#how to make homemade meatloaf
oizysian · 10 months
Now That I’m With You | Wanda Maximoff
Pairing: Serial Killer!Wanda Maximoff x Innocent Fem!Reader Warnings: murder, mind control Word Count: 3.5k Genre: smutty, but not too smutty Summary: Y/N moves to Westview and makes some new friends that her neighbor, Wanda, isn’t too happy about.
• Kinktober Masterlist •
I keep having the same dream about the woman a few houses down from me; she’s calling me, beckoning me with a power I can’t explain. I’m drawn to her and I can’t resist her when she calls to me - calls my name so sweetly, so lovingly. Why did I keep having this dream about a woman I barely knew?
Wanda Maximoff was a sweet lady - one of the first people on the block to introduce themselves when I moved into town. She brought over a homemade chocolate cake and introduced herself the same afternoon I moved in.
She had a beautiful smile and the most gorgeous emerald eyes I had ever seen in my life. I couldn’t help but stare when I first saw her, completely enamored by her. She welcomed me to the neighborhood and I knew instantly that as long as she stayed here, I would never leave.
On that same day another woman came to my house to welcome me, bringing over a homemade pie, which I liked a lot less than the cake Wanda had made. Her name was Dolly and she was about my age, maybe a bit older, with a husband and a son. She was very hands on and clearly didn’t believe in personal space, but she was nice.
Dolly came over to my place a few times, friendly visits, just to see how I was settling in and to get to know me. I understood that as I was new to the neighborhood and everyone else already knew each other, so they didn’t want anyone to stay a stranger.
That was two months ago. Dolly was found dead a few days ago, brutally murdered in her living room. They have no idea who would do such a thing to a lady like her. The whole block is on edge now, everyone making sure their doors are locked and their blinds are pulled down.
Except Wanda.
She came over and offered to make me dinner, despite the police all over the place, questioning everyone.
“You have nothing to worry about, you didn’t do it.” She said confidently. “What would you like? Meatloaf? How about a nice pot roast?”
I couldn’t imagine eating at that moment but when I looked at her something switched up in my mind, and suddenly my stomach was growling.
“Pot roast sounds really nice, Miss Maximoff.”
“Please! It’s Wanda! Come on over at around five, okay?”
She smiled and walked away as if there wasn’t yellow tape all over the street and covering the house across the way.
I watched her as she left, the sway of her hips hypnotizing and I couldn’t help but stare at her departing form. Her reddish brown locks bounced as she walked, her steps were delicate and precise. She was perfect.
The honking of a passing car pulled me from my stupor and I turned my attention to the man across the street, Dolly’s husband, speaking to police again.
“A murder in Westview? It’s unheard of!”
A pair of women gossiping were overheard saying as they scurried down the street to their respective houses. They would lock their doors and sleep with one eye open tonight.
But I wouldn’t. I wasn’t afraid. Something inside me told me I was safe, that I would always be safe in Westview, and that I had nothing to worry about anymore.
I realized I’d been standing in my doorway for far too long and decided it was time to go inside and stop looking like a nosey neighbor. It was bad enough that there was a rumor going around that Dolly wasn’t her real name and that she was murdered because she was a secret agent of some kind. How ridiculous people could be when something happens in a small town.
Thoughts of Wanda flooded my mind as I closed my front door behind me. Why did I think of this woman so often? I sighed and rested my forehead against the door. I had to get myself together. Not everything in my life revolved around Wanda.
I tried to push the thoughts of her out of my head, but the harder I tried to think of something or someone else, the stronger the images of her flooded in.
A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. It was still early in the afternoon so it could’ve been anyone, but most people were just hiding in their houses instead of being social.
I took a deep breath and opened the door to see another one of my neighbors standing there, a smile on her face.
“Hi, Y/N,” Erica greeted me. “How are you doing?”
“Oh, me? I’m-I’m fine. I’m great!” I smiled at her and she looked at me expectantly.
“Can I … come in?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure!” I moved aside for her to enter and she smiled, walking into my house.
“I wanted to come over and invite you over for dinner tonight.”
“Oh,” I turned from the door to face her. “I’m sorry, Erica. I’m going to Miss Maximoff’s house tonight.”
“Miss Maximoff? Oh, you mean Wanda?” She laughed, placing her hand on my bicep. “You’re so polite, it’s cute!”
I smiled nervously back at her, unsure of what to do.
“Well, what about tomorrow night?”
“Um, I’m not sure, I -”
“I can make you a better dinner than Wanda could. Come on. Give me a chance.”
I looked at her smiling face and tried to smile back, the thoughts of Wanda swimming in my head again as I stared at her. I pushed the thought of her out of my mind and nodded at Erica.
“Okay. Dinner tomorrow.”
“Great! Tomorrow, say six-ish?”
I nodded and opened the door for her. She smiled brightly, she kissed me on the cheek before leaving. I watched her leave, shocked that she had kissed me, even if it was just a kiss on the cheek.
She walked down the street, a purposeful sway in her hips, and I stared at her, my mind swimming once again with the image of Wanda walking away from me earlier. Erica definitely didn’t have the same sex appeal that Wanda had, and she certainly didn’t have the same sensual sway. Damn it, why couldn’t I stop thinking about Wanda?
Shaking myself from my thoughts, I closed the door and sighed. I didn’t have to be at Wanda’s for a few hours, so I had time to shower and get ready. I wanted to look my best for her, so naturally I’d wear something nice and wear my best perfume.
I headed into my bedroom to pick out my nicest outfit from my closet and get prepared for my shower. I stood and stared at my clothing before a little voice in my head told me she’d definitely like my little black skirt and a cute pink tank top. Whose voice was that? It wasn’t mine …
Deciding that arguing with the voices in my head was a little unhinged, I grabbed my clothing and headed into the bathroom, getting my towels and washcloths in preparation for my shower. A nice, hot shower would do wonders for my nerves.
I undressed and adjusted the water, stepping under the hot spray and getting myself wet. Why was I worried about what Wanda thought of my outfit? It was just dinner. Not a date. She was married to that Vision guy anyway. What kind of name was Vision anyway?
After scrubbing myself clean, I got out and dried off, realizing quickly that I had been in the shower for much longer than I had intended, and now I had to get dressed and go. How did time move so quickly.
I rushed to dress, sniffing all of my different perfumes and colognes before finally choosing one that was a little on the sweet side. She’ll love it.
I made my way through the rooms of my house, grabbing all of the things I would need for the evening; my keys, my shoes - got it all.
I put my shoes on and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder as I left the house, locking the door behind me and making my way down the block.
It was a cool evening and it made for a pleasant walk. Wanda lived only a few houses down from me, so I didn’t have far to walk late at night. I rarely wore skirts, so I was slightly uncomfortable as I made my way up her walkway. What made me wear such a skimpy outfit anyway?
Before I could process the regret, I made it to her front door, ringing the bell as I flattened down my skirt. Why did I wear this?!
The door swung open not seconds after I rang the bell, revealing Wanda looking absolutely gorgeous behind it.
Her hair was curled, falling down along her shoulders and she was wearing a red dress, which matched her red lipstick.
I licked my lips nervously and smiled, trying my hardest to look into her beautiful eyes instead of her inviting chest.
“You’re right on time, darling.” She said, her voice silky smooth.
She moved to the side and allowed me to enter. I looked around at her decor, noting the family picture of her, Vision, and her two boys. Where were they?
“Vision and our sons, Billy and Tommy, are out seeing a movie. It’s boys' night.” She sighed, but I saw little to no disappointment in her eyes.
How did she know what I was thinking?
