#i *finally* got some *actually good* kiss screenshots of these two lmao
chaoticspacefam · 11 months
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✨them ✨ 🥺👉👈
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . all those dad headcanons are making me so SOFT 🥺✨🥺 do you think you could make some for kuroo, akaashi and atsumu as dads if u haven’t done them already??
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . i'm happy that your requests are open ! and for dad headcanons?? i am right here to serve my braincells for you ma'am. what about dad! sugawara & kenma? thank you in advance 🤓😘
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ kuroo tetsurou & kozume kenma <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . someone send me cute dad suggestions because i am running🏃out of ideas💡 i'm also finaly done with dad! akaashi hcs in my notes, so feel free to request ( even non-dad related ones ) because i lowkey have no life👉👈🗿
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➜ it would come as a shock to him honestly ─ you guys used protection and he was atleast careful despite having lazy smex half of the time
➜ but what shocks YOU the most was that he didn't want to get rid of the baby ─ he just couldn't, it was a child he co-reated with the love of his life, how could he ?
➜ you were quick to come with an agreement with him, his soft smile tugging on his lips to form, the smile 80% of the time would come out only for you ( shoyou & kuroo )
➜ he was also lowkey excited, he texted shoyou and kuroo about it as they both congratulated him and were already trying to do dibs on who'll be god father
➜ and you've noticed that he was bit more affectionate with you when you were in your pregnancy, his head on your lap as you play with his hair ─ which he usually doesn't like people doing?? and would every now and then kiss your tummy while playing his games
➜ i want to h*ld his hand
➜ and k*th him
➜ he's like a mother cat on pregnancy, but with you ─ never lets you do work, saying that he already has it under all on control, very protective of you and literally hisses at other people coming near you LMAO WTF MAN
➜ tries to be as knowledgable for your pregnancy as much as possible ─ just like the other dads in my hcs, they want YOU to feel comfortable with EVERYTHING and want YOU to feel supported
➜ has already bought EVERYTHING you needed, even extra ones and has booked appointments left and right
➜ like mans hasn't done this much effort after volleyball ngl
➜ but just like everyone else ─ he's terrified, he doesn't know alot of these things and of course you're the only woman he has ever gotten pregnant and he doesn't have any experiences in these type of thing whatsoever
➜ doubts were not uncommon ─ if he ever was going to be a good father to his child, if he was even a good fiancé to you, was he even worth to have a child with ?
➜ this bb boy CRIED when he heard you guys were having twins, TWINS; like as in a girl and a boy
➜ when kaori and kazu were born, kenma wasn't aware that he could fall in love all over again
➜ is this even worth mentioning because everyone probably knows this?? he s p o i l s  them big time
➜ whenever he's working late at night, he'll always be the one telling YOU to go back to sleep and he'll be the one to take care of the kid for the night
➜ and by kid, i meant kazu because somehow??he??got??his??father's??sleeping??schedule??
➜ and it's how he sleeps by
➜ sometimes whenever you wake up, you find yourself alone in the bedroom and whenever you look at either the game room or your childrens' room, you would always find kenma lying with his children on couch-bed ─ kozu and kaori on each side of his head, kaori having her small little fingers holding and sometimes tugging onto her dad's hair
➜ and sometimes you would also join them
➜ but most of the time, you would head to the kitchen and make some breakfast
➜ and usually kenma would wake up and put his kids back to their crib and he'd go look for you, finding you cooking as he would wrap his arms around your waist as he hugs you from the back
➜ i just wanna get myself a gamer boi kenma
➜ since he gets a lot more clingey whenever he wakes up
➜ whenever he's streaming USUALLY, kozu would sleep on his lap like a cat while kaori is sleeping in his head?? Idk how??
➜ while his fans literally PAY him to show his adorable kids, some even commented how they're all so cat-like and alike with their father
➜ one time while streaming, he was probably ranting tf out of a game he wasted his money on and warning his fans not to buy it because it's basically a scam
➜ and while he was in the middle of ranting, his daughter comes in while holding a blanket on her as she rubbed her eyes looking so much like a small kitten, he literally STOPS DEAD ON HIS SWEAR WORD AS HIS EYES WIDDENED while the people in the chats are either fangirling how CUTE his daughter was or DYING because mans was almst about to swear and interrupted himself
➜ before he could react a bundle of energy comes into the gaming room, you hot tailing on his tracks as you came into the room while trying to retrieve kozu
“ kozu!! don't come in there ahH ─ ” you blushed as you looked at both your boyfriend that has an amused eyebrow cocked up, and onto the camera before laughing and smiling at it since his fans ADORE YOU
➜ when you finally got your hands on your son, you smiled at your daughter as you signaled her to come over to you
➜ but before she could come to you she was already lifted at her father's lap
“ it's fine, i'll have her with me ” he said as he nodded at you, placing her gently in the middle of his lap as his arms encaged her while he played his games
➜ before leaving with a pouting kozu on your arms you threw a peace sign at the camera for his fans, closing the door on the way out
➜ let's just say that it lowkey went viral because it's literally so cute
➜ sorry i just HAD to reference that interview that got viral before
➜ one time where you fell asleep with both of your children curled up to you in the bed, kenma just finished a long stream as he walked to the bedroom hoping to fall asleep ontop of you yet finds two cute cat looking children cuddling you
➜ he quickly took a photo or two and made it both his home and lockscreen before sending it to shoyou
➜ and then sliding himself onto the covers as he, himself, nuzzled himself onto your warmth
➜ the relatable dad, idk why but i really see him getting along with children especially when they're teenagers ─ i just, i COULD SEE IT
➜ especially kaori😭 since she inherited his introverted and somehow shy side??
➜ kaori : *slids down the chair after coming home from school* i wanna die
➜ kenma : same
➜ he would introduce video games to his children AHH
➜ would even play violent games with them because why not?
➜ you'd prolly have to scold him after though
➜ the biggest achievement was when both of his children listing game consoles on their christmas lists
➜ and it was on the top of the list
➜ but kenma, being the kanbe(kambe??) daisuke he is, he bought all the things on that list
➜ he knows his kids are supposed to be studying at school ─ he knows it, he really does, that's why he made them go to school
➜ but he couldn't help but play along with his children on the imessage games when he DEFINITELY knows that they were in the middle of history class
➜ and you'll just find out it through the family gc seeing them spam the chat with games and screenshots of their scores while comparing them😭
➜ he always knew how to communicate with his children ─ perhaps it was because of the reason that they are his children
➜ but whenever his daughter comes to him complaining about human interactions and wanting to stay home while his son complains about school being in the way of gaming ─ he's just like : WE SEE EACH OTHER
➜ baby boy is a lazy bum, but he will never hesitate to participate and contribute to his children's life ─ not only through things, but also with just his guidance and presence
➜ your pregnancy may have come across as an accident, but it was never a mistake to kenma.
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➜ after getting married for two years now, you couldn't help but want to start building a family with kuroo
➜ LIKE WHO WOULDN'T?? this is kuroo tetsurou we are talking about
➜ unlike oikawa and bokuto ─ YOU were the one having the baby fever
➜ your friends and colleagues already having or talking with their partners to start or adopt
➜ but of course you were lowkey insecure, why wasn't he even mentioning that he wanted a family with you? does he think that it was a waste of time? or maybe he doesn't want to start it with you ─ maybe you were the problem?
➜ but unbeknownst to you, tetsurou also wanted to start a family with you ─ he wanted a lot of children, actually. but he doesn't want you to feel pressured ─ since you guys are still youthful, there's still a lot of time to think about it
➜ and most of all, he doesn't want to start a family with anyone else BUT YOU
➜ whatthefucksanaol sir eye ─
➜ and he's already talking to bokuto behind your back about wanting to start a family with you ( and of course kenma )
➜ it's quite eerie honestly
➜ you, thinking it was only just a slight baby fever with all your friends wanting them as well, tried dismissing your thoughts
➜ but your mind said nO❌🚫 RIGHTS✅💢
➜ and kuroo could notice the slight change in behaviour with you, it was subtle but he was quite perceptive
➜ with his cat eyes intently watching you as you tried avoiding his gazes because all you could think is HAVING A BABY WITH THE SAME EYES AS HIM FIIFJJCJC
➜ it was fine until he confronted you about it
➜ kuroo ─ for me, is someone to face a problem head-on, it's just his personality, so it wasn't a surprise that he seriously yet carefully and nonchalantly confronted you while you guys were about to sleep as you layed your head on his lap, taking in his warmth
➜ and that's where mans dropped the b*mb💣
“dollface? is everything alright with you?”
➜ just imagine kuroo's concerned voice is all that you could hear along with the palpitations of your heart as he caressed your cheeks, brushing off the hair covering your face as he puts down science pun book he had on his hands on the nightstand
➜ now i can't help but imagine that scene from the special/bonus chapter from bj alex with chanwoo and MD on the bed, that scene where he tries to confront chanwoo about that bruise on his face? ughshshsj
➜ all he heard was that you wanted to start a family with him👉👈 and now he's seconds to going FERAL and push you down the matress
➜ 😳🔞
➜ but mans was quick to get himself back to reality, a bashful smile tugged on his lips as he nodded at you, kinda disappointed that you had to be the braver person in the relationship to bring out the topic and it wasn't him
➜ mans is competitive okay
“ . . . why don't we start now? ” he slyly grinned, y'know, that cheshire cat grin
➜ let's just see you guys didn't sleep at all that night
➜ kuroo was, though not surprisingly, good and knowledgable with pregnancy, not like he secretly researched about it that one time when you guys got a pregnancy scare that started all his wild thoughts about you carrying his child um ─
➜ and this is kuroo we are talking about lmao
➜ i think he has his insecurities but was never doubtful of himself being a father, LIKE MANS HAS TAKEN CARE OF A WHOLE ASS VOLLEYBALL TEAM ─ but he knows there is a difference between being a father to his child and being a good one
➜ i wanna m*rry him too😡
➜ you gifted him a daughter, his first born. the first time he saw her, GOD WAS THIS THE BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN HIS LIFE
➜ like who knew you guys could create someone so beautifully mashed of both him and you ─ but you disagree, as even by the youngest age of four months or three, you could see the literal resemblance of your husband on her
➜ and it was uncanny, her eyes were the ones you dreamed of your children having ─ molten golden ones of tetsurou's, her cat-like grin and sly personality
➜ she was always quick to lean on her father's warmth, and that made kuroo CRY and you kinda jealous
➜ but nevertheless, you knew that there were plenty of times to make one that loves you just as much taiga loves tetsurou
➜ and you did get it, second born after only half a year, was tamaki, which has taken both your personality and tetsurou's, while having your appearance.
➜ but you were quick to notice to comment that tamaki has gotten kuroo's shy personality while he was young, he would always shy away from his sister that kept clinging onto him since she has never had a playmate other than her uncles from nekoma's old volleyball club
➜ kuroo was to say the least, really happy when he sees your two children getting along with each other since he, himself, has grown up alone with no sibling and without a mother
➜ and as he looked at you playing tamaki and taiga as tamaki got you all wrapped around his finger while taiga was looking for her father, he couldn't help but smile
➜ believe it or not, taiga first said your name ─ not tetsurou's
➜ in your face kuroo
“ come on, say dada !! ” your husband patted his thighs to make a sound as he sat on the bed while your daughter just ─ once again, leaned on his touch, nuzzling her face onto his warm thighs while giggling
➜ he dropped his phone to the bed whining, “ mama! look at her ─ ”
“ ─ mama!! ” your daughter imitated his words, both leaving you guys stunned and wide-eyed as you laugh in shock while tamaki was jealous you gave his sister more attention and now tugging softly at your hair,
“ . . . mama? ”
➜ also belive it or not, tamaki was the one who got his father's sleeping habits of having two pillows on both sides of his head
➜ and it actually??comes??off??nice??and neat??
➜ at the age of 7, your daughter was already picked to represent her class on a science fair AND YOU BET TETSUROU IS SO PROUD OF HIS DAUGHTER
➜ would be such a supportive dad
➜ visits tamaki and taiga's volleyball games ─ like atleast all over them, and would bring along his old teammates to it maybe just to relive old memories because you BET that they're attending nekoma
 ➜ would always have these little traditions and inside jokes with them and you
➜ especially science ones
➜ what do we expect? HE'S LITERALLY A DORK
➜ they just vibe with each other ngl, like kuroo is just a down-to-earth guy and could get along with BOTH your extroverted daughter and introverted son, since he was both of them in a moment from his life
➜ uncle kenma would always bring in gifts for them because they're literally now his cats because they are now cats
➜ sorry i don't make the rules
➜ my husband, kenma, does😋
➜ your kids LOVE HIM though, especially tamaki being a bit like kenma ─ both, growing a soft spots for each other
➜ whenever some of his old teammates would visit, taiga is always on uncle lev's back while yaku scolds him to put her tf down or else she'll fall
➜ tamaki on the other hand, is just safely sitting beside his uncle kenma while he watched him play games ─ which he has also grown to love
➜ doesn't let your kids forget to eat and makes them eat even if taiga's in the phase of wanting to be sexy gorl tingz ─ DADDY KUROO SAYS NO RIGHTS🚫
➜ overall, kuroo couldn't ask for more, he was so proud of his children no matter what they do through and through and of course you too ─ for carrying his children, bringing them into the world and being patient with them
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RWBY V08E05 - Amity
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Amity! A return to the adventures of RWB? With no Penny sadly. I doubt we'll get so many visual puns again but who knows, maybe they'll make friends with Whitley or at least have a cordial chat with him without killing each other. I have no idea, so let's do this!
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Wow, great start. Poor Pietro, got copypasted there with no regard for his feelings.
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I'm very glad I was wrong about no Penny.. Even if every second she's on screen increases the chances of something bad happening to her.
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Why does the HUD look like someone used the wand from photoshop to extract it from a white background?
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Wait, are they going to blow up the Dust to launch amity into space?
Penny is right, that doesn't seem like a good idea but it's also incredibly in-character for the show. Now even caves are a gun.
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Someone at Rooster Teeth really likes the idea of little old ladies riding huge robots, and honestly? Can't disagree.
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hmmmmmmmm not a big fan of pietro at the moment
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oof, my heart
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Maria continues to be the voice of wisdom. Sadly, I doubt Pietro is going to listen to her.
In the original tale Pinocchio ends up learning by making bad choice after bad choice. Penny doesn't seem to have that much in common with her inspiration but if she hasn't ever been able to make a choice at all, would it be surprising if the first time she makes a choice it ends up being a bad one? It wouldn't surprise me if this is setting her up to fly away from Amity (against Pietro's wishes) once she notices something went wrong with everyone else (making her vulnerable)
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look at that poor girl
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Aaaa, that's the same expression she used when Ruby said Penny was still the Protector of Mantle. "my feelings don't matter, conceal, don't feel, don't let them kn— wait, never mind
but yeah, she's used to putting everyone ahead of her (because as a robot she supposedly doesn't know better, there's a reason that was her first thought when she was talking with Winter in last season)
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aw poop
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Cinder was moving so fast she left her shadow behind.
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Great deranged expression and voice though. Did she bring both Neo and Emerald or just the latter?
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Penny yes
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Hey, 9 blades! For a second I thought they wouldn't remember that she lost one.
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no, no, no, time for what? aaaaa
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Now that we have more context, Cinder using her own experiences to know where to hurt people is * chef kiss *
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Intentional reference to the PvP fight?
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okay, I didn't expect badass Maria to actually fight using her robot but I blame my own lack of imagination
now I'm hyped, it also gives something the other two something to do.
I think the main problem here for the good guys is that if Pietro gets threatened there's no way Penny is not going to surrender. Although, maybe he gets kidnapped? That'd make him get "swallowed" by a whale... hm. Another possibility is that they threaten Pietro and Penny gets hacked "just in time"
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you can't lie to me, subtitles, I know she was going to say bitch
lol at crashing the entire ship into maria to get her out of the way
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bad mistake to hurt one of Penny's friends in front of her
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Did anyone give a job to poor Emerald? I can almost see Cinder telling Neo to distract people while in the ship with Emerald sitting in the back seat trying to get noticed.
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C'mon Neo, leave the old lady alone
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…of course she wouldn't leave her alone, she's Neo, she likes playing with her victims
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I wonder if Neo has a deeper plan than "killing this old lady while looking like her protege would be incredibly cruel and extra and therefore worth doing"
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If the drifting was an accident, where did Emerald go?
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waiting for the RWBY shmup
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I understand why she's leaving Amity (to prevent their fight from destroying it by accident) but leaving Pietro alone feels like a bad idea.
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…this HUD is a lot cleaner, I don't get it, it should be the same png overlay
anyway, took the screenshot to write "wow, Cinder is actually capable of thinking through her rage these days, good for her" but now that I think about it, I'm not sure if she's ever been fooled.
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I wanted more evil Ruby
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Also, I'm literally loling at Maria yoda-ing Neo.
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ah yes, neo, so graceful
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oof, looks like that was a direct hit. And the worst part is that the second James hacks into Penny, I assume it'll will work that way. Probably her worst nightmare.
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Yeah, no, this worked for spiderman because his nemesis wasn't right in front of him.
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I like the idea of this shot but for some reason the execution looks weird. Maybe it's just awkward positioning, it's hard to tell the angles.
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* cough *
I mean, yeah, saw that coming.
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For a second I thought she was melting her face but then I remembered the one reason Cinder has that arm.
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I'm going to need a diagram to know what Emerald was doing.
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Yessss, no need for swords if you can make your own
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I really need to know what she was doing inside because right now it feels like that was the worst excuse ever to get her out of the fight until the last possible second (and maybe make it another reference to PvP when Ruby exits the corridor?)
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Did she finally see Pietro?
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Emerald has so much faith in Cinder, sigh
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I wonder if before the end of the show Neo will get to stab someone with her umbrella. Maybe it could even be Cinder
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First time she gets knocked out?
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Cinder with a long spear only means one thing. Someone is getting stabbed
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I hadn't thought about this until now but before this second I'd have said Emerald's semblance shouldn't work on Penny. Like, what part is she affecting to make Penny see the duplicates? But I guess it does work, somehow. Maybe reality gets processed through Aura.
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Fire spear vs laser, who wins?
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Giant laser wins
Glad that Penny is confirmed as the most powerful character in the show.
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Poor Emerald, two lines this episode and they are both "CINDER"
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Damn, she looks done with their crap.
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And now she looks absolutely feral. Loving this.
I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. If she gets hacked now, Cinder still wins. She wouldn't get the maiden powers but at least she'd stop the transmission.
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Emerald breaks my heart. So much love for someone who couldn't give a hoot about her.
At least Cinder seems to know her place with Salem, but I can't tell if she started like Emerald and got her love beaten down or if she just had different priorities after getting saved from what seemed similar circumstances.
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Ah, Neo. Now to add to her resume that she beat a granny only because she got distracted.
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oh, shut up, Pietro
Is this it? Is this where Penny "rebels"?
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Even after all that fight, I think this is the best animation of the episode so far. It conveys so much resignation and annoyance.
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I think this is the first time this season RWBY makes me teary-eyed. She finally said it!
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This is too cute for this world.
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Remember when I said that hug with Ruby felt like a goodbye? Well, this is much worse.
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Wooo, she succeeded! (I hope, they did mention the message was a couple of minutes long)
But I'm also even more worried now because it feels like the one last thing she had to do.
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They are back!
I wonder if the one character I miss the most will also get a shot.
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Pensive Whitley? more likely than you think
He has a lot of potential, especially now that Salem -> Cinder -> Emerald are a thing, making cyclical abuse more of an explicit theme. Not sure if there's enough time to do him justice though, considering he's not much of a character.
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"we don't want to reveal Vacuo yet, what do we do?" "put them in the desert"
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Yessss, Ilia got a cameo!
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Are they pulling her back from voiceless purgatory?
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Holy shit, wow, really didn't expect to see her.
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Literally a pet. I wonder where the hound falls in the hierarchy
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...why is she so happy? She's not supposed to be happy!!
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was expecting this
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Poor guy, I wonder if this is the first news he gets from her daughters.
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Taiyang made me realize they didn't show Yang's team. Huh.
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Oh, fuck you rooster teeth.
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Fuck oofffff (RT, not you, Pietro)
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Is Winter end up doing the right thing? She's obviously affected by seeing Penny's sword there.
Also, I wonder if her new armor is just that or if it's a bracing system to help her move so soon after getting beat. But I guess that wouldn't be necessary if her aura helped her heal.
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Hopefully, if Watts escapes and tries to get everyone else to help (since I doubt he can beat all the guards on his own), Qrow shows he learned his lesson about trusting the enemy.
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ah, there you go
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Okay, this is an amazing reveal. Is Salem transforming Mantle into another land of darkness? Because that'd definitely explain why she was so unworried about the broadcast.
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What a way to end the episode. A brief moment of hope completely destroyed, twice.
Penny has been raising so many death flags that her inevitable hacking lacked some impact. I'm still sad (and annoyed at RT for poor Penny being a magnet for suffering) but Watts being Watts maybe he did a bad job just to prevent Atlas to escape? And Penny seemed able to resist? aaaah, I don't know. Now that the hacking finally happened all the foreshadowing is over, anything could happen.
The worst part of the hack is that it modified Penny's thoughts. It wasn't a complete takeover, like with Pietro, it was a lot more insidious. Literally making true what Cinder told her. Ugh.
Looking back at the screenshots, wow, a lot of the episode was just them fighting, but there were some fun moments, like Maria kicking Neo's ass.
Very curious about where it's going. Both the Penny plot (there's absolutely no way hacked Penny doesn't fight Ruby, there's probably a rule written in the universe about having mind-controlled people fight their loved ones) and the river of Grimm which was an excellent secondary gut punch. Really, loved that reveal. "You thought things were bad? lol"
I think that's all for now, until next time!
