#hre = germany theory
koolkat9 · 1 year
How would the HRE = Germany theory apply to GerEng? Does it become EngGerIta?
I'm sorry anon, as much as I do enjoy engita, I just...don't really like Ger//Ita in most cases, not even if it's part of a poly ship. So no EngGer//Ita in my timeline. Plus, the HRE = Germany theory has long been used in Ger//Ita, I like applying it to other relationships outside of it.
I actually made a fic about how I think it would play out. But in short. I do think Ger//Ita would get together at first. Feli still holds feelings as well as trauma surrounding HRE and Ludwig's first crush was on Feli and now he has a chance with him. It's not healthy though.
They both have trauma. Feli is holding too much onto the past and projects that onto Ludwig without realizing it's hurting him. And he doesn't love Ludwig for who he is now, he loves him for who he used to be. Ludwig is trying to be someone he no longer is to make other's happy and is holding onto Feli because he feels that's the only person who connects him to who he used to be.
(even when Ludwig is HRE through and through, I like the idea that he feels some distances/disconnect from his time as HRE. Like sometimes the memories of that time feel like he's watching from someone else's memories)
When all this first happens Arthur is hurt. He thought he and Ludwig had something special going. There hadn't been a confession yet, but they had shared many intimate moments and he was hoping one day he'd get the courage to ask Ludwig out, but now that seems it will never happen.
But he starts to notice something is taking a toll on Lud so he extends a hand to him, offering to be someone to vent to. He ends up being the person Ludwig needs to finally open up about his confusion over the whole thing. Sure Arthur was acquaintances with HRE but didn't have strong attachments to him like everyone else Ludwig would usually confide in. Arthur is the one to help remind Ludwig who he is and that his past doesn't have to define him and he shouldn't chase it until exhaustion. He's Germany. He's Ludwig. That's more than enough.
In the end Ludwig breaks up with Feli, knowing that neither of them are getting what they want out of this relationship. Neither of them love the other romantically (at least not for who they are currently).
Lud and Art start dating shortly after, but they don't make it official until a little later. Arthur doesn't want to rush into another relationship, but after everything, Ludwig at least wanted to start acting on the feelings they had festering. But they take it slow.
Though Arthur occasionally wonders what it would have been like to have befriended HRE back then. If they may have grown feelings sooner. But he tries not to dwell on it. Ludwig is Ludwig and they're together now. That's what matters.
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jikimo-world · 8 months
"Germany and Hre are two of my favourite characters :) "
"They are the same character"
" >:( "
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kostantina · 3 months
I've already read about Germany experiencing inner conflict because of his past identity as the Holy Roman Empire, but how about HRE experiencing inner conflict because of his new identity as Germany? Basically, the "HRE is Germany" theory would be applied but without the amnesia part. After the dissolution and during his time as the personification of Germany, I'm quite fond of the idea of HRE spending with the Papal States (before and after the dissolution of the latter) so that he could hold onto his Catholic past. And the Papal States would muse how much he changed because the ideas that his new empire was built upon were different to his old empire's. He had much to adjust to, and so did the Papal States after losing his territories and eventually becoming the Vatican City.
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hetalian-veteran · 22 days
Okay, I'm curious. I know this topic probably isn't discussed as much anymore (at least not from what I've seen), but I still wanted to see where the fandom, as of today, stands on this.
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(I'm at that point where I'm willing to stay here until this theory is finally confirmed.)
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nordic-italian-german · 10 months
I always think about that correction in the 2nd printing of Hetalia☆Collezione regarding HRE: in the first printing he is listed as Germany's older brother, but then in the second printing Germany is not mentioned at all.
I never thought it was a misprint, I like to think that Hima still has something to say about the real connection between HRE and Germany or he simply wants to leave it as a free interpretation between the 2 major fandom theories:
• HRE and Germany share the same body but different soul, so a sort of reincarnation
• HRE is Germany who gradually lost all his memories due to the effects of the Thirty Years' War and other subsequent events that led to his dissolution as an empire
I'm neutral towards both theories, since they have their pros and cons.
