#stolen fic
supergirlmayhem · 7 months
The plagiarism is a total downer to hear - it’s so weird that the fic thief reposted to AO3 as anonymous too, it seems like a really bizarre thing to do. How did you guys figure out the fic had been stolen, any tips or things we should watch out for?
Hi anon!
Thank you for reaching out! It's always disheartening to hear about things like this, and quite startling to come across. With this particular fic, someone who was familiar with the original piece stumbled upon the plagiarized fic and notified the author that their work was stolen. Things like this will never make sense to any of us. But we wanted to share it with you all just to spread the word that it was happening within the fandom and encourage everyone to look out for each other. The resolution for this situation will often be just a person coincidentally stumbling upon a copy of one of their favorite fics and being courteous enough to notify the author. We know that sometimes reaching out is hard for many reasons, but plagiarism is never okay and we think all creators are on the same team regarding that. We have no specific tips at this time to avoid something like this, but if anyone has ever had this happen to them or knows some things to look out for, let us know in the comments or send us an ask. We want this fandom (and all others) to be a safe space for everyone.
The SG May-Hem Team
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
hi hun, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but @/alana-haigh reposted your fic Home To Me literally word for word, same gif and everything🙄 I reported already but wanted to make sure you knew
Yes, I was tagged in a post as well informing me 🙄🙄 Thank you for letting me know as well. I am going to message them to request them to take it down. <3
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tgarnsl · 1 year
tagging myself in that 'post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words' game that @chiropteracupola posted. I’m ignoring that it’s supposed to be one sentence. tagging @sanguinarysanguinity and whoever else wants to play!
“Let me see to your wound,” said Keith, fumbling with the knot of the bandage that bound Ewen’s injured arm. But Ewen made no reply, instead going very still under Keith’s hands, his face drained of what little colour it had left.
“Take your hand away,” he managed, his tone low, and Keith saw that Ardroy’s hands were trembling. “Take it away!” Keith did as he was bade, a sick feeling settling in his stomach.
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multixkellz · 2 years
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i’m sorry but outta sight outta mind i need to SEE the fics or i’ll forget
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artemis099 · 1 year
So I wrote a story on AO3 a while ago and today someone told me it was apparently reposted with just some minor changes so I checked it out and it's true. Like huge chunks of plot and dialogue are exactly the same and I'm not sure how to handle this? They do mention that it's inspired by a story they like but like they directly copied most of it. I'd like to sort it out directly with the author before going to AO3 about it but I'm honestly not sure if that's how I should try to deal with it? Any advice?
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ratrrriot · 1 year
Here's some fanart of “What was stolen”! My good friend @beeextraordinary123's medieval fantasy Sonamy fic that I've been reading 🦔⚔️👑
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(Here's the snippet i based this painting on cuz I really like it!!):
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and here are some doodles and small paintings to test designs !! ( note: these designs have been updated!!)
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You can read the fic in AO3 , Just a heads up tho: Audience is teens and up and Amy and most of the characters are +20 yrs old in this fic,so while It doesn't have anything NSFW or explicit in it,some scenes are steamy.Thought i'll mention it in case that sort of thing makes anyone awkward and/or prefers to avoid it.
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Tim is the kind of person that thinks "Alvin Draper" is an unoriginal fake name.
Jason is the kind of person that chooses "John Doe" as a fake name and goes "yeah, that works".
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darlix747 · 2 months
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a masked fool notorious for gambling with lives.
“all i do is lay down a bet. it’s out of my control if my opponent decides to lay down their life, isn’t it?”
a well known musical artist and actor, his associations are not known to the public. he seems to harbor animosity towards the ipc.
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year
It has just been brought to my attention (thanks, @deehellcat!) that someone by the pen name of J.D Geraghty and Plush Books has copied one of my fics and published it as an original book on Amazon. I was told it was We'll Always Have New Orleans, but I couldn't actually find that one on their list. I did find The Wolf, though. They didn't change anything, even the summary is the same (even the font on the "cover").
This person has HUNDREDS of books on Amazon. On the supernatural/vampires/werewolves section alone I saw other KC stories, even one I recognized by @willowaus (being sold on print form as well). So I highly suggest that anybody with published fics out there, be it on tumblr, wattpad, AO3, anything, check this person's profile on Amazon. A quick twitter search showed me they've been identified as stealing stuff from other fandoms as well. There are definitely some Teen Wolf and other Vampire Diaries stuff there. Some of it seems to be rather recent (The Wolf was published on Amazon this November). They've also published some of this stuff on Barnes and Noble.
I am trying to figure out how to file a plagiarism complaint on Amazon. The form is not really that intuitive, so I'm not sure how to do it exactly. If anybody has dealt with this before and has any idea on how to address it, I'm all ears. I would really love some tips on how to procede here, because I have no clue and am kind of in shock right now.
