#how to draw corona virus
sheraayasher · 2 years
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iwrestledavongonce · 2 years
You said music is very inspiring for you. Are there other things, that trigger ideas in you? Or inspire you to write? :)
Ohhh, good one. Thank you for that, I hope you brought time 😉
While music will always be the Alpha and the Omega for my inspiration (Shoutout to Hall & Oats, it’s always Thursday in space!) and the reason Tales of Taskforce Sol and I Became War For You actually exists, thinking about it just made me realize how many sources of inspiration I have.
Of course there’s the self-explanatory ones like things one experienced himself (visiting cities for example) or historical events, they’ll do their part. I do have a Corona-Virus Chapter for example.
Canon (Legends in Star Wars, all of them when it comes to Sailor Moon) and nods to it, are a big part as well. As well as headcanons (shoutout to @sailorheadcanons, the idea that some of the Senshi are not purely Japanese came from some HCs over there).
Then there’s fan art, from outfits to scenes they are one of my main sources as well. A beautiful piece of art I came upon lately for example inspirated me for the outline of the ending of Sequel Number Two.
Reading also inspires me a lot, as apart from the obvious Star Wars Legends Characters and Worldbuilding (thanks Wookieepedia as well!) a book can also spark an idea. The Rago Arc for example was very much inspired from a scene in the Corellian Trilogy books. Writing per se gets a lot of inspiration from fanfiction as well. I do get motivation to write from Poseidon’s Bounty for example.
I do have a Muse (actually two but i only talk about one) as well. I draw a lot of the sensuality and divinity of one of the female main characters from a certain Italian Diva in her younger years and she definitely will be the archetype for when there ever will be another sequel with middle-agged/ older characters.
Other Media (for example Games and Movies) have influence as well. I mean Sci-Fi per se has so many nods and even Cameos (Terminator or Saber Rider for example) in ToTFS. It’s also an Hommage to the whole Space-Western-Genre. But there’s more than that I draw from. Just lately i saw Tenet and there were some scenes I was like “Shit, I need stuff like that in IBWFY too”. Of course we already had lots of spy stuff and a nod to James Bond but the whole James Bond on Ampethamines Vibe of the movie catched me and I want to do another one. Although that chapter will see a different type of secret agent as our James Bond type hero will be a emerald-haired, 1,78cm tall Demigoddess with the body of a young Monica Bellucci and the Bond Girl will be a bearded antihero who’s way to unsubtle as spy but really good at blowing stuff up with superior fire power and turns our Jane Bond on not because he’s coming out of the sea in white speedos but with his talent as foster father in their little big defunctional family which also features two space lesbians, one of them an always cursing Brit who shares the same unhealthy drinking habits as bond boy. So, yeah. I do have tons of things I get inspiration from, and ToTFS is at least a love oath to music and two fandoms but probably even more and one to pop culture per se. Do I have fun putting all these sources together for my little, cracky Space-Opera-turned-Anti-War-Epos? Hell yeah!
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coloredhands · 2 months
Life into Lives
People say that life is beautiful and living is hard.
As I stared at the stunning moon in the night sky that seem to invoke a sense of curiosity in my young and inquisitive mind, I asked myself if there could be something more in life and living than its linguistic approach. Given that these words are classified differently as parts of speech, how could they be described distinctly when they are words with the same root? I tried to do my own research. I looked through texts and asked questions in hopes that they would make sense—but the books I read were exaggerating things and my parents couldn't give me the answer I need. Perhaps, it's because people understand life differently.
I grew up every day. Waking up in the morning to live with unprecedented turn of events made me realize that living is hard because it's unpredictable. I learned that things can happen in a blink of an eye, the same way how I went home from school one day without idea the world's going to change when the corona virus threatened humanity. Surrounding myself with people taught me how important it is to respect diversity—a person's principles, dreams, religion and race that shape him—it's my obligation to open my doors for them because the world's a big place. I also tried staying away from the crowd and observe how individuals communicate, thus, coming up with the conclusion that there's a force in this world responsible for the interconnectedness of everyone. Later on, I realized that it's life itself.
