hs-1dfan · 5 years
Every atom of me missed him
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Hi loves🌷
I’m back with another story!! It’s has been centuries for me to post something new. Sorry about that. Hopefully this will get me back at the writing game.
 ⚠️Hinting of smut. 
I know the time period for his hip tattoos doesn’t add up here. But it isn’t all set around 2017/18 harry. It’s a bit of a mix.
As always like, reblog and enjoy!
Xx Mir
‘’I love you, Harry,” she blurted as she woke. She found the right side off her bed cold and empty. She missed the muscular, tattooed arm that used to be wrapped around her. Waking up from her dream, she found that he wasn’t there. Sitting up in bed, surrounded with complete darkness around 3:00 A.M, she thought about how her life changed so much after agreeing to take a break. Because in Harry's words, “I can’t deal with this anymore. We need a break. A break from each other to figure out if we still want this.”
In the last few months of their relationship, they argued about everything. The fighting and arguments were things she thought about whenever she woke up in the middle of the night. She recalled all the bad and hurtful things she said in their last fight. After that argument, she realised that the words she said out loud weren’t about him, but of things she was dealing with. Neither one of them were angels. She realised that he worked hard, but she only saw what he didn’t do. All she knew was that she wasn’t making him feel loved or validated. It was something she deeply regretted. The fact that he was away a lot for his job wasn’t making things easier. Moments they spent together were filled with tension. Not a good or sexual tension, just an uncomfortable feeling of not wanting another argument.
In that moment, she just wished Harry was there with her. Maybe trying to fix things and work it all out. Was it too much to ask? She knew it was. It wasn't up to her to make a decision. A few nights ago, she let Harry know that she was sorry for everything that was said and done. That was all she could do.
But the ache of longing to be with him was overpowering. She never knew missing the one you loved the most could take over every fibre of your being. It felt like every atom in her body missed him. This wasn't something she had ever felt before.
The way he smiled at her made it feel like she was the only person in the room. His eyes full of adoration and love. Sometimes it was mixed with lust. The way his eyes darkened and the way his lips would curl up to this smirk. He knew… he knew how to make her feel good.
Or Harry telling corny jokes to her, knowing she would probably not find them funny. His perfect dimples when he smiled. But what made her fall in love with Harry was his love for others, helping people out. He still is a kind and loving person.
Thinking about these things put a smile on her face. Somehow, she lost this way of seeing him. All she focused on were the “bad” things, those typical little things you could get annoyed by. Having some time away from one and other made her remember the great things about him. The only hope she still held onto was that he might decide to give it another try.
Sighing deeply, she looked over to the clock on her nightstand. 4:15 A.M., another hour and fifteen minutes spent on Harry. Luckily, she didn't have work the next morning, so she could wake up later than usual. Getting out of bed, she walked over to the bathroom and took a few sips of water, gazing in the mirror at her own complexion. She switched off the lights and walked over to the bed. After getting comfortable and pulling the duvet up to her neck, she felt that her eyes grow heavy and she soon the drifted off back to sleep.
A few hours later, she received a loud wake up call as someone banged their fist on the front door. Grabbing her phone, she noticed a few missed calls and messages from a number she didn't know. She laid her phone back on the nightstand and walked over to the door to open it.
She couldn't find her voice; she lost every word she had ever learned. Her cheeks flushed and her heart pounded in her throat. He... Harry was here, at her house.
“Can I come in?” His eyes never left hers. How many love songs or movie lines are there with the line “He takes my breath away”?  At that moment, that line made so much sense. Even though her body felt numb, she still stepped aside and let him in.
“I thought it was time to talk. Don't you?” He let her lead them to the living room.
“Yes.. I believe so.”
Both of them sat down on the couch. Not sure who would talk first, they both waited. Harry finally decided to speak up and turned his entire body towards her.
“Let me begin by saying I'm sorry. And don't say I have nothing to be sorry for, because I do. Before we took a break, I was busy with work and I didn't pay enough attention to you when I was with you. Every time we were together, there was always a phone call from clients and colleagues. You never complained about that, until you were done with all of it. I didn't notice you were upset, tired, feeling alone. I've never wanted you to feel like that. So yes… I'm saying sorry. Both of us made mistakes, misjudgements. It took me a while before I realised that.
Right from the beginning, I missed you. Just last night I woke up thinking you were in my arms. But you weren't. I miss your laugh, the way you hate my corny jokes but still laugh about them, the way your eyes light up whenever you see a loved one, the way you are always there for everyone. I miss you. I want you to be in my arms whenever I wake up in the middle of the night. I want us back.”
He looked down at the ground, waiting for her reaction. He was never the one to be completely honest about what was going on in his mind. So this was something that he was not used too.
‘’ I woke up in the middle of the night and thought about you. I wished I was laying in your arms. I miss you. I have missed you for a long time.’’
She was nervous. Not looking at harry but at the ring on her finger. It was a ring that he bought her year and half ago.
‘’ I was mad. Mad at you, but also mad at myself. I said some horrible things to you. After you left I cried my eyes out. Obviously figuratively not literally.. I  mean.. haha ‘’ pointing at her yes. Whenever she got nervous, she ended up rambling.
‘’ I shouldn't have called you a self-centred guy. You’re the least self-centred man I know. But when you decided to take that break something snapped inside of me. Because I was there for you for so many years.. as a friend and partner. To see that you didn't even feel like fighting for us.. I got hurt.
I know that I’ve made mistakes as well. Whenever you got back home, I was more focused on my own issues. Not thinking about you needing to vent, or that you might needed me to listen. So.. I’m sorry. I know I apologised a few days ago. But seeing you now. Makes it more real.”
Harry just looked at her with a blank face. It made her nervous. But then he smiled. First a small curved smile, but then he got a big grin on his face.
“I know you’re sorry. But now we’re both sorry. What’s going to happen now? Because I still love you very much. That never stopped.” Grabbing her hand.
“I want to start fresh. I wouldn’t say get back to where we were, because that didn’t end well. Get back to being how we were before that. Because I would still do anything for you, I love you so much” getting comfortable on the couch, she looked at Harry’s hands holding her own.
The feeling of his cold rings, was something she missed.
He nodded his head, pulling her closer towards him. “I agree. Soooooo? We’re like a thing again?”
Putting her feet on the couch and nuzzling up against harry, “Yes.. we’re a thing again.”
After they were done talking about what has been going on in their lives, they walked over to her kitchen. “God.. all that talking made me hungry,” he said while scratching the back of his neck.
“I know. I’m starving,” she smiled. “What do you want for breakfast? It’s almost half past twelve. I could make some pancakes or just bake some eggs.”
“Pancakes are fine, can I help you out?” And he walked further into the kitchen. “Sure” and she amusingly watched him open kitchen cabinets, trying to find anything that would help them make pancakes.
She changed everything in the house after they broke up..technically they were on a break. A long break, very long. So seeing Harry trying to find everything was kind of amusing.
