fallenangelkitten · 1 year
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Synopsis: While living your daily life, you meet a stranger that seems to flip your world on its axis.
Warnings: angst, kissing, cuteness
Notes: while writing this I felt magic running through my veins and into my fingertips. Genuinely one of my favorite pieces.
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She walked through the square to make it to the side walk across the street. The thick, rubber soles of her vans sloshed against the puddles that still lingered on the concrete. It hadn’t rained in quite a few days, but large clouds still flooded the sky and shielded the sun.
She didn’t mind.
Dreary, rainy days had always been her favorite.
Even as she stepped into a deeper puddle- one that soaked through the canvas of her shoes.
It wasn’t every day she came to this little coffee shop, but it was damn near close. She always claimed the third booth to the right, the one pressed into the corner of the café. She always ordered the same drink- an iced matcha. Always iced, no matter how crisp and cool the air was.
As she pulled the door open, a man stepped out. His brown curls flopped over his forehead, blue eyes locking with hers as he opened his mouth to apologize.
But the words never left him; they sat caught in his throat as he stared down at the woman.
She watched as his eyes widened to the size of her own. Shock fell through her as her mind swept to find any memory of him. Any explanation. Any moment of clarity.
There was none.
But the way he looked at her. The familiar way his eyes traveled over her face, searching. She felt as though she had seen him do it a thousand times before.
Their eyes stayed locked as he stepped aside to let her through. As the door closed behind them, they had to glance through the glass.
“Welcome in, (Y/N)! I was wondering when you would be by,” said the older woman behind the counter. Miss Humfry owned the little store, and adored her. She always slipped her muffins and pastries on the side.
She finally turned away from the door. “H-Hi, Miss Humfty!” She forced a smile upon her face to not cause her any worry. “Just the usual, please.”
“Of course, dear. Go ahead and go sit, I’ve got it from here.”
The green pleather was beginning to crack from wear, but it didn’t bother her. She had always admired old things. She always picked the most worn book at a second hand store. Always chose the sweaters that were just beginning to fray at the cuffs.
The man slid into the seat in front of her- into her booth.
That same dizzy feeling resurfaced inside her.
His blue eyes locked onto hers, causing her to grip at the seat. “I’m very sorry to disturb you, but I have to ask,” he took a deeper breath. “Have we met before?”
His eyes roamed… searching again.
Her head felt like it was spinning.
He came back.
“I, um. I don’t believe so. But-”
He cut her off. “We’ve never met?”
“Honestly?” She asked. His brow cocked up in response. “I don’t know. It feels as if we have. But I… I would remember someone like you.”
Embarrassment flooded her cheeks.
He looked as if he was going to speak, but Miss Humfry was there with the order in hand. “Here you go, (Y/N).” She set her iced matcha and a scone onto the table. “Oh, my! On a date, I see. I’ll leave you to it.” She winked towards her and was on her way before either of them could correct her.
She kept her eyes fixed on her breakfast.
“(Y/N) is it? That’s,” he cleared his throat. “That’s beautiful.”
She didn’t know what to say, so she muttered a thank you and took a sip of her drink.
Only a moment had passed. “I feel like I do remember you. I don’t know from where and I don’t know how, but I do.”
Her eyes flicked up. She couldn’t help but focus on the small patch of brown in one of his irises.
She sucked in a sharp breath of air as his knee brushed hers. There was a current, a shock. One she could feel through the thick fabric of her jeans, one that made her heart flutter.
His eyes widened as the words fell from his lips. “I should go.”
And he did. He was gone as quickly as he had fallen into her booth.
Her mind was racing as she abandoned her food and ran after him. The air had become cooler and a drizzle made its way down from the sky. She raked a hand through her hair.
“Wait!” She called out.
He wasn’t very far ahead of her, and he turned. She could tell from the furrow of his brow that he hadn’t expected her to follow him. She ran towards his direction, stopping just a few feet from where he stood. Dew coated his hair, his cheeks, the tip of his nose.
She took a few steps forward.
She was close enough that she had to tilt her head to meet his gaze. His lower lip was pulled between his teeth as his eyes flicked between hers and her mouth.
As her head moved closer towards his.
As he pulled his lip from between his teeth.
As she only slightly pressed her own against them.
