#how to fight snaters
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I saw this in my emails from Quora and honestly…I’m dead asf
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Ok, let’s unpack this:
Firstly, he looked down on her because she was a muggle while spying on her sister, with whom he was enchanted.
First part of the sentence I agree with but not in the way a snater would want me to. I could sit here and write an essay about WHY Severus would have a distaste for muggles but thats not the topic. Second part of this sentence is WILD…did you skim the book and not read it?
Here, let me fill you in:
"Lily, come on, we're leaving!" she said shrilly. Lily obeyed her sister at once, glaring at Snape as she left. He stood watching them as they marched through the playground gate, and Harry, the only one left to observe him, recognized Snape's bitter disappointment, and understood that Snape had been planning this moment for a while, and that it had all gone wrong...”
This ^ is the scene where he tells Lily that she’s a witch….context clues? He had been watching her and observing her do magic and planned on telling her that she was a witch, possibly to make a new friend. Had nothing to do with being “enchanted” (tf)
In this same scene, Harry describes Severus as looking “no more than nine or ten”…he was a fuckin KID…y’all have no shame. Has it ever crossed a snaters mind that poor, abused boy had no friends? Didn’t really know how to interact with people properly? Saw a witch his age and thought ‘FRIEND!” ? Nobody thought of that!?
Then decided to throw a branch on her because Petunia was eavesdropping their conversation.
"What is that you're wearing, anyway?" she said, pointing at Snape's chest. "Your mum's blouse?"
There was a crack. A branch over Petunia's head had fallen. Lily screamed. The branch caught Petunia on the shoulder, and she staggered backward and burst into tears.”
Yea. It was because she was eavesdropping. Sure, Jan. Let’s ignore and therefore defend making fun of poor people. Let’s ignore and therefore defend making fun of a little boy for “wearing his mother’s blouse” shall we? JKR would be proud.
And y’all act like he did it on purpose. He was a kid and we can’t honestly expect a kid to be able to control their magic fully!? But it’s Severus Snape and even him as a fucking CHILD couldn’t possibly do anything by accident, right? But let’s all go laugh at Harry releasing a boa constrictor on Dudley! Because that’s funny. Right?
It honestly confuses me when Snape haters bring up the branch incident because they’re always the same ones that fight tooth and nail to defend Harry’s ACCIDENT
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A few days/months later, he and Lily went through Petunias room to read her letter.
Diary entry: Day 193728 of this fandom treating Lily like she’s perfect and does no wrong. There’s no food, no water, and everyone has lost their mind. I don’t how long I can make it out here. Send help.
“Setting a terrible example”…So basically the thought process is that Snape said “I wanna go through your sisters room” and Lily said ok and just let him right in like an idiot. I can’t even be mad at this because it honestly confirmes my long running theory that Lily is naive and can’t think for herself to save her life. Thank you for that. I’m glad to see Snape haters agree.
Awful boy, that James Potter
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tozunaki · 8 months
I will never forget how snaters fighted to make Snape the most hated character over Ambridge and Peter and Voldemort just because they were hurted by the fact that people have empathy for him. Snaters are just ... like this, they will save from hatred and negative murderes, those who ruined many lives of other people and were obviously disgustingly cruel only because to make the most hateble character the one who were obviously traumatized and never recovered, but tried his best to save others, to do the right thing.
And when snaters won their clown battle,they won the most stupid prise - they showed that they really think that real murderes and monsters are better than someone who was abused and groomed on that base, stayed in place where he was traumatized, continued to be manipulated and still fighted for good things and protected others. Well, we are the choices we made
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legilimensxsnape · 4 years
How to stay sane when arguing with Snaters
1. Feel the energy before If the post is too hateful, makes you feel overwhelmed or you just feel a very bad energy coming from it... don’t read the comments. They’re going to be worse. If you really want to write something, come back later once you had time to feel better. It’ll allow you to control your emotions if (and when) a Snater will reply. Choose your battles, kid.
2. Feel the energy during Is the other person insulting/disrespecting you? Are you feeling okay? Is the other person just doesn’t want to understand anything? They’re like a wall? Do the comments have a bad energy (for example, hateful)? Don’t allow the other person to drain your energy. You can leave whenever you want. You say goodbye and that’s it. It’s not about winning the debate.
3. How is the other person? Are they disposed to receive your opinion/argument? Are they open-minded? Do they respect you? Are they willing to understand your point of view? If right from the beginning, they start saying Snape is a racist and incel piece of shit who deserves to die, you might just want to leave it. They’re just irremediable and it will be hopeless to try to have a debate with that kind of person. If they seem to be nice and not too hateful, you can counterargue. You’ll see how it goes. If they just say “I hate Snape.”, that person is not necessarily looking for a debate. No need to argue with them. If you want to know why, just ask them. Depending on the answers, you’ll need to judge if that person is opened to your counter-arguments and if you think you might change their mind on certain points.
