#hyperfocus was definitely a go today
kradogsrats · 2 years
Rewatch Shitposts: S2, Ep 5-9
Viren, entering the summit: “… surely you’d not part an old man from his walking stick?”
Making a solid effort to reclaim his drama queen crown from Lujanne, too
imo they chose the worst of the possible concept designs for Aanya, but oh well
there are apparently a lot of assassinations in the human kingdoms, which is an interesting political climate
Viren somehow narrating this intimate, private conversation between Sarai and Harrow in great detail
Including “oh yeah, and Sarai had whatever the wife version of a cuckholding kink is”
just saying, that’s kinda sus lmao unless this is a polyamorous triad and Viren was there
A lot of digital ink has been spilled about Harrow’s decision to help Duren, but what I’m noticing here is that they are asking for help seven years into the situation, when it’s a crisis. That seems a very irresponsible time to make a first overture, so I’m forced to conclude that they previously asked Harrow’s father for help and were turned down. Along with the assassinations thing, the current period of peace and cooperation between the human kingdoms reads as a) recent, and b) very fragile.
Did not notice before but they did actually pull the gray out of Viren’s hair and beard for the flashback. At this point he has already taken his initial corruption damage and is using the revitalization spell, so the later gray is probably true aging. (Though it could be the spell slowly becoming less effective.)
Startled by the direct parallel drawn between Callum opening the letter and cracking open the magma titan in the flashback because I actually don’t know what that’s trying to say? Unless it’s just “we need to cliffhanger both the A and B plots for the end of the episode at the same time”?
Why did they do recaps for every episode, anyway? Didn’t they just drop each season in one chunk?
I’m not convinced you can aim a ballista that precisely, but I also don’t actually know anything about siege weaponry.
Viren has apparently cast his one spell per long rest and cannot do anything else in this fight.
This is a much better “everyone learns important lessons” episode than the Cursed Caldera one
Also the parallels just SO GOOD, probably best writing in the show
Okay, as I thought, the “Sarai’s last breath in a jar” is… not exclusively a novelization thing, because we have already seen the jar in Harrow’s momentary flashback to preparing the spell (AND in the credits sketch), but it’s not shown or explained at this time.
The population numbers they’re talking about are kind of ridiculous, though. An army of a million, as Aanya mentions, is preposterous for this kind of setting.
Callum pulls out the Key: AGAIN, STAR-SIDE UP
And again, Star-side in the credits sketch
Oh my god is this finally the wormvaros episode? I have been waiting for these gummi worms SO LONG
We ALL enjoyed that Sailor Moon reference, Callum
Yeah, I feel like this season is where they made Soren stupid, beginning with the sarcasm thing (Soren had no trouble parsing sarcasm before?) and just escalating from there.
Rayla… knows the sound of an angry, attacking dragon? Does this happen in Xadia a lot?????
It’s funny, I remember this entire dragon sequence as being very different, tonally. Like, I remember a lot more emphasis on “Soren has absolutely fucked up”? idek
“Why be chained down, when I can be chained… up?” another absolute peak humor moment
wormvaros wormvaros wormvaros
oh never mind more dragon first
I actually like how Rayla and Soren are pretty evenly matched in a fight
Oof that uh… cronch
Noted: Aaravos’s blood is red, which I have wondered about
Also the portal between the two cups that the worm goes through is red… traditionally the Dark magic color. In the primals symbology rainbow, at least. Need to think more about the relationship between that and the purple usually associated with casting it, because it feels like the edge of... something.
I’m usually more interested in Watsonian analysis but pretty sure the Doylist reason for wormvaros crawling under Viren’s clothes is that it moves way too fast to not look ridiculous when animated
me, mouth stuffed full of gummi worms: /promptly chokes when Aaravos says “Speak,” because I’m a dumbass
Key is Earth-side up in the credits sketches, a bold choice
Vision quest time!
Disappointingly, the new Dark magic side of the Key cube Callum pulls out of the pile of keys is not the side that was originally Star. BUT it’s the side that was originally Sky, which is what holds most significance for Callum himself, and this is his subconscious. Actually quite tickled that they put in that detail.
Callum: “Who are you?”, Dark Callum: “I’m you, but with a cooler cape”
”…It’s your dream, kid. /scoots away” ffgddfs????
Nice “freedom from expectations/destiny” parallel scenes transition between Callum’s hallucination and Soren’s “it’s okay, I’ll be a poet now”
As vision quest dreams go, Callum’s is actually written pretty well. Nice combination of meaningful metaphors and complete acid trip through recent memories, highly relatable.
…. oh my god, I only just now figured out that “banther” is a combination of “bear” and “panther”?
I probably owe the “Claudia talks about her mom leaving” scene some kind of acknowledgment just because I’ve gotten so much mileage out of that 30 seconds, plus maybe 2 total corresponding pages of novelization
and I completely forgot this sequence with Sarai that brings Callum out of his hallucinations, what the hell?
Me tearing up again when Callum casts the rune… it’s these fucking music cues, man
BROS BROS BROS BROS /gross sobbing
Oh shit yes finally time for the real drama to start
So like I get the Aaravos voice kink thing, because even for someone who really doesn’t process the characteristics of individual voices (i.e., me) his voice is definitely extraordinary, so I assume for people who can actually tell which Skyrim NPCs have the same three voice actors it must be absolutely mind-blowing… but for me it was the motion of him casting the big runes that really made me go “oh… oh fuck”
I really have to assume that Aaravos just immediately healed that arrow wound to Viren’s knee because there’s just no other explanation but too bad his adventuring career is over either way
... aaaand I guess they kind of have to find Viren’s secret dungeon now, or Gren would have a few pretty serious problems. Thanks, credits sketch, for clearing that up!
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emkini · 2 years
Good part of hyperfocus: I can create 30 drawings per day and be proud of all of them, the inspiration is endless and I am god 
Bad part of hyperfocus: I have not showered, changed, cleaned my room, done homework, or slept like a normal person for a week 
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
Hot for Teacher(s)
Part 1/? Read on AO3
Omegaverse modern au where steddie are both teachers. Eddie is teaching single omega Steve's son.
Eddie let out a satisfied sigh as the latest parent left his classroom. Parent/teacher conferences were always a tad stressful, even if there was no tangible reason to be. Most of his kids were doing well in all their subjects. There were only a couple behavioral outliers but Eddie knew that those parents rarely showed up but from professional and personal experience.
The main reason he didn't look forward to these was how selective kids could be with the information they shared. More than once in his years, a parent would arrive with a bone to pick about a problem that was apparently happening in the classroom that Eddie had no idea was occurring. These kids came up to him ten times a day to tell him what their little sister had for lunch two days ago but god forbid they admit when they have a problem with another student.
Today's appointments had mostly been smooth, though. It typically wasn't the quote unquote problem children whose parents showed up anyway. He just had one more person to go and then he could run out the clock fixing up his room until he was allowed to go.
He double checked the name. Shawn Harrington. Good kid. Bright, active, and it sounded like their parent had arrived.
"Mr. Munson? Hi, I'm Shawn's dad."
Eddie looked up to see a total smoke show.
"Hi", he cleared his throat when it squeaked out. "Nice to meet you, come in, have a seat." Eddie had Shawn's folder ready, like the other kids to show any work that should be highlighted, as well as his grades up on his laptop. "So did you have any concerns or worries about Shawn?"
Eddie quickly went in autopilot. It was the only way he was going to get through this. He was going to keep his eyes from drifting to that smooth sweep of this man's hair. He wasn't going to hyperfocus on his pretty lips. He wasn't going to gaze deeply into those chocolate brown eyes. He wasn't going to flare his nostrils to take in more of his scent. And he definitely wasn't going to check his fingers for any rings.
Bare hands.
Very nice hands.
They had a nice, brief conversation about the student's progress, and Eddie couldn't help but give him a glowing review. Even if Mr. Harrington wasn't totally hot, his kid was a wonder at times.
"He listens and pays attention well, always raising his hand to answer questions. If you don't mind me saying so, he just seems really prepared for school."
Which was saying something when many of the other first graders were still asking things like 'do we have to do math?' or 'are we going home today?' Eddie remembered being little and having pretty much no control over his life, so he could relate to the tiny ones still getting the hang of school. But kids like Shawn were a breath of fresh air.
"He did pretty well in kindergarten and I put him in daycare pretty early", Mr. Harrington said. "He gets really excited for school and I can tell he really likes you so far."
His smile could have blinded Eddie. He wanted to gush on just to keep seeing that smile.
"That means a lot, thank you." It wasn't a strong stigma but sometimes people got iffy over an alpha teaching children so young. It was thought they needed the 'gentler' hand of an omega. His eyes drifted back down to Mr. Harrington's hands. Yep, there was no ring there.
Now Eddie would never ask out or even flirt with a parent. That was off limits. But you know, if he got a little creative with his fantasies... well, you can't go to jail for thought crimes.