She was still spiraling and the dizziness had faltered, but the arm that snaked around her waist made it all so much easier. For the first time in a long time, she felt grounded without the feeling of being stuck. It’s as if her feet were just touching the ground.
Even though the daze she’d seemed to be compelled into.
His lips pressed more fully against hers as she folded her arms around his neck. He pulled her into him; her touch his only drug.
Each time his tongue moved against hers- lips molded to the others, teeth nibbling- a new wave of static flowed through them.
An electricity that ignited them.
But it didn’t feel new.
It was something as old as time itself.
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unofskylanderspages · 2 months
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Listed below are the known Mabu seen throughout the Skylanders series:
Evil Flynn
Jess LeGrand
Mayor LeGrand
Ship Master
Mystic Seekers
Advisor Orville
Water Dragon
Da Pinchy
Mab Lobs
Mabu Warriors
Mabu Tanks
Mab Lobses
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syqkos · 2 years
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Humfried, the cheesemaker- half-body commission of a Warhammer 40k character
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deathlessathanasia · 2 years
“Not only on Lesbos, but in a number of other Mediterranean sites as well, sanctuaries of Hera were located at harbors or capes. At Perachora, with its small harbor on the Corinthian gulf, there was a temenos dedicated to Hera Akraia. Humfry Payne, who excavated there in the early 1930s, believed that he had discovered a second sanctuary, a little higher up, to Hera Limenia, although more recently R.A. Tomlinson has argued that this was just an extension of the Akraia sanctuary. At any rate, this maritime Hera cult flourished especially in the latter seventh to sixth century, the historical period assigned to Sappho’s world. Finds there include many that indicate its importance to those engaged in wide-ranging trade routes, including Phoenician bronzes of the eighth and seventh centuries, and some 900 Egyptian or Egyptian-style scarabs. Because the pottery at the site is largely of local provenance, however, Tomlinson declares that the sanctuary was ‘primarily of local interest’, with the ‘international element in the objects found there reflecting the overseas contacts of the Corinthians themselves’, but he also maintains that ‘dedicationswere made there by sailors travelling up or down the gulf of Corinth’. Elsewhere in the Peloponnese, there was a Heraion at Tiryns on the Argolic gulf. In Naukratis, the mixed Greek trading city in Egypt, where according to Strabo, Sappho’s brother Charaxos traded wine, there was a Heraion, established by the Samians. (Thus if the Charaxos Poem and/or Sappho fr. 5 presume that Charaxos is returning from Egypt, Hera may be relevant both at the beginning and end of his voyage.) A Heraion is attested on Cape Lacinia near Croton in southern Italy, one at Foce del Sele on the Italian west coast near Poseidonia (see below), and another at Gravisca, the harbor of Tarquinia. At the Samian colony Heraion Teichos on the Propontis, the place-name strongly suggests that there was yet another. An inscription from Thasos (ig 12 Suppl.409) mentions a Hera Limenaia, as well. Most of all, of course, there was the Heraion at Samos, a short distance from the coast. . . . Two large ships were dedicated to her, (Hera) along with Poseidon: at the Samian Heraion, on the processional route from the harbor to the temple, are two bases made of stone, dating from roughly 600bce, each of which supported a ship some thirty meters long. Helmut Kyrieleis, former director of excavations at the Heraion in Samos, also calls attention to some forty small (0.4 meters long) ship-shaped wooden objects that have been discovered there, which ‘reproduce the elegant shapeof Greek warships and trading vessels in simplified form’. Given their rough workmanship he doubts that these were dedications: ‘Their appearance ...might suggest that these boats played a role in the ritual of festivals of Hera a kind of symbolic cult object’. Kyrieleis draws a comparison with a contemporary Christian cult at Foce del Sele on the Campanian coast near Paestum, within the site of another[formerly] coastal Heraion: ‘There is a chapel in the sanctuary of Hera ... which is dedicated to the Madonna del Granato who, by virtue of her epithet and the attribute of a pomegranate, must be the Christian successor of ... Hera. Even now there is an annual festival in [her] honour ... in which little decoratedships of the simplest form are carried in procession, although nowadays the inhabitants have nothing to do with seafaring ...’ Kyrieleis further notes(p. 143) that in the Hera sanctuaries at Tiryns and Perachora, ‘archaic terracottafigures ... show the goddess holding a little boat decked with flowers. These are, at the very least, strong indications that representations of ships functioned as a symbol or cult object in the ritual of Hera’s festival’.”
