fanfictasia · 10 months
Comfortember Day 24
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Growing in the Storm
Ahsoka Tano
As it turns out, sitting here watching Vader do his office work – or whatever in the world he’s doing – is very boring. And I’m feeling way too off balance to try meditating right now. I found it very boring to watch Anakin do paperwork too, honestly. But this time, I can’t even offer to help to make it go faster, or actually –
“Want some help?” I ask, approaching his table.
The helmeted head raises a little to look at me. “I do not recall you ever being this enthusiastic about battle reports in the past,” he replies, dryly.
I huff. I never found them terribly fascinating, but it was… honestly preferable to the actual fighting. Though, looking at them often just made me feel worse knowing how many people were lost. “Remember that time I wrote that huge pile of reports because you were stumbling around blindly and could hardly stay awake, and Rex was this close to stunning you?”
I wave a hand, as I pause next to him. “You were probably too tired to remember my name then.”
“That is… possible,” he replies, a note of amusement in his voice.
“Hopefully you’ve been doing better without us to babysit you?” But honestly, that’s a joke. I can especially see looking back what lengths Anakin went to, to care of me and the boys, and we always returned that for him as much as we could. But now… I rather doubt he’s close with any of his men. All Imperials seem too snobby for that. Okay, I know that’s not fair, but honestly. And he feels way too lonely to be… close to anyone. Has anyone taken care of him since Rex and I tried to on Mustafar before Sidious came?
“You would not be pleased to know the answer to that.”
Oh no. Not that I guessed otherwise. “What does that mean?”
“I do not sleep anymore.”
“Very funny,” I deadpan.
“There is little time for it. I draw my strength from the Dark Side.”
Okay, hold on, is he serious? He had better not be serious. “Then I think it’s time I tuck you into bed under your cape. It is a good blanket,” I reply, and I am hardly joking. He better not be entirely serious.
I can’t decipher the noise that escapes his vocoder. “I have to many matters to look after for that.”
“You’ve already been doing that for an hour.”
“There is always more to attend to.”
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bwoahtastic · 3 years
yk what, i‘m still SO soft for michael (&lando) watching daniel finally find his mate and falling in love in the runaway verse. like,,,,🥺
i think especially michael is so so happy for daniel because he saw his best friend struggle more than anyone, and every day that max and noah spend with them, he watches daniel fall so hard with max. (and his pups) and he witnessed all these little things!!!
daniel watching max with the most obvious heart eyes when he sees him play with noah. daniel literally jumping when max needs something and his dopey smile afterwards when max coos softly in return. daniel carefully touching max so often without even noticing, it‘s just his instincts coming through. daniel playing with noah for hours because he can not get enough of that sweet boy while max watches on softly. daniel being so so excited to meet sophie and at night when he thinks everyone is already asleep he reads every book about parenting and children he can find (michael defo catches him sitting in the dark dining room half asleep but determined lol)
daniel getting all giddy and soft when max kisses his cheek or cuddles close! my god. i‘m still not over that verse 🥺🥺🥺
Michael just finally seeing Daniel find the happiness he deserves and he is so fucking happy for him because he knows Daniel thought he would never be able to have that.
Anddd nngg Michael probably knows Dan is in love before Dan realises, just seeing the way Daniel looks at Max with just fond eyes, and the way he cant keep giving Max tiny gentle touches and nosing him and just running to make him ocmfortable! And Daniel is even softer with the pups, playing with Noah for hours, sitting or laying on the floor and reading him stories too and nnggg he is such a good papa even before he realises what Max and the kiddos mean to him
Dan not sleeping and reading up on parenting and how to deal with kids instead, because he wants to do it right. Noah espeically has been through so much already and Dan is so scared to hurt him....
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hellagaymccree · 6 years
Just thought of something cute as a prompt if you still want one. It's that Gabe has his first real nightmare since ages, maybe after a gone bad mission and Jesse has to comfort him in the middle of the night. Your writing is amazing!
Here you go :D i think i focused more on the nightmare than the ocmfort though ._.
Gabriel had told himself he would just close his eyes for five minutes when he laid on the couch placed in his office. It was after midnight, a normal person should be sleeping, but Gabriel can’t seem to find the strength to close his eyes for more than a minute lately. His hands fidget to do something, his eyes move behind his eyelids, like there’s a light they’re trying to avoid, and his legs won’t stay put, they just want to run.It’s been like this for the past three days since Blackwatch had their worst mission of the year. They have their missions that go bad, that’s normal and Gabriel’s used to it. People get hurt, another thing that’s normal, but what’s good about his division is that they usually work under the cover of darkness. They don’t lose many people this way. They always make sure to have each other’s back, ears cleared in their surroundings and their eyes wide open for any sign of trouble. If an agent misses something, there’s always that other one that catches it. 
