#hypmic rhyme anima plus
rotten-heartthrob · 10 months
kinda rhyme anima spoilers i guess?
but anyways, hypmic g/t fandom, if you’re out there, and i know i’m probably late to the party, but how are we holding up guys?
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like they don’t just drop this and expect me to not foam at the mouth like a rabid animal
first hitoya (my bbg) then this like.
i’m normal i promise
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5-pp-man · 1 year
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His silly rabbit? Is that what he calls you?
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akashi-tetsuki · 11 months
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This place is non-smoking, Samatoki.
Hypnosis Mic:Rhyme Anima + ✦ EP06
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vagabond-pinky · 1 year
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chokit-pyrus · 7 months
i am halfway through Rhyme Anima Plus and can i just say i am so fed
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flingpossecule · 10 months
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justanotherniky · 7 months
30 Day HypMic Challenge!
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Not really because of the song being associated with something, but the vibes here are just so,,, nostalgic and sweet,,,
I think it's one of the nicest All Stars songs! I love the relaxing beat and the verses from each of the characters are so beautiful 🥺 It starts a bit more lively with Buster Bros but by the time we get to Matenro...
Matenro's part just gets me every time (are we even surprised?) - I think it's the most beautiful one~ Doppo's verse with the doubling and the pretty melody and HifuDo singing together AGAIN??? The only bloody idiots in the whole song that have a line together??? For real???
The animation in the anime was so pretty too! Love that they used the alternative wardrobes, it's always nice to see them in different outfits~
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zeadrous · 2 years
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cogimiun · 4 months
ideal date: we smoke weed and then sit on the bed while I HDMI my laptop into the TV and scroll through the translations while we listen to all the hypmic CDs in chronological order, occasionally tabbing over to the manga so I can explain to you how it captures many scenes better and of course go through the entirety of tdd and dod and then we watch all of rhyme anima plus
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ayadoesart42 · 2 years
✨Conspiracy theory/head cannon✨
Okay, so, hear me out;
Iruma Jyuto and Rei Amayado are brothers.
Think about it; Both are tall handsome men with black/brown hair and green eyes. Both dress more formally than casually. Both hold themselves in a way that shows that they think they're better than you.
More than any of that though, is that they both have a (learned or inherited) habit/skill of gaining information on any and everyone around them in order to benefit themselves. Rei does this in being a conman/information broker, with learning info on everyone he meets to get an income and pull the strings in the government. Jyuto does this by being a dirty cop and getting info from/for cases and using it as blackmail against his enemies in order to push him up the ranks and eventually pull the strings in the justice system.
While their behavior is uncanny, they're appearances are just as (if not more) surprising when you look at it in detail.
Family resemblance:
Both men have bright green eyes. Hypnosis Mic has exciting and unique character designs that are barely ever slap-dash, they're thought through thoroughly. Yet both Jyuto and Rei have green eyes that are the exact same color. The only other character in the hypmic cast (aside from the buster bros!!!) with green eyes is Yumeno Gentaro, and his are noticeably a much yellower and lighter green. Jyuto and Rei's green eyes are identical. Jyuto may not have the family heterochromia, but even if he did, he'd be the type to cover up the other side with a contact of a more mundane color (in this case, green). Moreover, the hypmic artstyle gives character's two eye colors anyway, and Jyuto's is a pink-ish purple. Aka, not any of the colors of the yamada family tree (Grey, red, yellow, and indago). All of them have a unique color to go with the green, and Jyuto follows that rule.
Admitably, Rei is tanner than Jyuto. But does that mean that we think Rei hasn't had a fake (or real) tan done recently?? Plus, Jyuto is a vampire in spirit and doesn't go outside durring the day unless the government is physically forcing him to do so. (No really, watch Rhyme Anima, the only scene he's in where it's not night or inside, is when MTC arrives at Chuuohku for the 1st drb.) Anyway, even though Jyuto is considerably paler than Rei, their undertones are the same. They both have an orange-red undertone. But this isn't an artsyle thing. For example, Aohitsugi Samatoki has a much pinker undertone and Sasara Nurude has a much more yellow undertone. It's subtle, but it's there.
Their outfits are the same color scheme: Black, white/gray, wine red, with gold accents. Jyuto wears a black suit, grey undershirt, wine red gloves and shoes with a gold watch, tie pin, and collar pin. Rei wears a black coat, white pants, a wine red shirt with gold shoes, necklace, belt, and watch. And again, both men have those bright green eyes that are the Yamada's family trademark and black/brown hair.
