#however i am fine with taking this job now hoho .
carcarrot · 10 months
dear god i might finally be breaking out of here
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jjungkookislife · 4 years
I am thinkin of angsty hoho with 101 Jungkook ,3,15
pairing: ceo!jk x assistant!reader
101. CEO/Boss AU
3. “I love you, I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.”
15. “don’t move, they hit your head really hard.”
tw: oc gets hit in the head (and knocked out) with a blunt object, oc is tied up, side character is knocked out after being hit in the head, allusions to illegal activities
You’d been working for your boss, Jungkook, for two years now. You sat outside his office every weekday and the occasional weekend. You did your job incredibly well, and it surprised all your colleagues when you’d made it past your first month, which is when all his other assistants would quit. If they made it that far.
Jungkook admired your work ethic. Plus, he enjoyed looking out of his office to see you at your desk. You were smart, intelligent, and didn’t take crap from anyone, not even him. He liked that! He liked that you stood your ground, but most of all, he liked that you didn’t ask questions about business that didn’t pertain to you.
You weren’t dumb, far from it but you ran on a need to know basis. If you didn’t need to know, then it wasn’t your business. You were aware there was some sketchy business going around the enterprise, but you kept your mouth shut and did your job.
However, you and Jungkook had a secret of your own. Your relationship went beyond boss/employee, it was romantic. It was a secret for now, not wanting the rest of the staff or the board to think you’d earned your position and kept it by sleeping with the boss.  
Jungkook didn’t like keeping it a secret, but if it would make you happy, he’d be cautious in your interactions with you at work and in public. You’d often accompany him to his social events, always looking spectacular on his arm, but that was as far as anyone ever saw the two of you in the public eye.
“I’ve got to leave for a dinner meeting with the Parks. Are you sure you want to stay? We can work on those reports tomorrow,” Jungkook tells you as he lingers by your desk.
“I’m about done. I should finish in thirty minutes. You should go or you’ll be late,” you rush him out toward the elevator and Jungkook drags his feet the whole way.
“Okay, security is in the building and I’ll have one come by every five minutes before they escort you to the car. Call if you need me,” Jungkook kisses the top of your head before getting into the elevator.
Once Jungkook is gone, you return to your desk. You hope to get all your work done so you can go to Jungkook’s place and spend the night. You can’t wait to take a long, hot bath in his tub and relax with a glass of wine until he gets home and ravishes you on his bed.
“Focus,” you chide yourself as you turn to your work, brows furrowing when the lights flicker and then go out.  You groan, hoping your work auto-saved before the lights went out.
Your name is called and you’re relieved to see Michael, the nighttime security guard with his flashlight.
“Are you okay?” he asks as he shines the light around the room.
“Yes, thank you.  What happened?” you ask as you grab your belongings and rise from your seat.
“I’m not sure, I radioed the other guards, but there was no response. I’ve notified Mr. Jeon and am awaiting instructions.
“I wish you hadn’t had done that,” a voice says behind the both of you.  You don’t recognize the man, but shriek when he hits Michael in the back of the head and he falls to the floor.  You stumble backward, terrified and gripping your pepper spray in your hand.
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret,” the man says as he walks closer to you, smiling devilishly as he sees you tremble, your back meeting the wall.
“What do you want?!” you aim your pepper spray and he laughs.
“Where is it?”
“Where’s what?” you ask, truly confused.
“Don’t act stupid. Where does Jeon keep it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” you shout, screaming when he takes a step closer before another man comes running down the hall.
You’re screwed, you think.
“She wouldn’t know where he keeps it.  She’s just his assistant,” the second man says, scowling when he looks at you.
“Idiot.  She’s his girlfriend.  I’ve been following her for weeks,” the first man states, your face showing how terrified you are.  You hadn’t even noticed anyone following you, much less for that long.
“Just knock her out and check her desk.  He wouldn’t be stupid enough to keep it in his own office.  We just need that flash drive so we can get the fuck out. That guard called Jeon already and the Parks won’t be able to keep him entertained for long once he knows she’s in trouble.”  
The second man nods, walking over to you, ignoring the pepper spray and knocking it out of your hand, catching you by the waist as you try to escape.  He knocks you out easily with his heavy flashlight and lies you beside the body guard.
When you come to, you’re no longer on the floor.  You groan, grasping your head as you open your eyes slowly.
“Baby!” you turn to see Jungkook beside you on the couch in his office, the lights back on.
