#huggingtentacles answers questions
huggingtentacles · 2 years
Elden ring hot take
The cut Questline with asimi the mimic tear, gave Melina more personality in one interaction with them then the rest of the game put together.
Oooh I had to look that up!! That is a great hot take. I would love to hear the opinion of some Melina lovers on this issue.
@acrestedeagle the cut dialogue in question is this.
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dr-ladybird · 2 years
Tagged by @moniesmonsters
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with, and answer the questions below!
Last song: My playlist’s stopped on The Bonnie Ship the Diamond (Gaelic Storm version)
Three ships: Ooh, so for Mass Effect I’ll go with player character x Jaal. Not fussy about Ryder’s gender but preferably one of the more mature and sensible ones. 
Locked Tomb, sorry for being basic but Gideon x Harrow (in a “I hope they get their shit together and have a healthy relationship” way.)
Almost anything you can ship or might want to ship in Elden Ring is some flavour of crack, so I’m going to go completely off the wall and claim that Oleg and Margit had a discreet romantic relationship when they were coworkers. (And Oleg swears he caught the king eyeing him up a few times... he must just be that pretty, eh?)
Currently Reading: textbooks :( ok so fat cancers are divided into well differentiated/dedifferentiated aka normal/bad normal (MDM2 amplified), myxoid aka gooey/bad gooey (DDIT3 rearranged, usually with FUS), and pleomorphic aka really bad (multiple genes broken in multiple messy ways), and the gooey versions look far too much like myxofibrosarcoma and low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (which are not the same thing)... you get the idea.
Last Movie: Hmm, I haven’t seen a movie in ages... probably the new Dune? That was brilliant, excellent acting and setting, I’m very pleased they were brave enough to go full political. My brother and his wife kept arguing over whether Timothee Chalumet or Oscar Isaacs was more attractive (me, I vote for Jason Momoa)
Craving: a coherent understanding of bone and muscle tumours
Tagging @pigeontheoneandonly @huggingtentacles @bronzeagelove @dr-jekyl @inquartata30 @miniature-space-hamster
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maranull · 2 years
Hi, I'm curious about your answers to 14, 16 and 19 questions from the soulsborne quiz.
Hi! Sorry for taking so long, I fell (on my bed) and couldn't get up (I was asleep). :P
14. Which game was your introduction to the series?
The original Dark Souls was free with the Xbox pass, back in... I want to say 2014? Maybe earlier? I didn't really use the internet much so I didn't know what it was about, then finished a playthrough and went ham on any and all lore videos I could find, while also pushing all the way through NG+7 just to say to myself that I beat DSI at the highest difficulty.
16. What are your favourite areas?
Majula, hands down. I think it's the best hub area we got. It just feels so calm and relaxing, you know?
I also really like Dragon Aerie. And Archdragon Peak as well. I like dragons, basically.
19. Do you play PvP?
I sworn off PvP after lots of dueling in DSII and DSIII, but seeing @ huggingtentacles have so much fun with it in ER, I got the itch and I just recently finished making a RL90 invasion build. Have yet to invade more than thrice, but it feels much more fun than the dueling I used to do.
So to actually answer the question, yeah, I'm slowly starting to get into it.
Thank you for the ask! I never realized how long ago I first got into the series until I wrote it today. Jeez, it's been a while...
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
i want miquella in the dlc to have waterfowl dance. im manifesting this. i want gamer bros to deal with this shit again. i want it to be explicitly miquella defending his sisters honor. i want malenia 2 electric boogaloo and then i want his phase 2 to be summoning malenia and you fight them together
together we can manifest this alongside phase 2 malenia summon having an insta kill grab that involves her grabbing your chin and tilting it up before skewering you
Yes yes yes yes yes you are so right anon you are so right. Oooh and that last part tickles my brain so much >////<
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
My elden ring take is that the combat is too limited, bordering on stale, for the world it takes place in. I was looking forward to a game that took some lessons from Sekiro and put it in the souls formula, make the combat more frenetic, but they played it too safe. There’s a huge world to explore and not enough ways to kill things in it.
