#hxh scenario
fleet-admiral-hiba · 2 years
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Zeno had never seen you so excited to buy some clothing items that he did now. Granted, you loved shopping but usually you abused Milluki's pc to look at what you liked and then order them.
He was glad, on one hand to see you smiling and laughing, dragging him from store to store, traying clothes on, and tempting him to buy something that wasn't a tunic for once. On the other hand, why did he have to take all the bags of items you already bought? You had butlers with for a reason.
He didn't even begin to ask you for a break when you grabbed his hands so fast that he didn't have time to react, before being dragged in yet another store.
Thankfully, your stomach interced for him, and you stopped at a nearby restaurant to eat something, while a butler went to put the things in the car.
Lunch was a quiet affair, you talked about nothing and everyhting, simply enjoying the feeling of spending some quality time with each other.
It didn't last long before he got dragged into another shopping run. You were glad they had so much money for once.
He had seen it all now. He felt like one of those spouses he had seen on some movies being left at the mercy of their better half, while being busy jostling around too many bags.
Yes, he complained about it very loudly, and you couldn't help but laugh at it. You knew very well that he was enjoying himself.
Still, he loved the part that came after said shopping spree. Settling down, soending time close with each other and enjoying a nice cuo of tea, by the fire.
Oh, how he cherished those moments with you. It made it much more sweeter after a day full and energetic like the one you all had.
He was damn lucky to have you in his life.
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attackurheart88 · 6 months
Imagine Illumi with a pregnant s/o
- Unless you’re consistent with your birth control expect to get pregnant early in the relationship.
- Illumi’s a family man. He wants to have as many kids as possible to continue the Zoldyck line. He believes it is his duty as the oldest.
- Illumi is very observant so he’ll know you’re pregnant before you do. As soon as you mention feeling sick he’ll be watching you like a hound dog.
- As a possessive man his protectiveness will be off the charts. He must be by your side 24/7. No one is allowed to get too close without his express permission. He even feels wary around his own family.
- He checks all meals you eat for harm.
- Has one arm around you at all times
- Is quick to kill anyone for the slightest aggravation. A small bump on the shoulder can lead to deadly consequences. He takes the health of you and his child very seriously.
- Hisoka being around you is not even an option.
- Although his clinginess can be frustrating, Illumi makes up for it by being attentive.
- Being weak for tears and taking demands from you is not something he usually allows but when you’re pregnant it’s a different matter entirely.
- You want a hug consider it done.
- Throwing up? He’ll hold your hair and rub your back.
- Craving junk food? He’ll get it on the condition more healthy options will be eaten tomorrow.
- With a single plead you’ll have this man on his knees rubbing your sore feet and licking at your cunt.
- Illumi becomes instatiable when it comes to your body. Just the thought of his child growing inside your womb has him smiling and stuffing you with his cock when he can.
- Your pregnancy months is where you truly begin to see Illumi’s love for you grow.
- After having his children his respect for you amplifies and he slowly becomes more lenient after each child.
1K notes · View notes
cheenapri · 6 months
Transactional [Yandere Illumi Zoldyck x Reader]
Day one
Summary: Illumi had decided to spoil you for once, little did you know how much it would cost you in the end.
Word count: 7.6k
Notes: yandere, kidnapping, gender neutral reader, unhealthy relationships, unbalanced power dynamics, mentions of past abuse, Illumi is kind of an asshole but when is he not, reader is not having a good time
Day two + three Day four + five
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Why didn’t you figure this out sooner?
You had deluded yourself into believing that maybe he felt bad, that he had actually changed for the better, for your wellbeing, that he actually wanted to treat you for once just to make you happy.
Of course not.
There’s always a catch. It was chiefly for his benefit under the guise of strengthening the involuntary relationship you had with him.
“Fate brought you to me. And thus, it is my duty to protect you.” he explained over and over during his many lectures, trying to drill it into you. 
He had only given the illusion of change.
You held your breath, his body looming over you with one hand interlaced with your own and the other straddling your hip to keep you still. He left bite marks on your neck, too rough and inexperienced to be interpreted as anything affectionate, though what he intended, blood quick to seep out of the wounds. He had slowly lapped it up, taking far too long for it to be seen as any sort of foreplay. A part of you wondered if he changed his mind and decided to cannibalize you instead. 
He didn’t really care how strange his actions were, though. He had you right where he wanted you — where you should’ve been long ago. He moved like he was following a script; his long, black hair draped down as he went in for more “love bites”. His face was expressionless as always, cementing just how empty this relationship was. How did he develop such a twisted sense of love?
You question why he even bothered preparing you for this, though you appreciated it for once, as he took the time to organize a five day vacation with you – or rather order the butlers to organize it. What was the point? Everything was lifeless and awkward, just like back at the estate. Was this the only sense of normality he was willing to give you? 
Your mind recalls when it was first announced to you, it was through your appointed butler, Shiori. Shiori was around the same age as you, chosen deliberately to increase your chances of opening up to her. He gave her the task, having her inquire about your likes and dislikes, favorite hobbies, movies, fashion taste and more just so he could surprise you with it later. You assumed he’s either too awkward or doesn’t care enough to learn about your interests directly from your own mouth.
Sitting at a white desk in your prison of a master bedroom, you assembled a DIY house kit. It was a little greenhouse, the tediousness of it giving you something to do while you tried to maintain your sanity. The room was windowless, the walls soundproof, and there was only one door, a titanium maximum security door that could only be opened with his permission. A security camera with a speaker loomed above you, seemingly always pointing directly at you.
You try not to think about how many times he’s watched you through that camera.
The distant sound of one of the security gates opening catches your ears. Someone’s coming. 
You set the tweezers down, heart quickening as you continue listening. It doesn’t take long for the door to be unlocked, the multiple clicks ringing throughout the silent room. Audible footsteps could be heard, causing you to relax a little as that was your indication it wasn’t him. You turn as Shiori emerges, swiftly locking the door behind her and standing with her white gloved fingers interlaced neatly in front of her. She smiles at you and you return a half hearted one. 
“Good evening, Master (Name).” she bows her head with formality, her short brown and blonde hair briefly falling over her face. She straightens up again and quickly fixes her hair. “The Master has a message for you. You are to freshen up and dress yourself, you will be escorted outside shortly.”
Your interest immediately piqued. You had only been outside of this room once since you got here – when you attempted your first escape. It was during a time when you had a different assigned butler named Junpei. Junpei had fallen for you in their short time taking care of you, bonding with you in ways no other butler would ever be able to. They were genuine, they actually cared about you and your well-being rather than what their employer had tasked them with. There were no cameras in the room at the time so the two of you made plans to escape whenever they visited under the guise of wanting to keep you company. Unfortunately for you, your captor had already planned for something like this, though he didn’t think anyone had the gall to actually up and do it. Both your and Junpei’s heart dropped to your feet when you saw him standing menacingly outside the first security gate. He was silent, but his bloodthirsty aura spoke for him. You soon found out what it sounds like to physically rip someone apart with bare hands. You actually thought you'd die that night as you found yourself unable to breathe or even think amidst his extreme, malicious aura, eyes widening further when he questions if you truly loved Junpei. You never want to see him like that ever again. 
You were let off with a broken ankle and no one spoke of the incident again. 
Shiori could see your confusion mixed with awe. “That is all I can tell you, Master (Name). It would be best for you to begin preparing yourself now.”
You slowly stood up, looking at your project for a moment as you pondered what he may have been planning. This was strange. He definitely wasn’t rewarding you for good behavior. You’ve already tried that route of buttering him up in hopes he’d let his guard down; he, in fact, did not and you were punished for dishonesty. How would he know what true love was anyway?
You make your way to the large, luxury bathroom, turning on the warm water and letting the shower run for a bit. You hear Shiori’s footsteps through the door, assuming she’s going through your wardrobe and picking your outfit at his request. You hate him. 
You slowly stepped into the tub, the warm water embracing you like a comforting hug. Hot showers restored a bit of your sanity. You liked to stand there and allow the water to splash onto you, imagining you were anywhere but in this hellhole. Shiori, however, encourages you to pick up your speed, well aware of your tendency to reminisce in the shower for far too long. You sigh, stepping out of the tub and finishing your routine. You avoid looking at yourself in the mirror, not wanting to see what months of stress had done to your features. You threw on a fluffy robe before leaving the bathroom. There was an outfit sprawled out on the bed, one you knew he really liked on you though he’s never admitted it, only staring longer than he should.
“Is this some kind of special event?” You ask sarcastically.
It’s a rhetorical question, but Shiori humors you regardless.
“The Master is in a good mood today.” she smiles gently, her voice somewhat monotone. 
She reminded you of him in a way. Why did she even choose to work here? You stare at the outfit for a moment, reluctant to even touch it. Shiori notices your uneasiness, fully understanding your anxiety but feigning ignorance nonetheless. “Is something the matter, Master (Name)?”
“I have a bad feeling about this.”
Your anxiety continues to build. Everything in your strange, unstable relationship with him has been purely transactional. Want dessert? Speak kindly to him. Want a new video game to play? Butter him up but be careful not to overdo it, there’s only so much dishonesty he could allow. Want the privilege of having a full belly for the next three days? Behave. Do everything he says without question, regardless if you have to swallow your pride. So despite all of this, why was he suddenly treating you so graciously? Allowing you to leave your prison cell masterfully decorated to resemble a bedroom belonging to a ten million dollar mansion?
Shiori chuckles a bit. You’re aware of how disingenuous it sounds, but you don’t comment on it. “You shouldn’t worry yourself, Master (Name). The Master has been planning this for a while now, I’m sure you will enjoy yourself.”
Great, now you’re worried Shiori has said too much. You’re no stranger to how strict the Zoldyck family is with their servants, how strict he must be with Shiori. You think of what happened to Junpei again, of the desperate pleas that fell upon deaf ears as he continued to mutilate them, how his expression seemed more uncanny than usual.
Shivering at the thought of it, you drop the topic, not wanting to continue to allow her to dig her own grave but grateful for the hints. You remove your robe, ignoring Shiori’s presence as you’ve changed in front of her countless times, and put on the outfit along with your assigned shoes. 
Shiori confirms that you’re ready before the two of you move to stand in front of the large security door. To say you were apprehensive was an understatement. Perhaps this was your chance to finally escape? No, that would be stupid. Obviously he’d already accounted for that, most likely had medical professionals on standby in case he needed to break your ankle again. Maybe he’d break both of them this time or even saw your legs off. You wouldn’t put it past him.
