#hphm rath
catohphm · 7 months
Just saw some clips of the new Hogwarts Mystery adult saga chapter and it's honestly hard for me to watch Erika get mad at MC and Tonks when she (Tonks) was caught impersonating Erika. I think that was very lousy writing by JC to have Rath immediately assume MC had an agenda or believe Umbridge without checking her facts. It's also out of character for Erika, as she is more of a rational and thoughtful type. I was like what the heck? In reality Erika would've handled Tonk's clumsy impersonation more calmly and questioned both her and MC to figure out what was happening. I believe then Erika would've figured out that Umbridge unfairly booted MC out and stand by their side.
From what I've seen this only happens if MC picked Tonks to help them, but it doesn't happen with Orion. I believe Cato would've asked Orion, or even better, Erika directly for help after being kicked out of the club unfairly, without due process. That is in canon though, I'm not sure if Cato would've been kicked out of the social club in my headcanon, since he is in the auror unit instead of the ROCC.
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immagrosscandy · 10 months
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i wanted to practice some character design last week while i was doing some work! it's been a while since i craved to draw every single female character of the game and here it is :D! hope i didnt forget anyone
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i also added some hcs like ravenclaw!rowan and hufflepuff!skye (they share the respective house of my mcs)
dont ask me for a male one i dont feel confident enough to draw male bodies 😭
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judediangelo75 · 2 months
Day One: Quidditch
I said I was gonna attempt this challenge for @hphm-ship-week and by the corner of Jesus' pure white robe, I was gonna do it. I'm cutting it close with Day One and I might have gotten a *little* inspired to write this one.
I'm not gonna do a lot of yapping, I'm half-dead as is. Hope you guys enjoy this Kendrick Lives AU installment. (Might as well be my new main storyline).
Word Count: 8,316
Featured MCs: David Willows, Phoenix Lang ( @that-scouse-wizard ) and Katriona Cassiopeia ( @kc-and-co )
Main Pairing: Talbott Winger x Judith Harris (Talith)
Side Relationships: Merula Synde x David Willows (subtle), Murphy McNully x Katriona Cassiopeia (subtle), and plenty of friendship
Whenever Quidditch season rolls around in the magical school called Hogwarts, you can expect a lot of excitement and hype. The students would crowd their section of the respective house with colored face paint or some Quidditch-afflicted gear to cheer on the players on the field. There was always a sense of friendly rivalry, with its occasional resentment when it comes to a reigning champion. But nothing comes from it. 
The Quidditch pitch is the last place you would ever expect a Ravenclaw loner to be.
Let alone amid the Hufflepuff House section. Wearing one of their player's jackets magically sized up to fit his frame. Next to a Slytherin witch wearing a matching jacket to the boot.
But that was before he started dating a Quidditch player.
Talbott would've gladly flown under the radar during his school years at Hogwarts. But fate decided that would be too boring for him. He was given two years of peace until his third year. Where two Hufflepuffs were searching for him, Hogwarts Curebreakers.
David Willows and Judith Harris. The latter is more infamously known as "Scarface". 
Granted, Talbott knew about these two Hufflepuffs... but Judith proved to make a bigger splash than her Housemate. From what Talbott understood, Judith had the habit of hiding the left side of her face with her hair for the first few months of their first year. It wasn't until a fateful day in October, that a group of Slytherins and Gryffindors found a new target. Judith tried escaping the group, only for one of the boys to grab her by the ponytail, causing her hairstyle to fall apart.
Revealing the most nastiest burn scar anyone has seen. On a child, nonetheless.
To make a long story short, those group of boys learned quickly not to piss off a girl—a Hufflepuff girl, at that.
After that day, rumors about her scar spread across the school like wildfire. And she was christened with her new nickname, Scarface.
But that day in the Great Hall was the first time Talbott properly saw the young witch face to face. Even Talbott's impeccable poker face couldn't hide the surprise upon seeing her face. The large scar covered about half of her face and went back to her ear. Surprisingly, her brow was present, but a bit spotty in some places. Her eye was forced into a permanent glare, he could barely make out the gold of her iris (even though that particular eye looked a bit paler than its twin).
But that wasn't the thing that stole Talbott's attention. It was the almost painfully shy look on her face. Her brows were drawn close together as her lips were pulled down in a timid frown. Her fingers were fiddling with the multiple solid plain rings she had on. Her eyes...
Talbott could see that she was nervous, but there was a particular warmth that seemed to be reserved for just for him. It was confusing but...
He couldn't help but secretly like it. Even though he wasn't ready to admit it.
Took a while for the Ravenclaw to properly acknowledge his feelings for the Hufflepuff witch. With the encouragement of Andre and David, he finally asked Judith out on a date. While it left a lot to be desired (*cough* Tonks *cough*), Talbott enjoyed being close to his date. Amid their growing closeness, that meant Talbott was slowly being sucked into the world of Quidditch. Granted, Andre has been trying to get him to come to a match and teach him the mechanics of the game since the start of their friendship, but Talbott turned him down almost every time. But now with Judith as his blatant love interest... Talbott couldn't help to be a little curious about the sport the wizarding world seem so crazy about.
Honestly when Talbott learned that Judith was the famous "Tigress", he was skeptical. Tigress is one of Hufflepuff's Beaters, one of their best Beaters in many years. With the few snippets of information, Andre tried forcing down his throat, Talbott knew that Beaters were strong. They had to be to beat back iron spheres formerly known as Blooders (Andre would be happy to know that he was learning something, at least). Tigress, like her fellow Beater Hound (who Talbott came to learn was David), was incredibly strong with a deadly aim. A lot of people say it was as if she could interpret the Bludgers movements, knowing when and where to strike. 
Talbott couldn't keep the suspicious look out of his eye for anything when Judith said that she was Tigress during their date. He never asked her about her scar but he had eyes. And he could see that her left eye left her a little impaired. It was the one time he made the girl feel subconscious about herself during their date, which he internally slapped himself for as she turned the left side of her face away from his view.
"I know it sounds hard to believe that I'm Tigress, but I have no reason to lie to you. After my... incident, it took some time to even learn to properly walk. My coordination and balance was terrible. Before, I could only see the vague shadows of shapes. After you helped me become an Animagus, it surprisingly helped my vision in my left eye, though not by much. The outline of shapes are a bit sharper if it's close enough to me and I can kinda see colors if it's bright enough, but there are times my vision will get a little blurry. My dad, along with my little brother and stepdad, spent a lot of time helping me adjust to my scar after I first got it. I was determined not to let it hinder me, though. Papa was the first to train me to be a Beater. I spent the entire summer before second year so I would have a chance to prove myself... to show that I won't be a liability if I was chosen."
Talbott felt like a bastard for doubting the girl, something that she probably felt for years. After stumbling over his apology, he asked if he could watch her play or at least practice if she was comfortable with that. He wanted to understand her and be there for her if she would let him.
And to his pleasant surprise, she readily agreed. 
During that time, Quidditch season was long over. Normally around that time of the year, Judith and David were trying to break the latest curse that befell the school in hopes of finding their brothers. But Judith was human.
A human who was very familiar with stress.
Beating dummies with Bludgers seemed to be one of her many stress relievers. The first time he was invited to watch her practice, he was silently surprised. It was slowly starting to warm up as winter turned to spring in Scotland. Judith was already stretching, seemingly counting the seconds in her mind before switching forms. A yellow sleeveless crop top molded to her upper body and a pair of black athletic tights hugged her legs with black running shoes adorned her feet, presumably for comfort. Her long locs were maneuvered into a low ponytail by a yellow silk ribbon. Granted, Talbott had only seen Judith outside of her usual class robes only a handful of times, but he had rarely seen her show so much of her body and skin until recently.
While being only 15, Judith had muscles a lot of guys in their year and possibly older wished had. But the muscles didn't make her seem like a boy, rather it added to the curves her body was slowly displaying as she matured into a young woman. The dress she wore to their date made him feel like he was hit with the Stupefy spell. Her workout outfit seemed to have a similar effect.
But watching her practice?
Nothing could get him to look away from her. She easily slipped into the familiar notion of her practice exercise. She had three Bludgers sent out, each coming towards her with terrifying speed. Talbott couldn't remember all the details of Quidditch but he can safely assume getting hit by one of those iron spheres meant an overnight stay in the Hospital Wing. But Judith stepped into her swings with the confidence and swagger of the best duelists or even a Quidditch pro. Confident, focused, and calculating. He did take note that she would duck on a rare occasion when she took a misstep and leaned into her left side.
Gods know how much time has passed until Judith whipped out her wand and froze the Bludgers, which dropped to the ground with a frightening thud.
'I would love to never know what it's like to smack with one of those...'
Judith grabbed a water bottle before walking around and sitting next to the awestruck Ravenclaw.
"So what do you think," she asked before taking a swing of her water. He watched as her throat worked around the deep gulps of water she was taking in.
"Is it possible I can come to more of your training sessions?" Judith capped her nearly empty water bottle with a quirked brow.
"You actually like seeing me train? Watching me beat a bunch of Bludgers into some dummies can't be that entertaining," she insisted. Talbott felt a blush work its way onto his cheeks.
"I beg to differ... so is that a no," he said with an embarrassed cough. Judith narrowed her good eye at him before giving him a nod.
"You can come. I don't mind."
It soon became a part of Talbott's routine to sit in on Judith's practices. Talbott finds that she does alternate her routine. And got to witness the relationships with her Quidditch mates. 
Sometimes it'll be just her and the dummies. 
Other times, David would be present to train with her as well. Talbott could see the playful energy between the two Hufflepuffs, almost as if they were siblings. Most times, they would practice beating a Bludger to each other, while others the dummies will be involved. There were plenty of jabs and playful ribbing in their conversations. Whenever they were done, they would join Talbott in the grass for a quick chat until Judith's eyes would get droopy and David would give her a piggyback ride back to their Common Room. 
'Hate to cut the conversation short, mate, but this one needs her rest. C'mon Little Tigress. Time for your cat nap.' Talbott watched in quiet amusement as David shifted on his knees so he could allow the girl to crawl on his back before standing. The young witch yawned, nuzzling the back of her best mate's neck with an annoyed grumble.
'Mmmm... I'm not little, you stubborn git. Later bird boy...' With a cute little wave to the Ravenclaw, Judith allowed herself to be toted away to their shared Common Room. (Talbott would deny blushing at that nickname if you asked him)
Maybe even one (or both) of her on-sight Beater teachers, the fierce Erika Rath or the mischievous Phoenix Lang, would be present. Which he found strangely interesting as Erika and Phoenix were both well-known Beaters of the Houses of Slytherin and Gryffindor respectively, prodigies in their own right. Erika seemed more of the stern one of the two, more in charge of her training exercises while Phoenix would fill in the gaps where she could. Those sessions tended to be more intense as Erika tried to push Judith into using her left side more, which frustrated the Hufflepuff Beater greatly. Talbott knew it wasn't his place to question her mentor's methods but he couldn't help but to worry how close Judith would be to getting hit by the magical sphere of iron. The hits she was able to get in weren't always perfect as far as accuracy and impact. There were times when Talbott would witness Judith would drop to her knees with tears in her eyes. The first time it happened shocked him to his core, his heart ached at the sight.
'I-I-I can't! I can't see well, Rath!' Pale green eyes narrowed briefly before letting out a soft sigh. With a brief spell, the Bludger in use fell to the ground as Erika walked up to her mentee. The older witch rested a hand on her shoulder, giving it a brief squeeze as she glanced over to where Talbott was seated.
'Talbott, was it? Can you stay with her while I find Phoenix? I... I'm not exactly good at "comforting" as I would like to be.' Talbott nodded replacing Erika by the crying girl's side as she disappeared into the castle. 
'Little bird...?' Watery gold eyes glanced at him before Judith roughly started wiping her face to get rid of the evidence of the tears that seemed neverending.
'I-I'm sorry, I... I was hoping you wouldn't have to s-see me like t-this. I promise I'm not this weak-' The girl's ramble was brought to a halt as Talbott grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into a hug, tucking her face against his neck. The soft gasp that escaped her tickled the sensitive skin there.
'I want you to breathe with me, little bird. Can you do that for me?' Judith remained still for a moment before giving a shaky nod. Talbott took a slow, deep inhale, feeling the girl do the same. They held it for a few seconds before slowly releasing it. They did it a handful of times before Talbott felt the faint tremor in the girl's body disappear. He gently pulled her away from his neck to look at her face. The tears were still there, but they seemed to have slowed significantly. Gentle hands cupped her face, thumbing away the tears and dried tear tracks that remained. Shaky hands wrapped around Talbott's wrists before Judith leaned into his touch. With one last caress to her scarred cheek, Talbott pulled away a bit only to be surprised by the ironclad grip on his wrists. Judith's eyes reminded him of a wounded Hippogriff, wild with an underlying hint of fear.
"D-don't go... please, don't go...' she whimpered. Talbott leaned in again, brushing a soft kiss to her sweaty brow.
'Shhh, darling. I promise I'm not leaving you. But it would be best if you rehydrated, little bird. Let me grab some water for you.' Judith blinked slowly, recognition flashing in her eyes. She gave a timid nod before letting go of his wrists. Silently deciding not to get up and leaving his little bird's time, Talbott got out his wand to use the Summoning Charm instead. Judith took the bottle with a small thanks before taking small sips. When Talbott was sure she was okay, he tilted her chin up so she could look him in the eye.
'I'm not sure where your head is, exactly. But I want you to know that you're not weak. You're one of the strongest people I know and even strong people can cry sometimes. They can get overwhelmed sometimes. And that's okay. I would never think less of you, and you shouldn't either. I won't let you. Do you understand me, little bird?' Talbott watched as her eyes widened, the scar tissue surrounding her left eye stretching a bit. Judith pursed her lips before giving a nod. That wasn't good enough for the Ravenclaw wizard.
'Words, Judith. I need to hear you say it.' The girl winced at the firm tone before letting out a shaky sigh.
'I-I understand, Talbott. I... I'll do my best to take it easy on myself in these moments.' Talbott gave her a small smile before placing a small kiss on her cheek.
Not even a few moments later, Phoenix came into view while Erika trailed a few paces behind. The Gryffindor Beater fell to her knees before the couple, cerulean blue eyes studying the Hufflepuff's face intensely.
