#i *was* planning on writing but it's almost 1am bro
darby-rowe · 8 months
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ivant1ll · 2 years
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Late Night In Shibuya
. . . Content Desc ~ ꒰⸝⸝◡.◡꒱
⤳ IM ON A BIT OF A WRITING GRIND AFTER SOMEONE LEFT SUCH A NICE REPOST OF THE LAST FIC SO LET'S GO!! (woohoo to productive days!!) . . . LOADING . . . ୭ .。* ramuda amemura & reader raid a convenience store at 2 am " 。.。 this is a . . . regular ol' funky fic, no relationship, rather ramuda is your best friend !! .。*゚+ TW + info : none ! honestly after the last post i just felt like writing something chill, so. . . if you're expecting anything crazy to happen (other than literally ramuda being here) then that won't be happening this time !! WORD COUNT : 2010 (it's 1am why must i do this to myself)
BRO I HAVE LITERALLY BEEN FIXATED ON THIS IDEA FOR SO LONG !!! like, i love the idea of doing the funkiest stuff ever with ramuda, and honestly just being a menace<3 . . . BUT LET'S GET INTO IT !!! ENJOY ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎
People have always told you that you tend to be quite the night owl, always getting lost in new ideas or projects you felt you wanted to take on. Away from the world in your own little wonderland almost as you'd be in your room doing just about anything for hours at a time. It would just so happen to be the middle of the night when you suddenly noticed the time.
What did today's idea happen to be? Well, you had actually decided on something quite different to do. You had recently taken up a slight hobby of photographing streets and other things worth your attention all around Shibuya during your daily commute. You had gone home today and realized it would seem quite fun to draw some of the things you spotted.
"I don't have much experience with drawing but... maybe I can find some inspiration for a decent technique to use?" You begin pondering to yourself the many possibilities as to how this could turn out. In a blink of an eye, just as just about any other time, you were already in front of your apartment.
Once you finally arrive home, you place all of your photos down on your desk. Reaching for a pencil, you begin tapping it against the wood of the desk, or more or so your new lab where you plan on experimenting with any unique drawing ideas that pop into your head.
As you tinker away at your desk, as always, time passes by. You seem to be lost in your own little world, not letting even the slightest interruption in, one of which that you don't notice being your phone ringing. Without someone physically there to bring you out of your constant state of focus as you continue drawing. In the blink of an eye, the sun hides away over the tall building surrounding your apartment which is oh so small in scale, and the moon appears, shedding its light all over Shibuya.
You are suddenly snapped out of your trance by a slight vibration from your phone which had paused the music you were playing. You quickly blink as you're brought back to your senses, turning to the small device to your right, you pick it up and the screen lights up. You are then reminded of the true amount of time you were lost in your little wonderland. 2:34 AM...
"Oh damn... I must have lost track of time again" You sigh to yourself, but then let out a small chuckle, "I guess I shouldn't take so many pictures next time, wouldn't want to be sitting there for even longer if it wasn't for my phone. Speaking of that, who texted me?"
You proceed to open up the notifications bar to see you have not only received a few texts, but you just happened to miss 6 calls aswell... from none other than Ramuda. Ramuda always happened to be really persistent when he wanted your attention, him being one of your closest friends made it impossible to not show him the attention he is looking for. You can't even tell for yourself, even now years after meeting Ramuda why you took such an interest in him and became as close as you are now to the boy. You just know one thing for sure, he is definitely someone who catches your interest, something special about him that draws you in closer to want to be surrounded by such a presence.
"Crap! I hope he didn't need to tell me something super important... do I call him back even this late? I mean, he could totally still be up around now as he often is but I wouldn't want to be rude calling him so late..." You begin rambling to yourself before you are once again caught off guard by another notification on your phone, you choose to read it.
Y/N!!! R u like dead or something??? I'm bored soooo.... (assuming you're up lol) I'M OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE!! Come outside if ur awake \[^◡^]/
You had no choice but to be at the mercy of the tiny menace, especially when he was bored. You were no stranger of course to the amazing adventures that you and Ramuda could get up too when you both had too much energy and too much time to pair.
"So that's what he wanted... guess I shouldn't keep him waiting, it's not like I have anything better to do" You think to yourself as you begin to get a sweater on to fight off the slight evening breeze. To not keep Ramuda waiting, you open your windows to look down on the sidewalk, where you'd assume Ramuda would be waiting. Just as you thought, opening the window and feeling a slight cold breeze hit you, you spot the pink haired boy standing below your window, lollipop in hand.
"Hey Ramuda!" You call out to get his attention.
He suddenly perks his head up to look at you, and his face lights up yet... he seems to have yet another mischievous look on his face.
"Y/n, hey~! You took sooo long, leaving little ol' me out here in the dead of night, how mean~." He teases at you.
"Well then, 'little ol' you' should have just come inside and knocked on the door!" You return with another tease as you then return inside to quickly slip your shoes on and leave to catch up wtih Ramuda. After finally making it downstairs, you are greeted by a sudden hug from the pink haired boy,
"You seem mushy tonight Ramuda, something up? ... Why are you even out at this time?" You ask him.
"Well... I can't say for sure why I'm up! I tried thinking about things to do for such a loooong time, but it's like I couldn't get any ideas. I just cant handle being so bored so, I thought me and you can go run to the store and get some snacks~! You were inside your room all day doing things, no?" Ramuda tilts his head and asks, though he probably already knows the answer.
"Heh, yep... you know me!" Suddenly, you get an idea. "Hey Ramuda, you draw a lot of sketches when you're designing new outfits, you should help me out some time to learn how to sketch. I've been meaning to try and learn more about drawing before I stepped in head first into such a big project, so maybe you can help!" You give him a slight smile as he smirks in response.
"Well then, why didn't you just ask me sooner! I'll get around to helping ya with it, promise~! Now come onnn, we can't just stand around here forever y/n!" Ramuda pops the lollipop back in his mouth and he tugs on your wrist to lead you over to the convenience store. Unable to really say much to the unexpected gesture, you simply go along with it and you too begin your journey. Meaningless chatter wouldn't meant much on your on or with someone else, but it always seems to be the case that when the meaningless chatter was with Ramuda, it would always go crazy in one way or another. Whether it would turn into another "adventure" or some of the funniest moments ever, there would never be a dull moment talking with Ramuda even about the simplest things. The fact that both of your personalities went together so well made it even better, Ramuda's more loud vivacious personality with you more laid back, yet still equally talkative.