“You look lovely.” She purred as she closed the door behind us, grabbing me gently by the arm and guiding me into the dining room. “And you smell divine.”
Okay, weird, but -
“Thank you,” I couldn’t help but blush ever so slightly. “You look great too. Gorgeous, even.”
“You’re such a charmer, Y/N.” She smiled, leading me to a chair and allowing me to sit. “I’ll be right back with dinner. You just relax.”
I would not be relaxing. I took a deep breath as she left the room, inhaling her vanilla perfume and letting it get to my head, almost making me dizzy. She really smelled nice.
“Here we are,” she returned before I could even process that she was gone. “My world famous pot roast. I know you’ll love it.”
“I’m sure I will.” I smiled brightly, watching as she walked back into the kitchen to retrieve whatever she left behind.
It smelled absolutely delicious. My mouth was watering as I shifted in my seat, suddenly very restless.
The table was set beautifully, complete with candles and matching silverware and china. It was breathtaking and I was shocked she did all of this for me.
She returned with mashed potatoes and spinach, placing it down in front of me and brushing her hand along my arm. I looked up at her, noting that she was definitely staring at my chest. Maybe I shouldn’t have worn this shirt.
“I love your top.” She said as she sat down. “It’s a lovely shade of pink.”
“Thank you.” I smiled, bringing my attention to the table. “This is very beautiful. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”
“It was no trouble, sweetheart!” She began serving us, giving me a hearty helping of everything and I couldn’t help but almost start drooling at the sight.
“This looks amazing.” I said as I dug in as delicately as I could under the circumstances, as I was starving and it all smelled divine.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”
We had a pleasant conversation over dinner. She offered me some wine, which I normally didn’t drink, but gratefully accepted, having one or two glasses before I felt my cheeks flush and I knew it was time to stop.
“Can I help you with the dishes? It’s the least I can do.”
I stood from the table and grabbed my dirty dish, and she shook her head, standing as well.
“You don’t have to.”
“Please, I’ll feel bad if you have to do them after cooking such a delicious meal.”
Her gaze softened and she picked up a few dishes off the table, leading me to the kitchen. I placed the dishes in the sink and started to wash, humming softly to myself as she continued to bring in what we left behind.
“You’re so cute.” She said as she slid up behind me, putting her wine glass in the sink.
I could feel her press herself up against me, her hands at my hips, sliding up and down my thighs. I felt her breasts against my back, my heart pounding fast as her hot breath hit the back of my neck.
“Absolutely adorable.”
She gripped at my hips and I gasped softly, nearly dropping the glass I was washing as she thrust herself up against me. I imagined that, right? She didn’t just -
Her pelvis hit my ass again and I let out a small whimper, grabbing onto the edge of the sink as she continued to hump my ass.
“W-Wanda …” I whispered and she shushed me, gasping softly into my ear as she pressed herself against me again.
“I want to thank you,” she breathed softly. “For being such a good girl.”
My head was foggy with the smell and feel of her. I couldn’t think about anything but her body pressed against my own. Suddenly, the thought of Vision and the boys entered my head and I shook myself out of my lust filled daze.
“I-I should really go.” I said as I turned off the water, her hips still thrusting into mine.
“Not yet, sweetheart.” She kissed my earlobe and I shivered. “I’m not done thanking you.”
I could feel her hands slipping up my skirt, her fingers pressing against my slit as she groped me through my panties.
“It’s late,” I tried to reason with her. “And I’m seeing Erica tomorrow so I really should go.”
“Erica?” She hissed into my ear, her hand cupping my covered sex. “Wouldn’t you rather be with me?”
“Y-yes,” I whimpered. “But, I made a promise.”
“Break it.” She pressed her lips to my neck and I used all my willpower to slide out from under her.
“This was lovely, Wanda, really.” I was aching painfully. “But I really need to go.”
She pouted, her cheeks flushed, her chest heaving - she looked so fuckable.
Before I lost control over myself again, I rushed to her front door, nearly running out as I made my way down the block. What the hell just happened?
I laid in bed, thinking about what happened at Wanda’s. She was married, with kids! Why would she do that? Did I imagine it? No, her hands were …
I bit my lip and slid my hand down inside my panties, my eager fingers circling my throbbing clit. The feel, the smell of Wanda still lingered, and I couldn’t help but touch myself at the thought of her.
I closed my eyes and it felt as if a mist washed over me, and all I could see inside my mind was Wanda doing the same, her hips rising slightly off the bed as she pleasured herself at the remembrance of touching me so intimately.
“W-Wanda …” I whimpered softly into the darkness, my hips bucking as I brought myself to the quickest orgasm of my life.
In my mind, she came saying my name, sweat built up on her furrowed brow, her hips still moving as she worked herself up once again.
I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes and stop watching her. Something compelled me to stay inside my mind which was completely filled with Wanda - her smell, her feel … her taste?
My imagination was clearly running wild as I could almost taste her, sweet and musky on my tongue. I moaned softly, my fingers slipping into my wetness as I thought of Wanda sitting on my face, letting me pleasure her the way only I was meant to.
In my mind, she came multiple times already, begging me to both stop and for more. I was addicted to her. I needed more, more, more.
I opened my eyes as I came and everything was dark red. It took a moment for my vision to focus before the darkness of the room came back into sight. I panted softly, slipping my hand out of my panties and standing shakily from the bed so I could go to the bathroom. I really needed to get a hold of myself. This couldn’t be healthy.
It was nearly dinner time as I made my way over to Erica’s. She lived farther away than Wanda, but her house was still within walking distance. I was feeling uneasy about going there. I really had wanted to be with Wanda again, but I knew I wouldn’t be strong enough to resist her if she made a move on me again. I wasn’t sure how I resisted her the first time. Something was constantly pulling me towards her, physically and mentally.
I knocked on Erica’s door, waiting patiently to be let in. No answer. That was weird considering she was expecting me. I rang the doorbell, thinking maybe she didn’t hear me knock.
A few moments passed and I decided to see if the door was unlocked. Maybe she was in trouble. I turned the knob and the door opened. I stepped in cautiously, looking around as I entered.
“Erica?” I called out, walking further into the house.
I made it to the kitchen where I found her, on the floor in a pool of her own blood. I was stunned. I had no idea what I should do. I looked around, finding a knife nearby on the ground and blood smeared everywhere.
I rushed over to the phone and dialed 911. After telling them everything and them ordering me to stay where I was and not touch anything, I quickly realized I was now a suspect.
I hung up the phone and stared at her body. There was so much blood and she was completely mauled. Her eyes were still open and she was lying face up.
The pot on the stove was bubbling over and the table was set. Before any other observations could be made, I heard the sirens, and soon I was completely surrounded by police.
They questioned me for hours, grilling me about why I had gone to Erica’s house in the first place and where I was when she was killed. I had no answers for them, unable to help and insisting upon my innocence.
Once they said that I could go, I went straight to Wanda’s, having no one else I could turn to. I rang her bell frantically, almost in hysterics once she opened the door.
“Y/N, honey, what’s the matter?” She asked as she ushered me in, leading me into the living room and onto one of her plush couches.
“E-Erica is dead.” I stammered, looking up into her concerned eyes.
“I know, darling, it’s going to be alright.”
I tried to control my breathing, inhaling and exhaling deeply, attempting to calm myself down. It was hitting me all at once and I couldn’t believe I had seen a dead body.
“You’re going to be okay, Y/N, alright? I’m here. You’re with me and I’m here.”
She took me into her arms and I melted in her embrace, my face pressed against her breasts. She smelled like home and suddenly nothing really mattered but her. Erica’s death was irrelevant now that I was in Wanda’s arms.
