#how to setup a discord server
retrocanvas · 2 years
13 Discord Bots for Your Web3 Server by Category
#Discordbots are a great way to make your #web3server more engaging and fun. They can do things like generate random chat messages, run polls, and more. Here are a few
Discord bots are a great way to make your server more engaging and fun. They can do things like generate random chat messages, run polls, and more. Here are a few discord bots that we think are worth checking out: Best Bots for Discord Moderation Discord moderation bots are a great way to keep your Discord server clean and organized. By using a moderation bot, you can automatically remove…
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amongchat · 6 months
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zalayni · 1 year
🌆 LOVE U 3000┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ pairing: earth 42!miles morales x reader
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: your life is always interesting now that you're dating the one and only miles morales.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ author's note: the discord server for atsv fans between 13-16 is still open so hmu if you wanna join 😝😝
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he cups his hand under your mouth whenever he feeds you food so it won't fall on your clothes.
“here Mami try this” miles cupped his hand under her chin and gently blew in the soup that he had in a spoon so it wouldn't burn your mouth.
your his shadowboxing victim whenever his friends aren't around
he doesn't mind being his nerdy self around you
miles punched the air and faked dodge a nonexistent punch before turning towards you as you sat on his bed with your phone in your hand. “do you think I can defeat batman?” you rolled your eyes and chuckled at him. “Miles he's like twice your size.”
you two obviously play fight for fun. he never once hurt you for real
he gets too lazy to type out his messages sometimes so he resorts into sending you voicenotes instead
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deadly ass side eye whenever you jokingly insult him
“that purple hoodie you have on makes you look like grimace” you said with a hand on your mouth to stop the laughter that was about to burst out of her. Miles stopped in his tracks slowly turning his eyes towards you, side eyeing your laughing figure. “you play too much.”
he has the receipt tucked into his wallet from your guy's first date which was at the arcade.
has his lockscreen and wallpaper saved as a picture of you two. he changes it atleast once a month because he adores taking pictures of you.
a bright flash disturbed you from doing your skin care routine. you turned your vanity chair towards the source only to find Miles smiling down at his phone. “did you just take a picture of me?” “um maybe."
you two love to post eachother on your instagrams
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bro does not know how to swim 😭😭 if you're able to swim then he'll ask you to teach him but if you can't that still won't stop the two of you from going swimming especially when it's summer
stares at you whenever you're doing your makeup, hair, or even your skincare.
“Morales you're staring.” you joked seeing him stare at you from the corner of your eye. this made Miles scoff “so what?”
he wears a chain with your initial as the pendant and he wears matching bracelets with you.
whenever he sleeps with a bonnet on he wakes up with the end of it hiding one of his eyes.
“what are you laughing at?” he croaked still obviously half asleep. “did you turn emo miles?” you asked before pointing at his bonnet that slipped down, hiding his left eye.
really wanted to get his ears pierced and when he finally got them he was squeezing the blood out of your hands once they held the needle against his hear
you winced at how tight Miles's grip on your hand got. You saw him shut his eyes tightly when the needle went through making the hole for the piercing. Once it was all done he looked down at your hand noticing how red it is which made him laugh. “sorry Mami.”
“five more minutes” warrior. that man refuses to get up early even if you two need to be somewhere on time.
he has a habit of turning towards you with the "did you just see that?" look whenever he sees someone doing something embarrassing.
he'll ask you to come over just so you two can bake together. his mom thinks the two of you are adorable
he has a PC set up with a his gaming chair and right next to it is your set up and chair that he had bought so you two can play together
“do you like it?" Miles said while uncovering your eyes to show you his hard work on setting everything up. the whole setup was based on your favorite colors. “how much did this cost?” you asked making Miles shut you up with a kiss. “don't even worry about it.”
you two danced in the rain once thinking it was a good idea but the both of you ended up sick afterwards
he gifts you a promise ring since you two are too young to get married just yet
has a habit of turning his head so his lips could reach your hand whenever you cup his face
has a whole board filled with pictures of you two either from a polaroid or photobooths
over all gentleman towards you (and his mom ofc)
actually loves physical touch
you were standing up making yourself a sandwich for a late night snack until you felt someone snake their arms around your waist and rest their head against your shoulder. you didn't have to look over your shoulder to figure out who it was. “hey, you hungry?” miles hummed against your shoulder, tightening his grip on your waist. “yeah.”
when you two take the subway he has his arm wrapped around your waist while resting his hand on your hip as his free hand was holding onto one of the poles. he does this no creep comes your way and so you won't fall as the subway can be pretty rough at times.
pulls out his phone whenever you two aren't together in person.
“miss you :(”
“miles I literally just left like a couple minutes ago”
he knows whenever you feel down even if you don't say anything about it
“hermosa, look at me.” he lifted your chin with his hand making you stare up at him. “what's wrong? you're not your usual self.”
respects your boundaries and leaves you alone/drops the subject if you don't feel comfortable talking about it at the moment
“sorry, I just. I just don't wanna talk about it right now.” Miles smiled at you before kissing the top of your hand that he was holding. “it's okay mi niña hermosa, talk to me when you're ready."
