#husband Wriothesely
honoriotsusuki · 6 months
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||𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬|| FEM!READER
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🥮Wriothesely is ridiculously sweet, like a teasing sweet.
🥮depending on your job PDA will vary.
🥮If you're around the fortress all the time you at most give eachother pecks on the cheek in public
🥮Id your job keeps you away from the fortress you are going to be alot more lovey dovey since you want to embrace every second you have together.
🥮Of course Sigewinne is the adopted daughter, is that even a question at this point?
🥮You are gonna have to tend to alot of wounds.
🥮If you're a fighter as well then you two spar eachother alot, obviously you take precautions so neither gets hurt.
🥮I imagine Wriothesley would put on the record player occasionally and you two just dance around the room
🥮Honestly I get such "ain't no mountain high enough" vibes from him, like you cannot tell me this man would twirl you around the room while dancing to that.
🥮Teasing, like this man's love language is just teasing the ever loving shit out of you
🥮I can picture him letting you make tiny braids in his hair that fall near the back, like if you're bored he just let's you go at his hair.
🥮laughing with him as he takes stickers off his gauntlets that you helped Sigewinne put on
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matchamiko · 17 days
Wriothesley is so husband shaped; those big shoulders for sleeping on snuggled in bed, thick forearms to bite when he’s fucking you down into the mattress, capable hands for kneading dough when you don’t want to, beautiful kind eyes that are the first thing you see in the morning, big wide hairy chest for leaning on in the bath, such a strong back for hoisting furniture around when you want to change the sitting room around, legs heavy and wide enough to sit on as you arrange flowers you’d both bought from the farmers market, fingers weathered from work and age sitting pretty between your thighs.
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sweetchildcloud · 3 months
||CUTIEPIE|| written by me
Plot: Wriothesley trying his best to be a father with your newborn daughter.
Tags: GenshinxRedaer,Daddy!Wriothesley,fluff,fatherly love,heartwarming,cute overload,heart melting.
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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“Can I hold her for a little longer, darling?” Wriothesley smiles softly, and you can’t help but be taken in by it. Wriothesley holds his daughter close as he gazes at her. She seems to be getting more comfortable with his touch, which pleases him. After a few moments, he turns back to you. You both gaze at the little girl, and suddenly, everything makes sense. “I think we should call her Victoria.” “Victoria” You repeat the name, trying it on for size. “I like that” Victoria. Your Victoria. This is the happiest moment of your life. “She’s the most beautiful girl in the whole world” Wriothesley says. You’ve never seen him look more content. “I bet that when she grows up, she’ll be a princess" You joke, but the words feel right. Your daughter is royalty. "I love you, darling" Wriothesley pulls you to him and kisses your cheek. His hand runs through your hair, and he holds in an exhale. The stress of the past few days melts away as he holds his daughter and kisses you. “Thank you” he mumbles. You’re his world, and Victoria is his legacy. "For what?" you asked looking back at him. Wriothesley stares at you, his heart overflowing with gratitude. “For giving me this. For letting me be her father.” Victoria is fast asleep in his arms, her tiny frame curled up against him. “I love you” he says softly, and means it. You are his everything. "Sweetie it's nothing on the other hand you were very..." you stopped thinking how to put your it without harming him "Overprotective" Wriothesley can't help but chuckle. "Yes, dear. I know. I am. I can't help it." He kisses your forehead, his eyes gentle despite the shadows beneath them. He looks down at the sleeping baby in his arms. He smiles at you, his eyes bright and loving. “I want to be a good father” He pulls you closer. “I want to keep you both safe.” "yes but you need to relax too darling" You caressed his cheek and soflty his shadow under his eye too "you need to sleep bun bun" Wriothesley blinks his eyes, looking at you for a moment. You’re right. He’s exhausted. He takes a deep breath in, then nods his head. He kisses your cheek again. “I will” he promises. “I’ll take her to her bed first.” He stands up with Victoria in his arms, cradling her so safely and carefully. Wriothesley can’t help but smile as he watches his little Victoria wiggle in his arms. He’s amazed at how fast she’s growin. He carries her to her cradle and lays her down, tucking her blanket neatly around her small body. He gives her one last kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight, sweet pea.” He whispers. Victoria cooed wriggling "ba ba!" Wriothesley laughs loudly, unable to contain his amusement. “Ba ba, is it?” He laughs again. Oh, how she has changed his life. He can’t help but love her more and more every day. He places his hands on her little shoulders, rubbing them gently. “Yes. Ba ba” "Ba ba" Victoria wiggles as her father camed closer "I think she's trying to say dada but she's still to little" you giggled at the cute scenario. Wriothesley laughs and nods his head. “Yes. I would say so, too” He smiles at her. Her eyes are wide as they focus on him. “I think she knows who her daddy is” He laughs. “She’s just trying to figure out how to get the word out” Wriothesley chuckles as he watches his Victoria sneeze. “Bless you.” He mumbles, feeling the urge to tickle her. He bites down on his lip, knowing that he can’t disturb her. She needs to sleep, even if he wants to do nothing more than play with her little fingers and toes. Wriothesley continues to stare at his sleeping daughter. He’s mesmerized by her perfect little face, the way her lips curl upwards, how her eyelids rest so peacefully upon her cheeks, and how her fingers clasp together in her sleep. Wriothesley continues to stare at his sleeping daughter. He’s mesmerized by her perfect little face, the way her lips curl upwards, how her eyelids rest so peacefully upon her cheeks, and how her fingers clasp together in her sleep. She’s beautiful. He wants to hug her again, but he fights the urge in an effort not to disturb her.