The multiple clicks of the locks could be heard again before the door was pulled open, multiple butlers on the other side. Shiori steps out and you’re hesitant to follow, not wanting to give away how eager and ready to bolt you were. Not like you could anyway, not with five highly skilled butlers watching your every move. 
Not a word was spoken as they escorted you through the two security gates, your eyes stinging when sunlight poured over you. 
You’re outside. 
You’re actually outside.
You would scream and cry if the situation was different, falling to your knees and feeling the grass on your hands in your frenzied state. 
You look around, taking a mental note of every little thing. You could see the Zoldyck’s mansion in the distance, far away from your separate living structure. Good. 
“Eyes forward, (Name).”
The sudden order breaks you out of your thoughts, your head whips forward while your eyes move to look at the source of the voice. It was a taller, older lady with pink, pigtail type hair. She must’ve been serving the Zoldycks for a long time. She’s silent, giving you a stern look before turning forward again. You fight the urge to look around, to run even, as you’re led through the forest that surrounds the estate.
“Where are we going?” you couldn’t help but ask. Your voice is somewhat soft and timid, but it’s clear they all heard you. 
“It’s just up ahead, Master (Name).” Shiori answers, her hands now folded behind her.
You’re taking in as much information as you can without actually looking around, taking note of the distance between the Butler’s Quarters and your prison cell. Approximately one hundred fifty seven steps, you’ve been counting. An additional two hundred seventy four steps from the Butler’s Quarters to the front gate. Would you even remember this information?
One of the butlers effortlessly pushes open the giant front gate, the feat reminding you just how weak you truly are. Those gates weigh four tons and the bigger gates above it are many times heavier. 
You can’t even begin to describe what you were feeling. A part of you fully believed he had come to his senses and was releasing you like some wild animal, throwing you off of the property and leaving you to fend for yourself. Surely it would be better than going back to that room. 
Unfortunately for you, that wasn’t the case. Instead of throwing you out and shutting the gate behind them, the butlers led you to a black Mercedes truck sitting in wait.
Your head hurts. You feel like you’re going to throw up. Typical reaction when you know he’s near. You could just die right now. You knew you were bound to see him again, but that doesn’t repress the dread it fills you with.
He’s staring at you through the tinted windows, you can’t see him — you just know it. You don’t want to see him, you haven't had enough time to mentally prepare; you’ll never have enough time to mentally prepare. Shiori steps ahead of you, opening the passage to hell as the Devil himself sits patiently, his black, empty eyes gazing upon you.
You nearly vomit.
You swallow hard, holding your breath in an attempt to mellow out your facial features as you climb into the backseat. You didn’t acknowledge him yet, slowly buckling your seatbelt and staring at Shiori with widened eyes as she shuts the door, sealing you inside with that monster.
It’s suffocating.
You forgot to breathe.
Sucking in sharp breaths, you shut your eyes tightly. The silence is deafening. He’s waiting on you. For once.
“H-hello… Illumi.” saying his name was the equivalent of swallowing a cup of hydrochloric acid. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth, pains your throat, your stomach, everything. 
Illumi hums in approval. “Hm. I’m thankful you hadn’t forgotten your manners, (Name). I thought I’d have to discipline you sooner than I anticipated.” you hear him shift, surely turning to fully face you. “I won’t need to, right?” his monotone voice does your ears a disservice despite its smoothness.
“No.” you quickly wipe your eyes, knowing how much he hates seeing your tears. 
You finally force yourself to look up at him, his piercing, cat-like eyes filling you with the unwavering desire to do something drastic. Maybe throw yourself out of the car when it’s moving and hope it runs you over, killing you in the process. 
You look away just as quickly, tightly gripping your pants to quell the need to gouge your eyes out. At least you wouldn’t have to look at him then. He shifts again, facing forward but not looking away from you. “I’ll assume you’re overwhelmed. You’ve missed me so much you don’t know how to convey it.”
“I didn’t miss you. I actually had hoped you died and I’d never have to see you again.” is what you would say if you were fond of getting the life strangled out of you. Instead, you stay silent, staring at your hands intertwined on your lap. 
“What have you been getting up to?”
Shouldn’t he already know? Shiori is his human security camera plus the actual security camera he has in your enclosure. What are you even supposed to say to this? You’ve been rotting in bed and crying your eyes out because you can’t leave? You had thought of creative ways to end your own life? He’d have you restrained to your bed for all eternity if you mentioned that last one. 
“Nothing of interest.” is all you say.
“Tell me. I want to hear it.”
Bastard’s trying to force conversation. 
“I’m working on that greenhouse project Shiori had given me-”
“I had given you.” he corrects. Silence falls over the two of you as the car finally begins to drive off. 
Illumi was always out on missions or some other job, how were you supposed to know it was a gift from him? You wouldn’t have touched it otherwise, preferring to rot in bed than encourage him in the slightest. You’re actually thankful for his extended time spent away doing fuck all, not seeing yourself surviving if you had to physically endure him day and night constantly. Hell, you were barely keeping your composure just sitting next to him and you’d only seen him for two minutes. 
“Thank you.” not knowing what else to say, you simply thank him, hoping he’d be satisfied with just that and leave you alone. 
“Aren’t you going to ask me what I’ve been doing?”
Of course he doesn’t.
“Killing people?” you state the obvious, hoping he wouldn’t interpret that as you trying to be smart. Assassinating people is his job, it only makes sense to assume that’s what he’s been doing. You wish he’d kill you and get it over with. 
“Naturally. Take a better guess.” what the hell does he want from you? You don’t know anything significant about him to be able to give a good guess. You’re clearly stunted, your lack of a response giving it away. He narrows his eyes slightly, reaching out which causes you to flinch. He retracts his hand momentarily upon seeing your reaction before going in again slowly, softly cupping your chin and guiding your head to look at him. “Do you assume I don’t think about you?”
What? He must be fucking with you.
Illumi brings forth his other hand just as slowly, now gently cupping your face with both. You were always shocked by how smooth and soft his hands were. They’re cold though.
“Answer me.”
His owlish eyes were staring directly into your soul, almost hypnotizing you. You shift your head and look away. If you were as bold as you used to be, you would’ve swung on him by now, turning his gentle hands cupping your face into violent claws gripping your throat. It took many lessons for you to learn that you simply could not fight him.
He backs down and lets go of you when you fail to answer, pulling his hands into his lap again. He was aware of your fear, he found twisted comfort in it, believing it would keep you glued to his side. You glance in his general direction but not at his face. He was wearing that purple outfit again and his long, black hair was as silky as ever.
“Aren’t you curious as to where we’re going?” 
He sure was talkative today; Shiori did mention he was in a good mood. He’s usually very blank, even around you, his supposed partner. It forced you to learn to read his emotions using his micro expressions, tone, silent indicators, and of course aura. Aura was mainly reserved for more intense emotions, ones you should avoid inducing at all costs.
You were always on edge whenever you were around him, and this unusual shift in attitude didn’t help. 
“So where are we going?” you finally ask.
“You’ll see when we get there.”
You don’t respond, looking away from him in favor of staring out of the window. You were seated awkwardly, not fully allowing yourself to relax, not that you could in the presence of Illumi. You could almost drown him out completely if it weren’t for his uncanny staring, something you still couldn’t get used to. He barely blinks; it reminds you of some sort of Creepypasta.
“Talk to me.”
It was an order.
“I don’t know what to say to you.” your voice was quiet. You’re really not in the mood to speak right now, especially not to him. This wouldn’t do, however, as Illumi was determined — something that proves to never end well for you. 
“You can talk about anything you want.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“(Name),” it was a warning, a hint of irritation laced his otherwise monotone voice. “Do you really not have anything to talk about… or do you just not want to?”
You didn’t want to clearly, but you also didn’t want to taste his wrath. 
“Could you tell me about your day?” you chose to interview him instead, hoping that if you got him to talk in length, you wouldn’t have to. He brings his hand up to his chin as if he was thinking, his eyes never leaving you. You felt like he was robbing you of your life energy just by looking at you. 
“My day?” he repeated the question, falling silent for a few moments before speaking once more. “If I told you, that would ruin the surprise.”
You reply with a mere “oh” before looking out of the window once again. 
He’s never been this persistent for your attention before. All the times he’s returned home and “spent time” with you mainly consisted of the two of you sitting in silence while he watched you do nothing; an occasional short and awkward conversation. It felt more like he was being forced to interact with you rather than wanting to on his own volition, despite him being the one keeping you there. 
“I’m sorry, Illumi.” 
You only said his name when you were trying to soothe him, hoping to avoid consequence. He knew that, but he wouldn’t admit that it indeed worked. The slight drooping of his shoulders betrayed him every time, however. 
He doesn’t accept nor reject your insincere apology, choosing to silently savor your calling of his name. You will never understand him.
“I answered you, now it’s your turn to talk. Tell me about your home life.”
This question immediately raised flags. He’s never asked you something like this, let alone allow you to cry about it. You look at him, eyes slightly widen for a brief moment. Was he only bringing this up to bait you into talking? “Don’t you already know everything about me?” 
He indeed did. He made it known to you that he’d stalked you for five months before making his move, talking about it as if he was stating what he had for lunch. He had no sense of morality, no awareness as to how his extreme actions affected others. He’s insane.
You’ve noticed a slight change in his stare. You’re pissing him off.
“I want you to tell me.”
“Uh,” you quickly scrambled for things to say, “I had my own house and car as well as a really good high paying job.” you used “had” for a reason. You were positive that all your assets were repossessed when search parties couldn’t find you and weeks were flying by without a single clue regarding your whereabouts. Illumi keeps staring, quietly pressing you to continue. 
“I had a really sweet dog.” you used “had” again. You don’t recall all the details of that night, only that you had gotten a rude shock when you woke up to a strange man in your bedroom. Surely you would have woken up sooner if you heard something happen, but you didn’t. You decided to ask what you were always afraid to ask before, taking advantage of this moment to finally get closure. “Are… are they okay? My dog?”
Your hesitation was obvious. Nothing good ever happened whenever you brought up members of what he refers to as “your past life.” you were positive he intended for you to talk about things you did alone rather than actual people or living beings you connected with. They didn’t exist anymore, according to him. They don’t matter. Don’t talk about them. 
“Your dog is dead.” 
You’d been preparing for this moment for months now, but the bluntness of his answer still hit you like a truck. “H-huh?”
“Your dog is dead.” he repeated again with no sense of remorse. ”I didn’t want to risk it alerting you to my presence, so I killed it.”