'Judith! Erika told me what happened, are you okay?!' Judith blushed as Phoenix cupped her face, fussing over her. Erika sat down by her rival, silently watching her with a hint of worry. Judith cleared her throat, pulling away before resting against Talbott's chest.
"I-I'm fine now... I just got overwhelmed, b-but Talbott helped me calm down.' The eyes of the older Beaters were suddenly trained on their "guest", who blushed under their intense gaze.
'I... I'm not too familiar with what caused her anxiety, I just knew I couldn't stand there and watch her cry. Judith means a lot to me. Great players can have bad days and she's entitled to have those days...' Phoenix gave the boy a delighted grin while a glimmer of respect can be seen in Erika's eyes.
'I think I like this one for her, Rath. What do you think?' The Slytherin Beater gave an amused snort at the matching blushes that could be seen on the duo's faces.
'As long as I don't always have to find you whenever she gets overwhelmed, he can stay.'
'HEY! I resent that!' Erika let out a short laugh at Phoenix's disgruntlement. Deciding that her student/adopted little sister needed a well-deserved break, Phoenix dragged the girl to head to the Great Hall for some lunch. Just as Talbott was going to head to the Owlery, a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
'Wait.' The wizard turned to find Erika's eyes boring into him. And to his surprise, her stern gaze softened around the edges.
'I just wanted to say, thank you. Normally I don't care what people think of me, especially those who would just be stuck in the sidelines and nothing more. But I see that you care about her. I'm not trying to be a hardass on Judith for shits and giggles. We both are well aware that her left side is a weakness. I suffer from a blind spot, obviously not on the same level as Judith but you get the idea. If people are within that area, they're more than likely to get hurt. I don't want Judith to have to deal with that struggle, or even worse, have that blind spot used against her. I hope you understand.' Talbott's brows rose in silent surprise before nodding.
'I understand... you didn't have to explain your methods to me, but... I appreciate it either way. I'll do my best to be there for her whenever it gets too much for her.' Erika gave a firm nod, before turning on her heel back into the castle.'
Talbott had thought long and hard over what he had seen and what Erika had told him. He hated to see the haunted look in Judith's eyes as she broke down on not doing good enough. He was no Quidditch player so he wasn't sure how to help the girl. He went to the only other Quidditch player he knew for any advice. Granted, Talbott knew that Andre was no Beater, but he knew he had to try. Luckily for him, Andre knew two people who could help. Unluckily for him, Andre saw it fit to drag his ass out of bed on a late Saturday morning. The only day Talbott will grant himself the luxury of sleeping in. With no damn coffee.
'KC, McNully!' The two Ravenclaws, who seemed to be in the middle of a game of chess, looked up to find the Seeker Reserve dragging over one of their fellow Housemates who seemed to have rolled out of bed.
'Hey, Andre! What can we do for you?' the commentator asked with a bright grin. Andre gave a fond smile, clapping a hand on the disgruntled Ravenclaw's shoulder.
'Oh no, honestly, you've helped me enough mate. It's my friend here who could use your creative expertise on the matter of Quidditch.' Talbott shrugged Andre off with an embarrassed glare. The strawberry-blonde girl raised a cool brow, flustering Talbott further.
'My apologies. I asked Egwu for help on a Quidditch issue and this overexcited bloke dragged me out of bed before I had a drop of caffeine in my system.' KC let out a hearty laugh.
'A man after my own heart. Tell you what, I made a pot of coffee this morning. I grab you a mug and you tell us what you need...' Talbott quickly understood what the witch was subtly asking for.
'Talbott. Talbott Winger.' KC grinned, getting up from her comfortable seat to loop an arm around the wizard's arm.
'Katriona Cassiopeia, feel free to call me KC if you want. It's a pleasure to meet you, my fellow coffee fiend.' After Talbott had a bit of caffeine fix (and an introduction to one Murphy McNully), he felt more level-headed about broaching this topic.
'So, what seems to be the problem? Looking to join the Quidditch team? While I don't know you at all, I can see you being a Seeker for some reason.' KC pointedly ignored Andre's offended squawk in the background, eyes solely trained on Talbott.
'No, I'm not looking to join. I didn't get into Quidditch until recently...' Murphy raised a brow, curious.
'Because of our local Pride of Portree fanatic here?' Talbott gave an amused snort.
'He wishes. Egwu has been trying to teach me about the sport or at least drag me a game since we became friends.' KC blinked, confusion flashing in those bright blue eyes.
'So why the interest now?' Talbott coughed into his fist, slightly flustered.
'I'm kinda dating a Quidditch player. A Beater, to be exact.' Murphy gave a knowing smile.
'Is it Judith Harris?' Talbott was glad he didn't sip his coffee when the Quidditch announcer spoke because he was pretty sure he would've spit it out all over his chessboard. Either that or choke.
'Wha-?! Did Andre tell you?!' Andre waved his hands in alarm as Talbott rounded on him with a glare. Murphy laughed, waving off the outburst.
'Well, it's simple really. There are two Beaters to every team. It can't be Rising Star here, seeing how you just met her. And I doubt you know the other Beater on Ravenclaw's team seeing how you're coming to learn the sport and its players. Even if you heard more well-known players like Erika Rath and Phoenix Lang, more well-known as Rath and Fireball on the Pitch, they don't seem like your type per se. And again, you probably don't know the other Beaters on those two teams so that rules Slytherin and Gryffindor from the running. All that's left is Hufflepuff's Beaters, Tigress and Hound. Or as you normally know them as Judith Harris and David Willows. Both are well known enough outside of Quidditch and are in the same year and you and Style Wizard here. Plus, David seems more like a lady's man so that leaves just Judith. It's really simple when you think about it.' Talbott narrowed his eyes, slightly put off at how well someone he just met was able to pinpoint his crush with just one detail and how much he could talk without seemingly taking a breath.
'Yes, it's her...' KC chuckled, giving the boy a grin.
'I think it's cute. But one thing I'm not understanding is why she would need help. She's a phenomenal player. From what I hear, she has a bit of a religious training schedule to stay up to par with anyone on the field.' Talbott sighed, suddenly feeling unsure about exposing what he knew. Technically, Katriona and Judith were rivals. While he may not know much like the average Quidditch fan, he does know not to reveal secrets to potential rivals or enemies. 
But the memory of Judith crying flashes in his mind's eye. He didn't want her to continue to suffer from anxiety attacks if he knew he could find help for her.
'I haven't seen her play but I've seen her train. And she's earned every right to be known as a phenomenal player. But... she's not one without struggle. Can I trust you two with what I'm about to tell you?' KC and Murphy watched as those red eyes carefully studied them both, heavily guarded with a glint of worry beneath the surface. Andre wore down his bottom lip with his teeth at the intense silence. He placed a hand on Talbott's shoulder.
'Tal, mate. I wouldn't have brought you to them if I didn't believe they could help Judith. Let alone hurt her.' Talbott's hands curled into fists on his lap, his gaze stubbornly switching between the wizard and witch sitting across from him.
'I trust you, Egwu. But I need to hear it from them.' KC's eyes softened.
'Hey, Judith and I may be rivals on the Pitch but it's all friendly competition. I wouldn't actively try to hurt someone who pushes me to be a better player myself.' Murphy nodded.
'I wouldn't do anything malicious to harm the girl either. I met her father on the day she tried out for the open Beater position years ago. She's a force in her own right but it's not strange to have flaws. It's not unusual for players to come to me for advice. I do my best to be unbiased so I'm not spilling any secrets to other teams to give them an advantage. Talbott let out a small sigh.
'Thank you. I'm sure you're well aware of Judith's scar. The thing is... she's semi-blind in that eye. While she can see shapes and colors, it's only with certain exceptions. She's been training to strengthen that weakness but she still experiences some difficulties. Maybe she has days where that particular eye would cause everything to be more blurry and of course, that can be a danger to anyone, including her. It overwhelms her to the point she would experience an anxiety attack...' Talbott sighed, running a hand through his messy bedhead.
'I told her that it's okay to have bad days and she should take it easier on herself. But I feel like this cycle will continue if she doesn't find a more effective way of handling this... s-so, will you help?' KC and Murphy looked at each other for a few moments before turning back to the wizard with a nod.
'Of course, Talbott. It might take a little time for us to brainstorm something but we'll help you two. Besides, it would be nice to get to know Judith more outside of our matches.' Talbott let out a sigh of relief at KC's words, giving the pair a small smile.
'Thank you...' Murphy gave Talbott a nod.
'Of course! Once we're ready for you, we'll send you an owl for you to bring Judith to the Quidditch Pitch later on. Don't worry, Talbott. We'll help your girl out.' This time Talbott did end up choking on his next cup of coffee, much to the amusement of the three people surrounding him.
Much to Talbott's surprise, Talbott received an owl the next day from KC. He did find it odd that it said to come to the Quidditch Pitch at night, but he decided to trust his fellow Ravenclaw. Judith accepted his invitation to meet him at the Changing Tents just outside of the Pitch with a bit of wariness.
'Not that I don't like spending time with you Talbott, but why are we out here?' Talbott gave his little bird a small smile.
'I want to help you train. Especially with... your struggle area...' The Hufflepuff narrowed her eyes as they reached the entrance of the Pitch.
'How do you plan on doing that?' Talbott stopped in front of her, taking the time to grab her hand. Judith couldn't fight the blush that crept up to her cheeks as the boy laid her palm over his chest while looking into her eyes. She could feel his heart quicken but his face gave nothing away.
'Do you trust me, Judith?' The young witch didn't have to think about it.
'I do.' Talbott smiled, bringing her hand to his lips to place a soft kiss to her palm.
'Then trust me when I say that I'm looking out for you. Now come on.' Judith stumbled over her feet to follow her crush, fanning her face to cool down her intense blush. They continued to walk until they were in the middle of the field. When she finally got her blush under control, she looked up to find that they were not alone.
'Judith! Glad you could make it!' Murphy greeted with a grin. The witch next to him stepped up to offer a handshake.
'Hey there, Tigress. Nice to officially meet you outside of a match.' Judith took KC's handshake with a befuddled expression.
"McNully, Rising Star, it's... nice to see you too. But, what exactly is going on here?' Now it was KC's turn to give a smile.
'Your boy here came to McNully and I for some help. To help you matter of fact in regards to your blind spot.' Talbott glared at KC's small tease before looking at the surprised face of his little bird.
'You told them about my blindness?' Talbott bit his lip at the question. He couldn't decipher her tone for it gave nothing away. Her face even more so. Outside of the pinch of her brows that signifies her confusion, he wasn't sure how the girl felt about exposing her secret to one of her rivals.
'I did. I-I... I wanted to help you in some way. But I wasn't sure as to how. I know Rath is doing her best but maybe you needed a different approach. I'm not a Quidditch player, let alone a Beater so Andre led me to two people who possibly could provide that. Please, don't be mad, little bird. I know it's your secret to tell, but I couldn't stand to see you like that again. Frustrated and feeling hopelessly lost to yourself over something that you couldn't have helped. I'm sorry if I overstepped.' Judith stared at him for a few seconds longer before bringing him into a hug. Talbott looked down at the girl in surprise but didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her. 
'I'm not mad, bird brain. You have nothing to apologize for. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me, and if you think that KC and McNully can help, I'm more than willing to hear them out.' Talbott squeezed her tighter, hiding his smile in the crown of her head.
'Great to hear that! Now, Talbott if you could remove yourself from my fellow Beater Babe's person, I want to show her what we came up with.' Talbott blushed, taking a stand by Murphy as KC looped her arm with Judith's to pull her to the crate with Beater Bats and a Bludger. There was a few metal practice dummies just a few yards away. Talbott turned to the handsome blonde commentator with a quirked brow.
'Care to share what you and Katriona came up with?' Murphy gave a smirk.
'Nope! For once, my lips are sealed this time. Just watch this lovely lady at work.' Talbott sighed, watching as the two witches converse with one another. He could spy Judith fiddling with her fingers, one of her nervous ticks, before grabbing a bat. KC already had the other one in hand, with her wand in her opposite hand.
'Now I'm gonna enchant the Bludger and we're gonna practice for a few minutes. Remember, don't be too hard on yourself and I'm right here with you so you don't have to experience so many close calls, alright?' Judith nodded, allowing herself to face forward with her left just as KC cast her spell. To Talbott's surprise, the Bludger began to glow a bright yellow, almost like a mini sun, zipping through the air before making its way towards the Hufflepuff Beater. Talbott watched with bated breath as he watched the familiar motion of Judith's swing and-
BANG! And-
Judith's smile was brighter than the glowing Bludger that night. And Talbott couldn't have been more happy to see the pure joy on his little bird's face.
While Judith was big on her training, both day and now night, that wasn't the only thing she did to improve. There were some instances where there were no bats and Bludgers involved. Those days were usually with her Captain, Orion Amari. Talbott found those practices a bit strange as the pair would be sitting on the ground meditating (something Judith would strong-arm him into doing as well), balancing on their brooms on a single leg, or being Inspired Broom Surfing. 
'Training is great to hone your skills, but a clear and steady mind can elevate one's game to substantial heights.' Talbott turned to find Orion standing beside him as he watched Judith surf on her broom. He regarded the older Badger with a raised brow, his silent question loud in the ears of the captain.
'I've known Judith since she was just a second-year student. Seen as a small, skinny, and shy Hufflepuff girl by many but I saw the fire in her eye. A spirit beaten down, but not broken. She wanted to prove herself. Something that is admirable but I could sense it was deeper than that. You saw it too, right?' Talbott froze as Judith's words flashed back to him.
'I promise I'm not this weak...'
'Yeah, I did...' Orion gave the young Eagle's shoulder a warm squeeze.
'You're good for her, you know? I noticed a shift in my Beater. She's not as hard on herself as she used to be. Her smile is brighter. And that only happened a little after you started coming around. And I greatly appreciate that...' Talbott swallowed around the emotional lump in his throat.
'I-It's nothing really. I would do anything for her...' Orion smiled, giving Talbott's shoulder another squeeze.
'The people who love her can see that. Trust me when I say that it means a lot to them and to her...' With that Orion hopped on his broom to surf alongside his student. Talbott watched as Judith gave her captain a bright smile, feeling one make his way on his own lips.
'She's so beautiful like this. In her element. Happy and healthy...'
