#minor gerita
koolkat9 · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022: Day 8
Prompt: Amnesia/Remembrance || Dream
Pairing: GerEng, but with GerIta in the beginning
Rating: T
Word Count: 2076
Author's Note: My last fic for GerEng week. I've had this idea rolling around in my mind since I started shipping these two almost 3 years ago and I finally got to writing it. Though I feel HRE and Germany are two characters who share a body but are internally different, I wanted to apply the HRE = Germany theory to a ship outside of GerIta,
It had been quite the month for Ludwig. All of it had started with strange dreams. He was younger, smaller, in a familiar house, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Sometimes Rodirech and Erzsebet were there, sometimes it was Gilbert, but most of the time it was a little girl in a green dress who looked scarily similar to Feliciano.
For weeks he tried to ignore them, but they all came to a head when Francis entered his dreams, staring down at him coldly, sword pressed against his chest. That night, he had awoken in a cold sweat.
These weren’t normal dreams Ludwig came to realize. In the end, he confided in Gilbert about them and everything was pieced together. He was the Holy Roman Empire, at least according to Gilbert. Gilbert had theorized this for a while since Ludwig apparently came from Holy Rome’s grave when he was born, but he had no memories of his time as Holy Rome until now, so Gilbert never said anything. It was a lot to process, but it did seem the most logical idea given the way the stories Gilbert shared aligned with the dreams Ludwig had been having. So there was his answer. But that answer still left so many questions. Who was he? What did this mean? So many relationships had been lost, so many memories still laying dormant. He didn’t feel like Holy Rome, but he no longer felt like himself either.
As if things weren’t difficult enough, it didn’t take long before the whole world was aware. There was celebration, and many happy tears, but Ludwig still felt lost.
Time went on, more memories came back in the form of dreams, and he even finally got together with Feliciano. He had always liked Feliciano, but it was unrequited for years as Feliciano waited for his lost love. But Ludwig ended up being that lost love. When he had confessed to the Italian the second time, as Holy Rome, he had never seen his friend happier. For a moment, Ludwig had believed that maybe this whole situation wasn’t so bad.
But that feeling didn’t last. Questions spun around Ludwig’s head, the hollow feeling from before returned, he couldn’t focus as his mind wandered to his past. Not even the affection of Feliciano seemed to put any of his anxieties to rest. If anything, it was making it worse.
He would babble on and on about their childhood, still holes in Ludwig’s memory. And even the ones he had seemed distant. Looking back it was as if watching someone else’s life flash before him. But he refused to admit that. Everyone was so much happier now. Gilbert, Ersebet, Feliciano. He couldn’t rip Holy Roman away from them again.
He found himself spacing out more often after these memories resurfaced. It was the only time he felt any semblance of peace from his loud mind.
It was that spaced-out state Arthur had found him in. “Ludwig,” he said seriously, “I need to talk to you.”
Ludwig was shaken out of his blank daydream. “Arthur?”
“In private.”
Arthur’s eyes were hard. He didn’t look angry, but something was searing hot in his gaze. Ludwig silently obeyed, rising to his feet, and letting Arthur lead him to a small conference room. The Brit pulled out a chair, gesturing for Ludwig to sit. Ludwig complied. Arthur sat beside him.
“Now…” Arthur began, “I’m not going to let you weasel your way out of this mate. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Ludwig replied automatically.
“Bullshit. You’re spacing out, you’re quiet, you barely react to anything anymore…Not to mention how paled and dead-eyed you’ve become. Something is eating at you. I know it is.”
Ludwig was about to go to his next programmed reply, but when he met Arthur’s eyes again, softer now, but full of concern, it was as if a rope had been tossed to him.
His jaw clenched, and he gripped his chair. “I…” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I-I…I don’t know who I am anymore.”
“Oh, Ludwig…”
Ludwig shut his eyes tightly. They burned with unshed tears, but he wouldn't let Arthur see. He'd already said too much.
“Is this about your memories?” Arthur asked.
Ludwig slowly nodded. He flinched when Arthur placed his hand over his.
Arthur let out a long sigh. “Even if you were the Holy Roman Empire, you’re Germany now. That hasn’t changed. You’ll always be Germany. You’ll always be Ludwig. Stubborn, strong, hard-working Ludwig who overworks himself. Who loves dogs, baking, vinyl records, and morning jogs at sunrise. You’re still you with just a little extra tacked on.” He squeezed Ludwig’s hand, guiding him by the chin to look at him. “Your supposed past shouldn’t dictate your future, and don’t let anyone else make you think it should.”
