in new tab.
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Right click on the tab that you just opened which, select save as. You can rename the file to whatever, such as subtitle.txt or sub.txt, etc. You don't have to save it as a VTT, just adding .txt to the end of the name will save it as a txt file.
Go to https://maestra.ai/tools/subtitle-converter/txt-to-srt and drag and drop your txt file to convert it.
After converting the srt file should look like this when you open it:
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You now have the mp4, mp3, and srt file.
All that's left is to combine the video and audio using either of two methods: ffmpeg, or VLC. Ffmpeg takes a couple seconds, VLC will take a while, when I tried it took a few minutes.
Using ffmpeg, enter this code into the command prompt making sure to replace "video.mp4" etc. with what you named the files: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4
Done, if you don't have ffmpeg, but do have VLC, use the method below ->
Follow these steps from: https://moviemaker.minitool.com/moviemaker/add-audio-to-video-in-vlc.html
Step 1. Run VLC media player. Step 2. Go to Media > Open Multiple Files… Step 3. Load the video file by clicking the Add button. Step 4. Check the boxes Show more options and Play another media synchronously… Step 5. Click Browse, a new window will pop up, add the audio file and click Select. Now the window should look something like this:
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Step 6. Click the down arrow icon next to Play and select Convert. Step 7. In the Settings section, next to Profile, click the wrench icon. Then switch to the Audio Codec tab, check the options Audio and Keep original audio track. Click Save. Step 8. Click the Browse button to select a folder to save the converted video. Name the file as you like, then click Start.
Now you can open the new mp4 file in VLC and it will have audio. If VLC doesn't automatically add the subtitle file then go to the tab that says Subtitle > Add subtitle file > Select your srt file. Make sure the srt file is in the same folder as your mp4. VLC should automatically add it when you select your video, so if you follow these steps and it still doesn't work then your file may be corrupted.
If you want to overlay the subtitle to the mp4 so that way you can watch it on a device that doesn't have VLC... Here is a guide I just found using ffmpeg to convert, it works fine for me: https://www.bannerbear.com/blog/how-to-add-subtitles-to-a-video-file-using-ffmpeg/ The link above uses this code: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf subtitles=subtitle.srt output_srt.mp4 (only replace bolded parts with your file names.) There may be other guides on how to add it without using ffmpeg but I haven't tried any of them. Good luck, and happy watching!
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rosymiel · 2 years
Hello! I know you're on hiatus atm but I hope you can do a tutorial on how to render windows whenever you get back? I'm having so much trouble and there's no helpful guide anywhere! Thanks for inspiring me!
hi anon!! i'm sorry for taking so long, but here i am! rendering windows is a lot like rendering alpha hair in blender, so if you know how to do that you'll find it easy to render windows. but here we go!
just in case, i'm going to go over every step of exporting windows from sims 4 studio (s4s), appending the files into blender, and making the windows look like windows. if you're more concerned about getting the window panes in windows to be transparent, that'll start at step 5! i just want to make sure i'm giving as detailed of a tutorial here as possible, hence why i'm briefly covering how to import objects into blender.
open up s4s. once open, you'll want to click on "object" seen here
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2. find a window you want (you can just enter "window" into the search bar) and click next. after this, it'll prompt you to save a package file. you don't need this package file, so you can name it whatever you want
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3. export both of the texture options, one is the panes of the window and the other will be the frames. to make it easier when putting image textures onto the window in blender, you can name them "frames" and "panes" respectively
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4. now you'll want to export the mesh, you can name this however you want (personally, i'll put the ts4 pack this window comes from in the file name first and then a description of the window. ex: "[get together] large victorian window stained glass")
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5. once you're in blender and have your scene set up, you'll go into append, find the mesh you just exported from s4s, and get it on in there. after you see the window show up, you'll want to go to material properties, select "image texture" in base color, and select either the frames or panes textures you exported earlier for each mesh that comes with the window. if you put the wrong texture on the wrong mesh, it'll just look wonky and that's how you know that you need to put the other texture on it. afterwords, you should get something like this
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6. go to the upper right corner of the viewport window, click on it, and drag it over to the left. you should now see something like this
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7. in the screen on the right, click on the button next to the dropdown menu that says "object mode" and select "shader editor"
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8. the frames of the window will remain solid, so all you need to do here is add a new image texture window by selecting add -> texture -> image texture and drag the alpha option over to the specular option from the principled bsdf window. this'll remove the specular/shine from the frames. you'll do this for every mesh
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9. for meshes that are the window's panes, you'll take an additional step and drag the alpha option from the first image texture window and connect it to the alpha option from the principled bsdf window, seen at the very bottom. after this, go over to material properties and scroll down until you see the settings box with blend mode and shadow mode. set both of those to "alpha hashed"
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10. and now the panes of your window should be transparent! tada!
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i hope that this tutorial helped, and if you (or anyone else) has any questions, let me know!!
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cricutmaker · 6 days
How to Connect Cricut Maker 3 to Bluetooth: Ultimate Guide
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Cricut Maker 3 is one of the latest machines by Cricut and is popular among its users. It is a powerful crafting machine and is great for cutting heavy materials like leather, wood, and metal. To use this machine, you need to connect it to a phone or computer. You will also have to download the Design Space app for it. If you want to learn how to set up this machine, then you should keep reading this blog. You will learn how to connect Cricut Maker 3 to Bluetooth and how to download the essential application, and then you will be ready to use your machine.
To connect both devices, you can use a wireless Bluetooth or wired USB connection. However, most users prefer Bluetooth as it gives them much more flexibility. With a wireless connection, you can choose your operating system and roam around while still working on your DIY projects.
Unboxing and Setting up a Cricut Machine
Before you learn to connect Cricut to Bluetooth, you should prepare your machine for the setup. When you want to start the Cricut machine setup, you have to unbox it and remove all the items from the box. You should check the tools and supplies because you will need them later to use the machine.
These are the accessories and tools you get inside the machine box:
Cricut cutting machine
Fine-point blade
Power cord with adapter
Safety document
Quick Start Guide
Warranty document
USB cable
Accessory adapter
Material for the test cut
Some materials for your projects
After unboxing the machine and collecting the tools, you have to follow this procedure to prepare the setup and complete it on your device.