Jyuto can be seen in the buster bros!!!. Jyuto being Rei's brother also makes him Ichiro, Jiro, and Saburo's uncle. The rest of BB is very pale, and depending on the lighting, indistinguishable from Jyuto's skin tone. Saburo also has many similarities between himself, Rei, and Jyuto. Saburo's eye's are not quite as angular as Jyuto's, but are considerably more angler compared to his brother who have flatter eyes, (like Rei). Of course that could be from Saburo's mother, but... Throughout the manga, Saburo and Jyuto also react to problems in a very similar way, even sharing expressions to the dot in the BB & MTC+ manga.
I have more points but I will spare you, reader.
What this means:
*I do not ship all of the relationships below, I just listed ones that this headcanon would affect*
Ichiro, Jiro, and Saburo are Jyuto's nephews
(If Jyuto x Jiro shipper) That ship becomes not only pedophilic, but incestuous =D
(If Samatoki x Ichiro shipper) (If Samatoki x Jyuto) Samatoki has fucked *been with* Jyuto's nephew and Ichiro's uncle alike... :l
Samatoki wants to kill Jyuto's nephew
(If Samatoki x Jyuto shipper) Samatoki wants to kill his boyfriend's nephew... and they're just sort of... fine with that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rei tans
Details (in my opinion):
Jyuto hates his brother
Rei couldn't care less he's 16 years older
Jyuto technically knows that BB are his nephew's, but has never had any family interaction except for meeting Ichiro once when he was a newborn, so he doesn't care and doesn't mention it
BB is unaware that Jyuto is their uncle
Jyuto has heterochromic pink-ish purple and green eyes but covers it up with a contact
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Please let me know your opinions on this headcanon!
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HypMic Band AU
Once again, I gather weird ideas from wandering a Discord server far too often...
Also partially inspired by the visual on this video.
Note: The bands keep their division names from canon, even though their backstories have changed to some degree or other.
The Dirty Dawg (henceforth TDD) was once a hugely popular band, which produced music of several genres...but like all bands, it had a rather troubled history behind-the-scenes. Ichiro, Samatoki and Ramuda would frequently fight over who would be the main vocalist. Jakurai would typically watch the others squabble while musing that it was "fascinating", instead of being their mediator. In order to properly mediate, Sasara and Kuko, Samatoki and Ichiro's previous bandmates respectively, joined as temporary members for the sake of smoothing relations over.
One time, these fights became so terrible, Ramuda simply schemed to break the band up...and so he did, alienating the others in the process.
However, this was 3 years ago now and TDD is but a distant memory. Nobody really remembers why TDD fought, not even them, although there is some animosity between the former TDD + 2 when they're involved in the same things. This is where we begin our story...
Ichiro: Vocalist with no real specialty (although he is rather partial to hip-hop). Writes his own tracks (like you see in Rhyme Anima ep. 2), although he does let his brothers write and perform their own solo music for concerts from time to time to placate them. Occasionally will play percussion roles, such as castanets or cymbals, when required.
Jiro: Guitarist (typically electric guitar, but is not averse to acoustic either).
Saburo: Pianist/organist. Can also be called upon to do electronic tracks with music-making software, plus sound and lighting for the concerts.
Samatoki: Vocalist, specialising in gangsta rap, although he does has a rather eclectic list of instruments he can play which is not well-known outside the green room (such as the harmonica). Plays the role of a gangster for his concerts with the rest of MTC (which the fans lap up like crazy). Wants to tour as much as possible to search for his sister.
Jyuto: Typically plays the melody to Samatoki's vocals or the backing to Samatoki's melody. If given a solo song, he'll play the trumpet.
Riou: Drummer and general tagger-along for when the band needs a third instrument. Can only play acoustic instruments - Sasara accidentally left an Otamatone in an MTC dressing room one time and Riou broke it, just by trying to experiment with it, which is why all electronic instruments were banned for him in the first place. MTC will typically practise their songs under the stars on clear nights because of him.
Ramuda: Vocalist, specialising in pop. Also plays the triangle and xylophone/marimba for their sparkly sounds.
Gentaro: Songwriter. Will randomly pull out an instrument - sometimes a rare one, like a shamisen - and claim he knows how to play it...and typically, he will be right (scarily enough).