"Ramuda... do you not get tired skipping all the way down the streets? Let alone walking-" You say as you let out a few tired pants.
"Well, I guess you could say I have a decent amount of energy! Maybe you're just a lazy couch potato~ Y/n, all that sitting around doesn't get tiring at any point?" Ramuda asks followed by a slight snicker.
"Well, I suppose so, maybe you should take me to places more to cure me of being such a 'couch potato', at least I don't spend all day eating more sweets than actually food!" You make a jab that Ramuda is quite used to hearing from people.
"Well well y/n, you aren't my mom! I'll eat what I want~! Not like it's hurting you is it?" He laughs once again giving a look where you can't tell if your comment genuinely annoyed him or if he is just playing around as always.
"Well, I suppose I can't control you, where even is this store? We've been walking for quite a bit, I was assuming you would have taken me to the one closest to my place..." Scared to know how much more walking can be in store, you ask.
Just as you ask, Ramuda once again grabs at your wrist and brings you to turn a sudden corner, catching you off guard once again. "We're actually here now! I heard this store has much more main brands of snacks, so I thought it would be best to go over here! Assuming... you brought your wallet right? Cause well, I won't be paying for you if you didn't y/n~!" He looks at you briefly as he gives an almost grand reveal of quite a small convenience store.
"Well.. knowing what can happen when I go places with you, yes.. I do have my wallet.." You give a playful smirk. "So... what are you gonna buy in here?"
Ramuda gives the same almost annoyed yet silly look ever, "Y/n.. is that even a question? Candy, duh~! What else would I be here for! Now come on come on come on!" It almost seems like he jumps as he grabs onto you once more. As grown as Ramuda is, it is still quite funny watching how excited or determined he can get when presented with something he wants. It's almost as if he jumps at the opportunity faster than anybody could even process it, which is of course why you're in this situation. An as always excited at the idea of sweets Ramuda has pulled you out of your house in the middle of the night for a snack run... it's not like you could complain though.
In the blink of an eye, the classic ding of the door alarm goes off and you both step into the store, greeted by an as always uninterested employee. Ramuda's eyes light up as he rushes over to grab just about any treat possible.
"Ramuda?! Don't other people shop here too.. you're.. literally taking everything.." You ask only being able to ask to yourself "What the hell is this boy doing?"
Ramuda giggles as he responds with a devilish smirk, "They should've gotten to the snacks first then~! First come first serve is how it works y/n! Someone as cute as me deserves a nice snack anyway, pass me the chocolate bar over there!"
"This menace... what have I gotten myself into..." You think to yourself. "Well then.. whatever you say Ramuda, I can't really complain. The little convenience store spree continues, almost feeling surreal how much energy you both suddenly got going crazy in the store buying things. In the blink of an eye, Ramuda is carrying more candy than you can count and you are both at the register. The anticipation of trying to find out "How much will he even spend..." finally hits you. At this point you can do nothing more than gulp, yet Ramuda has the same content smile as if he won't be paying for all of this.
"That'll be 5,450 yen (about 40$ USD), you two got a party coming up? Pretty sure Halloween isnt for another like 5 months..." The cashier asks trying to process how someone could buy so much candy at once.
"Nope.. just hungry!" Ramuda replies as confident as ever.
"Wh- how the hell can he say that so confidently? Beats me..."
You both pay, even Ramuda to your slight shock. Your return to your apartment begins. The pink haired boy begins skipping his way ahead of you, bags in his hand which would make constant rustling sounds from all the contents inside.
"Well then, don't you seem satisfied. Convenience store raid successful?" You smirk as you look towards your friend.
Ramuda just smiles, a smile you're oh so used to seeing yet it always means the same thing. "Yep, success! Thanks for coming with me y/n~" Ramuda had a fun time hanging out with you.
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misfitsluug · 5 years
| 4 | callmefitz
man i’m really out here at 1am, it’s kinda quirky doe. i plan on writing different stories besides just this one; also if you have any requests just ask! i don’t bite, i can write bbs, gbg, and goopcast so yeah ajevhwebfdjjw hopefully y’all enjoy this chapter! :)
/ carson. /
余韻: linger.
stay in a place longer than necessary, typically because of a reluctance to leave.
eg: "I wanted to linger in his presence longer than this."
(t.w - minor drug mention.)
"We should get off this roof," Carson added, rubbing his head.
"Yeah, let's go," I helped Carson up and grabbed his cane from the ground along with mine and his backpack. Leaving the same way we came.
I hope this doesn't change anything.
I got home later than usual, knocking on the door painfully slow because I knew what was waiting for me behind this door. It's not like I can avoid this, I live here. "Carson," Cooper greeted me with an angry tone.
"Cooper," I replied, walking inside as I felt him softly shut the door. "Where were you, dude? I waited out there for ten minutes, I looked like a parent picking up their fifteen-year-old kid waiting there."
"At least I'm back, right?"
"That isn't the point Carson, you blind fuck, you could've-"
"Listen, you're my best friend but not my parents. I don't want you on my back all the time," I spat, the room filled with silence. "I'll be fine."
"No, no you won't because there are fucking bandages on your face and you smell like weed! Explain, now," Cooper retorted, on my way home I forgot that the roof thing happened. I didn't say anything. "Carson."
"Coopie, calm down. Maybe he tripped or something?" Travis countered, his hand on my shoulder as if he knew what I did. "He'll be okay, he's home now."
"Yeah, fine. You better fess up soon because seeing you like this isn't fun, Carson," Cooper replied, probably walking to his room.
"Carson, you gonna tell him or me?" Travis asked as he moved his hand away, I fiddled with my cane. "Fine, I was hanging out with a friend of mine and some fucking assholes attacked us, happy?"
"Oh, did you do something?"
"No, Travis, I'm blind."
"Hm, be careful next time, for Coopie's sake?"
"Yeah yeah, I'm going to my room," I slowly walked to my room, throwing my cane down and put on my pajamas and falling onto my bed. I could see the fuzzy moonlight entering my room, taking off my glasses which didn't change my vision at all, I just got used to wearing them. I couldn't sleep, I keep wishing that we could’ve gone anywhere but the rooftop. Maybe things would've been better.
Earlier that day.
"Now what?" Cameron inquired as to if I knew how to respond. I just shook my head no, I didn't feel like talking. "Listen, I'm-"
"Don't apologize, it already happened," I interrupted him which led to a long pause.