 -        Deborah Boedeker, Hera and the Return of Charaxos
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naturalsafety · 10 months
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I would like to say a big thank you to the team at Humfrys & Symonds solicitors for making me feel welcome and it was a pleasure working with you
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ernanileal · 1 year
Cecilia Helena Payne Gaposchkin, uma pioneira da Astronomia
Todos os estudante do ensino médio sabem que Isaac Newton descobriu a gravidade, conhecem o que Charles Darwin explicou sobre a evolução, e até sabem mesmo que Albert Einstein descobriu a relatividade, porém, quando se trata da composição do nosso universo os livros didáticos simplesmente dizem que o elemento mais predominante no universo é o hidrogénio, mas ninguém pergunta como sabemos isso, nem ninguém se refere ao facto de que alguém teve que descobrir isso, esse alguém foi Cecília Helena Payne.
Na época em que Cecília nasceu, a Inglaterra vitoriana era um lugar sufocante para jovens inteligentes e ambiciosas, as expectativas sociais para as jovens eram simplesmente encontrar um marido, acompanhar os seus negócios e interesses e constituir família, nessa óptica antes do casamento as meninas aprendiam as habilidades de ser dona de casa, como tecer, cozinhar, lavar, e cuidar de crianças, contudo as regras eram um pouco diferentes para filhas de famílias ricas, onde as empregadas faziam estas tarefas enquanto as jovens se concentravam nas festas sociais e divertidas.
De qualquer modo a educação para as mulheres era sempre limitada, pois o mundo era dos homens e elas eram meras espectadoras, mas esse sistema foi quebrado por uma jovem inglesa de uma vila rural a nordeste de Londres, Cecilia Helena Payne, uma pioneira que abriu as portas para as mulheres nas ciências e nos escalões superiores dos corredores das academias universitárias.
Cecília Helena Payne foi uma cientista notável que mudou a compreensão do mundo cientifico sobre a composição das estrelas e do Sol, uma das astrónomas mais influentes e negligenciadas da história da ciência, Cecília estudou a composição química das estrelas e foi a primeira a descobrir que o hidrogénio e o hélio são os principais constituintes das estrelas e do universo, as suas conclusões inovadoras foram inicialmente rejeitadas visto contradizerem o conhecimento científico da época, mas estudos e observações posteriores provaram que ela estava correcta, e o trabalho que desenvolveu sobre a natureza das estrelas variáveis foi fundamental para a astrofísica moderna,
Cecília teve de vencer inumeros obstáculos numa sociedade dominada pelos homens, mas derrotou uma sociedade misógina e conseguiu ser a primeira mulher a ser promovida a professora em Harvard,e mais tarde a tornar-se a primeira chefe de departamento feminina de Harvard, e mesmo com todo o seu esforço e dedicação Cecilia continua a não ser mencionada com o devido respeito que uma cientista de tal enverdadura merece, por isso, este texto é apenas uma pequena homenagem a Cecília Helena Payne Gaposchkin, a mulher que descobriu do que as estrelas são feitas.
Cecilia Helena Payne nasceu em Inglaterra em 10 de maio de 1900, foi uma das três crianças nascidas em Wendover, Buckinghamshire, Inglaterra, filha de Emma Leonora Helena Pertz, oriunda duma família prussiana, e Edward John Payne, um advogado, historiador e músico londrino, mas o seu pai morreu quando ela tinha quatro anos, o que forçou a sua mãe a criar os seus três filhos Cecilia, Humfry e Lonora, sózinha.
Embora a família passasse por dificuldades financeiras, a mãe de Cecília ia contra as normas da Inglaterra vitoriana e trabalhava para dar educação às filhas, e elas começaram a estudar em Wendover numa escola particular, mas quando tinha doze anos, a familia mudou-se para Londres para poder educar o irmão de Cecilia, Humfry, que mais tarde se tornou arqueólogo, Cecilia frequentou então o St Mary's College, Paddington, e em 1918 mudou de escola para a St. Paul Girl’s Scholl.
