#hppe you like it!!!!
ronispadez · 1 year
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i asked if u were doing requests just bc i know you're the only one who can pull off a redraw of this glorious image
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You got it chief 🫡
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curufiin · 2 months
Plz tell me more things about your Elves I crave parallels like mineral
i had to get a good night’s sleep before i answered this ask and now i’m awake so. >:) here we go
SO. THE ELVES. it’s time for more fanon dissection and what not except it’ll read way less clearly than my last elf analysis post 😔😔
it’s just very interesting to me that kit and elton’s dynamic of who’s the more composed and (whatever other word my vocab has been reduced to shreds) changes in the ring, whereas if you juxtapose that with fanon c+c, their attitudes follow them into combat.
fanon celegorm tends to be portrayed as more energetic, ‘dominant’ if you will (i got an ask on my old blog that was like ‘who’s the real leader between them’ and it was super fun to analyze but alas :( idk if i can find it now but anyway), and generally he’s like. the guy who does things. he killed a whole army of orcs, he was the one who spoke out against finrod first, he started the second kinslaying. and especially in tense or combat situations, i feel like he gets portrayed as like… pretty feral LMAO almost bloodthirsty even!
and that is absolutely a fair interpretation because in an early draft of Silm, Finrod didn’t exist and Celegorm took his role. and since Finrod’s death at Sauron’s werewolf is like… uncharacteristically violent (you’re telling me the son of ‘oh i don’t want to go to beleriand anymore’, known for being kind and gentle and loves wandering and generally tries to be a good person. is capable of killing a werewolf by his bare hands? nah i don’t believe you), it makes a LOT more sense when you remember that was supposed to be Celegorm. aka trained under god of hunting, has a dog, and is probably strong enough to break your spine— of course he could rip at a werewolf with his teeth. it checks out.
whereas curufin, despite the fact the shibboleth of feanor says he “alone showed in some degree the same temper and talents”, in fics tend to be the colder and more calculated between them, almost like they’re a brain and brawn duo where curvo is the brain (not my favorite take bc i think celegorm can also be absolutely vicious when it comes to plots but it works LOL). he’s also like. the most evil of the seven bros? to the point hwere jirt had to tone him down bc he felt like c+c was too much of a villain and so he wrote the scene between curvo and eol. there was a note in the lays of beleriand (i think) where it says that “it was curufin who put evil into celegorm’s heart” and i think that’s SO INTERESTING
also, in the usurping of nargothrond and the kidnapping of luthien which is where c+c most prominently features, we get a lot of this dynamic of celegorm speaking first and curufin speaking second. in published silm after celegorm finishes his tirade, curufin speaks “more softly but with no less power”, and instead of talking about oh if you steal the silmaril we’ll kill you, he actually conjures images of terrible wars and the destruction of nargothrond.
and in the lay of leithian, when c+c go out to hunt and meet luthien, curufin is literally Completely in control it’s actually kind of scary. he is the one to suggest that they go to ride out and hunt so they can kill some of sauron’s wolves, but also secretly find out if finrod is alive or dead. specifically these two words from the lay “Celegorm listened.” Drives me absolutely NUTS and it completely changes the question of like. who really holds power between them!! okay anyway
they meet luthien and they learn finrod is dead, and curufin (not celegorm unlike canon silm!!) falls in love with luthien. but the way his falling in love is described feels a little. idk. wrong?
“Long did Curufin look and stare. / The perfume of her flower-twined hair, / her lissom limbs, her elvish face, / smote to his heart, and in that place /enchained he stood.”
it almost sounds like he was spelled rather than just fell in love because this is exactly what happened to thingol. but that’s another thing for later
so celegorm chats up luthien for a bit and then the next line says
“To Celegorm said Curufin / apart and low:”
TO CELEGORM!! SAID CURUFIN!!!!!!! i know some people aren’t that into curufin’s fanon portrayal as this scheming manipulative asshole but like… that’s literally what he does!!! AHH!!
hopefully this still makes sense LMFAO god i love talking about these two. i think having them reflect kit and elton’s in ring dynamic would also be Super interesting though because there’s got to be Something that can make curufin snap to the point where he can only see blood (hint hint there is and i might write it)
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basiltonpitch · 15 days
i need noah kahan to release this song before i do something soooo drastic
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seulgikisser · 9 months
btw i got a few new moots lately and i just wanted to say that i kind of run on limited free time atm but i am very happy we follow each other and i will try to be more active again by the end of the month when i'm done with my summer job <33
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proctor: look, i'm sorry for what i said earlier
putnam: ...and for punching me in the face?
proctor: no. you definitely deserved that.