Ludwig let out a shuttered breath, wiping at his eyes, trying to keep his tears at bay. He had felt so heavy, but at Arthur’s words, it was as if some of that weight had been taken from him, the Brit helping him shoulder it.
“Shhhh, it’s alright Lud. It’s going to be alright.”
Then Arthur hugged him, guiding Ludwig’s face into his chest and letting his hands rest loosely around Ludwig’s neck. Ludwig sank into the embrace, too tired and worn to care about the embarrassment that would surely follow. They stayed like that for what felt like a long while to Ludwig.
“The meeting will start soon,” Arthur whispered, pulling away slightly to look down at Ludwig. “Will you be okay? You have a lot to think about. I could cover for–”
Ludwig smiled softly. He hadn’t in months and it felt good. “You’ve done enough.”
“Then postpone it. I’m not letting you go through with that hell after everything. You’re going to break if you keep pushing on like this.”
Ludwig thought for a moment. Arthur was right, he wasn’t going to be productive at this rate. Perhaps pushing it back at least a day would give him some time to properly sort himself out. “Okay,” he agreed.
Days went by and Arthur’s words echoed through Ludwig’s head. Up until now, Ludwig had been living as Holy Roman Empire for the sake of everyone, but in the process, he noticed he was losing himself. As much as he wanted to please everyone, he couldn’t keep going on like this. He couldn’t be Gilbert’s former little brother, he didn’t have feelings for Feliciano anymore, and he couldn’t be who he once was.
Luckily Gilbert was understanding when he finally confessed all his feelings. There were many hugs, a few tears, but Ludwig felt like he had regained a piece of himself by the end. But he wasn’t worried about telling Gilbert–at least compared to Feliciano.
Ludwig didn’t want to break his best friend’s heart. He had loved Feliciano once. First as Holy Rome and then as Ludwig. But that was almost a century ago. Those feelings had long since gone out, only returning for a brief moment when he was confused and the only thing he felt linked his past and present self was Feliciano. So he grabbed onto him. With a clearer mind, he knew he had to break up with Feliciano, for both their sakes. He loved the Italian dearly, but in every way other than romance. They both deserved someone who loved them romantically, for who they were now, and this “romance” between them was not providing that.
“Feliciano,” Ludwig called softly after everyone had left the meeting hall, “I need to talk to you.”
“Oh! Of course Luddy,” Feliciano cheered. “What is it, my love?”
Ludwig took a deep breath. “Feli…I care a lot about you and I love you very much.”
“I love you too.”
“But you don’t love me for me,” Ludwig blurted out.
Feliciano’s face fell. “What?”
“I’m sorry…That was harsh.” He took hold of Feliciano’s hand. “I don’t doubt you love me platonically…but…You love Holy Rome romantically, not me.”
“Ludwig…I don’t understand–”
“I confessed to you back in the 40s and you rejected me back then. But now with my memories, you accepted that confession. I wasn’t Ludwig when I did…I was…”
“Holy Rome…”
“I’m no longer that person Feli. Those memories are distant to me. And my feelings for you…They’ve been gone since the 50s. You deserve someone who can love you as you want and I deserve to have someone who loves me for all of me, not just who I used to be.”
Feliciano looked up at him with glassy eyes. “I should have seen this coming,” Feliciano said with a wet laugh, “I…I-I should have never accepted your confession. I was…He was finally home and I just…I had been waiting for you–him–for so long that I jumped on the chance not thinking you were different now.” The tears were streaming now and they punched Ludwig in the stomach. “I wasn’t thinking that maybe all of this had put you in a confused, vulnerable state, twisting what you really wanted. It’s complicated…Gilbert tried to explain that to me. But whatever this means for you…It’s clear your heart doesn’t belong to me and I’m sorry for feeling entitled to it because of the past.”
Ludwig swallowed hard. “Thank you,'' he whispered.
“Can I hug you?”
“Of course.” Ludwig opened his arms to Feliciano and the Italian rushed into him. He squeezed his friend tightly, relieved that he would still have him in his life.
Their hug was interrupted by the creaking of the door. The two pulled away, looking at each other and then at the door. Arthur stood, knuckles white against the door handle, eyes piercing, though softening as soon as he met Ludwig’s.
“Go to him,” Feliciano urged, a smile returning to his face.
Ludwig gave him a hesitant look before nodding. “Thank you.”
He squeezed Feliciano’s shoulder before heading towards Arthur.
“I broke up with Feli,” Ludwig said bluntly.
Arthur’s eyes went wide. “Uh…Good for you? Um…I-I mean…Is that good or bad?”
“Good I think? I mean…We’re still friends and I feel like a weight has been lifted so…”
The Brit smiled. “Good.”
