elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 65-Greenleaf
A blow unlike any other has struck ElementClan.  While out on an unassuming walk, Shadestar  (160) slipped into a ravine and lost all her remaining lives.  The Clan is devastated by the loss of their formidable leader.  Their reputation as a Clan with darkness at its heart has died with her.  Will they be at greater risk of attack now that their dark protector is gone?  Is Yuccawillow (44) ready to lead?  Who will become deputy with no other dark-cursed or star-blessed cats in the Clan?  ElementClan has been thrust into a time of uncertainty, with only the young Yuccawillow for guidance.  She heads immediately to the moonstone, alongside Brightfalcon (108).  She is given a life for affection by the long-dead Posywhisper, a life for confidence by the dearly missed Nessie, and a life for adventure by the tiny Foggykit.  Stormrush approaches and gives a quick greeting to Brightfalcon before giving Yuccawillow a life for determination.  Yuccawillow bites back a sob as her long-dead brother Mountainpaw stretches up his nose to give her a life for honesty.  Howllichen is next, with a life for integrity.  Despite not being a fan of Yuccawillow in life, Icyglint steps forward to give her a life for instincts, followed by an ancient Healer named Quailbright with a life for faith.  Finally, Shadestar steps forward.  She congratulates and reassures Yuccawillow before giving her a life for leadership through the darkest times.  What a lovely omen.  She hails Yuccawillow by her new name, Yuccastar.  She has finally achieved the destiny she always knew was coming.  But can she do it well? Yuccastar decides to make Peakspots (33) deputy, despite not being the most experienced warrior and only just receiving an apprentice; a fire-blessed cat is the next best choice if there are no proven dark-cursed or star-blessed cats around.  Peakspots is devastated by the loss of her mother, and hopes that she can make both of her mothers proud as a deputy.
Meta: You may not recognize some of Yuccastar's life-givers' names because they were randomly generated by the game. I don't know why Nightingaletree, Brightshard, Skydawn, and Nookshade didn't give Yuccastar lives. Because a total of nine cats have died by this point in the game. But oh well.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 43-Leaf-fall
This has been a bit of a rough moon for the Clan.  A late fire ripped through the Clan’s home.  Icyglint was trying to control it when it burned and killed her.  Skydawn (113) was also trying to control it, by using both her fire and her water powers, but she couldn’t move fast enough. She inhaled too much smoke and died from it.  Peakpaw (11) fought the fire bravely, alongside her mother, and protected Howlkit (2).  She feels like Nightingaletree would have been proud of her.  Despite grieving the loss of her friend, deputy, and confidant Skydawn, Shadestar (138) knows the Clan needed a deputy and some good news.  She appoints Yuccawillow (22) as deputy, as is her right by being star-blessed, despite Yuccawillow not having an apprentice.  She will get one as soon as the Clan has kits that are old enough.  Additionally, Peakpaw has been given the warrior name of Peakspots of her devotion.  A few days after the fire, Stormrush (55) gives birth to a litter of two kits. There’s bossy Rosemarykit (0), who got Brightfalcon’s (86) earth-blessing and so will become the next Healer; and the insecure Antlerkit (0), who inherited Stormrush’s wind-blessing-although she does seem to be more powerful than her mother and managed to mewl herself into the ceiling.  Despite the new kits, Stormrush deeply misses Skydawn, who had become her friend.  She searches for tasks to do, for cats to comfort, for distractions against the hole in her heart, as she fights to keep the grief from consuming her.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 39-Greenleaf
