#hud riva
reasonsmandy · 1 year
I recently made these playlists based on Taylor Jenkins Reid's books, and I'm obsessed with them. Thought I'd share it with you guys, so here are the links:
+ The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
+ Daisy Jones and The Six
+ Malibu Rising
+ Carrie Soto is back
+ Evidence of the affair
(I made them on Deezer but you can transfer to Spotify through this site)
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sofikiii · 10 months
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🌊 The Riva siblings! Jay, Hud, Nina and Kit!
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itszulli · 1 year
“Nina …” Mick said. “Please don’t say that. I’m trying to explain to you why I wasn’t capable of being a father until now.” Nina shook her head. “If you were any kind of real parent, you would know that capable has nothing to do with it.” Mick frowned at her and sighed. “Do you think Mom felt capable of raising four children on her own? Holding her head up high when the whole world knew you’d left her, twice? Making all of the money, and doing all of the housework, and helping each of us with our homework? Making every single one of our birthdays special despite having no money and no time? Remembering that Jay likes chocolate cake with buttercream and Kit likes coconut cake and Hud likes yellow cake with chocolate frosting? Always having the perfect number of candles? “Do you think I felt capable of taking it all over after she fucking drowned? Do you think I felt capable of trying to pay all the bills and still scraping up enough money for coconut at the fucking Malibu Mart? Do you think I felt capable of holding each one of these guys as they woke up in the middle of the night remembering that they had essentially been orphaned? Do you think I wanted to drop out of high school so I could do it all? That I wanted to be twenty-five years old without a high school diploma?” Mick flinched as he heard this, and when Nina saw the pinched look on his face, it pissed her off. “I didn’t feel capable of any of that! But did that matter? Of course not. So I’ve gotten up every single day since Mom died—and even a lot of the days before that—and I have done what needed to be done. Capable is a question I never had the luxury of asking. Because my family needed me. And unlike you, I understand how important that is.” “Nina—” Mick tried to interject. “You think I want to be here selling photos of my ass and living on this fucking cliff? No, I don’t. I want to be in Portugal somewhere living in a shack on the beach, riding waves and eating the catch of the day. But I don’t. I stay here. That’s what it means to be a family. Staying. Not just strolling into a party after midnight expecting a hug.” “Nina, you’re right. I’m a weak—” “Must be nice. To be able to be weak. I wouldn’t know.”
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alluringwaves · 1 year
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“Nina understood, maybe for the first time, that letting people love you and care for you is part of how you love and care for them.”
— Taylor Jenkins Reid, Malibu Rising
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cherrymf15 · 10 months
My thoughts on Malibu Rising which gave the therapy I oh so desperately need
There will be spoilers to I put the keep reading thingie just in case!
I've read 3 of her books
all 3 have made me sob uncontrollably so naturally I hate this woman
she just always knows the words i need
how please
All these kids need some kind of therapy omfg
Nina is my CHILD
She's like 7 years old than me
but is BABY
eldest daughter having to grow up too fast just please leave her alone
Kit is a fellow baby gay so I love her
Jay and Hud were incredible
Brandon you can fight me
You gave up a INCREDIBLE person for Carrie fucking soto
And had the fucking AUDACITY to come crawling back after a week and PEER PRESSURING Nina into taking you back
Genuinely hate you
Mick Riva can fucking fight me I never want to SEE or HEAR from him again I'm so SICK of him
Obviously could've handled it better than all the alcohol but do we blame her?
Not fucking really
They had such a FUCKING GOOD sibling dynamic that most authors dont manage
but OF COURSE miss Taylor fucking does
like they just felt like genuine siblings rather than characters forced together for the wanted situation
Hud bro um I don't think you should've cheated with your brothers girlfriend
Just a thought
Like I'm glad it worked out for you there buddy but I wouldn't have blamed Jay if he never talked to you again
You're still a good guy and everything but for that you do still get a fuck you
The sections where we cut back to the party with people swinging on chandeliers and shit was fucking WILD
I loved it though
But like Nina is so loved and she deserves to know that
Mick Riva you don't get to come and be a good father now just because you're a little lonely fuck you
Do you want me to play you a little song on a violin while you put on the performance of a lifetime acting like you give a singular fuck about any of your kids?