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whitherwanderer · 1 year
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Pride Backlighting Tutorial
A few people have shown interest in replicating the pride backlighting I did, so hey, here’s a quick tutorial below the cut.
Enjoy, and happy Pride Month. 🏳️‍🌈
First thing you’ll want to do is find a suitably dark background to bounce the light off of. I use the White Screen housing item dyed Soot Black, available from the Housing Merchant or Apartment Merchant in any of the housing zones for 3000 gil.
I line up 2-3 of them for coverage, but one will do if you're trying to be frugal.
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If you don’t have an apartment or an FC room to use, try asking friends, FC mates, or even folks you share a Discord server with. You might even find someone who already has a studio space set up and is willing to let you use it!
Lighting in your studio space should be 0 (though you might have success at 1 as well), so make sure to adjust that or ask the studio owner if they can make that change before you start posing.
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Position your character(s) just a little ways back from the edge of the screen. You want some space between them and the screen so that the lighting can float there without casting a weird circle on the wall.
Hop into /gpose and bump up the “Manual brightness adjustment” to about 120 or whatever level allows you to see your character well enough to pose them. Pose to your heart's content.
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Here’s the fun part. In the Light tab of the Gpose menu, switch all of your Light sources to Type 1, which has the shortest falloff radius (meaning it doesn't reach as far as Type 2 or 3). I also set all of my lights to one strong color to differentiate them while I worked on lighting—red, green, and blue, all maxed out at 255 (for now).
Swing your camera (still on all default settings) around to your character’s back and up above their head a little ways. This is where Light 1 (red) will go.
Now pan your camera down at about mid-back height and set Light 2 (green) there.
Pan your camera down one last time until you have a nice shot of your character’s butt and set Light 3 (blue).
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Spin your camera back around and enjoy this nice little macaw-colored gradient.
Set your camera angle.
The way FFIXV’s lighting works is partially dependent on how much light is in a shot. It will adjust a lot like your eyes do when you’re entering a dark room from a bright room, or vice versa. Your zoom level and camera angle are going to directly affect the lighting, so set this before you start messing with light strength and color. Sometimes this means weaker lighting will actually light your character better.
I ended up bringing my lights down to around ~160 and boosted the "Manual brightness adjustment" up quite a bit to get lighting I was happier with.
For a straightforward vertical shot, I like to have my Field of View (FOV) at 200 and of course my rotation is set to 90. Zoom in or out as needed. Remember to save your camera angle if you plan to pan around and fix things!
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Make it ~queer~.
Take your flag of choice and pick out 2-3 “main” hues. Generally these will be the strongest hues in the flag, if not the only ones. Some flags, like the Pride/Progress/Intersex-Inclusive flag itself, are difficult to replicate for the sheer number of colors that are in it. You can loosely represent a rainbow with some adjustment to the RGB colors, if you’re determined to have a whole rainbow in there.
Shader Note: I recommend picking a shader preset that doesn’t mess too much with color so that colors are represented correctly. You may need to adjust light strength and “Manual brightness adjustment” to be compatible with your preset of choice. Bloom will also heavily affect the way your colors are showing up, so you may need to tone down the bloom FX or toggle it off entirely. This all depends on your preset, however.
If you’re not into RGB math, here are some cheat sheets! Not every flag is represented here of course, but I tried to cover as many colors as I could so that you could grab a color from another flag as needed! Please note that colors will need some adjustment for your own screenshot, presets, and preferences.
And that’s it, y’all! 🏳️‍🌈
(Open this image up in a new tab for more detail.)
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These were taken using a heavily customized shader for that nice glowy effect.
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panpteryx · 11 months
Put your strategy in the tags!
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cal-1maf · 4 days
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I've been having a hard time consistently capturing clear pictures of my minis... after some great feedback from the folks over on Catalyst's discord server we discovered the problem... my ISO was insanely high lol. Brought it down to 200 and that seems to be the sweet spot for my setup.
I'm really proud of the non-metallic metal bits on this one. I've been working on it a while and I think it's finally clicked with me. Silver, at least. We'll see how I do with gold lol.
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copperbadge · 4 months
Part of cleaning out my Google Drive is going through all my files, and I've been reading through my National Clean Your Home Month manifesto. It's mostly up-to-date but I'm going to redesign the signup poll and build a resources list from previous years' polls.
Something I wanted to institute last year but couldn't figure out how to is "Author Mirroring" -- some way to pair up NaNoWriMo writers and NaClYoHo cleaners, so that, for example, for every 100 words a writer writes, a cleaner will do 10 minutes of cleaning, or vice versa. It wouldn't be something mandatory, just an added little fun thing people can do, finding a National Month Buddy.
But I cannot figure out how to set it up so that people can easily find each other.
I could have a poll where cleaners go and drop their contact info along with a short blurb about the kind of setup they're looking for, and then writers can go and pick a cleaner to try and pair with, but that's not super efficient because it requires a lot of trust on one person's part and a lot of initiative on another's. I could set up a messageboard where people can post about it and have actual conversations, but I'm bad at messageboards in general and that kind of thing usually needs a moderator and I don't have the time or spoons. Ditto Discord, to an even greater extent because I truly dislike using Discord and generally refuse to have or join servers.