They stood awkwardly, Ludwig stiff, Arthur bouncing his leg ever so slightly.
“Arthur…" Ludwig spoke up again, gaze falling to his feet. "I-I have something to tell you.” He looked away, cheeks flushing a faint pink.
“I-I…um…I’ve been thinking a lot since we talked, and…Well we had all that time together following the World Wars despite everything that transpired in them…What I’m trying to say is, I think I’m falling in love with you.”
Arthur froze, his hand gripping onto Ludwigs. “Y-You don’t have to rush into anything Lud. You just went through a break up, you’re still going through a lot. You don’t–”
“I know. But these feelings have been festering long before all this memory shit. And… You were the one to finally bring me out of whatever I was in. Just like you did in the 50s. You make me calm and you make me feel loved. A-And I want to do the same for you."
Arthur's face reddened even more, but a small smile grew. "Who knew you could be such a romantic?"
"I picked up a few things from Feli I guess." Ludwig finally had enough courage to look back at Arthur.
Arthur smirked. “Well then, I’ll have to up my game then. I can’t promise fancy food or wine. But I’d like to take you out to dinner. Tonight if you’re available.”
Ludwig chuckled before realizing what Arthur had just asked him out. “I-I’d love that.”
“Then it’s settled. I’ll swing by your room tonight and pick you up?”
Ludwig could only nod dumbfoundedly.
Arthur grinned and with a wave, he was on his way back to his hotel.
Ludwig’s heart was beating a mile a minute, his palms were sweaty and something fluttered in his stomach. It was nothing like how it had been with Feliciano.
“I never thought about you and Arthur,” Feliciano thought aloud, “But in a way, it's fitting.”
“Yeah…It feels right.”
Feliciano squeezed his arm. “I’m happy as long as you’re happy. All of us are.”
Ludwig nodded. It had been a rough couple of months, but in the end, he knew everything was turning out as it was supposed to. He was Ludwig, representation of Germany, dog dad, baker, leader of meetings (and hopefully Arthur's lover). And that was more than enough.
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italyveneziano · 1 month
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olympeline · 2 months
@endlesscolddreams and @liemurienn dropped some really good replies on my USUK vs. FrUK post and it’s made me think about the differences between both pairings and why they might attract their respective fans the way they do.
Let’s begin with USUK, which nearly from series start has more canon on its side. Or rather it has more “serious” moments. Hetalia is a gag show at heart and its non-jokey parts are few and far between, ship tease included. The first gut punch most fans will encounter is Alfred and Arthur’s battle during the American War for Independence. That will definitely stick with a lot of people if for no other reason than it’s so unexpected. The funny, silly anime about pasta and gag war abruptly pivots to a main character sobbing his heart out in the rain while another looks on, stony faced, with no joke at all. This can’t not leave an impression. Even fans who loathe Alfred never try to pretend his effect on Arthur isn’t huge. Then the series carries on teasing the things left unsaid between them in both serious and silly shapshots. With all this is mind, it’s not hard to see why USUK became the big, swinging dick of Hetalia’s ships. Aside from the borderline canon Gerita, nothing else really has the weight behind it I think.
This definitely makes it what I would call an “easy” ship to get into. That sounds bad because fandoms can be very judgey about pairings they find to be basic. Just like everything else in the arts, there’s a perception among some people that if something is popular then it must be dumber/less deep/worse. Pure elitism basically. And it’s bollocks. Just because something is popular with the masses doesn’t make it worse. It just means it’s popular. Plenty of people hate USUK for the perfecly legitimate reason that it just doesn’t gel with them. But there’s always been a minority undercurrent of “I hate this just because it’s the fandom’s most visible ship!” Seen this happen a million times with other communities over the years.
USUK also has the almost universally beloved tropes of Happy, Gregarious, Extroverted one loves Moody, Gloomy, Introverted one. Who loves him back but can’t say it because tsundere. FrUK on the other hand is more subtle. It has Slowburn, Rivals/Enemies to Lovers as its bread and butter. These tropes are well loved but there’s no big, attention grabbing dramatic moment early on that makes use of and cements the FrUK interpretation of them in the minds of fans. Francis and Arthur share a lot of screentime but it’s all jokey and fun. Even the ship tease is all gags relating to Francis being comically pervy and Arthur being comically stuffy and flustered. Francis gets some heart rending moments later (Joan of Arc, the wish for a mortal life) but Arthur isn’t included. Even though he could have been because of what happened to Joan. It’s left up to the fans to add him. In another universe the Closet Cleaning arc was replaced by a Bitter Hundred Years War arc, and FrUK subsequently took the top spot in the fandom’s ship rankings as a result.