It has been three moons since Nightingaletree’s death, and Shadestar (134) feels like things are finally returning to normal.  Greenleaf has arrived and prey is plentiful.  Icyglint and Rindlefish (40) have recovered from their poisoning.  However, a hawk attacked Stormrush (51) and Yuccawillow (18) while they were on patrol.  Yuccawillow was almost taken, but Stormrush saved her using a strong gust of wind.  Yuccawillow feels embarrassed by her failure to defend herself and lashes out at Stormrush.  A hawk also attacked Rindlefish (39) and she was hurt.  Actually, it’s unclear if it attacked her or she attacked it.  Egretshell (135) traveled to ChaffinchClan over some personal disputes and managed to resolve the issues.  Chervilcry (18) went missing for a few days before returning safely.  Some speculate that she must have gone to see if she could find her other parent.  Stonefreckle (22) feels like he hasn’t processed Nightingaletree’s death and Shadestar is letting him vent to her.  It feels good to comfort her son.  Meanwhile, Rindlefish has developed a bit of a crush on Bushmask (49).  It’s cute to see the normally bloodthirsty cat so bashful.  With many cats in the healer's den with small injuries, grief, and hawk attack wounds, Brightfalcon (82) is feeling inadequate and wants to ask Shadestar about having an apprentice.  Another earth-powered cat in the Clan would be very nice.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 37-Newleaf
Sadly, Nookshade was unable to recover from whitecough and died.  The Clan is slightly shaken, but Nightingaletree’s death still hits harder.  Chervilcry (16) has been doing a lot of mediating to help with the Clan’s grief, and Brightfalcon (80) admires how brave she is.  For her part, Chervilcry is exhausted and can’t help but wonder if being a warrior would have been more fun.  Icyglint and Chervilcry have also been bonding and are becoming friends.  Shadestar (132) is taking comfort in the presence of her friends and family.  And, now that she has recovered from giving birth, she can go on patrols again!  It’ll be nice for her to get out of camp for a bit.  Despite being in the Clan for a while, Rindlefish (38) is still not very well known throughout the Clan. Both Stormrush (49) and Bushmask (47) want to get to know her better.  With the loss of her former mentor, Shardfrost (16) is worried that her water powers, which she still has some trouble controlling, could become dangerous to the Clan, especially with the newleaf rains.  She wonders if any cat would miss her if she traveled far away. They would probably be safer that way.  When she catches a sick rabbit that gets Icyglint and Rindlefish sick, that idea is reinforced.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 36-Newleaf
Although the warmth of newleaf is starting to thaw the snow, a darkness sits over the Clan.  Nightingaletree (125) was going on a walk after finally healing from a sprain.  An early spring snowstorm blew in and froze her.  Even her immense fire powers could not save her from the cold of the storm, and she succumbed to it.  The Clan is devastated by her loss, especially Shadestar (131), Stonefreckle (19), and Peakkit (4).  Shadestar doesn’t know how she will cope without her mate by her side.  She goes over the best moments she shared with Nightingaletree in her mind, again and again, like wearing a rut into the ground, until she’s sure that she will remember the love of her life forever.  Bushmask (46) and Shardfrost (15) mourn the loss of a fantastic mentor, and Shardfrost wishes she had been there to shield Nightingaletree from some of the storm with her water powers.  In a spot of bright news, Shadestar has recovered from her infection and can dedicate all her time to single-mothering Peakkit.  Skydawn (105), knowing what it’s like to lose a mate, is comforting her.  Peakkit isn’t sure what to do with the loss of her mother.  When she heard the news, she almost lit the camp on fire.  Icyglint managed to talk her down.  While on a patrol, Icyglint and Rindlefish (37) find a kittypet on the side of the road and convince Nookshade to come back to camp and heal.