Regardless of this, I would love to see HRE again as a character because I feel like there's still so much to tell.
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the-nado-hunter · 2 months
Random Hetalia character head cannons/hc histories and characterizations that float in my brain but I’ve never written down - starting with England, America and Germany since I’ve thought about them the most lol:
- Was the reverse of Alfred where he actually physically and emotionally aged much slower than most nations. He was barely not a teenager when he first took in Alfred (and his other “kids” by extension) when he was not at all ready/had even fully matured himself.
- I have a hc that nations who “get too big” (meaning the territory under their name grows) they kind of lose themselves and get less distinct and coherent in their motivations and sometimes don’t feel themselves at all, too many voices in their head so to speak. Unfortunately Arthur “lost it” during a pivotal part of his relationship with his family, hence all his strained relationships.
- Once he took on those responsibilities he suddenly jumped in physical age a bit. So while Alfred sees him as being SO much older (calling him an old man) his time in the nation equivalence of life stages was uneven and all over the place.
- it wouldn’t be until the 60s/70s/80s that Arthur had the time and ability to “make up for lost time” hence his musical and punk phases. He finds himself in some ways.., also likely dissolves into addiction problems at the same time.
- In the modern era he still has many anger issues but he’s a lot more calm and sure of himself, however he’s got a built up emotional wall and a whole lot of hidden self hatred that’s going to take a long long time to resolve, and he isn’t quite there yet and tends to lash out and push people away rather than deal with things.
- He was very sheltered by Arthur at first, he was kept out of almost everything for most of his early life. If Arthur wasn’t present (which he often wasn’t due to the two having vastly different understandings of the passing of time) there were people hired and cycled out to take care of him. He can’t help himself though, even if he’s being treated like a sheltered little prince he wants to go run free in the fields and get into shit. He’s basically a Disney princess in his early life is what I’m saying lol.
- reality hits him like a ton of bricks when he’s roughly looking/acting about 14-15. He realizes likely through being exposed to other nations starting to come in and managing to slip out to talk to people just how much has been hidden from him and the resentment grows. And he starts REALLY growing even faster.
- Despite all that he went full on into a “fight” coping mechanism and never stopped. He put on a “mask” at one point in his life and it hasn’t come off. He’s never really deeply dealt with anything so he progressively seems more and more obtuse and seemingly arrogant to overcompensate for not wanting to face any sort of pain.
- He’s deeply deeply lonely and desperately wants closeness and to open up- yet at the same time the idea of seeming “weak” or “vulnerable” is terrifying to him. Him and Arthur are more similar than they would like to admit with how they mask and push people away despite really REALLY needing love and closeness.
- it depends on if you accept the “Germany is HRE” theory or not, but either way I tend to think they at least have the same body but might be different entities or ‘spirits’ so to speak. That being said I imagine Ludwig specifically not only was “born” into a body that was preexisting and therefore already past a decent part of childhood, I imagine that his body was at first incredibly weak, frail, and he was very sickly for quite some time.
- I’ve written a fic about this, but I personally hc Ludwig from about 6-15 years old in appearance being almost completely unable to walk and needing braces and assistance to get around. His brother obviously loves and cares about him, but Ludwig couldn’t help but feel frustrated and like a burden. He really does look up to his big brother and is worried about being weak and reliant on others for the rest of his life.
- Ludwig GETS his strength, and as soon as he’s able to walk on his on he becomes obsessed with being as strong and capable as he possibly can be. He wants to never have to rely on anyone again, feeling an odd sense of guilt for needing so much help.
- he’s, in the end… kind of socially inept. Gilbert isn’t exactly the pinnacle of a socialized man himself - So despite being mostly independent and capable he doesn’t really understand social situations, or how to understand himself and others. Feliciano is both jarring and someone I think he becomes interested in him because Feli is capable in something he never has been and really is teaching him a lot.
- Unfortunately Ludwig had in face overcompensated for his past feelings of being a burden he’s taken so much on and has become such a protector that he’s almost unable to set boundaries and say no to requests to take on extra work- malicious or not.
