elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 205-Newleaf
Unfortunately, Cragpaw (8) could not beat greencough and died.  The young cat had been doted on by the Clan and they are sorry to see him go.  Creekstar (59) is especially broken up.  Yet another cat has died on her watch.  Is she truly that bad of a leader?  If a star-blessed cat were leader, would they have been able to step up and heal Cragpaw?  Primcrest (47) and her mate are also shaken by the loss of their only kit.  It feels wrong that he should have died so young.  Why can’t they escape loss?  The Clan does need some lifting up, so Creekstar decides to try and act like she’s alright (even though she’s not).  She notices that Fry (112) is upset with the death of his grandkit, so she hides behind a bush to pounce on him.  Rubblekit (1), despite being young, notices that something is up with Creekstar and asks her how she’s doing.  She appreciates it, but doesn’t want to trouble the kit.  Primcrest is feeling a bit lost and asks Creekstar for advice on how to keep going.  Creekstar supposes that giving someone else assistance helps. She suggests helping out Cypressbadger (71) in the nursery.  Primcrest is still not a fan of Rubblekit.  She thinks he’s so much more stuck up and rude than her Cragkit was.  And he’s always using his wind powers to make a breeze whistle through the camp.  And boost the sound of his yowling.  Can’t Cypressbadger get that under control?
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elementclangen · 4 months
Moon 184-Greenleaf
Poolbounce (20)  just can’t stop adopting kits.  This time, he adopted two kits a loner left to the Clan.  Both of them are water-blessed, which Creekstar (38) is grateful for.  At least one of them will become a mediator.  It’ll be nice to have one again.  The little girl, Swiftkit (2), loves using her water-blessing to get into trouble.  She uses it to make the splashes from puddles even bigger to drench one of Poolbounce’s other kits, Robinkit (1).  He’s not a fan of getting doused with water, and the most his fire-blessing can do is warm him up a little bit.  The other kit, Silverkit (2), makes quite a team with Swiftkit.  Sometimes the two of them will make a wave that completely drenches the nursery.  How fun.   Lightkit (1) seems to be getting along better with Silverkit and Swiftkit than his bio brother.  He has a fun time joking around with Silverkit.  Robinkit is excited to escape his splashing tormentors and dreams about becoming a warrior.  In other family relationships, Gladepatch (60) is feeling a little defensive of his daughter after she got rejected by Wildcave (67).  He doesn’t think the other tom is being completely honest with Creekstar about his feelings.  Pigeonspot’s (53) efforts to get along with Sleepyfoot’s (50) older kits seem to be going well, at least with Astertwist (20).  She appreciates the advice the young Healer gives her.  She’s also been spending time with her younger bio son, Elmroot (14) and wants to explore the whole territory with him.  Primcrest feels the need to keep all of her skills sharp and challenges Elmroot to spar with her.  Frecklepaw (11) is enjoying her Healer training, particularly the parts where she gets to hang out with the elder, Peakspots (153).  She promises she’ll always take care of him. Tornpaw (11) is working hard at developing fighting techniques that take advantage of his disability.  He’s determined that he’ll be just as skilled in battle as any able-bodied fire-blessed cat!
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elementclangen · 4 months
Moon 169-Newleaf
Amethystdapple (96) and Fry’s (76) kits have been made warriors!  It’s crazy to think that the birth of these kits, particularly Primpaw (11), sparked a revolution, and now they’re warriors.  The Clan has grown and changed so much since then.    Mossypaw (11) has been given the name of Mossyfleck, honoring his warmth (hah).  Amethystdapple is proud of her only son.  Brightpaw (11) has been given the name of Brightfern, honoring her assurance.  And, the star (hah) of the ceremony, Primpaw, is given the warrior name of Primcrest, honoring her adaptability.  She may not have proven herself yet, but Creekstar has no doubt that she will.  Chervilcry (148) has been trying to spend more time with her grandkits, but said grandkit Cypressbadger (35) finds all the attention annoying.  She and the mediator end up getting in a fight.  At least Sleepyfoot (35) seems to like her grandma.  It’s still a little weird for Wildcave (52) to think he has younger siblings the same age as his kits.  Oh well.  At least he enjoys sharing the latest inter-Clan gossip with his daughter.  Conegoat (52) is less thrilled with having a niece.  She ignores Daisypaw (10) and gets her in trouble for not changing out the bedding in the nursery. And she’s not the only one upset with Daisypaw. Rabbitfur (25) is still annoyed with having Daisypaw as an apprentice.  She rolls her eyes when Daisypaw argues with her over a technique, but doesn’t provide any reason why her way of doing it is better.  Daisypaw can’t wait to be done with training and be a warrior like her aunts are. Meanwhile, Shard (66) has grown quite fond of Fennelkit (5).  She knows she won’t be able to mentor the young cat, as their powers don’t match, but she wishes she could.  
