#howler ww
blimbo-buddy · 1 year
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New reference sheets for five of my ocs, speedran through all of them just a few days before Artfight started, transparent versions underneath. Story they're from is titled Wandering Whispers (title is a wip)
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padfootastic · 1 year
not the same anon and i agree w what u said but idk what u mean abt the discrimination mainly being fanon bc it is mentioned in the books that werewolves suffer heavily in poverty bc they are shunned from the wizarding world + anti werewolf legislations are brought up as well. i mean the general consensus abt werewolves seems to be that most ppl are scared of them and think they are dangerous, even out of the full moon
okay yeah i get how it came across that way lol i didn’t bother elaborating only sozz
so. what i meant was: the books give us like a…telling of lycanthropy discrimination, yeah? it tells us people are scared (altho tbf, it’s shown to a certain degree as well w greyback and all), tells us about the anti-werewolf legislation etc etc. what it shows is like. remus in shabby clothes. remus leaving hogwarts in poa before the angry howlers start. remus infiltrating werewolf packs. remus being a ‘privileged minority’ bc of his exclusive education and social capital.
what we don’t see is like. any visible barriers remus faces either bc a. wasn’t imp to narrative so wasn’t shown or b. he ran away before things could reach that point.
if we really wanna deconstruct remus’ identity & barriers he faced (which i don’t lol) we cannot ignore the fact that he was an outlier even amongst werewolves. for one, he was formally educated & is a wand user. two, he wasn’t living in ‘abject poverty’ (had a cottage and all, yeah?) three, had super privileged pureblood friends which affords a layer of protection to him. four, access to wolfbane (supposedly expensive and complicated to make). five, social capital in the form of dumbledore who got him a professor job. six, had a wife and child, got to make his own family.
and that’s just what we do know of him. i’m not even counting the potential happy family he could’ve had with hope and lyall or anything else. so honestly, what we know of remus particularly, it’s more privilege than not. i’m not discounting that werewolves face discrimination in the WW (considering how blood-obsessed it is, that’s impossible) i’m just saying remus had multiple shields from the worst of it.
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offmykelter · 11 months
Werewolf thoughts, because I've been brainrotting on that. Uhh, I'll do two HCs, WW Kelter w/ normal Endrust, and WW Endrust w/ normal Kelter
WW rules, the shift happens on full moons and new moons, and it's not just at night, it's like an all day for 2 days kinda thing. Can be bipedal, and can speak but it's like a gravelly growly kinda voice, and can walk on all fours if so desired. Also, they get big
They also keep their horns !! Their horns and tails don't really grow much. Endrust's tail is the only one to really shrink since it's so long lmao
Kelter woowoo
Kelter normally is 5'6-5'7 normally. He's a short king !! Shifted, I wanna say maybe he's around 6'11? Maybe pushing 7'0 if he like stretches himself and stands on his toes
Days when he's shifting, he gets grouchy. He spends the first couple of days before the actual shift grumbling about how his body hurts. Day of shifting, he usually curls in a corner of his room and pants really hard. Endrust feels awful, so he comes in his room to give him some ice and comfort, but he's not allowed to stay for long.
Endrust usually sits outside the door, probably reading/ writing or working on something Revito has sent him. When the shift has slowed/ stopped is when he's allowed to fully enter without being shooed out.
Kelter 👏 zoomies 👏
The company house has a large backyard. Endrust likes to sit outside with Kelter, when he suddenly gets this burst of energy. Endrust thinks it's adorable, and would do his best to keep up with the energy. Usually throws a ball or large stick for Kelter to chase after.
Lots of holes have been digged up in the backyard. Diomeda yells at Kelter to stop, and Endrust stops her saying "he's just a little guy! Look he's filling it back up." Diomeda hates how much Kelter is Endrust's glorified puppy boyfriend thing.
