#hurts to touch and with temp change too its so annoying
silversneasels · 6 months
my TOOTH!!!!!!!!!! =_=
update: i got a root canal
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hermitreunited · 4 years
💜💜AU Fics! (+ two I don’t know how to categorize) 💜💜
So I’m saying they are AU, and they are, but canon-divergent AUs. Apparently I don’t read many full divorced-from-the-source AUs. (Some other folks have recced ones like that for the @tuafeedbackfest so do go check that out!) These ones are all ‘what if it was like the show but’ kind of AUs, and I love seeing what changes and what stays the same.
hell of a feeling though by @agreatperhaps12
Klaus is never quite sure, until the moment he's getting punched in the face, whether the ghost of Ben following him around is anything more than an extremely vivid hallucination.
Rating: NR⎜Word Count: 46k+⎜Complete (4/4)
This fic is extremely great. It starts pre-series, and then the third chapter tracks an alternative timeline to the show (although only slightly as the AU is only slightly divergent - until all of a sudden it is most definitely Not) and the last chapter is for the after. Basically every setting you could possibly want, and it’s all written so well with such great characterization of Klaus. It made me scream plenty.
If Your Life Won’t Wait by queenbaskerville
Klaus somehow, somehow, figures out how to manifest himself visibly, as some sort of shade passing as a living man, to talk a high-as-a-kite Luther into going home. He doesn’t touch Luther once, and his ghostly self feels a bit lightheaded, but he walks beside Luther until they’re back to the Academy and Luther has fallen asleep on the staircase.
“I’ll tell him I’m dead when he’s sober,” Klaus tells Ben. “I’ll do it.”
“Okay,” says Ben.
Klaus doesn’t.
aka, When Klaus dies on the dance floor, God kicks him out of the afterlife. But she only kicks him out halfway.
Rating: T⎜Word Count: 23k+⎜Complete (7/7)
I love love this fic! It’s such a neat idea, and the changes it makes in the timeline of the show - even though it only diverges from the end of 1x07 - are pretty huge. And then we get some family bonding via dealing with some incredibly hard to handle things, like Klaus being dead, and all the difficult but important conversations sorting that out entails. 
can i dream for a few months more? by intheflowers
A woman dreams of the child she gave away. It's fine as long as she can deny what she sees. (When she finally wakes up to the reality of the situation it will be too late.)
On the other side of the world, a boy dreams of a woman he does not know. While he's too young to understand who she really is, one day he'll figure it out. (And by then he will have other things to worry about. By then, all he'll really want is a safe place to sleep.)
Or: I go wild with the idea of Klaus having the power to dreamwalk and meeting his birth mother that way.
Rating: T⎜Word Count: 33k+⎜Complete (3/3)
I’m aware that I need to read alllll of what intheflowers has written, based on all the other recs I’ve seen, and also based on the fact that this fic is so amazing. Just gorgeously written, and such a cool concept that leads to both the painful hurt and the beautiful comfort. I literally just finished reading it but I have to read it again and leave loooong comments.
learn to live with it by Princex_N
Klaus doesn't know where to start and doesn't know how to stop.
He's the only one who tries to get used to it, because what other choice does he have? The others still wait, still ask when he'll be done playing around, still yell at him for being annoying, but no one seems to stop and realize that there's nothing he can do about it.
Klaus gets used to it, but he's the only one who does.
Rating: G⎜Word Count: 4k+⎜Complete (1/1)
A fic where Klaus has Tourette’s Syndrome, set pre-series (although there’s more fic in the series, including one with Allison set in the post-not-apocalypse). I haven’t seen anyone rec this one I don’t think but it’s really unique and it fits very well into the established facts of canon.
Comes And Goes (In Waves) series by hujwernoo
The apocalypse happens, Five arrives in the rubble, and his entire family is dead.
However, one of them has power over ghosts. And even if being dead seriously sucks sometimes, Klaus is going to be there for his brother.
There is an abundance of fics about Klaus surviving the apocalypse and being there for Five, and while I love those fics I wanted to up the angst factor by about 1000. So here's one where he doesn't survive, and is still there anyways.
I know everybody has recced this, but that’s just because it’s that good. A massive labor that absolutely becomes its own universe by the time it starts tangling up with canon in its 8th installment, ‘for the ones who try again.’ I’ll make special mention of the 6th one, ‘for the ones who need a hand,’ because I really like that one particularly. You’ve got to read in order on this one though!
The next two fic are ones that I really wanted to give mention to, but couldn’t fit in with any of my other lists:
once there was a tree by @giugiubees
She looks at the display on the wall. She’s dusted it countless times. There are many prized insects pinned within the gleaming glass case. The insects are rare or extremely beautiful or both. So it is odd, that in the corner, sits an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail. It is yellow, but it doesn’t shine for attention. It sits quietly in its death, seemingly content to have simply lived at all. Grace blinks.
A fix-it where they dig Grace out of the ruins of the mansion but her memory files are damaged. Or, a robot coma dream sequence type of thing.
Rating: T⎜Word Count: 2k+⎜Complete (1/1)
It’s a lot of feelings about Grace and being a mom and being a robot and it’s written in this beautiful dreamlike way. There’s little moments of the Hargreeves as kids, and some moments set during the series, and it’s all swirled around together. It will break your heart. 
Out of the Woods by bob-fish
In 2003, they stopped the clock on the apocalypse. Back in 2019, they find they've accidentally declared war on the people who want it restarted. Can the Hargreeves siblings survive another full assault by the Commission? Can they escape to Five's remote and inadequately-sized safehouse for long enough to come up with a plan? Do they stand a chance against the might of the Temps Aeternalis Commission? Will they all murder each other first? And why the hell did nobody think to bring toilet paper?
Rating: M⎜Word Count: 60k+⎜In-Progress (5/7)
I really have to go back and re-read and properly comment on this fic! It’s unfinished and hasn’t been updated in a while, but maybe enough people going and reading and commenting will help get us the last two chapters! A post-apocalypse fic that sends the Hargreeves on a plotty road trip/on the run. Very interesting and cool and even though I don’t have a good list for it, I couldn’t let the even pass without mentioning this one!
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taeken-my-heart · 5 years
Moirai Chapter 5
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Summary: On your 18th birthday a name appears on your wrist. The name of your soulmate. It’s a momentous day that everyone looks forward to, but you’ve always brushed aside; refusing to believe in a fickle mistress called destiny. But what happens when on the morning of your 18th birthday you wake to find the name of your mortal enemy? Jeon Jungkook.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Soulmates au/ Enemies to lovers au. Angst, fluff, bickering, romance, eventual smut.
Word Count: 4815
Notes: There is a read more placed after the first paragraph, but we all know tumblr is weird so if it doesn’t show up I’m sorry :(
It wasn’t that Saturday’s sucked, but this one in particular did. You’d spent as much time as you could with him, but now Lucas was finishing packing his bag while you sat pouting on the edge of his bed. He’d only been back for a short period of time in the first place, but time was valuable in a relationship, especially one as new as yours.
“Stop it.” Lucas chuckled, looking down at your pursed lips. He leaned forward, giving you a quick kiss before resuming his packing. “I won’t be gone that long, and if you apply and get in then we won’t have to be apart very long.”
“At least 8 months!” You complained and he grinned, rolling his eyes.
“I’ll be back in between semesters.”
“I still don’t get why you decided to do an accelerated schedule.” You sighed as he clicked the locks on his suitcase into place.
“In my defense, I signed up for it before I ever even knew we’d be dating. It’ll help me finish school faster and that’s a very good thing.”
“Well what about when I get there? We’ll only end up having a year together or something!” You huffed.
“You should get on the fast track too.” He smiled, coming over to link his fingers with yours, swinging your hand in between the two of you.
“I don’t have a death wish.”  You grumbled.
He pulled you up, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling your nose with his. “You know, you could come up to visit sometime. It’s only a two-hour bus ride and I’ve got my own room; you could even stay for the night.”
“That’s very temping.” You whispered, looking up into his bright green eyes. His breath was humid against your mouth as he leaned forward, pressing his lips to your own. You stepped closer, toes touching his and linking your arms around his neck as he pushed against the seam of your lips with his tongue.
He tasted like his morning black coffee and you pushed your fingers through the hair at the back of his head, lifting onto your toes to pull him even closer. You were going to miss him so much. You could feel his fingers tracing down your sides, making their way to the back pockets of your jeans and squeezing.
You squealed, hips moving away from his hands and directly into the center of his jeans where you could feel how deeply the kissing was affecting him. He kneaded your flesh between his fingers, mouth never leaving your own in its curious perusal of its interior.