Something felt off that night, your dog was more anxious than usual, pacing back and forth and staring out certain windows. They even refused to go outside when you tried to let them out, their tail tucked between their legs and fur standing on edge. You should’ve known. You should’ve taken them and ran.
It was even worse that you also ignored all those strange people you had met that week. They all had a gold piercing sticking out of some part of their head, almost like a needle. Their words were slurred and their movements puppet-like as they asked you unsettling questions. “Do you have a romantic interest?” as well as  “Do you have any exes?” and “Do you live alone?”
That should’ve been your sign to get the hell out of there. 
Illumi tilts his head and watches you attempt to bottle your emotions. Your hands gripping the fabric of your pants tightly as you bit your lip, your heart was hurting. You’d already mourned for your dear pet, assuming that killer had taken their life when he broke into your house, but still having slight hope that he had spared them. 
Why had he even bothered to answer your question let alone allow you to ask it?
He doesn’t initiate anymore conversation for the rest of the car ride, thankfully, allowing you to simmer in your emotions. That doesn’t mean he averts his attention from you, though. 
The car finally pulls into a parking lot belonging to a grand, luxurious hotel. You’re as confused as you are shocked. The parking lot is empty aside from several black Mercedes trucks holding Zoldyck butlers and presumably cars belonging to the hotel’s employees. It’s a normal working day and this is a well known, upscale hotel, so why was it so empty? 
Illumi looks away from you for the first time since you’ve entered the car, pulling the door’s handle and exiting the vehicle. You didn’t move, you’re too afraid to, you didn’t want to make the wrong move. 
Shiori approaches your side of the truck, but Illumi steps in front of her, opening the door for you and holding out his hand. You slowly unbuckled your seatbelt and attempted to slide past him, he only grabbed you and placed you back into the car before extending his hand again, silently commanding you to take it. He took note of your blatant disobedience, but said nothing, deciding against giving you a much desired punishment. He took what he considered to be a softer approach, giving you a chance to correct your mistakes. 
Feeling as though he’s one inconvenience away from breaking you, you hesitantly take his hand. His grip was firm, his assistance useless. He ignored your attempt at pulling your hand free the second your foot touched the ground, choosing to let go only after both feet were firmly planted. 
Illumi doesn’t explain the situation as he begins walking with you in tow, Shiori and some other butlers trailing behind the both of you. Butlers were all over the place actually, standing guard as if this was a maximum security prison rather than a hotel. You feel like they’re all watching you, fully expecting you to try something in vain. You don’t blame them, if you had super speed, you would’ve run off by now. 
The hotel was completely vacant of people, aside from more butlers and concerned hotel employees. As you enter the lobby, your eyes lingered on the receptionist, praying they had seen your missing person’s report months earlier; if it had even been reported as such. They only look down, guilt seemingly spread across their face. Were they threatened or perhaps even paid off to stay silent? 
Who knows.
The silence was louder than the shuffling of the butlers’ footsteps or the tune of the faint jazz music coming from the ballroom. A butler approaches Illumi and informs him that all preparations were ready, earning them a nod in response. You silently follow as the both of you are led away, the uneasiness on your face evident to anyone who dared to look at it. 
The butler soon stops in front of a particular door far at the end of a long hallway. The space felt liminal, you’d almost think you’d gotten sucked into a different reality if the two people next to you weren’t present. The butler bows slightly before leaving you and Illumi alone. He looked at you, like he was trying to read your expression, before twisting the door’s handle and revealing the room’s interior. 
He must’ve paid a fortune. The room was large, decorated with luscious furniture you couldn’t even begin to think about affording. There was a king size bed in the middle of the room, a flatscreen TV almost as wide as the bed propped on the wall in front of it, a glass sliding door leading to a balcony on the far right, and a lounge chair in the corner to say the least. 
You awkwardly step into the room, hugging yourself as you attempt to make sense of the situation; taking note of the clicking of the door’s lock. 
“Well, here we are.”
His lack of enthusiasm spoiled the mood. Not that the mood was bright anyway.
“So… what’s the point of this?” your voice was a bit low and shy. He didn’t like it, he’d have to chip away at that. He had bigger things to be upset over, however, as you appear, or choose to pretend, to not understand what’s going on. His intentions should’ve been obvious by now. He doesn’t respond right away, causing you to ask yet another ignorant question. “Are we attending some kind of special event?”
“No.” his answer was short, intentionally vague to encourage you to figure it out yourself. Illumi casually moves about the room while you continue to stand in the same spot, presumably checking for himself to make sure that everything was in place. You were on edge, that much was apparent as he stopped a few feet in front of you. “Do you like the room?”
“Good. I will be back.”
You feel a slight wind as he walks past you, a little too close considering the amount of space around you. You immediately relax once he’s gone, taking a few deep breaths as you cautiously inspect the room. The thought of trying the handle to see if he’d locked it behind him doesn’t even cross your mind, the odds were against you and you knew that. Doesn’t mean you wouldn’t try the balcony door, however.
It was locked, just as you’d guessed. 
Sitting on the edge of the bed and resting your head in your hands, you think in vain of a possible escape. Maybe when he leaves you alone again, you could use something to break the glass then use the bed sheets to craft a makeshift rope? The problem with that is the bedsheets wouldn’t serve you as you were several stories off the ground. Your plan didn’t even account for what you’d do if you even reached the ground as you were sure Zoldyck butlers surrounded the premises.
You decided it was best to just roll with it, see where this was going. Maybe you could exploit him as he does seem to be more lenient with you. 
The door clicks and it opens, Illumi standing in the doorway looking in at you, noticing how much more relaxed you appeared to be in his absence. He motions for you to follow and you do so without fuss. 
Following him down the long hallway felt surreal, you couldn’t hear anything aside from your own footsteps as his were completely silent; traits of an elite assassin. You watch as his long, black hair swayed behind him, almost glaring as you study his robotic movements. He doesn’t feel real.
The two of you entered the hotel’s restaurant, it was just as desolate of other patrons as the rest of the place. You were led to a lone, two person table placed next to the glass wall, the table’s decorations stood out amongst the others as its setting included rose petals and candles. 
Corny. You don’t like this.
You take your seat, now being forced to fully face him for who knows how long. You turn your head to the right, looking out of the window. Your breath hitches as you notice people in the far distance. People. Actual people clueless as to what’s happening to you right now. You give Illumi a side stare, his blank yet judgemental one challenging yours.
“Where is everyone?” you couldn’t help but ask despite knowing it was a question he did not want to hear. 
“They aren’t important.”
Why should they matter? They’d only interfere and distract you from what’s important: him. You should only be focused on him and his efforts to please you. 
“So what exactly is this?”
Your inability, or unwillingness, to comprehend the situation was beginning to annoy him. Wasn’t it clear? Did the dim lighting and candles not give it away? The rose petals on the table? The romantic — or what he deemed to be romantic — atmosphere? 
“It’s a romantic dinner.”
He didn’t offer any further details, upset he had to state that it was a date rather than let his efforts speak for him. You were sitting across from him, the two of you were almost completely alone. This was a date.
“All of a sudden, though? You never let me leave that room before.”
“Why does it matter?” his tone was still flat. 
Illumi couldn’t believe you’d question his acts of kindness. He was doing it because he wanted to treat you for once, deciding to take you somewhere appropriate and fitting to your taste. 
“I’m just trying to understand you.” you state, holding your hands together on the table as a self soothing mechanism. 
“You don’t need to understand me.” his voice hinted at the tiniest bit of annoyance. He had no need to explain his actions, he had his reasons and that’s all you needed to know. “Just enjoy the dinner.”
You say nothing as you turn your attention to the only other people present in the room: the butlers standing at the exits and the chefs working in the kitchen. None of them looked at you, their attention focused on anything but. 
“Don’t stare at them. The butlers are simply here to protect you.” his monotone voice made his last sentence sound oddly intimidating. 
You fight the urge to question if it was him they would be protecting you from in the case that you anger him. 
“It feels like the rapture has happened and we’re the only ones left.” you pick up one of the rose petals, inspecting it as an excuse to avoid his gaze. 
“That would be ideal.” 
“Is something bad going to happen to me?” your forward question caused his thin eyebrows to raise slightly.
“Not if you behave. I just want you to enjoy this date.” his tone was a bit softer now, barely noticeable to anyone who wasn’t, or forced to be, close to him. He didn’t like your anxiousness, worried it would ruin his meticulous yet futile plans to make amends with you. 
You were still on edge as the butlers served a lavish meal to the both of you, your facial features failing to soften as you inspected the food. He was fully aware of just how much damage he’d done to you and he wasn’t going to justify his behavior, only wanting to make you feel better. 
It was hard for him to stay silent, however, as you were continuing to look around and stare at the butlers.
“Is the sight of them bothering you?” the sound of his voice catching your attention. “I could have them move out of view if that would ease your nerves.”
He doesn’t get it. Maybe he pretends not to, choosing to ignore your uncomfortableness with him in favor of deluding himself.
“It’s not that, it’s just…” 
Your words couldn’t come out, you didn’t know what to say. Ask him to get rid of all the unnecessary escorts and open the hotel to the public again as this felt more like a standoff than a romantic dinner? You hated the silence between you, not that you wanted to speak to Illumi, you wanted to hear the chatter of other diners over the classy jazz music, the clinking of utensils as they enjoyed their meal.
“Oh?” he slowly tilted his head, his uncanny expression observing your every move and sound. It’s as if he was daring you to ruin it all with some sort of stupid comment; it’d give him a reason to drag you back to the estate and lock you away for good. 
“Nothing. It’s nothing.” you manage to finally say. It just wasn’t worth it.
He continues staring, features unmoving as you assume he’s thinking of various ways to brutally murder you. He only straightens himself.
“I see.” 
You’re internally thankful he dropped it, your shoulders drooping in relief as you watch him continue to eat unnaturally fast, a strange habit of his. When was the last time he’s blinked? You can’t stand him. 
Illumi obviously didn’t believe that you had nothing to share. He knew you well enough to guess that whatever you were about to say would’ve angered him, so you kept quiet in order to avoid problems. Good, you were learning. 
Silence fell over the two of you, increasing the tension in the air. He’d already finished eating, choosing to gaze at you rather than anything else. He was making you lose your appetite, but you somehow managed to finish your meal.
“Would you like dessert?” Illumi inquired, barely giving you enough time to chew and swallow your last bite before asking.
“No thanks.” you don’t explain why. The truth was that you didn’t want to sit in front of him any longer, you were tired of his eyes boring into you. 
“Are you sure?” he tilted his head again, pressuring you for a different answer.
“I’m sure.” 