Kelter would zoom around the yard, sniffing the ground, and pawing at large dirt mounds before returning to Endrust. Sniffing him, and shoving his nose into his palms, and giving him big wet kisses before running off.
Cannoli loves laying on Kelter. If and when he's calmed down, she'll curl up ontop of him.
After zoomies, he'll flop besides Endrust under the gazebo and Cannoli would sniff her way under his large paws and curl in, surrounding herself in his warmth.
Kelter isn't much of a howler. He does it if he's prompted, but doesn't do it much. He is, however, a grumbler.
He grumbles and he growls, and that low bellow he does, that bounces in his chest like an alligator is only enhanced in his wolf form. Endrust likes to lay on his back and let him bellow and grumble so he can feel the vibrations <3
Endrust can shove his entire fist in Kelter’s maw, and not worry about being bitten. Kelter will grab, and nibble and hold but he never bites. At first we would keep his muzzle away fron Endrust, and it took some time for trust to be built but now? Endrust can grab at his teeth without worry.
It's not like he ever worried, Kelter's just convinced he's a monster and a brute but he's a big Ole puppy dog
Endrust woowoo
Endrust stands at 5'11 normally. Technically he's still growing, but rn that's his current height. When he's shifted he's around 7'8? I'm tempted to say he grows a bit taller than that, but he's already much taller than Kelter as is.
When he's shifting, he whines quietly, and pants but usually doesn't bother much over it. Business as usual, he says. Until he physically cannot sit at his desk or hold pens normally, he's found at his desk writing or plotting. Up at that point, he curls under said desk.
He doesn't need Kelter there, but having him there is comforting nonetheless. If he has the pleasure of Kelter around, he'd probably lay around him. He gets pretty hot as a wolf, with all the thick fur that grows on him so Kelter is usually running around grabbing ice blocks and fanning Endrust.
Endrust fully shifted is like a working dog. He's pretty good at following tasks out of shift, but in shift he doesn't have that usual grumble to him. His tail wags, and he sits patiently for the next order.
Kelter has to oblige this. If he's ever working in his little shop, Endrust sits and waits. For what? To grab things. He grabs wrenches, and screwdrivers and other tinkering tools and nudges them closer to Kelter with his wet nose. Keltet usually thanks him with a scratch behind the ears, and a coo of "Good Boy."
Endrust doesn't get zoomies as much, but he does enjoy a good hunt in the backyard. Kelter has enough energy to keep up with Endrust, so at night they usually chase each other around for a couple of hours until Kelter gets tired. Endrust let's him crawl on his back and they sit on the porch together.
Kelter doesn't have many strong feelings over WW Endrust. Other than the fact that he can't find a moment a peace. Endrust paws at doors, and whines and woos at closed doors. He HATES closed doors, and needs all doors open during his shifts. It doesn't matter who's room.
Taking a shit by yourself? Not anymore. Endrust is asking if you're alright, and wooing at the door until it's open. Trying to sleep? Without Endrust? His claws are scratching at the bottom of the door. There are marks on doors left from his paws.
Pneuma doesn't understand it. Endrust can teleport if it's really an issue, why doesn't he? Kelter advises it's best to just open the door, before Wendigo throws a shoe at the poor wolf who keeps rooing at the door and howling with his head turned up.
Endrust is super vocal. Kinda like a husky, but with intelligence. Kelter doesn't need to prompt his howling, it just happens. It's hard to get him to quiet down. Diomeda has learned, since she's known Endrust the longest, that howling next to him quietly gets him to quiet down. But if he's in a howling mood it won't stop until he's done. Dio is the go-to howl buddy if he's getting too loud.
Endrust is a nipper too, but in the affectionate way. He wants kelters fingers curled around his canines and to playfully tug on the pressure. Kelter could honestly, if he ever did do it, walk Endrust like that. Following him around as if it was some leash.
Big on showing affection when shifted. Usually sticks his wet nose in Kelter's neck, sniffing and licking. He usually has this woflish grin when Kelter turns around shocked at the cold feeling.
