lightningdetection · 2 years
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Lightning Early Warning System
The Lightning Early Warning System is a custom designed app that can be used to help predict upcoming thunderstorms. Through the app, users are given a personalized forecast of when and where lightning is expected to strike. LEWS uses data from the National Lightning Detection Network and sends alerts in real time to users.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Importance Of Climate Learning In School
The aim of this article is to explore the importance of climate learning for a sustainability education. The first section looks at what climate learning entails and why it is important for understanding sustainability and for future resilience.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Students Role in Saving Environment
Students are often the best role models for the younger generation. They learn a lot in school, but they can also use that knowledge to help save our environment.5 ways to get involved. Students have the power to make a difference in the world.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Support Services For Cultivation
We are a supplier of automated cultivation equipment and offer services for the industry from design through installation, commissioning and start-up. The cultivation solutions of CROP Infrastructure are designed to meet the needs of every agricultural producer, regardless of the size or crop. We offer a range of services to help with all stages of production, from planning and design to harvesting and processing.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Lightning Alerts, And Detection
Lightning Alerts and Detection is a free app that lets you know when lightning strikes within a 10 mile radius of your location. It also alerts you to any nearby lightning and enables you to share your own lightning sightings. Lightning Alerts is a system for detecting lightning and issuing alerts to the people who might be in danger.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Weather Advisory For Agriculture
Weather Advisory For Agriculture is a management tool that can be used to monitor weather conditions and enable the user to make informed decisions about the agricultural operations that are being planned for a given day. Get your weather forecast for the next day and a 7-day outlook with The Old Farmer's Almanac.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Thunder And Lightning: What’s The Main Difference?
Thunder and lightning are two meteorological phenomena which often occur simultaneously, but have very different origins. Thunder and lightning are two common weather events that may seem the same, but there are a few important differences. Read this article to find out more about thunder, lightning, and how they differ.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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The Importance Of Weather Observations For Schools
Weather observations are an essential aspect of meteorology and climatology. They can be used to assess the current and future weather, as well as for disaster prevention. Whether you're a parent, a teacher, or an administrator, the Weather Observant app will help schools prepare for unexpected weather events. Weather observations are important for schools to be able to plan for the day.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Importance of Monitoring cultivation
Your garden is where you nurture ideas, cultivate growth and start a harvest of success. But how can you be sure that your seeds will sprout? Find out how to properly monitor the progress of your cultivation with these tips from our gardening expert.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Student's Safety Against Bad Weather
When the weather turns bad, school can’t go on. But it also means students have to make sure they are staying safe and prepared for the storm. Here are some tips to help you stay safe at school when the weather turns bad. During this season, rains and storms can affect the students’ safety. The students may have to face different weather situations such as heavy rains, thunder and lightening, strong winds, etc.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Precision Farming to increase your farm yield
Precision Farming - learn how to increase your farm yield Precision farming is a technology that can be used to increase the yield of crops. Achieve higher crop yields, reduce costs, and improve your bottom line. Our precision farming analytics helps you make better decisions with the data you already have.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Farming App Going to Benefit the Farmers
Farming App is a mobile app that is going to help farmers in various ways. Farmers can upload pictures and videos of their farming activities so that other farmers can benefit from their experience. Farming App is a mobile application that will connect the farmers to the consumers. One of the major benefits of Farming App is that it will provide a platform for a farmer to sell his produce directly to the consumers.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Benefits of a Thunderstorm Warning
Thunderstorms are a fact of life in the Midwest. But when they do happen, there are some significant benefits to having a storm warning in place. Thunderstorms can be scary and dangerous, but the benefits of a thunderstorm warning are worth the risk.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Role of Modern Technology in Agriculture
Agriculture is the world's largest and most important industry. Modern technology has been crucial to the development of agriculture, from mechanization, to fertilizers and pesticides, and innovations that are still yet to come. In recent years, agricultural technologies have become more and more important in the farming industry.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Heavy Rainfall Prediction App
Heavy rain falls with little warning, often causing flooding and water damage. Heavy rainfall prediction is essential for staying one step ahead of the storm. Here are 4 reasons why. Heavy rainfall prediction is essential for a variety of reasons. From municipal planning to managing reservoirs, there are a number of reasons why this type of weather forecasting is necessary.
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lightningdetection · 2 years
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Best Severe Thunderstorm Alert App
Severe Thunderstorm Alert is the best severe thunderstorm alert app for Android. With real-time notifications and alerts, you'll be the first to know if a severe thunderstorm is headed your way. Alerts for thunderstorms, flash floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes around you. Know the risks before it's too late.
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