You can feel the mechanics of the souls series buckle under the weight of this huge game. Malenia is obviously a reskinned sekiro boss and I wish the combat systems of the game matched the intensity of the moment. You never really feel like you’re crossing swords with an enemy
That is a spicy hot take. To attack Elden Ring on it's combat is punching up, that much is true.
I disagree, of course. Elden Ring built upon the foundation of Dark Souls combat, and so did Sekiro. While Sekiro deviates from the general feel of Dark Souls combat, I would argue that it's not as complex as people make it out to be. In fact, it's actually fairly simple, which is not good or bad, it's just how it is. You have your block, your parry, your attack, dodge and jump. That is the core.
Elden Ring combat is not, in fact, limited. I could argue that it's even more complex than Sekiro, which brings variety. There are a lot of ways to kill your enemies in Elden Ring. Light attacks, strong attacks, charged attacks, rolls, block, jumps and guard counters are core parts of combat. When we talk about core mechanics, Elden Ring and Sekiro are pretty much equal in complexity. It's the execution that makes them unique from one another, but in my opinion, they're both good.
What Elden Ring exceeds at is variety in details, meaning all the things that branch out of the core mechanics. In sekiro, they were prosthetics, special skills and shinobi techniques.
In elden ring, they are different kinds of weapon types, ashes of war and consumable items. While Sekiro did have the latter ones, they only compliment the core mechanics. Elden Ring gives you the ability to build your entire playstyle around heavy usage of consumable items, use them as your main source of damage. So they count too.
Malenia is not a reskinned Sekiro boss. Your character is well equipped to deal with her with existing mechanics. She is strong and fast and difficult, but you have all the tools to deal with that, because despite feeling different, Sekiro is not that different, it's still a Fromsoft game.
If you never feel like you're crossing the swords with the enemy, that means you haven't mastered all the mechanics the game presents you with to adequately face your encounters. Or, in other words: skill issue.
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
Hot take?
They should've let us eat snakedaddy after we kill tanith so we could DEVOUR THE GODS TOGETHAAAA
Real shit though, we can sacrifice ourselves/become part of the frenzy flame so why cant we join the serpent cult?
"We need an ending for each demi-god" i not a hot take at all, literally everyone agrees with you. I want my Malenia ending :(
Cold take.
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
Quick question, are you Ukrainian or do you just support it and that's why you have the flag?
I am in fact Ukrainian 🇺🇦
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
Malenia is hot because she is a little ugly. Need nore meat and look a little more fucked up.
Temperature is your take feels like slightly warmer water. As if I left it in the sun for 15 minutes.
Malenia is hot for a lot of reasons, but yeah, a little bit of "ugliness" (emphasis on the quotation marks!!!) Makes her much much hotter.
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
Elden Ring hot take
Malenia is not that hard of a boss, ppl r just being over dramatic
you are trash at the game (source) so you've probably used mimic tear and/or an arcane build. So probably the boss was easier for you because of that.
that being said, the fact that I jumped into arguing with you makes this take hot to me personally. good job.
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
You should have been able to talk to sane versions of all the demigods when you activate the great runes at the divine towers like Vendrick in DS2.
And Radahn would have Leonard with him
not a hot take. literally everyone agrees with you
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
radahn should give you scarlet rot, since he’s, you know, full of that stuff
here's a hotter take: radahn didn't even get scarlet rot from malenia, he ate some boluses and never got sick. the reason why he went insane is because of copium overdose
your take is room temperature
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
huggingtentacles, as the official judge of all Malenia content and tumblr mutual of. some period of time i cant remember how long its been. that i havent rly interacted with (sorry am shy about talk to ppl ;w;)
should i make a Genuinely Serious Post about Why Malenia Did Nothing Wrong
or do you think thatd be too aggravating for the average person to scroll by. im exclusively on mobile and i havent figured out how to add readmores lmao
Hello person who I often see in my notes, lovely to see you ;>
Listen, I will reblog and consume any Malenia content. But if you're worrying about people just scrolling by, here's what little advice I have.