“Oh, ew, Lucas!” Lillian whined from the doorway and you pulled away from him quickly, looking over at your friend sheepishly as her face twisted in disgust. “Mom and dad are waiting for you.”
Lucas smirked at his sister, grabbing his backpack and suitcase and leaning down to give you one last quick kiss. “Walk me to the car?”
You nodded, licking your bottom lip and trailing after him, mouthing a quick sorry to your friend who chuckled, following after you down the stairs and out to the front of the house where Lucas’ parents were waiting to drive him to the bus station.
The two of you waved him off, Lillian giving him a hug before he slid into the backseat, buckling in, and then they quickly drove out of sight. “You owe me so much ice cream for what I just had to witness.” Lillian teased and you rolled your eyes at her.
“I’ll never live this down, will I?”
“Nope.” Lillian smiled, shaking her head. “You wanna go grab something to eat?”
You shrugged, nodding, “sure, why not?”
Anna’s Café was busy and loud when you got there, only a few tables in the back open and you weaved your way through the crowd to get to a seat. The two of you had picked Noelle up on the way and she was the first to reach a table, dropping her bag down and grabbing a seat.
“We’re such a predictable species,” she sniffed, looking around at the crowd as you and Lillian both sat down beside her. “Noon? Let’s all go eat.”
“Well, that means we fit into that category as well.” You surmised and she nodded with a grimace on her face.
“I never said we were any better.”
“You getting your usual?” You asked Lillian, peering over your menu and she grinned down at the milkshake menu greedily.
“Absolutely, although this time I think I’m gonna do an Oreo shake instead of peanut butter.”
“Sounds yummy. Well I know what I want so I’m gonna go order.” You said, standing and grabbing your menu, walking back towards the cashier. Lunch was always busy, but today was particularly so and the line to the register was long.
Moving to find a place in line, you sighed, staring down at the menu. You always got the same thing but you told yourself it wouldn’t hurt to peruse the menu a little more, just in case. People stacked behind you in line as you moved closer to the front when suddenly you felt the person behind you just a little too close.
It was crowded, but not so crowded that they needed to be in your personal bubble. You cleared your throat, moving up a little and it was with a growing sense of frustration that you felt the person behind move up as well. You tried to glance to the side to see if you could catch a view of them in the reflection of the shop windows, but it was too bright outside.
You took another step forward, hoping this time they would get the picture, but they stepped so close they bumped into you and you stumbled forward slightly, spinning around. “Do you mind?”
Jungkook’s grinning face greeted you, tongue tucked between his teeth and you frowned up at him. “Oh, it’s you. I should have guessed.”
“Oh my gosh!” Jungkook cooed loudly, making a few of the customers at a nearby table glance over and you rolled your eyes, “I didn’t see you there!”
“How original.” You commented dryly before spinning back around to ignore him. It proved difficult when he was standing so close behind you, you could feel the puffs of breath on the back of your head. “Jungkook, seriously, can you back up? You’re pissing me off.”
“I just missed you so much!” He said, chest hitting your back as he whispered in your ear.
“I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to whatever bullshit that was.” You remarked, flinching away from him.
“You here alone?” He asked, stepping back slightly and your shoulders loosened ever so slightly.
“No, I’m here with my friends.” You replied, not bothering to look over your shoulder at him.
“Lillian and Noelle?” He asked, glancing around the café. 
“Obviously.” You said, moving forward again. There were only two more people in front of you. 
“Oh, I see them, over in the corner. Looks like we’re sitting with you too.” He smirked down at you as you turned to look at him sharply.
“Who’s we and why are you sitting with us?”
“Rachel, Dean, and I. Also, I don’t know if you’ve noticed…but empty tables aren’t exactly available right now. Guess we’re gonna get to hang out some more.”
“Goody.” You replied tartly, stepping up to the register as they called out to you. You placed your order, paying and then quickly weaving your way back through the tables to put as much space as you could between yourself and Jungkook. 
Both Rachel and Dean were talking animatedly with your friends when you walked up and you sighed, slipping into your seat. Dean you didn’t really have a problem with, you had a few classes together and he was a generally nice guy. It was Rachel that was annoying. She giggled high pitched and flung her hair over her shoulder every few seconds. If it was always in the way she should just tie it up.
“Hey, Y/N.” Dean grinned and you nodded at him, feeling oddly flattered that he knew your name. There were a lot of people in your age group and even more in the school in general. You did share a class together, but that didn’t always mean much, especially to the popular kids.
“Hi Dean.” You replied. Rachel didn’t even look your way, but that was fine, you couldn’t really care any less about being on her social radar.
“We were just talking about college and what universities we want to go to. I’m thinking the University of Florida because they’ve got a great football team,” Dean said, looking over at you, “what are you thinking?”
“I’m actually planning on applying to a few different schools, but I’m hoping to get into Johns Hopkins because of their medical program.”
“No way!” Dean leaned forward, “that’s so cool! What kind of medicine do you want to study?”
You shrugged, chewing on your bottom lip, “I’m open to a lot of different kinds, but I kind of like the idea of labor and delivery. It would be kind of cool to be a part of a moment that changes someone’s life forever.”
“I heard women poop when they’re giving birth.” Noelle remarked and you grimaced over at her as she shrugged.
“Ew, as if. Where did you even hear that?” You whined and she chuckled.
“I’m pretty sure it’s a fact, I saw it in a comment on a Youtube video a while back.”
“What kind of weird Youtube video were you watching?” Lillian frowned and Dean laughed.
“I don’t know, one of those weird facts you didn’t know about something or other. It was a while ago, I don’t remember.”
Just then Jungkook returned, taking his place beside Rachel who quickly preened in his presence, leaning into him. “Baby!” She cooed, “did you get me the salad I asked for?”
“Yeah,” He replied noncommittally, shoving the receipt in the pocket of his jeans, “Caesar salad, no croutons, low fat dressing.”
She smiled, batting her eyelashes at him and you resisted the urge to gag. You would never understand why some girls did that. “Thanks, Kookie Wookie.” She simpered and this time you did gag, covering it up quickly with a cough as she turned to glare at you.
You couldn’t help but notice Jungkook’s grin at your reaction and you pointedly looked away from the two of them as conversation resumed. “I’m really looking forward to this year just being done, you know?” Dean continued, and you glanced over at him. “I’m pretty done with being in high school. My mom keeps saying to enjoy it while it lasts, but she’s got no idea what I’m going through, you know?”
“Totally.” Rachel nodded, “my mom says the same thing and she just doesn’t, like, get it, you know?”
“I mean, our parents were teenagers at one point,” you shrugged and Rachel switched her gaze looking over at you with a frown.
“Yeah, but not for, like, 50 years or something. I bet they hardly even remember what it’s like.”
“Well anyway,” Dean said, “I know what I’m doing, right? I’m gonna go to the U of F and be a Gator and someday make it to the big leagues. My dad used to play for the same school team so it’s in my blood, you know?”
“That’s really cool.” Noelle smiled; “my dad’s favorite team is the Florida Gators.”
“No way!” Dean grinned, leaning across the table, “a man of good taste, am I right?”
“Well he definitely wouldn’t disagree with you.” She chuckled and you turned your focus to the waitress, weaving her way through the crowd with a tray full of food.
“Oh shoot!” Lillian said as the waitress stopped by your table, “I totally forgot to order. I’ll be right back.”
“Yeah, me too. Wait up Lil!” Noelle called, standing and rushing to walk with her to the cashier.
You accepted your food gratefully from the waitress, tucking in quickly to avoid conversation. Dean was a pretty nice guy and a decent conversation, but you weren’t really interested in anything Rachel had to say so you happily let her talk Jungkook’s ear off while he munched absentmindedly on his sandwich, nodding occasionally.
After Lillian and Noelle had returned from ordering, the three of you began your own separate conversation. Noelle was in orchestra and currently they were prepping for an upcoming concert. It was still early in the school year, but they had a large competition at the end of the year, just before graduation, and they needed to get everything else done and out of the way.
“So, you’ll be gone all next weekend?” You asked, after swallowing a bite of your food and she nodded.
“Yeah, we’re only going about an hour away so it’s not like we’re going somewhere cool, but anywhere is better than the same old places, right?”
“I wish I could go with you,” Lillian pouted and Noelle gave her a funny look, “I’m just saying. It’s like an adventure, right? We’re just gonna be doing the same old boring things.”
“We could go watch a movie or something.” You shrugged and Lillian sighed.
