Imagine paying $40 extra a month for Tumblr
That’s what is going to happen if we let Ajit Pai, the FCC chairman, go through with repealing Title II (AKA Net Neutrality).
Simply put, without Net Neutrality, Internet Service Providers like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T will be able to “bundle” websites much like cable ON TOP OF paying for internet connection. “Want access to Netflix AND Tumblr? Get the Entertainment Package! $40 a month. What about Amazon and Ebay? Add an extra $20 a month to get the Shopping Package.”
Not only will they be able to bundle websites and charge more, they will also be able to censor and block websites that they don’t agree with entirely.
For business owners, it will be even worse. Ex: Comcast will ask Amazon to pay high fees to be available in a low-cost package, fees that websites like Poshmark or Etsy will not be able to pay. Therefore, only Fortune 500’s will be available to web users at a low cost. Say goodbye to Etsy (unless you’re willing to shell out $70 a month for the “All-Inclusive” package).
To learn about Net Neutrality, why it’s important, and/or want tools to help you fight for Net Neutrality, visit BattleForTheNet (https://www.battleforthenet.com)
There are five people deciding the future of the internet, three men (Rep) and two women (Dem). The two women have come out as No votes. We need only to convince ONE of the other members to flip to a NO vote to save Net Neutrality.
There are many ways you can help:
Here are 2 petitions to sign, one international and one exclusively US.
International: https://www.savetheinternet.com/sti-home
US: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/do-not-repeal-net-neutrality
(After you sign make sure to verify via email, it may take up to 30 mins to receive the email).
Text “resist” to 504-09. It’s a bot that will send a formal email, fax, and letter to your representatives. It also finds your representatives for you. All you have to do is text it and it holds your hand the whole way.
These are the emails of the 5 people on the FCC roster.
Blow up their inboxes!
Mignon Clyburn - [email protected]
Michael O'Rielly - Mike.O'[email protected]
Brendan Carr - [email protected]
Jessica Rosenworcel - [email protected]
You can support groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the ACLU and Free Press who are fighting to keep Net Neutrality:
• https://www.eff.org/
• https://www.aclu.org/
• https://www.freepress.net/
• https://www.fightforthefuture.org/
• https://www.publicknowledge.org/
• https://www.demandprogress.org/
Set them as your charity on Amazon Smile here (https://smile.amazon.com/)
Write to your House Representative here
And Senators here: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?OrderBy=state)
Write to the FCC here (https://www.fcc.gov/about/contact)
Add a comment to the repeal here (https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/search/filings?proceedings_name=17-108&sort=date_disseminated,DESC)
Here’s an easier URL you can use thanks to John Oliver (http://www.gofccyourself.com)
Also check this out, which was made by the EFF and is a low transaction cost tool for writing all your reps in one fell swoop.
Most importantly, VOTE. This should not be something that is so clearly split between the political parties as it affects all Americans, but unfortunately it is.
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Frisk Bio
This is subject to change at any time.
Full name: Frisk Protagonista
Red soul
Non-Binary (biologically female)
In grade 8
2nd year at UGA
One of the only 8 humans capable of magic
Easily love-struck
Left handed
Frisk is nervous, kind, and shy. They’ve never had many friends before going to UGA, and they’re terrified of messing it up with those they have now. They didn’t fight when they were taken to UGA; they had no reason to. They’ve been bullied in the past, both for their general awkward behavior and their stutter. They’ve never had any adults to look up to at all, and the only family they ever grew  close to was their grandfather, before he passed away (lungs collapsed). After his funeral, they moved from Frisks’ home town to Lower Ebott City. In Lower Ebott City, Frisk went to an all human school, and attended church every week, by their parents decisions. Their parents shunned them the moment they found out Frisk had magic, and eventually, put them into the governments full care when Frisks’ teachers discovered it, and called the authorities. From there, the local government made the arrangements to have Frisk attend UGA, and give them a small amount of allowance for school supplies, food, personal necessities, and as spending money, while the school is currently entrusted to take care of them; once they are eighteen, and have graduated from UGA, they will be on their own.