4.  You can’t change everyone’s opinions How many debates I’ve had? A lot. How many I’ve “won” (made the other person change their mind on Snape/James)? Too little. That’s why you need to ask yourself if it’s worth the effort.
5. Immature people with no knowledge of psychology That’s what I see the most in Snaters. They are young, have no experience in life and don’t know shit about psychology. Some are just not fully evolved yet to understand your point of view and won’t do anything to hear what you have to say. Psychology is complex and so is Snape. If the other person is too immature to grasp a psychology concept, life values/principles, anything that has to do with “the more experiences you have in life, the more you understand how it works”, don’t expect them to understand what you’re trying to say. How many times have I told Snaters that Snape called Lily a mudblood because he was being humilliated in front of the whole school and lashed out on her because he was losing control and tried to gain it back with the only way he found. That he didn’t mean it, that it’s what abuse does to some people, that he apologized and it was his worst memory ever. How many times have I been told that I was justifying what he told her?
6. Basic arguments He was obsessed with Lily, he was Neville’s worst fear, he insulted Hermione, he bullied kids, he almost killed TREVOR, etc. To be honest, they’re 90% of what a Snape lover has to deal with! They’re easy to answer and you might win some debates by changing their opinions because they’re mostly people who followed the pack and use those arguments without even understanding them. But once again, if they’re not opened to what you have to say... not worth it. Just say ciao.
7. They don’t make sense You say something, they understand something else, and now they distort what you said and created a whole new argument? Yeah, welcome to the club. You say that Snape was abused as a child and now they say you glorify child abuse. See what I mean? Here is an example of what happened to a friend recently:
Her: “Hagrid caused Dudley great trauma, a big fear of wizards and fat-shamed him. No, I don’t dislike Hagrid, but I hope you do, as he did awful things to students too.” Snater: “Sis are you really telling me that Hagrid is worse than Snape, the man who emotionally and physically abuses kids?” Obviously, my friend wanted to show that Hagrid also did bad stuff and the Snater distorts what they said and change her argument into “Hagrid is worse than Snape”. When they start to put words into your mouth, run! It happens frequentely. No fucking idea why they do that. I guess they don’t know how to debate.
Another weird thing they do: they change the subject. You’re talking about Snape’s greasy hair and how it might be caused by his depression, and the next thing you know is that Trevor almost got MURDERED by Snape. You’re like.. “the fuck? I was talking about hair?” They don’t follow the rules of a debate. You open an argument, you end an argument. They’re out there opening parentheses wherever they want and never coming back to what you said. Which means that 1: you never concluded the argument, 2: you already have another argument to answer, and 3: it means they are not paying attention to what you have to say. This often happens with another thing: the word-vomiting arguments. They say every goddamn arguments they can think of and that’s it, that’s the debate. It’s up to you if you want to counterargue or not.
8. Don’t put too much energy in this Not worth it.
9. Verify who posted the post If it’s a Snape hate account or a Marauders fan account... think about it.
10. Disrespectful snaters & bullies Don’t worry, it’s not personal. Something’s wrong in their head and that’s it. They’re hypocrites. Blocking is an option for those cases. Don’t play their game. Sometimes I like to act stupid when I see it’s a dead-end.
11. They want to make you feel bad Here’s a comment from the previous Snaters, talking to my friend after her ending the conversation: Snater: “byee (kisses and heart emojis) at least the convo ended w me knowing im not a toxic person apologist (in love emoji)” So yeah. If you’re called a racist, an abuser, a KKK member, a Nazi, a whatever-you-want apologist (for example, Sn*pe apologist (which is the worst, in my opinion))... Don’t worry. They like to say that to everyone who likes a dickhead like Snape. I doubt they understand the meaning of those words. They’re hating on Snape for saying mudblood but hey ho, it’s okay to bully and insult real people, uh? Just saying that we all know we aren’t bad people for loving Snape.
Last point: No every Snater is like that!  Thanks to them. Don’t assume every Snater you encounter is hateful. But from my own experience... a lot of them are lol! Isn’t it surprising? They hate Snape for being the way he is yet they are very hateful person themselves. Just be respectful yourself and block them if it’s too much for you. Feel your emotions, understand them and control them! ♥ Don’t put too much energy in defending Snape. He’s a fictional character after all and your mental health is way more important.
Also, keep going, Snape lovers! The vast majority of you are open-minded, kind and smart. That’s why you gotta spread kindness. Love you and have a good debate x
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Snater post: “Me, an intellectual: Snape was an incel and a Nazi and anyone who supports him is an asshole”
Pro-Snape post: “Me, an intellectual: Snape was a victim of child abuse and James Potter was a bully and anyone who disagrees is an asshole”
Me, an actual intellectual: Snape was a fictional character and anyone who bases their opinions of other people and measures their self-intelligence based on their opinion of fictional characters needs to reevaluate their priorities
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greenteanlemon · 4 years
To all the Snaters,
Why do you hate him so much?