To my knowledge there's no way to add readmores on mobile, you might wanna open a web browser for that and add one as a last stage in your drafts.
But before the readmore, add a catchy title or maybe a picture that would catch people's attention. My adhd ass scrolls past long text posts with no colours or pictures. After that a short paragraph of what your post is about. Think of YouTube titles and descriptions.
But!!! That still might not work and you could get like 5 notes. That's okay I think you should still write that post. I'm gonna read it!!
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
Is there anyway you can just…get the hell out of Ukraine? What’s the process like there these days? I wanna be sympathetic and sensitive, but I’m also like dude…please run if things are getting bad with Putin’s stupid ass nuclear threats. Just get away in any way you can idk. I have too many friends online that are there and it honestly just screws with my head every time I see the news. What I’m trying to say is just please stay safe and high tail it out of there if things get really bad. We need your PVP shitposts fam. You matter to us 😤
I'm staying. I'm in the region that is pretty far away from the current frontline, and the russians are currently getting fucked. I'll be fine probably. Nukes aren't enough to kill me 😔💅
I wouldn't leave even if I had to the money to do so, unless absolutely necessary. And I'm talking unless they drop nukes on Kyiv I'm not leaving, which is pretty unlikely to happen. I want to be here, this is my home, if I leave my life will never be normal again..
Thank you for the kind words, it truly means a lot.
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
most of my elden ring takes are pretty cold but heres one that might hit lukewarm to hot:
mohg shouldnt get an invasion/faction ending. ive seen people thinking both mohg and rykard should have their own endings, and while i agree rykard should, my take is that mohg shouldnt. described as a madman, his whole gameplan seems to be playing the waiting game with miquella and building up an army of followers who go harvest blood from other tarnished. a mohgwyn dynasty invader ending wouldnt end up being all that compelling or interesting, and its better he keeps his position in Top 5 Hardest Bosses because otherwise hed be a lot less cool
Basically "everyone should get their ending except Mohg, because fuck that guy"
Good take but I can't figure out the temperature. Despite his lore, mohg fans here aren't invaders, they just love goat people, so I don't really have an expert.
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
Hot take: Most invaders are fucking embarrassing. I invade myself but the vast majority of invaders look at the limitless sandbox potential of souls games and the only thing they can imagine doing with it is kicking sand castles. No one cares how many hosts you can send back to the bonfire! No one's keeping score! This isn't a competitive game! Create interesting, meaningful encounters with others or you're just wasting everyone's time!
ooooh that is spicy because it feels like it attacks me personally (which is good)
I do agree that a lot of invaders tend to stick to what works best, i.e. the meta. But that's not "kicking sand castles", you're describing an invader who is a bully, which the majority of them are not. Because invaders are always inherently at a disadvantage against a coop, that's why they stick to builds and strategies that work. The problems with the overall elden ring balancing is a separate issue, the core gameplay of invasions remains unchanged.
I also have to argue that fighting an invader who is trying their hardest to kill you is not a bad or unfun interaction. It depends on the specific person, but the host has so many options, that they don't even have to engage the invader if they don't want to.
I am "keeping the score". The amount of rune arcs I have makes me happy and winning an invasion against the odds feels awesome. My encounter is meaningful to me. I do love me some role-playing invasions, but they're not what makes invasions inherently fun. It's just one of the options you can have.
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
Godwyn just Always Looked Like That and it's just never brought up. The reason he looks like he does in the intro cutscene and story trailer is just what the Tarnished imagine him as being. Fortissax made friends with the golden haired fish man.
now that's a hot take!!! amazing.
@alltheeldenringlorenerds get this guy
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