“That’s my good girl.” She cooed, stroking my hair. “I’m here.”
Before I lost all sense of self in her presence, her previous words struck me funny. She knew Erica was dead? How could she know?
“I know,” she said, answering me before I could even ask her. “Because I killed her.”
I pulled away from her, staring up into her deep, emerald eyes. She killed Erica? But why?
“Because she thought she could have you, when you belong to me.”
She was reading my thoughts. I squeezed my eyes tight, trying to regain control over my mind, when I felt her hands on my cheeks, caressing them gently.
“It was all for you, Y/N. I couldn’t let them come between us.”
“Dolly, Erica, and anyone else who stands in my way.”
“Dolly too?” I was stunned.
There was no way Wanda, the woman that I had been completely obsessed with, could be a murderer.
“Shh,” she cooed, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Your mind is racing. Let me take care of you.”
Her eyes turned red and everything felt better. It was good that they were dead. They were trying to take me away from Westview. Away from Wanda.
“They were bad people. You’re safe now.”
I threw myself into her arms, letting her hold me close. But, wait …
“What about Vision?”
“About who?”
I looked at her, confused, then I noticed the photo on the table no longer featured a man, but me. All the photos in the house replaced Vision with me and then suddenly … who?
“I-I don’t know.” What was I even talking about?
“Are you feeling okay, honey? Maybe you need to lay down.”
“No, I-I feel fine now. I’m fine now that I’m with you, Wanda.”
@natashaswife4125, @poison-blackheart, @aemilia19, @claxre-bear, @dorabledewdroop
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glamatron3000 · 3 months
The Unofficial Malto Family Cookbook
I was inspired by the longing of @ihatebrainstorm for Alex's cooking to do a deep dive into just what Earthspark's best dad was making, so here it is! The Unofficial Malto Family Cookbook!
Just a note, I am in no way familiar with Filipino cooking (I mostly cook American, European, and Japanese-inspired food in my day to day) but I'd like to think I am a skilled practitioner of Google-Fu, so here's what I was able to find!
These dishes were either shown or mentioned, sometimes both, in season 1 and the first half of season 2. I believe I got them all, but I did pan through the episodes pretty quickly, so let me know if I missed any!
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First up is the main dish from episode 1, which already sent me on an adventure trying to identify because it was never named. After poking around a few Filipino recipe sites I managed to identify it as embutido, which is described as a Filipino meatloaf. Dot mentions that it is her favorite dish.
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The side dish of Dot's celebratory new job meal is lumpia, Filipino egg rolls! This dish appears regularly in the Malto family's meals, seen twice again in the first half of season 2.
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Okay, so technically this is probably just a store-bought dinner roll, but why not try to find if there's a Filipino recipe it could be? Our boy Alex seems like the type of guy to pull out all the stops when it comes to feeding his family. The closest I could find is pandesal to round out our episode 1 meal.
Breakfast Burrito
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In episode 2, we see Robbie lure Alex out to the barn with a picnic of breakfast burritos. Now surely there's also a Filipino style recipe for this, yes? Yes!
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In episode 3, we see Alex frying up a pan of sausage for breakfast. Could be store bought, but it's also possible that it's a traditional Filipino pork sausage called longganisa.
Here's our first one that was only mentioned and not shown. In episode 4, Alex tries twice to coax Bee into frying tortillas with his stingers. At first I thought he meant just regular flour or corn tortillas, but the way he was talking made it sound like a main dish and not just an ingredient. So after a bit of digging I found a dish called tortang, which is sometimes referred to as tortilla from what I can gather (citation needed -- I am a dumb American). Unlike the sort of tortilla you would use in a wrap or burrito, this dish is closer to an omelet. Those with more knowledge of Filipino cooking please feel free to correct me if I got this wrong.
Another only mentioned in episode 4, this is the dish Robbie would have picked to have for dinner for a week if he'd won the weekly chore race. Of course a child would pick a sweet dessert for dinner if he could.
Spam Steak
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Okay, this was another mystery for me, particularly because of the way everything is stylized in the show. In episode 5, we see Alex frying up another breakfast food. I thought maybe it was a kind of french toast, but the browning texture didn't look quite right for that. So I browsed through the breakfast section of the recipe website I've been using and the closest I've found is this crispy spam steak recipe. Apparently spam is pretty popular in the Philippines, so it's possible! Again, if anyone more knowledgeable has another option, please correct me.
In episode 7, Alex makes bagged lunches for Mo and Robbie's first day at school. While we don't know what's in those lunches, Alex did mention that he included his homemade snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles originate from Dutch/German immigrants who settled in New England, and since there's a lot of Dutch/German heritage in Pennsylvania where the Maltos live, I'm fairly confident this is something Alex picked up in America. But just for fun, I did find an interesting Filipino/Mexican-inspired variant of this classic cookie, so you get a two for one deal with this one!
Unfortunately, Tumblr won't let me post more in a single post, so the rest will have to be in a Part 2 reblog!
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vyncentevelyn · 2 years
I cannot for the life of me get this idea out of my head…so…
Like we all know Steve, the beautiful single mother of 7, can cook. Has learned to cook a variety of meals and treats. Knows everyone’s favorites.
Max loves roast with mashed potatoes and glazed carrots. Erica loves quiche. El loves French toast with fresh strawberries and lots of syrup. Mike loves tomato soup and grilled cheese made with soft buttered rolls. Dustin loves chicken nuggets with homemade honey mustard sauce, and Steve knows he prefers steamed broccoli even though he won’t admit it. Lucas loves eggplant Parmesan with diced olives in the marinara. And Will loves homemade chicken noodle soup, for which Steve makes fat egg noodles and his own broth.
Steve even knows the older members of The Party’s favorites. Nancy loves vegetarian curry, the spicer the better. Argyle loves chicken pot pie. Jonathan loves meatloaf with buttery peas and roasted sweet potatoes. And Robin, love of his life, loves soft scrambled egg over rice.
He knows all their favorite snacks too. Learns to make potato chips, mini pizzas, pigs-in-a-blanket, popcorn. Always has fresh fruit and veggies with a variety of homemade dips. And when Hellfires starts playing at his house, he learns all of the members favorite snacks too.
He even makes an actual 7 course meal for the end of a Hellfire campaign for Will’s birthday. It impresses everyone.
And none of them complain about the desserts. He learns to bake cookies, brownies, cinnamon rolls, cakes. Anything they ask for, he delivers.
And Eddie, he loves all of it. Will eat anything without fail. Tells Steve after every meal it was his favorite. And when pushed about what is *actually* his favorite food Eddie will say something like, “Babe you could serve me a phone book covered in gravy and I think it would be delicious if you made it.”
So Steve figures Eddie just loves food or there’s something only Wayne knows how to cook a certain way and that’s Eddie’s favorite.
But one night Steve is exhausted. It’s just Eddie and Steve alone for dinner. And Steve just doesn’t have it in him to actually cook. So he makes a box of Kraft mac and cheese. Does the bare minimum. Boils the noodles adds salt. Mixes in the butter, milk, cheese powder. Sprinkles in a tiny bit of nutmeg. Adds cracked pepper. Globs some hot sauce in it. Then serves it.
And Eddie loses his goddamn shit over it.
And Steve can’t comprehend it at first. All of the extravagant meals and this…THIS is what Eddie flips out about.
Steve ends up making a lot of Kraft mac and cheese.
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eva-knits12 · 6 months
More CE characters as dads
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Pete Brenner
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Pete loves being a dad.
You both wake up before Zoe.
Every day, you bring lunch and Zoe to the office.
Pete gets to spend every afternoon with his daughter.