- we already know Ludwig tends to explode and bark directions at people, to me it’s always been a clear sign of how much stress he’s under- but he winds up just appearing scary and he once again takes on more responsibilities and feelings of “something must be wrong with me”.
- i think many in the fandom have joked about it but Ludwig to me is SO repressed and SO gay it’s not even funny
-I would expect poor Ludwig to hit a breaking point and have a nervous breakdown eventually, which I do want to write at some point, just gotta not procrastinate lol
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cowboy-robooty · 2 years
im a believer in the HRE = germany theory but also do not think it impacts gerita At All. like tbh they kinda dont care. italy tells people about holy rome but hes like yeah like it got weird at the end tho cuz we kissed and germanys like wtf werent u guys like 5 years old and italys like YEAH LIKE I DONT KNOW WHY I DID THAT OKAY ITS KINDA FUCKED UP. germany and italy both know the story and see it as like a fucked up childhood story you tell your friends like "when i was 7 i told my siblings that we had another sibling before i was born but theyre gone because i killed them" kinda shit. italys is "i had a boycrush when i was like 3 but then we kissed on the mouth when he went to fight in war and he Died." both germany and italy are like lol das crazy haha and then when they find out germany = HRE its like **VINEBOOM** 🗿🗿🗿🗿💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿💥💥💥🗿🗿 **looks at eachother** 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 and germany wishes he was dead while italy goes well uhmm!!! at least it means youre my-a first kiss amiright! you were rizzing it up at 2 years old!!!! and that does Not Make Him Feel Better
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brazilliantunicron01 · 5 months
Germany=HRE Theory my beloved, i hope it never gets refuted cuz it adds so much lore and spice to the gerita ship 💕
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nyoheadcannonsaph · 1 year
Axis Powers [expanded] Human Names ( + my reasons for them)
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Here we go with the Axis countries' human names! I did some reseach, but again, as before, I believe we can agree to disagree, if you don't like my takes. Also, I'm using the last names from their male counterparts for the sake of integrity (like, if we had two Italies and the male had not-so-Italian last name that Hima invented for him, and then a female version with a more appropriate name, it would get a bit confusing, right?). I don't see them as family, but hey, they are one and the same country, we can't go too crazy with that.
Still, feel free to use any names you prefer. In this particular post there will be a lot of defense of Hima's choices, so brace yourselves. I really think he worked over the Axis characters long and thoroughly enough to make up his mind and some of his impressions were more correct than you could see it at face value.
So let's look at the names, shall we?
May the united powers of pasta, sake and wurst be with you!
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Germany (West) - Nyoitsu/Doiko
Monika Beilschmidt
I don't think it's a perfect name, but it's not bad either. I originally thought of leaving Nyo!Germany as Louise/Luise, but since I don't like copying male names for female characters, even in genderbend, I opted for Monika and found some good grounds for it. It is after all a name of the mother of St Augustine, a woman mostly known for patience and determination in her prayers, which are somewhat related to Nyo!Germany's character. Furthermore, the actual meaning of the name is lost to history, but it was associated with Latin word "moneo", which translates to "advisor; I advise" and Greek "monos", meaning "one". "One advise", is kind of reflective of a line in "I am German-made" about reading each word of the manual (yes, songs are part of canon too, and I will take it as such). So ethymology-wise, it makes sense for Nyo!Germany. Weird fun fact: in 1937 there was a premiere in Stuttgart of an operetta under the title "Monika", composed by an Austrian composer. Not sure if that is related to Hima's choice, but I thought it's worth mentioning.
I also believe that in her youth (*cough* as HRE *cough*) she used other names, probably "Luise", or "Greta/Gretchen" in order not to clash with Nyo!Prussia at the time. She certainly used different aliases, as she's usually seen with her earpiece on, suggesting she works in intelligence during wartime. I can imagine her as a spy, but more of a communicator than actual secret agent. They still use aliases, don't they?