“Harry…. Harry. HAROLD!” She raised her voice. “What are you looking for?”
“You know… just that stuff.. THIS!” And he held up the flour. “We are making them the Dutch way right? Those big pancakes?”
“Yeah we are. Those are the only ones I know how to make” shrugging her shoulders. They put every ingredient in a bowl and started to mix it all together.
Harry looked at her and smiled. She looked beautiful with her hair in a bun, biting her lip out of concentration trying to mix everything together. He was about to clean up the flour, when he suddenly saw the flour on his shirt.
She hit him on his shirt. When Harry looked at her, he saw that she was shocked. But then started to laugh uncontrollably.
“I...I… I’m sooo sorry”  and snorted a little bit.
“It’s okay. You’ve never been able to hit the mark.” Grabbing a fist full of flour. “Let me show you how it’s done” and he threw the flour right in her face.
“OH.. “ wiping the flour off of her face. Making her way over to Harry. She went in for a hug, which he happily accepted. She had the biggest smile on her face. This was something they had both missed.
What harry didn’t realise was that she grabbed a bottle of chocolate syrup. After the hug she turned away for a second or three. “Hey love?”
“Hmm” And he lifted his head, while doing that he felt a sticky substance over his face.
Wiping his finger over his face, he saw that it was chocolate syrup. “What…the fuck.. was that for. We’re too old for a food fight. We could use this for so much  more” giving her a big smirk.
“No one is ever too old for a food fight. Oh really? What else can we do with chocolate syrup?” and she proudly put down the chocolate syrup.
Harry slowly walked over to where she was standing, not looking anywhere else but her eyes. She knew what he was about to do, and didn’t stop him.
He lifted her up on the counter, putting himself between her legs. He grabbed and opened the syrup bottle, holding it upside down and slowly pouring a little bit on her chest. Seeing the chocolate syrup making its way down her body, he moved closer towards her and swooped some of the liquid up with his finger.
“That’s something you can do with chocolate syrup”. He smiled at her, but his eyes were dark and full of lust.
She placed one arm around his neck and the other caressed his cheek. “What now harry?”
Harry didn’t answer her for a few seconds. He was too busy with placing kisses on her neck. While he was moving his hands from her hips to her inner thighs he answered her. ‘’Hmm.. Good question. What now?’’ He covered every single sweet spot that she had, and it was having the effect that he wanted.
She moaned and squirmed underneath his touch, leaning her head backwards in pleasure. Her hands made their way on his back, slightly digging her nails in his back. ‘’Hmm’’ a deep groan could be heard in her entire flat. A small smile covered her face, hearing Harry moan was the sexiest thing in the world.
Harry slowly moved his kisses to her ear and jawline. Their foreheads touched, looking into each other eyes. He placed one hand on her cheek. They both just gazed into each other eyes. A smile covers both of their faces.
While they were staring at each other’s eyes, his hands found their way to her shirt and started to unbutton them. At the same time she was trying to lift up his shirt, that clearly failed because they were both trying in a hurry to get the clothes off. When harry pulled his shirt over his head, she saw that he had a new tattoos. She moved her fingers over his new tattoos. ‘’You have a two new ones I see.. I like it. Brings out your v-line’’ she told harry with a smirk on her face.
‘’Hmm.. Yeah I did get two new ones. Few months ago..’’ breathing heavily. And when harry opened the last button of her shirt he saw that she had gotten her first tattoo. ‘’So did you, I see. First one? I like it”.
She just nodded “yuppp.” emphasising the p.
His hands moved over her from her hips, to her stomach. He cupped her breast, and one hand went to her back. Opening the clips of her bra.
The cold air gave her goosebumps, or it was just harry’s rings. God how she missed those rings. The way the cold shiny jewellery made contact with her body. Either way she was loving the feeling he gave to her, once again.  
“Come on” and she jumped of the kitchen counter. Taking Harry’s hand and leading him to her bedroom. The room was completely silent, neither of them spoke a word to each other. There was no need to talk.
Grabbing her hips, he slowly moved her backwards to the bed. His hands traveled all over her body, touching her sides moving up to her chest and then stopped at her neck. Both of his hands cupped her face, and he caressed her cheek with his thumb. And gave her small pecks on her lips.
“I love you” and he kissed her more passionate this time.
Turning him around she pushed him on the bed. He moved to the headboard. She crawled over the bed and straddled him. Her hair was loose, a few strands of hair covered her face.
They  just looked at each other. Harry liked this.. he wanted slowness, the closeness and warmth. Removing a piece of her out of her face, he planted a kiss on her lips. Turning her around, he made his way down.
He put his head between her legs, nuzzling at first. His beard was a little rough on the insides of my thighs. Then with his lips, then his tongue, he struck fire. She had to cry out in astonishment, at being touched in that right place.
There are no words, only sensation, smooth sensation. They were longing for each other.
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hs-1dfan · 4 years
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Hi, it’s Sunday. Another week has gone by. I’m waiting for my pizza to arrive.
Hope that everyone is still staying safe, fighting for justice and loving each other. I am doing my part in my personal life. Donating, reading to educate myself even more.
I might not be on here as much or post a lot anymore. But I do creep around and read posts and all that.
If you’re feeling down or having a rough moment, you will get through it. There are people here for you. Whether it is online, counselling or friends/family. Keep your head up, know that you are loved ♥️
Love M.
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hs-1dfan · 5 years
What’s the tea
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Hi lovelies 💕,
Sooo.. I have kinda left tumblr for what it was the past year. I was busy moving out, getting a grip on life living on my own. It’s been tougher then expected, and work has been nuts. So any time that I can do nothing, I’ll do just that. Absolutely fucking nothing. Think I’ve watched every show or movie on Netflix. Right now I’m busy trying to get my lymphedema and lipedema in check (search online for what that is) it’s been taking a toll on my confidence and the perception I have of myself. I’m not happy with who I am atm, and it’s okay for people to know that. There’s strength in admitting your weaknesses or what makes you vulnerable. I’ve come to terms with that...
I was also ready for a much needed break from the online world. I am still on Instagram (private one) and such, but the rest I kinda left. I’m still in touch with some of the lovely people I have on tumblr... they’re all sweethearts. I’m seeing some for the jonas brothers concert in February. I’ve been on dates a couple of times, that was fun. I am talking to this one guy atm. His nice. So who knows what comes from that.
Sometimes I check in on certain people here or reblog posts. I hope that everyone is doing well.. and living their best life 💕 Just know that if you’re in a rough spot right now, that it’ll get better. Find people you can talk too!
••Note to the ones that read my things. I probably won’t write a story again. I don’t have the time nor inspiration. Who knows maybe one day I’ll start again. I will keep my work up, because I can see that people still sometimes read it. ••
Anyways, this was a sappy post. To update everyone on here. I’m going to get back to my tea.
Also, stream lights up and nice to meet ya. The boys fucking ruined me again.
You can send me messages if you feel like talking.