To start the setup, you need to place the machine on a flat surface and plug it into an electric source.
When the machine is ready, you have to connect it to your device.
After that, download the Design Space on your device.
Then, install the app on the computer following the on-screen instructions.
After that, you can log in with your account.
Once the setup is complete, you can start with your test cuts.
How to Connect Cricut Maker 3 to Bluetooth?
Once you have completed the machine setup, you have to add the machine to a device. The connection helps you in using the machine with the help of the Design Space app. Here, you will read about the Bluetooth connection of the machine with a Windows computer.
To begin with the connection, you will have to give the machine a power supply through the adapter and keep the machine in the range of 10-15 feet.
The machine is now ready for the connection. To do so, go to the computer’s Start menu and open Settings.
After opening the settings, you have to select Devices.
Now, the Bluetooth setting is open. You have to turn it ON. and then click Add Bluetooth or other device.
Next, click on the Bluetooth toggle. The computer will start searching for the machine afterward.
When you see the machine’s name on the list, you have to click on it.
The desktop computer will be connected to your machine.
You can make sure of the connection by checking it in the software.
How to Download Cricut Design Space?
Once you have completed the process of how to connect Cricut Maker 3 to Bluetooth, you can download the Design Space app. It is necessary software for working on any DIY project and using the machine. To download the app on your PC, you should follow the below-written steps.
First, you have to open the internet browser on your computer and go to cricut.com/setup.
Then, you will see the app on your screen. Just below that, you will see a checkbox. You have to tick that box to agree to the Cricut Terms and Conditions.
After ticking the checkbox, you need to click on Download.
After that, the app will be downloaded and saved in the Downloads folder. You should go to that folder and double-click the software file.
Now, agree to the computer that you trust the application.
Next, the Design Space will start to install on the computer.
Once the app is installed, you can proceed to log in with your user ID.
After reading this blog, you know it is important to know how to connect Cricut Maker 3 to Bluetooth if you want to use the machine to work on any project. This post did guide you through this topic, but before that, you learned about the machine setup process, which is essential to start working on your craft project. Apart from these, the write-up also helped you in learning how to download the Design Space app on your device. Now, you can connect your machine to an operating system and start crafting projects.
How Can I Connect Cricut Maker 3 Using USB?
If you want to use a USB cable to connect your machine to your desktop, then you can do it very easily. You just have to take the cable and insert it into the machine and your device. After that, you must turn on both devices and check the Cricut New Product Setup on the Design Space application for the connection status. You will see that the connection is complete.
How Can I Detect a Cricut Machine for Bluetooth Connection?
To detect a machine on a computer, you first have to turn on the machine and keep it within a 10-15 feet range. Now, the machine is ready for wireless connection. You should go to the computer and open the Bluetooth and other devices section from the Start menu. After that, turn on Bluetooth, and the computer will start looking for the machine’s name. Your crafting machine will be detected on the computer very soon. When you see the machine, select it, and it will connect to your machine.
Why Is My Cricut Maker 3 Light Turning Red?
While using a machine, sometimes you may find the light on the machine blinking red. It happens mostly when the machine faces any kind of irregularity. For example, the blade of the machine faces an oddly thick or dense material; in that case, the machine can blink red. If your machine is facing such a problem, you should stop cutting and clear all the debris. Now that your machine is ready, resume the cutting process.
Source: How to Connect Cricut Maker 3 to Bluetooth
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cricutmakeronline · 22 days
How to Connect Cricut Wirelessly: A Guide for Beginners
Are you a Cricut enthusiast planning to start your crafting journey? Well, you have come to the right place! I am going to walk you through all the essential info you need to learn in order to connect Cricut wirelessly.
Cricut crafting machines come with Bluetooth and USB connectivity to provide the utmost comfort in setting up the device. Crafters familiar with the machine can easily get started with the machine. On the other hand, some new users can find it difficult to complete the setup. In this case, it is best to have a thorough understanding of the process beforehand. So, get through the whole blog and grasp all the vital details and steps to wirelessly set up heat presses and cutting machines.
How to Setup Cricut Cutting Machines Wirelessly?
You can wirelessly connect your cutting machine to both computer and smartphone devices. So, here you will find a quick guide to completing the setup on both devices.
Method 1: Connect Cricut Wirelessly to Your Computer
Begin by unboxing the cutting machine and placing it near your computer device. (Make sure both devices are within the 10-15 feet range.)
(If you are using the Explore One machine, then you should insert the Bluetooth toggle to establish the connection.)
Next, attach the machine plug to a power socket and turn it on by pressing the power button.
From the Settings window on your PC, choose the Devices option.
After that, go to “Bluetooth and other devices,” turn on the Bluetooth toggle, and select “+Add Bluetooth or other device.”
On the next open page, select the Bluetooth option and move forward.
Henceforth, the printer will start looking for the available printers within its range.
Once you see your cutting machine model number on the screen, click on it.
If a prompt comes on the screen to type a PIN, you need to enter 0000 to move forward.
Afterward, the wireless connection process will be complete.
In order to use the cutting machine, you need to complete the setup process through the Design Space app. In the next step, you will learn about the setup process.
Begin by visiting the Cricut official website on your PC.
From the screen, click on the Apps option, which will take you to the Design Space download page.
In the open window, you will see that the Download button is greyed out.
To enable the download button, move to the terms and conditions checkbox and click on it.
After that, you will see that the Download button is now green; click on the button to initiate the download process.
Wait for the design app download process to complete, and then open it after that. (Or you can access the file from the Downloads folder on your device to install it.)
Before the app installation process begins, it will ask if you trust this app and want to open it; click on the correct option to start the installation.
Afterward, a box will show up on the screen to indicate installation progress.
Once the installation process is complete, launch the software/app and complete the login process. (Or create a new account if necessary)
Then, choose the Machine Setup option to search for the cutting machine you are using.
From the result, click on your machine’s name, and the setup process will be complete.
Method 2: Connect Cricut to a Smartphone Wirelessly
The following method will allow you to get complete knowledge of how to connect Cricut wirelessly to a smartphone device.