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elementclangen · 1 day
Moon 296-Leaf-fall
It has been a bit of a dramatic moon for the Clan.  First, Tanglechirp (43) and Bluestripe (71) have a fight and break up.  Then, just a quarter moon later, they get back together.  Drama.  Brightmouse (71) hopes that her sister gets into a more stable relationship at some point.  She doesn’t think Tanglechirp is good for her.  Next, Burdockpaw (12) is given the name of Burdockbeam, honoring her determination.  She’s still just as troublesome as she was when she was younger, but now she has the determination to back it up!  However, just when things have been looking up for the Clan, the camp floods.  There are enough water-blessed cats that they can stave off some of the damage, but Troutpaw (7) and Basaltpaw (8) still drown. Boulderpaw (11) saves the young Crouchpaw (7), though. Kestrelcreek’s (85) family misses Troutpaw.  Rimepaw (7) begs StarClan to send her back.  She shouldn’t have been taken so soon!  Crouchpaw, though, is wondering if Clan life is too dangerous for her.  Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to become a kittypet.  Kestrelcreek and Almondback (67) rely on their remaining family to get through the grief, and Brightmouse does her best to keep the apprentices' minds off of the tragedy by telling them a story.  The three surviving Ground and Sky kits huddle close together.  Petalpaw (8) falls asleep during the vigil, but Skypaw (8) and Peatpaw (8) stay up all night.  They’re even more alone in the Clan, now.  Petalpaw feels like Creekstar (150) should have done more to save his sister and steps on her paw, pretending not to notice.  She lets him get away with it.  She feels like she should have done more, too.  Apparently, Petalpaw is feeling very angsty after the death of his brother.  When Embershell asks for help, he rolls his eyes at her.  She’s a warrior.  Shouldn’t she be independent?!  Downgaze (77) is not happy that he has to share a den with Burdockbeam.  She may be his grandkit, but he finds her very annoying.  She just doesn’t understand that life comes with consequences.  He’s not the only one annoyed by a younger cat.  Greenrapid (52) feels like Longpaw (10) has been acting stuck up and rude.  She doesn’t have to rub it in her face when she catches a piece of prey that Greenrapid missed!  Alderflight (52), despite being close to Downgaze, doesn’t know Sweet Marmalade (81) very well.  They spend an afternoon hanging out, and Sweet Marmalade reports back to Downgaze that he approves of Alderflight.  Sweet Marmalade is glad that he joined the Clan.  He reflects on how different his life is now than it was when he was a kittypet.  If he hadn’t joined, his life may have been easier, but he never would have met Downgaze or had kits with him.  Life is good. Lately, Creekstar thinks she’s been hearing the voices of StarClan cats.  They almost sound like her father and grandfather, calling her home. . .
Healer’s den: Greenrapid (grief stricken), Dawnfreckle (running nose), Sofanthiel (running nose), Tanglechirp (fleas), Embershell (running nose), Copperpaw (running nose)
New personality: Peatpaw (loyal and splashes in puddles), 
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elementclangen · 2 days
Moon 295-Leaf-fall
The Clan had a bit of a scare this moon when Creekstar (149) was struck by lightning and lost a life.  It’s a reminder to them all that she’s getting old.  None of them have ever been in a Clan without her as leader.  Creekstar hopes that Dawnfreckle (79) is ready to step up into leadership, because she feels that she’ll be gone within the next twelve moons.  In better news, Kestrelcreek (84) and Almondback’s (66) kits have been made apprentices!  Rimepaw (6) is apprenticed to Cavecatcher (53), just as he had hoped.  Crouchpaw (6) is apprenticed to Alderflight (51) to help her gain some confidence.  Troutpaw (6) is apprenticed to Bluestripe (70), as she did well with her previous apprentice.  Now that Cavecatcher is more mature, Brightmouse (70) has noticed how kind he is.  She corrects his hunting stance and brushes up against him, purring.  Dawnfreckle, as a new deputy, makes sure to spend time with the younger cats in the Clan.  During a break from training, he and Troutpaw play mossball with each other, using his wind powers to play it with a flying mossball.  He also makes some time to share tongues with Hopcurl (13).    The Ground and Sky kits are still feeling a little left out.  Basaltpaw (7) doesn’t get the joke Burdockpaw (11) was telling Boulderpaw (11).  She said it was something only star-blessed cats could understand.  Skypaw (7) was also rude to Alderflight.  Petalpaw (7) and Peatpaw (7) seem to be getting along with the other cats better, though.  Peatpaw and Cavecatcher have become friends and enjoy spending time with each other.  Petalpaw also covers for Rimepaw when she wants a break from training.  Even though  Kestrelcreek isn’t the most senior warrior, she has been in the Clan the longest.  She gathers up the apprentices and tells them about what times were like when she was an apprentice, and all the cats she used to know.  Alderflight and Downgaze (76) are still close friends and are getting closer.  Alderflight thinks it’s amusing how grumpy Downgaze manages to look all the time and teases him about it.