They said their parting words and Eddie was definitely not watching that ass in those khaki slacks. God, was there anything more cliche than him being a teacher and having the hots for a parent? He tried to keep his mind off it as he fixed up his classroom. He wouldn't even be seeing the guy that much. Not unless something came up with Shawn. And that kid was kind of an angel.
It was Friday, so once he was done, he went home to enjoy his weekend. Come Monday, there was a cacophony of voices. Half talking to each other and the other half trying to both greet him good morning and get right into another conversation. Eddie took it all with a smile.
"Mr. Munson, did you tell my mom about my butterfly!?", Theresa exclaimed, pointing to their bulletin board where their work hung.
"Mr. Munson, I got cheez-its in my lunch today", Victoria said, opening up said lunch box.
"Did you really talk to our parents?", Walker asked, arms crossed.
"Most of them", Eddie answered once they gave him a breath to speak.
"He talked to my dad", Shawn said. "And he said you said I was good."
"That I did", Eddie nodded, watching them as they put their coats and bookbags away. Theresa and Walker were known to fight over hooks.
"Mr. Munson, did you know my dad is a teacher too?", Shawn asked.
"I did not know that. Explains why you're so ready for school."
"Yeah, we practiced", Shawn said as he sat down to get started on the warm up.
Eddie raised a brow, wanting to ask what he meant by that, but his attention was grabbed when there was a shriek and a cry from Yasmin. He steeled his nerves for the day. He would need the fortitude.
When Steve walked into the classroom to meet Mr. Munson, he didn't know what to expect. He regretted missing Back to School Night, but his had been on the same evening and as a teacher, he couldn't miss it. But Shawn had nothing but good things. So he went in with optimism.
And was met with a gorgeous, gorgeous man sitting at the teacher's desk. For a second, Steve was sure he had the wrong room.
"Mr. Munson? Hi, I'm Shawn's dad."
His hair was pulled back in a bun and Steve's first thought was how it must look when it was down. Honestly, Steve couldn't tell you exactly what he had said. His tongue felt twisted the whole time as did his stomach. But Mr. Munson was smiling through it all and hadn't brought up anything bad about Shawn, so Steve must really be selling it.
He wanted to say that Mr. Munson's praise meant the world to him. That it wasn't always easy to bring up a kid as a single omega parent. But that felt too personal for a first meeting. And mentioning he was single would probably be too forward. When it ended, they shook hands, allowing Steve to get just a little close. He caught a whiff of his scent and instantly wanted more. At least enough to pinpoint what it reminded him off.
But he had to let go just as quickly and then leave without lingering. He was NOT going to be the type of parent that made goo-goo eyes at his child's teacher. It wasn't like Shawn needed the leg up and Steve was done with his slut era. So even thought Mr. Munson could definitely get it, he was absolutely off limits.
And if Steve went home and immediately put the rest of the school year's events in his own calendar, that was simply because he was an amazing dad and for no other reason.
Part 2
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littlemessyjessi · 11 months
You Change Your Aesthetic Constantly : Stray Kids Reactions
You Change Your Aesthetic Constantly:  Stray Kids Reactions 
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As someone who's wardrobe is literally all black… he can not relate, lol.   However, he doesn't mind it. It's a nice change to his constant look.  However, you can kiss matching couples outfits goodbye.  Though he's not so secretly very into the idea.   10/10 probably tries to match the 'vibe' out of your outfits through accessories… though it's not necessarily obvious.  You probably can't even tell but he knows and it makes him happy to know it. Makes him giddy as fuck to know that you wore all silver jewelry today with black ripped jeans and combat boots and so did he.  Probably snaps a picture of ya'll's boots together or your hands laced together with all the silver rings glittering in the light.  
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Insists that you get the cats matching outfits.  No but like seriously.   You post your outfit of the day and he just starts posting #ootds of the cats and tagging you.   He didn't intend for it to become such a thing but suddenly all the Stays are posting pictures of their pets and tagging you both.  Next thing you know the hashtag #ynthestayfashionmom/dad/parent is trending and you're giving him the stink eye.  He has the gall to look innocent.  But you continue to post your styles, he continues to post the cats and all the Stays continue to dress their pets.  
Suddenly, you become a mother to millions. Sigh. However, you get revenge because eventually… you force him to join you because… "It's a fucking family event, babe. And you started it.  So suck it up and put on the duck shirt." He pulls a face but actually that picture with him, you and the cats in a duck themed outfit is literally his phone background. 
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Well as a self proclaimed lover of dark things… Idk if he's going to be matching you if you decide to go sweet kawaii.  However, he's definitely down to match on occasion.  He probably not likely to match you super often. However, he probably would enjoy the process of watching you lay out your outfits for the week and hearing your concepts for each of them.   Changbin strikes me as a very open person when he loves someone.  So I feel as if he'd very much enjoy lounging on the bed watching as you pick things out.  He'd offer his opinion if you asked but mostly he just enjoys hanging out and watching you express your creativity.  It's hard to bare your creative passions in front of someone.  It's vulnerable.  So he appreciates that not only do you not mind him being there but also value his opinion enough to include him. He likes the time and inclusion.   It's more about the time and the meaning but he looks forward to the lazy Sunday afternoons where you pull out the clothing rack and start crafting each outfit. 
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100% steals your outfit ideas.  Not even a joke.   Specifically waits until you get dressed and then will literally copy it as close as he can get within his own wardrobe.  You didn't want a twin?  Too bad.   Has literally went into your wardrobe and online shopped the exact items.   The package arrived and he's pulling out the exact same shit in your close in his size.  And you just mean mug him.   "Outfit stealer." you accuse.  "I'm lazy and you're stylish."  he'd defend with a shrug.  "Don't try to flatter me!"   "That wasn't flattery.  That was factual information.  If I was going to flatter you I would've said that those pants make your ass look good enough to eat.  Matter of fact, lemme just-"  "Hyunjin!" 
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Well, truthfully he probably finds it refreshing because in a way he gets it.  His hyperfocus has him into something like crazy for a while and then he's done.  So probably vibes with you on this.   He gets it.   Definitely expect him to take spontaneous burst of matching with you for like a week straight and then wearing the complete opposite for a like a month until one day he decides he wants to pick your outfits out for you like two weeks, lol. 
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Honestly?  If you're happy, he's happy.   Let's just call it what it is.   This little sunshine just wants you to do what brings you joy.  If you like dressing goth one day, cottagecore the next and naturecore after that, cool! He thinks it's great! He'll even help and make outfits with you.  Bonus, I could see him LOVING matching with you if you're ok with that.   Like that's epic couple goals and he'd likely to do anything to further that.  Precious.  He will plan them out with you.   He will get a calendar.  He will make posts.  He is all in.  
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Definitely going to tease you for it.   "Jagiya, can't you make up your mind?"  "Are you going to settle on one style this time?"   It's all in good fun of course.  He's only teasing.  And he makes it a point to let you know how lovely you look each time.  But he's definitely gonna tease you a little about it.  
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10/10 thinks it's adorable.  
10/10 kinda wants to join you. 
10/10 too nervous and anti social to actually do it. 
Lucky for him, you just kinda do it for him. 
And because you know him, you take the blame when his hyungs tease him. 
"It was my idea.  I just wanted some of those cute couple photos, you know." 
And when they inevitably tease him for the couple shit it's an instant, "Well, at least he has a partner." 
That little mother fucker's chest puffed out so big that you thought he'd explode.  Suddenly, he'd all in because he realized he can rub this in their single faces. 
Hey loves! I'm back! Welcome to Kenny's Comeback! It's the Goddess Era yall!
Love, K
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
heya again <3
so...i got some more giftless grandkids thoughts here, written in bullet points because my brain just kept going AHAHHAHA
I’m currently listening to the vocal mashup of the grandkids of waiting on a miracle while im going through the giftless grandkids tag as im taking a break from other aus, it’s very fun and sets the mood somehow AHHAHHA
I’m really glad they have each other and are thriving even without their gifts, and they likely already got used to not having gifts and wouldn’t care, and that’s so real of them
The mashup is making me think of some things tho, ngl AHHAHAH
But anyway, yes, I currently have many thoughts
Was thinking about the reasons for why Casita would crack and fall, considering the kids are close with each other here and the adults (minus Alma oof) are all there supporting them, Bruno included since he never went to the walls
And as I read some of your posts and think about it more, it makes sense
There are several main things that would make Casita crack here—aka the family themselves cracking—would be:
Ofc, there’s still Alma’s pressure on the triplets and her confusion and unintentional hurt towards the grandkids
Most likely how Julieta is hiding the big secret on why they didn’t get their gifts and also their doorknobs
Another is how Pepa and Bruno are also hiding the vision tablet from everyone but specifically Julieta
Still trying to think of other reasons, but those are the main ones, I think
In canon, Bruno had been patching up the cracks, which definitely helped Casita stay up longer, but he never went to the walls here, so how would Casita and the family last until a little after Antonio’s ceremony (assuming we’re still going with something similar to canon timeline)?
