eohwyyn · 4 months
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what's your aesthetic? what looks do you like the most? what identifies you? let's make a moodboard of that!
tagged by @tommishelby & @wioletwitch, thank you so much kinga and anniina! ✨✨
tagging: @shirehobbit @lisa-swallows @benoitblanc @anakinskyiwalker @hobblt @oswim @dagordagorath @minimoefoe @madney @emmaswcns @determined-overthinker @sirtadcooper @archiegoodwin @roguecassians @mattmurdockismylife @twoheartsoneclara @stephsu @hamsolo @finnicki @biilpotts @darlingavasilva @anakinskvwalkcr @euphcme @ahsokafano @hwfflpuff if you want to!
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noahssebastian · 1 year
grogusmando to simonsghost
hi everyone! just making a small post to say i'm actually going to sort of restart this blog. i've just become tired of my own tag system and things like that and just want to start with a new, clean slate! i just plan on deleting a lot of posts and touching up my ~ aesthetic ~ (and hopefully this will help me become more active on tumblr!)
tagging my mutuals under a cut just so you guys aren't like "who the fuck is this" if you guys ever purge your following list 👉 👈 (hi! it's edi!)
no need for any interaction! just letting you guys know ;; thank you!
@horrorgay, @millyrocking, @brielarsonist, @rinnfey, @pegsccarter, @deanwwinchester, @rocketduo, @benoitblanc, @anakinskyiwalker, @buvky, @gresit, @eohwyyn, @monsignorspruitt, @roguecassians, @anakin-skywalker, @hwfflpuff, @eva-greens, @octobermidnight, @noah-sebastians, @obi---wan, @elivanto, @ghost-company, @mia-goths, @mccnknights, @pirncessleia, & @florencepughish
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thejilyship · 4 years
jily + accidental roommates I love your stories btw 💕
Almost kept going here, but these are supposed to be short, so I stopped myself. This is all based on a true story. When I was a freshmen, I was assigned a room without a roommate and then told well into the semester, that if I didn’t want to be charged for a single room, I would have to find a roommate. I was super annoyed. They didn’t assign me a James though. I got Sam, and she was super sweet! 
WC: 1k
Lily was told, six weeks into the semester, that if she didn’t get herself a roommate, then she was going to be charged extra. She had thought it was such luck, when they assigned her a room, without a roommate, but now they were putting that burden on her, six weeks into the semester.
It was stupid, and it was unfair, but Lily was not going to pay extra for a single room, when she hasn’t signed up for one, so she told them that they could find her a roommate.
And they did. He showed up two days after she sent the email.
Lily opened the door and saw a confused looking bloke standing at the threshold.
“Can I help you?” She asked.
“I must have the wrong room,” He said, looking down at his key and a piece of paper. “But this is the room on the paper… Do you live here?”
Lily raised her brows. “Yes, I live here.”
“There’s not a bloke named Evan who lives here?”
“No. My name is Lily. Lily Evans, but still. I’m a girl, and my name is Lily.”
“So Evan Li, is probably not a real person.” James nodded, shaking his head. “They already took my room key away.”
“Are you who they assigned to be my roommate?” Lily asked, taking the paper from him and looking it over. James Potter, a first-year student like her. He’d been given a single room that he didn’t ask for too apparently, and now he was here. With all his shit in one of those flimsy trolleys right outside her door. That he was holding a key to.
“I guess they made a mistake.”
“They already made a mistake, this is just another one!” Lily shook her head and handed him the paper back. “Well bring your stuff inside so no one messes with it.”
“Are you sure? I can take it back upstairs-“
“You just said that they already took your key away.”
“Sure, but maybe my RA will let me put it in his room or something.”
“No, it’s fine, have the room is empty anyway.” She shrugged.  
He smiled at her, looking thankful. She smiled back, “I don’t mean to be snappish, I just don’t know why they are making us do this now. They were the reason we had our own rooms, and now I feel like they’re punishing us for it.”
“I get that. My mum said that it was fine, that she would pay the difference, but it’s the principle of the thing.”
“I agree,” Lily nodded.