He never wanted to be a teacher and most of all his decisions we're forced and manipulated. He was betrayed by both he served.
Yes the children hate him and he did come out as very abusive to them but, how could he ever react any better when all he learned was sourness and betrayal.
No one reached out to him, no one tried to even talk to him. Trauma is complicated. Everyone reacts to it differently; some become the ball of inspiration and energy, some become awful victims and some become their TRAUMA.
Yes, it's true that no one deserves to go through trauma but, it's also true that no one deserves to be unloved and forgotten. Yes life gives chances to change your ways and become better but, where was Severus's chance? Everytime he tried to change, he would be reminded of his trauma. He was so very frustrated and defeated by his own conscience that he dedicated his life to do good...by him. Went along with a plan which made very little sense and when he could have stopped his demise, opted not to. He would just die. With everything bottled inside him. He would just die.
Sometimes We become toxic in understanding how the other is. We make up our own image of this person and assume they'll act a certain way, in the process making sure that they'll act that way.
I like Severus for many reasons, he's practical and for me, most human. It's a fact he's not a hero but, he's also not a villain. All he is, is a man who played all his cards wrong.
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bibliosophie · 2 years
Dear snaters,
I believe you aren't Jews, Roma or Sinti, Poles, nor WWII historians, so you don't know anything about nazism or just some clichés.
Nazi isn't a synonym of "mean", "evil" nor even "racist". A Nazi is someone who joined the National-Socialism party in Germany in 1930's and nothing else. It's really really specific.
Of course, Voldemort's ideology sounds like the ordinary view of nazism (it's the whole point !) : racism, violence, a charismatic leader ...but it isn't nazism, just a kind of fictional facist-like gang of wizards.
The real nazism is :
Ultra-nationalism : economic self-sufficiency, militarism, territorial expansion politicy (Lebensraum).
Dictatorship around Hitler's personality cult.
Every stages of the society (children, workers, army, churches, universities...) are submitted to the nazi government. No opposition was allowed. ( the first concentration camp was established in 1933 for political opponents).
The workers must be united against the ennemies of the Nation, anticapitalism but anticommunism.
Very narrow cultural politic : only arts made by Aryan people are allowed, arts made by Jews, communists, slavic people, gays, disabled, Romani, Black people....are "decadent art" and forbiden and destroyed.
Biological racism : Jews, Romani, Slavs had to be exterminated, Japaneses and mediterranean could be re-educated, Asiatics and Africans had to be enslaved. 2 000 000 Poles are murdered during the War in concentration camps and some 1 500 000 be enslaved (200 000 children).
Politic of "purification" : 360 000 sterilizations (mentally and physically disabled and alcoolic people)
Sexual and social conformity : 100 000 homosexuals incarcerated, pro-natalism politicy, women were excluded of the political sphere.
Extermination policy (the Holocaust/Shoah for Jews, the Porajmos for Roma and Sinti) : segregation in ghettos, incarceration in camps, death squads in countryside (mass shooting), deportation across Europe to extermination camps where they was gased (children with mothers, old people) or killed by starvation and diseases, beaten to death or because medical experiments with extreme cruelty and inhumanity.
6 000 000 Jews are murdered (2/3 of the jewish population of Europe) and 1 000 000 Roma and Sinti ( 1/2 of the romani population of Europe).
You can't say a fictional character is a Nazi : you insult the memory of our dead, you insult the dignity and courage of people who fight against real nazism.
When you said Voldemort ( or Snape or another fictionnal character) is a Nazi, you aren't woke/ smart/ leftist... you are just extremely stupid, contemptuous, gross and offensive. Our families weren't paper and ink, they were real and cherished and we're still mourning them.
Like Tintin had never kill Congolese people or Woody the cowboy had never rob indigenious lands, Snape had never kill a jewish grand mother or enslaved a polish boy, you can't call him Nazi (but you don't have to like him, not really fond of Tintin myself !)
Voldemort is a fictional character in books for children : nobody was killed by his fault. Nazis killed 70 000 000 real people. How you can only dare to compare ?? Think about it.
I hope you learn something.