"You're fucking nothing." FUCKING TELL HIM NINA
That line was the most therapeutic thing I have ever fucking read
Also Jay just being like Hud could fuck like every ex I've ever had and I'd still like him more than you
Honestly go off king
Casey is going through some shit
The way they all were just like you're one of us now join the group hug without knowing if they were actually related
I can't remember the exact quote
But how they were like it wouldn't be difficult for them to lover her
Just shoot me
It would hurt less
The only good thing Mick Riva ever did for any of his kids was set her house and everything she owned on fire
And he didn't even do it on fucking purpose
In conlcusion, miss Taylor please stop making me cry.
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girltomripley · 2 years
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There goes the last great american dynasty...
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stephy-gold · 6 months
Malibu rising fan cast
Mick Riva / Ian Somerhalder or James Mardsen
Nina Riva / Eiza Gonzalez or Victoria Justice
Jay Riva / Jacob Elordi or Ross Lynch
Hud Riva / Charles Melton
Kit Riva / Kathryn Newton
Tarine / Zendaya
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shitposttcentral · 8 months
if the actor who plays hudson riva isn't a hot plus sized man i don't want him I DON'T WANT HIM UNLESS HE'S A THICC MAN he needs tummy he needs thick thighs if he has anything less I'm suing for emotional damages
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buecherbummlerin · 6 months
Malibu Rising
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Taylor Jenkins Reid
Penguin Random House UK
Content (Blurb):
August 1983. It is the day of Nina Riva’s annual end-of-summer party. Everyone who is anyone wants to be around the Rivas: surfer and supermodel Nina, brothers Jay and Hud, and their baby sister Kit. Together, the siblings are a source of fascination in Malibu and the world over – especially as the children of the legendary singer Mick Riva.
By midnight, the party will be completely out of control.
By morning, the Riva mansion will have gone up in flames.
But before that, the alcohol will flow, the music will play and secrets will come bubbling to the surface.
My Review:
Malibu Rising is the first book I've read by Taylor Jenkins Read. I didn't have any great expectations of the book and didn't quite know what I would encounter. Malibu Rising really surprised me in a positive way and will probably stay in my head for a long time. This story is carried by its characters and the unique atmosphere that TJR creates with her writing style.
At first glance, there is nothing unique about this story. It is a story about a functional and dysfunctional relationship and family. However, TJR manages to give the story something unique. Her writing style, the feelings she authentically portrays, the characters with their worries, doubts, hopes, with their good and bad sides, give the book a very special atmosphere that really captivated me from beginning to end.
Fundamental to the book is the search for love and belonging, for acceptance and self-determination. In particular, the pressure that comes with taking care of a family and putting your own needs on the back burner is portrayed by TJR in this book. She describes in a really heartbreaking way what it means to love someone who isn't always there when you need them, who betrays you and doesn't love you back in equal measure. All these feelings really got to me and are authentically portrayed by the characters.
Another special thing about this book is that TJR doesn't necessarily make the reader sympathize with the characters, but she manages to make the reader feel with them. This is really something special about her books and I really enjoyed it.  The Riva siblings, their fate and their lives feel real and authentic. You feel like you are following the lives of real people, empathizing with them, understanding them and becoming familiar with them.
With Malibu Rising, Taylor Jenkins Reads has created a book that immediately captivated me with its real characters, destinies and emotions. The search for love, acceptance and self-determination, as well as the sacrifices for family and love itself, really touched me.
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yalnzardc · 1 year
Hud sr.
Bu süre'i celile, yüz yirmi üç ayetten meydana gelmektedir. Gerçek görüşe göre, Mekke'i Mükerreme'de nazil olmuştur. Yalnız (11), (16), (114), üncü âyetlerinin Medine'i Münevvere'de nazil olduğu rivayet olunmaktadır.
Bu mübarek Had Süresi, Yunus Süresini müteakip nazil olmuştur.
Hz. Hüd'un mübarek hayatına dair ayetleri içermiş olduğu için "HUD SÜRESİ" adını almıştır.
