mrsellacott · 7 years
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The Family Trees for the Weasley and Potter Families as included in the Definitive Edition of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
(Screenshots from the iBook Edition).
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I’m always excited for more Harry Potter! The script book: Harry Potter and the … I am all the time excited for extra Harry Potter! The script e-book: Harry Potter and the Cursed Youngster Components One and Two (Particular Rehearsal Version) comes out on July 31st. One thing concerning the magic of continuous Harry’s story is splendidly thrilling - @ScholasticInc positively did this proper! #ReadtheMagic #HPscriptbook #advert
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scholasticcanada · 7 years
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#Repost @itsabookishthing13 I FINISHED CURSED CHILD LAST NIGHT AND MY WORLD IS OVER. I FINISHED THE LAST HARRY POTTER STORY AND LIFE HAS NO MEANING ANYMORE. Okay, let's tone down the dramatics a bit; THIS STORY WAS INCREDIBLE. I feel so happy that this book exists and that Jo shared it with all of her readers. It was 5 blinding stars for me, review to come on my channel! 💭 HOW ARE YOU COPING AFTER READING THIS INCREDIBLE STORY, IF YOU'VE READ IT?? IF YOU HAVEN'T, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! #harrypotter #cursedchild #readthemagic #hpscriptbook
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neverbythebook · 6 years
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15 Dec 2017. What’s your favourite Hufflepuff trait? I identify so much with Hufflepuff and am always ready to fight anyone who says a bad word about the house. Loyalty and a good work ethic are amazing qualities! Day 15: #RFABHarryXmas17: Hufflepuff . . . . . . #bottledbooks #harrypotter #hufflepuff #yellowbooks #yellow #goldbooks #harrypotter20 #bloomsbury #cursedchild #hpscriptbook #nailpolish #aussiereaders #bookstagram #bookish
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thelittlebookroom · 8 years
Hooooooray! Our delivery arrived! - #welovesparklers #harrypotter #cursedchild #hpscriptbook #backinstock (at The Little Bookroom)
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mrsellacott · 7 years
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Timeline of events leading to the beginning of Cursed Child.
While it is not the timeline I had hoped for (I believe I misinterpreted what had been released about the content, which I feel could have been worded better), it does make fascinating reading. 
Every moment included is an important moment within the series. Obviously, there is a heavy emphasis on the events of the Goblet of Fire due to their importance within Cursed Child.
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vr-alyssa · 8 years
No spoilers, no worries! :) 
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sarahannieanne · 8 years
On “that” Harry/Albus scene
The anger over this scene is misplaced
“Harry would never say he wished Albus wasn’t his son”
Sorry you lot, yes he would
There’s been a lot of debate around this scene and I don’t agree that this is Harry being OOC.
Harry Potter is a flawed character who has a history of saying things he doesn’t mean in a temper:
1. When he railed at Ron and Hermione in OOTP
2. When he railed at Dumbledore in OOTP
3.When he snapped at Hermione in Deathly Hallows
Saying awful stuff to Albus is exactly what Harry would do.
As Cursed Child makes clear. Harry is man that has suffered abuse and trauma. He spent the first eleven years of his life with horrible people that treated him badly. He was abused by the Dursleys. The Dursleys themselves are not very good at showing love. They show their feelings through cruel taunts and jokes. Dumbledore says it’s remarkable that Harry grew up to be such a good person, which is true, but it’s wrong to say that the Dursleys didn’t leave a mark on him. Harry’s bad traits, I would argue, come from the Dursleys. He can’t have grown up with them and not taken on some of their worst attributes.
In the scene where Harry shouts at Albus, Albus is out of line. He’s being petulant, ungrateful and very close to becoming a character in a Harry Enfield sketch. Giving Albus his mother’s blanket means a lot to Harry. He’s exposing himself and showing his vulnerability. Albus throws this back in Harry’s face and is cruel and unkind. Can you imagine if your son did this to you? Can you imagine him throwing the shit you suffered back in your face, making light of it and mocking you?  
Am I the only one whose parents lost their temper and said stupid things? Parenting is a tough job. It’s a stressful nightmare.I remember complaining to my mother about stress and she replied (in typical irish mother fashion) “you don’t know what stress is.” When I was a teenager I thought my mother was the toughest person alive. Now I’m older, I understand how hard it must have been to raise children. The tough shell my mum had was just a front. My mum had 4 kids at my age (I’m 29). The world is still a scary place for me and I can’t imagine what it must have been like for her. I often think back to some of the stupid things I did as a teenager and I don’t know how she put up with me.
Should Harry have said what he said? No. Do I understand why he snapped? Yes. He’s human. He’s not perfect.
“Harry did have a father figure in Sirius, Remus and Hagrid and Arthur.”
No he didn’t. 
In Harry’s formative years he had no father figure. Vernon Dursley did not treat him with respect and love and is not a model of fatherhood.  The Dursleys were a twisted trio with a perverse sense of right and wrong who raised their son the wrong way.  Sirius was in Harry’s life for two years and only sparingly. Remus was hardly around. Hagrid, one of Harry’s first friends, never took on a fatherly role. Arthur is certainly an example of a good father but note how Harry treats him-like a trusted friend.
I too have experienced absent fatherhood and, believe me, you can encounter all the good people you like, it doesn’t change the fact that your Dad isn’t there. 