Meta: I don't have a sprite for Nookshade. I don't even remember what they look like or their gender. Imagine whatever you want for them.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 35-Leaf-bare
Shadestar (130) is enjoying being a nursing mother to Peakkit (3).  However, she’s noticed that her suckling is painful.  Everything hurts and feels swollen.  Brightfalcon (78) determines that it is an infection, worrying Nightingaletree (124) and Shadestar.  And Stonefreckle (18).  Peakkit remains blissfully unaware, playing with a stick.  Yuccawillow (14) brought Shadestar some herbs today, which the leader appreciated.  Yuccawillow wishes that she could do more, but her earth powers remain weak.  Actually, all of her powers remain weak.  She’s not thrilled about that.  Shardfrost (14) remains close with Icyglint after the (small) role the older cat had in her training.  She’s grateful for the fire-powered warrior’s skills in helping her control her extremely powerful water abilities.  Rindlefish (36) is also feeling like she’s truly a part of the Clan now.  She’s been helping Shadestar care for Peakkit when she and Nightingaletree are busy and is glad that she has befriended the leader.  Meanwhile, Chervilpaw (14) has finally received her mediator name of Chervilcry, honoring her character.  She and Egretshell (131) are working on negotiating trading herbs for Shadestar’s infection with another Clan.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 33-Leaf-bare
After performing excellently on a hunt the other day, Shardpaw (12) is given his warrior name.  He is named Shardfrost, honoring the patience he has shown in mastering his powerful water-blessing. Now a warrior, Shardfrost feels comfortable coming out as a trans she-cat and uses she/her pronouns. In other news, Icyglint has escaped the twolegs holding her captive and returned to the Clan.  They are happy to welcome her back and excited to hear about her journey.  Egretshell (129) also went on a (much shorter) journey to visit ChaffinchClan.  He wanted to resolve some recent herb-gathering disputes, but only ended up making the situation worse.  Chervilpaw (12) can’t help but feel like she would have done a better job.  Yuccapaw (12) is feeling a little annoyed that Shardfrost was made a warrior before her.  She’s trying to distract herself and remind herself of her importance by talking with the leadership who likes her, e.g. Brightfalcon (76).  Icyglint is still not a fan of Yuccapaw and is back to complaining that she never does anything useful.  In revenge, Yuccapaw got Icyglint in trouble when she had said she’d cover for the older cat.  While on patrol, a couple of cats find the former kittypet Rindlefish (34), who is powerless like Sunflower (97).  He takes her under his wing.
Meta: So, I typically just let the cats come out as whatever gender they are on their own. But Shardfrost I specifically changed to a trans she-cat because she always felt like a girl to me. When I was writing her as an apprentice, I would use she/her pronouns for her instead of he/him ones. So at some point I just decided that she's trans.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 25-Newleaf
Shadestar (120) is worried that she may have gotten her mate’s cold and has a bit of a runny nose.  She can still work though.  Nightingaletree (114) had a nice conversation with Bushmask  (35) while she was stuck in the Healer's den, and feels like she better understands why he feels like he doesn’t fit in.  He feels outshined by his sister and wants more attention.  Nightingaletree tells him that he doesn’t need to compete with Stormrush (37) and that he has value in his own right. Icyglint doesn’t really understand what the big deal about Yuccakit (4) is.  Her powers seem very weak and she doesn’t do much.  Brightfalcon (68) tries to explain star-blessed cats, but Icyglint still doesn’t get it.  Meanwhile, Yuccakit has decided to sneak out of camp.  Her glowing pelt got her caught, but also kept her from being punished.  Chervilkit (4) is tired of playing with her siblings uncontrolled water magic and just wants older cats to play with her (maybe Stonepaw-8).  Shardkit (4) knocks her over with a wave in response.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 22-Leaf-bare
At the gathering this moon, Nightingaletree (111) and Shadestar (117) proved to the other Clans that they make a powerful couple.  The other cats were making negative comments about dark-cursed cats, so Nightingaletree and Shadestar pranked them.  They used their fire powers to scare the other Clans (safely-Shadestar also has water powers) and after that no one dared to make a comment.  ElementClan has to keep up its dark reputation somehow.  Bushmask (32) wanted to sleep in instead of going on a Dawn patrol today, so Nightingaletree covers his spot, still watching out for her former apprentice.  She’s a bit worried about how isolated he’s been from the rest of the Clan lately.  On the other paw, Stormrush (34) is getting along great with Shadestar and fitting into the Clan much better than her brother. Brightfalcon (65) has also been bonding with Egretshell (118), and gives him a bit of fluff that reminds her of him.  She’s also been checking in on Bushmask.  Maybe the closed off Healer is finally coming out of her shell a bit.  With the Clan continues to dote on Yuccakit (1), she’s getting a bit of a big head.  It annoys Bushmask, and he’s complaining that she never does anything actually useful.  The other cats ignore him.  He does like Chervilkit (1), for some reason, though.  Icyglint also likes Chervilkit.  The little kit is just very sweet and is always checking in on others.  The presence of new kits in the Clan has Skydawn (91) feeling a little down.  She’s missing Brightshard and has to take the day off.  Sunflower (86) covers for her.  On top of that, Skydawn is feeling insecure as deputy now that Yuccakit has been born.  Could the star-blessed kit replace her as deputy?  Should she?  Meanwhile, Nightingaletree is playing with Shardkit (1).  He’s extremely powerful, especially for one so young, and Nightingaletree is the only one who can keep his water from flooding the camp (using her fire powers).  Still, everything is damp in camp this leaf-bare.  While on patrol, Nightingaletree finds an abandoned kit named Stonekit (5) and brings him back to camp.  She and Shadestar decide to raise him as their own, as they may be too old to have bio kits.  