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pleasedrivesafely · 6 months
DUDE Im gonna sound like I'm throwing a tantrum so I'm sorry if you read this bestie but like I'm genuinely so sick of FUCKIMG HONKAI DUDE 😭😭👊
And I'm sorry if you read this pookie, i just can't do this anymore and I have to talk about it because I can't tell anymore except this Tumblr blog 🥺🥺💖
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Happy Wednesday! My request is: more spouse-napping fic please?
here we go, i love this idea and fic so i hppe you enjoy!
Magnus waits a month longer than he originally planned to finalize everything.
In his original plans, he was taking a political hostage, a chess-piece of power and a way to have insight into the clave.
Now, Magnus is stealing himself all of that and a groom. A nephilim who gets only more delightful the more Magnus watches him and whose face Magnus has still yet to see closeup.  It’s a tantalizing draw, the pull of Alexander to him, and Magnus fights the urge to storm the Institute, bind Alexander in the hallowed halls and claim him there.
Except that seems too brash for his boy. Especially now that Magnus has studied and better understands how this kind of binding works. Alexander deserves to be claimed in an undeniably powerful and inarguable manner.
So, Magnus waits until a rift opens that he has absolutely nothing to do with and no ties to. An untraceable potion into the rift and the demons are thrown into a frenzy and Magnus steps into his warded corner and waits.
When Alexander arrives, Magnus tries to let the battle continue, but he’s been waiting for what seems like forever and Alexander’s presence is singing to him.
Why does he need to wait and watch Alexander bother with things beneath him, when Magnus can take care of it for him.
Can take care of him.
It’s with that thought in mind that Magnus summons his magic and strikes, stepping out of his warded corner.
The demons turn to puddles of ichor and scatterings of ash that Magnus calmly walks through, his shoes disintegrating the muck beneath his feet rather than allow it to mar the leather. The shadowhunters are too confused and alarmed by the demons dying, the force of the magical implosion knocking several hunters off their feet.
Alexander stays standing, his form wary as he yells instructions and as delightful as he is to watch, Magnus wants him now.
Purple magic explodes from the small orb he’s summoned, a shockwave that snaps everyone but Magnus to the ground… and Alexander.
Alexander who is thrown up, disoriented and scattered as his wings come out to stabilize him and Magnus croons as he finally sees Alexander’s absolutely gorgeous wings. Perhaps it is a bit unfair, but Magnus has been hungry to see Alexander’s face and wings for weeks now and this is the first chance he’s had that wouldn’t risk upsetting his plan.
Alexander is tightly bound and strung up, suspended in the air by Magnus’ magic and the silk ropes as they catch him in a web of magic and bonding silk.
“By the angel.” Magnus hears a whisper-shout from a half-conscious shadowhunter. “Someone claimed the commander.”
It sounds almost awed, and Magnus is filled with a pleased smugness as he gets closer to his prize. It’s in that moment, as he looks up and sees Alexander for the first time, that Magnus realizes he never once considered that he wouldn’t like how his boy looked, or if Alexander would be attracted to him in turn.
As his golden eyes meet fierce, angry hazel ones — hazel eyes that widen with dazed surprised as Alexander stops fighting and stares at him, pupils blown — meet his own.
Alexander is a vision that Magnus has been denied for far too long and instead of pulling Alexander to himself, Magnus uses magic to lift himself up. Magic forms under him and a moment later his hands are cupping Alexander’s jaw.
