tobeadaydreamer · 1 year
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New 10x10" acrylic🖤 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ #acrylic #acrylicnude #blackandwhitepainting #acrylicpainter #selfportrait #artshapes #bodypositivity #humanshapes #kyliea #artistsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CnANsZsJi2F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 8 months
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me drawing human-faced pericles for the first time in years and starting with the stupidest moment, as he deserves:
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capnlinnius · 10 months
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digging in my wip pile and pulled this out, fiddled with it for a bit, then shoved it back into the wip pile so it won't miss all of its friends
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mom took me to see avatar 2 (have never seen 1 btw) and im torn between "venom for boring straight people" and "worse shape of water". is this movie objectively impressive. yeah sure. did i go insane over the framerate several times. yeah sure. was it the most boring & predictable movie ive seen since i quit watching marvel. yes.
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#greyzone #bnwzone #industrial #industrial_photography #human #humanshape #bnw_captures #dark_captures #bnwsoul https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl66srGIrnG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mutuallyassured · 2 years
michael myers / he/him / #humanshaped
john marston / he/him / #loneprairies 
bruce wayne / he/they / #vespectral
joel miller / he/him / #sundownpromise
clarice starling / she/they / #lambtales 
villanelle / they/them / #hairpins
isaak sirko / he/they / #whitewolv
gustavo fring / he/him / #porsangre
frank castle / he/him / #goldenbook
claire temple / she/they / #sutures
billy butcher / he/him / #scorchedearth
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scifrey · 5 months
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Oh my gosh, the book is now officially out! This is the first original novel I've published since 2018 and I am very excited and very nervous to share it.
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➡️ You can read it here. ⬅️
Chapters drop Wednesdays and Saturdays, and if you're worried, the story is already finished and fully uploaded. This is not a WIP that I will abandon later--it's totally complete.
About the book:
Twenty-four is one year too young for a quarter-life crisis, but hey, Colin's always been an overachiever. He's got a degree in Sustainable Tourism, which his family says he's wasting as a barista, an annoying anxiety disorder, and no freaking idea what to do with his life. The only thing going his way is the cute coffee shop regular, a homo draconis named Dav (who, in his humanshape, is a total hottie.) Still, it'd be easier if Dav didn't have a habit of accidentally setting things on fire when he's startled. Like the café kitchen.
When Dav breaks draconic taboo and volunteers as a replacement bean-roaster to apologize for the inferno meet-ugly, sparks really fly. Everything's finally happening for Colin, until he learns that hooking up with Dav means that under dragon law, Colin is absorbed into Dav's hoard.
Possession may be nine-tenths of the law, but becoming his boyfriend's property does not make this whole identity crisis thing easier. Especially now that Colin must navigate politics, paparazzi, and legal questions about his personhood. Colin's still angling for his Happily Ever After, but the growing scrutiny on his relationship with Dav threatens their budding romance. And if he's not careful, Colin's fight for agency may just destroy symbiotic human/dragon relationships worldwide.
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Beautiful cover art by @seancefemme
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lady-lycany · 2 months
I wanna ramble a little about the triangle that shark-sslime made (reblogged it yesterday already, where I said, that as Faoladh I'm basically in the golden middle) and I wanna elaborate a little more to that, even though I think, I already spoke about it at some point. (more under the picture)
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I'm a maladaptive daydreamer and within the last 5-6 years I imagined a lot, how my life would be as actual werewolf. Of course wrapped in stories. First TeenWolf and later that whole Markiplier thing that's still going on lol
And if there's something I learned, then it's that as werewolf, you really don't belong anywhere. If I stay for too long in wolfshape, but rather kept like a dog, I'm gonna have the desire to run off into the forest. To live wild and free as I was supposed to... But if I stay for too long in the forest, I'm gonna miss feeling secure in someone's care. If I stay in general too long in a wolfshaped body, I eventually going to miss communicating and talking to those who I'm close with... or doing human things... But when I'm too long in humanshape, I want to distance myself from it because communicating is exhausting when people expect me to respond, or to soothe them or whatever... In general the life that humans are supposed to live, is exhausting af...