Three days ago they were in one of their safe houses in Minnesota, waiting for any sign of the cargo ship that would land in their target’s territory with a bomb. As soon as they got the signal, they would head out. The cargo ship was delayed: first sign of something off. It caused them to stay overnight in the house and Gabriel took the first watch. Tim Phelps came in to look for some water and stayed for a while, chatting with Gabriel. Phelps is one of the few that has been with Overwatch from the start, and once Blackwatch was formed Reyes knew he wanted him in his division. It happened in a blink. Gabriel was laughing due to one of Tim’s jokes, and suddenly, the man grabbed him and turned them around. Phelps’ eyes were stroke with fear as he looked at Gabriel and then they went blank when the bullet pierced the side of his head. By instinct, Gabriel leaped back and under cover from the sniper, but his agents’ dead eyes were looking straight at him.For three nights Gabriel hasn’t been able to sleep. He hears Phelps’ laugh, remembers the name of all his fallen agents and those he lost along his way. Alberto, a friend from his youth who got his by a car one night. Lucia, his aunt who lost her battle to cancer. George, Dan, Ashely, Robert, Chris, April, Gabriela; all people he knew from the SEP that didn’t make it. Faces from civilians he couldn’t safe from the omnic crisis; they cry in his dreams for help, for their sons and daughter. For their parents and grandparents. Gabriel calls for everyone he knew, sees their faces burning in pictures and blood dripping to his feet. His skin crawls as if bony hands pull him to a void he won’t be able to escape. Sometimes he just doesn’t see those who died, but the ones that walk with him in life. Jack, he started worrying about the blonde since their SEP days, wondering if both would make it through their next dose. Ana, the sniper that keeps him grounded and always watches over them from above. Fareeha, the girl that grew on him when they met and calls him uncle, who he tells stories before bed. He could use a good story or two to sleep.He calls for Reinhardt, for Torb, for Gerard, for his other comrades and agents. He calls for Jesse, the cowboy he picked up on the desert, dehydrated and running from Blackwatch when they raided the Deadlock gorge. He thought he could run, and it surprised Gabriel he got so far and out of his sight for a day. He kept him since, turned him into a better version of what he could’ve been if he stayed with the gang. He also grew on Gabriel without the commander even realizing it. McCree appeared out of nowhere under his skin and in the back of his mind, and it seems he’s here to stay.“Boss?” He sees the cowboy calling for him, on the ground, crying crimson from one eye while the wound in his chest kills him slowly. “Jefe…” the boys echoes.“No,” Gabriel’s breath stutters.“Gabe,” the cowboy calls, but not in pain. “Gabe!”Gabriel yelps awake and grabs onto an arm that tenses, while a hand lays softly on his shoulder. “Hey, hey, easy.” He blinks rapidly, trying to make sense of what happened. The room’s only lit by the lamp on his desk like he left it while doing work to keep him busy. “It’s alright, sugar.” McCree coos as he rubs circles on the commander’s shoulder and over his back. “It’s just me.”Gabriel’s vision clears and he sees Jesse, smiling softly at him as he still holds on to Reyes. His hand is tender, but the grip is like iron. He won’t let Gabriel sink into that void. “Just a bad dream, sweetheart.”“Jesse,” Gabriel says, a little out of breath. “W-what happened?”“Bad dream, just that.”“I…” Gabriel sits straighter, looking around the office. Everything feels like an illusion. Like his mind’s playing games. He can’t tell what’s real and what isn’t. “Gabe,” Jesse whispers to him as he sits by his side and Gabriel flinches.“It’s me, Jesse,” the agent keeps moving his hand over Gabriel’s shoulder, soothing his muscle and spreading some warmth into his shivering body. “Your vaquero. I’m here, I’m not goin’ anywhere.”“Why are you here?” Gabriel asks, he needs to know this isn’t a dream. Needs a reason to believe this mirage that will twist into something morbid.“My report,” Jesse huffs, “fell asleep and left it on my nightstand.” “Oh,” Gabriel looks at the coffee table, where a paper lies on top. It has Jesse’s writing, rough looking, but Gabriel has adjusted to read it. He quickly looks at Jesse when he stands up to grab a bottle of water Gabriel left at the desk.“Drink,” Jesse tells him as he sits back by his side while Gabriel raises the bottle to his lips. “I’ll stay here with ya.” The commander stops to glance at Jesse before he drinks. “If ya want me, that is.”Gabriel gulps a good amount of water before lowering the bottle and taking a deep breath. All this time he felt like he was holding it and now he can breathe properly. “Stay.”McCree smiles softly before his hand returns to Gabriel’s back and he continues moving it in a soft circle. “Yer fine, Gabe. I’m here now, and you can rest. That was just a nasty dream but yer safe now, I promise.”Gabriel lets himself be taken care of, he doesn’t mind the words Jesse says or the names he uses. He has never minded. He lets himself be indulge in tender touches and caresses he wouldn’t in the daylight, and around base. But here in his office with Jesse, it does start to feel safer. The void fades away to show clarity, and Gabriel feels comfortable enough to fall asleep. Before he does, he requests something from Jesse, “Stay?”The cowboy continues smiling and huffs lightly before he takes off his head, leans back and pulls Gabriel closer to him. “I’ll be here when ya wake up.”
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