Healer’s den: Greenrapid (grief stricken), Dawnfreckle (running nose), Pebbletuft (small cut), Sofanthiel (running nose), Tanglechirp (fleas), Hatchswipe (sore), Alderflight (stomach ache), Embershell (running nose), Copperpaw (running nose), Rimepaw (scrapes, running nose)
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elementclangen · 4 days
Moon 293-Greenleaf
The Clan had just settled into having a new deputy.  Skipneedle (68) was doing great and may even have become leader one day.  But then she was bitten by a snake while protecting Boulderpaw (9) and succumbed to the venom.  For the second time in 16 moons, Creekstar (147) must choose a new deputy.  It’s weird.  She had one deputy for most of her leadership.  But this cat will mark the fourth deputy she’s had total.  Because the star-blessed apprentices are too young, that leaves her to choose between Bluestripe (68) and Dawnfreckle (77).  In the end, she chooses. . .Dawnfreckle.  Bluestripe has not fully mentored an apprentice yet, and Creekstar hopes that she’ll get along better with her new deputy than she got along with Primcrest and Skipneedle.  She doesn’t even really mourn Skipneedle.  They didn’t get along as well as she had hoped they would.  Skipneedle’s death also means that the original fearsome fivesome is down to just the terrible two: Bluestripe and Brightmouse (68).  The sisters lean on each other, mourning the loss of another littermate.  Brightmouse may not have been on the best of terms with her sister, but she still misses the warmth she brought to her life.  Tanglechirp (40), being a part of Brightmouse’s family now, decides to try and cheer up his sister-in-law by going for an unauthorized walk out of camp.  Echopaw (11) has decided to gossip about Alderflight’s (49) past as a loner.  He wonders what he got up to.  Alderflight is ignoring said gossip. Following her mentor’s death, Boulderpaw has been re-apprenticed to Almondback (64).  Creekstar has noticed how much trouble Burdockpaw (9) has been getting into lately and how she hasn’t been working well with her mentor, Dawnfreckle.  She makes sure to check in on the apprentice and remind her that, as a star-blessed cat, the eyes of the Clan, both living and dead, are on her.   Longpaw (7), being the leader’s apprentice, feels like she should be the best at everything.  She tries to show off a complex fire slash for Cherviljumble (98), but messes it up so badly that Cherviljumble cringes. Greenrapid (49) is still struggling with maturity and tells jokes about a child (Troutkit-4).  Rimekit (4) has decided that she is tired of being stuck in camp and boldly, right in the middle of the day, walks out.  Almondback catches her and gently shoves her right back in with a gust of wind.