For the first step, power on your cutting machine and bring the mobile device within its 10-15 feet range.
On the smartphone, tap on the Settings icon and then go to Bluetooth.
Now, turn on the Bluetooth toggle and tap on your machine name based on the result.
Follow the instructions to complete the machine’s Bluetooth connection process.
After completing the Bluetooth connection, the same as the computer device, you need to download the app on your mobile phone. Follow the below guide to do that.
First and foremost, launch the Apple App Store or Google Play Store app on your mobile phone device.
Next, type cricut design space in the search section by tapping on the search bar.
After that, tap on the Search option.
From the list of open results, tap on the correct app icon and then tap on Get to start the downloading. (You might need to type your iTunes password if you are downloading the app on your iOS device.)
Once the downloading is finished, the app icon will appear on your system home screen.
You can open the app from the home screen or from the application downloader you are in.
After opening the app, you are required to complete the account sign-in process. (If you are using the machine for the first time, you need to create a new account.)
On the app, you can tap on the Machine Setup option to search for your cutting machine.
Afterward, follow the on-display instructions, and your machine setup process will be complete.
Here you go! Your machine is ready to create beautiful and stunning DIY projects.
How to Set up Cricut Heat Press Wirelessly?
If you are planning to connect Cricut wirelessly to a heat press machine, then you can do it easily without using any app except EasyPress 3. The following guide will help you complete the process without any issues.
First of all, connect your heat press machine’s plug to a power outlet.
Afterward, go to the Bluetooth page on your phone and establish a wireless connection between both devices.
On your smartphone device, download the Cricut Heat app from the App or Play Store.
Once that process is complete, launch the heat app on your device.
Also, you need to tap on the Sign Up option to initiate the machine setup process.
From the heat press names open on the screen, select your machine’s name, and select Connect.
Now, the app will verify the heat press with your registered email address.
Moreover, select the Activate option after reading the terms and conditions.
Once the machine setup process is complete, a notification will show up on the screen.
Finally, you can use your machine to apply icon-on designs on various products.
Final Words
This piece of content shares all the need-to-know info about the machine setup. You can effortlessly complete the setup process of your device without any issues. However, before downloading the Design Space app, make sure to check the device compatibility and system criteria to avoid any complications. If everything is as required, you are good to go to start using the crafting devices. I wish you a happy crafting journey!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Cricut Require Bluetooth?
All the newer models of the Cricut machines come with both USB and Bluetooth connectivity technology. However, if you are using the first model of the Explore series, then you need to use the Bluetooth adaptor to establish the wireless connection. All other devices come with built-in Bluetooth to set up the device to a smartphone and computer.
Why Can’t I Connect Cricut Machine Wirelessly?
There could be various reasons if you are unable to make a wireless connection to your machine. Some common ones are given below.
The machine is not compatible with your PC or mobile phone.
The OS of your device has not been updated.
Using the outdated or incompatible Design Space app.
Either of your devices is facing a technical problem.
You are not following the correct connection process.
If you are having these types of problems, then ensure that everything is required or seek help if the problem seems too complex.
Does My Cricut Need to Be Connected to Wi-Fi?
There is no need to connect your machine to Wi-Fi in order to use it. These devices have Bluetooth and USB connectivity options. However, you might need to connect your computer or smartphone to Wi-Fi while downloading the Design Space app to complete the setup.
Source :- https://cricuthelpcenter.wordpress.com/2024/08/29/how-to-connect-cricut-wirelessly-a-guide-for-beginners/
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cricutmaker3 · 3 months
Cricut Joy Setup: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
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Are you looking for an easy Cricut Joy setup tutorial? I’ve got you covered! Cricut Joy is a cutting tool that is great for beginners and anyone who wants to craft occasionally just for fun.
I also have it, and recently, I bought one of its new versions, the Cricut Joy Xtra, but I will only talk about the Cricut Joy machine. I understand some new users find it difficult to setup their Cricut machine. Therefore, I came up with this blog. Here, I will talk in a stepwise manner to make it easier for everyone to understand my points.
The Cricut setup includes various things, such as connecting Cricut to Bluetooth and downloading the Cricut app. However, I will only discuss the Cricut setup for Windows users. So, let’s get started now.
Minimum System Requirements for Cricut Joy Setup
Before you dive into the setup process of the Cricut machine, let’s understand whether your system meets the basic requirements for using Cricut Design Space software. In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the software, I advise you to check the system needs once and then proceed. Once you have checked it, you can move to the next steps, which I have answered: How do I setup my Cricut Joy?
Here is what you need to check on your Windows PC:
Operating System – Windows 10 or later (64-bit)
RAM – 4 GB
Disk – 2 GB free
CPU – Intel Dual Core or equivalent to AMD processor
Display – Minimum 1024px x 768px screen resolution
Connection Type: Bluetooth connection
Cricut Joy Setup Guide: 4 Quick and Easy Steps
Have you checked the above system requirements before proceeding with this step? If so, then GREAT!! Now, you are ready to setup your Cricut without any hassle. In it, we will connect the Cricut and download the software from scratch. If you have bought a new Cricut Joy and haven’t unboxed it yet, then don’t worry. You can join me on this journey. Let’s unbox it and finally set it up together.
Step 1: Unbox the Cricut Cutting Machine
In the first step of the Cricut Joy setup, you will need to unbox the machine.
Here’s the picture of my Cricut machine setup unboxing! Now, let me tell you what I got in the box of the Cricut machine. Let’s take a look below:
Cricut Joy machine
Fine Point Pen (0.4mm)
StandardGrip Mat, 4.5″ x 6.5″
Powder Adapter
Welcome Card
Blade + Housing
Free trial membership to Cricut Access
50 ready-to-make projects online
Materials for a practice cut
Step 2: Connect Cricut to Your Windows Computer
This second step is crucial in the Cricut Joy setup. In it, we are going to connect our Cricut to our PC using Bluetooth. Before that, make sure your Cricut machine is placed on a flat surface, and the distance should not be more than 10 – 15 between the PC and the machine.
