#hyde wings
killzilla · 7 months
you're telling me there's a dragon Jekyll and Hyde and no one is talking about it!?
i love Hailstorm, im only halfway through Book 7 but i would give everything for Hailstorm, the fact that he's such a....tragic character. like the torment of being an ENTIRELY different dragon. it would do numbers on her and i know it. this is existentialism incarnate. imagine being two people, but at the same time, only one. there are two sets of memories and feelings and.....man. i love you Hailstorm/Pyrite.
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i was also thinking of Alex G's song Mary and how the lyrics are:
"i am real and you are not."
and i feel like that's how she feels about herself, but there's no bitterness despite how conflicted the feelings are because he doesn't hate himself. in fact i think she loves herself in both of its entireties.
so anyway Hailrite [Pyrstorm?] might be my new favorite character.
also some doodles of the Jade winglet [except Moon bc i got tired im SORRY.]
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the haters will get me for this but i kinda like Winter/Kinkajou. 🫶
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dyad-tmesis · 4 months
Now I am wondering if Jekyll and Hyde have claws on their feet as well in the Magpie AU. I imagine that might make wearing shoes a bit difficult depending on how big they get.
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they’re pretty good about trimming frequently, it’s just far less so with their hands since Jekyll often wears gloves. Hyde on the other hand likes the set of natural weapons, fits the whole “spirit of London at night” aesthetic.
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hjonko · 6 months
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Ok simps come get ya’lls juice
This is a concept / changing design for a not-dead-Gaster
Deranged old men + Tumblr isn’t a good combo but im finna be brave and post it for ya’ll anyway 😫‼️‼️‼️
For context, to anyone new, Overchanged Gaster didn’t go kablooey in a core accident, nah, his ass got dusted when he tried to use science to break the barrier, and that dumbass decision is also what got Megan (The Soul of Charity) killed and Kedar all paranoid and eye-explodey in the first place, but hey, at least they can both wander around as ghosts now, right?
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lesbianturrets · 4 days
Hello my friends! I completely forgot to post my artfight card but here it is! I’ll be joining team Seafoam since it’s my duty as a coastal girlboy who’s obsessed with the beach >:3c MY JEKYLL AND HYDE FRIENDS UNITE I HAVE JEKYLL AND HYDE KITTIES pspspspsps I hope to see the lot of you on the battle field 🩵🩵🩵
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Pssst... pssssssst...
I have another Platonic Yandere Wings of Fire/X-Men AU ~ ! How about an au where Reader is a dragonet who is an outcast of their tribe due to a rare condition in their tribe that they hatched with? (a la Chameleon from Book 8: Escaping Peril)
They were outcasted, looked down upon, ostracized, possibly bullied and abused, due to their rare condition... Yet one day they either leave or are banished or chased away, and they stumble on a rare animus-touched item that can grant them a power they've always wanted...
To be a normal dragon with normal powers, or even a dragon with rare, mighty powers.
They end up creating a form/mask for each tribe, one that is enchanted to highlight certain parts of their personality in that form and to be able to fit in without sticking out too much... They keep the enchantment in a necklace or bracelet that is always on them, and has a different gem or charm that will spread its color to the rest, to indicate they are that tribe that at the moment (ex. red ruby or garnet means a SkyWing, opal means a RainWing, orange/yellow amber for HiveWing, etc.)
Ideas for what rare condition they could have ranges like this:
MudWing: blood red egg makes them fire/burnproof; snout deformity makes it so they can't hold their breath for an hour; was born without fire; hatched without sibs...
SandWing: hatched without their venom barb; hatched with albino/melanistic/dark golden scales; hatched with six claws...
SkyWing: hatched with too much fire/hatched with too little fire; has crippled/deformed wings; has paler scales than most SkyWings...
SeaWing: hatched with a deformed tail; has trouble swimming; hatched with odd scale colors (bright acid/lime green, indigo, extremely pale blue/green, etc.)...
RainWing: snout deformity where they can't change colors; inability to produce acid/venom...
IceWing: melansitic/darker scales; difficulty breathing frostbreath; odd patterns/eyes/colors...
NightWing: albino/pale scales; not hatched with any full moon powers; hatched under three full moons...
HiveWing: odd scale colors (bright gold-green, greenish-black, reddish-pink); albino/melanistic, odd power or no powers...
SilkWing: melanistic; deformed wings/wingbuds; inability to produce silk/is a flamesilk...
LeafWing: odd scale colors (amber brown, pink-red, gold); odd leafspeak/no leafspeak; deformed tail or wings...
Reader would have a mask (enchanted form) of each tribe, with its own name, color, size, abilities and personality, all a little different if not completely different, and each with a carefully crafted backstory. Reader made sure each of these forms were more or less "perfect" (undeformed/common/accepted). Some forms have fun powers, some are more down to earth, but all are crafted to match Reader and hide them, transforming them into a new dragon each time they change.
I'm going to call this the 🎭Jekyll and Hyde🐉 AU... And it's 🥚Tiny Talons🐉 variation is called the 🥚Tiny Rainbow🌈 AU...
