#how to make beetroot juice
spicyvegrecipes · 4 months
How to make ABC Detox Juice at Home
ABC Juice Recipe ABC Detox Juice is a nutrient-packed beverage made from three primary ingredients: apples, beets, and carrots. It’s known for its vibrant colour, refreshing taste, and numerous health benefits. This juice is a perfect choice for those, looking to detoxify their body, boost their immune system, and improve overall health. Benefits of ABC Detox Juice Apples: Nutrient-Rich:…
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All of sfth's improvized plays described by someone with bad/selective memory (but remembers 90% of the sentences they make up) pt. 5
21) The Neighbour's Under the Bed
Football!! And murder!! And pretend straight sex between men!! And children who were just dragged into this!! Get them a new home to live in, they don't deserve to be mistreated like they were in the play!! Janae's seismogram is real!! Don't just shrug it off!! AND DON'T HAVE SEX IN THE RECORDING STUDIO WITH ALL THE MICS ON!!
Bonus: lines that I just have burned into my brain at this point
★ "The entire east wing was destroyed T∆T"
★ "Darling" "Yeh?" "Look into my eyes" "•v•" "Does mommy love you?" "Do I have to look at both of them at once or just one? I CAN TRY DOING BOTH AT ONCE" "Stop being a f-- weirdo" "Be normal, my little munchkin." "Okay :)" "My little, little.." "Munchkin :D"
★ "Yes, and I'll sleep with Timothée Chalamet" "How is that going to help the racoons?" "It won't. It's gonna be good, though!"
★ "You don't do the nipple thi-- I do the nipple thing"
★ "He shoots he scores!" "AUGH"
★ "Me and your father are fucking"
★ "You're a strong woman. Like Patrick Stewart"
★ "Are you still awake, Johnny?" "Yes, yes 👹. cough Yes, yes 😇"
★ "AUGH, TELEPORT ME, TELEPORT ME!" "All I hear was something about "comes into the--" and I didn't like it! D:" "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-why are they doing it in the recording studio with all the mics on?!" "We have to do something! I'm 8 and you're 15, between us--"
★ "I saw it on my fire-mogram!"
★ "Final death twitches" (Tom just wanted to do something. NOPE. SHE'S DEAD)
★ "It's like the sixth sense that my child has but I've got it too 'cause it's fucking genetic!"
22) The Milkman
Innuendos and a kid who just wants to go outside like a healthy child. And AJ being the most confusingly confused mf. No, but what the fuck is this man saying help. And also, the guy behind the bar whatever the fuck his name was just. Bonded with the unnamned businessman father
23) Beetroots & Murder
18 year old just. Gets arrested for mass arson. I mean, sure, he did actually cause the fire but like. In the new timeline, no he did not. Then again, in the original timeline, he just. Crashed the entire fucking truck full o’ gas-o-line.
Or, Big Dick, the MC that doesn't get named throughout the entire fucking play, gets arrested for burning down the good half of Somerset. The Spirit of Somerset (and his friend) send him back in time to change the past (and himself). Justin bullies the guy because why the fuck not (he's just traumatized and lashing out because he lost his parents in a fire and maybe because saw BD having what he wants in life so he's jealous and belittles him to make himself feel better because why does this guy have all the things he wants? Like, living parents and… Parents who weren't cremated in a massive house fire…). André Beetroot, the host of the beetroot competition, in the new timeline ends up starting the fire and years later they make up and The Spirit of Somerset ends up becoming the Spirit of Ireland
24) Susan's Holiday
Mild toxic masculinity and flirting and cats and apologies!! And an uber that can just. Change where the wheel is??
25) The Evil Make-a-wish Kid
Evil kid with cancer fucks shit up with the help of the evil Make-a-wish foundation. Kills his mother, his father's animals at a petting zoo he works (well, worked) at, posted what a detective's mother said about gender, and then fucking died. Wow. I wish more kids were d-- no
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unhonestlymirror · 6 days
now I'm curious. what would a standard ukrainian breakfast look like for you? is it very different from the types of breakfasts you've had in lithuania? :D
Ohhhhh I'm really glad you asked!
In my family, it was usually:
Any porridge/smashed potatoes with good butter;
Necessarily meat (chicken fillet, pork, beef, turkey, sausages, etc.) /fish/seafood, fried or baked but not with too much oil;
Fresh vegetables!! Tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, beetroots, etc. Sometimes, in forms of salads + a piece of dark bread;
Some fruits (apples, oranges, bananas, etc)
A glass of kefir or a few spoons of sour cream for better digestion and extra Ca²+;
Tea (with milk or lemon juice). Sometimes with a light dessert: carrot&apple salad, pancakes with honey, a cookie, a few pieces of cheese (yes, cheese is a dessert and it goes quite well with milk tea) - but NEVER chocolate. Unless it's an emergency, chocolate in the morning is a big no-no.
N.B. It was never a soup, tho. Soups are for lunches and dinners. And we NEVER drink coffee, because it's VERY bad for your stomach and kidneys. We avoid mushrooms in the morning and evening, too, they're too heavy to digest. Occasionally, we had complex dishes like baked apples with sugar or draniki or zucchini pancakes but only when mom was in the right mood.