And I don't want to just randomly pair people, like, you should vibe with your Mirror.
Anyone have any ideas? I might just have to leave it at like, a post I make in October saying "Hey, find yourself a buddy if you want one, I think it's a great idea".
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genericpuff · 6 months
I have no idea if this is intentional, but with how you've written Kore/Persephone, I very much get like,,, DID, specifically a very wrathful protector alter vibes from Persephone?? And I dunno, I have DID myself and my own protector whose very much determined in his rage to keep us safe, and it's very sweet to be able to see us in a piece of work for once and not have it be demonised. So even if it was completely unintentional, thank you!
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Aww anon! This was sweet to read, and I'm happy to inform you that you're not the only one with DID who's relating to Kore's story in the comic! We have another reader in the community who's very outspoken in the Discord server and always speaking on their experiences with DID and how it relates to their analysis of Kore. So you're not alone in feeling that!!
I will say that while I didn't explicitly set out to make Kore a DID-specific character, I can certainly see why and how people with DID are relating to her and I think it's wonderful. I've been writing characters like Kore for years now, as a fan of the "alter ego" trope in media (and it's a big reason why I felt so attached to LO in the first place through the initial S1 setup of the AOW and Persephone being her "wrathful" side) and I've definitely had my own mental health struggles over the years that I think have certainly contributed to that (I don't have DID as far as I know, but I do have those mental "splits" in times of high stress that's almost similar to mania, so I'd be more likely to believe it's either just autistic meltdowns or MAYBE borderline personality disorder lol) Writing characters like Kore has always brought me comfort through personifying the processing of emotions and perspectives and conflicting thought processes.
So I'm glad Kore has brought you that same comfort 🥰
The only thing I will caution is that the topic of Kore and Persephone will get dicey at times. Kore will go through many ups and downs in the plot that will simultaneously be presented through Persephone. There will be just as many lovely moments to be had as well as ugly. Proper trigger warnings will be provided when necessary but much of their plotline will address some rather emotionally devastating stuff, to say the least LOL At the end of the day though I want to give them both a satisfying ending, so I hope we can all weather the storm together until we get to the light on the other side 💖
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you continue to find joy and peace in their story 🥰
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internetscenarios · 4 months
Can we get some more of Nick, Yumi or Isaac x cc! Partner? Loved the last one and I keep re-reading lol
yes ong
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yumi ꕥ
- ur biggest supporter
- always in ur chat 🫶
- sending donations being like “Shuatt uppp”
- stuff like that blah blah
- roblox with him
- new larry stream with the group on roblox was so funny
- they played this game where u had to survive till the end, so if it was u and him in the end u would both team up or he would sacrifice himself for u:3
- if hes in ur chat everyone will be like “YUMII”
- if he ever appears in the background he has to join in and have screentime it is essential
- yk how they had the marriage mod on the minecraft server
- u are both married (same with the other two 💓💓)
- i said this in the other one but csgo with him
- would teach you how to play itt
- if u were doing chill streams he would force himself to do chill streams if u were there
- defo has little things that remind u of him near his setup
isaac ꕥ
- married too him on minecraft <3
- feel like he would build a little chappel for u
- if hes streaming n ur sleeping he defo tries to keep it down
- randomly shows u clips from stuff he likes during streams
- talks very gentle to u if ur streaming
- in his videos all the time
- discord prank calls,, he would get someone other than him to prank call u and pretend its something to do with him
- if ur relationship was public obvi
- yk how he would post discord msgs with him and the tgc on twt,, he would do silly stuff like that w u
smthn like
“ru streaming?”
that video makes me giggle sm to this day i had to add it mb
- in his instagram posts theres always a silly picture, u would be that silly picture
- i saw on a yumi stream he peaked in the door asking if they wanted any food
- so he would always peak in (obviously out of frame) and ask if u wanted food or anything on ur stream
- ok last stream of his was almost a year ago so he would defo just pop up in ur streams all the time so he still has that twitch streamer era yknow?
nick ꕥ
sigh softwilly my love
- just chatting streams w him would be so silly
- bento appearances!!!
- no srsly u would be so focused on a game and bento would just take over the moment
- if hes at bento house on podcast and u walk past everyone on the podcast is like “haiii!!”
- or if u make too much noise in the background u get the occasional “be quiet” (they mean well i promise)
- u would defo be a star on the podcast if u went on it
idk why im mentioning this for nick i apologise
- always posting pictures of you and bento on his instagram story
- itll be u holding bento and also a pokemon card ur holding 😭
- ur either in his chat or hes in urs
- taking u and only u random places
- sure there will be videos with u and the group but there will be LOADS of u
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im sorry thats its short ive been busy i will try my best to get some requests done but pls take this while i get stuff done😢
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the-64th-gamer · 1 month
I feel like the last year has been a great push for me to slowly detach myself from giant companies and ensure what I do is in my control and ownership
Finally switched over to linux permanently
switched to firefox
enabled adblocker, sponsor blockers, and tracker removers
disabled autoplay and the recommendations sidebar on YouTube (highly highly encourage, though I still keep the homepage open so I can choose when to browse new suggested content rather than it pestering me)
downloaded all my tumblr posts and now host them parallel on my website (stuck here until we find some decentralized way of doing social media right)
cleared out 99% of my online storage to now be on multiple hard-drive backups
downloaded locally all my music
removed myself from basically every data tracking social media platform except this and YouTube
And now currently I'm trying to consolidate all my feeds into just an RSS reader.