Dice: Percussionist who'll practise on objects he finds anywhere. Secretly knows how to play the violin and the piano, which is why he's in the FP band, but prefers to not do so. Also played a grass whistle for one song and the fans went nuts for it, so FP is trying to incorporate it into their songs more.
Jakurai: Pianist/keyboard player. The only member of TDD who doesn't do vocals as often as the others, due to his low register. Also learnt how to play the theremin, due to Ramuda taking an interest in it at one point before the TDD breakup.
Hifumi: Vocalist, specialising in karaoke versions of tunes and electronic songs (although he tries not to use autotune if he can help it). Give him basically any instrument and he will nail it, given enough time.
Doppo: Synthesiser player/drummer. When enraged, he pulls off a mean impromptu drum solo.
Sasara: Plays absurd concert instruments like the kazoo, although he'll riddle his songs with puns if they have vocals. Typically when he's involved, you'll see concert staff bring things you wouldn't expect on to the stage, like empty rubbish bins, so that he can use them as instruments. (He also once used a recording of Rosho's rhythmic snoring as a backing track, but no one ever figured out it was Rosho's...not even the guy himself...) He and Rosho occasionally play as one-man bands in their spare time to cheer up nearby people. Don't underestimate him though - because of Rosho's propensity to break down in the middle of a performance, Sasara has learnt every instrument Rosho has, albeit to a lesser degree than he has (although Sasara doesn't showcase such talent on stage and deliberately denies he can play those instruments when asked, so he can mess with people).
Rosho: Plays the viola, clarinet and the piano/keyboard. Does not take the role of vocals often, due to stage fright.
Rei: Plays large orchestral instruments, such as the tuba and the double bass. Also played the harp once, to freak people out.
Kuko: Mainly a percussionist - his specialty is the taiko drum.
Jyushi: Vocalist and guitarist, specialising in visual-kei rock. Uses the White Falcon given to him by Hitoya.
Hitoya: Bassist and backup guitarist. Also knows basic piano melodies for some songs if required.
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mc-doppomine · 4 years
30 Days of Hypmic Challenge
Day 6: Favorite Matenrou Member
It’s Doppo. Doppo y’all since he’s my favorite overall. But since I don’t feel that’s fair, I’m gonna go ahead and talk...
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Hifumi Izanami! To which, I’m gonna be honest with you. I wasn’t a big fan of him when I first started the series. I mean, yeah he’s a hot guy but like that’s the point of the series. Plus I only really had Rhyme Anima and the songs, which too me way too long to look up the lyrics. So to me, I thought he was a complete ditz with yet another strange personality gimmick (Don’t look at me like that, they all have one. I’ll even admit my fave is definitely one of those) and liked causing trouble, probably while drunk!
But. BUT. Getting to read the manga and also some fanfics, I have come to completely change opinion on him. So yeah, thanks some of y’all for tripping me into this man’s arms. So I can hug him...if only I wouldn’t scare him so. But yeah, I really do like Hifumi and looking back, I have no idea how I couldn’t have liked him since I like sunshine boys with some secret aaaannnngsstttt. Okay enough just how I got to him but about him.
I will say, Hifumi is the most fucking confident bitch I’ve ever met. Like he’s so fucking unapologetically himself and has not a one doubt in his manliness. He says and does things that are stereotypically associated with women and he doesn’t care who knows and would even show it off. Hifumi finds absolutely nothing wrong with his habits...and a couple of those times, I think he’s legitimately having an issue seeing an issue...but yeah, he likes himself and what he does and has no shame about himself (except that thing but that’s for later). This man knows no fear and I absolutely am living for this no filter self. 
And I keep wondering how he has moments of just so shamelessly stepping on toes like he does with Gentaro and Rio when I’m so sure he has immense emotional intelligence. Yes, he flirts as a host but just platitudes can only get you so far. And considering I haven’t heard Hifumi doing a crapton of surgeries or anything to keep himself looking the kind of pretty his clients would want, Hifumi has to have something other than just his looks to be number 1 (although I have little doubt about him working out regularly and has a beauty routine). And that is being able to understand them and emit the kind of attention that they need or want from him. In the Host ARB event, Hifumi even displays and recognizes what he does. He knows that he does not love them but he does know he wants to give them comfort and soothe them.