Seeing her go through these different motions made him think of what she said on their date. How much she represents and values balance in her life. It just made her all the more intriguing and endearing to him.
It wouldn't be until their 5th year when he got to see her practice with her team. While they were real matches, Talbott always found them to be interesting and exciting. Seeing her play in action made him realize how good his little bird was and how well she and David worked together on the field. Even down to the Dobbleganger Defense, one of the most difficult plays for a Beater. The pride he would feel upon hearing the praise of her skill by the Quidditch commentator warmed his chest.
He couldn't wait for the girl's first game of the season.
Of course, he could've done without the pressure of meeting the girl's family. Talbott knew about her father through many sources. A former Beater-a Ravenclaw Beater at that, Talbott knew about her little brother, a Slytherin wizard in his third year if he remembers correctly, who he would see cling to her whenever he could get the chance. How he managed to avoid the little brother up until now is beyond him, but there was no avoiding it when the first fame of the season came around. It was Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw.
There was usually a pregame party happening in the Courtyard before each game but Talbott knew his little bird well enough that she wasn't always one for mingling with others, at least not often. The next best place she would be is the Quidditch Pitch. 
Flying to the pitch was much faster than walking, and Talbott wanted to spend every second with the Hufflepuff Beater before her match. It wasn't until he was flying overhead that he realized that she wasn't alone. Part of him wanted to turn around and transform back into his human form so he could walk into the stadium instead. But Judith, ever so keen with her surroundings, spotted him. She waved him down with a bright smile, while the two males with her looked up to find him circling in the sky.
"Come down, love! I want you to meet my family," she called. After hesitating for a few seconds, he swooped down to land in front of the trio. The man and young boy looked at the eagle with a well-timed head tilt, though Talbott could see the suspicion in the man's pale gold eyes while there was a youthful glint of curiosity in the boy's near-black eyes. He looked to his little bird who gave him an encouraging smile. With that, he allowed himself to transform back into his human form. The boy flinched back before staring at him in awe. The older male version of his little bird only smirked.
"Like mother, like son," her father chuckled. Talbott eyed the man suspiciously. 
"I'm sorry?" Gold eyes regarded him with a knowing glint.
"Ah, you don't recognize me, don't you son?" Talbott's brow furrowed, racking his mind.
Has he met Judith's dad before? There's no way-
'Talbott, this is Kendrick Harris. He's my best friend from when I went to school. And his daughter, Judith...'
Talbott's eyes lowered to find a familiar necklace. The cord was decorated with dark red beads with a tooth of an animal of some sort.
"You... you were my parents' best friend. You came to my house that one time with..." he whispered, eyes watering. He turned to the witch next to him, finding that same warm look from that day in the Great Hall. The same look he got as they sat in the grand old tree on his parents' old property when they were children. Judith gave him a tentative smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
"L-Little Bird?" He watched as her smile grew.
"Yeah, it's me Bird Boy." He didn't hesitate to bring her into the circle of his arms, hugging her with all the strength she could muster. He smiled the joyful laughter in his ear.
"Talbott! You're gonna squish me," Judith giggled, hugging him back despite this. 
"You're the powerhouse Beater, little bird. If anything I should be worried about you breaking my bones with your bear hugs," he hummed. Kendrick let out a laugh at that, bursting the bubble the two teens found themselves in.
"As strong as my little girl is, she has one of the gentlest souls on this Earth. You should know," he said, with a kind smile. Talbott blushed before nodding.
"And I have you to thank for siring such a soul, Mr. Harris." Kendrick chuckled, waving him off.
"Call me Kendrick, Talbott. I'm not that old... plus, from what I heard you've proved me right. That you'll be good to my daughter and earn the right to be with her." Talbott and Judith balked at the elder Harris with blushes staining their cheeks.
"PAPA!" Kendrick raised a brow at his daughter's outburst.
"What? I'm the more tame parent. Ava had tried planning you two's wedding when you guys were toddlers," he said with an amused smirk.
"W-With all due respect, K-Kendrick, we're not officially together," Talbott stuttered. The man chuckled.
"Not yet, anyway." Judith groaned.
"Papa Kendrick, quit it. I already have to share Juju with her friends, I'll probably never see her if she gets a boyfriend," Nuri whined, finally chiming into the conversation. Talbott noticed the genuine discontentment on the boy's face. Judith huffed, extracting herself from Talbott's arms to snatch up her little brother. She placed her hands on his cheeks so she could meet his eyes.
"You listen here, Riri. No one will keep me from seeing and spending time with you. You're my little brother and will always hold a special place in my heart, understand," she said sternly. Nuri gave his sister a shy smile, before hugging her back. 
"I understand, Juju..." Kendrick and Talbott smiled at the sight before the man cleared his throat.
"The stands should be filling up soon, best if you boys find some good seats. You go ahead and change, baby girl. And remember, I'm proud of you no matter the outcome." Judith smiled at her dad, giving him one quick bear hug before the man went to the commentator booth. The three of them stood ready to go their separate ways before Judith stopped her brother.
"Before I forget, here you go, Riri." Talbott watched as the Hufflepuff took off her jacket, casting the Enlarging Charm before handing it to Nuri. She pulled the younger boy down to kiss his forehead, before making her way over to Talbott's side to kiss his cheek.
"Hope to see you two in the stands," she said before jogging her way out of the Pitch. 
The two wizards made their way up to the stands. Talbott could see Nuri eyeing him from the corner of his eye.
"What is it?" Nuri flinched, a bit surprised to be caught before deciding to speak up.
"This way is the way to the Hufflepuff Stands. You're a Ravenclaw, shouldn't you be sitting with them instead?" Talbott turned to look at the Slytherin wizard with a cocked brow. The boy didn't sound dismissive or hostile, just... curious.
"I want to support Judith. She's the whole reason why I got into Quidditch in the first place. It doesn't matter to me if it looks like I'm going against my own House. I'm here for her, and will always be here for her." Nuri smiled at the wizard, handing him the jacket her sister was wearing. Talbott took it with uncertain hands.
"Why are you giving me this," he asked as they made their way up the stands. Nuri paused on his next step and gave a shy smile, long fingers messing with a ring on his right hand. The same nervous tick as his little bird.
"My sister always gave me her letterman jacket whenever she played as a way for me to be comfortable sitting in with the Hufflepuffs ever since I came to Hogwarts. I'm going to be honest, I'm pretty selfish when it comes to her, and having to share her has been difficult for me. But as I got to see her interact with others and see those people care and love her too, I began to loosen up. While this is my first time officially meeting you, I can see how you look at her. Like she's the sun. The center of your universe. Papa Kendrick seems to like you a lot and he doesn't like the idea of sharing her love with any boy. Consider this my way of showing you that I'm willing to give you a fair chance. People who love my sister tend to be my favorite people, and I think you could be one of them." Talbott felt a flush wash over his face but he couldn't help but return the smile Nuri was giving him.
"Thank you. That means a lot and I would like to get to know you better too, Riri." The Slytherin boy sent the older wizard a playful glare.
"Okay, that's a step too far. Only Juju can call me Riri. My real name is Nuri. Nuri Lockheart." Talbott laughed at the look, it reminded him so much of Judith so he knew this look well enough to know that the boy wasn't actually upset.
"Heh, got you. I'm Talbott." The two wizards shared a smile as they continued their way up and reached the top of the stands. Talbott took the time to study the jacket, a letterman jacket as Nuri called it.
It was mainly black, with two stitched designs on either side of the torso. There was a gold honey badger symbol on the left side with two Beater bats in an "X" formation on the right. The sleeves were white and a bit baggy, looking like they would fit over his wrists thanks to the yellow cuffs with black and white lines. The same cuffs outline the collar and the bottom of the jacket. It even had decently sized-pockets. He flipped it over to find the word "TIGRESS" stitched on the back, the word beautifully made with gold yarn in impressive calligraphy. Talbott slipped on the jacket and immediately smiled.
The scent of his little bird lingered on the piece of clothing and he felt as if he was being embraced by the girl himself.
'If I could get away with it, I would never take this off...'
The duo decided to sit in the center on the bottom bench, only to be surprised to find someone already there.
"Merula?" The girl's head snapped up to find the two wizards standing beside her. And it didn't escape Talbott's attention that she was wearing a matching letterman jacket as himself, only it was obvious the jacket was made for someone much bigger than her.
"What are you doing here? Ravenclaw is on the other side and Slytherin isn't playing today," she snarked. Nuri frowned at the clear dismissal but Talbott knew better.
"The same reason why you sitting in the Hufflepuff stands. We're here to support someone we care about," Talbott clapped back. The witch blushed, grumbling.
"Fine, whatever. It's not like these seats are taken..." Taking that as an obvious invitation to join her, Talbott sat down next to the self-proclaimed "The Powerful Witch of Hogwarts" while Nuri sat beside him. Within minutes, the stands were starting to fill with eager Quidditch fans and casual watchers for the game. Even though there were some weird looks from the Hufflepuffs at the two newcomers who sat in their section, no one said anything to them. There was a buzz in the air until the crowd quieted with the sound of Murphy's voice.
"Welcome Hogwarts to the first game of this Quidditch season! Are you ready for this year's competition?" The crowds roared with approval and to Talbott's personal surprise, he was right there with that.
Talbott had to admit, he was excellent at getting the crowd going as he introduced the two teams. Ravenclaw had already made their entrance and waited in the middle of the field. It was now Hufflepuff's turn. He watched as the Hufflepuff team flew in, zooming through the stadium. He watched with bated breath as the team briefly paused in front of their stand, to the joy of the students there. Judith found him and Nuri easily, her eyes reflecting her surprise at him wearing her jacket before giving them a large grin. He could see the two top canines of her teeth were capped in gold before they zoomed off to meet their opponents in the middle of the Pitch. Despite being in his own heart-melting moment, he did notice that David, who was beside his fellow Beater, gave Merula a grin of his own followed by a cheeky wink. Talbott pretended not to see the blush on the pale girl's face.
Madam Hooch made sure to set the rules between the two teams, the captains of each team gave a firm handshake, and soon the balls were in.
The game has begun.
Talbott had to admit, it was the most fun he had in a while. Despite not fully knowing what was happening (Talbott was so grateful that he befriended Nuri as he was able to explain the mechanics of the game to him), the energy was contagious. Even Merula was standing and cheering for the team. The players were fast, it was sometimes hard to keep up with the action, even with his 20/20 vision. Sometimes he opted to just watch his little bird, who was her own beautiful force of nature. He watched as her mind was constantly at work, deciphering the patterns of the Bludgers before deciding on a play. Often passing the iron sphere to David, who used it to scatter the Ravenclaw Chasers. Other times, taking out unsuspecting players with a hit of her own. His favorite moment was the well-executed Bludger Backbeat, seeing her use the scarred side to knock a Chaser off their broom while dropping the Quaffle for Orion to steal for a goal, putting points up on the Badger's board. He was so caught up in watching her, he almost missed a stray Bludger making its way to him-
"Talbott, get down-" Nuri tried to warn him, but before he could pull Talbott down, it was deflected to the Ravenclaw Seeker (whom Talbott was sure spitting out some colorful language as they were so close to catching the Snitch). Talbott could only stare in a daze as Judith hovered over him on her broom. 
"You okay, Talbott," she quietly asked. Talbott, still in shock, gave a mute nod. Judith chuckled, leaning in to kiss his cheek before flying back into the fray.
"Awww, what a sweet moment from Hufflepuff's fiercest hunter, Tigress. Saving her handsome beau from a Bludger gone rogue before comforting him with a kiss! And who said romance was dead?" Talbott buried his red face in his hands as the crowd around him cooed along with Murphy's sentiment. Before Talbott knew it, the Hufflepuff Seeker managed to catch the Snitch, signaling the end of the game.
"Give it up for the Hufflepuff team! They will move on to the next round to face off the winner of the Slytherin and Gryffindor match!"
The next hour was a blur. With the win, of course, everyone on the Hufflepuff team had to accept the congratulations from fans and their rivals alike. Speaking eagerly amongst each other and toasting with some Butterbeer. Judith spent some much-needed time with her brother and father before they had to leave.
But soon, the field was empty and it was just Talbott and Judith. The young witch didn't get a chance to say a word as she was swept up in Talbott's arms, sinking into his warmth.
"I'm so proud of you. You were amazing." She smiled.
"How can I not? I have my number one fan cheering me on, wearing my letterman jacket better than I ever could." Before Talbott could say anything, most likely to refute the claim judging by his blush, she placed a single finger to his lips.
"Seriously Talbott. You helped me in more ways than you could ever know, and I wanted to show you by playing my absolute best. Your support, whether on the sidelines during my practices or in the stands at one of my games, means everything to me. Thank you." The boy beamed as he kissed her forehead.
"Anything for my champion..."
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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They're all so pretty!! 🥹
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helenadurazzo · 2 months
A Wonderful World of Color
Ended up being able to throw together a new story just in time for the HPHM Ship Weekend. For this, I took the prompt of the Soulmate AU. In this universe, before a person makes eye contact with their soulmate, the world is coated in shades of grey. Normally, people know who their soulmate is right away, yet not for Helena.
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Helena often wondered what the world would look like if it was in color. Oftentimes the world seemed rather drab with it being drowned in shades of grey. The world was how it was though and as many people said, fate would be the determining factor in if the world would erupt in color for you or not. And sometimes Helena figured that her time would never come.
Mum never really talked about soulmates, saying that she had never met hers like father. Yet while Dad certainly never met the person he was meant for, she knew his words were genuine even though he did find happiness in what he was able to get. Yet Mum was a whole other story, sometimes Helena would hear her stumble her words and wondered if she could indeed see the world in color like those who had met their soulmate. She supposed it would be proper for a person with a passion for herbology and nature would be able to see in color, yet Helena never pushed to uncover her Mum’s past. Perhaps that day when she met Dad in that coffee shop she figured a life with someone was better if she could not be with her own soulmate. Yet in such situations, it was wise to not tread on such sensitive subjects. Helena wished she could ask Jacob for advice yet he was still missing, and Helena thought lingered on him endlessly. At least she had her peers and the joys that being a student at Hogwarts had to offer, it was the only way to keep her mind off of the cursed vaults after all.