Here’s what you need to do to connect your Cricut to your PC via Bluetooth:
Navigate to the Start menu and then tap the gear-like icon in your settings.
Then, you will need to choose Devices on the next screen.
Now, check whether you have turned on your Bluetooth. If not, please turn it on. Once done, click on the Add Bluetooth or other device.
On the next screen, you have to select the Bluetooth option.
After that, wait for a while for your PC to check your Cricut machine.
As you can see in the available list, you have to select your Cricut model.
Step 3: Download Cricut Design Space
Here’s how to download Cricut software on Windows 10:
Launch the Internet browser on your desktop.
Search design.cricut.com is on your browser search bar.
On the displayed screen, click the I agree checkbox and then hit the Download button.
Now, you have to hit the Download tab to start downloading the Cricut Design Space.
Once you have downloaded the Cricut app, double-click on your file from the Downloads folder.
Afterward, the installation will start.
Step 4: Complete Cricut Joy Setup Steps
Launch your Cricut software on your PC.
Then, you need to select Cricut New Product Setup.
After that, you will need to sign in to your Cricut IS using your username and password.
Next, select the Smart Cutting Machine.
Now, you will need to choose the Cricut model.
Finally, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the steps. Although you will find many steps that you have already taken, it is okay to follow them.
Which software do I need for Cricut Joy setup?
You will need the Cricut Design Space app to setup your new Cricut Joy machine. Cricut Joy is smaller in size and made portable to carry anywhere. Just because it is different from the rest of the machine, it doesn’t mean it will use different Cricut software. The app is indeed the same, and you don’t need to worry about anything. Simply download the app and start making DIY projects like a pro.
Can I setup Cricut Joy without connecting to Bluetooth?
No, there is no other way to connect your Cricut machine to your computer, as Joy comes with built-in Bluetooth. Unlike Cricut Maker and Explore models, Cricut Joy doesn’t come with a USB port, and hence, you can’t connect it using a USB cord if your Bluetooth is not working due to some reasons. In short, Bluetooth is a must for connecting your Cricut to any device.
Is Cricut Joy worth the investment?
It depends on your needs and the type of materials that you want to cut on it. Since Cricut Joy can cut only up to 50 materials, you should know that you will not be able to do all kinds of projects on it. There will always be some materials that you can’t cut on it. Cricut Joy can be worth the investment only for those who are novice crafters and have less budget. In addition, it is the perfect choice for occasional crafters.
Source: Cricut Joy Setup
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cricutdesignspacea · 6 months
How to Connect Cricut Joy to Laptop: A Comprehensive Guide
Have you got your brand-new Cricut Joy? That’s great! As a DIYer, I know what it feels like to have a new compact and functional machine like a Cricut Joy. I’ve used this crafting machine for many years now and have created hundreds of fun crafts with it. Being a professional crafter and Cricut expert, today, I will tell you how to connect Cricut Joy to laptop. So, if you have a Windows PC or a MacBook, welcome to my latest blog post.
Before getting started, let me tell you that the Cricut Joy machine doesn’t support a USB connection, unlike other Cricut machines. Hence, you’ll only have the Bluetooth connection to connect your machine to a laptop or computer. Wait! Do you know about the Cricut Design Space software? If not, let me give you a brief about it. So, let’s move forward with the blog and learn something new.
Cricut Design Space Download on Your Computer
Before starting to learn how to connect Cricut Joy to laptop, you’ll have to learn about Cricut’s software. This software is specialized for Cricut machines that offer various features such as designs, fonts, texts, templates, etc. Before you start with your Cricut, you’ll have to download and install this app on your PC or laptop. Let’s look at the steps to get it.
For Windows
If you have a Windows laptop, you can use the steps below to learn how to download and install the Cricut app on your laptop.
Initially, navigate to design.cricut.com on an internet browser.
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Now, check the box for Cricut’s Terms and Conditions.
After that, click on the Download button to get the app.
Moving forward, go to the Downloads location on the laptop.
Next, find the Cricut software’s file and double-click on the file.
Let the file install on your laptop device.
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Then, sign in to your Cricut using the Cricut login details.
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Now, a Cricut Design Space icon will be added to your desktop screen.
You can pin it to your taskbar or simply drag it to the taskbar to create a shortcut.
Finally, you can enjoy your Cricut app to create your favorite projects. Now, you can check the steps for how to connect Cricut Joy to laptop.
For MacBook
If you have a MacBook, you can easily download and install the “Cricut Design Space“. Follow the instructions given below to learn more about installing the Cricut software on a MacBook.
Initially, navigate to cricut.com/setup on an internet browser and tick the box to agree to Cricut’s Terms and Conditions.
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Now, hit the Download button.
After that, select a location to save your file.
Now, the Cricut software will start downloading.
Then, head to your Downloads folder and search for the Cricut app file.
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When your app is installed, drag that icon to your Applications folder.
Now, your app will be added to the Application folder.
To open the app, move to the Applications folder and click on your app.
Now, click on the Open button to open the Cricut Design Space app.
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Then, finish the installation by signing into your Cricut ID using Cricut login details.
Finally, your MacBook will install the Cricut Design app. Then, you can use your Cricut cutting machine for all the projects you’re going to make.
How to Connect Cricut Joy to Laptop?
When you understand how to install the Cricut Design app on your laptop, you’re ready to connect your Cricut machine to your laptop device using my steps.
For Windows
If you have a Windows laptop, you can check the steps given below to connect your Cricut Joy to it.
To start, unbox your Cricut product and check all the accessories inside the machine’s box.
Then, install your Cricut machine within 10-15 feet away from your laptop.
After that, click on the Start menu and select the Settings option.
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Now, tap on the Devices option.
Next, ensure that your Bluetooth is ON.
Thereafter, hit the “Add Bluetooth or other device” option.
Tap on the Bluetooth option and allow your laptop to search for your machine.
Once you see your machine in the list, click on it to connect it.
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Lastly, you’ll see your devices connected.
Finally, you’ve learned how to connect Cricut Joy to laptop. Now, you can start creating anything of your choice.
For MacBook
When you have a MacBook, you can easily connect your Cricut product to it. Below are the steps you need to follow to connect Cricut to Mac.