Lithuanians are also very good cookers, thus, they have high quality food in the stores, too. However, I don't have time to cook properly sometimes, so I finish the yesterday leftovers or just drink tea with some hot bakery, vegetables and nuts, or make myself a light salad... but I still do my best to continue routine and eat the porridge+meat/fish every breakfast. :> I don't understand my classmates, who wake up and go outside without eating anything... If I don't eat properly in the morning, especially if I try to breakfast with a cup of coffee + croissant, for the rest of a day, I feel like I'm about to die.😅
Although different people have it differently even in Ukraine, ofc, it is generally acceptable to have a nice breakfast, not rich in oil but just good for your guts. Thus, when Ukrainian kids start going to schools abroad, e.g., in Germany, France, Sweden - and they see how people breakfast there, they just assume these people are really poor. XD
What about you? :D
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angstywaifu · 7 months
Request Prompts
Just a few prompts I have put together for you guys if you want to use them for requests. I will admit it is taking me a bit longer to write The Little Sister with needing to reference the book a bit more now. So I would love to fill the void with some requests so I don't leave you with nothing if I am struggling to get the series out. This will be linked in the Master list as well with who I am willing to write for. Please send any requests to my asks as it is easier for me to keep track :) Masterlist
"Are you bleeding?" "No, this is beetroot juice coming out of me, wanna try?"
"You don't... hate me?" after a heavy moment of silence the other says, "Of course, my love."
"I'll always choose you."
"Do you trust me?"
"there's nothing i wouldn't do to keep you safe"
"you. are. mine."
"Keep your eyes on me."
"They're looking. Kiss me. Now."
"How long are you going to pretend you don't feel it?"
"You actually came."
“I trusted you-“
"It's not like, we would get married and then live happily ever after.”
“We just can’t—” “But why can’t we?!” “You know exactly why we can’t. You and I… We’re different. We don’t… We’re not meant to be together.”
“You know I’m all in if you are.”
“Will you stop talking, or do I have to make you shut up?”
“Your mouth says you don’t like me but the way you stare at me tells me everything I need to know.”
“Your eyes are always on them.” “…Are they? I haven’t noticed.”
“Why do you always look at me like that?” “Like what?” “Like you… Want me.”
"You promised you'd never leave, and now you're telling me you have to go?"
"Why did you come back?"
“You died.” “Oh, I missed you too.”
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“Is that blood?” “No?” “That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question.”
“can our goal be to not die today?” “that seems like a lot to ask...”
“What are you so afraid of?” “You.”
“Who did this to you? I just want to talk to them.”
“Since when did you ever care about me?!” “Since fucking forever!”
“Well, I’m sorry I fell in love with you, okay? But it happened and I can’t do shit about it.” “You… What?”
“You think I wanted this to happen? You think I, of all people, wanted to fall in love with you?”
“What part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?”
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impybutt · 2 months
Rex needs a feed
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Servitor_Rex is looking wilted. More than his usual melancholy; his normally disciplined posture is slumped, and all of his colours have lost their vibrancy.
He jumps a bit when Brontide commands his name from the (entire) doorway to his workshop. "Rex. When have you last fed." The question is rhetorical, and its cadence dies on impact.
"I had a good lunch a couple hours ago," he replies in that particular voice, like he forced it through a reed.
"That's not what I meant and you know it. You need more than Eggs Benny and beetroot juice."
Rex resigns himself to her accusation and lets a deep sigh out of his chest. His torso relaxes; his voice drops in pitch and timbre. "Been a bit."
Bron's expression softens. "You know you can ask me," she approaches Rex and gently braces his shoulders; rubs his arms. "You don't need enough to make a dent in my supply."
Rex looks up at her from a turned eye, wide and wary. After a significant pause, he starts, "Last time--"
"Didn't happen."
His expression sours, bordering on wrathful. "Please explain."
She ignores his evil eye, knowing well enough how prickly his defenses are if he smells lamp gas. "Not how you think it did, anyway. I saw the thought cross your mind. You weren't feeding on my rage, you were reacting to my fear. That rage was all yours. I was terrified, I had no idea what was happening. You just started... guarding me. Running, biting, waiting, hiding, playing games, playing nice, lashing out, whatever you thought was the safest option moment to moment."
As she speaks, Bron slides her hands down to his and starts playing with his fingers, fascinated as always by how delicate they are. Rex's expression softened quickly, after the initial boot of anxiety drove its spur into his fight reflex, and he lets his eyes be distracted by Bron's fidgeting.
“You can’t just eat human food, Rex. You need blood as much as the rest of us, it’s where the metaphysics are. If you don't hunt--"
"I can, if I have to, I just--"
"I'm saying you don't have to. I'm offering you a way to make it easy. Enjoyable."
She ducks down enough to close the distance between them, and lifts Rex’s hands up to her lips for a seductive little kiss. “Consider it an act of provision.”
Her rose pink eyes are dusky and cool-tempered, by the confidence which comes from knowing all of your partner’s weak spots. She commands Rex’s gaze softly; watches in the periphery as her tactics bring a flush to his cheeks.