Healer’s den: Pebbletuft (heat exhaustion), Petalkit (claw wound), Greenrapid (grief stricken), Tanglechirp (fleas)
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elementclangen · 6 days
Moon 291-Greenleaf
Skykit (3) has always been a bit jumpy, especially with her wind-blessing allowing her to jump extra high.  Now, Pebbletuft (24) has determined that it’s actually partially due to the fact that cats have been approaching her on her bad side.  She was born with one bad eye and no one picked up on it until now.  Also in the nursery, Kestrelcreek (80) is not healing from giving birth as well as Lakepelt (99) had hoped she would.  It’s a little worrying, considering that the last cat to give birth in the Clan, Whorlstem, died from it.  Kestrelcreek doesn’t want to leave her kits and mate (and Brightmouse-66).  Before she realized that she had an infected wound, Kestrelcreek was having a fun time playing with Brightmouse.  They might have to postpone that, now.  With Kestrelcreek not feeling great, Almondback (62) spends some time with the kits and tells jokes about the other Clans to Rimekit (2).  Cherviljumble (96) is impressed with how well the Ground and Sky kits are doing (that’s what I’m calling them now).  The four of them don’t have a parent in the nursery, and Petalkit (3) has been really brave about telling his siblings to give the younger kits some space.  Basalkit (3) is missing having an adult around to cuddle with.  Sweet Marmalade (76)  is just so fluffy and he just wants to cuddle.  Peatkit (3) works together with Basaltkit to sneak into the warriors den to surprise Sweet Marmalade.  With Downgaze (72) out of the healer’s den, he and Alderflight (47) are taking some time together.  They go on a ‘training’ patrol and have a great time racing each other through the woods.  Meanwhile, Dawnfreckle (74) and Burdockpaw (7) continue to not get along.  Dawnfreckle thinks she’s annoying and wishes that she would just do what he asks without trying to undermine him.   Copperpaw (7) feels like Hoppaw (9) has been acting stuck up and rude lately.  Just because she’s a mediator, doesn’t mean she’s better than all of them!  Echopaw (9) really likes spending time with his older sister, Hatchswipe (36).  It’s a good way to get information.  He keeps asking why.  Why do they catch prey like that?  Why are the days getting longer?  Why is there a strange cat talking to him in his dreams?  Hatchswipe doesn’t have an answer for most of them, and is a little worried about the ‘strange cat’.  Creekstar (145) has also been having strange dreams.  She’s worried that it’s Yuccawillow trying to reach her from the Dark Forest.  It’s actually Echomoor, who has decided that the time for silence about Auburnpaw’s death is over.  He hopes to be able to reach either Creekstar or Echopaw soon.  
Healer’s Den: Kestrelcreek (infection after birth), Aries (running nose), Sofanthiel (small cut), Emberpaw (small cut)
Cherviljumble now has constant joint pain, Skykit was born with one bad eye
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elementclangen · 7 days
Moon 290-Newleaf
Whorlstorm’s kits have been made apprentices!  Burdockpaw (6) is apprenticed to Dawnfreckle (73), as he will do a good job of keeping an eye on the little trouble-maker.  Now that she can leave camp, the whole mountain is fair game!  The quieter Boulderpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Skipneedle (65).  Creekstar (144) feels like Skipneedle will help bring her out of her shell. And Copperpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Brightmouse (65), just like Brightmouse had hoped would not happen.  Copperpaw still makes sure to watch out for the remaining kits and brings some feathers back from patrol for them to play with.  On top of that good news, Creekstar has been having another good moon!  She really appreciates how often Lakepelt (98) has been checking in on her.  It’s been helpful.  Kestrelcreek (79) loves being a mom and is proud of how outgoing Rimekit (1) is.  When she and Troutkit (1) team up, though, chaos ensues.  Troutkit will create a small fire and the two of them will take turns jumping in and out of it.  Kestrelcreek does her best to catch them, but they’re good at doing it in secret.  Almondback (61) is also spending some time with his kits, and the other kits, in the nursery.  He takes some fresh-kill and eats it near Petalkit (2) to make sure he feels included. Despite a few rough patches over the past moons, the terrible triad still care deeply about each other.  They have inside jokes that only each other can understand.   Lakepelt, despite once being a newcomer to the Clan herself, is annoyed by some of the more recent cats to join the Clan.  She doesn’t feel like Cherviljumble (95) and Aries (56) understand how to be Clan cats and how to stay safe in the wild.  They’re just making more work for her!  Burdockpaw and Dawnfreckle are already clashing and get in a fight over the best way to do a hunter’s crouch.  On the other paw, Echopaw (8) and Bluestripe (65)  are getting along really well.  Creekstar sees how well Bluestripe is doing as a mentor and regrets not giving her an apprentice earlier.  Primcrest was right about her.  Meanwhile, Echopaw had a strange dream where there was a cat who looked like him telling him that ‘the truth must come out’.  What truth?  And who was that cat?