I do kind of wonder the canon way of thinking and dealing Hifumi does with his persona. Because how I commonly see and accept of it is that host mode is usually referred to a Gigolo since it’s not very often Hifumi does his rapping without it. And that Gigolo is simultaneously Hifumi and not him. It’s not like Hifumi is unaware of what he’s doing as Gigolo nor that it is complete personality overhaul. But it isn’t how Hifumi is on a daily basis and it’s enough that, Doppo--the only reference we have for a long standing relation with him--does not like Gigolo. He literally always complains about what happens when the jacket is out. Now that may just be because he knows that the shameless flirting causes trouble but I personally think Doppo does not like Gigolo as this doesn’t feel like his friend so much as a co-worker he has to deal with. 
I don’t think many people think about Gigolo being as savage as he is because he needs to be. The other aspect of his hosting are the other fucking hosts. It’s cutthroat and you’re going the balancing act to keep on top. Like apparently clubs compete with each other??? I mean in way that makes sense but no, it’s like a grudge match because the top hosts are the ones that have to rake profits in for their club and fund, for a lot, an expensive lifestyle. And not just other clubs but within clubs too! You gotta keep bringing clients or y’know, they might have to let you go. Or you lose privileges that are afforded to you as top dog. And while Hifumi seems respected and respectful of teaching others, he has not a single doubt in being number 1 and surrendering that to anyone. 
Oof, now to the hard part. I think part of the reason I didn’t initially like Hifumi was because I went in thinking his personality ‘gimmick’ was going to be a joke and very annoying. So imagine the surprise it is that they actually do take Hifumi’s trauma seriously. Like yes there are hijinks from Gigolo doing shit but scenes where it is Hifumi without his jacket, I can’t really think of times when it is being treated as a joke. He is really terrified for his life that any of these women are going to HARM him and quite frankly there are very few times where women that have come in contact with Hifumi aren’t either out to hurt him or have the willingness to do so to him. And never once has anyone that has taken notice of it have ever shamed him or mocked him for it. Like Gentaro AND Dice witnessed the change and even if they didn’t like him, would never think to target him for such a thing. Because it’s fucking traumatic and it’s not a shame in finding a method that allows you to cope with living. 
And it’s a shame that Hifumi believes himself to be a weak person for not being able to face what has hurt him. And that’s simply not true. Courage is being able to take on things despite being afraid. And god was Hifumi afraid of encountering Honobono again but that didn’t stop him from wanting to moving on. It didn’t stop him when it meant someone he cared about getting hurt. Even if Hifumi couldn’t have faced her at all, I still wouldn’t hold it against him. Because making it through his ordeal in the first place was courage enough. 
Okay basically done but quick blurbs I have that don’t fit anywhere else. I personally think Hifumi’s strength lies with the dissing and respect my name aspect of rapping as his rap battles are savage and he sounds like he might bust some kneecaps in Shinjuku Style. Why the hell are you making bedroom eyes at me every other card? Please Hifumi--Also, is there a reference or something I’m missing as to him having a hobby of making ships in bottles or is that just an accept headcanon sort of thing????
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akashi-tetsuki · 10 months
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Hypnosis Mic:Rhyme Anima + EP10 ✦ Samatoki Aohitsugi
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vagabond-pinky · 1 year
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
My Ranking of Buster Bros!!! Songs
As I’ve put with my previous posts about song rankings, this is all done in good fun. What I think slaps may be what you think sucks and vice versa. So take it with a fistful of salt. I will not include the battles as that will be on its own list. I will include BB City, Nausa du Zuiqu and Ez Do Rap for fun.
I honestly feel bad for the Buster Bros because discography wise, I actually like most of the songs. Like if they came on, I probably wouldn’t switch it off. But at the same time, they do not have many that really slap for me. Like songs I’m obsessed with. Which kinda makes me feel bad because since I usually listen over the songs while I write this, I think...yeah these songs are good. 
14) New Star - Probably the only of songs that I’d lean more towards not liking. It really made think of a middle schooler, which I guess is the point since this was Saburo’s introductory song. But you know when you find like old recording of you performing in school and you’re just like ‘oh no.’ But yeah got that feeling. Also I was like ‘man, what a little shit’ from his lyrics. Which, again, makes sense. Does not mean I had to love it. 