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yourdorkiness · 3 years
More Fire Force Opinions That Literally Nobody Asked For (pt.2)
Guess who finished the manga~ Guess who finished the manga~ This gal~ I’m surprised that my Fire Force rant/essay meta was so well received by the fandom, thank you guys so much!!! Anyways, today I’ll be discussing some a lot of my ideas, opinions, thoughts, future predictions, and commentary on moments from the Fire Force manga.
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Warnings: Spoilers for future Fire Force Season Two arcs, and for the Fire Force manga. Read at your own discretion! Now that the warnings are over, onwards! ヽ(ヅ)ノ
(I’m actually trying to order my opinions via arcs, but I feel that this is really important, so I’m putting it first.) 
1. There are no iPhones in the Fire Force. 
This is so sad? My favourite characters don’t know the joy that is staying up late, scrolling through social media, watching YOUTUBE, having MEMES, KNOWING👏THE👏GREATNESS👏THAT👏IS👏VINES!!!
I’m slightly disappointed that Vulcan, who is literally named after the god of forging himself, who can make frickin’ HOLOGRAMS, didn’t bring back any of the pre-Catalysm technology to recreate, improve, or experiment with. As an expert engineer (I say this 0.2% seriously, with the two years of high school engineering course experience under my belt), I would’ve been interested to see what kind of gadgets Vulcan could whip up. *insert ‘Inspector Gadget theme song*
Please have this very sad Jigglypuff to show how sad this is.
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2. Sister Iris and Religion in the Fire Force Storyline
In the beginning of the Fire Force series, I’ve accepted the fact that Iris' role as noncombatant, meant to act as the religious and public face of the Eighth Company. I think it is a fascinating role, because it allows the story to explore the idea of religion and belief in depth, which I was really looking forward to. I was excited how the author would handle Iris’ character, but I’m somewhat disappointed that it took so long for us to see Iris and other side characters like Maki and Tamaki become more fleshed out (I’m not counting Iris’ and Hibana’s backstory in Season 1. I felt that was more backstory to flesh out Hibana’s character rather than Iris’).
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Throughout Fire Force’s story, some of the things I looked forward to the most were the religious elements, motifs, themes, and questions that are sprinkled throughout the story, one of my favourites being the portrayal of the dichotomy of religion. In Joker’s backstory, we see the darkness of the Holy Sol faith, and what happens when any religious belief is taken TOO far, without any regard for human life or rights. This idea of viewing humans as a collective, no regard for the individuality and feelings of a single person in the pursuit of faith is embodied by the captain of the Shadow of the Holy Sun, Joker’s former captain and abuser. However, we also get to see the goodness religion and belief can achieve in Iris’ mini arc, which focuses on Iris’ internal struggle as she struggles with her faith after being informed of the Evangelist’s part in the founding of the Holy Sol’s religion. Shinra and Huo Yan Li, the bucket hat 1st Brigade lieutenant (Seriously, which is the correct way to pronounce this guy’s name? Huo Yan Li?? Foien Li???) interaction in the Iris arc really summed up the arc and Iris’ character beautifully. Religion and belief gives people closure, hope, and strength to keep on moving forward. Seeing the anime adaption was an amazing experience. Fire Force’s animation was the reason I decided to watch it in the first place (before staying for the intriguing plot and religious side plot), but this particular episode?? Pure art. The colouring, ambience, storytelling? So good\\ ٩( ᐛ )و //
Like, the little detail of the burning nun in Iris’ eyes? (lmao sorry for the extra trauma, sweet child) *chef’s kiss*
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The importance of belief is also hinted in the Asakusa arc, where all the district’s inhabitants believe in Benimaru, and expanded upon in later manga chapters, when we learn that Adolla is linked to humanity’s perception and beliefs about the world around them.
I would’ve liked Iris a lot more if we got to further explore her character and the affects of religion on others more deeply, perhaps see Iris visiting the Infernals’ families and loved ones, trying to help give closure through the nation’s (mostly) shared faith in Sol. They mentioned offhandedly in both anime and manga that Iris visits the deceased’s families, and I felt it would’ve given the deaths more significance and depth if we get screentime of how families are affected by the death of their loved ones. It would have also given the Holy Sol’s religion more depth and meaning if we saw believers of Sol’s actions due to their religion, (also giving more impact when we learn surprise surprise! The Holy Sol temple is founded by the Evangelist!) since belief without actions is just lip-service.
I would have also liked to see how Iris’ prayers affect others in the Eighth company. We do get to see this, 140+ CHAPTERS LATER in the mini Iris arc does Shinra (finally) mentions how Iris’ prayers helps him not lose sight of why he serves as a firefighter and kills Infernal. I’m glad that we got this scene, because better later than never, especially since Iris’ and Shinra’s discussion and overall the entire Iris mini arcs shows the power of prayer, but I would’ve like to have this topic discussed sooner.
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2. Obi’s Sole Flaw
I think that Obi was an okay character, but they kind of pushed the boundary of his “normalcy” when we saw him topple pillars and rip railways out of the ground with “brute strength”. There are limits to the human body, it is fragile, and it doesn’t matter how much conditioning or “going beyond your limits” you do. People do experience boost of adrenaline, which is probably what the very anime-like titled “Pressure of Death” is based on, since life or death situations can heighten your performance and strength. However, I do understand that this IS shonen, and it isn’t meant to be realistic.
What made Obi’s sole flaw (and a physical flaw, at that!) was his “normalcy” while surrounded by more powerful individuals then he, and having to make up for something he can’t help by working twice as hard as everybody else. Now, although I was disappointed that Obi didn’t have any character/moral flaws, what made Obi’s character mediocre to me wasn’t the choice of Obi’s sole flaw. In fact, I could see how this could be an interesting character narrative IF WE LEARN MORE ABOUT OBI’S BACKSTORY, THEREFORE EXPLORING HIS CHARACTER MORE!!! (We only know Obi was a regular firefighter, being decorated twice, and then having his titles revoked for prioritizing the lives of citizens before becoming the captain of the Eighth.) No, what I didn’t like about Obi’s character is that we never see him STRUGGLE with his flaw, how others were born “superior” to him thanks to there invulnerability to flames, how he lives knowing one day he could just burst into flames. There’s SO many interesting things about Obi’s character, that could explained further, making him so much more interesting!!!
On the other hand, Obi’s character is a great role model for what a “normal” person can do (while jacked up on adrenaline, and when they manage to overcome flight reaction in fight or flight). He works hard, training to the best of his ability, doing what he CAN do, pushing his limits so that he can go above and beyond, overcoming the “Pressure of Death”, and staying true to his ideals, something very hard to do in a world where you might burst into flames at any given moment. I know that if I were to wake in a world where I could die any second (I mean, I could die tomorrow in Real Life™, but what are the chances of that?), I would definitely find myself struggling with my faith, and staying true to the morals I admire and was taught by my parents, especially if I was putting myself in danger despite of this weakness.
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3. Asakusa Showdown Arc and Shinmon Hibachi
The Asakusa Showdown arc. Yes. Just yes. I-
It was amazing, periodt. The art, the overall aesthetic, the storytelling. *Cue violent fangirling* I took SOOOO many screenshots of the fight between Benimaru and Hibachi, I’m pretty sure my camera roll is 95% manga caps now. I love how the author actually gave a (fairly) valid reason for the cool Japanese aesthetic of this arc, in that Adolla is slowly gradually colliding with the Fire Force universe, causing people’s perception of the fight to seep into the universe. Overall? It. Was. Amazing. Albeit not my favourite arc, (that honour goes to the mini-Iris arc) I think that the Asakusa Showdown arc is easily in my Top 5 Fire Force arcs.
The Asakusa Showdown Arc mirroring and showing the ideals taught in the Mini Iris Arc was quite clever, though I’m not sure if this was purposefully done Okubo, or if I’m just scrabbling at crumbs.
In the Mini Iris arc, we see how religion and belief gives closure; a stark contrast to Asakusa with its proto-nationalist/atheist values. In THIS arc, centering around Asakusa and it’s proto-nationalist inhabitants, we see what happens when there isn’t enough effort to emphasize or give closure in what happened to Hibachi, and his subsequent death. 
Shinmon Hibachi, as the leader of the neighbourhood fire watch, understood the significance of killing Infernals; of taking somebody’s life. But because of the unwillingness to let others (i.e. the inhabitants of Asakusa, that one kid who stabs him) understand the weight of killing Infernals and gain closure through understanding the reasons behind his harsh actions, Hibachi shoulders the consequences of both his and the actions of his predecessors’ ALONE, therefore leading to his demise. 
The kid who stabbed Hibachi was still a CHILD, and children don’t always have a comprehensive understanding of death and the consequences of responsibility (no matter how much that kid believes he was ready to be an adult and support his mother).
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3.5 Extra Worldbuilding Questions About Asakusa
I also have so many questions about Asakusa in general! How is Asakusa powered without being supported by Amaterasu, which is the country’s (and isn’t that mind boggling, that a whole country is supported by one power source with no backup source or other forms of energy/electricity, because of patriotic pride in a machine that might one day shut down, cough manga readers where u at?) I’m assuming that Asakusa mainly use coal, candles, and lamps for energy and lighting, since we did see one example of lighting in Asakusa (an ancient oil lamp), but I’m not sure if that would be sufficient to support a whole district of people. People were able to do that in the olden days, but back then there was a smaller concentration of people, and power necessary to support them.
Is Asakusa a district that is mostly atheist or polytheist? Do the inhabitants believe in no gods, not just the Sun god brought by the White Clads and Raffles I, including the Shinto or Buddhist gods from before the Catalysm, or do they believe in multiple gods/ancestor worship and they just don’t want to worship the Sun God like the rest of the Tokyo Empire because they’re unwilling to accept the new culture, immigrants and religion caused by Amaterasu, wanting to keep up the old Japanese traditions?
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4. Arthur Deserves Better Parents 2k20 (Hint of Arthur’s Secret Ability?)
When Team Vulcan + Arthur found Arthur’s parents in the sewers Nether... Honestly, I don’t want to touch on them much, since I want to be (fairly) logical in my opinions on them, not letting my personal feelings twist my hypotheses for what may happen in the future of the Fire Force storyline.
Putting aside Arthur’s parents obvious neglect and bad parenting, I’m curious if Arthur's dad is actually a prophet or did he just get lucky with his delusions. Is this related to how Arthur can notice the difference between dopplegangers and real people? Perhaps because Arthur’s delusions of knighthood are so different from how he truly is (an abandoned child who deluded himself as a knight), therefore allowing him to notice the difference between dopplegangers and Adolla, as they are created by people’s perception of a subject.
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5. Let Sho Be a Normal Kid at the End of the Show 2k20
Please let the small child be happy at the end of the manga. I mean, being raised by a cult underground isn’t exactly a Hallmarks childhood. For example, in the beginning of chapter 231, look at how Sho looks longingly at those kids on scooters and was so happy when he got a balloon from the firefighter mascots! (bruh, same balloons bring me so much joy)
I hope that in the end of the manga Okubo lets Sho, Shinra, and Eighth have some quality time. In one of the early arcs (with the first speaking demon, Minamoto?) Shinra saw some kids going to school wearing school uniforms, mentioning that if Sho was still alive, he’d be old enough to go to school. I’d be so sweet if at the end of the manga, Sho would have the chance to go to school, maybe the Fire Force academy (if it’s still running if by the end of the manga they’ve discovered the reason behind Human Combustion), makes friends and beat up anybody who badmouths the Eighth.
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6. Cool Combat Medics!
I’d love to see more of the cool combat medics from the Sixth! We only saw the captain, Kayoko Huang, in action with her Asclepius staff pyrokinesis, which, might I add is a fascinating and terrifying ability. Think about it, she’s controlling CELLULAR DIVISION!!! She could start creating tumors in the bodies of her enemies! Could disintegrate people cellularly and no one would know, because fire snake, so no fingerprints!
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Anyways, that is all I have right now. Thank you for reading my opinions about “Fire Force”, and for the nice response I got when I published my first opinion piece! Bruh, it took so long for me to edit this... 😔 I’m thinking of doing another meta going more in depth with my theory on Arthur and how he’s able to distinguish the difference between people and their dopplegangers, but that’s for another day. Feel free to discuss about your own ideas or thoughts in the chat, or tell me what you think! I promise I don’t bite. Have a wonderful day!
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
yes Ben is technically already dead lmao. YES BBY I WANNA KEEP U <3 u r so pretty and so nice and so talented and omg just so unique !!
OMG Red u crack me up. my sub ass would never slap a intimidating person...it's just like my brain tells me: "nooo, submit ! now!"
Well idk I don't know hoodie that well but he seems nice and i think it could work :> poly is just more than 2 ppl. can be just 3 or more. some cases only one partner is poly so the others just interact with them and not with the others. each partner can have multiple partners or not. each poly relationship is a bit different. but nontheless, cheating is still not ok. u have to talk to the partners before introducing someone new. I am actually thinking abt asking lj but I don't think toby likes him :<
Ben loves u already! it's gonna be so cool when u two finally meet!! also...the screenshot of ur friends message??? holy shit I laughed so hard.
I am fine ig lol. I will probably be done with my drivers license v soon :>i am crushing on 3 ppl irl and i am scared hh. sleeping is almost back to normal. *^____^*aw red dw :> I couldn't be upset with u !!
most of the cp don't remember their birthday and if they do they don't tell...they think it's stupid. well uh the only ones that remember r jeff and liu and they don't wanna talk abt it. the others either forgot cuz of trauma or time.
dude I am not jealous at all but possessive is accurate. bitchy...idk but i'd say no. hm but I think it's hard to tell if I am all that myself...idk
also lil fun nsfw story: toby throatfucked me recently <3 it was amazing (*^▽^*) he's so vocal too ...i love him sm
(i wish i could just be his sextoy all day long)
THE WAY I FUCKING SQUEALED AT THAT- its the way that FUCKING EMOTICON looks for me. Like youre just like “ah yes he throatfucked me 🥰”. You literally kill me man i love you. AGGHGH THAT SOUNDS HOT. You’re so lucky 😖 (says me who’s barely had sexual interaction with anyone and wants to know what its like) but. *hand shakes furiously as i try to drink a cup of water*
I am so so glad that you and Toby are doing good. Im very proud of you both <3 thank you sm for telling me about the poly stuff, I want to be educated!! Awww i love LJ! Is he sexy For a long time I sipped over LJ and he was my #1 above everyone else and I would bring a picture of him everywhere I went. Yes I mean a physical picture. It’s not that I stopped liking him cause hell no i will always love him 🙄 but I think I just saw so much of myself in him that I wanted to hug him so badly and just be there for him cause nobody was there for me.
There’s a lot more to zodiacs than just a few traits, my mom showed me my birthchart and literally 90% of it was so accurate it was CRAZY. Ah so that’ssss why nobody knows their zodiacs. Its ok, oh jeez id hate to bring up trauma for them. But i want to fucking smother them with kisses even if they fight me off and it kills me.
UYFGPYODIRUJCGKYUYPTFDJRCFHGKVHLGUHPFT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MAN- you think im pretty 😫 and yes I def am unique… WHY JESUS. Im only talented in making up scenarios that will hurt me. 🥲 but hey I am a masochist so it works out.
ALSO im so PROUD look at you getting your license!!! And im so glad the sleeping went back to normal! I GOT SO WORRIED OML- sometimes i forget shit I say and then im like fuck,,,did i say something mean? Or insensitive?
I would probably slap masky just for kicks. Literally. Little bitch baby boy.
My bsf is literally the most hilarious person I know other than myself. She’s my entire world and my life. She knows a lot about you, and a lot of my anons. I talk a lot about u guys cause yall make me so happy. ISTG I S T GGGGG. .. FUCK. I. He loves me already. Shit dont say that too much or ill start second guessing everything more than usual. God i feel like im gonna disappoint him so bad. When we meet when we meet when we meet when we meet.
ANYWAY imma post the pics of me now hwhwhwhehehehhehehe
Im gonna start talking about my bsf more. Mmmmmm imma call her blue. Y’all are gonna love hearing about her. The shit she says cracks me tf up.
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*grabs a tissue and wipes at tears*
that’s the end of s5 folks
we’re just gonna do this chronologically because i don’t even know where to begin besides the start so . . . yeah
starting off with this shot
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(sorry it’s such bad quality)
i almost fell off my bed
enough said
oof, okay, jamie vs mike. 
i may be crucified for this, but i actually think there’s some truth in what jamie said about mike wanting him to go to hawkstone because he couldn’t. 
mike has always been very invested in jamie’s football/soccer career, always helping him train, buying him equipment, offering to coach. and yes, of course, having a supportive parent/guardian is amazing and not everyone is lucky enough to have that. but as the seasons have gone on, some of the things mike says/does makes me think his intentions aren’t simply: “i want to be supportive for jamie.” 
i first think of that time that jamie was planning to go to foxborough (that’s such a weird sentence, oh my god). the coaches there didn’t want their players to have any outside coaching, and mike got pissed at that. now why would someone who’s been such an advocate for jamie getting proper coaching and becoming a professional get annoyed at a club who is offering to get him to that point (now, that isn’t to say foxborough are angels. i have issues there as well)?
and what sort of solidified this for me was his reaction here:
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saying that he’s supported him through everything may be true, but it’s all been in the realm of football. jamie has never been interested in anything else (whether he’s been exposed to anything else and encouraged to do anything else is unknown) and so mike really has only been able to support him in football. he doesn’t do anything else.
and now that he’s found something that he wants to do (or thinks he does, but i’ll get onto that) that doesn’t align with football, mike’s hands off. not, in fact, because he thinks jamie is throwing his career away, but because he thinks he’s throwing HIS career away. he’s lived vicariously through jamie and his successes and now that jamie is going after something that isn’t “real football,” he can’t support it. because he doesn’t really support jamie. he just wants him to do the things he didn’t get to do.
even more so, his reaction to this i thought added to this:
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hearing that howard royale was going to let him go anyway, he’s shocked. and i think he’s always thought in his head that jamie’s been a literal prodigy, someone unbeatable. yes, jamie is a wonderful player. but he’s not unstoppable. and so when karen logically points out how hawkstone are not going to put all their eggs in jamie’s basket, he starts to realize that jamie’s just a kid. an amazingly talented kid, but not a medium he can reverse his regrets through. and i think that this is what inspires him to go and support him at his competition: he’s his grandson first, and a football player second.
i just have to ignore ian at this point because . . . he sucks
dillon thinking the vibes are off at foxborough, providing an opportunity for him to stay at northport . . . 
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(i am so sorry this is such an ugly screenshot)
i also couldn’t help but think of andi mack when dillon talked about coming out to phoenix:
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soft girlfriends stretching together
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i thought the moment between alba and zoe was really sweet actually - maybe in s6 they’ll get alba another girl to play with?
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duncan turning over a new leaf and being not an asshole? we like to see it. also i really liked this shot for some reason
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i’m really excited to see dillon at northport and see what he gets up to there. hopefully duncan hasn’t fooled us all and he’s really being genuine. 
okay, guess we have to talk about the world fifa cup (i’m sorry, but i can’t believe that freaking jethro and jamie are the best in the world. but i digress)
the interactions between jethro and jamie were kind of weak in my opinion - like, you’re also a failed footballer, jethro, don’t know what point you’re trying to make with that. it just felt very . . . weird. rehashing something that really didn’t need to be brought back.
the whole auditorium and everything felt more for cinematic effect, trying to have some big venue for the finale. unfortunately, from what i know in this tumblr community, this was the storyline we were least interested in, and yet they put (probably) the most money into it. kind of unfortunate.
i think i saw someone mention this but i thought i’d bring it up again: the game switching between fake players and then the actors actually playing.
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so, you know, kind of odd.
there were a lot of moments in this entire event where they were building up certain things, but i think it doesn’t have a remotely comparable intensity as to when the gang were all playing together in, say, the gothia cup. i think the issue is that we have no attachment to the video game, the players (even though sometimes they’re the characters), or jamie at this point, honestly. so while i get what they were going for (i think), i think both the way they went about it and the characters they did it with led to it being kind of a flop, at least for me. 
let’s just say, i wasn’t jumping out of my seat waiting to see if a character that has been an asshole to a lot of his friends and ignored his family for multiple episodes can score a goal on a random video game.
i need to make a post about jamie (i’ll do that next) because this is way too long already to fit that in. essentially, though, i think that jamie never really liked playing this video game.
controversial, i know.
i’m sorry, but
why the fuck is karen letting ian take jamie literally anywhere
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when i saw this i genuinely thought jamie was gonna jump out of the goddamn plane and break his entire body but obviously that didn’t happen
we don’t talk about the flashbacks to all of his wins because that just makes me sad and want to cry and they grew up so much and-
rewind a bit for dillon’s storyline
dillon’s dad goes from this:
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to this:
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which was a bit of a 180 but i also get that we needed resolution with their storyline. i guess my only criticism is that some of the things that his dad says are so intense and extreme, that a redemption arc afterwards is difficult. 
i was really proud of dillon for this:
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i am genuinely so excited to see what happens in s6, his storyline is something that not only i am passionate about, but i think has been done with the most care and emotion. i think this whole thing has so much more room for development so fingers crossed we get to see that in s6 
i was so happy to see this as well:
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he gave him TWO kisses!!!! it was just very wholesome, and while i haven’t forgiven him completely (this literally has nothing to do with me, lmao, but i assume dillon hasn’t either) i think (i hope) he’s really trying to change and be a supportive figure in dillon’s life for once.
and liam teasing him was cute
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we are NOT crying
ahh this is such bad quality but that little tap on the stomach (see right)
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and then this.