Healer’s den: Cherviljumble (dislocated joint), Kestrelcreek (recovering from birth), Downgaze (sprain), Aries (running nose)
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elementclangen · 10 days
Moon 287-Leaf-bare
After many moons of not having any kits, the nursery is full!  In addition to Whorlstorm’s (32) three kits, a ChaffinchClan queen leaves her litter with the Clan and Downgaze (68) and Sweet Marmalade (72) adopt them.  One of them, the sweet Hopkit (5), is water-blessed while the other two, who are both polite, are fire-blessed.  The she-kit is fittinginly named Emberkit (5) and the other is named Echokit (5), after Echomoor, Downgaze’s dead brother.  Additionally, Kestrelcreek (76) has announced that she is expecting kits!  Almondback (58) is excited.  And nervous.  He tries to set a good example for the younger cats in the Clan.   As a break from the business of Clan life, Kestrelcreek and Almondback have a nice little training session before Kestrelcreek moves to the nursery.  Almondback feels wild and free as he playfully pounces on Kestrelcreek.  He doesn’t know the last time he’s felt this light. However, all this good news is tempered by Whorlstorm’s death.  She couldn’t recover from giving birth and passed away, leaving her kits without their mother and Hatchswipe (32) the only survivor of Downgaze and Rootwing’s litter (look at that, more trauma in the Brightfalcon family).  Copperkit (3) misses cuddling with her mom and wants to learn more about what her mom was like as a kit.  Downgaze, who’s also in the nursery caring for his new kits, is glad to share what he remembers.  Hatchswipe has decided not to deal with her sister’s death and is instead sparring with Kestrelcreek.  She does make time to help care for her sister’s kits, though, and helps Boulderkit (3) pick burrs out of her fur.  Downgaze, having decided to help care for his orphaned grand-kits,  is feeling a little overwhelmed with six kits under his care and asks Sofanthiel (76) for some help.  She’s surprised, as she thought he had everything figured out, but helps out with the kits willingly.  It seems there may be a bit of a polycule brewing.  Downgaze is crushing on Alderflight (43) while his mate and Lakepelt (95) are crushing on each other.  Maybe he’ll have better luck than his great-grandparents? While Cavecatcher (45) is trying to be more mature, Greenrapid (43) is still acting like the young warrior she is.  She steps on Aries’ (53) foot and pretends not to notice.  Creekstar (141) just can’t seem to get along with her deputies.  First, she and Primcrest fell out, and now she’s fighting with Skipneedle (62).  Skipneedle feels like Creekstar needs to step down and/or take a break.  She’s been sick/grieving for moons and Skipneedle thinks a break would really help with her mental health.  But Creekstar is determined to serve her Clan until StarClan takes her.  
Healer’s den: Creekstar (whitecough), Pebbletuft (claw wound), Sweet Marmalade (whitecough), Brightmouse (mangled tail), Tanglechirp (yellowcough), Kestrelcreek (pregnant), Downgaze (stomachache), Cavecatcher (stomachache)
New personalities: Copperkit (lonesome, quick to make peace, and interested in Clan history)
Meta: Echokit’s original name was Fawnkit, but he looks like Echomoor and was adopted by Downgaze (Echomoor’s brother).  Also, the parent listed for the litter is a male loner but the game says that a Chaffinchclan queen left her litter with ElementClan, so the loner is their bio dad. Additionally, I'm going to start noting when a cat gets a new personality or trait, so that's why Copperkit is mentioned.