“Why would we go pay to watch a movie when we could just do that for free at my house?”
“Hey,” Dean interjected and the three of you turned to look at him. “You guys know Jungkook’s birthday is coming up, right?” Jungkook looked embarrassed at the attention, but his friend continued on. “You guys are coming to the party, right?”
“When is it?” Noelle asked, ears perked in interest.
“Two weeks from now, you’re welcome to come if you want. It’s just gonna be something lowkey at my house.” Jungkook shrugged and Rachel tutted, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Don’t be silly, Jungkook, it’s your 18th birthday, that’s like, literally the most epic birthday there is. You need to do something ultra-special for it. Like a nightclub or something.”
“I don’t really want to do something in a nightclub,” Jungkook said, looking uncomfortable with the topic, and for once you understood him. A person’s 18th birthday was a highly personal experience; you weren’t even sure why people got together to celebrate some rando’s name appearing. It was weird.
“You should do whatever you want,” you shrugged, everyone turning to look at you, “I’d personally hate going to a club myself. Do something you like.”
“Well of course you’d hate going to a club,” Rachel replied snidely, “you’re antisocial anyway.”
“Do you even know the meaning of antisocial?” You scoffed and you could practically see her bristle, “If I were anti-social, I wouldn’t have friends or even be here right now.”
“Two friends aren’t really anything to brag about,” she chuckled, “No one even knows your name; you’re a nobody.”
“What is your problem?” Jungkook barked and you turned to look at him in surprise. Rachel turned towards him; pout ready as a weapon. “You don’t even know her and you think you’re better than her. She’s smart and nice and funny.”
“Yeah!” Lillian called loudly and you smiled over at her.
Rachel’s bottom lip jutted with her whine, “Jungkook!”
He shook his head, standing up suddenly, wrapping his sandwich back into its tinfoil casing and left the restaurant. Rachel gasped, standing and chasing after him and Dean looked over at the three of you sheepishly.
“Sorry about her,” he said, “she’s kind of a bitch.”
“Kind of?” Noelle scoffed and he chuckled.
“Yeah. I’ll see you guys around.” He grabbed his own foil wrapped sandwich and followed after his friends.
You watched as Jungkook and Rachel argued in the cab of his dad’s truck as Dean made his way out of the restaurant and into the backseat.
“Wow,” Lillian said and you glanced over at her. “Jungkook stood up for you. Guess he’s not as bad as you thought he was.”
“Yeah.” You replied, thoughtful, watching as Jungkook pulled out of the parking lot, Rachel pouting from beside him in the passenger’s seat and Lucas staring down at his phone in the backseat. “I guess not.”
You spent the rest of the afternoon over at Noelle’s house, helping her to make brownies for her little brothers bake sale in the evening and gossiping about the boy she liked in her drama class. Noelle insisted he wasn’t into her and that, that was OK, he was just nice to look at, but you’d definitely seen him giving her the side eye on more than one occasion and there was no way it was as one sided as she proclaimed.
“You should just tell him!” You insisted and Noelle sighed.
“I don’t like my chances.”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” You shrug, “let’s say for arguments sake that he’s not interested, as you proclaim. Then you know and can get over it.”
“I like having a little crush, you know,” she sniffed at you, “makes me feel excited to go to class. If I found out for sure he didn’t like me, it might soil the atmosphere for me. I don’t mind a little pining. Besides, you’re one to talk, what’s going on with Jungkook?”
“Literally nothing,” you frowned, going to wash your hands in the sink as she slid the tray of brownies into the oven.
“I don’t know, doesn’t seem like nothing to me, today in the diner was…interesting.”
You sighed, rolling your eyes over at her and Lillian laughed from her stool at the island. “I swear, you’re trying to read into something when there’s nothing. He’s like a thorn in my side, besides, I have a boyfriend.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have chemistry with someone else.” Lillian shrugged and you frowned over at her.
“Whose side are you on?”
She laughed, “yours and Lucas’, but I’m just saying. You keep saying Jungkook is your enemy, but it’s not really a thing to stand up for your enemy when someone else is being mean to them.”
“Well, I don’t know, maybe he’s got a heart somewhere in there after all.” You shrugged. “Anyway, I should probably head home, my mom is expecting me for dinner.”
“OK,” Noelle nodded, “see you Monday, I guess?”
You smiled, throwing your bag over your shoulder and waving, walking towards the front door and out into the street. The sun was starting to set, bringing with it a coolness from the coming Autumn. It made the walk home much more bearable when the heat wasn’t beating down on your back.
The days were still hot, but they bled into breezy evenings. A few kids were still playing out in their yard’s, a boy and a girl nearby crouching in the dirt and poking at a bug with a stick. A few houses down was a girl with her own lemonade stand and across the street a couple kids throwing a basketball into the hoop at the top of the driveway.
You only lived a few blocks from Noelle’s house so the walk was short, but it was nice to be alone for a few minutes. Everyone was a little bit too much in your business lately and it was getting overwhelming. You just wanted to get this year over with and move on to university.
You were a little torn on what to do. Lucas wanted you to go to his university with him, but your dream school had been John’s Hopkins for as long as you’d wanted to be a doctor. You weren’t sure you were willing to give up that dream for anyone.
Your house was oddly quiet when you got there, clicking the lock to the front door behind you. “Mom?” You called, glancing down the hallway towards the kitchen.
“In the living room!” You heard her muffled shout and you made your way towards where you could now hear the low rumble of the television. Your parents were sat on the couch, your dad laying with his head in your mom’s lap, her fingers running through his hair as she smiled up at you. “Hey sweetheart! “
“Hey.” You said, sliding down into the loveseat by the TV. “Where’s Ella?”
“She’s over at Jungkook’s place,” your mother replied absentmindedly, staring at the television, “Jieun is showing her how to crochet a scarf, I think. She’ll probably be back late.”
“What are we having for dinner?”  You asked.
“Probably take out.” Your dad replied, “you can go grab the take out menu’s and decide, if you want.”
You shrugged, standing and making your way to the kitchen to riffle through the drawer of restaurant menus. You were still a little full from lunch, but Chinese take-out was always a good idea so you grabbed the menu from your favorite restaurant and headed back to the living room to join your parents.
“I was thinking we could order from Fong’s. I’ll call it in, if you want.”
“Make sure you order cashew chicken, that’s my favorite.” Your mom said, turning her gaze towards you and you nodded, pulling out your phone.
“As long as there’s fried rice, I’m happy.” Your dad said, “and some egg rolls. Last time someone forget to get them.”
“Will you ever let that go?” Your mother tutted, pulling gently on the strands of his hair and he frowned up at her.
“Never. It’s a crime to forget to order egg rolls.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes at them and calling in the order. 50 minutes later you were grabbing the food from the delivery guy and making your way to the kitchen, calling out for your parents.
“Just bring it in here!” Your dad shouted and you hoisted the box higher in your arms with a huff. “What if we spill on the carpet?” You griped, setting the box down on the coffee table and your dad sat up, reaching forward to start unpacking the food.
“Just don’t.” He shrugged.
“Sage advice.” You mumbled and your mother grinned over at you.
“You wanna watch a movie with us?” Your mom asked, sitting back into the cushions of the sofa, bringing the cup of cashew chicken and some wooden chopsticks with her.
“Yeah, but go ahead and pick whatever you want. I’ll probably leave half way through to call Lucas; make sure he got back to his dorm safely.”
After settling on a new comedy, you squished back into your seat, working on the food you’d grabbed and glancing at your phone every now and then to see if Lucas had texted to say he was free to chat. About 20 minutes later your phone lit up with a text and you jumped up, giddy, your food being left on the coffee table as you raced up to your room to call him.
“Hey!” You grinned, out of breath, into the receiver. “How are things?”
“Good!” You could hear Lucas’ voice, a little muffled as he shifted around on the other end, “just finished unpacking. When I got back to school my roommate and I actually went out to eat and hang out for a few hours so I hadn’t had the chance to until now.”
“It’s crazy, you’re only two hours away but it feels so far. School starts again tomorrow, right? I think that’s what you said?”
“Yeah, and I’m kind of dreading it.”
“Why?” You asked, flopping across your bed, legs kicking up in the air. “I thought you were excited?”
“Yeah, but then my roommate and I got to talking. He took one of my classes last semester and he said it was ridiculously hard. He said they got assigned partners for a semester long project literally in the first week and that the subject matter was hell. Now I’m kind of dreading it.”
“Well, maybe it’s a good thing he told you, now you’re not going in blind. Plus, that means you’ll have a lot of time to get things prepared and set out the way you like them so that your project will kick butt when it comes time.”
