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When disaster strikes or animals are suffering, HSI can respond quickly because of YOU.
Your donation today also makes all the difference for animals tomorrow. 🤍
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wenchpop · 2 years
for a hispanic serving institution i dont feel served :|
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komodocomics · 2 years
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oipolinternacional · 16 minutes
Nuevo análisis del Laboratorio de Innovación Europol
Cómo la IA puede fortalecer la aplicación de la ley: conclusiones del nuevo informe de Europol El Laboratorio de Innovación de Europol destaca el potencial transformador de la IA en la aplicación de la ley, centrándose en aplicaciones éticas y transparentes de la tecnología para combatir el crimen de forma más eficaz Oipol & Oijust Operación Global | Agencia Europea para la Cooperación Policial…
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thebadchoicemachine · 1 month
Just leaving these here
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kazifatagar · 3 months
Positive market undertone despite low buying interests
Rakuten Trade says the FBM KLCI maintained its consolidation to dip below the psychological 1,600 level as profit taking activities continued. Read More Business News Potential investors from China visits Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park Positive market undertone “We are indeed surprised by the lack of buying interests on the local bourse of late but expect some bargain hunting to…
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alanshemper · 5 months
Despite the fact that there have not been any terror attacks in the U.S. since the Hamas war began, Wray has been fear mongering about the threat for months.
In March testimony to Congress, Wray warned that “we expect that October 7 and the conflict that’s followed will feed a pipeline of radicalization and mobilization for years to come.”
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likesmoney · 6 months
The Year of the Dragon
The Hong Kong Stocks Market dropped over 56% from its January, 2018 all-time high to its 2022 low. The HSI retested that low back in January, 2024.  2024 is the Year of the Dragon and so far the HSI is up 13% over from its January 22., 2024 low. Could the Year of the Dragon bring good fortune to the Chinese Market? In my special report, The Year of the Dragon, we will look at the daily,…
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daisylovesrumble · 9 months
BREAKING: South Korea bans the dog meat industry with historic vote at National Assembly as animal campaigners ‘overjoyed’ - Humane Society International
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conandaily2022 · 10 months
Eustis, Florida teacher Michael Kozierowski arrested; HSI joins operation in Marion County
Michael Kozierowski, 58, of Ocklawaha, Marion County, Florida, United States works at Eustis Middle School in Eustis, Lake County, Florida as a special education teacher and a volleyball coach. He was hired to work there in 2010. Kozierowski was the only person with access to the devices within his residence. He confirmed this when Marion County Sheriff’s Office deputies recently went…
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BRUSSELS — Today, the Belgian Federal government’s Council of Ministers approved a legislative proposal for a ban on the import of hunting trophies of endangered animal species, put forth by Zakia Khattabi, Minister of Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal.
The Minister’s preliminary draft bill follows the Federal Parliament of the Kingdom of Belgium’s unanimous vote in March 2022 in support of a resolution demanding that the government put the brakes on the issuance of trophy import permits for a broad array of threatened and endangered species.
This resolution protects species such as the hippopotamus, Southern white rhinoceros, African savannah elephant, lion, polar bear and argali sheep killed for sport.
The scope of the resolution also extends to all species listed in Annex A, along with certain species in Annex B of the European Regulation 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora.
Member of Parliament Kris Verduyckt (Vooruit, Flemish Socialists), initiator of the legislative proposal to ban hunting trophy imports in 2020 and proposer of the aforementioned resolution, said:
“I am glad that this hard work is paying off. Minister Khattabi is now fully translating my proposal into a bill and the entire Council of Ministers approves it.
It’s time we really started protecting endangered species. Trophy hunters prefer to kill the largest and strongest animals, the loss of which contributes to the disruption and decline of animal populations.”
The European office of animal protection charity Humane Society International, a long-time vocal advocate against the import of endangered species’ trophies, lauded the government’s decision.
Ruud Tombrock, executive director for HSI/Europe said:
“We welcome the fact that the unanimous resolution of Parliament has been translated into a legislative measure and look forward to studying the details of the legislation once published.
Belgium is leading the way for other countries in Europe already listening to calls from their citizens to consign the import of hunting trophies to history.
The next step should be an EU-wide ban on the import of hunting trophies from endangered and protected species, again reflecting the views of citizens across member states in the European Union.”
Over the past 16 months, HSI/Europe has worked with MPs to ensure that the unanimous resolution of Parliament was translated into legislation.
Today’s approval is the culmination of this campaign.
MPs from different political parties have maintained pressure on Environment Minister Khattabi.
A recent response to a parliamentary question from MP Jan Briers (CD&V, Flemish Christian democrats) revealed that the Ministry had only stopped issuing permits for importing animal trophies since mid-March 2023, a delay which outraged many MPs.