No ano seguinte a sua mãe recusou-se a gastar dinheiro na sua ida para a faculdade, dizendo que era um disparate as mulheres a estudar cursos superiores, mas persistente Cecília ganhou uma bolsa de estudos que pagou todas as suas despesas no Newnham College da Universidade de Cambridge, onde inicialmente estudou botânica, física e química, mas abandonou a botânica logo após o primeiro ano.
O seu interesse pela astronomia começou depois que assistiu a uma palestra de Arthur Eddington sobre a sua expedição em 1919 à ilha do Principe, no Golfo da Guiné na costa oeste da África, para observar e fotografar as estrelas perto de um eclipse solar, e que a teoria da relatividade de Einstein, estava certa, Cecilia ficou tão entusiasmada que logo preencheu s sua agenda de cursos com tantos cursos de astronomia quanto pôde além de se envolver na Newnham College Astronomical Society.
Enquanto estava em Newnham Cecília descobriu um antigo observatório abandonado, e foi a partir de que lá através do pequeno telescópio ela começou a explorar o céu noturno, observando as luas de Júpiter e os anéis de Saturno ao mesmo tempo que organizaava noites de observação pública para observar as estrelas, Cecília instalou mesmo um diário de observação no observatório, afixando um aviso de que todos os que usavam o telescópio deveriam registrar o seu nome e a data.
Um de seus professores foi Ernest Rutherford, um neozelandês de nascimento que mais tarde ajudou a revelar a estrutura do átomo, um homem possante com uma voz estrondosa e comportamento brusco, que se revelou bastante cruel com Cecília e frequentemente tentava fazer com que os outros estudantes masculinos se rissem dela, na época assédio como esse era esperado e até encorajado, e Cecília, como a única mulher da classe, com o seu espirito perseverante e indomável teve que aprender desde cedo como viver no mundo dominado pelos homens.
Após completar os seus estudos, Cecília foi confrontada com o facto de não poder obter um diploma por causa de seu sexo, visto Cambridge não conceder diplomas a mulheres ( atitude que mudou apenas em 1948 ), e log percebeu que a sua única opção de carreira no Reino Unido era tornar-se professora, o que não se coadonava com os seus planos.
Não se dando por vencida Cecília pesquisou onde podia obter bolsas de estudo que lhe permitissem mudar-se para os Estados Unidos, e a sua persistência acabou por ser recompensada pois o seu entusiasmo, a sua voluntariedade e alguns dos seus trabalhos, captaram a atenção de Harlow Shapley, o director do Harvard College Observatory que tinhaacabado de criar um programa de pós-graduação em astronomia.
Cecília deixou a Inglaterra em 1923 rumo aos Estados Unidos, e isso só foi possível graças a ter obtido a bolsa de estudos criada para permitir as mulheres estudarem no Harvard College Observatory, a Pickering Fellowship que era uma das poucas bolsas de estudo da época reservados exclusivamente para estudantes do sexo feminino, Adelaide Ames foi a primeira aluna da bolsa em 1922, e a segunda foi Cecília em 1923.
Harlow Shapley, o patrono de Cecília nos seus estudos, face aos estudos e resultados que ela apresentava convenceu-a a desenvolver uma tese de doutoramento, mas como Harvard não concedia doutoramentos a mulheres Cecilia mudou-se temporáriamente para o Radcliffe College, uma instituição irmã de Harvard (que agora faz parte da Universidade de Harvard), e em 1925 Cecilia foi a primeira pessoa de qualquer sexo a receber um doutoramento em astronomia pelo Radcliffe College, e a sua tese tornou-se a seguir a primeira monografia publicada pelo Harvard College Observatory.
Cecília foi descrita pelo célebre astrónomo Lawrence H. Aller como uma das mais capazes empreendedoras do grupo de Harlow Shapley, a tese que desenvolveu foi baseada nos seus estudos sobre a composição química de estrelas de diferentes idades, e como resultado desses estudos Cecilia descobriu pela primeira vez que o hidrogénio e o hélio eram os principais ingredientes das estrelas e do universo.
O astrónomo Otto Struve referiu-se à sua tese de doutoramento como "sem dúvida a tese de doutoramento mais brilhante já escrita em astronomia", no entanto, outro dos astrónomos mais proeminentes da época, Henry Norris Russel aconselhou-a a não tirar essa conclusão por ser um pouco prematura, mas mais tarde este admitiu que ela estava certa, e embora se tenha retratado junto da comunidade cientifica, muito do crédito popular por essa descoberta na época foi para ele e outros cientistas do sexo masculino.