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Italy (North) - Veneziano - Itako
Alice Vargas
I can hear some Italian purists coming over to say this is by no means Italian name, only italianised one. Well, yes, but let me tell you what: North Italy shares more culturally with Switzerland and Austria than it does with Southern Italy. If you happened to watch Hetafacts, you probably know some theory behind it, but if you don't, then let me put it like this: Northern Italian kingdoms were much mostly founded by barbarians "from the North"... Yeah, kind of like Papa Germania got busy with supposedly Grandpa Rome's daughter and "dot dot dot" (forgive that "Mamma mia" reference, I just had to). I mean, North Italy is still very Italian, she interited Grandpa's (or Grandma's?) Rome talent for arts and most of his (hers?) architectural wonders. But it would make sense to have a more Germanic name by origins.
Ethymology: it comes from Proto-Germanic roots, "aþala-", meaning "noble" and "haidu-", meaning "appearance; kind", and it was originally "Adeleide" - a name that young Nyo!Italy could be using, especially when living with Nyo!Austria and Nyo!HRE (I mean, you know who that actually was, but shh). Likely, during the renaissance and later times, she used different names, as I imagine she was very involved with the trade of antique sculptures and so she needed to use various aliases; she also was known to meddle in political affairs, much more than her male counterpart (especially between Turkey and Venice matters), so she used names like "Caterina", "Felicità" or "Margherita", among others. Still, around the end of 19th century, she came back to her original name, using the italianised, shorter version of it, as "Alice" ("Ah-lee-che", for all English natives, who read it as "Ah-lys"; I see you in your sleep and I'm not even Italian myself).
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Italy (South) - Romana/Lovina
Chiara Vargas
First of all, that's the name Hima gave and for one of the few times I can wholeheartedly agree with his choices here. Secondly, it's the Italian form of the name "Clara", which derives from "clarus" in Latin, which in turn means "clear, bright", but also "famous, well-known". Well, that's ironic, if that's the name of Southern Italy and not the Northern one, isn't it? After all, South Italy often complains about being in the shade of her Northern sister - I think she would choose a wishful name, honestly, hoping to highlight her individuality even more. Finally, she's described by Hima as having a "strong image", which can be interpreted as "appearing to have a strong personality" - a very clear one, if I may say so.
I just love everything about this name, it suits her character and makes sense. If she ever used any other name than this one, I believe it could be "Marìa", "Giuvanna" or "Càrmina", all of which are Sicilian-Neapolitan forms of other popular Italian names (the last one is from Spanish one, "Carmen", obviously). By the way, "Ciara" is also correct spelling in the South, as far as I know, but correct me if I'm wrong.
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Japan - Nichiko/Nihoko
Honda Sakura --- 本田 桜
Here I must say I can imagine "Sakura" being Nyo!Japan's human name since forever. The fact that the country takes pride in everything related to cherry blossom and the Hanami season pretty much kicks off the school year over there speaks for itself. Interestingly, Himaruya was thinking of names like "Mameko" (豆子) , meaning something like "bean" and "child" combined together, and "Ponko" (I'm not sure, how to write it in kanji, I only know a bit katakana and hiragana, so there goes what I came up with: ぽん子), which common feature is that they are both ending with "-ko" syllable, which in Japanese is associated with more feminine names (and I put the Japanese names for Nyo!Country names here, you can see the pattern there too.) So I suppose the only thing he thought about Nyo!Japan is that she's like regular Japan, but a girl. I can't come up with anything more Japanese and more iconic feminine name in this language than Sakura, so I stick with that.
If I were to comd with other names, I would go for something like "Akira" (明), which means "bright", or "Haruka" (遥), meaning "remote, distant", anything that describes more of Nyo!Japan's character.
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Prussia - Germany (East) - Puroiko (?)
Maria/Luisa/Julia Beilschmidt
Okay, I know some people like to use "Maria" for 2p!Nyo!Prussia, and some of you will be confused why I didn't put "Julchen" instead of "Julia". Well, there's a good reason for both. "Maria" would likely be the name Nyo!Prussia would use as part of the Teutonic Order, and while 2p!Nyo!Prussia seems to embody that peried of Prussian history, I think it is more likely that during that time, Nyo!Prussia was acting more "feminine", you know, emobodying the more diplomatic side of the order compared to her male counterpart. Also, one of the names the Teutonic Knights used was "Marienritter", meaning literally "(St) Mary's Knights".
