hpimaginethat · 6 years
Hermione: But I do have some bad news. There is a bomb at this wedding as well.
Ron: What?
Hermione: Your butt.
Ron: ???
Hermione: Your butt is da bomb, there will be no survivors.
Ron: *starts crying*
Ron: I love you so much, you're my dream girl.
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dateahufflepuffwho · 6 years
Date a Hufflepuff who Swing Dances.
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gryffire · 7 years
hpimaginethat replied to your post “I don’t want to study, I want to write fanfiction.”
You literally just summed up my Sunday and I’ve just started it.
Sundays are for fanfiction, go for it!
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PSA: Tracking down stolen work:
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As you all probably are aware, people have found their work has been stolen by user @palomazuniga on Wattpad in a book titled “Fred and George Weasley (Imagines and one shots)” Several writers, including @harrysweasleys and more have had their work taken and reuploaded without consent or awareness that this was happening. I’m really happy that the writers involved are reaching out to the person doing this in order to, hopefully, get credit - or even better - get the work taken down, but I wanted to find the other writers and give credit where it’s due. I’ll also be commenting these on the stolen work on wattpad obviously but I figured I’d make a post here with links and credit to the original authors of the work. If there are any I cannot find, I expect you all to asume that it most certainly does NOT belong to Palomazuniga. 
So far I’ve found (and I’m doing this in the order they’re posted in the stolen work): 
Detention Blues - by MadameInserts on Deviantart  
Mistletoe in spring by @weasleyimaginewheezes 
Rain check? by @potter-imagines 
PDA by @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms 
Stay here by @weasley-imagines 
Moon and back by @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms​
Jumper wars by @d31m1
Troubled thoughts by @lupinlongbottom
My promise by @weasley-imagines 
Cuddling with George would include - by @writings-of-a-british-fangirl
Here by @potterlyimagines
Wake up, love by @imagine-x-everything
Cuddling by @fredisababe 
Thunderstorm by @weasley-imagines
Comfort by PrincessPrankster on Deviantart 
Not too bad by @potter-imagines 
Forgiveness by @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms
Sappy dates by @potter-imagines
Sweater Weather by @roonilwazlibimagines
I need you to kiss it better by @roonilwazlibimagines
Christmas fun by @weasley-imagines 
Eiffel tower by @potter-imagines
Jealous boyfriend by @potter-imagines
The proposal (engaged on wattpad) - @geminio-weasley-imagines
You lied to me by @hpimaginethat
Red thread by @peachyypotterarchive 
Late night cuddling by @potter-imagines
Endlessly by Miss-Union-Jack on Deviantart 
Christmas lights and sweet memories - unknown 
The proposal by @eleven-times-lively 
Picnic on the pitch by @eleven-times-lively
Moving in by @eleven-times-lively
In sickness, in health by @weasleyimaginewheezes
Perfect by @megslangley02
The proposal by AnnaeJD on Ao3 
Tickle fights by @megslangley02 
Christmas morning by @fandomsfeelsandfanfics
Home - unknown 
Ring by @saunteredvaguelydownward 
Never leave your side by @potter-imagines
I’m sorry by @potter-imagines
Stay here all day by @imagining-potter
Safe and sound by @weasleyimaginewheezes
Bedridden boyfriend by @fredisababe
Never alone by @weasleyimaginewheezes 
detention with the toad by @always-oneshots
View by unknown 
snow day by @thoseofgreatambition
sleight of hand by @lupinlongbottom
It’s my fault by @weasley-imagines
engagement judgement by @imaginethatalena
There’s that smile by @accio-imagines
Naptime by @thoseofgreatambition
Christmas magic by @accio-imagines
Hope by unkown 
Scaring you by @fallern618
Eye on the prize by @lupinlongbottom 
My felix felicis by @randomfandomimagine
If you die, I’m going to kill you by @hpimaginethat
together by unknown 
night to remember by @potter-imagines
Not without you by unknown 
Christmas with the Weasleys by @immortal-imagines 
Torture by @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul
The right time by @mrsssiriusblack
Please don’t hurt her by @fredisababe 
Gifts by @acromantulla
I’ll protect you by @randomfandomimagine 
Before I leave by @fandomsfeelsandfanfics
The daughter of Sirius Black by @fandomsfeelsandfanfics 
Fire by @accio-imagines 
I love you too much by @imaginesfromthewizardingworld
Secret relationship by @weasley-imagines
The burrow by @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul
The war by unknown 
Fred being an absolute pain by @freddieweasleywashere 
You want to marry me? by @weasley-kings 
Rescued by @rillyroo 
Fred being a third wheel by @thoseofgreatambition 
Beater’s worst nightmare by @the-weasleys-girl
almost (insults on wattpad) by @pufflyhallows
Foul play by @weasley-kings 