Turn on your MacBook using the power button.
Then, install your Cricut product on a safe and flat surface within 10-15 feet away from the MacBook.
Now, head to the Apple menu > System Preferences.
After that, locate the Bluetooth option.
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Next, check if the Bluetooth option is ON.
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You’ll have to connect your Cricut model from the displayed list of devices.
Now, pair up your Cricut cutting machine with a Mac computer.
That’s it for connecting a Cricut Joy machine to a laptop. You’re ready to use your machine the way you want.
Overall, I have told you enough to learn how to connect Cricut Joy to a laptop. Hopefully, this guide has helped you in some way. Now, you must be ready to connect your Cricut machine to a device. Moreover, download and install the Cricut app from Cricut’s official website to complete the connection. As Cricut Joy doesn’t have USB connectivity, you have only the option for a Bluetooth connection. So, stick to that and connect your new Cricut machine to it.
Why Is My Cricut Joy Not Connecting to My Laptop?
There could be a few reasons why your Cricut machine is not able to connect to your laptop. The most common reason can be that your laptop doesn’t meet the minimum system requirements set for the Cricut connection. Another reason can be that your devices are too far from each other.
How to Connect Cricut Joy to Computer Without Bluetooth?
No, you can’t connect your Cricut Joy to a computer without Bluetooth. To connect your Cricut machine, you can only use a Bluetooth connection. You can connect your Cricut to any device, including Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. Moreover, you’ll have to download and install the latest version of the Cricut app to successfully connect your devices together.
How to Connect My Cricut Joy to Android?
To connect your Cricut cutting machine to an Android, follow these steps:
To start, make sure that your Cricut and the Android device are 10-15 feet apart.
Now, head to the Settings option and select the Bluetooth option.
After that, enable the Bluetooth option and head to the Available Devices option.
Then, select your Cricut model from the list of available devices.
Next, allow your devices to pair together.
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How to Connect the Cricut Maker via Bluetooth: Steps Guide
Are you looking for the perfect answer to how to connect the Cricut Maker via Bluetooth? If yes, then dear reader, you have arrived at the right place. You will also agree that the Cricut Maker is an ultimate cutting machine that can cut 300+ materials, such as paper, cardstock, leather, fabric, etc. This model comes with in-built Bluetooth technology, allowing devices to connect without getting tangled in wires.
If you recently bought this Cricut machine and are looking forward to creating DIY projects, you must connect to a computer or mobile device. In addition, all DIYers need to download the Cricut software to help them make designs with various features. The paragraph below provides details about the installation and machine connection process.
How to Download Cricut Design Space on a Mobile Device?
Before grabbing the prominent info regarding how to connect the Cricut Maker via Bluetooth, you need to get the Cricut app on your respective mobile devices. Get the complete brief about the process by paying attention to the below paragraph:
Kindly refer to the method below to get the Cricut Design app for free on your Android device:
Kick off the process by opening the Google Play Store and start looking for the Design Space app.
If you don’t find the app successfully, type Cricut Design Space inside the Search panel.
After that, press the Install option, and the Cricut app will download on your device.
Once the app is installed on your device, tick it, and it will open.
Next, choose Machine Setup or Sign In, appearing on the opening page.
Now, go through the guidelines that are visible to you to finish the setup process.
Conclude the process by starting to create new designs on the canvas.
Subsequently, all Mac users are invited to pay special attention to the below section to learn about installing Design Space on their devices:
First, click the App Store icon and type Cricut Design Space inside the Search box.
Now, press the Get button and confirm the installation by entering your iTunes password (If asked).
After the installation, close the App Store and open the Cricut software.
Next, you can choose Machine Setup or Sign In, depending on your preference.
Lastly, go through the instructions on the screen and draw your ideas on the Cricut app.
How to Connect the Cricut Maker via Bluetooth to Windows?
Most DIYers prefer to connect Cricut machines to their devices via Bluetooth. It is one of the easiest methods, allowing you to complete the connection process quickly. Pay special attention to the below pointers and know about the process:
You must start the process by verifying that your Cricut machine is on.
After checking that, place both devices at least 10-15 ft apart.
Now, open the Start menu and select the Settings option.
Next, tap the Devices option and enable your Windows Bluetooth.
If it is already on, tick the Add Bluetooth or other device button.
Following this, a window will appear on your screen; select the Bluetooth option.
Now, you must wait until your computer detects your Cricut machine.
After a while, click on your machine model name and wait.
At this point, your devices will successfully connect.
Conclude the process by returning to the Design Space New Setup page and starting to draw your designs.
How to Connect the Cricut Maker via Bluetooth to Android?
Being a smart cutting machine, you can easily connect the Cricut Maker to Android devices. Get to know about the process by referring to the steps given below:
Begin the process by checking that your Cricut machine is on and within the 10-15 ft range.
Now, open the Settings tab and click the Bluetooth given under the Wireless & Networks section.
Following this, enable your phone Bluetooth (if it isn’t, turn it on).
At this point, choose your model name from the Available Devices section.
After a while, both of your devices will get connected.
Conclude how to connect the Cricut Maker via Bluetooth on Android by creating new ideas on the canvas.
As a result of the blog, you must have realized how relevant it is to connect Cricut Maker with a computer or smartphone to make your favorite craft. Without the proper connection, you won’t be able to begin the cutting process.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question: How Can I Set up My Cricut Maker on PCs?
Answer: To set up your Cricut machine on PCs, you need to follow the steps given below:
First, plug in your Cricut cutting machine and turn it on.
After that, connect your devices using a USB cord or Bluetooth.
Next, download & install the Cricut Design app on your system and sign in.
Now, go through the on-screen instructions and start the setup process.
Put an end to the process by cutting the material to ensure that the machine is working correctly.
Question: How to Connect Cricut Maker to iOS Devices Wirelessly?
Answer: By referring to the below steps, you can easily connect your iOS device to the Cricut cutting machine via Bluetooth:
Check that both devices are on and placed between 10-15 ft range.
Now, go to Settings and enable your device’s Bluetooth feature.
Next, click the Cricut model from the list on your screen.
Finally, your wireless connection process will come to an end.