Public speaking
(mean) pranks
Name calling
Blizzards and hail
Magic class
Dr. Gaster
Heavy metal music
Quiet places
Lightning and massive rain storms
Jokes and (harmless) pranks
Ms. Toriel
Video games
Books and comics (and manga)
(simple) Puzzles
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Maybe i should stop being lazy... whoops.
Prepare for reblogs of bios that have been updated, and me finally making NEW bios for the bloody love of dog.
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((FINALLY JUST GOT THIS UP! Sorry, today didn’t go as panned, took longer to post this than i meant to. But it’s here now!))
Another Year, Another Morning Routine
Slowly, their eye lids opened, to the sound of the door closing. Confused, Frisk sat up and saw that Chara, their roommate, had just reentered their shared dorm, a zip bag of toiletries (stick of deodorant, tooth brush and paste, floss, so on) in their hand. Chara made their way to the chest at the foot of their bed, placing their toiletries in and grabbing a backpack. They put it on over top their dark purple and white school uniform. Frisk looked at their bedside table, and saw it was 7:41 on their alarm clock. They looked back over to Chara,  confusedly and angrily asking “Chara, why di-d-d-d-d-d-!…” A bit slower, “Why didn’t you wake me up! I always wake you up when you sleep in!” Chara looked over at them, telling them “You looked like you needed it, Mx.I-stayed-up-until-1AM-working-on-my-stupid-blog-night-before-school-starts.” They turned around, and with everything they need for the day, minus a trip to their locker for a few more things, walked out of the room.
“SANS! HURRY UP, YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE!” Why did he have to do this! He was going to miss the first day of the school year! Sans shrugged as he pulled on his blue and white uniform. “Don’t worry bro, go on ahead. I promise i wont be late, okay?” He flashed his left eye socket, a blink of yellow and light blue before it returned to normal, a white pupil filling it and his other socket. Papyrus was still skeptical, until Sans said “Bro, i got Ms.Toriels class first, i’m not gonna be late, okay?” Assured by this, knowing his brother would never be late to one of her classes, he nodded. “Very well then. Have a good day Brother! See you at lunch!” Sans said “Bye bro” as Papyrus ran out the door. He finished putting on his uniform (just like Papyrus’ scarf), wearing his old blue hoodie over top it, and started gathering some of his supplies, strewn about on his side of the room.
“You ready Alphys?” “Y-Y-Yes Undyne!” she had her light “Mew Mew Kissy Cutie” backpack on, her white and dark purple uniform, and her laptop bag with nearly everything she needed for class, using her laptop to take all her notes, write her assignments, so forth. All she had in her backpack was her gym clothes, and her phone with her wallet. Not much. Undyne, on the other hand, wore her dark purple and white uniform (without sleeves, because you can only rip so many sleeves by working out before the teachers give up), with a green armband featuring the school logo her forearm. She had her “Satan Is An Intern” backpack (stuffed with rocks), a second “Kamna 2/5″ backpack over top (filled with rocks also), and an empty shoulder bag for her to put her stuff into once she actually gets it from her locker. The two of them began walking out of their dorm. Coming to the staircase, they saw Chara. “Hey punk! How’s it goin’?!” Undyne was happy they ran into them. Chara looked over at them, and smiled, waiting right at the stairs. They happily said “Hi Undyne, Alphys. I’m doing quite well, you two?”
Frisk had on their purple and white uniform as they rushed to gather their school supplies from inside their chest, stuffing them into a worn blue and black backpack with “ULY ALL NOON” written on the back. Eventually, they had everything they needed for their first two classes (they’d need to grab the rest later), and with no time to go use the showers, ran out their dorm and quickly down the stairs until they were outside, running across the grounds towards their first class.