“What happened?”
“Don’t move, they hit your head really hard.”  Jungkook informs you.  “The paramedics should be here any second.
“How’s Michael?!” you turn to the doorway.  Jungkook holds your hand, “he’s fine, baby.  He’s being driven to the hospital already.”
A sigh of relief escapes you.
Jungkook holds you tight, mindful of your head, “I’m so sorry.  I promise, I love you, I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.  I’m so sorry, baby.”
“What were they looking for?” 
“A flash drive that has all my... associate’s on it.  As if I’d be dumb enough to keep that on me or in my building,” Jungkook scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“Do I even want to know?” you ask and Jungkook shakes his head, looking guilty.
“Sir?  The paramedics are here,” Jungkook’s bodyguard announces, stepping aside to let them in.  Jungkook steps to the side, allowing them to have access to you.
You meet his eyes, “we’re not talking about this.”
Jungkook nods, swallowing thickly and looking like a scolded child, “yes ma’am.”
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crackimagines · 4 years
Monastery of Angels (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Trails Of Cold Steel 3H AU Masterlist
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Due to complications with the White Heron Cup, they are unable to host a dancing competition. The Monastery staff rushes to find a suitable replacement, and settle on a opera-like performance. Deciding to have the most interesting choice to make this year memorable, they decide to choose two polar opposites to sing.
Instructor Sara, chronic alcoholic and the laziest staff member of Garreg Mach.
Seteth, the most uptight and square person at Garreg Mach.
And they both despise each other.
Even if the performance ends with a catastrophic result, it would at least do the job of being a memorable year for the students.
Rean, Elliot, and Annette walked down the dorm’s rooms together, discussing various things ranging from schoolwork to plans for the remainder of the day.
(Annette) “I’m so bummed out they had to cancel the White Heron Cup, I was looking forward to it! I don’t know what to do because I was going to practice dancing.”
(Elliot) “Oh, the Blue Lions decided on Annette?”
(Rean) “Yeah, it was either that or Mercedes, but she insisted on Annette. Though, I guess all those plans went out the window. Did the Golden Deers decide on anyone?”
(Elliot) “We were going to choose Leonie I think. The other girls in the group didn’t want to do it. I think I was about to be the one dancing but, hah I’m glad I wasn’t!”
(Annette) “Are we even going to be doing anything on that day now?”
- They sat on the benches near the lake and greenhouse, continuing their conversation.
(Rean) “Who knows? The announcement was just made yesterday and we still got a week before it happens. I doubt they could find anything in time.”
(Sharon) “Oh, I wouldn’t doubt them that much Master Rean!”
(Rean) “WOAH!”
All of them jumped hearing a voice above them. Sharon was looking over the railing with a smile.
(Annette) “EEK!”
(Elliot) “AH! O-Oh, Sharon!”
(Annette) “When were you there?!”
(Sharon) “Just now, I apologize for startling you all! I actually was looking for Elliot!”
(Elliot) “For what?”
(Sharon) “The staff requires your musical expertise! We were originally going to send the Golden Deer’s retainer, but she wouldn’t be as fast!”
(Rean) “More like she wouldn’t get here at all...”
(Elliot) “Well, all right then. I’m honestly not sure how much of a help I can be since I play only the violin.”
(Sharon) “I bid you all a good day.”
She nodded with her head and vanished behind the railing once again. Elliot waved goodbye to the two and left with Sharon.
(Annette) “How does she keep appearing out of nowhere like that?”
(Rean) “Frankly, I’m not sure I want the answer...”
Garreg Mach’s Faculty Room, 10 minutes earlier...
(Manuela) “A musical performance? My, that’s an excellent idea!”
(Hanneman) “I agree, it could be an enticing experience!”
(Jeralt) “Oh goddess, it’s not going to be a sappy love opera, is it?”
(Catherine) “Come on, nothing like a good romance tale to spark up the tears! It’ll get all the emotional students crying, and it’d be funny!”
(Shamir) “I’m not opposed to it. Can’t say I’d be interested though.”
(Seteth) “Well, it’s only a suggestion. Lady Rhea says we are to do as we see fit.”
(Byleth) “Who’s going to be our singers? Dorothea and Manuela seem to be an obvious choice.”
(Sara) “If I remember correctly, Emma from my class was about to sing before we got transported here. Maybe we can pester her to get to singing?”
