elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 65-Greenleaf
A blow unlike any other has struck ElementClan.  While out on an unassuming walk, Shadestar  (160) slipped into a ravine and lost all her remaining lives.  The Clan is devastated by the loss of their formidable leader.  Their reputation as a Clan with darkness at its heart has died with her.  Will they be at greater risk of attack now that their dark protector is gone?  Is Yuccawillow (44) ready to lead?  Who will become deputy with no other dark-cursed or star-blessed cats in the Clan?  ElementClan has been thrust into a time of uncertainty, with only the young Yuccawillow for guidance.  She heads immediately to the moonstone, alongside Brightfalcon (108).  She is given a life for affection by the long-dead Posywhisper, a life for confidence by the dearly missed Nessie, and a life for adventure by the tiny Foggykit.  Stormrush approaches and gives a quick greeting to Brightfalcon before giving Yuccawillow a life for determination.  Yuccawillow bites back a sob as her long-dead brother Mountainpaw stretches up his nose to give her a life for honesty.  Howllichen is next, with a life for integrity.  Despite not being a fan of Yuccawillow in life, Icyglint steps forward to give her a life for instincts, followed by an ancient Healer named Quailbright with a life for faith.  Finally, Shadestar steps forward.  She congratulates and reassures Yuccawillow before giving her a life for leadership through the darkest times.  What a lovely omen.  She hails Yuccawillow by her new name, Yuccastar.  She has finally achieved the destiny she always knew was coming.  But can she do it well? Yuccastar decides to make Peakspots (33) deputy, despite not being the most experienced warrior and only just receiving an apprentice; a fire-blessed cat is the next best choice if there are no proven dark-cursed or star-blessed cats around.  Peakspots is devastated by the loss of her mother, and hopes that she can make both of her mothers proud as a deputy.
Meta: You may not recognize some of Yuccastar's life-givers' names because they were randomly generated by the game. I don't know why Nightingaletree, Brightshard, Skydawn, and Nookshade didn't give Yuccastar lives. Because a total of nine cats have died by this point in the game. But oh well.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 56-Leaf-fall
Rosemarypaw (13) is still stressing.  Leaf-bare is approaching and she is nowhere near ready for it.  She remembers how hard the last leaf-bare was; her mother died, after all.  And none of the earth-blessed cats in the Clan are powerful enough to do much healing.  Additionally, all of their catmint went bad (not a good sign this close to leaf-bare) and cats keep breaking their legs!  First Stonefreckle (39) and now Nessie (52).  And on top of that, Yuccawillow (35) now has frostbite, so Shadestar (151) has to do all the leadership duties herself!  But she doesn’t seem to mind much, as she has been spending more time with Nessie, checking in on the cat that her daughter is so obsessed with. She’s found that Nessie is actually quite nice and is enjoying making a new friend in her old age.  Brightfalcon (99) is feeling a little better and challenges Howllichen (15) to spar with her, keeping the paralyzed cat active.  Peakspots (24) has taken to checking in on the injured cats, mostly for Nessie.  Yuccawillow seems to think she’s checking in on her.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 52-Greenleaf
ElementClan has been finding TulipClan scent over their border and they suspect that the other Clan is stealing prey.  Shadestar (147) sent Egretshell (148) to deal with it, but, instead of resolving the issues, TulipClan denied any trespassing.  Tensions between the Clans have increased.  Egretshell met with Chervilcry (31)  to discuss how best to proceed, and really enjoyed talking with his daughter and coworker.  Antlerpaw (9) is excited to return to her training after spending a moon bedridden with frostbite.  She worries that she is falling behind in her training, so she practices using her wind powers to blow feathers around, getting one stuck to her face in the process.  Chervilcry is over Nessie (48) and is back to thinking about Stonefreckle (35), wondering what it would be like to grow old with him.  Stonefreckle has no romantic feelings for anyone.  Meanwhile, Peakspots (20) is sharing prey with Yuccawillow (31) and enjoying the deputy’s company.  Howllichen (11) and Antlerpaw are spending some time together and joking about how bad the other Clans smell.  Antlerpaw uses the wind to waft some of TulipClan’s scent over, and Howllichen gags.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 51-Greenleaf