“Kid, just calm down already, okay?” “NO! YOU CALM DOWN ALREADY, ‘OKAY’!” ”Can we please just get to class?…” ”But Blooky, we CAN NOT simply leave this mystery unsolved!” As Papyrus stepped out of the male dorm building, his grin widened, as he saw four of his wonderful friends having a wonderful discussion with one another. “Greetings, everyone!” Happstablook (Happy) looked over, before turning away as their pink cheeks turned slightly pinker. Meanwhile, Napstablook began to speak, before being interrupted “Papyrus! You settle this! What is the best soul colour, orange or purple!” “Kid, i told you already, they aren’t just colours, their traits, refer to them as such; Bravery, and Perseverance.” The tall human, with immaculate long hair dyed a deep purple, wearing a navy blue crimson school uniform with a red arm band featuring the school logo, glasses, a shoulder bag of school supplies and many notes (despite school not even starting for the year yet), and a notebook held under his arm, was getting extremely agitated with his unwanted dorm mate. They angrily replied “I TOLD YOU MY FOR THE LAST TIME NICK MY NAME IS ATLAS!” The short human, Atlas, wore his usual pale blue and white uniform for junior male students, an “Outside In” kids backpack, and a bandanna, with a pair of slightly over sized leather gloves stained orange, with messy ginger hair. Napstablook, a fairly large white ghost somehow wearing a ghost camera, and a ghost satchel (full of ghost school supplies, such as ghost pencils, ghost paper, ghost eraser, and some ghost lunch consisting of a ghost sandwich), whispered to Papyrus “Can you please help them end this, if it isn’t a bother…. We’ve been here the last ten minutes…” Papyrus pondered what the question. “Orange or purple, orange or purple…” “Uhg, not you too, i just explained.” Nickolas was sick of people demoting the different soul types to nothing more than aesthetic. Eventually, Papyrus told them “They’re both amazing!” Happy, Atlas, and Nickolas all stared at him, unsatisfied. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Napstablook said “Uhh… Guys? We should be getting to class…” Happstablook, a pink ghost slightly smaller than Napstablook with a fabulous hair style and a (ghost) designer bag, said “Blooky is right everyone! Class is not the place to be fashionably late to!” Nickolas sighed. He told them “Later Blook, Pyrus, Happy, kid.” As Nickolas walked off, Atlas shouted after him “MY NAME IS ATLAS!”
“See you guys at lunch!” Chara said excitably (well, relatively) to their friends, as Undyne and Alphys made their way down the hall to their respective first classes, a grade ten physics applied mathematics course for Alphys, and music for Undyne. Meanwhile, Chara made their way down another hall. Eventually, they turned into a side hall, and into one of the classrooms. As they entered, the teacher, Dr.Gaster, looked over at them, glaring, before returning to his papers at the front desk. Most of the sitting students continued their discussions, or were laying out their stuff for class (there was no easy day with Dr.Gaster), though one of them, a tall, slightly older human with somewhat tidy dark brown hair and a nervous expression, looked up from their school supplies and gave Chara a small wave, with a faint smile. Chara glared at them a moment, giving a brief wave back before making their way to a desk by the front, next to the center. In the center desk, besides them, was Papyrus, smiling as they said “Greetings,  Chara! How are you doing today friend!?” They smiled back, always happy with Papyrus, answering “I’m doing good, thanks Papyrus. How about yourself?” “I am very well Chara, thank you for asking!”
Frisk ran into the room, breathing heavily. Looking up on the wall, they saw that it was almost time for class to start. They looked around, and only seeing two desks open, sat down in one of them, a seat off to the side, one row from the back. Ms.Toriel stood sat at the front desk, looking up at students and smiling at them as she preemptively did her attendance, writing it onto a clipboard. Finally, only seconds before class started, all but one seat filled, in the seat in front of Frisk, Sans suddenly appeared, causing the room to flash black for just a moment. He looked back at Frisk, asking “Heyya Kid, what’s up?”
And as Sans spoke, all the students were jolted awake, throughout the school, as the bell went off. For some, it was their first time hearing the school bell. For others, they would have heard it thousands of time already. However, to all, it meant the same thing. The beginning of yet another school year at the Underground Academy.