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sevsssnape · 3 years
everybody in snapedom, please read; this is really important.
guys okay, listen.
i don’t exactly know how long this thing we have with snaters been going, but seriously, that’s enough. we deserve better than this.
we put so much, so fucking much mental energy, time and effort to repeat the things we’ve had for a hundred times.
and this is just stupid. really.
it’s not working and we keep wasting our time and have our days ruined.
and okay i have a suggestion:
we start a new blog, putting all the best posts in defence, explanations, analysis and just everything, there and tag them accordingly, and next time a snater comes barking like a little bitch, we direct them there.
no more fights, no more talks, no wasting our time, nothing.
our responsibility isn’t to educate people, to force their eyes open; it’s their own responsibility. 
what our responsibility is, is to enjoy ourselves, love our favourite characters, do what we love. fandoms aren’t supposed to be places where you get yourself hurt and exhausted; the irl world does it all perfectly. fandoms are supposed to be where you unwind and relax, spend your time among like minded people and have fun. genuine, real fun.
and that’s enough, really enough.
if they want to read, educate themselves, if they actually want to open their eyes, they go on that blog and do it. and if not, well that’s their problem. not ours.
and if someone comes bothering and harassing any of us again, we simply just block them.
please, guys, this thing going on is no way healthy. we deserve better than this. way better than this.
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 years
Your blog is something like an oasis for me bc IRL I’m surrounded by Snaters and Marauder stans who not only think that Snape was an incel but also claim he was as bad as Umbridge 🙄
Thanks, anon, that means so much to me!❤️❤️
Snaters and Marauder stans are just so fucking toxic, it’s honestly exhausting. They victim-blame, twist the truth, make shit up, either bash or whitewash brilliant and complicated characters merely because they can’t handle characters who seem human (they always have to be complete angels), and bully other people just because they don’t agree with their (shitty) opinions.
I remember I had this ginormous fight with a Wolfstar shipper on Youtube (I won ofc), like, 3 months ago (don’t even ask how I still remember that) and they claimed that Severus was just as bad as Voldemort and Bellatrix.🤦‍♀️
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awkwardshortboy · 4 years
One thing I really don’t understand about Snape haters is that they often see his defection because Lily was threatened as a bad thing. I genuinely don’t see that’s wrong with someone changing sides to protect someone they love?
Snape’s earlier life (pre-defection) seems to involve him making his choices based on what he considers to be his own interest, which makes sense after being neglected and (probably) abused at home, then bullied at school with his teachers doing nothing to stop it. Joining the Death Eaters wasn’t a very wise choice, but it might have been the choice which made the most sense to 18 year-old Snape, after one of the main men opposing Voldemort (Dumbledore) turned a blind eye to his suffering at school, which was brought about by the Marauders, who the books suggest were fairly open about their anti-Voldemort opinions; at the same time, it’s also highly likely Snape’s fellow Slytherins were singing the praises of the Death Eaters and grooming people for joining in the common room. This doesn’t excuse his choice to join (he could’ve stayed neutral), but Snape was ambitious and he was probably promised the chance to rise high working for Voldemort. On top of this, the only interactions Snape is shown to have with muggles are negative (his father and Petunia), so it was probably very easy to persuade him to be anti-muggle.
The only reason Snape might have had, which mattered to him personally at the time, not to go over to Voldemort was his friendship with Lily, due to his hatred of muggleborns. This doesn’t appear to have produced an obvious conflict for Snape, however, as he was already giving off the impression he wanted to join before before their friendship ended, and once that was over there would be little to pull him back to the light.  By the time he left Hogwarts, Snape had had seven years of future Death Eaters probably signing the praises of Voldemort and telling him how well he’d do serving him, while those opposing him had alienated him through directly attacking him (Marauders) or clearly caring very little for his welfare (Dumbledore), and on top of this he’d lost his muggle born friend, potentially his only good muggle-related experience.
Once again, this does not justify the decision Snape made, but he was an abused and impoverished teenager who very few people seemed to have genuinely care for, whose experiences with muggles had nearly all been bad, and whose only canon extant friendships by the end of seventh year were Death Eaters.  In this context, joining them probably made the most sense to Snape at the time, as his early life had given him very little reason to join the side defending the muggles.
In contrast to this, his defection is a relatively selfless act. Relaying the prophecy is likely to have won him favour with Voldemort, perhaps putting Snape on the way to realising his ambitions - defecting doesn’t just put that is jeapordy, it puts an end to it entirely. Instead of continuing to advance in Voldemort’s favours, which (at the time) may have seemed like it was likely to result in a comfortable life, Snape went to Dumbledore, a man who everything we know about his school days suggests he had no reason to trust. I’d say this makes his defection in hope of saving Lily’s life an incredibly selfless act, sacrificing any small success he’s had to put his life in the hands of a man who seems to have previously cared little for it.
Of course, many see it as ‘Snape just wanted to fuck Lily’ (which has no basis in either the books or the films, except that’s what Voldemort thought, the man who doesn’t understand love). By this time Lily was married, and there’s no evidence Snape aimed at trying to get in the way of that (a reconciliation after his defection would be likely to have appeared in the Prince’s Tale), and when Snape goes to Dumbledore he asks him to hide all Lily’s family; from this perspective Snape would get very little personally from defecting for Lily’s sake, if she lived it would be for and with her family. It also must be considered that if his aim in aiding the order was to return to Lily’s good books, why did it take 1-2 years for him to go over to them? And if all he wanted was a relationship with Lily, why would he continue to fight against Voldemort 16.5 years after she died, with his life fairly constantly under threat throughout that time with no evidence of personal gain, except perhaps a feeling of redemption. 