Also licks and sniffs Kelter's palms. Likes to keep Kelter's hands on/ around him. His favorite place is right on his maw, where he can nudge his nose and sniff snoff
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
the howler warwick lore
evidence warwick is vander
Soo.....Ww has taunts on vi,jinx and ekko. for Vi- "Who though you to punch!" and "Zoun needed you" For Jinx- "You were there!" and some else....i cat remember For Ekko- "You are the only person that runs to the past" "Take care of Powder" his daughter's name was the last thing he said DAMN if the shimmer can actually prolong lifetime and cure injuries as it did with Viktor, Warwick/Vander and jinx, 
. If Vander being Warwick turns out to be canon, then the shimmer would certainly be the cause of why he even survived in the first place.
"Singed was able to reveal the true nature of his subject, the deadly beast hidden within a good man." HMM sounds a lot like vander WONDER IF ITS HIM
The deadly beast hidden within a good man.
"The Hound of the underground"
the name Vander actually means Good Man
"I'll show you who you really are" -Silco
WW: Gangster, Lived upto a new name, Couldn't escape his past, Surrounded by blood, Apprehended by singed, Heard a girl screaming a name. Vander: Led rebellion and most likely a gangster, Lived upto his name as vander, Couldn't escape his past, was lying dead in silco's hideout where as well singed was, powder screaming Vi's name for abandoning her.
"Sometimes when feasting on gangers in dark alleys, the flesh of knives reminded him of an old blade covered in blood, passing through his hands" If this is not referring to Vander's old encounter with Silco where Silco cut his arm, then I dont know what is.
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nwbeerguide · 5 years
Six unique WoodWorker releases await you this Saturday.
In the fall of 2018, we set out to brew a modern take on a classic American Barleywine. We wanted the richness of the style, with a bit less sweetness, we wanted a bit more hop flavor and aroma and we wanted more of a clean slate so as to reveal a deeper barrel character from the barrels it was agedin.
If you've fancied yourself a nightcap after a day spent at Holiday Ale Fest, a stop into Baerlic Brewing is order. 
Made of their "beloved Night Howler Imperial Stout", the brewers of Baerlic saturated several previous-use barrels from Booker's, Westward, as well as a few rum casks. The result, according to the brewers, has been fantastic after a year of anticipation. Which is why you probably want to stop by to recover one of four variants including; 
WoodWorker Night Howler Imperial Stout, aged in Booker's Bourbon Casks. 10.5% ABV. 
WoodWorker Night Howler Mexican Chocolate, Imperial Stout aged in Bookers Bourbon Casks with cocoa, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and chilis. 10.5% ABV.
WoodWorker Night Howler Coffee/Cocoa/Vanilla, Imperial Stout aged in Westward Single Malt Whiskey Barrels with Water Ave Coffee, Vanilla, and Cocoa. 10.5% ABV.
WoodWorker Night Howler Ginger, Coconut, and Vanilla, Imperial Stout aged in Rum barrels with coconut, vanilla, and ginger. 10.5% 
The brewery not simply resting with four variants of their Imperial Stout are releasing Perpetual Astonishment aged in Booker's bourbon and Westward whiskey barrels. 
We decided on a blend of Maris Otter and Golden Promise malts for the base (no caramel malts this time around) and a rather assertive hop charge of El Dorado and Cascade hops. We went a little strong on the hops knowing that it would diminish over the year it spent in Bourbon Barrels. What we ended up with is a delightful beer with huge notes of candied orange, vanilla, and sweet rolls with a strong, yet balanced hop presence. And it goes down easy with a bright bourbon backend on the finish.
Look for WoodWorker Perpetual Astonishment Blond Barleywine, aged in Booker's bourbon barrels or Westward Single Malt barrels with Coffee, Cocoa, and Vanilla; both at 9.8% ABV.