Upon the conversion of the order's Grand Master, Albert of Brandenburg, to Luteranism in 1525, Maria changed name to "Luisa", which was a common name in Northern and Central Germany at the time. There's a famous character she shared that name, Queen Luise of Prussia, of whom Napoleon spoke in high regards ever since meeting her in person (just so you know, she was pretty smart and badass). Finally, as she was separated from her sister, Nyo!Germany, she started to use "Julia", with the diminutive of "Julchen" ("-chen" is a form of endearment, like "small Julia" in this context) to differentiate it from more typically Slavic-sounding "Julia". It's still very popular name in Germany now, so I imagine it being the final version as for now (not like Prussia exists XD Sorry, I had to, I got Polish-Prussian heritage, so I can make that joke).
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koolkat9 · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022: Day 8
Prompt: Amnesia/Remembrance || Dream
Pairing: GerEng, but with GerIta in the beginning
Rating: T
Word Count: 2076
Author's Note: My last fic for GerEng week. I've had this idea rolling around in my mind since I started shipping these two almost 3 years ago and I finally got to writing it. Though I feel HRE and Germany are two characters who share a body but are internally different, I wanted to apply the HRE = Germany theory to a ship outside of GerIta,
It had been quite the month for Ludwig. All of it had started with strange dreams. He was younger, smaller, in a familiar house, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Sometimes Rodirech and Erzsebet were there, sometimes it was Gilbert, but most of the time it was a little girl in a green dress who looked scarily similar to Feliciano.
For weeks he tried to ignore them, but they all came to a head when Francis entered his dreams, staring down at him coldly, sword pressed against his chest. That night, he had awoken in a cold sweat.
These weren’t normal dreams Ludwig came to realize. In the end, he confided in Gilbert about them and everything was pieced together. He was the Holy Roman Empire, at least according to Gilbert. Gilbert had theorized this for a while since Ludwig apparently came from Holy Rome’s grave when he was born, but he had no memories of his time as Holy Rome until now, so Gilbert never said anything. It was a lot to process, but it did seem the most logical idea given the way the stories Gilbert shared aligned with the dreams Ludwig had been having. So there was his answer. But that answer still left so many questions. Who was he? What did this mean? So many relationships had been lost, so many memories still laying dormant. He didn’t feel like Holy Rome, but he no longer felt like himself either.
As if things weren’t difficult enough, it didn’t take long before the whole world was aware. There was celebration, and many happy tears, but Ludwig still felt lost.
Time went on, more memories came back in the form of dreams, and he even finally got together with Feliciano. He had always liked Feliciano, but it was unrequited for years as Feliciano waited for his lost love. But Ludwig ended up being that lost love. When he had confessed to the Italian the second time, as Holy Rome, he had never seen his friend happier. For a moment, Ludwig had believed that maybe this whole situation wasn’t so bad.
But that feeling didn’t last. Questions spun around Ludwig’s head, the hollow feeling from before returned, he couldn’t focus as his mind wandered to his past. Not even the affection of Feliciano seemed to put any of his anxieties to rest. If anything, it was making it worse.
He would babble on and on about their childhood, still holes in Ludwig’s memory. And even the ones he had seemed distant. Looking back it was as if watching someone else’s life flash before him. But he refused to admit that. Everyone was so much happier now. Gilbert, Ersebet, Feliciano. He couldn’t rip Holy Roman away from them again.
He found himself spacing out more often after these memories resurfaced. It was the only time he felt any semblance of peace from his loud mind.
It was that spaced-out state Arthur had found him in. “Ludwig,” he said seriously, “I need to talk to you.”
Ludwig was shaken out of his blank daydream. “Arthur?”
“In private.”
Arthur’s eyes were hard. He didn’t look angry, but something was searing hot in his gaze. Ludwig silently obeyed, rising to his feet, and letting Arthur lead him to a small conference room. The Brit pulled out a chair, gesturing for Ludwig to sit. Ludwig complied. Arthur sat beside him.
“Now…” Arthur began, “I’m not going to let you weasel your way out of this mate. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Ludwig replied automatically.