Pete is very protective of you and Zoe.
"She's not dating until she's 30!"
Pete loves watching Zoe dance.
He watches Bluey with her.
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Pete loves cooking for both you and Zoe.
He finds cooking to be very relaxing.
He loves making ribs and chicken bites.
He loves making soups, chili, and even tacos and fajitas.
Movie nights involve Disney films, and even stuff that you and Pete will watch after you put Zoe to bed.
Pete loves reading to Zoe.
Family days are often spent at the library, the bookstore, picnics in the park, apple and pumpkin picking in the fall, and decorating the Christmas tree in the winter.
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Halloween involves you staying back to pass out candy, but Pete and Zoe often go trick or treating.
Pete will have some decaf coffee, while he pulls Zoe in her wagon or even walk her in her stroller.
Zoe gets tons of candy.
Pete is an amazing dad.
When you were pregnant with Zoe, Pete was a doting partner.
Foot rub and back rubs were a must!
Pete wouldn't let you carry anything, walk without assistance, or do anything without assistance.
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Pete takes Zoe and you out on a nice, casual family night.
Pizza is a must with Zoe.
You and Pete often get Mexican food or even Chinese.
Pete wouldn't trade this for the world.
You and Zoe are his world.
Zoe eventually gets a sibling! She gets a sister!
Now, Pete has three favorite girls!
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Cole Turner
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Cole is a doting partner.
He's more nervous and anxious than you are.
You have to push the twins out!
Every day, Cole goes through the hospital bag.
He prepares for each scenario, including needing to give birth before you guys get to the hospital.
You actually give birth to the twins-when Cole is rushing you to the hospital!
You give birth to the twins in the back of the car!
Lucas is born first, then Dawn is born.
Cole called an ambulance, but the twins were coming, whether you wanted them to come out or not.
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Luckily, Cole has seen this quite often on the farm, so he immediately sprung into action.
He knew how to check to see how far you were dilating, and you were at ten centimeters before you got the hospital, and your contractions got to two minutes apart, Cole removed your pants and your panties, and told you to start pushing!
Yep, you're one of the few wives who can say that her husband delivered her babies. He didn't help deliver them, Cole actually delivered them.
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The ambulance arrives, and you were taken to the hospital, with Cole following.
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Who knew that the same place where you got a flat tire, wound wind up being the same place where you gave birth to Lucas and Dawn?
Cole teaches Lucas and Dawn about plants and animals.
He reads to them, because Cole is an avid reader.
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At the end of the day, Cole cooks for you.
Hot sandwiches with mashed potatoes and gravy, meatloaf, burgers, sausages, pork chops, baked chicken, fried chicken, Cole cooks it.
Cole finds cooking helps him relax, and it helps with his anxiety.
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Movie nights with Cole involve popcorn, pillows, cuddling, and foot rubs.
Cole loves giving you a foot rub at the end of a long day of teaching.
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For your birthday, anniversary, even a date night, Cole always remembers your favorite flowers and chocolates.
Cole loves making the baby food-he insisted that the baby food be homemade by him using vegetables from the garden and that it's organic and low in sugar-and giving Lucas and Dawn their bottles.
When Lucas and Dawn are older, they have a little outfit they wear when they are helping daddy on the farm. It involves a bucket hat, jeans, and a cute denim over shirt for Lucas, and cute overalls, a cute sun hat, and cute rubber boots for Dawn. Lucas has his own pair of rubber boots with the Captain America shield on it.
Lucas and Dawn follow Cole with their cute, plastic watering cans, pails, and shovels.
They even have baskets to pick the veggies.
Date nights are the best!
It involves the theatre, the movies, the beach, even the museum.
Cole wouldn't trade this for the world.
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Ari Levinson
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Ari is an amazing husband.
You have your kids later than most couples.
You were diagnosed with cervical cancer during your first year of marriage.
Ari was with you the entire time.
He would fuss over you.
You could only keep down pancakes and chicken broth when you were undergoing chemo.
When you found out were pregnant, Ari wouldn't let you lift anything, carry anything, or do anything.
You could go on walks.
You give birth to Zachary Andrew and Elijah Matthew.
A few years later, you give birth to Lillian Eve.
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Ari loves taking you on date nights.
Family movie nights involve watching a movie that both boys pick out without arguing.
Popcorn is a must.
So is dollar store candy.
You and Ari often cook together.
Gyros are a family favorite.
(I love gyros, and they're popular around here. I like lots of Tzatziki sauce on mine.)
Ari will often a make a Greek salad to have on the side.
Ari loves making breakfast.
Ari and you often enjoy some coffee when you can actually have some peace, and that's after you put Lillian down for a nap.
Ari works from home, since he's runs an online import business.
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He used to run a resort at one point.
He was even a high school geography teacher.
But, he quit those to run an online import business.
You work as a medical coder, and work from home.
You and Ari both have a shared office.
It works out, because you are both home with the twins and the baby.
Date nights are amazing.
It can involve an escape room, watching the sunset, going to open mic night, an evening picnic, even seeing a movie in the theatre.
Ari and you get the kids and Ari gets Lillian to sleep.
He puts the covers over you, and kisses your cheek just as you go to sleep.
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
Knowing i been having blessings ( Aunt bought me a car ) i am going to share my sparkling love to everyone the best way i know how!
*makes her famous mini meatloafs with homemade mash potatoes, mac and cheese, and her favorite dessert is strawberry cake with cream cheese icing* sharing the love to all the turtle boys!
(By now i get a feeling they might break into my house every night just because they wanna try my cooking. And it will be donnie idea every time! I can see it happening! Lmao)
!!! Awesome aunt
I've never had meatloaf, but I've always been curious. Loaf shaped meatballs.
I think the turtles would love your cooking!
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veganmikehanlon · 5 months
@7x5 part twoooo
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sendpseuds · 1 year
The people must know: What are your favorite sandwiches???
Ah, sandwiches. What a magical food.
Since you graced us all with a whole dissertation I feel like I owe you the same level of detail, let’s see what we can do here.
While I am not actually vegetarian, I LOVE a veggie sandwich. One of my all time favorites to make at home is seeded rye with hummus on one side and homemade herby cream cheese on the other [usually parsley, green onion, mint, dill, and fresh garlic. Also sometimes this is chèvre instead of cream cheese]. Between the bread we have sliced cucumbers [seasoned with salt, pepper, and lemon juice], big slices of tomato, and arugula [sprouts if I can get my hands on them]. This whole ordeal is fabulous with turkey or bacon if you want more protein, I’ve also done smashed chickpeas in place of the hummus for a heartier option.
Another veggie sandwich I love is from a local bakery and if I knew exactly how they made it I would tell you, but it’s fresh crusty sourdough liberally coated in amazing olive oil, with this incredible carrot purée, thinly sliced fennel, Calabrian chilis, and arugula. So fucking good.
Okay, let’s talk about something less “healthy”
If you’ve ever been to Buffalo, New York [Go Bills] there are TWO sandwiches that I think about all the time.
The first is pretty ubiquitous through western New York: Beef on Weck. This is roast beef, dipped in hot jus, and piled on a kimmelweck roll [basically a Kaiser roll with crunchy sea salt and caraway seeds]. That’s it. Personally, I like to add an almost unadvisable amount of horseradish, but that’s it. It’s perfect.
The second is a true drunken indulgence. The Stinger Hoagie from Jim’s Steakout. If you are unfamiliar with Jim’s, most locations are open until 5am [bars in Buffalo close at 4am. A real drinking town] and the employees can often be seen wearing shirts that say “I see drunk people.” The Stinger Hoagie is their beautiful monster. Cheesesteak meets chicken finger sub. Shaved steak, chicken fingers, fried onions, melted American cheese, lettuce, tomato, Frank’s Red Hot, and Jim’s special sauce. [I am fucking drooling right now, I haven’t had one of these since I was in my twenties.]