Here is where the kids’ good relationships come in, their love and care are helping hold things together, even without Bruno repairing the cracks
The process of Casita cracking would be slower here compared to canon
So what happens when the kids—the main reasons for Casita still being able stand—are faced with the revelation that they could have gotten their gifts back then? Could have possibly avoided a lot of heartache and ridicule and disappointment from the people around them? And the reason they didn’t are because of the adults? Because of Julieta?
They hyperfocus on the bad parts, overshadowing the good parts because its an intense and shocking moment and revelation for them, I think
In the moment of the revelation, that’s likely going to upset them, maybe even break them a little, because why? Why did they—? 
Of course, they’ll later have the full realization that they grew up happier without the gifts, but again, that’s later
Also, pretty sure they focus more on the fact that it seemed like the adults they trusted lied and deceived them in a sense, almost like a betrayal (except ofc its not)
This, too, would connect to how Julieta says in that one giftless grandkids art of yours, “I didn’t want to hurt them—to hurt anyone.”
And then, with the love faltering for a moment, that’s how Casita falls apart
Also, why am I imagining the kids finding the vision tablet that Pepa and Bruno are likely hiding, making them realize what Julieta is hiding, which then starts the realizations, arguments, and full-on cracking of Casita?
This would then parallel canon with Bruno’s vision too
This means we get to see all the kids trying to figure things out together too
After everything, I can really see Julieta and the rest of the adults gifting the kids their doorknobs again as a surprise—which they will later use to get their gifts too AHAHHAHA YEAHHH
Anywho, ye, just some thoughts I have hehe <33
Literally listened to that bop today so real 😭😭
ANYWAY. Y'all might not now, but Mic here as been helping me in world building for this au 🤭🤭 its gonna be one of the next fics I do, since Mamabel and Werewolf are finished (will be updating today after I finish Mama Isa. And if my wifi will let me <\\\3)
ANYWAY THESE IDEAS?? ARE SO RAD...Triplets being in the spotlight because the grandkids have no gifts, its so sad. But honestly, Alma is just pushing them because she needs to prove that the miracle is ok. Implying that the kids did something. Subtle, but whatever.
Also, the kids are like Mirabel in canon, constantly trying to prove themselves and helping out around town. Meanwhile there's a certain group of villagera who don't even like them. Not all the villagers, but definitely a good chunk. There may or may not be a rather crude mural somewhere in town out of the way. But there :(
But anyway. The kids do have hobbies relating to their gifts! The husbands, feeling guilty, gave the kids presents, gifts to give them something to do since Alma couldn't "assign" them anything (which they were grateful for).
Isabela got some gardening gloves and tools, and is really into gardening and farming, and is always tending to her garden or helping out with the farmers in town. She also tends to all the plants in Casita. Dolores loves to play music, and after Félix gave her first guitar, she was hooked. She has tons of instruments, and actually taught Mirabel to play the accordion; she helps with entertainment, like Camilo. Agustín got Luisa some dumb bells, she actually asked for them. She wanted to strong and still help out, and regulating exercises and mostly helps out with packing and loading or at the quarry.
Camilo was give some costumes and puppies, and he's been into performances and theater since. He also performs for the kids, and plays alongside Dolores often. Mirabel was given new sewing stuff. Instead of Alma teaching her most of what she knew, Agustín helped her, since he knew some, and she kept the fashion and crafts hobby up. She helps repair things around town, and does the occasional clothing repair. Antonio still is finding his hobby, but the grandkids know he really loves animals. They actually suggested Félix get him a pet. So what does he get him? A parrot. Antonio loves that parrot like no other, and he's always around him, trailing behind Luisa.
DESIGNS 🌚🙏🙏 I'll post the family tree later, and maybe draw the triplets because their designs changed but me and Mic are still working in them. But the kids❗❗ Their clothes are very plain and dull, because the seamstress refused to make their clothes any fun. Even Mirabel can only embroider so much, and she rarely has time to do so cause she's so busy helping. But there's some subtle designs <33
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Julieta really did and does mean well in this au, but drastic actions really do cause drastic results in some cases. Her pull those doorknobs was definitely drastic. While the kids are happier and aren't nearly as pressured, they feel inadequate, and like something is missing :(( And then there's vision tablet (that's like over 40 years old 💀), but that's a whole other can of worms.
ANYWAY. AO3 HOPEFULLY LATER MY WIFI IS :((( Also I'll be posting the finished storyboards for the WOOM animatic I'm working on, and then I'll also post the rough video put together with it. SHOUTOUT TO @thefourchimes FOR HELPING ME WITH THIS SHE'S SO COOL <333 should tote check out her aus, they're so cool. ψ(`∇´)ψ
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pikatrainer99 · 7 months
This post is a follow-up to my post where I drew the Sinnoh Trio as TBH (autism) creatures. That is my personal headcanon and today I'm going to analyze these kids, and go more in-depth on why I hold this headcanon. I'm going to focus on one character at a time here, followed by a scene analysis of a particular important moment...so this will be a long post because these kids are SO neurodivergent and I love them so much.
First up, we have Pearl, who is my favorite of the Sinnoh Trio and the one I relate to the most. My personal headcanon for him is that he is AuDHD (both autistic and ADHD). I also headcanon him to have an anxiety disorder (specifically GAD) because he is constantly freaking out over pretty much everything (which is so relatable as someone who has GAD myself). There's so many panels that show his anxiety that I honestly can't pick ones to include here...
Anyway, on to the ADHD, Pearl exhibits many traits. He is constantly on the move and impatient and loud, and wants everything to be done immediately. He's energetic and much faster compared to Diamond and Platinum, even to the point of always being the first one to wake up every morning. This is, in my opinion, the ADHD side of him, it reminds me a lot of my ADHD brothers who act like this often. Because of these traits, I personally feel like Pearl has the hyperactive type of ADHD rather than the inattentive type, as he is shown to be not scatterbrained and is capable of focusing on whatever he's doing quite well, even able to go into hyperfocus mode at times, which is an extremely ND thing to do (and is common in both autism and ADHD). He is also the most rational of the trio, which I always found interesting that they actually gave the Barry counterpart the brain cell. So yeah, he's hyperactive, but to me he doesn't seem to have many issues with his attention span.
Now, onto Pearl's autism, which I feel more confident to talk about because I'm autistic myself and I know what to look for in terms of traits and behaviors, and the first thing I noticed with Pearl is that he has a CLEAR special interest in comedy. He's INCREDIBLY passionate about it, he's the one who decided that he and Diamond should become a comedy duo, he's the one who writes all their scripts and all their sketches, he's the one who always initiates practice time, and he's DEFINITELY the one who takes it the most seriously out of the duo, to the point where he had (what seems like to me) a legit meltdown about how Diamond didn't stick to the script and how awful their performance in the comedy competition was because of it, complete with yelling, nearly bursting into tears, and being afraid that Diamond was breaking the promise they'd made to become comedians all the way back when they were 4 years old. Looking back on it now, I think THAT was his biggest problem with the whole situation and what caused him to completely explode like that in the first place, because once Diamond reassures him that he's not breaking the promise, Pearl IMMEDIATELY cheers up and tells him "No use moping about today then!" when that was EXACTLY what he was doing just seconds ago. He then initiates practice time for NEXT MONTH'S comedy competition, his mind ALREADY hyperfocusing on their next opportunity...and this is their INTRODUCTION SCENE! This all LITERALLY happens within the first few pages of volume 1 of the DP arc! Here's the scene I'm talking about.
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Also in regards to his special interest in comedy, there's something he does with Diamond that I've gotta talk about...and that's using the comedy routines as their own special way of communicating. They use it almost as if it's their own language, they use it to process things, they use it to give hints to Platinum when she's battling, they even use it when they meet someone new as kind of a judge of their character (in the minds of these children, if they make the person laugh, the person can be trusted, if not, stay away...that kinda thing). He even outright tells Platinum that he uses it to communicate through rhythm. I always found it interesting how they used the comedy like that, and it definitely helps with my belief that it is in fact, a special interest for them, as special interests do actually be like that, I speak from experience. Here's some examples of this usage of the comedy routines.
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Another thing about Pearl that I noticed is he's REALLY not good at communicating how he's feeling or what's on his mind. He also is (brutally at times) honest, speaks his mind, and doesn't sugarcoat things. He can come off as rude and bossy because of this, even though he's really a good kid. This is something I relate to because I'm the same way, I also struggle with communicating my thoughts and feelings, and I'm also brutally honest, speak my mind and don't sugarcoat things. I have been perceived as rude and bossy so many times in my life it's not even funny. Another thing I find relatable about Pearl is that he can't lie to save his life (neither can I), here's a good example of such a moment.