In addition to these, the brewery has a limited number of vintage releases including; 
2014 WW Dinosaur Head - mixed Fermentation sour ale with Pluots
2016 WW Old Blood & Guts - American Barleywine aged in Heaven Hill Bourbon casks
2017 WW Harshmellow Mountain - Belgian Golden Strong aged in second use gin casks with Brett Brux
2017 WW Black Grove - Imperial Stout aged in Heaven Hill Bourbon Barrels
2017 WW Collusion - Dulce de Leche Imperial Stout aged in Weller Bourbon Barrels
2017 WW Collusion Coffee/Vanilla - Dulce de Leche Imperial Stout aged in Weller Bourbon Barrels
Finally, don't forget to check out the WoodWorker Holiday Market to check off some gifts for friends, family, or yourself. 
For more information on the brewery, including address and current releases visit http://baerlicbrewing.com/.
About Baerlic Brewing Company
Say bear-lick…like a bear licking the foam off a frosty mug. Etymologically, it’s an old-english adjective meaning “of barley.” As in there’s beer and then there’s baerlic beer! But feel free to use it whenever you want to describe something that you can’t get enough of. As in: “These waffles are baerlic!”
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide http://bit.ly/2P6OrXs
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dannycaing · 4 years
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JAMICH by Danny Caing Date Written: March 6, 2020
May 22, 2014, @ GMC Thursday Breaktime 3:28 PM
It was Thursday afternoon I was watching on the youtube channel, when I suddenly came across a program about a Girlfriend Proposes To Her Boyfriend (Jamich Proposal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N29dKoxjHf4) at Jamich TV. I was astonished and heartily touched by their dramatic performances.  I thought this was just one of their show like movies of Mandy Moore's A Walk To Remember,  Ali Macgraw's Love Story and Lelee Sobieski's Here On Earth.   I was sad to know that Jam has lung cancer. Right there on then,  I wrote the song Sabi Mo Mahal Mo Ako, and later I change the title of the song called JAMICH for Jam Sebastian and Mich Liggayu Love Team.  
July 19, 2014, @ Funky Monkey Bar, Q.C. Saturday 8:32 PM
Laykern Wredd of RADYO Band contacted me on the phone and invited me to join the PINOY WOODSTUCK gig event, a night with Arts show and Musical Talents of the underground bands like Howler Flowers, Roy Antonio, Alasmedya, Malaya, Trigger Happy, Lnguaje, ANO-Pilipinas, Earpens, and an American Wallpaint Artist - RAVEN. Good music, vibes, and drinks. This was the first time I sang the song Jamich live in public.
August 21, 2014, @ Funky Monkey Bar, Q.C., Thursday 8:23 PM
"REMEMBER... IT'S ALL ABOUT HISTORY" by Proud & Loud Production and Rakrakan Na Tayo, featuring - Lazaro, Radyo, Laculus, Kashmir, Godzilla Versus Tokyo, Hoodlum, Danny Caing, Earpens and MAIA.  
It was Norman Buena, the drummer of Hoodlum, who suggested to write as many songs as I can, record them and then post them on the internet. At that time I have composed 70 songs in which I was able to create an album called Spiral Echoes that consists of 39 songs. So, I told him that I have this new song Pila Dito Pila Doon, which might be a first good try for serious recording. After two months, we were able to set an appointment date for recording at Audiofonix Recording Studio on October 17, 2014, Friday 2:38 PM. The Studio was managed & owned by Gino Rafael of Trapeze Band. During the recording session, Norman, as the Recording Editor, proposed to me to record Jamich instead of Pila Dito Pila Doon. It took us 45 minutes to finalize Jamich acoustic song track, and then we have some pizza & drinks. I got the mp3 copy and posted it in Reverbnation (https://www.reverbnation.com/dannycaing) the following day. I wish to thank Gino & Norman for this unforgettable experience, it was an honor.