“Yeah, I guess. Anyway, new topic. What did you do when I left? Did you cry?” You could hear the teasing in his tone and rolled your eyes with a chuckle.
“Oh yes, I bawled my eyes out. I just don’t know how I’ll be able to survive without you.” You sighed dramatically and Lucas laughed, loud and boisterous.
“OK, drama queen. Well, it won’t be much longer. You should apply and then in like 9, 10 months, we could be at the same school.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, shrugging as though he could see you, “I don’t know what I want to do yet.”
“What do you mean?” You could hear his frown and you chewed on the inside of your lip as you tried to think of the best way to say what was on your mind.
“I just, have always dreamed of going to a specific school to study medicine.”
“Oh.” He paused and you could feel the tension, like a noose around your neck, “what school?”
“Johns Hopkins University school of Medicine.” You replied softly.
There was a long silence and you felt anxiety clawing at your throat. Long distance relationships rarely lasted, and even though you were two hours away now and that was technically long distance…Johns Hopkins was a lot further away.
“Wow,” he sighed and you could practically picture his disappointment. “Well, I won’t say it doesn’t make me sad to think of you so far away, but I’d never ask you to give up on your dreams for me either. You’ve wanted this for so long, you should apply wherever you want.”
“Thanks Lucas,” you smiled sadly. “I just wish it wasn’t so far away from you.”
“Don’t even worry about it. We’ll figure it out. Planes were invented for a reason, you know?”
You chuckled, rolling onto your back. “So how many classes do you have tomorrow?”
By the time you’d gotten off the phone, it was late. Ella had gotten home about half an hour ago, retreating to her room to finish her homework. You made your way downstairs, toothbrush in your mouth, to clean up the mess you’d left and turning out the lights.
You could hear your parents laughing in their room as you made your way back up the stairs and you finishing in the bathroom before turning out the lights and making your way back to your room. You glanced into Ella’s room to see her sitting, legs crossed on her bed, scribbling idly in her text book.
“Mom said you made a scarf tonight.” You said, voice tilted in question and Ella looked up at you smiling before reaching beside her on her bed and holding up a thick, lilac scarf proudly.
“Check it out!” She grinned and you made your way into the room, running your fingers along the fabric.
“This is really good, Ella!” You praised, and she grinned happily.
“Thanks! I won’t need it for a few months, but it’s pretty cool that I made it, right?”
“Yeah, it’s definitely cool.” You nodded, “did it seriously take you 7 hours to finish, though?”
“No,” Ella shook her head, dropping the scarf back into her lap. “It did take a good few hours, maybe 3 or 4, but then when I was done Jungkook and I hung out.”
“You hung out with Jungkook?” You asked in surprise and she was grinning so brightly you thought her face might split in two.
“Yeah! He got home from hanging out with some friends about half way through me doing the scarf and when we were done his mom asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. Then Jungkook and I just got to talking and ended up watching a movie and hanging out. It was really cool; we actually have a lot in common.”
“Like what?” You asked, eyebrow rising.
“Well like, I’m in yearbook and he likes photography. We both listen to some of the same bands, and did you know that he is a really talented artist?”
“No,” you frowned, shaking your head, “I didn’t know that. It’s not surprising, though. He’s annoyingly good at everything.”
“That’s true.” Ella laughed.
“Anyway, I’m gonna go watch some Youtube and then go to bed.”
“Cool.” Ella nodded, pulling her textbook back into her lap and you made your way back into your own room, thoughts occupied by Lucas, school, and the weird budding friendship of your sister and your arch nemesis who had for some reason stood up for you today.
You were way too tired to try and analyze any of that nonsense. It was just gonna have to wait for when you actually had the energy to care…which was gonna be never.
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Copyright © 2018  by taeken-my-heart (Nora.) All rights reserved. 
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quackspot · 5 years
hey so I'm following your blog and literally have no idea what fire cookie spirit is or what show they're from h e lp
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THIS is FIRE SPIRIT COOKIE from COOKIE RUN. .. . its a fun mobile game 
i personally find him VERY pretty and AESTHETIC because i like FIRE
anyways. ahem
if you’d like to know his personality, it seems that he’s kind of cocky? well i mean. you can tell he is very confident in himself-- his arrogance is likely annoying. he probably feels like he owns dragon’s valley and he’s probably friends with a lot of dragons judging from his event being like “well this wasnt the welcome i was expecting :/” 
though you probably dont even know what dragon’s valley is but it’s basically in the name-- a place filled with dragons! but. there’s none probably due to knight fighting a dragon and them being not very liked by cookies i suppose??? most of this is guesswork
from his relationships i can tell that he likes strength and power! i mean in one he’s impressed by someone cutting off a dragon’s tail (knight cookie, another cookie from the game), and the other being “fire gets stronger in the wind!” for another legendary cookie-- wind archer cookie
he gets shipped with wind archer and knight often, though im seeing an increase in fire spirit x moonlight cookie (another legendary) content! so that’s cool
personally i like to ship him with random cookies and most people see him as very flirtatious 
and i also like to think of the event on the game where you wander around dragon’s valley with fire spirit as a date because I would kiss a cookie. hes basically the only thing i’ve ever felt this way towards, sadly.
and in cookie run he has two costumes-- lord of flame and lord of ashes. this is him when he is either too hot or too cold (hes yes and hes no hes in and hes out hes up and hes down hes wrong when its right its bla--) and he’s Dying in both costumes
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you can probably tell which is lord of flame (first) and lord of ashes (second) but i labeled this sentence anwyasy
there’s not really much in cookie run canon so that’s why i keep sayign things like “probably” and “i like to believe” anyways, i like to think that after the event, in which he gains control of his flames (the event was his flames being too hot or dying out and it harming him), he gets control of which form hes in! but he has limited energy so he can’t just be lord of flames so he has to save it for emergencies and he normally isn’t lord of ashes unless if he was lord of flame for too long and is Weak 
im sorry im basically talking about headcanons at this point but anyways he’d probably change his form for cuddles like. his skin is probably a bit warm to the touch so he’d have to cool down for a hug or a kiss or hand holding to spare whomstever though that doesn’t necessarily equal becoming lord of ashes 
i like to think of his body temp as like. really hot shower water if you touch it right away you get hurt BUT you can just................ ease urself in or get urself used to it 
im gonna look at my other stuff for fire spirit if there’s anything i missed personality wise (i wrote a few paragraphs just based off of that a while back and i used evidence from the game and such)
“ What is his personality? Well, he acts like some high school jock-- confident, flirty, whatever. Maybe playful as well. He has a lot of self love. Fire Spirit could be the first cookie with a love-based relationship and it would be about himself. ‘Amazing! Handsome! (love).’ You could probably imagine it. 
A concept I like to think about is his hair-- fire, or fire magic? Can he control whether or not it's actual fire? How far can his powers go?”
“ Using the Wiki, I will look at his quotes. What he says suggests that: one, he is very proud of his flames and is very energized (along with fire being the source of his energy-- likely a reason why he doesn't like Sea Fairy); two, another mention off power-- solid crimson sugar crystal, which gives +15 energy; and three, he is at least a little proud of his encounter of the red dragon, as he asks "Have you ever seen the Red Dragon?"”
yeah i was VERY professional about it it was made 5/27/19. almost a month ago
ok i know you probably weren’t expecting this much but! him.
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broken-clover · 5 years
ACC Day 10- Labels
TwT I thought I was doing so well...I made another long one today, which might explain why it’s late. Hope you can forgive me. This was a fun prompt! It was nice to do something a bit unusual with it. Hope you all enjoy!
Today I’m using Roy Carmine from Blazblue, along with some Roylitchi because I can’t help it. It’s also a bit more headcanon-heavy, with autistic bisexual trans man Roy because those are all the ones I have for him.
No matter what, Roy would always remember the first time he met Litchi. Partly because it was one of the biggest social blunders he had ever made, and his anxiety absolutely refused to let it go.
He had been distracted that day, worrying so much about Kokonoe’s project and finding a way to pick up the new temp that he’d wound up plowing right into her as he rounded the corner.
The combination of embarrassment from his own clumsiness and flustered awkwardness from how pretty the new trainee was made him stumble over his words without thinking. Litchi, Litchi, she had such a pretty name. How had Kokonoe not mentioned it until now?
“I-I thought so. I’m Lotte Carmine-”
A sense of dread rose up his chest, and he desperately hoped that Litchi hadn’t heard him right. Did his voice crack? Did he sound funny? This was the last thing he wanted to do upon meeting a new person. After trying so hard to make sure nobody called him that, why did he just go ahead and do it himself?