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klqdraws · 7 months
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Hyde design for my silly Housemates AU which is getting an almost complete revamp 👍
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oofouchstovehot · 6 months
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I enter the event for fun art exchange.... I leave a common Monarch simp.... woops?
Other vers under the cut :] big wing and dramatic shadows means i draw stuff just to cover it up
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fandoms im in rn or have been in. in tags. this is just for my own convince. i mean convincentce. convitnece. fuckcooff
also because this is pinned main blog is @reds-not-red
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ddearmachine · 16 days
taking you into my grasp bc youre silly like me imagine jekyll and hyde wof au….
GIGGLES i have had a million ideas like this
j&h au with fathom and dartkstalker, j&h au with ruby/tourmaline, j&h au with hailstorm & pyrite, chameleon is quite literally jekyll... SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!!!
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transylvanilla · 10 months
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dualitytransformation · 5 months
@bdkrp asked: “ what’s going on? where are you taking me? ” for Hyde?
HE BARELY EVEN GLANCED BACK to give the other a glimpse. He simply chuckled at the comment, tugging at the rope that bound Bedeku’s wrists to pull them along. THEY WERE BLINDFOLDED, so they couldn’t see — which only made everything all the more exciting for Hyde and probably all the more scary for Bedeku.
“Don’t worry about it,” he answered, voice as smooth as butter. FALSE POLITENESS; that’s what he was giving. “We’re almost there. JUST KEEP IT MOVING, will you?”
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ad-hawkeye · 2 years
wait is artem's card that bad? omg it sound so out of character :((( i always feared they'd make him this dommy guy since a lot of the fandom wrongfully associates him to that trope ...
ANON I'M SO SORRY. as someone who feels the exact same way as you, i regret to say we literally took the biggest L of the century.
well. time to be blunt. i personally think the card is extremely out of character. to the point where when i was reading it, i didn't even process it was artem. my brain was just like oh. this is a whole other character. but seeing as i am in the small minority of people who feel this way (from what i see anyways), it just might be a preference thing. and for those reading who enjoyed it, please feel free to ignore this post and enjoy it! but as for you and i, anon, we seem to be on the same page with similar preferences ^^;...
i can give a quick run down of the card. i'll be vague. there are three parts (like the first anniversary cards). the first two are very normal and very artem-y. right down to artem avoiding eye contact with mc for weeks because he's too nervous about proposing.
if you jump ship at part 3 you'll have a normal experience with nothing lost and still get the proposal and everything.
because part 3 is where it goes off the rails. like, 0 to 100. FAST. like pure sleeper agent shit.
they're riding home, artem is shitfaced (wow shocker. this is their only fallback for him i swear), artem is like blabbering on about how he regrets being passive and wants mc to "proactively be [his]", then when they get back home. he immediately picks her up and starts making out with her
which like. Aight.
"can i push my greed a little further" is a line i then read with my own two eyes, mc quivers uncontrollably like a leaf, and then we get the only W of this part - mc says yes which like. nice. consent. the bare minimum. thanks hoyoverse.
we lose that W soon enough bc he bites her neck and keeps smirking and is like you will only gaze at ME from now on 😈 and has this really weird dommy back and forth with mc that is like uwahh artem i won't look at anyone else
also really funny bc this card confirms this is the first time they bang so i'm really glad artem just knows how to do all of this shit his first time. and by glad i mean baffled.
while we're at it, i think he's still holding her? like carrying her this whole time? while drunk? insane? then it fades to black. literally. the lights magically go off while he's still carrying her.
where was i. oh yeah. hated this card. i liked vyn's card where he tries to hide his boner with a jacket better because at least it was funny. artem's card (the final part essentially) was just sad.
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dyad-tmesis · 1 year
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Inspired by this lovely fic
Once Jasper finds out about this feathered predicament he’d absolutely tell Jekyll everything there is to know about large avian species he keeps and how he cares for them, neat bird facts in general, and advice on how to care for and maintain Jekylls wings. Maybe also lecture him for his neglect of the latter too-
(Hyde may or may not be listening in… he got invested with cool bird facts. Turns out Geese wings are so strong they can break bones, imagine what human sized wings could do!)
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arundolyn · 5 months
i don't really know how to articulate this super clearly but i really appreciate that like. kuon conceptually with the 8 floaty swords behind him could very easily have turned out like a murakumo knockoff and im impressed by how visually and stylistically distinct he is. its really nice
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zarah-hydeist · 1 year
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FINALLY!! *droooooool*
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urban-swan · 2 years
Utterson: What on Earth happened out there last night?! Hyde was out of total control and murdered several innocent people!
Jekyll: Well after consuming an estimation of 50.2 fluid ounces of carbonated caffeine Hyde had a sudden spur of energy; Possibly from the electrolytes and preservatives which increased the murderous tendencies he possesses; Meaning that the mass slaughter was the outcome from the large quantity of caffeine he had in such a short amount time…-
Also Jekyll: Red bull-
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