Lily left the door open and went over to her desk as James pulled out his phone. He was on hold for thirty minutes, and they started talking about their classes. It was a little awkward, but then Lily mentioned her history of science fiction class, a fun class that met a writing requirement that she had, and James sat up straighter, his phone still at his ear. Turns out he was in that class too.
They were talking about the hidden assignment their prof had put in the middle of the syllabus when someone finally got on the phone to talk to James. He quickly explained the situation and was put on hold again. They started talking about which café was the best and made plans to get dinner whenever this phone call ended. James told her about his football scholarship and Lily told him about how she was good at no sports, but how she could be him at darts any day of the week. Which was basically a challenge, and so they were going to have to go to the rec room after dinner so that they could play darts.
Someone finally got on the phone again, only to tell him that all of the rooms had been filled. Everyone had been partnered up already. He put them on speaker. “So now what?” James asked.
“Well, we can give you your original room key back, but since you both failed to find roommates, and the deadline has passed, you’ll be charged for a single room.”
Lily was quiet and looked at James. “That makes no sense,” She said. “You assigned him as my roommate, you made that mistake, not me. Not James. You can’t charge us extra for a mistake that you made.”
“Ma’am, I didn’t make the mistake.”
“That’s beside the point, and you know it,” Lily shook her head.
“You were both given an adequate amount of time to find a roommate on your own-“
“I understand that, but I asked you to find me a roommate, and by you, I mean your office. To which, you agreed!”
“Yes, and now you’re saying that since your office messed up, we’re going to be charged for single rooms? I just packed up my entire room and moved it down here to Lily’s room. And now you want to charge me, to give me back my old room key and have me re-move in?”
“If that’s the route you choose, then yes, you would be charged.”
“I’m sorry, but is there someone else we can talk to? This doesn’t make sense,” Lily shook her head.
“The head of student housing will be in tomorrow, but she will tell you the same thing that I’m telling you.”
“Okay, thank you for being completely unhelpful.” James huffed and hung up the phone.
“You can stay here tonight, I suppose.” Lily shrugged. “I mean, they’re not going to win!”
“It’s ridiculous!” James shook his head. “I’ll call back tomorrow when the head of the office is in, and I can crash in my friends’ room tonight. They have a futon.”
Lily nodded, because while she thought she liked James, it was the safer choice for her to agree to. “Alright, let’s be done with this headache for tonight then and go get dinner. We’ll figure it all out later.”
James agreed. He threw a smile on his face and stood up. “Yes, let’s go eat so you can then show off your dart skills! I’m very excited to beat you at something you’ve claimed no one can beat you at.”
“Careful, bud, or I’ll sell your shit on eBay while you’re sleeping on your friends futon.”
James laughed, “Doubt it.”
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scoopsgf · 5 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you are supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. ♥
oh my god im sobbing?? ilysm
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umfleur · 5 years
thank you lovely 💕💕💕💕 you made my day when i woke up and saw this!!
p.s. your blog is fantastic and i love it.
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mysticsrose · 5 years
I just followed and I love ur blog. happy early birthday!!💕 💫🌹
tysm ♡♡
url: i don’t get it, but it’s amazing! | i love it! | who did you kill? | emma swan
icon: cute | i love it  | amazing | absolutely stunning | sara lance
mobile theme: cute | i love it  | amazing | absolutely stunning | buffy summers
theme: cute | i love it  | amazing | absolutely stunning | daisy johnson
posts: great | amazing | um, WOW?! | noora saetre
creations: great | amazing | you are SO talented?! | stefan salvatore
overall: amazing | stunning | absolutely incredible | lorna dane
following: no, but i love you | i am now | of course | forever and always!!!
+ your theme is soo beautiful and i love your posts so much
want one?
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henrywinteris · 4 years
happy birthday!! 🌟
thank you 🤗💕✨
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eohwyyn · 1 month
tagged by @henrywinteris, thanks kinga!! ✨🎨
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tagging: @oswim @madney @shirehobbit @euphcme @cameliarosa
@oswlld @missbennet @hwfflpuff @twoheartsoneclara @lisa-swallows
@darlingavasilva @cardiolcgy @wioletwitch @hazy-siren @acairis
@nellygwyn @eternita @curious-earth @pemberlaey @asteriim
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thejilyship · 5 years
For being so nice and cute, copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful! Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful.🌟
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You’re wonderful!