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and then the turn of the camera from him to everyone else  . . i just can’t deal. that was really beautiful actually.
we have a whole load of feelings but maybe i’ll save that for another post.
but also:
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*approves in lesbian*
and then the music and the shotsssssssssss
and then
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s6 finale?
i’m just a mess and i was begging to my phone, “no, don’t leave me” so at least we know where i stand
i swear to fucking god if we don’t see zoe and kat in season 6 i’m throwing hands
they’re gonna have to do some work on jamie’s character because right now, it’s not looking good
elliot please come back
follow up on boggy’s anxiety/panic attacks
we should make a list of things we want in s6 and send it to bbc
i really liked this finale and i’m just so excited for more. just a big thank you to the cast and crew on this season because it has been my favorite of this show and i think they’ve done an incredible job overall. they’ve put in a lot of effort and i think we all appreciate it a lot.
i also don’t think i did this on my 5x11 review/analysis/shit writing, but i’d really like to thank @jonnie-kimmins for his acting in especially that episode. it was amazingly done and it didn’t feel over sensationalized or anything, at least from my experience with panic attacks. it felt very raw and real and i really commend everyone who was a part of that. 
i would tag the other actors but i think jonnie is the only one that’s cool enough to have made a tumblr account and then come and vibe with us hahaha
this was so long and i really didn’t analyze anything i just panicked (how on brand for me) so i hope you could bear to read it and yeah . . . let’s hope they can start/continue filming s6 soon!
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skips-is-asleep · 4 years
Fanfiction Review Except Not Really It's Just Me Rambling on About the Fics In my Bookmarks on AO3 
Now it’s time to talk about what is actually my favorite favorite, The Great Empire of HIC
Before we really get into it, I have to mention that my favorite book of all time is a fictional biography of a woman in 17th century china called Snowflower and the Secret Fan. It’s from the perspective of a poor girl who, due to circumstances from fucked up Chinese traditions, result in her having a “Soul Sister” (i cant remember what it’s called in Chinese) with a rich girl of her same age and moves her up the social ladder while simultaneously bringing her friend, Snow flower, down the social ladder. The entire novel is her life from age 6 to her elderly years and it’s a fantastic book, definitely gay and I love it.
This is basically that book, but Solkat. This took me two days to read, and it was worth every second. I cried, and still cry many times when I read this. More focus is put on Karkat for sure, but I am a huge sucker for pining, and mutual pining. I think there’s a lot of comedy in this, I love the other characters in this, I love how it really feels like it’s not just a fanfic, like it’s actual canon or at least what actual canon would have looked like if we had more than just Pesterquest to go off of with a no-sgrub session.
This fic is also really good for tender moments, and for the angst, OH THE ANGST, the heartbreak, the grittiness. Even though Sollux isn’t there a lot of the time, it’s made up for the fact that Karkat just feels so fucking real. You feel his emotions with him. It makes you think “what would I have done in this situation” and then you immediately think “i would’ve fucking told Sollux when we were like 16 and still on Alternia but that’s not my business.”
And you think that because you’re not Karkat. Karkat would’ve kept it secret for decades, would’ve rather suffered than been an inconvenience or cause of pain for someone he loves WHICH BY THE WAY
I remember before I read this fic, i was talking to a good friend of mind about how Karkat would be the equivalent of “gay” on Alternia that. And by that, I mean, that Trolls are usually polyamorous, and that not being polyamorous is weird and not a lot of people vibe with that. Karkat is unique in that he’s monogamous, only wanting one partner at a time rather than multiple partners. He didn’t see anyone else while he had feelings for Sollux, and when Sollux had different quadrants, even ones that we understand as platonic and not necessarily romantic, he still felt jealousy. Thinking about Sollux having fuck buddies makes him uncomfortable and upset.
And when I was having this kind of conversation with my friend, I didn’t fully understand it from a troll perspective. Of course it’s easy to understand from a human perspective, humans are mostly monogamous. What I mean is that I didn’t fully process it. It didn’t sink in. But reading this. That shit stuck. That shit not only stuck, but fused into my very soul and took over like plankton in that episode of spongebob, walking me towards my doom of only ever seeing karkat in this interpretation, even though i LOOOOVE my pitch solkat so MUCH and very frequently indulge in it.
I dunno, i kinda like some of the cliche aspects to some of this. The drunk confessions, the drunk confessions again, I love hearing Karkat’s inner monologue. I love hearing how he bottles everything up and internalizes everything, and I love the inner conflict of a small part of him just screaming “kiss him already” and the larger, traumatized by his life as a mutant part of him squishes it very fast.
The moments before the REAL confession is so so so good.
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I LOVE, i ADORE, these lines. These two lines happens pretty close in between each other, and you feel it. Sollux just got done grilling the fuck out of Karkat, who’s basically housebound due to specific circumstances and wrangled a love confession out of Karkat, who immediately afterward, ran away and got arrested basically. I think about that first screenshot a lot. I think about that whole SCENE, a lot. Cause if it were anyone else, Sollux would’ve just dropped it. Motherfucker broke his heart, now they’re dead to him. In the vault of suppressed memories you go, and on with my life away from you.
But it’s Karkat. You can’t throw Karkat in that vault, dude, and you know he’s putting so much energy into trying to get this information out of him BECAUSE there’s still something there. He still feels something and that’s why this means so much to him, the explanation from Karkat, obviously.
And when he finally does come out and say it, it’s so tender in the way it happens. The realization that he’s still so in love with Sollux and there’s not much he can do because he already blew it, and Sollux realizes it too, he realizes that not only did Karkat did what he did because he loveD Sollux, he still loves him in a way that shatters his very being and AH this shit makes me quake.
And in the scenes to follow, we see that love of Sollux that we also saw in the beginning, the way he describes him and admires him from afar and also not that afar. He can’t stand how much he loves him because to him, it means nothing, it’s clinging on to the past and holding him back.
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See this? this is also fan-fucking-tastic. Like im running out of ways to describe how much i just love this writing. Do you see what I mean by the way Karkat thinks and the way he describes things? This level of detail and fine crafting, but for 500k words and you have my idea of heaven and happiness in it’s purest form. I could link ever screenshot of Karkat describe how beautiful he thinks Sollux is but we’d be here for ever.
One more thing, i swear. When the humans, and by that I mean just dirk and roxy, finally come into the picture, it’s also fucking genius. When Karkat discovers the word “love”, it makes me a little misty in the eyes. The entire time they were using troll language, I was feeling a little saddened, cause Sollux only had the word “pity” to describe this positive affection for him. There was no in between or combination that could make it feel right, and we don’t ever really hear or see them call each other anything official cause there is no word for it. There is no word for “boyfriend” that they can just pluck out of the air and use as a quadrant-neutral description of their love, because their love doesn’t really exist outside of the two of the. Do you see what i mean by karkat is “gay” by troll standards, or does that still not make sense to anyone lmao.
Please PLEASE just go read this fic, it’s a work of fucking art
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The saga continues..
Navigating through life as a single 25 y/o has been..interesting. Although my love life remains non-existent, I will say I’ve had a few encounters in the past month or so which may be worth revisiting.
So two different guys messaged me over Facebook messenger. One was saying hi, and asked from which local I’m from, saying he saw me in a YouTube video (I think it was the CFO News one) where I was featured in, and then proceeded to send me a screenshot of me talking. I clicked on his profile and the guy looked like he was 14 - or 15 years old at most. He was inc alright, but too young for me. And also seemed too filo. Lol. We weren’t Facebook friends so I just left his message “unseen”.
The second guy messaged me after seeing me at our last online Meet & Greet, around a week after he added me as a friend on Facebook. He proceeds to start a conversation with me by asking me how my sister’s food truck business was going. Which I honestly thought was weird at first, but after talking to some people about it I guess it kind of makes sense since that’s all I post about on my feed. Lmao. I didn’t recognise the guy so I thought he was just some random inc person. He also looks kind of old and already married. He gave off major Dad vibes so I kept saying “po” to him. Loooool. Long story short, he tried to keep the conversation going and quite blatantly hinted that he was interested in me. But the feeling wasn’t mutual. I didn’t know the guy enough, and I didn't feel any attraction towards him from what I could see on his Facebook profile. I know its pretty superficial but you know how you just get a vibe from someone’s social media profile of the kind of person they are? Yeahhh, I really wasn’t feeling it with this guy. I showed his profile to one of my girl friends and they agreed we wouldn’t look good together. She said he’d look like my dad if I stood next to him. Which I found hilariously true.
With lockdown ending and covid restrictions easing, I’d been able to go out and catch up with friends. One of them was a guy friend from high school. Now before I go on about the catch up I should explain how we ended up catching up in the first place. I hadn’t spoken to this guy in years ‘cause we sort of drifted due to differences in lifestyle and new friend groups. Just the normal kind of drifting typical after high school. So anyway sometime last November (if I remember correctly) I was at Glen with a group of friends after we finished donating blood earlier in the day. We were standing outside a boba shop after buying some, when I felt someone staring at me from the distance. I look - and its my guy friend sitting down at a table with his friends outside the restaurant adjacent to us. Just as I caught his gaze, he looks away. Now before I go on even more, I should also mention that me and this guy sort of had a thing in high school..? He may have asked me to be his girlfriend but I may have rejected him saying that I wasn’t ready for a relationship ‘cause “I didn’t feel like I was ready” but that I thought he was a cool guy and all etc. I never told him (or even any of my friends) how I really felt about him, but I actually really liked him too at the time. Buuuuut, I knew we wouldn’t work out for a number of reasons. Which is the real reason why I rejected him. I wanted to save both of us the heartache to be completely honest. So back to the accidental encounter at Glen. I was actually so happy to see him. I walked over to him and his group of friends and said hi to him/them. He stood up, gave me a kiss on the cheek and we hugged. He asked me what I was doing there and I told him it was nice seeing him and went back to my group of friends. Later on that night I messaged him saying it was nice seeing him again and that I hoped all was well. We ended up talking for quite a bit over Facebook messenger after that and before you know it, we had a catch-up planned. So we decided that we would chill in the city for our catch up. My friend insisted that we drive to city, and that he was going to pick me up (mind you I am hella out of his way, on the way to the city). It was a heat wave of a day so I may have worn something backless, but nothing too crazy - a little out of my comfort zone, but very fitting for a Friday night at the city. My hair was curled. He called me saying he’s close by and arrives at my place quite on-time (but at the next door neighbours’ house actually lol so he had to reverse to get to me). I got in his car and we talked the whole time till we got to the city. Just caught up on things that have happened since we last caught up, who from high school we still hang with etc. One thing I did notice about him though, different to how he was from high school, was that this time around he seemed hella cynical/negative about people. Definitely filled with more pride, a little more aggressive than I remembered him to be. We had dinner at Shujinko, which is a popular ramen place in the city. He kept offering to carry my stuff for me, like my bag, my bottle of water. We walked around the city streets just talking about life, our past relationships, our heartbreaks. He told me he hadn’t been that open with anyone in a long time and a lot of the things he was telling me he hadn’t told anyone else. He was quite touchy - playfully squeezing my shoulders here and there. Playfully squeezing the back of my neck and playfully had his arm around my neck (both were a bit concerning ‘cause they weren’t as gentle as I would’ve hoped but I tried to brush it off). We got crepes for dessert which we had while sitting down at one of the benches in front of the State Library. The bench was empty but he was sitting so close to me like there was limited space available. Lmao. We sat there talking more about our past experiences with love. It all felt quite romantic. The way we were sitting so close, the gentle summer night air, the buzz of trams passing by, the quiet murmur of laughter and conversation of the people laying on the grass around us. If you didn't know any better, you’d think we were a couple on a date. We joked about possibly bumping into my ex in the city and how we would react if it happened. We sat on the grass (he laid ‘cause his pants were too tight lmao) in the middle of Federation square, and even walked along the Yarra River. As we were going up the stairs to go back to the main street there were some dodgy looking guys that I felt were sort of creeping up behind me so I walked up really fast. He noticed this and told me to relax and not worry ‘cause he was there. This one really got to me and it felt really nice feeling like I was safe and protected. He paid for all the things we ate and stopped me from paying for anything if I ever tried to pull out my card. He let me pay for the parking though and told me I was lucky he couldn’t be bothered getting out of the car. It was funny ‘cause we were worried the parking place might have closed ‘cause we were in the city that late. But luckily it wasn’t. He also kept telling me he didn’t want me getting in trouble with my parents if it was too late in the night already. I kept insisting it was okay. On the drive home we talked some more and he asked me what I’ve learnt I now want in a guy or my ideal guy now. I joked to him that my parents might still be awake by the time I get home, and he asked me if I wanted to just cruise and drive around for a while. I said no but I appreciated it. When we finally got to my house, I remember feeling a little nervous ‘cause I didn’t know what to expect. He asked me if I had fun/a good night and I said yes. “See you in another 5 years?” We laughed. I was low-key hoping he’d say he would be down to see me again soon, but I knew better not to expect or suggest that. As I look down at my bag looking for my house keys, he comments on my hair and asks if they’re extensions. I told him they were real and let him feel it for himself. Yo when I say there was tension-. I kept my gaze down of course ‘cause I didn’t want to deal with having awkward eye contact with him or anything. I found my keys, said my goodbyes and sent him off home. After that, no goodnight message and the day after, no message again. But two days later, he messaged me again complaining that the bluetooth in his car won’t connect to his phone anymore ever since I used it. Our messaging continued again for a week or so, but then abruptly came to an end after an awkward trash talking sesh (don’t even ask).
Okay so maybe I had unresolved feelings for the guy. And yes that may have unintentionally been a date. It reminded me of all the reasons why I liked him in the first place. The chemistry was still there after all these years. Hell did we have chemistry. We got along seamlessly, always playfully making fun of each other, which was a lot of fun. He was so much of what I was looking for in a guy. I knew he was a good person at heart, had values, principles, quite a gentleman/chivalrous, not a player or f-boy (lol), seemed to be an honest person, could support himself financially, had the same sense of humour, hardworking - not to mention tall and had a bigger build than me (I hate feeling like I’m the more masculine looking one in a relationship to be honest). But for reasons, I knew there couldn’t ever be an “us”. Which sucks. It was a nice few weeks though of feeling like I was in love. It always is, till reality kicks in.
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on Is This The Real Life or Is This Just A Very Bizarre Fantasy?
• Here are the tags to block if you don't want to see this post on your dash: #long post, #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs.
• It's...Chapter 10. Often known as the midpoint. I know TRR isn't exactly the most nuanced series out there, but you know what used to happen by midpoints here? Important plot stuff that had buildup and development prior to it happening.
• Funny enough all three chapter 10s so far had something to do with Constantine! Book 1's had him announce he was stepping down and making Liam king, Book 2 had the reveal that the conspiracy against the MC was his idea. And then he actually dies in Book 3 Chapter 10. Now that he's no more, I guess they brought back another asshole dad to take his place.
• PB if you were really in a mood to bring back Bertrand's dad the least you could have done was build it up properly. You had an entire freaking chapter to at least build up on the Beaumont family relationships and issues! Yet all we see is that motorcycle with a hint that never fully gets told and very little besides that.
• Like, the narrative usually takes soooo much time to build everything properly, right? With chapters and chapters of hints? Look at all these things that you built up over chapters and sometimes over books: Liam's issues with his dad...The whereabouts of Savannah...Drake's connection to Bastien...Drake's mom's ranch...Drake's special relationship with his dad...Drake's duel...Drake's secret wedding...oh.
• Screenshots:
Hana: The Abhirio YouTube channel
Drake: @thefirstcourtesan and the BizzysChoices YouTube channel
Maxwell: @itsbrindleybinch
Title: The Beaumont Bachelor Bash
Alternative Title: Proof That Drake Is Undoubtedly Leona's Nephew. Even When He's Trying To Be Nice.
• Now Playing As Bertrand.
Wh - what...?
Okay but this is probably a tiny section and then my MC will come and save the day, right? Right?? I mean it's happened before (one of the most recent times we got a Bertrand PoV was in a Chapter 10, in fact!)
• ...how the hell did a motorcycle fit inside THAT BOX?
• I know, I know. It's mentioned time and again that the package is huuuuge. But that's...not the kind of packaging I'd be expecting for something that large. It wouldn't be SQUARE, at least.
• Okay wait. What was Maxwell panicking and stress-dancing about again? Bertrand isn't cottoning on to this plan as quickly as Maxwell/the LI was implying in that text.
• Okay wait so their great plan for the BBBB was...Bertrand putting away his cutlery and..."roughin' it"? Aren't bachelor/ette parties supposed to be catered to the guest of honour's needs?
Or is "something you want" only meant for Savannah? Because Hana actually read up and did research and tried to cater the entire party to whatever Savannah liked - not drag her along for something that wasn't her thing with "expand your horizons!" as an excuse.
• Like me, Bertrand doesn't fully trust his brother-in-law's motives.
• Wait what.
.• Bertrand is getting a new outfit. Oh he's wearing it already. Okay good. Must be free!
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• I am NOT buying Bertrand new clothes. I didn't buy any last book, and I'm not going to start buying them now. Even if I didn't buy him the swanky maroon sweater last book he somehow wound up wearing it anyway in the finale. I'm sure he'll survive and they'll probably let him wear it for free some other time lol.
• Drake leads the boys to a nearby river, hoping to catch some fish that they can cook for dinner later.
• Bertrand gets...a dilapidated fishing pole. While everyone has prepared enough to get their own, perfectly alright ones. Drake is truly from Leona's bloodline, giving Bertrand stuff that'll make his task difficult (remember how she gave Bertrand a really rough horse to the country fair?). "I just wanted you to believe in yourself", my ass. You're doing this for your own entertainment.
• Also wasn't Maxwell organizing this party? Why does the end result look so much like Drake's idea? Or maybe the boys are splitting the activities between each other or something idk.
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• That's a...puffer fish?
• The funniest option is the choose to grab Drake because Bertrand calls him "the Aggressively Rustic Drake" haha. It means of course that Bertrand will not get a fish but that's okay, Drake and Liam catch more than enough for dinner.
• But if Bertrand DOES catch that big fish his chest is all puffed out in pride and he notices no one else caught a fish as big as his 😄
• You can TELL Liam chose the next activity, because it's so aggressively Cordonian 😂 You need to shoot an apple with a weapon (preferably a bow and arrow, but the game offers you a rifle and an ornate gun as well).
• Of course I went ahead and shot Drake with a rubber bullet. Sorry Bertrand but I'm sure you can get your Knight-Marksmanship and Honorary Defender of the Realm award in a kinder person's playthrough 😅
• It's a nice scene, quite reminiscent of the first half of Maxwell's armoury scene last book, which involves Maxwell and the MC playing the same game.
• Now that we're done with the apples, it's time to bring out the bubbly!
• "This is not my bachelor party," says Drake when a surprised Liam asks him about why there's no whiskey. Coulda fooled me dude I've never heard of people giving the groom a dilapidated fishing pole to fish with for that kind of thing. I mean like more than 90% of this entire plan seems to cater to your tastes more than his.
• Bertrand (about the bubbly): This is from an excellent region of France!
Maxwell: Which one?
Bertrand: ...Champagne.
• It's now night, so time for some...idk heartfelt man-talk or something.
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It starts out with the main LI speaking about Bertrand and Savannah's relationship, praising them for how far they've come and there is some emphasis on the fact that they have Bartie. This leads the LI in question (if they're there) to talk candidly about their relationship with the MC and their sadness that they aren't pregnant yet.
- Liam: Speaks of how amazing the MC is and wonders if he's putting her through too much pressure on his Queen with the expectations of an heir.
- Drake: Very similar to Liam's, but this time Liam apologizes for forcing them into this kind of pressure and promises to withdraw it if that's what they want. (Liam will allow it, the narrative won't!)
- Hana: Since neither of the women are there, the conversation goes straight into Liam wondering if he did the wrong thing by placing that much pressure on them, and Bertrand reassuring him that both are phenomenal women and any child they bring up will be a worthy successor to the throne.
- Maxwell: From what @itsbrindleybinch was telling me, there's no discussion about Liam's offer or the pressure from him! The conversation is more centered around his fear that he might screw up in parenting...to which his brother has some of the best responses:
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Istg when the writers really allow for those two to blossom on their own, the Brothers Beaumont dynamic is fantastic. I loved both responses from Bertrand.
I'm still wondering why there isn't much from Liam about the pressure he's placing on them, though! I mean, Maxwell and his wife are put under the same amounts of pressure so you'd expect Liam to speak up there too, right? (correct me if I'm wrong, because I can't find a full playthrough of Maxwell's route anywhere).
• The discussion slowly progresses into one about Bertrand's love for Savannah and not knowing how to show it properly to her...to which Drake responds that Bertrand needs to SHOW what he feels and maybe do a big dramatic gesture like the ones you see in romcoms (racing through an airport to confess your love, or confessing it while standing in the rain)...lmao I love how big gestures are something Savannah wants for herself but somehow she can't do the smallest things to help Bertrand feel more comfortable in her own damn home.
• Also I need to laugh at how desperately the writers are now trying to show us how "open minded" Drake is LMAO. TRR Drake looked down on his nose on practically all things not macho (including authentic Chinese food and pink cakes) and now they're making it sound like he's a romcom fan and willing to experiment with a tutu.
• Not buying that serenading scene. I didn't handhold Bertrand into telling Savannah about the Beaumont finances, nor did I handhold him into proposing. He did pretty okay without my help so far.
• The serenading scene has two main components (besides the logistics of communicating and then climbing up to her window) - telling Savannah his feelings and then singing to her. The first main options include suggestions from the boys:
Liam: Very sweet and romantic, with the kind of flowery language you would expect from Liam, and that Bertrand feels so comfortable with that he smiles as he says the words.