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(Uh-huh...SUUUURRRREEEE ya did, Pearl XD)
Also, while we're on the topic of expression, Pearl is VERY hyperexpressive, which is once again, very much an ND thing (I am hyperexpressive a lot of the time myself)...he almost always reacts to basically anything in an over-the-top, exaggerated way, compared to Diamond and Platinum's more calm and composed approach to things...I'm seriously thinking of doing a post of all of my favorite Pearl expressions because he's got so many great ones!
Pearl seems to exhibit low empathy (a stark contrast to Diamond's hyperempathy), but he really does care about his friends and will even help wild Pokémon. The wild Luxio that he helped in the chapter titled "Extreme Luxio" is one of my favorite Pokémon in the whole manga and his dynamic with it is very wholesome. He figures out that it's being ostracized by its pride because of the fact that it's disabled - its claws are too short, which makes it harder for it to communicate with the others in its pride. Pearl helps it out, and even says to the others, "Listen all of you, it's got a disability, and can't communicate as clearly as the rest of you! That's no reason to reject it!" He was quite angered by this situation and when you put my headcanon into perspective here, it's quite easy to see why. But anyway, point is, he went out of his way to advocate for and help a disabled Pokémon, and it leads to one of the best Trainer/Pokémon bonds in the series in my opinion, as the Luxio comes back later, now a Luxray and the leader of its pride...and decides to become one of Pearl's Pokémon. That moment is so sweet and wholesome and I'll just leave the picture of their reunion here for you guys. Look at them hug! They're so happy to see each other again!
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Pearl also seems to have hypersensitive hearing (as do I), as demonstrated when he hears someone who's basically lost his voice calling out for help from a ways away.
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He also experienced what I can't help but percieve as sensory overload in the Old Chateau when all the Gastly were hovering around the place making vibrations that were so loud it shook the room and it overwhelmed him a lot. I get it Pearl, that would be too much for me too...just look at his reactions here, he's clearly in pain.
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I also sometimes can't help but feel like Pearl is unaware of his own strength, like when he hits Diamond in their comedy routines...I get the feeling that he doesn't quite understand that he's hitting Diamond way too hard, as he seems shocked and taken aback when Diamond finally stands up to him and tells him he's not happy with everything he's been doing lately. Diamond makes it a point to make Pearl aware of how much getting smacked by him hurts...all I can say is, good for Dia, but judging from Pearl's reactions to his best friend's words...oof...just look for yourselves...
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My takeaway from this scene is that Pearl was being made aware of all this for the first time, and not only felt like a bad friend, but also, he was once again afraid that Diamond would leave him...which he really REALLY didn't want, and I totally get why, considering how long they've been friends and how much like brothers those two are (though Pearl is SO parentified during their journey it's insane and it's another HUGE stressor for him which does NOT do his anxiety any good). And now that I've decided to open THAT can of worms, I might just do a post about it as well. Because...yeah it's not good considering the fact that HE IS 12!!! Still very much A CHILD!!!
At least Pearl learns from his mistakes, which I really love his development. After his and Diamond's fight, he learns to mellow out a bit (that says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about his anxiety though). You can really tell that losing Diamond's friendship...that is one thing he absolutely DOES NOT want, and he makes a conscious effort to improve his treatment of him. He starts by not hitting Diamond in their comedy routines anymore, and even letting him come up with his own joke instead of always doing it himself and forcing his own ideas onto him. While he still yells a lot, it's mostly out of worry for his friends now rather than pure anger towards them. He even learns how to put himself in Diamond's shoes at one point, during his fight to protect Azelf from Team Galactic. I love this moment btw, it's a great moment of realization for him.
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All in all, in my opinion, Pearl is an amazing AuDHD character who goes through a great character arc (and unfortunately, a trauma arc as well, as per usual with PokéSpe protags...there's NO WAY he doesn't have PTSD after all he went through in both the DP and PT arcs, I refuse to believe he's fine after all that), and I absolutely wholeheartedly love this child like he's my own son. Now for the next member of the Sinnoh Trio...Diamond!
Diamond, in my opinion, is EASILY a hyperempathic autistic child...his Dexholder title is literally "The Empathizer" and he is associated with Mesprit, the Pokémon known as the Being of Emotion. He is the only member of the trio with more than one special interest from what I can see. His are comedy (which he shares with Pearl, but his interest is to a lesser extent than Pearl), cooking (which he's extremely good at and takes very seriously), and a TV show called Proteam Omega (which his enthusiasm for it is way too adorable honestly).
Diamond is the most impulsive member of the trio, which like how they gave the Barry counterpart the brain cell, I find it interesting that they made the Lucas counterpart the impulsive one. He possesses a strong sense of justice and wants to do what he believes is right, including stand up to Cyrus, much to Pearl's dismay (this was actually the catalyst for their big fight in volume 4). He is very intuitive, his emotional intelligence is mostly intuition to him and he's also much, MUCH more perceptive than he lets on, for example he knew the whole thing with him and Pearl being Platinum's bodyguards was a misunderstanding from the beginning, but he didn't say anything about it because he was enjoying their time together and didn't want it to end. Here's that scene where he reveals he knew all along.
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Diamond is a very calm, laid-back, "go with the flow" kind of kid. But I think this is because he's constantly feeling A LOT...he's extremely empathic, so he picks up on others' emotions easily and it happens so much he just keeps it all in and resorts to being incredibly calm throughout it all. When he DOES get upset or serious though, he's like a whole different person. He's hard to anger, but he is absolutely capable of getting angry. His anger though, is the tranquil fury kind. He's not explosive like Pearl, but rather, he gets much more serious and intense. Here's an example of angry Diamond.
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(He angy boi.)
Diamond is also an easy crier, of the Sinnoh Trio, he's the one who is the easiest to bring to tears...which I can't stand...everytime any of these three cry it breaks my heart...and we'll talk about the scene that's the biggest offender of that soon. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Diamond is the one who's most in tune with his emotions, compared to Pearl and Platinum, who struggle with that. It makes sense though considering his hyperempathy. Also, can I take a minute to mention that he has the type of big eyes that are similar to the TBH creature...? Yes...? Okay. He does. I saw a post about this recently and it's so true! His eyes are so similar to TBH it's not even funny! And it makes total sense too, that's the best part!
Diamond is more of a pacifist than Pearl and Platinum. He's a pure, sweet soul who can do no wrong. He doesn't like conflict, he much prefers to make people smile instead. I love this about him, I don't think there's a PokéSpe protag that actually acts their age as much as Diamond does. In my opinion Diamond is a precious autistic bean and I absolutely love him like a son as well. Now for the final member of the Sinnoh Trio...Platinum Berlitz!
Platinum is definitely a masker, she's incredibly good at passing for NT (probably because of her upbringing). But there are definitely cracks in that mask that I've picked up on. First, her special interest, which is learning and experiencing new things. She says that back home she always read a dozen books a day, but seeing her actually experiencing the things she'd read about and having so much fun is great, she throws herself wholeheartedly into everything she tries, it's honestly adorable. She is also a bad liar, though she at first "lies" all the time, even though Pearl sees right through it and catches her everytime. Here's some examples.
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Platinum is a stimmer. Plain and simple. She moves her arms up and down really fast when she's excited about something, and it's often accompanied by her saying "New experiences! New experiences!" in a sing-song voice.
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(Why is she so adorable?!)
She is also an infodumper...a MASSIVE infodumper...just look at this scene with Thorton as just one example.
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Platinum is also not the best with words, and finds that writing is the most effective way for her to organize her thoughts and feelings, as well as communicate them (relatable). She says so herself in volume 5, after finding out the truth that Diamond and Pearl are not her real bodyguards, and the scene of her reading the letter is so wholesome I love it so much!
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Another thing I've noticed with Platinum is that she is a mimicker (something I myself did A LOT as a child), despite all her attempts to deny it. She often copies things she sees the others doing, even mimicking...SMACKING HERSELF...at one point, as seen here, complete with quietly saying to herself "Stop it! Stop it!"
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She also has the capability to hyperfocus, particularly on details (when she thought that Diamond and Pearl were her bodyguards because green and red scarves were what she was told about them and since the boys had green and red scarves she immediately latched on to that specific detail despite everything else about them screaming that they're just kids). She also hyperfocuses when she's playing the slot machines in the Veilstone Game Corner in what is probably one of my favorite scenes in the manga, it's so funny! Because of that intense focus though, she is INCREDIBLY good at the slot machines which is hilarious to me considering she is like the richest person in Sinnoh and yet she still becomes addicted to gambling. I dunno, that scene is just funny, okay? I mean, look at her! She's so hyperfocused on it and it's just great!
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Platinum is my favorite rich girl character in any media ever, and the fact that she's autistic coded in my opinion really helps with that as well. But she's also just a sweetheart who loves learning things and is just such a precious child. They're all precious children and I love them all so much. They are my fictional children and I would die for them.