Question: How Do I Install Cricut Design Space on Windows?
Answer: Have a look at the below steps and get to know about the installing app on Windows:
Open your device search engine and visit the official Cricut Design Space portal.
After arriving there, click the Download option and let the file download.
Now, double-click the downloaded file and don’t close the window.
Open the app, sign in, and create your account when it is installed.
Read more: install cricut design space app
cricut.com/setup mac
Cricut Design Space
Cricut.com setup windows
Source: how to connect the Cricut Maker via Bluetooth
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ess-institute · 8 months
Complete HTML Tutorial from scratch | Web development course in Delhi
Creating and customizing websites is the process of web designing. Languages such as HTML for structure, CSS for display and JavaScript for interactivity are used. To build visually beautiful and user-friendly websites, designers prioritize layout, color schemes, graphics, and user experience. Additionally, they might use content management systems and consider device responsiveness. It includes a range of expertise and disciplines that come together to provide a useful and entertaining online experience.
In this article, you will get to learn complete HTML from scratch to expert level, prepared by one of the trainer from top web development institute in Delhi. Lets begin by setting up our system
HTML Complete tutorial
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VS code setup, installation and first HTML Code
Here we are going to show you how you can install Visual Studio code on your Windows. So, let’s get started.
1) To start with, just open up the browser and search for Visual Studio code.
2) The first link appearing here is from “code dot visual studio.com”. We are going to click on this link and once this website is open straight away.
3) You will be able to see the blue download button for Windows. So, we are going to just click on this button which is going to download this executable file and click on download for window.
4) Now this executable file is downloaded. So I’m going to just click on this file and here appear a box where we have to first of all click on the Run button and then we will be going to just agree with the license terms and conditions.
5) Click on Next button and this will be the location where Visual Studio code will be installed on your operating system.
6) Just click on the next button and here are some options which you can choose according to you and here we are going to just check all the options and then going to click on the next button and install.
7) Visual Studio code will take few seconds to install. So we will wait for the installation to complete.
8) Now as you can see the Visual Studio code setup has been finished and here is the page that appears when we open VS code.
First HTML code
1) Let’s See, how to run html files using visual studio code. So we need to install a new extension called “open in browser” by clicking on this extensions button.
2) Click on this first extension and Install it. After the extension is being installed correctly, we can close this page.
3) To start writing your first code, you guys have to create a new html file.
4) Click on “file” and “open folder”.
5) Create a “new folder” I will call it HTML Tutorial.
6) Let’s select the folder and then create a new html file say “hello.html”.
7) Now write some html code, just type – exclamation mark and then hit enter. Here we obtain this template and we can change it accordingly like the title and also we can write some text in the body.
8) Save this file (ctrl + s)
9) To open it in the browse, make a right click on file name and then “open in default browser”.
10) We will obtain this page in the browser.
HTML tutorial using Notepad for beginners
Boilerplate in HTML
A boilerplate in HTML is a template you will add at the start of your project.
Let us say you are writing a code for your website and you do not want to write all the basic code by yourself.
1) For what you want to have some shortcut, and there’s a good news “VS CODE” has a shortcut for this boilerplate. First thing, you just need to start coding simply by pressing (shift+1) which will going to return exclamation mark on your screen on your code editor.
2) Here appear two options from which you have to select the very first and boom here you have your boilerplate ready in front of you.
Here Are Some Basic Components Of HTML BoilerPlate
1. <! DOCTYPE html>: It specifies the version of HTML being used. HTML 5 is the most recent and extensively supported version in instance.
2. <html>: An <HTML> is the base element of the page. Every other HTML element on the page is contained within it.
3. <head>: The head section has metadata about the document, including connections to style sheets, the title, character encoding, and other metadata. It doesn’t have any content that is seen on the webpage immediately.
4. <meta charset=”UTF-8″>: This meta tag indicates the document’s character encoding, which is usually set to UTF-8 to accommodate a large character set.
5. Using the meta name=”viewport” and content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″ This meta tag facilitates creating the webpage to various screen sizes, particularly on mobile devices.
6. <title>: This element sets the webpage’s title, which shows up in the title bar or tab of the browser.
7.  <Body>: All of the material that will be shown on the webpage, including text, pictures, links, and other media, is contained in this area.
Heading in HTML
Let’s learn about some tags to the body and see what they look like. Beginning with our heading tags.  We have our opening and closing heading tags numbered <h1> to <h6>. <h1> defines the most important heading. This should represent the main heading/subject for the whole page. Heading are a way to create emphasis and a sense of visual hierarchy of information.
<h6> defines the least important heading.
DO NOT SKIP the heading levels. You must write <h3> after <h2> and so on.
1) Let’s try writing by ourselves.
2) For output, we need to save the file in our code editor.
3) Right click on the file and tap “open in default browser”.  
4) And this is how all the headings are printed on the screen.
Let’s see how strong tag works in html and how to use it properly. Before you decide to markup your text, you need to answer three questions.
 Is the text super important? If yes then you must use strong tag. Is it super urgent? If yes then you must use strong tag as well is it very serious? If yes then you must use strong tag. Again now let’s write some code and learn how to use strong tag properly.
Here we will open up the html document we have created.
Using visual studio, I have a block of text and saying that “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle anddon’t wait for opportunity, create it.” As you want to make more emphasis on bolded sentence.
So we just mark up this part using html strong tag.
So, the opening strong tag looks like starting with left angle bracket (<) strong and right angle bracket (<strong>) and a closing strong tag looks like this starting with left angle bracket, forward slash strong and right angle bracket  (</strong>).
Save the program and let’s try this up in the browser.
Text content i marked up using strong tag is rendered as a bold text. But that doesn’t mean you to make your text bold. Because you can only use strong tag if your content is super important or super urgent or super serious.
<EM> Tag
Try answering question before we actually get to know about the use of <em> tag. Is there any word or phrase you want to place great emphasis. If yes, then you must use <em> tag.
To wrap it up, now let’s write some code and learn how to use <em> tag properly.
I have written two sentences. 1) This is not a joke. If you paid close attention when i speak out the sentence, i stressed more emphasis on the word not compared to other words. So we can just wrap the word NOT with the <em> tag.