40. Nihayet emriniz geldiği ve tandır kaynadığı vakit dedi ki: Onun için herbirinden ikişer çift ve aleyhinde söz geçmiş olanlar dışında aileni ve imân etmiş olanları yükle ve maamafih pek azından başkası onunla beraber imân etmemiştir.
40 - bunlar Hz. Nuh'un müslüman olan eşiyle müslim olan Sam, Ham ve Yasef adındaki üç oğludur. Hakkında Allah'ın hükmü geçmiş olandan maksat ise Hz. Nuh'un kendisine iman etmemiş olan diğer bir eşiyle Kenan veya Yam adındaki oğludur. Bunlar kafir bulunuyorlardı.
Hz. Nuh'un dine davetine rağmen kavminin büyük bir kısmı küfr içinde yaşıyorlardı. Bir rivayete göre iman edenlerin sayısı (78) erkek ile kadından ibaretti. Bunların sekizi Hz. Nuh'un ailesi bulunuyordu ki: Onlar da Hz. Nuh'un bir eşiyle üç oğlu ve bunların üç hanımı idi. Velhasıl İman edenler az bir cemaat idi. Sayılarını Cenâb-ı Hak bilir.
§ Rivayete göre Hz. Nuh, gemiyi abanoz ağaçlarından yapmış iki veya dört senede bitirmiştir. Bu geminin üç tabakası vardı. Alt tabakasında vahşi, haşerat denilen hayvanlar, orta tabakasında diğer evcil hayvanlar, üst tabakasında da Hz. Nuh ile kendisine iman etmiş olanlar bulunuyordu. Bu gemi, ilk yapılan bir gemidir. Bir riva yete göre bunun uzunluğu üçyüz arşın imiş. Hz. Adem'in mübarek cesedinin bu gemiye alınmış olduğu rivayet olunmaktadır. Kendisine ihtiyaç görülen yiyilecek şeylerde gemiye alınmıştı.
§ Tennurdan ve onun feveranından maksat nedir?. Bilindiği üzere Tennur lugatte tandır dediğimiz ve içinde ekmek pişirilen bir ocaktır, bir nevi fırındır. Feveran da kaynamak, fışkırmak demektir. Bu âyeti kerimedeki tennurun feveranı ise çeşitli şekillerde yorumlanmıştır. Kısacası deniliyor ki:
(1) Bu tennur bir ocaktan ibaret idi, Bu Hz. Adem'e ait olup taştan yapılmıştı. Hz. Nuh'a intikal etmiş idi, eşi bunda ekmek pişirirdi. Bu tennurdan suların fışkırmaya başlaması, tufan için bir alâmet bulunmuştu. Müfessirlerin birçoğu bu görüştedirler. Bu tennur Kûfe'de veya Şam'da veyahut Hint'te bulunuyordu.
(2) Bundan maksat, suların yüksek bir mevkiden itibaren fşıkırmış olmasıdır. Bu bir kinâye yoludur. Tennurdan suların fışkırması gibi tasvir edilmiştir. Suların öyle galeyana başlaması, ateşin, sıcaklığın, parlamaya, yayılmaya başlaması gibi sayılmıştır.
(3) Tennurdan maksat, yeryüzüdür. Yeryüzüne de tennur denilmiştir. Suların yerden fışkırması da onun galeyanından, her tarafa yayılmaya başlamasından ibarettir.
(4) Bundan maksat, Fecrin doğuşu ile sabah nurlarının, şafak ışıklarının etrafa saçılmasıdır. Böyle bir andan itibaren gemiye binilmesi emr olunmuş oluyor. Bu, İmamı Ali Hazretlerinden mervidir.