"I still feel guilty, is there something I can do?" He offered, his tone was almost hopeful. I squeezed my long cane, it was going to be a long walk home. "Do you have a car?"
"Yeah but it's kinda old. Might smell like weed."
"You could drive me home," I answered, walking off the school grounds and suddenly felt freer. Maybe because I was pelted to the ground earlier. "You didn't have to ask. Do you mind if I patch you up? You look not so good."
"I bet you look not so good either," I chuckled, taking a deep breath afterward. Cameron led me to his car and opened the door for me as I sat down, mentally praying he's a genuinely nice guy and not a creep. "Okay so, I have a first aid kit in here. Is-is it okay if I touch your face?"
"How else are you gonna do this?"
"Hah, you got me there," He confessed, I listened to him fumble with the kit as a click ran through the car. The only sounds were us breathing and him looking for whatever in the kit. "This might burn," Cam mumbled, I nodded and closed my eyes tightly, a wipe touched my cheek. I hissed slightly but let him tap the scratch lightly and place a bandaid after. "Why do you have a first aid kit in your car?"
"Just for moments like these," Cameron declared, tapping the scratches away with a wet wipe that smelled of rubbing alcohol. "So this has happened before?"
"Yeah, I have a couple of scars I guess."
"I'm sorry, they're such assholes. If I could, I'd poke them very hard with my cane."
"I appreciate you saying that. You're quite the chatty guy, aren't you?" Cameron said in a sarcastic tone and I smiled. "Of course, I'm surprised at how quickly you found out."
"I have my ways," His tone became softer, placing a third bandaid but his hand still on my cheek. "C-Cameron?"
"Yeah, I finished by the way," Cameron blurted, putting away different things into the kit as he threw it in the back. "Thank you, you didn't have to do that either."
"You let me, how could I not help a guy like you?" Cameron added, his car keys jingled as the car started, the clicks of our seatbelts being put on while he drove out the parking lot. "If you don't mind me asking, what am I like?"
"I can't tell you exactly since I haven't known you that long but I can tell you're a cu-nice guy."
"What were you gonna say?"
"Nothing, just my tongue slipped is all," Cameron explained with a giggle at the end. "What do you think of me?"
"I think you're weird and different and I like that," I announced but realized what I said. "I-I mean like, I like that you're weird and different you know? I think you're cool and stuff but I didn't mean it like that, you know, right?"
"Calm down, Carson. I understand what you're saying. I enjoy how different you are as well."
"Are you repeating what I said but better? You jerk, burn in a deep frier," I stated threateningly. We laughed a little bit.
"I just realized I have no fucking clue where I'm going, do you know where you live?" Cameron advised and I told him my address. "Okay, thank you. As much as I'd love to drive around with you, it's probably past your bedtime."
"You're probably right, God, Cooper's gonna fucking send me to the slaughter machine," I forewarned myself, nervously laughing at the end.
"Cooper? Is that another one of your little goons?"
"Oh yeah, he's like one of my best friends. He and his boyfriend live with me, it's pretty great. Do you have any roommates?"
"Yep, me and my best friend, Toby. She's a very sweet person," Cameron affirmed, tapping against the steering wheel to the beat of the music from the radio. "That's good Cam. Are we there yet?"
"Uhh, you said you lived in a complex called Crossing Sunset?"
"Yep, that's it," I agreed, the car turned and the speeding bumps underneath shook the car as he parked in the parking lot. From what I knew, the complex isn't that big and it's very quiet except for the dog that barks every single hour. "Can I walk you home?" Cameron offered, I nodded and grabbed my backpack along with my cane. I told Cam my apartment number and we took our time walking there. I crossed arms with him so he could lead me to my apartment, in reality, I just wanted to wrap my arm around his, I wanted to linger in his presence longer than this. "Are we ever gonna talk again after this?" I asked seriously, which led to a long pause from Cameron, making my stomach churn. "I don't know, I'll try and talk to you as much as possible. If I don't, it's because I'm busy."
"Doing what?"
"You know what," He reminded, then I remember the smell of weed in his car. I probably smell like weed.
"Hm, okay," I replied shortly, our conversation was silent until we found my apartment. "You should probably go, I don't want Cooper to see you."
"What do you mean? Are you embarrassed by me?"
"What? Let's not jump to conclusions, you know I don't mean it like that."
"It's fine. I was just messing around," Cameron assured but his tone became more serious. He let go of my arm. "I'll see to you soon."
"Yeah, when do you wanna meet up?" I stalled but I could tell he knew that so I gave up trying to make him stay. "Nevermind, you wanna go, right? I'll talk to you later, Cameron."
"See ya later buddy," Cameron left. I stood outside listening to his departing footsteps before opening the door.
Two days later.
"Carson, wakey wakey, baby boy," Cooper shook me awake, I groaned and threw my pillow at him. "Ow, bastard," Cooper laughed and hit me with the pillow. "Seriously bro, get up."
"I will in a moment-"
"No, you won't, c'mon grumpy headass. I'll be waiting for you, okay?"
"Fine, I'll be out soon," I muttered, listening to Cooper chuckle and close the door. I sat up and cracked my back prior to standing up. It's been a while since the roof incident and Cameron still hasn't said anything. I want to talk to him but he said:
"I'll try and talk to you as much as possible. If I don't, it's because I'm busy."
And that sentence has been stuck in my head ever since. It's stopping me from talking to a guy I actually like. Do I like him? Do I really like him like that? Maybe.
I was too sad and lazy to shower so I just put on my clothes, walking out my room with my stuff as Cooper and Travis' laughter fills the living room. I walk into the kitchen, opening the cabinet and reaching for a Cliff bar. Once I retrieved the bar, I dragged myself to Cooper, tapping my cane impatiently. "Hey, lemme talk to my boyfriend, headass," Cooper demanded so I let them talk for a while until I asked Travis for the time. "Oh uhm- guys, it's 12:14."
"Cool, we were supposed to leave an hour ago," I said whilst eating my Cliff bar.
"What the fuck? Carson get your ass up, we gotta go," Cooper spoke rushed as I stood up calmly, saying goodbye to Travis as Cooper shoved me out the door and led me to the car. "I told you we should've left earlier."
"Shut the fuck up Carson or I spin your jaw," Cooper threatened, starting the car and driving off, the car screeching as Cooper spun out the parking lot. "Jesus Cooper, calm down."
"Listen, I think I have a crush, Coop."
"Huh? Seriously, what's his name?"
"Cameron, I don't know if he's gay or straight though."