It takes a long time and a lot of planning, but its very rewarding to take control over what you want to see, how you see it, how its formatted, ect. I find these are my steps to an easy transition off a certain service:
Download all your data and back it up. Now your account can be deleted at any time with no remorse.
Find browser extensions that enhance and modify the experience to what you might need. Use that to tangibly guide your preferences. Go ahead and remove the app on your phone if its there.
Research every alternative service and try them out. Begin moving certain activity exclusively to the alternative. Take time getting used to it and see if its better to try more alternatives.
Completely jump ship, delete the account, move all feeds or settings over.
Its an ongoing process but there's still probably a few more years of this to go through. Future plans are:
Completely remove all prior emails and self host a new one
Get off Discord entirely except for running the wiki server. It sucks that Discord is so prevalent. Probably move to various forums. Maybe look into some sort of forum management software such as how RSS feeds tame articles and videos into one place.
Setup adblockers directly into my router so ads won't even appear on phones.
Setup my phone to just straight up also run linux. There's a few mobile-designed linux platforms to look into until I decide.
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rjthirsty · 21 days
Obvs I need to know about "whose dick is that?"
Please and thank you 😂
Okay- Ahaha. How do I even explain this? A discord server I was on made some sort of joke about Ikemen Prince's MC having to identify the suitor based on how they fuck and... I thought it was worth writing about. Lol.
Look, a lot of my odd ball ideas start from something that influenced me, and I'm down bad for IkePri and I like dicks, so....
I only wrote the setup and the first suitor because it's hard for me to take it so unseriously. I've never written a crack fic, and this is what I thought would be my first. Lmao.
Just thinking about it now has me laughing all over again. Maybe a new project to do on the phone.
Here's a little taste of the ridiculousness.
He was moving on the bed again, and she could tell the moment was close. His thighs brushed against hers, the head of his dick rubbed between her folds to lube up with her own wetness along with what he had left from his mouth on her– though something was not quite right and it hit her all at once. There was something hard that pressed into her delicate skin a little too roughly, like metal… like jewelry.
"Oh,” Belle said as she realized who it was, but before she said his name, he pushed inside her and she felt the piercing that adorned the head of his dick drag against the bottom of her entrance. It wasn’t the only piercing that Silvio had, and while the metal wasn’t cold due to the location, it was a stark contrast between the way even a hard dick was still pliable. He felt good inside her, the way his cock filled her up was hot and comforting at the same time.
"Ah! W-wait, Silvio!” Belle gasped.
"I barely even got in. Guess I’m just that memorable” Silvio sounded as smug and full of himself as ever.
"Question.” Nokto spoke up from somewhere in the room. “Prince Silvio seems to have some identifying hardware that the rest of us don’t. Doesn’t that skew the results in his favor?”
"It ain’t my fault if you haven’t separated yourself from the rest of the pack.”
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preeningpisces · 5 months
Non-curse AU! Choso is a big ol' nerd
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A/N: As a big ol' nerd myself I feel passionately about this, so I have way too many thoughts repost bc it wasn't showing in the tag for some reason
Below the cut because I'm a yapper!
♠ Definitely the type to meet his S/O through discord because I think non-curse Choso is much shyer than regular Choso
❥ He wouldn’t be an admin. He’d be the quiet type that’s always there reacting to posts but rarely talks. Has the sickest emotes tho
❥ Prefers smaller discord communities, mostly video game servers
❥ I think he'd like the vaporwave aesthetic and all the RBG setups. Keeps his computer area neat and tidy
❥ Choso fucking loves video games. He'll buy those $300 special edition pre-orders and get the cool figures
❥ HUGE Soulsborne fan. His favorite is Bloodborne (on the nose but I couldn't resist). Also really loves Monster Hunter. Cares a lot about the monster's details, like their eating habits. I think his fave would either be Odogaron, Nargacuga or Zinogre.
❥ Picks the edgiest weapons lmfao. Definitely a longsword user in Monster Hunter. Went blood build in Elden Ring
❥ *Sigh* he does consult reddit for his builds and is a min-maxer. I'm afraid Choso is a reddit user but in a 'I need a thorough understanding of this' kind of way
❥ Function over fashion: he dgaf if that helmet is as ugly as sin, it gives him +2 endurance and he's gonna wear it
❥ Lets you create his character & name them & everything.