Drake: Very much, "I was an idiot but now I've come to my senses and I'm the luckiest man ever because of you" which...sure I can put it down to bias for his sister but now it just annoys me when I hear this. Esp during a time when he's claiming he actually likes Bertrand now.
Maxwell: Is just so fucking funny 😂
Bertrand: Savannah, I'm here because you're my...boo???
Maxwell: Trust me! Keep going!
Bertrand: Ahem. You are my boo, and I'm your...okay I'm not going to say that.
Savannah: What are you saying???
• For actually serenading her with a song you can either choose to go sweet and romantic, or you go "sexy", which tbh seems to be the funnier option because most of it is Bertrand muttering MmmMMmMmmm in place of all the sexy parts. Which is funny considering he and Savannah conceived a child atop an office desk of all places way before any of us even got to KISS our LIs 🤣
• Savannah is happy, Bertrand is happy, the boys are all back in the camp where they'll be spending the night. There's a tiny bit of "foreshadowing" in the ensuing conversation since Barthelemy is mentioned, but very much in a "Dad would be proud of you" way. I put that word "foreshadowing" in quotes coz there is very little it gives us, as opposed to how other things that have received foreshadowing were built up.
• Uh oh. BEAR ATTACK. From Kenna's pet-bear-from-Aurelia's descendant. Who somehow ended up in the woods in Texas 😂
• Drake tries to distract the bear, and Bertrand can either join him or go with Liam and Maxwell who are leading the way to an alternative location.
• We're out in the wilderness somewhere, and getting back to our tents is a diamond option. It's a fun diamond option though, and it doesn't involve me doing any unnecessary matchmaking.
• Liam is the strategist who makes a battle plan. Why don't I get to see him do these kind of things in his actual job PB!! Drake "knows the most woodcraft" and will therefore make a good scout, both he and Liam can draw the bear away, and Maxwell's hitherto-unseen present is now their secret weapon. Bertrand isn't sure about this plan but goes along with it anyway.
• Everything goes as per plan, and Maxwell unleashes the "secret weapon": Bertrand's beloved Cavilieri Novanta 9S motorbike. There's a small hint about him having to perhaps give it away or sell it when his father, well, did whatever he did, and Maxwell somehow traced it and got it back. I'm kinda certain that bike may feature in Bertrand's flashback if he's having one next chapter. Bertrand is emotional AND ecstatic, learning again to control his bike and to enjoy being on it.
• The best part of the bear scene, is when he uses his Duke of Ramsford voice and gives the bear the ole what-for 😂
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(Bottom four screenshots from BizzysChoices' YouTube channel!)
• Even the bear could not withstand the severe tongue lashing LMAO. Bertrand has the option of ending this...um...verbal duel by telling his furry opponent to tell his children he has been bested by a Beaumont.
• The bear slumps back home in shame, but Bertrand is worried about what other tests Drake has in store. 'Tests?' Drake says innocently.
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You're forgetting the part where you constantly blamed Bertrand for everything, knowing full well your sister made her fair share of mistakes. Or the part where you pretty much sabotaged an investigation just to stroke your ego about Bertrand getting her pregnant. Or the part where you repeatedly made it clear that you thought he didn't deserve Savannah. Or the part where you made him cluck like a chicken just before he proposed, just so you could have your moment to gloat. Or the part where you would shoot looks at Bertrand if he even so much as hinted your sister wasn't perfect. Or the part where your aunt kept making snide remarks about him, disrespected him, and gave him a rough horse, while you and your mother and your sister stood by and watched. And NOW you claim that the only person doubting Bertrand is BERTRAND?
Yeah. Well...tldr:
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• My gosh. The amount of retconning happening here is giving me a headache.
• Like...I like that Drake can be nicer to Bertrand now and that most of the tension is gone. But let's not act like Drake wasn't knowingly adding fuel to the fire before??
• Anyway, the boys tell Bertrand they are proud of him and proceed to sleep in their tents or wherever they've chosen to sleep for the night.
• PB gives Liam the very, very rare chance to remind Drake that he grew up in a palace. Doesn't mean much, but I'm fairly happy.
• FINALLY. Esther's home and I can finally play as her again!
• If you bought the serenading scene, there are a couple extra lines showing Savannah and Bertrand looking super super happy.
• There's an old man at the door.
• Neither of his sons even look like him. And it reads as if Bertrand is less surprised about the possibility that Barthelemy is alive than Maxwell is. What's going on.
General Thoughts:
• Alright, so it looks like this week we will be exploring the Beaumont family history, looking into why Bertrand lost his zest for life and ended up taking care of the estate when all this time his father was actually alive, and how the Beaumonts wound up so poor. There had better be a substantial amount of Maxwell because he's not been getting a lot of attention this book.
• I'm wondering if Barthelemy's return will cause Bertrand and Maxwell's insecurities to rise again, and we'll probably need to help them through that or something.
• Looks like the next chapter might have a young!Maxwell scene or Maxwell's first diamond scene, or both? Idk. I can't say for sure because I don't exactly trust the team on these things.
• There were...elements of the chapter that were good, I'll give it that. Bertrand's got an interesting narrative voice. You can tell it's him by the way he uses titles, by the way he speaks when he is proud of something he has achieved, the language itself that is heavy in its bearing. The scenes were fun from what I've seen. The bonding was good. Problem was...in a better book this wouldn't have been so irritating and such a sign of how not into the most important things about this book the team is.
• Since they had the time and the ideas, why the hell was the buildup to this reveal so flimsy and half-baked? I mean if you're going to give Bertrand an entire freaking chapter, shouldn't you have been using at least that space to have Bertrand speak a little more about Barthelemy? Or build it up earlier? All this time we'd had to deal with Savannah's griping and complaining and Leona's snide remarks, we could have spent learning from Maxwell a little about his family.
• Usually buildup to a lot of these things happen through hints over chapters. But this? Little to none. Maybe like two half-sentences said just before the reveal. It's all kinds of shitty, and it's what happens when the most important Beaumont is a Walker.
• I'm also pretty surprised Liam doesn't get to apologize to Maxwell the way he does to Drake about the royal heir thing.
• So the Walker Ranch chapters started around Chapter 6, and might possibly end around Chapter 12 (with a detour to Auvernal around Chapter 9). That's 5 whole chapters + one more to tour the States itself.
• I know the original idea was to do an epilogue book revolving around the Walker ranch, so there's obviously a lot more clarity in those chapters than in the others. But that is still no excuse. If they were going to change track they should have been doing it properly. There's no excuse for this kind of selective laziness especially when it's been manifested countless times before.
• I also find the whole idea of revolving the epilogue book still pretty problematic. At the core of it that would be more of Drake and his family (which was already happening honestly) and it would mean they are absolutely front and center of everything. If the original idea was to focus fully on the Walkers...yikes.
• Yeah honestly, this chapter was pretty iffy for me. And I'm not exactly very enthusiastic about writing for it, or playing the next chapter.
• Also! For those who didn't see it, this past week I'd been working on an essay about the treatment for Kiara and Penelope in TRR Book 3, and it's here below in case you haven't read it and you want to!
To Be Not Heard: Kiara, Penelope and the Question of Validation.
• Alright! On to the next chapter.
If you like it and want to discuss it, I'd be only too happy to read your comments! 😀
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Survey #268
“i got a switchblade wit that cuts like a bitch, and i think you two should meet.”
What was the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve dated them? If you’ve never been in a relationship before, do you watch Scrubs? Jason and I knew each other like... I think two or three weeks? We clicked so fast. Are you a fan of inside jokes or do you tend to stay away from them? I... don't feel a particular way? Do you have any theatrical experience? If so, what have you done? No, I'm not into theater. Which movies currently out in theaters do you want to see? I don't know what's in theaters right now, but I don't think anyone does rn lol. Don’t you hate it when people talk about their relationships constantly? If it's seriously incessantly, yes. There's not a lot you can say to have a conversation when they just ramble about the person, especially when you don't even know the partner. How close would you say you are to your relatives? Not very. What’s your favorite Pokemon? Ninetales. If you could have anyone to do your eulogy, who would it be and why? Well, I'd assume my parents will be dead by that point, so. Probably my best friend. If you play the Sims games, which one is your favorite? I've only ever played Sims Animals, which I looooved back in the past. I haven't played it in years, though. If your parents searched your room, would they be mad at what they’d find? No. Ever taken a picture kissing somebody? Yes. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night? Morning is a great start to the day, but only after your teeth are brushed. I cannooooot do morning breath. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? Aggressive. I am such a sub lmao. How serious are your feelings for the person you like? I DON'T KNOWWWWWWWWWW Ever had your driver's license suspended? Don't have mine to begin with. Does the person you like know that you like them? Yes. How frequently are you inclined to read, and how much? Somewhat rarely lately, less than I did some months back. I would read some pretty big chunks. When was the last time you questioned the direction your life was taking? LMAOOOOOOOOO I'm not exaggerating at all when I say that's like, a daily occurrence. What small things have the ability to get under your skin? I'm trying to think of something I haven't said before, but I'm not sure. OH, it may seem like a small thing, but letting balloons go outside. It's littering. Many end up in the ocean. What is something small that has the ability to cure a bad mood? A car ride riding shotgun with music blaring. I fucking love it. What was the last big change through which you went? Some moral beliefs altered. ^ Do you deal well with change, typically? Have you always? Fuck no. It blows up my anxiety. How do you feel after spending a great quantity of time online? I used to feel kinda guilty, and I actually still do, but it's more subdued. It's just too normal by now, to the point when I'm bored, I sometimes briefly forget there are other things to do that aren't on the computer. God it's sad. What do you consider to be the biggest drawback to being you? I'M BIG SCARED OF EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! What do you consider the best part of being who you are? I'm really understanding and can relate to people's pain well. What kinds of things do you have on display in your room? Christ, a lot. My room is STUFFED with decorations that make me happy.  There's posters, some artwork, all my Silent Hill game cases or manuals + more SH stuff, meerkats galore, Venus is in here, I have this "shrine" for Teddy... I've got a load of stuff. What do you think your room and its contents say about you, if anything? I love a lotta stuff, ig. Animals, music, dark stuff, games. When was the last time you felt insecure about something/some situation? UMMMMM I should have a question for this fucking immediately. I'm sure it was something when I was at Ashley's inlaws for Mother's Day. What is something about which you are very confident or self-assured? My knowledge of meerkats lmaooo. Which emotional sensation inconveniences or bothers you the most? FUCKIN ANXIETY. Do you ever find it awkward to compliment another being? No, I love love love giving compliments!! When was the last time you had a new experience? What was it? Hm. I guess nightmares where I literally flail and attack shit while shrieking. Do you dress more for yourself, or to the expectations of others? I dress entirely for myself. What is one way you cope when you feel like crap? Binge music I can relate to. Which can make it worse, but sometimes helps. I'll usually get to the point of being teary and cry a bit, but then I start feeling better. Name an insult you regularly receive, if there is one? I guess it's not really an... insult, per se, but I hear "you're too quiet!" all the time. What is something you used to believe about life that you no longer do? Everything happens for a reason. Nope. What is something you hope you never have to do again? Deal with another Jason-level heartbreak. Of the many different American accents, which one is your favorite? I'm actually not sure. Not a fan of any that I can think of. Do you know anyone who had a kid before they were financially stable? Oh yeah, plenty normal nowadays. Is there anything hanging from the doorknob in your room? Yes, the pink bead necklace from my sister's baby shower for Emerson. Sometimes I hang my purse there too. Why did you move to where you're living now? We got evicted for not being able to keep up with rent and needed a cheap but semi-decent place to live. What was the most severe punishment your parents gave you when you were growing up? I remember I was grounded from the computer for at least a week, maybe more. My punishment was always taking technology away and/or spanked or popped on the arm. I remember she once hit my arm so damn hard that I had her handprint there for a while. My mom was horrible at *keeping* me and my sisters grounded, though; she'd normally calm down within a few days and things would return to normal. What was the topic of conversation the last time you spoke to a sibling? Ummm I don't remember. I should, I saw one just a couple days ago. Are you currently looking for a new job? I don't have a job currently, but while Mom has cancer and surgery coming up, I'm not really looking, but pondering opportunities. She'd have to drive me, which just can't be done right now, and I'm also not comfortable leaving her home alone right now. Who is the person you are the closest to? (emotionally, not physically) Mom. What was the last caffeinated drink you had? Do you drink this often? Strawberry Sunkist, and ugh, too much lately. Whose photo did you last look at? I was on Facebook a bit ago, so someone's on there. Who was the last person to pick you up? You mean like, physically? I don't know, probably Girt because he got a kick out of our height difference and he would do that when we hugged. What are you wearing around your neck? Nothing right now. Have you accidentally mistaken a stranger for someone you know? Oh my god, yes. I did that at the tattoo parlor once at a guy that looked like my sister's ex, who I got along with well. He looked at me like "uhhhhh" and it will haunt me forever. Who did you last blow a kiss at? Venus. I do that and wave a lot when she comes out of her hide and looks my way. Have you ever seen lava in real life? No. Who did you last bite? Um I don't just casually go around biting people lmao. Probably Jason. Do you remember the date of your prom? Ha, it's honestly surprising to me that I don't recall the date of either, considering how I remember, y'know, a weird amount of obscure details through our entire time knowing each other. Was your last kiss long and sensual or short and sweet? Why’s that? Short and sweet, because it was just a goodbye kiss. When kissing, do you like to be on top or bottom? Good Lord, am I a bottom. I hated being on top because I felt he had a better view of me and my body, and I was self-conscious as shit even when I was fit. Does your boyfriend/husband know what size your boobs are? UHHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't have a boyfriend but I've sure never actually talked about it with any. Do you have hair extensions or do you think those are strictly for the scene kids? ..... No? I don't wear extensions, never have, but wearing them doesn't tie you to a label??? List all the things you have from your boyfriend at your house right now? Not everyone has a boyfriend, friend. Last time you exercised and for how long? I DON'T WANT TO THINK OF THIS lkja;dslkfjwe Last girl who called you hot/sexy/something else of the sort? I shared a picture of myself on Facebook for once just the other day, so let's so. *checks* HAHA MY MOM. #1 cheerleader, friends. OH I should probably clarify she said "gorgeous," but I guess that counts? Was she hitting on you? Jfc no. Last guy who called you hot/sexy/something else of the sort? Does getting a comment from Ian of a Spongebob screenshot of Squidward with heart eyes count? lol Was HE hitting on you? *shrugs* He's very open with sharing love for his friends though, so it very well could've been just friendly support. Have you ever taken the 5,000 question survey? Parts of it, and God did it get stupid. What would you do if your boyfriend/husband got drafted into war tomorrow? I. Am single. And not everyone. Is interested in guys. But hypothetically, I would fucking panic. I physically wouldn't be able to handle an s/o in the army; I would constantly, absolutely constantly, be actively fearful. We'd have to find a way to get him out of it. Has a guy ever touched your butt without permission? If so, how did this make you feel? I don't believe so, thank God. How many formal dresses do you own? Sun-dresses? I have two prom dresses (which I'm finally comfortable enough to get rid of at some point) and I think like... one or two other black knee-length dresses that I could now never fit into? What do you hope you grow out of? Social anxiety. It ruins many parts of my life. What is the healthiest and unhealthiest thing you do on a regular basis? Healthy? Oh fuck. I, uh, usually have one bottle of water, I guess? Unhealthy, definitely drink soda. I need to stop. When looking for a SO, what three things are most important (besides looks)? Kindness, patience, and compassion or understanding. How much do you judge a person by their appearance? Define "judge" here. Like, I can conclude someone is impoverished or well off in many cases, but I don't judge them as people. What is the most embarrassing thing you own? Hm. I'm unsure. What is the strangest habit you have? I don't think I have odd habits. What movie made you cry the most? The Notebook or Old Yeller, I think. What was one of the happiest moments of your childhood? Realizing I was getting a dog for Christmas. Fuck, I miss Teddy. What belief do you have that most people disagree with? I'd rather not get political right now. Who or what inspires you to be a better person? I fucking hate admitting it, but Jason. The last thing he told me was to stop saying "I'll try" but rather "I will," and I actually recently almost had a breakdown about it because I shouldn't put SO much value into what he says, make it holy "rules." I treat him like a god in so many ways. Still, in my stupid head, his word is law. I still want to make him so proud. What’s the TLDR description of your last relationship? Long-distance was getting extremely hard, but I think the bigger factor was that we both have problems we need to work on before we can properly support one another. If you found out your current life has been just a dream, would you choose to wake up? (You don’t know if your real life would be better or worse.) I guess... no. I'd be too afraid of it being any worse than it already feels. What dumb thing did you believe for a really long time? Political and religious beliefs I don't at all like admitting I had. Where would you like to retire? Hell if I know, that's a long whiles away. What brings you the most joy in life? Oh yikes. Family and close friends, probs. What was the last song that got stuck in your head? "Blush" by Jeffree Star is on repeat ahhhh What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at? Drawing people. I don't really do it BECAUSE I'm not very good. In art in general, I have a hard time with proportions. Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating. Strawberries, apples, a lotta other fruits, broccoli, there are these granola and cashew bars I LOVE, salad can be good, scrambled eggs... now I'm blanking. Like there are a lot of foods that can be on either end of the spectrum, depending on how they're prepared. Do you ever eat dry cereal as a snack to munch on? Any particular kind? No, generally too crunchy and dry. When you run out of something to drink & are thirsty, are you quick to retrieve a new beverage or are you lazy about it? It depends on how thirsty I am and what I'm doing at that moment. What is your favorite part of a slice of pizza? BITCH all of that motherfucker. What was the longest power outage you ever experienced? Two or so days. I was so, so scared for Venus because it was in the winter. Poor girl was scared. I had to let her inside my hoodie and shirt to use my warmth for a lengthy period at a time, there were blankets draped over her terrarium... I was genuinely afraid she was going to die. But nope, my baby is good and thriving. :'D Do you believe that children should do all of the chores around the house, or do you think the parents should do them? Or do you have an entirely different opinion? As someone who was raised with chores poorly enforced and now I suck at doing them, they should ABSOLUTELY be a required thing. Children shouldn't do *all* the chores though, of course, especially those involving serious chemicals. Have you ever painted a pet’s nails, or known someone that has done such? Do you think that is cruel? I haven't, but I suppose it depends on whether it's toxic or not and if the animal doesn't mind? I do know people who have. What is something you did as a child that you didn’t realize back then was “wrong”, if anything? I didn't know interracial relationships were perfectly fine. It's funny, I don't recall me seeing black as any less than whites, I just thought it wasn't supposed to happen. Being raised in the South does that, ig. Do you get an excessive amount of bug bites during spring/summertime? Are you one to itch constantly or can you control yourself? No, I've heard because I have A-type blood. Whenever my sister (O-type) and I used to play outside, she would always come in COVERED in mosquito bites, and she's still a magnet for them today. Supposedly bugs don't prefer A, but O the most. I do itch, though. Holy shit, do I itch. Do you own any sports equipment [balls, basketball goals, mitts, etc] that you rarely use? No. Could you ever willingly hunt down & shoot an innocent animal for sport? Over my dead fucking body. Would you be uncomfortable changing someone else’s baby’s diaper? Ugh, I have twice I believe, and I hated it. Have/would you ever want to own a pet frog, or do you think they would be too boring? I don't think I've ever caught and kept one? I don't mind "boring" pets, I just don't desire one. What internet/television provider do you use? Fucking CenturyLink. Stay away from it. Are you uncomfortable going out in public with leg stubble? Even if it’s so light that no one would notice it unless they were looking for it? That much, no. Now I literally haven't shaved my legs in over a whole year because it's not like anyone sees them, but holy fuck would I be mortified if someone did lol. Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No. I'm terrified to because of tornados. Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement? No. What’s your favorite piece of furniture in your house? ...? If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it? I'd want to, but it'd be Mom's decision. Favorite type of cracker: Cheez-Its. Animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out: Spiders, especially when they're making their webs.
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webscene-remade · 5 years
gigantic homestuck liveblog post
hello. I hope to god that tumblr’s readmore function works across platforms because otherwise this may just be the worst thing I ever inflicted on anyone’s dashboard in the history of this hellsite 
warnings for my pure, unadulterated opinions (including relentless character-hate for characters that I personally do not like), spoilers for literally everything, reading the epilogues in the most asinine order possible, and the same content warnings that were given at the beginning of the epilogues themselves 
general thoughts: i liked some of it, didnt like some of it. the parts that i didn't like would have been more bearable if they literally weren’t painful to read. i’m of the opinion that, while things dont have to be daisies and roses all the time, i don’t want to have a completely horrible reading experience when things aren’t daises and roses. 
other complaints: part of homestuck’s appeal is its amazing cast of girls, and they were severely under-utilized. also, i had to see gamzee again. 
but, like i said. i liked some of it. a lot of it, in fact. i did think it kept with the spirit of homestuck in that it made me feel every single human emotion possible.
I had a lot of Feelings while reading, and if I went into all of them here, I might as well write out some meta to flesh out the 2.5 concrete thoughts I had while reading, but I’m not going to do that. instead, i’m going to dump my several-thousand-words of live reactions here so that no one has the patience to parse out what the hell i’m talking about. because I just spent a total of 21 hours reading this and I am so incredibly braindead. 
Okay I’m clicking on ‘meat’ first. I’m so scared LMAO I’m not ready for this.
Gross. This is already very upsetting.
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FUCK. Dave this is NOT ALLOWED.