"Sounds gay if you ask me. Is he gonna be like Racc?"
"Oh, awesome. I'm glad we're talking about Racc now," I pointed out, rolling my eyes.
"Hey, it's just a question. We both remember Racc."
"And I'd rather forget him, moving on," I sighed, leaning against the car door.
"Fine, I'll just leave it at that. We're here," Cooper mentioned, stopping the car. I squeezed my cane, I knew that once Cooper said Racc that he isn't leaving my mind. "Alright, I'll talk to you later."
"I'm sorry, okay? About him, just go to class."
"I will," I said as I hopped out the car and shut the door, walking away and listening to his car zoom away.
"Carson, sup dude," Jschlatt greeted me, he sounded happy.
"Hey, Schlatt. You remember Racc, right?"
"Oh, yeah. Do you really wanna talk about this? What about Cameron, how's shit going with him, eh?" Jason changed the subject, I expected him to do that. So I told him about Cameron as we walked to our second class since I missed the first one; I told him how calm and nice Cam is, how he's been involved in some heavy stuff but I knew he'd be fine, how sweet he is and how genuine this guy is. "I stopped talking with him though, it's been two days," I added, walking into my classroom with Schlatt.
"You are so gay, aren't you?"
"I am so gay it worries me sometimes," I laughed and so did he, leaving class to go to a different one. The school found he'd been ditching different classes so now if he doesn't show up to his actual classes, he's potentially screwed. So, I sat down and thought about Racc.
Racc was my first partner, he was a nice guy. We met last year and dated for almost two years until he became distant and broke up with me for seeing another guy behind my back. It's still hard for me to get over him, we broke up a couple of months ago and I could feel him telling me to move on. It's what he told me to do when he broke up with me. I could hear him whisper it just the way he told me.
"Please, move on. I want you to be happy but you won't be happy if you don't let go."
I still haven't let go. "Hey," A sweet tone whispered beside me, I looked around until they tapped my right shoulder. I look to my right and they giggled. "Hi, you're Carson, right?"
"Y-Yeah, why?"
"I'm Toby, I'm sure Cam's told you about me," She mentioned, I remember him telling me about her. "Yeah, he has. Is he okay?"
"That's exactly-" The teacher shushed us before continuing her lesson. "That's exactly what I wanted to tell you, he's okay. But Swagger's keeping him busy for some reason, Swags still thinks Cam's apart of whatever Swagger has. Anyways, he misses you a lot, I'll help you talk to him again, don't worry. Okay?"
"Yeah, okay."
"Awesome, it was nice meeting you but I don't sit here so I gotta dip, bye!" Toby said quickly, she ran to the back of the room, her chair squeaked a bit as well. I sighed and let my brain process what was happening.
Who's Swagger?
=2477 WORDS=
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trash-the-tozier · 5 years
Maybe 4 and 21 + Kaspbrough for the cliché thing? We need content of this ship so please
oh yes friend, we definitely need more kaspbrough content! ask for and you shall receive. (sorry this is so late, i happen to have fallen ill and wrote this whole thing in a feverish stupor at like 1am last night BUT i’m satisfied with it so)
words: 2.3k | ao3warnings: mentions of myra? lolprompt: 4. Kissing in the rain and getting soaked before running inside laughing21. Blind date set up by friends
send me a cliche prompt (list here: x) and a pairing and i’ll write a drabble!
“I’ve had it. Had it! I’m fucking done! I’m over it!” Eddie’s voice was sharp, his hand movements sharper; it was a good thing that Richie had moved around behind him and taken the glass from his hand, or he would have spilled his gin and tonic all over himself and the floor. 
“Over what, Eddie?” Beverly asked, smiling more in amusement than sympathy, though there was sympathy in her voice. Her overly patient tone made Bill grin a little, and Eddie threw himself onto the couch, not unlike a child, bumping hard into Stan as he did, who looked disgruntled but didn’t move away. 
“Being single.” 
They were all at Ben and Beverly’s, and all at least a little drunk. It wasn’t the usual time of year that they all met up, usually choosing to do so around birthdays–and always on New Year’s–but Richie had flooded the group chat with whiny voice messages about wanting to see them all, and miraculously, all of them were free to meet up, so they had. Ben and Beverly had the nicest place, the engaged couple living in the penthouse suite of a building that Ben had designed in New York. The place was incredibly fancy, but had homey, comfortable touches to it that had relaxed Bill as soon as he stepped in. 
“You’re ready, you think?” Mike asked, his eyebrows drawn together in concern. He had a wrinkle in his forehead from making that expression so often over the years, and Eddie nodded resolutely. Eddie had gotten divorced a little less than a year ago, and while Richie had thrown a rather distasteful party for him after hearing the news, Bill knew that all of the Losers were glad that he’d been able to recognize how unhealthy his marriage had been and escape it on his own. 
“I need a man.” Eddie said, his face one of sheer determination, Richie wolf-whistling loudly, both in response and in agreement. 
“What kind of man?” Ben asked. He was grinning, but that wasn’t a surprise; Ben loved love. “Anyone in mind?” 
“Fuck, I don’t know.” 
“A bro?” Stan asked, and the entire group burst into laughter. The incorporation of “bro” into Eddie’s vocabulary had been–and still was–the funniest discovery of them all when the Losers had met up again as adults after so long. They all liked patronizing him with it, but hearing Stan say it was possibly even funnier.
“Fuck you.” Eddie said, but he was a bit drowsy now, his voice going a bit pouty and cute, and Bill felt a smile grow on his face despite himself as he watched him, Eddie resting a little bit against Stan’s shoulder.
“You know Eddie, I might be able to find a guy for you. I think he’d be up for a date with you. A friend of mine.” Beverly said. Her tone was careful, and thoughtful. She glanced at Bill for a moment, almost as though asking his opinion–not that Bill had one to offer, he didn’t know who she was thinking about–before glancing down at Ben. She was perched on the armrest of the chair Ben was sitting in, and Ben looked back at her before shrugging his shoulders. 
“Dude, Bev, hook me up too.” Richie said from behind the bar. He wasn’t actually mixing any drinks, as all of them had declared themselves done with drinking for the night, instead tapping against the counter when he got the urge and chewing on ice. Beverly laughed. 
“Anyone else want a hookup?” She asked, Mike raising a hand resignedly, Bill doing the same. Beverly began to laugh, meeting Bill’s eyes again as she brought her drink to her lips. “I’ll see what I can do.”