❥ If you can't be present for the character creation portion, he'll make his character you! Definitely made you his dream guardian in Baldur's Gate 3 (which in the early access was called the Dream Lover, which is even cuter)
❥ Not pretentious at all about what is/isn't gaming, and plays all sorts of genres
❥ LOVES NINTENDO GAMES. Mario has a special place in his heart. DEFINITELY mains Shy Guy in Mario Kart
❥ Will literally cry and die if you play video games with him. You don't have to be good because he'll happily teach you. Just watching him play and asking about the details will make his day
❥ Definitely would do those cute Animal Crossing museum dates. Loves the relaxing, chill music so much. Despite his min-maxer approach to other games, he's absolutely not a time traveler in Animal Crossing. He's of the mindset that it ruins one of the core features of the game
❥ Stardew Valley? Stardew Valley. Honestly, I can't decide who he romanced first. My heart is telling me Leah, but chat pls advise
❥ Speaking of chat, you just know he's a fan of let's players. Always watching a YouTuber or Twitch Streamer. He's a Markiplier fan. You know it, just accept it
❥ Tbh that's a cute thought: Choso being a fan of the reader that's a small twitch streamer. Should that be a thing?
❥ Really good at singleplayer games. AWFUL at pvp
❥ He'll play something like Fortnite or Overwatch for Yuji, but needs to be hard carried because he only plays when someone asks him to. He can't stand how toxic those communities are, and doesn't want to socialize with strangers just to play a game
❥ He gets HEATED SO EASILY when people are toxic, especially if it's directed at Yuji or someone else he cares about. Definitely the type to step in and check other ppl when they're being toxic. Like those clips where it's a woman in a lobby and the dudes all start being sexist. Choso will not let that shit fly!
❥ Teabag him if you want to see him lose his shit
❥ On the note of Overwatch: the only character he can and will play is Mercy, and he just pockets Yuuji the whole time. Yuji has to beg him to heal/boost their teammates
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markirlse · 10 months
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the 2023 Christmas countdown event !
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this event will end during christmas/after christmas depends the prizes are : 1st place ; nitro basic/rbx , 80 reblogs, a follow from me, some fg/hdr/mb/lays OR a server setup 2nd place ; rbx , 75 reblogs , a follow from me ,some fgs/hdrs/lays/mb 3rd place ; rbx , 60 reblogs , a follow from me ,some fgs/hdrs/mbs honourable place(s) ; 30 reblogs, a follow from me how do i join? - tag 2-3 moots in the comment section/reblog - you must make a moodboard with a christmas theme and add #hye : the christmas event in the tags and @ me
fav blogs/moots (ignore) : @ari-yani @fuckici @i04rei @y0oni3 @yeritos @i-kyujin @wonery @narniaaas @luvhao @luvreiy @pagetubatu @egorls @od-i @tyunnieblu @iluvrei @baesol @p-oisnn @7yeris @umiena @mazeui++ edit: i forgot to note some things so um yeah claimtime is 1 day , dm i7haewon on discord/if u dont have discord just dm me here on tumblr, and all reblogs are at @tsukette
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alexblue29 · 1 year
hey, you're cool.
oddly the therapist possum has a request!!
so, er.
ghost of chicago by noah floersch.
then, add
lovesick foolish!?
here's that idea, idk :,)
Olay that song is so good though, thanks for making me obsessed with it! I made this pretty fucking angsty sooooo sorry? And let me know if y'all want more angst cause it's kinda fun to write! I wrote this in 45 minutes btw.
Foolish Gamers x Fem!Reader
It's angsty with a happy ending, unrequited love but not really, Foolish is a lovesick, kicked puppy, Foolish is called Noah although it.
Ghost Of Her
Noah sighed as he let himself fall into his chair. He looked over his setup, his monitors and computer were turned on with a discord call going. He had been chatting with Tina and Mouse before starting his stream. He rubbed at his face as he unmuted himself and picked up his cup of coffee.
His throat closed up for a second as he took his first sip, he missed her. She would always ask him what he was drinking and she'd have the same answer everytime he'd offer his reply,
"Honestly, people who drink their coffee black have to be psycopaths or something. Are you a psycopath, Foosh?" She'd laugh.
He quickly put his cup down as he stumbled into a coughing fit. His friends laughed at him, they asked him what happened.
"Nothing," he rasped out before clearing his throat, "Nothing, coffee just went down the wrong pipe."
He took his time getting his breath back and quickly redirected the conversation,
"I'm gonna start stream, see y'all on the server!"
Streaming did not help get his mind off of her, it never did. He would try to focus on his build but get distracted by his own thoughts. His chat, observant as ever, could tell he wasn't fully himself.
How could he be?
She's getting married tomorrow.
Noah rubbed his face roughly as he stood from his desk, he stretched, his joints popping as he did. He needed to clear his head and, even though it was nearing ten p.m., he grabbed his phone and made his way outside.
He walked for what felt like forever until he stumbled upon a familiar park, he made his way to it. As he walked, his feet guided him to the fountain in the very middle. He could see her, sitting by his side on the edge of it. A memory he cherishes of when she came to visit him for his birthday.
He remembers it like he still was there. A cold night, much like this one, he'd given her his sweater to keep her warm and tried to not melt every time his eyes found her. It was the perfect night. He should've said it. Why couldn't he just express his emotions like she could?
He frowned as he turned his back to the fountain and made his way away from it as fast as he could. His phone vibrated in his pocket, he reached for it and pulled it out.
Bad was calling him.
That was strange. They never called each other with their personal numbers, they exchanged them in case of an emergency. Before he realized it, the call had ceased. He didn'f reject it, he just waited too long.
Bad messaged him,
From: Bad (Dumbass)
I know you're looking at your phone.