As the Clan moves into greenleaf, Antlerpaw (8) remains in the Healer's den with frostbite.  Rosemarypaw (8) thinks it’s weird to treat her sister, but it’s nice for them to spend more time together again.  Antlerpaw just wants to be out training, and Bushmask (61) has to remind her to get some prey from the fresh-kill pile to keep her strength up while she heals.  And with a new season, comes new drama.  Nessie (47) has been flirting more with Peakspots (19) instead of Chervilcry (30).  Which Chervilcry notices, making her jealous and a bit standoffish.  Shardfrost (30) has also been having relationship issues (and fighting with cats she doesn’t normally). She worries that Stonefreckle (34) will never feel the way that she does about him.  It makes her powers harder to control and she’s definitely made it rain a bit more than usual.  Rosmarypaw has been begging Howllichen (10) for stories lately, but the other cat hasn’t had much interest in telling them, so she takes to ignoring Rosemarypaw.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 50-Newleaf
As newleaf continues, life in the Clan falls into a steady rhythm.  They still miss the cats they have lost, but they are adjusting.  Shadestar (145) and Egretshell (146) are checking up on Howlllichen (9), making sure the young cat still feels like a part of the Clan.  She’s doing well, and keeping the younger apprentices occupied by quizzing Rosemarypaw (7) on herbs and Antlerpaw (7) on battle moves.  While some cats like having Bird (79) in the Clan, others are finding yet another powerless cat in the Clan to be annoying and are spreading nasty rumors about him.  Yuccawillow (29) says that she heard that Bird killed his twolegs’ kit and that’s why they threw him out.  Stonefreckle (33) thinks that Bird is just annoying, regardless of his power level.  Finally, the two have found something they can agree on.  Nessie’s (46) affection for Peakspots (18) has been growing.  He wants to confess to her, but he feels a little apprehensive at the prospect dating the leaders’ kit.  Shadestar’s quite a bit more powerful than him, and she is dark-cursed.  What if she hurts him?  It may be best to wait a bit.  Meanwhile, Peakspots feels nothing other than friendship for Nessie.  Now Yuccawillow (29) on the other paw. . .Meanwhile, Antlerpaw and Rosemarypaw have been growing apart a bit.  It feels weird for them to not share everything anymore, but the two of them have such different training processes.  Sometimes they feel like they don’t know each other anymore.  A late newleaf snow caught Yuccawillow and Antlerpaw while they were out on patrol.  Yuccawillow kept going when Antlerpaw wanted to turn back, and the apprentice ended up getting frostbite.  Yuccawillow feels like she made a mistake, but she isn’t sure how to fix it.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 49-Newleaf
Brightfalcon (92) and Stormrush’s kits have been made apprentices!  As expected, Rosemarypaw (6) has been apprenticed to Brightfalcon to become a Healer.  She is curious about it, but would have preferred to be a warrior.  Antlerpaw (6) is apprenticed to Yuccawillow (28), as the deputy is in dire need of an apprentice.  Antlerpaw wishes she could be more excited about being made an apprentice, but all she can think about is how much she wishes that Stormrush was still there to chant her new name with the rest of the Clan.  Shadestar (144)  notices that she looks a little sad and admires the brave face she is putting on.  Sunflower (113) and Peakspots (17) are bonding, with Peakspots being considerate of Sunflower’s time and Sunflower comforting Peakspots after a stressful patrol. Mediators tend to work closely with Healers, so Chervilcry (28) is excited to spend more time with Rosemarypaw.  Rindlefish (50), although she still misses Icyglint, is bonding with Nessie (45).  Every time their pelts brush, Rindlefish gets a surge of energy.  She’s also been spending a lot of time practicing battle moves she saw a rogue doing.  It can’t hurt to know how your enemy fights, right? Shardfrost(28) is getting to know Bird (78) better, and Bird shared a joke about a neighboring Clan with her.  Yuccawillow is excited to have her first apprentice, but is a little apprehensive about how well she’ll do as a mentor.  She doesn’t have a lot of experience with wind magic, and it feels like Antlerpaw already outclasses her.  Sunflower hopes that Howllichen (8) is doing alright.  After all, her former nursery-mates have been made apprentices while she is stuck in the elders’ den.  Howllichen is, in fact, doing fine and loves being in the Clan.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 47-Leaf-bare