(Towa) “I-I guess worse case scenario, Angelica, Crow, and I could get on stage like last year.”
(Flayn) “May I make a recommendation?”
(Angelica) “Sure kiddo. What’s on your mind?”
(Flayn) “Sara and Seteth could perform on stage! Two lovers entering the stagelights together!”
(Seteth) “WHAT?! E-Er...Flayn, I explained this before, Sara and I are co-workers. We’re not actually engaged.”
(Sara) “Psh, why keep it a secret anymore, Seteth?”
(Seteth) “SHUT. UP.”
(Sara) “In all seriousness Flayn, I’ve never sang for an audience in my life. Doubt Seteth has either.”
(Jeralt) “You two doing a musical...hell, that’s something I’d pay to watch!”
(Byleth) “Agreed.”
(Shamir) “This sounds like a horrible idea. I’m in.”
(Manuela) “Hoho, so it’s decided then?”
Sara’s smile went away as Seteth’s eyes started to widen.
(Hanneman) “This will certainly provide an interesting result, whether or not their performances are absolutely horrid.”
(Seteth) “ABSOLUTELY NOT! I reject to this!”
(Sara) “Same here! I am NOT singing with some old fart!”
The door opened and everyone suddenly went quiet.
(Rhea) “I heard screaming from down the hall. Is everything alright?”
(Seteth) “L-Lady Rhea! I apologize for the commotion. In brief, they are recommending a musical performance with Valestein and I front and center together! It’s a bad plan, you must agree!”
(Rhea) “And who was the one who suggested it?”
(Flayn) “It was me, Lady Rhea. Our job is to create an interesting year for the students. correct? I thought this line of action would be sufficient enough for that requirement!”
(Seteth) “I apologize for her abhorrent idea.”
(Rhea) “I absolutely agree. This is a terrible idea-”
(Sara) “Oh thank Adios.”
(Rhea) “A terrible idea I would like to see come true as well.”
(Seteth) “HUH?!”
Rhea smiled at the two.
(Rhea) “If you are not to agree willingly, then I order you as Archbishop to sing with Instructor Valestein. The order goes to you as well, Sara.”
(Seteth) “B-But...!” sigh “As you wish, Lady Rhea. Please excuse me.”
Seteth left the room. Sara quickly followed out the door and headed straight for the bar.
(Shamir) “Wow, you DO have a sense of humor.”
(Catherine) “Hey, don’t speak like that to her!”
(Jeralt) “Oh man, this is gonna be a good time.”
(Byleth) snrk “I’ll uh, talk with Sara to make sure she’s sober enough to teach tomorrow.”
(Manuela) “Towa, can you get your maid to gather the most musically talented of Class VII? I must speak with Dorothea in writing our song!”
(Towa) “You got it, Manuela! Come on Angelica!”
(Flayn) “I wonder why they act as if they hate each other?”
(Hanneman) “Er...-”
(Manuela) “Don’t you DARE tell her!”
(Flayn) ???
Next week, day of the performance...
Manuela and Dorothea poured all their strength into writing the song that the two would perform, and afterwards gathered the students who could play musical instruments together.
After several rehearsals and days of hangover, the day of reckoning had arrived.
(Rhea) “It is my regret that due to complications, we are unable to perform with the White Heron Cup. However, we have brought in a substitute that I hope is satisfactory to make up for this unfortunate circumstance. A musical performance by our students and staff of the academy!”
Everyone clapped gently and watched as everyone got into positions.
(Manuela) “Oh, this is it Dorothea! Our genius coming to life!”
(Dorothea) “They better do this right, or I’m killing them!”
(Elliot) “Hah, I doubt their pride would let them fail!”
(Dorothea) “Come on, Ellie! This is THOSE two we’re talking about!”
(Emma) “Oh, here they come!”
Class VII and several of the staff in the audience began clapping and cheering, in a mocking but loving way.
(Rean) “You got this instructor!”
(Alisa) “Knock ‘em dead!”
(Laura) “I’ve never seen a musical before, and I doubt THIS would be a good representation of one.”
(Jeralt) “Make this entertaining will ya?”
(Byleth) “I made bets with the mercs to say that this will end terribly!”
(Jeralt) “That’s my boy!”
(Machias) “100 mira says that blood’s gonna spill.”
(Sharon) “200 says we have to clean up the mess!”
(Fie) “I’ll take those odds.”