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Homestuck is very very good actually
Alright I’m going to have to stop screenshotting every single thing I find funny or else I am never going to get through this
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I Love You Dave Strider
This is so fucking weird to say and I have no idea what the psychology is behind it but reading homestuck always makes me weirdly ambitious…like reading about dave doing shit like making comics and motivating karkat to run for president makes ME want to do shit.
also the biggest mystery in homestuck is that people like jake English
The fridge pops open and out roll Aranea and Gamzee. Gamzee honks and his codpiece jiggles ominously. Aranea staggers to her feet, looking rather pleased with herself.
Fucking gross.
Waaaaay back in the day “aranea gets punched in the face” was on my homestuck bingo card, back when we all thought the comic was gonna end after the gigapause or whatever it was called
Also is this going to be in fic form the whole time because if so I’m going to have a hell of a time concentrating long enough to finish this in one go
You wisely decide that this clown will lend nothing valuable to the narrative whatsoever if he is allowed to remain outside of your childhood refrigerator. You put both hands on his chest and shove him into the fridge where he belongs. He goes easily, issuing only a pair of weak honks in protest. You slam the fridge shut and resolve to never think about Gamzee Makara again.
Bye bitch
I know you’re going to be back soon but still
(also I skimmed the first few pages of the candy epilogue and it looks like gamzee might have some relevance in that one too. Homophobic if true.)
Oh jesus fuck I just remembered caliborn’s stop-motion Claymation thing where all the kids die. And now john’s gathering them all up. This is going to fucking SUCK isn’t it
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Jake can’t help but watch the motion, raking his eyes over the muscles shifting beneath the skin of Dirk’s neck and arms.
Calm your fucking boner dude
Also dirk is ripped apparently
With a casual flick of his wrist, Dirk snaps out a bright red tranquilizer handgun and shoots Jake in the neck. Jake’s glasses crack when he hits the mat.
What the fuck
You wonder. Do you see these teen versions of your friends as “real”? Are you treating them, at Rose’s behest, as simple puppets? Doing your part to insist they fill friend-shaped recesses in an essential plan to stabilize all else that can be considered important, a distinction no longer applying to them? Do you care at all about whatever fate it may be that you are sentencing these children to? Are you becoming as complicit in the fatalistic evils of Paradox Space as Lord English himself? Are you becoming a monster, John Egbert?
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I Love You Rose Lalonde
Also, same old Dirk, huh?
Dirk & rose conversations are some of the best but. Dirk. Dirk. He reminds me so much of myself and I constantly want to shove him into a locker.
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I hate how much I love caliborn. Also I am Very Afraid.
The blurry, distorted face of your laughing nemesis was the last thing you saw before the chest door slammed shut and plunged you into textual obsolescence.
And here, you are now stuck. You will not emerge from this holding cell, from an outside perspective, for quadrillions of years. It is not long at all until you begin to wish you had brought something to read.
Jesus Christ
Well. At least it’s quadrillions of years “from an outside perspective.” Hopefully it won’t be THAT long for them. Maybe like, an hour?
Also john you broke your glasses. How are you supposed to read.
No, surely this must have been Dave’s idea. The kind of plot hatched from their little nest of mutually supportive, codependent, interspecies... whatever it was they had going on over there.
Jane is straight-up EVIL, I guess
This what capitalism does to you, folks
Also, karkat (true leftism)
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This is exactly what I expected when I realized john would be overseeing a group of teens
Would you tell them about Terezi...
For some reason her name feels like nails in your heart. Makes sense, you guess, cause there’s a lot of sharp letters in it. She had sharp teeth too, and sharp elbows. Sharp words. Terezi Pyrope was a sharp girl, and maybe what these sharp feelings are trying to tell you is you miss her more than you realized.
Do NOT talk about terezi in the past tense you fucking GOON
Also if I don’t see terezi again I will fucking riot
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Me like 2 years ago
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Jade you are NOT subtle
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This is oppression
Dave and karkat HAVE KISSED MULTIPLE TIMES. I will not be convinced otherwise
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Jade “didn’t think Obama was a real person” Harley
Also Dave “doesn’t think Jesus was a real person” Strider
Speaking of. Where is homestuck-is-a-sin nowadays
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Jade will you please chill
but also. Marry me. dave and karkat are clearly not comfy with this, but I would be very comfy with it.
> Be Vriska.
Oh fuck yes
Well, that didn’t last long. Bye, vriska!
Oh fuck
God this is all so intense. I feel like I should’ve read candy first
Really, the only surprise is how long it took to happen. Jane is a beautiful lady, that’s for sure. She always has been, but she’s only grown more ravishing as she’s come into the full blossom of her womanhood. Smooth, silky skin... thick, dark lashes... full, feminine lips... not to mention curves like the dickens.
This is so hard to read lmao
Jake can’t stop thinking about dirk….ouch
Fuck jade too
This is going pretty much as well as could be expected
Just two bros…fighting lord English…everyone dying around them…
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Great minds
Dave ): ): ):
There was no way that wasn’t going to happen but I am. Extremely upset.
The black hole—the gaping, implacable, cosmic embodiment of the dead cherub, his long-departed sister—finally welcomes Lord English home.
Yo I’m
It’s bananas that this webcomic still manages to have a monopoly over my emotions after all these years
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Oh fuck
Loving the aspect talk though
Rose’s eyes have grown distant, almost mirrorlike. Dirk can see himself reflected in her vacant stare.
Oh jesus oh Christ
Oh no
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All I’m thinking about is the narration about jake watching dirk’s rippling muscles
Dirk: I heard that Dirk has an 8-pack
It’s been 3 hours and I’m only on meat 18
I need a fucking drink
Jade’s got this disarming combo of head-in-the-clouds flightiness and the kind of legit, down-to-earth cred that can only be earned by having done something like cutting open your own grandfather and stuffing him full of polyurethane foam.
Why is homestuck so funny
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Fucking same
What is Happening
Will these motherfuckers Please Stop trying to remove the objects that are impaled in their chest
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I am actually astounded by the amount of things I retained from homestuck even though I haven’t quite understood what’s going on for like 6 years
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I missed her so much
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I hate this stupid fucking webcomic
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Please god kick his ass kanaya
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Fucking owned
Kanaya PLEASE kick this fools ass
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I’m actually almost tempted to do this?
Like I know it would make way more sense to finish reading meat first…BUT…
I’m gonna do it lmao
At each fork in the veins, he supposes the leaf as a whole is making a certain kind of “decision,” to go this way or that. It certainly seems like one way of looking at a leaf, now that he bothers to really scrutinize one. It also seems to him, with just as great a sense of clarity, that not one of this leaf’s decisions ever mattered even the tiniest fucking bit to anybody.
Alright! Great start!
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Hm! I don’t like this at all!!!!
Fuck gamzee lives
Sensing that this is probably something he shouldn’t be seeing, he tiptoes towards Gamzee’s would-be sarcophagus as carefully and quietly as he can, and places his hands just above the thick aluminum hull. The moment John’s palms hit the fridge, Dirk turns to look at him. His head only moves an inch.
………what the fuck
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Oh what the FUCK is going on 
I forgot how fucking headache-inducing gamzee’s quirk is
Literally this is almost impossible for me to read for some reason
She pats him on the back, nods very slowly, issues an “mm-hm” now and then. Only while he is distracted by his own sobs does she steal a glance at her phone, tipping the fact that she too wouldn’t mind if this redemptive soliloquy could hurry itself along.
I pretty much sound like a broken record at this point but. What the actual fuck.
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Gamzee stans be like
John: *sends a picture of gamzee to terezi*
Me: Gamzee Is Not Allowed to Exist In The Same Narrative Space As Terezi
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I just realized that the narrative isn’t in second person any more
I mean…I’m assuming we’re outside of ‘canon’. Like this isn’t the ‘essential’ timeline anymore, so things are…fucking wacky, to say the least
But even in the other timelines, shit isn’t this wack
And john seems to be aware of what’s going on
So like. What’s happening.
At least dirk’s bitch ass is also sweating over all this
Rose opens her eyes. She stares at the knob of her wrist and frowns. She’s not sure why this sensation should be concerning. It’s not like her memory is slipping away. She remembers the conversation she had with John this morning quite clearly. As she does the previous years of declining health, and troubled, obsessive thoughts about canon, dissipation, and other such abstractions. What’s slipping away instead is the feeling that any of it mattered at all.
I have. Very mixed feelings.
Like OBVIOUSLY I don’t want rose to continue to suffer existential dread but this feels like post-retcon all over again. Which is to say, everything feels off.
But. Post-retcon was, like, canon. And post-retcon (post-game over, really) is where I kinda stopped caring about homestuck as much as I had before
And perhaps that’s just me not “getting it” but. Oh well.
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Fucking OUCH dawg
Rose and kanaya…damn son…….
They were my first f/f ship ever. Can you believe that? Can you believe homestuck?
She retrieves one of her bras from where it’s hanging over the back of the couch. She starts changing it right there, doing that mystical sleight of hand girls seem to be born with the knowledge of, where the bra goes off and then on again without the shirt being removed.
Very unrelatable
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Now THIS is relatable
I’ve always liked the idea of jadedavekat but this shit is not fun
Karkat fucking bit her afdhlfasdkfh what the fuck
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Yall are gonna think I’m evil for saying this but how on earth are there people out there who like Jake English
Okay I took a break to eat something after 5 straight hours of reading
I bet there’s people out there who have read this shit 3 times over but I take so GODDAMN LONG to read anything
And to think. I’m an English major.
Anyway back to it I fucking guess
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That’s depression, babe!
I’m heterophobic now
Do I REALLY have to read another Jake-Jane makeout sesh. Do I really.
It turns out that I don’t. thank god.
But that was all still incredibly uncomfortable
In the time that I was eating I managed to forget that gamzee existed. And now I am reminded. How unfortunate.
I do not often find myself agreeing with John and only John but. Here we are.
Also I am Not Down For johnroxy. Especially with how wack everything is.
Roxy DO NOT leave john alone with this literal clown
Oh fucking Christ
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The,, hornographer,,,
 There’s a third member of their social group who definitely hasn’t arrived at the conclusion that his power and influence should be meted out responsibly either. Neither of them speak his name, however. For some reason, it feels like a shadow passing over the sun. A brief spike of pain flickers through Rose’s head, a bolt that strikes between her eyes and splinters out. There is color and light behind it. A vision that tears through the material reality in front of her and gives her a brief glimpse into a parallel reality where things are very different.
Hm! Not great!
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Yes, it would be very awkward
Also, don’t even fuckin g MENTION vriska unless I get to see her
Don’t think I haven’t noticed that this epilogue has been hellishly vriskaless
Like youre gonna make me see GAMZEE MAKARA?? GAMZEE??? WHERE’S VRISKA??
Jade. Jade. Jade. Fucking CHILL, jade.
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Get you a girl who lesbian marries one of the two remaining eligible human females
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Eyes emoji
He whips his head around to see... Dave? He’s running down the street, looking back and forth like a hunted man.
Dave: *is flirted with*
Dave: *books it to an entirely different time zone*
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I Love You Dave Strider
Why on EARTH are you going to john Egbert for relationship advice, though
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Daaaaaaave ):
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This is the fucking worst
I hate this so much
It’s obviously a robot, but it’s a complete mess. The form is feminine, but the head is still bald, and the face has no cover, revealing its skull-like interior. The body doesn’t have any proper protective plating yet, so it’s all a mess of wires and loose mechanical bits. Clearly a work in progress. But Dave can’t help but wonder what exactly it is that Dirk’s been working on here?
Then Dave notices the note. It’s carefully folded in the limp palm of the robot’s hand. His heart jumps into his throat, and something in his stomach drops.
Oh, no.
what the fuck is this fucking robot
Also did dirk fucking kill himself
We’re back in the 2nd person now for dirk’s shit
What could you accomplish in a dead-end existence like this? There are no stakes. No meaningful challenges. No structures or themes—only residual chemical reactions in a dying brain, a physical system’s obligate compulsion to exhaust its own lingering momentum.
Literally me every time I realize that life isn’t a story and I’m not a character with a heroic arc
And like I get that homestuck has been thematically interested in...well…life not being a story. And I have a feeling that these epilogues are going to cement that, with all the talk of meta/canon. And I can already tell that I’m going to be disappointed with the lack of narrative resolution
Because like…life’s not a story, okay……………but homestuck is
Anyway this fucker is really about to kill himself isn’t he
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Wow this feels INCREDIBLY shitty considering. That’s exactly what happened.
I am not Feeling Great my dudes
Dave’s got his suit jacket unbuttoned and pulled over Karkat’s head to shield him from the rain. Karkat’s the one talking—his caterpillar eyebrows furrowed, but his gaze soft. Whatever he’s saying makes Dave turn his face away, but Karkat winds a hand in his shirt and tugs him in, forces him to make eye contact. They both go still, seeming to finally realize how close their faces have gotten, how Karkat’s fingers are brushing down the length of Dave’s torso. Dave dips down so that their noses are bumping.
I will NOT be distracted by this cute shit
(I am distracted by this cute shit)
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Thinking about how roxy said they don’t want to have kids in meat and I’m! Not feeling great about this!
Also I hate that I have to call it ‘meat’
(also the narrator refers to roxy as ‘she’ in candy and so like. Idk which one I’m supposed to use)
6 month time jump. Very relieved that I don’t have to see the johnroxy wedding
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Fucking. Skullface emoji.
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Asdasfasljk John don’t dump on your sister like that
Straight fucking savage though I’ll give you that
John and terezi are talking about vriska I’m going to fucking vomit
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This is all I’m going to get, huh? Huh????
I’m so starved
Vrisrezi is literally the most compelling part of homestuck and it’s like. So not going to be relevant at all in the epilogue, is it
Did rose and kanaya literally name their kid ‘vriska’
Like they did not have to do that
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John is the only one who hasn’t lost his goddamn mind
Also the idea of someone just changing their kids name a year after they were born is. Hilarious. It’s extra hilarious when you remember that the kids didn’t get a name until they were 13.
“please come make sense at me”...This is……..A Lot
Jane is still dedicated to eugenics which is like. Pretty fucking awful.
You know it’s bad when GAMZEE MAKARA argues with you about morality
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Fucking GROSS
Also jake is sitting right next to them akbfdabkjknsfn
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Welp! Homestuck’s over, everyone!!!! The furries won!
I have been reading this goddamn webcomic for 8 goddamn hours
I’m pretty sure that I’m not even halfway through
This is what this epilogue has been missing…karkat-isms
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I probably definitely should’ve read meat all the way through but. Oh well!
I never thought that I would be glad to see a dead teenage jade fall out of the fucking sky but at least its providing a brief reprieve to feeling of absolute dread I’ve had while reading the entire candy section
Also strange that dead teenage space jade is the one thing that DOESN’T fill me with absolute dread
I somehow managed to forget that calliope exists
 Funeral TWO
As fucking rough as dirk’s suicide was, I absolutely cannot imagine him in any of these situations
Like the only narrative choices were to kill him or to lock him away in his lab w/o a single mention of him and I gotta say the former makes more sense given his characterization
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I am. Upset.
Aradia please save me from this nightmare
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I changed my mind I love candy
Never mind jane’s talking about eugenics again
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I’m laughing???? What the fuck is happening?????
Okay alt calliope is using dead teen space jade’s body as a vessel
Should’ve put two and two together since I got close to that part in meat but I have been reading for like 9 hours and things are starting to blur together
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*heavy metal music plays*
3 year time jump! Alright!
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Fucking same, john
Okay so the dead trolls that got consumed by the black hole are showing up on earth c, or something?
idk if I’m misunderstanding but……..i am……nervous
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Those are my 20-something-year-old children
Cant believe karkat rose and kanaya are in antifa :’)
Actually I can absolutely believe that
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I hate this
I was 100% unprepared to see Eridan fucking Ampora in the year of our lord 2019. I’m calling the fucking police
This is the worst
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Oh I Do Not Like This
John was serious about the whole kidnapping thing huh
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Christ almighty
Jokes aside the child abuse is like. Very vey upsetting.
But why has this human child adopted the ‘uh,,’s of Tavros’ quirk
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I think I’ve said this before but homestuck is very good, actually
Hm this shit with kid tavros is making me sick to my stomach
Also I’m approaching hour 10 and I may have to take a break for sleep soon.
But. I defo have shit to do this weekend that doesn’t involve reading homestuck
We’ll see how much longer I can stay awake, I guess
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Dave said this about dirk (jake also said this about dirk, in meat) and I’m. not psyched about it.
I suppose it’s possible that gamzee retained it from dirks funeral, but still
John has his breath powers back?? Passively, at least?
And where the fuck did alt calliope go
And aradia and sollux
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Unfortunately I still think it is kidnapping
Especially because you’re like, 5
It’s probably, like, a bad thing that I was rooting for john’s kidnapping plan to work. But.  
Okay theres alt calliope aradia and sollux
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I am. Compromised.
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Oh fuck
It’s actually kind of insane that dirk and jane are like. Straight villains. I kinda would’ve guessed w/ jane (relation to the condesce and all that) but dirk being a villain shocked the fuck out of me. it really shouldn’t have, though, considering that dirk was capable of becoming bro.
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): ): ): ):
I’m actually tearing up LMAO
I can’t tell if it’s because of how much I love terezi or if it’s because I’ve been reading this for 10 hours straight
Probably both
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Karkat I love you
Also this is buried deep enough in this post so I think it’s safe to say w/o anyone actually reading it: when I was 14 and reading homestuck for the first time I had a crush on karkat and used to daydream about us going on a date at the county fair
I’m sorry to anyone that had to read that with their own eyeballs
Hard labor in the cake mills
Bucket jokes are dead, folks. You heard it here first.
Oh Christ I just remembered that group of cosplayers who took a bucket into a restaurant and passed it around and spit in it. Scandal of the fucking decade.
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Asdfghjk KANAYA
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This is only going to make things more complicated, I imagine
Okay…on that slightly…lighter note, I think it’s time to turn in for the night. I’m at the 11th hour (literally) and I’m losing my ability to pay attention to what the fuck is going on
Plus my head hurts like a motherfucker
If I remember correctly, each epilogue has 45 parts, so I’m a bit more than halfway done
I’m setting an alarm because I’m dedicated to finishing this tomorrow
Okay I got my hat on backwards and I’m ready to fucking party
Even Alternia had beauty in it. But John is sure that Earth C probably replicates it the same way it replicates everything else: thin and garish and fake, fake, fakity FAKE. A bad photocopy with the ink settings turned to high contrast. A sunrise that casts no shadows.
This is not a party
Also I’m getting flashbacks to my thesis that I wrote on the left hand of darkness which never shut the fuck up about shadows and the lack thereof
A streak of teal, smudged along the top ridge of the seat cushion, at the center of a red, bloody handprint. With wide eyes, John reaches out and runs his thumb over it. It chips under his nail, the same consistency as human blood. The same color as Terezi’s text.
He rubs the flaky crust between his fingers. He only stopped talking to her a few hours ago. Time passes differently out there, as he’s often reminded. She was so sure she was dying. Was this it? Was this how she —
John reels back, nausea striking him in the pit of his stomach. What kind of twisted coincidence is this? Why is he finding this now? If Terezi was here, why? Who was she bleeding with in the back of his father’s car?
I’m guessing john was bleeding with terezi in the back of his father’s car?
I mean when I left off with meat terezi had just shown up to find john impaled in the chest with one of LE’s teeth
But I’m like. SUPER not psyched to learn what happened to terezi
A choked sob forces its way out of his chest. His fingers flex into claws, gathering up dirt into his shaking fists. He bears down until his knuckles turn white and his fingernails press sharply into the flesh of his palms. The pain makes him feel real.
All he’s ever wanted is to be fucking real.
Maybe it’s because this is the first thing I’m reading this morning but I absolutely cannot take this seriously
Ten year time skip. Jesus.
So everyones in their late 30s, now
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I’m love them?
Also things are super not great on earth c, huh
Like imagine being jane crocker & playing a game where all your friends die a bunch & then showing up to an idyllic planet and being like ‘you know what this world needs more of? Fascism and eugenics.’
Also didn’t jane’s dad make it onto earth c??? where is THAT motherfucker??
I’m glad that sollux and aradia are still like. Chillin.
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Karkat sure does know how to sweet-talk people
Also karkat still misses dave ):
And dave still misses karkat ):
This is so fucking rough
Yeah this is the vriska that got punted by LE after releasing the juju
She is taking things as well as I would imagine vriska to take things
These chapters are getting shorter. Maybe I’ll actually finish this today
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…lord English?
Okay, so jane’s dad was on earth c, and now he’s dead
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Jesus Christ
I shouldn’t be laughing but adjsgklfgfs
Leave it to karkat to try to assassinate someone with a fucking rocket launcher
Also leave it to dad to jump in front of a FUCKING ROCKET LAUNCHER
I cant believe gamzee fucking Makara is still here. I was hoping that had all been a nightmare
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Yikes! Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!
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I don’t know how I didn’t see this coming
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I missed their interactions
John is so fucking funny sometimes
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I’m laughimg so fucking hard
Also I’m going to keep calling her vriska and calling rose and kanaya’s child ‘kid vriska.’ Otherwise I will get incredibly confused between this vriska and actual (vriska)
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Vriska I love you
Also I like how john straight up hates kid vriska
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God she’s so intolerable. I love her.
Also vriska and dirk are so similar but I love vriska and can’t stand dirk
am I a misandrist
(I know it’s probably their differences; vriska is dedicated to being a hero and not a author/villain(?) and still, like, values people, even if it is in her own fucked up way. Also she’s like a billion times more critical of herself than dirk is)
oh god theyre talking about terezi
yeah that didn’t go anywhere I wanted it to
fukcing. Gamzee.