The Losers planned on staying in New York for a total of five days, and on day three, while out exploring the city, Bill got a text from Beverly. 
From: Bev M.got you a date tonight!! semi-fancy restaurant. 7:00pm. The reservation is under my name. I’ll text u the address!!!
Oh. What? Bill simply stood there, staring at his phone screen. He hadn’t thought she was serious, when she’d asked for hookups. But here he was, with a date tonight. He would have kept standing there in his bewilderment if someone hadn’t bumped into his shoulder, making him realize that he was stock still in the middle of a New York City sidewalk, and he began back to his hotel room. He had to start getting ready. 
The restaurant was fifteen minutes away, so Bill left his hotel room with thirty minutes to spare, navigation turned on and cell phone in hand. He hadn’t really brought any fancy clothes on the trip with him, but he hadn’t had the time or the energy for a full shopping trip, so he was making do with some light blue slacks and a plain white dress shirt, hoping that the fact that the shirt was tucked in and that the leather shoes and the leather belt matched was enough to pull the whole look together. 
He arrived at the restaurant ten minutes early, but when he told the host the name his reservation was under, he gave a curt nod, telling Bill that the other half of his party was there already, and asking him to “follow me, please”. Bill felt the first thrum of nerves in his chest, reaching up to fiddle with the buttons on his shirt, wondering if he should unbutton a few–having two popped open was too many, right?–when the host stopped, and Bill stopped, and his date looked up at him. 
“…the fuck, bro?”
Eddie. Eddie was sitting there, staring up at him. He looked and sounded stunned, and Bill was sure he had an equally stunned look on his own face. But Eddie… Eddie was dressed very nicely, in a red dress shirt and black suit jacket, his hair styled, and it completely threw Bill for a moment. He looked incredible. 
“Are… Are you sure this is the right table?” Bill asked. “For the reservation?”
The host looked annoyed. “Party of two for Beverly Marsh at seven, correct?” He asked. Bill nodded, seeing Eddie also nod in the corner of his eye. “I assure you sir, this is the proper table. Please.” He gestured to the chair, and at a loss for what else to do, Bill sat. 
“A server will be with you shortly.” The man told them both, before whisking himself away. 
The silence between them was heavy for a moment, slightly tense and very unsure, before Bill decided to shake himself out of it. This was Eddie, the same Eddie he’d known since childhood. No reason to act strange. 
“You clean up really nice, Eds.”
“Oh, shut up.” Eddie answered, not looking at him, though there was a pink dusting across his cheeks, visible in the romantically dim lighting of the restaurant, that told Bill he’d liked the compliment anyway. “What the hell was Bev thinking?”
“This is probably just a joke.” Bill said. It was the only thing that made sense to him. He wasn’t sure why she would set him up with Eddie, someone she’d said she had an actual date for, but still. Maybe her original plan had fallen through. Maybe she’d been messing with them the entire time. Or maybe not.
“Richie and Stanley had better not be hiding around a goddamn bush somewhere, with a fucking camera or something.” Eddie said, glancing around for a moment, the idea of it making Bill laugh. He found he wouldn’t mind some footage of this night, sneakily taken on Richie Tozier’s phone or not. Eddie really, really looked good. 
Take a picture. The familiar phrase crossed his mind, usually reserved for men gawking at pretty girls. It’ll last longer.
“Joke or not, Beverly and Ben are the ones paying.” Bill pointed out, picking up his menu. “We might as well have a nice dinner, right? The food looks really good.” 
Eddie gave the proposal a thought for a moment before nodding. They both ordered shortly after, and once Eddie gave his heavily modified order to their poor waiter, who was writing all the allergies and substitutions down as quickly as she could, he seemed to relax. That had Bill relaxing in turn—once a leader, always a leader, never able to fully sit back if one of his own was in distress—and they began to talk. 
Bill always forgot how nice it was to spend time with Eddie until he was actually doing it. They’d spent a lot of time together as kids, the two of them friends before anyone else in the Losers Club. And often, when they were together, they weren’t doing anything specific, just being in each other’s company; doing homework together, reading side by side, Bill telling Eddie a story he’d thought up to write. Eddie was the first one to hear about his dreams of being a author, and the first one to support him with them. 
Despite all of the familiarity, it still felt like a date, too. There was a slight, underlying sense of anticipation, of anxiousness. There was Eddie, still acting himself, but with a thread of self-consciousness to his movements and his words. Bill, unable not to linger for what might be a moment too long whenever their eyes met. 
Two hours and over a hundred dollars out of Beverly’s pocket later—she was a fashion designer, she could take it—they left the restaurant and broke out onto the street. They were staying at the same apartment, walking in that direction together. A few drops began to fall, Bill glancing up. The weather app on his phone hadn’t said anything about rain, but there the clouds were. Eddie, of course—Eddie, always prepared—reached into an inside pocket of his suit jacket, opening up a compact umbrella. Bill ducked under it, Eddie accommodating him without Bill having to ask, and being so close had Bill noticing two things: Eddie smelled incredibly good, and Eddie was a solid two inches taller than him.
“Fuck.” Bill muttered, having to glance up to look at Eddie’s face. The word was more to himself, but Eddie was close enough to hear, and laughed. 
“Don’t worry about it, you’ll always be Big Bill to me.” Eddie said. Rain was steadily coming down harder. “It wasn’t really a height title anyway; it’s just you, you know?”
“Being a leader, being strong, being fast, being brave, all that shit.” 
“You’re brave too.” Bill said; he couldn’t help it. “What you did, leaving Myra—I’m proud of you. I don’t know if I ever said that.”
Eddie took the words at a nod, seeming to think them over, his lips scrunching as he did; seeming to taste them in his mouth. 
“You were always the bravest of us, Bill. You can not argue—” He must have seen Bill’s mouth open in the corner of his eye— “Because you have no idea—you have no idea how cool I thought you were.”
“Oh, were. Ouch” Past tense. Bill had to laugh a bit. “That hurts, Eds.”
Eddie stopped to laugh when he realized the backhanded sort of compliment, seemingly too caught up in nostalgia to notice it at first. 
“Please, you can’t pretend you didn’t have a fucking soft spot for me.”
They weren’t walking anymore, very close together under Eddie’s tiny umbrella. While not completely empty, the rain had emptied the streets enough for them to be left to talk without blocking the sidewalk. 