You wouldn’t budge, much to his dismay. You had unknowingly foiled his plans to spoon feed you a strawberry sundae. 
“Very well.” he doesn’t push any further, only slowly nodding. “Did you enjoy the food?”
Illumi didn’t immediately react to your childish response, only straightening himself after a few moments. He had made sure this dinner would be perfect, planning everything to the last detail, and you’ve shown your gratitude by looking at everything other than him and rating his endeavor with a one word answer. 
He remained still for a few more moments before deciding to ignore your strange behavior once again. He stood up from his seat, looking away from you for the first time since he’s sat down. 
“Let’s go.”
You follow him as commanded, taking clear note of his slight annoyance. He led you to the hotel’s theater, the sound of your footsteps slightly echoing in the large, spacious room. He picks two spots in the center and takes a seat, you follow suit. 
Choosing to stay silent, you don’t ask any questions about what movie the two of you were seeing, only staring forward as the lights turn off and the showing begins. Illumi had carefully selected this movie for you. It was lighthearted and fun, chosen specifically to improve your mood. The date wasn’t meeting his expectations, as you weren’t quite throwing yourself at him, but he was determined to change that. 
You tried your best to ignore his constant glancing in your direction for the entirety of the film. It was as if he was looking for something, for reassurance to soothe his ever growing concerns. He didn’t like your indifference, he didn’t like that he couldn’t tell how you were feeling in detail about his attempts at courtship.
The movie was good, you liked it. Illumi was already staring at you by the time you faced him, the credits rolling on the screen. It was subtle but he still looked upset, the image of you leaning away from him as if you were trying to put as much space as possible between the two of you was still fresh in his mind. 
He would break that physical barrier, desensitize you to his presence.
As you silently walk back to the suite, Illumi suddenly grabs your hand. Your heart jumps into your throat, fully expecting him to crush it as punishment for upsetting him. He stops walking and stares at you when you impulsively try to pull away, not saying a word as he gives you a second to collect yourself. 
You were ruining his passionate act of love. He knew he wasn’t the most expressive, as he was raised to mask his emotions, but his straightforwardness made up for that. You should be happy. This is an act of love. He had done his research — asking his father — and knew what he needed to do in order to please you. He won’t let you spoil it. 
Eventually you somewhat simmer down, still tense in his firm hold. He continues walking, slower this time. He wasn’t even holding your hand correctly as yours was balled into a fist. He didn’t care though, as long as he was holding it.
The night hadn’t gone his way but he had plenty more tricks up his sleeve, optimistic that tomorrow would be better. Illumi would not put up with failure. 
You were in for a ride.
You reach and enter the suite once again, Illumi locking the door behind him. He lets out a sigh and begins to settle down, having no issue kicking his shoes off and changing clothes right in front of you. You, however, move to sit stationary on the lounge chair, staring at the ground to avoid any awkward interactions with your naked “husband”. 
You had no desirable reaction to anything he did, which he found disheartening. You finally look up when he’s fully clothed, watching as he sits on the edge of the bed. He decided to risk it, to ask about your experience. He figured a blunt and bold answer would be significantly better than overthinking and assuming the worst. “Did you enjoy anything I did today?”
Truth be told, you did. You just didn’t like him. Had anyone more deserving taken the time to do this for you, you’d throw yourself all over them. 
“It was the typical Illumi experience.” 
You regretted saying that before it even left your mouth. “The typical Illumi experience” was not a compliment, it was a brutal insult disguised with subtlety. You had just compared his month’s worth of intensive planning and preparing to a regular day being around him back at Kukuroo Mountain. 
Something you didn’t like flashed in his eyes, your fingers nervously grip your pants yet again. What you’d just said was so dismissive, condescending, everything he didn’t want to hear. He turns away from you, looking out of the glass balcony door as he takes several slow and deep breaths. He was collecting himself.
He reasoned in his mind, internally arguing that this was his chance to dissect your feelings and see how he could improve. He turns toward you, expression unreadable. “Elaborate.”
“Am I allowed to express myself?” you ask, your question was legitimately innocent. However, you were saying all the wrong things at the wrong time. 
“You were always allowed to express yourself, you just seem to have a habit of doing it disrespectfully.”
“I’m sorry.” you lower your gaze, apology insincere. 
You don’t know why he’s changed. You can tell that he’s being softer with you. If you said something like that a few months ago, you’d be unable to speak for the next two weeks. 
“Do you harbor resentment towards me?”
That was a rhetorical question. He didn’t want an answer; an answer other than a loud, confident “no” anyways. 
You stay silent, continuing to stare at the ground. He didn’t acknowledge that your silence was your way of saying yes. 
“Are we going back tomorrow?” you ask, changing the subject in order to lessen the heavy atmosphere. 
“Back to Kukuroo Mountain?”
“No.” Illumi doesn’t provide further details. This trip won’t end unless it’s on a good note. “You should get changed.”
He stands up and rummages through the wardrobe, pulling out a silk pajama set. You slowly stand and retrieve it, making your way to the bathroom to change. He assumes you’re just being shy. You eventually come out, having put your dirty clothes into the hamper, before making your way to the lounge chair once again. The lights have been dimmed in your absence.
He was sitting up in bed, halfway under the blankets, staring at you expectantly. You didn’t want to come to terms with the reality that you had to sleep in the same bed as him; that fact wasn’t lost on him. It was obvious you were avoiding having to deal with the inevitable conclusion of the night by seeking comfort on the lounge chair. He wouldn’t allow you that comfort. “Come to bed.” his tone was flat, it was an order. 
“I’m not tired yet-”
“Come to bed.” he wasn’t hearing your excuses, only repeating himself while patting the empty space next to him. You look at him with a saddened expression, silently pleading to be let off the hook; the issue is that he’s let you off the hook multiple times today already and he wasn’t planning on letting you rob him of this. “Do as I say.”
Sensing the impatience in his tone, you reluctantly head over to your side of the bed and slide under the blanket, making sure to curl up as close to the edge and as far from Illumi as possible. You face away from him, silently making it clear you weren’t interested in anything other than sleep. He doesn’t comment on this, choosing to stay silent as he thinks to himself. He wanted to hold you, but he knew not to push too far. At least not so soon.
He sighs, continuing to sit up in bed as he watches your sleeping figure. Tomorrow will be a better day, he’ll make sure of it. 
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suvidrache · 2 months
hola, could you do cuteness aggression with illumi? like how it manifests in him for the reader & how he behaves, and vice versa?
Cuteness Aggression
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 212 | Read it on AO3 | Tag List
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You were sitting peacefully on the couch with Illumi. He was reading a newspaper, and you were on your phone reading something. You took his hand, and he gave it to you without looking. He had grown used to this thing that you called affection. He had no reason to look. You bit his hand, and he withdrew it from your grasp, looking at you with no expression. He looked you up and down as if you had changed in some way. He didn't know what to say or do. He offered you his hand again, watching your every movement as you bit him once again.
“Y/N, what is this?” 
“A love bite. I like being aggressive with those I love.”
He blinked. At first, he thought that you were attacking him. This wasn't an attack, per se. He didn't know what else to say or do. However, he might just return the same bites as you. If you bit him hard, so did he. If you were gentle, so was he. He doesn't know much about this “cuteness aggression.” He was raised where violence of any kind was an attack, and he should always be prepared. He's learning love and affection (properly) from you, so whatever you do must be okay.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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whom-the-hell · 2 years
Hello 👋 can do dating killua zoldyck hcs please 🙏 💙
Killua Zoldyck x gn!reader
A/n: Hey! I apologise if this took so long to write, I had some things going on! I hope you enjoy <3
P.S Killua is grown up in these hcs
Genre: fluff
Anime: Hunter x Hunter
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He is a stubborn little bastard, so he would wait until you would confess first. If you’re just as stubborn, he’d confess first through very obvious hints. He wouldn’t outright ask you though.
At the start of your relationship, Killua had a heard time opening up and getting use to all of the romanc-y stuff.
During the relationship he doesn’t change much, just a couple of soft kisses on the cheek and some affectionate head pats blossoming through.
Very jealous. And protective. One weird look from another person to you will make him go nuts.
That brings me to my next point, very intimidating. Maybe he’ll tower over the people he thinks are acting too creepy towards you and glares down at them, or maybe he’ll act a certain way to show his unsatisfaction.
Overall, very cool to hang out with, though, he sucks at planning dates.
His idea of a date would be just hanging outside together.
Very nosy! Very. Someone’s calling you, who? What do they want? Will you answer the call?
Goes all out with gifts, his love language is either gift giving or quality time. Either way, you’re being spoilt to death. If your love language is physical touch of words of affirmation, he’ll try and satisfy you as much as he can, but it might take a while for him to get used to it.
Killua has one of the weirdest pet names for you.
One of his favourite spots to hold you while walking down the street is by the hands.
While cuddling, he acts like he’s big spoon, but secretly enjoys being little spoon, he’s just too embarrassed to admit it.
He’s introverted, so he prefers to spend most of his time at home. Maybe you both watch movies and cuddle, or maybe you try to do something new together.
When he visits you, he buys tonnes of candy from a nearby shop and you guys rate them from 1-10.
He’s a very light sleeper, every single turn of yours might make him wake up. Sometimes you think that he isn’t even asleep.
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tht0nesimp · 1 year
thinking about different hxh YANDERES who come across their darling while they are moving, It probably reinforces a lot of their ideas that darling is weak…so I wrote about it
tw: Infantilization, Self indulgent, not edited, mentions of kidnapping
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It’s also a bit of a ego boost
He sees you struggle to carry a 150 pound bed frame down the stairs and it nearly melts his heart that someone so weak managed to last longer than 10 years on this planet
He will, of course, like any good husband would, start making a training plan for when he takes you in
He would never offer to help, but he may stick a needle in your neighbor, He couldn’t bare to see you struggle so hard or possibly even get hurt
He knows your weak, but don’t worry, He’ll mold you into a much stronger person! Even if he has to break you first…
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He frowns a bit, this was overly pathetic
It doesn’t bore him to see you so sore and struggling normally…But this was just sad
Why didn’t you just hire a moving company? Why must you make yourself suffer so much?