As conclusões a que Cecília chegou sobre a composição das estrelas permitiram aos cientistas determinar que o hidrogénio é o elemento mais abundante no universo, por outro lado afirmou também que as estrelas podiam ser classificadas com base na sua temperatura, avançando assim o trabalho de classificação desenvolvido anos mais tarde por Annie Jump Cannon entre outros, os resultados dos estudos e as suas conclusões são provavelmente as contribuições mais significativas para a actual compreensão da verdadeira composição das estrelas.
Em 1933, Cecília viajou para a Europa para se encontrar como astrónomo russo Boris Gerasimovich, que já tinha cooperado em estudos conjuntos com o Harvard College Observatory, e com quem planejava escrever um livro sobre as estrelas variáveis, mas no decorrer dessa viagem em Göttingen, Alemanha, Cecília conheceu Sergey Illarionovich Gaposchkin, um astrónomo russo que não podia retornar à União Soviética por motivos políticos.
Sabendo da sua presença na Europa Sergey viajou cerca de 250 kilometros de bicicleta para se encontrar com ela e pedir a sua ajuda, pois devido à situação política da época e à ascensão dos nazismo, ele estava sob suspeita na Alemanha de ser um espião russo e com a sua entrada negada pelaa Rússia sob suspeita de ser um espião alemão, Cecília interessou-se pelo seu algo caricato caso e resolveu essa situação problemática ajudando-o a obter um visto para os EUA e um cargo no Harvard College Observatory.
Depois de algum tempo a trabalharem juntos no Observatório casaram-se em 1934, quando a notícia foi anunciada em Harvard foi recebida com algum choque e surpresa, pois devido ao seu empenho e profissionalismo ninguém suspeitava que se estivesse a desenrolar um romance entre os dois, a partir daí começaram a trabalhar em conjunto em diversos estudos sobre estrelas variáveis, e Cecilia foi nomeada professora de astronomia em 1938, mas, embora ministrasse cursos eles não foram listados no catálogo de Harvard até depois do término da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Durante as décadas de 1930 e 1940, eles, juntamente com 29 assistentes, fizeram mais de 1.250.000 observações de estrelas variáveis a partir das chapas fotográficas de Harvard, o interesse da Cecília pela classificação das estrelas e sua memória formidável fizeram dela uma enciclopédia ambulante de dados estelares variáveis, e durante a década de 1960, ela e seu marido Sergey fizeram mais de dois milhões de estimativas visuais de magnitudes variáveis de estrelas nas duas pequenas galáxias irregulares próximas à Via Láctea, conhecidas como Nuvens de Magalhães.
Cecília permaneceu no Observatório de Harvard como assistente técnica de Shapley sem que lhe tivesse sido atribuído um cargo formal, até que em 1956 recebeu uma cátedra e foi nomeada professora titular em Harvard, além de ser ter tornado presidente do departamento de astronomia, e a ser a primeira mulher a chefiar o departamento de astronomia de Harvard, no entanto, apesar desse sucesso e das suas funções Cecilia recebia menos vencimento do que os seus equivalentes masculinos, uma questão de disparidade salarial entre homens e mulheres muito comum na época.
A American Astronomical Society reconheceu a contribuição de na sua área de estudos e concedeu-lhe o Prémio Annie Jump Cannon em 1934, dois anos depois Cecília tornou-se membro da American Philosophical Society, e este foi o início de uma longa linha de prémios, reconhecimentos e doutoramentos honorários que recebeu, nomeadamente os doutoramentos honorários atribuídos pelo Wilson College em 1942, pelo Smith College em 1943, pelo Western College em 1951, pelo Colby College em 1958, e pelo Women's Medical College da Filadélfia em 1961.
Cecília Helena Payne Gaposchkin reformou-se em 1966, e em 1976, três anos antes de sua morte, o Radcliffe College concedeu-lhe um Prémio de Mérito, o Instituto Franklin atribui-lhe a Medalha Rittenhouse, e foi a primeira mulher a receber o Prémio Henry Norris Russell Lectureship, um prémio que é concedido anualmente pela American Astronomical Society, com base na sua vida inteira de eminência em pesquisas astronómicas, no entanto no obituário publicado por ocasião do seu falecimento, toda a sua carreira, o seu contributo para a ciência, e os seus titulos académicos foram completamente ignorados e nunca referidos. Lamentávelmente !