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elementclangen · 11 days
Moon 286-Leaf-bare
Nettlestripe (55) is feeling a little left out.  It feels like a lot of the cats in the Clan are finding love, and he’s still alone.  He decides to confess his feelings to Bluestripe (61), but she rejects him.  He likes her more than she likes him.  In other Clan news, another powerless former kittypet has joined the Clan, who takes the name of Cherviljumble (91).  With the Clan growing again, even in leaf-bare, Creekstar (140) is feeling like things are looking up.  She playfully teases Dawnfreckle (69) for missing a catch and lets Lakepelt (94) know that, despite their recent troubles, she appreciates how hard she works as a medicine cat.  Downgaze (67) is spending some time with his grandkits.  He grew up in a family of dark-cursed cats, so it’s weird for him to realize that he has star-blessed relatives now.  He spends some time playing with Boulderkit (2).  Meanwhile, Skipneedle (61) feels like Burdockkit (2), who’s always been a little troublemaker, needs to learn how to listen to adults rather than just doing her own thing.  So she’s bossing the kit around.  Her sister, Brightmouse (61), also is not a fan of Whorlstorm’s (31) litter.  She can’t stand Copperkit (2) and hopes that she won’t have to mentor her.  Almondback (57) and Kestrelcreek (75) enjoy a moment of downtime together.  They talk about what they want from the rest of their lives and find that their goals align: they both want to keep the cats they care about safe.  Sweet Marmalade (71) had a run of luck with not being in the Healer’s den, but that has ended now that he has whitecough.  He also can’t seem to get along with both of his kits at once.  He’s made up with Whorlstorm but now Hatchswipe (31) is annoyed with him .  Cavecatcher (44) is trying to take on more of a mentoring role this moon.  He’s used to being one of the babies in the Clan, but that’s not really true anymore.  He talks with Creekstar about getting an apprentice one day and gives some advice to Copperkit.  Tanglechirp (33) doesn’t seem to realize that some of the things he does are offensive.  He takes a piece of prey that Greenrapid was eyeing and the two of them get in a fight.  He also told Lakepelt someone else’s secret. Oops. With Whorlstorm feeling a little sick after having kits, Skipneedle makes sure to check in on her and gives her the last piece of fresh-kill on the pile.  She’s sure that she can find some more.  Aries (52) is doing her best to be a good mediator and cheers up Alderflight after he has a small disagreement with Downgaze.  She also makes sure to get to know the younger members of the Clan and shares fresh-kill with Copperkit.  Kestrelcreek is getting closer to Brightmouse and asks her more about Frostblotch.  Brightmouse is glad to talk about her sister, as she feels like cats forget about her and instead focus on Archdapple.
Healer’s den: Sweet Marmalade (whitecough), Downgaze (yellowcough), Brightmouse (mangled tail), Whorlstorm (recovering from birth, infected), Pebbletuft (claw wound), Greenrapid (shivering)
Sofanthiel got a scar
Meta: I think that the conflict between Sweet Marmalade and his adoptive kits is technically Brightfalcon family drama. Downgaze’s kits are Graysong’s great-great grandchildren and Brightfalcon and Bushmask’s great-great-great grandchildren. Also, take two on the adoptive father family drama.
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elementclangen · 12 days
Moon 285-Leaf-bare
Alderflight (41) has recovered from his head damage, although not without a scar on his face.  He’s excited to finally have a chance to help out the Clan and go on patrols.  Meanwhile, Skipneedle (60) is starting to understand why Primcrest was not a fan of Creekstar (139).  She’s a bit paranoid, especially with the new star-blessed cats in the Clan.  Skipneedle finds it hard to get her work done.  Brightmouse (60) has decided that the best way for Hatchswipe (30) to move on from Treepelt is for her to get in a fight to distract her.  She starts an argument between Aries (51) and Hatchswipe and then watches the chaos unfold.   Additionally, Aries, who doesn’t feel like she’ll be much use as a warrior, has decided to become a mediator instead. Whorlstorm (30) is busy with her three kits in the nursery, between grooming them and making sure that Copperkit (1) doesn’t burn down the nursery.  Burdockkit (1) is enjoying causing trouble in the healer’s den by messing up the herbs Lakepelt (93) is storing.  Lakepelt doesn’t understand why she’s being so rude. Sofanthiel (74), being from outside the Clan and not used to relying on powered cats to survive, teaches Downgaze (66) a useful hunting technique while they’re in the healer’s den together.  While on a patrol, Kestrelcreek (74) and Brightmouse find a loner named Pebbletuft (18) that they bring back to camp.  She’s Earth-blessed, and, if she recovers from her claw-wound, will be able to help out Lakepelt in the Healer’s den
Healer’s den: Sofanthiel (mangled tail), Downgaze (yellowcough), Whorlstorm (recovering from birth), Pebbletuft (claw-wound)
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elementclangen · 13 days
Moon 284-Leaf-fall
Whorlstorm (29) has had her kits!  No one knows who their other parent is, but they suspect they were a powered cat because all of the kits have magic.  The first kit, Copperkit (0), is a lonesome little girl with a medium high strength fire-blessing.  Thank StarClan her mom’s water-blessing keeps her from burning down the nursery.  Her other two kits are both. . .Star-blessed.  Boulderkit (0) would also like to spend time alone and has relatively low strength magic.  Relative compared to her sister, that is, the troublemaking Burdockkit (0) who’s magic is even stronger than Archdapple’s was.  Between the two of them, it’s hard for anyone to get sleep with the nursery (and camp) always being so bright.  Whorlstorm is also tired of not being able to get to sleep and wishes that Burdockkit would figure out how to turn off her glow.  Even Lakepelt (92) is getting cranky and gives Boulderkit some bitter herbs on purpose.  On the other paw, Sofanthiel (73) likes the new kits and keeps a bit of Burdockkit’s fluff.  Hatchswipe (29) makes sure to spend some time with her nieces, although it does make her a little sad that she and Treepelt never had a chance to have kits of their own. Downgaze (65) and Alderflight (40) continue to get along well.  Alderflight is curious about why Creekstar (138) has been avoiding the nursery lately and not going to see her great grandkits.  Downgaze tells him the story of Yuccawillow and Creekstar’s grandparents.   Despite some tensions amidst the terrible triad lately, Bluestripe (59) is proud of how well her sister is doing as deputy.  It’s not a job she would have wanted and thinks that Skipneedle (59) is handling everything very well.   While on a patrol together, the terrible triad find a former kittypet named Aries (50) who joins the Clan.  She is water-blessed, but very weakly.