February 18, 2015, @ Tremolo Music Bar, Mandaluyong City Wednesday 8:32 PM
Khakara Production and Tremolo Music Bar invited me to join the lineup performers on LOVE OUT LAUGH acoustic night gig with RJ Sun, Sacred Foyer, Gibb Capiral, Edward, Theresa Mae, Warren & Carl of Ww Are Living Aahes (WALA), Ruzkaya, Falling Debris, Raffleesia, MJ Legaspi, Talaarawan, Missing Since Thursday, and hosted by Vince Recafrente.
Joeman Papilla,  Manager of Khakara Production, approached me and introduced a young student Film Director, John Angelo Sergio of Tercera Productions under VIDPROD class from Asia Pacific College, requested that his team plans to make a music video of my Jamich song as their midterm project and without hesitation, I immediately approved his request.
JOHN SERGIO:  What can we give you in exchange for this favor?
DUKE:  Nothing,  John.  I am just happy to know that you are going to make a music video of Jamich.  It's awesome.
JOHN SERGIO:  Thank you so much, Sir Duke.  We will invite you once the music video is premiered in our school.
DUKE:  I wish I could sing this song to Jam,  you know.
JOHN SERGIO:  That could be arranged, Sir Duke.  Jam family is our neighbor and friend.
From that moment,  I never thought John was serious about what he just told me.  I can never forget this brief meeting.
JAMICH Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjwSNx4tJrQ
February 21, 2015, @ Mang Rudy's Grill Makati on February 21, 2015 Saturday 8:32 PM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyvvfgH3ptc
5 PM: I have a big event that night, BAWAL SIMANGOT by Red Button Production, performing live with one of my favorites underground artists- Peso Movement,  Jose At Musika,  Consolidar,  Black Wolf Gypsies,  Tree Of Soul,  Crab And Corn,  Danny Caing,  Injent,  Fiasco project,  Induljencia,  A Series Of Fractions,  Lem David,  Izkala,   WetDogi, and Blackboard.  
While I was rehearsing in my room and preparing my things for tonight's gig show,  my cellphone rang.
JOHN SERGIO: Good afternoon, Sir Duke. I have good news for you. We have arranged your meeting with Jam tonight at 6 PM,  please be there on time in the lobby of St. Luke Hospital in Global City. My mother will meet you there.
DUKE:  Wow!  Thank you so much,  John.  God is good all the time.
JOHN SERGIO: Please don't forget to bring your guitar and a letter to Jam.  I told them that you are going to sing your song Jamich to Jam. Good luck and God bless.
6 PM @ St. Luke's Hospital, Global City Saturday
When I arrived in the lobby at St. Luke,  Mrs. Elvi Sergio (mother of John) was already there to meet me and escorted me to Jam's room.  I could not believe that I will be meeting Jam Sebastian, one of the leading men on the very popular indie film called JAMICH at YouTube. Inside the room, there were few guests, close friends & relatives of the family including Jam's mother Ma'am Maricar. Later, Mrs. Charilyn Pajo (who arranged this meeting through Ma'am Elvi) and her daughter Maria Isabel arrived with 2 Jamich fans Jalai & Joseph Ahamil.   After giving my letter to Jam, I explained to him about Jesus Words to feel His Words in his thoughts and pray the Lord's Prayer. We all prayed 3 Our Fathers for Jam and asked our Lord Jesus Christ to heal Jam's sickness. I touched Jam's forehead and asked him to repeat what I was about to say:
DUKE: Jesus Christ I need You. I open the door of my heart for my Savior and my Lord. Please take control of the throne of my life and make me the kind of person you want me to be. Thank you, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of my sins. I love You, Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ You are my personal Savior.
I could not believe I was singing Jamich in front of Jam, I tried to hold back my tears when I saw the expression of Jam's face, but I know deep in my heart, Jam will be fine in the hands of our Lord Jesus. Then, Jam requested me to sing more,  so I sang one Beatle song called I NEED YOU, then the last song was one of my songs LIKE THE TUNE OF THIS SONG.