He won’t offer help, but energy drinks might appear randomly in your fridge for a bit Maybe with his own special ingredient
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Hm, this was an opportunity
He doesn’t necessarily consider his darling weak before this, atleast not by normal standards, but he figures your actually below average
He overestimates how easy this is for a normal person by quite a bit and is not self aware about that fact for once
When he inevitably brings you home, He will more than likely be a bit more gentle and probably won’t let you do a lot more than he might have without seeing that
Congrats! You’ve dug yourself an even deeper hole, full of child safety locks and baby proofing…
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He giggles
Its not like he’s a sadist or anything! or so he says But it’s just a little funny to see…
He will offer to help and because he doesn’t look all strong with his T-shirt and shorts on..He’s a bit surprising, to say the least
Not only does he lift like a champ, he has no problem maneuvering through doorways or disassembling things
He gets what would have been 3 hours of work from you, into 30 minutes of him softly humming as he carries furniture easily weighing 100+ pounds down the stairs like it’s nothing
He might bring it up jokingly when you’ve settled in after he takes you, but he probably won’t hold it against you
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Gon is by far the most understanding!
He offers to help, You may be a bit surprised but Gon still isn’t Superman
He might struggle a tiny bit if math is involved in disassembling things but he works quick and well
The look of appreciation on your face makes it all worth it
There remains hope you’ll keep the same affection for him after he takes you away from your life…
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angelismmm · 1 year
ngl been thinking ab getting fucked dumb by stressed out boyfriend (or husband be creative idc). usually during intimacy, he was so vanilla with you, the small moments you have together and your pleasure matters the most. honestly your pleasure is his, biggest kink is your body and whatever gives you the most pleasure. but today wasnt the brightest, not the greatest day, definitely the worst, everything imaginable that was bad happened, he just couldn't take it 'till he got home, seeing you sitting on the couch with a smile, after waiting such a long time, you see your significant other, but he didn't have a smile across his face, no, more like a mad expression, but didn't want it to get to you. so he just tried to not talk to you, instead of what he thought would happen; you not bothering him about it anymore. you instead tried to help, and he thought of something that you could help him with. here you are, legs on his shoulders, harsh thrusts that made you moan into the fingers in your mouth, "you like that don't you? naughty slut. you deserve all the punishment i'm giving you now. don't back out now." the belly bugle on your tummy, how easy it was for him to slip in and out of your hole, it can describe already how many rounds you've gone through, and all he said he wouldn't stop 'till sunrise.
sorry for lack of posts tryna finish single dad genshin men with seperatw characters or might just do the scenario and say oh these characters would do this, anyw love yall ill get to my reqs soon, just sit tight bro
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Title: Flu Season.
Pairing: Yandere!Chrollo x Reader (HxH).
Word Count: 1.6k.
TW: Kidnapping, Mentions of Guns, and Imprisonment.
[I have a fever. Excuse the self-indulgence.]
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It should’ve been enough that you’d just been kidnapped.
Dragged into the storage closet of an art gallery you could barely afford to visit, bound and gagged and blindfolded, the barrel of a gun shoved into the notch underneath your diaphragm as a man with slicked-back hair and a woman in a wine-red suit walked you out of an obscured backdoor and into a windowless van, already stocked with haphazardly packaged paintings and sculptures. It was just business as usual, the woman had explained, as if that would make you feel any better. They’d keep you as a hostage until attention died down, sell off the stolen artwork, and drop you off on the outskirts of the nearest city, alive and unharmed. As long as you didn’t put up a fight or get on anyone’s nerves, you’d walk away just fine.
Or, mostly fine, at least. Really, you had to be the unluckiest person in the world.
It wasn’t enough that you’d just been kidnapped by some shady, hyper-violent gang of thieves.
You had to get kidnapped, then come down with a cold.
Or the flu. It might’ve been the flu. You definitely had a fever. You couldn’t take your temperature, but you could feel those tell-tale chills, the splitting headaches, the constant pull of an exhaustion no amount of sleep would’ve been able to sedate. Your throat was raw from coughing, your head pounding and your tongue permanently dry, but you’d resigned yourself to nursing the lukewarm glass of stale water you’d gathered the strength to get for yourself more than a few hours ago. You barely had the energy to stand, but it wasn’t as if you could ask your kidnappers to wait on you. They seemed begrudgingly tolerant of your presence – vaguely amused at best, mildly annoyed at worst. It was safer not to draw any attention to yourself, even if that meant suffering alone for another few days.
Another sudden chill, another knot of ache in the back of your skull. You shuddered, pulling the small pile of blankets and quilts you’d amassed that much closer. The abandoned mansion they’d chosen as their temporary lair was an awful, drafty structure – all rotting wood and dirt-caked windows and thin walls that did nothing to keep out the winter air. You’d holed yourself up in one of the countless decaying bedrooms, but even the surprisingly clean king-sized mattress offered little consolation. That, paired with the holes in the walls, the layer of dust coated over every surface, didn’t make you feel very—
Your bleary thoughts were cut off by the sound of your bedroom door creaking open, of quiet footsteps approaching the spot where you laid. You shot up on reflex, but that immediately proved to be a mistake – a jolt of pure agony racing from the nape of your neck to your temples and settling in the space just behind your eyes. Cursing under your breath, you buried your face in your hands, doing your best to block out the light and soothe the sudden pain, but you didn’t have much time to console yourself. The intruder had already reached your bedside, the plush mattress dipping under their weight as they settled into your space. You spared them a withering glance, but once again, that only seemed to make things worse.
For whatever reason, the thieves’ leader himself – Chrollo, if memory served – had seen fit to pay you a visit.
And just when you thought your day couldn’t get any worse.
You stiffened, pressed your back into the dilapidated headboard, did what you could to make yourself look small and unremarkable without giving him the impression that you were meek enough to go down without a fight (despite the fact that, if worst came to worst, you probably would). For what it was worth, he didn’t seem hostile. If anything, the expression written across his face was one of pleasant neutrality – a slight smirk paired with a distant look in his eyes, like he had a million things to do and whatever he’d come to you for barely ranked on his list of concerns. When he noticed you were looking at him, he didn’t move, didn’t say anything. Rather, he only lifted the hand furthest from you, bringing a nondescript plastic bag into your line of sight and placing it in front of you gingerly, as if he was leaving a hunk of raw meat in front of some exotic beast.
It was only when you failed to react that he started to explain himself. “I heard you were sick.”
Fuck. And you thought you’d managed to fly under his radar.
“I… I think it’s just a cold.” Because colds were safer than flus, easier to recover from and only half as contagious. Because they were less likely to decide you weren’t worth the effort it’d take to keep you around if you just had a cold. “I should be alright in a couple of days, but if you think we’ll need to move before that—”
“Oh, no, it’ll be another week or so before we move on. You'll have plenty of time to recover.” He spoke casually, as if they weren’t wanted fugitives. As if you weren’t a bargaining chip for them to flaunt in front of the police if things went south. He gestured towards the bag, his grin growing just a little wider. “Let me know if I missed something. I tried for variety, but I can make a second trip if you find that your needs haven’t been met.”
Hesitantly, you took up the bag, dragging it into your lap and pulling it open. The contents consisted of what a friend might’ve brought over after you’d missed a morning lecture to a particularly bad hangover. Mineral water, tissues, brand-name painkillers and generic cough medicine. There were a few sporadic add-ons, too – chocolate bars, two bracelets with matching broken clasps and a silver wedding band, a miniature teddy bear that’d clearly been plucked off of a Valentine’s Day clearance rack, but you choose not to linger on those any longer than you had to. Honestly, you were just glad not to find any bullet casings or disembodied extremities. “One of nen’s many silver linings. Once your body surpasses a certain point, illness tends to be more of a peripheral hazard than a daily inconvenience,” he went on, as you rummaged through the bag. “I’m a little out of practice, but hopefully, this will suffice.”
You weren’t exactly sure what he was talking about, but you did your best to nod along, only letting a small portion of your confusion shine through. None of this made sense, none of this was anything you’d ever thought to prepare yourself for, but when he finished, you scrambled to respond, as eager to please as he seemed to be to soak in your praise. “Thank you. It’s perfect, I—” The air hitched in your throat, and anything you might’ve said broke down into a violent coughing fit, only somewhat stifled by the back of your hand. He was still staring at you, when you found the strength to look toward him again, still wearing that fucking smile. Something quirked inside of your chest, and you turned away from him sharply. “I appreciate it, I really do, b-but I’m not sure what’s going on, and I don’t want to disrespect the— your—”
“The Phantom Troupe,” he finished. “My Spiders.”
“Right. That. I don't know how to deal with that.” You shook your head, letting out a slight sigh. “I’m sorry, I don’t really keep up with the world of high-class art theft.”
“Oh, we steal all sorts of things. Art, antiques, the occasional organ.” He paused, then seemed to brighten, his tone taking on a kind of childlike eagerness. “A few years ago, a buyer I’m closely acquainted with was interested in amassing a collection of teeth from notable living figures. It was a dull job, but it paid well enough, and my group made the most of it. We're very versatile.”
There was another chill, this time with a source other than your smoldering fever. You wrapped your arms over your chest, shrinking into yourself, but if Chrollo cared about how reflexively you pulled away from him, he didn’t seem to think of it as a mistake that couldn’t be corrected with a breath of a laugh, a slight tap to his knee. “Come here.”
It wasn’t a question, a request, but you considered refusing for one brief, delusional second before ignoring your better judgment and moving towards him – gradually, at first, as slowly as you were able to, until you’d gotten just a little too close and he was able to lash out, to snake an arm around your waist and pull you against his chest. There was a low chuckle, a hand brought to your cheek before it was used to brush the hair away from your face. He held you like that for a long moment – tucked against him, fingers tangled in your hair, his lips ghosting over your forehead – before his grip slackened and his hand fell back to your waist, his face soon buried in the crook of your neck. “Poor thing,” he muttered, his voice muffled by your skin. “You’re burning up.”
He let you go as quickly as he’d taken you up, unraveling himself from you and rising to his feet. There was a click of his tongue, a new lilt to his smile, and when he spoke, he did so with a certain lightness – as if he was playing a role he’d spent just a little too long preparing for. “I’ll make tea. Try to get some rest while I’m gone.”
You waited for him to leave, but he didn’t move, didn't look away from you. With no small amount of trepidation, you turned your back to him, lying on your side and drawing the tussled blankets over yourself.  That earned a hum of approval, but you didn’t let yourself so much as breathe until you heard his light footsteps, until the bedroom door groaned closed and you were left alone with only the impending knowledge that you wouldn’t be, for very long.
At least things couldn’t get any worse, right?
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wandererbf · 8 months
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How would the main 4 react to their s/o taking care of them while they're sick
Characters: Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio!