((My first original writing piece for UGA, BOOYAH! I was finally not lazy! Anyway, thank you to Arrow for suggesting this idea, and to my friend Kaitlin for reviewing this writing piece ahead of time! Here, we witness everybody making their way off to school, for the beginning of yet another year at UGA. We see Frisk, sleeping through their alarm, Chara, showing their disdain for humans but friendship to others, Papyrus, being- well, being Papyrus, Sans, being lazy. We had Alphys being nervous around Undyne, and Undyne wearing two backpacks of rocks. We got to see our favourite ghostygoos, Napsta’ and Hapstablook, and were well introduced i think to two more of our magic humans, perseverant uptight peer tutor Nickolas, and brave young wild angry and loud Atlas, as well as a minor peak i should say at yet another of the humans, Dr.Gaster, and Ms.Toriel (yes, she goes by “Ms.Toriel,” electing to not use her last name nor reference her… previous engagements). I hoped y’all enjoyed this, and will help turn UGA into something a little bit bigger, because i’ve got plans *insert disconcerting grin here*. Also, PLEASE SEND IN ASKS I’M BEGGING YOU! Oh yeah, i also learned Mx is the gender neutral version Mr/Ms. Neat.))
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Y‘all ready fo’ this?!
((I like to move it move it, i like to move it move it, i like to- wait this isn’t a song reference? I’m just asking if y’all are ready for me to post the writing piece tomorrow? Oh. Okay.))
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Another Year, Another Morning Routine
Slowly, their eye lids opened, to the sound of the door closing. Confused, Frisk sat up and saw that Chara, their roommate, had just reentered their shared dorm, a zip bag of toiletries (stick of deodorant, tooth brush and paste, floss, so on) in their hand. Chara made their way to the chest at the foot of their bed, placing their toiletries in and grabbing a backpack. They put it on over top their dark purple and white school uniform. Frisk looked at their bedside table, and saw it was 7:41 on their alarm clock. They looked back over to Chara,  confusedly and angrily asking “Chara, why di-d-d-d-d-d-!…” A bit slower, “Why didn’t you wake me up! I always wake you up when you sleep in!” Chara looked over at them, telling them “You looked like you needed it, Mx.I-stayed-up-until-1AM-working-on-my-stupid-blog-night-before-school-starts.” They turned around, and with everything they need for the day, minus a trip to their locker for a few more things, walked out of the room.
“SANS! HURRY UP, YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE!” Why did he have to do this! He was going to miss the first day of the school year! Sans shrugged as he pulled on his blue and white uniform. “Don’t worry bro, go on ahead. I promise i wont be late, okay?” He flashed his left eye socket, a blink of yellow and light blue before it returned to normal, a white pupil filling it and his other socket. Papyrus was still skeptical, until Sans said “Bro, i got Ms.Toriels class first, i’m not gonna be late, okay?” Assured by this, knowing his brother would never be late to one of her classes, he nodded. “Very well then. Have a good day Brother! See you at lunch!” Sans said “Bye bro” as Papyrus ran out the door. He finished putting on his uniform (just like Papyrus’ scarf), wearing his old blue hoodie over top it, and started gathering some of his supplies, strewn about on his side of the room.
“You ready Alphys?” “Y-Y-Yes Undyne!” she had her light “Mew Mew Kissy Cutie” backpack on, her white and dark purple uniform, and her laptop bag with nearly everything she needed for class, using her laptop to take all her notes, write her assignments, so forth. All she had in her backpack was her gym clothes, and her phone with her wallet. Not much. Undyne, on the other hand, wore her dark purple and white uniform (without sleeves, because you can only rip so many sleeves by working out before the teachers give up), with a green armband featuring the school logo her forearm. She had her “Satan Is An Intern” backpack (stuffed with rocks), a second “Kamna 2/5″ backpack over top (filled with rocks also), and an empty shoulder bag for her to put her stuff into once she actually gets it from her locker. The two of them began walking out of their dorm. Coming to the staircase, they saw Chara. “Hey punk! How’s it goin’?!” Undyne was happy they ran into them. Chara looked over at them, and smiled, waiting right at the stairs. They happily said “Hi Undyne, Alphys. I’m doing quite well, you two?”