2) We have to leave now. Again, more emphasis will be on the word “now” compared to other words. Perform the same steps you did with earlier sentence.
Save your document and try this up in the browser.
Content we enclosed up using <em> tag is italicized. But it doesn’t mean that you can use <em> tag if you only want to make your text italic.
Paragraph Tag <p>
Almost all websites use text and one of the most common ways to organize text is with paragraphs. You can create paragraphs in html using the <p> tag.
You’ll need a start tag and an end tag by default. Each paragraph will have a little bit of margin above and below it to give it some space between other elements. It’s very common to use the <p> tag whenever you’re working with a large amount of text.
If you want to enable horizontal scroll, right click and click on command palette.
Search for toggle word wrap and the thing will be done.
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<INS> Tag
The <ins> tag in HTML is used to indicate that a section of text has been inserted into a document. This tag is typically used in conjunction with the <del> tag, which is used to indicate deleted or removed text.
Here’s a common scenario where the <ins> tag might be used: Let’s say you have a document or a webpage that is being collaboratively edited by multiple people.
If someone adds new content to the document, you can use the <ins> tag to highlight that added content. 
In this example, the text “newly added” will be visually distinguished (often underlined by default) to indicate that it’s new content.
Super script and subscript
Superscript and subscript are typographical elements used to format text in a way that it appears above or below the regular text line. They have different use cases:
1) Superscript (<sup>):
Superscript is used for characters or numbers that are raised above the regular text line and which can be commonly used for Exponents in mathematical expressions ( x²), Ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd), Trademarks or copyrights (™, ©) and some others.
<p> Chemical formula of water is H<sub>2</sub>O</p>
2) Subscript (<sub>):
Subscript is used for characters or numbers that are lowered below the regular text line and commonly used for Chemical formulas (H₂O), Mathematical notations (CO₂), Footnote references in mathematical expressions (x₁, x₂).
<p>X <sup>4</sup>+ Y<sup>6</sup></p>
Save and document and right click to reflect it on the default browser.
The superscript will raise it up like an exponent and the subscript will lower it down below the regular text. You can also create fractions in the middle of text or equations or chemical formulas. Hopefully you’ll use this in your scientific webpages and mathematical webpages or just for fun maybe.
HTML Entities
HTML entities are what we would use to display reserved characters which the browser would otherwise interpret as being intended for writing code.
As an example: There would be the angled bracket that we use when making our tags. If we were using the (less than) angled bracket then the browser would interpret any text that follows as the name of some element’s opening tag. So to display these characters as a text we can replace these reserved characters that confuse the browser with a corresponding html entity. Here I have a table which shows available entities that we can use in html.
I am writing a paragraph and here I tried giving spaces like this will you expect? You will expect that all spaces should be printed. But look what happened here. The spaces are not printed. Why did this happen?
This happens because, by default HTML It chops of all spaces and it considers it as one. So what do you need to do over here?
If you want to use additional spaces, then you need to use Html entities.
How we can do that? So here, we will write “&nbsp” for every extra space you want to add. nbsp is non-breaking space.
<p>This is my first &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp program</p>
You will save your document and you will look there that another one space is added.
You won’t use it that much in your websites. Nbsp website does not at all look good. Don’t use it at all to bring spaces, because we will use margin padding and CSS selectors and properties are there we will use all those things.
Now, look at one more scenario. Here suppose if I want to write <p> as text and this should come in written so look what happened? Look at this, Where is my <p>? I have written <p> also over here.
But I want to see this in my website. How should I bring this? If I write this, then it will consider it as a tag.
Here you write &lt; for smaller than angular brackets and over here write &gt; for greater than angular bracket and as you do this, <p> will be shown as text on browser. If you want to write this you can’t write it without this. And these are html entities.
 <p>paragraph is written like &lt;p&gt;.</p>
Html entities are not just used for these. You can even use html entities to write such characters which are not even present in your keyboard or on your keyboard they are as special characters. Like we can write pound symbol (money) and many other things that we will show you with some examples.
Suppose here I have to write “pound”. So, here I will write something like “&pound” and here I will write pound is written like “&pound”. Now look over here pound has shown in browser. And don’t get confused at all.
 <p>Pound is written like this &pound. </p>
Similarly, if I have to write something like some special characters we can make use of HTML entities with the help of the table given above. 
 <PRE> tag
The <pre> tag is used to define preformatted text. This means that the text is displayed in a fixed-width font (usually a mono-spaced font like Courier) and maintains both spaces and line breaks.
It’s commonly used for displaying code snippets, poetry, ASCII art, or any text where the spacing and line breaks are significant
If you write like the code shown below, then it will come as it is. Keeping all the spaces intact and all the new lines intact but here it is not that tag will show up. For tags we have to use entities only.
Save the document to show the
mages in HTML
Let’s talk about images; it’s very simple to insert it.  
You have to write the img and as soon as you write the img and press enter, you will be going to get src=”” alt=””.
Here in “img scr=” You have to provide the source of the image i.e. where is your image, either it can be on the internet, or it can be in your local.
If you want to enter the “url” of an online image, perform this by right clicking on the image.
If it is in your local then what will you have to do is to enter the full path of image.
What is the meaning of “alt” that if this image is not loaded then what text to show? Here I have written “please check your internet connection.”
This is how the image is perfectly shown and the text “Please check you internet connection” because of that particular image doesn’t existed on the given path.  
Row Span And Colspan In Table
To create table in our program we will use table tag.(<table> </table>)
There will be 2 things inside the table.
1) <thead>: It will come under the head of the table.
2) <tbody>: it will come under the body of the table.
There is no need to mug up, you guys will automatically going to get this easily. We start with a row with the help of a (<tr>) and inside the head by writing (<th>) under <tr>.
<thead >
                <th>Employee Id</th>
                <th>Employee role</th>
Ok, my <thead> done now you will add data here in the table.
Now, you Have to make a table row, and I will not write (<th>) inside it, this time I will write (<td>) i.e. table data.
Now, to add more columns, put another heading and keep adding data.