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Gon Freecs
• I think Gon would be happy that his S/O is taking care of him, it will remind him of home when his aunt took care of him
• I also think he would be very affectionate, like he would like to hug you while you try to take care of him
• He would really ask you to make him soup or something, and if you don't know how to cook he would ask you to make popcorn so you two can spend time watching movies.
• Well anyway he would want to spend most of the day in bed, I think when he is sick it is the only time he is not energetic as the normal for him
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Killua Zoldyck
• I think Killua would refuse to believe that he's sick, well it's not like he's ever been sick
- Y/N please, I'm fine.. gosh.. - he says rolling he's eyes
• He would keep acting like that until you gave up and let him do whatever he wanted, he was about to leave the house when from the room you heard a bang and when you went to see what it was, it was Killua passed out on the floor next to the door.
• When he wakes up it will be late in the afternoon, you would be sleeping on a chair next to the bed he was lying on with a cloth of cold water on his head, I think that in the end since you were asleep he would pull you to bed next to him, you two would end cuddling!
- Just maybe you were right..
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Kurapika Kurta
• I think he would end up passing out while working at the Nostrade mansion, and Melody had to call you to come get him since when he woke up he still wanted to continue working as if everything was fine
- Y/N: God.. what am I going to do with you?
• In the end he was convinced that it would be dangerous for him and the other bodyguards if he stayed working in that state and went home with you, you would really like to thank Melody for helping you convince him
• You would ask him to take a shower and go to bed while you prepare something for him to eat, of course not before giving him some medicine
• In the end you would be looking after him for the rest of the night, but the next morning when you woke up the man would have left a f/f bouquet on the table next to a letter
'Thank you for taking care of me last night my love, today at 8 pm I'll pick you up to go eat at a restaurant, please get ready! I'll be looking forward to seeing you again. With love, K.K'
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Leorio Paladiknight
• Leorio is studying medicine so he would quickly realize that he is sick and take the correct medicine, but that doesn't negate the fact that he will be needy for the rest of the day
- Please Y/N lets just cuddle for a while, you have to take care of your boyfriend here 🥺
• I think that of the four he would be one of the calmest ones with Gon, since he wouldn't throw a tantrum to take his medicine, he would refuse because he's sick, what you would need to do is purely give him love and affection
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hello, i have a request for phantom troop(you dont have to do them all) finding out that one of the only reasons the reader joined was because they have a younger sibling to look after, and needed the money. This can be platonic or romantic (i leave this in your hands) feel free to ignore me. Have a nice day/night.
Ooh, this is interesting, thank you for the ask! I think I'll just pick and choose the characters, I'll go with Pakunoda, Chrollo, Uvogin, Machi, Feitan for this one! Also the relationship will be romantic for this too ^^
Pakunoda, Chrollo, Uvogin, Machi, Feitan with an s/o that joined the troupe to support their younger sibling
At first she was a little surprised since it wasn't like most of the troupe cared about money. However, I feel like out of the troupe she's the one that will understand you the most because she also tends to be someone that cares for others almost like a mother
She won't judge you at all, and if other members of the troupe have something to say about your situation she won't hesitate to talk back to them. She won't throw insults, but she'll definitely give them a stern reminder that the troupe is meant to be open to anyone and everyone that can make it
If you ever happen to show her your younger sibling, Pakunoda will probably be your sibling's favorite person in no time. She tends to be super caring and chill at the same time, so I doubt kids will hate her haha
Overall she doesn't mind your reason for joining since joining the troupe alone makes you above average in skills and it means you were more or less accepted by Chrollo's standards. If you happen to be looking for a place to stay however, she'll definitely say you should move to Meteor City where she's from
He won't judge you, he's extremely open-minded and has no issue with you wanting to look after your younger sibling. He might have some questions as to why exactly the troupe was your choice though since it's such a dangerous team
I doubt other members of the troupe will talk badly about you in front of him, but in the rare case it happens he doesn't stop them with words but rather gives them a cold stare. It's enough to shut them up before Chrollo talks to them about it in private
If you need a helping hand, I feel like he would be super happy to help! Though they don't look like it, I feel like all members of the troupe have a soft spot for kids. Chrollo's super chill around your sibling too, they might ask when you two are getting married haha
Similar to Pakunoda, he may offer you and your sibling to come back to Meteor City if you two aren't already living there.
He might ask you why you then decided the troupe would be where you wanted to stay when you could've been doing something else like a job in regular society or a hunter, since you clearly have the skills to become one. However, after you give your explanation, he'll be like "yeah I'm actually really happy you're part of the team, means I get to see you more often!"
He's the type to throw fists when other members of the troupe look at you disapprovingly. Most troupe members won't care tbh, but in the case that they say anything he'll have no trouble jumping on them :/
The cool uncle that your younger sibling always wanted! He was probably the one that asked if you wanted him to help you out at home. If you really need any extra help outside of troupe antics, he'll be there!
He doesn't really care about money but at the same time he does understand that you need to help out your sibling. He'll do what he can to support you, but most importantly he won't judge you for your reasons of joining the troupe
She honestly didn't really mind when you revealed your reason for joining the troupe. "As long as you aren't some crazy clown trying to fight Chrollo you're good," she might say, giving you a friendly punch on the shoulder
She isn't really like a mom-friend, but there have been times where she felt like an elder sister to some of the troupe. Because of this, she's actually just as protective of you and of your sibling as well. She's super caring, it's honestly really nice!
Machi won't fight against other troupe members calling you out or looking at you disapprovingly, but she will definitely give them a stare and maybe throw a mean insult in their direction. The only person she won't do that to would be Chrollo, but honestly the leader probably doesn't mind your situation at all
She asked if you wanted to move to Meteor City if you weren't already there right after you said you needed to take care of your younger sibling. I feel like she thinks it's the safest place since she grew up there, but in the end she's open to anything that you want and will be there to help you out
Out of these troupe members he was probably the only one that thought it was a little weird at first. You were scared he would tell you it wasn't right for you to join the troupe, but he was more confused rather than upset at your situation.
However, he hides that he thinks it's admirable you're throwing your life at risk for family. It's sort of like what he saw in Meteor City, and perhaps what the troupe is doing to support the children back where he's from. He has a soft spot for kids, he won't show it though
He probably said he didn't want to help you out when you were with your younger sibling, but when he showed up at your door you knew he was probably lying about hating kids. He turns out to be really chill, sometimes even cute in your eyes. If you tease him about it he might get a little upset though haha
He stands up for you in the case any troupe member thinks what you're doing is wrong. They likely won't, but if it happens he has no issue pulling out a weapon and throwing it in their direction. He cares a lot about you, and now that he knows there's someone you want to protect, he'll do his best to help you out
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attackurheart88 · 10 months
How would Hisoka, Chrollo, Kurapika and Killua react to a dominant and possessive reader? They would like to? and I mean in every way lol, everyday life and nsfw
Killua is a minor aged up or not so I’ll be skipping his nsfw. Thanks for your understanding.
• He likes it
• Hisoka will often flirt with others just to rile you up
• Seeing how angry you get when other women or even men touch him
• turns him on (everything does)
• Hisoka is used to taking that role in any relationship, so to find someone like himself attracts him
• The two of you would be that lovey-dovey couple that everyone envies.
• You match each other's energies
• Each of you wants to control and dominate the other
• He thinks of your possessive side to be really sexy.
• And often pushes to see how you’ll punish him later
• Which comes in the form of whips, knives, and wax play.
• Hisoka is tied to the bed while he endures every scar and wound you leave on his body
• It's only after a few hours of pain and orgasm denial that Hisoka is forgiven until next week
• Doesnt mind it
• You’re devotion to him will serve as a pawn to play
• He knows he can trust you with anything without you ever turning against him
• Sometimes you scare him
• If push comes to shove and he wants to break it off he fears for his life.
• Secretly Chrollo likes how dominant you are
• It can be exhausting to constantly being the one to make decisions and put on a brave face
• Having you take that role sometimes gives him a sense of comfort
• In the bedroom the two of you switch back and forth over who will be in control
• One second you're on top the next you're on your knees as he takes you from behind
• The look on your face in tears begging and pleading for more underneath him is a huge ego boost
• Knowing you behave the opposite of a submissive person
• Chrollo will relish any situation where he has power over you
• Doesnt like it
• Kurspika is extremely independent and often takes the leadership role in any situation
• Having a partner who obsesses over him will make him feel uncomfortable at first
• Your dominance might even scare him
• Once he gets used to your behavior he slowly allows himself to enjoy it
• Part of him believes he doesn't deserve to have someone who cares about him so much
• He should be alone and focus on this goal of killing the Phantom Troupe. It would be the safest option for you and anyone he cares about
• But after your insistence on not leaving him alone and finding ways to follow him and assist him in some way
• Kurapika has no choice but to let you in
• Kurapika wouldn't admit it but coming home to you pushing him in the bed and having your way with him is the highlight of his day
• After a long day of work and stress Kurapika doesn't want to think
• Having you take the reins and tell him what to do feels so right
• He likes it when you tease him
• Him tied to the bed as you fuck him hard and play with his nipples
• It's perfect
• He feels on edge at first
• Killua feels like you remind him of his brother
• Trying to be in control and limit him all while saying you care
• He would argue with you constantly
• He isn't a fan of being told what to do or being the “submissive” one in a relationship
• You taking charge of initiating PDA or any romantic gestures makes him get shy and embarrassed
• He would always find a way to return the favor and get even
• Killua can be really petty
• If you tell him to do one thing he will go out of his way to do the opposite just to feel like he has some control
• When it's late or Killua is in a good mood he puts up less of a fight
• He’ll let you be the big spoon
• Or drag him around letting you take charge
• It's times like that Killua really feels like a child and enjoys the feeling of being taken cared of
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cheenapri · 3 months
Yandere Illumi Analysis
AN: I wrote this on a whim so I didn't really proofread or check for plotholes lmao but enjoy anyway
Illumi didn’t think much of you the first time he saw you, it was as if you weren’t even there. Strangely enough, he’s caught several more sightings of you over the course of two months, each time he still didn’t think much of you. That was until he realized he didn’t really have any business in that area to begin with as his mission had already been completed and he’d already been paid. He seemed to unknowingly home you out from time to time, his slight glances turning into full-on stares as he watched you from the shadows. 
You had piqued his interest. After a few days of watching you, Illumi questioned himself. He was confused as to why he was focusing so much of his attention on someone so insignificant.
He thought that maybe you were a nen user using your powers on him and made plans to quickly dispose of you. Fortunately for you, he failed to do so. For the first time in his life, Illumi had hesitated to kill someone. A singular gold needle lay ready in his hand yet he was unable to bring himself to launch it at your skull. 
