#hybrid fr dragon
sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Ofc I'm gonna share my fluffy thoughts.
Ok so you know that birds dance for their potential mate he WILL do that. He would dress in the prettiest clothes he owns and perform his mating dance until he was convinced that it's worked 😫
🧩 anon
This is borderline hilarious, I'll be honest
His prettiest clothes are probably just his Archon outfit, just sayingggg
He's even got that cute little tail feather looking thing going on here
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Just look how cute he is, I'm in love
I feel like it would also manifest in other ways, like him feeling the need to pull you in for a dance at the bar when you're both pretty drunk to show off how he's just much more equipped to be your partner than anyone else, twirling you around in the kitchen at midnight when both of you happened to be awake, or maybe the first time you take him to a club in your world he's willing to show off some of his more permiscuous dance moves
But oml imagine Nilou dancing for the creator and Venti's just like absolutely not and you get dragged away immediately cause that's his thing, she's not allowed to make a move on you when he's right there
And then there's the crack concept of dance battles for your affection, though I'm not sure if we have a lot of other bird affiliated characters, maybe Xiao 👀
This is so fun I just want to start a series going over all of the other animal affiliated characters quirks, and also how they would all clash with each other—
Like Venti's need to keep you close and tucked away in your mutual room nest would absolutely contradict say Zhongli's want to show you off as his prized possession out and about, splurging all of his money on you and just showing off as the highest form of a power couple, assuming you had both of them as consorts they would fight for days on end about that
There's so many different dynamics that could go right and wrong it's funny to think about
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blooming-grove · 5 months
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I've had Coanas for about 4 years and you can kinda hear the splatoon theme song around her; i'm especially happy with how gummy her hair looks and love her monochrome design.
Kinda don't have the mental faculties atm to like type stuff so uhh
find her for sale here for 3000g thank you very much. reblogs appreciated.
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ferberus-skull · 1 year
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spectre pixel :]
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umbracrowartlore · 1 year
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Some more flight rising dragons <3
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cypressbranch · 2 years
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Art dragon time yet again! This is Sacrum, he is a spiral/fae hybrid. Although he lacks proper crests, he acts very much in the way fae do, at least, spirals thinks he does. Fae just think hes odd. He is 20g! Perhaps he will find a place of belonging alongside your dragons?
EDIT: He has been bought! Thank you!
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bedoballoons · 9 months
Hello again it's the anon whom asked for a shinobu reader 🤭
I almost ran out of headcanons i luv so maybe our genshin hybrid bois with a hybrid!reader just like them
I mean a dog!reader for gorou or a fox!reader for nari, a dragon reader for zhongli n neuvillette(how do y'all spell his name) maybe a adepti!reader for xiao
-💤 (being an new anon 😋)
Hiya!! Welcome to the anon squad (sorry this is a little late)!! I absolutely LOVE this idea!!! I've never written a hybrid reader before so this was super exciting, I hope you enjoy! Also I hope you don't mind but I included Lyney with a cat hybrid!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Hybrid reader~༺}
CW: Fluffy and a little flirty, hybrid reader! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon chérie, Gorou: Honey, Neuvillette: Mon amour,
(Includes: Lyney, Gorou, Zhongli, Tighnari, Xiao, and Neuvillette!)
Lyney tipped his hat to you, a small smirk playing on his lips when he held up one of his cards and magically turned it into a rainbow rose, holding it out for you to take, "You look gorgeous as ever mon chérie." You rolled your eyes playfully and accepted his gift, walking up close to him so your tail could run along underside of his chin, making him swoon like a lovesick puppy while your purred in his ear, "You look fairly handsome yourself magician boy~"
He sighed, unable to respond as a blush crawled onto his cheeks and his doe eyes stared at you almost blankly, you couldn't help but giggle at him, running your hand up his chest and leaning close to his face to whisper against his lips, "Whats the matter Lyney...cat got your tongue?"
You smiled happily at Gorou, your tail wagging with excitement as he walked up to you with a big grin and a handful of wildflowers, his eyes shining with love for you. "You're home! You spent way to much time in Inazuma city! Next time I'm coming with you!" You shouted to him, giving up waiting at the door and running to him full speed, his arms open for you to jump into. "I missed you too honey!" He laughed, holding you tightly as he spun you both around for a second and gave you one of his special kisses that made your heart race.