“How could I not?” Bill asked back. “You, you…”
Eddie always had this look, when they were kids, a look that had been so plain and open that Bill couldn’t have missed it if he tried. And he didn’t try, unable to help but bask in it instead—a look that told him that Eddie thought Bill had been the one to hang the moon. The expression was covered up more as they got older, taken over by teenage self-awareness, but still peeking through every now and then. Now that they’d grown, Bill figured that the look was gone, that Eddie’s admiration of him had to have faded. 
But it was here, now, also mixed with adoration as Eddie looked down at him, so plain and so open and full, and all Bill wanted to do was kiss him. So he did. 
Eddie’s grip slackened on the umbrella and a moment later it was swept away, but that didn’t matter in the slightest because Eddie’s hands were on his face, kissing him back. 
That energy that Eddie had, that energy always under the surface; Bill could feel it as Eddie kissed him, as Eddie pressed as close as possible, but the kiss wasn’t hard, or harsh, or fast. It was soft, as gentle as Eddie was timid, but as sincere as Eddie was brave. 
Rain was falling down around them, down on them, but Bill didn’t notice it until they broke apart, the drops big and cold and heavy on their cheeks and shoulders and in their hair. Bill found he didn’t care, either, about getting wet; his hand found the back of Eddie’s neck, still wanting to be close, smiling as he felt Eddie’s forehead rest against his own.
“You know Bill, of all the times I imagined kissing you, I never imagined having to lean down to do it.” Eddie told him, and Bill burst into laughter. 
“Fuck you.” He said, Eddie laughing too, the two of them having to lean away to avoid knocking heads. The umbrella was completely gone to the wind now, and with light touches and even lighter hearts, made a mad and laughing dash towards Bill’s hotel room. The rain might have been cold, but it was the warmest Bill had felt in a long time. 
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wanna1things · 7 years
Radio DJ!Kim Jaehwan
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the idea came to me because for like a good 3 years of my life i wanted to be a radio dj and idk jaehwan fits this au well...
Genre;; fluff +radio dj au is that a thing idk
Warnings;; unless you hate jaehwan, his laugh, and music then none lol
Pairing;; Kim Jaehwan x reader
Requested;; no this is just another thing from my backlog lol
Summary;; Jaehwan is the radio dj for your university radio station, and he’s looking for someone to present with him… maybe something more?
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 1913
UH requests will be done by the end of the week!! just clearing the backlog of posts while i revise for my uni tests lol
jaehwan is pretty well known in your university for his job as a dj for the uni’s radio station
nobody knows what he’s studying, everyone assumes it’s music (they’re right), they just know he’s the guy with the weird laugh who hosts the midnight to 2am slot
aka when everyone is cramming
he plays pretty funky music at the start but by the end it’s chill tunes to help everyone wind down and actually get some sleep
you’re an avid listener
you stay up until 2am every day, not even to study just to listen to his show lol
you always make notes of the songs he plays because he seems to have almost the exact same music taste as you??
by the time it’s 2am your hand is aching from writing down all the songs he’s played lol
at 1am he always has a 5 minute gap where he covers a popular song on guitar and sings it too and sjhgfsjd it’s amazing you’re in love with his voice
it’s just…
you have no idea what he looks like
all of your friends know about your crush on the dj with the satanic laugh and they tease you 24/7
like lol how can you be in love with a guy you’ve never seen before
but theres some sort of;; connection that you feel with him lmao
anyway, as you walk into your class one day in the middle of the semester you notice a poster up on the pinboard
in handwritten bubble letters (you know the ones) it says
“kim jaehwan is recruiting!! send a playlist to my email [email protected] and i’ll rate you and decide on who will be my new co-host!! entries close at the end of the week!”
your heartbeat speeds up
now you have an opportunity to possibly meet the guy you’ve been crushing on since that one time you pulled an all nighter at the beginning of uni lol
you take note of his pretty stupid email address and take your seat at the back of the class
instead of listening you spend the whole time brainstorming your playlist sdhfhds
as soon as the lecturer dismisses you, you leg it out of the room and to your flat
but in your rush you accidentally run into someone
and by run i mean like you slam into this really cute guy
and you spill his drink lol
they seemed uh… pretty mad but honestly you were in such a rush to get back and sort out the playlist you just opened your bag and gave him a $5 bill to cover the costs lmao
as you walk away you swear you hear a familiar satanic laugh coming from the guy you just ran into but
you chalk it up to you just hearing things
you stay up until midnight sorting out the playlist and brainstorming
after trying to come up with themed playlists and stuff but losing motivation after a while
you decide to roughly follow the structure he uses in his show, funky and louder at the start and gradually getting softer
you put all of your favourite songs in there, and make sure to sprinkle a couple of ones that jaehwan plays regularly in there
and once you’re pleased with the result you send it to the email,, at exactly 11:59
before you know it jaehwans show is starting
“Hello fellow students!! It’s everyone’s favourite midnight dj Kim Jaehwan!! Thank you for all your submissions so far, i’ll be reviewing them tomorrow! For now let's get on with the show!’
you realise straight away the first song hes playing is the one you put first on your playlist
and you’re a bit creeped out but you just think its a coincidence i mean you two have the same music taste
but by the time the 5th song is playing eXACTLY the same as your playlist you realise
he’s literally just playing your playlist
you open up your email again and begin drafting a new email asking for an explanation like really why is he using your playlist??
within seconds you get a reply
“hello;; y/n;; yeah sorry about that you’re the only submission so far… i took a look at the first 3 songs and i decided i trust your choices enough to use your playlist for this show… hope you don’t mind??”
you type a speedy reply because uh oh don’t want jaehwan thinking you’re mad
“hey jaehwan! i don’t mind at all!! does this mean i got the job lol??”
again in the space of 3 seconds you get a reply but this time it’s just two words
“no comment”
the next day you head into uni and you realise all of the posters jaehwan put up for recruiting have been taken down
honestly you’re a bit shook like does he not need a partner any more??
that is until halfway through your day you’re sitting in the library studying when you receive an email from the one and only worlds best dj kim jaehwan
“hey new partner! you’ve officially been recruited! meet me in the cafe in 20 minutes;; here’s my phone number _______!”