Multiple attempts were made, all with you being completely oblivious, before he discovered that you weren’t even a nen user and that he was hesitant on his own unconscious volition.
Illumi had an inner crisis before he would accept his ineffable feelings towards you. He saw something in you he couldn’t describe but knew he liked, and wanted to figure out what it was. 
He spent whatever free time he had just observing you — from afar, of course, he’s a little shy. Sometimes he would invite himself into your house to snoop through your things while you’re gone. If you have a loudmouth pet, he’ll be sure to temporarily subdue it. Killing it would be the more convenient option but it would alarm you to see your beloved pet lying in a pool of blood upon returning home. 
On the night he chooses to bring you to the estate for further inspection, he attempts to lure you using taxis. He may or may not have destroyed your car’s engine to force you to walk to work. When his attempts to lure you fail, he gets fed up with your constant defiance and police calls and opts to physically bring you back himself, there’s only so many times he can deal with the police without causing chaos. 
You look so beautiful when you sleep.
He’s unsure how to go about dealing with you once you’re locked away in the estate, he just throws your unconscious body on the bed and stares at you until you wake up. He keeps staring once you wake up too, only saying something when you start screaming and freaking out. His words aren’t very comforting, though.
He had to teach you manners since you’re being very rude. Once you’re quiet, he’ll proceed to not explain anything to you but rather stand over you and ask if you’re hungry. You say no and he leaves you alone and without food for a couple of days.
He’s a very busy man so expect him to be gone for days or even weeks at a time. This doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you want, however, as Illumi has assigned a skilled butler to watch over you while he’s gone. They are his eyes and ears so make sure you don’t do anything foolish less they tattle on you. Though you have a somewhat neutral relationship with your assigned butler, you can’t bring yourself to fully trust or confide in them.
Though you hate it here, you’d prefer your time alone over your captor’s company as Illumi was awful to be around. Whether he was staring at you from across the room or correcting your behavior, it was all awful. All time spent “hanging out” with him consists of him sitting away from you, sometimes sitting closer depending on his mood, and silently staring. Sometimes an attempt at a conversation was made on your end as you wanted to know exactly what was going on and why he’d brought you here. You were asking too many questions about the same thing; it was pissing him off.
He rarely talks about himself if it isn’t assassin-related and you don’t like him enough to ask. He does have a habit of talking about the things he’s learned about you before bringing you to the estate rather unprompted. He has zero self awareness. You got him talking one time and had to figure out through context clues and your own ideas that he had a “romantic” interest in you. 
Illumi is not the talkative type but if he wants to hear your voice, he’ll start conversations. The conversations usually consist of him asking you really pointless questions and encouraging you to explain your answer in great detail no matter how dry it is. 
If you’re good while he’s gone, he may bring you back a gift. If you accept with enthusiasm, feigned or not, he’ll be internally delighted. If you decline the gift or refuse to open it, Illumi will take it as an act of defiance.
May the punishment fit the crime. Illumi will not hesitate to nip any unsavory behaviors right in the bud in the hopes of molding you faster. If you were to act out physically, expect a dislocated or broken limb. Kicking equals a broken leg, and punching equals a broken arm whereas pushing him away, no matter how gently, equals a dislocated wrist or two. Verbal crimes like talking about your past life or swearing at him are punishable by strangulation. Illumi will not tolerate such disrespect. He doesn’t let go after a few seconds either, his grip is tight until you pass out. The more severe it is, the less likely you are to become a repeat offender, right…? You definitely won’t be able to curse at him now or talk at all really. All other acts of defiance are punishable by whatever he sees fit.
He never comforts you after a punishment. It’s your fault anyway, you shouldn’t have tried to hit him or cursed at him. Honestly, what did you expect? He tends to forget the punishment had even occurred during his next visit with you and expects you to do the same.
Though your newer assigned butler has a healing ability, Illumi rarely allows its use. 
Illumi can sometimes be strangely passionate. Even through his sheer brutality and emptiness, there are times when you can sense the slightest sliver of humanity within him. Mainly on days when he’s particularly needy for your attention. 
He sometimes visits at odd hours of the night, waking you so he can talk about his day. He doesn’t know it, but he’s using you as an emotional outlet. You’re expected to listen to every single word that comes out of his mouth and engage with him. You feel a bit intimidated since he’s sitting so close to you on the edge of the bed. 
He doesn’t really touch you unless to punish you so you tend to flinch when he moves too fast. He doesn’t mind this at first.
Despite holding you captive for months now, Illumi still hadn’t figured out what about you was attractive to him. Eventually, he’d accept that he’d never figure it out and you’d always be a mystery. He begins seeing you as his spouse from this point forward.
Though he wanted to take the relationship slowly to ease you into your new life, you didn’t wish to accept your untold role as his spouse, causing everything to sit at a standstill. As more time passes, he becomes impatient for your cooperation. He doesn't directly say it but it’s made VERY clear that he demands your affections. He’s giving you more attention than usual, how else can he make it clearer?
One day while returning home from a mission, he noticed a couple on an outing. They looked so happy together. Illumi didn’t think much of it at the time but as days turned into weeks, his mind began replaying the scene over and over, replacing the couple with you and him. He concludes that you’re probably being spiteful because he isn’t spending enough time with you. If you wanted more attention from him, why didn’t you just ask?
So it’s been decided, he’ll take you with him on a mission so you can watch him kill people. You would be a liability, sure, but you’d see it as a sign that he loves you, right? His dad disagreed with the idea when Illumi brought it up to him, telling him that something like that would be too intense for someone like you. Queue Silva’s and Illumi’s first (?) father and son chat. Illumi was surprisingly receptive to Silva’s ideas and dropped his original plan.
Queue intensive date planning for a few months. Of course, he made sure not to let you hear anything about it as it’ll be a super special surprise that’s going to blow your mind and make you accept your place at his side.
He really showed just how much he knew about you, making sure nothing you wouldn’t enjoy found its way into his intricate plans. 
Of course, it couldn’t be a normal date out in public, what if someone tried to hurt you? He would kill them, yes, but the mood would’ve already been ruined at that point so he thought it best to rent out a few places and completely isolate you.
Now that preparations were complete, all that was left was to pick you up — Illumi was rather eager to get this date started.
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ochomasaio · 6 months
❝Imagine being Hisoka's wife.
Also you were a mom of a 1 month age healthy baby. The weeks you were back from the hospital were so difficult for you as a new mom. You need rest, but the baby needs attention too, even in very difficult hours. Hisoka also started noticing how not healthy the sleep routine of yours was.
He wants you to sleep well so you can take back your lost power from pregnancy. And the most important? It's been a while since he fucks you. He needs that, but in your current state that would be the death of you. It was very suspicious to you too that he didn't complain about that. I mean he didn't even suggest you for a blowjob or even a handjob and yet he looks very decent.
Poor baby you were. You didn't know that your husband had fuck all the girls that he can find and then kill them, because if you ever finds out you will understand that they means nothing to him. The truth was that he doesn't want to push you. Your health was a priority, so why not fuck some random chicks and them kill them like nothing happens. But this starts to not work anymore. He needs you, the real you, his wife.
A suggestion from him was the perfect solution for both of you. You would hire a nanny. You felt a great sense of relief when you heard this prospect, but I assure you not so great as he himself who suggested it.
The next morning you had already seen 3 girls, but you finally came to a wise choice. She was a lady around 60, She had raised many children and you knew you could sleep peacefully with her. It was noon on the 6th day with her, by now the revitalization of your adequate sleep was evident. Hisoka couldn't help but feel relieved that everything would soon be back to normal.
It was afternoon and you had fallen asleep in the armchair next to the baby's crib. The lady didn't wake you up, you needed it anyway. Because you were sleeping she would be leaving later today. She couldn't just go away and leave you alone here. What if you didn't wake up when the baby cried because you thought she would take care of it? She thought of doing something extra to help you. She cooked a wonderful meal.
Just as she finished, there was a knock on the door. It would probably be your husband she thought and ran to open the door before wakes you up. She had never met Hisoka but it was definitely not what she expected to see. A waterlogged man with blood on his clothes towering over and smiling at her.
"You must be the nanny?" She didn't answer, still in shock. "Where is my wife?" Once she understood that it was your husband and not some robber, she replied that you were sleeping in the baby's room. He walked over and saw you through the half open door. He couldn't help but smile. "How long does she sleep?" "About 2 hours" she answered. Now that your husband is back is time for her to leave you alone. Before she leaves she brings something in Hisoka's notice. Her breasts were full of milk and the baby drinks minimum. She had to get the milk out or it would create a problem that would hurt her. She leaves quickly after that notice.
Hisoka go and take a 🚿 before come up from your head and kisses you multiple times. "Baby. Wake up. The woman had cooked something that smelled good. Come to eat." You open your beautiful eyes slowly only to see your husband smile at you. And indeed smells very good. Before you even make a step to the dining table the baby was hungry too. It's okay, you would eat in a few minutes. But Hisoka didn't like that. As you take the child in your hand and you are ready to breastfeed it he comes back with a plate. He will feed both of you as you feed your baby. And after that maybe he would take care of the thing that the nanny suggested.❠
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
Hey!! Could you do some hcs for the hxh boys having hanahaki disease for the reader? You can decide whether they get a happy end where they confess and the reader realizes feelings for them or no :p
hanahaki disease with the hxh boys (hisoka, kurapika, illumi headcanons)
authors note: omgggg i've always been obsessed with this myth but i completely forgot about it until you reminded me anon! i'm so happy i got a request for this! i chose happy endings bc who doesn't want a happy ending with our favourite boys?
the surgery to remove the disease doesn’t exist in these headcanons bc i couldn’t be arsed to write about it
live or die by the disease bitch there is no other option
warnings: mentions of death, blood
read part two here!
requests are open!
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hisoka had known you for a long time
you were close confidants, and dare i say it, best friends
he admired your strength, how you never failed to join in on his chaos, and fire back at him whenever he made a quip
with how well you two got along, it was only a matter of time before he coughed up the first petal
he knew immediately what was happening, he was a man cultured in myths and legends after all
he was more shocked at the realisation that he loved you more than the fact that he just coughed up a flower petal
and you didn't love him back
he couldn't blame you, even though you liked to fool around with each other, you had never been serious with your flings and it was strictly no strings attached
well now it was apparent that there were strings
the magician couldn't pinpoint the moment he had fallen for you, he supposed it was a gradual thing
but one thing was for absolute certain, he was in love
and he was dying because of it
hisoka is a man of mystery and many secrets but this...
this he would probably tell you about after a while of mulling it over
during this period, his coughing got worse until eventually he couldn't take it anymore
he would go straight to you, letting himself into your house as he usually did
hisoka could feel the pain in his lungs when you looked at him and smiled
he would suppress the coughs as best as he could while he figured out a way to tell you
i feel like his confession would go one of two ways
either he would be outright and serious for once
or he'd make a performance out of his dying body
let's explore the serious option first
you, having caught onto the fact that something was very wrong, took your friend’s hand which only made his coughing worse. "what's going on hisoka? you never get sick."
he laughed dryly. "it would appear that I'm in love with you."
you didn't believe him of course. "you're joking."
hisoka coughs into his hand, revealing petals tainted with blood. "does this look like a joke to you?"