Cecilia e Sergey tiveram três filhos, Edward em 1935, Katherine em 1937 e Peter em 1940, Sergey sobreviveu a Cecilia e veio a falecer a 17 Ootubro de 1984
SnopesNews - Cecilia Payne, the woman who weally discovered what the universe is made of
Harvard Square Library - Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecília
Britannica - Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, a British-born American astronomer
Store Norsk Lexicon - Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
Science Museum Newsletter - Cecilia Payne, a rebel against the feminine role
Harvard Magazine - Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Brief life of a breakthrough astronomer
Owlcation - The pioneering woman astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
Wikipédia - Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
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poggermilo · 3 years
Funni Boi Inc.
A group of gay monster men 👍
(22 of them) jesus, it's a lot 😭
They all have their own monster form but drawing (most of) them as humanoids is so much better (in my opinion)
also low quality colouring
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Daydream and Nightmare are the 2 holding guns in between the phrase "yeah, we gay. keep scrolling"
Charlie is the green eyeball man on the right.
Humfry is the rectangle head on the top
Sarmenti is the one wearing the half mask to the right of Humfry
Britz is the one with pointy horns and a yellow bandana to the right Sarmenti
Marcus is the one on the top right corner with the weird fleshy mouth on his shoulder
Extorzo is the one under Marcus with the big purple bowtie and white mask
Chaos is the one with the curved gray horns and galaxy like hood underneath Sarmenti and Britz
Redacted (yes that's his name) is the blob with the beige scarf under Chaos
Corrupted is the whore looking man in the white suit in between Nightmare and Redacted
Sangue is the depressed, tired, ghost coloured man under Redacted
Lorem is the glorious four armed man in a chain and red shirt to the right of Sangue
Mask is the one with, you guessed it, a mask, and orange wings to the right of Lorem
Acri is also the whore looking man with a pink jacket on his arms to the left of Sangue
Malum is the one with a hair bun and his arm around Matri's shoulder to the left of Acri
Amare is the one with yellow/gold like wings on the bottom left corner
Nutella is the one with long white hair and Dolor is the one with the purple suit, both are above Amare
Invalid is the one on the top left corner with the X on his face and the dark gray bandana
And last but not least Dolce (D-ol-ch-eay) is the one with the clown nose and yellow striped suit under Invalid
I would make reference sheets for my own use but- theres so many of them 💀 Maybe if i have motivation, one day i'll make them all one
but that's it for this post
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thebluecastle · 7 years
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Agatha Christie's Marple - At Bertram's Hotel
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ddagent · 5 years
if you have some headcanons for modern queen brienne I'd love to know some 🙈
Of course! This was a lot of fun to work on, because it meant trying to re-imagine HHH but in a modern setting. 
Trying to list Evenfall Hall as a listed building, Selwyn invites Humfry Wagstaff from the Westerosi Trust to investigate. Sixteen-year-old Brienne is not impressed by his lack of knowledge and calls him out on it. 
They don’t get their listing, and Selwyn sends Brienne up North for her second set of exams (think A-Levels) and to learn something about duty. 
Brienne gets on well at Winterfell. She helps Lyanna with her homework, and Ned with fixing cars. And when Brandon’s fiancee comes to visit, Brienne enjoys spending time with Catelyn, too.
All nine great houses are invited to a huge celebration to honour many years of Aerys Targaryen’s rule. Brienne joins the Starks, and enjoys the festivities. Lyanna does as well, catching the eye of Prince Rhaegar. The two share a kiss. 
That kiss is photographed and plastered on the front pages of all the tabloids. It’s reported that Princess Elia takes her children and returns to Dorne, leaving her cheating husband. Elia is never seen alive in public again. 
Lyanna disappears. Brienne joins the search through the grounds of Winterfell and is questioned by the Night’s Watch (Northern police) as to her disappearance. Eventually, messages are found between Lyanna and Rhaegar. 
The Night’s Watch go to King’s Landing to question Rhaegar. Brandon joins them, and, in a moment of anger, makes some threats to the Prince’s safety. The King has him arrested. When his father goes to bail out his son, both are murdered. 