She supposed Hogwarts was a common place for soulmates to meet, possibly one of the most common places to do so in the country. Yet between herself, Rowan, Tulip, and Badeea, only Badeea was the one who was able to see in color, when she and Talbott discovering they were soulmates not too long into the school year yet while they both did spend a lot of time together both decided to revisit that topic later. She would describe in great detail the colors of her paintings that it almost felt like Helena could indeed see their vibrancy. And Tulip had started making bets of which out of the three of them would meet their soulmate next.
But for now a quidditch game between Slytherin and Ravenclaw would do plenty to keep her and her roommates occupied without focusing on something that perhaps they could never find. Helena watched the match intently, after all, it was hard to tell the differences of who was who on the team as without seeing colors, it was a challenge, yet Badeea always provides more personal commentary and answers to questions that Murphy simply couldn’t provide from his seat in the highest place as the commentator.
“The Slytherins are on their game this year.” Tulip remarked as the players flew around on their brooms at top speeds.
“Certainly.” Rowan nodded, cheering as Skye Parkin, a Ravenclaw the year above them who hailed from the famous Parkin Family who founded the Wigtown Wanderers, successfully threw a quaffle that evaded Slytherin’s keeper. “Perhaps this will be the year for Ravenclaw.”
“I hope no one gets hurt in this match, Slytherin players can be quite aggressive, especially that Erika Rath.” Helena noted, knowing if one of the chasers was injured, she would be brought onto the pitch. Normally it would be a chance to gain great honor, yet Helena pondered how she would react when she was on the pitch playing for a crowd with people in the supposedly the colors of each house judging by the shades of grey and matching facepaint.
When she turned her head away from her friends and back to pitch her eyes widened at the sight ahead of her with surprise as a bludger rushed straight towards her face. She instinctively ducked and was lucky the bludger did not hit her in the head, since she would have likely been knocked out and would have woken up in the hospital wing. Yet when she got the courage to look back at the pitch, her eyes met one of the other players. The sudden burst of unexpected color in the world made her feel so entranced by those blue eyes, similar to her own yet with a slight more hint of green perhaps? Maybe it was teal? Before she could once more gain her senses whichever quidditch player that was had flown off to another area of the pitch and was gone. However, there was one thing Helena was sure of, that mystery quidditch player was her soulmate, they had to be.
“Helena are you ok?” Rowan panicked, adjusting her glasses as they went down her nose due to the sudden turn of her head. “That bludger nearly knocked you into next week!”
“I… I can see…” Helena stammered as she looked out to the pitch. Observing the quidditch players in dark blue and emerald green flying back and forth depending on where the quidditch balls were and carefully evading bludgers with swift movements. On the other side of the stands, everyone was dressed in similar shades of the two colors, it was bright and radiant, “Colors, its… it’s really something…”
“Congratulations!” Badeea cheered before noticing what was like an uncertain look on Helena’s own face, “Sorry, I guess it’s not the best time…”
“No you’re fine.” Helena softly smiled at her friend.
“So who’s the lucky quidditch player who you are destined to be with?” Tulip smirked, “It’s got to be a quidditch player who is your soulmate right?”
“I… I don’t know.” Helena confessed, still catching her breath. “I only saw their eyes due to that bludger. They were a bluish green.”
“I know I don’t know any of the quidditch players, much less their eye colors.” Tulip noted, “but that isn’t a lot to go off of. Yet I suppose we can take off Orion and Skye off of the possibilities, not only have you talked with both of them but the eye colors don’t match.”
“Now that you mention that.” Helena realized, “Unless they put in a rookie or a substitute I have met all of the people on the Ravenclaw team. If my soulmate was one of them I should have known that by now.”
“So your soulmate must be a Slytherin.” Badeea concluded, “Perhaps they’ll come to you, surely they are also wondering the same things you are.”
“They would probably have more trouble figuring that out than Helena does.” Rowan pointed out. “Where Helena has seven Slytherin Quidditch players it could be, this quidditch player has anyone in the general vicinity of us.”
“Let’s just enjoy the rest of the match.” Helena insisted to her friends, “It’s fine, don’t worry about me, if we are soulmates surely our paths will cross again, or the universe will give me a sign to who it is.”
Even being at home for the weekend could not quell Helena’s perplexing feelings. She supposed it was nice to see her mother again, she just thought she would have more than a week before she would have to deal with the possibility of telling her mother. She didn’t even know how to bring it up. And knowing her mother, it was only a matter of time before the conversation would finally come up. If only her father wasn’t on a business trip and her brother wasn’t who knows where, perhaps they could have helped easy the tension her brain insisted was there
“Helena, dear, you have hardly touched your food.” Her mother observed much sooner than Helena planned, “Is everything alright?”
“I am fine Mum.” She attempted to give her a reassuring smile. “I… I guess I have just been thinking… about someon- thing! Thinking about something” she cringed at her stumbling of words, there went her attempt at surviving this break from school without her mother finding out what happened at that fateful quidditch match. Her face likely looked even more like she was hiding something, and her mother was able to read that like a book.
“Sweetie.” Her mum softly eyed her with concern, “You know you can tell me what’s going on.”
Helena sighed, “I’m sorry… I guess I was just worried about bringing it up. It’s just… back at that quidditch game… I saw colors for the first time and-“
“You met your soulmate?” Her mother’s eyes widened and brightened with happiness that nearly startled Helena due to its suddenness, “That’s wonderful!”
“That’s the thing…” Helena awkwardly continued her previous statement, “I would not say I have ‘met’ them. What happened was I was nearly hit in the face by a bludger, don’t worry, I avoided it. But when I looked to see where it came from, I met eyes with one of the Slytherin quidditch players and the next thing I could know I could see color and that quidditch player was somewhere on the other side of the quidditch pitch.”
“I see…” Her mother breathed, looking as if she was thinking about something.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.” Helena apologized, “I wanted to tell you, I need to talk with someone other than my roommates at some point. I just… didn’t know how you would react. You were never really open about it before…”
“I suppose I haven’t.” Her mother agreed quickly rather than denying her flaws, “I apologize if I made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me about that. I guess I just let my own experience take control, but I suppose I should tell you the story. Might be a bit of a tangent but you’ll get the point I promise.” Her mother sighed, “I was one of the ones who saw colors early on, back in my first year of Hogwarts. My father, your grandfather, had sent me a howler that day, furious that I was sorted into Hufflepuff rather than Slytherin. One of my classmates, a Ravenclaw, approached me to see if I was alright and we connected the dots after the world burst into color before our eyes. He was my closest friend, yet I knew my fate. I was a pure blood where he was not, and my father already had very little patience. I was… scared of what he would say. So many pure bloods ignore the soulmates for the sake of preserving social status, and I knew my parents would be the same way. So before our graduation, I ended things with him out of fear and we never crossed paths since. A few years later I took charge in my life when I met your father and found another form of happiness.” Her mother’s bright blue eyes moved back towards looking at Helena. “All of this is to say, I don’t want you to lose your soulmate because of what others may think, including myself and your father. You know better than any one of what makes you happy. Don’t let your chance at love slip through your fingers.”
Helena gave a small smile after a few moments of silence to let her mother’s words sink in, “Thanks Mum. I just need to figure out who it is first…”
Another week of classes had passed and Helena found herself once again at another weekend. Yet unlike the previous one where she spent it with the comfort of her mother’s company, this one would be spent at Hogwarts. And that certainly wasn’t a bad thing but just something that left Helena once again at the mercy of her own thoughts.
It was why Helena did what she always did when she was stuck in her own thoughts and needed some time to reflect, going outside. Breathing in the fresh air always seemed to alleviate any stress she had, and even this particular flurry of thoughts of hers seemed to lessen even if only slightly. Being the daughter of a renowned herbologist, it had always been natural for Helena, who spent a large amount of her childhood in the greenhouse. Of course, even she felt some variety was necessary and found herself heading to the training grounds when the flying classes would be hosted and the quidditch pitch was in sight.
In the distance, she could even see some quidditch players participating in a friendly match. It seems to be Gryffindor and Hufflepuff judging by the ruby red and golden uniforms, so she didn’t feel pressured in walking all the way over there. If she was to figure out who her soulmate was, she would need to figure out more about the Slytherins who were a part of that match that fateful day. She didn’t even think about talking to Skye or Orion but it likely wasn’t worth it. Orion would likely give her some philosophical riddle she was not in the mood to solve while Skye would simply insult the competition rather than enlighten her on who her soulmate could have been. Perhaps her soulmate would come to her, but it seemed unlikely, it had been a couple of weeks since then after all.
As she walked along one of the dirt paths, she found herself turning her head to the right and noticing a blonde Slytherin practicing on the training grounds. She had heard from Penny enough about the Slytherin’s reputation to know it was Slytherin’s star beater, Erika Rath, who practiced non-stop whenever she wasn’t on the pitch or keeping up her marks in her classes. Perhaps she was better with Skye and other quidditch players in that regard as many neglected their studies for the sake of quidditch.
Erika looked so intensely focused on the training dummies as she swung her beater’s bat with all her might and watched with satisfaction as the bludger managed to knock each of the dummies down one by one. Helena pitied the chasers who opposed her and supposed she was thankful that she had not found herself in such a position. Skye had always talked about Erika Rath in the worst light, saying that she used her brash actions on purpose and desired to cause harm to express her own prowess. Helena pondered how much of that was true, for what she did know, Erika appeared to be a bit of a loner, simply keeping casual acquaintances with her peers and teammates.
Before Helena knew it, she watched as Erika looked over the sight with satisfaction and wrestled the bludger back into its case, latching it securely. Erika swung around rather quickly and eyed her causing Helena’s face to redden, especially as she recognized those bluish green eyes of hers from earlier. Someone must have casted Lumos to enlighten her on the soulmate topic as after looking at Erika once again, she did not even feel the need to look at the other Slytherin quidditch players as the eyes surely matched Erika’s. She probably looked like a fool in that moment, stopping in her place and simply staring, and Erika did not take long to observe her mannerisms.
“You came to watch Durazzo?” Erika commented with a peculiar smile on her face.
“I was just walking in the area…” Helena awkwardly rubbed the back of her head, pondering if Erika had connected the same dots she had. Judging by her quite uncharacteristic behavior perhaps she had. “It’s a nice day after all.” She added before instinctively walking over towards the blonde Slytherin.
“I meant to apologize for that bludger a couple of weeks ago.” Erika surprisingly apologized, so unlike how many of the rumors interpreted her.
“That was you?” Helena’s eyes widened before realizing that she did only have a fifty-fifty chance between the two beaters, and with someone as such a ruthless reputation as Erika it was always bound to be her.
“Yeah.” Erika shrugged, “Ended up hitting the bludger with my bat at an awkward angle due to a missed perception of the bludger’s location, and before I knew it, that bludger was heading towards the stands. I know we don’t know each other that well, but it’s good to see you not be locked up in the hospital wing.”
“So you…?” Helena blushed.
“Yeah…” Erika smiled in a way that was so perplexing given her tough exterior. “It took me a bit to figure it out. But your hair was what gave you away to me. And ever since I was trying to figure out how to interpret our fate and those feelings.”
“I have been too.” Helena looked off to the side. “But regardless, I think we will have a bright future ahead of us.”
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hellodanny-hphm · 1 year
Hi guys
I know I'm missing and late but I just wanted to say that I loved seeing my baby with this ice skate (I love anything that involves ice skating) and that Orion and Rath are wonderfull <3
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redhairedgryffindor · 6 months
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Draw The Squad - My MC, Earnest and Erika
It's not what it looks like
I can't find the owner of this art.
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She pretty
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ameliathefatcat · 7 months
Random Hogwarts Mystery Headcanons because I have a lot of Ideas
Badeea Ali has really bad environmental allergies. She has to take allergy potions before Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology
Skye Parkin has a nut allergy and didn’t realize for way to long she just thought nuts were spicy
Ben Copper and Jae Kim are lactose intolerant
Badeea has undiagnosed autism, she’s an 80’s kid and the child of immigrants.
Badeea was the first in her family to be born outside of Egypt, her father immigranted when her half brothers were small and her mother immigranted as a young woman
Tulip is the heaviest sleeper ever. Charlie Mosley and Badeea have to flip over her mattress to wake her up when she over sleeps
She sleeps through that as well
Barnaby is epileptic due to a TBI he got as a child
He mostly has absence seizures, once or twice a year he might have a tonic-clonic seizure
He keeps this a secret, since he’s embarrassed of having brain damage
Chiara is the only one that knows he’s epileptic and she helps him when he has a seizure
Reggie Tonks (Nyphmadora’s younger brother) actually became friends with Ismelda Murk due to both of them being a bit satanic
Reggie loves to test out his new spells and Ismelda likes to cause pain so she helps him get victims test subjects
Reggie is also friends with Badeea since both like to invite new spells
Tonks doesn’t get it. She loves her little brother but doesn’t understand why people in her year are friends with him
Tonks is very protective of her little brother
Diego Caplan teases Amelia and Ben for being Ashkenazi
Diego is Sephardic btw
When Amelia and Diego are on patrol together they joke around and argue about Jewish stuff
The other Prefects, Barnaby, Liz, Badeea, Andre, Penny and Charlie are confused about this and when Amelia said ‘a good amount of our culture is arguing’
Tonks is not trust with sharp objects
Ben and Badeea both became Uncle/Aunt while at Hogwarts
Andre does drag
Talbott finds this hot and annoying since Andre is a horrible singer
Ben’s family really loves Amelia. She was invited to his second sister Rina’s wedding
Orion is a stoner
He also doesn’t shower that much
He has horrible BO
Skye has a pair of lucky socks are that are super smelly
Rath sweats a lot and uses so much deodorant to deal with BO
When Badeea sees the name ‘Khalid Ali’ in the news paper she hopes it a different Khalid Ali and not her half brother. It’s often her half brother
Andre was once reading an international wizarding newspaper and the headline was ‘British-Egyptian wizard in Cairo. Badeea knew instantly it was her half brother
More about Badeea’s half brothers when they were at Hogwarts they anglicized their names Samir went by Sam and Khalid went by Kenny. Khalid is called Kenny by most of his friends but didn’t legally change his name because it was too much work
Badeea does technically have an anglicized nickname, B. She’s mostly called this by the other Ravenclaws.
Amelia and Badeea bond over the fact both of them don’t speak English at home.