(Jusis) “Whose idea even was this?”
(Towa) “It was Flayn’s...I can’t say I agree that it’s a good plan though.”
(Angelica) “It’ll be funny at least!”
(Hanneman) “While I agree, you shouldn’t doubt Manuela and Dorothea’s musical capabilities. I’m sure we’re in for a surprise!”
(Catherine) “Crap, how much is Byleth betting?”
(Shamir) “100 gold I think. We should get the coins in before the song starts.”
Meanwhile, Sara and Seteth were standing next to each other, looking at the audience.
(Seteth) “This is just a fine mess you got us into!”
(Sara) “Psh, how is this MY fault?!”
(Seteth) “Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact YOU SAID TO FLAYN YOU WERE GOING TO MARRY ME?!”
(Sara) “Don’t you yell at me you old sonuvabitch! You should be lucky people other than Flayn suddenly pay attention to you! Thanks to my little joke, you’re able to even be in the spotlight!”
Sara and Seteth grabbed each other’s collar ready to kill. Both rolling up their fists to punch.
When the curtains finally rolled back, most of the audience saw that they were about to murder each other. They quickly let go and cleared their throats.
(Flayn) “I wonder what love song Dorothea and Manuela wrote?”
(Manuela) “Band...BEGIN!”
[You’re Nothing Without Me - City of Angels]
You are some gumshoe, 
You just don’t think well
Get this straight Valestein,
You can go straight to hell!
Is your mouth lonely,
With one foot in there?
Sara your brain only holds thoughts I put in there!
Just, what you are I’ll spell out:
You, are a major pain!
One speck of lint that fell out,
The last time that I picked my brain!  
You are so jealous 
Of my fight record!
Seteth do tell us your feeble hack record
Your weak knees brand you,
Soft and unstable!
One small threat,
And you fold like a card table!
You, drool at my adventures!
Your, broads in bed are bored!
Go, home and soak your dentures,
Your sword is no match for my gun!
You're nothing! 
Without me!
A no-one who'd go undefined!
You wouldn't exist,
You'd never be missed!
I tell you you're out of my mind!
A show off!
A blowhard!
You're equal parts hot air and gall!
And no one would doubt me,
Without me you're nothing at all!  
You're in my house,
I'm still your employer,
I call each shot,
I'm your private dic-tator!  
You are so thick, you,
Eat, breathe, sleep fiction!
I'm your meal ticket,
Knee-deep in cheap fiction!
You, gloating ignoramus!
You, haven’t any shame!
Hey, I’m a famous-shamus!
And most people don’t your name!
(Seteth) “Drunk.”
(Sara) “Uptight.”
(Seteth) “Child!”
(Sara) “Old man!”
You’re nothing!
Without me!
Without me you’d just disappear!
Right into thin air,
And no one would care,
Or notice you ever were here!
A puppet! 
An upstart!
A loser who's destined to fall!
I'm everything you always wanted to be!
Let's deal with the issue:
You wish you were me!
You're nothing without me!
Without me you're nothiiiiiiiiiing,
Sara and Seteth were ready to go back to murdering each other before hearing a thunderous applause.
(Dorothea) “HOLD ME! HAHAHAA-”
(Elliot) “That was a lot of fun...I-If not scary.”
(Emma) “We performed this so many times but it sounded like they didn’t even need the script to sing their hatred!”
(Flayn) “...That wasn’t a love song at all!”
(Catherine) “Ooooh crap. We owe Byleth money.”
(Shamir) “Good thing I betted for her.”
(Catherine) “YOU TRAITOR!”
(Byleth) “Hah, got some good cash tonight!”
(Jeralt) “Son of a...I lost to my own kid in a gamble...”
(Fie) “Hah, I got some Mira from you, Machias!”
(Machias) “Damn it!”
(Rean) “That was amazing! Good job you guys!”
Sara and Seteth bowed before heading out of the room.
(Sara) “Hmph. Not bad, considering it’s you.”
(Seteth) “I could say the same. Now, let us never speak of this again.”
(Sara) “Agreed. I’m going to drink myself to death tonight to forget all about this.”
(Seteth) “Please do...”