The fact that living organisms are capable of executing roles and actions in different contexts is the main idea why life is beautiful. Surely, it's hard to live everyday and move in any type of circumstances, but when viewed as a whole, it's actually a breathtaking view—to see how every organism that possess the privilege of being alive find their place in this world and prosper it. In a sense that it can easily be understood, it's like creating a garden in your preference. You can plant the trees you want to emerge from the soil. You can raise the flowers you want to bloom in their season. You have the freedom to make it as colorful, spacious and breathtaking as you want—because you are bestowed with the right to build your own garden. You are given the opportunity to showcase your capabilities in which your identity's determined.
Life is knowing that you're alive, and you're existing because you are going to achieve something great. It may never be the same with other people who have built a garden that occupies half of the world, but in the end, it's whether you are satisfied with what you achieved. You will find yourself thinking whether the space you own is enough for them and if you want other gardeners to have the chance to expand their own garden. Whether you want to show that garden to a few or you want the whole world to witness the price you reap from years of constant and repetitive processes. After all, the soil you have in the place you own may be rich or unhealthy, which results to a greater challenge in blooming your plants. Storms and dry seasons are also hard to survive that's why the foundation you ensure is very crucial. And yes, it's alright to be lacking with the resources you can use to make it stronger because you have neighboring gardeners that will be willing to lend a hand.
That is life—the privilege of being you. Life is becoming the garden you envision yourself to be and cooperate in paving the way towards a world vibrant of blossoms along with other gardeners. It's the chance to express one's creativity and purpose in the world—through collective experiences and systemic interaction with other living things—in which we can draw meaning to provide a contribution in shaping the holistic understanding of the world and our very own existence. Understanding the beauty of life requires you to live with other people and turn life into lives, no matter how arduous it can be.
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Shingo Tamagawa
Secondary Research;
From childhood Tamagawa has always enjoyed manga and anime. However, it was in high-school that he was truly inspired to pursue a career as an animator after watching Miyazaki’s and Anno’s works as he realized that the quality of animation is dependent on its creator. Having a background in art by pursuing Fine Art in art school, this prompted him to pursue animation to which he dropped out of graduate school and joined the industry. he joined Sunrise studio.
Artistic journey; making of 'Puparia' However, 5 years into his career as an animator he experienced heavy burn out as he mentions “no matter how hard your work, animation is something that is consumable. That's what it is by nature of course.”
The year 2015 is when he officially stopped animation and drawing. As he continued this for about a year and a half, he took up other hobbies such as reading and walking to which ideas started filling his mind and he had the desire to eventually make these come to life as well. The birth of his magnum opus “Puparia” came to life from this period of ‘nothingness’ as he wanted to leave a trace of his mindset from that state of his life by using the animation medium to deliver that.
The motives behind Puparia followed Tamagawa’s feelings that the values of the world had been gradually crumbling before the corona virus and how it created an environment where one couldnt be themself. Keeping in mind Tamagawa did not want to make a patronizing work however he wanted to show a different perspective and an idea of being supported. 
Having made the concept, Tamagawa immediately understood that this project had to be done solo as he knew others would refuse to do it and opted not to bother anyone with it. Puparia was solely made from personal motivations. Since this project was meant to convey Tamagawa’s feelings only, it was always meant to be animated by him only.
this solo project took 3 years to make and although it was difficult, it was an overall surreal experience for Tamagawa who also mentioned how rewarding it felt to actually deliver what the director (himself) envisioned for the first time. his method was idiosyncratic as he had used no storyboard and let the story fold out for itself along with the narration being very abstract.