Leaving plain, old personal taste aside, I think all this divided the fandom between shippers who wanted something they could leap into and get early gratification (USUK) vs shippers who wanted to expend a little more energy on interpretation (FrUK). Because there’s plenty of drama to be had with Francis and Arthur thanks to the French/English historical rivalry (see above). But it’s not offered up on a plate in canon like with Arthur and Alfred. A USUK shipper gets drama given to them while a FrUK shipper has to dig deeper and make their own fun. Different strokes.
This kind of thing is very interesting to me. Please feel free to add on your own interpretations if you like ☺️
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pinkflipphonez · 3 months
Alright yall lol. (warning: anger, stupid, stupid fandom bs)
So I see we're back to talking about toxic shipping and 'policing' and shit. Because I know what y'all are indirectly referencing, I want you to consider this: empathy.
"Toxic shipping discourse in Hetalia is really pointless actually." I agree. There is no way you are arguing someone out of their favorite ship, it's nonsensical-- however, someone asking for more sensitivity in a fucking fanbase is not the same as saying a ship is toxic and that you shouldn't ship it.
"You cannot have morals while shipping countries." I disagree. There is absolutely a right and wrong way to fuck with this content-- for example, Nazism/Fascism, racism, and colonization romanticization are things you shouldn't feel comfortable with these personifications participating in. If you do fuck with it, you are definitely a worse person than a person who ships GerIta casually.
There is a big difference between enjoying personified countries beating the shit outta each other and drinking each other's blood versus depicting them enjoying putting minority-based personifications under agonizing situations. This is just an example.
Asking you to be more understanding when someone brings up their trauma attached to your favorite characters is something that shouldn't be seen as policing. Still, I see many people getting angry and making a strawman out of their words to collect brownie points.
YES, I am talking about the RusAme fandom. You don't have to agree with someone's point, even regarding their personal experiences, but what you can do is be fucking respectful. Morals have nothing to do with simply fucking respecting somebody, especially when they're coming to you hurt!
Enjoy your stupid fucking ship, no one gives a fuck, just be fucking understanding when minorities come to y'all with concerns!
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playmalcolm · 19 days
omg hey! i saw u do hetalia nyo! germany graphics and they are SO cutee!! is there any way you could do nyo! gerita rentry graphics? thankzzzz ^_^
Thank you so much!! Gerita is a ship, right?
Again, I'm not familiar with this media so
if there's any minor mistakes with the character
or whatever, let me know!!
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Hetalia nyotalia gerita graphics
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crooked-sketches · 1 month
Master list of my WIP's/ Accepting fic requests! Working with @ficsforgaza
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One Piece
JOJO's Bizarre Adventure
Guardians of the Galaxy
Current WIP's
The Essence Of Things
Fandom: Hetalia
Summary and tags: See here on AO3
Ship: Gerita
I'll Keep the king (I'll keep him safe)
Fandom: One Piece
Summary and tags: See here on AO3
Ships: Gen focus, hinted ZoLu
Something With A Ring To It
Fandom: Guardians of the galaxy
Summary and tags: See here on AO3
Ships: Gen focus, minor Gamora/Peter Quill, minor Yondu/Kraglin
La Strada Giusta
Fandom: JJBA, Hetalia
Summary and tags: See here on AO3
Ships: Gen focus
Rules for requests
What I will write
Character Studies
Ship fics
basically anything not in my won't write
What I won't write
Major Character death
Extreme torture/Gore
Time Travel
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Fish and Ships – The Sea
Spamano is a ship that abounds with plenty of adventures at sea – mermaids, pirates, sailors, sea witches, sirens, and so many kidnappings! Here's some of my favourite stories of adventures on the high seas.
To note: anything written in red contains smut, anything written in green contains content warnings, but not smut. Do note that a lot of these stories contain underage characters and especially teen and adult (sexual) relationships, due to the time period the stories are set in. Age gaps can be seen in the individual fanfic recommendation. If a given age gap makes you uncomfortable, click one of the stories without that. Only finished fics are recommended here. Always check the tags and description on the individual fic, don't read anything just to criticise the author, and I hope you have a good reading!
Hoist the Colors High by Elemental Fantasy 13: Lady Lovina is kidnapped by the infamous Captain, Antonio, and he's infamous for some very good reasons! He's not the only pirate kidnapping ladies, however. Other pairings include USUK and PruCan. Contains threats of sexual assault and very minor character deaths (it's a pirate story).