OR the performance option
"it would appear I'm in love with you." he coughed into his hand and threw the contents in the air, several flower petals soaked in blood rained down on your head. "surprise."
it doesn't matter which option he chooses, you're still frozen in shock
"i thought it was just a myth." you stared at the bloody petals in horror
"me too."
the room fell silent, hisoka wondering what his fate would be based on your response
i can’t see him as a person who cares whether he lives or whether he dies
i can see him just sitting there on your couch, staring with bored fascination at your living room while he waited for you to drop the guillotine over his head
his lungs and throat were writhing in pain, but hisoka was never one to be put off by this
what he didn’t expect was for you to then turn to him, grinning
“i love you too.”
his face drops
“yeah, i love you too hisoka.”
hisoka would’ve been amused by how quickly the weight on his chest dissipated if it weren’t for his shock
however it didn’t take long from him to recover from this and he swoops you into an embrace
which of course leads to more
and oh boy hisoka was never happier to be alive
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would 100% not tell you
the second the first petal fell from his lips, he knew immediately that it was you
he also knew that he could never tell you
you didn’t love him back and he didn’t want to make you feel bad about that fact
how could he not love you though? you were his biggest source of joy and the one he cared for most in this world
his would hide the disease from you for as long as possible, smothering his coughs with great effort
the longer he did this, the worse it got
he knew he was going to die and he accepted that fact
he didn’t want to die, but he knew he could never tell you 
kurapika would try and avoid you towards the end
dodging your calls and skipping on meeting up with you until eventually he stopped contact altogether
you, extremely worried about your friend, went to go visit him unannounced
letting yourself inside, your heart dropped in horror at seeing him 
kurapika looked like a ghost
his face was hollow, lips chapped and stained red
he would insist he was fine, even though he clearly he wasn’t
eventually he wouldn’t be able to hide it anymore, launching into an extreme coughing fit, him throwing up petals, whole flowers and blood 
having heard of the disease before, you could only ask who he loved and who didn’t love him back
this time, he looked you directly in the eyes. “you.”
cue your shock and horror
kurapika had to avert his gaze, he didn’t want to see your disappointment in his final moments
he hated himself enough for having these feelings but he didn’t want to see you hate him too
his lungs were more branches and flowers than tissue at this point
the kurta was just about to get up and leave when your voice stopped him
he waits
“you have this disease because you love me and you think it’s unrequited, correct?”
“yes.” he didn’t want to add that he didn’t just think it was unrequited
“what if it wasn’t unrequited?”
“then i wouldn’t be dying.”
“then i don’t understand.” you shook your head, suppressing a smile. “because i love you too.”
he stops
kurapika literally stops working
his brain shuts down and his body comes to a complete standstill and he just stares at you in shock
you feel the need to confirm it for him. “i love you too kurapika.”
he couldn’t hold himself back anymore
regardless of his sick body, he rushes to you and pulls you into the tightest hug
his chest clears, feeling light and unrestrained
he kisses you and kurapika can finally breathe again
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this boy is so damn confused when coughs, and then even more confused when he sees a petal in his hand
what on earth is happening to him?
doesn’t even realise he’s in love
it takes him a couple of days and a couple more instances of coughing up flowers for him to realise something was wrong with him
a quick internet search yields the results he was looking for 
cue more confusion
unrequited love was the cause?
would think long and hard about who in his life he could have these impossible feelings for
then his thoughts eventually arrived on you
and when they did, he couldn’t stop thinking about you
so he loved you? why? what was the reason? when did this happen?
many many questions were circulating through that beautiful head of his
reading further about the disease, he realised that the disease would only go away if you loved him too
if not, he would die
not one to be scared by death, he decided on not telling you
why would he? it was pointless anyway if he was going to die
doesn’t even consider the chance that you might love him back
takes the unrequited part as fact and sticks with it
illumi is a tough boy so it takes ages for him to finally be run down by the disease
is a master at hiding his coughs
he has a reputation to uphold after all
he even keeps it from his family, determined to take his shame to his grave
would honestly have to be on the brink of dying for him to show that he’s suffering with the hanahaki disease
luckily you like to meet up with illumi very frequently and you had become quite attuine to his stoic attitude and personality
to the point where you could pick up the most minuscule of differences in his behaviour
it didn’t take you long to realise something was wrong with your friend but no matter how hard you pushed, he would shoot you down
cue you becoming the best investigator the world has ever seen
it started when, after illumi had left the bar, there was a single bloodied petal sitting in his place
you took the petal back home and began researching
it took you a while but you eventually found out about the hanahaki disease though you couldn’t believe that this was what illumi was struggling with so you kept searching
however your search was in vein and all you had to go on was a myth about unrequited love
so the next time you met up with illumi, you kept an even closer eye on him
watching the subtle ways in which he would suppress what would normally be very painful coughs
the way his lips seemed a bit more chapped and red than normal
the way his already pale skin became more translucent
you had to face the facts, illumi was suffering with unrequited love
and it was killing him
you couldn’t bear the thought of losing illumi
but who on earth was he in love with? and how could you convince them to save his life?
realistically you knew there wasn’t much you could do
but out of desperation, you confronted him about it
“when were you going to tell me about your hanahaki disease?”
“i wasn’t.”
“have you told anyone?”
you weren’t one to be easily frustrated, but for some reason you couldn’t watch him throw away his life so easily
in a fit of despair, you blurted. “please find some way to fix it, i can’t bear the thought of losing you.”
you didn’t think about your words before you said them. “because i love you.”
he froze
you kept going, putting your own feelings to the side in an effort to save the man stock-still before you. “and it’s because i love you that i’m scared of you dying, so please just find whoever it is and confess to them. i’m sure they like you back if they’ve got the great illumi zoldyck dying for them.”
it was then that you noticed his expression
you would almost say he looked relieved? but surely you had seen wrong
it was illumi after all
“ah, it’s gone now.” he somehow sounded much better than a couple of minutes ago
“gone? how can it be gone whe-” it didn’t take you long for you to realise what had happened
illumi looked at you expectantly
“you love me?” you asked in a small voice, afraid that this was a bad joke even though you knew illumi was practically incapable of making them
needless to say that that was the start of a wonderful relationship that even illumi couldn’t have imagined happening
but he wasn’t complaining
not in the slightest
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Adult trio (seperately )and their reaction to female reader accepting their love confession ?
Thank you for the ask! This one's gonna be a bit interesting, considering how these characters are not the type to confess their love in my opinion. It's not that fluffy, but I hope you enjoy!
Adult Trio react to their fem!s/o accepting their love confession
His version of a love confession is likely a death match, so I wouldn't really say that accepting it would be the best option?
This is unless he just wants to spend time with you as a more common form of a relationship. In that case, he may be a bit more solemn about the whole thing and say something along the lines of "I think I'm in love, whatever that is."
If you accept to his death match, expect it to happen either a) right away or b) as soon as possible. But, if you accept his more chill love confession, you might see him smile a bit to himself before muttering a quick "how delightful."
It's shockingly calm if it's normal. He's sort of like how he was when he was talking to Illumi on the blimp in the 13th Chairman Election Arc. It's probably the softest you'll see him
He doesn't confess, honestly if he were to say he loves you he expects you to say you do as well
But, if you two weren't arranged by his parents and somehow got close to each other, he might just be upfront and tell you that you shouldn't exist because it's making him not be the perfect assassin. You're making his heart skip, making him less focused, etc.
If you accept his love confession and tell him that it's okay to feel that way, it might take him a while to get used to it. Know that it does feel nice to have someone love him though
But if you two were arranged, I'm not sure how he would feel. He would say "Of course you accepted, there wouldn't be any other possibility." It's a bit mechanic
Probably the only one who can make a genuine love confession without it endangering your life. HOWEVER! He could pretend to give you a genuine confession just to get something from you.
In that case, if you accept, he'll be polite and kiss you lightly on the cheek, thanking you for accepting his feelings. Not sure what would happen afterwards. If it works better to kill you off, then he may do so.
If Chrollo gives you a genuine love confession though, it's a lot more somber. He might almost tear up with how he acts, but you can tell it's genuine with how much of his usual calm demeanor sort of...disappears. He'll tell you he feels as though he can't live without you, etc.
If you accept his confession here, he will try to compose himself, but his younger, more bright self might show a bit and you may get a surprise hug from the boss (manga readers you know what I mean haha)
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attackurheart88 · 1 year
What kind of lingerie would they like?
Plus Kurapika
Tumblr media
- The more revealing the better
- Hisoka is into the dirtiest one you can find
- I'm talking about bras that barely cover the nipple
- Underwear that shows off your ass
- Straps straps all the way
- Hisoka believes it makes you sexier
- He's also very into the color red
- Whenever you wear red
- Hisoka feels such a strong urge to bend you over and fuck you harshly
- Don't worry about the removal process
- Hisoka is quite gifted in that area of expertise
- So I'm sure he can undress you much faster than you think.
- Illumi would prefer a more elegant approach
- He would like white lace
- Or a revealing nightgown
- Anything simple
-Or easy to remove is a win in his book
- I can see Illumi liking stockings
- The way they empathize your thin/thick/muscular thighs
- Really turns him on
- Stockings may be the only thing he'll allow you to keep on
- He likes anything sexy
- Lace
- Thongs
- Bras that barely cover the nipple
- If it shows off your body and it's curves
- He's all for it
- The color black is preferred
- As it makes you seem more attractive or alluring
- I feel Chrollo is the type to properly observe
- And compliment what your wearing
- Before removing it
-Kurapika isn’t around much and when he is
- He can’t spend much time away
- So anything easy to remove would be preferred
- He doesn’t have a color preference
- So anything that looks good on you, will satisfy him
- Because he’s often stressed out or tired
- It’s easy to turn him on
- So wearing anything or nothing
- Will do the trick
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