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Carmine!”
He let out a little exhale internally. Mr. Carmine. She called him Mr. Carmine.
“Oh, feel free to call me Roy.” Maybe he could pass it off as a nickname?
Litchi seemed to take it in stride. Before he knew it, they were falling into an amicable chat, only to be interrupted by Kokonoe. Even as aggravating as she could be, Roy was secretly relieved that Kokonoe wouldn’t stoop to calling him the wrong name on purpose.
He’d always thought Lotte was a dumb name, even for a girl. He didn’t know what had possessed his parents to pick it. He had started going by Roy way back when he was a teenager, when he finally had a word to describe why it felt so wrong when people called him a ‘cute young lady.’ He bemoaned his short stature and higher-pitched voice, but after finding a good binder, cutting his hair short, and finding other little tricks to help him present in a more masculine way, he felt far more comfortable in his own skin.
Even beyond that, though, Roy struggled on how he wanted to label himself. He knew his neurotic personality and social struggles weren’t related to his gender. He wasn’t even sure how to classify his preferences when it came to other people. He knew he loved Litchi, whether she liked him back or not, but he wasn’t entirely sure if he was limited to women. And if he wasn’t, was that bad?
The more he worked with Litchi, the more he realized that there were a lot of secrets she didn’t know about him. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to spill everything all at once. How would she respond? He didn’t want to scare her away.
Would Litchi still like him if he told her everything?
The first time he let something slip, she had come over to his quarters for dinner. It wasn’t anything fancy, but the experiments had been going well, and they felt like a little celebration had been in order. They’d migrated to the couch afterwards, turning on a sci-fi flick that, to his delight, Litchi enjoyed just as much as he did.
“Wow, the effects in this are excellent!” She said, watching a mechanical monster shudder to life with a roar.
“The casting isn’t too shabby, either. I never expected the main lead to be so well-cast, the guy who did this usually does lower-budget stuff.” He replied with a smile.
Litchi nodded. “He’s rather handsome, too. Something about him.”
“I agree!” Roy felt the blood leave his face as soon as he spoke. Why hadn’t he been thinking?
After a moment, he decided that there wasn’t much of a better time. “Ah...Litchi? Is it okay if I ask you something?”
“Sure, Roy, what is it?” She didn’t seem at all aware of his nervousness as she turned to look at him.
“I’m not entirely sure on this, but...I think I might be bisexual.”
Litchi’s expression didn’t waver. “Oh?”
He didn’t know how to properly respond. “Is that...okay?”
She smiled at him. “Of course it is. I certainly wouldn’t judge you for it. I’m just glad you felt like you could be open with me.”
In that split-second, Roy fell even more in love.
The second time had come a lot sooner than he would have liked. Then again, his meltdowns often did, too. Unlike the first, it had been the exact opposite of a good day. The lab studies had turned up virtually nothing new for days, the all-nighters had left him on less than four hours of sleep, and Kokonoe had been so annoyed by Relius’ visit that she’d practically thrown the coffee he had made right back in his face. Roy was exhausted, overstimulated, and miserable, which was how he had wound up in the breakroom corner, rocking back and forth while yanking at his hair.
It was embarrassing to have a meltdown in public, but it wasn’t something he could stop. His shirt was wet and gross but he couldn’t take it off, and he was pretty sure it had gotten to his binder, too. He wasn’t sure if he had another clean shirt back at home, but he couldn’t focus enough to get out of his ball on the floor and check.
In most cases, hearing more voices while he was overstimulated just made things worse. He could recognize Litchi’s voice immediately, though, silky-soft and gentle.
“Roy, are you okay?” She knelt down in front of him. There was concern in her eyes.
He wished he could have responded properly. Talking was too much for him to handle at the moment. The closest he could manage was a gasp and a shudder.
Litchi extended a hand. “Is it alright if I touch you? I just want to make sure you aren’t injured.”
That was something he was pretty sure he could tolerate. Roy managed a nod, and practically melted into Litchi’s warm, careful touch. It was oddly soothing as she meticulously ran fingers over his head and down the base of his neck in search of any wounds. She was sure to calmly explain what she was doing and why she was doing it while she worked, so he knew what was happening.
By the time she was finished, Roy could feel his muscles starting to unclench. He wasn’t prepared to start chatting again, but Litchi gave him another hand and helped him to his feet, which he managed.
“Come on, let’s go back to your room. I’m sure you’d rather get into some dry clothes.”
She was remarkably patient with him, and Roy couldn’t believe how lucky he had gotten. Litchi never snapped at him or glared. She was perfectly willing to wait outside while he changed, pulling on the comfiest shirt he had and wrapping his arms around himself.
“Is everything alright in there?”
“Mmhm.” He paused. “You can come in.”
“Do you feel a bit better now?” Litchi gave him a careful glance.
“A lot. Thanks for helping me…” His faint smile fell. He supposed there wasn’t much beating around the bush. “Litchi? Is it ok if I tell you something?”
“Of course, you can always talk to me.”
“I didn’t mean to cause such a mess earlier. I’m autistic, and I’m not very good at processing a lot of stress and sensory information all at once. Whenever it gets too much for me, I have a meltdown.”
She nodded affirmatively. “I see. I was wondering if it was something like that.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be?” She quirked an eyebrow in genuine puzzlement. “I’m just sorry I wasn’t able to help you sooner. If this starts happening again, just let me know, okay? However I can make it easier for you.”
A moment later, Roy threw his arms around her in a tight hug. She let him.
Roy wasn’t sure that he would have ever been quite ready to let his last little secret out. He and Litchi had been getting close, to the point where he was almost ready to ask her out on a real, bona-fide date. It felt like there were more important things to worry about. He was just waiting for the right time.
...He was bad at lying to himself.
“According to the weather schedule, it’s going to be excellent beach weather in the next few days.” Litchi spoke up over breakfast. “That sounds fun, doesn’t it? Nice weather, swimming...it’ll be good after such a long winter.”
He could already feel a bit of stress mounting. Excuses weren’t really his strong suit. Litchi sounded so excited about the concept, but it was the last place he wanted to go.
“I’m not really sure, Litchi. I’m not much of a beach person. Maybe somewhere else?”
“Really? You’ve sounded so excited for the weather to get warmer, I thought this would be something you’d love?”
Roy gave a shrug. “I’m not much of a swimmer.”
“Oh. Do you not know how? I can teach you.”
“No, it’s…” This wasn’t getting anywhere. He tried not to groan in frustration. “I just don’t want to, that’s all.” It came out far grumpier than he’d meant to, something he realized as soon as it came out of his mouth.
“...okay, then.” Litchi tried not to sound hurt, but Roy could hear it in her voice. She politely excused herself down to the lab, leaving him alone in the breakroom.
“Damn it…” He put his head in his hands, leaving his food untouched. The sound of shoes clicking made him flinch, but it wasn’t who he had been expecting. “Professor Kokonoe?”
“Trouble in paradise? Sounds like you’re being a lovestruck teenager again, Roy. What was that about?” Kokonoe’s face was in its permanent scowl, already chewing on a lollipop despite it being breakfast.
“I-it’s nothing. Litchi just wanted to go to the beach.”
“Oh.” She sounded utterly unphased. “Haven’t told her yet, then?”
Of course Kokonoe knew. She needed to have his medical files when he started working. He was still amazed she hadn’t let anything slip.
“I can’t think of a good reason to. That’s all.”
Kokonoe seemed even less impressed. “Bullshit. Look, I know this is a really difficult thing for you, but do you really think Litchi of all people is gonna care? Trying to keep secrets is just gonna stress you out.”
Roy faltered. “I...don’t know.”
For once, the professor’s severe expression faded. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s Litchi. She’s practically smitten with you already. I don’t think she’s suddenly gonna hate you for something like that.”
Loathe to admit it, she was actually making some good points. He didn’t want to consider the possibility of tiptoeing around Litchi forever. Maybe it would just be easier if he was upfront.
“Roy, have you seen-” Litchi cut herself off, spotting Kokonoe as she re-entered the room. “There you are, professor. I was just looking for you.”
“Yeah? Whattaya need?” She reached up to scratch one of her ears.
“I’ve made some adjustments to my calculations, I was wondering if you could proofread them?”
“That’s all? Yeah, yeah, I can look it over later. I’m sure it’s fine, you always double-check.”
Litchi was taken aback by the sudden response, but nodded. “Alright, then. I guess I’ll head back to work, then. Anything else before I go?”