Meta: At this point, I don't think the game had added the adoption function, so there was no actual way for me to set Shadestar and Nightingaletree as Stonekit's adoptive parents.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 19-Leaf-fall
Stormrush’s (30) snake bite has fully healed, although she does have a scar.  She doesn’t mind, though.  She thinks it makes her look cool.  Things are fairly normal in the Clan, despite having a new member.  Shadestar (114) and Nightingaletree (108) are still being adorable together, of course.  Stormrush and Bushmask (28)  are having fun bickering like the young siblings they are.  Brightshard (71) had a minor anxiety attack over having a new cat in the Clan, but Skydawn  (88) helped her calm down.  Icyglint, meanwhile, thinks that Bushmask’s serious nature is cute.  He’ll be fun to play with.  Egretshell (115) has decided to try and get to know Icyglint better; he can’t mediate if he doesn’t know his clanmates.  Nightingaletree is excited to go on a patrol with Icyglint, and, while at the border, they come across a kittypet who joins the Clan.  Named Sunflower (83).  Nightingaletree isn’t sure that was the outcome she wanted, but. . .oh well.  Sunflower does not have any magic.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 18-Leaf-fall
Nightingaletree (107) has a nice chat with Bushmask (27) over his worries that no one in the Clan likes him.  She manages to comfort her former apprentice (she hopes) although a part of her feels like she doesn’t know him very well anymore.  She went back to her nest and found that Shadestar (113) had left her a gift, cheering her up.  Shadestar has also noticed Egretshell’s (114) advances on Nightingaletree and had a talk with him.  They seem to have worked it out.  For now.  As Shadestar ages, she’s feeling the burden of leadership getting heavier.  Thankfully, she trusts Skydawn (87) to take over when she’s gone.  While on patrol, Shadestar, Brightshard (70), and Bushmask run into a loner who joined the clan.  In a relatively rare occurrence for loners,  she is blessed with magic: medium strong fire magic. She changed her name to Icyglint upon joining.  Nightingaletree is glad to have another fire-blessed cat in the Clan.  Although nowhere near as powerful as she is. Shadestar is glad to have a new cat in the Clan.  She hopes this new member lasts longer than Coffee did, though.
Meta: I also don't have access to a sprite for Icyglint. I'm pretty sure she's an adult, gray, short-furred, cat with a V-shaped white marking on her neck. And maybe blue eyes? Or maybe that's just the vibe her name is giving me.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 40-Greenleaf
Shadestar (135) calls a Clan meeting to announce that, until a suitable cat is found to give Brightfalcon (83) an apprentice, other cats will be helping her gather herbs and give treatments.  She’s been a bit overworked lately, and Shadestar wants to support her.  Brightfalcon’s busyness is showcased by the fact that Rindlefish’s (41) hawk wound has gotten infected.  Meanwhile, Brightfalcon is impressed by how brave Yuccawillow (19) is and thanks StarClan for sending such a brilliant star-blessed cat.  However, Yuccawillow is not a fan of Brightfalcon and complains about her behind her back, which Brightfalcon overhears.  Oops.  Skydawn (109) has been trying to spend time with Yuccawillow lately, but just can’t get comfortable around  her. Icyglint and Rindlefish are still bonding, with Icyglint gifting Rindlefish a circular twoleg object she found and hiding behind her whiskers when thanked.  Sunflower (104), Stonefreckle (23), and Peakpaw (8) find another cat abandoned by his twolegs, named Nessie (36). They’re not thrilled to have another cat to care for after Nookshade died so quickly, but they’ll give him a shot and see if he can fit into the Clan. He is a rare powered kittypet, with a medium strength fire-blessing.  Maybe he’ll pull through.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 38-Newleaf