You pulled away to inspect him, grabbing his face gently to make sure there weren't any injuries anywhere while chuckled at your antics, "Honey I'm okay I promise!" He embraced you again, giving you soft butterfly kisses while your tails swayed in harmony...you had missed him so much.
You'd cuddled into Zhonglis warmth, feeling his sharp nails gently graze your scalp while he ran his fingers through your hair, his tail wrapped around yours to the point they could actually get tangled, but you weren't worried...you could stay with him in that spot for thousands of years, in fact it sounded beautiful, "Zhongli, let's stay like this forever. We can enjoy eachothers presence and watch the sunrise...the sunset, never bothered by anyone, just you and me."
"Perhaps one day, for now I'm afraid I still have duties to uphold in Liyue...lantern rites to attend, stories to tell...this geo dragon has more to do before he can rest fully." You nodded, already knowing that would be his answer, still you could dream about that one day...the day the two of you would go to rest together in your special spot and never leave.
Your ears twitched along with Tighnaris while the two of you treaded through the forest, the beautiful sounds of nature all around you and your senses on alert for any threats to the wildlife,...or from the wildlife. "Nari, why are we out here again? It seems a bit denser urrgh...then what we usually walk through, oh oww." You struggled to speak as you got tangled up in vines, a thorned one wrapped around your fluffy tail.
"I got word there was a new type of plant in the area with incredible medicinal properties, I had no idea it would be so overgrown though....how did you even do this?" He chuckled at the sight of you and carefully set you free, touching your tail softly to make sure there wasn't any long lasting injuries. "Nari, next walk we take a path."
You appeared next to Xiao, the moonlight almost illuminating him as he stared out across the sea, thinking about his feelings for you...what they meant, how they came to be...if they could continue. He'd never experienced something like this...especially with another adepti, one he admired so much, "Killing demons...comes easily to me. Taking care of monsters...dealing with my Karmic debt, I'm even beginning to understand humans but over two-thousand years and the idea of love...still confuses me. I don't...know how to be what I want to for you...what you want me to be."
You sighed, leaning your head on his shoulder and looking up at the stars as a breeze brushed your cheek, "I don't want you to be anything but yourself Xiao..., the conqueror of demons, the one who sacrifice himself to save everyone else. Just be you and my love will never waver." Your words still didn't clear up all his confusion, but they calmed him enough to place a kiss on top of your head...ready to start a whole new journey with you.
You smiled up at the sky for a moment, taking out your umbrella as light rain started to fall and dark clouds rumbled with quiet thunder. A storm was brewing and you could only assume it was Neuvillettes doing...the old hydro dragon, what had got him feeling down this time?
You made your way through the crowds of people, all of them trying their best to not get wet while you splashed in puddles and embraced the beautiful weather, finishing your walk right in front of the Chief of justices door. You knocked a couple times, humming the lullaby about Neuvillette as you waited for him to answer. "Neuvillette, please let me in...from one dragon to another, we both know you need some comforting."
You didn't even get a chance to say hello as he pulled you into his office and hugged you tightly, gentle tears leaving wet spots on your shoulder while you sighed. "What happened?" You rubbed his back, the two of you feeling comfortable enough to let some of your dragon features show, like your tails that intertwined together and the star shaped pupils in your eyes that looked up at him will love. "So many things mon amour...thank you...for being here for me."
"There's no need to thank me, I will always be here when you need me."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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bluegiragi · 7 months
You elaborated wonderfully on how Horangi views other Haetae and his relationship to them (I love how your brain works fr every tidbit of what you come up with is scrumptious).
You also gave us vague ideas of how Price and Soap view other dragons/werewolves.
But I’d love to know explicitly, How does everyone in 141 (and Konig) view others of their kind? How do they get treated by other monsters and hybrids? (I’d like to imagine they get a slight amount of flack for cooperating sometimes with the likes of humans)
lots of reading in this post, but I’ll section it off into Harpy, Wraith and Percht so it’s a bit more organized :)
Harpy culture really prioritises independence above all else, to the point that their young are left to fend for themselves after they turn 16. They’re also quite a prideful bunch, which means they really dislike sharing space with other harpies. In the military it can be especially dicey, since two harpies will instinctively consider it an insult if they’re forced to be on the same team (it’d be like telling them you don’t think they’re good enough on their own) and it’ll result in a fight at worst and a cold, distant relationship at best. Even Gaz, who is pretty coolheaded and thoughtful as far as harpies go, would be irritated in that sort of situation.