(5) Bundan maksat, Ebu Hayyan'ın tefsirinde beyan olunduğuna göre gemide suyun toplantığı mevkiidir. Bu yorum, geminin âdeta kazanlı olup içindeki kaynama suyun buhariyle hareket eder bir halde buunduğunu gösteriyor. Gerçekte Hz. Nuh'un aldığı ilâhî bir vahiyden dolayı bugünkü buhar ile hareket eden gemiler gibi bir gemi meydana getirmiş olduğu gözden uzak tutulamaz. Tufandan sonra toplum hayatı uzun bir müddet felce uğramış, birçok şeyler unutulmuş, bu mükemmel gemi de devam etmeyip unutulmuş olabilir. Bilahere fennin ilerlemesiyle şimdiki buharlı gemiler de meydana getirilmiştir. Maamafih bu hususta kesin bir hükm verilemez. Gerçek bilgi Allah katındad
44 - "Rivayete göre, Nuh Aleyhisselam, Recep ayının onuncu günü gemiye binmiş. Muharremin onuncu günü gemiden inmis ve Cenâb-ı Hak'ka şükr için o gün oruç tutmuştur. Binaenaleyh Muharrem'in onuncu günü oruç tutmak bir sünnet bulunmuştur.
96. Ve and olsun ki, Musa'yı âyetlerimiz ile ve apaçık bir delille gönderdik.
96 - Delile, kanıta "sultan" denilmiştir. Çünkü bir sultan, kendisine tâbi olanlar üzerinde hakim olduğu gibi bir delil de, bir ilm sahibi olan da ilm ve irfan sahasında hakim, mânevî bir salatanata sahip bulunmuş olur ki, bu mânevî hakimiyet, maddî bir saltanatın üstündedir, yok olmaktan korunmuştur.
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frontlist-official · 27 days
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Book of the Week: A July Celebration of Literary Excellence
July was a month of intense heat and long, sun-soaked days, perfect for diving into the latest and greatest in the literary world. As a leading publishing news agency, we are excited to highlight some of the most compelling, thought-provoking, and entertaining books that captured the imagination of readers and critics alike. Each week brought its own unique gem, from thrilling mysteries to heartwarming tales of love and loss. Here’s a recap of our top picks for the Book of the Week throughout July.
Week 1: "The Night She Disappeared" by Lisa Jewell
Kicking off the month with a gripping psychological thriller, The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell kept readers on the edge of their seats. Jewell, a master of suspense, once again delivered a narrative that intertwines mystery, intrigue, and a deep exploration of human emotions. The novel revolves around the sudden disappearance of a young woman, Tallulah, and the chilling secrets that unravel in the aftermath.
Set in a small English village, the story is told from multiple perspectives, blending past and present in a way that keeps readers guessing until the very end. The richly drawn characters and the eerie atmosphere make this book a perfect summer read for fans of thrillers. The first week of July couldn’t have started on a better note, with Jewell’s novel leaving a lasting impact and prompting many late-night reading sessions.
Week 2: "Klara and the Sun" by Kazuo Ishiguro
For the second week of July, we turned to the literary genius of Nobel laureate Kazuo Ishiguro. His novel Klara and the Sun is a profound meditation on love, artificial intelligence, and what it means to be human. Set in a dystopian future, the book is narrated by Klara, an Artificial Friend designed to be a companion to children.
Ishiguro’s storytelling is as mesmerizing as ever, weaving a narrative that is both haunting and tender. Klara and the Sun is not just a science fiction tale; it’s a deep philosophical inquiry into the nature of consciousness and the complexities of human relationships. Readers found themselves questioning their own perceptions of technology and empathy, making this book a standout for the month.
Week 3: "Malibu Rising" by Taylor Jenkins Reid
The third week of July brought a sizzling summer read with Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Set in the glitz and glamour of 1980s Malibu, this novel is a family saga that delves into the lives of the Riva siblings—Nina, Jay, Hud, and Kit. Each sibling has their own struggles, dreams, and secrets, and the story culminates in a legendary party that changes their lives forever.
Reid’s ability to capture the essence of a time and place is on full display here, with the sun-soaked beaches and celebrity culture of Malibu serving as the perfect backdrop for this story of love, betrayal, and forgiveness. Malibu Rising is both a nostalgic trip to the past and a poignant exploration of the ties that bind families together. It’s no wonder this book was a hit among readers and critics alike.
Week 4: "Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir
Rounding out the month, we have Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, a sci-fi thriller that took readers on a breathtaking journey through space. Weir, known for his bestseller The Martian, delivers another high-stakes adventure filled with scientific puzzles, unexpected twists, and a protagonist you can’t help but root for.