And to the stars we go by @harrysweasleys (Since Alexa is well aware of the situation I won’t spam her with tags but note that several of her works were stolen) 
Maybe some day (parts 1+2) by @weasleyimaginewheezes
Stars by @imobsessedwithtoomanyfandoms 
Well. This is certainly not how I imagined spending my morning, but here we are. I know this is a long post. Some of the authors who have been tagged here may even already know that their work has been taken. My hopes in making this post are that the authors mentioned here will take action on their own with the knowledge that the writing community here will back them up every step of the way. I hope that this person (whom I assume is either a child or a very childish person) takes the work down or at the least comes clean about stealing the stories. It breaks my heart to know that this “book” has been raking in readers, comments etc with this person taking credit meanwhile the actual writers who put in the hours of writing, editing and publishing have no idea. I’m hoping this also serves as a sort of fic rec list where you can all go and read/re-read these stories and give the original authors some love. God knows they deserve it!
 I’ll be making a tiktok and tagging some people who make weasley related content in order to maybe spread some more awareness there since the majority of people on weasley tiktok seem to prefer wattpad over tumblr (only god knows why but that’s their fish to fry) 
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screenwritingdyke · 7 years
hpimaginethat replied to your post “my room smells funny”
I love candles. Andthat one sounds lovely.
i got it at bath and body works today im so excited for it :’)
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slytharin · 7 years
blood status: muggle born | half-blood | pure-blood
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | hufflepuff | ravenclaw
pet: cat | owl | toad | rat | something not allowed
quidditch: chaser | beater | keeper | seeker | spectator | announcer
squad: the golden trio | the silver trio | the bronze trio | the marauders | fred, george & lee
subject: astronomy | charms | defense against the dark arts | herbology | history of magic | potions | transfiguration | alchemy | arithmancy | care of magical creatures | muggle studies | study of ancient runes
school life: head boy/girl | prefect | troublemaker | quidditch captain | teacher’s pet | no extra ‘‘titles’’
snack/sweet: cauldron cake | chocolate frog | pumpkin pasty | fizzing whizzbees | sugar mice | bertie bott’s every flavour beans | sherbert lemons
drink: butterbeer | fire whiskey | pumpkin juice
career: auror | dragonologist | healer | journalist | magizoologist | ministry of magic employee | obliviator | potioneer | professor | quidditch player | unspeakable | wandmaker
blog rate: troll | dreadful | poor | acceptable | exceeds expectations | outstanding
following: no sorry | +f | yes!!! | always
no more please!
(blacklist “blog rates” if u don’t wnna see these!)
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Announcement: Irma and Martin will literally be Cheaper By the Dozen, and have 12 kids.
@hpimaginethat and I officially love this hc. Fight me, prove me wrong.
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dirtydrarry · 7 years
tagged by the amazing @froekenpest whose beautifully-stubbled harry haunts my dreams. thanks lovely!
What is your name? kitty How old are you? 27 What houses are you in? slytherin What kind of blog do you run? all drarry all the time over here, and my anime garbage blog is @viktornikiforovz. so if you see that blog in your notifications it me (; Your patronus? thestral Your Pottermore house results? slytherin Which book is your favourite? used to be order of the phoenix. i’m actually rereading for the first time in a literal decade (bout to start goblet of fiyah) so we shall see if that remains true. Which book is your least favourite? CANT CHOOSE this question offends me Which movie is your favourite? prisoner of azkaban What is your least favourite movie? idk i need to rewatch them tbh What is your favourite quote? the iconic “there’s no need to call me sir, professor.” and then “after all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”
Favourite Potter? Harry Favourite Weasley? Ron Favourite Malfoy? Draco Favourite Black? Sirius Favourite Marauder? James Favourite Golden Trio? Harry Favourite Silver Trio? Draco Favourite female character? Hermione Favourite male character? Harry Favourite professor? McGonagall Favourite House? Slytherin Which character do you dislike the most? fuck snape What ships are your favourite? drarry, romione, jily, linny Is there a movie you liked more than its book? neverrrr If you could make up your own house what would be the traits? creative, passionate, whimsical, intuitive
What would your Amortentia smell like?
black coffee, lavender, fresh snow, dark chocolate, aged books
Which do you prefer, owls, cats or a frog?