Harpies don’t have this kind of instant animosity for any other flighted monster (like dragons) although they’ll still get a bit competitive. That irritation is a remnant instinct from back when they’d battle each other in the sky to prove themselves to mates - it would always end with one, dead, plummeting to the earth and the other victorious, still flapping. Their mating rituals are a lot less lethal these days, but that immediate wariness around their own kind has stuck.
There is no confirmed number of wraiths currently existing and probably never will be, because they’re impossible to keep track of. However, their numbers are probably very low, simply because the circumstances needed to create a wraith are extremely specific and unlikely to naturally occur.
Because of this, it’s unknown if two wraiths have ever even met - Ghost has definitely never met another one in his whole life (and never wants to either)- but if they did, chances are it wouldn’t end well for anyone involved. They are volatile, capable of massive amounts of destruction if let loose and (so far) impossible to contain against their will. I think they’d mostly be apathetic to one another in a “don’t fuck with me, and I won’t fuck with you” sort of way but they’re naturally sort of angry and vengeful, so it’s best to assume violent confrontation is an inevitability.
For what it’s worth, I think if Ghost did meet another wraith, he’d pity them.
Perchts like each other well enough, so long as nobody veers away from tradition too much. They’re monsters that are perfectly happy living within their very insular, very regimented communities and distrust anything that differs from the norm. Their judgemental ways come from generations of belief that their kind all working towards the same goal is the only thing allowing them to survive in the remote areas they call home. However, they tend to go way too far, and punish any deviancy with draconian responses like public beatings and even exile.
König (or Klaus, as he was once known) tried his best in their community but he was doomed from the start with his enormous stature. He adopted a hunch as a child to try to fit in with his peers but it just wasn’t enough. After one too many mistakes, he was beaten and left for dead, effectively disowned by his own kind.
He was saved by a scouting party that happened to be in the area and then voluntarily allowed himself to be mutated so that he could be useful. He was all too happy to do so in the moment with spite against his own kind fueling him, but he regrets it a little nowadays as it’s started to take its toll on him.
Fun fact: Perchts can shapeshift into humans to hide their monstrous features. This means that Konig’s percht form is how he truly is, and whenever you see him as a human, that’s him in his shifted form.
König has a difficult relationship with Perchts nowadays. He hasn’t seen another one in decades since they all avoid large clusters of people like cities and villages. I think if he did meet another one he’d try to run away - he still feels some shame about never being accepted.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
Hun something else I want to ask is if you would do a hybrid dragon Yan..? Forgot to mention it in the last ask because I forget ideas a lot <3
-from the one anon who said to use 3 names you like :)!
P.s I’ll probably refer to myself as this forever now hun
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I'm sorry this took so long!! Here it is:
CW: mild violence, video game logic
Yandere!Dragon x GN!Reader
The winds in the mountains were cold enough to slice open skin and leave blisters.
Traveling up towards the sky was (Reader), a warrior known throughout the lands for their incredible feats, climbing up the snowy pass towards the dark splotch on their map.
The dragon's lair.
Only human in appearance, (Reader) had slaughtered almost every type of monster and fiend in the continent, sending fear through all living beings. They were rumored to be immortal, since they seemed to be capable of recovering from any wound they received, no matter how critical. Whatever life threatening hit they took, and no matter how certain their death seemed to be, (Reader) would only black out, waking a few hours later. A warrior without a past, without a home, who only lived to kill.
Slaying a dragon would be the last creature on the killer's list, having already defeated deities and apocalypse level threats. It wasn't that a dragon would be harder than killing a god; they just hadn't gotten around to it.
In the grand scheme of life, dragon slaying would be a side quest.
(Reader) doubted that the battle would be difficult in any sort of sense; aside from their incredible physical attributes they also had legendary gear such as "the Ring of Absolution" which was forged from the tears of a Golden Warrior. That ring alone made it impossible for enemies to block their attacks or use "break out" to parry.
Upon finding the cave and entering recklessly, (Reader) wished that someone had told them sooner:
That "when you're at the top, the only place to go is down.."