It was all the warning he got before Bad called again. Noah retained a sigh as he answered,
"What's wrong?" his friend questioned right away.
"I have no idea what you mean, Bad."
He heard Bad scoff, Noah had always been a bad liar. "Tina and Mouse both messaged me saying you were being all weird and moppy this morning and I've watched your stream."
A moment of silence passed. Noah found his way on a stray bench before he whispered,
"She gets married tomorrow."
His voice broke in the middle, he couldn't bring himself to care.
He heard clicking noises from the other end before his phone vibrated again. He pulled it away from his ear and looked at the file Bad had sent him, a plane ticket?
"Bad, why did you-?"
"Because you are both idiots who refuse to be happy. Go get her, Foolish."
"I can't just barge into her wedding!"
"Says who?" Silence. Bad spoke again, "She's not happy, Foolish. Go get her."
And so here he was, in a taxi on his way to the wedding. It wasn't starting until twelve, it was currently ten-thirty. He couldn't fuck this up.
He thanked the driver as he closed the door. He saw her sister clock him immediately, he saw the way her eyes lit up with hope. She excused herself from a conversation and made his way to him.
"Noah! Thank god you're here, she's in the bride's room. Fifth door to the left, she's alone," She clapped him on the shoulder and lightly pushed him towards the building.
He thanked her quietly and quickly made his way to the room, he stopped before the door and raised a hesitant hand to knock.
"Angie? Is that you?" His heart lurched as her voice made its way to his ears.
"No, but she sent me to you."
He heard her inhale, he heard her quick steps to the door before she opened it, "Noah."
She let him in without a second thought. He took his time to look at her as she closed to door behind him. She'd barely changed from the last time he'd seen her. She already had her hair and makeup done for the wedding, but she was still in her white robe.
Noah couldn't take it, he took two large steps toward her and wrapped her in a tight hug that she reciprocated immediately. She was smudging her makeup on his shirt and he was definitely messing up up her hair as he gently grabbed the back of her head.
"Don't marry him," he muttered as he nuzzled into the top of her head, "Please, don't marry him."
"I can't just leave," she whispered to him.
He swallowed, "Bad bought my ticket to come get you, and two more to go back. One for me, and one for you," she looked up at him. "Your sister is on your side, she'll help you get your stuff if you need."
He caressed her cheek gently and whispered, "Come home to me, my clementine."
He could see her melt. He could see her ghost melt and finally letting the her he knew out again. She nodded. His heart was beating out of him chest. She broke away from his, went into the bathroom. He gathered all her things in her bag as he waited.
When she stepped out, her hair was up in a ponytail, her makeup off and she'd changed into some joggers and one of his old t-shirts she must have stolen when she visited him.
With her bag in his hand, he gently grabbed her hand and guided her away from the wedding. Together they made their way to the airport. She texted her sister and thank you and asked for her help to which her sister immediately agreed.
As they were flying back to Noah's home, he took a selfie of the both of them and sent it to their discord server with all their friends with a single message,
"Thank you, Bad."
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vertigoed · 1 year
Midnight runner || Gamer!Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi's days were usually consumed with exorcising curses, but when he wasn't fighting demons, he retreated to his room, spending hours on end gaming. For him, there was no greater thrill than killing randoms online and watching his ranking go up. But just when he thought he had seen it all, he met you - the most maddening and infuriating troll he had ever come across in a game. Little did he know that your unlikely encounter would change the course of his life forever.
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Megumi popped open a can of beer and leaned over his desk to start up his monitor. As the LED lights flickered and the gears started to buzz, he closed all his curtains to make his room pitch black except for the blinding monitor screen.
An impatient sigh escaped his lips. He wished he were paid more so he could upgrade his setup. He had only bought this computer a couple of years ago, but it was already starting to lag.
He sat himself down, tapping his long fingers on the desk while waiting for the screen to load. He opened up Discord to see if any of his online friends were logged on.
Much to his dismay, none of his three friends was online that day.
He was contemplating which game to play, stuck between Rust, Call of Duty, or Stardew Valley. He ultimately decided to play Rust, a multiplayer survival game that involved hunting for resources, building up bases, and killing and raiding other players.
After what felt like an eternity, the server finally loaded and his character appeared on the screen. He quickly began running to his base to gear up before he gets killed.
"Hellooooo, FushiMegu!"
His eyebrow perked up at the female's voice calling his username and turned his character around to see who it was.
It was a naked player with the username Honeymommy98. She had nothing on her except for a wooden stick which meant he didn't have to worry about being killed as she was probably a newbie.
He decided to ignore her and continued to run to his base, soon noticing that the female player was still following him.
"Hey, wait up Fushi! Do you want to hear me sing?
Is she a troll? he thinks to himself, disgruntled at the fact that he was already getting harassed in his first game in months. He had just recovered from a brutal head injury after battling a first-grade curse, and this was the last thing he needed.
Couldn't he just play in peace? Life was already difficult enough dealing with Yuji and Gojo on a daily basis, he didn't need another troll annoying him in his downtime.
He pressed down on the volume button so that he could speak, "Fuck off," he said into his mic.
"Please, I've been killed eight times already! I just want to team up with someone-"
"I'm happy to make this your ninth time getting killed then," he replied stoically.