Healer’s den: Sofanthiel (mangled tail), Alderflight (head damage), Whorlstorm (recovering from birth), Sweet Marmalade (cracked pads), Hatchswipe (joint pain)
Meta: Copperkit's original game was Echokit, but I didn’t like naming her after Echomoor.  He was Whorlstorm’s uncle, but he died before Whorlstorm was born.  If Copperkit had been dark-cursed, I would have kept the name, though.
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elementclangen · 14 days
Moon 283-Leaf-fall
It turned out that Cragstem (34) could not beat redcough and died.  Well, at least the healers tried.  Sofanthiel (72) recovered from her whitecough only to immediately get her tail mangled by a dog.  Oof.  With Whorlstorm (28) pregnant, Creekstar (137) is keeping an eye out for her granddaughter.  She offers to groom a hard to reach place for her.  It feels weird for Creekstar to think that she'll be a great-grandmother soon.  And that means that her grandparents will be great great great grandparents.  Weird.  With Creekstar getting older, it’s looking more and more likely that Skipneedle (58) could be the next leader of ElementClan.  She wonders who would give her nine lives and hopes that she’d get to see her dead sisters again.  Downgaze (64) and Sweet Marmalade (68) spend some time in the Healer’s den with Alderflight (39).  Downgaze appreciates it when Alderflight tells him about a feather that had gotten stuck to his face. And purrs for a long time at one of Sweet Marmalade’s jokes.  While Cavecatcher (41) also enjoys spending time with Alderflight, Greenrapid (39) just thinks the former kittypet is annoying.  
Healer’s Den: Sofanthiel (mangled tail), Hatchswipe (joint pain, whitecough), Alderflight (head damage), Whorlstorm (pregnant)
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elementclangen · 15 days
Moon 282-Leaf-fall
The Healer’s den was almost empty! Creekstar (136) had finally begun to move on from Primcrest’s death, leaving Lakepelt (90) just caring for the injured Alderflight (38) and Greenrapid (38).  But then Hatchswipe (27) and Sofanthiel (71) got whitecough and the population in the Healer’s den doubled.  But in a spot of desperately needed news, Whorlstorm (27) has announced that she is expecting kits!  These will be the first kits born in the Clan since she herself was born.  Whorlstorm and Sweet Marmalade (67) have had a bit of a rough relationship lately, but they had a conversation that went well.  Maybe the birth of his grandkits will help even more.  Dawnfreckle (65) continues to not be a big fan of Alderflight and is jealous of his warm, long fur.  Even with weak fire magic, it’s hard to stay warm while out on patrols.  Although Brightmouse (57) does her best to regulate the camp’s temperature while she’s there.  Downgaze (63) still really enjoys spending time with Alderflight and hopes that, once he’s up to going on patrols, they are assigned to go out together.  Also, apparently, Alderflight is a very skilled fighter, because both Cavecatcher and Almondback want to compliment his technique. The terrible triad is still having a bit of trouble.  Skipneedle (57) is developing a bit of a crush on Almondback (53), which does not thrill Brightmouse, as Brightmouse has a crush on Almondback’s mate, Kestrelcreek (71).  Yeah.  Drama.  The loss of Archdapple and Skipneedle’s promotion to deputy seem to be hitting the sisters hard.  In the short time she’s been in the Clan, Sofanthiel has made herself well liked.  Almondback sees how considerate she is and Sweet Marmalade (67) notices that she’s really making an effort to help out around camp, despite being sick.  Despite being close in age, Greenrapid and Cavecatcher (40) have never been very close.  But now Greenrapid is starting to notice just how pretty Cavecatcher’s eyes are.   .  The Clan also welcomes another couple of kittypets!  Skipneedle, Sweet Marmalade, Cavecatcher, and Bluestripe (57) find a powerless former kittypet named Cragstem (33) who has redcough.  There’s a pretty good chance he won’t survive, but they take him back to Lakepelt anyways.  Dawnfreckle and Nettlestripe (51) also find a kittypet, named Tanglechirp (29), who joins the Clan.  In a bit of a surprise, he has magic!  A medium strength wind-blessing, which is much needed as Almondback is currently the only wind-blessed cat in the Clan.