A blast of fire knocked their helmet off their head as the heat pushed them back. Shocked (and a little excited) the warrior raised their vampiric sword. Inside the cave, a giant red and golden dragon sat posed, muscles tense and eyeing the invader with intrigue.
"Who are you, to enter my home?" His deep voice sounded more confused than offended. And when (Reader) pointed their weapon at him in response, he chuckled. "Adorable little human, if you wish to live a long life, leave this cave now, and I shall spare you."
(Reader) shouted, igniting a glowing light around their body, then lunged, slashing at the beast.
To the dragon's surprise it hurt.
"Foul little thing!" He snarled, attempting to blast the human with another bolt of flames (this time not as a warning) but the fighter rolled out of the way, effectively dodging the attack. (Reader) thrust again, angering the dragon when he found that he could not block the sword, the blade passing his harder scales and hitting his soft flesh despite his guarding.
Amidst the rage and frustration a new emotion began forming within the centuries young being; respect.
There were no dragons he wished to associate with, there were no creatures that approached him of their own free will. He was alone. For a very, very long time. For he was not just a dragon..
He was Targov the Malicious.
A dragon of legend, ender of nations, killer of kings..
And his health was slowly being chipped away by the steel of a mortal.
(Reader) did not know who the dragon was, only that this was the closest location for a dragon nest.
"Small human.. I have a proposition for you."
The warrior paused, tilting their head as they waited for the dragon to continue.
"You have impressed me, and you have earned my admiration. So I offer you a chance at life eternal: become my mate, and ascend to a higher state of being.
You shall never want nor need for anything. I will be your willing servant for all of eternity."
It wasn't the first proposal (Reader) had received, yet it was certainly the first from a beast. They stepped back a fraction as though his words caused them to stumble. His request sounded so genuine that it almost killed their blood lust.
Disappointment and betrayal filled the dragon's eyes as (Reader) suddenly threw their sword like a spear, lodging it into Targov's chest, a feather's distance shy of his heart. But even that only further fueled the growing need he had for the mortal. And the obvious solution to the warrior's resistance was to make the choice easier for them.
Targov flew forward, but instead of attacking like (Reader) had predicted, he grappled the human in his talons and continued faster, propelling them both out of the cave and into the sky as he built speed.
The wind jostled the surprised human about like a rag doll as they rose higher into the atmosphere. Their ears popped painfully, but they could still hear the roaring laughter of the dragon.
"HA! Now what do you say, human?! Shall you be mine? Or shall I drop you?!" He held the adventurer loosely by the fabric visible under their armor in an attempt to frighten them. But what he saw next made his heart falter.
His eyes widened as (Reader) smiled triumphantly, raising a dagger while maintaining eye contact, and sliced off the part of their outfit Targov held onto, willingly allowing themselves to fall.
It was just a fall.
Yeah, it would hurt. It would hurt like a son of a bitch, but (Reader) knew they wouldn't die. They never did.
However, their near immortality was something that Targov didn't know about.
Before his emotions could fully form into separate feelings, Targov dove, recatching the little human, now with a more secure grip, and flew back to his home, his heart beating a billion beats per second once it restarted.
(Reader) was thrown to the floor by the dragon seconds before being blinded by a bright flash. The dragon was consumed in a bright white glow that illuminated the cave, morphing into a more human appearance, with deep golden skin and red hair. His horns and claws still remained, but as (Reader) could see clearly from his lack of clothes, was now mostly human. He charged towards (Reader), face twisted in his confusing mix of emotions. Anger, shock, hurt, feelings his adrenaline wouldn't give him time to categorize as he closed in on the confused human.
He hoisted (Reader) up by their neck.
"You'd really rather die than be mine?!" The enraged dragon screamed.
Struggling to breathe, the warrior grabbed one of his scaly hands while trying to smack his face with their dominant hand.
The glint of their ring caught Targov's attention, who recognized it instantly. He had been alive for a very long time, and killed many a god during his rebellious years. Sharp teeth sunk into (Reader's) fingers, the dragon biting their hand lightly, suddenly, earning a shocked cry from the struggling human. Targov dropped (Reader), pulling the ring off their finger with his fangs as he did so.
The warrior didn't notice their missing ring until they regained their composure and attempted to attack the humanoid dragon, who blocked their attack perfectly fine.
Targov wore the ring on his smallest claw.