Khalid was friends with both Duncan and Jacob but he no interest in the cursed vaults
Barnaby, Liz, Diego, Penny, Andre, Badeea, Charlie and Amelia took a Prefect photo and re take it at their reunions
Murphy and Rath are constantly on and off dating
19 notes · View notes
ariparri · 10 months
The Man from Hearts
The Hogwarts Mystery Cardverse is an AU that takes place in a fantasy land called Cinderhaven. There are five regions, four of them representing a suit of cards; Spades, Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds. The final region representing the Jokers.
HPHM Cardverse Masterlist
Summary: Bill receives an offer to work within the museums of Spades as the new archaeologist. Eager for better work opportunities and to explore more of Cinderhaven, Bill takes the offer and travels to the Country of Spades. While there, he meets the King of Spades and his younger sister.
Warnings: Not proofread (I never proofread TwT), slight angst, mentions of death, harassment and public humiliation, Veruca insulting Bill's hairstyle but not in a cruel antagonizing way.
Tag List: @oneirataxia-girl @akikocho @lifeofkaze @eternalchaoschocolaterain
Word Count: 5313
I ended up dragging this on a bit too much… This was originally supposed to come out last month, but I was so busy with everything going on that I couldn’t work on my art or stories. I’m not used to Bill’s or Rakepick's characters quite yet xD I hope you guys enjoy this one though. I eventually got to go into more depth with Rakepick and why she holds a grudge against Coby and Duncan. She’s bitter because the newer officials are all younger (Coby, Duncan, Orion, Penny, etc.) and easily got their positions while she worked her butt off (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Timeline for my AU is also kind of wack. Just know that Coby and Veruca are ten years apart, Bill and Veruca are about two or three years apart making Bill about eight or nine years younger than Coby. In the beginning of this story Coby is 27, Veruca is 17 and Bill is about 19 or 20.
I have also provided a visual reference for Coby, Veruca and Bill for this story! Bill's hair is messed up on purpose.
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• ・❀・ 。 . ⡀。⠐❀ ・ 。 . ⡀。⠐❀ ・ •・❀・ 。 . ⡀。⠐❀ ・ 。 . ⡀。⠐❀ ・ •
Traveling from the Kingdom of Hearts to other regions for work wasn’t always part of Bill’s plan, yet the curator for the museum he worked for informed him of archaeologist positions open within the other regions. Each region’s history was rich and new knowledge for Bill, yet he didn’t wish to travel too far, so the Land of Clubs was quickly taken out of the equation. Hearts are connected to both Diamonds and Spades, so those two were his obvious options. Though the Diamond Empire was much too interested in their luxury, something Bill and his family didn’t really have, they made do with the love and care they had for each other. And that leaves the Country of Spades. Spades’ history with both science fiction and technology is quite huge with material still undiscovered. Bill would have been crazy not to accept the offer, and the travel cost to Spades was covered by the museum.
And so Bill had accepted the position in Spades. On the train, passing through the mountain path connecting Hearts to Spades, Bill sits alone in a booth reading over the papers from Spades’ museums the History Vault, home of the general history of the country, and the Science Fiction Institute, where all creations and inventions of Spades are held. Unlike in Hearts where he only worked in the museum for the kingdom’s artifacts, Bill has access to work in both the Vault and Institute. It seems there will be more for Bill to discover within the country and his nerves are building it up in anticipation.
The train’s air horn blows signaling the passengers on board of their next stop. Bill quickly gathers his things, placing his papers and within his briefcase. Looking out the window, Bill is amazed by the vast difference to the environment of the country. There’s machinery everywhere. Mechanic animals pulling carriages and carts, the machines mostly in the form of a horse or a giant bird. “Was that an ostrich?” Bill muttered as he watched a giant robotic bird pull a carriage along the streets. Smoke pours out from the steam engine’s chimney pipes as the train slows to a stop on the tracks just by the station’s platform. People filed out of the train as soon as the doors opened, some shoving or bumping into others as they made their way through the crowd. Bill steps out onto the platform, ice grey eyes observing the station until he finds the information desk. With his luggage and passport in hand, the young man makes his way towards the receptionist.
“Next in line!” The receptionist calls and the young man steps towards the desk, immediately handing over his passport and credentials. She takes them, reading over them with little enthusiasm. “Hmm, William Weasley. You came from the Kingdom of Hearts and you’re traveling for work?”
“Yes. I’m here for the archaeologist position for the—”
“Oh you’re the new recruit!” The lady cuts off, “Lady Buckthorn-Snyde has already informed us of your arrival.” She immediately stamps Bill’s travel form and passport for approval, before reaching over to the brochure stand and pulling out a couple pamphlets. “She was very adamant that we make sure your access into the country goes smoothly. Normally, this isn’t a long process, but Lady Buckthorn-Snyde can be an intimidating woman to deal with and I don’t want to be the next person to face her wrath.” She hands over the pamphlets leisurely. “So these pamphlets will help you around the place. One is the map, one is for housing and renting, and the last one is a basic guide for tourists and foreigners. Anyways, enjoy your stay or whatever.” She dismisses Bill after handing him his paperwork before signaling to the next person in line.
Dumbstruck by the quick dismissal from the receptionist, Bill faltered as he gathered his things and left the information desk. He looked around for the exit, head darting left and right before spotting the double doors people were flooding through.
Stepping out of the station the astonishment from before had come back as Bill gazed at his surroundings. The skyline is packed with distinct buildings and towers and their history seems to shine more now than ever. Science and development is flourishing in Spades and it has clearly attracted a lot of attention. From the distance he can see a clear view of the palace, including the factories and the sea behind it. Many different inventions have left their mark not just on business, but also upon the city's identity. A zeppelin, a huge air ship he was only able to see from a very far distance in the Kingdom of Hearts, can be seen flying overhead of the buildings. Just like the trains they built for Cinderhaven, branding the country’s symbol and colors, the Country of Spades was truly magnificent.
A loud screech was heard, causing Bill to snap his attention towards the mechanical ostrich pulling a carriage charging right for him. He jumps back before the bird runs into him. “Oh I’m definitely going to enjoy my stay here.” He chuckles, watching the ostrich continue to run down the street before pulling out the pamphlets of the map and housing. Bill reads through the information on the pamphlet, finding two places closest to the museums, Saxons Motel or Magrath Villa, both for good prices in rent. However since Bill will be residing in Spades for the foreseeable future, having a permanent place to stay would fare better for him. So Magrath Villa will be the first place Bill heads to.
At least he hopes he can get there. Hailing for a cab or carriage has been futile as many of the transportation vehicles passing by are already occupied or simply ignored him. With no luck of getting a ride to Magrath Villa, Bill grabs his suitcase and proceeds down the street. The map the receptionist gave him proved to be useless as there were more than the necessary amount of trails to follow. Maybe he’ll be lucky to get directions from people passing by.
However that also proved to be useless as the people actively ignored him and went about their day. Some even outright refused because he was a foreigner. It seems even in Spades, there is some prejudice against outsiders. Still, Bill tried to find someone who was helpful enough to give him directions. He spots some men carrying boxes and instruments into the music shop up ahead. “Excuse me, gentlemen!” Bill rushes up to them, “I'm looking for Magrath Villa. Would you–“ the men completely ignored him, a couple giving him dirty looks as they haul the equipment into the building, leaving Bill alone on the street-- “hmmm, I guess not…”
A sigh escapes Bill as he has no choice but to try and find Magrath on his own. Lost in his own thoughts a young woman with brown wavy hair rushes by, seemingly excited to get to wherever her destination leads her. The girl accidentally bumped into Bill’s side as she passed him, stumbling a bit before catching herself and continuing onward, spewing out a hasty apology. Taking the chance to ask the girl for directions, Bill calls out to her “Oh wait, excuse me, Miss. Can you please help me–” just as Bill held his hand out to tap the girl’s shoulder, a heavy silver handle in the shape of a wolf landed on his shoulder and pulled him back. The sudden force caused him to stumble a bit as he was turned around. The same silver handle lands roughly on his shoulder again, steadying him. And as he regained his composure Bill looked up at the man before him, bewildered ice grey eyes meeting steely eyes hidden behind blue tinted round shades.
Before Bill had a chance to speak, the man shoved the cane handle under his chin, forcing Bill to tilt his head upward. “Now I’m certain you weren’t just trying to make a move on my sister.” The red head was too stunned to speak. Never before had he ever expected to be caught in a situation like this. From the hard expression on his face down to the accessories on his person and the aura he presents, the man before Bill was effortlessly intimidating.
The man was dressed in a form fitting velvet black suit jacket, a velvet black and white waistcoat with a Jacobean pattern to match. The citrine gemstone on the wolf lapel pin, his blue tinted glasses and the accessories on his hat are the only elements that add splashes of colors to his entire suit. Everything about this man screamed upper class, and that’s when Bill noticed the emblem pinned on the belt of his hat. A silver Spade adorned with a crown. The man holding him hostage in the middle of the street was none other than— “The King of Spades—” The red head sputters, trying to regain his composure as the king glares down at him. “I’m sorry, it wasn’t my attention— I’m new here—”
“Clearly. No Spades wears this amount of red and bears the Hearts crest.” The king remarks with a scoff and a roll of his eyes. He tilts his shades down, peering his vibrant magenta eyes at the red head. Once again, Bill was silenced by the scrutinizing intensity of the king’s gaze on him. What are the chances that Bill would meet the King of Spades on his first day in the country. And already, he’s gotten himself in trouble with the king. Before Bill could come up with a sentence, a feminine voice was heard from behind. “Coby, leave him alone.”
The young woman from before came into view again, she had a frown on her face as she faced the king. ‘She called him by his first name. Is she allowed to do that?’ Bill thought as he watched the king and the girl go back and forth in their banter. “Vera, he was hitting on you!” The king exclaimed, earning an eye roll from the girl now known as Vera. “He already said he wasn’t. For the love of Avis, not every guy is out to get me!”
“You don’t know that. Men can never be trusted!”
“Yeah? What about Carson? Is my best friend not to be trusted?”
“That’s different. He’s family, of course you’re gonna trust him. I’m just saying, all men are animals. Don’t be getting close to any of them!”
“Oh shut up! You do this all the time. You know some guys are afraid to approach me because you’re the king!”
“As they should be! None of those guys are worthy to be in your presence if I have anything to say about it!”
“Would you stop! Oh my lord, you can be so annoying! Why do you—”
“Um excuse me!” Bill’s voice rang out, effectively putting the argument to a halt. The sibling duo stopped and turned their attention back to Bill, still in Coby’s hold. Bill gave them an awkward smile, “Aha, yeah… I’m sorry for the trouble but can you please let me go?” Coby instantly removes his cane away from Bill, returning to a casual stance leaning a bit of his weight on to the cane. “Right,” he cleared his throat, “Apologies for that. Just looking out for my little sister, didn’t mean to rough you up there.”
After clearing up the misunderstanding, Coby had properly introduced himself and his sister, whose name is actually Veruca. Bill returned the introduction, explaining that he traveled to Spades for work and needed directions to Magrath Villa. To Bill’s surprise, Coby and Veruca offered to show them the place. Ignoring his complaints, the sibling duo proceeded to walk in the direction of the villa, leaving Bill with no choice but to catch up with them. The three engage in small talk, with Veruca asking Bill about Hearts to Coby asking why he specifically chose to work in Spades.
“I see,” Coby noted, “So the luxuries of Diamonds would be far too glamorous to what you’re used to. Well if you can get through the day with all the pollution from the factories and engines here, I’d say you’d fit right in with Spades.” He gives Bill a signature charismatic grin earning a small laugh in response from the red head. “Yeah well, Spades’ history is one that intrigues me more than the other regions. Why and how did the people go from actual horses to making machinery of horses?”
“Though, I am surprised to see the king himself walking in the streets without a guard. Don’t you think that’s a little careless? What if you get attacked?” Bill can’t help but wonder how Coby can just roam freely as the king of the region. Not even King Declan left the castle without a courtier following closely behind. It was a big surprise to Bill with how lenient Coby is as a king.
Coby simply hummed, “I could be careless, but I was never really a rule follower. Ironic right, since I’m the king?” He laughed, patting the younger man on the shoulder. “But I don’t like being followed around by a guard every hour of the day. Besides, this one here, hates having our bonding time interrupted.” A grin forms on the king’s face as he taps Veruca’s head with the handle of his cane. He expected Veruca to swat his cane away or hit him back but the younger McQuaid was more focused on their new companion. She had a hard gaze in her eyes as she scrutinized the red head. Bill cleared his throat, feeling uncomfortable by the girl’s glare. Coby wasn’t sure what got his little sister bothered, but knowing Veruca, it was either going to be entertaining or insulting.
“I’m sorry” the younger McQuaid halts in her steps, "but who did your hair? It looks absolutely terrible. You really need a new barber." Insulting, Coby confirmed mentally. He wasn’t sure if he should laugh or scold Veruca for her comment. And yet he found entertainment in the situation. A sheepish look was on Bill's face, scratching the back of his head he let out an awkward chuckle, "Aha yeah… my mum tends to chop it off if I let it grow out too much."
An awkward silence followed, Veruca cringing at both her choice of words and Bill’s admittance and Coby shook his head as he sighs. “I’m sorry for my sister’s comment.” Coby spoke up first. “She has the habit of speaking her mind. A good thing so she isn’t pushed around but, in casual conversation she can sound rather insensitive and ignorant.” He ruffles Veruca’s hair earning a shove from her. Fixing her hair up with a roll of her eyes, Veruca turns her attention back to Bill, eyes narrowed in a skeptical gaze. “What, you're not grown enough, so you still let your mother cut your hair?” Her question had earned her a smack to the back of her head by her brother. “You don’t have to answer that.”
It was safe to say, the sibling duo became a central part of Bill’s life in the Country of Spades.
~ One Year Later • Aug. 28th ~
Life in the Country of Spades had gone dim as soon as news of King Coby’s death reached the people’s ears. News stations were competing against each other to make headlines on the cause of the King’s death. Even the people were starting to create their own theories on Coby’s death. Bad gossip and nothing more.