"sweetie let's go to bed" you asked rubbing your eyes. Wriothesley nods and glances back at his daughter. “Yes” he says. “We should” He’s suddenly overwhelmed with exhaustion. The last few days have taken a toll on him, and his body is in desperate need of an hour of sleep. “Just give me a moment” "what's wrong?"
Wriothesley sighs softly and looks up. “Nothing’s wrong, darling” he says “I just want to watch over her for a little bit longer. It’s been a long few days” He rubs his hand down his face, trying to get rid of the bags under his eyes he’s developed. “Of course” you say, nodding your head. You understand his desire to watch over her, to make sure she’s okay. It’s only natural. Wriothesley continues to stare at her, his eyes soft and filled with love. He wants nothing more than to protect her, to keep her safe. “I’m going to go to bed” You smile softly at him, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. Wriothesley smiles back at you, his eyes following you as you walk out of the room. He watches until you are long gone. Victoria remains asleep in her cradle, softly cooing as she sleeps. Wriothesley gazes at her for a few minutes longer, feeling his cheeks heat. He leans forward and kisses her again, whispering “I love you, baby. My angel”
The next morning you woke up founding your husband sleeping on the chair with Victoria in his arms soflty snoring.You smile softly as you see Wriothesley sleeping with his daughter in his arms. It’s endearing really, to see him so vulnerable and doting. Even when he doesn’t know you’re watching he’s a gentle father. You feel your heart melt a little bit and you have no desire to wake him. Victoria remains asleep in his arms, and Wriothesley sleeps deeply, gently cradling her as she nestles into his chest.
He looks like the most peaceful, serene man in the world. His eyes are closed, and his breathing is low and even. Victoria is curled up against his chest, the blanket still wrapped around her. Her face is tucked in close to his neck, and she’s sleeping peacefully. You can’t help but stare at them. Your hearts melt, and your chest tightens at the sight of them together.
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Idk I just tough of the idea of Wriothesley becoming a dad and well,this camed out.
As always I hope you like it and I will probably add this in my own Daddy! AU in wich I wrote about many anime characters being a dad 😘😊 c'ause I found men playing with their kids cute and it melts my heart🥺🤧💕💕 (hope you agree)
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soggyremmy · 16 days
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that's definitely a dog
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thanatos-nightshade · 7 months
tag people you want to catch up with/get to know better
tagged by: @inkytoebeans
last song: Sugar Song To Bitter Step by Union Square Garden (the kekkai sensen ED)
current/last read: Uhhhh you want a book or a fic or do webtoons count? I've been reading Divorcing My Tyrant Husband on Webtoons lately uhm but bookwise I'm rereading the physical copies of Mairimashita Iruma kun I bought (if they count). Then fic wise would have been the Polaroid and Sunshine geraskier fic I reblogged a day or two ago
last film: Honestly? I think the Barbie movie (I don't go to movies that often)
currently watching: Insym playing Dead Signal with my gf, Gab playing Fae Farm, Burrows End on D20, ACOFAF on D20, My Happy Marriage (an anime), and The Saints Magic Power is Omnipotent (also an anime)
current obsession: Genshin Impact as well. I get paid this weekend but this weekend is also a con so who knows where my money will go to (Wriothesely and Venti come home please)
tagging: @willworkforcakes @demidextrous @devildaisies and @6feetunderthestarz if y'all are up for it
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sharkslut · 8 months
the wriothesely cake reveal was devastating to me because now I covet my mutual's husband
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littlekiara96 · 8 months
I assume you're married to wriothesely genshinimpact
Well, it's not my fault he's husband-shaped, is it? :]c
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lunargrapejuice · 2 years
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reverse hurt/comfort | comforting sephiroth after a nightmare
nsfw | husband!diluc + husband!kaeya
hurt/comfort | the first time they make you cry neuvillette, wriothesely, zhongli
chapter 3 family + loyalty
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please keep in mind i am a slow writer but i deeply appreciate your continued support and patience!
fics are written in no specific order but each one is being actively worked on!
updated: june 2
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