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hs-1dfan · 6 years
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I looked somewhat human last night. Anyway I’m trying to finish a story today and I’ll post it somewhere this Sunday.
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hs-1dfan · 6 years
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‘’I love you, Harry,” she blurted as she woke. She found the right side off her bed cold and empty. She missed the muscular, tattooed arm that used to be wrapped around her. Waking up from her dream, she found that he wasn’t there. Sitting up in bed, surrounded with complete darkness around 3:00 A.M, she thought about how her life changed so much after agreeing to take a break. Because in Harry's words, “I can’t deal with this anymore. We need a break. A break from each other to figure out if we still want this.”
>Coming soon. <
I’m working a a few things again, this will be the first thing posted. Thank you you sticking with me!
Master list
Xx Mir
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hs-1dfan · 6 years
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
Christmas surprise
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Hello Hello, here’s a christmas, dad Harry fluff update. Because I fell in love with that picture in the middle. Hope you will enjoy it. 
You can find my masterlist here & here (rebloggable one). Like/reblog. Thank you all for reading my work!! It means a lot to me.
(The story continues beneath the read further line.)
“Mummy, daddy wake up. Snow, snow outside. Can we play?” Her little finger pointing at the white trees, surrounding the cabin they were in. After a busy year of touring and not seeing each other all the time, they decided to leave for Christmas and rent a few cabins in the woods for both of the families.
“Yes, we can, but right now..” picking her daughter up from the floor, “I want you in bed. Let’s watch frozen first, it’s still too early to go down stairs”.  Haley snuggled up against her mum, letting her head and body rest against the warm side of her mum.
Harry never woke up from the sounds Haley nor his wife were making. They softly sang all the words of the movie. She felt the breathing of her daughter getting heavier and when she looked down at Haley, she saw that her little girl was asleep again. Looking over at the time, she saw that it was nearly 9 am.
Deciding to let Haley and Harry sleep for a bit, she went down to make breakfast. Knowing that the smell of food would probably wake both of them up. They both were very similar in that way.
And like she expected, she heard some footsteps in the hallway upstairs that were going to the stairs. “Daddy, mummy and I saw Elsa. And we went let it goooo, let it goooo.” She was stretching her arm when she did let it go, and it made Harry chuckle. His daughter had his dramatic entertaining skills. The older she got.. the more it showed.
“But.. but.. we did it soft. Mummy told me to not to be loud” harry nodded as she spoke.
“Well you did good, with not singing tooo loud. Next time we will sing the songs really loud.. Now let’s see what your mother made for us.” the joy and happiness covered her entire face, when her dad told her he’d sing frozen songs with her.
Arriving in the kitchen they saw pancakes, toast, croissants. “Hmmm. This smells delicious” as he kissed her good morning. “Well.. let’s hope it tastes the way it smells.”
They all sat down at the table and ate most of the food. This was the time that Harry looked forward to, the last couple of months. Just the three of them having breakfast, not having anything planned out. Looking at his wife and daughter the feeling of being lucky with all of this love made him the happiest he has ever been.
“What are you thinking of love?” And it snapped him back to reality. Shrugging his shoulders and a lazy smile formed on his face.
“This.. I was thinking about all of this. How I got lucky with you and this little frozen princess”
She placed her hand on top of his, he gladly intertwined their fingers.
“So what are the plans for today? Playing with snow, making snow angels, go for a walk, decorating the christmas tree..”
“Okay, two votes for playing with snow, mrs. Styles no matter what you will choose, we will win this.” He said smirking.
Rolling her eyes at both of them, putting a finger on her chin. “Well.. okay. Playing with snow it is, and a walk. But princess Elsa you should get dressed. So does snowman Harry.” And she cleared the table.
“What are you then? A princess, princess Anna?” He was frowning, while thinking about what she was.
Taking her daughter upstairs to get dressed, she leaned over the railing of the stairs.. “nah.. I’m a queen. Queeen of hearts and you’re only angel.. “
They all got dressed in warm clothes. Haley took out her sleigh and brought bear along for the walk. Putting down a blanket on the sleigh, so the bear wouldn’t get cold.
Haley spend most of the time walking in front of her mum and dad. Putting bear back on his sleigh whenever he fell down. Sometimes sitting on the sleigh herself holding bear and Harry pulling her along. “Faster daddy.. faster!”
“I won’t go faster, you’ll fall down and get a cold bum. You’ll end up being snow girl Haley” that made her giggle.
Christmas was the best time of the year. Mainly because they were together. No tours, no interviews, photo shoots or anything like that. It was just the three of them and their families. Most of them would arrive around 3pm. So they had some alone time.
Walking behind Harry and their little girl, she couldn’t stop thinking about this tight unit they had. Sure they had their arguments, Haley her tantrums.. but it was all worth it.
Her thinking stopped abruptly, and she felt a cold and painful ball of ice against her face. Her mouth shaped in a big O. But no sound came out.  Looking to see where that snowball came from, she saw harry busy making a new one.
“DON’T YOU DARE HARRY EDWARD STYLES. DON’T… THROW THAT AT……” And she punched the snowball away. “Me!!”
Shrugging his shoulders and lifting up his arms he told her that she should join in.  And she did.. they had a blast with their snowball fight. Hitting him in the face, on his shoulders, knees.. and yeah.. he got what he deserved when she hit him in the nuts. By accident.
“BE CAREFUL WILL YEH. They need to make more babies. If you want more children…” making circles around his crotch.
“This area.. is off limits. For snowballs.. you have access anytime you want. Fudge you throw hard.”
When Harry finished his sentence about more kids, she stopped making another snowball. If only he knew…
Haley got a bit mad that her mum and dad were taking there time with a snowball fight. “Mum, daddy come!!!”
When her and Harry noticed what she was doing and heard her calling out for hem, they made their way over to their daughter.
“What is this you’re doing love? Aren’t you cold?” she crouched down beside her.
“I’m a angel mummy. Daddy’s angel” she smiled widely at her dad. “Yes you definitely are, I’ve got two angels.”
Harry was focused on his little girl, when he suddenly saw that his wife was on the ground as well. Shaking his head he decided to join in. They all made their snow angels, but got cold while making them.
“Mummy, can we go home?” Haley was done with playing and staying awake. Harry picked her up and carried her home. She stayed in Harry’s arms, warm and comfortable. It didn’t take long for Haley to drift into a nap.
“She’s something else. Sooo.. Uhm. You said something about babies when I accidentally threw a snowball.. you know. Would you want another baby?” This was the time to ask she thought, he brought the whole making babies up.
“I mean.. yeah. I wouldn’t mind making this family bigger. Maybe a boy… but if it’s a girl that just as fine. Why the sudden interest?” He looked over at his wife.
She stayed silent for a second or two.
“No reason in particular.. I would love another baby as well.. I mean now we both know we would welcome another child. That’s always good to know” shrugging her shoulders. There was a reason behind her asking this. She found out a few days before the trip, at the doctors that she was expecting again. Knowing that Christmas was coming up, she wanted to surprise Harry and both families.