“I got nothing.” While she spoke, Roy caught a look flashed in his direction, just for a split-second.
“Okay. Let me know if-”
The woman paused, turning back around. “Did you need something, Roy?”
“Sort of.” He wrung his hands together. “We’re honest with each other, right? Like the last time. I can tell you things, can’t I?”
Based on Litchi’s expression, she knew what he was recalling. “Absolutely, Roy. I want you to trust me. Is something wrong?”
His mind was yelling at him to stop talking, bail, emergency exit. Roy continued on anyway. “Maybe I should have told you earlier, but I was afraid. I didn’t know what you’d think of me. I wanted to be friends.”
“Remember back on the first day you came to work in the lab? When we first talked?”
She nodded silently.
“I told you my name was Lotte. That’s-” he tried to think of a good way to phrase it “-my birth name. My deadname. I’m a trans man.”
Litchi was silent. Roy braced himself for shouting, for disappointed looks, for anything she could possibly throw at him. He had finally told her, now all that was left was to see what came of it.
“...You aren’t binding with bandages, are you?”
“What?” He was so taken off-guard by the question, he could hardly respond. “N-no, of course I don’t.”
“Good.” There was a steely glint in the woman’s eyes. “I figured you’d know better, but I thought I’d ask just in case. I see why you wouldn’t want to go to the beach, then. I definitely don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, is there someplace else you’d like to- Roy, are you crying?”
Was he crying? He didn’t even notice until she mentioned it. It felt like a good cry, though. All the fear and paranoia that had been stockpiling for a long time all flooded out at once.
“C’mere…” Litchi pulled him in for a hug. He buried himself in her shoulder, tears of relief running down his face.
“You’re not mad?”
“Of course I’m not.” She left a kiss on his temple. “No matter what, you’re still Roy. And you’re still my friend.”
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winsister91 · 7 years
Clean Up On Aisle Four
Summary: Hungover from a raunchy night, reader gets to work to be greeted by a familiar face as their new trainee.
Characters: Dean x Reader
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT, sex in a public place, unprotected sex, doggy style, language...throw fluff in there for good luck.
Word Count: 2487
My Masterlist!
~ Dean and forever tags are open! ~
A/N: Just a naughty little smut one-shot before I go off on a break for the weekend. Genuinely gonna miss you all! Gonna have to download the app so I can stalk yas :P Thankyou again for the love on my series Three Wrongs Make A Right, I’m genuinely attempting plot on that one so it hasn’t got fully down and dirty yet. This random one shot here was a random idea that occurred to me at work the other day, so had to vomit it out before my little break.
Tag list from @spnfanficpond I deleted a bunch that didn’t seem to be working, and now noticed that some aren’t working from these few too? I don’t understand if I’m doing something wrong or not. Feel free to lemme know if you’d like to be added/removed. Let’s go!
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Shit shit shit shit SHIT. You run into work late, hair a mess, make-up not applied and your eyes are bloodshot from lack of sleep/hangover.
It's unlike you to go out the night before work, but your bestie had persuaded you, only for them to drink too much and ditch on you half way through the evening's proceedings.
You'd already found company by that point however. The dreamy, olive eyed hulk variety of company. His face comes into your mind and your legs quiver in memory of what happened in that dreamboat's motel room. He was called Dean, and boy that was a night you will never forget. Shame you had to dash off at 2AM to get home because you had to be ready for work in the morning. You would have happily stayed for a round two or three otherwise.
Now here you are, back in work, gotta get caffeined up and focused for the new temp trainee coming that afternoon.
You work in one of those huge department stores that tries to sell everything. It does food, furniture, clothes, electronics, gardening...stuff and... well its easier to list what the place doesn't sell really.
It's three hours before your trainee arrives, so your manager, annoyed at your lack of punctuality today, demotes you to the tills all morning. It's not that you dislike people, but trying to be all smiles and customer service with a raging headache and running on three hours sleep is enough to break anyone's morale.
“Thankyou!” you beam at a couple at your register, cheek muscles hurting from the false smiles, all you desire at this moment in time is a good strong coffee.
“Hey Y/N!” your manager yells from one of the nearby aisles, “Your trainee is due is ten minutes, close your till off and get ready to meet them.”
You close your eyes with relief that you get to escape for a moment. You can make yourself a quick coffee in the staff canteen whilst you wait. Double win.
Sipping at the piping hot nectar you sit in wait, running through everything you'll have to cover with the noob in your head. Grab them some uniform, quick store tour, warehouse procedures, a new bedroom display has got to be made up too. Maybe you can claim that to do with them. The door to the canteen opens whilst you go in for another sip of your  cup o' joe. You look up and see a familiar set of green eyes combined with a cocky smirk.
“Dean!!” you yelp in shock, choking on your beverage.
“Why hello there sweetheart,” he replies smoothly as he heads towards you, “Well today just got a lot better.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” you hush, feeling your cheeks burning.
“I was told to come and meet my training mentor,” he shrugs, biting his bottom lip, “I gotta say, I'm just as shocked as you are. At least we can skip the awkward small talk introductions.”
You stifle a laugh, rubbing your face in your hands in total bewilderment. How is this even possible? Dean was right awell, today did just get a hell of a lot better.
You cant help but giggle seeing him emerge after you'd given him his uniform. He didn't exactly suit the gaudy blue t-shirt with yellow sleeves. The navy work trousers did cling around his ass very satisfyingly however. Dean spots you admiring the booty, raising an eyebrow and laughing.
“It's not like you need to imagine what's under there,” he winks.
“Shhhh!” you give him a playful elbow to the arm, “If management find out we know each other, they'll totally put someone on else to train you.”
“Well we simply just can't have that can we?”
“Right! So just...behave yourself already!”
Dean did not behave himself. Throughout your tour of the store and warehouse he continually messed about and made innuendos that left you a in a near constant state of blush.
“The hell is this supposed to be then?” He laughs, picking up a rather phallic looking piece the store had on sale in the bathroom section.
“Christ Dean I dunno,” you hold your head in your hand, fighting back the laughter trying to burst out of you, “Some kind of ornament or something I guess?”
“This shape though? In the bathroom? Yeah they knew what they were doing with this thing,” Dean puts the 'ornament' back down pulling a stupid face.
You move on, narrowing your eyes at him, but unable to hide the smirk on your face. Next was the bedroom section.
“What that's then?” Dean inquires, pointing to the corner where a huge curtain hides and divides off a chunk of the room.
“That's one of the bedroom displays but it needs changing over to the new stock. So the bed sheets need changing, the small furniture swapping out etcetera,” you explain, “That's our first job actually.”
“And they hide it?” Dean raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, its so the customer's see only the full display, apparently seeing it built up and swapped around can destroy the illusion.”
“So...nobody is likely to go snooping in while its being changed?”
“Well...its cordoned off, so generally not.”
A glint twinkles in the Winchester's eyes which makes you slightly worried but guiltily intrigued.
You head over to the curtain, both slipping in behind it.
“We need to get rid of all this stuff first, like the bedding and what not...” you state, grabbing a corner of the duvet intending to pull it back. Dean throws himself onto the bed, stretching out with his arms and folding them behind his head.
“Dean!” you giggle at him.
“Man I'm beat,” he closes his eyes, adjusting himself to get comfy.
“We haven't done anything yet!” you squeak, throwing one of the pillows at him.
“Yet,” he gives you a wink, “What actually happens to all this stuff once it's swapped to the new?”
“I dunno,” you shrug, “All the furniture gets sent back to the depot...the bedding bagged up and sent with it.”
“It's not checked or anything?” he gets up and walks over to you, bringing his hands to your waist and breathing down your neck.
“Dean,” you mumble, shuddering as his breathing gives you goosebumps, “I don't know what you're thinking but-”
“You know exactly what I'm thinking,” he gives a few light pecks down your shoulder towards your collarbone, “Are we likely to be left alone?”
“Um...I guess?” you try to protest but Dean is difficult to resist, “But...this is my job Dean, and yours.”
“This aint my job for long,” he mumbles, “Just stay quiet if your worried.”
He looks directly into your eyes and you see his are full of want and hunger. Fuck it, I hate this job anyway, you think.
Your lips lock onto his. Like last night his kisses are strong and passionate. He bites at your bottom lip and his hands grab your ass tightly. You gasp as he hoists you up onto his hips, his tongue asking for entry into your mouth which you accept instantly. You hands run up his back, pulling the awful shop's shirt up and off him, revealing that amazing body. Its toned and firm, a few scars here and there but they do nothing to ruin the spectacle of perfection displayed.