Finally, his attention flits to Bron’s sculpted neck. She watches his eyes focus properly, no doubt on the barely perceptible tempo of the pulse in her carotid artery. He swallows a lump. “I don’t know what to expect.”
“So just breathe and relax. I know how to wrangle you, don’t worry.”
Rex swallows again, glances briefly at Bron’s eyes, then concedes. He slips into her waiting arms as she guides him against her collarbone, into a fitted embrace, and breathes deep. As soon as the smell of her neck is in his sinuses, Rex’s muscles relax; his back untangles; his arms feel up her broad chest slowly, with hesitation.
Bron scoops her fingers under the hair at the nape of his neck, thatching into his undisciplined curls to direct him with gentle, deliberate pressure… or physical leverage, if Rex gets greedy.
“Don’t be afraid to make a mess,” she whispers against his forehead, and follows it with a teasing kiss. She can feel his lips already on her neck; the tip of his nose is a frosty little intrusion under her jaw. With his eyes closed, Rex takes his time savouring Bron’s warmth, and breathing her scent. Smokey and floral. She pulls up a chair with her tail and waits him out quietly, while he builds up.
After a span of liminal cuddling which neither Fae bothered to time, Rex slides one hand up to rest in the pit of Bron’s shoulder, where the base of her neck meets the curve of her trapezius. Under her opposite jaw, he begins to gingerly reposition himself: tilting his head just so, feeling her pulse with his lips, trying to judge a good approach. Bron lifts her chin to accommodate him, bracing his weight side-saddle on her lap.
“Ready?” Rex asks in a weak voice. Bron makes a warm noise in the affirmative and fingers the back of his neck gently.
He draws a quiet, nervous breath; works out a pause; then surrenders himself to commitment. His anxiety is washed backwards as action takes over, and he opens his teeth around Bron’s neck. All of them are sharp, shark-like, and they break the skin with the same audible crunch of an awl piercing thick leather. Rex flinches, but doesn’t lose pace; Bron winces, groans, with a quality of overt and shameless passion. She feels the tickle as blood starts to drip down her collarbone. 
Bron lives life with roaring vivacity; her blood is thick with all the vital enrichments that thought-forms like the Fae need to thrive, and will themselves corporeal. It comes then as no surprise when, the moment he tastes it, a shuddering moan rumbles out of the bottom of Rex’s chest.
His change in bearing is instant. The hand on Bron’s opposite shoulder is suddenly rigid and urgent, bearing Rex’s weight as he shifts up her body for better purchase. He climbs her lap, going from supple to firm in her grip as his muscles contract. Thanks to her tremendous cardiovascular health, Bron bleeds like a racehorse; it doesn’t take long for Rex to be gulping down full draughts in between hectic, passionate breaths of air. The prolonged bite sends deep, hot pangs down into Bron’s muscles with every flex of his jaw, where they bounce around and terminate in her spine as pleasurable ripples. She breathes deep, letting him feel the barrel of her chest swell and relax as she controls their pace.
The space around them starts to crackle with static; Rex’s colours saturate to an obnoxious degree; telltale florets of hot magenta and ultraviolet pop up in his hair. Were his eyes open, Bron would see the usual cold turquoise almost eclipsed by highlighter yellow.
She carefully waits out his excitation, until it gets to the point at which his adorable breathless moaning becomes feral growls. The hand in his hair grasps it at the roots, and curls into a firm fist. “There we are, don’t get too worked up.” As soon as she pulls on him, Rex releases her neck with a gasp and begins to recompose himself, diverting to licking the wound he placed while it stems its own flow.
Once she’s satisfied with a stable pause, Bron leans back to assess him: tremors and laboured breath; yellow eyes; stable focus, fixed on her. Successfully controlling a heightened state of pre-dissociation, waiting for the next step. Her skin tingles everywhere they touch, from the charge in his blood treating his whole body like a Tesla coil.
“How was that?” Bron uses the back of her hand to clean up Rex’s mouth and chin, which are a ghoulish mess of smeared ichor. The act of grooming seems to help soothe him; his eyes flutter dumbly as a thick wave of pleasure pulls him back down, and the yellow cedes to turquoise again. He gives a happy, wordless groan in response, licking his lips, not doing much to resolve the mess.
“Will you need to hunt more?” Despite the chemical party happening in his system, Rex’s voice is lightweight and shy; he studies Bron’s face for any signs this might be burdensome.
“Killing prey doesn’t hurt me the way it hurts you. I’m fine hunting a bit extra if it makes eating properly easier on you.”
It takes him another moment of unavoidable shame and anxiety, until Rex leans into Bron with a tender nuzzle, full of gratitude. Pressed firmly forehead to forehead, he brushes her nose with his and mumbles “thank you” into the meager space between their lips.
Bron smiles, a rare and recent treat, and starts indulging herself by letting her hands explore Rex’s topography. “Whaddya wanna do now?”
“As if you don’t know,” he bluntly retorts, already taking off his shirt. “Get your dick out.”
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samdeancass · 2 years
No Need to be Jealous
Requested by: Anonymous
Pairing: Freya Mikaelson x fem!reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Characters: Freya, Y/N, Hayley
Description: Y/N and Hayley have just found out that they are sisters but Freya doesn’t know. She gets jealous of all the time they are spending together and how close they are becoming and takes Y/N to show her who she belongs to.