Brienne calls her father the night Ned decides to go to war. Selwyn begs her to come home, but she refuses. “You sent me here to teach me about duty. This is something I need to do.” 
And this is getting super long, but underneath are some headcanons about Jaime. 
As a child, Jaime is close to his brother and his father’s ward, Cers*i Hill. She impresses Tywin by outsmarting Jaime in public and, not having a daughter himself, decides to offer her an opportunity within the family. 
All Jaime has ever wanted to be was a knight and serve the people (basically an officer of the law). His father has other ideas. Still, Jaime becomes involved in a cadet program with the Westerlands officers. 
At eighteen, Jaime is undertaking an evening neighbourhood patrol when he sees a series of robberies taking place. He calls for officers, stops the assailants, and saves the lives of two young women working the register. 
Ser Arthur Dayne, visiting the Westerlands on a tour of new recruits, knights Jaime for his bravery. He is promptly shipped off to Lannisport University to study business. 
As the King’s chief advisor, Tywin works in King’s Landing; Cers*i in his office whilst studying. Despite bringing her into the fold, Tywin does not think she is good enough for Jaime. 
She comes up with the idea of Jaime joining Aerys’ Kingsguard as a way for them to be together that Tywin cannot stop. Jaime readily agrees, only for Tywin to resign and threaten to cut Cers*i off if she stays. She goes. 
Jaime quickly discovers the truth of the hell he’s been stranded in. As Aerys becomes increasingly erratic and the civil war continues, the Red Keep is cut off. Jaime, however, has managed to hide his phone. 
He can’t risk contacting anyone lest Aerys and his Small Council find out. Jaime, however, can get some phone signal and spends his off-hours watching new footage from the front. Including a tall blonde soldier with blue eyes that makes Jaime long for home.
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bakhtaks-blog · 6 years
What are your favorite or underrated female slashers/villains?
Oh gurl I got a couple of them, here goes:
Sadako Yamamura from “Ringu”
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Samara Morgan from “The Ring”
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Kayako Saeki from “Ju-On”/”The Grudge”
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Eli from “Let the right one in”
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The girl from “A girl walks home alone at night”
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Countess Marya Zaleska from “Dracula’s daughter”
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The Bride from “Bride of Frankenstein”
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Carrie White from “Carrie”
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Rachel Lang from “The rage: Carrie 2″
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Tiffany Valentine from “Bride of Chucky”
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Mary Shaw from “Dead Silence”
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Esther Coleman from “Orphan”
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Queen Akasha from “Queen of the damned”
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Annie Wilkes from “Misery”
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Jennet Humfry/The Woman in black from “The Woman in black”
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Diana Walter from “Lights out”
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Jennifer Check from “Jennifer’s body”
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The Alien Queen from “Aliens”
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Elvira mistress of dark
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Matilda Dixon/The Tooth fairy from “Darkness falls”
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Regan McNeil/Pazuzu from “The Exorcist”
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Mademoiselle from “Martyr”
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Dawn O’keefe from “Teeth”
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Female Cenobite/Deepthroat from “Hellraiser”
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Morticia and Wednesday Addams from “Addams family”
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Lily Munster from “The Munsters”
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Angela Baker from “Sleepaway camp”
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The nun/Valak from “The conjuring 2″
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These are the ones I can think of for now, but there probably many more.