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jesperwylan · 5 years
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Hey! I just hit 1.3k and I’m like ?!?!?!?! is this real?!?!?! what the hellman! anyways, I just wanna say thanks to everyone: mutuals and followers, I really love each one of you from the bottom of my smol heart, thanks for the support, for the love and for everything.
this is the very first time that I do this (well, the second one bc I deleted the first one, lol), and If I don’t mention someone, it’s probably bc it was too late when I did and this is the second one.
I love you sooooo much<3
a - f.
@aarowarner, @acotars, @adriata, @aesthetic-ravenclaw, @ahkielos, @ahprodithe, @alfredwayne, @alinastarkouv, @allisoinreynolds, @allisonreynods, @amysantigao, @annabetths, @annabethpercy, @andrumedas, @annieodairs, @anthonygoldsteins, @aqvilae, @aredhels, @ariiaddne, @artemeis, @aryastvark, @asteriah, @astoriamalfxy, @atlastly, @autisticnewtscamander, @avengers4s, @avsten, @awstark, @azteeria; @b-larsons, @badbucky, @baizencarter, @barratheon, @barrowmare, @bcnnsolo, @bellamys, @benhargrceves, @bhoromir, @bininazenik, @bleachersmp3, @blueegansey, @biillyhargroves, @branstark, @branwells, @brekkercrows, @brekkfast, @brelarson, @buckybvrns, @buckyscap, @bvcks; @capnsmarvel, @captainmarvrel, @carohldanvers, @carstairsjames, @chalamete, @crowleyaj, @cptainvers, @cptn-brie, @cptnbucky; @daenerya, @daniels-gillies, @dansmiths, @daphnaea, @daviincis, @deanerys, @deenoru, @demygods, @dickqanseys, @divinitywrites, @dracoluciusmalfoys, @dramiones, @drarrys, @drcfox, @dream-hunterr, @driacomalfoy, @drunkwlw, @dovecameron; @eddiekzpbrak, @elevnns, @emmaewatson, @eorwyn, @eudorapatch, @evabriqhi, @evangelinelily, @evjefrye, @explodingsnap; @faheys, @faheyy, @falsedgod, @fireheartfray, @fjerdas, @flowersgrew, @foxway.
g - l.
@g-allifrey, @gabrielle-haller, @ganseys, @gamoora, @gamoraisbi, @ghafae, @ghostvboy, @gildedkings, @ginnevraweasley, @glenntalbot, @goldstinas, @grifindors, @gwen-stacy; @haesperides, @hallowsraven, @hannenina, @harryjamepotter, @hazelslevesques, @hddleston, @hermionay, @hernywinters, @herondalejamcs, @hers-mione, @hhelvar, @histheria, @hongjoongkims, @hollcndtom, @honcyduke, @honeyddukes, @hopedanvers, @hopevaandyne, @horatjo, @hufflepuffhelgas, @hysteriaas, @hwfflpuff; @ifthiswasmovie, @iknewyouwereswiftie, @illumnae, @imperialvader, @ironarm, @isakvaltersven, @itsgoldens, @ivonoris, @iwillmissyoutoni; @jaceheronstairs, @jacksonperseus, @jameshop, @janeaustn, @janehop, @jeromemonaghan, @jjameslily, @jjesperfahey, @juneqparis, @jvimelvnnisters, @jynerso; @katherinewaterstcn, @katnisseversdeen, @kazenik, @kazrietvld, @kazrietveldt, @kayascodelorio, @keikou, @kenocbi, @ketterdam, @kevinday, @king-of-ravka, @kigninthenorth, @kignofscars, @kkamala, @kuweiyulbo, @kyloren; @la-dama-de-rosas, @ladyofroses, @lanstovi, @lavndertown, @leejordan, @leonordmccoy, @leta-lestrange, @lexiegrey, @lexigreys, @lilabard, @ligtwood, @loislance, @longbottoms, @lovailles, @love-decays, @lunalovegd, @lunasduarte, @lupinsmiled.
m - q.