“Hello, husband mine.” Magnus croons with a vicious delight as Alexander swallows, awe fighting with his surprise and confusion and quickly fading anger. Alexander’s wings are a giant backdrop, the moon glimmering on the feathers and Magnus’ ropes and magic are keeping his boy’s wings fully flared and open so Magnus can admire them.
It can’t be comfortable, but in this moment full of witnesses where Magnus finally gets to meet his boy, he doesn’t care.
“Now, Alexander.” Magnus croons and he notices the faint hint of surprise that Magnus knows his boy’s name. “Shall I take us home?”
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ousama · 7 months
its genuinely so funny there are people to this day that have me blocked because i "hurt them" by saying paying money for a product with incest in it is in fact supporting it inherently. financially. for saying this in middle school btw. i still get dms to this day like "ummmm my friends not comfy w me following u >_< you said he condoned incest nearly a decade ago and it really traumatized him that you pointed out he paid 50 dollars for it ;_; so im gonna have to break muts hppe u understand"
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antenna-cykes · 4 months
100% biased opinion but if youre a young person thinking of going pursuing a psychiatry career don't fucking do it i swear psychiatrist are like cops to me you can have the best intentions you can dream about fixing the system from the inside and all ypu want is to help people but listen to me. for every person with generalized anxiety disorder you "cure" theres a handful of stigmatized demonized mentally ill people Dying behind your back and youre contributing to that every time you give up on someone with homicidal and aggressive tendencies and send them to a hell institute every time you refer a disordered teenager to residential treatment and they're a victim of medical malpractice and abuse every time you force someone into treatment they don't want every time you take away an adult's rights to choose for themselves every time you lie and makw shit up thats someone's very likely death youre responsible for and i hope every single psychiatrist that has been responsible for someone becoming even more horrificqlly traumatized by this awful broken system suffers forever and ever. i hope you never find peace i hope you think about all the people whose life you ended. every day. if youre going into psychiatry i hppe you feel responsible for all the human beings youre about to ruin. children and adults alike. i hope it hurts you deeply until the very last day of your life
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relatedly it’s been three years and i think i might still be unpacking what it meant/means that for 18 years that encompassed close to my entire adolescence and all of my twenties i thought of as a best friend, as like absolute tier one support and closeness and intimacy and whatever, someone who i watched over time cut out of his life every person he had ever called a friend, usually after some slight or conflict where i would be like “i mean i don’t really get why this is worth going scorched earth but everyone has the right to choose if they want to be friends with someone.” this probably sounds like a cautionary tale of “if you’re friends with someone who predictably cuts people off for reasons that seem to you weird and arbitrary, you are not special and they will do it to you too one day,” but here’s the really fucked up part: i figured that out before we were, like, 25. and stuck around for another decade fully knowing that one day i would say something wrong i had no way of knowing was wrong and after that our friendship would be over.* i knew one day i would no longer be the one person he had never done this to and i still was like “he is my best friend and kind of my only emotional support for a lot of things because he’s the only person i know i can’t be embarrassed with.” and like one thing i am still unpacking three years out is literally what is wrong with me that this seemed normal and acceptable and more or less the best i could hppe for in a friend. but also my mom would be like “you should be asking yourself what was wrong with you in high school that he literally slapped you across the face for calling him boring and you couldn’t even stay mad at him a whole week” and she would have a point.
*this actually isn’t what eventually happened because i was literally too good a friend he just fully ghosted me because of his enormous problems
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hoshi-y · 1 year
Is it possible to ask for an Obi x Reader love story based on this song??
You can ignore my recent requests or put this one first lololol, sorry for so many today 🙈🤣 ideas just keep coming like 🤯
Was also tempted to ask if this could also be Hanako x Reader cuz this song seems so valid for that situation too 🤣
You don't have to write, but thanks for reading this Hoshi 🙂💕
Ps. Hope you enjoy the song!!
