#htf Kyle
herebecritters · 9 months
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The D&D party HEHEHEH
Geshtu plays a vampire drow Warlock named Ilewela (iLewela).
Hopps (oc belonging to @ickyguts) plays a drow swashbuckler rogue named Atlas.
Kyle (oc belonging to @technicoloranimalviolence) plays a Cleric
Mime plays a bard, Toothy a fighter, and Giggles a druid.
Sniffles is their DM naturally hehe
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Geshtu kinda stays glued to Hopps during the sessions, he’s still uneasy interacting with most treefolk. Luckily it helps having a character to hide behind. He slowly opens up more over time, but he still keeps his distance for the most part. The others find him odd and a little creepy, but….he’s a really good warlock and is really good at driving the game. Its almost like he has a lot of leadership experience or something.
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Hopps spent WAY too much money on cosplays for them. But they sure do look fly as hell.
Geshtu in his Ilawela cosplay:
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Ilawela in game:
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They are the same exact person. Geshtu basically just plays himself. He thinks he’s a great role player.
I’ll post about the story of their campaign later but for now….have this >:3
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yes i know i forgot his slippers. i know. but look at him anyway.
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cyb00gie · 3 months
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kyle just can't wrap his head around this kind of larping
kyle's owned by @technicoloranimalviolence and geshtu's owned by @herebecritters !!!!!!!
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tailhitch · 9 months
what's tailhitch's opinions on Kyle Bully Neil Sliky & Flopsy?
Kyle: Tailhitch thinks he’s a nice guy, he just wishes he’d ask for help every once in a while. Hell, Tailhitch would even cover Kyle’s shifts if he just asked. If Kyle’s bosses said anything Tailhitch could easily handle it. Tailhitch just kind of feels bad for the coyote.
Bully: To be frank Tailhitch doesn’t really hate the guy he just thinks he’s kind of a jerk, they’ll probably never be friends but Tailhitch feels no animosity for the reptile. He’s sort of reminded of his universes version of starscream in all honesty. Loud, rude, and will definitely push you around, but the moment someone bigger and stronger shows up he’ll skedaddle. But he’s probably a good guy somewhere under all the douchebaggery.
Neil: Tailhitch keeps a close optic on him, he knows that this strange new world technically isn’t earth, and as such it probably won’t have the same effect on an extraterrestrial that Earth has had on the autobots and decepticons. So he keeps careful watch on the bee and the skies above the isles. If anything starts going down, Tailhitch will be the first line of defense.
Silky: He reminds Tailhitch too much of his old boss* (slave master) from his mining days before he joined the autobots. He frequently has to stop himself from activating his holomatter generators and punching the moth in the stomach. It’s not even over anything silky says to the bot directly, most of the time. He just has a general hatred for these kinds of people.
Flopsy: Much like with lammy and her weird pickle, Tailhitch has a hard time trusting the magician and his bolo tie. The few times the autobots and decepticons interacted with the inhabitants of equestria were more than enough for Tailhitch to learn to identify when something is magic, evil, and magically evil. Once again Tailhitch is reminded of the decepticons air commander. As just like starscream, flopsy, despite pleas to the contrary, probably never really thinks about his actions or what led him to this point.
All of these characters besides Tailhitch belong to @technicoloranimalviolence. Go give them some love.
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pastel-pandoll · 7 months
Characters that are not Cis cause I said so:
Kyle/Transmasc (FBACC)
Yo and Sigmund/Transfem (FBACC)
Chum Chum/Bigender (FBACC)
Last Chance/Transmasc (Kitty is not a cat)
Thorn/Transfem (Kitty is not a cat)
Timmy Tom/Non Binary (Kitty is not a cat)
Regina George/Transfem (Mean girls)
Bandit and Bluey/Transmasc and Transfem Father-Daughter Duo! (Bluey)
Mackenzie/Non Binary (Bluey)
Marvin the Martian/Non Binary (Looney tunes)
Glamrock Freddy/Transmasc (Fnaf)
Mangle/Bigender (Fnaf)
Heather Duke/Transfem (Heathers) (Never shut up again is her coming out song :3c)
Flaky/Non Binary Transfem (She/they) (HTF)
Cuddles/Genderfluid (HTF)
Jessica and Roger Rabbit/T4T couple (WFRR)
Miguel/Transfem (RBUK)
Athena/Non Binary (She/They) (RBUK)
Wakko/Non Binary (Animaniacs)
Dot/Transfem (Animaniacs)
Literally almost everyone in Jellystone LMAO
Jax/Transmasc (Digital Circus)
Iggy/Non Binary (Koopalings)
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artist-queen · 1 year
Ciervo Lavanda
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Me encontré con esta imagen de mi ciervo silencioso por Devianart y no pude evitar compartirla por aquí, Mime es tan lindo(a quien engaño todos los personajes en HTF son lindos) además es uno de mis personajes favoritos.
El dibujo pertenece a Lindsay Kyle.