Now, time for the scene that gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME...the scene where they split up to try and protect the three lakes. Pearl goes to Lake Valor, Diamond to Lake Verity, and Platinum to Lake Acuity. On their first morning separated from each other, they wake up and realize everything is so different now that the Pokédex isn't beeping. They all talk to themselves about their morning routine, Pearl gets up first, and is always the first in the lobby, then Platinum comes down afterwards, then Diamond comes after that...and the Pokédex always beeps to let them know that everyone's there together...but now it's not making a peep. Once they realize that, they all start crying and breaking down...and it's heartbreaking to read every single time. Just look at these poor kids...
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Taking my headcanon into account here, I see this scene as not only being sad that they're separated from each other, but also the stress of their routine being broken for the first time since their journey started. The way they all recite step by step how their morning routine always went when they were together, and then just start breaking down when the realization hits that everything's different now...yeah, I relate to that feeling, if my routines are broken, I get real thrown off, recite how it's supposed to be, and then break down...it's very similar to what the Sinnoh Trio are experiencing in this scene. I would analyze more scenes but this post is already way too long as it is, so I'll leave it at just this one.
Well, that's it for my headcanon supportive analysis of the Sinnoh Trio from PokéSpe! These three are my favorite characters in the manga and this headcanon is one I will hold till the day I die. My two main beliefs I hold about these kids are this headcanon, and "Do Not Separate Them!"
I hope you all can understand where I'm coming from with all this headcanon stuff. Also, headcanon deniers, you STAY AWAY from this and do not interact with this! I know it's not canon, that's why it's called a HEADcanon...I don't force my headcanons onto other people, I just talk about them, so I don't need headcanon deniers forcing their "canon" beliefs onto me!
Thank you for reading, and I hope you all enjoyed this analysis! Please feel free to let me know how I did in the comments, and if you support this headcanon and think I missed anything, please let me know what I missed! This is only my second time doing this in my life after all, so I'm not used to this kinda stuff and I'm pretty nervous about it honestly.
44 notes · View notes
sephirthoughts · 18 days
Hi! I hope you had a good day today.
For the ask game, what are your thoughts on 5 and 9 for Sephiroth?
I did, thank you! I hope you had a good day, too!
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5. Sephiroth is such a wonderful layer-cake of pathologies, it's so fun to dissect the impacts on his personality. He is autistic-spectrum, hyper-intelligent, alienated, deeply insecure, and feels he has no 'place in the world'. Despite his insistence, under Jenova's influence, that he's the chosen one and meant to rule the world, he has rock-bottom self-esteem and almost no sense of self. He knows he's different but he has no idea who he is. Add being raised in a lab, horribly abused, and treated like a weapon rather than a person his whole life, and there's not a lot of Sephiroth left.
This would affect his living space in that it'd be generic, impersonal, highly functional, basically empty, serving its purpose as a place to rest, and nothing else. Has place to lie down, has place to shower, has place to dress=meets criteria. I doubt he'd notice if there were even blankets on the bed. It's a Sephiroth storage container, more than a living space. Which is terribly sad and now I am sad. BOOOO ME
Whether he's messy or not is another question. He honestly strikes me as someone who hates disorder if he ever thinks about it. The problem is, he does not think about it. He has executive function issues (see: his bout of manic hyperfocus in the archives, where he had books just strewn everywhere and didn't eat or sleep or bathe for days), and is generally unaware of anything pertaining to his own self-care, including messiness/dirtiness, unless they become a nuisance that disrupts his current fixation.
When he was being raised in the lab, he was a child, so there were people who cleaned, cooked, washed his clothing, etc., and in SOLDIER they definitely had people to take care of those kind of domestic things, so they could focus on training. Hence, he never learned to clean up after himself.
All of this wouldn't matter much, in a living situation with custodial services, but if left to his own devices, his combined lack of awareness, neglect of his own needs, and inexperience with such things would create a perfect storm. He'd forget to take the garbage out, never pick up after himself, not do the dishes, have takeout boxes everywhere, and have no idea that dusting, mopping, vacuuming, etc. even exist as concepts. I think his living space would be kind of awful. But he wouldn't notice.
That is, until Angeal comes over, has seven simultaneous brain aneurysms, leaves and returns with Zack and cleaning supplies, and they spend the next ten hours deep-cleaning the place, while Sephiroth insists it's not that bad.
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9. This accords so nicely with number 5! Because he'd be a terrible roommate.
-He'd be quiet, courteous, and never have parties or eat your food, but he'd leave stupid long silver hairs all over everything (the less said about the bathroom shower drain the better), never clean up after himself, and act confused when asked to do so.
-He is definitely the type to always be forgetting his house key. Like, he may as well not have one.
-He leaves that stupid, ultra-sharp, nine-foot-long sword just LYING AROUND WHEREVER. Someone is going to lose a foot.
-He thinks he's a great cook and likes to share his talent with people, and he's too sweetly sincere and excited about it, so you can't bear to break his heart, and you wind up gritting your teeth and smiling through a plate of sticky, pasty, mushy pasta, with sauce made from frankly baffling ingredients (you put walnuts in the marinara? ohhhh...how…interesting. is this an anchovy?).
-He casually says absolutely horrible, emotionally devastating things, without realizing they're horrible. Example:
person: my mom was so forgetful, she always used to burn the garlic bread and she'd mix up my brother's lunch box and mine half the time
sephiroth: haha yeah, i know what you mean. on several occasions, Hojo forgot to send someone to change my IV, when he left me strapped to an exam table in the basement lab for multiple days, and i nearly died of dehydration and malnutrition
sephiroth: parents, right?
-Lastly, Sephiroth absolutely never wears a shirt and in fact doesn't even own one. This is not an annoying habit, this is the habit that makes all the other ones worth putting up with.
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pikahlua · 2 years
Chapter 359: “The one closest to Izuku Midoriya”
First on the docket today is the deep dive you all deserve.
The official English translation for chapter 359 is not yet published, but everyone is already freaking out over it. I’m here to tell you: it’s okay, relax. No, really, don’t get worked up.
I mean, sure, there have been plenty of odd choices in the My Hero Academia English translation, that’s fair. And if MHA is your hyperfocus du jour, the nuance lost in translation can be pretty frustrating. Heck, I’m a literary analysis and criticism ultranerd, so I’m right there with you on the righteous indignation front.
But you must direct your fury at the correct target. I’m telling you right now this isn’t a hill worth dying on, and I will happily go into my reasoning in disgusting detail. Save your mental health and let me tell you all about a special little dialogue bubble and how it’s definitely gonna get butchered in translation and there’s nothing any of us can do about it. It’s not the first victim of this problem, and it certainly won’t be the last.
The truth is, translation is hard. And it’s all the fault of one evil overlord to be revealed in due time.
Hopefully my explanation will put you at ease and help you through all the weird translations we’ve had and will continue to have in this story. And by put you at ease I mean let you in on my little secret that I cope with on an hourly basis:
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TABLE OF CONTENTS I. The literal translation in way more detail than was ever necessary II. The evil overlord at fault III. Relationships don’t work like that IV. Except for when they do V. All For One likes his narratives
I. The literal translation in way more detail than was ever necessary
Here it is, the line that you’re all losing your marbles over.
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From my initial translation:
“If there is one point of interest [I have in you, it’s that] you are the one closest to Izuku Midoriya.”
ただ一点興味があるとすれば君は緑谷出久と最も仲が良い ただいってんきょうみがあるとすればきみはみどりやいずくともっともなかがいい tada itten kyoumi ga aru to sureba kimi wa Midoriya Izuku to motto mo naka ga ii
And now presenting your painfully descriptive translation of each bit.
Speech bubble 1:
tada = just/only
itten = one point
Speech bubble 2:
kyoumi = interest
ga = grammar particle indicating a subject of a phrase or sentence
aru = to be (nonliving things)/to have
to sureba = grammar pattern meaning “in the case of [preceding statement]; assuming [preceding statement]; if A then B“
Combined speech bubbles 1-2:
Literally: “Assuming just one point of having interest,”
Contextually: “If I have just one point of interest in you,” where all the pronouns are implied by the context of the previous conversation.
Speech bubble 3:
kimi = you
wa = grammar particle indicating the topic of a statement
Speech bubble 4:
Midoriya Izuku = that’s his name don’t wear it out
to = grammar particle indicating an inclusive conjunction such as “with” or “and”
motto mo = adverb that means “most; best; extremely” (the adjective it modifies is “ii” further down)
naka = relation/relationship in the general sense; it’s worth noting this is the first kanji in the word “nakama,” which is worth looking up if you’ve never heard it before but have watched any shounen anime in your life
ga = grammar particle indicating a subject of a phrase or sentence
ii = adjective that means “good” but has versatile utility, particularly in idiomatic expressions
-->naka ga ii = close/intimate/good relationship
Combined speech bubbles 3-4:
Literally: “As for you, with Midoriya Izuku the most good relationship.”