When it comes to deli meat, I tend to lean toward turkey, but I want some really soft seeded multigrain bread with crispy Romain and good tomatoes. Thick slices of sharp sharp cheddar, mayonnaise, and Nance’s Sharp and Creamy mustard. I might toss in some cucumber or parsley, maybe apples and bacon if I’m feeling extra, but the specific mustard is very important.
[this isn’t really a sandwich but I’ll often take a big rib of Romaine lettuce and make a little deli boat with turkey, cheese, and Mayo. I’m sure I can blame that on high school, my mother, and all the lovely disordered eating habits I developed as a teen]
Grilled cheese… I’m sort of all over the place with grilled cheese, always experimenting, but for me, the most important thing is using GRATED CHEESE [and to be clear, I mean block cheese that you grate at home, not the pre-grated stuff in the bag, please, this is important, that shit doesn’t melt right] I want the cheese pouring over the sides of the bread, hitting the pan, oozing and bubbling until it’s gold and crispy and perfect.
I’ll give you one fancy grilled cheese: deviled egg grilled cheese. Two hard boiled eggs, whites sliced thin, yolks mixed with mayo, mustard, pepper, paprika, dill. Into the pan goes bread, cheese mixture [gruyere and cheddar, shredded and mixed with a little Mayo and mustard], yolk mixture, sliced whites, more cheese mixture, bread. Done.
This is getting out of control and I haven’t talked about chopped italian sandwiches, or banh mi, or my mom’s famous roast beef and mock Boursin sandwiches, or my obsession with Calabrian chilis [oh! Add those to the mayo on a turkey sandwich], or the time I put an entire meatloaf on an entire loaf of bread and called it a sandwich.
I haven’t even TOUCHED on breakfast sandwiches but if I get into that we’ll be here forever.
So, for now, I’ll cap it there, but there’s plenty of room for a sequel.
Hope that answers your question!
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msbarrows · 2 days
Sept 17 - Made a (small) vat of homemade tomato sauce to use up more of the tomatoes my brother grew this year. Once again pureed the non-plum ones and just cut up the plum tomatoes. And once again it was just enough sauce to have some with pasta for dinner and freeze two small tubs of it for future meals, so we're now up to 4 tubs in the freezer, yay.
Also went down to the pharmacy to pick up my various prescriptions and a glucometer so I can have some clue of what my actual blood sugar levels are (a year and a quarter after first being put on Metformin for type II diabetes). One of the women there sat me down and taught me how to use it, which turned out to be a minor comedy of not being able to get a sufficient blood droplet and then, once we DID, the meter decided to have an error rather than a reading, argh. We eventually did get a correct reading and ouch. I have cheated too much on carbs and sugars the last few days (curse the treats my brother picked up the last time he did groceries... I am weak to maple leaf cookies).
I ended up only having a small serving of pasta for supper because yeah, don't want to make that any worse.
Sept 18 - Part of day spent on glucometer related stuff, such as registering it online and getting its related app (bleah) and pairing it with my phone. Excitement. Blood sugar still on the high side but not as bad as yesterday.
Also spent a bunch of time winding the remaining balls of that blue cotton yarn that arrived on Sunday, as I'm close to finishing the first of them and decided I'd rather wind the remaining five skeins (which are rather loose and floppy) into proper cakes before using them. Did the first of them with the skein just loose on my desk and... yeah, not a great idea. Once it got down close to the core it went from "very loose ball" to "horrific tangle" very, very quickly. I ended up spending what was probably most of an hour working out knots to be able to salvage as much of the yarn as I could (and have put the knotted remainder aside in case I end up needing to pick that apart for a final bit of yarn when the sweater is close to done). After that I grabbed my yarn spinner and threaded each ball onto it before winding them, and that kept all but one ball untangled until fully wound. The one exception was only minorly tangled and easy to sort out. So I'm now doubly happy about having bought the spinner. Good purchase, past self! Very useful!
Supper was a meatloaf made of mixed ground beef and pork, with green peas, and boiled potatoes tossed with butter, seasoned salt, and smoked paprika.
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spicyspacefood · 4 days
Absolutely! Here’s a guide to some of the most exciting and best food in kerala. These recommendations span different cuisines and include both innovative new trends and timeless classics with a modern twist.
1lant-Based Innovations
As plant-based diets become more mainstream, the creativity and quality of vegan and vegetarian options have skyrocketed. This year, keep an eye out for:
Jackfruit Tacos: Jackfruit, with its meaty texture, is transforming how we think about plant-based meats. These tacos are not just a substitute but a delicious, standalone treat.
Vegan Sushi: Sushi with a plant-based twist, like avocado, mango, and marinated tofu, offers a fresh and flavorful alternative to traditional seafood sushi.
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2. Global Street Food
Street food continues to captivate with its bold flavors and inventive twists. Some standout street food trends in 2024 are:
Korean BBQ Tacos: This fusion dish combines the smoky, savory flavors of Korean BBQ with the convenience and versatility of Mexican tacos. Think bulgogi beef with kimchi salsa.
Indian Chaat with a Twist: Traditional Indian chaat gets a modern makeover with creative ingredients like quinoa and avocado, offering a healthier spin on the classic.
3. High-Tech Foods
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Food technology is making waves, and 2024 is seeing some exciting advancements:
Lab-Grown Meat: Lab-grown meat is becoming more accessible and delicious, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional meat. Look for it in gourmet burgers and high-end restaurants.
3D-Printed Food: Imagine a meal designed and printed just for you. 3D food printers are now creating intricate and personalized dishes, from intricate pasta shapes to custom-designed desserts.
4. Sustainable Seafood
Sustainability is a key trend, and seafood is no exception:
Seaweed-Based Snacks: Seaweed is not just for sushi. Snacks like seaweed chips and wraps are gaining popularity for their unique taste and health benefits.
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5. Nostalgic Comfort Foods Reimagined
Comfort food is getting a sophisticated upgrade:
Gourmet Mac and Cheese: Classic mac and cheese is being reinvented with high-quality cheeses, truffle oil, and artisanal pasta. Some variations even include lobster or wild mushrooms.
Upscale Meatloaf: Traditional meatloaf is being given a gourmet twist with ingredients like grass-fed beef, bacon, and homemade sauces.
6. Health-Conscious Treats
Healthy eating doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor. These treats prove that:
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Superfood Smoothie Bowls: Packed with nutrients and vibrant flavors, these bowls often feature ingredients like acai, chia seeds, and spirulina, topped with fresh fruit and granola.
Probiotic-Packed Foods: Kombucha and fermented foods are gaining popularity for their gut-health benefits. New flavors and varieties are emerging, making it easier to incorporate them into your diet.
7. Innovative Desserts
Desserts are pushing boundaries with creativity and technique:
Fusion Desserts: Combining elements from different culinary traditions, like matcha tiramisu or churro ice cream sandwiches, offers a unique and delightful experience.
Deconstructed Classics: Traditional desserts are being reimagined with a modern twist, like deconstructed cheesecake with a variety of textures and flavors presented in a new way.
8. Regional Specialties
Explore unique flavors and specialties from around the globe:
Turkish Meze: A spread of small dishes including hummus, baba ghanoush, and stuffed grape leaves offers a vibrant and varied taste experience.
Brazilian Feijoada: This hearty stew of black beans with pork, served with rice and collard greens, is a traditional dish that’s gaining international recognition.