@maddenegerton, @mark85s, @marvuders, @mattylightwood, @matovillka, @maveyn, @medusaslover, @meiradynam,  @merldruck, @miacorvere, @midsgard, @minyvrd, @mistellation,  @morevchitsa, @morganstrak, @mormornt, @myrcela, @mysticsrose, @mysticparrish, @mytserio; @naazyalenski, @nancybyevs, @nancynwheeler, @nataaliaromanova, @nataliamaximoff, @neilgansey, @nellvance, @neptcnes, @niklantsov, @nikolai-lantsov, @ninascrows, @ninazenix, @ninazzenik, @ninazzenlk, @noragraces, @nymphadoraxs; @oakheartts, @obiliviate, @octaviasblake, @odairannies, @ohpotter, @oiiverwood, @okoie, @okoyeh, @omensgood, @ophileus, @orlando-bloom; @parrkerspeters, @peetamelarks, @pennyroads, @penumbvra, @perranth, @peterparkarr, @pisscffghost, @podmore, @porpentincgoldstein, @portman-natalie, @pterparkcr, @ginevreweasley, @pvterpvrker; @quenbecks, @queeniegoldtsein, @quentinscoldwater, @qquentinbeck, @qrtemis.
r - z.
@r-regulus, @ravkae, @regulus-black, @reva-ak, @rhodesbucky, @richardegertons, @richardemadden, @richardgnsey, @richientozier @richietoziier, @rickgrrrrimes, @rietvelds, @robinbckleys, @rogeers, @rogersvete, @rogerssteve, @romanticqs, @romildas, @ronweasxley, @rvmanova; @sabrinaspellvman, @samthwilson, @sansapond, @sapphicgamora, @sargents, @saorisea, @sergantbucky, @shailencwoodley, @skywaelker, @slyherin, @smccall24, @smuag, @soldat, @snowhites, @sober-two, @spder-man, @spellmansabrna, @sphring, @sqilormoons, @stahlords, @stardustedskies, @starkmorgon, @starrkdust, @starkspider, @stevehaerrington, @stevenbucky, @steveroghers, @steverogsrs, @stradivarus, @stxvetony, @sundownstreet, @sungjin, @sulisaints, @svnsummoners, @swainlake, @swanxlake, @sylthrein; @tanteheleens, @targaryene, @targeryan, @tarttdona, @theodoresnott, @theodroenott, @thestral, @thetaikawaititi, @tomriddl, @tommyshrlby, @tonvrogers, @toriamalfoy, @treiawney, @tyrellmargaery, @tywvin; @unicorn-store, @undomielle; @venicepeter, @victorvalhe, @vikingthors, @vndrewminyard, @voicemytears; @wandazmaximoff, @wcsninskis, @wesper, @westeroes, @willherondalee, @willhrondale, @wintvrfalcon, @wintxrsoldat, @wizarding; @yennefir; @zcbini, @zeinik, @zeiniknina, @zeniks, @zenniknina, @zofias, @zoyalinas, @zoya-nazyalensky, @zoyanasyalenzky.
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lucypcvensie · 4 years
i was tagged by the wonderful @romaanovas to spread some mutual appreciation!
in no particular order: @highqueen @narniadreams @ohboywonder @romaanovas @jungkookes @jillpcle @quecksilvereyes @lasaraleen @daenerystargaryes @organadreams @healingcordial @hekaates @g-allifrey @riptidethepen @aquariid-s @hers-mione @hwfflpuff @florenepugh @myaekingheart @hauntedthief @delacourr @bilbos @erumpets @puceyadrian @bluetheon @danvers-carols @cptn-brie @wayward--dragon @id-rather-be-an-outsider
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leiaskywalkvrs · 4 years
tagged by the lovely arwen (@tinanewt) to answer some questions!
favorite color: dusty pink
last song i listened to: “lucky” by jason mraz and colbie caillat
favorite musicians: taylor swift & jojo scott
last film i watched: o brother, where art thou? with friends a few days ago
last tv show i watched: the umbrella academy
favorite characters: harper moore, peeta mellark, cesare borgia, cassian andor, jo march, francis valois, daisy johnson
sweet, spicy, or savory: sweet
sparkling water, tea or coffee: tea!