They both went their separate ways for that night. Seteth was found in his room face first into his pillow by Flayn while Sara was carried home by Byleth after being too drunk.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 5 years
Frat, Part 2
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(Sort of a One-Shot Part 2/3, Based on this post)
Classes started the next week, and Alex couldn’t have been more excited to hit the books. He was loving his new frat house too and getting to know all his brothers made him feel especially at home. Everyone was so nice and willing to help him settle in, it was almost too good to be true. Thomas hovered especially close to Alex and made sure he was available any time the freshman was horny. Even if he knew now it was tradition, Thomas was really too charming to say no to and it started to feel like they were hooking up nearly every night. A few weeks in however, Alex had caught a flu bug. Lewis was bedridden not shortly after him. They thought it would interfere with their schoolwork, but their frat brothers were immediately on top of it, making sure they collected all their assignments from the professors and even asking for extensions on their behalf. Apparently, a first semester flu was also common at ΠΡΓ.
Alex was only starting to become suspicious when he found his clothes start to tighten up. At first, he brushed it off as the freshman fifteen, but then he noticed the belly he’d produced was really hard and tight, not like any fat he’d encountered before. He tried to ignore it, but over time he started to worry about what it meant and what was causing it. Everything shouted tumour in his head, so he finally got the courage to face it. After class, he called up his Dad. He wanted to know if he could talk to his family doctor, because if it really was serious, he wanted it to be someone he trusted to tell him. “Hey, champ!” his Dad answered once the line picked up. “What’s up? It’s been a while! Haven’t called in weeks. You must be having fun, huh?” “Yeah, um… Hey, Dad?” “Yeah, what is it buddy?” “I, uh… Well, I’m a little worried.” “Worried? About what? Is it class?” “No, uh… It’s my health.” “Oh? Oh… Yeah, what’s going on?” “I…Don’t laugh, but I think I might have a lump…” “A lump?” “Yeah, in my stomach. My lower abdomen is really hard a-and tight and I…I wanted to know if I could talk to our family doctor…” “Oh hoho, good to hear old Pi Rho is still the same…” His Dad sighed, sounding surprisingly lax. “Buddy, I’m so proud of you.” “Dad?” “Yeah. You’re fine. In fact, congrats.” Alex was so confused. “Con…grats?” “Yeah, kiddo. You’re pregnant.” Alex’s mouth dried up. “…Pregnant?” “Yep. Ah, you’re really making your old man’s day. Oh, I have names picked out.” “Hold on, hold on,” Alex stated. “Stop joking around with me, Dad. I can’t be pregnant. I’m a man.” “It’s part of ΠΡΓ’s legacy. You drink the punch, you fool around, you get pregnant. That’s the hazing.” Alex blinked a couple times. “You’ve really got to be joking…” His Dad sighed again. “You’re a smart kid. I am thirty seven years old. You just turned eighteen. Do the math.” Alex started shaking his head and trembling. “No, no, no, no, no, no…” “Okay, Alex. Breathe, kiddo. Just breathe. It’s alright. I know it’s hard to process, but it’s really gonna be all okay. Your old man did it. Your frat brothers did it. You can do it.” “Wait… But… Mom?” His Dad took a moment. “Yeah… So you don’t really have a mom? I’m your mom, in a way…” “So…so… So who’s my Dad???” “Oh, uh… My senior’s name was Dean. Oh! What’s your senior’s name? Is he hot? I bet he’s hot. I told you they’d be hot.” “His name’s Thomas… How do I tell him…” “Hah, he knows. He’s been through it, remember?” “Wait, but he’s a rec. Wait, so Lewis is…?” “Pregananant. Yep. Tradition.” “Why didn’t you ever tell me this???” “I can’t spoil the hazing ritual! That would be a betrayal of my pledge!” “What about the betrayal to your son?!” Alex didn’t wait for an answer and just hung up on his father. He couldn’t help but feel violated and he let out some sobs as he stood just outside his classroom. A few moments later, Lewis, who’d been wondering what happened to him after class let out, came back and found him there. “Whoa, hey. Alex. Dude.” He wrapped his arms around his friend and rubbed his back. “It’s okay. Guess you figured it out too, huh? I can’t say I’m ready to be a Dad…” Alex sniffled and looked at Lewis. “Wait, you know?” “Yeah… I was talking to that guy Daniel, and he accidentally let slip that all our upperclassman have kids,” Lewis explained. “I put two and two together.” “Lewis, I’m so sorry,” Alex sniffled. “If I knew… We could’ve gone to any other school.” Lewis shrugged. “I got over it… Honestly, this is the best school around and we are being fucking worshipped here. They’re going to take care of us. The only thing