This landmark decision by the Belgian government echoes the strongly held views of its people.
A 2020 survey by Ipsos commissioned by HSI/Europe showed that 91% of Belgians oppose trophy hunting and 88% support a prohibition on importing any kind of hunting trophy at all.
This sentiment is not limited to Belgium but is resonating across the European continent.
A 2023 pan-European poll conducted by Savanta in all 27 EU Member States on behalf of HSI/Europe laid bare the widespread public rejection of trophy hunting.
A striking 83% of respondents stood firm against this practice, with just 6% in favor.
The vast majority is expecting strong measures to be taken against trophy hunting, with a compelling majority (74%) rallying behind a national import ban and similar support for an EU-wide ban (73%).
These survey results underscore a profound and growing public concern across Europe, spotlighting the urgency and importance of wildlife conservation and the protection of threatened species.
Today, Belgium has echoed the urgent European call to action against trophy hunting, joining the ranks of countries like the Netherlands, France and Finland, which have each implemented various degrees of bans and restrictions on the practice of import of hunting trophies.
Momentum against trophy hunting is accelerating across the continent, with nations including the UK, Germany, Italy, and Poland now also involved in active discussions to impose bans at varying stages of progress.
Facts on trophy hunting:
• The Netherlands introduced a trophy hunting ban for more than 200 species in May 2016 on the Annex A of European Regulation 338/97, on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein, and of species in danger of extinction.
The import ban also applies to the following Annex B species: white rhinoceros, hippopotamus, African elephant, mouflon (wild sheep from the Caucasus), lion and polar bear.
A total of 200 animal species are affected by the import licenses ban.
• France implemented a ban on the import of lion-hunting trophies in 2015.
In 2023, a Bill proposal for registration aimed at “stopping the issuance of import permits for hunting trophies of certain endangered species was tabled.
•The import of hunting trophies into Finland is restricted since June 2023.
The new Nature Conservation Act includes a provision that prohibits the import of individual animals or their parts from the most endangered species worldwide, which are threatened by international trade as trophies from countries outside the EU.
• In the United Kingdom in March 2023, British lawmakers approved a ban on the import of animal hunting trophies covering 6,000 endangered species, which makes it one of the toughest in the world.
The legislation is now being debated in the House of Lords.
• In Germany, the Minister of the Environment, Steffi Lemke (The Greens), announced that she intends to restrict the import of hunting trophies from protected animal species.
Germany terminated the Country’s membership in the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) in 2022.
• In Italy in 2022, a bill aimed at banning the import, export and re-export, to and from Italy, of hunting trophies obtained from animals that are protected by CITES, was presented.
After the fall of the government and the elections in 2023, the same bill was tabled again in parliament.
• In Poland, a bill sponsored by the deputy chairperson of the Sejm, the lower chamber of the parliament, reached committee stage discussion this month and is scheduled for further progress in August 2023.
• Trophy hunting of endangered species poses a severe threat to conservation efforts and the world’s natural heritage.
Trophy hunters prefer to kill the largest, strongest animals, whose loss causes declines in population.
The affected species, such as African elephants, lions, rhinoceros, and leopards, among others, are already facing the risk of extinction and play crucial roles in maintaining healthy ecosystems and biodiversity.
The loss of these iconic animals not only disrupts delicate ecological balances but also erodes cultural and historical significance.
Many species play important roles in their ecosystems. Their removal can have cascading effects on other wildlife, vegetation, and the overall health of the ecosystem.
• The EU is the second biggest importer of hunting trophies after the United States, as indicated in a report by Humane Society International/Europe from 2021, with an average of 3000 trophies imported in the period between 2014 and 2018.
• The top 10 species imported into the EU as trophies are:
Hartmann’s mountain zebra (Equus zebra hartmannae) (3.119), Chacma baboon (1.751), American black bear (Ursus americanus) (1.415), brown bear (1.056), the African elephant (952), African lion (Panthera leo) (889), African leopard (Panthera pardus) (839), hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) (794), caracal (Caracal caracal) (480), and red lechwe (Kobus leche) (415).
• The EU was the largest importer of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) trophies with 297 cheetah trophies imported into the EU during the study period.
• Belgium is the 13th largest hunting trophy importer of internationally protected species in Europe
• Shortly before the vote of the resolution last year, Animal Rights Belgium, another organisation campaigning against the import of hunting trophies in Belgium, delivered a petition with 37,000 signatures supporting the ban to the Federal Environment Minister, Zakia Khattabi.
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beesorcery · 2 months
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finally got around to this weeks nsbu
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A knockout! You guys have voted for me to draw and post the entirety of the House of Glass, so here's the next part that follows directly from this.
