#hygiene isnt just about like... its not just superficial? you know?
catgirlcrisis · 8 months
whoopsie-daisie hit reblog too fast
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What kind of traits would the baddies of your choice want in a s/o?
I hope it's okay that I just narrowed this down to my 5 favorite villains to avoid making it too long! I'll also try to not make them too OC and write what I honestly feel they would like.
~Desired traits in an S/O~
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~1. Overhaul~
-His S/O had to be quirkless. There is no way around that! Unless he falls for someone with a quirk (which is highly unlikely) then he'll just have to "cure" them.
-Someone with good hygiene habits. They have to do the shower twice a day, everyday. Brush your teeth and floss. Keep clean clothes on, minimal wrinkles. Keep their hair combed neatly (if they have hair) whether its keeping their raight hair straight, or keeping their afro puffed perfectly. Must be neat and clean at all times!
-He doesnt want someone that is too clingy. It's going to take him a looooooong time to let them touch them (if he ever decides to let them do it in the first place). They must also have a mask on at nearly all times.
-Doesnt really care about appearance when it comes to gender or sex or race or anything like that. He just wants someone clean, quirkless, and respectful to him. Be respectful to him and he will be the same to you. Also be loyal and supportive of his cause because nothing will stand in his way...not even you
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~2. Dabi~
-He has to have someone with a sense of humor because he will piss you off if you dont. He's playful and rough with a dark sense of humor so you have to be able to take that and throw it back at him with the same energy.
-I could lie and say he's not superficial but I promised for the sake of this ask that I wouldn't make them OC. Therefore, Dabi is more than likely going to look at your appearance before your personality. He's attracted to whether or not you're hot to him.
-I dont do NSFW but I'll start on the border line by saying he has a high drive so he's gonna look for that in an S/O as well.
-Doesnt want someone too controlling but he also likes an S/O that isnt scared to put him in his place from time to time.
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~3. Shigaraki~
-Someone utterly willing to submit to his every whim. The respect he gives you will come later in the relationship after you've proven yourself to him.
-He doesnt really want someone too overbearing but he needs someone to nurture him from time to time. He wants to hear things will be alright. He wants to feel soft touches of medicine being applied to his skin. He wont admit that though
-He wants a shorter S/O as well. They dont have to be too short, but he wont date you if you're taller than him. He wants to feel like he's in control and that he's powerful as well.
-Definitely wants a gaming S/O!!!
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~4. Toga~
-Someone who doesnt mind being slashed or cut up. She knows it's a lot to ask for, but every once in a while she wants to poke them...to taste their blood. She wants to be them sometimes too!
-She wants someone open minded that wont call her out for being so weird all the time. She also wants a super clingy S/O!!!
-Her S/O has to be willing to wear whatever matching item she gets them. Really she needs someone that's obsessed with her like she is with them
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~5. Setsuno~
-LOYALTY. He wants an S/O that's loyal and trustworthy to him. He doesnt want to risk another heartbreak!
-He also wants a fairly clingy S/O. He needs that validation that they're obsessed with him and no one else. He wants to feel like the only one, the center of their attention and love.
-Responsible S/O's are good to him too! They should be responsible with money above all else. He needs that self discipline in his life too.
-He also values a kind S/O
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a-wayofthinking · 7 years
mint, key lime, red velvet, blue moon, peach, blueberry lemon, fudge, dark chocolate
mint:   the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?    - i cant remember if i have one specific thing, rather my everyday life seems like a series of embarrassments. The most recent (like a week ago) was when my friends were talking about things that creep me out (and i was trying to ignore them by focusing on drawing) when all of a sudden another friend (who we all thought had left already) opened the door behind me and i screamed and dropped to the floow from the couch nd crawled under the table. key lime: where do you want to be right now?            - Madina red velvet:   do you wear prescription glasses?            - eyeglasses? yee i have big nerdy glasses which ive come to like lately, but im just not used to wearing them in everyday life since i mostly need them if im reading something from afar etc., so for example in classes if im sitting in the last rows. peach:   how do you relax?      - i meet friends, draw henna tattoos. do pilates and stretching, read books, take my little sister out on the front yard (shes like 2,5 and its surprisingly easy for me to get to her lvl when it comes to playin outside) aaaandd.. i paint things and write recipes of natural/diy stuff. Theres probably more that i cant remember. blueberry lemon:  favorite blogs?            - certain blogs based on spreading knowledge of our religion and i guess the blogs i mostly reblog from (im sorry i cant specify right now since ive never really thought about this myself, if you want recommendations just msg me and i’ll try to list) fudge:  turn offs?        - Bad character (as in arrogance, coldness, cruelness, aggressiveness, rudeness, the “im gonna do this just cause i can” -attitude, selfishness, greedyness, unloyalty/lying). Not practising Islam, laziness in the way that its constant and severe (as in choosing to not work, never wanting to do anything), making fun of people, being all too familiar with nonmahrams,  being too serious and not joking and playin around nd whatever, superficial, gossiping, bad hygiene and not taking care of ones health, bodybuilding and mma stuff and boxing, not trying to improve oneself.
dark chocolate:  turn ons?           
- uuummm..well everything contradictory to what i previously listed. good character; kindness to people and animals and nature, politeness, modesty (not just in appearance but in ones speech and attitude too),  beingcaring and merciful to others and the usuals like loyalty and honesty.
having interests and passions and goals (so i guess ambitiousness?), being funny in some way: someone one can laugh and have fun with/has good sense of humour, intelligence, making an effort for the things one cares about, playfulness, patience, being taller than me, knowing when to be a man and when a child, independence but also being able to ask for help and support (which i guess isnt contradictory even since everyone needs help sometimes), doing a (nonviolent) sport, spontaneity and for some reason being good at math, recycling and also knowing how to cook.
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