Peakpaw (6) has been made an apprentice!  Shadestar (133) apprenticed her to Stonefreckle (21), in hopes that his calm personality will tone her down a bit.  The young cat can be a lot.  And may have been a little spoiled due to her mother’s death.  Peakpaw has been enjoying showing off her new hunting skills, and even impressed Egretshell (134) when she caught a crow on her first patrol.  With her kit out of the nursery and her mate gone, Shadestar has been having some trouble taking care of herself.  Brightfalcon (81) reminds her to grab some food for herself.  Rindlefish (39), despite being sick, has been keeping up to date with her battle training.  She asks Icyglint to train her so she can know how to fight against powered cats.  She’s also impressed that Shadestar has managed to keep the Clan running so smoothly with everything else going on.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 31-Leaf-fall
The Clan has rallied around making sure that the apprentices feel supported after the death of their brother.  Icyglint and Bushmask (41) have been encouraging Chervilpaw (10); Chervilpaw, in turn, surprises Shardpaw (10) with a nice present; and Stormrush (43) is supporting Bushmask.  Yuccapaw  (10) has been a little withdrawn into herself, and didn’t say hello to Shardpaw when she saw her the other day.  In other news, Shadestar (126) has moved to the nursery, expecting a large litter.  However, in another blow, Icyglint gets taken by twolegs while on patrol with Sunflower (95).  He wishes he had done more to help her.
Meta: Nightingale tree turned 120 moons old this moon, but I don't have an elder sprite for her. She has the hunched over sprite.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 30-Leaf-fall
Shadestar (125) and Nightingaletree (119) are thrilled to announce that Shadestar is expecting kits!  They are both immensely happy, as they didn’t think this would ever happen to them.  In other news, Sunflower (94) came out as a trans male, and uses he/him pronouns.  Skydawn (99) has also managed to accept that Brightshard is gone and is officially not mates with her anymore.  It is bittersweet, but also feels like releasing a burden.  Yuccapaw (9) is annoyed with Brightfalcon for not paying more attention to her, and Brightfalcon  (73) apologizes to the star-blessed apprentice, of course.  Chervilpaw (9) mediates an argument between clanmates successfully, and Icyglint congratulates her.  Yuccapaw thinks that Shardpaw (9) is very reliable and appreciates her sister.  However, the small family was struck by tragedy.  While on a patrol with his mentor, Mountainpaw (9) is killed by a dog.  The Clan is devastated by the loss of such a young cat, and Bushmask (40) feels horrible for leading his first apprentice to his death.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 27-Greenleaf
Egretshell’s (123) kits have been apprenticed!  To no one’s surprise, Yuccapaw (6) has been apprenticed to Shadestar (122).  Of course the star-blessed cat gets apprenticed to the leader.  A couple of the cats in the Clan (e.g. Brightfalcon-70-and Egretshell), aren’t huge fans of having a dark-cursed cat train a star-blessed cat.  They’re worried about her getting corrupted.  Shadestar won’t stand for that and insists on training her anyway.  Yuccapaw doesn’t care about that. She just doesn’t want to get stuck with boring or gross tasks, like cleaning out nests.  Which she is promptly assigned to do.  Chervilpaw (6) has become a mediator apprentice.  It’s a little unorthodox to have her father training her, but no one can deny that she will be a great mediator.  Shardpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Nighingaletree (116), as the senior warrior is the only cat in the Clan who can come anywhere close to matching Shardpaw’s sheer power.  Hopefully the camp will be drier now that he’s getting training.  Bushmask (37) is also glad to have finally gotten an apprentice of his own in Mountainpaw (6), and Shadestar hopes that he will be able to curb Mountainpaw’s sneaky side.  In other news, Stormrush (39) and Brightfalcon surprise everyone when they announce that they have become mates.  Stormrush managed to get through Brightfalcon’s walls, and, once through, they fell in love.  Chervilpaw is excited to be an apprentice-and not just because she gets to train.  She’s excited to spend more time with Stonepaw (10), who she thinks has very pretty eyes.  While out on his first patrol (with both Nightingaletree and Icyglint, the fire-blessed cats), Shardpaw is drawn towards a fish-filled river.  The warriors are nervous about how he might react to being close to a big body of water, but instead of flooding the valley, he uses his powers to catch the fish.  Well done Shardpaw!
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