Before they went away on their trip, she let a shop make special Christmas ornaments for her own announcement.
The ornaments all contained tiny little Christmas socks, written on most of them was “arriving 2018”. On Harry’s personal ornament was written dad to be. All of the gifts were wrapped up, so no one could know what was in them. She carefully laid the presents underneath the Christmas tree.
He wanted another baby… that thought calmed her nerves a lot. But it also made her feel elated.
Back at the cabin they started prepping the food for their family diner party. She was in the kitchen mostly by herself, while harry and Haley were watching frozen. The singing and laughter in the living room made the cabin feel warm and homelike.
Harry was singing on the top of his lungs, having his daughter trying to be the same way. They both would be rather amazed if she didn’t end up in the entertainment industry. She loved the attention.
“DADDDYY.. one more time, come let’s sing” and twirled around the room. The excitement and happiness was visible all over her face. “Can I wear this dress tonight?”
“Yes, you may wear that dress, but I’m going to help your mum for a bit and after that I can sing with you again love” he quickly answered.
Harry made his way over to his wife for a few seconds. Spending time with his daughter was something he had missed. Singing, dancing.. her laugh. She meant the world to him.
“Luckily everyone is bringing something, I don’t know if I could make so much food.” She told him.
“Hmm.. I’m sure you could, but I get it. It’s nice to have both of the families in the same room. I’ve missed it. You know I have” kissing her neck and rubbing her shoulders. “Hmm. Yeah. I love having you around again.”
* * * *
The Christmas dinner with both of the families was a big success. Everyone had the chance to catch up and talk about what was going on in their lives. Harry made sure to grab his camera every once in awhile.
People posed for a photos and sometimes harry just sat down and captured a smile or a hug. He made a photo of almost everyone, just one person was missing in his photos. His stunning wife was hardly in it. He had always known that she was camera shy, whenever a camera got close she choose to walk away or turn so she wasn’t visible. The only way that she would be fine with taking a photo, would be if someone else was in it as well. Harry started to look around the room, and spotted Gemma standing near haley and his wife.
‘’Gem… can you take her and haley. I want to make a photo in front of the christmas tree’’
Gemma nodded and took both of their hands and leaded them to the christmas tree.
‘’Say CHEESE’’ and he made a few photos of the three of them. Harry was looking at the photos that he took, and he was startled when Anne suddenly popped up.
‘’ This is very beautiful Harry, you’re very lucky to have her.’’ she put her hand on his shoulder.  Gemma was always excited when her little brother used his camera. She knew it was just a hobby, but she thought he was really talented. ‘’Let me see the photo’’ and she took his camera out of his hands. The first photo she saw was a picture of his wife, and the second was off his wife, third one was his little haley. ‘’Sod off Harry, where am I in these photos. Oh here is one.’’
Harry looked over at his wife and daughter. Her eyes,her lips, and her spirit all at once smiled at him. ‘’Sorry Gem, she’s.. Sorry they are masterpieces’’
‘’Right, well at least there is one photo i'm in. Now let’s open some presents’’ she answered.
Everyone made their way over to the Christmas tree. In no particular order people got their presents and started opening them. It made at least one person in the whole group really nervous. So far no one had opened her christmas gifts. No one knew yet that she is
Harry could tell that she was feeling uneasy and tense. So he decided to hold her hand and moved closer towards her. ‘’You alright love?’’. She just smiled to let him know that she’s okay. “It’s Harry’s turn” gems told everyone, “I pick this little box for you”.
He carefully opened the small box that was placed on his lap. Taking the gift out of the box, he read what was on the ornament. Not completely sure how to react, he looked around the room and over to his wife and back to the ornament.
“is this… what? Is this.. are you? Am I?? Am I going to be a dad again?
Her reaction gave the confirmation that he needed. Joyful tears covered her cheeks, ruining the makeup.
Finally speaking up, “coming 2018, yes harry… you’re going to be a dad again”
He hugged her immediately. Placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her so passionately. Soon his hand lowered on her tummy. The joy and the love was felt all around the room. Soon people opened their own little boxes. They saw that they had ornaments with coming in 2018 on it, with little socks inside.
Congratulations are being giving to Harry and his wife. Anne wanted to know everything, “Aaw sweetheart, this is amazing.. how long have you been pregnant? When did you found out? .. god I’m so excited to be a grandmother again” but soon realised that harry needed to be informed first, seeing the happiness as confusion on his face.
There was one little person a bit confused as to what was going on. Haley was to young to realise why her mum was crying. “Auntie gemma is mummy crying?”
Gemma wiped away a few tears, and puts Haley on her lap.
“I think you’re mummy and daddy will tell you soon. But these are happy tears.”
* * * *
Harry was still shocked and a little bit confused. He had not seen this coming. He was delighted because of what he read. Happy wasn’t even the right word, he just wanted to know when she knew.  So he took her by the hand and walked her outside.
“How long have you know?” Harry asked when he leaned against the wall. Still holding his ornament.
“I found out a few days before we went here. And I wanted everyone to have a memory of this. That’s why I have these little Christmas ornaments.” pointing at the gift.
“And well.. when you said you wouldn’t mind having another baby. I started to relax more.. it was nerve wracking, not telling you I’m pregnant harry. With Haley we found out together. And well..” shifting her feet.
“I wanted to make this a surprise. A Christmas surprise.”
He walked over towards her. Hugging her so tightly, and then placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I’m really happy you did it the way you did. And it was definitely a surprise.. a great surprise. You make me the happiest man alive. And you probably made my mum and sister also really happy. Are you ready for the storm that’s about to come? All the questions they have.” He asked as they stood in front the door.
“Haaa yes. As ready as I can be. There isn’t much to tell yet. But I’ll answer their burning questions.” Squeezing his hand.
“Good. Now shall we go inside, make this Christmas even more memorable?” Nodding her head. They both walked back into the room, with a smile on their face from ear to ear.
The warmth and love they felt in the room, made her cry. This is what Christmas was all about for her. Seeing happy faces, surrounded by the ones she loves.
Putting her arms around Harry’s waist, they stood there looking at the family in the room. She whispered,
“Merry Christmas love. Merry Christmas”
A satisfied smile that showed his dimple covered his face.
“Merry Christmas sweetheart”
Thank you for reading!! I’ll try to get the other ones online as soon as I can!
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
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Hello lovely’s,
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and is doing well. So I already have a masterlist. It isn’t that long, but i decided to make a rebloggable one as well. And because I do write smut from time to time, I’m labeling my one shots/imagines, mini series.