Sitting in the outdoor dining area of the cafe nearby the museums, Bill tossed the newspaper onto the table with a tired sigh, dragging a hand down his face. He had met the King many times and most of them were when he was with Veruca dragging him out of the palace and to places she wanted to go to. From their interactions and seeing how the siblings are, Bill could tell that Coby was a good man. He cared not just for his family but for the people as well. He worked hard with Duncan Ashe, the country’s Chancellor and his best friend, to create Spades’ very own annual event for the people to enjoy and have fun in.
Bill glances over at Veruca sitting across from him. She had been quiet ever since she got to the cafe, staring off into space and in her own world. Bill was worried for her. With her brother gone, and the country making up theories on his death, no one seemed to realize or care how this loss is affecting Coby’s family. Veruca’s parents had already made their statements, choosing to mourn in peace and silence. Veruca on the other hand was sought after by the press every time she left her home. It didn’t help that Coby was assassinated on her birthday five days ago, making Veruca an easy subject for journalists to go after.
Bill pulls out a small rectangular box and slides it over to Veruca on the table top. Veruca seemed to snap out of her daze, curiously gazing at the box before looking up towards Bill. He simply gave her a small smile and nodded his head towards the gift. “A birthday gift.” Veruca’s face scrunched up, “But you already got me a gift, you don’t need to give me another one.” Bill shakes his head, nudging the box closer to her. “I insist. Besides, this one is undoubtedly special to you.”
Veruca was silent again, but seeing how Bill was adamant that she accept the gift, she took the small box in her hands. Just as she removed the top cover of the box, her breath hitched as the contents within was revealed. Inside laid a golden bullet connected to a chain necklace. Veruca instantly recognized the piece of jewelry. Picking up the bullet, she turned it over to see her brother’s name engraved into the pendant. Her green eyes glossed over as she ran her finger over the carved letters. “Where… where did you get this?”
“Lady Buckthorn-Snyde wanted to put it up on display in the Vault alongside the former monarchs’ belongings as another artifact, but it didn’t sit right with me.”
“Wow… of course she would do that.” Veruca laughed bitterly. “I’m surprised you got permission to take it though. I hear that woman is very tough to persuade.” RBill shrugged with a teasing grin, “Well, I never said I got permission.”
“You just took it?” Veruca had an incredulous look upon her face, a lighthearted huff escaping her lips. “Now if only they can find Coby’s cane. That one was actually a family heirloom, it belonged to my great grandfather.” Bill hummed, holding his chin in thought, “I haven’t seen his cane within the Kings’ Artifacts exhibit, but I’ll be sure to keep a look out for it.” Veruca responds with an appreciative smile.
“Well if it isn’t the King’s younger sister, Veruca McQuaid.” A voice calls out, causing the two to look over to see Patricia Rakepick approach their table. At the Ace’s presence, Veruca went quiet again. “Miss Veruca I haven’t seen you since the incident. I am not surprised though, after what happened I expected you would hide away for a while.” The Ace spoke aimlessly with a wave of her hand. The tone of her voice was empathetic, but there was an eerie chill, almost taunting, that followed. “Madame Ace, what a surprise to see you here.” Veruca quietly spoke, barely keeping the older woman’s gaze. Bill noticed Veruca’s reaction, leaving him confused to see her act so small in the Ace’s presence.
“I am merely taking a stroll, then I saw you and I must simply come by to say hello.” Rakepick’s cool demeanor was anything but comforting. Veruca felt as if the air around her was starting to suffocate her. Before Bill could greet the Ace himself, Rakepick’s cold gaze turned in his direction. Upon looking into her eyes, Bill froze, feeling a hitch in his breath. Now he knew why Veruca was so hesitant to face the Ace. The way the woman gazed at him was almost akin to a predator spying on its prey, ready to pounce. The world around him was slowly fading to grey as he maintained eye contact with the woman. The last remaining color Bill saw before everything faded in a sea of grey were the piercing cold blue ice peering down at him.
‘What the hell is going on?’ Questions rang through Bill’s head as he was frozen in place. He’s personally never met the Ace, only heard of her reputation being a brutal yet highly respected member of the court. But upon meeting her now, Bill wasn’t too fond of being in her presence. At least now he understood why Veruca felt so uncomfortable with Rakepick around. He snuck a glance over to Veruca to see her sitting tensely, eyes now casted onto the box he had given her.
A wicked smile graced the Ace’s sharp features, “And you must be the archaeologist the Curator spoke of. William Weasley was it? I see you’re well acquainted with Miss Veruca.” Swallowing the lump in his throat, Bill gave Rakepick a nervous smile, “Hello Madame Ace, that is correct. Veruca is a good friend of mine.” A quiet hum was her response. “I see. Well I do hope that Miss Veruca has been treating you well. She does not seem to realize that her incessant need for company can be seen as distracting and a burden.” Aghast by the accusation, Veruca quickly snapped her head up to Rakepick. “Excuse me?”
Bill shifted in his seat looking just as uncomfortable as Veruca, “I’m not sure what you mean by that. Veruca has been nothing but pleasant since I first came to Spades.”
“I am sure she has. Be careful around her though, Miss Veruca can be very demanding when she wants someone’s attention. Just take the late king for example. Tried to do his job as the country’s king, but his own sister kept getting in the way. Distracting him until, well, it’s all in the news. Everyone knows about it.”
“Madame Ace, that was uncalled for! Coby’s death was not my fault!”
“Was it really? Was it really not your fault that your brother is dead?” Rakepick turns her head back to the brunette, the gaze in her eyes scrutinizing and accusing, “Your brother had a role to play as the king of this country. Yet you constantly interrupt him of his duties, dragging him out of the palace to entertain your silly little ideas.” Veruca shakes her head, looking up at the older woman with a scowl, “That’s not true! I never distracted him, Coby—”
“Are you insinuating your brother was a slacker? That he cared less about his role as King and spoiled you because you are family?”
“N—no! I would never— I never said he—”
“King Coby was perceptive and sharp despite his laidback attitude.” Rakepick silenced her, “If you weren’t at the palace at the time of the assassination, his majesty would have easily detected the assassin. But he was too preoccupied with your presence.” Her eyes narrowed, glaring down at Veruca. “And his majesty couldn’t properly fight off his assailant as he was too focused on making sure you weren’t in the way.” The tension around them was getting heavy, Veruca couldn’t defend herself with Rakepick cutting her off at every chance. The people around them were quietly whispering amongst each other and sneaking glances their way. “But you got in the way, anyways. And now your brother is dead, and the country has no king.”
“That’s enough!” Bill slams his hands against the table, standing up with so much force the chair is knocked back. He steps between the two, shielding Veruca from any more of Rakepick’s torment. A deep frown crosses his features as he holds a stern glare towards the older woman. “Have you no damn shame! Veruca just lost her brother, and on her birthday no less! She doesn’t need you accusing her of something out of her control, have some damn empathy!” At Bill’s outburst, a guard stalks through the crowd ready to dispel the commotion.
“How unbefitting of you, Madam Ace, to be causing a scene in public. Most especially against King Coby’s sister.” An authoritative voice broke through the crowd, silencing everyone around as their eyes turned in the guard’s direction. Erika Rath, the Chancellor’s guard, stands before the three. Her arms were folded across her chest, standing tall and confident as she observed the group with a neutral expression. “It would be wise to control yourself, lest you would like the Chancellor to get involved. He’s a very busy man, Madame Ace, and he has no time to be dealing with your nonsense.”
“You have a lot of nerve to be talking down to me, soldier.” Rakepick snapped towards the blonde. “I should have you put through a restriction and a reduction in grade, for talking back to your superior.”
The expression on Erika’s face was intense, she steps closer to Rakepick, fiery gaze in her eyes, “I report directly to the Chancellor, Madame Ace, not you. And on his order, no one is to disturb the late King’s family as they mourn over their loss. You may be the Ace, Madame, but the Chancellor still ranks above you. You do not want to make him even angrier than he already is with you.” Rakepick says nothing, keeping up with the intense stare down with the guard. A few seconds passed before a cold smile reappeared on her face. “Apologies, Rath. It seems I have overstepped many boundaries today.” The Ace turns her attention back to Bill and Veruca, the two feeling a chill run down their spine as if they felt the older woman peer right through their souls. “My condolences Miss McQuaid. I do hope you can let this whole ordeal go. With the king gone, so many things are going on and everyone is clearly out of sorts.” She spoke with a hand over her heart as a sign of sincerity but there was none in her words. “I’m sure you can understand the stress we are all in.”
Her tone was sickenly sweet, it made Veruca feel sick. She struggled maintaining eye contact with the older woman, only managing a weak nod in response. Rakepick gave them one last icy smile before she left the cafe not even sparing a glance or a word to Erika. As soon as Rakepick was no longer in sight, the heavy tension went away and Bill let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Everyone was urged to continue on with what they were doing by Erika. Though there was an obvious awkwardness in the air. Who can just go back to sipping their tea and eating cakes after witnessing all of that? Erika turns to Bill and Veruca, simply giving them a nod and that she would inform the Chancellor of what had transpired. Bill thanks her and watches Erika leave to continue her patrol.
Once she was further away from them, Bill turned around to face Veruca. She had been quiet the entire time since he stepped in to confront Rakepick. She had a downcast look, and Bill noticed that her eyes were glossy. Her jaw was tightly clenched and he realized that she was trying to hold herself back from crying. Veruca flinches when a hand rests upon her shoulder, she looks up to see Bill giving her a reassuring smile. “Hey, it’s okay. I don’t think she’ll be bothering you anymore, today.” Veruca returns the gesture with a strained smile. “Thanks… you didn’t have to do that, though.” Bill simply waves her off with a shake of his head, “Oh come on, I couldn’t just stand by and let her harass you like that.”
He pulls out his handkerchief and hands it over to her. “Still hard to believe that woman is the Ace of the country.” Veruca hums in acknowledgement, taking the cloth and wiping her tears away, “A foul one, isn’t she? Never really liked her. At least you know the reason why. She has this arrogant aura around her due to her title, and it’s gotten worse since…,” she trails off, eyes glancing around before turning her gaze back to her companion, “well, you know… She started taking the mantle way too seriously, creating more strict policies on everything. Duncan isn’t too happy about her overstepping his authority.”
“I can imagine.” Bill huffs, returning to his seat, “She’s a hard woman to deal with, I give my praise to the Chancellor for lasting this long with her.” Veruca lets out a small laugh before going quiet again, the gloomy expression returning to her face. “Do you think it was really my fault?” Bill looks at her with a reassuring yet sad smile, “No, not at all. It’s an older sibling's nature to protect their younger sibling.” He gently pats her shoulder. “Don’t believe a thing Rakepick says. Coby obviously loved you and was happy to follow you wherever you wanted to go or let you into the palace. And don’t forget, he was willing to chase away anybody who tried to take advantage of you. Even if they were merely asking for directions.” Bringing up their first meeting, hoping it would at least brighten up Veruca’s mood a bit.
Veruca chuckles at that, remembering the encounter. “Yeah, he does have an aggressive way in dealing with creeps.” A surprised gasp comes from Bill, “I’m a creep? Now that’s just hurtful, Veruca.” He frowns, feigning offense and holding a hand to his chest. “And here I thought we were friends.” Veruca rolls her eyes at his comment, “With the shoddy haircut you had at the time, you were definitely a creep.”
“Hey, I told you already my mother was the one that cut it! That wasn’t my fault.”
“No offense to your mother, but you seriously need to get someone else to cut it.”
“Who says I plan to cut it? I’m growing it out. It looks better this way, don’t you think?”
“Well it certainly is an upgrade to your old look. Being an archaeologist pays nicely, huh? Don’t have to worry about your precious hand-me-downs being ruined.” Veruca jests. The two often poked fun at each other’s appearance in a light hearted manner.
A smile breaks out on Bill’s face seeing Veruca brighten up again. Fear, pain and sadness were not emotions Bill had ever associated with Veruca. However after today’s events, he was more open to realizing how much Veruca keeps so much to herself. Veruca hardly had much reason to express any negative emotions, and if she did she kept it hidden, bottling it up so no one ever knew she was upset. ‘The pressure of being the king’s little sister must have gotten to her.’ Bill solemnly thinks, watching Veruca finish up the last of her tarts. With Coby gone, Veruca is much more vulnerable to people with bad intentions. It was obvious with the journalists and then today with Rakepick. Duncan, Wilhelmina and Elroy can only do so much, but they know they can’t watch over Veruca all the time.
“You alright there, Bill?” He must have had a weird look on his face judging by the way Veruca was staring at him. He simply smiled, shaking his head, “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” It was then that Bill made a promise not just to himself, but to Coby as well, that he would stand by Veruca and watch after her. After all, it is in the older sibling’s nature to protect their younger sibling.
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Quidditch Culture: An honest look at The Wizarding Sport
Listen, I love Quidditch.
You love Quidditch.
We all love Quidditch.
If nothing else, it’s a funny word. But the Harry Potter books gave us a fully realized sport with rules that were easy enough to understand without being too simplistic. It was relatable to real sports, but with a bit of fantasy thrown in to make it feel other-worldly. Expanded content, like the book Quidditch Through The Ages, only fleshed the game out even further. (I’ll be referencing that book and bringing up details revealed within it, just as a forewarning.) Sure, Quidditch has been mocked over the years because of the unbalanced role the Seeker has over the other players, but they did manage to offer a counter argument in the form of the World Cup match in GOF (I’ll be talking about that too) and really, the isolation and heightened role for the seeker was basically just symbolism for Harry’s role in the wizarding community. The game is fun, plain and simple. It’s exciting. 
But it is also shockingly violent, frighteningly competitive, and practically all-consuming. 
There is no avoiding the fact that Quidditch is a dangerous sport. You play the game on broomsticks, flying a hundred feet in the air, give or take. To call that a health hazard is putting it lightly. Anyone can fall off their broomsticks at any time. It’s not just a hypothetical, either. There are numerous instances of this happening in-universe. Players fall, crash, or get deliberately knocked off their brooms. In every single game, they risk death. They risk severe, potentially lifelong injuries. While it is possible that there is some kind of cushioning charm on the field below, we don't ever get confirmation of that, even in Quidditch Through The Ages. That's literally just a head-canon. The Wizarding World itself is inherently dangerous, and that gets into a different (and much bigger) conversation. Flying isn’t exactly safe, but it at least has a purpose, that being transportation. Quidditch is a form of recreation. It’s not a necessity, despite what certain characters would have you believe, and I will get to that. 