Please god vriska beat this clowns ass
“brutal Double Axe Handle” “European-style Uppercut” “knife chop” “Discus Back Elbow”
Am I supposed to know what any of this means
I like how john is just watching this happen
Gamzee grabs (Vriska)’s foot by the bridge. Instead of yanking her off-balance, he opens his huge, bloody maw of a mouth and... runs his tongue along the rubber bottom of her shoe? (Vriska) freezes. She watches him lap the mud—and his own blood—out from between the grooves of the sole. His lips drag lewdly over the ridge of her footwear and begin sucking at where her big toe would be, if it were not safely ensconced in several layers of rubber and canvas.
Fucking GROSS
I hate this clown so goddamn much
This is the absolute Worst Outcome
Like I cannot imagine a more upsetting scenario than gamzee and vriska making out in canon
Dirk’s suicide would be a fucking palate cleanser at this point
That was a bad joke to make but that’s what homestuck does to you I fucking guess
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*I* don’t even remember the three pillars of canon
And I read that shit literally yesterday
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I, unfortunately, have no idea what this means
Well. At least rose is happy. For the first time in the entirety of homestuck.
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“immoderately lit”
I’m going to say that all the time now. Thanks.
Vriska’s huge, mischievous smile freezes on her face. When her eyes pass the image to her brain, and it finally makes sense of this incomprehensible jumble of gray limbs, blue and purple slop, tangled black hair, and stunned faces, her expression begins to slowly melt. It then drifts quickly, from phase to phase, to one of wonder, then anguish, and finally, abject horror.
This is so fucking unfortunate
At least all the vriskas are on the same page about this being the nightmare scenario. At least theres that.
Gamzee calling vriska “problematic.” I’m laughing really hard but I’m also like. Enraged.
And then, she lets go. His face is frozen in a repellent mask exhibiting the perfectly undetectable difference between terror and ecstasy. He’s dead.
I hope to GOD this is true but I’ve been tricked before
I don’t know if I will ever be truly free of gamzee fucking Makara
Jake and his kid showed up to johns house and jake is wearing nothing but underwear
At this point this is one of the least strange things to happen
All the same, John finds it hard to feel much sympathy. Who is Jake? The one standing in front of him now, anyway. Has he always been this contemptibly pathetic, or is this too a function of the absurdity of this contorted reality? It’s hard to be sure. Are Jake’s “struggles” worth any more of John’s guilt and emotional energy than a Sim stuck in a pool without a ladder?
Jesus Christ. John did not come to play today. Fuck.
Also I feel incredibly bad for jake. I’ve never liked him but I’m not, like, a monster.
Or maybe he is doing exactly what Jake has always done. In a certain light, isn’t ascribing all this mess to some unconscious influence he might have had over the metaphysical shape of reality just a way to brush off his simpler failures as a man and a father?
God why is homestuck kicking my ass so bad
John constantly misses his dad and all I can think about is how often his dad told him that he was proud of him. And now john thinks he’s failed as a father.
John and jake are. Dancing.
I absolutely have not forgotten that jake is still in his underwear
I’m living for this conversation between vriska and kid-vriska
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Man I bet dirk hates john’s guts LOL
Like I imagine john’s retcon powers infuriate him
Though I bet dirk wouldn’t want the retcon powers for himself. It might take away the “challenge” of it. Idk.
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Jesus Christ
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How the turntables….
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I Am Going To Vomit
Vrisrezi is so fucking legendary. No one can ever change my mind.
I also I just ate a ham and cheese sandwich and it was really fucking gross. Legit cant tell if I’m nauseous about that or vrisrezi
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I forgive all the other dumb shit in this epilogue
Seriously. Transcends quadrants. I have been saying this for half a fucking decade. Vriska and terezi are in gay love. Eat shit, haters.
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I hate this stupid webcomic
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I have nothing intelligent left to say anymore (as if I ever had anything intelligent to say) but. Homestuck good.
I am going to Lose My Shit
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Thank Fucking God
Also ever since dead teen space jade fell out of the sky, all of the characters have felt a lot more real
I’m not sure if that’s in the narrative or that’s just me getting over my disgruntlement at the incredibly batshit things happening in candy
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Hatchi fucking matchi
Also getting some real dirk-fading-into-the-ether vibes from john here
Roxy is fucking laying into john damn
But it’s not like they arent making completely valid points
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God I’m so depressed
I’ve spent 80% of my life worried that I’m doing the Important and Right thing
And in the last 4-5 years I’ve been confronted with my cosmic insignificance and I have not been able to get over it
Like I get it’s kind of asshole-ish. Narcissistic. Selfish. To think of your life and the people in it as something….sidelined. and to be all mopey over that.
I WANT to be all “who cares” about it because thinking that your life has any Grand Significance In The Scope Of The Infinite Universe is 100% impractical and frankly batshit
This is all to say that I have problems and homestuck if calling me tf out
dave is in the FUCKING WHITE HOUSE
I swear to god if Obama shows up I will shit my fucking pants
He steps closer to investigate, wiping away at the layers of moss and dirt to reveal a surface he most certainly does recognize. It’s a transportalizer.
I am shaking in anticipation
It’s a mounted god tier costume, about the size an adult male would wear. He recognizes the symbol. It’s the same one Jake used to wear when they were teens. It is the symbol for Hope.
Obama played fucking sburb didn’t he
Why is homestuck so fucking funny
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This is the most homestuck thing to ever happen in homestuck
Hologram throwing all this inspiring bullshit at dave and dave just repeatedly asking how Obama died
He tells himself there’s nothing wrong with crying. Of course there isn’t. Just... not in front of Obama. He’s GOT to keep it together.
I’m just gonna. Put this here.
Obama ships davekat
Daaaaaave ): ): ):
Yes I’m 21 years old yes I’m tearing up at a conversation between a fictionalized barrack obama and a fictional man who wears sunglasses from a ben stiller movie all the time
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Hate this fucking comic LOL
“wake up”. What. What is happening.
The sliding panel reveals a recess, and in the recess stands a robot. It’s a gleaming, polished silver replica of Dave, but without shades. It stands totally still, unpowered. Dave struggles to make sense of what he’s looking at.
Is THIS the robot that dirk was building??
Wait Obama said he built it
What the actual fuck
Fucking. WHAT. DAVBOT?
This is so fucking weird
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I love you aradia
Wow that conversation was…………..something
So calliope is fighting dirk for control of the narrative?
and dirk is like, an irresponsible author
especially interesting convo in light of dirk’s status as andrew’s self-insert
also I knew LE was gonna show up
I’ve got a bad feeling about this scoob
Also not feeling great about fucking davebot
That’s it for candy……………………..
Hopefully meat is more conclusive that
I’ve been reading for 15 total hours now
Might as well keep going
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Didn’t think I’d actually do it, huh?? Snide bastard
Also rose is going to straight die real soon isn’t  she
And then become rosebot
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Oh fuck right off
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Get wrecked you punk-ass bitch
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Okay so alt calliope is taking over jades body in this reality. Cool cool.
Also. Interesting that calliope said the way events are telegraphed, not what events are telegraphed. Goes back to importance of the speaker convo from candy
Dirk’s text is getting smaller asfgshfjk
Also good to know that calliope is completely Freaked The Fuck Out in this reality too, re: alt calliope occupying jade’s body
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Also I’ve said this before but. Dirk and vriska. Are so alike.
Terezi dear god I fucking missed you
It probably hasn’t been that long but it feels like forever
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Yeah I suppose terezi’s been talking w/ the john that’s aged into his 30s
Also I was thinking about this lastnight & I forgot that time works different here in ye olde paradox space and I was kinda super weirded out thinking about a 30 y/o john flirting with terezi. I actually had a nightmare about it lmao. But this morning I remembered that terezis probably been at this forever.
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I think the fact that john is even worried about this at all means he’s in pretty good shape
John: *thinks a girl is cute*
John: oh shit am I being a creep
Okay, terezi says she feels like she’s been out there for a hundred sweeps. That defo makes me feel better about her and john flirting
Okay, so I was right. John was the one bleeding in the car
Terezi’s not bleeding though so I am. Nervous to find out how that happens.
OF COURSE terezi is still looking for vriska, you fucking goon. Theyre in love.
Though I gotta say I wasn’t that down with johnrezi before the epilogue but. I have to say. It’s actually very cute.
Terezi just. Ate shaving cream.
Oh, hi, jane
I kinda forgot how far along she is in her development as a full-blown fascist in this timeline
Dirk: *speaks*
Me: bitch
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Jesus Christ
Waiting for dirk to call jane problematic
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Calliope SNAPPED
Why is karkat hiking around in a fucking suit
I love karkat
I love dave
Dave starting to explain super pacs to jake
And using sbahj for campaign ads asgdhadkjl
Why is he like this (I say, fondly)
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Dirk is really out here being Like That
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I have no words
Also I promise that this is unrelated but jake has inexplicably grown on me a little (not a lot)
Now terezi is eating tobacco
She’s disgusting. I love her.
Terezi ):
John: *talks about how great terezi is*
Me: *nods solemnly*
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I Am In Pain
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GOD I love Terezi
Terezi: hold on. Lemme just do an impromptu surgery real quick.
Terezi: *is, very unsurprisingly, turned on by doing an impromptu surgery*
Oh ok this is happening
Good thing I found the time to get down w/ johnrezi I fucking guess
Not completely sure how I feel about this
Is dirk about to fucking assassinate jake
He wouldn’t do that right
Dirk said transphobe rights??
God I hate this motherfucker
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Dave: come…’out.’ What is this you speak of.
Roxy, dave, and alt calliope: Let’s talk about gender
Okay, so. Assassinating jake is something that dirk WOULD do
Calliope struggling to keep dirk back w/ the power of their narration is very fun to read though
Dirk: *slices the bell in half*
Me: that would’ve…made good content for a flash
Not to sound ungrateful but not one panel? Not one flash animation? Instead I have to read all these WORDS?
Of course if this were in a flash animation I probably wouldn’t understand fuckall of what is going on
On the other hand, it wouldn’t be taking me a billion years to get through this
God can roxy please get a pair of sunglasses to match dave. Please. 
Hour? 17.5? Maybe?
Anyway I am being forced to take a break so I can participate in easter festivities (by which I mean eating dinner with 2 whole people)
Okay I’m back
I defo should be able to finish this tonight
Okay I guess killing Jake is NOT something that Dirk would do
At least. Not right now. And probably not permanently
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you got to FLIP it
Time to be back on dirk’s bullshit I guess
Meat 33
In the two hours that I was gone I managed to forget that john and terezi boned
Dirk saying things like “incel” and “cuck” make me want to Kill
Meat 34
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Wow it so incredibly awful to read Dirk’s narration
I hate this stupid motherfucker so fucking much
Meat 35
*sees more orange text* oh jesus Christ
God why is he being so fucking cruel
Also if john dies then like. WHAT is the point.
Aw man I’m fucking crying
Man what the fuck
This shit fucking sucks
I gotta take a break
Meat 36
Now that I’ve taken like a 5 minute break to stop fucking crying it’s time to get back on the pain train I guess
Since I actually let Tears Fall there’s an increased chance that I’ll cry again
So I cannot be held accountable if I do that
Why the fuck does this clown keep misgendering roxy
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Terezi: *pulls johns corpse out of a wallet to smell it* nothing weird about this
Also how tf is terezi gonna show back up shortly after john goes missing and no ones gonna suspect anything
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Is it vriska. It’s vriska isn’t it.
Why do I feel like I’m either never going to get to see this conversation or I AM going to get to see it and its going to cause me immense personal distress
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Also terezi can hear dirk???????????
And are roxy’s pronouns him or them
Like did terezi just assume based on roxy’s appearance or did she talk to kanaya about it
Also I hate dirk’s stupid fucking guts
It does NOT help that I didn’t like him before the epilogue
God he sucks shit
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Say it with me, now: we love terezi pyrope
Terezi DO NOT trust this clown ass motherfucker
Meat 37
Dirk is actually the worst dad. Don’t sweat it, john.
ROSE: Are you sure Kanaya is going to be ok with this?
No, rose. She absolutely will not be ok with this. What the fuck.
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This shit sucks so goddamn much
I am going to be so depressed after finishing this arent I
Goddammit I’m crying again. I fucking knew I would.
Meat 38
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Unfortunately I agree with dirk
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Davekat is so GOOD what the hell
Karkat ):
Dirk will you fucking fuck off
I’m seriously okay with dave and karkat hopelessly pining forever if it means dirk doesn’t literally FORCE them to kiss. Like, what the fuck.
I take a deep breath and get myself under control. My light psychological intrusions may have only made things worse. Invested as I am in the outcome of this encounter, I know forcing their hand would be a mistake.
That’s the smartest thing you ever said you stupid fuck
Thank Fucking God
Meat 39
I’m nearing the end of this whole things and dirk still has narrative control. Not psyched about that.
He’s gently stroking the side of my arm now, making no effort to disguise his interest in the contours of my muscles. I use that arm to put a hand on his shoulder in an affable way, so that he’s forced to stop.
Dirk: I heard that Dirk has an 8-pack
Wait I already think I made that joke
He takes in every drop of light reflecting from my beautiful face. The sculpted cheekbones, the warrior’s eyebrows, the deadly serious yet exquisitely kissable mouth. This is the face he lives for now. A visage that, in mere minutes, will vanish from his life forever. The tears drop. His voice cracks.
Fuck OFF dude. I hate you so goddamn much.
I miss gamzee. GAMZEE. Can you believe that shit?????????
Also it’s so incredibly shitty that jane won the election against karkat
like there’s no way there’s gonna be any kind of resistance now for like, plenty of reasons, one being that it wouldn’t even start in the first place. Now jane’s gonna slide to Literal Genocide but with no opposition this time
god this is wack
Meat 40
I am so tired of seeing this fools orange text
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Please god
Also I hate that homestuck has me counting exclamation marks to make sure theres not a significant number of them (8. 8 is the significant number)
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Thinking about dave’s speech at dirk’s funeral and Not Feeling Great
Does dirk actually think dave is going to be the one to kill him or is that just his weird decapitation fetish talking
Meat 41
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Kanaya I love you and this is not your fault but jesus Christ
Kanaya: I Have Been Bamboozled
Oh shes fucking mad
I know that I’ll never see it happen but I hope kanaya beats dirks ass into the goddamn ground
Remember when chainsawed eridan in half and put on bloodied lipstick afterward? That’s the shit I’m talking about
Welp. Bye, jade.
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Fucking. My sentiments exactly.
Alright alt calliope is using ‘he’ pronouns w/ Roxy so I’m assuming that’s right, considering alt calliope has access to Roxy’s thoughts and shit
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fuck you you punk-ass bitch
Meat 43
I have never in my life been more relieved to see red text instead of orange
Things are still pretty fucking awful, though. I haven’t forgotten that.
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see things are 100% Very Bad rn but this isn’t like completely impossible to read? Like I enjoyed parts of the epilogue, didn’t enjoy other parts. But the a lot of the parts I didn’t enjoy just were so painful to read. It was damn near impossible sometimes. And like, I get what you’re trying to do, but imo tough subjects don’t necessarily need to be written in a way that makes me so viscerally upset lol
anyway what I’m saying is that I’m not viscerally upset right now. Considering I’m nearing the end, this is a good thing.
karkat is talking about how dumb the concept of incest is and is being a jerk about how roxy’s dressed. I am upset again.
Thank god dave is here to save the fucking day
I just sneezed and heard crackling in my ears. I’ve been hearing shit like that for a solid two months now. Is there fluid in my ears? Do I have an ear infection? How long do ear infections last?
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I’m love them
They still don’t know john is dead ): ): ):
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Thank fucking god
At least there’s the possibility that they’ll see john again and that calliope is going to provide some fucking guidance
Also arent epilogues supposed to RESOLVE SHIT and not like. Leave me hanging like this. I can tell it’s to leave me hanging and listen. Listen. I just want to be free.
I’m going to be 40 goddamn years old and homestuck: the sequel is going to come out and the characters are going to be 42 and dealing with the exact issues that I’m dealing with as a 40 year old and it’ll launch me into an at-least-a-month-long spiral of fruitless self-reflection while I cry about it
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Oh god fucking dammit
What was his sacrifice, even? Having sex with terezi?
Sorry. I’m just bitter.
In any case, in addition to like, weakening LE enough for alt calliope to presumably kill him, I do think it has something to do with terezi. I don’t think her role in things is quite over yet.
Meat Postscript
Okay so we’re back to candy?
Or, at least, where candy left off
Did. Alt calliope eat LE. Is that what happens when cherubs defeat one another. Did I manage to forget this cannibalistic detail.
Did dirk influence Obama to make davebot so davebot could join forces with alt-calliope to go against dirk, or was that Obama intentionally going up against dirk
Did I really type that sentence with my own fingers
The hole leaves behind an absence in the sky so calm that continuing to call it a sky wouldn’t seem to do it justice. It’s a perfectly neutral expanse into which anything one can imagine might be summoned. And for a while, anything was. But not anymore. Where the hole gaped just moments ago, there now exists an imaginary line.
Above this line resides all that matters. Below exists all else. Never again the twain shall meet.
These are a dope couple of paragraphs
Also I know that this probably goes against everything I just read but I hope this means I never have to read about an offshoot timeline again
Like I get that that was all Homestuck Brand Fuckery but I need like 300 months to recover
21 hours of reading later and I don’t really know what to
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isuzukuretsuki · 5 years
Ikemen Revolution - Sirius’s Route
aka me graduating from being a wannabe livebloggering and becoming a wannabe otome reviewer HAHA.
I have a bunch of left over screenshots from Sirius’s route that I never posted so I decided to compile them all into one post + add in my own awful commentary/review. It’s mostly going to be the latter. So yeah enjoy experiencing Sirius’s route filtered through my terribad commentary and me dragging the poor man more than he deserves.
Honestly Sirius’s route is a blur to me at this point. The one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb that I didn’t like was Alice pinning over how ~cool~ and ~mature~ Sirius is while Sirius kept beating around the bushes about his feelings smh. What was even more annoying is that for the first half of the route it’s just Alice trying to help out with the war and Sirius just giving her menial tasks all day to keep Alice busy and avoid her pestering (╬ಠ益ಠ). 
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Seth is a real bro in this route and actually gives some GOOD ASS ADVICE, TOO BAD NOBODY MAINLY SIRIUS TAKES HIM SERIOUSLY.
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Gee I’m trying to romance you; how utterly elated it makes me to know that I remind you of your siblings. 
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He fucking KISSES HER ON THE FOREHEAD and is all like “it’s just friendly affection!” BITCH WHAT PART OF THAT IS FRIENDLY AFFECTION?
The funniest thing is is that while this disastrous k-drama high school romance is going on as the supposed main focus, THE FLAMES OF WAR ARE RAGING ON IN THE BACKGROUND. Out of the routes I’ve played so far this route is the only route where the armies actually go in an all out war which I thought was pretty cool.
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Okay this is less of a war between Red vs Black and more like Edgar vs Black because Lancelot is out of commission while Kyle is pulling his hair out like an old nanny tending to him and idk what the hell the rest of the Red Army dudes are doing. I am not exaggerating when I say that Edgar is the actual backbone of this army. It’s hard to really take this war seriously considering how no one is dying, only “injured” and these battles seem to have minuscule impacts or consequences and the fact that Sirius and Alice have time to be frolicking off with their less than smooth romance.
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As usual Seth is the bro of the war too as he runs around spreading underground rumors. Tbh idk how the hell Seth managed to pose as a “reliable source” but I can just imagine him being like V and just knocking some poor Red Army sap tf out and stealing his clothes and running around spreading rumors like a character in Mean Girls spreading rumors about who the heroine is dating.
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BIG YIKES AND BIG SWEAT. I think Sirius’s route is the first route to drop Seth’s connection to the Magic Tower, something I’d definitely never suspect. Maybe he’s a mole?? who knows.
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But obviously who cares about that mumbo jumbo! We cut back to Sirius and Alice where Alice is drunk mumbling about how much she loves this sexy man, conveniently just while Sirius is in front of her and hears everything! But like the smooth operator he is he....................... doesn’t do anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He just completely wipes the love confession clean from his memory and continues on his merry way as if it never happened. Great. A+ romantic development there, game.
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Hell even the other boys are lowkey sick of Sirius “what is this feeling in my chest?! Definitely not love!” Oswald so they decide to all be MC’s wingmen because clearly that war you guys are fighting that is potentially killing all your men isn’t important! Sirius, OF COURSE, overhears the entire conversation where Alice admits she loves him and as usual.... HE DOESN’T DO ANYTHING.
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Is it a sin if I actually agreed with Seth. I MEAN NO OFFENSE TO SIRIUS BUT............ 
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Seth, can I romance you instead? Promise not to sell me out to the Magic Cult in exchange for Amon’s weed stash though.
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Oh jesus christ can you just confess your undying love for each other already this is starting to become infuriating. You guys have a GOD DAMN WAR being fought in the background and instead I’m forced to sit through this cat and mouse game between these two mofos. Sirius, I love you, but. god dammit.
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Oh right, were we fighting a war? I think we were fighting a war hahaha oops I completely forgot about that! But thank god that King No Fun is here to ruin everyone’s day! As we know, Lancelot has been pretty much incapacitated the entire route due to using too much magic, but nothing stops the King of Hearts. The man deadass drags his delirious corpse out of his bed (cue Kyle screaming in the background) and waltz into the Black Army HQ like he pays rent to whisk our princess away like the friendly neighborhood kidnapper that he is. He knocks her tf out and frolics into the sunset on his horse with Alice’s passed out body.
