viktorbot · 2 years
ok that's all sorry for the carnage
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keptfatkepthumble · 9 months
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TW: HyperBator
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kragehund-est · 8 months
one of my favorite tropes is "weird unruly house pet that's obviously a demon/alien/monster and it's owners are either oblivious or in denial"
partially because it's funny to watch people say "we think she's a pug/greyhound/chow mix :) she can get a bit fiesty, but she loves cheez-its and belly rubs!" about a rat demon from the 3rd circle of hell.
partially because i'm convinced 7th dimension hyperbeings are observing me pet pippi like "LOL how does she think that's a dog? that's clearly a bloodsworn bat homunculus. it is kinda cute tho."
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lordplavis · 3 months
For the fucking third time!!!!!
For the third time today I got fucking eating disorder encouragemebt posts. And like im not being hyperbally here..... Like literally just.... Two were even tagged as that!!!! Like.... Why does that exist..... I....
And like why do i get it?????
I don't need that in my life rn.
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sasster · 2 years
idk! having someone have an unrequited crush on u can be odd. but I guess y’all r both pretty chill about it so it’s cool :-)
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~) I think that she is m)x(stly hyperb)x(lic ab)x(ut it, at any rate |
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balenciagaextensives · 4 months
'once effectice change factor of a Tenyure/Hyperbeing/Singularity idc & why99%.&if1%+1%=200%..
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kmp78 · 7 months
"I think their entanglement is far from over more like it's hyperbating HYBERNATING right now."
Ugh I'm too stupid to type today.
Gotcha! 😂
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agentparkman · 8 months
22: Skytek x Bluewear Hyperbe all Living Organisms on Earth
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babyawacs · 8 months
@ajnews .@kingsalman @presstv @sputnikint .@dw .@israel .@haaretzcom @thehague #thehague @scotusblog @law @harvard_law  aha #thehague #court tries to protect the civillians but doesnotbelieveitself in genocide hyperb oly. itis an unprecise verdict atbest. hamas is not a legitimate warparty: targetting civillians expending own civillians ha s no right to call the court. proxies calling the court for them is illegitimate. anyoperation against such a group is not gen ocide. any procedure to protect the civilpopulation declinates from this.
@ajnews .@kingsalman @presstv @sputnikint .@dw .@israel .@haaretzcom @thehague #thehague @scotusblog @law @harvard_law aha #thehague #court tries to protect the civillians but doesnotbelieveitself in genocide hyperboly. itis an unprecise verdict atbest. hamas is not a legitimate warparty: targetting civillians expending own civillians has no right to call the court. proxies calling the court for…
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Unveiling the Synergy of Somatic Experiencing and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Holistic Healing”
In the realm of holistic healing, the combination of Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) stands out as a powerful synergy, offering a comprehensive approach to physical and emotional well-being. At the forefront of this integrative healing experience is Hyperbaric O2 Health, where the convergence of these therapeutic modalities is unlocking new possibilities for individuals seeking holistic healing.
Understanding Somatic Experiencing (SE):
Somatic Experiencing, developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine, delves into the intricate connection between the body and the mind in the context of trauma and stress. SE operates on the principle that the body has an innate ability to self-regulate and heal from the impacts of traumatic experiences. By addressing the physical sensations associated with trauma, SE facilitates the release of stored energy, promoting emotional resilience and a sense of safety.
Understanding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT):
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment, allowing the body to absorb higher levels of oxygen into the bloodstream. This increased oxygen supply supports cellular repair, reduces inflammation, and enhances the body’s natural healing processes. HBOT has proven effective in treating a range of conditions, from chronic wounds to neurological disorders.
The Synergy Unveiled:
Trauma Resolution and Cellular Healing:
The synergy between SE and HBOT addresses trauma on both emotional and physical fronts. SE, by focusing on the release of trauma held in the body, complements the cellular healing promoted by HBOT. This dual approach allows for a comprehensive resolution of trauma, addressing both the emotional and physical aspects of the individual’s experience.
Regulation of the Nervous System:
SE’s emphasis on regulating the autonomic nervous system aligns seamlessly with the oxygenation and nervous system benefits of HBOT. The combination supports a balanced state between the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, crucial for managing stress and trauma responses effectively.
Reduction of Inflammation:
HBOT’s well-documented anti-inflammatory effects are enhanced when combined with SE. While HBOT directly reduces inflammation by delivering oxygen to inflamed tissues, SE’s stress reduction contributes to an overall decrease in chronic inflammation. This dual impact makes the combination particularly effective in managing inflammatory conditions.
Comprehensive Mind-Body Healing:
SE’s focus on emotional resilience and the release of trauma energy complements the physical restoration facilitated by HBOT. Together, they create a holistic approach to mind-body healing, addressing the interconnected nature of emotional and physical well-being.