"I see I was right about you.." His deep voice chuckled, but (Reader) couldn't tell if it was out of amusement or fury. "A fellow God killer.. who better suited to be my mate?"
He grabbed (Reader's) wrist, and despite it's low speed, the ring prevented (Reader) from dodging.
"Welcome home, my mate."
"Even if I have to break you, I will have you. And you will learn to love me."
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batwritings · 5 months
okay here me out! Hybrid au where reader is recruited into 141 and they’re all hybrids, like price is dragon, ghost a wraith, gaz a crow harpy, and last but not least soap is a werewolf. It’s pretty much common knowledge that wolves and vamps don’t mix, so when reader and soap first meet they despise each other, hate each other fr. Reader calls soap a dog, puppy, mongrel or mutt and soap calls reader a leech, bloodsucker and wtv. Now all this bickering leads to somewhere spicy, maybe all that hatred was actually sexual tension 🤷🏻‍♀️ heated and rough sexual tension to be exact. Alright thank u for listening in<3333
Sorry this one took so long friend! This is really similar to an AU that's out there for CoD and I wanted to be sure it was alright with that artist to write something with their concept. But without further ado, enjoy!~
It was common knowledge within the hybrid community the bad blood (no pun intended) between vampires and werewolves. So when Price made the decision to add you to the team, you and Soap were immediately in an understanding. While yes, in front of higher ups things were kept professional, everyone could practically feel the tension in the room when you were both in there.
Yet nobody could quite tell just what kind of tension it was. See, it was very clear that, due to being the species you were, there was something negative between you and the Scottish sergeant. However it was also blatantly obvious that the two of you did hold some sort of strange fondness for the other.
"Nice work today leech," Soap chuckled, passing you after a mission debriefing. You rolled your eyes so hard anyone who saw you would probably think they'd roll back into your head. You set your gun back in it's locker, slamming the door.
The mission hadn't exactly gone...poorly. The job got done at the end of the day, but there were quite a few screws that went loose. The fact that they were by your hands didn't help the matter by any means.
"You got something to say mutt?" You growled, crossing your arms defiantly. Your day hadn't exactly been the best and you knew Soap knew this. You weren't exactly in the mood for the lapdog's "cutesy little pet names" as Price affectionately called it. You swore that dragon was delusional.
Much to your irritation, Soap was quick to get in your personal space. He had his arms above yours, all but pinning you to the lockers behind you. "I dunno, mate, do you?" Now you knew good and well that "mutt" was Soap's least favorite little nickname you'd given him, so his actions weren't a surprise.
What was a surprise however, was the fact that you could smell the pheromones on him. Being this close to you was turning him on, making you quirk an eyebrow. "Maybe I do puppy," you smirked, reaching down and boldly palming his erection. "You first."
Soap inhaled sharply, growling lowly as you touched him. His clawed hands came forward, swiftly pinning your free hand to the metal of the locker. He juts his knee up, making it and his thigh rub up against your sex.
It's your turn to blush, hand moving more intentionally now to make him harder. You let out a soft whine when he starts to rock himself back and forth, stimulating you. Bodies are moving on their own now, pure instinct driving the interaction.
You're not sure when you ended up kissing him, or when the two of you stripped from the waist down. But here it was, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, the werewolf that drove you absolutely insane, was helping hold you up as he fucked you against the lockers. You had your arms locked around his neck, nails scratching at the base of his ears as you praised him with soft moans of "good boy," over and over.
"So good," he groaned, claws digging slightly into the soft flesh of your ass as he fucked you roughly. A particularly sensitive spot gets brushed by the head of his cock and it has you letting out a keen of pleasure. Combined with the tugging of his knot against your hole, you knew you wouldn't be lasting long.
It was so rough, raw, and hot, the two of you nearly forgot where you were. Each of you was lost in a haze of pleasure, your noises quiet save for the slapping of skin and slight shuddering metal. You drew yourself closer the more you inched towards your climax to nip at his neck, barely nicking the skin to lap at his blood.
"Close dove, I'm close," Soap growls, his previous rhythm lost to the urges and instinct to breed you as his knot slipped inside you. The extra insertion and attempts to keep yourself from completion meant you could only nod dumbly as a sign you were fine with him coming inside you. With a howl that he muffled against your shoulder, he finished, the two of you locking together where you ended and he began. You weren't far behind, head smacking slightly into the metal as you came, drawing your own blood as you tried to keep yourself quiet.