9. Artisanal Cheese and Charcuterie
The artisanal cheese and charcuterie scene is booming:
Cheese Aging: Look for cheeses that have been aged to perfection, with complex flavors that develop over time. Gouda, cheddar, and blue cheeses are particularly notable this year.
Craft Charcuterie: Small-batch charcuterie, featuring unique blends of spices and meats, is making its way into gourmet shops and restaurants.
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Fusion cuisine continues to excite with its blend of diverse culinary traditions:
Peruvian-Japanese Nikkei Cuisine: This unique fusion combines the bold flavors of Peru with the delicate techniques of Japanese cooking. Dishes like tiradito with miso or sushi with Peruvian ingredients are becoming more popular.
Mediterranean-Latin American Blends: Combining Mediterranean ingredients like olives and feta with Latin American spices and cooking techniques results in innovative and best food in kerala flavorful dishes.
Whether you're a food adventurer or just looking to try something new, 2024 offers a rich tapestry of flavors and innovations to explore. From plant-based wonders and high-tech creations to global street foods and gourmet twists on comfort classics, there's something for every palate. So, dig in and enjoy the culinary delights that this year has to offer!
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brooklynfoodie · 2 years
Gina Young Live Cooking Homemade Meatloaf Dinner
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eva-knits12 · 10 months
CE characters as Dads
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Steve Rogers:
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Steve loves being a dad.
He's retired from going on missions, but still trains new recruits and does paperwork.
You help out on missions, but decided to work more on the training end rather than going in the field.
You and Steve have three kids: James Joseph Rogers, Sarah Anne Rogers, and Margaret Louise Rogers.
You were apprehensive about naming your last baby Margaret, but you wanted to honor Peggy Carter's memory.
James' and Sarah's first word was Mama.
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Margaret's first word was Dada.
School lunches have to be meticulously planned and packed.
Steve is confused about nut allergies, gluten free stuff, and vegan stuff.
Remember, this wasn't a thing when Steve was alive.
Dietary needs have changed tremendously since Steve came out of the ice.
You help Steve pack the lunches.
Dinner? You and Steve cook dinner together.
Steve loves making meatloaf, spaghetti, lasagna, mac and cheese, pizza, and burgers.
You make more advanced things like baked ziti, baked chicken, fish tacos (they're a favorite with James and Sarah), regular tacos, sloppy joes (they're Margaret's favorite), clam chowder (a family favorite), turkey, roast beef, and pizza.
Steve loves family movie night and family game night.
You watch anything Disney, and family game night is always kid friendly games.
Steve never thought he'd have the chance to be a dad.
He achieved his dream with you.
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Colin Shea:
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Colin becomes a stay at home dad.
Eva works because she makes more money than Colin did.
It's an arrangement that works out for the both of them.
Colin volunteers in Harper's class and plays with Robbie.
Colin also keeps the house clean and keeps everything going.
When Eva comes home, he always starts dinner.
Pasta? Done! Fried chicken? Done! Mexican takeout? Done! Chinese takeout? Done! Pizza with cheesy bread and that giant brownie for dessert? Done!
Family movie nights are the best.
Colin and Eva fix a huge bowl of popcorn, and arrange some dollar store candy for everyone to snack on while watching the movie.
Colin also has the laundry done on laundry day.
He also plays his guitar for Harper and Robbie.
They often dance and nod their head to Colin's guitar.
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Colin and the kids help you unwind after a long week.
Colin and the kids give you a spa day, manicures and pedicure, and massage included.
Family movie night is an event.
Pizza is ordered, and you turn on a Disney movie.
Harper and Robbie like to dance when they hear the songs.
Family days? Done! It can be a picnic in the park, ice skating followed by warm cookies and hot cocoa and hot coffee, story time at the library, spending time at the local retro arcade, etc.
Colin loves being a dad, and loves doing the stay-at-home duties.
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Ransom Drysdale:
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You, Harlan, and Katherine are Ransom's world.
Ransom embraced fatherhood.
He embraced married life.
He embraced your MS.
He often picks up the twins from pre-school.
He loves reading to the twins.
He loves cooking for the family.
Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, Ransom cooks it.
The twins love spaghetti with meatballs.
The twins love oatmeal for breakfast.
The twins also love Biscoff cookies and your homemade chocolate chip cookies.
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Family movie nights? Ransom loves them, and watches the movies that he never got to watch growing up, due to the fact that Linda and Richard often neglected him, and often fought over Richard having another affair.
Ransom loves snuggling with you.
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The twins will snuggle with you and Ransom on movie night.
Harlan and Katherine often snuggle with you and Ransom during story time.
You have a family day at the park, at the beach, and even take the twins skiing on the weekends when the weather gets nice and cold.
Christmas, Halloween, Easter, the Fourth of July are events with Ransom, seeing as how his holidays were always ruined by his dysfunctional family.
Ransom loves being a dad and a husband.
He lives for it.
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Andy Barber:
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Andy LOVES being a dad!
Andy LOVES being a girl dad.
Taking Joy to her dance class on Saturdays? Check. Taking Joy to her ice skating lessons? Done.
You often take Joy on playdates, and then you're off to Mommy and Me with Penelope.
Andy picks Joy up from her playdates.
Taking care of Penelope? Check.
Making sure that you're keeping your type I diabetes in check, and taking your insulin? Check.
Family dinners and family movie nights? Done!
Andy NEVER had those when he was still married to Laurie and Jacob was there.
He often ate frozen meals, or cooked for himself.
He enjoys cooking dinner and breakfast for the family.
Pasta with meatballs? Done. Pizza he made from scratch? Done. Oatmeal with fruit and toast? Done. Chicken Parm? Done.
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Helping you clean the house and do the laundry? Done!
Watching a Disney movie or family movie or a musical with you, Joy and Penelope? Done!
Andy couldn't be happier or prouder.
Being a dad was Andy's life goal.
Andy loves being a dad to the girls and Andy loves being a husband to you.
At the end of each day, Andy loves giving you a foot rub and a massage.
"You do so much for the girls, honey. You deserve to be taken care of."
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Jake Jensen:
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Like Andy Barber, Jake LOVES being a girl dad.
The twins, Elsa and Anna, often like to do his hair, so Jake's hair will often have barrettes in them.
Jake's nails will often be painted in some interesting color choices.
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The girls also get Jake to play Barbie and Disney Princess with him.
Dance class? Nope! Ice skating lessons? Nope!
The girls LOVE playing video games with Jake.
They LOVE Mario Kart.
They also love Minecraft.
Family days at the park? NOPE!
Family days at the library? NOPE!
The girls like story time at the library, and you have your knitting circle there, and your book club, but that's it.
Family days are often spent at Chuck E. Cheese, where they have an arcade.
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You find an old-school arcade, and Jake takes you and the girls there.
Family days are best spent at Chuck E. Cheese and the arcade.
It becomes a competition between Jake and you to see who can get the highest score on Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Ms. Pac-Man, Burger Time, Frogger, and even Mortal Kombat.
Racing games are a family favorite because Jake, you, and the girls can play together.
Family movie nights? DONE!
The girls watch Disney movies, the Harry Potter movies, the X-Men films, and they also love Star Wars and Star Trek.
Jake wouldn't trade this life for the world.
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Johnny Storm:
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Johnny loves being a dad.
He often takes Jake to work with him so you can take a nap, or take a shower, or even remember to eat.
His aunt Susan will often watch Jake when Johnny has to do something.
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Aunt Susan often gives Jake candy or cookies when you and Johnny aren't looking.
Johnny and you bottle feed Jake because Jake was unable to breastfeed, so you pump your milk.