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Freya sat at the table across the room from you and Hayley, giving daggers to the young werewolf as she once again brought you in for a hug. You waved goodbye and walked back over to Freya, who’s hands were clenched tight into fists. “What’s the matter?” You nodded to her hands and she smiled, shaking her head.
“Nothing, babe. I didn’t even know I was doing that.” You chuckled and reached over the table for her hand, bringing it up to kiss it. “You really do amuse me, Freya. Everything you do is so quirky.” A ping sounded on your phone and you picked it up, immediately smiling when you seen who it was.
“Who’s that?” “Hayley.” Frustration and jealousy built up inside her once again at the mention of her name. You noticed her change in behavior and raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re alright? You’re acting more strange than usual.” Freya nodded, not looking you in the eye. “I just wanna get out of here.” “Alright, just let me finish this text and then we’ll go.” Those last few seconds felt like hours to Freya as she watched your smile widen as you typed.
“What does she have that I don’t? I’m gonna show Y/N exactly who she belongs to.”
As soon as you put your phone back into your pocket, Freya grabbed your hand and hurried you away, desperate to make her feelings known. 
Freya swung the front door open with her magic, pulled you inside and slammed the door shut with her foot before backing you up against the wall, her hand on your throat. A devilish smirk emerged on your face as you realized why Freya wanted to leave in such a hurry. 
“So this is why you wanted to leave so suddenly? Desperate to get me all alone?” Freya closed her other hand tightly over your mouth, leaving you unable to speak. She leaned down next to your face and whispered in your ear. “You don’t get to talk, you don’t even get to move. You are all mine and you’re going to do exactly as your told, understood?”
You ever so slightly nodded your head, trying your best to ignore the growing wetness pooling in your underwear. Freya leaned back, pupils blown with lust, before attacking your neck, sucking and biting at the delicate skin. You writhed and wriggled underneath her but she just tightened her grip on you. 
“What did I say?! No moving!” Her grip strengthened as she made her way down your body, biting and kissing ever so slowly on your sensitive areas. She released your mouth and laced two fingers to the inside of your underwear, licking her lips. 
“My, my Y/N, you are such a dirty girl.” A low moan escaped your mouth when Freya easily inserted two fingers inside of you, your juices acting as a lubricant. Usually, she would give you time to adjust but Freya was in no mood for waiting. She pumped inside you at an inhuman speed inserting a third then a fourth finger, spreading you wider and wider until her hand was swallowed inside you. 
“You are mine, Y/N, and only mine! No-one else can make you feel this good, especially not Hayley!” Your climax was quickly approaching so you reached around your body and rubbed your clit, sending shock-waves through your body. 
Once your orgasm passed, your knees buckled and you slid down the wall as Freya removed her hand from inside you. She knelt down and kissed your sweaty forehead before going to the kitchen to grab a towel. 
You were lost in the afterglow of the orgasm when something crossed your mind. “Hey, babe.” Freya walked back in and sat beside you. “Yes?” “What did you mean by ‘especially not Hayley?” Freya’s face went beetroot when the subject was brought up.
“Err-well, I-I guess I’ve been getting a little jealous of all the time you’ve been spending with her. I thought you were falling for her.” You shook your head, chuckled and held Freya’s hands in yours.
“Sweetheart, you have nothing to be jealous about. I’ve been spending so much time with her because....she’s my sister. We’ve only just found out and we wanted to be able to get to know each other properly.” Freya’s cheeks blushed again and she looked down at her knees in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about, but how about we go upstairs and I show you exactly how I feel about you, eh? Give you the time of your life.” Freya looked up at you and smiled mischievously, nodding in agreement. 
You stood up, helped Freya up and guided her upstairs, ready to show Freya exactly what she meant to you. 
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darkhorse-javert · 8 months
Another use for Beetroot
In which Sam tries her hand at something between painting and handicrafts.
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December 1943
“err... Sam, what exactly are you doing?”
Christopher Foyle surveyed the kitchen from the doorway. The table was covered completely in overlapping sheets of newspaper, which were also hanging down slightly over the edges, pelmet like. Sam was sat at the table, wearing what seemed to be an old shirt of Andrew's, put on backwards. The collar was turned down hard, and as she turned to look at him he noticed the collar was actually pinned into the shirt to keep it. In one hand she had a paintbrush, not one of Rose's but a workman-like medium sized one, in the other a thin rectangle of wood, which was partially – pink?. The tips of the fingers holding the bit of wood were also martked a bloody pink. And there was a distinct smell of boiled something
“Oh- Hello Kit.” She glanced between him, the window and the table, apparently only now noticing the fading light.beyond the window. She muttered something to herself, then said more clearly “Stay well away, unless you want to be stained.
Still tucked in the doorwat he raised an eyebrow, silently repeating his question.
Sam looked back at him ,eyes shifting, “The WVS are trying to gather up toys for the children still around here, and to send off to those evacuated. They'd rounded up some offcuts of wood and were giving them out at the Church Hall, if you could make anything with them. I was going to make a doll with scraps of cloth for clothes,but then I was cooking the beetroot anyway for dinner, and beetroot always stains anything that gets near it, so I thought I would see if the juice would stain the wood.”