the first thing that comes to your mind is what do you save jaehwans number as dsjfgdfjh
you decide on ‘worlds no.1 dj’ and then pack up your work and make your way to the cafe
when you get there you see a guy sitting at a table on his own, looking at his phone suspiciously and sipping on his drink
when you look a bit closer you realise uh oh its the guy you bumped into yesterday don’t get noTICED
but after about 5 minutes of trying to hide from the guy you ran into, you still can’t spot jaehwan so you decide to ring his number
you’re mortified when you see the guy you ran into pick up his phone sjfhjs uh oh
you stay on the line and gradually make your way over to the table he’s at and sit down in the chair opposite him
he is honestly just as shocked as you
“okay y/n i have so many questions first of all why did you give me $5?? why were you in such a hurry?? what is this”
you can’t even process his questions because ok you just fell in love a litttttle bit more
i mean like this guy i mean jaehwan has the cutest cheeks and a really cuTE SMILE and really soft looking fluffy hair oh my god;;;
you’re almost about to grab your phone and call all of your friends like HA i fell in love with someone i’ve never seen and he turned out to be good looking as hell anyway LMAO
when he realises you’re not going to answer his questions he stands up and orders you an iced coffee lol
as he puts it in front of you, you thank him graciously and suddenly blurt out
‘thank you so much honestly i’ve been a fan of yours for a long time and we have the exact same music taste and i really admire you and you’re an amazing singer and musician an-’
‘woah okAY y/n i didn’t hire you just to hear compliments i mean i’m not complaining but you don’t need to thank me lol you have a gift with playlists that's whY i hired you’
he smiles at you really wide and you realise like you had nothing to be so nervous about he’s not got a grudge against you and hes also super nice?? at least he seems it
and so you’re welcomed to the radio family
at first everyone is so confused when your voice appears alongside jaehwan’s at 12am
but after a while everyone is very attached to your shows
you pick amazing songs together, you have gr8 banter and sometimes;; just sometimes you join in singing with jaehwan
after the show he always compliments you on how good you are at singing but tbh he’s so whipped he doesnt know
thats right
jaehwan was interested you from the moment you gave him instant compensation for running into him
and now, after spending all this time with you, he’s just like
so in love
like;; not only do you have mad talent but you also can deal with him and his annoying laugh like lets be honest most of his friends give up after an hour or two
even his best friend the business major minhyun can only handle him for so long lol
but you two are so in tune and theres some sort of connection between you two that words can’t explain;; one that you’ve been feeling for a LONG TIME
it doesn’t help that now there’s mad gossip going around
“that person that djs with jaehwan for the midnight slot?? yeah them i heard they’re dating jaehwan as well lol”
minhyun, who sometimes comes and sits to watch live action midnight slot, has also noticed that you both have pretty obvious feelings for each other
he’s noticed how when you look at jaehwan it’s like you’re looking at the whole damn universe
and how jaehwan can’t help but smile to himself whenever you smile
and he starts up a plan
a plan to convince jaehwan to confess
one night after the slot they walk you back to the dorm together
minhyun feeling like a bit of a third wheel lol
but as soon as you’re safely inside minhyun whispers to jaehwan
‘heyyyy jaehwan…. I know about your crush on y/n’
jaehwan turns briGHT RED
‘haha what do u mean i have no idea what you’re talking about buddy sorry’
‘bro;;; are you blind she likes you back’
nobody has ever seen jaehwan whip out his phone quicker
in a moment of madness he dials your number quicker than lightning and calls you down to the courtyard
minhyun makes his way back to his dorms on his own because he already knows this is too cheesy to watch i mean he could record it for blackmail but jaehwan would probably kill him if he did lol
as soon as you get downstairs with your dressing gown wrapped around you jaehwan kneels down on the floor like romeo-style
‘jaehwan if u have something to say please hurry up my hot chocolate is getting cold-’
‘y/n~~ i have loved you~~ since you gave me five dollars~~ im glad i walked into you~~ or technically you walked into me but still~’
is he really singing his confession? yes. this is jaehwan we are talking about
you’re not sure if it’s because of embarrassment or happiness but you can feel your cheeks heating up
‘jaehwan if this is you asking me to date you, i accept, but please come inside it’s cold lol’
of course he comes in and you share your hot chocolate
from that day on you were the cutest and most EXTRA couple ever
you announce your relationship in the show by playing the cheesiest love songs for an hour
at the end of the year makeshift awards you win the cutest couple award (and jaehwan wins weirdest laugh award, as expected)
you also win best duet award for your daily singing sessions at 1am
all in all you two are super cute and super extra
everyone is jealous but you’re still their fAVE COUPLE
listen i love jaehwan so much okay this made me so soft for jaehwan uGHH anyway i hope you enjoyed and that this wasn’t a disaster lol i’m going to SCHLEEP
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Another Year, Another Morning Routine
Slowly, their eye lids opened, to the sound of the door closing. Confused, Frisk sat up and saw that Chara, their roommate, had just reentered their shared dorm, a zip bag of toiletries (stick of deodorant, tooth brush and paste, floss, so on) in their hand. Chara made their way to the chest at the foot of their bed, placing their toiletries in and grabbing a backpack. They put it on over top their dark purple and white school uniform. Frisk looked at their bedside table, and saw it was 7:41 on their alarm clock. They looked back over to Chara,  confusedly and angrily asking “Chara, why di-d-d-d-d-d-!…” A bit slower, “Why didn’t you wake me up! I always wake you up when you sleep in!” Chara looked over at them, telling them “You looked like you needed it, Mx.I-stayed-up-until-1AM-working-on-my-stupid-blog-night-before-school-starts.” They turned around, and with everything they need for the day, minus a trip to their locker for a few more things, walked out of the room.
“SANS! HURRY UP, YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE!” Why did he have to do this! He was going to miss the first day of the school year! Sans shrugged as he pulled on his blue and white uniform. “Don’t worry bro, go on ahead. I promise i wont be late, okay?” He flashed his left eye socket, a blink of yellow and light blue before it returned to normal, a white pupil filling it and his other socket. Papyrus was still skeptical, until Sans said “Bro, i got Ms.Toriels class first, i’m not gonna be late, okay?” Assured by this, knowing his brother would never be late to one of her classes, he nodded. “Very well then. Have a good day Brother! See you at lunch!” Sans said “Bye bro” as Papyrus ran out the door. He finished putting on his uniform (just like Papyrus’ scarf), wearing his old blue hoodie over top it, and started gathering some of his supplies, strewn about on his side of the room.