we need to worry about is the birth.” “B-Birth?” Alex suddenly pictured all the possible ways a baby might exit his body, and he immediately became nauseous. “I think I’m gonna vomit…” “Aw, fuck, dude. Hold on.” Lewis guided him to the closest bathroom and stayed with him while he emptied the contents of his stomach. After he settled down, Alex didn’t want to think about it anymore and just let Lewis take him back to the house. Thomas and Steven were there waiting for them with boxes of chocolate and matching plush teddy bears. “Welcome home,” Steven said. “We figure it’s time you knew about the truth of Pi—” “Chill. We fucking know about the kids,” Lewis said, glaring at Steven but still taking the gifts as he passed. “Alex isn’t feeling well. He needs to rest.” “Oh? Let me help,” Thomas offered, but he got a hand in his face. “Seriously, back off right now,” Lewis said, turning back at him. “We’re going to our room and no one is going to disturb us.” Thomas just shut his mouth and nodded, handing over his gifts to Lewis so Alex could have them later. The freshmen headed upstairs and locked their door. Alex collapsed on his bed and covered his face. This caused his shirt to roll up exposing the little bump in his belly. “…I can’t fucking believe this is happening.” “I know, dude. It’s real tough to take in.” Lewis sat down beside him and touched his own stomach. “…Thing is…Your Dad’s thirty seven. That’s still like a really healthy age. Imagine getting the whole family think over and done with while you’re still in your prime. You can do anything you want to do then. I bet you your Dad is booking trips around the world as we speak.” “Parenting isn’t easy, dude,” Alex mumbled. “There’s bills and school and braces and shit…” “That’s the thing… Daniel was telling me this school is a jackpot,” Lewis said. “This frat churns out such good grades, the school essentially sets you up for the entire eighteen years of your kid’s childhood. This frat singlehandedly makes this school look good, and they love it. So, I don’t see the harm so much… It’s like, you know, sugar babies who get knocked up to keep their man. Our sugar daddy is this school and we’re already knocked up.” “But we’re smart, Lewis,” Alex said. “We don’t need the money. We’ll be guaranteed good jobs if we keep up our work.” “Listen, I get it, but also, we can do that after?” Lewis said. “I’m just saying… You’re my best friend. I just want to know if you’re in this with me. ‘Cause I know I can do it if you’re my support.” Alex grabbed a pillow and pulled it over his face. “I don’t know,” he mumbled. The pillow flew off. “…I guess.” Lewis lit up. “Shake on it?” Alex held up his hand. Lewis took it and gave it a good swing. “Thanks, man. I couldn’t do it without you.” “I know, me too.”
Part 1
Part 3
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halfofxerxes · 5 years
Housekeeping notes before the read more, this is going to be a headcanon post that goes into child exploitation, abuse in both adults and children, slavery, narcissism, and will likely include more than a few segments on sexual exploitation as a theme.
If you wanted to use any information in this post, please plot with me first. Hohenheim does not talk about this, and it is very rare for him to open up about any of this.
While most general catagories of abusive behaviour and descriptions will probably be present, I want to make it clear that if you're thinking about reading this and you're not 100% sure if you're ready, then maybe don't lol. I'm going to attempt to describe the mentality behind the acts, which I personally can find more disturbing than the acts themselves.
It takes a lot to normalize this kind of behaviour, and lack empathy to other living beings, especially other humans. This sort of thing does happen in real life and to real people. While Xerxes is a fictional place, the attitudes I am describing are very much based in reality and things that people have done and will continue to do.
'The true monster is man... And canablism is frowned on in New York' -Brain David Gilbert
Xerxes sucks. Okay bye.
Slavery in Xerxes comes from the idea that people must have some sort of function or that they are useless. Even free Xerxeans are encouraged to produce value, though it can be art, farming, food, science, maths, or other thoughts. They don't care much as long as the individual has a task they devote themselves to.
Children are routinely given up to be slaves for currency, especially when no one wants to take care of the child. Depending on how old the child is, they usually go into manual labor or jobs that require high level cognitive function rather than personal servitude as they are stronger and more equipped mentally to do tasks correctly. This also means that they have higher rates of buying themselves out of the system and becoming free again.