> = Fluff
** = Smut
Enjoy the things I wrote down here and on wattpad (I post there as well). As always reblog and like :’)
Feel free to give feedback, or come and talk! And maybe send request. It is really appreciated.. 💗
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Mini series:
> Fairytale prince part 1 ( being rewritten)
> Fairytale prince part 2 ( work in progress)
> Fairytale prince part 3 (done, not posted yet)
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One shots/ imagines:
** Underneath the little black dress (smut.finished) ** Early mornings ( smut. finished )
** Young, wild and 23 (smut. finished )
> secret love ( fluff. Finished )
> Hawaiian memories ( fluff. Finished )
> snapshot (fluff. Finished )
> H.S imagine ( fluff. Finished )
> AU. H.S imagine ( fluff. Finished )
> Movie night (fluff. Finished )
** Love in the backseat ( smut. Finished )
** wedding day ( smut. Finished )
> coffee date ( fluff. Finished)
> Christmas surprise (fluff. Finished)🎄🎄
** A break (coming soon)
> Selfie (title will probably change, coming soon)
** / > Every atom of me missed him (fluff, slightly smutty)
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
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Coffee date
Note: I know it has been a while since I put some writing out here. I've been busy with work and didn't have that much of inspiration going on :/. So this is the first thing I've finished in a while. Thanks to the lovely @lovingstyles87 for editing it 😘
I'm also working on a rebloggable masterlist, so that's coming soon:) Like always reblog and like or come and talk, it is very much appreciated 💕 
Harry looked at his phone for the sixth time in four minutes. In his jeans and white t-shirt and big white sunglasses on his head, he blended into the scenery of the people in the cafè. Some people were chatting to a friend, others drank coffee and a few hid behind sunglasses in the almost bright spring morning
In his mind, it felt like he was dressed in neon colours because people in the cafè and passersby looked at him. He was sitting alone and people noticed that. This was going to be his second date with y/n and he couldn't have been more excited.
Y/n hadn't arrived yet. As he scanned for her short form, dark brown hair and her trade-mark Chelsea boots, she was nowhere to be seen, as some people walked into the cafè.
He checked his phone again. No message. Sure he was early, but the waiting was nerve wrecking. Taking the last sip of his black coffee his gaze landed on a old lady struggling with her grocery bag. A tap on his shoulder brought him back to the reality of him waiting for y/n.
To his surprise the lovely girl that tapped his shoulder was y/n. He stood up from his chair and they hugged each other.
“Hi Harry” y/n smiled at at him.
“Hi, how are you?” He stumbled on his words a little bit. His cheeks were getting red and hot. The only thing on his mind was how this girl could get his heartbeat racing.
“I'm good, thank you. How are you doing?” She asked when she sat down. “I'm doing great, let's order some drinks and food shall we” and he gave one of the menus to y/n.
Harry's mind was all over the place. He was sweating. Fidgeting. Y/n made him nervous. Not in a bad way, it felt nice.
He already knew that y/o was beautiful .. very beautiful. Her eyes that would light up when he told a corny joke, her smile, those little freckles on her cheeks.
“I just don’t ordinarily do this,” he says. “Going out, I mean. Dating. It’s one of those things you see on the telly or movies and something goes wrong. Never really occurred to me that it was a thing people actually did. I don't date that much, not at all really.”
He frowns and takes a nervous sip of his coffee. “God, that makes me sound like a bit of a loser, doesn’t it?
“No,” she says, “I understand what you mean. Dating is weird and awkward sometimes. let's just agree that this is hanging out, maybe it'll take some of the nerves away” She smiled and looked down at the menu.
“Hello, my name is Daniel and I'll be the waiter for this table. Can I help you two out yet?” a slightly older man kindly smiled at Harry and y/n. Harry took a quick glance at the menu and told Daniel that he wanted a carrot cake and a black coffee.
“Have you made up your mind yet y/n?” Harry looked over to her. “Hmmm… I think I have. But it all sounds and looks really delicious. I'm taking the New York cheesecake and a caffè latte please.” She gave the menu back to Daniel.
“How have you been Harry? The last time we saw each other was before your tour. Was it as exciting as you thought it was going to be?” She smiled and looked directly into his eyes.
He kind of forgot she looked people in their eyes while talking. Even though he liked her eyes, he now understood why people get a bit nervous from people (himself) doing that.
“It was amazing. Honestly I don't think I've ever had so much fun. The fans all over the world were amazing. They sang every song, made signs and it looked like they had fun. And I heard stories from fans that they met friends because of me and the other guys. So if that's the case than I did my job. I also had some time to spend time with family and friends. It's always nice when I get that chance,” he said.
She gave him a smile and nodded a few times while he told some very touching stories, and she laughed with him when he told her about the funniest moments during his time on tour.
Harry noticed that y/n let him be himself and let him open up. Sure he knew he wasn't always very talkative, but with the right people he could talk for hours and hours.
“Okay.. enough about me. What have you done the last couple of months?” He said, while taking a bite from his carrot cake. Munching on his cake he listened to y/n explaining what she had done.
“The last time we met I was working at Starbucks and I didn't really like it. Didn't feel comfortable there. But I found a job that suited me more. So I applied. I didn't hear anything for a while.. I figured that meant I wasn't the one getting the job.’’
‘’But a few weeks ago they called me back, saying they found my application back and they wanted to plan a meeting,” and y/n took a bite from her cheesecake, and started talking again. Until she realized she was talking with her mouth full, and he probably couldn't understand a single word.
Harry didn't really mind it. She looked cute while eating and talking about something she loved. Y/n seemed very happy about getting that meeting.
“Sorry,” y/n swallowed her bite of cheesecake. “I have a habit of talking with food in my mouth,” she spoke while taking a sip from her lattè and then continued with her story.
“I end up at the building where the meeting was held. So far everything was just going fine.. the secretary brought me up to the room. But we were running a bit late, and we started to run. And before I entered the room one of my heels broke. I tried to hold on to the wall or so I thought and it ended up being the door to the room where the meeting was. “
Harry was trying his best to contain his laughter. But failed miserably.
“Yeah.. yeah. You just laugh Harold. I ended up laying there on the ground with three people looking at me with their faces full of shock. Long story short.. I got the accountancy job. Now that's how this girl got the job.”
Y/n smiled and took a few sips of her drink and ate her cheesecake.
“That.. is definitely how you manage to get a job. Just fall on the ground and make an impression,” he smiled.
Harry we need you at the studio for a few final checks. Can you get here in 30 min?
Yes, sure.
“They want or need you back?,” y/n looked at Harry's phone. Trying to sound as casual as she could giving him a weak smile. She was having fun, but like the last time his job took time away from their dates.
“Yeah, Jeff just texted me. They need me back in the studio. I'm sorry” he responded. Knowing all too well this was the second time that his job cut their “date” short.
Daniel once more made his way over to their table. “Can I get you anything else?”
“Just the check please,” Harry answered.
They had to wait for a few seconds before Daniel returned with the check. “Let me pay,” y/n told Harry.
“Uuh, no? I'm paying” Harry shook his head and went to grab for the check. Before the check was abruptly taken away taken away from his hands.
“Like I said Harry, let me pay. You already paid the last time. Next round is on you”  and y/n winked at him. They both smiled at each other. After y/n paid the bill both of them stood up and put on their coats.