Johnny or Susan will often take Jake when you need to pump your milk.
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Johnny is all about you and Jake.
Diaper change? Done! Giving Jake his bath? Done!
You often have dinner ready when Johnny comes home.
It's the only time you and Johnny can have an adult conversation, and talk about wedding planning.
Johnny loves spending time with you and Jake, and he loves being a dad.
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deuce, frankie, clawdeen?
Frankie Stein: Do you consider yourself an activist for anything?
Well, the one thing I could consider myself an activist for would be for Autism and Autistic Rights (since my autism has been a big part of my life since the age of 3)
But I'm not sure if activist is even the word for me since I only really reblog stuff about autism on here and add my two cents in the tags if I feel like I have something to say!
Clawdeen Wolf: Do you know how to sew?
If you've seen my clayfaces and my other crafting works, you can see examples of what my sewing is capable of
I learned around 2nd grade of elementary school since they caught me and my class that year how to sew with cross-stitch dot-to-dot pictures we made with any color thread we wanted and brought it home after we were done!
Deuce Gorgon: What is your favorite dish to prepare?
Meatloaf is a definite favorite for me to make out of all the things I've cooked over the years
I love it so much that I much prefer to make my own homemade meatloaf over TV dinner and restaurant meatloafs!
Thank you very much for sending these in my good friend o mine, these were a lotta fun!
I hope that I see you in here again and that you have a fantastic day!!
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plazapiner · 2 years
Hash house a go go
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It’s what the world eats, homestead style, but with an American twist. Many people want to visit the restaurants of famous chefs or ones that have been awarded multiple Michelin stars but don’t count out Hash House a Go-Go.
Maybe the best pot pie you’ve ever eaten in your life is awaiting you, topped with a cracker crust. If you love a good pork chop, you’ve got several incredible options, including a grilled tenderloin with a honey mustard glaze with almonds. If you love meatloaf, then grab the sky-high meatloaf sandwich. With most dishes coming in for around $25 or less, add in a few bucks for drinks and a banana latte if you’re really brave, and a family of four can get out for less than $60. One of the common ways you’ll see people enjoying this restaurant is to order one dish and then share it.Īfter all – you get double portions! This makes visiting Hash House a Go-Go a budget-friendly proposition as well. Some might see the giant portion sizes as being part of the classic American version of needing too much of something, but the reality is that Hash House a Go-Go is a flashback to the homesteading traditions that built the U.S. Would a single burger fill you up after a hard morning of working in the fields? It’s because it is a chance to get some real farm-style, homemade twisted farm food in an upscale setting. The reason why Hash House a Go-Go is such a popular place isn’t because of its portion sizes or reasonable prices. “ Hash House a Go Go, Las Vegas bacon waffle” by  is marked with CC BY 2.0.
How to Earn Rewards Without a Credit Card.
I would love to know what you thought in the comments and if you have different recommendations for me of what to order. That being said, it was a crazy fun experience with friends, one that I have no problem recommending at least once, but for me, I will probably not wait the hour next time I am in town. Of course, it was good, but I feel the portions are more shocking than how it tastes, which was less then I expected. It pains me to say this, but my excitement over the experience was slightly curbed after eating the food. I settled on the Salmon Eggs Benedict as that is one of my favorite meals, others at my table ordered everything from pancakes to griddle meals. I wish I would have known in advance how much food you get, or I undoubtedly would have shared, I don’t see how one person can eat a plate here. I didn’t know what to pick, but luckily there were six of us, so there was a lot of sharing going on. They also had a BLT Bloody Mary, which came with the bread, lettuce, and tomato and the Bloody Mary in between. I mean, there was even a S’mores mocha, which was amazing. The standout on the menu was the college special though, which was literally a side of bacon and a 24-ounce bud light in a bag. The first thing you notice about this place is how crazy the menu is it has everything. An hour later, we were walking back to our table.
Location: 3628 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103Īfter arriving on a Sunday morning, we checked in for our hour-long wait and headed to the coffee shop next door (which is good, by the way).
Come hungry as the portions are massive.
Expect to wait a long time on the weekends.
So when I was in San Diego, I braved the 45-minute wait to see if it was all it was cracked up to be. Everyone in my life told me how I needed to go to this famed San Diego spot that specialized in portions that could feed you for a week. You know those places that everyone tells you to go to? The ones that creep into a conversation like a secret that you can’t help but tell? Hash House A Go-Go was that for me.
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adventuresofanurse1 · 2 years
How to Make Brown Gravy
How to Make Brown Gravy
How to make Brown Gravy that is thick and delicious without any meat drippings. Homemade Brown Gravy is perfect to go over mashed potatoes and meatloaf, and it is even good to use for a dip for french fries. Beef Gravy is another one of those comfort foods that’s irresistible over slow cooker mashed potatoes, garlic and rosemary mashed potatoes, Or even Air Fryer French Fries. Sausage Gravy and…
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spicyspacefood · 4 days
Absolutely! Here’s a guide to some of the most exciting and best food in kerala. These recommendations span different cuisines and include both innovative new trends and timeless classics with a modern twist.
1lant-Based Innovations
As plant-based diets become more mainstream, the creativity and quality of vegan and vegetarian options have skyrocketed. This year, keep an eye out for:
Jackfruit Tacos: Jackfruit, with its meaty texture, is transforming how we think about plant-based meats. These tacos are not just a substitute but a delicious, standalone treat.
Vegan Sushi: Sushi with a plant-based twist, like avocado, mango, and marinated tofu, offers a fresh and flavorful alternative to traditional seafood sushi.
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2. Global Street Food
Street food continues to captivate with its bold flavors and inventive twists. Some standout street food trends in 2024 are:
Korean BBQ Tacos: This fusion dish combines the smoky, savory flavors of Korean BBQ with the convenience and versatility of Mexican tacos. Think bulgogi beef with kimchi salsa.
Indian Chaat with a Twist: Traditional Indian chaat gets a modern makeover with creative ingredients like quinoa and avocado, offering a healthier spin on the classic.
3. High-Tech Foods
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Food technology is making waves, and 2024 is seeing some exciting advancements:
Lab-Grown Meat: Lab-grown meat is becoming more accessible and delicious, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional meat. Look for it in gourmet burgers and high-end restaurants.
3D-Printed Food: Imagine a meal designed and printed just for you. 3D food printers are now creating intricate and personalized dishes, from intricate pasta shapes to custom-designed desserts.
4. Sustainable Seafood
Sustainability is a key trend, and seafood is no exception:
Seaweed-Based Snacks: Seaweed is not just for sushi. Snacks like seaweed chips and wraps are gaining popularity for their unique taste and health benefits.
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5. Nostalgic Comfort Foods Reimagined
Comfort food is getting a sophisticated upgrade:
Gourmet Mac and Cheese: Classic mac and cheese is being reinvented with high-quality cheeses, truffle oil, and artisanal pasta. Some variations even include lobster or wild mushrooms.
Upscale Meatloaf: Traditional meatloaf is being given a gourmet twist with ingredients like grass-fed beef, bacon, and homemade sauces.
6. Health-Conscious Treats
Healthy eating doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor. These treats prove that:
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Superfood Smoothie Bowls: Packed with nutrients and vibrant flavors, these bowls often feature ingredients like acai, chia seeds, and spirulina, topped with fresh fruit and granola.
Probiotic-Packed Foods: Kombucha and fermented foods are gaining popularity for their gut-health benefits. New flavors and varieties are emerging, making it easier to incorporate them into your diet.
7. Innovative Desserts
Desserts are pushing boundaries with creativity and technique:
Fusion Desserts: Combining elements from different culinary traditions, like matcha tiramisu or churro ice cream sandwiches, offers a unique and delightful experience.