Healer’s Den: Alderflight (head damage), Greenrapid (beak bite), Sofanthiel (whitecough), Hatchswipe (whitecough), Cragstem (redcough), Whorlstorm (pregnant)
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elementclangen · 16 days
Moon 281-Greenleaf
While Dawnfreckle (64) is feeling better after Primcrest’s death, Creekstar (135) is still struggling with it.  Maybe due to the fact that she wishes she’d had a chance to reconcile with her friend.  She wishes that she could visit her in StarClan. Downgaze (62) tries to comfort his mother and the two of them spend a long time talking with each other.  Meanwhile, Dawnfreckle decides to get to know the newest member of the Clan, Alderflight (37).  They talk about their goals and aspirations and find that they have. . .very little in common.  Dawnfreckle wants to act as a guide for the Clan, sort of like his mother was, but Alderflight feels like the Clan mostly needs to work on being a safer place for cats before it can have a young guide.  Downgaze, on the other paw, really likes Alderflight.  He admires the other cat from afar.  Sweet Marmalade (66) teases him about it.  Hatchswipe (26) continues to gain popularity in the Clan.  This moon, she’s been hanging out with Skipneedle (56) and Creekstar wants to get to know her better.  Hatchswipe has noticed that Whorlstorm (26) is feeling a little left out lately and takes some time to surprise her sister with a sparring session.  She ends up drenched but it’s worth it.  Sofanthiel  (70) likes no longer being the newest cat in the Clan and tries to show off a bit for Alderflight.  He doesn’t notice.  He’s mostly been sleeping a lot so Lakepelt (89) can heal his head injury.  Later, Sofanthiel proves that she has all the courage of a clanborn cat by confidently striding up to an intruding rogue and chasing him off with only her words.
Healer’s den: Alderflight (head damage), Creekstar (grief stricken), Greenrapid (beak bite)
Note: I updated the pinned post on this blog to include a link to the moons in chronological order to make it easier for any of you who would like to read the earlier moons. Thank you so much for reading and liking these posts!
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elementclangen · 17 days
Moon 280-Greenleaf
Instead of processing her grief, Creekstar (134) has decided to spend time with the middle-ranked warriors.  She makes sure to share prey with her son and tells a joke to Greenrapid (36) that makes her laugh.  Bluestripe (55) is still not a fan of Creekstar.  She thinks the leader is very stuck up and rude. In the wake of tragedy, Hatchswipe (25) and Kestrelcreek (69) have become the best of friends.  Kestrelcreek really appreciates how helpful Hatchswipe is around camp.  She always seems to be busy doing something!   Almondback (51) decides to take Kestrelcreek on a nice date and surprises her with a pretty wind show.  She’s a little perplexed, but appreciates the gesture.  Whorlstorm (25) is not doing as well in the Clan as her sister is.  She doesn’t get along with Sweet Marmalade (65), her adoptive father, and thinks that Cavecatcher (38) never does anything.  Whorlstorm does like Nettlestripe (49), though, and goes on a nice long walk with him.  The newcomer to the Clan, Sofanthiel (69), is surprised to hear about all the hardships that Whorlstorm has been through recently.  She’s a little worried to learn that Clan life isn’t as easy as she thought it was.  She also wants to get to know Nettlestripe better.  The Clan also welcomes another new member.  Nettlestripe and Cavecatcher find an injured former loner by the thunderpath and bring him back to the Clan.  His name is Alderflight (36) and he’s powerless.
Healer’s den: Alderflight (head damage), Creekstar (grief stricken), Dawnfreckle (grief stricken), Whorlstorm (stomacheache)
Meta: I actually added 15 moons to Alderflight’s in-game age. He has a cute romance with a cat later on, but, at his original age, he would have been younger than that cat's kits. So, I aged him up. Problem solved.
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