Personalized Treatment Plans at Hyperbaric O2 Health:
Customized Integration:
At Hyperbaric O2 Health, the integration of SE and HBOT is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, treatment plans are meticulously crafted based on individual needs. This personalized strategy ensures that each person’s unique circumstances and healing journey are taken into account for optimal outcomes.
Holistic Wellness Focus:
Recognizing the profound interconnection between the mind and body, Hyperbaric O2 Health places a strong emphasis on a holistic wellness focus. SE and HBOT are thoughtfully integrated to address emotional and physical well-being simultaneously, fostering a truly comprehensive healing experience.
The synergy of Somatic Experiencing and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Hyperbaric O2 Health unveils a groundbreaking approach to holistic healing. This integration goes beyond addressing symptoms; it taps into the core of trauma and stress, promoting resilience and revitalization. For those seeking a transformative journey toward comprehensive well-being, the combined power of SE and HBOT at Hyperbaric O2 Health opens doors to new possibilities, unlocking the innate potential for healing and restoration in both mind and body.
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keptfatkepthumble · 6 months
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X: HyperBator
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lp-23 · 10 months
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'All Terran Super & Hyperbeings create History in their own image
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Ya'll I really wanted to just post the entire confrontation scene with Slick. Or Cody and Rex's reunion, or even the bits about Cody tying at the mention of the infamous recruitment poster.
I settled on this one. Takes place after the shitshow of Rex finding out Slick is alive and has been unknowingly part of his clone rescue operation due to the splintered and highly compartmentalized nature of their network.
It's super rough as always. I am not kidding when I say out of this 22,000K word fic (seriously, El?? Like really control yourself woman) it has 999+ suggestions. It's actually giving me anxiety thinking about having to edit this.
EDIT: I also had a minor heart-attack because I'd opened a new focus document so I could try and fix this up a little bit and it replaced my existing doc and I COULD NOT FIND IT. And my backup file in google docs only has the first 15 pages? Like I've been regularly copy/pasting I thought but it was like troll lol lol lol no.
I was able to recover it but ya'll. I would have been devastated if I lost all that time and work. Like I would left the internet for another two years level of devastated. orz. Okay, maybe not that extreme but it would have been ugly.
Outside, the heat was still unbearable, but at least the suns mainly had set now, so the chances of anyone recognizing them outright were relatively slim.
Because his treacherous sense of balance and knees didn’t feel like they were up for any extended walking, Cody indicated a crumbling mudbrick as a place to cop a squat, and they made their way towards it.
“I don’t understand; you sound like you were defending him back there, Codes. Slick? You remember what he did, don’t you?”
He supposed it was a valid concern concerning the recent biochip he’d had in his head.
It didn’t mean it didn’t rankle all the same.
“Of course I remember what he did. I wanted to shoot him myself when I first saw him. Or I would have if I hadn’t been on the brink of karking death.”
The concern seemed to win out over outrage. “What? What happened to you, Cody?”
“I deserted, but I didn’t have a good plan in place, and it bit me in the ass. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to get off of Coruscant if you’re a rogue clone. I thought I could raise the credits and find a way of buying my way off the planet. But with these new chain codes, I couldn’t find legal work. Not to mention they have bounty hunters and entire gangs that roam around hunting for clone deserters. So I had to keep going deeper and deeper until I was in the lowest of the low places. I ended up in a camp built by other unhoused illegals. It was hell, Rex.” Cody confessed softly, and he distantly felt his brother sling his arm around his shoulder in a comforting manner.
The movement jostled his wounded arm, which meant the good pain meds were wearing off but also suggested he’d probably be able to stand up straight and run if he needed to, so he’d take the tradeoff.
“I took what work I could, which, let me tell you? None of the awful jobs we had in the GAR could compare. This was stuff so vile and noxious or too dangerous they didn’t even want to risk the cost of repairing droids to accomplish it. It was pure, predatory exploitation of the most vulnerable residents of the planet. And there are entire cottage industries around it.”
The anger that kindled in his heart when he spoke of that was white hot and fueled with still real memories of what he’d been forced to do to survive.
“And, of course, the pay was a complete joke. I could have worked the rest of my unnaturally accelerated life and wouldn’t have been able to save up enough to book passage off that planet. Then I got injured, and it’s not like I could walk into a med-clinic asking for treatment. So it got infected and finally got so bad that I legitimately traded away every credit I’d scrapped together to buy a bacta tube older than we are. I’m not being hyperbolic when I say I was on the brink of death when Slick found me.”
“Where did you get wounded?” Rex’s protective little brother instincts reared their ugly head, and it was only then that he seemed to notice the blood that soaked through the bandages and the sleeve of his arm. “What the hell Cody?!”
“Relax, I probably just popped a stitch or something. Sy will prolly complain about me ruining her beautiful work or some osik, but it can wait a bit. This is more important.”