pets: my old lady bunny amy
tagging @anyatudor, @dylannobriens, @hwfflpuff, @ginnypcttcr, and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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eohwyyn · 4 months
tagged by @wioletwitch to list my top 5-10 favorite movies! thanks anniina, ily! 💖 📺
in no particular order:
raiders of the lost ark
the empire strikes back
the princess bride
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban
pirates of the caribbean: the curse of the black pearl
pride and prejudice 2005
the grand budapest hotel
the two towers
the sound of music
rogue one
tagging: @quinnigallagherjones @starryreys @robert-deniro @madney @leaiorganas @rosamundpkes @ahsokafano @hwfflpuff if you want to!
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noahssebastian · 4 years
i was tagged by bestie cee / @sapphic-rey ~ thank u bestie!!!!!! rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs to get to know better
name/nickname: edi or mere is okay! mere is my birth name ~  gender: agender, they/them & she/her star sign: sagittarius height: 5′6 time: 15:01 pm CST birthday: december 21st ! jesus can square the fuck up favorite bands: exo, twice, in this moment, clipping ... many others lol  favorite solo artists: florence + the machine, kendrick lamar, megan thee stallion, probably others song stuck in my head: kings dead, jay rock ft. kendrick lamar, future, & james blake last movie: ............yall i have no idea..........maybe little women?? last show: the falcon and the winter soldier & the misadventures of flapjack lol when did i make this blog: idk exactly, i believe i remade either winter of 2015/2016?  what i post: multifandom! mainly marvel but also stranger things, dc, and other movies and thiiings last thing i googled: ethnocentrism ........ its for my sociology class..... other blogs: i have ... a couple of saved urls i can delete but im a hoarder:( do i get asks: rarely but im ... very inactive lmao why i chose my url: because im in love with the only woman, leia organa following: 182 followers: 445 (........when the fuck did that happen???? hello????)  average hours of sleep: around 7-8  lucky number: girl im not lucky  instruments: i used to play percussion and bass guitar  what am i wearing right now: some shorts with palm trees and a shirt from a puppy rescue  dream trip: i’d love to go to sicily, italy to see old family favorite food: chocolate is the default, but im chunky n love food  nationality: american favorite song: rn its say the name, clipping. last book read: started dracula by bram stoker  top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: asgard (its arguable if that is fictional), whatever star trek be on, mirkwood favorite color: yellow, but i rly love a lot of colors:( 
tagging: i aint abt to tag 20 of yall im so sorry @ahsoketano, @anakinskyiwalker, @ginnypcttcr, @tiberiuskirks, @captainmmarvel, @hwfflpuff, & @rinnfey
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clytemsnestra · 5 years
mutuals as harry potter characters?
Harry Potter: you
Luna Lovegood: @karolinadean
Tom Riddle: @princexraven and @aspiderweb
Ron Weasley: @disneyprinceronweasley
Ginny Weasley: @sgtjyn
Lavender Brown: @chlotranya
Tonks: @tpnks
Severus Snape: @eileenprincers
Louis Weasley: @louis-weasley
Lily Evans: @hwfflpuff
Sirius Black: @unsirius
Hermione Granger: @hers-mione
Parvati Patil: @ladystarks
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caribaheine · 5 years
rules: spell out your url with song titles and tag ten people
ty @verafarmiga for tagging me ! 🌨🌨
king of the mountain ( by kate bush ) running with the wolves ( by aurora ) into the unknown ( by p!atd ) suga’s interlude ( by halsey x suga ) telepathy ( by poppy ) neverland ( by holland )
back to december ( by taylor swift ) ease ( by troye sivan ) lovely ( by billie eilish + khalid ) little fluffy clouds ( by the orb )
tagging: @lesbianblair @harleyqvinn @padmaspatil @generralpoe @jonathanharker @hwfflpuff @wicther @northuldrra @lady-suzuka @tenther-thoughts ❄️❄️
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