Contextually: “You are the best relationship with Midoriya Izuku.”
I think you can see how tricky this particular line would be to translate into English and have it make sense.
"Naka ga ii” is basically on the whole an adjective. There is no adjective in English that means “(most) good relationship,” and if there was, it’d be difficult to get across the generic sense of the word “relationship” without some weird English-only connotations. No matter what, you’d be hard-pressed to find any two translators who would treat this sentence the exact same way.
So the best I can do is explain my own logic to help you follow along with another translator’s logic, because we’re all gonna have different meanings we’re trying to preserve.
Here was the note I left on my first translation:
(Note: Literally, “motto mo” means “most” and “naka ga ii” means “good or intimate relation/relationship.” It’s not that this is necessarily a romantic or platonic phrase. AFO is just pointing out that the deepest, most important relationship Izuku has is with Katsuki. Take that how you will.)
I knew no matter what I was going to lose some nuance in English, so I left the above note to point out the meaning in the grammar I was trying to preserve. This allows you to come to your own conclusions about my translation and Horikoshi’s meaning. I said “Take that how you will” because...well...I knew everyone would take it however they wanted to lol. I don’t have any interest in setting your expectations when it comes to shipping or whatever, even if I have my own interest in the relationship between Izuku and Katsuki. I think it would be dishonest if I didn’t point out the vagueness of the word “naka” because ambiguity in prose is...fun to dissect.
There are plenty of “official” translations in MHA I dislike, and I have fizzled and fumed over many a “bad choice” in that regard. But it wasn’t Caleb’s name I was cursing as I shook my fist at the sky in anger.
II. The evil overlord at fault
The perpetrator I curse is the English language.
Shit gets lost in translation. There is no avoiding that fact.
I do these debatably “literal” translations precisely because MHA doesn’t come with a page on the side explaining the context like a Shakespeare play might. You have to understand, I do not envy the official translator’s job at all. It is quite the task to try to capture the complete meaning of something in any other language let alone something in Japanese and properly translate it into English in a way that sounds natural and makes complete sense. Japanese has different grammar for levels of politeness, and those same patterns can be polite or rude just depending on who is talking to whom. Japanese drops pronouns and shit like that all the time. Japanese considers plurals a suggestion. Japanese has all its own little idioms and social contexts that a dictionary will never be able to explain succinctly. You think I’m such an English wordsmith I can figure out that impossible translation puzzle? Screw that.
I hate the “bolster” translation in chapter 318/321, but not because I hate the translator. I hate it because I can’t think of a good translation either. The word in question means to “complement/complete something that is broken.” What do you do with that in English? “Izuku Midoriya needs someone who can restore his broken form to completion and complement his strengths so they make up an all-powerful superhero icon?” Who the hell talks like that? Other than my awkward ass, I mean.
There are plenty of examples like that, but I might as well just go back to the original sentence in question. I don’t have a perfect English translation for chapter 359. All I can do is explain what I was trying to preserve in my choices:
“You are the one closest to Izuku Midoriya.”
As I explained before, “naka ga ii” doesn’t label a particular type of relationship, so I can’t use “friend” if I want to preserve that vagueness, and I do. I do want to preserve it. Not only because I think it’s good to have ambiguity in prose or because I think it’s good to not necessarily put every relationship into a neat little box but because there is a cultural context point that is ever-present throughout the entire MHA manga: the fact that Izuku and Katsuki are childhood friends.
“Childhood friends” is another awful translation, because there really is no English equivalent for osananajimi, which is the real word everyone uses to describe them. Please look this up. I don’t have time to go into the nuances and intricacies and implications and tropes of this word. Just know that “friends” is...reductive of the true meaning here. Osananajimi carries with it an implication that the “childhood friends” know each other on a special level because they grew up together before developing their sense of social personas, in-groups and out-groups (honne and tatemae play in here a lot), and such. It doesn’t mean that this relationship is necessarily romantic (although it’s used a lot in romantic tropes); it’s just an important type of relationship for which the English language doesn’t distinguish and many western cultures don’t have any context. It explains why Izuku calls Katsuki “Kacchan” still, and why characters like Shouto make assumptions in the sports festival about how well they must know each other, and why the story treats their “childhood friendship gone wrong” as ironic and a bit of a subversion.
But while I want to avoid the word “friend” because of the “childhood friends” issue, the fact remains that all official English translations do use the phrase “childhood friends,” so the word “friend” would at least be cohesive with their own previous translations. And I begrudgingly don’t have a better English translation than “childhood friends” to use, so I can’t hold that against anyone.
I also have to decide what “ii/good” means in this context. “Most” + “good” = “best” in English, but is that what the story is really trying to convey here? My translation note says “AFO is just pointing out that the deepest, most important relationship Izuku has is with Katsuki.” Is Katsuki the person Izuku cares most about, more than anybody else? Is that what you think I’m trying to convey?
No, actually.
III. Relationships don’t work like that
I don’t think most people are doing this, but if you’re actually out there somewhere arguing over whom Izuku loves more, you’re no better than AFO. No one thinks in these terms in normal life. Izuku doesn’t keep track of his Love Relationship Stat with everyone in his life and measure on an absolute scale who matters the most to him. Be careful, because I see people getting dragged into this debate without realizing it, and what’s usually happening is that the arguers are talking over each others’ heads. You’re not talking about the same things.
Izuku has different relationships with different people, and of course he cares about them all. He cares deeply about many of them, in fact.
“You are the one closest to Izuku Midoriya.”
I thought long and hard about this translation since I claim to translate as literally as I possibly can. I decided that in the context of “osananajimi” and “naka ga ii,” Horikoshi was probably going for two things.
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Number One: How well Izuku and Katsuki know each other compared to anyone else.
Osananajimi (“childhood ‘friends’”) and naka ga ii (“[most] intimate relationship”) don’t necessarily mean that the relationship in question has to be a romantic one, or even a good or positive one. These terms are predicated on how well the two people understand each other. MHA demonstrates that even when Izuku and Katsuki are on bad terms there are just some things they intuitively get about each other that no one else seems to. The bond Izuku and Katsuki have is unique and nothing they’ll ever be able to recreate with anyone else just by nature of their having grown up together.
The best English word I could think of for this was “close.” But even that has some connotations in English that could just be baggage in this case. Still, it’s the best I’ve got.
So when my note gave the shorthand explanation of “deepest,” I was referring to the amount of time and understanding between these two. I don’t have a metric stick to hold up and compare their relationship in quantifiable terms to any other. There are things Izuku’s mother will know about him no one else does. But the nature of that relationship is just...different from this one.
It’s not a zero-sum game. Relationships don’t work like that.
IV. Except for when they do
Number Two: Horikoshi is writing a story, and he has character sheets and notes.
Regarding my translation note describing their relationship as Izuku’s “most important,” I do not mean to imply that all of Izuku’s other relationships are extraneous fluff that can be cut away, and if anyone dared to take it that way, like...please touch grass or something. Afford me a tiny assumption of good faith here, please.
Whether or not you accept this interpretation, it is absolutely valid to interpret Katsuki as Izuku’s most important relationship in the narrative. This isn’t about “whom Izuku loves most;” it’s about what the story chooses to focus on. The narrative places a heavy focus on their relationship, and to deny that is...just annoying, because you’re not proving anything by saying “nuh-uh!” There is support in the text for this interpretation. It doesn’t have to be your interpretation, but it’s there and viable and anyone who takes it is justified in doing so. Your literature and writing classes in school called those essays you were forced to write “persuasive essays” for a reason.
Horikoshi could be out here to just spell it out in plain, blatant terms that the relationship between Izuku and Katsuki is center-stage to the story, and in that sense, yeah, it is the most important. TO THE STORY. TO. THE. STORY. That doesn’t cheapen the importance of any other relationship. It’s just a big focus. Like how Izuku is the main character. You don’t have to argue someone else is the main character if you’re not interested in Izuku or don’t like him or whatever. There are other characters, and they are there and they are great and you can love them more too! We call them “favorite characters” for a reason!
“You are the one closest to Izuku Midoriya.”
I chose this translation because it accomplishes the things I think are most important: (1) it doesn’t label the relationship; (2) it describes the facet of their relationship that is most important, how well they understand each other where no one else does--their “closeness”; (3) it--
Oh yeah, there’s a Number Three.
V. All For One likes his narratives
Horikoshi ain’t the one who said the line. All For One/Shigaraki did.
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Did you notice “naka ga ii” is the final word in the whole phrase? The dramatic emphasis is on the adjective that means “close[st] relationship.” Why would AFO!Shiggy say this?
To scare the ever-loving shit out of Katsuki.
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AFO does this shit. All Might is a hero who saves everyone, and AFO tried to use injured bystanders against him in Kamino--but even that didn’t work. All Might kept his cool. AFO had to think and plot and scheme for a long time to figure out whom he could use against All Might, and Tenko Shimura was the one who finally took a bit of All Might’s smile away. This is AFO’s modus operandi. So of course he’s been on the lookout for someone he could use against Izuku, too.