You and the sergeant panted heavily as you came down from your respective highs. The brunette's tail was wagging ever so slightly behind him and you couldn't help but chuckle. There was a lightness in your chest that you couldn't place, but it was certainly nice to not feel at your teammate's throat for once.
"While the show was appreciated," came a voice that seemed to materialize from the shadows. Ghost appears to your right, body shifting out of his Wraith form as he leans against the locker room door frame. "Next time, maybe pick somewhere a little more secluded to work out your anger issues eh?" Both you and Soap couldn't help but flush in embarrassment.
"Sorry L.T."
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stonertora · 1 year
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Hawks with a dragon hybrid s/o
minors dni! NSFW
warnings: creampies, anal, pp in v, bloodkink (ig?), squirting, choking, spit
i feel like his favorite bodypart would be your wings, simply because they are way bigger than his own, at least twice his size
your wings would be made of skin, he loves touching them, they're so soft and warm
he also loves stroking your horns, they’re so colorful and match your tail
speaking of your tail, he loves it when you two cuddle and you wrap your strong tail around his waist or leg, it makes his feel safe, he’s used to make others feel safe, so it was new to him to be the one feeling safe
he just thinks you look so cute but majestic at the same time, he’d treat you like the goddess you are
would definitely show you off to everyone
your eyes have the key to his heart fr, man was totally flabbergasted when he first looked at them, feeling completely lost and devoured to you
he loves watching you eat or laugh, tbh everything you do that shows your fangs, which have a weird influence on him, but in a good way,man’s totally obsessed with them
usually you’re the dominant, at least in your past realationships, he’d be the only one to dom you, for sure
the first times having sex with him were weird to you, being the submissive one was completely new and unknown to you, you definitely needed some time to get used to that
but you learned to completely trust him after some time, but that didn’t mean that you would make it easy for him tho 😏
jokes on him, he absolutely loves it when you ride him and choke him tho. it drives him insane, letting you have control of his breathing, his life at the very moment
he’s also so in love with your lil plump ass, you can’t get away without 2 spankings a day, at least. he mostly likes it covered in his cum
he’s always down to fuck your tight lil asshole tho. Man’s not horny rn? jus turn around and shake your cute lil ass for him, and he’s ready to to
don’t you dare tease this bird man though, he will 100% pin you down the same moment and will happily put a dildo in you pussy, a butt plug in your lil hole and a vibrator on your clit. he won’t fuck you tho. he’ll tie you up to your shared bed and leave you there for hours, and prolly watch tv while he eats sum nuggets he got from kfc later that evening
being a dragon hybrid you also have something similar to his mating season, but it’s more about fucking than love , at least it’s also about spring time. when this time comes, you two always take at least two to three weeks off work
he’s a whore for your wet cunt, he’d always tell you about how ,,it’s just made for me” or how it’s like ,,your cunt is shaped for my cock”, he’s also cumming in you a lot, cause it feels like you’re closer to each other, or maybe just because you look just so pretty, face all red from crying, his big cock fully inside your throbbing pussy, clit all swollen from the circles he rubbed in 10 mins earlier, his cum dripping out of your stretched out hole, ruining the sheets
you’re a whore for his neck kiss sessions, soft lips caressing the flesh of your soft skin, short little moans leaving your throat, just so desperate for him, hoping for him to cover your soft flesh in purple love bites for everyone else to see ❤️
once he bit down you neck a little too hard, making you bleed, he felt so bad and kept apologizing for hurting his princess, but at the same time it made his blood flush to his cock, he was ashamed about it at first, who would like seeing his s/o hurt or even bleed? jokes on you, it’s him, he does. it drives him crazy seeing how the thick red liquid matches with your pale skin, he can’t explain it
let’s not forget about that he has to work a lot, due being the number 2 pro hero of Japan, so when you get home all stressed about work and he’s not able to just fuck you, he’s always more than happy to help you realax. just sit on his face, and don't you worry about your weight, he would die a happy death, if he would suffocate between your thic thighs. he just wants to please his princess
one time he wouldn't stop fingering you, even tho you told him that you actually had to pee. long story short, you couldn't handle another orgasm and started squirting. the sheets getting covered in hot liquid, you were so embarrassed, Keigo on the other side, just unlocked a new kink.
he loves to spit in your mouth, your pussy or on your tits or stomach, but mainly in your mouth or pussy, it’s something that shows how intimate you allow him to be with you, how much you trust him
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cozycringe · 2 months
Been developing my Voltron/Wings of Fire AU some more and finally came up with some more designs
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Started getting lazy after Allura, but I managed to fit most the characters I wanted to design before my hand got tired.