Frisk had on their purple and white uniform as they rushed to gather their school supplies from inside their chest, stuffing them into a worn blue and black backpack with “ULY ALL NOON” written on the back. Eventually, they had everything they needed for their first two classes (they’d need to grab the rest later), and with no time to go use the showers, ran out their dorm and quickly down the stairs until they were outside, running across the grounds towards their first class.
“Kid, just calm down already, okay?” “NO! YOU CALM DOWN ALREADY, ‘OKAY’!” ”Can we please just get to class?…” ”But Blooky, we CAN NOT simply leave this mystery unsolved!” As Papyrus stepped out of the male dorm building, his grin widened, as he saw four of his wonderful friends having a wonderful discussion with one another. “Greetings, everyone!” Happstablook (Happy) looked over, before turning away as their pink cheeks turned slightly pinker. Meanwhile, Napstablook began to speak, before being interrupted “Papyrus! You settle this! What is the best soul colour, orange or purple!” “Kid, i told you already, they aren’t just colours, their traits, refer to them as such; Bravery, and Perseverance.” The tall human, with immaculate long hair dyed a deep purple, wearing a navy blue crimson school uniform with a red arm band featuring the school logo, glasses, a shoulder bag of school supplies and many notes (despite school not even starting for the year yet), and a notebook held under his arm, was getting extremely agitated with his unwanted dorm mate. They angrily replied “I TOLD YOU MY FOR THE LAST TIME NICK MY NAME IS ATLAS!” The short human, Atlas, wore his usual pale blue and white uniform for junior male students, an “Outside In” kids backpack, and a bandanna, with a pair of slightly over sized leather gloves stained orange, with messy ginger hair. Napstablook, a fairly large white ghost somehow wearing a ghost camera, and a ghost satchel (full of ghost school supplies, such as ghost pencils, ghost paper, ghost eraser, and some ghost lunch consisting of a ghost sandwich), whispered to Papyrus “Can you please help them end this, if it isn’t a bother…. We’ve been here the last ten minutes…” Papyrus pondered what the question. “Orange or purple, orange or purple…” “Uhg, not you too, i just explained.” Nickolas was sick of people demoting the different soul types to nothing more than aesthetic. Eventually, Papyrus told them “They’re both amazing!” Happy, Atlas, and Nickolas all stared at him, unsatisfied. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Napstablook said “Uhh… Guys? We should be getting to class…” Happstablook, a pink ghost slightly smaller than Napstablook with a fabulous hair style and a (ghost) designer bag, said “Blooky is right everyone! Class is not the place to be fashionably late to!” Nickolas sighed. He told them “Later Blook, Pyrus, Happy, kid.” As Nickolas walked off, Atlas shouted after him “MY NAME IS ATLAS!”
“See you guys at lunch!” Chara said excitably (well, relatively) to their friends, as Undyne and Alphys made their way down the hall to their respective first classes, a grade ten physics applied mathematics course for Alphys, and music for Undyne. Meanwhile, Chara made their way down another hall. Eventually, they turned into a side hall, and into one of the classrooms. As they entered, the teacher, Dr.Gaster, looked over at them, glaring, before returning to his papers at the front desk. Most of the sitting students continued their discussions, or were laying out their stuff for class (there was no easy day with Dr.Gaster), though one of them, a tall, slightly older human with somewhat tidy dark brown hair and a nervous expression, looked up from their school supplies and gave Chara a small wave, with a faint smile. Chara glared at them a moment, giving a brief wave back before making their way to a desk by the front, next to the center. In the center desk, besides them, was Papyrus, smiling as they said “Greetings,  Chara! How are you doing today friend!?” They smiled back, always happy with Papyrus, answering “I’m doing good, thanks Papyrus. How about yourself?” “I am very well Chara, thank you for asking!”