The story follows Ryland Grace, a lone astronaut who wakes up on a spaceship with no memory of who he is or why he’s there. As he slowly pieces together the details, he realizes that he is humanity’s last hope to save Earth from an impending catastrophe. Weir’s trademark wit and meticulous attention to scientific detail make Project Hail Mary a thrilling ride from start to finish.
Fans of science fiction were particularly excited about this book, and it quickly became a must-read for the summer. Its blend of humor, suspense, and scientific intrigue made it a fitting end to our July Book of the Week selections.
July was a month that truly celebrated the diversity and richness of contemporary literature. From Lisa Jewell’s nail-biting thriller to Kazuo Ishiguro’s thought-provoking exploration of AI, from Taylor Jenkins Reid’s nostalgic family saga to Andy Weir’s exhilarating space adventure, there was something for every kind of reader.
As a publishing news agency, we are thrilled to bring these exceptional works to the forefront, showcasing the talent and creativity of today’s authors. These books not only entertained but also challenged readers to think deeply about the world around them. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us in the literary world, but for now, these July picks will continue to resonate in the minds of readers everywhere.
Stay tuned for more book recommendations, and happy reading!
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noseinabookwithjenny · 3 months
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Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Year Published: 2021
The Plot:
June had a dream of not inheriting her parents' restaurant, and it all became somehow true when she met Mick Riva, a promising young singer who went on to become a famous star in Hollywood. The novel chronicles their marriage, Mick's success in his chosen field, their demise as a couple, and Nina's life without the aid of their renowned father, along with her three other siblings, Jay, Hud, and Kit.
The Likes:
This book hits so close to home for me, not because I have a renowned father, but as someone who came from a broken home and as the eldest daughter, I feel for Nina. Taylor did an outstanding job of telling this narrative once again. Not too difficult, just a story that I'm sure most readers who were also in the same situation as Nina understood.
The Dislikes:
I was more enthralled with June and Mick's narrative than the present day. It took me a while to finish the book only because struggled reading the present day and had a very "I just want to get over it" attitude towards it. However, as the final chapter came to a close, I fully understood why the author felt compelled to incorporate people that I initially believed were irrelevant to the plot.
The Overall Rating:
4/5 - Another one for your to-read list.
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Title: Malibu Rising
Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2021
Genres: fiction, historical fiction, contemporary, romance
Blurb: It's the day of Nina Riva's annual end-of-summer party, and anticipation is at a fever pitch. Everyone wants to be around the famous Rivas: Nina, the talented surfer and supermodel; brothers Jay and Hud, one a championship surfer, the other a renowned photographer; their adored baby sister, Kit. Together, the siblings are a source of fascination in Malibu and the world over...especially as the offspring of the legendary singer Mick Riva. The only person not looking forward to the party of the year is Nina herself, who never wanted to be the centre of attention, and who has also just been very publicly abandoned by her pro tennis player husband. Oh, and maybe Hud...because it is long past time to confess something to the brother from whom he's been inseparable since birth. Jay, on the other hand, is counting the minutes until nightfall, when the girl he can't stop thinking about promised she'd be there. Kit has a couple secrets of her own...including a guest she invited without consulting anyone. By midnight, the party will be completely out of control. By morning, the Riva mansion will have gone up in flames. But before that first spark in the early hours before dawn, the alcohol will flow, the music will play, and the loves and secrets that shaped this family's generations will all come bubbling to the surface.
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mhkeiger · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Malibu Rising: A Novel Hardcover by Taylor Jenkins Reid.
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clairesbooks1 · 11 months
#7 Malibu Rising
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Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid is a dramatic story set in Malibu and being told between two time frames: the 80s and 50s. The 80s parts of the book follow the 4 adult children of Mick Riva; a famous singer and the hours leading up to their annual end of summer party that somehow ends in a fire. Then, the 50s bits tell the story of how Mick met his wife June, started their family, and tore it apart. Mick often choosing fame over his wife and children took very little part in their childhood and no part in their adult lives. 
