#hubert von vestra x ferdinand von aegir
lapinbunwrites · 10 months
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Title: Tea That Almost Went Cold
Ratings: Gen
Warnings: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Relationships: Ferdinand von Aegir/Hubert von Vestra
Charcters: Ferdinand von Aegir, Hubert von Vestra, Edelgard von Hresvelg
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, During War, Crimson Flower | Black Eagles Route
Word Count: 1,193
Ao3 Link
Hubert couldn't remember the last time he saw Ferdinand, he really couldn't. The mission that he and Edelgard planned shouldn't be taking this long, he made sure of it. He knew that Ferdinand would complete with perfection, but Hubert took in his irritating personality into consideration when planning. Even for Hubert, it was very eerie that Hubert was still not back at the church.
With Ferdinand's absence, Hubert felt this void throughout his whole body. He tried his best to get rid of the feeling, but most of the time he was just distracting himself. At first it was drowning himself in his paperwork, then when he didn't have that, it was working in the shadows making sure Edelgard's other plans were working seamlessly. There became a point when that everything was taken care of and there was some down time even he couldn't avoid. The darkness that he felt took over yet again.
He was constantly kicking himself in the butt about these feelings. Why was he feeling it? Why did he care about Ferdinand so much? Why did he care about how he ended up home alive? Hubert knew the risks when he planned the mission and Ferdinand knew the risks when taking the mission.
"Ugh" Hubert sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Such a long sigh," Edelgard commented, passing by. "I would say that it's unlike you to sigh, but you always do this."
"You Majesty," he said, looking at her. "I apologize for my demeanor. I did not intend to interrupt you on your walk."
"It's alright," she reassured him. "What's the matter this time around."
"It's something trivial," he dismissed. "Nothing you should worry about. You have more pressing matters to attend to."
"Hubert," she said, her voice becoming deeper. "I highly doubt that this is trivial. Please tell me before I have to order you to do so."
"Very well," he sighed again. "It's Ferdinand."
"Oh, wow," she said, mouth agape. "Now this is unlike you. You worrying about someone else, Ferdinand of all people."
What was more unlike Hubert, he furrowed his brow to her.
"Yeesh," Edelgard sighed. "But this is hardly trivial. Caring for a soldier is a natural for someone."
"Your Majesty," Hubert said in a voice he never, ever gave Edelgard.
She took one giant breathe and exhaled.
"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," he profusely apologized.
"Anyway, it is a little concerning that he still isn't back," she continued. "Though it's nice to hear him constantly boast about himself and how he his better than me."
"It's strange that I miss hearing him bickering about something things," Hubert mused.
Edelgard raised an eyebrow.
He sighed, trying to rethink his words. "I guess I just miss his voice."
"I'm sure he is alright," she reassured him. "He likes taking his time to make sure the mission ended perfectly."
"I hope you're right," he said under his breath as she walked away.
Hubert went about his day, trying to find something to fill the void. He did chores around the monastery, he did some paperwork, he trained, and he talked to the soldiers and his friends. When none of that worked, he laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He never took his eyes off of the ceiling, not even when his eyes stared to burn and it felt like it the ceiling lowered itself to put pressure on his chest. That ended up being a more pleasant feeling than the void he had been feeling the past few weeks.
He woke up the next morning, yawning and stretching, not realizing that he had fallen asleep. It was rare for him to do so, but even rare when he didn't realize it. He couldn't even pinpoint when he did; was it when he was thinking of the million stupid ways Ferdinand died or failed, or was it when he thought of the millions of way to distract himself from this whole situation. He would never fully know.
For the most part, his routine was still the same but there were a few things that wasn't the same. He didn't get the millions of meticulous reports that Ferdinand, him getting an earful of what he had to say. The one thing that stayed the same, was him making both coffee and tea. Hubert just sat by himself to drink his coffee and breakfast while watching the tea he made go cold.
"Is that you Hubert," a distant voice called out. "I smell the coffee you love to drink."
"What," he said softly, his ears picking up. "That voice..."
"Ah, Hubert," Ferdinand smiled. "It is you. Nice to see you are enjoying yourself."
"Ferdinand!" Hubert said surprised, getting out of his chair and knocking it over. "You're alive?!"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" Ferdinand said in disbelief as he walked over to the table. "May I join you?"
"Of course," Hubert insisted. "You've been gone for months, I was getting worried."
"That is unlike you," Ferdinand said, sitting down. "I am sorry for worrying you, though."
"Ferdinand," Hubert sighed in relief.
"Hm?" Ferdinand asked, taking a sip of the cold tea.
"Where have you been?" Hubert asked. "And this time, I give you full permission to not shut up."