he had temporarily taken space at Sunrise studio to which the director had allowed him to do his solo project but on the condition that he also helps out with their work as well
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diaalagii · 1 year
Look closer to the chosen work of Denny Ja 58: Ratu Adil disguised as the Corona virus
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In recent months, the world has been shaken by Pandemic caused by the Corona or Covid-19 virus. This virus has caused thousands of deaths and changed our way of life drastically. However, in the midst of this chaos, there is a work of art that attracts the attention of many people. This work is Denny JA 58: Ratu Adil disguised as a Corona virus. In this artwork, Denny JA 58, a famous Indonesian artist, described the figure of Ratu Adil disguised as a Corona virus. Ratu Adil is a figure that often appears in the predictions of certain religious beliefs. In Javanese mythology, he is considered a just leader and will come to improve a world full of evil and injustice. In this work, Denny JA 58 wants to convey the message that this Pandemic is actually an event that has a deeper meaning. The Corona virus is likened to an embodiment of Ratu Adil who came to disguise and clean up the world of all evil and injustice. In this way, Denny Ja 58 wants to invite us to see this pandemic from a different perspective, as an opportunity to improve ourselves and the world around us. In this work, Denny Ja 58 uses a very fine and detailed hand drawing technique. He is able to accurately describe the Corona virus with a variety of distinctive shapes and colors. Every detail in this picture is very important, starting from the form of a virus, the protective layer, to how this virus spreads and affects the human body. Denny Ja 58 also uses dramatic colors to show the strength and impact of this virus. In addition, Denny Ja 58 also uses symbolic elements in his work. He described Ratu Adil with a magnificent crown, which described her power as a just leader. He also described the Corona virus with wings, which symbolizes the ability of this virus to spread quickly and endlessly. All of these elements are used to strengthen the message to be conveyed in this work. In this work, Denny Ja 58 also uses interesting composition techniques. He set the position and size of each image element carefully, thus creating a strong impression and strength. He also uses the right color contrast and brightness to highlight important elements in the picture. All of this created an interesting and impressive work of art. Through this work of art, Denny Ja 58 wants to invite us to reflect on the meaning and purpose of this Pandemi. He wants to invite us to not only see it as a disaster, but also as an opportunity to improve the world around us. Denny Ja 58 wants to invite us to be more sensitive to injustice and crimes that exist in this world, and to play an active role in creating positive changes. In his conclusion, Denny Ja 58's chosen work: Ratu Adil disguised as a Corona virus is a work of art that illustrates this pandemic in a unique and interesting way. Denny Ja 58 succeeded in describing the Corona virus as a strong and powerful figure, as well as inviting us to see this pandemic from a different perspective. Through this work, he wants to invite us to see this pandemic not only as a disaster, but also as an opportunity to improve the world around us. 
Check more: look closer to Denny JA's selected work 58: Ratu Adil disguised as the Corona virus
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Exercise: Biography about yourself
(Third Attempt)
          “When you’re a designer, you’re basically a god in the world of your own making,” he said. 
    I was about to make my way through the 9th floor of a campus building called AOD. There I found myself an interesting subject, working on a laptop at a class. Hello, there: I’m Ivan Stone and I was in a building campus called AOD, to write an article about the future designers of a little-known island named Sri Lanka. “Damn it!” He spoke. There I was surprised that he didn’t curse in his mother tongue. That day I might have met a designer who had a whole different perspective about design. 
“Hello, there, young champ,” I started as I approached him. He looked back at me, surprised and clearly had the impression that he didn’t know what do to. “Uh, Hi,” he waved. I looked at his laptop, and I wasn’t surprised to see the software Krita opened and a character moving his head slightly. He looked like as if he hit a brick wall. When I asked about the character, he said, “Oh, just working on an animation here. I’m still figuring out on how to do the spacing and timing.” He clearly knew what his errors were and was trying his best to solve them. 
This future animator’s name was Dilum Warakagoda. Born on the 4th of January of the year 2006, he was such a young lad to join the AOD. There we sat together, since it was only me and him in the class. We got to talk, and I had my questions answered. Clearly, the boy knew design and English very well. The young animator was from a faraway town called Yakkala. His mother worked at the Central Bank and his father was a former Brigadier in the Sri Lankan Army. He went to a school called Nalanda College that was in Colombo. He had only done O Level exams and he was in AOD. He started drawing ever since he was little, but according to him he was only drawing Dinosaurs. He started drawing humans when he was in 7th grade and improved since then.  
What was more interesting about him was his world creation and character design. He had several characters and was eager to show all of them to me. He already had a book filled with ideas for the world he was about to create. He worked on his drawing skills after the O Levels, during the age of Corona Virus, sitting at his home drawing human figures in different poses. Not long after that, did he learned how to use Photoshop. With that only he managed to make a four-legged creature walk. He finished the foundation course of AOD with perfect scores and managed to go through the Portfolio with no assignment incomplete. Apparently, the lad knows how to plan out his given time.  
“How did you come to be in AOD?” I asked. He smiled and said, “I was drawing a lot of sketches back at home. A designer my sister brought home saw my work and said that I should do Motion Graphics. Until then I never knew that I could do animation. That’s because people here on this little island don’t really care about such things. I’ve got the idea that I could bring my characters to life.” 