Better than anyone else
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Obi
TW : None
A/N : I think I understood the song HAHAHA But in my power I'll do anything to bring this to life 😱
Sorry it took so long miss chimoto! all I do at home ever since Christmas break is sleep hehe
Also, this might not end up with alot of sense cause I couldn't understand the song BWHAHHAHSHS im sorry 😞
I hope you enjoy 💗
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They don't know you the way I do
"Shirayuki.. Have you seen Obi?" The red headed girl turned around, some specks of dirt on her face as she was planting new herbs into the garden "I think he went into the woods" You jumped a little as you didn't see Zen standing by the entry "A little warning wouldn't hurt.. Also what is he doing in the woods at this time an hour" You sighed as Zen snickered
Shirayuki got up and dusted her hands "Zen don't bully them."
"I'm doing no such thing my dear" Zen said as he helped Shirayuki stand up "I was gonna ask you the same thing too [L/N], on what he is doing there. Guards have told me they've seen him come in and out of there frequently"
'Maybe its that again..'
"Apologies, I'll excuse myself for a moment" You jogged out the door "Oh and have fun love birds" You ran out after seeing Shirayukis reddened face
Obi has been going thru a hard time lately. He'd sometimes dissappear in the night and come back in the morning, you know cause you saw him and waited for him to come back
And right now it's one of those nights, you ventured into the woods at the back of the castle looking for him
"Obii!!" You began calling him as you looked at your surroundings
'Dang its so dark..'
You didn't have any type of light source to help you guide yourself thru the woods, It was quite foggy too
"Ooobbiii" You looked up at the trees on anywhere that have a high level ground in hppes you could catch a glimpse of him jumping from one branch to another
Due to the lack of light, you didn't see a fallen log on your way making you trip. Before you could hit the floor two strong arms grabbed you
"What are you doing here? its dangerous" You looked up to see the person you've been looking for the whole day
"Obi.. I was looking for you everywhere this mornin, and this is the last place I haven't checked out yet. So, what are you doing here?"
"Mmm.. Just, taking a late night stroll"
Obi looked back at you, The happy and fun aura was replaced with a serious one "What are ya talking about?"
You frowned "Obi, I know you're going thru a very difficult time right now.. And I want to help you, the least I could do is listen to what's bothering you" Sitting down at the fallen log you pat the unvacant space beside you signaling that you want Obo to sit next to you
Obi without hesitation sat next to you as the both of you stargaze for awhile before he opened up his mouth
"I.. don't want to burden you with listening to my problems [F/N]" His eyes still fixated up at the dotted night sky
"I don't have anything to do tomorrow and the night is still young" You turned to him as he chuckled "You really are stubborn.. But don't complain if I kept you here for too long"
"I won't~"
And just like that, ypu and him spent almost the whole evening together as you listen to his problems, his worries, and his anxiety.
Not alot of people can spot his saddened aura with that big goofy smile and somewhat approachable personality. He has hid to much behind a mask for people to even notice
They thought that whenever he would walk into the woods at night, they'd think he was out patroling
But you know him better than anyone else.
Your best friend
Your childhoof friend
The love of your life. Was crying in your arms
The past haunted him so much that his shell finally broke from the ampunt of tears he could hold back
"It's alright Dear.. Let it all out.." You layed his head on your shoulder as you held him
Even though he also tells his troubles to his fellow friends, you just seem to know him better with his emotions
Better than anyone else
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So sleepy, but this burts pf motivation is annoyong so much
I'll fix this in the morning LOL
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puyopuyo · 10 months
goodness.... happy penis friday! this friday i will be fighting on the frontlines for frye.... i hppe to see you on the splat battlefields soldier 💅🧝‍♀️ <-me saluting
heavens me.. it feels like many years since i done battle but perhaps i will meat you on the splattlefield, just like old times, until then, i hope you have a lovely penis friday, say hello to his dunkaccino ^_^
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totallynotandoryu · 20 days
Hope yall aint mad at me now, look at the pinned comment. Hppe yall would understand. I just want my career back, for my family.
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If yall r still toxic at me to this day, Ill block you. You heard me right. Cuz, I rlly dont like destruction nor wrathness.