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Izuku loses control of his emotions when Katsuki is in danger. That’s all there is to it. That’s all AFO cares about. In his long history of toying with and manipulating people, he’s decided that this is the reaction from his enemies that gets him the best results: Find the enemy’s weak-point and poke it relentlessly. Watch them squirm. Keep them from thinking clearly.
It’s always been leading to this.
The real question is: Did it work?
Is Katsuki scared? Is Izuku gonna freak out?
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Whacha gonna do, Blasty?
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greghatecrimes · 8 months
okay so i definitely think about house too much (adhd/autism brain and hyperfocus go BRRRRR) but like. earlier i had this thought and i’m laughing way too hard at it. it’s probably only funny to me but i wanted to share. so for context, i have food allergies. my reaction is bad enough that i carry an epipen, but i’ve never had to use it because i can always stop the reaction in time by taking 1-3 benadryl as soon as i notice the symptoms (like the ‘pre anaphylaxis’ stage and yes im aware that if u look it up the internet will tell you that it is not possible to stop anaphylaxis or pre anaphylaxis with benadryl, but i’ve done it a handful of times over the years and it works SOMEHOW and i have a friend that’s done it too. so. bodies are weird!). and like i definitely have had one or two times where i really should’ve just stabbed myself with the epi and gone to the hospital instead of accidentally getting high on benadryl but i really didn’t want to bother with all that LOL. anyways, i was at work today and someone brought food to share and left it in the break room. my dumb ass just takes some and eats it on my break not even thinking to check ingredients (there was no label anyways). then ten minutes later i start feeling reaction symptoms and i’m like. “well. fuck. i forgot that was a possibility.” somehow i managed to fucking forget that i have allergies that i carry an EPI PEN for AND manage to eat something w/one of my allergies in it.
anyways i always keep benadryl tablets in my purse (and my epipen) for this exact reason so i took one and it took care of it thankfully. but i just kept thinking about how house would call me an idiot, and he’d be right about it. and how he probably wouldn’t even let me take the benadryl. he’d just stab me with my epipen, yell at me for said epipen being expired (THEYRE EXPENSIVE, OKAY), and then force me to go to the ER even when i was fine just to make sure i learned my lesson and didn’t do that again. and he’d be right. if i got forcibly stabbed with my own epipen and dragged to the hospital i really WOULDN’T ever make that mistake again
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thisiskatsblog · 8 months
Kat. It’s so weird that after all these years you still have antis stalking your blog and talking about you. I just saw an anti (she’s a solo harrie) who stalk larries blog since 2016 and just today she stalking your blog and laughed at you for saying that you didn’t go to Louis’ show because you’re too old for the band.
What? Also...she was laughing at you because she believes you and other larries are abandoning larry/louis and he’s losing fans. You included. My God! Antis really have no life!
Oh it's a life, just not a pleasant one. Imagine having such as an unhealthy hyperfocus on people who annoy you because they don't confirm your worldview. It's sad really. Life is so much more pleasant when you grow up and accept that some people are simply not going to agree with you. That Louis isn't going to go away.
When we were in Rainbow Direction, Ed always used to say "don't worry about the hate mail, it just means you're doing something right, you can't change anything without ruffling some feathers", and he was so right. So thank you for letting me know that I'm STILL the little stone in someone's shoe, after all this time. Definitely think we did something right there.
I already reblogged the misinterpreted post earlier in the day - it's clear this person doesn't follow my blog too religiously though. All summer, I've talked about hoping to have recovered enough from my accident to drive to Antwerp, but doubting that I'd make it to London .
And for the record, it didn't exactly look like he was losing fans to me yesterday at Antwerp Sportpaleis. That’s the venue One Direction played in 2013 when I joined the fandom. Even with the balconies closed, it was still double the capacity of the venue he played a year ago. He's not losing fans, he's gaining fans. Also who cares who has the most fans, I care about who makes the music that pleases me the most, who does the shows, that I enjoy myself best at - again there the haters are with their need for external validation.
And speaking of validation - the fans yesterday were super energetic, and really having a good time. They knew every word of every song to the last word and shouted along - every word of every entire song. The energy of Louis’ fans is crazy, the energy of his band is crazy, and people are niiiiiice. People next to you don't pretend you're not there, they smile and speak to you and are kind. It was very much a “we’re all in this together” kind of mood.
Fucking family he said.
I really enjoyed looking around at the audience and watching how much they all enjoyed this.
Final note: as mentioned in my reblog, I consider myself outside of the target age group of former One Direction band members - but for the fucking record, I do not consider myself too old for Louis' band. Boy did I enjoy watching his drummer go at it yesterday...
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thaiteaprincess · 6 months
👑Princess Era👑
This weeks focus goal…
learn to love exercise 🏃
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👑How was this week overall?
Extremely hard. I was, and am still, manic. I wasn’t able to function since Thursday.
👑Where did I go to plan? Where did I actually land?
When I wasn’t manic things went to plan.
👑What were the behaviors I implemented?
When I wasn’t manic I set the old-fashioned alarm clock that scares me awake because I was guaranteed to get up.
👑What did I struggle with? Anything specific hinder my progress?
I was manic a good portion of the week. It really messed up my sleep schedule and I learned that if I don’t get up early I don’t work out. Getting up late would knock me off schedule and I found it impossible to convince myself to exercise than. Also If I didn't get up in time and had to dress for an appointment I didn't work out. I just couldn't bring myself to wash off my makeup and change only to put it on again. Getting up early is key!
I struggled with my evening walks on the walk pad. I'd use the excuse my tennis shoes are all the way downstairs! Or I walked so much today that I don't need to. Or the time-tested “I'm on my period!” excuse.
🍾Any achievements?
None 😞
💭Memories I’d like to document/notes
I need to work on conversation starters. At my meeting I didn't know how to start a conversation.
🍾Any accomplishments in other goals this week?
I ate 1,600 calories low carb when I wasn’t manic. I don’t know what I ate during because feeding myself was a struggle. I definitely didn’t eat low carb. I dressed up some of the days. I've hit a road block of not liking my current wardrobe but not wanting to buy clothes now while losing weight AND saving money.
I started writing again and put work into my instagram. That was actually my hyperfocus. I gained 16 followers in a few days.
👑What are my plans for next week? Who do I want to be?
I need to work on sleep next week. When I stayed up late and slept in I found it extremely difficult to stay on track/motivated.
👑What specific behaviors do I want to work on? What do I want implement?
Setting an alarm on my phone when it’s time to wind down
Setting a bedtime routine of, taking meds, doing skin care, dimming lights, putting on music, journaling, praying, reading something fun, then meditating.
👑Which feelings/basic assumptions do I want to focus on?
That winding down isn’t fun.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Scientific Data
Today was my one day per week where I commute to work - and the day after my first official day working from home. The difference is honestly staggering. Now, obviously I need a little bit more in the way of data before I can make any definitive proof of hypothesis, but here’s what I have so far:
Working from home yesterday:
Woke up about an hour before work properly begins (partly because someone was coming to look at the window hinges and I had to be up and dressed by 10am just in case), had leisurely coffee with some internet browsing, and had the guy come in to look at the window hinges. I was pretty much fully awake and with only base-level pain as the day began.
I love my chair. My chair has seen me through many video game hyperfocus marathons; it saw me through a workday beautifully well.
Music in the background really helped my focus. I didn’t feel any particular need to doom-scroll the Guardian between bits of typing because that bit of ADHD brain that craves more stimulus than the average was happily bopping along with whatever Spotify playlist I had on at the time.
Despite the lack of Guardian doom-scroll, I still had micro-breaks. I made coffee. I grabbed snacks. I stepped out onto the balcony. I even did a little bit of dusting when I noted the need for it on the part of my desk given to my work laptop. So not only did I get more work done, I got more in general done. Partly because everything is in close proximity.
Finished at 4pm and was home, with enough energy to do things like ... well, make a big batch of bolognaise sauce for dinner for the next few nights, mainly.
83 documents typed, including a couple of pretty insanely long ones.
Work today:
Woke up about three hours before I’m supposed to be at work, spent a half-hour on a quick internet browse partly to make sure that my travel route was clear, out the door and into the cold. Dozed off on one of the buses and was still exhausted and sore by the time I got to sitting down at my desk.
My desk chair is the best in the office and it’s still awful. Plus someone’s been messing with the armrests while I’ve been away. My back started hurting pretty much ten minutes in; still hurts now.
All I had in the background was Goblin making huffy sighs at her woeful lot in life or whatever, I don’t know, but the Guardian was summarily doom-scrolled. I mean, not badly - I still got a fair bit done - but still, very different to at home.