Even though the Rivas had a difficult childhood they still managed to use their name to become and achieve various things. All 4 are talented surfers but Nina the oldest became a model, Jay became a championship surfer, Hud became a renowned photographer and the youngest Kit aspires to be a pro surfer like her brother. That right there is one of the things I liked so much about this story. The fact that these 4 were abandoned by their father so young, left poor with an alcoholic mother basically raising themselves; yet they still manage to make the Riva name more than just their father is astonishing in my opinion. I believe it was their rough childhood that kept them so close knit as adults. 
Another thing I liked about this book were the settings. The 50s parts of the story take place in a less developed version of malibu. Because of the time frame we also see a lot more poverty and average middle class people living there. This is a huge contrast to the 80s parts of the novel which display a much more glamorous version of Malibu. This version of Malibu is crawling with fame ranging from actors to pro sports players. I found this contrast super interesting. 
In general I found the novel to be very well organized with time stamps and dates although the actual story itself is complete chaos. Especially at the Rivas annual party, things got progressively worse as the night went on. There was constant drama with truths coming out left and right. This played a major part in the chaos but so did the literal destruction of Nina's house. Drinks and drugs were dispersed throughout the night so people got crazy. Nina's things were being thrown and smashed, people were fighting and just absolutely trashing her place. 
But, I guess it didn't matter too much that her house was wrecked since it burnt to the ground later that night anyways. Throughout this entire novel I waited for something crazy to be the cause of the house fire and tried to guess what it’d be. It wasn't until the very end that the cause of the fire was revealed and I will say that I was shocked at how normal it was. The cause of that fire was probably the most normal thing that happened at that party which I found to be a bit ironic because that house had been through and endured so much that night and the tiniest little thing is what destroyed it.
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daivietseo4-blog · 1 year
Green Park - lựa chọn “ xanh” cho cuộc sống hạnh phúc
Cuộc sống, công việc bận rộn cùng với những lo toan đến từ nhiều phía, khiến mỗi chúng ta muốn tìm về một không gian yên bình và xanh mát. Nơi giúp ta tạm quên đi những áp lực của công việc, thoát khỏi sự nhộn nhịp của phố phường để hòa mình vào thiên nhiên, chìm đắm vào những giây phút thư giãn. Vậy đừng ngần ngại mà hãy lựa chọn đến sống tại Green Park nơi con người và thiên nhiên hòa làm một với chính sách mua bán nhà quận Hoàng Mai thành phố Hà Nội vô cùng hấp dẫn! Hãy cùng​Batdongsan.com.vn​ đi tìm hiểu thêm về dự án này nhé.
Đôi nét về dự án
Dự án là tổ hợp khu trung tâm thương mại và căn hộ cao cấp do Công ty TNHH Phương Đông làm chủ đầu tư.
Vị trí tại số 1 Trần Thủ Độ, Pháp Vân, Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội
Nhà thầu thi công là Coteccons cùng nhà tư vấn chiến lược là Nhà Vuông JSC.
Truyền thông của dự án là RIVA Media Real Estate
Vận hành quản lý cho dự án là Savills
Tổng diện tích khu đất trước xây dựng là 10.8 ha
Diện tích đất khi đã xây dựng là 3.688m2
Mật độ xây dựng lên tới 42%
Loại hình phát triển của dự án chủ yếu căn hộ chung cư và Duplex
Quy mô dự án gồm 2 tòa tháp chung cư và 13 căn hộ thấp tầng
Tòa tháp chung cư gồm 3 tầng hầm là khu vực đỗ xe máy và ôtô; 4 tầng trung tâm thương mại mua sắm; Từ tầng 5 đến tầng 29 là các căn hộ được thiết kế với các loại diện tích đa dạng từ 55m2 đến 100m2
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Vị trí kim cương của dự án.