“Why did you join AOD? Why did you wanted to become an animator?” I asked and I’ve got the answer, “I had many Idols in my life. At first, I wanted to be a writer just like Rick Riordan or Adam Blade. Before that I wanted to become an Archeologist like Alan Grant from Jurassic Park. But now, I want to make a world, a whole universe through animation just like Stan Lee did. He brought his artwork to life through great story telling. That is why I’m here: To be a great storyteller and bring my characters to life. I can make my own studio or at best join Ubisoft. I have always loved their games: Their Assassin’s Creed Franchise is my favorite. I have always had an interest in history...”  
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prfmanagementdubai · 2 years
How will I benefit from PRF’s Data Analytics services?
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The rich data generated by companies contains valuable knowledge, and data analysis is a very good way to open it up. Data analytics can help a business customize a specific customer’s market presentation to identify and mitigate business risks. But what is data analytics exactly?
Let’s learn from the best data analytics company in Dubai, UAE.
What is Data Analytics? 
The efficient running of a business includes proper knowledge of data analytics and it’s constitutes. In simpler terms, it is the process of tallying large datasets in order to locate hidden patterns, unseen trends, or to discover and derive valuable insights in regard to your business. 
Data analytics not only helps to identify certain trends and patterns that might otherwise be lost in a plethora of information, but also to optimize processes in order to ensure a methodical increase in the overall efficiency of the company concerned. 
What is Data Analytics in finance? 
Undoubtedly, the recent corona virus pandemic has produced a tremendous amount of uncertainty and unpredictability in the finance sector. Therefore, as Bassem Hamdy - the author of “The Importance of Data Analytics in Finance” comments, “The lighthouse in this uncertainty is the ability to use advanced data analytics to better manage financials”
It is evident that for a systematic functioning of a company, a thorough strategic planning and a predictive financial vision are extremely essential. Moreover, a deep and concrete understanding of the existing financial position of the company is highly necessary to implement such future planning. And, this is the point at which a financial data analytics professional is sorted after! 
Financial data analysts offer a thorough study of the financial data for your business and recommend potential courses of action to boost the overall performance of your company. 
How Financial Data Analytics help business grow?  
It plays a crucial role in making financial predictions, calculating profit and sales, and suggesting business improvement strategies.  
It’s prompt, timely, and advantageous.  
It helps in proper managing of the organization’s assets.  
Create and manage spreadsheets and dashboards to draw conclusions and derive further insights for financial models.  
Develop strategies and suggest approaches to boost the performance of a business by carefully analyzing the financial outcomes, market condition, and much more.  
Assist businesses with budgeting and expense planning.  
Less time consuming, thereby increasing the business value.  
Conduct market research to compare competitors’ offerings to help internal financial analysis.  
Extensive technological knowledge to quickly adapt and respond to market changes.  
Data analytics enables finance teams to carefully examine and analyze Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which includes information related to revenue generated, net income, payroll costs, and much more.  
It plays an important role in detecting fraud in revenue turnover as well.  
Reducing the component of human error and providing a new perspective on financial data. 
Looking for Data Analytics consultancy services? 
PRF provides data analytics consultancy services to clients by critical evaluation of their financial and nonfinancial data from different sources, enabling effective utilization of data for strategic decision-making in business which is sourced by intensive descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analysis. Realize the true potential of your business with the best data analytics consultancy services in Dubai.
PRF ensures your healthy growth with effective and fast solutions!  
Critical and thorough evaluation of both financial and non financial data from various sources.  
Designing and implementing interactive reporting dashboards.  
Use of advanced analytic tools.  
Automating the processes of data analytics with the use of several algorithms and pioneer techniques those work over raw data for decision making.
For more information, contact PRF Management Consultancy.
Source : https://www.prfmanagement.com/
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snowmains · 2 years
Sun corona drawing
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#Sun corona drawing windows
Humidifiers are also strongly recommended.īut if you are socializing with others, it’s better to stay outside whenever possible.