If you're enjoying this comic, please consider donating to Amira, a 23 year old who was displaced and forced to flee to the southern part of Gaza. Her home, university and workplace has been destroyed, and she's the only source of income for her family since her father passed away. You can read her tumblr @amira-world!
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oipolinternacional · 3 days
Intensificación de la lucha contra el crímen organizado
Oipol & Oijust Operación Global | Eurojust comunicación, documentación y fotos, La Haya, Septiembre 20 de 2024 | Cooperación, traducción y edición Oipol & Oijust, Septiembre 20 de 2024 – Para intensificar la lucha contra las grandes redes transfronterizas de delincuencia organizada, los fiscales de todos los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea (UE) pondrán en marcha en Eurojust el miércoles 25 y…
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financestrats · 1 year
hangseng index: Understanding its Dynamics and Impact
hangseng index Introduction:
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First, we'll give a quick of the Hang Seng Index's history,including its start, early achievements, and major events that influenced its growth. Next, we'll look at the of the HangSeng Index in the global market,
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focusing on its role as a sign of Asia's financial health, its effect on global investments, and related market changes.hangseng index Lastly, to ensure a smooth flow, we'll give a summary of the article's structure, outlining the different sections that will help readers fully understand the Hang Seng Index and its impact on finance.
I. Hang Seng Index: Origins and Evolution
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First, we'll begin with the start of the Hang Seng Index in 1969, telling the story of how it was created and the idea behind it. hangseng index
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Next, we'll look at the structure of the index, covering the factors that decide its parts and how it's calculated. Also, we'll talk about big changes and milestones in the index's history, focusing on important events and shifts that have helped it grow and change over the years.
II. Constituents and Sectors of the HangSeng Index
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First, we'll start by describing the 50 companies that make up the Hang Seng Index, explaining their industries, sizes, and importance in the Hong Kong market. Next, we'll analyze the different sectors within the Index, looking at how various industries affect its overall performance and steadiness.
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Lastly, to wrap up this section, we'll focus on how market capitalization plays a key role in shaping the Hang Seng Index, clarifying the factors and rules used to choose and weigh stocks.
III. Relationship between the HangSeng Index and the Chinese Economy
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Initially, we will commence by examining the impact of the Chinese economy on the Hang Seng Index, assessing how economic developments in China affect the performance and fluctuations of the Index. Following this, we will delve deeper into the Hong Kong-Shanghai Stock Connect, outlining its purpose, operation, and its significance for investors across both markets. Lastly, as we conclude this segment, we will enhance our understanding of the role of China's economic policies on the Hang Seng Index, shedding light on how these policies influence the Index's growth, trends, and stability.
IV. HangSeng Index's Influence on Global Markets
First and foremost, we will delve into the correlations between the Hang Seng Index and major global indices, hangseng index
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exploring the interconnectedness and relationships that exist in the global financial market. Subsequently, we will discuss the role of the Hang Seng Index as a leading indicator, illustrating its significance in providing valuable insights into economic trends and financial market performance for both Hong Kong and the broader global landscape. Concluding this section, we will examine the effects of global economic events on the Hang Seng Index, shedding light on how international occurrences, such as geopolitical shifts, trade disputes, and economic crises, can impact the Index's performance.
V. HangSeng Index: Performance and Projections
First, we'll start by looking at the Hang Seng Index's past performance,
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following its path over time and pointing out important milestones and market changes. Next, we'll study how macroeconomic factors affect its performance, examining how things like interest rates, inflation, and GDP growth can help shape the direction of the Index. hangseng index Lastly, as we wrap up, we'll discuss predicting future trends and chances for investors, covering the factors that can affect the Index's outlook and how to use this knowledge to make smart decisions. `Hang Seng Index Performance Overview`
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In summary, we'll start by going over the main ideas from the article, making it easy for readers to remember key information about the Hang Seng Index's past, structure, and global influence. Moving forward, we intend to emphasize the pivotal significance of the Hang Seng Index in the current global market. In doing so, we will illustrate its capacity to function as a prominent financial compass, particularly as it is utilized by both investors and financial analysts. Consequently, these market participants are better equipped to observe prevailing market trends and, as a result, make astute investment decisions. Lastly, thinking ahead, we'll discuss possible future changes for the Hang Seng Index, taking into account Considering various factors, such as economic policies, market forces, and global events, we acknowledge that these elements possess the potential to significantly influence the performance and growth of the Hang Seng Index. By examining these aspects in greater detail, we can better understand their impact on the Index and, consequently, on the global market. "Explore various investment strategies and optimize your portfolio." Read the full article
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mrbilge · 1 year
Hang Seng Index one year gainers and losers
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