“Bullshit. You’re spacing out, you’re quiet, you barely react to anything anymore…Not to mention how paled and dead-eyed you’ve become. Something is eating at you. I know it is.”
Ludwig was about to go to his next programmed reply, but when he met Arthur’s eyes again, softer now, but full of concern, it was as if a rope had been tossed to him.
His jaw clenched, and he gripped his chair. “I…” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I-I…I don’t know who I am anymore.”
“Oh, Ludwig…”
Ludwig shut his eyes tightly. They burned with unshed tears, but he wouldn't let Arthur see. He'd already said too much.
“Is this about your memories?” Arthur asked.
Ludwig slowly nodded. He flinched when Arthur placed his hand over his.
Arthur let out a long sigh. “Even if you were the Holy Roman Empire, you’re Germany now. That hasn’t changed. You’ll always be Germany. You’ll always be Ludwig. Stubborn, strong, hard-working Ludwig who overworks himself. Who loves dogs, baking, vinyl records, and morning jogs at sunrise. You’re still you with just a little extra tacked on.” He squeezed Ludwig’s hand, guiding him by the chin to look at him. “Your supposed past shouldn’t dictate your future, and don’t let anyone else make you think it should.”
Ludwig let out a shuttered breath, wiping at his eyes, trying to keep his tears at bay. He had felt so heavy, but at Arthur’s words, it was as if some of that weight had been taken from him, the Brit helping him shoulder it.
“Shhhh, it’s alright Lud. It’s going to be alright.”
Then Arthur hugged him, guiding Ludwig’s face into his chest and letting his hands rest loosely around Ludwig’s neck. Ludwig sank into the embrace, too tired and worn to care about the embarrassment that would surely follow. They stayed like that for what felt like a long while to Ludwig.
“The meeting will start soon,” Arthur whispered, pulling away slightly to look down at Ludwig. “Will you be okay? You have a lot to think about. I could cover for–”
Ludwig smiled softly. He hadn’t in months and it felt good. “You’ve done enough.”
“Then postpone it. I’m not letting you go through with that hell after everything. You’re going to break if you keep pushing on like this.”
Ludwig thought for a moment. Arthur was right, he wasn’t going to be productive at this rate. Perhaps pushing it back at least a day would give him some time to properly sort himself out. “Okay,” he agreed.
Days went by and Arthur’s words echoed through Ludwig’s head. Up until now, Ludwig had been living as Holy Roman Empire for the sake of everyone, but in the process, he noticed he was losing himself. As much as he wanted to please everyone, he couldn’t keep going on like this. He couldn’t be Gilbert’s former little brother, he didn’t have feelings for Feliciano anymore, and he couldn’t be who he once was.
Luckily Gilbert was understanding when he finally confessed all his feelings. There were many hugs, a few tears, but Ludwig felt like he had regained a piece of himself by the end. But he wasn’t worried about telling Gilbert–at least compared to Feliciano.
Ludwig didn’t want to break his best friend’s heart. He had loved Feliciano once. First as Holy Rome and then as Ludwig. But that was almost a century ago. Those feelings had long since gone out, only returning for a brief moment when he was confused and the only thing he felt linked his past and present self was Feliciano. So he grabbed onto him. With a clearer mind, he knew he had to break up with Feliciano, for both their sakes. He loved the Italian dearly, but in every way other than romance. They both deserved someone who loved them romantically, for who they were now, and this “romance” between them was not providing that.
“Feliciano,” Ludwig called softly after everyone had left the meeting hall, “I need to talk to you.”
“Oh! Of course Luddy,” Feliciano cheered. “What is it, my love?”
Ludwig took a deep breath. “Feli…I care a lot about you and I love you very much.”
“I love you too.”
“But you don’t love me for me,” Ludwig blurted out.
Feliciano’s face fell. “What?”
“I’m sorry…That was harsh.” He took hold of Feliciano’s hand. “I don’t doubt you love me platonically…but…You love Holy Rome romantically, not me.”