Frisk ran into the room, breathing heavily. Looking up on the wall, they saw that it was almost time for class to start. They looked around, and only seeing two desks open, sat down in one of them, a seat off to the side, one row from the back. Ms.Toriel stood sat at the front desk, looking up at students and smiling at them as she preemptively did her attendance, writing it onto a clipboard. Finally, only seconds before class started, all but one seat filled, in the seat in front of Frisk, Sans suddenly appeared, causing the room to flash black for just a moment. He looked back at Frisk, asking “Heyya Kid, what’s up?”
And as Sans spoke, all the students were jolted awake, throughout the school, as the bell went off. For some, it was their first time hearing the school bell. For others, they would have heard it thousands of time already. However, to all, it meant the same thing. The beginning of yet another school year at the Underground Academy.
((My first original writing piece for UGA, BOOYAH! I was finally not lazy! Anyway, thank you to Arrow for suggesting this idea, and to my friend Kaitlin for reviewing this writing piece ahead of time! Here, we witness everybody making their way off to school, for the beginning of yet another year at UGA. We see Frisk, sleeping through their alarm, Chara, showing their disdain for humans but friendship to others, Papyrus, being- well, being Papyrus, Sans, being lazy. We had Alphys being nervous around Undyne, and Undyne wearing two backpacks of rocks. We got to see our favourite ghostygoos, Napsta’ and Hapstablook, and were well introduced i think to two more of our magic humans, perseverant uptight peer tutor Nickolas, and brave young wild angry and loud Atlas, as well as a minor peak i should say at yet another of the humans, Dr.Gaster, and Ms.Toriel (yes, she goes by “Ms.Toriel,” electing to not use her last name nor reference her… previous engagements). I hoped y’all enjoyed this, and will help turn UGA into something a little bit bigger, because i’ve got plans *insert disconcerting grin here*. Also, PLEASE SEND IN ASKS I’M BEGGING YOU! Oh yeah, i also learned Mx is the gender neutral version Mr/Ms. Neat.))
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Oh sorry! I wasn't trying to tease Frisk. I was just playfully poking fun at them. My apologies in advanced for my rude wording. *sends virtual hugs to smol frisk*
They smile, though it’s a bit bittersweet. “I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-It’s okay… I-I’m just used to people making fun of me for it…”Sans frowns slightly, but they knew better than to ask about it.Alphys stood there, uncomfortable… they could relate to Frisk.despite their detestment of them, Chara felt sorry for Frisk. Humans were garbage, even to each other.Undyne shouted through the window “HEY! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT!?”Chara got up and closed the window.
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Hm, I think I know how to summon Alphys! *deep breath* A N I M E
Sans and Frisk sit/stand there for a moment, waiting to see if it works.………Chara, embarrassed for/by Sans and Frisk, asked ”What were you expecting? Alphys just lands in here flying through the window-”A loud BANG sound, as Alphys hits the floor after flying through the open window. Alphys just laid there, slightly groaning in pain as Undyne shouted “YES! I TOLD YOU I COULD THROW YOU UP THERE!… HEY, YOU OKAY ALPHYS?!”Sans stared at Chara, grinning like an idiot savant, trying to hold in his laughter, while they just stared at Alphys, before checking the flowers on the windowsill (they were fine, thankfully).*Undyne shouted up to her “HEY CHARA! SORRY ABOUT THAT!”*Frisk just stared in surprise at the Alphys suddenly on their floor.