Ferdinand chuckled as he placed the cup down. "Why thank you. You are so gracious Marquess Vestra."
Hubert smiled and shook his head. He listened to the ever riveting story about how he completed the mission perfectly, and how afterwards he got lost. He wasn't surprised that Ferdinand got lost and ended up helping a village on the way back, he was still a buffoon to him.
"So, my dear Hubert," Ferdinand said, holding out his fork with food on it. "What have you been doing lately?"
"Picking up your slack," Hubert teased.
"Ah, I bet the extra workload hasn't been too stressful," Ferdinand teased.
"It kept me busy, to say the least," Hubert said, taking the last drink of coffee he had.
"I wish sometimes you would relax," Ferdinand frowned.
"When you have a friend of yours gone, you have to make it up," Hubert reminded him. "Especially one as important as you."
"Awe, thank you Hubert," Ferdinand said, taking Hubert's hand.
"Don't read too much into it," Hubert growled.
"Too late," Ferdinand said, kissing Hubert's gloved hand.
"Whatever," Hubert said, trying to repress his blush.
"Why don't we spend the day together then," Ferdinand smiled. "We can do whatever you want. It can even be paperwork."
"Don't tempt me," Hubert said, taking their plates.
Ferdinand smiled, helping him with the dishes.
Hubert caved in and allowed himself to relax, even if it was with Ferdinand. All they did was clean dishes, go to the market to grab a few things, and do nothing. All in all, it was a nice day for him. With Ferdinand being back, the void and emptiness that he was feeling was gone. Maybe it wasn't a bad thing to be around him at all. After all, Hubert wouldn't mind if he spent the rest of his life alive if Ferdinand was there at every step of the way.
This is my revenge fic for @lysterene who drew me my FE 3H OC Amelia for the FE art scuffle that we were in. Got to write these bitter lovers together for the first time in forever, their A supports and end card obliterated me. Hope you enjoy!
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floofnwool · 1 year
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The Phantom of the Mittelfrank Opera, starring Dorothea Arnault, Ferdinand Von Aegir and Hubert Von Vestra🌹✨
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calamari-inari · 1 year
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Hubert and Ferdinand dressed as Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens for Sam!
Thanks for the cute crossover sketch commission! ❤️
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arcthunderrz · 14 days
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My favorite fe3h yaois
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tea-cat-arts · 6 months
Doodle request!
Ferdinand getting caught trying on Hubert’s cape? 😂
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Ferdinand clown hours
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asperrusual · 2 years
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3H x Tumblr
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tinterabyte · 3 months
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🎶 Now playing: Challengers by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
I saw someone on twitter make a post about edelferdibert in the challengers setting and I thought it’d be cute to put them in stylish, sporty outfits!!
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cursedstuff20 · 10 months
Edelgard needs more love. Enough said!
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glowingbadger · 7 months
Which of the Three Houses guys will watch their beloved go off on an enemy and have the reaction of "Well mark me down as scared AND horny", do you think?
Ahh, see my dear Friend Anon, this is a nuanced spectrum- but I'll do my best to break it down as I see it:
Scared and Horny:
Claude - has enough common sense to be scared, but definitely hot-blooded enough to be horny about it. A beautiful balance, frankly, though he may tease you about how wild you were.
Raphael - soooo close to qualifying for the "just horny" category, but he is a sweet boy and still wants to check to be sure you're alright (mentally, emotionally, physically) after the battle.
Ignatz - soooo close to qualifying for the "just scared" category lmao. However, as you all know, I see our boy Ignatz as very repressed and very kinky, and seeing you be so powerful and passionate definitely stirs some part of him.
Ferdinand - practically the poster-boy for "scared and horny" tbh; he feels sheepish about it, but he just can't help how your strength and force of will arouse him.
Seteth - also strangely close to the "just horny" category, not that he wants to admit it; seeing you like this really awakens something primal in him from far in his past. Still, his concern for you is ever-present and ultimately pushes aside how entrancing you look conquering your foes so thoroughly.
Sylvain - I almost don't know how to elaborate on this one because, I mean, of course, right? Of course Sylvain is worried, but also just burning inside watching you flushed in the face, damp with sweat, muscles tight, hair wild.......
Just Scared:
Lorenz - oscillating wildly between worried for you and worried for every person around you. Definitely impressed, don't get me wrong- he appreciates battle prowess. But if you're really going berserk, he's worried.
Dedue - while he's likely right there beside you in the fight, he worries about seeing you get particularly aggressive. He's seen what bloodlust has done to the other most valued person in his life, and never wants to see you go too far down that path.