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renjunniez · 2 years
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henlo <3
this babie blog hit 1k!! i remember when i finally revived it in late february this year after neglecting it for almost a year :sob:
i'm thankful for everyone who's supported me and my creations so far <3 and it's super heartwarming to see people who still decided to sign up for my nonsense after i shut down my previous blog. i'm very grateful for all your love <3
it's been a super fun journey to watch this blog grow and find SO many more amazing creators!! so i decided to make a smol follow forever to let you know that i absolutely LOVE you (and your creations ofc <3)
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a few friends i thought i'd leave a message for!! <3:
@joshuas: i !! cannot put how grateful i am to you in words !! thankies for always being the kindest and loveliest person to me :( <3 thankies for letting me rant and thank you for being you <3 you're half the reason i'm still on this site KDJKD know that i'm singing sunday morning for you <3
@heetonin: monet <3 thankies sm for always being there for me and keeping me sane <3 you'll always be my *insert yuuji and todo here* BESTO FRIENDO 😭😭😭
@soonhoonsol: chey!! my love!! i hope you know that you're one of the most important people on this site to me. ik it's been super long since we had a proper conversation, but i hppe you know that i'm always be SUPER grateful to you for inspiring me to make content!! <3
@wonublr: *shakes violently* *cries* LEE 🥺💗 you're one the closest friends i have on this site !! (and almost irl BUT CAN THE UNIVERSE LET US MEET 😭) thank you for always listening to what i have to say and taking care of me like a real sister ;-; i can be a bit of a butt sometimes but thank you for still putting up w me 🥺
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creators who i absolutely adore!! <3:
(🥕: thank you for being a good friend to me <3, 🌻: LOVE your creations!!)
@000png 🌻, @20cm 🌻, @24hoursofdaisy 🥕🌻, @7ww 🌻, @anyhao 🌻, @ambivartence 🌻, @awek-s 🌻, @beyoonce 🥕🌻, @bethe-flower 🥕, @bisexualgyu 🌻, @carat-cakes 🥕, @carrotscake 🥕🌻, @coupsnim 🌻, @dokyeomblr 🥕🌻, @dokyom 🌻, @fadedinmysong 🌻, @februaryflowers 🥕, @followmylane 🌻, @fushigojos 🌻
@gottagoes 🌻, @gyyyyyu 🥕, @haechantaeil 🌻, @hao-are-xu 🥕, @heeseunq 🌻, @horangipwr 🥕🌻, @hueningkai 🥕🌻, @happysmilebtr 🥕🌻, @hybed 🌻, @jaemtens 🌻, @jaehyukkies 🌻, @jinniebit 🥕🌻, @jeonwonwoo 🥕🌻, @jonnnysuh 🥕🌻, @joshuahong 🌻, @jeonqquk 🌻@kavyaistaken 🥕🥕🥕, @kdongyoung 🥕🌻
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nerdygirlwithanxiety · 4 months
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Character Trailer ONE; black Ash ( Top songs to listen too; hppe of morning by icon for hire, Off with her head by icon for hire and Hayloft II by Mother mother)
Around the evening, loud music through headphones can be heard revealing a person black and white monokuma hoodie with hood up and monokuma sunglasses on reading a comic book. The male groaned, " Seriously, they die in the end? Tsk predictable" he put the book back " that's why I'll never believe in fairy tales and happy endings" he stretch walking away " yo shop keeps I'll be leaving now" he motion goodbye to Tuckson before walking out to began until a voice in his head rang " kid.." it echoed, making the goth sigh unamused." Yes, marcus?" He looks down, watching a symbiote coming out looking at him with blood ruby eyes glowing." I'm sensing danger. Be careful, " marcus warned .aking Anthony sniff the air. " Huh.. two different grimms? Lucky day for us.. two " Anthony smirk." MOONSSOUL I SUMMON YOU!!!" He yelled as marcus turned into Anthony's famous scythe, which was swung around dramatically before stabbing into the ground as the silver eyes datted around." ok bastards..where are you?" He mumbled, only for blood red smoke appearing. "Poppy smoke?" Marcus asks." No. This isn't a horror game, marcus. This is just a red fog to throw us off our game, " Anthony answered, growling until they heard cackling." wendigo?" Marcus asked " wendigo" Anthony growl