#i öove them so much
queensilber · 4 months
Supernatural: Witch‘s Canyon
Posting everything in this book that i think you need to know, lets go!
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Okay, so, the boys head to the Grand Canyon to solve a case of a fourty-year murder cycle. The spirits of variouse humans and animals alike attack the locals and they need to find out why and how to stop it.
It is set somewhere in Season two.
My opinion:
This was so much fun. Like, it was really like watching an episode, just a lot longer and with the magic ability to see into Sam and Deans (and a bunch of other characters) heads.
It also gave a little bit of a fanfiction vibe, just with the addidtion that everything is cannon and that all the random little facts and quotes are a real thing (i‘ll list those in a second)
And also there were flashbacks of their childhood??? That made me cry??? I hated john winchester before, but now even more so. (More about the flashbacks below too)
So yea, it was definetly worth it and i cant wait to read the others!!
This is the music Sam and Dean listened to during the course of the book (some locals listened to music too, but i did not list those)
- „paranoid“ by Black Sabbath
- „turn the page“ by Bob Seger
- unspecified tape by Bad Company
There are two flashbacks to Sam and Dean‘s Childhood:
- the first one is Dean Remembering a time when John made him and Sam run through an obstacle course at age twelve and eight. Dean had to shoot a gun during it, Sam just had to point and yell „Bang!“.
In the process of that Sam got injured and cried and John yelled at him to keep going and that he was doing poorly. Dean comforted his brother and encouraged him, leading to sam actually making it. Sam did it and Dean cheered, but john kept yelling at them to keep going to the next obstacle.
- the second one was from when Dean was fourteen and Sam was ten. Their Dad gave them backbags and said what was in them could last them fir four days and they all went on a hike together.
In the middle of nowhere john then saud that they should not trust anyone on what they are told and left them alone, telling them that they should find their way (at very least two days of walk) back themsleves and they shouldnt have relied on him so much and he just… left.
When they checked their backbags they found that most in it was useless and they were also filled with rocks to make it seem like it was more than it was.
Thats so fucked up, like
Those are children. And the worst part, when Dean rememvers this he thinks of it almost positively because it taught him a valuable lesson. I cant even begin to describe how my heart hurt for them.
Random facts:
Here are some facts from the book, i do t know anymor if those are mentioned in the show too, but it hardly matters, i think:
- Sam outgrew Dean at the age of 16
- Dean felt gutity over Jessicas death and thought that it was a „more solid basis“ of guilt than Sam had on the matter
- Sam can differentiate between uniforms of different wars in history just by a look
- Dean hates Rats. A lot.
Some quotes from the book:
John Winchester hunted monsters, ghosts, demons — the creatures most people only believed in deep down in their 3:00 am hearts, abd that they laughted off when the sun was bright and their spirits high.
It was a habit Dean had picked up from Dad — reffering to what they did as a „job“. To Sam it was nore of a Mission, even a calling.
„Sammy really likes cops,“ Dean said. „If he didnt have any talents he might have become one“
Sometimes he thought Dean wouldnt mind dying if he could go out in a blaze of glory, as the saying went. In moments of fairness, Sam knew that wasnt true. Dean didnt care about the glory; he cared about making a difference.
„I‘m coming around to the point, Sam.“ „He‘s Dean,“ Sam corrected. „I‘m Sam“. „Sorry, For some reason, you just look more like a Dean to me“
Gilmore Girls reference?
„You tried to shoot my brother“ Dean said.
Sam belived in a highter power, Dean didnt. Sam didnt have any special knowledge that Dean lacked, handt seen or heard or met God.
Lol, not yet.
Dean had been a kid, hadnt ever had a chance to become anything other than what Dad had made of him. That, finally, was the gulf between them — the canyon that could never be bridged.
Dean was an amazing guy, Sam knew, with skills and abilities most people would never imagine, and smarts Dean himself wouldnt credit, even though he relied on them all the time. And yet, at times like this, he was so humble, so unassuming, that he seemed almost unaware of the importance if his iwn contributions. At other times, of course, that humility vanished. Knowing and accepting both Deans, he guessed, was what being brothers was all about. Maybe I wouldnt want to be Dean, he thought, but i‘m sure glad I have him araound.