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Sirius being the knight in shining armor that he is catches up to Lance on his horse and demands Lance return Alice, which Lance is like “nah son”. Sirius then proceeds to BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF LANCELOT (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾) I THOUGHT THIS MAN DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO FIGHT! and starts screaming in Lancelot’s face about how much pain his kokoro is in ever since Lancelot started being a piece of shit. Lancelot’s reaction pretty much just amounts to  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and he gives up on the girl and saunters off. 
Sirius proceeds to spill his token tragic backstory to Alice, about how he, Harr and Lance used to be best friends but ever since Harr was exiled and Lance took the title of King of Hearts, their friendship had been strained broken to smithereens considering how Harr LITERALLY tries to kill Lance. Honestly as much as I roast the terribad romance between Alice and Sirius, I really enjoyed learning about Sirius’s history with Harr and Lance and it was by far the most enjoyable part of the route. I appreciate how much Sirius cares about Lance and Harr and it’s definitely the thing I like most about his character.
Anyhoo they return to find the Black Army Headquarters ABSOLUTELY DECIMATED. The magic cult goons completely smashed their headquarters but considering how all the boys have plot armor, no one is hurt so it’s all okay! (‐^▽^‐)
Alice realizes that Lancelot kidnapped her to protect her from the attack and that he is most likely being manipulated by someone in the shadows. She convinces Sirius to take her onto the battle field to confront Lancelot once and for all for answers. FINALLY THE PLOT IS GOING SOMEWHERE, and this is like what, part 20 at least?!
The moment they confront Lancelot on the battle field, the real King No Fun aka Amon crashes the party and he’s not a happy camper. He’s sick of Lancelot buying time so decides to just whisk Alice away himself!
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aaaaand finally Lancelot’s “I’m the Worst” facade drops as he loses his shit. I find it interesting how it’s the first time he refers to the MC by her name and not Alice. He dives into Amon’s teleportation spell and gets whisked away with them.
Alice awakens to find herself in Amon’s creepy sex dungeon and Amon is like... your stereotypical evil cackling maniac cartoon villain that you’d expect.
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He’s even a misogynistic twat as the icing on the cake.
Unfortunately Amon only wanted Alice but he accidentally brought Sirius and Lancelot too as carry on luggage. He leaves Lancelot be since he needs him but Sirius is just a fly in his plan so LIKE THE EVIL CACKLING TOTALLY NOT RIKA VILLAIN THAT HE IS HE PULLS OUT A FUCKING GUN 
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and shoots Lancelot.
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Amon shits bricks over Lancelot protecting Sirius but is ultimately Monokuma level “lmao idgaf” and proceeds to try and kill Sirius but they’re rescued by Harr and Loki who whisks them away back to Red Army Headquarters.
Kyle REALLY FUCKING SHITS BRICKS THIS TIME POOR BOY CAN’T GET A BREAK after seeing Lancelot’s condition and somehow miraculously brings Lance back from the brink of death. Sirius and Alice talk with Lancelot and he finally comes clean with the truth about how Amon’s threatening to destroy Cradle with his weed stash unless Lancelot cooperates. Sirius is all like “aight then let’s go destroy his weed stash” and both armies begin working together to defeat Amon. Great, the climax of the plot is finally here, I’m so excited!
THAT IS UNTIL Alice realizes that the full moon is finally here and thus she must go home! She highkey wants to stay but Sirius is like “nah son you going home”. and proceeds to SHOVE HER ASS DOWN THE GATES OF HELL. But not before making out with her like his life depended on it. What the fuck, he doesn’t even confess his love for her! He just makes out with her and is all like “lul bye” and shoves her down the garden portal. 
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Welp great, the final battle with Amon is finally starting and I’M NOT EVEN THERE TO SEE IT LMAO! It’s like the writers got too lazy at the end and pulled this bs to avoid showing the climax of the story. Wtf let me kick ass with my man, what is this weak ass underwhelming development. 
Alice waits around in Reason for about 3 months before going like “yeah you know what fuck it” and decides to go back to Cradle because a hoe got better things to do then just sitting on her ass waiting for her man who may never come for her!
She goes to the park just in time to see Sirius, who, surprise surprise, actually did come to get her! He tells her how they finally defeated Amon and that Cradle is finally safe! Amazing, it took you three months to find that weed stash; it took Alice and Jonah one evening in Jonah’s route.
She goes back to Cradle with Sirius but it’s already night so they decided to pitch a tent at a nearby inn with only one bed!
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just go to sleep...................... just go to fucking sleep.
The next day they return to the Black Army Headquarters, which is now peaceful since Amon is defeated and the war is over. I got Sirius’s dramatic end; Alice and Sirius decide to go over to Sirius’s flower shop, where they run into Lancelot whose finally chilled out with his “I’m the Worst” act now that Amon isn’t breathing down his neck every second like a creepy evil Santa Clause.  Lancelot buys an iris flower and proceeds to give it to Alice.
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The route ends with Alice planting the flower Lancelot gave her in the garden of the Black Army HQ, promising to live her life with Sirius and protect the little things that are important to them (´へωへ`*). and finally, FUCKING FINALLY, SIRIUS FINALLY TELLS HER HE LOVES HER. THAT TOOK YOU LIKE WHAT, THE ENTIRE ROUTE?
but no seriously imagine how awkward it’d be for Alice, after making out and sleeping with him only to be like “oh wait does he even actually love me, he never said he did” derp.
Anyway that was a rundown of my own thoughts of his route + awful commentary. I definitely think his route was one of the weaker ones and it just didn’t feel like Sirius or Alice had any chemistry (。-人-。). I hate to admit being disappointed, especially because I was really looking forward to Sirius’s route but alas it is what it is. There were some nice scenes and I liked the friendship dynamic between him, Lance, and Harr but overall it definitely paled in comparison to Jonah’s or even Lancelot’s route. Ohwell, sorry Sirius lmao.
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nikatyler · 6 years
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Long time no replies. Yeah. Last week, I couldn’t do them on Sunday. I couldn’t do them on Monday either because I was in Prague all day and got back home at midnight. I thought I’d do them on Tuesday but then I didn’t feel like it, and then there was school stuff and other stuff and yeah here we are, it’s another Sunday. I don’t think anyone cares that much though :D
I’ve been working on Rose Legacy all weekend. It’s been so much fun. Right now, I’m halfway through the first part of it, the part that’s focused on quadruplets. I had a phase a few days ago, I was thinking about switching to ts3 again and I felt like I didn’t actually want to do it for some reason. Probably because I’ve been posting ts4 for months now and switching games after such a long time has always been kinda weird. It was always the other way around though - I posted more ts3 and less ts4. Eh, you don’t care :D Now I’m excited for posting that legacy again. I still think of them as of my “mascots” to be honest, they’ve been here since before I had a simblr. Anyway, January 2019. Roses are back. It’s gonna be great. I hope.
Another thing no one cares about, it snowed for the first time today and it hasn’t melted yet. I’m so happy. I'm like a child when it comes to this, really.
elisabettasims replied to your photo “create-a-sim replied to your photo “When you’re reading this, it’s...”
One of my fondest high school memories is of my prom night. I'm glad yours was awesome, too.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “create-a-sim replied to your photo “When you’re reading this, it’s...”
Oh, I remember my prom, it was maybe th esecond coolest memory of school! Now I sometimes look back at it and feel nostalgious (less than half a year passed, yo). Glad, you enjoyed yours, too<3
It’s been two weeks and I’m still thinking about it. It has really been the best thing about high school so far, and I doubt anything will top it. We finally got the video of the prom on Friday. I haven’t been able to watch it but I hope it’s good :D
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “I didn’t know December now runs a gardening Instagram account.”
Only the coolest grandmas have gardening Instagram accounts :P
I helped my grandma start a Pinterest account but I wonder what it would be like if she joined Instagram as well :D
andruskysworld replied to your photoset
Cute cat ��
She really is cute! I didn’t even edit her that much, aside from the colours of course. I might have changed her fur too, but I’m not sure about that.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Alright mum, I’ll have to go now. Look after Sunset, okay?”...”
//Ross//, buddy, pal, you gotta do something with her, even if it means watching some cartoons here and there
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Alright mum, I’ll have to go now. Look after Sunset, okay?”...”
Argh! He's so frustrating!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ross: “Alright mum, I’ll have to go now. Look after Sunset, okay?”...”
December. it`s time to use handcuffs to chain Ross to his daughter
Yeah. But it’s gonna get better I promise. At this point I think it’s kinda showing...it’s baby steps but he’s gonna get there somehow I promise. Not saying he’ll be the ideal dad but you know. He won’t be the worst one. Have faith in him :D
simmering-pancakes replied to your photoset “Bella: “But…dead people can’t vote.” Ross: “They will be allowed to...”
�� This makes me so happy.
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Bella: “But…dead people can’t vote.” Ross: “They will be allowed to...”
I find it funny that he was able to ask a ghost for a vote. Also imagine if this was possible irl. It’s kinda scary actually :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Good luck at school!”
to cute for me to handle
I knooooooow
damn these Breeze genes will be the death of me
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Things are going great. Really great.”
Except for... maybe... your daughter?
He cares about his success at work more than he cares about his daughter. *shrugs*
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Pass the happy �� When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you...”
A big YES to the pointless edits!
What could be more entertaining when everything else is boringXD
Exactly! And also, I’m often like “okay I’m just gonna take a look at all these pictures I’ve taken today and then I’ll go to bed” and then oops, I’m editing one and doing all sorts of stuff and oops, it’s midnight and I know I’ll be dead the next day. Pointless edits are one of the reasons why I don’t get enough sleep, basically.
Btw guys, here’s my HUGE folder of screenshots waiting to be edited in case you’re ever bored :D
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “My sister got a letter today. She’s gonna go to uni.” Caleb:...”
I swear, Ross, if you don't stop forgetting your daughter ... also, I hope he rejects you.
melien replied to your photoset “Ross: “My sister got a letter today. She’s gonna go to uni.” Caleb:...”
Lmao seconded Caleb deserves better
Do you ever see an absolutely terrible person, but somehow everything turns out right for them and you’re just hoping for karma to hit them in the face but instead they keep getting things they don’t deserve? Ross is that kind of person.
Also, love how everyone turned from “yasss we ship Ross and Caleb” to “oh no poor Caleb we must protect him from the evil that is Ross” lmao
melien replied to your photoset
Persephone is now easily my favourite character in this legacy
She was mine too and then someone else entered. Find out tomorrow :D
melien replied to your photoset “Valentine: “Are you feeling a little unwell, brother? Is Sunset...”
After all he's ever done I can't help but hope he has the worst indigestion issues ever
He was sick many times so maybe karma did hit him in the face a little bit
melien replied to your photoset “Look Ross. You’ve made mistakes and we all know that. We all hate you...”
I guess Claret hates him too
Aww yes I’m here for that
Also Bianca. Back in 2016 Bianca liked setting things on fire. Good old times.
God, Bianca would hate him so much. That argument she had with Tyler in chapter 3? It would be three time worse if she had to fight with Ross. She’d probably actually fight him.
melien replied to your photoset “She’s beautiful.”
Can I adopt her
Too late I adopted her first
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “It’s happening. It’s really happening! I can’t believe it. Do I even...”
Yeah but he doesn't deserve it. I also know the rules of this generation so, LOL
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “It’s happening. It’s really happening! I can’t believe it. Do I even...”
Yeah. i was waiting for it, but... I somehow feel, like Caleb deserves better, much better. And I wouldn`t be surprised if Caleb would leave Ross this will serve him right
I still was waiting for this kiss, but it`s kinda... bittersweet?
jackssims replied to your photoset “It’s happening. It’s really happening! I can’t believe it. Do I even...”
I'm very happy with this but also very conflicted (more or less for the reasons the others described in their comments)
Can I just say I’m glad it came off like this. Bittersweet. I kind of wanted that, to be honest. Not in the “yasss I’ll make my followers cry I’m so evil hahaha” way though. Idk it’s hard to explain.
It’s different from other legacy couples, in my opinion, and I’m here for that. It’s kinda refreshing. I mean, usually people love the heir, love their spouse, want them to get together. This one? This one is something else.
I’m not saying I’m gonna make all my heirs assholes from now on, don’t get me wrong. But it was fun to try something new :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Breeze, Valentine - the better half of the breeze siblings - too pure...”
somehow i managed to miss so much! she1s beautiful!
Thank you! I had so much fun dressing her up for this.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Me when my otp becomes canon”
Big Mood
Yeah. But also this is really how my otps make me feel
Btw, at this point they definitely weren’t my otp just yet. Like I was kinda obsessed with them, but I wouldn’t call them my otp.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “December: “Wait, no! You can’t just beat me like this! Ugh.” Sunset:...”
Caleb is a cinnamon roll and should be protected at all costs.
jackssims replied to your photoset “December: “Wait, no! You can’t just beat me like this! Ugh.” Sunset:...”
December isn’t wrong here tbh
If only she had admitted that earlier
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “When I opened the game again, the girls came home from school for some...”
Is it a holiday? When there are holidays in game, there was a bug where, if you had a loading screen for any reason (even CAS) sims would come home from work and school.
Nope, it was a regular day. Still a better bug than the current one :/ I thought I’d start playing gen 3 but I don’t want my sims to age up when I enter CAS. I know there’s a fix for it now, I’ll probably look into it tomorrow.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “this shouldn’t be funny to me but it is funny to me help”
NOOOOOO. Also dying sims are so dramatic.
Oh yes. I think I prefer the dying animation in ts3, where they just sort of turn into ghost. The ts4 animation might be more realistic, but the ts3 one is just...beautiful, in a way. Sad but beautiful.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Nooo, December! Hold on just a little longer, don’t forget what you...”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Nooo, December! Hold on just a little longer, don’t forget what you...”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “W-what?! No…wait a second Grim, I’m sure she’s just unconscious…right...”
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Nooo, December! Hold on just a little longer, don’t forget what you...”
I really didn’t expect her to die that day. I had PLANS. And she ruined them.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “No. No. That can’t be real.”
This is only the second time I've felt bad for Ross. :(
It was bad, but at least it opened his eyes and made him realize that he has to be there for his daughter or else she’d have no one. More on that below.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “23rd March 2018 - 5th July 2018 It’s been months and I’m still sad...”
December was an awesome character.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “23rd March 2018 - 5th July 2018 It’s been months and I’m still sad...”
Farewell, December, you were great!
She was ;-;
Also isn’t it sad that her name is December but she didn’t live to see the month of December?
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Hey…hey, Sun. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright,...”
We’ll all be holding you to those promises, Ross (but in all honesty this is a touching moment)
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Hey…hey, Sun. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright,...”
Awwww. Ross, I hope this keeps improving!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ross: “Hey…hey, Sun. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright,...”
You better Do fix this, Ross!
This, for me, was also very bittersweet. Because it’s awesome that he finally realized he has to be there for her, and it’s great that he finally cares, yay character development...but December had to die for him to realize. That sucks.
I have to say something else here...at this point, you’d think I would make them interact more. I didn’t really. I don’t know why, but I didn’t. So really, who’s the bad person here? I’d just like to say that from here on, they were closer, they spent more time together, even if I somehow didn’t show it. Past me, you’re stupid, this was such a big part and you ruined it.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Too bad I can’t keep you forever, Kitty. But I’m sure you’ll have fun...”
Persephone: Someone please help!
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justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “Village Vibes I finished furnishing this house the day I had my prom...”
Thank you thank you thank you ♥ I had so much fun building this house.
unbridledsims replied to your post “9, 15, 19 for Valentine or any character you would like to share for....”
Thank you for sharing hun. It was nice getting to know her. I like that you did all the questions, very nice.
Thank you for asking! I love her and it was fun to answer this.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “No pets allowed. Persephone was the only exception.” Sunset:...”
Because Ross is self-centered and doesn't understand how to take care of another living being :D Any pet he had would starve to death or something.
Yeah, maybe he doesn’t want a pet because he knows he’d be so bad at taking care of it :D Maybe he has a good reason for once. Well, not exactly good, but you know what I mean.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “In the morning, he decided to plant a plasma fruit tree in front of...”
The Sims - the only place where the combination "vampire" and "vegetarian" does make sense ��
Now that I think about it, I’ve never actually played with a vampire that has the Vegetarian trait. Oooh. I should. Or maybe I could replace one of Caleb’s traits and see what it does. Doesn’t he have the Foodie trait? Makes no sense to me but ok ea. I know he’s the good vampire and all that but still.
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fairyroses · 6 years
please share the thoughts!
(For those not in the know, this is referring to my Thoughts about the way Nura’s name was dropped in the most recent SG episode.)
Okay, so I wrote out a ridiculously long and kinda confusing explanation the first time I tried to answer this, so I’m gonna try to Condense it this time. (Edit from future me, who just finished writing this whole long-ass meta: Sooo, condensing it Didn’t Really Work, and it’s obnoxiously long anyway. Oops. Oh well. At least it’s more coherent this time.) 
(general warning for people reading this post who aren’t rachel: uhhh, maybe don’t look below the cut if you’re a big Brainy/Nia shipper? there’s no Hate, but there is a lot of theorizing about why I don’t think the ship’s actually gonna sail the way most ppl are thinking it will, sooo if you don’t want to feel bummed out, then maybe don’t read this. cool? cool.) 
(also I fully acknowledge that all of this is Pure Speculation, aided by some ridiculously intense scrutiny of a tv show, and thus not an exact science, and completely likely to be wrong. but man, would I love to be right.)
So first, I’m just gonna talk about the existence of the namedrop in general. So, before that moment, we had no idea how important Nura would actually be to Nia’s story. The writers could’ve chosen to not even name her at all, and could’ve just left the reveal as something more general, like “Brainy knows something about Nia in the 31st century, but can’t say what because of Space-Time Continuum stuff.” But they didn’t - instead, they created a Very Specific secret that Brainy is now keeping from everyone. 
This is absolutely a deliberate choice made by the writers. They already have Nia as a Nura-like character. They didn’t have to namedrop the actual Nura if they didn’t want to. They didn’t have to create that specific problem (the problem being that Brainy apparently knows Nia’s descendent really well). But they did anyway.
Additionally, the fact that they didn’t have a follow-up scene later in the episode where Brainy explains who Nura is means that all of this WILL come back up eventually. They won’t just leave that thread hanging. So, an important question to ask now is: What Big Thing is gonna happen between Brainy and Nia that forces Brainy to finally spill the beans about who Nura is? 
My personal guess? Nia gets the wrong idea about their relationship, and either kisses Brainy or tries to kiss him, and he panics and blurts out that they can’t do that because he knows her descendent, so being with Nia either feels weird to him, or he’s worried about screwing up the timeline and potentially Marty McFly-ing Nura out of existence. Of course, in telling this to Nia, he’d have to explain who Nura is to both her and the audience.
(Wishful thinking? Maybe. Kind of a cruel bait-and-switch for the writers to pull on shippers? Yeah, I’d say so. But it’s not that different from what they did with Kara and Mon-El last season, and I actually think it’s a VERY plausible ending for Brainy/Nia, sooo…) 
The Reveal™ could happen any number of ways, though, and I realize that. This one just seems like the most CW-style one lmao.
Okay, now I’m gonna analyze the Actual Namedrop Scene, because I can’t stop myself from theorizing and Tinfoil-Hatting™ about Brainy and Nura’s potential relationship in the 31st century.
First, I wanna talk about how intimately familiar Brainy is with Nia’s powers, and how they work. 
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He obviously knows these things because of how often he’s worked with Nura in the past - tbh, he and Nura probably discovered these techniques while working together to help her figure her powers out. So, Brainy doesn’t have to do any kind of trial-and-error process with Nia here, because he’s already gone through all that with Nura. This is his second go-around with all of this. 
The concept of Brainy and Nura as a Dream Interpreting Duo is further solidified by this line:
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Without Nia even really asking him to, Brainy automatically assigns himself the role of her Personal Dream Interpreter, which again tells me that this is probably the exact kind of relationship that he has/had with Nura. He’s recreating his interactions with Nura without really realizing it (yet). 
Note his body language throughout this scene. It’s not clinical or distant, which would imply that his dynamic with Nura was an impersonal one driven by duty or scientific curiosity - rather, it’s very personal, and intimate, and even Soft in a way that we’ve never really seen Brainy behave with anyone before. 
(Brainy/Nia shippers are, of course, going to interpret this behavior as evidence for their own ship, but IMO it’s actually much stronger evidence towards a (former) Brainy/Nura romance, more than anything else.)
Whether or not there’s a romantic angle, though, Brainy and Nura are still clearly very close. I’d say that’s pretty undeniable at this point.
This is Brainy’s face right as he calls Nia by Nura’s name, btw:
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(So frickin’ cute, oh my gooood. This is one of the biggest things that makes me question if his relationship with Nura might’ve been romantic at some point, because LOOK at this! Look at his FACE!) 
Aaaand this is his face once he realizes that he Fucked Up™:
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It isn’t even an ‘oh shit!’ reaction. He doesn’t blink or look startled. He just immediately and completely walls himself off. Because that Softness that he accidentally showed here? That smile, the Sparkly Eyes? Those were his feelings about Nura, getting tangled up in his conversation with Nia. Those words that he said to Nia? Are ones that he’s undoubtably said to Nura before. 
That’s why the slip-up happened in the first place. He was talking to Nia, but due to the familiarity and intimacy of the moment, he was thinking about Nura. 
Now I’m gonna talk about Tropes. Because I LOVE tropes. And as soon as the namedrop happened the way it did - in the middle of an emotionally vulnerable moment - my mind instantly went to the Wrong Name Outburst trope:
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(these screenshots are courtesy of TVTropes, obvs. highlights are courtesy of me.) 