She held up the piece of wood, frowning at it. “I'd hoped it would make a nice rich red, that maybe they could be made into a toy house or a building set – instead it seems to have gone rather pink.”
He considered the bit of wood she held up. It was indeed, a light, middling pink.
“Well, I'm sure girls enjoy toy houses too.”
“Hmm” Sam said doubtfully, “I would have liked a village set - but in Pink?” she sighed “It is what it is I suppose.”
You couldn't fault her for trying to help. “Look, clear up for now, put it to dry in the utility room and see how it settles overnight, if you keep back some of the juice and cooking water you can give it another coat, that might turn it red.”
She looked from him to the wood doubtfully.
“Or at least closer to red,” he amended.
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disneythingsilike · 2 months
Twisted Wonderland at Tokyo Disney Resort: Part 2
[Twisted Wonderland] Special course meals inspired by each dormitory will be available for a limited time at Disney Ambassador Hotel! !
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Here is the website for details about the location, the Empire Grill restaurant, and how to make reservations.
The price for each set is 13,000 yen, which is roughly $88. Starting at the beginning of the month of April, special courses will be offered over 8 periods that last a week each.
Here is a link to my previous post on the meals inspired by the Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle dorms.
Recently, an announcement was made that revealed the menus for the Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia. There will be one more meal set released after Diasomnia, but those details are not available yet.
The Scarabia Theme Set will run from October 25th-31st.
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The Scarabia Set details:
~Plate in the top center~ Octopus confit dressed in spicy kadif. Served with chickpea hummus and a touch of dukkah spice.
~Big Plate in the bottom left corner~ Lightly smoked and grilled marinated amberjack fish with taggiasca olive and sun-dried tomato salsa.
~Plate in the top left corner~ Pork confit with quinoa crust with lotus rook and spelt risotto.
~Plate in top right corner~ Grilled duck breast and roasted duck thigh stuffed with chestnuts and mushrooms. Served with fig chutney.
The dessert plate at the bottom is Earl Grey Tea flavored crème brûlée and pear sorbet with fruit garnish.
This set also comes with a Scarabia Dorm charm.
The Scarabia Magical Drink costs ¥1,600 It contains iced tea, grape juice, grapefruit juice, raspberry syrup, and blue syrup.
Coffee and tea are also available.
The Pomefiore Theme Set will run from November 1st-7th.
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The Pomefiore Set details:
~Plate in the top center~ Barracuda and gilled onion puree with ginger and black rice tuile. White liver pate macaroon.
~Big Plate in the bottom left corner~ Marinated Shinshu salmon with persimmon and beetroot with ravigote sauce. Bigfin reef squid tartare with caviar.
~Plate in the top left corner~ Oyama chicken and shellfish omoniere. Scallop and warm mushroom terrine
~Plate in top right corner~ Variations of lamb with thyme-infused jus
The dessert plate at the bottom is raspberry sorbet served in an apple parfait glass.
This set also comes with a Pomefiore Dorm charm.
The Pomefiore Magical Drink costs ¥1,600 It contains butterfly pea tea, lemonade, blueberry syrup, blue syrup, and gold dust.
Coffee and tea are also available.
The Ignihyde Theme Set will run from December 13th-19th.
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Ignihyde Set details:
~Plate in the top center~ Crispy sole brandade sandwich King crab and turnip blancmange
~Big Plate in the bottom left corner~ Seared red snapper topped with caviar and marinated lobster. Bagna freida with black garlic.
~Plate in the top left corner~ Scallops with porcini crust in a tart style with lemongrass foam.
~Plate in top right corner~ Grilled beef tenderloin and braised Wagyu beef shoulder served with caramelized root vegetables with olive sauce.
The dessert plate at the bottom is griotte cherry compote inside milk chocolate mousse with milk ice cream.
This set also comes with a Ignihyde Dorm charm.
The Ignihyde Magical Drink costs ¥1,600 It contains grape juice, lemonade, grapefruit juice, Calpis, blue syrup, lime juice, and silver dust.
Coffee and tea are also available.
The Diasomnia Theme Set will run from February 17th-23rd
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The Diasomnia Set details:
~Plate in the top center~ Bamboo charcoal gougeres and green pea cream cheese with kiwi switchel
~Big Plate in the bottom left corner~ Fried marinated salmon coated with herb breadcrumbs and served with caviar and green tomato salad.
~Plate in the top left corner~ Porcini mushroom risotto and pan-fried scallops and salad vegetable foam. Accented with kujo green onions.
~Plate in top right corner~ Roasted duck breast with dukkah spice and trumpet mushroom and endive confit. Served with Madeira sauce.
The dessert plate at the bottom is fromage blanc and lime mousse with mint milk ice cream.
This set also comes with a Diasomnia Dorm charm.
The Diasomnia Magical Drink costs ¥1,600 It contains jasmine tea, orange juice, grapefruit juice, lychee syrup, and blue syrup.
Coffee and tea are also available.
There is still one final set with no information released as of yet. It's given the name Secret, and is set be available in March of 2025.