To be fair, the existence of magic renders many of the dangers of this world considerably safer, or at least less fatal. But that’s part of the problem. An ability to magically heal wounds has resulted in this society overall taking injury less seriously. It has led to a shared sense of overconfidence. Particularly since they have no concept of mental health. Like I said, this is a bigger discussion for another day, but I’d just like to draw the conclusion that witches and wizards don’t understand trauma, and how it can affect people. If you fall fifty feet and your arm snaps in half, that’s going to be excruciatingly painful and frightening. A Healer might be able to wave a wand and heal your physical injuries, but the trauma of such a shocking, painful experience won’t simply disappear. Mental health matters. 
But if you thought that was the end of it, my friend, then I’m afraid you have forgotten about The Bludgers. Because if you take a step back to think about it, the existence of the bludgers is insane. Gigantic iron bullets that rocket around the field with the sole purpose of attempting to knock players off their broomsticks. One of the balls in this sports game will actively try to kill you. If nothing else, it’s exceedingly unlikely that you’ll go an entire Quidditch career without getting severely injured by one of them. Couple that with the anxiety, because I don’t know about you, but if I played Quidditch? I would be constantly paranoid about the bludgers. True, there are players on standby who exist to protect you from them…but that’s really not enough, especially since there are also players on standby who exist to use them against you. The two primary jobs of the Beater are to protect their team from Bludgers and hit them at the opposing team. That's not even acknowledging the risk that they might hit people in the stands. Again, we don't ever see this happen, so one can assume there are spells to prevent it...but that's still just a theory.
Quidditch is more violent than the likes of boxing, and there is little doubt that it can cause lasting damage to players just as easily. It could probably do so a lot faster. How any of them still have teeth, how most of them don’t have brain damage, is absolutely beyond me. Beaters literally exist to attack opposing players. In particular, the Seeker, because of their crucial role. What’s more, the Seeker has no counterpart like the Beaters and Chasers. They’re completely on their own, and frequently a target. Nowhere is this better demonstrated than in the World Cup game. Apart from establishing that The Seeker isn’t actually that overpowered if you have Chasers who are skilled enough, this match gave us an insight into just how ruthlessly violent professional Quidditch can be. 
I say this unironically - Aidan Lynch sustained serious brain damage after that game. There is no way that he did not. He crashed into the ground at least twice. At least one of these crashes was deliberate on the part of Krum. I cannot stress this enough - there is an entire maneuver, a famous Seeker move, designed around tricking the opposing Seeker into crashing. This is something that the characters don’t see as a problem, either, beyond lamenting that it was done to the team they were supporting. Arthur condemns Lynch, the victim, for falling into the trap. Charlie writes it off by saying “He only got ploughed!” The characters, even the adults, are completely oblivious to the real problem here, and the lack of self-awareness is truly disturbing. Even Harry is susceptible to this. Muggle-borns (and those raised by muggles) are not immune to Quidditch Culture. To Harry, like everyone else, the Wronskei Feint isn’t horrific, it’s cool. The mark of an exceptional Seeker. The only bad thing about it was that Krum put himself in danger, apparently.
The utterly cavalier attitude that fans have toward the violence is not an isolated incident, either. It is the norm. It’s not only socially acceptable for Quidditch players and their fans to be bloodthirsty, in some cases it is even expected, and brings out viciousness among even the most level-headed people. Did you know this game has seven hundred fouls? At one point Slytherin gets in trouble for attacking Oliver Wood, but only because, and I quote, "You do not attack the Keeper unless the Quaffle is within scoring area." Apparently it's just fine to do so otherwise. There is a team in the British/Irish league known as the Falmouth Falcons, who are infamous for their violent playstyle. To the point where their motto is, I kid you not, “Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads.” How in god’s name does a professional sports team get away with something like that? I’ll tell you how. Because Quidditch fans are nuts. Because Quidditch fans are no less desensitized to the dangers of this game than the players are. 
This can be observed in virtually every character we see who becomes invested in the game. Oliver Wood is one of the finest examples, as is Skye Parkin from HPHM. While it's usually played for laughs, these tendencies are unhealthy and disturbing if you look at them realistically. Both of these characters take the game of Quidditch, specifically their goal of victory, way too far. To the point where they seem to value a match victory over things like the well-being of their team. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of healthy enthusiasm for team sports, nothing wrong with being passionate for a game that you love. But when Oliver tells Harry to “get the snitch or die trying” and it’s not entirely clear if he’s joking…then he’s putting the game itself over his team. Which, as the literal team captain, is simply not acceptable. Then Harry himself falls into this tendency. Even though a bludger is actively trying to kill him, Harry prioritizes defeating Slytherin over his own safety. Harry’s not even the competitive type, not usually. But he's never been one to take his own life that seriously this game brings out that side of people, and does so to dangerous levels. 
Almost everyone who ever touches this game comes off worse for it. (The only exception I can think of being Ginny Weasley.) Ron playing Quidditch caused his inferiority complex to act up and gave him a healthy dose of stage fright. The HPHM Quidditch storyline sees multiple characters suffering for the sake of Quidditch, from Skye Parkin being pressured to live up to her family’s legacy, to Erika Rath being subjected to bullying and pressure from all sides, thanks to her own talents. Gwenog Jones, as we learn in HPHM, was a short-sighted cheat who never took responsibility for her actions. Ludo Bagman is no different. He’s a gambling addict who winds up stealing the life savings of two teenagers to cover his debt. The only character to ever criticize the negativity that Quidditch creates is Hermione, and like most of the time, she’s absolutely right. But the conversation never goes anywhere because she is always shut down, swiftly and without mercy. The other characters in the room act as though she’s blasphemed. All because she doesn’t like a sport. 
This is what I mean. Quidditch is not simply a game to these people. To the witches and wizards who are into it, Quidditch is worshipped. It’s a lifestyle, a philosophy, that is shared across this society. There are no “casual” fans. People who follow this sport become invested, to an unhealthy level. To the point of rioting if it's taken away, to the point where Lee Jordan and Murphy McNully can't even pretend to be impartial, and this is treated as basically normal. When I use the phrase “Quidditch Culture” I’m not simply being pretentious. There really does seem to be shared understanding between the fans, and all of them take the game that seriously. I think the greatest example of this can be found in the Daily Prophet. When “stooging” was banned, people were outraged. Including one boy who claimed that he and his dad “liked watching them Keepers get flattened.” He tearfully claims that he doesn’t want to go see Quidditch games anymore. Kid was six years old, by the way. 
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I really feel like the culture speaks for itself at this point.
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So remember this post? I do. Mostly because it's been months :O
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So here's some parents with Murphy and Barnaby's grannies cause why not
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I still want to believe that the Amaris where in Italy during the students revolts. It's stronger that me, it would make such A backstory.
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
A Search for Balance
Find the masterlist with all chapters of this story here, the previous chapter here, and the next one here.
Tagging: @flareshogwarts
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A/N: David Willows (in mention) belongs to @that-scouse-wizard
Hosting the Vernal Ball was the prerogative of the Quidditch League's reigning champion, so for the fifth time in a row, players and other important members of the business had found their way to Montrose.
As she walked up the driveway to the estate where the ball was being held, Lizzie took in her surroundings with wonder. The Magpies had outdone themselves this year; the path was flanked by blooming cherry trees, magical lights twinkling from between their branches, and the scent of lilac carried on the breeze coming from the nearby sea.
Dipping her head into her neck, Lizzie marvelled at the delicate beauty of the pink petals above her until a quiet scoff from Matthew made her smile disappear.
"Had you kept your dress, you could have fit right among them."
Lizzie waited until the couple overtaking them was out of earshot before she answered, "Too bad that I prefer the cherries."
Matthew glanced at her red dress, standing out from the soft pastel shades of the other guests. "Your taste has been somewhat questionable lately."
"Funny, I'm inclined to agree."
They completed the rest of their way in silence. Some journalists had gathered on the stairs leading up to the main entrance, but Lizzie paid them no mind and kept on walking. Having no choice but to follow her, Matthew flashed the cameras a smile, and stepped behind Lizzie into the bustling entry hall of the manor.
"Have you lost your mind?" he hissed as soon as they were inside. "You can't just ignore them like that."
"Looks like I can."
"Whatever has gotten into you today?"
"Some sense, methinks," Lizzie replied, waving at David Willows as he walked past with his fiancée. "These vultures don't deserve another second of my attention after everything they wrote. Now, how about you go and get us some champagne?"
The grim satisfaction Lizzie had felt after the little show she had put on for Matthew began to wane as the evening drew on. She knew most of the guests at least by sight, but despite all the familiar faces, Lizzie soon realised that she had no one to actually talk to. As she scanned the crowd for any sign of her teammates, she found herself looking in vain for one face, in particular; when it dawned on her that Orion might have chosen to stay away, a strange mix of disappointment and relief befell her.
Close by the open bar, Lizzie had seen her friend Andre Ewgu talking to a young wizard with a muscular frame and dark hair, but they were too enthralled in their conversation for her to go and join them. She briefly considered finding David Willows for a chat, but on second thought, introducing Matthew to her old friend wasn’t something Lizzie was actually too keen on.
Despite her act of defiance from earlier, Matthew had put on his best public face. He was all charms and smiles, chatting with the men and complimenting the women on their dresses. All the while, his hand kept pressing into the small of Lizzie's back, a constant reminder that he was always by her side. Eventually, her salvation came in the form of Erika Rath, who stood close to the grand piano with a group of people Lizzie didn't recognise.
"Jameson!" Erika called over the music, beckoning Lizzie over with a nod of her head. Once she and Matthew had made their way over, she gave Lizzie's dress a look. "Missed the dress code?"
"There was a last minute incident with her original dress," Matthew began, but Lizzie cut him off with a shrug.
"Thought it doesn't hurt to stand out every once in a while."
Erika, dressed in a pale blue jumpsuit and heels that made her stand taller than most men in the room, raised her eyebrows, but Lizzie thought that the corners of her mouth were twitching.
"True, seeing how your Wanderers have been doing lately."
Lizzie sighed deeply. "Whom are you telling?"
"She's right," said a big man with dark skin and a deep, rumbling voice. He must have noticed Lizzie's quizzical look because he extended one of his massive hands to her. "Gideon Gibson. I'm a scout for Puddlemere."
"Nice to meet you, Mr Gibson. I heard you made some good catches lately?"
Gibson smiled widely, presenting two rows of pearly white teeth. "Call me Gideon, please. And we have, you'll see for yourself soon enough. If your performance keeps on dropping like it has, we’ll have a shot at overtaking you."
Lizzie laughed along with him but didn't actually think it that funny. "We'll see about that, Gideon."
"I suspect we will. There's a lot to see in the future, actually. Your contract, for example. Word on the stands has been you're hard to get, but that you're still not signed by anyone? Surprising, really."
Lizzie frowned at his words, but before she could ask what he meant, Matthew said, "This is neither the time nor place to talk about contracts, especially not with the likes of you."
Gideon's and several other pairs of eyebrows shot up. "The likes of us?"
"Matthew…" Lizzie begged him, but he continued as if she hadn't spoken at all.
"People who have no say in the business. Should a club be interested in offering Lizzie a contract, we will talk to the executives and nobody else."
"Matthew, please."
"Is that so, McRae?" Erika said coolly. "Being the top-notch agent you are, you should know a scout's opinion holds its weight."
Matthew's look was icy. "I don't need you to tell me how to do my job."
"Apparently you do, or Jameson would long have a new offer on the table."
"Matthew, please don't," Lizzie said imploringly as Matthew's eyes narrowed, but instead of directing his anger at Erika, he suddenly turned on her.
"You stay out of this," he snapped at Lizzie. "You don't even know what we're talking about."
"If the players talk, the agents shut up," Erika interrupted him curtly. "Old Quidditch rule. Not that I'd expect you to know. You're not one of us, after all."
Lizzie held her breath, her eyes flicking between Matthew's badly subdued rage and Erika's stoic calm.
"I don't have to listen to this," Matthew said brusquely. "Come on, Lizzie. We're leaving."
Lizzie automatically turned to do as she was told, but then she paused. Sensing her hesitation, Matthew put his hand between Lizzie's shoulder blades and pushed her along, but Erika called them back. Her voice was still calm, but now laced with an icy anger.
"If Jameson doesn't want to leave, she’s going to stay."
Feeling Erika's presence in her back, Lizzie held Matthew's infuriated gaze until he turned away with a derisive huff.
"Fine. Finish up your business and be quick about it. I expect you to come home right after."
"It might take a while."
Matthew bent towards her and lowered his voice to almost a growl. "Don't push me, Lizzie."
"Do you need me to show you the door?" Erika wanted to know.
With a last cold look at Lizzie, Erika and the rest of them, Matthew stood up straight, turned and pushed through the crowd towards the Apparition spots. When he was out of sight, Lizzie exhaled slowly. She turned to Erika with a grateful, if somewhat bashful, smile.
"Thank you, and sorry for Matthew. He's had a rough week. He's normally not like this."
"You don't need to make excuses for him. Everyone knows he's a pompous idiot."
The words in his defence were already on the tip of her tongue, but Lizzie swallowed them. Instead, she helped herself to another glass of champagne from a passing waiter. As their conversation resumed, the other scouts broke away one after the other, until eventually, Erika and Lizzie were the only ones left.
"It's been a while since we talked one-on-one," Erika noted.
"It's been a strange few weeks," Lizzie sighed, feeling the truth of her words to her core. "I don't know where my head is, with the team and the contract and all."
"And the wedding."
Lizzie felt a plummeting sensation in her stomach. "Of course."
They didn't speak as Erika looked around the room.
"How is she doing?" she suddenly asked, more quietly than before. Lizzie didn't need to be a Seer to know whom she was talking about. She shook her head.
"I don't know. Skye and I haven't spoken since I moved out."
"You did?"
"Yes, after the fight we had in Wimbourne. I suppose you know about that."
Erika raised her eyebrows. "Everybody knows."
"I wish it hadn't gone that way," Lizzie said sadly. "We both said some pretty nasty things."
"That's what she does, though. Dealing insults like Bludgers when she doesn't get her way. It's always been like that."
Humming in agreement, Lizzie looked to where Skye stood with her older brothers. She wore a sharply tailored suit over what looked like not much else, her dark hair with the blue ends twisted into a messy knot low in her neck. Ethan Parkin was nowhere to be seen, and it was almost shocking how relaxed all three of the Parkin children seemed.