In some cases this ends up not being called slavery but enforced apprenticeship, but tbh it's still slavery. Just because it isn't rights systematically stripped from birth doesn't mean it isn't still awful. You'll still get whipped and starved. You're just probably gunna resent it more.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of people who would be uncomfortable with slavery are a lot more okay with sending their unwanted children to be apprenticed. Some people might even claim that because it isn't true slavery, it's fine and doesn't contribute to the problem (if they see it as a problem at all.)
It also means that those who have freed then are more likely to replace their masters and perpetuate the cycle. When Hohenheim proved himself as valuable to his master, he switched slave classes from chattel to servent which... Might not seem gr8 from an outside perspective, but until Van proved himself a component alchimest he stayed on this class.
Xerxes is affluent in the sense that it is comfortable and produces enough exess for the population to turn to leisurely activities. The demand the slaves fill are cheap labor and cheap sex, and as the population itself is providing the labor, most slaves that are bred are bred for the later.
Xerxes is home to extreme views, which includes a strong xenophobia. They understand the value of trade, Xerxes is also the oasis in the middle of the desert making it a part of the trade routes. However, they have an incredible ability to think of groups of people as 'other' than them, they do think of themselves as 'the master race' or the peak of humanity.
...They're really fucking inbred.
They are really into the idea that even their 'impure slaves' are better than the rest of the world and would rather have a slave that looks like them, especially one they're trying to get horny with, than someone who looks like a stranger.
It is a choice that is made deliberately and repeatedly to raise slave children for a singular task. The parents of these children are very rarely born slaves, and are usually people who were given to slavery young enough that they don't really know how to get a better life, but too old to manipulate into behaving how Xerxes likes them to.
Hohenheim's parents are odd in particular bc his father was privately owned and had a name not bc he was free at one point but because his family before him had a debt with the people who owned him. You know, making him something between a pet and a slave which-- by the way is also a thing that happens. Hohenheim vaguely knows about this, but his family line doesn't intrest him much, because Xerxes records are so fucked that if he wanted to track down the story he would literally have to go through business transactions rather than names of people and that kinda freaks him out tho he doesn't like to admit it.
His mother is something he doesn't like to think about because she very much was a sex slave and it makes him really sad to think about, even more than his dad does lol. Both his parents died in their 30s and though he as a child never thought this, it is the reason he projects 'middle aged' onto his 13/15 year-old self even tho he's. You know. 450.
He only found out about these records after Xerxes fell but between them and the people who actually knew his parents who live inside of him now... He gets strange when he thinks abt it. He has trouble conceptualizing the idea that people are okay with abusing other people despite having gone through the abuse and also having half of-- well you know.
Unlike Hoho who fundamentally believes that all living things have value, Xerxes common attitude is one of narcissism and disdain. Homeless? Hurt? Sick? Well have you tried not sucking? Have you tried improving yourself? Have you tried not being weak? It is more important for Xerxeans to protect the idea of Xerxes than it is to protect each other.
This isn't a headcanon either, in the manga there is literally a panel where Hoho is like >:/ gosh I hate the fact that rebel slaves are rebelling against Xerxes! Like Ho, baby, 1st of all that's the king killing his people, and 2nd you were literally a slave my dude you should know how much it sucks ok. But go off I guess. I get it Hoho, I used to be mormon we have bad takes as brainwashed kids.
It also means that both slaves and citizens are taught that there is value in loving the state, if you work within the system you will have your needs met, if you do not then you will be fed to the system. Xerxes is a cycle of canablism, even before the dwarf did his thing.
Xerxes becoming literally cannibalized into pure energy is literally what they have been doing to their own people since they became homogenous. I'd say they didn't deserve it, but yeah. They did.
Hohenheim has trouble thinking of it in these terms, the people in Xerxes don't think of themselves as evil, they don't think what they did was bad. Owning a slave wasn't a crime after all, it doesn't count if the child you hurt wasn't going to live long anyways. No one would actually Hurt a child that was Worth Something after all.
Wouldn't it be better for them to use slaves so that the Population would never have to be hurt by dark urges?
Even if they do grow up, then they'll be entertainment and decorations. It's not like a slave would ever be worth anything more than the money you pay for him.
Some Xerxeans are externally pissed about Hohenheim being alive.
A system cannot work unless people around to it consent and participate it. In my opinion, the fact that the opinion Hohenheim expresses in canon to the idea of a revolution is anger, says more than anything else. Once a society actively resists change that would result in more people experiencing happiness, that society is corrupt.
Like the Roman Empire collapsing under its own weight, Xerxes was doomed to extinction.
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