The look Rex shot him was unfriendly and patented Captain Rex’s judgment.
“So out of the top five list of people I least expected to show up coming to my rescue was Slick. Right up there with Darth-kriffing-Vader and the vaping Emperor. Not going to lie, vod. He got the drop on me, too; I was sitting there in the garbage and refuse, trying to pull the rags. I laughingly called my shirt, and there Slick was standing over me with a blaster in my face. I thought I was a goner right then and there. Stars know if our situations had been reversed, I wouldn’t have hesitated to put a blaster bolt in his head.”
“Exactly!” Rex huffed.
“And I would have been wrong. He ended up stunning me, taking me back to his ship, and saving my karking life. He gave me medical treatment to keep me from losing my arm or worse and then told me how he was working on smuggling brothers off of Coruscant. He talked about how Howzer and his team saved him and gave him a new purpose. He’s made it his purpose to save as many brothers as possible, and I believe him.”
Rex immediately scoffed at the concept, unwilling to even contemplate that Slick had anything but ulterior motives in mind.
“Think about it. What was the reason he gave us all those years ago for why he betrayed the GAR? He wanted to save as many brothers as possible by cutting the war as short as possible. It was a completely idiotic plan and utter nonsense, but I believe he believed that even now.”
“It doesn’t forgive what he did, Cody.”
“It doesn’t, but everyone deserves redemption. And after three years of rotting in a jail cell, can you say anyone else will understand what our brothers still trapped behind enemy lines are going through?”
“Doesn’t matter; I wouldn’t trust that quacta as far as I could throw him with one finger.”
“I understand that. Allow him to prove you wrong.” An idea that was so wild and radical came to him that he barely dared utter it aloud. “I want to help you with this operation. What you’re doing here is…it’s everything. And I want in. Put Slick under my command, and if he proves to be a traitor, I’ll shoot him myself.”
The questioning look Rex shot him spoke volumes. “Can I trust your judgment on that?”
Cody shot him an exasperated look in return. “Of course, you can. I haven’t forgiven him myself, and I don’t know if I will ever be in a place where I can. But I understand his need to do something. To save as many of our brothers as he can. It’s a chance at redemption for him, and let’s be honest with ourselves. We all have things we want to make amends for. Mistakes we wish we could unmake and people we couldn’t save.”
It didn’t take a graduate in psychology degree to know who Cody was talking about, and Rex just leaned his head against his brother’s with a quiet sigh.
“I couldn’t save Skywalker or Amidala, or Jesse…Kix…Fives. I get it. I hope you’re not setting yourself up for disappointment, vod.”
“If I am, it wouldn’t be the first or last time. Now…tell me about Ahsoka? You managed to get her out?”
Rex sighed and quietly told the painful story of what had happened on the Tribunal and everything that had happened from there. How’d he’d painstakingly build up his network of clones trying to save clones. How he’d heard whispers of a network doing the same thing for Jedi.
That knowledge had Cody’s heart leaping in his throat.
They talked for a while, catching up on what felt like years of missing time when in reality it had barely been a year.
Eventually got interrupted, not by one of the others but by an Eopie whose paddock fence they were seated on made its presence known by nuzzling at the top of Cody’s hair and lipping at his curls in an exploratory manner that didn’t bode well for his continued possession of said hair.
He pulled away with a laughing grimace. “I think it’s trying to eat my hair.”
Rex laughed uproariously at the mental picture. “I mean, you’re not exactly the picture of regulation anything right now, ori’vod. Come on, lets go join the others.”
“Can I trust you to not try and shoot Slick?”
“I won’t shoot him so long as he doesn’t do anything shifty. That’s the best you’re gonna get out of me. And I still think you’re nuts wanting to take him on but if it means we get you as an asset, I’d be a damned fool to look a gift bantha in the mouth.”
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Wait is aiwta waits-
On and djwbdi
I can’t English rn isndjabf sorrysj
Okayeb so- hellow!!!!!!!
Imwwifb- caffeinateb right now holyehiwjf sheieheh!!!!
I feel so awake but so alseeeps????? Hwldhwkdh!!!!
Thisb irb wooojd
I shoudls not be sodg hyperb!!!!!!
- Z
Oh dear! Oh dear, did you eat with your caffine?? If not maybe food will help!!!
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Hyperbent - A Modern Music WordPress Theme
Hyperbent – A Modern Music WordPress Theme
LIVE PREVIEWBUY FOR $79 Hyperbent is a modern and clean WordPress Theme for musicians, artists, labels and everyone working in the music industry. It includes all the feature you need to create a professional music website easily and quickly. Discography, Tour Dates, Playlist Manager, Store, Video & Photo Gallery etc. It is made simple and functional out of the box, yet offer high customization…
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jane02sara · 2 years
HYPERBOLIC STRETCHING – (BEWARE) - Hyperbolic Stretching Review – HYPERB...
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