Deconstructed Classics: Traditional desserts are being reimagined with a modern twist, like deconstructed cheesecake with a variety of textures and flavors presented in a new way.
8. Regional Specialties
Explore unique flavors and specialties from around the globe:
Turkish Meze: A spread of small dishes including hummus, baba ghanoush, and stuffed grape leaves offers a vibrant and varied taste experience.
Brazilian Feijoada: This hearty stew of black beans with pork, served with rice and collard greens, is a traditional dish that’s gaining international recognition.
9. Artisanal Cheese and Charcuterie
The artisanal cheese and charcuterie scene is booming:
Cheese Aging: Look for cheeses that have been aged to perfection, with complex flavors that develop over time. Gouda, cheddar, and blue cheeses are particularly notable this year.
Craft Charcuterie: Small-batch charcuterie, featuring unique blends of spices and meats, is making its way into gourmet shops and restaurants.
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Fusion cuisine continues to excite with its blend of diverse culinary traditions:
Peruvian-Japanese Nikkei Cuisine: This unique fusion combines the bold flavors of Peru with the delicate techniques of Japanese cooking. Dishes like tiradito with miso or sushi with Peruvian ingredients are becoming more popular.
Mediterranean-Latin American Blends: Combining Mediterranean ingredients like olives and feta with Latin American spices and cooking techniques results in innovative and best food in kerala flavorful dishes.
Whether you're a food adventurer or just looking to try something new, 2024 offers a rich tapestry of flavors and innovations to explore. From plant-based wonders and high-tech creations to global street foods and gourmet twists on comfort classics, there's something for every palate. So, dig in and enjoy the culinary delights that this year has to offer!
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structuraremodeling · 2 years
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One of the good things that came out of the pandemic is our upgraded cooking skills. Being on lockdown with all our favorite cooking shows and plenty of time to dream about our first post-pandemic meal inspired us to cook. And that’s what we did!!! We became bakers. Did everyone you know learn how to bake sourdough bread this year.
The adventurous among us learned the science behind sauces and the nuances of working with flavors and seasonings. The rest of us got into a routine of cooking fan-favorite comfort foods.
We devoured everything from homemade mac and chess, your mom’s meatloaf, to your favorite ethnic foods. We searched down family recipes with the zeal of academic historians, cooked together on zoom, and planted summer herb gardens to supply us with our favorite herbs and spices.
The kitchen became our own “Grand Central Station, “the true hub of our lives. We cook and share meals with family and friends. We attend zoom school and office meetings and gather for family puzzles or game night. Maybe your favorite time in the kitchen is late at night when you can enjoy some quiet time with a cup of tea or hot cocoa before bed.
If you feel the need to renovate or upgrade your kitchen now that you are using it for more than reheating takeout, you are not alone. With interest rates still favorable, homeowners are reaching out to kitchen remodeling contractors in Los Angeles and researching kitchen remodeling and renovations ideas by renowned contractors. We have researched the top Los Angels Design Ideas from our favorite Kitchen Remodeling Contractors, Los Angeles, for you.
When you watch cooking shows, they provide the contestants with a perfectly set up workspace cooking island. The range top, oven, dishwasher, microwave, sink and counter prep space are all on one island. There is even extra storage space. Adding a workspace/kitchen island to your kitchen will make you fast and efficient. Make sure you have plenty of prep space for chopping, mixing, and kneading. Cleanup will be quick. And keeping your kitchen neat will be a breeze. You will be ready to serve your guests and make it all look easy.
If your cabinets are in good shape but feel like they need an upgrade or color update, try painting them and replacing the hardware with a more contemporary look. The kitchen remodeling contractors in Los Angeles we consulted suggested that you stick to neutral tones or a bright white for a clean, sophisticated look. Take a trip to your favorite kitchen supply store and hunt out the perfect hardware. Bring a few choices home and see what you fall in love with. The new fresh color with new handles and pulls will feel like a new kitchen. Enjoy adding some unique accents, towels, plants. Candles, etc., and enjoy your kitchen remodel, Santa Monica.
Nothing feels better in a kitchen than new appliances. One of the most popular kitchen updates is installing new energy-efficient appliances, such as a new range, a microwave, an ENERGY STAR® certified refrigerator, and a water-saving dishwasher. Not only will your new appliance update the look of your kitchen, save you money and time, but they are way more fun to use.
With innovative technology features and artificial intelligence, your appliances will interact with each other. The refrigerator will regulate the temperature and keep your food fresher longer. You can have your refrigerator update your grocery list, choose a recipe, and go online to place an order for any missing ingredients. The fridge can also communicate to your smart stove to start preheating for the recipe you choose, just a few of the things to look forward to.
When redoing your kitchen, focus on some fabulous new flooring. Your kitchen remodeling contractor can guide you through the many choices now available-from hardwoods to tiles and stones, bamboo, and green alternatives. There is now vinyl that looks so much like stone, tile, or wood they can surprise anyone. One of the most important things to remember when creating an open floor plan is to choose the flooring that works throughout the connected rooms. This will give you the expansive feeling that you are looking for.
If you’re looking for a durable, easy-to-clean option and love the traditional appeal of hardwoods, consider a wood-look alternative, such as vinyl. Designer tip- also use on the wall as a rustic backsplash.
When you work with your kitchen remodeling contractor in LA, see if you have the space to create a cozy hangout. A corner of the kitchen where you can hang out on your laptop by day and with your family at night for long dinners and endless conversation. Build in a booth, add some benches, and include plenty of comfy pillows and cushions. Sit down with your morning coffee, and you will never want to leave.
One of the best ways to update your kitchen is to redo the backsplash. As soon as you enter the kitchen, it grabs your attention lets you display your creativity and design talents. When we interviewed the kitchen remodeling contractors in Los Angeles about the lasted design ideas and trends for kitchens, they recommended these hot trends-
Subway tiles are trendy right now, and you can custom design your own pattern.
Shiplap -for that cozy farmhouse look
Patterned tile- gives your kitchen a very bold and European look.
Mosaic- large tiles and bold patterns create drama.
Wallpaper- for endless patterns.
Glass Backsplashes- are more popular than ever. Easy to understand why. Sparkly and gorgeous
Most kitchen remodeling contractors in Los Angeles concur that countertop choice is crucial for your kitchen design and remodel. Take the time to do your research to find the perfect countertop fit for your kitchen style, functionality, and budget.
Quartz is a non-scratch and very easy to maintain surface
Granite will give you the one-of-a-kind custom look. Each slab is unique.
Solid surface countertops are an affordable and practical option. Made from nonporous acrylic, solid surface countertops are easy to clean and resist stains and bacteria
Laminate offers an easy and low-maintenance option for your busy kitchen. It’s also the most affordable countertop type. You can find endless color choices.
Butcher Block counters are a great, environmentally friendly choice for non-prep areas. Use them for dining spaces. These countertops look more and more beautiful with age.
Completely change the look of your kitchen by taking down the upper cabinets and replacing them with open shelving. Create architectural interest. Show off your new gorgeous backsplash and highlight your favorite art pieces
Whether you are looking for a complete renovation or to renovate an aspect of your kitchen, reach out to the top kitchen remodeling contractor in Los Angeles. Structura kitchen remodeling and Renovations Design.
Now is the perfect time to connect with Structura Home Remodeling and Design Team. They are the top kitchen remodeling company in the Los Angeles area. No job is too big or too small. Structura’s clients say that the Structura contractors are true artisans and deliver on every detail. Call today to schedule a free in-home or virtual video consultation.
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