Jamich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS43eYQbTWM
Like The Tune Of This Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGdo_A1Bxlo
I wish to thank John Angelo Sergio, the Director of the music video JAMICH and the Tercera Production crew who were shooting that day at Hagonoy, Bulacan for making this meeting with Jam possible, John's mother Mrs. Elvi Sergio and her friend Mrs. Charilyn Pajo. It's been an honor and great pleasure to meet you Jam Sebastian and Ma'am Maricar and to all the friends, fans and love ones who were inside the room. Likewise, thank you so much, Mrs. Elvi Sergio, for taking the 3 historical live music videos. This is one of my unforgettable experiences.  I love you all for a million billion years.
March 4, 2015 Hightek Production & Entertainment Presents: SWABE NIGHTS VOLUME 7 @ SaGuijo Makati Wednesday.
Guest Performers:  Sentido,  Pop U,  Jeeps Over Taxis,  Suicidal Genius,  Project Based,  Mutya,  Pernella,  Summer Project, and Danny Caing.
7 PM: I was celebrating a birthday dinner with my brother Dr. Dino Caing at Max Fried Chicken in Glorieta Makati. I was also excited that night because it was my first gig performance at SaGuijo, a well-known place for the famous underground Pilipino independent bands & artists. Suddenly, my cellphone rings and it was Goo Aurellia, Highteck Production Manager and Sentido frontman.
GOO: Good evening Sir Duke. Where are you, now?
DUKE: I'm with my brother, Goo. I'm sorry that I'm going to be late.
GOO: Press people are looking for you here, from ABS/CBN. They want an interview with you regarding your song Jamich.
DUKE: Why would they do that? What's up, Goo?
GOO: They told me that Jam Sebastian died this morning.
DUKE (something hit in my stomach): Jam. Died this morning. I'm sorry Goo, I cannot go to SaGuijo right now. I'll make this up to you. Please tell them that I cannot attend the gig tonight. I'm so sorry.
DINO (my brother): Who is Jam Sebastian, bro?
I accompanied my brother to MIA-3 that night instead. I just told him that the gig show was postponed.  When my brother entered the Departure Area.  I took a taxi home,  while on the way to Skyway,  I prayed 3 Our Father for Jam's soul to rest in peace with our Lord Jesus Christ.  Jam was just almost 29 years old. Life goes on.
Music Background: "Jamich" by Danny Caing https://soundcloud.com/dannycaing/jamich-by-danny-duke-caing
All Rights Reserved Copyrighted @ 2020 Wonderful Stories Limited
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blimbo-buddy · 11 months
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Disability month icons featuring Payaso and Howler
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blimbo-buddy · 3 months
Howler is deeply hurt, ingrained into her brain is the idea of her purpose to become a force of nature. Manipulated, her mind twisted up by the Colony, she was a lovely child, but both a curse and a blessing to her peers. And now, she passes the same knowledge and experiences to Chives, her horrible world views and personal views echoing down to Chives. But Howler taught those lessons 10-fold compared to how she was taught them. Chives followed her around like a baby duckling, even after Howler turned up dead, she desperately wanted to watch her walk into the room so she could follow her again. Chives was given a twisted sense of purpose, taught to her by the cat who experience the same feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Howler's way of teaching was harsh, but it was "like tough love", perhaps the love and care was there, but never enough. They had both fallen victim to the cycle of war. Molding themselves into deadly beasts to better serve their community. But Howler controlled Chives, and when she died, she was left alone, nowhere to go and no one to follow and obey. She was now nothing. After all: What is a weapon without it's wielder?
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blimbo-buddy · 2 months
Eulogy for a Faithful Hound by Five Sharps is such a fucking DarkStripe song I can't take it
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