Walking to the entrance of the cafè, y/n made a stumble and fell on the ground.
“Ugh.. “ she sighed. Trying to get back on her feet.
“Don't mind me. That's how I usually make an impression,” and she laughed it off.
Harry helped her get back on her feet.
“I missed you falling for me the last time,” and gave a cheeky grin. Harry and y/n hugged each other and both went their own ways.
When y/n walked away, she turned around “Maybe the next time we see each other you will fall for me. How about that? Have a nice day”  and she waved Harry goodbye.
All that was going through Harry’s mind while he was walking to his car, was that he was already falling for her. 
He would show her on their next coffee date.
Thank you for reading! <3 I will try to get another one finished probably this week! there will be some smut in that one ;’)
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
Hiii 🌸
So I’ve been working on a story for a while. Writing, changing and all that. Hopefully It’ll be done this week! I’ve got busy at work.. so I didn’t have that much time to write or correct spelling errors☺️.
But I wanted too give y’all a small preview of what I’m working on. It’s a mix of everything, there will be smut in the story ⚠️! I don’t have a title yet. But when it’s posted you’ll be able to find it back in my masterlist.
Harry looked at her and smiled. She looked beautiful with her hair in a bun, biting her lip out of concentration trying to mix everything together. He was about to clean up the flour, when he suddenly saw the flour on his shirt.
She hit him on his shirt. When Harry looked at her, he saw that she was shocked. But then started to laugh uncontrollably.
“I…I… I’m sooo sorry” and snorted a little bit.
“It’s okay. You’ve never been able to hit the mark.” Grabbing a fist full of flour. “Let me show you how it’s done” and he threw the flour right in her face.
“OH.. “ wiping the flour off of her face. Making her way over to Harry. She went in for a hug, which he happily accepted. She had the biggest smile on her face. This was something they had both missed.
What harry didn’t realise was that she grabbed a bottle of chocolate syrup. After the hug she turned away for a second or three. “Hey love?”
“Hmm” And he lifted his head, while doing that he felt a sticky substance over his face.
Wiping his finger over his face, he saw that it was chocolate syrup. “What…the fuck.. was that for. We’re too old for a food fight. We could use this for so much more” giving her a big smirk.
“No one is ever too old for a food fight. Oh really? What else can we do with chocolate syrup?” and she proudly put down the chocolate syrup.
Harry slowly walked over to where she was standing, not looking anywhere else but her eyes. She knew what he was about to do, and didn’t stop him.
He lifted her up on the counter, putting himself between her legs. He grabbed and opened the syrup bottle, holding it upside down and slowly pouring a little bit on her chest and shirt. Her white shirt was now completely ruined. But none of that mattered.
“That’s something you can do with chocolate syrup”. He smiled at her, but his eyes were dark and full of lust.
She placed one arm around his neck and the other caressed his cheek. “What now harry?”.
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
Writing Plans for 2018
I was tagged by my lovely friend @harrysgems . Thank you, love!
Finish stories that I’ve started. (I have a few lol)
Improve my writing, so any feedback is more than welcome!
Get back on track with rewriting my “Prince” harry mini series.
Maybe even work out some new ideas.
Try to post on time.... (Sorry I’ve been shit at it. I know!)
I don’t know who too tag.. I feel like a lot of writers have done it.
But yeah: @slow-handed @flniallgirl @fireawaynjh @icanseeyourholo @looselucy
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
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H.S imagine. A/n: I'll be on vacation this week, so I might not post anything. I'll try, but I'm not making any promises. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You look just fine love, stop worrying.” Harry told you while looking at his phone. “You didn't even look at me harry. We're about to land and I look like shit. While you look like you came out of some rich ass magazine” He put his phone down and started checking you out. Shrugged his shoulders and very calm told you to stop complaining. “Well.. thanks. I don't know how you do it.” And he looked at you, a face full of confusion. “What do you mean? How do I do what?” You pouted your lips, tilted your head a bit.. pointing at him up and down. “That… how do you look stunning after a 12 hour flight?” He started laughing.. not at you, but because of you. “Well this is me, I don't know what I do. But have you looked in the mirror? At all…” and shrugged, “I don't know how you women can't see your beauty..” “I just don't want to look like a weirdo coming of the plane” and you looked outside to see L.A. right beneath you. God... the traveling. It was one of the most amazing things. Harry looked at you through his sunglasses and just smiled at you. You looked gorgeous in his eyes, even if you had mascara running down your face, your hair messed up or wearing the most hideous comfy clothes. He loved you, all of you. The pilot told everyone on the plane to get back to their seats. Within minutes you were back on the ground again. After the plane was completely still, everyone in their was allowed to get off. Harry let you walk in front of him. And when you got off the plane, you took one last glance in huge reflecting mirror. Well… at least you looked half decent. Harry saw you looking in the big window and put his arms around your waist. “I will say this over and over and over again. You...look..beautiful…” and he kissed your neck. “You will always look stunning to me. Now let's go and get some food” as he was walking away he turned around and winked. Like he said.. he loved you.. all of you. He would tell you that until you believed it. He made you happy and confident with just a few words. It's amazing what love can do.
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
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A/N: Just a little thing I've written. Have a nice evening or goodnight. And a lovely picture reminding you of his gorgeous hands and rings. It's based of this picture by the way. The things he could do with those hands…. Anyways, have fun reading and like and reblog :')  
 ‘’Harry NO, you can’t see me before the wedding!’’. Is what you said to him as he walked in to you getting dressed. He started to laugh and walked in anyway, locking the door behind him ‘’’It’s not like I’ve never seen you before love. I really don’t care that much about it.’’ As he stood behind you and placing his arms around your waist. The both of you just stared into the mirror and smiled. "This is really happening. I'm shocked we are so relaxed about it" you said to Harry, he nodded as a reply. Harry started to cough a little bit.. "I'm relaxed, but I do feel a bit of tension". You saw Harry's eyes looking at you dress, and stopping at your boobs. Tracing his finger between on the outline of your dress, and then slowly cupping both your breasts "Hmm.. I think you picked the right dress. If the purpose was to tighten my suit then, good job". His hands started to roam your body even more. "Well, that was not the intention picking out the dress. But I'm glad to see you like it…… a lot" and you looked at him in the mirror. Harry was never shy about telling you what you did to him and his body. In the beginning it was tough sometimes, because that's not the kind of person you were. You weren't that open about how he made you feel or what you wanted from him. "The wedding doesn't start in a few hours, we can release that tension? If you want" you asked him. A grin appeared on Harry's face and his eyes started to get full of lust. He knew exactly what he was doing and letting you ask the question first before doing anything. 