It makes more sense to see that Snape made a very selfless choice (after a lifetime of having to put himself first to survive), defecting to protect someone he loved. He continued to put the cause she died for before himself for nearly 17 years after her death, showing he moved on from any views he shared with Voldemort as a teenager (even shouting at Phineas Nigellus for using the word ‘mudblood’ in DH, showing a rejection of Death Eater bigotry).
Snape’s defection for Lily’s sake shows a strong ability for him to be incredible selfless, and that he was able to see through the darkness that had surrounded his early life and devote himself for years to fighting against evil. Far from making him unworthy of his redemption (as many snaters argue), I’d say it’s a central element to it, as his love for Lily led him to change from someone making morally dubious decisions in his own interest, to someone prepared to do the right thing regardless of what may happen to him.
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ottogatto · 4 years
So. It started with a lot of other things to say, but it’s so long (over a hundred messages), and I want to focus on the funny part. Look at this fuckery X’)
For those who are ready to see snaters obstination and, well, I guess me answering. Not for the sensitive minds I warn you. Also I talk about the Prophecy there, my arguments as to why the first part doesn’t indicate a child and that you can’t say Snape obviously knew it was about a child in canon!
So my text is in normal characters, theirs is in italics. Sometimes I used bold on my text, and to prevent confusing echo in the messages, I reorganized messages as to what I responded to. Didn’t change the text itself though, at least I don’t think Word would do that.
So they said:
Snape still went on to join & support a Muggleborn-genocide gang (to the point of handing over a prophecy abt a baby bc he didn’t want to see the genocidal gang-leader “vanquished”).
And here we go baby:
Also, did you know the part of the prophecy Snape heard didn't explicitly told people about a baby? For all we know, the first part of the prophecy could have been about an adult wizard. And aren't YOU the person conveniently leaving out the passage--17 years in-book *cough*--where Snape ceased to follow DEs to actually fight them? Not only wasn't he ever racist but he also fought purism actively
Snape heard “BORN as the 7th month DIES(present tense), BORN to those who have thrice defied the Dark Lord” — yes, pls tell me how an adult is born to other adults? Literally everyone else who heard this prophecy interpreted it as a baby, but Snape (who his fans love to claim is v smart, until it comes to this scenario when his IQ conveniently drops to -10) is somehow the only one who wouldn’t understand?
Because adults aren't born from other adults? Lol--also only Voldemort interpreted it as targetting Harry. It's not as if Snape keeps tabs on who Voldemort defied thrice, what he considers 'defying', or who was born at the end of July. That's called anaylzing canon
Also, my comment above is in respect to keeping it strictly canon: outside of canon, JKR has directly claimed that Snape “sent Voldemort after an innocent baby in the knowledge Voldemort would kill him”
And yeah, as you claim, what Rowling says is 'outside of canon'. I don't give a damn about what she says (Death of the Author I guess), if she wanted to make it clear, she only had to write it explicitly. Even Dumbledore says 'he had no way to know'. (And indeed, the only true Chosen One would be the one Voldemort chose, not the likiest one)
Dumbledore interpreted it as a baby too — no one’s saying Snape knew it was Harry Voldemort would choose to target, but he KNEW it was a BABY
Nah he didn't. I don't remember if Dumbledore interpreted the Prophecy as being about a baby, the thing is that there's nothing that says Snape knew it was about a baby the moment he heard and gave the Prophecy. Because there's no indication it's a baby rather than an adult 'born at the end of July', 'from persons who thrice defied him', with a power 'the Dark Lord knows not' and all.
Adults aren’t born from other adults when speaking in present tense of them arriving at the end of the seventh month.  You’re welcome to ignore what JKR says out of canon, but it’s absurd to expect everyone else to, esp when it only backs up what’s IN canon. Your interpretation means Snape is the only one dumb enough to have NOT interpreted what he heard as “a baby”
You'd be dumb to think a baby could actually be the Chosen One rather than an adult from what the Prophecy says. Think horses not zebras.
Also you might be careful of what Rowling says out of canon (which is still out of canon, we're dealing with canon right?) She's the one who says that only a person pure of heart can cast a Patronus, but seeing Umbridge could cast it... Errr nah.
The line isn’t “born at the end of July”, it’s “born as the 7th month dieS” (present tense, I don’t know how many times I need to repeat this)
Well you got the idea. The adult could have been born 'at the end of the 7th month'.