The werewolfbody connects those two worlds. But there's no way to live a life like that, in this world. Humans can't see you in that shape. So you can either live it out at home, where no one can see you, which basically just feels like being an isolated human, or at night in the forest. But since we have 2024, where literally anywhere could be a camera placed, you just feel anxious and paranoid all the time, that someone might find out. So the only way to enjoy the werewolfstate, and to live out both versions, would be living somewhere in a small werewolf community. deep in a forest or just- far away from cities. But since all of that isn't possible, I will never feel whole and satisfied. you always want what you can't have... right? There's a reason why we're supposed to be able to shapeshift... to get the best of both worlds. But since I'm stuck in my humanshape in the real world I will always long for the other side and never get a perfect balance of what my heart desires :')
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voca-smut-drabbles · 1 year
Hey, so I saw your NSFW headcanons for Fukase and how you said he's into some "wild stuff", so now I'm really curious about the specifics lmao (as long as you're okay with it of course!)
Sincerely, a Fukase simp who headcanons him as a kinky bastard as well
Sorry it took me so long to finally get around to doing this but YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD MOTHERFUCKER! Hope ya like it! Fukase being a kinky bastard headcanons
Oh golly goodness me where do I BEGIN?
Oh I know! How about bottoming?
Fukase loves being treated like your personal stress relief when it comes to sex, and he will definitely thank you for it, even if he ends up being unable to walk for a week.
He's a sucker for roleplay. Petplay, Master/servant, you name it, he'll try it!
He loves non-humanshaped dildos oh my fucking god-
Peg this man and knot him with a bigass bad dragon strapon he'll be screaming for more.
Oh and don't think I forgot about the hcs I have for him being a switch.
He can either be your sweetest gentledom or your big bad and absolutely brutal master depending on his mood and/or what you're into.
He will absolutely ANNIHILATE any sense of dignity you had if you ever get too bratty with him and he will love every second of making you scream his name.
He'll bring you closer and closer and closer, only to stop when you're just barely about to reach orgasm. But maybe he'll let you finally cum if you beg for it. ;3
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tobeadaydreamer · 1 year
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My 2nd 10x10" acrylic in this series🖤 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ #acrylic #acrylicnude #blackandwhitepainting #acrylicpainter #selfportrait #artshapes #bodypositivity #humanshapes #kyliea #artistsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHqp2Erkwu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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viciar · 6 months
why is it (to me) that most MMD videos the models seem uniquely hollow as compared to like, video game engine rendering or blender animations. I know in general most humanshaped models in animation are “hollow” in general in the sense that their insides arent defined or rendered at all but something about MMD dance videos they especially feel depthless and odd to watch. I don’t know if its the way mmd physics tend to handle movement, or the style of popular model types (ex. TDA-type) or something with the popular methods of lighting and camera angling that people use with it
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meenah · 1 year
whyd they make the humanshape form of ouppycat kinda..........
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
I AM FULL OF TIKKA MASALA AND SPICED SWEET TEA AND GULAB JAMUN, I AM INVINCIBLE also i might crash and sleep from Too Much Food, let's GO
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Got Yukiko's updated persona. Weirdly, given how much I like her SLink, her bonus scene wasn't really much to write home about. EH. They can't all be Kanji and Chie, I guess, who have had the best so far.
Oh I finished up Naoto's SLink actually?
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Caaaaaaaalled it. It was pretty transparently an act put on by Naoto's grandpa to remind them of the joy of their youth, yeah. In that sense, it's really sweet!
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This bit is the most I've liked Naoto in the entire SLink. The bubbly excitement about having made Reverie a detective badge. It flashes! She made one for herself to match! Reverie is now obligated to be their assistant. lol.
Yeah I've now reached the end of Naoto's arc and got the upgraded Persona, and mostly I'm just ambivalent to Naoto. Again, in the MSQ, they're kind of great and I really enjoy his chemistry with the rest of the team? But solo, it feels like the SLink just didn't have much bite too it. It doesn't really do much except got "yeah Naoto really likes detective stuff and also needs to loosen up a bit." Much like Chie's was "Chie feels like the spare and wants to protect people." It's not bad but it pales compared to other options.
Though, SIDEBAR.
Man, Chie and Yukiko is crunchy huh.