“You ready Alphys?” “Y-Y-Yes Undyne!” she had her light “Mew Mew Kissy Cutie” backpack on, her white and dark purple uniform, and her laptop bag with nearly everything she needed for class, using her laptop to take all her notes, write her assignments, so forth. All she had in her backpack was her gym clothes, and her phone with her wallet. Not much. Undyne, on the other hand, wore her dark purple and white uniform (without sleeves, because you can only rip so many sleeves by working out before the teachers give up), with a green armband featuring the school logo her forearm. She had her “Satan Is An Intern” backpack (stuffed with rocks), a second “Kamna 2/5″ backpack over top (filled with rocks also), and an empty shoulder bag for her to put her stuff into once she actually gets it from her locker. The two of them began walking out of their dorm. Coming to the staircase, they saw Chara. “Hey punk! How’s it goin’?!” Undyne was happy they ran into them. Chara looked over at them, and smiled, waiting right at the stairs. They happily said “Hi Undyne, Alphys. I’m doing quite well, you two?”
Frisk had on their purple and white uniform as they rushed to gather their school supplies from inside their chest, stuffing them into a worn blue and black backpack with “ULY ALL NOON” written on the back. Eventually, they had everything they needed for their first two classes (they’d need to grab the rest later), and with no time to go use the showers, ran out their dorm and quickly down the stairs until they were outside, running across the grounds towards their first class.
“Kid, just calm down already, okay?” “NO! YOU CALM DOWN ALREADY, ‘OKAY’!” ”Can we please just get to class?…” ”But Blooky, we CAN NOT simply leave this mystery unsolved!” As Papyrus stepped out of the male dorm building, his grin widened, as he saw four of his wonderful friends having a wonderful discussion with one another. “Greetings, everyone!” Happstablook (Happy) looked over, before turning away as their pink cheeks turned slightly pinker. Meanwhile, Napstablook began to speak, before being interrupted “Papyrus! You settle this! What is the best soul colour, orange or purple!” “Kid, i told you already, they aren’t just colours, their traits, refer to them as such; Bravery, and Perseverance.” The tall human, with immaculate long hair dyed a deep purple, wearing a navy blue crimson school uniform with a red arm band featuring the school logo, glasses, a shoulder bag of school supplies and many notes (despite school not even starting for the year yet), and a notebook held under his arm, was getting extremely agitated with his unwanted dorm mate. They angrily replied “I TOLD YOU MY FOR THE LAST TIME NICK MY NAME IS ATLAS!” The short human, Atlas, wore his usual pale blue and white uniform for junior male students, an “Outside In” kids backpack, and a bandanna, with a pair of slightly over sized leather gloves stained orange, with messy ginger hair. Napstablook, a fairly large white ghost somehow wearing a ghost camera, and a ghost satchel (full of ghost school supplies, such as ghost pencils, ghost paper, ghost eraser, and some ghost lunch consisting of a ghost sandwich), whispered to Papyrus “Can you please help them end this, if it isn’t a bother…. We’ve been here the last ten minutes…” Papyrus pondered what the question. “Orange or purple, orange or purple…” “Uhg, not you too, i just explained.” Nickolas was sick of people demoting the different soul types to nothing more than aesthetic. Eventually, Papyrus told them “They’re both amazing!” Happy, Atlas, and Nickolas all stared at him, unsatisfied. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Napstablook said “Uhh… Guys? We should be getting to class…” Happstablook, a pink ghost slightly smaller than Napstablook with a fabulous hair style and a (ghost) designer bag, said “Blooky is right everyone! Class is not the place to be fashionably late to!” Nickolas sighed. He told them “Later Blook, Pyrus, Happy, kid.” As Nickolas walked off, Atlas shouted after him “MY NAME IS ATLAS!”
“See you guys at lunch!” Chara said excitably (well, relatively) to their friends, as Undyne and Alphys made their way down the hall to their respective first classes, a grade ten physics applied mathematics course for Alphys, and music for Undyne. Meanwhile, Chara made their way down another hall. Eventually, they turned into a side hall, and into one of the classrooms. As they entered, the teacher, Dr.Gaster, looked over at them, glaring, before returning to his papers at the front desk. Most of the sitting students continued their discussions, or were laying out their stuff for class (there was no easy day with Dr.Gaster), though one of them, a tall, slightly older human with somewhat tidy dark brown hair and a nervous expression, looked up from their school supplies and gave Chara a small wave, with a faint smile. Chara glared at them a moment, giving a brief wave back before making their way to a desk by the front, next to the center. In the center desk, besides them, was Papyrus, smiling as they said “Greetings,  Chara! How are you doing today friend!?” They smiled back, always happy with Papyrus, answering “I’m doing good, thanks Papyrus. How about yourself?” “I am very well Chara, thank you for asking!”
Frisk ran into the room, breathing heavily. Looking up on the wall, they saw that it was almost time for class to start. They looked around, and only seeing two desks open, sat down in one of them, a seat off to the side, one row from the back. Ms.Toriel stood sat at the front desk, looking up at students and smiling at them as she preemptively did her attendance, writing it onto a clipboard. Finally, only seconds before class started, all but one seat filled, in the seat in front of Frisk, Sans suddenly appeared, causing the room to flash black for just a moment. He looked back at Frisk, asking “Heyya Kid, what’s up?”
And as Sans spoke, all the students were jolted awake, throughout the school, as the bell went off. For some, it was their first time hearing the school bell. For others, they would have heard it thousands of time already. However, to all, it meant the same thing. The beginning of yet another school year at the Underground Academy.
((My first original writing piece for UGA, BOOYAH! I was finally not lazy! Anyway, thank you to Arrow for suggesting this idea, and to my friend Kaitlin for reviewing this writing piece ahead of time! Here, we witness everybody making their way off to school, for the beginning of yet another year at UGA. We see Frisk, sleeping through their alarm, Chara, showing their disdain for humans but friendship to others, Papyrus, being- well, being Papyrus, Sans, being lazy. We had Alphys being nervous around Undyne, and Undyne wearing two backpacks of rocks. We got to see our favourite ghostygoos, Napsta’ and Hapstablook, and were well introduced i think to two more of our magic humans, perseverant uptight peer tutor Nickolas, and brave young wild angry and loud Atlas, as well as a minor peak i should say at yet another of the humans, Dr.Gaster, and Ms.Toriel (yes, she goes by “Ms.Toriel,” electing to not use her last name nor reference her… previous engagements). I hoped y’all enjoyed this, and will help turn UGA into something a little bit bigger, because i’ve got plans *insert disconcerting grin here*. Also, PLEASE SEND IN ASKS I’M BEGGING YOU! Oh yeah, i also learned Mx is the gender neutral version Mr/Ms. Neat.))
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