Since the paladins are phyrrian dragons, it made sense for the aliens to be pantalan dragons to me because they’re on a different continent n stuff.
Allura and Coran are both silkwings and also the supposed last of their kind
Zarkon is a beetlewing, they’re canonically extinct but he’s like a gajillion years old so I think him being an extinct dragon race is pretty fitting. Haggar is a silkwing but it’s not very apparent with her hood, so most dragons assume she’s a hivewing (the galra are hivewings in this AU). Lotor is a hive and or beetle/silk hybrid, he’s just a silly guy fr.
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blooming-grove · 9 months
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oyasumimir 😴😴🛌💞🌙
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hinamie · 21 days
can we know more about Karucchi or is it spoiler territory? I love the big owl kitty so much
He's yuuji's spirit guide/animal companion (similar to appa and nala from atla/lok) who yuuji raised from a cub and grew up alongside . because of that bond + their spiritual connection they can understand each other n communicate to a degree
owltiger has both the properties of owl and tiger u know what that means it means it can coo AND purr . BIG toebeans . BIIIIIG wings. big and strong enough to carry yuuji comfortably and yuuji +1 slightly less comfortably in a pinch
his name (karura) is based off of the karura yokai (giant fire breathing bird-headed humans who feed on dragons) but yuuji (who was ~4/5 when he found him) gave him the nickname and continues to use it near-exclusively
He's actually the reincarnation of the owltiger that was Sukuna's companion back when he was avatar and sukuna hates that yuuji's basically turned him into a big housecat and is using a child's nickname for his deadly mount
design notes i mashed tgt a siberian tiger fr the size + a barn owl fr the heart face and black eyes + a great horned owl for the Ear tufts :'> idk if there are allowed to be three-animal hybrids in atla canon but this sign wont stop me smile
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synthaphone · 1 year
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somehow i had a fr dream... dreamt that the new ancients were like a weird hybrid between an aisha, mew, and a fr dragon, and to get them you had to mix a bunch of different grey concrete powders together in a new baking feature (do not know what that has to do with arcane or space, but thats just how it is with dreams i guess)
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httyd-art-requests · 4 months
maaaybeeeee for the hybrids name.. Stormchaser/Stormbringer/Stormrider? (I’m partial to stormchaser personally but I like all of these as possible names, what do you think?)
Augh Stormchaser is one of my favorite words fr... All of these are so good, thank you for the suggestions! If I can't think of anything different I'm prolly gonna settle on Stormchaser <3
Makes me think the dragon itself would actively seek out massive storms and follow them around to use as camouflage for hunting. Its roar sounds like faraway, rolling thunder and its fire looks like red flashing lightning in the clouds
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eric-makes-art · 4 months
Hi I have a question!
If you don't mind whould you like to explain what the hybrid types your AU are? And which merc is which hybrid?
Hmmmmm well here let me make a simple list! Reds first than blues
Chris - werewolf hybrid.
Sniper - owl harpy hybrid
Medic- dove harpy hybrid
Heavy - polerbear hybrid
Engi - bee hybrid {bc I love the bee engi fr}
Demo - parrot hybrid
Soldier - raccoon hybrid
Spy - French lop rabbit hybrid {bc his son is a rabbit two}
Scout - American rabbit hybrid
Pyro - wingless dragon hybrid
Sara - werehyena hybrid
Blu sniper - tiger shark
Blu medic - crow harpy hybrid
Blu heavy - grizzly bear hybrid {he lives somewhere warmer, it's not Russia but he is Russian!}
Blu engi - Flannel Moth hybrid {bc why not?}
Blu demo - cockatiel hybrid
Blu soldier - eagle harpy hybrid {bc in this AU there both American}
Blu spy - rattle snake
Blu scout - garden snake {he got no wrizz he get no venom.}
Blu pyro - same thing as red {there dragon friends :)}
There a whole God damn list...gezz that's alot of typing..
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