So anyways, that book sure was an experiance and i cant wait for the next one! I‘ll post a review of that as well and will update that post with a link to it one i‘m done!
Xoxo! <3
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reki-of-the-valley · 3 years
For the ☕ ask game
Mini Cacti
(That's a challenge I know, but I fucking öove mini cacti so talk about them)
As in the plant? The tiny cute plants?? Because if so, I would like 10 please! They're so small and cute!! I don't know anything to plants except that I somehow managed a little garden this year, but I love them so much!!! Especially tiny cute plants!!!!!
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right now, Lilo and stitch is ma fav Disney movie, i love tim delaghettos vibe  fuck yeah. i love drinking out of fancy ass containers, also love will aka yellowpaco, listening to ‘it feels good’on repeat, my fav video is ‘bounce by tim and hisfriend sorry not sure of his name rn,my back or like neck urts or maybe im just feeding into that, i gotta learn for ma big maths test in like two weeks, not having your phone around really helps and ust generally not being ‘online’ all the time, i got a fckn job at a supermarket, from which i get a few cuts everytime, which i find fascinating and they heal pretty fast so, usually like writing my thoughts on paper dont have that right now, and i cannot type for shit, im trying to figure out who i want tobe, like i wanna make ppl laugh/ feel good, also dont wanna focuse on ,iving in my head as much, which ive kinda been doin for years, dont think do!!! And im laughin like... yeah… and im laghin like... it feels good right… hahaha..yeah...and im laughin like....this fckn song...Liza ma mums dog is lying there sleepin lookin cute af, sometines i wonder thiugh or i assume that she is a ctually a human turned into a dog, so i call her creep, yeah… also beatboxing rapping dude gotta try wanna try, so i can look back on my life and say that was fun, damn goal, hit the shit out of that please future fran, also ive been not acknowledging my mum for yers and i think i can learn from her sth too, like yeah it  is annoying sometimes, but yeah in the end you wanna be a nice person make ppl laugh/ feel good so , also you feel like you havent really had much experiences , so thinking about meeting up w ppl from online haha, guess from where, just get some new experiences, but i gotta act do not just think it, but for now study for maths test, you got thisl just dont look at your fckn phone or go on some social media,also you can write stories, you can do whatever yu feel like and that is amzing overwhelming stressfull, but most imortantly privileged well that s not the most important but you Gotta acknpwledge that shit, you got a privieleged ass, who cannot type for shit, but yah, öove yah bitch haha love yah, i know youre not where /who yu want to be out in the open but that doesnt matter, just fuck it fuck them fick you fuck everyone haha enjoy yourslef , easier said than done oi know but really this fckn life you dont wanna take ti seriosly , cos it really isnt, love yah
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support-group854 · 7 years
I dont know what to do. My Granny is dying and im just paralyzed and terrified. I love her so much and im so scared. I cant handle this and im just paralyzed and dont have anyone to talk to and i cant go see her - and I feel so so so guilt for it snd i öove her so much and im so scared and it hurts so much
This is so difficult to go through, and I’m incredibly glad you’re reaching out.
The passing of a loved one is always the most difficult experience of our lives. We love them, we’ll always love them, and we just wanted a bit more time. Sometimes, we can’t have a bit more time. Sometimes, we can’t see them.
The first thing I want you to remind yourself to do is, every morning, look in your mirror and say to yourself that you’re okay. You may not be in entirety, but you can live and breathe and that’s enough.
Then, if you know the place where she is staying, you can likely find a phone number online, and ask for a message to be delivered to her. If you can’t do that, that’s okay. It’s okay to not be able to do it. You love her, and you always will, and it’s hard to handle.
I want you to try writing or drawing in a journal or diary. Let all of your feelings out, and just tell the diary everything you wish you could say or want to say. Write (or draw) pages of memories from the time you’ve spent, and look back on them happily (or contentedly).
I hope this helped.
~Mod Jay
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