"It's not good, your fight with her affecting your game so much," said Erika, who had followed Lizzie's gaze. Lizzie was surprised at the notion.
"It doesn't."
"Doesn't it?" Erika snorted. "I've known you for some years now, Jameson. You always let your emotions rule your performance, for better or for worse. You’re better than this."
"Why are you telling me this? You're working for the Magpies, I play for Wigtown. I'm competition."
"First and foremost, you're a good player. We used to be in different houses but trained together, anyway. I hate to see a talent like yours wasted."
Lizzie frowned. "Are we still talking about my performance?"
"Maybe." Erika fixed her with a serious look. "Have you never considered transferring?"
"Not in the past, no."
"And now?"  
"I'm tired of all the fighting," Lizzie admitted tentatively. "It's exhausting and distracting, and no matter what we do, when it counts, we always fail." She shrugged helplessly. "Sometimes I wonder if Wigtown is still the right place for me."
"Good players stick with the fold. Great ones seize their chance when they see it. You have what it takes to be great, but if you stay on the safe side in Wigtown, your chance will pass you by."
It took Lizzie a moment to come up with a reply, but before she could, Erika tensed, emptied her champagne and braced her shoulders.
"Nice chat, Jameson. Think about what I said. Now excuse me, there's someone else I need to have a word with."
And with that, she was gone, pushing through the crowd toward where Gwenog Jones - captain of the Holyhead Harpies - had taken the place by Skye's side. Suddenly alone, Lizzie was unsure of what to do with herself. Her head was spinning with Erika's words, and she felt the strong urge to find someone who didn't want to talk about Quidditch.
Her eyes fell on Andre, who now stood alone and with an empty glass in hand. Taking two fresh drinks from a tray being offered to her, Lizzie made her way over to him. When Andre saw her, his face lit up, and he greeted her with a kiss on both cheeks.
"Would you look at this beauty? What a showstopper, if I may say so. Oh, and you're kind of pretty, too, Lizzie," he said, holding Lizzie at arm's length. He made a circle with his index finger, on which a big ring was glittering. "Come on, don't be shy."
Smiling to herself, Lizzie spun around herself, giving him a proper look at his creation. She had to take care not to stumble as she came to a halt; the champagne was stronger than she had thought. Lizzie giggled; it was a light and giggly sound, one she hadn't made in a while.
"Thank you so much for this gorgeous dress. I'm sorry I let it sit in my wardrobe for so long."
"A veritable crime," Andre tutted, his eyes scanning the crowd. "You know what else is a crime? How long my date is taking with the drinks."
"That's why I brought these."
"You're an angel," Andre sighed as Lizzie handed him one of the champagne flutes. "An impeccably dressed angel."
"You're the first to say anything along those lines tonight."
"Oh?" Andre wiggled his eyebrows as he drank. "I sense drama. Give it to me."
"Not tonight," Lizzie shook her head. "I just want to enjoy myself for a change. Looks like you are, anyway. You and the Puddlemere Keeper? How can your Pride heart take this?"
"Camp Pride until my dying day," Andre said, putting a hand over his heart. "But in this case, Portree might need to look the other way. I mean, have you seen his cheekbones? His eyes?"
"I'm usually too busy trying to get past his defence."
Andre flashed her a mischievous smile. "So am I."
When she spotted Andre's date making his way back towards them, Lizzie turned to go.
"Good luck with scoring, then. Let me know how it went."
"Oh, don't worry. I will," Andre laughed as he closed his arms around Lizzie. "It's been nice seeing my creation out and about instead of rotting among distasteful Quidditch shirts. Talking of which," he added more quietly, "I think there's someone else who might like to see it."
He discreetly nodded at the tall glass doors leading from the ballroom into the garden. Lizzie followed his eyes, her heart skipping a beat when she saw Orion's familiar figure breaking from the crowd and vanishing outside. She turned back to Andre with a doubtful look.
"I don't know about this, Andre."
"But I do. Just look at yourself, honey. I promise, if you're going to waste this dress, I'll be very cross with you."
With a grateful but somewhat shaky smile, Lizzie went with the nudge Andre gave her and slowly made her way towards where Orion had left the ball. When she reached the terrace doors, she hesitated, the tingling in her stomach so strong she had to press her hand against it. She stood there for another moment, the heat of the room in her back and the cool evening air on her face. 
Then she shook her head, pulled herself together, and stepped out into the night.
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catohphm · 1 year
The Art of Friendship
Welcome! In this fic, Cato meets up with his friends Helena and Erika in the Hogwarts training grounds, where they end up having an important, constructive conversation about the values of friendship and teamwork. Happy reading! I hope you enjoy! 😊
Helena Durazzo belongs to my good friend @helenadurazzo
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Clear skies and a fair temperature overlooked the Hogwarts as Cato exited the hall and set foot on the tame grass of the training grounds. He had been to the library to return a book that was due and went outside to take in the weekend's morning weather. It was early November coming in from early October. The week after Halloween was marked by a pattern of warm days after much rain the previous month.
Cato noticed two witches, a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw, come from around the corner, Helena Durazzo and Erika Rath. Helena has been close friends with him since childhood. Rath was the beater from Slytherin's team that Helena introduced to Cato as a friend. While athletic and in good physical shape, Erika was quiet, stoic and seen as intimidating by most of her peers. She was often misunderstood and the target of rumors by Skye Parkin. The truth was that while Erika was a guarded and reserved person, behind the shell lay a strong, loyal and devoted heart who was watchful over the people she trusted.
The Ravenclaw boy was first approached by Helena. “Hey, Cato! I hope the morning is going well for you.” she happily greeted him.
“Hey, Lena!” Cato replied. “It is! I returned a library book on quick notice. Madam Pince is perhaps the most uptight librarian I’ve met.”
“Yep, she is. With her, due books are better off taken back to the library on time. I wouldn’t want to cause problems for her either.” Helena agreed.
Cato asked his best friend how she and Erika were doing. “What about you and Rath? How’s the day for you two turning out?”
Helena nodded. “Good, Cato. We were coming back from some Quidditch practice that me and Erika were doing one-on-one.”
The two witches began dating each other sometime after they became friends. Both were beaters of their respective Quidditch teams and bonded through their one-on-one training. Eventually romantic feelings developed between Erika and Helena.
“Hey, Erika.” He greeted the Slytherin beater. She was clad in her usual green athletic outfit. “Good day, Cato. I hope you have been taking care of yourself. Ravenclaws like you and Helena deserve a break as much as any student or quidditch player.”
He answered with a confident smile. “I’ve been trying my best. Aside from dropping off that book, which I can’t say counts, not much on my plate this weekend.”
“That’s good to hear, Cato.” Erika affirmed. “I hope you and Helena have been too.” he said.
While Erika nodded, the Ravenclaw girl commented “Her training has its challenges, but we look out for each other and rest a bit if we have to.”
The Slytherin beater often trained on her own away from the others. Perhaps before she was old enough to join the Quidditch team, she started honing her skills with the bat. They had gotten to the point where she had an impressive command over the bludger. Fortunately, the training dummies Erika repeatedly dealt punishment to were very sturdy and took a lot of beating. Anyone who didn’t know her and witnessed her practicing the role of a beater could immediately understand why she had a reputation as distant and unsettling. 
Cato knew this as a regular member of the Ravenclaw quidditch team. He was also familiar with the rumors that Skye spread about Erika which attempted to label her as an imposing bully. He never believed rumors easily and specially took Skye with a grain of salt because of her hotshot, troublemaking behavior. Cato was slightly nervous when he and Erika first met, but he still gave her a chance because Helena introduced her to him. They were both protective of Helena. However Erika was more steadfast in this than Cato was. This sometimes got to her.
"Those bludgers are very unpredictable." Cato remarked. "I hope Helena doesn't end up in the hospital wing from being hit by one."
Erika took it a bit heavily. "Like I would ever let that happen, Cato. What makes you think I would let Helena get hurt on my watch?"
"Well it's a completely different story when a bludger strikes someone. Even with Skel-e-gro, they're still going to be out for a week." Cato replied.
"It is not necessary for you to tell me what I already know." Erika touted.
Cato squinted his eyes and looked, waving his hand. "I know how hard you hit those targets with those bludgers. What's not to say one of them hits some bloke just passing through?"
"We never practice around bystanders!" The Slytherin beater exclaimed with an annoyed look.
Helena crossed her arms as she witnessed the two argue with a mix of seriousness and concern in her face.
Cato put his hands on his hips. "I care about others around me when I practice. This is why Madam Hooch wants nice, clean games, Erika!"
"I do not hurt people during matches on purpose. Quidditch is a high action sport at a rapid pace. The referee does not want players to cheat or deliberately harm others. Most injuries happen during the matches because it's unpredictable." Erika explained in a somewhat heated tone.
Helena attempted to intervene. "Did we really come out here to argue over something not worth the headache? You two need to take deep breaths and calm down."
"Then what about when you struck a bludger that one time at-" Cato started in a heated tone before he caught himself. He shook his head before he cupped his hand over his face, realizing he had made a scene in front of his best friend and Erika's date.
"Look at you. You're in a mess." Erika told Cato with concern. 
In a somber voice, he apologized. "I'm sorry, both of you. I carried it on."
"I must take some responsibility too for this." Erika stated. "My mistake was starting this. I shouldn't have treated your word too harshly." 
Helena reassured her childhood friend. "Cato, it's okay. When Erika mentioned that we care a lot about safety when we train, she meant that first thing."
"Yeah." Erika affirmed with a nod and small smile. "For years I have been studying the art of a beater. The safety of the match is of equal precedence to winning, scoring points with the quaffle or catching the Golden Snitch. 
Adding on, Helena agreed with her date's words. "Exactly, we care about the people up in the stands too. They are our fans who cheer our teams on and support us during the match."
"Both you and Erika are right. Some of our fans are our friends too.They may be players whose teams are not in the match, or don't play Quidditch at all. No matter what, they all deserve our equal respect."
“Exactly!” Helena exclaimed in response to Cato.
Erika put her hand on his shoulder. “Cato, I forgive you for keeping it on.”
“Same to you, Erika. I’m glad all of us are on the same page here.” he said as he shook hands with her.
In a satisfied voice, she remarked “Me too, Cato. No matter what, it’s unconditional - even if Slytherin is playing against Ravenclaw, my love for Helena will never drop at the toss of the quaffle to start the match.”
“That’s very true, Erika. It all comes down to the houses we were sorted into as first years. While the Sorting Hat allows us to have a say when sitting on the stool, most of the time he picks our house based on our personality and life experiences as kids.”
Cato nodded. “Quidditch is a sport too, it is meant to bring people together through athletic competition. One should not assume that the members of a team hold something against the rival team off the pitch. It is called being a good sport."
“I have always been a believer in good sportsmanship.” Erika related. “That is why I did not like Skye trying to spread rumors about me. I do not stand for players using the games as an excuse to talk rubbish and get at people they have problems with. Drama is not how I enjoy Quidditch."
“Me neither.” Cato agreed. “I prefer to stay away from that too. I will listen to rumors and anything going around, but it would be unwise for me to assume them to be true.”
Helena chimed in. “Fights and gossip are not my thing as well. When stuff stirs up, I like to go to the greenhouses and work with the plants to get a break from the hustle.”
Cato smiled and noted “We’re all in it for being a good team.”
“That’s right, Cato.” Erika said. “You can always count on me to keep both myself and Helena safe while training or in a match. I do my best.”
“Me and Cato have been friends since we were very little. Our parents get along well and we spend time at each other’s homes. We look out for each other like siblings.” The Ravenclaw witch explained. 
Erika nodded “What I said also includes you, Cato. Both you and Helena are part of the team. I put my mates first above anything else. 
He shared the sentiment. “The safety of my friends is also important to me, Erika. I would do anything I can for their well being.”
“That’s good, Cato. Remember though to be aware of your limits. Only do what you know. There is no need to make promises you can’t keep."
“She’s right.” Helena told her best friend. “We are not expected to take on everyone’s problems. There is only so much we can do. It’s important for everyone to understand.”
“Indeed.” said Cato. “As a Ravenclaw, I can say that there is no way we can know everything. A bloke can be knowledgeable on many subjects but not all of them. That’s just how the world works.”
Erika agreed. “Correct. That’s why teams exist. We specialize in different abilities and compliment each other to achieve our goals. Take quidditch as an example. There are different people who are good at chasing, beating, keeping and seeking. We all practice for our own roles on the team. However, communication, awareness and respect amongst the players are also essential to being successful on the pitch."
“Well spoken, Erika.” Helena said to her as she smiled.
“I feel we have reached a new understanding as friends.” Cato declared.
Erika felt the same. "I think so too."
"I'm with you both on this. We know that we can rely on and trust each other." finished Helena.  
Cato was confident. "That's for sure!" He said happily. "If Sky or anyone else tries to push rumors about you, Erika, I'll debunk their codswallop."
"You will not have to do that." She assured me with a smile. "Both of you have my back so I will not listen to their rumors."
"For every enemy you make, there's always going to be a friend." said Helena. "There will always be some people who will take a dislike to us. Adding on to what me and Cato said before, their problems are not our own. We should place our own happiness first, ours and of those we care about."
They all nodded in agreement.
"I'm glad to have both of you as friends." a happy Cato remarked to Helena and Erika.
"Me too, always!" chimed the Ravenclaw witch.
"Glad to be with you, Cato." affirmed Erika.
Helena then had an idea. "Perhaps to celebrate, how about we all go as group to the Three Broomsticks for butterbeer the next time we go to Hogsmeade?"
"I'd love that, Lena!" Cato said excitedly. "Wish me luck trying to resist that." he laughed.
Erika was also in. "I would be all down for that. Sharing a butterbeer with my friends."
"You deserve it." Cato then told her.
Helena was eager in her tone. "So it's all settled then."
"I appreciate it. Thank you both. Really."
"Anytime!" returned Cato. "You're always welcome to join us, Erika."
As the trio started to walk back into the castle, Helena pleasantly said "You two are among the people I can always trust and confide in fully. For that alone, I'm grateful."
The small group of friends conversed together as they left the training grounds, looking forward to their get-together at the Three Broomsticks.
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