You do understand context, right? Snape did hear the part about “the one who will vanquish the Dark Lord APPROACHES”, coupled with the part abt them being born as July dieS, & being born to those who’ve defied Voldemort. Dumbledore interpreted it as a baby (“the prophecy did not mention a woman, it spoke of a child”). Snape would literally have to be the only idiot of the 3 for your interpretation to work
And I s2g y’all better not be the same Snape stans who insist he’s a genius if u really believe that
You call Snape dumb only because you're the reader unable to get into context and think how a normal human would think. I did say it's not as if Snape kept tabs on who was born at the end of July and all? Here, have something I had written to explain this better
So the Prophecy goes like this: 
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...
However, Snape only heard the first part of the prophecy, the part that allowed Voldemort to deduce the threats:
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...
I think it stops here because if Voldemort had know that targeting either Harry or Neville would effectively turn them into the Chosen One, he wouldn't have done as such. The main problem is: where is it said that it should be a child?
• The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Alright he comes. Does "approaches" equal to "will be born"? No. For all we know it could have been a wizard/witch (yes a woman!) from another country, or just someone who came to fight Voldemort.
• Born to those who have thrice defied him. Same thing: that wizard/witch could have had parents that defied Voldemort thrice, without him/her necessarily being young or let alone a newborn.
• Born as the seventh month dies. Again. That wizard/witch could have been born at the end of July years ago. And finally there's this part:
• The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies... That Snape never heard about.
And even if he had (which he didn't), you could mishear "born" for "borne", and doesn't that give a broader list of susceptible Chosen Ones? What surprises me is that there was no other adult wizard/witch that Voldemort was said to think matched the description. I think it was a shortcut that Rowling took without realizing that the first part of the Prophecy didn't target a child specifically. As Dumbledore had said: Snape couldn't know.
When Snape heard the first part of the Prophecy, nothing guaranteed that it referred to a child, and Snape couldn't know an adult warrior didn't fit the description (even though it was more likely that a competent mage would be the Chosen One rather than a defenseless newborn, be realistic...)
Actually I just forgot to say that if Voldemort (and Snape) had heard the last part, then the events at the end of OotP wouldn't have happened. Voldemort wouldn't need to seek for the Prophecy.
I call Snape dumb bc Dumbledore and Voldemort both interpreted the prophecy the reasonable way — & all canon indicates that Snape did too, but you’re the one insisting he was too stupid to do so, which WOULD in fact mean he was dumb
“Born as the seventh month dieS” IS IN PRESENT TENSE. An adult born years ago WOULD NOT BE MENTIONED IN PRESENT TENSE
Past (simple)
I was born
you were born
he was born
we were born
you were born
they were born
to be born
I think it also counts as an adjective. Not just the present tense.
And adults are born from other adults. Or else they wouldn't exist. You do know every adult was once a kid born from a mom, right?
Snape did not have to hear the latter part of the prophecy to know it was about a baby. In fact, your headcanon would work better if he HAD only heard the final part, as there’s nothing to refer to “baby” in that part the way it’s basically clubbed over people’s heads in the first part !
The last part is this: · The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies... That Snape never heard about.
Here indeed... there's a future tense! But it's in the very last sentence, which Snape didn't hear. The first part didn't refer to a baby directly. Is there a law against Prophecies being about adults/warriors? It's not headcanon to point out there's nothing indicating a baby explicitely in the part Snape heard. It's a fact.
“The one to vanquish the Dark Lord APPROACHES...BORN as the seventh month dieS, BORN to those who have thrice defied [Voldemort]”. Literally FOUR mentions of a current, present-tense someone who will be BORN to Voldemort-fighters. Ffs, Ive seen reaches before but this is Olympic gymnastics
I don’t understand why you seem to think “will be born” would be clearer than “born as the seventh month DIES”, & tbh I highly doubt you’d buy it even if Snape had heard that part. There are more than enough mentions in the first bit to demonstrate that this “one” is not yet in existence
I did tell you 'born' is not only present tense (would this mean Harry is being born right at the moment the Prophecy is uttered? wow, oddly specific). And I literally gave you a whole analysis which explain how those arguments still apply to an adult X')
Also the seventh month dying indicated the end of July, not a baby who will be born, oh my god what's that logic?
How do you account for the fact that both Dumbledore and Voldemort interpreted “baby” then, considering Voldemort also did not hear the last part?
“Born” doesn’t have to be present tense, but the fact is that “approaches” and “dies” are BOTH also in present tense, which would indicate that “BORN” should also be in present tense, to all but the dimmest of minds
The fact that the seventh month hasn’t yet DIED should mean that the baby has not yet been born
I do think it's bad writing on Rowling's part. She does show that she counts on people expecting things and yet she gives the opportunity to try to analyse it from the character's point of view and give some... pretty interesting facts about what's happening. But anyway, Voldemort and Dumbledore were very intelligent leaders of the war, and THEY had the job to find out the Chosen One.
They had spies (Voldy) and info (both) on people's birthdays, families, etc. Not Snape, a simple follower. So really... Harry was very unlucky. Still, the fact other characters interpreted the Prophecy as being about a child doesn't erase the fact it could still apply to an adult.