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I have a feeling Frisk and Alphys have a lot in common. (Stuttering)
Frisk blushes, as Chara looks over and glares at the camera, angry.Sans, standing behind Frisk (and thoroughly not-stabbed thankfully), keeps his exact same expression, as he asks “ya tryin’ to tease the kid about their stuttering, bud?”Frisk looks to the camera and tells you “W-W-W-W-W-W-…” A deep breath to the diaphragm and a slow start of their sentence later, “Well, Alphys only stutters when she’s nervous or awkward or an-an-an-an-an…”*”deep breath and no run on sentences kid, remember.” Sans advises them.*Frisk sighs, and takes another deep breath, and continues “Anyway, she only stutters when she’s those things or when other emotions get in her way. I-I just stutter all the time…”Sans puts a hand on their shoulder, “but you’re gettin’ better kid, don’t worry. One day, you wont stutter at all.”Frisk begins to beam at the idea.((Ahh, the joys of stuttering, and in my case, seeing a speech therapist for about a decade. Also, YAY! FIRST ASK IN HOW LONG?! YES! Thank you, my good Anon. I also had no idea how to introduce Alphys with this, so uhh… if y’all have any questions for them, just go ahead. same with all characters.))
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((Reblog because i updated this))
Hey Frisk! Which class is your favorite this year? Any cool projects?
*They smile widely, and say “M-Ms. Toriel is the best teacher I’ve-I’ve-I’ve ever had, and she teaches language and social studies! I-I also like art a lot with Ms. Night Night. There was one pro-pro-pro-” They take a deep breath, and now speaking more slowly “-Project where we had to create a cool looking thing with chemicals in science with partners, and Sans p-practically made a m-mini fireworks display! I-I helped, of course, but it was mostly him. F-Fortunately D-Dr.Gaster was okay with it! He got pretty angry at first, but… in the end, he gave us good grades!”
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I’m baaaack~
((I’m back! Now to do that things! Like answer any nonexistent asks. Anyway, i’m going to update any posts and the bios for things retaining to new ideas, and get on writing the story for the upcoming first day of school! Let’s do this!
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You're kidding me, wrong blog?! Haha
So... Uh... UPDATE!
((TLDWR I’m gonna do a writing piece and I don’t know when I’m getting art from Arrow now read the actually bloody update))
((So… It’s been a while, huh? Few months… I don’t really have any excuses or reasons, sorry. I just didn’t get any asks and I’ve been too lazy to do any original writing pieces really (spoiler warning, I’m lazy). But UGA has NOT left my mind at all. Now, I want to get doing it for realsies with the school year starting up again. I have new ideas and changes I’d like to make as well…))
((Right now, I’m on vacation (and I was actually camping as I wrote this message originally in my notebook), so with only my tablet to update on, I’d rather wait until I’m home to properly do an real updates, with access to my PC to type on.))
((Last I spoke to them, Arrow had all but done Frisks design/bio art, and was going to Gert started on Sans and Chara (though that was a while ago, and knowing him, he’s probably not worked on it without my input, especially since this has seemed, well, kinda dead).))
((For the time being, I’ll be working on an original writing piece which (I hope) to have up upon the first day of the school year. However, I need a topic; I have a few ideas, such as “Frisks First Day” (a retelling of the day they first arrived at UGA), or “Human Camp Stories” (a story fully intentioned to introduce the other six humans and tell their back stories), but please, give me suggestions a ideas, as well as opinions about what story all of you (AKA I think 4?) want. (Note, I’m not doing anything holiday themed, I’ll save those for holidays… I cant wait until Valentines day hehe).))
((Thanks for reading all this. If you wanna send in an ask, PLEASE DO, I WILL answer it right now with my tablet. Anyway, send an ask or comment on this post of you have any ideas/opinions fort writing piece, it’d be much ‘preciated. Thank you!))
((Extra update specs down under here))
Changes I plan to make: -Sans will be left handed. I know this sounds weird, but the bio states he’s ambidextrous and hides his right hand; I had a reason for this, I’m changing that because I’m getting rid of the reason. -That being said, Gaster is going to be a different character from what I planned in many ways. However, I don’t think I need to change anything regarding that so far. Also, he’s ambidextrous -Papyrus will be right handed. I don’t rememr what I’d planned before,,but he’s gonna be right handed. –I’ll be editing a few asks (once I’m home and on my PC) to reflect various changes, only if needed though. Obviously, I’ll be editing the bios as well. –I’ll add anything else that comes to mind here.
