#hriob dog days
hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
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"...do you kiss princesses with that mouth?"
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"Honestly, that was uncalled for- I was not aware you felt so strongly but still-"
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
Wait, is that an army of squirrels?
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"...finally, a worthy adversary! OUR BATTLE SHALL BE LEGENDARY!!!"
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The Dog-Shifted-Fae spends the next hour brutally massacring the invading army of tree-dwelling rodents, laughing and barking all the while.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
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"...Nope... not going to fall for that... Not going to-"
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"...I mean... ahem... that was not a squirrel, that was a chipmunk. They are entirely different animals... I think it is gone now."
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
‪❝I’ve heard there may or may not be a giant fluffy dog around here now-‪❞‬
From Tokoyami? Or really any of my muses.
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"...You wanted a fluffy dog? You found him, Lobo."
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"I would ask what you really were looking for, there are plenty of dogs in plenty of places, but here you are looking at me. Truly, such coincidences as these are too rare to be held as such so easily."
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy!" Annalise cooed and fawned over Hriob-dog, before placing down a plate of roast elk down for the floofiest boy.
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"...I do not really appreciate the baby talk, Anna, but I do ever so much love your cooking. Much Appreciated."
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Ignore the wildly wagging tail as he digs in on the elk - he's trying to maintain his etiquette and decorum.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
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"So, you a dog now?" He chatted, perfectly aware of the dog's true identity.
"...You get hairs all over your things?"
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"only when I want to be, and only on other people's things - if they deserve it."
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"Do not tell me you never considered self-transfiguration from time to time, even just to have fun at others' expense?"
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
"D-D-Doggie!" Cue Symphony giving the big dog lots of headpats and belly rubs. She had no idea it was Hriob, funnily enough.
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Behold, a Russet Boofer- currently wagging his tail and playing with the gynoid. Poor thing was too nervous most of the time, she deserves a play break to de-stress and not worry about things so much.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
Pari is.. astounded, baffled if you will. She'd never seen such a huge canine before but she kept a safe distance. "WOW! HOW MAJESTIC!"
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He's just hamming up frolicking as 'majestically' as possible now, stop encouraging him!
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
Dog?? DOG!!! Chiasa immediately transformed into her own big fluffy canine form to start chasing pup hriob
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Almost a perfect dance between Akita and Ovcharka, two big fluffy dogs separated by entire oceans and continents but united in a history of being considered 'bear-hunting dogs'.
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Truly, frolicking and barking and playfighting like this is the good life-.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
Big fluffy dog? How could Sol resist burying her face in his fur as she gave the best scritches she had to give.
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Big fluffy dog is having the time of his life.
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Solita better be ready to be tackled by a dog bigger than her and licked all over her face. Repeatedly.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
One small and lanky black oriental shorthair cat got themself on top of the doggo Hriob's back, thay started to knead on him and digging their claws in to get themself comfy.
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The massive russet Ovcharka yawns, getting cozy himself as his tail slowly wags at his friend's presence.
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Between his thick skin and thicker fur, the dog simply could not feel the tiny needles kneading him in the slightest, though the cat was warm and cozy, however comparatively smaller compared to himself.
"...dog nose means no cat allergies. Good to know...!"
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
Hriob, if you can turn into a a big floofy doge, does that mean you get the urge to chase your own tail or chase squirrels?
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"Surprisingly, no. I have more fun doing those sorts of things as a dog than I would otherwise, granted, but cognitively I am still fully myself, without any of the instinctual trappings of dog-hood."
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"I still have instinctive control over the body, running with four legs does not hamper me, but instictive reactions are muted, for better or worse."
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[Don't have much time today and I want to write but still have trouble with my focus concerning threads, so have this little update on 'Side Characters' for the blog: The Familiars!]
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[Astraeus, a Western Screech Owl, was Hriob's first Familiar, and effectively acts as a small courier and messenger for the Fae. Originally found lost and completely blind, the little owl was given the ability to see spirits, souls, and magical energies as Hriob does, and eventually learned to make small portals for himself to travel further and easier, and in return became the shaman's most eager spy and assistant. If someone gets a random gift or parcel from the Fae and no sign of entry or departure is seen, it was most likely Astraeus's work... though the little bird tends to be playful about his duties at times and can leave behind feathers if he gets sloppy. He also has a penchant to 'nest' in people's hair without warning if they look particularly soft and warm.]
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[Gurrel, the Swedish Vallhund, is Hriob's second Familiar, and was originally gifted by his adoptive Mutti Lyth to keep him company over the Holiday Season. In the end, the little guy was attached to Hriob to the point where his magic seeped into the dog, granting far greater longevity, intelligence, and endurance than most dogs his size could contend with. In day-to-day, Gurrel is less likely to be seen outside the Halls or away from Hriob's side, serving as a de-facto steward and emotional support of sorts - barking softly to get his attention when he gets too focused and loses track of time, resting his head on Hriob and licking his face whenever he has a panic attack, letting Hriob talk to him to work out his thoughts easier whenever he gets stuck on something, and the like. Cute as he may be, he doesn't act very much like a dog at times: more like a attentive, caring, if long-suffering butler for a troubled young Lord - one who has the same instinct to try and help those he senses have serious issues as his Master.]
[The two work together often, doing what they can to help Hriob keep sane and happy enough, but they have the most fun when they're called on to help play with kids - especially ones Hriob has found and wants to care for in some way. They make a pretty decent team, with Gurrel acting as the brains and the surprisingly athletic ground control to Astreus' eye-in-the-sky agile flight.]
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