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niqhtlord01 · 5 years
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SCP 434-D - The Aging Mirror Subject: A late 17th century mirror in a pine frame with no additional details. On the back of the frame is a small signature of the craftsman who made the picture but due to age the signature has been largely worn away. With the help of computer imaging technology we were able to get a partial which read "D. Gr" Some of the researchers have made note that this could be in reference to the fictional character known as "Dorian Gray" in the novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray". Further research is required. SCP 434-D was originally found in the small Bulgarian town of Krapets along the Black Sea. The SCP was discovered by a young boy who had been rummaging through the attic of their grandparents home after they had passed away and discovered a large iron wrought box.The box had no locks to open and had been welded shut along the entire opening. After a day of dragging the heavy box outside the young boy convinced his uncle to lend him his blowtorch to attempt to open the box. The uncle refused but said instead that he would help the boy himself.The uncle then went to work opening the box and within roughly an hour the welds had been undone. Lifting the top portion off revealed the SCP 434-D facing down with its back facing the uncle and the boy. The uncle grabbed the top portion of SCP 434-D and began lifting it up to see what was on the other side when suddenly letting out a cry of pain and dropping SCP 434-D back down. The uncle and boy were horrified to find that the uncles fingertips had all of the skin removed revealing the muscles and bone underneath. The boy rushed the uncle to the hospital and alerted the authorities at which point the foundation was called in. SCP 434-D's abilities appear that anything that comes within direct reflection of the mirrors surface begins to rapidly age the longer it is held in the mirrors reflection. This has been recorded with both organic and non organic materials. This effect however only appears to take place as long as there is a light source present. If SCP 434-D is kept in a dark room with no light source then any object or being put in front of SCP 434-D will not begin to age. An interesting side effect is that when SCP 434-D is used on organic beings not only does the body begin to age but the mind as well. Test 037 had foundation personnel place a recently orphaned baby in front of the mirror while the room was dark. Upon the lights coming on the baby began to quickly grow into a full grown adult male before the lights were turned off again. The staff were expecting the male to display the intelligence level of a toddler but were surprised when the male subject began calling out in confusion, speaking in perfect English and identifying himself as Edgar Humfrie. Safety Protocols: - SCP 434-D’s effects everything within the mirrors reflection. Any recording equipment not being used for age testing should be kept out of the SCP’s line of sight.  - Never have SCP 434-D facing the same wall section for longer than 30 seconds. After the incident on June 20th which had an electrical malfunction happen were the lights could not be manually turned off, SCP 434-D aged the chambers containment wall to the point of crumbling and released SCP 902 into the same chamber. SCP 902 was caught in the line of reflection of SCP 434-D and rapidly began aging before dying. This effect continued as SCP 434-D began aging the walls in the next chamber as well as the foundation personnel present and set of a chain reaction that resulted in the deaths of 14 foundation staff, 3 SCP subjects deaths, and several dozen chambers destroyed. - As a result of the disaster on June 20th, SCP 434-D is only to be tested in a darkened room lit by candle light only or in a room with a single light source that can easily be destroyed if manual shutdown loses functionality.  - When storing SCP 434-D the room must holding 434-D and the room leading to the room holding it must be completely doused in darkness. Foundation staff may then enter the chamber and place 434-D in a specialized storage container that blocks all sources of light.  Security Staff Protocols:   - In the event of a critical containment breach, the board of directors has authorized the security staff to use SCP 434-D as a weapon to contain or eliminate other SCP’s.   (Art: Bernardo Strozzi - Old Woman at the Mirror) 
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mariabrennanart · 4 years
A little bit of Panni wisdom... Mentally preparing for tomorrow...😳 (Follow her on FB Group page: Maria Brennan Art! And on Instagram: humfri ) #goawaycorona #mariabrennanart #cartoonartist #cartoonart #bassethound #bassethoundart #floridaartist #tampaartist #artist #pencilartist #pencilart https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2roChJje_/?igshid=xqbkgugbn7j7
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hobo-wizard · 6 years
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30
24 - Would bake a cake for a friend who is sad
  Peri's mama taught him a mean Pączki recipe and he is not afraid to use it.
25 - Is the comforting one
  Author tries his best, his social skills arent fantastic but hes got a knack for cryptic mentor stuff. Peri is also very comforting despite being a little weirdo.
26 - Acts like they don’t care, but do
  Jon is very aggro and stoic and rude but its not bc he likes anyone or anything (it absolutely is).
27 - Loves children
  Author! He is good with small children and animals.
28 - Gets lost easily
  Chaya has exactly no sense of direction and there are only like five people she’ll admit this to.
29 - Likes to work out
  Chaya is training to be a knight! so she is very buff. Author also likes to work out to maintain his strength but instead of weights he uses dynasts bc the wyld hunt is basically free combat.
30 - Will sends meme in the group chat
  Modern!au Peri and Humfri have the memes to fulfil their dreams.
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harryfeatgaga · 7 years
blake griffin is the basketball player that i always confuse with kris humfries!
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angelicasavy · 8 years
На слово "месть" Google уже давно выводит blairwaldorf.com.
Gossip girl, Den Humfry
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