Current ideas for first writing piece (titles not final): -“Frisks First Day,” a story retelling the day Frisk first arrived at UGA, met Ms.Toriel, and met all (well, most) of their wonderful friends, as well as a certain Mr.Dreemurr and roommate. -“Human Campfire Stories,” a school trip right before the year starts, a hike to the nearby Mt.Ebbot. Frisks stays back, due to illness, but nearly the entire school aside from them does go. While camping out one night, the seven humans with the ability to use magic (aside from Frisk), are grouped together at a campfire, which culminates in them telling their stories, when they first discovered their magic, and Chara being a grump (that back story if for another day). In introduction to the humans and their respectove tales. –If you have any suggestions, please tell me through ask or comment, I’d love to hear any ideas! I’ll add them to e list if I like them. Also, please tell me which one you’d like to see now the most (any on the list will get done, in time anyway). –That being said, any new ideas (from me or others) will be added, I’ll reblog this if I do add anything to here.
Lastly, should I just make all the character bios at some point, or wait for them to be introduced? Please, tell me your thoughts!
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You know you’re procrastinating when you go to your ask blog that hasn’t gotten an ask in a month and you’ve been too lazy to do any original writing on for a month just to look at the FAQ you wrote yourself.
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Hey Frisk! Which class is your favorite this year? Any cool projects?
*They smile widely, and say “M-Ms. Toriel is the best teacher I’ve-I’ve-I’ve ever had, and she teaches language and social studies! I-I also like art a lot with Ms. Night Night. There was one pro-pro-pro-” They take a deep breath, and now speaking more slowly “-Project where we had to create a cool looking thing with chemicals in science with partners, and Sans p-practically made a m-mini fireworks display! I-I helped, of course, but it was mostly him. F-Fortunately D-Dr.Gaster was okay with it! He got pretty angry at first, but... in the end, he gave us good grades!”
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SHHHH don't tell Renn
((Hi it’s Arrow, I hijacked the blog for a tiny bit (muahahah). Anyways, I’ll  (attempt) to draw for this blog and I’ll probably fail. Anyway if you have any questions Renn will set up a link to mine, you can ask questions about the art and other things related on either and I’ll answer it.))
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I made a ref for Chara based on what I’ve learned about them so far, and imagined what they looked like a little bit with my own touches. Hope you like it!
*Chara looks it over, and says “Huh, fairly accurate, even if i’m a bit taller, and my locket’s painted white.” *Frisk chimes in “And cooler lookin’!” They direct finger guns towards them. The two engage in a staring contest, Chara thoroughly unimpressed at Frisk.
((Good work! It’s very accurate to the given information, and though i’ll hide a few facts (super secret character development type stuff), I will say that Chara did fall down (they were the only human to do so), even if it was a bit different than in UT. My friend Arrow is actually making some character portraits for the bios, so a cannon design will come up then, but for now, just imagine them as being like this, but taller, a small painted white locket (in the shape of an upside down heart), and maybe hair cut a bit shorter. I’ve also not mentioned the age on purpose, as i want it to be a bit open to interpretation, but young adult is definitely accurate for them (also, as implied, Frisk is a bit younger, ‘bout two or three years i’d say, though they appear even younger than that). Very good work, thanks for doing this!))
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sans bio
this is subject to change at any time
full name: comic sans gaster
skeleton monster
primary font: comic sans
speaks in all lowercase
white soul
grade 8 (failed two years of school earlier on)
son of professor wing din gaster
twin brother of papyrus
7th year at uga
left handed
knows wingdings
almost always wears his hoodie over his uniform (regardless of temperature)
joke nickname: “the man who speaks in comic sans”
plays the trombone
making papyrus jealous
magic class
magic self defense elective
chemistry, physics, general scientific and mathematical topics/classes
science fiction
puns and pranks
rpgs, strategy, and mobile clicker games (and a few exceptions)
cartoons and anime
the multiverse theory
time travel
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