only for the Grimm to punch the ground right after the goth jump up kicking its face and landed on his feet switching his weapon with a thompason gun shooting fire bullets. The grim dodges and begin begin begin to mimic its last kills voice. " HELP ME!!!" The creature screams. Anthony rolled his eyes, annoyed. " Yep." He growls before running directly towards it to try beheading it. The creature moves swung its claws, hitting Anthony. " ACK!!" He hit the tree " fuck" he said breathlessly in pain " my back-" he said getting up tiredly then growl at the creature then eyes widen and frozen " what the fuck" he mumbled seeing the second Grimm growling and hissing " a hydra!?" Both Marcus and Anthony's spoke shocked at the Sametime until one of the heads shot out electricity." SHIT!!" Anthony dodged the attack, then dodged the wendigos claws "oh son of a bitch" he panted " this isn't good. Hey marcus?" " yeah kid?" " scan the threat while I fight these motherfuckers" Anthony ordered as the scythe's eye blink then look at Anthony " deal" marcus agreed making Anthony nodded and jump up in front of the moon and spun around holding his scythe trying to hit the wendigo first only to get blocked "hm. Not bad." " don't praise the Grimm anthony!!" Marcus demanded before the wendigo threw them..again but this time with an advantage Anthony used a camouflage in the snow attack dodging the electricity of course until the hydra smoke grew stronger making Anthony cough failing to camouflage " the..fuck?" He wheezed " Kizzzzz" the voice faded away leaving a terrible ring in Anthony's ears. " ow.." the goth mumbled looking around only to froze seeing a blood hair male " will?.." he said softly " do you regret it?" The blond ask " regret what babe?" Anthony smile " leaving me to die. Like the pathetic worm.you are" Anthony froze hearing will saying something out of character. Just as the goth open his mouth the wendigo fist appeared punching him knocking him down and out of the hallucinations " ow fuck!" Anthony yelp. " your welcome " Marcus scolled turn his arm to q scythe blade. Anthony grunted " thanks...so the level threat?" " honestly not that bad" marcus noted. Anthony stop blink stared down " you're deadhead threatened the weapon "been there done that NOW FOCUS!!" Marcus hissed watching the first grim charge at them "THE HEART STAB THEN BURN THE FUCKER DOWN!!" Marcus yelled and of course Anthony did JUST that. One Grimm down one more to go. Anthony groaned "shoot me" he mumbled now to figure out wtf to do with the hydra and just as he slashed the title shows up implications that the trailer ends
After the credits role a small panting noise was made as the screen shows a stressed Anthony manage to defeat the hydra until he heard footsteps and a mysterious familiar voice " well,well well. That's a fight I hadn't seen in a long time " the voice chuckle. Anthony turned around seeing a tall ginger man with his accompliss with him "Roman..Neo..hey"
The screen turns black revealing all in a glowing red
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pawified · 8 months
hiya my sweet pup :< i hppe ur doin’ okay n’ i am sorry dat ppl feel the need to send u hate when all ur doin’ is bein’ urself . . it’s nawt copyin’ so i dunno why they’re obsessed wif u n’ pointin’ out stuff dat make no sense. i dunno if u know dis but on desktop / mobile site u can block anons n’ it blocks the user behind the ask ! i hope dis helps lower the amount of ppl sendin’ u asks n’ bein’ hateful cuz it pisses me off dat adults are bein’ childish like dis over sumthin’ dat isn’t serious or an issue at all :/ really shows u how immature n’ downright mean sum of these “nice n’ sweet” ppl rlly are
my sweet kitty kady !! thank you for always being by my side and being the sweetest evr ,, i will do that tn that way no meanies sneak their way into our littl town !! i try to ignore it all but it really is putting a damper on how i write , react and respond on here :(( happy winnie is slowly making her way back !! - hres a gift just for you !
⠀:¨ ·.· ¨:⠀ ⠀ `· . ୨୧⠀
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