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ratkyle · 2 years
(Relatively) short about me lol
-i like clowns and ruffled sleeves
-i enjoy vibrant outfits thatd fit the term 'funky'
-silly guy in training
-diagnosed adhd and social anxiety (might have autism idk for sure) (i have more than that but these are the main things)
-thinks that tone indicators, symbols (!, ?) and/or emoticons are useful :3
-favorite animals are domesticated rats, overall any canines (foxes, coyotes, and wolves mainly), and moths (especially ones that look soooo fluffy)
-hoards labels and objects either due to neuroposic or just a natural urge (constelity for example)
-i can sound sarcastic when not intended, and vice versa /gen
-intj 😎
-other facts: likes spooky stuff and opossums (tbh any fluffy marsupial is rad), plushie collector and stasher, gives people shiny things or things i like as a way of affection (images, trinkets, etc ^u^), probably a chaotic good, give me any worm-like toy and i will take it gladly and kindly, i devolop emotional bonds with anything and anyone too fast /gen
It/its preferred :D
He/him and They/them acceptable but not preferred :]
She/Her is a big fat no >:/
Neopronouns are still being looked into, for now a no thanks '^'
In short, a queer mess who's pretty much omniromantic, androsexual, and librafluid (personal definition for librafluid is being agender while fluctuating through being any gender, though agender always outweighs the other, think of a scale yknow)
I draw, but its not always good, planning to do commisions when i can - I also animate but just as a hobby - I make music, but more likely mix music, and this is also remaining as a hobby
Shifted from an old acc that DID have htf art at first, but it morphed into something else quickly :/
Expect an occasional vent on here with a tw and a cut below it
Minor so dont be weird >:[ (or youll be blocked if you are -_-)
My names not actually kyle lol
Also yes i do have a dni!!
Transphobia, homophobia, terfs/etc, neopronoun and xenogender hate, any other NOT harmful identity hate, nsfw, cringe/cancel culture, maps/zoos/etc, anti-obscurekin (foodkin, plantkin, conceptkin, etc), "sfw", anti-furries, abliest, racist, overall douche/toxic, and other dni criteria are not allowed on here >:/
Overall, just be civil on here and dont attack anyone, otherwise youll be blocked or reported, or just straight up ignored depending the situation
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treetownconfessions · 2 years
"depends on which one it is, i guess."
Kyle would be fun to add into HTF! He could be a red panda or something!
(P.S. you awakened a fandom I buried deep and locked in my brain. South Park brings bittersweet memories..... won't expand....too much unwanted grief and sadness, but I'd be happy to talk about South Park in general!)
i never was too into the fandom but it holds a place in my heart, sorta
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peppermintpillz · 2 years
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early 2000s cartoons my beloved...
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whoops. uh. fuck i turned the rendering up too high. sorry wont happen again
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HTF AU that I want but am too #lame to create myself lol
-zero stays, jelena stays (bc that ish with miguel was ugly) but all those new ppl show up too. terrence and derek and asha fuck off to whatever teams and do their thing
-pete doesn't randomly fuckin die, kyle is the captain of the devil girls, jelena takes that dead womans job, sloane and german and oscar are in prison where they belong
-pax is baby
-eve still works for the league, noah and the red headed bitch are her pawns. jelena knows who she is and why she's there when she starts popping up, her and jude have each others back abt it (gotta save the devils and their rep yk?)
-jude and jelena.....become..... Friends?
-pastor curtis is still wack and awful but gotta keep him in plot for the Drama™
-jude and zero finish that house and get married (eventually) as predicted by the Bouquet (kyle and beau remain happy but as of yet unmarried)
-Lionel continues to be a bad bitch as per usual
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murcrue · 6 years
Ummm....  Is no one going to talk about the fact that Jude apparently slept with 6 guys in order to get enough money to buy the team?
“Six sexual favors to five investors later.”
That’s a bit of a jump from the Jude of 4x01 who didn’t even want to look at a guy that wasn’t Zero.  I guess being owner of the Devils is the one thing that he’s wanted his entire life and he was willing to do anything to get it.  I’m kind of proud of him.  It was actually very Kyle like.  This is why he and Kyle need to interact more on the show!
I had actually been wondering how he had gotten enough money to buy the team.  Even if he and Zero had still been together, they wouldn’t have had enough money; Terrence and Jelena spent the entire second half of the third season trying to find investors.
I guess that’s one mystery solved...
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tailhitch · 9 months
Happy birthday @technicoloranimalviolence here’s Tailhitch giving Kyle a present and a fireworks display
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jvdedthoughts · 6 years
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Kyle Hart in Hit The Floor S04E02: Beast Mode .
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fxckingfxntastic · 6 years
I’m actually excited about this new season of hit the floor. I was definitely apprehensive with half the old cast being gone and a bunch of newbies, but I think they did the best with what they had. The premiere was definitely a bit all over the place with a lot going on, but I get that they were trying to tie up old storylines and introduce new ones all at once so I cut some slack. I understand why a lot of people are pissed about the way they broke the ships up (Dersha and Zude both) and I fully understand why people don’t want to watch because of that. But here’s the way I saw it: the actors chose not to come back when VH1 wavered for too long and let their contracts expire. Was everybody else who works on the show supposed to say “Oh that’s it, guess the rest of us just won’t have a job?” No. The people who wanted to come back and could come back came and it wouldn’t be fair to punish them because of the people who didn’t (This is  in response to the people saying they shouldn’t have renewed the show when they couldn’t get all the original cast). This isn’t James fault or Brent’s or McKinley’s or even BETs. I’m willing to go into this eyes open and see where they take it.
That being said, the good thing for the people who were really just here for Zude and Dersha is that they gave a really awesome ending and happily ever after in the summer special and we can always just live in that (In my mind season 4 is an alternate timeline. The happily ever after timeline exists parallel to it haha).
But I am excited! It’s too early to judge the new characters but they all have potential. I hope the next episode flows a little better, but other than that I’m ready to see where the summer takes us! Devils nation, rise up :)
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idealuk · 6 years
@ecmlol‘s Periscope reaction is almost better the actual episode! ... So, it’s ‘Shoot first and get his name and number later,’ Eve is coming for us all (let’s hope in a different way where Lionel is concerned), ...
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..., but Pete doesn't (too soon?), Kyle’s a #Boss, and ...
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