Everything that might require leaving my chair had to be rationed, because of how far I’d have to walk. Coffee? Couple of hundred yards of walking. Bathroom? Same thing, with the addition of one of the three doors I’d have to navigate being code-locked. Quick smoke? One elevator ride and crossing the wing twice over, while having to slalom past people who apparently give zero shits about disabled people even in a hospital full of them. Breaks were therefore fewer, and yet they took longer. Plus nothing much in the way of snack, which probably didn’t help my energy levels.
Finished at 4pm, faced down a commute that ended up taking a little over two hours (it always takes longer on the way home) and involved me getting significantly rained on, and all I could really feel when I first got in was gratitude that I had leftover bolognaise sauce so all I had to do for dinner was boil some spaghetti because I didn’t have the energy for anything else.
64 documents typed, with only one moderately long one.
So I finish a day of working from home less tired, in less pain, and with more done. And then I finish a day at work exhausted, in significant pain, and with less done. I mean, I know why they want me to come in one day a week - sometimes they just need hands on deck to mind the phones etc - but it strikes me that I’m going to get way more done at home, in ways that are way less detrimental to my health, than I could possibly do at the office.
Again, I require more science about this, but ... I guess I was worried about ADHD brain making me less able to work from home because of the potential for getting “OOH SHINY” about something and slacking off, but it seems to be the other way around. I guess I shouldn’t have worried too much about it, but looks like as long as I have Spotify up and Discord minimised, I’m good.
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
[ anon 💎 ] so when is that band member matthew x reader fic gonna come out *curling my toes and ripping my hair off* kara i've been re-reading all your fics the whole day bc i'm so bored 💔 I AM OBSESSED WITH THE GUMMY WORMS FIC OF JUNHYEON.. i claim that fic AND no one else's.
okay so… definitely not today i’m so sorry 😭 my best friend is in town and we need to spill every last drop of tea that’s happened in our lives for the past four months together so. that will take awhile 💀
i have made some good progress on it tho— honestly this matty boy is much closer to woohyun. and needless to say… he’s 🥵 and so mean!!! and we know how i feel about mean!zb1 🥵🥵
so expect a super secret spicy ending to this one for sure. i can’t not write one. it would be an injustice!!
i’m gonna work ok it after i eat dinner until i go to my friend’s house tonight… i’ve been playing videos on youtube that are like “deep hyperfocus lofi beats” and they give you breaks in between each 25 min work period and WOW that helps. i also am a sucker for lofi girl AND lofi boy for more relaxed writing. but the hyperfocus stuff really helps 😭
OMG gummy worms junhyeon 😍 omg notice that this is ALSO a mean!boysplanettrainee fic… i have a real problem. 💀 i’m so glad you love gummy worms junhyeon, writing it felt like a fever dream why were binnie and wookie stuffing their mouths with gummy worms we will never KNOW 💕💎💞
also i finally started tagging anon posts my bad fr i didn’t know that was common practice
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krakenartificer · 2 years
Hello! I somehow came across a post of yours about the effect of menstrual cycles on adhd meds and you talked about tracking effects and everything. I only just started medication (in my 30s, late diagnosis for the win) but how does one go about figuring such things out?
Late diagnosis is such an improvement on never-diagnosis! Congrats on getting meds!
I wish I had an easy solution for you, but the way I figured it out is that I've been tracking my ADHD symptoms, the amount of adderall I took, and the section of my cycle I'm in (which can only be determined retroactively, because my cycle is irregular af), every day, for the last 8 months.
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I've got a spreadsheet where I just have to enter the date, and (once I have it) the date my next period starts, and it will calculate the percentages and everything. And each day, I rate myself on a 0-5 scale, how much I'm struggling with:
working memory, aka "how many times today have I forgotten something literally seconds after I looked at it?"
tactifractitree problems, aka "I can't even hold all the pieces in my head, never mind figuring out how they all fit together into a 'plan'"
emotional regulation, aka "how many times today has a tiny thing caused me to entirely freak out?"
task initialization, aka "I know what to do, I know how to do it, I want to do it, but when I try to do it, I just .... don't."
need stimulus, aka "I have no idea what to do, so I'm going to end up doing the first task that crosses my field of vision, regardless of how useful or urgent that task is"
hyperfocus, aka "I can concentrate really well, but I don't get to choose what I'm concentrating on"
grasshopper brain, which is what I call that state where you have so many thoughts in your head and they're bouncing around like grasshoppers in a jar and every time you try to capture one of them you get smacked with three others
Inability to cope with changes, aka "I am perfectly functional as long as everything goes exactly according to plan."
And honestly, it's very much a work in progress, and I dislike a lot of things about it. I feel like maybe working memory and tactifractitree are actually the same problem? But I'm not sure. Inability to cope with changes is definitely a subset of emotional regulation, but for me personally I sometimes have times when I'm not freaking out about anything else, I'm only upset about changing plans. It might be that those times aren't actually emotional regulation at all? That they're tactifractitree problems where I can't see the big picture well enough to figure out how to adapt to the new circumstances?
And hyperfocus is a bad thing when it forces me to work on my novel or to make pie charts about Alexander Hamilton rather than doing my actual job, but honestly I kinda like it when I can do 20 hours' of work in a 10-hour workday because everything is coming together in godlike clarity, or when I'm able to write 7000 words on my novel in an evening. So do I need, like, a hyperfocus (affectionate) and a hyperfocus (derogatory), or something?? I don't know. And even if so, how do I keep myself from crashing at the end of it because I forgot to eat?
Worst of all, the ability to examine your executive function, and determine where on that spectrum you lie, is a thing that requires executive function. So while I'm pretty sure that on my good days, I'm accurately recording how well I'm doing, I suspect that I sometimes have bad days that are bad enough that they prevent me from knowing how bad it is. I'm trying to come up with objective, measurable ways to determine the problems, but I haven't been able to find any that seem to track well.
But, all that said, and even with those limitations, I'm delighted to have even just the information I have been able to glean, which is that I do, definitely, need my adderall to come in half-dose pills, so that I can choose whether to take 0, 1, or 2 pills on any given day. And I'm pretty sure that the pattern corresponds roughly with first-half and second-half of my cycle. I've started measuring my basal body temperature each morning, and we'll see if that has any greater clarity.
Anyway, I made a spreadsheet, and I make sure I update that spreadsheet fairly consistently by
a) making the google doc with the spreadsheet one of my firefox homepages, so that it opens up on my screen every morning as soon as I open my web browser
b) adding a recurring "record health data" task to my to-do list, so it shows up each day
c) adding "record health data" to the app I use to track my morning routine, and
d) adding a "did I record health data?" to my habits tracker in my bullet journal.
The combination of the 4 of them means that I manage to get a record almost every weekday, and some weekends. And after 8 months, trends are kinda-sorta starting to appear.
(If anyone has better ideas, please please please tell me.)
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brooseweyn · 2 years
I love the solidarity you have with the gaanaru fandom. I too adore SNS, but sometimes my brain goes into hyperfocus mode and all I envision is Gaara living his best life with his closest person. Like, I don't see how anyone could hate on gaanaru, Gaara clearly thinks the world of him and Naruto has a clear soft spot for him. While my main ship is def Naruto x Sasuke, I will except no slander of Naruto x Gaara because I adore them close to if not just as much. Anyway, this is just a roundabout way of saying that I love your art! And your blog is really cool overall 😁
SN will always have a special place in my heart because it was basically my first ship ever! They were the catalyst that drove me into drawing! Basically Masashi made those two boys kiss and little ten year old me was like "I too would like to be able to draw them kissing someday" and here we are today. When Gaara came into the mix I immediately fell in love with his character because he was. a jinchuuriki just like Naru!!! And the fact that he learnt to be kind from Naruto? Goddd thats just some good shit and im an addict. BUT BUT BUT!! When I was a kid/early teen I was very loyal to SN, I'd only treated Gaara as an alternative ahsks sorry dear but NOW THAT IM AN ADULT who has experienced a bit of romance here and there. I just. I adore soft, empathetic, kind souls like Naruto and I just imagine if I were ever to find someone like that, I would most definitely try to love them like Gaara loves Naruto because his love...doesn't cause that touch-and-go, anxiously-walking-on-eggshells type of hurting that someone like Sasuke would. But Sasuke has his own good sides and charms as well and I love him too! Although in a more "I love you but I also kind of want to punch you for the shit you put Naruto through" way.
You've got me rambling now xD I just love these boys. They'd been with me my entire life and I'm so glad I'm getting back into my naruto phase in my twenties when my art is finally decent enough to share with the world, in my eyes, at least. More drawings are coming up!!! Thank you so much for loving my art it truly does mean the world to me!!!
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bakafox · 1 year
Today is just one of those definitely ‘if I do not shield myself from the ugliness of reality and distract myself very very thoroughly I am going to have a breakdown’ days.
Please brain, give me the ability to hyperfocus on some dumbass videogame and recharge the ol’ trauma batteries.
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