Also, would really appreciate a reblog here so that other authors out there might become aware of their stories being stolen.
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meownotgood · 2 months
haha hey so apparently someone stole my whole fic... copy and pasted except for tiny things changed... here is the link to their """fic""" (sorry random person I had to steal the reblog from). they've since deleted the fic off their blog + deleted their ao3 + gone on a hiatus so..... that's cool and whatever....... but they have written a lot of other shit so... don't be a dick but maybe check that for funny business too...
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pandimoostuff · 3 months
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Just a buncha Killer doodles because he has taken over my mind aidijscjjsjf
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khiquii · 1 month
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He marches into the throne room and tosses his hood back. Immediately an array of blasters are on him, enough to bring him down, but he doesn’t care.
“Where is he?” he barks, glaring right at Boba Fett.
Fett raises his eyebrows. “Most people start with a greeting,” he says tersely.
Wild Mynock Chase
By pixie_rings
I had the great pleasure of collaborating with @materassassino and @fromthemouthofzabe in this year's Star Wars Big Bang! I cannot express how awesome big bang partners they were and just how fun the fic is! I was hooting and hollering the entire time I was reading! If y'all like Dinluke, BobaCobb, and the idea of Luke Skywalker and Boba Fett begrudgingly teaming up, check it out!
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tgarnsl · 2 years
Wip meme: precious, assuage, nail
Hello anon! Not sure if you're here for my Hornblower writing or my Flight of the Heron writing, so I'll give you a bit of both. I really need to write something other than kissing.
Precious appears twice in my Hornblower fic Dominion (which will someday be finished, pinky swear), which loosely sets Lieutenant Hornblower on an Edwardian ocean liner based on the Titanic (albeit with kissing between Bush and Hornblower because CS Forester is dead and I make the rules.) And so...
It was then that cold reality sank in. This was surely the height of madness, for an officer to kiss a passenger — another man — so brazenly out there in the open: if caught, the best that Horatio could hope for was to lose his precious position as an officer. No matter how he might want Will, no matter how he might want to kiss Will, none of that mattered when it came to his duty. He broke the kiss and stepped away, his face burning with shame as he realised how he had allowed his baser urges to get the better of him. He wiped his mouth hastily with his sleeve and turned back out to the ocean, wishing that he could take to his heels and flee altogether, conscious at the same time that to do so would hurt Will, something he could not bear to do. He liked Will; he liked his humour and his company, he liked the way Will smiled at him when he said something clever, and he knew now that he liked the way Will kissed. He did not want to reject Will, not now. He leaned against the taffrail and hung his head, waiting for the cold night air to bring some clarity to his racing thoughts.
Assauge doesn't appear, but I do have a hit for soothe in my Stolen AU:
“Have you known a man before?” asked Ewen, very gently, his head propped up on one arm, his other tracing down the length of Keith’s spine. If such a touch was meant to soothe and comfort, it was not efficacious. Until the moment Ewen spoke Keith had been entertaining a reverie of enjoying Ewen’s company in a proper bed and not one fashioned out of rough-hewn wood and prickly heather, but that reverie had vanished like a puff of smoke the moment that Ewen asked his question, and in spite of the relative warmth of the evening and the heat of Ewen’s body beside him, Keith shivered as a chill settled around his heart.
Aaand the only example of nail I have is involved in a sex scene, so. You'll have to use your imagination. Or put another ask in, if you really want to see it. Sanguinity, you've already seen it, before you ask.
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heleizition · 1 month
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this is my naruto oc age 12 and age like 15 lmao she goes through it
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moonjxsung · 5 months
I take a short break to rekindle my mental health and I come back to somebody stealing my 30k fic and claiming it as their own, going so far as to place their own copyright on it and change the title and everything. I just can’t seem to get a break these days
Anyways, unfortunately there will be no further publishing of work on here until wattpad takes action against that account. These stories take me hours to write and I’m not publishing anything else if it’s at risk of being copy pasted and praised on a whole different platform by a complete stranger. Unfortunate too, considering I have half a new fic already sitting in my drive I stayed up until 3am working on.
Please help your authors when our work gets plagiarized and reposted. I’m not making money off of this, it’s a hobby that takes me a good chunk of my life and it hurts to see people disrespect that so openly. I ask for nothing on here- neither financial gain, nor praise. Just respect. I’ve always said if my full length fics are copy pasted I won’t hesitate to deactivate and I truly, honestly mean that.
Please report it here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/357109291-our-way
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dejwrld · 4 months
and to all the white mutuals who blocked me & soft blocked me because of me being vocal about anti blackness in fandom spaces in the name of “clearing your dash of discourse” i hope your fics flop and your favorite character dies in whatever manga/anime you’re currently obsessing over.
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