#Sun corona drawing windows
So what to do? If you are indoors, wear a mask, keep the recommended six feet distance from people outside your immediate household whenever possible, try to limit your time inside to only places with good ventilation, open windows when you can and crank the heat, if necessary. Striking a balance between restrictions and mental health, while also keeping yourself and others out of harm’s way, is important. Perlman, a microbiologist at the University of Iowa who has studied coronaviruses for more than 40 years, puts it, “People are losing respect for the virus and letting their guard down.” In addition to prime winter conditions for the virus, people across the country are also experiencing pandemic fatigue. So far, more than 400,000 people have died in the U.S., with the country recording its first 100,000 deaths from the virus in late spring. Hassad wrote in MedPage Today: “This Covid-19 pandemic has the potential to parallel the 1918 flu pandemic if we fail to comply with the protective measures recommended by public health authorities.” What we know about the flu, which has that same rubbery membrane coat, can inform us about the dangers and precautions we should take against Covid-19.Ĭomparing the two, Dr. (A point of comparison: Covid-19 has a fatality rate at least 10 times that of the flu.) As in other years, tens of thousands of people are expected to die from the flu this year. “How can a mask not be a barrier against an organism coming toward me?”Īnd just because this is the year of Covid-19, doesn’t mean that winter’s stuffy friend, the flu, got the memo to stay away. Hassad, an epidemiologist and statistician at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. “The nose and mouth are the virus’s portal of entry,” said Rossi A. (Makes you want to throw on a mask, huh?) Covid-19’s fatty outer membrane becomes rubbery in cold weather - easing its transmission between people whose dry and winter-damaged nasal passages are more susceptible anyway. Winter is a double-edged sword: We are more indoors, increasing our risk among those around us, and the colder, less humid weather can increase the viral load of the air we’re breathing in. Go to this search bar to look up your county's risk level and to get suggestions about what to do to stay safe.Īnd those numbers don’t lie. (A county is considered to be at an extremely high risk level if it either reports more than 640 cases per 100,000 people during the past two weeks or has more than 10 percent of test results reported as positive.) And while cases have fallen from their record highs in January, an average of more than 3,000 daily deaths from the virus were reported that month. counties are at an extremely high risk for contracting the virus. Even with dips in new cases later this winter, the numbers are still far above those from before November.Īcross the country, the overall Covid-19 risk level is far worse now than ever before, according to coronavirus cases and testing data analyzed by The Times and public health experts. 8 with almost 300,600 new cases that day. Cases have increased rather steadily since November, which saw four million new cases in that month alone, climaxing on Jan.
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wishgreys · 2 years
R markdown plus or minus symbol
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R markdown plus or minus symbol series#
Well done for making it through another week. This is important work and the university appreciates the contribution we are making. adapting the graphic design in chapters from the Adult Medical Emergencies Handbook to be put online.helping Usher Institute to create a web database of evidence based research on COVID-19 that can be accessed by policy-makers and clinicians seeking up-to-date and reliable answers to key questions.helping MSc Critical Care to open up a Learn course to thousands of clinicians and creating a new MOOC.helping to open up content on MediaHopper to be used by NHS Lothian staff,.We are providing services which support research and teaching and knowledge creation and dissemination. This is one of the very good things about working in a research university. Our academic colleagues are working hard to play their part in tackling the Corona Virus. We are seeing increased use of all our learning technology systems and receiving great, positive feedback on the support, training and expertise we are providing. I am so impressed by how well our teams and services are responding to this situation. This situation is unprecedented, but I trust that we will try hard and make it work.ĭirector LTW Friday 27th March Empty streets I realise that we still have a lot to sort out about how we keep working, in our homes and with our families and pets who need us. Gavin has asked me to pass on his thanks for ‘ The wonderful and immense response from LTW to the challenge of moving to remote teaching. Please give my thanks to everyone involved’. Thank you also for all the extraordinary measures you have taken to ensure that the University is successful in continuing learn, teach and web. Thank you for all your work in getting set up to work from home, for looking after each other, and for taking care to be safe and well. Well done all, for making it through what must be one of the craziest weeks at work, ever. Starting a new page for 2022 Friday 20th March 2020 Home office. They already serve to be an impressive list of what the teams have been doing. I’ll keep them here to look back upon when we come out the other side. In my messages I try to focus on achievements and successes. Reassuringly, in the University we are getting a steady stream of high-level communications from HR and ‘the very top’. In Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Filters > Mathjax > Local Mathjax installation, edit the Mathjax configuration to include mhchem.Every Friday I write a message to my teams in LTW. However, mhchem still needs to be added to the MathJax configuration. MathJax has become the de facto standard for displaying mathematics on the Web and since version 2.7 Moodle has a built-in MathJax loader filter. In Moodle 2.8, it is possible to 'have the best of both worlds' by enabling the TeX and MathJax filters in parallel such that the TeX filter (particularly with SVG rendering) provides a fallback for MathJax, and vice versa. The TeX filter typically generates lower quality display (MathJax > SVG > PNG > GIF), though the new SVG output option in Moodle 2.8 approaches the quality of MathJax. After initial loading the TeX filter-generated images are cached, and so quick to display. In these cases, it may be advantageous to use the server-side TeX filter. Also, there may be conflicts between MathJax and other JavaScript libraries (e.g. on some platforms (especially mobile) or for particularly complex maths/science expressions. However, MathJax rendering depends on client-side JavaScript processing by the browser and may be subject to significant delay, e.g. The first, via MathJax is the simplest to set up and provides high quality rendering. The mhchem package can be integrated with Moodle in one of two ways.