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healthyfoodfitnesstip · 6 months
The Humble Beetroot: A Root Vegetable Packed with Powerful Benefits
Beetroot, a vibrant ruby red vegetable with earthy undertones, is more than just a colorful addition to your salad. This root vegetable, also known as red beet or simply beet, boasts an impressive nutritional profile, making it a valuable asset to a healthy food fitness tip. From boosting athletic performance to promoting heart health, the benefits of beetroot are numerous.
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A Nutritional Powerhouse:
Beetroot is low in calories and fat, making it a perfect choice for weight management. It's an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, including:
Vitamin C: Strengthens the immune system and promotes collagen production for healthy skin.
Potassium: Essential for regulating blood pressure and maintaining healthy muscle function.
Beetroot is low in calories and fat, making it a perfect choice for weight management and potentially beneficial for people with diabetes (is beetroot good for diabetes?). This is due to its high fiber content, which helps regulate blood sugar by slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates. Additionally, some studies suggest that beetroot may improve insulin sensitivity, further aiding in blood sugar control for people with diabetes.
Folate: Crucial for cell growth and development, especially important during pregnancy.
Manganese: Plays a role in metabolism, bone health, and wound healing.
Unique Nitrate Content:
Beetroot is rich in nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels, leading to several health benefits:
Improved Blood Flow: Enhanced blood flow benefits overall cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and improving circulation.
Exercise Performance: Nitric oxide improves oxygen delivery to muscles, reducing fatigue and potentially enhancing athletic performance.
Cognitive Function: Increased blood flow to the brain may improve cognitive function, memory, and focus.
Additional Health Benefits:
Beetroot offers a range of other health benefits:
Antioxidant Powerhouse: Beetroot contains betalains, powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Beetroot's betalains may also have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially benefiting conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Detoxification Support: Beetroot may aid detoxification by stimulating bile production and supporting liver function.
How to Enjoy Beetroot:
Beetroot's versatility allows you to incorporate it into your diet in various ways:
Roasted: Roasting brings out the sweetness of beetroot. Enjoy it cubed as a side dish or sliced on salads.
Pickled: Pickled beetroot adds a tangy flavor to sandwiches, burgers, or salads.
Sautéed: Sautéed beetroot pairs well with other vegetables or protein sources.
Juiced: Beetroot juice offers a concentrated dose of nutrients. Blend it with other fruits or vegetables for a refreshing and healthy drink.
In Conclusion:
Beetroot, a delicious and nutritious root vegetable that deserves a place on your plate, is a fantastic healthy food fitness tip. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and unique compounds like nitrates, beetroot offers a range of health benefits, from improved blood flow and exercise performance to cognitive function and overall well-being. So next time you're at the grocery store, don't overlook the humble beetroot. Explore its culinary versatility and unlock the power of this vibrant root vegetable.
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bcnes-archived · 1 year
@shxkespexre said ; " yeah, it's really surprising to see how medicine improved. i mean, one time i was bloodlet 'cause of a cold. oh, right! i think they also put boiling beetroot juice and honey into my nose to treat that. i mean, it worked, but i smelled beetroots for a week afterwards. "
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McCoy, who previously was attempting to eat breakfast, suddenly finds that he's not sure he has the stomach for it. The tray is slowly pushed away in favor of drawing his coffee closer to him, leaning back in his chair, and lacing his hands together with a white-knuckled grip. He wonders if it's too early to pour something stronger into this.
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"I imagine it is," he responds automatically, sounding far from enthused but spouting pleasant halfhearted nothingness all the same while he tries to recall his medical history lessons from the Academy ( he'd held a morbid fascination for it at the time, in the way that it kept him up for hours every night, unsettled but unable to look away from it, until Kirk had pointed out that he'd probably be better off just failing the course than burying himself in it and going half-crazy. He had been right ). Shakespeare was pre-germ theory, wasn't he? Leonard tries his best, he earnestly does, to remember that the doctors back then were just working with what they knew - that even he isn't perfect. But it makes him crawl in his skin just to think of it.
"I mean, bloodletting for a cold - that's quite the leap. Now, please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me it wasn't still boiling when they poured it into you."
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If you were a villager in a farming sim, what would you "loved" gifts be?
oh you dont know how often i think about this very question as a harvest moon enjoyer
Loved: King Cabbage (im imagining one of those mutated crops thats huge), Magic Mushroom, Chocolate Mousse, Tiger Prawn (alive, i want to keep it as a pet), Millipede, Orchid Mantis, Any Perfume, Amber Specimen (imagine it could be found in a cave), Book of Fairytales
Liked: Milk (any grade), Tomato, Snap Peas, Ball of Yarn, Muffin, Beetroot, Dumpling, Cream Stew, Plum, Mint (like the herb i cannot be courted with breath mints), Pumpkin Pie, Any Records, Any Juice
Disliked: umm this one is hard but I would be unimpressed with Coal, or Silver or Gold for that matter it would feel like theyre calling me a gold digger lol...I was looking at a bachelorette's wiki page the other day and it said she dislikes Dog Ball and honestly same. 1. it smells like your dog's mouth ew and 2. why youre giving me their toy?? kind of rude to your dog innit? go play with them! also any spicy dish cause I couldn't handle it but I'd be polite about it....