 "Hmm… yeah. Maybe. I don't think we'll have time or energy to do anything after the ceremony and party." And he started to unbutton the back of your dress, kissing your neck softly. He took your dress down and you stepped out off it. Under your dress you wore this beautiful Crème white lingerie set. Harry took a step back and admired you from a distance. He started smiling and told you it was the most amazing thing he had seen. The two of you walked over to each other and started kissing passionately. In no time harry was without his clothes and stood there in his boxers. Harry sat down on the edge of the sofa that was in room, and was now levelled with your bra. He stumbled a bit because of the many clips he had to open, but eventually he got all of them open. 
 It was all surprisingly soft and tender. Sure it could have been like all the other times, but this day was already special. He took your breasts in his hands and took the one of the nipples in his mouth. The feeling of him sucking and slightly nibbling your nipples was overwhelming. The moans were escaping your mouth, saying Harry's name constantly. He lifted you up and laid you on the sofa, and he hovered above you. Slowly lowering his entire body on to yours. At first the pressure of his bodyweight on you was a lot to deal with. But then you forgot all about it when the warmth and closeness took over. You kissed each other slowly, harry softly using his tongue asking for permission. His hands traveled all the way down to your lace panties. By now you were already a mess and trying to find a way to breath. He took the panties off and placed kisses over your stomach and on your thighs. 
When he stopped at you wet centre, he looked up to you and started licking his own lips. "Let me taste you love" and he moved closer to your dripping heat. First he started with small kisses, after that his tongue moved in between your folds. The feeling of him between your legs, the stubble on his face, his tongue.. That feeling was overwhelming. More so because of the fact that this is your wedding day and normally he would see you walking down the aisle. But here he is… right in between your thighs sucking, licking and putting a finger inside of you. Your breathing became rigid, you chest was moving up and down and you felt a tingling feeling in your stomach. He knew you were close to coming, so he decided to up the tempo of his fingers even more. "Ooooh, hmmm .. Yes baby. You're gonna make me feel so good before .. AaAh.. We get married" trying to make anything sound somewhat normal. He moved even faster. And then you heard Harry laughing a bit. "It was your question, releasing the tension. I'm doing that right now. Are you close love? Sure feels like it.. Getting all tight around my fingers, come for me" he softly whispered. And you were close, very close. Harry was right the minute he mentioned coming and being tight, you let everything go. 
 After that you sat yourself in between Harry's legs and kissed his thighs. His thighs always turned you on. To be honest it was the first thing you noticed, when you met harry. When you were done admiring his thighs, you took his length in you hands and started rubbing it up and down. Although he didn't need that much to stimulation in order to come, you decided to make the best of it. Licking his full length and then taking him completely inside your mouth. "Hmmm .. Aaaah… mmph .. Yess baby" was all that he could get out. After bopping your head up and down a few times, harry grabbed some of your hair and moved you a bit faster. "Immclose… so.. Fucking.. Close" and after him saying that you felt him releasing his cum inside your mouth. The both of you got somewhat cleaned up and got dressed again. Harry helped you closing your wedding dress, gave you a quick kiss and said " I'll see you in a bit love, for the I do part" unlocked the door and went out of your room. You stood in front of the mirror again, this time without Harry behind you. All you could do was smile. But suddenly you got snapped out of your thoughts by your mom " where are you with your thoughts love, it's time to go!! I've said it three times now. You're not doing a runner are you, let's gooo". Of you went, getting married to the man you love.   
‘’Harry, do you take y/o to be your wedded wife, do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health for as long as you both shall live?‘’ Harry could only grin at the "promise to love her" part. Because he knew exactly that's what he was doing before the wedding even started. The both of you looked at each other and started smiling.   
 ‘’ I do.’’  
 Y/o, do you take Harry to be your wedded husband, do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health for as long as you both shall live?   
‘’ I do.’’   
And in all fairness Harry was right. There was no sexy time after the wedding. The minute you stepped in the house and saw the bed… the biggest and deepest sighs left both of your mouths. The sex, wedding and party were enough for today. You brushed your teeth and crawled in to bed next to Harry. 
He wrapped his arms around and softly said " I had a great time today my love. I'm so glad I get to call you Mrs. Styles now" and he gave you a kiss and both of you fell asleep. 
Maybe weddings weren't all that bad, but it for sure takes away every bit of energy.
Side note: if you like the picture, please just save it. I've seen too many times people reblogging things and deleting the story:) thank you.
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
Hawaiian memories
A/N: I'm not using the gif or pictures.. but it’s obviously about harry playing tag with that adorable little girl and sitting at the table.. That gif made me feel so many things...my ovaries may or may not have exploded. Anywaaaaay.... I had to write it. I’m not sorry for it, I had to leave you with something. like and reblog and whatnot! enjoy!
all the love,
You were feeling really happy and emotional at the same time.. The first time you and Harry went to Hawaii together, you found out that you were pregnant. all the two of you could do that day was cry, smile and harry giving kisses to your tummy. Now three years later, Hawaii was the mini vacation destination again. All of you were invited to a summer wedding in Hawaii... and of course your little one was coming along for the ride. 
This would be her first ever big vacation abroad. The flight went perfectly okay and she behaved really well.. The first few days you had all the time to just stroll around and looked at a few places. But all your little girl could ask was     ‘’ Mommy, Daddy... when are we going to see the lady in a pretty dress?’’ You and Harry looked at each other and smiled... ‘’ soon baby girl, the wedding is tomorrow’’. Back at the hotel you put the little one to bed and the both of you stayed awake for a bit longer. He was doing some work on his laptop and you were reading something about how to make great healthy meal. ‘’ She’s really obsessed with people getting married, isn’t she?’’ as he looked up to you and smiled. You nodded and winked back at him, ‘’ maybe it’s time for us to have that wedding then? since she’s all aware of people wearing pretty dresses and saying yes and such’’ Harry started nervously laughing.... ‘’ hah, yeah maybe.. who knows’’. After that the two of you went to bed, all because that little angel of yours would be up around 5 am. 
The next day everyone was getting dressed and doing their make-up. Harry helped you out with your dress, and well... you stared at him, because he looked drop dead gorgeous. ‘’ Mommy can i wear a bit of makeup please... you look very pretty.. doesn’t she daddy?’’.You answered your baby girl with a simple yes. So she got a little bit of clear lipgloss on and walked around like she wore so much. ‘’ LOOK DADDY, NOW I LOOK LIKE MOMMY’’ and he started laughing.. ‘’yes love, I’m so lucky to have two beautiful women in my life’’. When you arrived at the wedding, you chatted to a few people and said your hello’s.  Your little one found some other kids to play with, but when the ceremony started she sat neatly next to her dad. ‘’ how does she look princess?’’ as he watched his little girl look at the bride. He didn’t get a answer from her, which probably meant she was impressed. After the ceremony was done, you all were seated at a table for dinner. You wanted to send a picture to Anne and your own mom, so you asked a lady next to you to take a picture. When the photo was taken you looked at it and smiled. ‘’ look love, she only has eyes for you. Both of the grandma’s aren’t important enough to smile in to the camera’’ and both of you started laughing. ‘’ they are, but I know I’m more important. obviously.’’ and he started grinning. The evening was rather fun! there was a lot of music and happiness all around. Harry started dancing with the little one, on his feet. It’s something he does with her, when she wants to dance like mom and dad. But she can also throw some crazy shapes just like her dad, and they are definitely not afraid to show that. Around 1 AM the main party was over and the three of you went to bed. The next day there was a casual lunch, that all of you were also invited too. 