Spanish Gold by Shadowcatxx: Antonio was taken in by the Vargas family as a kid, and when he is old enough, he leaves on a ship. Twelve year old Lovino won't have it though, and stows away on the ship. They are foster brothers and there is an age gap (they are ten years apart, and know each other from Lovino is a baby). Content warnings for one sexual assault scene with underage Lovino (not spamano), slight gore and torture, and implied sex between 16 year old Lovino and 26 year old Antonio. I wish it wasn't so, but the story is good, I promise.
Under Appreciated by Abby Keeper: Lovino and Feliciano stow away on a pirate ship. Fairly sweet. There is an age gap here as well (Lovino is 15, Antonio is 23).
Unexpected Consequences by Avalon's Moon: Lovino the cabin boy wants some respect from Captain Antonio, but things escalate. This is underage smut, since Lovino is 16 and Antonio is 20, but their actual ages don't have a big impact on the story. There's also light BDSM.
Dangerous Waters by BlueFlamePy: Antonio's a pirate captain who catches a thief who's wanted but has no bounty. Said thief later comes aboard his ship. Content warning for violence and minor character death.
Ojalá by The_Cilantro_Family: Antonio was taken prisoner by his enemies, Lovino managed to free him. Note the time jumps back and forward in the story. There's a five year age gap, they meet when Lovino is 12, but years pass before they fall in love.
A Pirate's Life for Me by pilindiel: Antonio and Lovino are getting handsy with each other, but pirate ships are really crowded. They don't actually get anywhere, since they get interrupted.
tormentas by orphan_account: Short fanfic about the dreaded pirate captain Antonio being comforted by Lorenzo during a storm.
El Corazón del Pirata by adropofstarlight: Captain Antonio kidnaps the young nobleman Lovino, but after an assassination attempt, the two grow closer. But were they strangers in the first place? Contains minor character death.
Dead Man's Prayer by grimwoode: Lovino is bored of his life and joins a pirate crew for an adventure, but it's a lot more than he bargained for. For once, Antonio isn't the captain. Content warnings for major character death, violence, child abuse, suicide, prostitution, implied underage prostitution, slavery, cheating, and tragedy.
Pirates and Royalty:
Of Pirates and CrossDressing Runaways by doiteain: Lovina and Feliciana are royalty on the run from being married off to some princes. They disguise themselves as men and join Captain Antonio's pirate crew. There is also GerIta and PruCan.
Pirates of the Pomodoro by RandomWriter57: This one is a little different, because for once, Lovino is the pirate, and Antonio is the prince! After a botched assassination turned into kidnapping, Crown Prince Antonio finds himself as a prisoner on a pirate ship. Contains character death. There is also a sequel to it.
How The Turntables... by LimitlessReach (orphan_account): This is smut happening in a public place.
A Pirate's Pet by LimitlessReach (orphan_account): Bondage smut!
gatito by orphan_account: More bondage smut!
Pirates by LimitlessReach (orphan_account): You'll never guess... This is more smut. And another one taking place in public.
Scavenger of the Sea by Black_Rose_Authoress: The Bad Friends Trio and Ludwig find a mermaid on the beach. Antonio falls in love with her, and she's interested in him. The language barrier is the biggest obstacle.
Part of your world by kyootness: A sweet loose retelling of Disney's The Little Mermaid with Spamano.
Love of the Sea by anchorise: Short story about a merman and his sailor confessing their love.
Not The Only First by DasGrossartigeIch: Lovino and Antonio's first time together, started by Antonio's merman heat.
Scalier by Ronni_Rotten (orphan_account): Antonio dreams of becoming one with the ocean, and is captured by Arthur. He shares a cell with the siren prince of merpeople, Lovino, and they plan a daring escape. I really like the world building in this one. Contains minor character death.
Ashes by lorenzodelcielo: A siren prince has been once betrayed, and learns to trust again. Contains abusive relationships, nondescript sexual abuse (neither is Spamano), trauma, and character death.
Underwater Land by satsukiarisa: Antonio is a merman, Lovino is a human deadly afraid of the water. He also suffers from amnesia for plot related reasons. Past Prumano. It's a little suggestive at times and contains violence, trauma, and assault.
Pirates and Merpeople:
The Pirate's Treasure by chibi-excel: Captain Antonio has caught a merman – a prince at that, and as a royal, his merman can make jewels. Since Lovino isn't used to human languages, he occasionally uses the wrong words, which is very cute. Smut is in chapter 19 and 21, but many of the earlier chapters are also dealing with sexual themes.
A treasure unlike any other. by Karliah: After a battle at sea, a merman rescues the deaf captain Antonio.
siren's call by orphan_account: Antonio is a pirate who's washed up on a shore. Lovino is a siren calling to him. Smut.