R markdown plus or minus symbol series#
organic chemistry), homologous series and functional groups, you may also wish to consider a 'drawing' plugin such as the MarvinJS-based Chemical structures and reaction editor Installation This is particularly useful for documenting isotopes, relative atomic and relative molecular mass, empirical and molecular formulae, balanced equations (full and ionic), equilibrium reactions and themodynamics.įor more complex structural and displayed formulae (e.g. In Moodle, mhchem syntax can use text input directly into an HTML editor (TinyMCE or Atto) or by an Atto chemistry plugin (similar to the Atto equation plugin). The mhchem extension allows a more adaptable display and more natural input of chemical formulae and equations. The complexities of supercript and subscript notation, ions and isotopes. Different display conventions: uppercase letters are displayed in italics for mathematics, whereas element symbols are upright for chemistry. However, it is rather cumbersome for a range or reasons. It is possible to display chemical formulae and equations using TeX mathematics mode.
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climatetonki · 2 years
Corona beer
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#Corona beer windows#
While Corona Extra has been available in the US since 1979, Familiar doesn’t share the same familiarity stateside. Corona’s clear bottles, while useful in showing off how good that beer looks, leaves that poor beer extremely vulnerable and susceptible to being light struck.
#Corona beer windows#
Whether you get your beer from a convenience store, grocery store, or a BevMo, it’s gonna be sitting on a shelf, possibly exposed to sunlight through the glass windows of the store, and that sunlight inevitably breaks down the acid compounds present in the hops, turning them into the same musky compound found in skunk spray. See, brown bottles help to shield beer from the harmful effects of the suns UV rays. Unfortunately, those clear bottles are hell on the beer that’s inside them. Arguably the most popular of the brands is Grupo Modelo’s Corona brand.įirst brewed in 1925 by Cerveceria Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma, Corona was created as a German Pilsner and sold in the same clear, long necked bottles that you see today to show off the brilliant clarity and light golden color of the beer. Every commercial beer you can think of from Tecate, Sol, Victoria, Pacifico, Modelo, and Bohemia, all belong to either Grupo Modelo or Heineken México. With the COVID-19 situation persisting well into the first quarter of 2020, remaining quiet or ambiguous about the business outlook and challenges is no longer tenable – RICE’s Agung S Ongko offers a strategic messaging framework for brands to communicate clearly in unclear times.Last week’s article touched on the history of Mexican lagers, and how many of them came to be. Confronting a crisis of clarity amidst COVID-19.How marketers can de-risk the COVID-19 disruptionĬrises often have the potential to hurt a brand’s reputation, it is critical that marketers step up to the plate and drive the company’s response and recovery plan – Control Risks' Amit Narayan outlines some key action points for a strategy that builds resilience and achieves sustainable growth.The novel coronavirus outbreak is causing one of the most widespread behaviour shifts in recent times – Illuminera Institute’s Ashok Sethi highlights what marketers can draw from behavioural science theories and how it can be applied to marketing strategies as new behaviours unlock new triggers. Applying behavioural science to the coronavirus outbreak: Four key implications for brands.Sourced from CNN, YouGov, Campaign additional content by WARC staff “Early signs are extremely positive and we have high expectations for this new brand offering.” “Now that our product has officially hit the market, our campaign evolves,” she added. When asked about the tweet, Bowman told Campaign, “the attention around the teaser distracts from the strength of the planned ad campaign and the overall positive consumer sentiment. As part of the push, the brand used the phrase “coming ashore soon” in a tweet, which drew criticism as being in poor taste. Consumers understand there’s no linkage between the virus and our business.”Ĭonstellation said Corona Extra sales grew 5% in the United States in the four weeks that ended February 16 – that’s nearly double the trend of the past 52 weeks.