The lunch was going great so far. Both you and Harry had a chance to talk to people you didn’t see for a while. Harry was wearing a snapback again and was walking barefoot. To be honest the snapback was reminding you of years ago, when he used to wear one all the time. You were sitting down at the table and watch Harry run around with his daughter, having the time of his life. They were running around and fell down on the grass. Both of them started laughing really loud. It’s like having two little children to take care off, they weren’t drinking enough so you called them over. She drank a few sips of her water and harry took his champagne, and they ran around even more. You grabbed your phone and started filming them. ‘’ DADDY, let’s play tag now.’’ He agreed and played tag with her. You send the video you made to your mom and Anne. They would love to see Harry playing tag and being a wonderful loving father. 
As you looked up from your phone, you didn’t see Harry and your daughter anywhere. You got a little bit anxious, so you started to look for them. ‘’ Hi, have you seen Harry?’’ and the person shook their head. One of harry’s friends walked over to you and said you needed to walk over to the beach. As you walked over to the beach, you noticed some cute little hearts in the plants and trees. When you got at the beach you took of your shoes, and searched for Harry. After a few minutes of looking, you found Harry and your daughter, sitting on a rock. ‘’ HI MUMMY, YOU CAME!!’’ and ran over to you. ‘’ yeah love, I lost you for a second.’’ and hugged her really tight.
What is this harry? as you stood in front of him. He seemed a bit nervous, Harry was rarely nervous.’’ well, you know how we jokingly talked about marriage? because our little princess loves it. And that she’s old enough to realise what would happen?’’ You stood there nodding at what he was saying. ‘’uhm.. I wasn’t a joke for me. I’ve been planning and waiting for the right moment to ask. I love you with all my heart, and i couldn’t think of my life without you. All these years with you have been the best part of my life. You gave me the best thing in the world and made me a dad. A dad to this little girl... I know Hawaii holds a special place in your heart. It’s the place I first took you on our vacation, the place where we three years later found out we were going to be parents. I want to make this place even more of a memory..’’ As he was talking and saying all of these things, you softly started to cry. You weren’t a cryer but the things he was saying were so sweet. ‘’ you want to take this away little one?’’ as he looked over to your daughter. She walked over to you with a little box. and said to you ‘’ Mommy, daddy wants me and you to wear a pretty dress. Can we wear a pretty dress?’’ You looked at your daughter and smiled, and then you looked at Harry who didn’t seem nervous anymore. He looked.. relaxed. ‘’yes, yes.. yes we can wear a pretty dress. And we will wear a pretty dress’‘ 
The answer you gave made your daughter jump around and yelled at her dad ‘‘ DADDY DADDY WE CAN WEAR A PRETTY DRESS’‘. He looked over at you with the biggest smile you had ever seen. He picked you up and twirled you around. As you walked back to the lunch, you let Harry and your daughter walked ahead of you and smiled at the most beautiful sight.
This was another memory made in Hawaii. 
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
Movie night
Just a little something, inspired by harry’s talk about movies, watching things over and over again. Have a lovely evening or goodnight for the ones that'll go to sleep! 
As always likes/reblogs are appreciated🌸💗                                                 Also check out: love in the backseat, thank you so very much! 
“Harry not this movie again! Can't we see a different movie?” you sat down, legs stretched out on the long part of the couch and grabbed a warm and comfy blanket. Slightly annoyed by the fact that his mind was made up about what movie you were watching. You watched him search for that one movie, and getting frustrated when he couldn't find it. Maybe he'll pick a different movie, but that hope was long gone when he found his movie.
Yes... he may picked movies you didn't like, but it didn't really matter that much. It was just nice that the two of you were together again. The thing about having him back was the fact that you could cuddle up to him. It was something you missed the most, while he was away for press or shows. Warm and comfortable feeling he would give you, it was something you wouldn't trade for anything in this world. When he pressed play, he sat down right beside you. And you knew exactly what would happen next.
The fight over your blanket was about to start. “Love, can you give me a bit of that blanket?” he was dead serious. “Uhm.. no? There are plenty over there. Get your own” when you that,  you pointed at the pile in the corner. One you needed to check. Maybe some blankets could be given away to charities. You saw him looking over to the pile of blankets in the corner and pouted his lips.
“I know, but I want to cuddle with you. Haven't seen you for a few weeks, just thought it would be nice. I love how you cuddle up to me. Having two blankets would be a bit useless..  if you decide to cuddle up against me. ” his eyes meeting yours again. Dammit. He's playing the I haven't seen you card. You wouldn't let him win this time around. “No. Get your own” trying to sound very determined, and failing miserably in the process.
Harry obviously noticed that you didn't sound very determined. So he tried to up his game a bit more, knowing exactly what was going on. “But love, I'm cold, and one blanket isn't going to get me warmed up. A blanket.. your blanket to be precise and you could warm me up just perfectly” looking down at you with the biggest puppy eyes you'd ever seen him do.
He made it very hard to resist. So you started to think of a compromise. Maybe.. just maybe he could use your blanket, if he agrees to not watching this movie for a month. You were knew he liked other movies, so if really shouldn't be that much of a hassle. Harry saw that you were thinking, because of a frown across your face, he asked “What are you thinking about? I'm going to get a compromise, aren't I? “ he already knew the answer.
“What… huh.. nooo. You're not. Well maybe.” You stammered throughout that entire sentence. Turning your body towards harry, you looked at him.
“Okay so here's the deal, I'll watch this movie with you AGAIN. And you're allowed to use my blanket. BUT only if you don't watch this movie for the next month. Watching this at your mums house, at Gemma's house, nick’s house and now here, it a bit too much. Also let me say, you didn't win this. I just decided that it was enough.” Turning away from him and getting back to your little spot on the couch.
He started to laugh, not in a mean way but one of those laughs that would light up the entire room. Finding his place next to you, he put one arm around your shoulders and took one of your hands and intertwined it with his own. He shook his head. “You're to funny, you'll never win these silly arguments love. But it's lovely that you try every time. And sure, I promise we won't watch this movie together for the next month.”
You used your elbow to give him a gentle nudge. Then getting comfortable leaning in against Harry. The two of you missed a bit of the movie because of that little argument. “You didn't win Haz.” you softly whispered to him. He smiled and kissed your temple, “Sure babe, whatever you say, let's watch the movie”
You watched the movie for a good 30 minutes or so before falling asleep. Before you fell asleep you mumbled to harry that you loved movie nights with him, even when he picked horrible movies.
“I love it too, so much more then you realise. Now go to sleep. I love you”
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
I just posted some writing for the first time in a while.
Go and check it out ☺️
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