^Is that you admitting Snape was nowhere near as intelligent as Dumbledore and Voldemort (I agree, but I’m ..surprised).
Nah, not knowing every people's birth dates is not being dumb.
Well no, it couldn’t — the present tenses used are very specific, & quite frankly I’ve never seen anyone but the most hardcore Snape fans insist so hard that the prophecy was “just so hard to figure out”
The fact that the prophecy refers to the seventh month dying (meaning it hadn’t yet died, or even started, by the time this was made) is a blinding indicator that “Born” is related to someone who wasn’t yet in existence
But this is funny X') do I have to explain it in German or something? Not my fault if you stay in denial. Not knowing that 'born' can apply to more tenses than the present one is being dumb and obstinate.
“The fact that the prophecy refers to the seventh month dying (meaning it hadn’t yet died, or even started, by the time this was made) is a blinding indicator that “Born” is related to someone who wasn’t yet in existence” Pray tell me the logic/reason behind this
“Born” may apply to more than present tenses — but “dieS” does NOT. Put them together, and that would be a strong indicator that “Born” in this context SHOULD apply to the present tense as well
You CAN still change the tenses mid-sentence (as it was done in the Prophecy) and still: 'born as the seventh month dies' still doesn't show (let alone explicitely) that it refers to someone who will soon be born. It makes it appliable to a baby, and still appliable for an adult.
If a prophecy is made in January (or whenever) and refers to something that happens “as the seventh month DIES”, how is that NOT an indicator that the event hasn’t happened yet?
 'Born as the seventh month dies' = 'born when July ends'. Still applies. Especially as there's such a thing as narrative present
How can an adult be “BORN when July (currently)!ends”? Let alone born AS July ends? (Which is closer to the actual line)
Ah no matter. I won't waste my time further. I made my point, just figure it out by yourself. It's not hard to see it--many people understood my point about the Prophecy, I don't find much reason as to why I should spend time with the only person who doesn't. Bye
Sure, idgaf what you headcanon about Snape’s idiocy, so long as you’re not shitting on ppl for not swallowing your headcanon and instead going by what actual canon (and JKR’s supporting statements outside of canon) shows. People drag Snape for knowingly selling out a baby to Voldemort bc that’s literally what he did
You're talking about yourself right? Trying to make people force heacanon and refusing actual book canon? You're clearly confused. Whatever you say, you just cannot claim that Snape sold a baby to Voldemort knowing it was about a baby... because as I proved, there was no evidence he did knowing it was about a baby. And Snape's very intelligent, that's also in the books.
That was an interesting experience for me.
Hope you had a good time watching this.
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snapeaddict · 4 years
Snaters keep telling us we cannot like Snape/should hate him as well because he joined a group of "racist, genocidal" ideologists. Well you know what? I have absolutely no problem with him being a death eater for like 3 years. I totally understand his choice in the light of what we know he went through. I don't even see what else he could have chosen to do, except suicide perhaps. If I had the power to forgive, then I'd totally forgive him for that. People do not know how easy it is to fall into radicalization when you're someone like Severus. And how hard it is to get out of it, and how brave you have to be to do so. To quit an ideology and start fighting against it. An ideology he grew with for seven years. So yes, you can repeat it as much as you want, to me it is another proof that Snape is a very realistic character and I admire the strength it must have taken to turn against Voldemort out of love, to turn against them risking his life, to become a spy, to go back when the Dark Lord returned, to a man who tortured and killed so easily.
To say to a former Hogwarts headmaster "Do not use that word!"
Because if he stopped being a death eater for Lily, he did not die for the cause Lily believed in. He died for a cause he believed in; he fought for many people and "only those he could not save" died.
Yes, he was a death eater. Then he wasn't, and I'll always admire him for that. It's literally like getting out of a cult, questioning all your values, and what you were taught, and what you learnt to accept. It is so, so brave.
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mai-the-crow · 3 years
lmao someone dmed this to me after i made an innocent comment on their post about how snovers seem to have a soft spot for remus (because he wasn't as bad) and then blocked me! so i'm indirectly replying to snaters again
honestly y'all are so weird.
tell me something i didn't know
stans like you are the reason i loathe admitting that i love severus as a character, because i never want to be associated with you lot that think he never did anything wrong.
can you read i've literally never said that he's perfect. i've stated that he's an asshole, etc. multiple times ??? try getting glasses maybe?
like, if you actually like severus at all, why make him out to be such a whimpering pissbaby? why would you pretend he was this fragile passive little thing that was just helplessly bullied by the marauders?
i'm just stating facts? how is saying that the marauder's and snape's relationship was clearly bullying and there was a very obvious imbalance of power. he fought back, and i applaud him for that. our boy severus isn't going down without a fight :)
he was just as powerful as them, just as hateful, and just as rash - that's why they were rivals.