Exploration of a Dream by ofdogsandwriting: Antonio and Lovino are mermen in an established relationship. Curious about the human world, they go above the surface and join a pirate crew.
Listen to the Call by animerockchic: Captain Antonio is called by a siren to fetch something important.
Sailors and the Sea:
Captain's Log by LadyLisa: Antonio returns from the sea, home to his Romano. Domestic fluff.
Hymn to the Sea by laconicGhost: Two men from different worlds find themselves to be falling in love on the Titanic. Contains character death and attempted suicide.
come home to me by Treta_Aysel: Lovino is in love with a sailor, and that's not easy, because the sea is fickle. Extremely mild smut.
with you i'm home by Treta_Aysel: Sequel to come home to me. Lovino and Antonio go sailing to help Antonio deal with what happened.
The Beachcomber's Windowsill by LadyLisa: It is the 1920s, and Antonio is visiting an old friend by the ocean. Chapter 7 contains mild smut.
A Few Days Late by lovelesslybeloved: Little Lovino goes out to the docks to look for the sails signaling Antonio's return. Not a ship-fic.
Wish Upon A Star by Kaffee und Sahne: Lovino wishes to know whether his boyfriend has some brains or not, and is then brought back to when Antonio was a pirate. There's extremely mild smut and a few offensive word choices.
Losing Touch by rinkaku: Romano has a quiet moment to ponder Antonio's past as a conquistador.
To Get a Message of Pain by organization MA: Spain tells Romano that if he writes his troubles down and put them in a bottle he sends to sea, he can get rid of them. It doesn't quite work out. Not a ship-fic. Content warning for one offensive word choice.
Dehydration by writingandchocolatemilk: Spain has been hunting England for months without going home to see Romano. Now he's half dead and hallucinating on a beach.
Lovino of the Silver Tongue by orphan_account and Tassledown: Antonio got caught stealing. Good thing he has a great liar for a henchman. Lovino is headcanoned to be older than Antonio in this fanfic, and has an adult body.
It's Upon Boss to Teach You Some Manners by ArceeGeorgia: Seeing Antonio's old clothes made Lovino fantasise a bit. Antonio's ready to fulfill those fantasies.
Just Add One Mermaid's Tear by Samstar1990: Two representations of South Italy is too much, and the one for Sicily desires to be as great an empire as her grandfather. She has a wicked plan, but she needs a merman and the cooperation of the nation who raised her and her brother. At times, this fanfic has some grammar issues, but the premise and story is so interesting and original that I don't mind. Contains character death.
Pirates and the Supernatural:
Initiation by Karuka Ikashi: Lovino is a dragon cursed to bear the body of a human, and is about to go through the initiation ceremony on Captain Antonio's pirate ship – if nothing else just so the crew won't think of him as a goddamned pet.
The Contract by BlueFlamePy (repeat recommendation): Captain Antonio has picked up a demon, and wants this demon to help him gain glory and immortality.
The Greatest Treasure, You Idiot! by Kitty-Kat Allie: A pirate seeks a treasure, the greatest treasure of them all. The beautiful siren Lovino shows him the way, but will Antonio fail when it matters the most? This one legitimately made me cry.
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hetaliahealing · 3 months
draw a circle, that's my last braincell
Name: krem Age: jr millennial Zodiac: ♑︎ Pronouns: they/them XX minors DNI XX
꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆。☁︎ ˚。⋆꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦
went mia from tumblr & fandom but i've orbited back. hetalia is & has been my comfort cast since 2010. a blog to scratch the fixation.
🌷 asks/subs CLOSED 🌷
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divider by @billowingangel
Headcanons, au, nyotalia, nekotalia, 2P, historical, incorrect quotes, manga/official art, fan edits, anime/gifs, hetalia ocs, hetaoni, gakuen, mochitalia, fanfic, hetalia merch, character songs, discord, hetamyu,
face family, otp, brotp, son/my boy, my art,
(relation)ships this is a multiship tolerant blog!
FrUk, PruCan, GerIta, LietPol, HunAus, PruHun, PruAus, PruAme, RusAme, DenNor, SuFin, Denpru, RoChu, Bad Friends Trio, Nordic 5, SpaMano, NA Bros/NA Sibs, SEA Fam, British Ilse/uk sibs, Italy Sibs, German Sibs, hws allies, hws axis, asakiku, frying pangle, (notps are valid; not proship, but antis can block i don't have time for no nuance)
my text, my opions/passionate takes, blog info, misc text, blog asks/q&a, anon, meme, politics, current events, recently created a spicy blog for mostly ns//fw rb ADULTS ONLY
꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆。☁︎ ˚。⋆꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦
On Tagging:
Not good at alt tags (alt ship names/ hws v. aph) so if you dislike a pairing above, just block the tag I use. I've been trying to use "hws"/"hetalia world series" instead of "hetalia axis powers".