The blanket scene between Harry and Albus is up there as one of the best in the entire script. It’s pure Potter. It’s exactly how I pictured Harry as an adult. It’s raw and genuine and I can’t wait to see it on the stage.If you think this line is out of character, I’d encourage you to go back and think about the type of person Harry is. Think about what it would be like to raise a difficult, angry child who resents you for something you can’t control. Doing stupid shit and saying awful things doesn’t stop when you grow up.
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mrsellacott · 7 years
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Have brought my copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the definitive edition. Currently only £3.99 in Waterstones.
For those questioning whether any changes have been made, while I have yet to do a proper read through and comparison, from what I have seen so far, the stage directions have definitely been expanded on. Yes, there are some things that have not been changed, but I can confirm there has been additions made. 
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mirrorspeak · 8 years
The Cursed Child.
Okay.  So I am going to try to formulate all of my thoughts on Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (just the script, of course, as I haven’t seen it) without spoiling anything.  But there may be minor spoilers, or at least references to plot points.
I was excited for Cursed Child.  I couldn’t wait to read it.  I went to a midnight release and lost my shit just like so many others.  I counted down.  I held out my shaking, buzzing hands to take my copy.  I went straight home, and I read all night.  I finally had to go to bed around 4:00 because I’m not as young as I used to be, you guys.  The last time I stayed up to read a book straight through was Breaking Dawn in 2008.  It’s been a while.  Granted, this is a script, so I had gotten through about 3/4 of it by the time I went to sleep.  But I needed to sleep - not only because I was tired, but because I was tired.  I needed a breather from the story.  I needed to let myself deflate.
Because this story isn’t what I was expecting, and I wasn’t really quite expecting anything.  I didn’t really know anything.  I knew we were going to get a story that focused heavily on Albus Severus Potter.  I knew he was going to become friends with Scorpius.  I knew Harry was gonna feel some angst... because he’s Harry Potter, and angst is his main emotion.  I knew (because spoilers are omnipresent) which house Albus gets sorted into and I knew what Hermione’s job ended up being.  I knew little things, but those little things didn’t result in expectations.  They resulted in hope, and excitement, and joy - because when was the last time we could go into a Harry Potter story with virtually no information?  It’s been years.  Nine years.  So yes, I was excited.  There are so many fans who didn’t want to view this as canon, or couldn’t get excited because the books are over, Harry Potter ended with the epilogue nine years ago - but I wasn’t one of them.  I have greedily, graciously gobbled up every piece of information Jo has given us in recent years.  They are tidbits that come from her, and this is her world, so they have always felt like canon to me.  Well, besides that time she said Ron and Hermione shouldn’t have ended up together because that was just wrong and I hope you’ve spent some time thinking about just what you did, Jo.  
So even though Cursed Child wasn’t written by J.K. Rowling - she developed the story.  It’s her world.  She has been a part of every piece of the process.  And that was enough for me.
And so, I don’t know why this happened.  I don’t know why this play exists.
There was so much of it I loved - the glimpses of characters that have meant so much to me for years, the nostalgia factor, the end of the fourth act.  I loved Albus and Scorpius, and thought they were brilliant additions to this family of characters.  I enjoyed pieces of the plot.  I appreciated the theme and message for what it was - which was, in part, a continuation of the theme of the original books.  And in part something new.  But not something original.  
I have been struggling over the past day, because I never thought I could feel conflicted about something related to this universe.  But here I am.  And I am conflicted.  Deeply.
So much of this story reads like fan fiction.  Particularly the twist at the end, which honestly felt a bit like a betrayal.  And maybe that’s dramatic.  But it rejected an entire character’s mythology, a timeline that had been so well structured, a journey that had felt invulnerable, and turned it into something almost shallow.  I don’t want to go any further than that... but it does not sit right with me.  It does not feel like something that would have ever happened, and because of that, I am unable to accept it as cannon.
And even the plot itself.  Again, I get the point, and the message, and the idea as a whole.  I don’t understand the way they chose to go about it.  It feels, more than anything, like a chance to get some of the series’ greatest hits on stage so fans will be content.  And in doing this, they kind of shat on a huge piece of Potter mythology that was very detailed and concise in the books.  I get why they chose this device to tell the story (a big reason being that it’s gonna look cool as hell on stage), but I didn’t really like it.  It felt like a missed opportunity.  Jo is so fortunate in that all she has to do is mention and idea and she has the world at her fingertips.  They all but gave her a theatre on the West End before a script was even finished.  And I think she could have taken that, and created something great.  This is fine.  But it isn’t great.  It doesn’t come close to what she’s created.  And it could have.  I truly believe that.
Granted, I have only read the script.  From what I understand, the effects and the acting and everything that makes it a play are the parts that are spectacular.  And I can’t wait to see it one day.  I am genuinely looking forward to that.  But the script is not strong enough to stand alone.  And that makes me super sad.  
Anyway.  It was a pretty surreal experience, reading a new story that takes place in the Wizarding World.  And I’ll be real - the end of the fourth act had me ugly sobbing.  I was sitting in bed screeching like an animal.  And I guess this series - pieces new or old - will always have that affect on me.  Because at the end of the day, being back at Hogwarts was magical.  And I’m grateful that even here - nine years later - this world is still a place to call home.
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mrsellacott · 7 years
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Everything I got signed!! Book is filling up nicely, just need that elusive Jamie Parker autograph!
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lapetitebookworm · 8 years
Scorpius Malfoy is my fave.
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