Dean lays you down onto the bed, one of his hands big enough to hold both your wrists down above your head. His free hands runs up the front of your shirt, lifting it up so he can access your breasts. He pulls a cup of your bra down and kisses at your already hard bud. It sends tingles straight down you, and you bite your lips together in an attempt to muffle your whine of approval. His tongue now circles it, starting slow but gradually building. You can feel the sensitivity there growing, almost becoming unbearable. You clench your eyes, biting your lips so tightly to stop any noise escaping you. Your back involuntarily arches and you just about manage to convert your moan into a deep exhale, but you can feel your throat shaking. He switches to your other breast, and your arms desperately want to come down, they want to touch him or at very least dig into the sheets, but Dean holds them there strongly. You opt for bringing you legs up instead and wrapping them around his waist. You manage to pull him forward, driving that bulge between his legs into your groin, and your eyes roll back in memory of what that bulge contains.
“You're keen,” Dean whispers, with an eager smirk.
“After last night who wouldn't be?”  you smirk back.
He releases your hands as he unbuttons his trousers, so you work on unbuttoning your own. Your eyes dart around the curtain surrounding you, hoping no one out there has cottoned on to what's going on in here. It's all making you very nervous and out of your comfort zone, but the out right freaking...naughtiness of it all makes you so damn hot at the same time.
You see Dean's hard cock in his hands and he rubs lightly away at the tip, breathing heavily at you.
“Lose the shirt,” he orders.
You automatically do as he says, tossing it aside and laying back down as Dean lowers himself onto you. You're kissing again, your hands in his hair pulling lightly while he teases at your folds.
“Fuck,” you gasp as quietly as you can, pulling your knees up so you can give Dean entry.
“Nuh uh,” he whispers, “We did missionary last night.”
Before you can even respond, Dean flips you over so you're now bent over on your knees. A slight panic suddenly takes you.
“Wait Dean I'm not into ana-” you hush quickly.
“Neither am I don't worry,” he interrupts, “Done it this way before?”
You shake your head, so self conscious in this position and nervous to be trying new stuff in this scenario.
“Relax,” he coos, “Just give it a try, I've heard crazy reviews. You don't like it we'll switch back I promise.”
“O-okay,” you stutter, not a hundred percent convinced, but despite only meeting him last night, you have a weird sensation of trust towards Dean.
Not being able to see what's going on is throwing you the most at the moment, you worry that he'll do something that takes you by surprise and makes you cry out. It's like Dean can read your mind, he does everything he can to give you a pre-warning. You feel his fingers gently caressing your folds again, and in this position they seem to be so much more sensitive, sending a tingle all the way down your legs to your knees. You throw your head back, trying to replace moaning with deep breathing.
He replaces his fingers with his cock, and slowly eases in. Your mouth opens but you somehow manage to hold back the moan, clenching your eyes tightly. As Dean slowly begins to build momentum, your clench the headboard getting used to the sensation of your g-spot being hit at this new angle. It feels so much more intense, your coil beginning to quickly tighten already. Dean's breathing get heavier and you hear him mumble numerous curse words in lust.
“Play with your clit,” he whispers to you, his cock thrusting deeper as he leans into your ear. Once again you find yourself obeying, one hand still clutching on the headboard for balance and the other making small playful circles at that most sensitive point.
A very slight whimper escapes from you as you feel your body start to come alive. Dean is clutching onto your ass so tightly, it causes a new pleasurable pain you haven't experienced before.
“God Y/N,” he grunts, reaching his quickest pace, “I c-can feel you getting tighter. F-fuck.”
Hearing him say these things makes you so much hotter. Your g-spot now getting hit rapidly, your circling finger gaining speed. It's overwhelming.
“D-dean,” you gasp as quietly as you can.
Another grunt comes from him as he makes a final deep lunge into you, and you feel his cock throbbing as it releases his warmth, coating all inside you.
You white out momentarily, your knees caving in as the spring inside you explodes. You force your head into the pillow, hoping it will muffle the strained moans you try so hard to hold back.
You both drop onto the mattress, staring at the ceiling and trying to regain your breathe.
“That was...” you start, wondering if that really did just happen.
“Amazing,” Dean finishes, chuckling slightly as he grabs your hand.
You both hastily get dressed and manage to sneak off to the bathrooms for a quick clean up. As you come out you run into your manager, a look of disgust on their face.
“You and the newbie seen that bedroom section!?” he cries.
“No!” you answer quickly, attempting to sound convincing and not sure if you're succeeding, “We were just finishing a quick break and heading over there actually.”
“It's a mess!” the manager exclaims, “Looks like some customers have been fooling around in it or something.”
“Now that's just sick,” comes Dean's voice from behind you. He must have just come out of the bathroom too.
“Ah, so you're the trainee then?” the manager looks down his nose at the Winchester.
“Not any more actually,” Dean shrugs, “I'm quitting.”
You look at him in shock, the manager just scoffs and walks away mumbling something about time wasters.
“Your quitting!?” you shriek, “After all...that!?”
“I'm sorry sweetheart,” Dean looks genuinely apologetic as he brushes a stray hair from your cheek, “This was only a temp thing because me and my brother were having some...money issues... but he just text me to say it's sorted so we're actually gonna be leaving town tomorrow.”
“Oh...” you feel a little deflated. He did tell you last night he was only in town a short while so this was to be expected really. It's annoying but...there is one small opportunity left, “So you'll be around tonight then?”
“Uh...” Dean raises an eyebrow and tilts his head at you, “Yeah I will.”
“Meet me at 8?” you smile cheekily, “Same bar?”
Dean laughs, scratching his head, “Yeah I'd like that.”
You give him a wink and stride back to work, a new found spring in your step. Yeah this wasn't ever going to become a full blown relationship, but it sure is a lot of fun.
Best day at work, ever.
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Tags! @aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @bkwrm523 @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @salvachester @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @revwinchester @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @deanwinchesterxreader @melbelle45 @4401Inc @sis-tafics @mrswhozeewhatsis
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Hurt - Chapter 33 (Previous Chapters)
Fandom: TMNT 2012
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: April is given Raphael's sketchbook and what she finds inside takes her breath away and forces to confront what losing him really meant...
"Here, April..." Mikey's voice was small, the boisterous and fun in his voice had been completely sapped away as if it was never there. The sound of it always broke April's heart whenever she heard it; the absence of Mike's normal personality wasn't there anymore and April feared it would never be again.
"What is it, Mikey?" she asked, depositing the groceries on their counter-top as she did weekly.
"I found this in Raph's room by his magazines. I thought you might want it."
April's full attention was had by this point as she turned her body to face the youngest brother. In his hands rested a black leather bound sketchbook. She immediately recognized it as a present she'd given to Raph when she noticed the paper he usually drew on were scraps or not very good quality for the type of art he liked to do in his spare time.
So, one day, she surprised him with it...she still remembered the moment so well...
Walking into the lair, April adjusted her backpack smoothly, wondering if Raphael would notice her wearing it on the weekend when she typically finished all her homework on Fridays.
Blue eyes immediately seeking a flash of red, she saw it over the couches where Raph was quietly doing push-ups in front of the television. A feral grin rose to her face as she silently approached the turtle and depositing the book-bag on the couch, she unceremoniously ambled on top of his shell as he continued his workout. Her back pressed into his convex shell, April smiled, enjoying the sensation of him going up and down; not seeming to care or notice that she did it much anymore.
It was almost the norm for him now.
"Hey..." she finally spoke, lifting herself up a bit to see the side of his head.
"What's up?" Raphael asked with a grunt as he pushed himself back up, her extra light weight probably akin to a feather to him.
"Let's see...The ceiling, sky, birds, clouds...ya know, the usual." she replied cheekily and smiled when she noticed him shaking his head in response.
"Your nitjitsu training is working but we desperately need to work on your jokes next. They're awful, O'Neil."
"I dunno. Does Splinter condone that kind of training?"
"Meh. I'm goin' off my own rule book now; and to be frank, ya need it." he replied dryly before laying down on his plastron which indicated to her that he was done and she should get off willingly before she was tossed off.
"Hmm. Well I thought it was funny." she said, stepping off his carapace and plopping into a seated position onto the ground next to him.
"You must be spending too much time with Mikey then." he shrugged, sitting next to her.
"He's good company. At least he laughs at my jokes."
"He laughs at anything." Raph responded snidely, his green eyes flicking over to the couch. "...You brought homework?" he continued in a confused tone before his eyes met hers.