For cw/tw I'll try to tag what I'm aware of as common warnings. But I'll likely not use "cw"/"tw" and just do "blood", "gore", etc. I might not tag "smoking" but I might tag "substances" or "420".
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Hetalia Roleplay Information Area
Welcome! This is a place that I’ve made to allow you to read all of my information in one place without any of the bullshit of having to search my tumblr.
You can find starters, shipping lists, plot ideas, my favorite tropes and more!
**Please note, if you are under 20 years of age I ask that you disconnect with me. I am 27 and I do not roleplay with minors and would prefer not to roleplay with anyone under 20. If you roleplay with me or interact and you lie about your age, I will immediately block you. I take this very seriously.**
**All characters that I play are at least 18 years of age. I do not roleplay as characters under that limit unless it is a child/parent relationship.**
Ship List
Nyo! Northern Italy: GerIta, PruIta, EngIta, SpaIta, 2p! Germany x Nyo! Italy, DenIta, 2p! Denmark x Nyo! Italy
Nyo! Southern Italy and 1p! Southern Italy: SpaMano, GerMano, AmeriMano, EngMano, PruMano, and PortMano
Nyo! Prussia and 1p! Prussia: PruIta, PruMano, PrUk, Nyo! PruHun, PruAus, PruAme, PruScott, PruCan, 2p!Can x Pru and PrAnce
Nyo! Seborga and 1p! Seborga: PortBorga, SeyBorga, SpaBorga, and GerBorga
Nyo! America and 1p! America: USUK, AmeriMano, PruAme, DenAme, RusAme
Nyo! Canada and 1p! Canada: PruCan, RusCan, and GerCan
AU/Trope List List
Plot Ideas, Universes, Tropes
Flower shop/coffee shop/shop au
And they were roommates
Fake dating
Unrequited love
Prompt List
1. Why are you helping me?
2. We could get arrested for this.
3. Was that supposed to hurt
4. We have to be quiet.
5. You're trembling.
6. Tell me again.
7. I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you.
8. Do you regret it.
9. I still remember the way you taste.
10. We still need to talk about what happened last night.
11. Do you trust me?
12. What happens if I do this?
13. You're making me want things that I cannot have.
14. People are starting to stare.
15. Is this what you want?
16. Can't you see that I love you?
17. I cannot believe you!
18. Why would you do this to me?
19. Why now? You had all of these years to do it, but you picked now?
20. Where do you think you're going?
I am always open to new ideas and such! This being said, feel free to ask for other ideas or AUs!
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canonrpfinder · 8 months
Looking for Hetalia Rp
Characters Played:
• Nyo! Prussia
•Nyo! Italy
•Nyo! Southern Italy
AUs I like:
• Omegaverse
• Soulmates
• Slice of Life
• Fantasy
• Coffee Shop/ Flower shop /Tattoo Parlor
• Historical/ Medieval (Doesn't have to be perfectly accurate)
• Mix of these
• Open to suggestions as well
• PruScot (Canon or Fanon)
• PruCan
• Pru x 2p! Can
• PrUk
Nyo! Italy
• GerIta
• PruIta
• EngIta
• 2p! Get x Ita
• DenIta
Nyo! Southern Italy
• GerMano
• EngMano
• PruMano
• I prefer MxF, playing F over M but I can play some M characters.
• I'm 27, so partners need to be at least 18. Minors DNI
• Like or comment and I'll dm you.
• I prefer to RP via Discord or Email.
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findroleplay · 1 year
This may be a long shot, but I'm feeling nostalgic! 🫠💫
Anyone interested in roleplaying Hetalia characters, ccxcc pairings? More specifically, I'm looking for GerIta or SweFin (preferably), I can play any of them! But I don't mind adding side pairs if we want to make the plot more interesting.
I only roleplay on Discord and I don't roleplay with minors as I am over 20!
Usually I don't do rapid fire and one liners, so please only multi paragraphs! On a similar note, please be involved in the plotting stage as well as the roleplay. I need something to work with both while creating a plot and roleplaying it, I don't want to do it all on my own.
I'm not the best with SoL fluffy plots, I usually go with action, drama, Hurt& comfort and similar!
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maplesunflowers · 2 years
I have like a lot of questions but here are a few !
1. who's a fairly minor character that you like probably more than you should?
4. if you've been in the fandom for a while, who was your favourite ship at first compared to what it is now?