“Ludwig…I don’t understand–”
“I confessed to you back in the 40s and you rejected me back then. But now with my memories, you accepted that confession. I wasn’t Ludwig when I did…I was…”
“Holy Rome…”
“I’m no longer that person Feli. Those memories are distant to me. And my feelings for you…They’ve been gone since the 50s. You deserve someone who can love you as you want and I deserve to have someone who loves me for all of me, not just who I used to be.”
Feliciano looked up at him with glassy eyes. “I should have seen this coming,” Feliciano said with a wet laugh, “I…I-I should have never accepted your confession. I was…He was finally home and I just…I had been waiting for you–him–for so long that I jumped on the chance not thinking you were different now.” The tears were streaming now and they punched Ludwig in the stomach. “I wasn’t thinking that maybe all of this had put you in a confused, vulnerable state, twisting what you really wanted. It’s complicated…Gilbert tried to explain that to me. But whatever this means for you…It’s clear your heart doesn’t belong to me and I’m sorry for feeling entitled to it because of the past.”
Ludwig swallowed hard. “Thank you,'' he whispered.
“Can I hug you?”
“Of course.” Ludwig opened his arms to Feliciano and the Italian rushed into him. He squeezed his friend tightly, relieved that he would still have him in his life.
Their hug was interrupted by the creaking of the door. The two pulled away, looking at each other and then at the door. Arthur stood, knuckles white against the door handle, eyes piercing, though softening as soon as he met Ludwig’s.
“Go to him,” Feliciano urged, a smile returning to his face.
Ludwig gave him a hesitant look before nodding. “Thank you.”
He squeezed Feliciano’s shoulder before heading towards Arthur.
“I broke up with Feli,” Ludwig said bluntly.
Arthur’s eyes went wide. “Uh…Good for you? Um…I-I mean…Is that good or bad?”
“Good I think? I mean…We’re still friends and I feel like a weight has been lifted so…”
The Brit smiled. “Good.”
They stood awkwardly, Ludwig stiff, Arthur bouncing his leg ever so slightly.
“Arthur…" Ludwig spoke up again, gaze falling to his feet. "I-I have something to tell you.” He looked away, cheeks flushing a faint pink.
“I-I…um…I’ve been thinking a lot since we talked, and…Well we had all that time together following the World Wars despite everything that transpired in them…What I’m trying to say is, I think I’m falling in love with you.”
Arthur froze, his hand gripping onto Ludwigs. “Y-You don’t have to rush into anything Lud. You just went through a break up, you’re still going through a lot. You don’t–”
“I know. But these feelings have been festering long before all this memory shit. And… You were the one to finally bring me out of whatever I was in. Just like you did in the 50s. You make me calm and you make me feel loved. A-And I want to do the same for you."
Arthur's face reddened even more, but a small smile grew. "Who knew you could be such a romantic?"
"I picked up a few things from Feli I guess." Ludwig finally had enough courage to look back at Arthur.
Arthur smirked. “Well then, I’ll have to up my game then. I can’t promise fancy food or wine. But I’d like to take you out to dinner. Tonight if you’re available.”
Ludwig chuckled before realizing what Arthur had just asked him out. “I-I’d love that.”
“Then it’s settled. I’ll swing by your room tonight and pick you up?”
Ludwig could only nod dumbfoundedly.
Arthur grinned and with a wave, he was on his way back to his hotel.
Ludwig’s heart was beating a mile a minute, his palms were sweaty and something fluttered in his stomach. It was nothing like how it had been with Feliciano.
“I never thought about you and Arthur,” Feliciano thought aloud, “But in a way, it's fitting.”
“Yeah…It feels right.”
Feliciano squeezed his arm. “I’m happy as long as you’re happy. All of us are.”
Ludwig nodded. It had been a rough couple of months, but in the end, he knew everything was turning out as it was supposed to. He was Ludwig, representation of Germany, dog dad, baker, leader of meetings (and hopefully Arthur's lover). And that was more than enough.
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jikimo-world · 7 months
Actually the craziest and hardest part in HRE=Germany theory is accepting Ludwig eventually likes women
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kostantina · 1 month
Hello, welcome to my blog!