"Nope." she said, rising to her feet to retrieve the bag before sidling against him once more. It didn't even phase him anymore as her thigh brushed his. April made a show of opening the bag and when Raphael tried to peek inside, she held him back with her hand.
"Nuh-uh! No peeking!" she admonished, waving a finger at him.
Raph just pouted in response, his brows furrowed as he looked at her in disdain.
"Now, close your eyes." she said with a barely held back smile.
He responded by even looking more suspicious and asking,"Yeah right, it's probably a rubber cockroach yer gonna put on my head, arentcha?"
"Aren't you ever gonna live that down? It was one time, Raph!" April groaned.
"One time too many..." he grumbled and she flashed him a look.
"Raph, it's not a roach or any kind of bug. Please, just close your eyes. I promise you'll like it." she replied and looking at him she swore she thought she was going to have to keep begging but to her surprise, his green eyes slid closed.
The redhead smiled, going back to the bag and swiftly took out the gift she had for him. Turning back to Raph she spoke again, "Okay, hold out both of your hands." she demanded and while he looked extremely apprehensive and uncomfortable about doing so, he did as she asked.
April's heart warmed at the sight; just months ago, he never would have done anything of the sort. The first few months of knowing him, he was very distrusting of her; always wondering if she was going to end up betraying them. After growing more comfortable that she wouldn't, he tolerated her but they never were "friends" or hung out or even conversed one-on-one. Truthfully, it wasn't until Splinter demanded he train her that things changed.
Raphael was her friend now; before when this turtle was nothing but an enigma to her, she now was so fond it him it almost surprised her. Spending so much one-on-one time with him when before, they barely had a conversation was something akin to a miracle. How he almost easily opened up to her and her to him; it was amazing to see the amount of trust he had toward her now. Completely trusting her...
"Any day now, O'Neil." he grumbled and April was sorely temped to bop him on the head with it instead especially since the thoughts she had toward him were so nice.
"Fine." she growled, pushing the book into his hands.
As soon as the book was there, Raph's green eyes reappeared and he immediately looked down at the black leather-bound sketchbook in his large green hands. The terrapin stared at it almost relevantly; his eyes scanning every single centimeter of the cover before he removed one hand from underneath it to tenderly stroke the leather. Deft fingers flipping the cover open and touching the off-white paper; the heavily textured material making a very satisfying sound as he ran his thumb over it.
Green eyes suddenly met hers and April was taken aback to how easily she read them.
While not the best with words, there was no doubt in her mind at just how grateful he was; didn't mean he was gonna try.
"April, what...why'd ya...just..." he stuttered and April couldn't help but smile at hearing the normally brash turtle sound so adorably awkward.
"I saw that you didn't have any nice sketchbooks; you're always using scrap paper to draw on and I dunno, I wanted you to give you some real stuff. Also, I got you some pencils and markers if you want to try -" she said with a smile when she suddenly was cut off; a gasp escaping from her lips when she suddenly found herself in his arms. The thickly muscled limbs embraced her for only a fraction of a second but seemed to be so out of character that it nearly took her breath away.
Raph's eye weren't on her when he pulled away, instead, adoring the book in his hands with barely suppressed glee April's stomach flip-flopped in her gut for a reason unbeknownst to her.
"Thanks." Raph said in a barely audible whisper, as if the word had never left his lips before and April wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
"You're welcome." she replied with a wide smile and he kept surprising her when he lifted his head and looked at her, something akin to a genuine smile lifting the corners of his mouth.
April's stomach lodged into her throat as she stared at the worn book in Mikey's outstretched hands. The memory so vivid; she could almost feel the warmth from his body and the sensation of his arms that wrapped around her for only a second...but it was still there.
"April?" Mikey asked lowly and her tear-stained blue eyes met his own.
With whatever fragile strength she had left, the redhead reached for the book and clasped her hands onto it and pulled it into her arms. April just stared at the cover for a long while, tracing each of the little nicks it got over time and the dust from charcoal or graphite smudged on the cover from its heavy use. Without realizing it, hot tears dripped down her face and upon the cover, her hands trembling as she cradled it close to her chest.
"Are you sure, Mike?" she whimpered as she looked deep into the terrapin's sky blue eyes.
Without answering verbally, the turtle nodded sadly, giving her a tight smile that hadn't reached his eyes since his brother's death.
"Thanks..." she whispered, April's eyes fell to the book and knew looking at it now wasn't the best idea.
Returning Mikey's tight smile, April left the lair with it in tow, not knowing what lay inside the pages until she made her way home.
Opening the cover was hard, hating that his fingerprints were being smudged as she began turning pages. The first few pages were the art she expected, high contrast buildings and a lot of gradient shadows, his ability to draw the city was incredible; his discernible talent to do such incredible detail work just showcased itself with these pages. As she continued, her eyes fell on figures, beautiful curvy women with long hair and plump lips; much like the woman painted on the side of the Shellraiser. Drawings of weapons and even a few of his brothers adorned other pages. It wasn't until a few turns of the paper later her chest nearly imploded as she stared at the page.
April looked back at herself on the page. Heart hammering as she took in a photo-realistic image of her own face; the detail of each freckle matching hers almost exactly. She hadn't realized her hand raised to cover her mouth until long moments later; staring at the soft marks of graphite creating her image with the abilities of classically trained artists...
Her shaking fingers left her mouth to turn the page, this image was her again, this time a full body shot; where she sat at the base of the tree in the dojo, where he had her meditating for at least thirty minutes a day. Recalling him moving about as if to distract her and giving her a harder time to concentrate; a training technique he liked to annoy her with. Little did she know what he did during that time...not believing it til she was looking at it on her lap.
More pages passed, each of them with her in different scenarios, one hitting her square in the chest. It was a night he spent at her place; Mikey driving him to the brink of insanity had him coming over. He knocked on her window and they spend that evening on the roof, just chatting and spending time underneath the stars. Her hair was down, her clothes just a tank top and her tattered sleeping shorts as she sat upon the edge of the roof staring out into the expanse of the sky and the city a backdrop. He hadn't drawn it that night of course, but the memory was vivid, his mind like a camera, recalling it and drawing it later on...
April let out a whimper as she stared at it; she thought she knew him...thought she knew each nuance and everything about him... She questioned if she knew him or cared to at all...
Recalling Casey's words at Raphael's funeral…
"...he really liked you, ya know?" Casey spoke, not really sure why the words left his mouth. As much as he wanted to take Raph's secret to the grave for him; a part of him wanted April to know; hopefully ease her pain because he knew she felt solely responsible for Raph's death.
But that wasn't the case…
Raphael cared enough about her to save her and if anything, that should comfort her. The reasoning is because after all, it was his choice and if she knew Raph as well as he believed she did, there was no force on Heaven or Earth that would stop him from doing so.
"...what?" April gasped, her bloodshot eyes welling with tears.
"He thought he hid it pretty good from you and me - not to mention Donnie."
"W-What are you talking about, Casey?" April asked, a desperate whimper escaping from her lips.
"Heh...Raph... He was fuckin' crazy about you, April..." Casey chuckled, meeting her eyes; the barest hints of a smile lifting the corners of his mouth. Not even noticing the single tear that dripped down his cheek as he told her.
April would be lying if she said she didn't question its validity. Sure, why would Casey lie, but this was Raph - the guy who rarely showed emotion or any clue as to what his heart held. To hear this same turtle had been crushing on her this whole time made no sense...but to see this now... To see the work of his skilled hands on paper; to see her image drawn so perfectly by him just tore something precious out of her...To now know after his death that he kept it a secret this whole time just broke whatever sanity she had left...
Casey was telling the truth, and it hurt like fucking hell...
April began sobbing, pushing the book aside so she wouldn't stain it with her tears. She flopped onto her bed and pushed a pillow into her face; hoping her resounding cries would not awake her father who slept just in the next room. The agony was all-encompassing; like a physical pain piercing her heart; the icy vice grip around her organ causing more cries to tear from her tender throat and muffling into the pillow.
She missed him so much...and to know he liked her in that way only made it worse...
April had never even thought about it; it wasn't like Donnie or Casey who couldn't make it more obvious; Raphael silently dealing with living with it. Never intending on telling her...so many questions arising in her head; recalling all the time she spent with him in his last months...
Saving her life...by losing his own...
It broke her that now, this unbelievable friend was gone; dead because of her... To know his true feelings and knowing he wasn't there anymore for her to tell him that…that...
...she was certain she felt the same way...
A sudden cry was wretched from her throat; loud sobs echoing throughout her room, April cried herself to sleep holding the sketchbook against her chest and mumbling his name under her breath.
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