Dự án Green Park sở hữu vị trí đắc địa tọa lạc trên mặt đường Trần Thủ Độ - trung tâm của quận Hoàng Mai. Có thể nói khu vực này là nơi tập trung đông dân cư có trình độ dân trí cao và tốc độ đô thị hóa phát triển chóng mặt, nằm phía sau bến xe Nước Ngầm tạo sự kết nối thuận tiện với các tuyến giao thông trọng điểm của Thủ Đô như: đường Giải Phóng, đường Yên Sở,... nên cư dân sinh sống ở đây có thể dễ dàng kết nối với các khu vực xung quanh.Quận Hoàng Mai được xem là lá phổi xanh của thành phố bởi mật độ phủ xanh cao cùng với hệ thống sông ngòi, hồ mang tới một không gian sống trong lành, thư thái và đảm bảo cho sức khỏe. Nơi đây còn là khu vực được đầu tư phát triển để trở thành đô thị vệ tinh phía Nam của Thủ đô, nơi đây đang dần hình thành nên một trung tâm hành chính – kinh tế - văn hoá mới với đa dạng, phong phú cùng các tiện ích ngoại khu. Nhờ đó, cư dân có thể dễ dàng di chuyển đến một số địa điểm như:
Bến xe nước Ngầm cách 300m
Công viên hồ điều hòa Linh Đàm cách 1km
Công viên Yên Sở cách 1km
Bến xe Giáp Bát cách 1.5 Km
Quanh dự án có nhiều trường học: Kinh tế quốc dân, Bách Khoa Trường, học các cấp khác.
Thiết kế của dự án.
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Tiện ích dự án.
Với mong muốn tạo cuộc sống chuẩn đích thực dành cho cư dân của mình, chủ đầu tư của ​dự án Green Park​ đã trang bị cho nơi đây một hệ thống dịch vụ tiện ích nội khu đa dạng và đẳng cấp.Dự án hứa hẹn sẽ là nơi hội tụ tinh hoa tạo nên một cộng đồng cư dân văn minh, lịch sự.
Bể bơi
Trung tâm thương mại mua sắm.
Khu vui /giải trí trẻ em
Spa làm đẹp
Phòng khám
Phòng tập Gym
Ngoài tiện ích nội khu sang trọng còn có những tiện ích ngoại khu mang tính hiện đại và vô cùng hấp dẫn:
Công viên Yên Sở, hồ Linh Đàm.
Các trường Mầm non như Hoa Ban, Hoàng Liệt, Tiểu học Đại Từ, Tứ Hiệp, THCS Hoàng Liệt
BV Nội tiết Trung ương, BV Đa khoa Thăng Long.
Khu đô thị Pháp Vân và khu đô thị HUD, đây là khu vực dân cư có nhiều cửa hàng tiện ích, quán ăn, cafe, chợ với không khí khá trong lành, mát mẻ.
Trung tâm thương mại LePARC, Trung tâm thương mại Trương Định Plaza, siêu thị lớn MM Mega Market Hoàng Mai.
Dự án được đưa ra với mức giá chào bán hợp lý chỉ từ 1.4 tỷ đồng/căn. Ngoài ra, chủ đầu t�� dự án cũng đưa ra nhiều chính sách ưu đãi giúp khách hàng có thể dễ dàng sở hữu căn hộ nơi đây dễ dàng hơn.
Những lý do nên chọn Green Park City để an cư.
Dự án sở hữu vị trí kim cương nằm ngay khu vực phía Nam Hà Nội , ở khu vực có cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông đã được đồng bộ tất cả hoàn thiện.
Sở hữu hệ thống tiện ích đẳng cấp cùng không gian sống xanh mang đến môi trường sống thân thiện, gần gũi với thiên nhiên
Lựa chọn đa dạng bởi thiết kế có diện tích của các căn hộ đa dạng từ 1 - 3 phòng ngủ đáp ứng được mọi nhu cầu của khách hàng
Mức giá bán nhà Quận Hoàng Mai Hà Nội hấp dẫn - tương xứng với giá trị cùng các chính sách ưu đãi dành tặng cho khách hàng
Khi mua nhà khách hàng sẽ được hỗ trợ vay vốn với lãi suất thấp với tổng giá trị căn hộ lên đến 70% trong thời gian 20 năm.
Có thể nói, từ những nguyên nhân trên thì chắc chắn bạn có thể hiểu tại sao Green Park lại có một vị trí lớn trong giới bất động sản đến thế. Là một người có tầm nhìn xa thì hãy tìm đến với khu căn hộ Green Park– nội hội tụ mọi tiện ích hiện đại cùng không gian xanh. Nơi con người được tận hưởng cuộc sống mới, an cư thịnh vượng dài lâu.
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