Hated: Steak, Lamb Chops,...I guess Fertilizer....you didn't even ask for the full spectrum I'm just struggling to fill it out for no reason omg. tbh I like eating shrimp but I would be too upset by cooked Tiger Prawn and it makes sense to have that as a hated gift considering its a loved gift opposite
and lastlyyyy in HM: Magical Melody fashion, show me any animal and it will boost your LP ~
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mercymaker · 7 months
1 - 3 + B for an oc of your choice! 😊
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their creators
I'll do the OC questions for Thoriel, just to switch things up a little bit!
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Not very long! While Maleane is more of a thinker, who tries to devise a plan of action before getting her hands dirty, Thoriel is very much a doer who just springs into action and rolls with the punches. I think it helps that she's very charismatic, so most of the time things just work out in her favor. But even when there's no action to be diving into, Thoriel is not someone to sit idly. She sings, she dances, she plays her harp. Then sharpens her blades, tinkers with things, finds people to chat with. The girly finds it hard to sit on her hands and do nothing!
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Laughter finds her lips easily! Thoriel loves to laugh and make others laugh as well. And she's quick and witty, so jokes spring up in her mind with relative ease. It's not easy to live a life that feels like a gift, something you owe someone, so she takes every opportunity to enjoy it and laughter is one of the most important aspects of life.
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
When Thoriel was a wee lil child, Maleane would hum while putting her to bed. Later, when she got a bit older, her mother read stories to her, and then eventually, taught her how to read all by herself. So, growing up, Thoriel was quite fond of reading before bed. When she grew up and left to forge her own adventures, Thori's most likely to write before resting. She sings or plays harp, writes some words down on a piece of parchment, or the edges of a book she's reading. At times she gets lost in a thought and starts writing poetry.
B) What inspired you to create them?
Thoriel just sort of sprung in my mind almost fully fledged. I knew she'd have pink hair because I could totally see Mal's daughter just dunking her hair in a pot full of beetroot juice because she'd think it's so cool to have pink/purple hair! I knew she'd have heterochromia because I wanted to give her something from her grandma. And I think it looks neat and a bit funny considering her parentage and her mother's, uh... company. If you didn't know any better, you could take a look at her, then Maleane and Astarion, and think they're her parents lmao. As for Maleane, she was very much a "oh god, i am finally playing beegeethree, i need to make a character quick!!! panic! oh, i can just sorta make my mage from wow!" case and then I had to untangle all that and justify my choices and make a coherent character out of that (which was not easy!).
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kindredcookbook · 2 years
TW: Bl//d (oo) mention, feel free to delete this (but please let me know about it if you do!)
heya! i've got a few kins that, well, drink blood, to put it bluntly. both my main ID (vampire, nonspecific) and my main fictotype (V2 from the game ULTRAKILL) need blood to keep functioning- and while i've been making do with caprisun packets, i'm hoping that maybe you'd know something that would taste similar to blood/iron? i'm not really a fan of autofeeding, since, yknow. [gestures] but if you know anything that someone could reasonably acquire without being looked at all-too-weirdly, please let me know :o
i'm also looking for a way to simulate feeding- sucking the blood out of stuff, yknow- but that's what i have the caprisun for ;P
thank you in advance!
hello! i’m not too familiar with any of these myself, so i can’t particularly vouch for their similarities to blood taste-wise, but there are a number of juices which are known for their high iron content. i’m wondering if  experimenting with these, and then carrying around the one you decide you like the best in a flask, thermos or even a reusable pouch like the capri-sun ones would work for you? reusable drink pouches - this is literally just the first one i found when i googled it, so if the link doesn’t work for you (location, not wanting to feed the beast that is amazon, etc), try searching elsewhere for “plastic/refillable drink pouches”! to make them less conspicuous, you could even disguise them as capri-sun pouches by opening used capri-suns up with scissors and wrapping the packaging around these reusable pouches like a sleeve. prune juice - i’ve heard that prune juice is particularly high in iron! this article talks about its health benefits, and there is a paragraph at the end which details how to obtain it (or make it yourself, if you prefer). i have not tried prune juice myself, but from what i have heard it has a taste that many find unusual or unpleasant. that seems like it could be a good candidate for something reminiscent of feeding on blood. pumpkin juice - what could be better for this time of year! it’s a little hard to find a good recipe for plain old pumpkin juice since it seems most people want to make it into a sweet, autumnal drink. but pumpkins definitely have that tang you’re craving, and with the quantities of spice and sweetness adjusted to your preference, i think this could be another strong contender (apparently, pumpkin is also a good source of copper, which should help emulate the taste of blood).  beetroot juice - beetroot is iron-rich, and it’s red! the taste of this root vegetable is significantly underestimated by veggie-decriers, but i personally think it’s delicious (though it’s a little strong to drink large quantities of without additional ingredients, so i would advise holding on to the apple and ginger in this recipe). blood orange juice - and of course... blood oranges! i’ve linked a recipe, but depending on where you live, you should be able to find this juice in stores pretty easily. i’d recommend one with “bits”, because i find they’re less sweetened and have more of the bitterness. if you’re making it at home, why not add a little bit of one of the iron-rich fruits or veggies mentioned above, just for that extra kick? i hope that this helps you out! i focused on juice here, but if you’re more interested in some heartier recipes and meals, feel free to send another ask!