I have a tremendous amount of sympathy for Chie. I've often had that feeling like i was the spare, the person left behind, who just wasn't as bright and talented as others. I feel very acutely Chie's desire to make herself useful to the people around her because she needs that niche or she'll be left behind.
I, uh, get that vibe from Yukiko honestly. She could do and go anywhere, and leave everyone behind her. Including Chie.
It's.... an uncomfortable, complex dynamic between them. It's not as simple as what you get from the start of the game, and I like it because it's conveyed a lot in how Chie's arc has a LOT of mentions of Yukiko but Yukiko's.... doesn't. To such a degree that it's, uh, telling.
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Teddie wants to play tag with Nanako in Junes, and Yosuke is at his MOST older brother. For a guy who didn't have a younger brother six months ago, he's taking to it swimmingly.
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everyone loves nanako so much sob
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wow kanji that sweater is so nice, did you sew it yourself? what's it made of, boyfriend material? hey where are you going
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do you ever think about teddie and when he chooses to be in the suit and when he chooses to be a humanboy. do you think the humanboy is more of a guise for him than the suit. does anyone else think about this? even when he is humanshape, he moves the exact same way as when he's a bear
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I love Teddie and wish I still had a modicum of his joy at simply being alive. He's so good.
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Teddrick Hanamura is my fave, I love him so much. He's so fucking stupid and heartfelt and loving and can bring people back to life with his love and he did sit-ups until he Pinnochio'ed himself and he's JUST SWELL AND I LOVE HIM
if kanji is my favorite character, it's very possible teddie is my second, and lemme tell you!!!!! what the fuck.
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engineer-gunzelpunk · 4 months
Further SpookyHenry headcanons (edited with even more HCs added)
He loves his 2000 AD comics, "Nemesis The Warlock" and "Strontium Dogs" are his faves... loves "Promethea" for the art and occult content.
The shady criminal workshop that built him originally was likely located somewhere in eastern London, so he has a Cockney accent… which has flattened out somewhat but is still pretty distinct. It was a heavy mark of difference in the very early years against the Lancastrian, Scottish and general Northern leaning accents among the engines of the NWR.
He was never a Gresley, there were never any flawed plans stolen from Nigel Gresely’s workshop. That was a bullshit lie concocted by the fixer that tried to flog him from railway to railway to conjure an air of prestige for their ‘white elephant’ an to obscure the fact that his dodgy home workshop was just shit.
Very likely has Bipolar Disorder and CPTSD, no one goes though as much shit as he did (just in the 'sanitized' canon) without coming away with mental scarring. (For that rate, he hasn't forgiven his NWR tormentors, but he has no choice but to work and live with them... even in humanshape he can't simply run away. He's still a locomotive in body and soul owned by the NWR, with all the needs that it implies.)
All the tattooing on his arms and body is to conceal all the scarring he got over the course of his life previous to humanization, which was and still is a real source of pain and shame to him. He figures if humans can get ink to cover their scarring, why shouldn't he.
He's still a nature lover, but he's not a Hippie. (Nature lover does not equal Hippie). He's too angry at heart to be one. He also finds some of their ideals benign but the aesthetic appalling, the attainment of those ideals disappointing and a lot of their other ideas just plain dotty and impossible to understand as an engine.
His appreciation for nature is rooted in the fact it allows him to escape his NWR workmates for a bit, so less this:
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More like this:
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Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog (1818) © Hamburger Kunsthalle
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Two Men Contemplating the Moon, 1830
He finds it all fascinating, the cycle of life and death he is completely divorced from as a wholly built artificial creature.
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bionigrls · 4 months
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The first and most prominent of those characters i wanted to revisit is Naohi, I can't quiiiite recall what her Deal was? i think she was a tinkerer of some sort but hell if im rememebring something that old, ANYWAY she's wide now because i said so.
(what is funny is how often i used to draw A Bionicle by slapping maybe 4-5 bioniclish parts onto a regular drawing of a human being, i technically still make them more humanshaped than i should but now it's a defined stylistic choice vs me just being bad at drawing things that aren't organic.)
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mutuallyassured · 2 years
the thing that gets me about the big john / little john kill is that seeing the photo of big john and little john posed so romantically clearly did make michael feel something, at least sentimental enough to recreate the image followed by him choosing such a romantic track and playing it on the record player
honestly just
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