Here, I write mostly about Holy Rome from Hetalia, and if you are curious about my thoughts on him, then feel free to message me or leave a comment on one of my posts :) I love talking about him, whether the young, old, or female him. But I personally love portraying him as older and female. Despite that, I write non-ship posts about HRE as male because it is his canon gender. I enjoy (Female/Male) HRE/HRE!Germany with different characters, either platonically, romantically, or both:
England - Hanoverian Dynasty
France - the Frankish Kingdom
Papal States - Investiture Controversy
Czechia - mistress/handmaiden trope
America - golden children
Spain - "the empire where the sun never sets" of Charles V
Austria - Habsburg Dynasty
Prussia - Mr. Physician
Portugal - a friend who is maybe in love
Hungary - women with princes to save ⚔
Romano - Henry VI and Frederick II with Sicily
Ottoman Empire - Reichskrieg
Italy - first love dies or never dies
Saxony - Ottonian Dynasty
Bavaria - Big Brother championship
Francia - Carolingian Dynasty
Hanover - divided loyalty
Hesse - New World's traveling partners
Talking about the "HRE is Germany theory," I think Hima leans towards this theory more than not, but I hope that he would remain vague about it to please everyone. Personally, I don't want him to be Germany in canon because the Holy Roman Empire had historical differences with Germany that I feel would be overshadowed if the two ended up being the same person. I also have my own interpretation of the character, which does not align with how I interpret Germany. But I deeply deeply love using the theory for narrative purposes, and I think HRE!Germany without amnesia would be different than with.
P.S. I reblog other content than Hetalia.
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prussiasqueen · 6 months
Guys I swear to fuck… it’s not canon.
If you wanna believe it is, go right ahead.
But in my space and as far as I’m concerned, it’s not FUCKING CANON!
I don’t care how much “proof” or “gay bait” there is!
It’s not official and it’s not canon! The end!
And according to which theories you believe in (like mine personally I believe HRE was actually a brother of Germany’s and Prussia’s and not exactly just Germany) he’s either a piece of him, or he’s just a sibling of some sort.
I do not believe Ludwig is HRE, sorry. But there is some very slight differences between the two… people say their eyes are the same but they really aren’t. They have slight different color and they are not quite drawn the same. Also HRE is like a part of Germany if that makes any sense. They’re different nations, but you could say HRE was the predecessor of him.
And another thing, even if Germany had a crush or was confused by the intentions of Italy in a few instances, most was mostly done in satirical and comedic means, and Ludwig is so damn clueless about romance in general he questions what the fuck actually was going on. Germany also didn’t understand Italy in general with how his actions are. Buon san Valentino was a big misunderstanding on everything! Even on Germanys part. It’s called figuring out your feelings. And that’s exactly what was going on. He may or may not have had a crush, but in the end result. They didn’t end up together. So my point still stands on my point on it.
Not canon.
Chibitalia is canon with HRE.
HRE however is dead. So no more of HRE except maybe being a fragment of Germany. But they are two separate entities.
However, Italy and Germany are not canon. It was never stated they were.
Therefore Ludwig is a single character.
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artist-kili · 5 months
Yk I am not a big fan of the HRE is Germany theory because of reasons (one being that I want Germany to be younger than Prussia and another being that I dislike Holy Romes design as child even tho he exists for like a millenium) but:
If adult Holy Rome would be Germanys father, yk, hypothetically.... Who is the other parent? No Prussia is not an answer because of personal headcanon reasons that make him related to Holy Rome (obviously) and France is too close to being Holy Romes brother for my liking (they definitely are brothers). And like...whats left?? Austria as a possibility is available. But an emergency option.
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bitchapalooza · 1 year
I still like the HRE-Germany theory even if it’s kind of ridiculous! I don’t believe it(anymore), but it is a fun concept! But have you considered au where HRE is reincarnated and he and Veneziano meet and it’s fucking sad and I wanna cry already???????
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doueverwonder · 1 year
Underrated Hetalia theories?
tbh i couldn't even tell you the most popular theory outside of the germany/hre thing, so uh, i don't know, sorry haha.
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