Ashe - it's not as though he can't stomach violence, he just feels that there's a certain responsibility and necessity for rules of engagement when it comes to combat, hence his proclivity for chivalry. Seeing you completely lose yourself worries him, and he'll want to be with you and hold you and make sure you're okay as soon as he can.
Just Horny:
Hubert - I feel like this is more or less self explanatory lmao. Though he does still hope you'll be rational and not do anything unnecessarily risky while eviscerating your foes.
Caspar - again, an obvious choice. Honestly, I think Caspar wants to fuck after just about every battle you two come back from, provided neither of you is hurt too badly.
Jeritza - this is the most obvious one so far lol. Though, when he's more 'himself,' he does silently worry about you sharing in his bloodshed and provoking the Death Knight part of him.
Felix - honestly, it's probably even fiercer than Hubert or Caspar; the lust he feels for you in the heat of battle is both primal and nearly spiritual. This is about his whole life philosophy, after all. After a particularly tough and gruesome fight, he wants nothing more than to absolutely ravage you (and might need to be talked down if he has wounds to attend to first)
Linhardt - ideally, he is not present, as the sight of you "going off" on an enemy is likely to involve waaaaay more blood than he's comfy with. He'll definitely tend to you afterward, and wryly scold you for going overboard (secretly, he was super worried when he heard from your comrades of how ferocious you were out there)
Dimitri - he's in different categories depending on where he's at in his arc tbh. Feral Dimitri is obviously just horny about you diving into the bloodshed with him, while "redeemed" Dimitri has some measure of restraint about it
Yuri - it's more like "amused/impressed and horny," tbh. Though he never looses his head about it- he's still keeping a close eye on you to make sure nothing goes awry. But he won't deny that he enjoys watching, nonetheless.
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zevzevarainai · 2 years
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video game challenge: [2/5] pairings – Ferdinand von Aegir/Hubert von Vestra (Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes)
Hubert and Ferdinand became the left and right hands of Emperor Edelgard, competing constantly with each other to see who could be the more helpful. They were opposites-the Minister of the Imperial Household, melancholy and merciless, and the prime minister, bright and compassionate. Still, they brought out the best in each other. As the Empire became orderly and prosperous, the two came to be known as the nation's "Two Jewels," and were remembered fondly for generations to come. Some say their fame made even Emperor Edelgard jealous.
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beagles-drop-the-e · 1 year
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remiebear · 6 months
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Kitty-bert and Pup-nand having a silly time
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floofnwool · 1 year
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The continuation to yesterday’s small comic lol
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viridianns · 1 year
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a moment of peace
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allcaplock · 2 years
Todays FE3H memes
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geasthewritingrat · 2 years
Proposing at the same time
Pairings; Ferdinand x reader, Hubert x reader, Claude x reader, Dimitri x reader, Yuri x reader (separate) Gender Neutral! Possibly OOC but I’ve just worked 6 days consecutively I’m tired (I also didn’t mean for Ferdie and Hubie’s to be so much longer than everyone else’s I promise)
Ferdie; -He spent so much time in multiple different towns, trying to find the best ring for you, and if he wasn’t so swamped with work he’d have made the ring himself, but he eventually settled on a gorgeous, elegant yet extravagant, jewelled band that suits you and your stunning beauty perfectly -The whole night was perfectly planned, from the time he calls for you, to the sweet speech he’d prepared (and rehearsed) over the course of many early mornings (Hubie caught him reading it in front of the mirror once and poor Ferdie’s never seen such pure amusement on anyone’s face) -It’s already all set up by the time you both reach the secluded meadow, blanket laid neatly in a patch of grass surrounded by flowers, yet not squishing too many, candles carefully placed so they don’t fall and burn everything to the ground, fireflies dancing in the moonlight, your favourite foods, lovingly handmade by Ferdinand himself, beautifully covered so none other than you two could enjoy it -A perfect night for the most perfect person in his eyes -Yet he completely forgets that he was meant to propose. Literally just, forgets. He’s so enthralled by your beauty and enraptured by your melodic voice that he forgets about the box in his pocket, forgets about the speech he made, forgets that he’s meant to ask you to share the rest of your lives together because in that moment it truly seemed as if you were the only people to exist -It’s only when you, having known his plan all along (he’s not subtle nor sly enough to hide it), pull out a box containing the ring you spent weeks choosing, showing it to him with a sheepish smile, that he remembers what he came there to do and scrambles to pull out the ring he chose for you -Very romantic, 10/10 -He later tells Dorothea everything that happened, dramatically lamenting the fact he never got to say his long, very sweet speech he had prepared, and she brings the whole ordeal up during her speech at the wedding