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unhonestlymirror · 6 days
A couple of fun facts about Eastern European cuisine:
Kefir is our panacea. We drink it when we eat heavy food like grilled meat with potatoes or mushrooms, or Lays chips, etc. It has important for our guts lactobacteria, organic and fatty acids, vitamins, etc. It prevents the risk of developing gastritis, stomach cancer and other nasty digestive tract diseases. (We should export it to Japan, ngl.)
Yk how in Japan, they cut the apples in the form of rabbits when they care about someone? In Eastern Europe, they make carrot&apple salad or beetroot&sour cream salad instead because grating these vegetables is quite hard work. Beetroots are in general very difficult to cut, and the C&A salad's main trick is to grate the apples as fast as you can so they don't turn nasty brown colour. (We DON'T add lemon juice to prevent the colour change, it ruins the taste.) Then, you mix the grated carrots with applesauce, add pumpkin oil or sour cream, honey/sugar - and enjoy. :> If someone makes this salad for you (usually, it's mom's work), it means they care about you a lot.
Kombucha is for people with extra money, real men (and women) make home-made kvas and the yeast drink. The latter one is super easy: you just mix a teaspoon of sugar or two with dry yeasts, add warm water - and wait! For an hour. It's considered to be "the kids' drink", making kvas is the teens' level.
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good morning! I felt pretty lousy all week but I feel so much better now—I think in retrospect I was bracing myself for something going wrong with the ultrasounds and delaying me another month. but I did the IUI yesterday and everything went well. I always feel most at peace right after the IUI because the timing is now out of my hands but I’m also still far enough from testing that I don’t feel too much anxiety about it. I’ve tentatively decided I won’t test at two weeks but will just wait for my period to come or not come. I am going to try not to calendar watch—luckily my days are a lot busier now that liz is here, school is starting, and I’m doing choir and voice lessons, so I hope the time won’t drag as much as it did last winter/spring. I’m also going to try to eat really well and will make it a fun meal planning game.
here are my goals for the next two weeks:
walk for 45-60 minutes every day (I’ve been slipping a little as things have gotten busier but I want to carve out time for it again esp while the weather is still so gorgeous)
no (or minimal) processed sugar
eat leafy dark greens every day—the easiest way to do this is to sauté big handfuls of frozen spinach with garlic and red pepper flakes and eat it as a little snack. so I will do that (but will also try to incorporate greens into my cooking).
try making beetroot juice lol apparently it’s very good for implantation in IVF cycles so might as well try it
really focus on whole food plant-based eating (although I am also eating eggs and full-fat dairy at the moment so not vegan)
don’t snack at work—people are always bringing in candy or pizza or treats which is nice but I can really mindlessly graze if it’s easily accessible. I’ll try chewing gum and/or making tea instead
hmm ok what else what else. choir was fine and then I had a great voice lesson yesterday. my teacher is a little eccentric but what person in a music career isn’t lol. she focuses a lot on helping you understand and manipulate the actual bodily mechanics of singing/sound production and I’m finding it really fascinating, so much so that it might be my next research rabbithole. I feel like she’s also good at identifying places where I’ve formed a very fixed rigid idea about what my voice “is” or is capable of doing, then creating exercises that get me to do the thing I thought I couldn’t without realizing I’m doing it. I think what I like most about the bodily-mechanics approach is that it does away with the idea that good singing is just a thing some people can naturally do and others can’t. it’s much closer to being an athlete! you have to strengthen and condition certain tiny muscles, and then through carefully scaffolded drills you develop a fine-grained ability to manipulate certain muscles and ligaments to produce different effects, and you have to be careful about using good technique when you train and perform (because like in sports, people develop bad habits to compensate for real or perceived weaknesses, which can put them at higher risk for injury). I sang for almost two decades and had 10+ years of formal vocal training as a kid/teen and I don’t know if anyone ever presented it to me in that way… or maybe they did but it didn’t click for me back then because I hadn’t yet done all of this reading and thinking about how people learn/improve/gain expertise in their chosen skills or fields. anyway I was originally thinking I’d just do a handful of voice lessons to help me feel more confident in choir but my interest is PIQUED you know my intellect is ENGAGED I think I might want to add weekly voice lessons to my budget. and I want to read everything out there on the subject lol. there is no greater joy for me than working in a focused way on improving at a skill.
okay and now let’s think about the day… here are some things I want to get done:
order peel and stick wallpaper (I am trying to figure out how to fix
plan meals
grocery shop
put laundry away
do old navy + everlane returns
swing by home depot to pick up soil, two paintbrushes, and paint (bring swatches to color match)
hourlong walk maybe on the paved trail
hammock reading in the park??
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eclecticmuses · 1 year
today in fic writing:
I am on YouTube watching videos on how to make beetroot juice lip balm. How is yall’s Sunday going? 😂 paging @recoveringrabbit
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