13) School of IKB - Maybe because it just felt like a departure from Jiro’s usual sound that threw me off. It isn’t bad by any means but I guess I wasn’t expecting it. It really is a song that says a lot about Jiro’s growth and I’m super proud of him. I will admit that the chorus confused me and I while writing this figured out that he meant ‘I wanna be a cypher that continues after sunset.’ Because the other lyrics that kept coming in between the other ‘I wanna be a...’
12) Ez Do Rap - It is catchy but probably still one more forgettable, especially since I have to go look it up if I want to listen to it. 
11) Run This City - Fallen so far but it did a good job of keeping with the series and making me think that I could get into hypmic. So thank you for your service? Honestly, weirdly I think Buster Bros is one of the crews that actually had their anime versions sound really good for the music? 
10) BB City - I don’t know how all these extra songs end up having this energy of like just feel good and fun? I thought the subject was funny more than anything. Especially since they go so into their pettiness, they forgot the real goal here. It reminds me of another song but I cannot think of what it is. 
9) Ikebukuro West Game Park - This one actually hits pretty hard. Especially the break down near the end. I just had stronger feelings for the ones above it. I don’t mind the callbacks but I think i have to be in a mood with it though. Still thinking about the beatboxing though. 
8) Re:start!!! - I feel so bad that this is where it is but it’s primarily because of just liking fast over slow. But it is such an important song. Like for all that it is. Like this is a song where Jiro is actually the one supporting the entire song when normally it is Ichiro doing so. Like it is proof of him trying to be his own man and yet he is still a loving brother. And ah, I’m just crying over how they remain so strong together (and all these crews need to stop bullying them just because their (sibling) relationships are in shambles). 
7) Ore Ga Ichiro - Honestly think this one and number six could be switched around dependent on what kind of ‘I’m coming to kick your ass’ I felt like being that day. I actually remember it’s small feature in the anime. And it had given me hope for the music of the whole thing (it was half right). And honestly it really does tell you about everything about Ichiro with one song. And I honestly feel a little...proud? Like this sounds more like him than his TDD self. 
6) This Means War - Eyo my name is Jiro! But no, seriously, this song sounds like the kind of thing I’d listen if I was prepping to go fight someone. And Jiro’s words are so intense and take no prisoners about it. Plus instrumental??? Also intense, I love it. 
5) Requiem - Okay so this song was set up for success considering I thought Dies Irae was a banger of classical song to begin with. Add Saburo’s rap to it? Absolute banger. Sounds like a villain origin story to me. Too bad he’s like ‘but Ichi-nii would not like that.’
4) Break the Wall - Look man, they knew what they were doing when they based it off those dance songs. I personally get reminded of Earth, Wind and Fire. But yeah, it’s a good song and such a hopeful song. I am often in the back at work dancing to this song because it just has that vibe. 
3) Nausa du Zuiqu - The one song I can never spell right. But pretty high up for an insert song, huh? But yeah, I got nothing. This one, like Wrap & Rap, just gives me so a boost of seretonin. Because my first thought is ‘is this fucking Ievan polkka? Ichiro, you weeb!’ And he dragged Samatoki down with him. Then it was hilarious to find out they’re fucking go at it in a sauna while doing trivia about saunas. Like Samatoki said, ‘why do you know so much about saunas?!’ 
2) Ohayo Ikebukuro - I’m aware a lot of this is them talking but it’s also so bursting with their personalities and their dynamics. It’s ultra charming to me. Also I thought the breakdown when they’re doing haiku raps (don’t at me, that’s what they are) sounded too great considering they were just doing honestly silly haikus except Jiro. Also I was laughing because I found Ohayo Ikebukuro while writing an outline for an Ichiro/Reader and was like ‘wait, what’ when I found this talked about the kind of girl they liked. And Ichiro’s type...was kinda what I wrote for it. Guess his type is obvious, huh?
1) 3 Second Killer - I know, crazy that we get a Rhyme Anima song top the list. I had actually half forgotten this song. Like I know I thought it was fucking great even with the TV version but I didn’t listen to it because the TV version was so short. So when I found out that the Straight Outta Rhyme Anima extended all the songs, I was like ‘wait what?’ Came to this one, awesome. But it absolutely fits my love of let’s fuck shit up and being a badass vibe. Also my god, this must’ve been such a pain to record because if you look, almost every line is a different brother rapping for like the chorus. It also alternates between which and how many doing the line. And it sounds awesome! Also you hear that guitar in the fucking back? It is going ham. 
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