"That hurt my feelings!"
He didn't answer and kept going, a string of curses leaving his mouth when he realised that she was still following him. "I told you to stop following me you weirdo," this time his character throws several punches at the girl, causing her to bleed.
"You're going to make me cry, pleasee Fushimegu, you seem angry today, let me do a little performanc-"
Megumi grabbed a rock from the ground and smashed it against the player's head, causing her to die instantly in the process. He smirked at the dead character on the ground and continued his journey to his base which was located in the furthest corner of the map.
Once he entered his base which took him months to build, he began gearing his character up with a bulletproof vest and an M4 gun. His eyes drifted to the game chat screen that was popping up in the corner.
Honeymommy98: @ Fushimegu I'm coming for you, how dare you kill me like that when I'm talking to you!
Honeymommy98: fr im going to raid ur base watch ur back mf
Megumi scoffed at the ridiculousness of this person, wondering if she was like this with anyone who killed her. Seriously, it was as if she was playing just to solely pick fights with people.
Sugugu666: This monkey bitch still trolling the game? Thought you would give up after I killed you for the fifth time lol.
Your eyes widen in anger as you read the chat, watching the Sugugu666 guy trash talk you when you weren't even talking to him in the first place.
"See this is exactly why I stopped playing shit like this and only play Stardew Valley," you narrowed your eyes, murmuring under your breath while furiously typing, "Sugugu666... shut the fuck up. WHY the FUCK are you calling random people monkeys, sounds kinda fucking RACIST YOU FUCKER!"
Suddenly, you notice a group of players running towards you with knives in their hands. You decide to start running away. This is your ninth death, which means one more death, and the game will lock you out for 24 hours as your character has to recover.
You reached a secluded area and noticed a player in the distance. You start climbing a tree so you were hidden out of sight. With a smirk, you cracked your fingers and cleared your throat before pressing down the volume button to start singing.
"I guess I am a troll," you admit to yourself with a giggle. You put on your best Whitney Housten voice and began belting out I will always love you.
To be honest, you were only playing this game to annoy other players as it was hilarious to see men get triggered so easily. You had no interest in the main objective of the game and found it quite boring.
Megumi eyes twitch at the familiar voice he was hearing in the background.
"And I will always love youuuuu, ooohhhh, ohhh."
"Is she seriously singing right now?" he said to himself but continued to chop down the trees to build another item box, hoping that she'll eventually stop.
He can't bear listening to her terrible singing any longer, but no matter where he goes, he can hear her annoying voice in the background. "Where the fuck is she?" he mutters, spinning his screen around to see where the player was so that he could kill her again.
"I eeee I will always love youuu, Fushimeguuuuu."
Megumi looks up at the tree above him to see the player sitting on one of the branches. She waved and jump down. He points the gun at you, but before he can shoot, his own character starts bleeding out of nowhere.
"What the fuck?" he said under his breath, looking around to see who was shooting at him. He couldn't hear or see anyone else, other than that annoying girl.
But within a blink of an eye, four players start sprinting towards him, all of them geared with guns and wearing stealth boots that are incredibly hard to obtain unless you're at max level
"Oh fuck it's pro players," he swore and began shooting at them.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, give me a gun, you can't do 4V1!"
Megumi knew she was right- even though she probably didn't know how to aim- any support would be better than none. He reluctantly dropped one of his guns, "You better fucking know how to shoot or I'm going to kill you after I kill them," he told the girl.
The player picked up the gun and surprisingly managed to shoot one of the opposition players.
"Good one," he mumbled, fingers flying across the keyboard with lightning speed as he focused on healing himself while taking cover, "Quick, stand behind this rock!"
The girl listened and ducked behind a boulder, merely dodging a bullet that would've been a sure kill.
"Wait can you give me some health? Kinda on a brink of death!"
Megumi's mouse hovered over the few health potions he had left. He let out an exasperated sigh and dropped the potion so she could take it.
"Thanks love, for this, I'll do a little solo performance for you later. Now watch me fuck these motherfuckers up!"
"Please don't," he answered, but before he could tell her what to do next, she was already in action.
Megumi watched in disbelief as the player sprang back up from the boulder, shooting with impeccable accuracy and executing maneuvers he had only seen with proper gamers. He was shocked to see how good she was as he was under the impression that she was a newbie.
"Damn," he spoke into his mic, looking down at the dead players. He bent down to take their guns and their boots, "You played this before?"
"No, I downloaded this for the first time, I'm amazing right? Tell me how good I am!"
He rolled his eyes. The arrogance of the player reminded him of a particular teacher he knew. "Hurry up and take your share," he said dismissively.
"This game's kinda ass," the player begun putting on the dead character's armour and gun, "It's so easy too."
"How are you so good at this game? Are you hacking?"
"Pfft! Don't accuse me of such sin! I use to be like super good at Call of duty and then I stopped playing because too many trolls, incels and hackers."
"You're a troll yourself," Megumi retorted with a snort.
"I know right?" the girl laughed, "Now that you know how overpowered I am, are you going to let me team up with you?"