So like, Brainy saying Nura’s name when he did isn’t as bad as, say, him blurting it out in the middle of sex (lmao can you imagine), but it’s still not a good sign for Brainy/Nia, as far as I’m concerned. It’s never a good sign when a dude calls his supposed Love Interest by the wrong name after knowing her for a while. It just isn’t. 
(It’s different if the Wrong Name Outburst had been a mistake from the first time they met - that’s a different version of the trope. Like, if Brainy had called Nia “Nura” outside of the pizzeria, then that’s an understandable case of Mistaken Identity. But to call her that when he already knows full-well who she is? Yikes lol, that’s a BIG romance no-no.)  
Anyway, speaking of the pizzeria, if you click on the “You Remind Me of X” trope link, you can then scroll down to find this section: 
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The Flashback Echo mentioned here definitely applies to the pizzeria scene, right down to Brainy’s “Do I know you?” moment of startled recognition. If we’re following the logic of the trope, then it’s not a far stretch to assume that Brainy’s connection to Nura might’ve been romantic, most likely a “failed romance” (since I doubt Nura is dead). 
Of course, Nura could also just be a really good friend, and maybe that would be enough to trigger the same reaction from Brainy…but there’s no way of knowing for sure until he lets the audience in on his secret. I’m really, really curious about what explanation they’ll go with, though. Personally, I hope it’s romance. But maybe that’s just me.
And now, finally, an add-on (because I can’t figure out where else to put it). Why do I think that Nura would specifically be a former love interest for Brainy, if she’s going to be one at all? Well, for two reasons:
1) They already pulled a Surprise Wife/Girlfriend trope with Mon-El and Imra last season, and IMO that’s a unique enough story beat that they wouldn’t want to use it again with Brainy and Nura, lest they risk the show becoming weirdly repetitive. 
2) Revealing that Nura is Brainy’s Amicable Ex (meaning: they’re still good friends even though they’re not Together anymore) would be a good way to pay homage to the Brainy/Dream Girl relationship from the comics and give a definitive reason why Brainy/Nia can’t happen, while still leaving the door open for the writers to potentially explore…uhh, certain other ships next season. *COUGH* You know…potentially. 
Thus my assumption that, on the off chance that they DO make Brainy/Nura romantic, it’ll be something in the past, that’s now over and done with. 
(NOTE: The Brainy/Nura romance angle is really just a Pet Theory that I’ve grown particularly fond of over the past few days. Like…if I’m being Realistic, I think it’s much more likely that Brainy’s never been in a romantic relationship before in canon, given how little he seems to know about relationships and social cues in general. So, Nura will probably just be a close friend. But I think most of the stuff I talked about can still totally apply even with them just being close friends.)
Aaand…that’s it. That’s all I’ve got. 
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P.S. Like I said at the beginning of this post, this is all just Pure Speculation and Tinfoil-Hatting and I’m aware of that. I mean really, who tf knows what’s actually going to happen on this show? Def not me lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
So please don’t come for me if you have a different opinion lakjsdfkjd 
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thedepthsremember · 6 years
TRR 3.20 "A Warm Reception" what does that mean. does that mean FIRE i am on edge
I'm expecting it to go all nice and heartwarming, and then Anton shows up at the end. We shall see.
Officially longer than any other TRR book! We’re in uncharted territory now!
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From what I saw from my roommate’s Liam playthrough, a lot of the carriage dialogue is mostly the same no matter who’s there, but, I do like this as a callback to awesome-storm Maxwell-Riley from the Homecoming ball, or Duke Whirlwind Dancemaster-Deluxe. With Maxwell, everyone keeps emphasizing how our lives together will be full of adventure and never be boring. ♥
You fools, take this chance to make out in the carriage! No! F O O L S 
Oh. Hello Ana! She’s got a new dress for us, of course. 
... Mehhhhh sorry not into that plasticy cutout look. Why do they keep doing that, it doesn't look like fabric. Sorry Ana, I’m gonna stick with what I've got. 
Maxwell says it doesn’t matter what Riley’s wearing, he and everyone else won’t be able to keep his eyes off her. :’) ♥ bro
Ana, a true friend (despite how I keep tossing out all her hard work) leaves us alone in the boutique. 
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We are a storm... a hurricane… a mega punching robot... of love
sweet nervous boy. Riley literally said “I do” (well, ‘hell yeah’ in my case) and he’s still can’t help doubting a little. 
now makeouts?? nope, Madeline. Girl you are about to get stabbed. ANA, WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP HER, I’M SORRY, I’LL WEAR THE DAMN DRESS
(If we keep trying and then getting interrupted, only to finally succeed I will actually love that.)
Oooooo the reception hall is so pretty! Damn, they have really been outdoing themselves with the art lately. First the cathedral, now this. *__*
People coming up to tell us how we made them cry out our vows! Yessss tell us all about your tears! Our love is powerful, baby.
Took no screenshots of Hana’s parents so I can ignore that they came. 
You know, at the beginning of the tour we heard Neville wasn't even planning on coming to the wedding so I guess that's........ ssssomethingg..g..........…
like maybe he’ll get shot this time. aim better, assassins 
Anyway, better people now! Hello friends! 
Hana says we were like a fairytale! Even Drake is getting poetic. Liam sees how much we love each other. Maxwell has won the wife lottery. Excellent, so much love here. 
Me and Maxwell, poster children for impulsivity: YEAH, JUST DO IT JUST JUMP INTO MARRIAGE IT'S GREAT
Bertrand : *SWEATS BUCKETS* 
Hgnngggg I would stab a man for that wedding food right now. I picked Drake’s beef pork stew and oh my god...……. How do they always make it sound so good??? 
[pause to google feijoada recipe]
Time for toasts! Maxwell’s...….. awwww. ;___; 
He starts it as a Once Upon A Time story of how Riley was whisked away to love a prince, but her happy ending was swapped when she fell for the court jester instead. 
(Flashing back to the apple festival and Maxwell being excited to be jester. Good times.) 
My heart is bursting. I love our story too T_T 
Andddd he just blurts out about the hippo tattoo to everyone and covers it up with an awkward metaphor. That's a deeply Maxwell moment and I love it. ♥ 
Omg. Might regret it but I desperately want to hear Olivia's idea of a wedding toast.
Olivia:  So soon after I met Riley I was like "I hate that bitch" Riley: a-awwww....thanks...…… 
I mean we also got married but like. you get it. 
“As we say in Lythikos, you’re still alive, so drink!” never change. 
Liam: Aww...…. He tries but falls back on being super formal, referring to me as "Cordonia’s newest dutchess” and me “being a friend to Cordonia and [him]”
It's ok buddy, sneak out whenever you're ready. Hana and Drake can cover for you.
Hana: Hana wins the toast both for having the most insightful things to say, and also being LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE (besides Bertrand) TO TALK ABOUT MAXWELL. She also made me cry, so like, triple points. 😢 😭 I love her so muuuuch.
Drake: “I knew you were trouble when you walked innnn~” 
Those were some real nice things you said about me but YOU ARE THE BEST MAN. 
I know I'm great and we're all in love with me, but come on. 
Alright here’s Bertrand, he’s gotta talk about Maxwell. 
new big bro you will be NICE to your BROTHER or I STG
starting out rocky what with the “wow Maxwell made like so many mistakes” business. let him rest, it’s his day, good lord 
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*snaps fingers in front of his face* BABS, FOCUS
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In which I will take any choice that turns Riley into a woo girl. And Kiara’s family continues to be my favorite. They’re coming over to Valtoria Revanasi all the time. 
After all that, my toast was … whelming. I did get my vows already, so I guess it’s whatever. 
First dance time! Aww this track is giving me HSS prom flashbacks. Michael I hope you're happy out there.
Apparently Maxwell picked the song, which can only mean he is a secret HSS fan. 
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“Partners” is such a lovely title for these two. I've always loved the term, you're partners in crime, partners for life, but they're also dance partners.  
Number of times Maxwell has done the dip kiss: 4. This boy SMOOTH AS HECK. 
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Bertrand is scandalized by our nonsense but Drake understands they should take what they can get.
(where are my boy’s damn jello shots) 
..... I think I just married Emperor Kuzco. 
Maxwell challenges Drake to a dance off, and holy shit Drake can dance. Or at least spin kick. I'm still fairly certain he has no sense of rhythm. 
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....Drake did not dispute the best friend comment and I'm counting that as a win for Maxwell. 
time. for. CAKE????! 
Real life me is a little sad I don’t have cake. I do have fancy rice crispies from my friend’s coworker’s wedding. It’s no passionfruit cake tho :’( 
(they successfully distracted me from wait where’s Olivia with cake. How dare you take advantage of my short attention span.)
Maxwell and Riley have matching swords. I might cry. That's the best.
..... Incredibly tempting to fuck up and cut the table. But OUR CAKE ok doing this right. 
WHOA Bastien hello, where'd you come from.
Aww Madeline has pleased her goblin father.
Maxwell is so happy about the Cheetah cake SUCCESSSSSS [sneakily high fives Gladys]
[I hope Gladys gets cake. At least 3 slices for Gladys.]
Ooooh so Savannah and Drake's mom still came! She’s off taking care of Bertie. Bring forth the Walker matriarch, I wish to meet her. [ spoilers: we do not :( ]
Uh oh Savannah is pissed and I bet I know why~
Bertrand's only just noticed oh dear.
Savannahhhhhh pleeassssse. These two need to work on commutation so bad. I TOLD YOU TO BE DIRECT WITH THIS DUMBASS. YOU'RE STILL HINTING. 
Bride awkwardly hovers outside her own reception trying to get her fool friends to communicate AGAIN.
Like I'm pretty patient and Bertrand is family but oh my god I can't be there for everything
Riley is tired too, bless her. We could totally have snuck off with Maxwell at this point but no, here we are. 
Ok Riley's prize for taking the diamond option to help Bertrand one more time is that she gets to cause shenanigans. You know my girl loves a good shenanigan! 
Oh my god are we getting the band back together YESSSSS
Stop one: Drake. He knows Riley by this point and senses shenanigans a mile away. 
Drake: You don't need my permission, Savannah’s her own woman and all that.  Bertrand: But I'd like it. Drake: ok then FUCK NO. Bertrand: :’O
Bertrand making the shocked face is always funny. Same with his mad face. Really just Bertrand emoting = comedy gold.  
Drake fully won Maxwell's respect with the breakdancing, and he's won Riley's by realizing he has the power to make Bertrand do whatever he wants right now. 
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Drake immediately regrets his abuse of power. Aaahaha ok, ease into it.
Somehow we talked Drake into singing. I'm just saying, this would have been so much easier with him last, when peer pressure was on the table.
Maxwell has been waiting for a moment like this moment his entire life, he'd pay to be part of this.
Liam would both do anything I asked and is always down for bromance time.
There is an option to panic and throw the bouquet at Neville. I have to try that at least once. But later. 
Man Riley should have demanded the boys reunite their quartet anyway. BEST WEDDING PRESENT EVERRRRR (after all their other gifts because those were actually really sweet)
Savannah: holy crap you're smiling  Bertrand: Well you make me happy so fukkin get used to it 
^Those are totally direct quotes. 
While I’m making other people happy - TIME FOR GIFTS! 
The book for Liam is a nice follow up to all his talk about how he wants to bring Cordonia peace. You’ve got faith that he can achieve his dreams! Aww.
Everyone else does surprised sprites but Drake is wary as ever. Smart dude.
Hana's gift............... Ok yeah let’s just...… move along. sigh. 
At least Riley succeeded through the roof with Maxwell’s gift, he was about to pass out with all the layers this gift has. Aww, that was so worth it. 
Honestly these were all kind of short. Meh. Maxwell’s was worth it, Liam’s was a nice second. 
Finally can we sneak off--??
Time to see other friends! We go to Kiara first, which is good. I continue to be proud of her forever. 
Penelope is me at every party. Where are the dogs. I can people watch just fine next to the dogs.
What do you know :D I have friends! Well. One friend. And no family. They’re really determined to leave that open, huh. You know, I’m okay with it. 
Daniel, I admire your thrift, especially considering what it must have cost to come here on a waiter’s salary, but someone is definitely going to think you're here to serve food.
..... Whelp that came true immediately. Hey Regina. 
Leo goes off with him. I guess they're bros now! 
or .... well. I've seen the posts going around. Make this a trip to remember, Leo! ;) 
Awwww nice moment with Regina. Look how far we’ve come!  I've always liked her. She's a practical lady. 
Wait...... I'm getting suspicious. We're just. wandering away......… mmm :|
oh noOOOOOOOOOOooo--[all goes dark]
Aw mannnnnnnn Gladys D: Riley is never trusting anyone in this broke-ass country again. Remember how we kept talking about how in New York you can trust people to be upfront with their intentions???? 
[throws Daniel and Hana into a suitcase] COME ON MAXWELL, WE’RE MOVING BACK TO NEW YORK. 
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I’m so sad, I liked her. I hope we can still win her back to our side. She seemed so surprised every time we treated her decently, I think there’s a chance. She probably got into this plot before she got to know us. 
Things we know: 
Liam is the only LI who doesn’t meet you in the hedge maze if you’re his LI. On the one hand, getting the king to sneak out is a whole nother level, but also he’s likely to have a big part in next week’s plot. 
The poor guy is also still definitely in love with you, even if you softened the blow with the closure option. And he’s especially taking it hard if you’re with Drake. We’ll see how those things go together. 
Olivia disappeared! Before cake. For their plot to work, they still need her around to make her queen. She’s loyal to Liam no matter what, but I’m still holding out hope that befriending her or not is going to play a part whether that loyalty extends completely to you. 
She was also our strongest defense, what with all her knives and proclivity for stabbing. So Olivia is likely to be okay, but who knows if they will be. 
Do they have our friends? We didn’t see them after gifts. concern.
what do you think? 2 more chapters? Wrap up evil plots and then have good things, hopefully? or just keep adding chapters and then it doesn’t have to end hahaaaa 
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starryseo · 6 years
omg i’m excited for this one bc it’s the loml
s e o  c h a n g b i n
enjoy :)
Chan | Woojin | Minho | CHANGBIN | Hyunjin | Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
introducing the one and only. . .
Changbin “I love dark” Seo!!!!
so, as you (probably) already know
he has done lots of collabs with chan and jisung under 3racha
that’s how he met the rest tbh; chan messaged him and jisung both for a 3-person collab and then he stuck with them bc they made some bombass tracks
and he also manages the joint StrayKids youtube account where their gameplays are posted
he has too much time on his hands
which is also why he posts a lot of diss tracks about the other guys
it’s all in good nature, no harm done
and his insults are the bEST
he’s actually a lyrical genius
and no one can hate him or what he says in his raps because
1) what he said is probably true
2) if you hate on it, he’ll come out with a second diss track that’s much worse
his tracks are usually about how chan is like the dad of the group
but everyone just uses him for his money (not in a mean way!!!!!)
or about how felix is desperate for changbin’s love but it’s unrequited (he’s still salty about the forced kiss ok, give him time pls)
he hasn’t made a diss track about jeongin though because the boy is too precious okay no one can say anything bad about him except jyp but hes a snake so screw him
you may be asking what changbin could’ve said about seugmin bc he’s also heckin’ precious but i’m afraid you’re gonna have to wait for seungmin’s one to find out ;)
jisung once hacked into changbin’s youtube account
hacked meaning he guessed changbin’s password (hint: it was ilovegyu<3)
and changed the profile picture to a screenshot he got from a video hyunjin took of changbin being dared to act cute
the video was vv cringey so jisung figured this was the perfect revenge for that diss track changbin made of him
and he also thought changbin needed a change from the pitch black profile pic he had up before
yeah, he loves dark thaaaaat much
as well as producing music and gaming
changbin also dabbles in skateboarding and a biiit of parkour
he does this with felix
(when he has a quick method of escaping felix’s wrath, he can tolerate time together)
his skateboard is. . .
you guessed it: black
probably has a skull or some other ‘scary’ design on the front too
but felix managed to notice a small sticker of a munchlax (the pokemon gyu is fyi) on the back too :) cutie :) 
changbin really loves skateboarding because he thinks it looks cool and goes well with his dark concept
but then he always ends up bumping into something because sometimes he pulls his cap too far down and so he can’t see very well
it’s really funny seeing him try to act nonchalant about tripping up
when everyone around saw
and felix videoed it and is laughing his ass off
changbin threatened to murder felix if he posted that video anywhere
and felix was like “;) good thing i haven’t posted it... i did send it to the SK group chat though”
bro felix was literally running away for his life and changbin was right behind him on his skateboard tryna run him over
that was not a good day to be felix tbfh
the parkour he does is usually quite simple (about as simple as parkour w/ a skateboard can get)
but he looks badass whilst doing it so it’s cool
his favourite move is when he rides perpendicular to a rail and so the board goes under the rail and he jumps over the rail
it took a while to perfect the landing but he was really determined and now he’s mastered it i’m so proud of him
whenever he posts these videos he gets a lot of comments
because with his music & gaming videos his face usually isn’t seen
but with this, it is
so there are a lot of comments about him being b e a u t i f u l
the comment with the most likes was from jisung who was like “mr dark?? more like sunshine boy! :) keep up the great work i <3 your vids!!”
he was close to reporting that comment just so it would go away lmao salty
but instead he ranted to gyu like “sunshine boy? i’m not a sunshine boy, i’m a dark, dark man, right gyu?”
the group have a lot of hang-outs at his house (bc dude look at his house wtfffff it’s so shiny)
and his mum is the cutest!!! always giving them food as soon as they enter
she also LIVES to embarrass her child, poor changbin :(
constantly pulling his cheeks, giving him lil’ kisses and always calling him her “little prince” or some other equally cheesy variant
the guys lowkey thinks it’s cute and know she’s only doing this for fun, but they still use it as an opportunity to laugh at him
one time she whipped out the photo album with baby changbin pics and omg they’ve never seen changbin redder in the face than that day
no one knows if he was fuming or just really embarrassed lmao
what hurt the most was how jeongin - the baby of the group - was laughing and calling him a “cute baby”
and obviously hyunjin had to go “wow dude you were so cute, what happened to you??”
his mum, bless her soul, was like “he takes after his father that’s why”
#SavageSeoMama (this is where he gets inspiration for his diss tracks)
he mainly plays shooting games like battlefield, CoD and csgo with the guys
loves it when they play with just them in a local match, not online (mainly talking about CoD here)
because then he can put on friendly fire so that he can kill his team mates lmao
he’s a major kill scene stealer and proud - truly evil
the guys eventually kick him out of the lobby
only bringing him back once he’s apologised to them
to this day, he hasn’t apologised lmfao
when they kick him out he’ll just start playing online
because changbinnie don’t care 
he loves killing people’s hype
for instance, jisung will be cheering over the mic like “yay!! i got the last kill”
and changbin will just reply like “ok and?”
jisung: “wHY CAN’T YOU JUST BE HAPPY FOR ME?!?!?!? I <\3 YOU”
the real question is: how did jisung say “<\3″?
he kills his own hype too though
like when he gets the final kill and suavely goes “wow much skill”
and felix is like “yeah!! wow!!! that was so cool changbinnie!!!”
he’s just like “yeah it wasn’t that good, stop that”
sometimes when they’re all playing free-for-all
he’ll start singing his threats
like he’ll be two steps behind seungmin and just start lowly singing “seungmin, i’ve got your back~”
and like normally someone might interpret that to mean “dw bro i got your back, i’m protecting you, you’re covered”
but nah
changbin straight up stabbed seungmin in the back
seungmin felt that betrayal in his heart
so on the one hand he’s singing to people before he kills them which is heckin’ creepy
but on the other hand he has a beautiful voice so it’s not that bad???
but on the other, other hand (idk imagine 3 hands or smth) he’s technically being nice by giving them a heads-up before he kills them so
they should appreciate his kindness
ok no i can’t defend him he’s too into these killing games
the only person he likes teaming up with is hyunjin and here’s why:
chan talks about strategy too much (dude all you gotta do is kill ok relax a bit)
woojin, as previously discussed, makes really bad rookie mistakes
minho gets too frantic when ambushed and just ends up dying without fighting back
jisung is too talkative
felix is also too talkative and is too risky (he’s literally jumped in front of changbin’s character dramatically like “I’ll save you!”. jeongin ended up killing the both of them together lmfao #DoubleKill)
seungmin just runs around in the middle of the battlefield with NO strategy
and jeongin is jeongin. he’s too precious for changbin’s lethality
so that leaves hyunjin. he’s the right amount of talk-y (yes that’s now a word), he has gr8 gameplays, he can handle a multiple-person attack AND he can be really frickin’ ruthless at times
gotta love that boi
felix is always fueled to kill hyunjin for stealing his man
but honestly changbin would rather just solo it because “i work alone, buddy” [sOMEONE GET MY REFERENCE PLS]
wow this has gotten rlly long soz
imma just end it here:
although changbin loves killing them in games and mocking them through his diss tracks
the guys know that they can trust him 100% and that he really, truly does have their backs (even seungmin’s)
and he’s always prepared to fight anyone that hates on any of the guys because only he can do that okay they’re his family and no one else can do that to them
he feels blessed to have them and whenever they come around to his house he’ll get lowkey sentimental bc wow, this is his family that bring a smile to his face everyday
and although he probably won’t admit it without jisung forcing him to, he really loves these guys and is glad to have met them
thank you for reading this far lmao hope you enjoyed it & feedback is always welcome!!
i saw some tag where someone talked about waiting for hyunjin’s one, and bc i’m doing this in age order he’s coming soon
and now just to playfully annoy them i wanna change the order
just kidding
ok not kidding i wanna change the order but i’m too lazy to since i’ve already planned it out
also!! is the desktop theme okay for everyone?? pls let me know of any improvements! :) thank youuuuuuuuuuu
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