Which is your favourite harry potter era?
prob golden trio followed by marauders
i tag @ourlazykittycollection @pulq @sleepydrarry @1959black @fleetofshippyships @bottseveryflavorbeans @nimbvs @ieatkitcat @hpimaginethat and anyone else who reads this! seriously pls tag me if you do it!!
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hpimaginethat · 6 years
Ginny: This date is boring.
Harry: This isn’t a date, I said I was going to the store.
Ginny: Then why did you invite me?
Harry: I specifically said “Don’t come with me.” And you said “Fuck you Harry I do what I want.” and followed me here
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I was tagged by the fantastical @gingerglader Thanks!
Name: Caitlin
Nickname: Cait
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 5′2″
Orientation: Hetero
Ethnicity: Philippines 
Favorite Fruit: Green Apples
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Book: Harry Potter, Maze Runner and Percy Jackson. you’re not making me choose
Favorite Flower: Violets
Favorite Scent: Smoke, rain and good perfume
Favorite Animal: Snakes
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Hot chocolate but when i drink it too fast it hates me. so sad
Average sleep hours: 9
Cat or Dog Person: dog
Favorite Fictional Character: Draco Malfoy, Newt and Luke Castellan 
Number of Blankets: one
Dream Trip: London most specifically: Hogwarts
Blog created: No idea
i tag: @crazy-girl-2002 @hpimaginethat @things-that-make-me-slytherin @it-started-over-drarry @shitslytherinssay and @dademigods
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 7 years
Let the Music Play
{I was tagged by the lovely @olivverqueenn; Go check them out! Their blog is amazing! :) }
Directions: You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your MP3 player, itunes, Soitify, etc. on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people! No skipping! 
NOTE: So I did this via iHeartRadio because I don’t download music because my phone has like zero space left. Because I did it on iHeartRadio, I had to skip because a lot of channels give you songs you’ve never listened to, so I just hit skip until I’d seen a song that I’ve actually listened to so you guys really get to know what I actually listen to versus what iHeartRadio thinks I want to listen to. Just an FYI.
1.) “Jamie All Over (Acoustic version)” by Mayday Parade
2.) “All Again For You” by We the Kings
3.) “Tell Me I’m A Wreck” by Every Avenue
4.) “Mr. Right” by A Rocket to the Moon
5.) “Safari” by J. Balvin
6.) “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” by Panic! At the Disco
7.) “Give Me Your Hand (Best Song Ever)” by the Ready Set
8.) “Hall of Fame” by the Script feat. Will.i.am
9.) “The Phoenix” by Fall Out Boy
10.) “Rhythm of Love” by the Plain White T’s
I tag @hella-gaybe , @acciopevensie, @multiplefandomsblog, @i-just-wanna-ahs-okay, @julismythmusic, @hpimaginethat, @formyfandoms, @goblackhatwithme, @untexting and anyone else who wants to do this.
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gryffire · 7 years
abreak replied to your post “hpimaginethat replied to your post “I don’t want to study, I want to...”
I wanted to write today too, maybe it was a special day or sth
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Me and @hpimaginethat: Why spend my very limited money on things I need when I can spend it on things I want instead?
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ghostbustinggays · 8 years
hpimaginethat replied to your post: 2 followers away from 700 anyone wanna promo me...
Hopefully me? You’ve got us!
i had a little burst of followers and i think you were 702!!! HI HELLO WELCOME THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING I HOPE U DONT REGRET IT
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hpimaginethat · 6 years
Hermione: Ron, can I speak to you for a minute?
Ron: Oooooh, someone's in trouble!
Ron: It's me. I don't know why I did that...
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hogwartshousehabits · 8 years
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“Reading the Goblet of Fire in public and Voldemort says ‘Kill the spare’”
Hufflepuff Caption Contest Winner: @viva-la-vie-bohemily
Honorable Mentions:
@hpimaginethat: McGonagall: Pop quiz.
@prussianbluepuppy: When one of the first years misses a "password knock' on the barrel to the common room
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