"I'm going to have to ask my team first, they're not online today but I guess if I ever see you on this game again, I suppose you would be useful," he answered truthfully. As much as he hated to admit it, the girl was more skilled than him.
"Okay, well let me add you on discord then!"
"Why not just be friends on this game?" Megumi asked, he wasn't too keen on the idea as he had a feeling she'd be constantly spamming him on there.
"I don't know, I just wanna add you on there, is that okay? Or do you think you're too good for me after I saved your ass?"
"Well, you're kinda annoying."
"I see how it is, don't blame me when I raid your base later on then," she sighed dramatically.
His eyes flickered with annoyance, running his fingers through his dark hair.
"Is that a threat?"
"It's only a threat if you keep being an absolute cunt to me."
And so, just like that, Megumi was left with no other choice but to begrudgingly add her to the app.
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im so obsessed with my love for yamada lvl 999 and megumi just reminds me of the male MC. This might be my fave series so i hope it doesn't flop
like for part 2 :)
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blazehedgehog · 10 days
You hear about what's going on with Sam Procrastinates? What do you think of that?
I caught a whiff of it today, yeah. I'm sort of glad I'm mostly outside of that circle of influence. I know of a lot of those people, but I do not know them personally. I probably run my mouth on here too much and too freely for some of those types.
Especially seeing Sam get out there in front and be like "whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm trying to protect my business by distancing myself from leakers and bad actors" -- like, maybe I don't have the full context here, but trying to divorce yourself from leakers is a bit weird to me?
Keep in mind I'm coming at this from the perspective of being on Sonic Retro during the massive Sonic 4 leak, which lead Sega to partner with Sonic Retro. Some of the inroads paved during that partnership almost certainly lead to us getting Sonic Mania, given there are future Sonic Mania staff thanked in the credits for Sonic 4 Episode 2.
Like, I get trying to keep your nose clean. I try to do that, too. People get on my case for being spooked by emulation in my "Definitive Way to Play" videos, but people who really, actually know me, know that I've never had a problem with emulation ever in my entire life. Up until Tristan started buying me games to review for TSSZ, emulation was literally all I had. I could not afford games on my own, and I basically still can't. (I'm counting on next month's Twitch payout to cover my pre-order for Shadow Generations)
All of that is me trying to keep my nose clean. I've seen channels get shut down for talking too openly about emulation (particularly with setup tutorials), and even Discord servers are not as private as people think they are. The hammer can and will drop, and I'd rather my financial livelihood not be under it.
So I will never tell people to "just emulate it" in my videos and I have a rule against linking piracy material in my Discord. If you like me, and like my work, that's the way it's gotta be to protect that kind of stuff.
But that's on video. What I do in my personal life has no baring on that. I endeavor to capture all my footage from real consoles but I'm also living in a cramped little bedroom with maybe ten square feet of floor space right now, so I'm not digging out my Wii or my Saturn or my PS2 every time I have to capture footage of something. I emulate it.
I'm getting off topic. Shutting people out of your life because they don't align with your business is a bit extreme, to me. But again, I don't know the relationship there. At least in the clips Sam uses, he never seems very happy to have Shanny around, even though it's clear Shanny can and continued to join Sam's discord calls. I guess I just don't have any friends like that -- I either have personal friends, or... well, I just don't have very many "business friends." (Which depending on your view point, is or isn't a problem and one of the reasons my channel growth can be so sluggish)
So, like, whatever. Again, I dunno how a lot of that stuff goes. Ultimately, I guess I don't blame Sam for protecting his business, because again, I protect my business too, and it's clear Sam is more successful than I am.
I will say this, though, and I am about to step neck deep in the shit: I have never liked that Jaden Sonic Show dude. There was a time...
...Let's see... I had to dig around in Discord because I was so put off by this guy's videos I straight up erased them from my Youtube History, so this is the only way I even know I watched them:
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I watched two or three of his videos around this time and this dude's tendency to just make stuff up, believe in bad sources, and push the worst rumors was infuriating. I would say it's not a stretch to claim he is eroding the overall intelligence of the Sonic fandom with his sensationalist, reactionary, straight up false information. He reminds me of the way I used to think about the game industry when I was 13, which is to say: deeply, deeply, deeply incorrect.
This is where I was going to pivot and say, "and he makes more money than Sam and I combined," because he has 150k+ subscribers. But according to SocialBlade, that doesn't seem to be true. Despite having 3x as many subs as Sam, SocialBlade claims The Sonic Show seems to make less than Sam Procrastinates.
I guess there are benefits to keeping your nose clean.
(And given I have a Youtube channel of my own, I have a vague idea how accurate these numbers are -- which is to say: I am not making $122 a month from Youtube, but I wish I was. I also understand why Sam is so protective of his channel's earnings, too)
Anyway, all of this to say, Sam seems in the right here. I do get a whiff of, like, the puritan Japanese Idol culture from some of this, where if you're a J-Idol you can't be caught drinking, or smoking, or even swearing. You have to maintain total purity or else you fall victim to a witch hunt, and there's a weird amount of finger pointing going on here that I don't know if it was deserved. Sam shouldn't have even needed to make a video like this, but like I said, that Sonic Show guy kind of seems like a vulture.
I would not put stock in what that dude has to say.
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