nah bro. the powerful part, definitely yes, and probably even more. rash? yeah, i can see that. maybe. hateful? not until later, but yeah ok valid. rivals?? is this a "tell me you didn't read the books without telling me that you didn't read the books" challenge or? rivals is like two sports teams against each other. a sibling relationship. the four houses in their quest to get the quidditch and house cups. it requires mutual acknowledgement and be on an equal level with each other and everything.
that's why their dynamic is interesting. no one was innocent and no one was a hero. they brought out the worst in each other despite all being good men at heart.
hey i'd say that severus was pretty damn innocent at first, seeing as the marauders started both altercations we see.
having a black-and-white read of a morally grey character isn't a superior take just because you read him as pure white while most read him as pure black.
lmao what
have a good day, and i hope you grow some literary analysis skills.
with all due respect, sir, i think that maybe you're the one that needs to grow some literary analysis skills. both in reading the actual books and my tumblr posts. nevertheless, a good day to you too, sir.
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thepoetsvortex · 4 years
Contrary to popular belief unlike many pro-Snape I don’t... actually like Snape’s dark side. At all.
I like that he was able to overcome it. (No, he’s not still fascinated with the Dark Arts as an adult. He’s fascinated with how to undo them. Lily died because of his attraction to the dark. Why would he still be?)
Also, a Snape who fights for DD “in name only,” as many fans seem to like... makes no sense. He sacrificed more than anyone defeating Voldemort, any chance of real relationships, his reputation, sanity, his life. You don’t do that if you don’t believe in it- those aren’t the actions of someone who still secretly likes Dark things or wants to be doing them. This is as much a misunderstanding of Snape as any Snater has. It’s one thing to like his assholishness- but the whole point of Snape is that there’s good underneath that. He wouldn’t be able to reverse Secumsempra if he wasn’t completely 100 percent remorseful. And remorse equals full 180. He is different. And no, not in the Gryffindor sense of “oh he’s on their side he must be like them/like same things.” He’s different in a snarky, bullying, Slytherin way.
But still different. Still remorseful. Always remorseful.
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snapeingturtle · 4 years
I have way too many ideas for lengthy posts and zero energy to actually write them.
Snape subjects
Snape's mannerisms in adulthood and how he picked them up from others, mainly from people he observed to be respected.
Expanding on that, how Snape built his teaching style by mimicking McGonagall's.
Are Snape fans drawn to Snape because their relationship with their father is either strained or nonexistent or is it just me?
Why I personally really sympathise with the stress Snape was under when he was given a huge responsibility at 21 years old.
The eerie similarities between Snape and Harry, when applying a darker reading to Dumbledore.
Non-Snape subjects
Why I still have a huge issue with S.P.E.W.
The character development of Draco Malfoy and why I like him a lot even though I want to fight him.
What initially made me like Sirius Black, just because I haven't had the chance to talk about it or I haven't because of the general attitude in the fandom.
My soft spot for Hagrid and why I blame the translator for it
Petty post because I'm petty: why do the Snaters think we're 12-year-olds who don't know any better?
The pharmacology of potions, because I couldn't sleep last night so I laid in bed thinking about this until 3 am.
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severusdefender · 5 years
Oh I think I get where the Snaters are coming from (not that it does them any credit): they're arguing that since Snape was so terrible as an adult, he must have been Evil All Along--as in, since he was in the womb--and so deserved the Marauders' bullying. I guess that would fit in with their teeny-bopper black-and-white view of the world, compounded by their tunnel vision when it comes to canon (i.e. in-text) facts. The Marauderfen faction of the fandom is truly fascinating.
He was Evil All Along which means that their faves did nothing wrong in deliberately targeting someone for 7 years to the point that they almost murdered him. Why then didn’t the Marauders attack the other Slytherins like Mulciber and Avery? Because to me it sounds like they went after unpopular kids who didn’t have the power or the backup to fight back rather than them fighting Evil. They didn’t just bully Severus, they would hex other students. Honestly given how little support Sirius and Remus received after James died, I feel like the other students just thought they had to play along. They don’t seem like they had any real love from their peers or teachers. Honestly if James hadn’t died the same night as Voldemort, I doubt there would be statues or anyone would care.
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banana-ge-ge · 6 years
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GUYSSSSS THANK YOU ILYSM. I’M LITERALLY CRYING NOW I JUST WANT TO FUCKING HUG EVERYONE OF YOU. Look how sweet these people are (also those I never mentioned and those who leave sweet comments) ❤️💛💚💙💜🖤 I’m sorry that my art is the cause this drama. (pffft I still think they’re funny) We all know snaters are always out there and our fight will never end, we should ignore all those SHITS and continue to love our LGBTQIAP+ Sevvy boy, the month just started. And don’t worry about me (if you do), I have all of you by my side.
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