The Clan is still in the depths of leaf-bare, but things seem to be looking up a little bit.  Brightfalcon’s (90) nightmares have subsided and she can work again.  Howlkit (6) has managed to shake off the kittencough, and Rindlefish (48) has finally recovered from her bite wound.  Now she can get back to glaring at Yuccawillow (26).  Howlkit has also reached the age of six moons, but, instead of becoming an apprentice, she has decided to stay in camp and live in the elder’s den.  She feels like she'll be happier helping out in camp than she would be hunting and fighting as a warrior. Shadestar (142) gives her the name of Howllichen in honor of her resilience.  The Clan is still short on herbs though, and Brightfalcon refused to share with FurledClan.  The other Healer left unsatisfied.  Shadestar is checking in on the kits, and is having a wonderful time discussing Clan news (and her future role as Healer) with Rosemarykit (4).   Egretshell is also letting Rosemarykit (143) share her troubles with him.  Meanwhile, Shardfrost (26) and Stonefreckle (30) are getting along well, making Chervilcry (26) a  bit jealous.   Nessie (43) is fitting into the Clan well.  He has a fiery attitude to match his fire powers and is boasting about how much fresh kill he can bring back to camp today.  In contrast, Peakspots’ (15) powers and personality are more of a soft burning ember.  That can still flare up.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 58-Leaf-bare
Sadly, in the past moon, a snake bit Howllichen (17) and she passed away.  The Clan mourns her and wishes her well in StarClan.  Yuccawillow (37) has finally recovered from frostbite.  However, she can’t hear clearly anymore, as the frostbite damaged her ears.  She’s frustrated that she couldn’t heal herself with her powers.  If StarClan blessed her, why did they take her hearing!  And why wasn’t she powerful enough to fix it!  Shadestar (153) tries to comfort her, but Yuccawillow won’t listen. Chervilcry (37) is worried about Yuccawillow and has been following her around. This annoys the deputy. In a bit of better news, Brightfalcon (101) is cured of whitecough and can finally work again.  Rosemarypaw (15) is grateful for the help, although she feels like she should be given her name for her efforts over the past few moons.   It’s making her testy and she got in a fight with Caterpillarpaw (7). Nessie (54) and Peakspots (26) are enjoying mated life, and went for a lovely moonlit stroll.  Shardfrost (37) is honestly a little jealous of  her sister (Chervilcry) for being mates with Stonefreckle (41).  She wishes she could have won his heart.  Well on patrol, Rosemarypaw comes across a queen who has just kitted and she takes the queen and her litter back to camp.  The new cat, Darkpetal (97), doesn’t want to talk about herself yet (is she hiding something, or is she just too tired?) but Shadestar recognizes her as a former deputy from the neighboring TulipClan.   She has a weak wind blessing, and one of her kits, the aptly named Airkit (0), shares this while the other, named Sunkit (0), is powerless.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 53-Greenleaf
The heat of late greenleaf didn’t agree with Howllichen (12) and she has gotten heatstroke.  Brightfalcon (96) is busy taking care of her, alongside Rosemarypaw (10), who twisted her ankle.  Despite being injured, Brightfalcon is proud of her daughter and apprentice, especially of how far she’s come in her training. Rosemarypaw is still not a fan of Healer duties.  She would rather be out fighting.  Yuccawillow (32)  has been a little lost in her deputy/mentor duties, and is grateful that Shadestar (148) is always there to help her.   She feels that Shadestar is a credit to dark-cursed cats.  Yes, Yuccawillow can still be a little aloof over her ‘blessing’.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 48-Newleaf
Newleaf has arrived and with it, an empty healer's den.  Brightfalcon (91) is relieved to have made it through her most taxing leaf-bare yet.  And even more excited to have her daughter by her side for the next one.  She also checks in on Antlerkit (5) for the first time in moons.  Her daughter is a little hesitant to share, but it’s nice to know that her mother still cares.  Bird (77), a newcomer to the Clan and not quite understanding how it works, wants to become the new deputy.  He doesn’t seem to realize that only cats with magic can become deputy.  Bushmask (58)  has been carving out some time to spend with Howllichen (7) and is trying to get her to tell him a new story.  The kits are excited to be made apprentices.  And the Clan is excited to get them out of camp.  Antlerkit has been creating little windstorms in her excitement.
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