ĬNN reports Constellation is spending $40 million to launch its Corona Hard Seltzer beer. Maggie Bowman, senior director of communications for the beer division of Constellation Brands, told Campaign: “Despite the misinformation circulating, consumer sentiment and sales remain strong. The survey also measured the Corona beer’s buzz score, which assesses how favourably consumers regard a brand Corona’s had fallen significantly between the start of January and late February. Researchers reported that there had been a spike in internet searches for “corona beer virus” and “beer virus” in early February, and that purchase intent for Corona beer was at its lowest level for two years. Another 14% said they wouldn’t order the beverage in public, CNN Business reported.Ī separate survey from YouGov also measured the negative impact the virus – now officially named COVID-19 – is having on the brand. One poll, from 5W Public Relations, which quizzed 737 beer drinkers in the US, revealed that 38% of Americans said they wouldn’t buy Corona beer “under any circumstances” because of the virus outbreak. This comes after two surveys suggested that not all consumers are discerning enough to realise the virus has nothing whatsoever to do with the beer. The makers of Corona beer have hit back at claims the spread of the potentially lethal coronavirus has damaged either sales or the brand’s image in the US.Ī statement from Constellation Brands, which brews the lager, stressed that customers “understand there is no link between the virus and our business”.
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roshizdraw · 5 years
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queeniecamps · 4 years
fghggdfgfhfd sorry for no content in like a week or two maybe sdfgfdfds
My sister was over so we hung out a bunch, then right after it turns out my brother’s coworker testing positive for covid :o) but my brother’s test came out negative so we’re gooooood
...then my period started. for the 3RD TIME THIS DAMN MONTH.
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distressedunrest · 5 years
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COVID-19 by @colefdesign
Don't forget to share your work with #distressedunrest or tag us
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allsketch · 4 years
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stillthesunkenstars · 5 years
I'm having to go by what Google Translate offers, but... I love you. Your art is amazing, and it always bring me great joy to see it on my dash. Even the stuff for fandoms I'm not a part of is delightful just for your command of colour and the obvious love and care you put into your work. I know things like depression can be cruel and chemical misfires in the brain can make it hard to believe that other people care, but I do. I care, and I love you.
Hi anon... I don’t know how to say this I’m feel really warm rn bc of your message and that’s really kind and really sweet of you to say thank you thank you so much,,, I love you so much thank you so much for saying this...
#the last weeks r really rough bc i have a sht ton of hw and executive dysfunction stops me from doing them and i have ro apply for programs#which i have to record videos and its so daunting everythings screaming their importance at me i dont know which order to do them in and#without doing that first i basically cant do anything except for dreading more and more plus my teachers and my mom are nagging me to do#the things i should do but i dont know how to do them nor in what order and i take walks to chill but its corona virus time and its rly#unsafe and im always thinking about how i could use the time to do work instead of taking time off but as soon as im home i just panic agai#n and just refreshes social media like a madman for a sense of security#idkidkidk#but ive made a task planner today and backed up (half of) my files like last week so im really proud of myself bc at least thats 200x bette#r than before but im also like. if i take pride in such insignificant things how fucked am i#but ur message really gave me the strength to go on and at least try to do my shit bc i cant just rot like this#thank u for giving me the strength to hold my heart and know im like. acceptable to some#thank u for liking my colors and my art like whenever i draw art for a big fandom i get a shit ton of notes and im always rly discouraged#by it bc im jealous of my own art lmao and im rly torn between wanting ppl to like the characters i draw and liking my art when im drawing#for small fandoms lmao#but i love u mysteryperson.... thank you so much..#replies
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