5. share one of your favourite headcanons!
8. Favorite AU
Also any new works that might be coming soon? ⭐️😊
1. Does Poland count as a fairly minor character? I don’t see him a lot in the webcomic/anime.
Honestly when I first got into Hetalia I was so curious /excited to see how Poland would be portrayed because I have Polish ancestry. Happy to report I wasn’t disappointed.
4. GerIta because I was basic lol. Now I just too old too care much for ships and just want everyone to be happy. 🙃 Although I’d die for CanUkr
5. I can’t remember who came up with it, but someone came up with a headcanon that famous cryptids are actually just the nations and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.
8. Not going to lie, I absolutely LOVE your Demon and Omegaverse AUS (I feel like an ass kisser but it’s true they’re very good.)
If we’re talking more “Official” (idk what to call them) AUs, 2p and Cardverse
And yes, I am working on a one shot and I’m still working on the Demon Canada fic, I’m just unfortunately suffering major writers block for the current chapter of the demon Canada fic. 😭
Thank you for the questions! Looking forward to seeing more of your work! 💕
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ao3feed-spamano · 1 year
I See Emeralds
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ETUodwt
by todomewsu
In this world, there's no such thing as color. Well, that's not entirely true. The only color that you can see besides gray is your soulmate's eye color. Teenager Lovino Vargas has only ever seen vivid green amongst everything else being gray. And when he finally meets somebody with that eye color for the first time, he's unsure of what to do.
A group of mismatched soulmates eventually meets. With their newfound friendship, they decide to help each other with their relationships and friendship issues. And Mathias's soulmate seems to have an interesting plan that could benefit the world. But how are the others involved?
Words: 1188, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of I See Emeralds
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia)
Relationships: South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Finland/Sweden (Hetalia), Denmark/Norway (Hetalia), America/Japan (Hetalia), Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - High School, POV First Person, POV Alternating, Includes some chatfic sections, Includes minor mentions of HongIce GerIta and RoChu, One chapter includes a character considering attempting suicide, This fic includes a few NSFW jokes, This fic briefly includes fankids, There's a lot of platonic friendship stuff in this too, Hetalia Countries Using Human Names
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ETUodwt
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br34dr10t · 2 years
Roleplay Informational Area
Welcome to my roleplay doc! This is a place that I’ve made to allow you to read all of my information in one place without any of the bullshit of having to search my tumblr.
You can find starters, shipping lists, plot ideas, my favorite tropes and more!
**Please note, if you are under 18 years of age I ask that you disconnect with me. I am 26 and I do not roleplay with minors. If you roleplay with me or interact and you lie about your age, I will immediately block you. I take this very seriously.**
Shipping List
Nyo! Northern Italy: GerIta, PruIta, EngIta, SpaIta, 2p! Germany x Nyo! Italy, DenIta, 2p! Denmark x Nyo! Italy
Nyo! Southern Italy and 1p! Southern Italy: SpaMano, GerMano, AmeriMano, EngMano, PruMano, and PortMano
Nyo! Prussia and 1p! Prussia: PruIta, PruMano, PrUk, Nyo! PruHun, PruAus, PruAme, PruScott, and PrAnce
Seborga: PortBorga, SeyBorga, SpaBorga, and FraBorga
Nyo! America and 1p! America: USUK, AmeriMano, PruAme, DenAme, RusAme
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reallunargift · 2 years
For the ship bingo: rusame and gerita
aaand portbra if you don't mind? Asking bc u rb'd one of my posts and got me curious
woah, now there's some interesting ships
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This is actually my main ship for Alfred haha, I'm not very versed in their history apart from 20th century stuff but I do love the rivalry element 👀
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THE canon ship haha, I do appreciate how cute it can be and how deep one can get into their history. My affections just reside with more minor characters, which is why I don't pay this ship much attention.
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So I can see them in either platonic or non-platonic terms! For the non-platonic one, depending on the interpretation this is a ship that I'm very open to, their mutual history is so vast and complex, and I think their dynamic together would be super interesting to explore. Your post definitely made me go "👀👀👀👀"
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Hey! 😚
This is a secondary blog where I collect all my posts from my main account: @olympeline
I mainly blog about Hetalia with a focus on England and France. FrUK is my OTP for life and I enjoy FACE family very much too. I also like Gerita, Spamano, USUK, Rusame, and plenty of others. Most ships are good to me.
I love thinking about this series and coming up with theories and headcanons about how it all works. Please feel free to add to my posts or drop me a message any time! I’m always open for a chat about my faves. Please note that posts on this blog may not be suitable for minors.
Have a good one! 🍻
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