            <td> Rohan </td>
            <td> xyz</td>
            <td> Analyst</td>
            <td> Mohan</td>
            <td> abc</td>
            <td> programer</td>
            <td> Sam</td>
            <td> pqr</td>
            <td> HTML expert</td>
Save your program> right click> open in default browser> output.
Colspan and rowspan are attributes used in HTML tables to control the spanning of cells:
Colspan (Column Span): To make a cell span over multiple columns, use the colspan attribute. The value of the colspan attribute represents the number of columns to span. Colspan allows a single cell to span multiple columns horizontally. It’s useful when you have a header or data cell that should cover more than one column.
If you want a header cell to span two columns, you would use colspan=”2″.
Rowspan (Row Span): To make a cell span over multiple rows, use the rowspan attribute. Rowspan allows a single cell to span multiple rows vertically. It’s useful when you have a header or data cell that should cover more than one row.
If you want a header cell to span two rows, you would use rowspan=”2″.
You now have enough knowledge to know use different elements, properties, and the structure of HTML pages to create creative websites. Recall that in order to improve your web development abilities, you should never stop learning and investigating increasingly complex aspects.
HTML is just a structure of your website or web app, you will also need to have hands on CSS, javascript, bootstrap for styling and functionality along with one server side language too. You can learn all of them together offline in Dwarka at Best Web Development institute in Delhi, from 4 different locations (including Dwarka MOr, Kakrola, Nangloi, Bahadurgarh)
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cricutmachinedesign · 8 months
How to Use Cricut Machine? [A Comprehensive Guide]
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Along with the craft plotter, the users also need to buy supplies & accessories to finish the project as per their choice. However, one thing that is common among them is the Design Space app. It is digital software that permits the DIYer to draw something creative and out of the box. Continue reading this blog to learn in detail about the Cricut cutting machine.
How to Setup Cricut Machine on a Computer?
Every crafter will agree that before starting the crafting process, it’s compulsory to set up the craft plotter. They can set up their cut-die machines with PCs as well as mobile devices very easily. However, it will be the user’s call to decide via which device they will be setting up their machine. Read the following steps to learn about setting up a Cricut craft machine with a Desktop.
First, start plug in your cut-die machine & power it on.
Next, connect both devices with each other via a USB cable or pair it up with Bluetooth.
Now, open the search engine and go to the Design Space setup page.
Following this, download and install the Cricut software on your system.
Next, sign in, create your Cricut ID, and start setting up your cutting machine.
Lastly, you will get to know about the setup that has come to an end when called for the test cut.
Further finishing up the Cricut cutter machine setup process with PCs, the crafter needs to connect their Cricut cut die machine with PCs using Bluetooth.
How to Connect Cricut Machine to a PC Wirelessly?
The user got the authority to cut the materials wirelessly with their electronic cutting machine. Have a look at the following steps and learn about connecting a Cricut machine with the Windows/Mac operating system:
For Windows
Ensure that your Cricut cut die machine is on and within 10–15 ft of your PC.
After that, press the Start menu and tick the Settings option (gear icon).
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Now, click the Devices and then enable your device’s Bluetooth.
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Next, press the Add Bluetooth or other devices and select Bluetooth.
Following this, choose your machine and start typing the PIN number.
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After entering the PIN, select the Connect button given on the left side of the screen.
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Finally, the connection process of your craft plotter with a Windows computer will come to an end.
Apart from Windows OS, the crafter can also connect their Cricut craft machine with Mac systems. For that, they need to read the section given below.
For Mac
First, cross-check that your Cricut machine is on and within 10–15 ft of your PC.
Next, choose the System Preferences given under the Apple tab.
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Now, press the Bluetooth icon visible on the System Preferences page.
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Afterward, a Bluetooth window will open and turn on the Bluetooth (if it isn’t on).
Next, select your Cricut model name from the list appearing and tick the Pair button.
Following this, fill in the PIN code and tick the Pair option appearing on the right side of the screen.
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At last, both the devices will successfully get connected with each other.
With the wireless connection completion of the Cricut machine with PCs, the DIYer can now start by creating custom projects.
What Projects Can You Craft Out of Cricut Machine?
After learning so much about the Cricut cutting machine, the crafters become capable enough to craft different custom projects. You can create projects for personal as well as professional purposes. The DIYer can also use a Cricut craft machine and start their own business. Have a look at the list of popular projects that you can prepare out of the machine:
Greeting Cards
Custom T-Shirts, Mugs & Hats
Paper Lanterns
Personal Coasters
Cake Toppers
Custom Tumblers & Water Bottles
DIY Window Decal
Tote Bag.
Wood Sings
Car Labels
In brief to the post, we really hope that you were able to come across all the details regarding the Cricut machine.
Frequently Asked Question
Question: How Can I Connect My Cricut Machine to My iOS via Bluetooth?
Answer: Go through the following steps and learn about the wireless connection process:
First, enable your Cricut cut die machine & be within 10–15 ft of the smartphone.
Now, go to Settings and turn on your device’s Bluetooth.
After turning on the Bluetooth, select your machine name from the list.
Next, fill in the blank with PIN, i.e., 0000, and click the Pair option.
Finally, your wireless pairing process will come to an end.
Question: How Do I Setup My Cricut Machine on My Mobile Device?
Answer: Read the below steps to learn about the steps about cutting machine setup process:
Start the process by plugging in the machine and switching it on.
Next, pair up your mobile device with a Cricut machine with Bluetooth.
Now, install the Cricut Design Space app, launch it & create your Cricut ID.
After that, click the Menu tab and select the Machine Setup.
Choose your machine model and follow the on-screen.
You will know the setup is complete when called for a test cut.
Question: What Kind of Projects Can I Make With Cricut Machine?
Answer: There are tons of custom projects that the crafter can create out of their respective cutting machine. Read the following projects that can be crafted out of the cut-die machine:
Jar Labels
DIY Mugs
Custom T-Shirts
Party Signs
Invitation Cards
Cupcake Toppers
Personal Banner
Bachelorette Party Props
Table Number Sign
Etch Glass
Custom Stickers
DIY Hats
Personal Wine Bag
Source: Cricut Machine
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