Hubie; -Oh Hubie, oh sweet, caring mother hen Hubie -As well-informed and sly as he is, he’s near-hopeless when it comes to romance, so when he found out you were taking trips to various jewellers searching for rings he genuinely thought you were just browsing for yourself, even if its not usually your type of thing (or, maybe you were looking at rings for him, to coax him out of his glove-wearing obsession) -With how much time he spent also at the same jewellers that you visited (he thought you were better with accessories than him so he followed your lead in secret) you’d think he would wisen up and figure it out but no, it takes the jeweller themself mentioning you for him to realise you were looking for engagement rings and not everyday rings -He found a ring that he thought would be perfect for you and the jeweller mentioned that you’d been eyeing that one and that’s what finally made him clock on to what all your trips had truly been for -Not wanting to be taken by surprise with no way to smoothly recover and act like he has everything perfectly planned all the time, he carries the ring with him everywhere he goes, even if you’re not nearby or maybe even in a whole other city doing work stuff -After a talk with Edelgard, he decides to plan something special to show that he does, in fact, absolutely adore you and everything you do, but he does still keep the ring with him in a special pocket that he refuses to use for anything else -It happens at a time that neither of you had prepared (the dinner he had planned was set for a week later, and you were gonna do it later the next night), you two were just sitting by the waterfront one warm afternoon, gazing out at the glittering lake before you, when you felt peaceful and relaxed enough to ask him to close his eyes as you stood to kneel behind him, ring box in hand -He’s smart (sometimes) and knows exactly what you’re doing, so he takes the ring box out of his pocket and displays it proudly as he turns around once you tell him you’re ready
Claude; -Fecker knew the whole damn time -Somehow knew from the moment you thought to yourself “huh, I think I wanna marry Claude” -He mentions to Hilda one day that he’s 99% sure you’re out shopping for engagement rings at that exact moment, and then says “hey you know what would be really funny” and decides that he, too, would be proposing after you spent so much time & effort planning everything with your second closest confidant (whoever that may be) -So when you finally muster up the courage to take him to a gorgeous beach one evening after a satisfying dinner, he’s got this unusual, unreadable grin on his face, hands behind his back as he fiddles with the little velvet box containing the ring he oh so lovingly chose for you, only to trip and fall, grabbing you by the arm and bringing you down with him -Now, two identical ring boxes lay on the sand in front of you, and Claude’s sheepish “surprise?” almost makes up for the mouthful of sand you’re now having to spit out -He’s laughing and you’re eating sand
Dima; –Absolutely clueless -You two proposing at the same time really is just pure chance -He didn’t even know you were planning on proposing in the first place! Okay maybe he had a slight hunch but he didn’t want to ask in case he was wrong and it was just wishful thinking on his part -Dimitri (lovely Dima, gorgeous man, amazing) asks the Blue Lions for help with choosing the right ring and planning the perfect date, some help more begrudgingly than others (looking at you Felix Hugo Fraldarius), but in the end he has a solid plan and a pretty damn gorgeous ring, all he needs now is self confidence and you -A while before the actual event, he tells you that he’s taking you to see some of Faerghus’ most beautiful snowy areas, promising countless tales from his childhood, and you decide that that’s the perfect time to propose, because it sounds phenomenal and you had no idea Dimitri was planning on proposing then too -When you two reach the absolutely stunning and truly wondrous area, you pull out your ring box and get on one knee, only to see Dimitri blink a few times before doing the exact same thing, blushing hard and smiling wide
Yuri; -He found out your plan by accidentally going to the same jeweller as you at the same time as you, seeing you carefully inspecting the engagement rings as he got through the door, but because he’s Yuri mf Leclerc you didn’t see him as he stood in the shadows and observed your choice -It made him feel all warm & fuzzy inside so he searches high and low for The Best Ring Ever to give to you -From that point onwards, he’s taking the ring with him whenever you ask him to join you on an outing, no matter how big or small that outing may be, but to his surprise you don’t propose on any of those trips -One day, he’s been working non stop for hours, so you waltz into his office and all-but drag him to the dining table, lecturing him about how he needs to eat properly even if his work is very important, and since he just thought it was a normal dinner he didn’t take the ring with him -To his shock, you end up spontaneously proposing after you both finish eating, confessing that you were planning to propose on each of those little trips you took him on, only for it to not feel right or for nerves to get the better of you, so you decided to do it in a place you both feel comfortable and at ease -He accepts, obviously, but then takes you back to his office to show you that he bought you a ring too, slipping it straight onto your finger
- Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! As always I have been Geas and you have been awesome, never forget that. I hope that you are giving yourself a break and treating yourself fairly, because while things may seem like they’re spinning out of control sometimes, you are stronger and better than you know. -
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